Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-Q

                       THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                  For the quarterly period ended MARCH 31, 1996

                         Commission File Number: 0-19822

             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

                            MASSACHUSETTS 04-3023928
        (State or other jurisdiction (I.R.S. Employer Identification No.)
                        of incorporation or organization)

                        789 MAIN ROAD, STAMFORD, VT 05352
               (Address of principal executive offices) (Zip Code)

       Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (802) 694-1200

              (Former name, former address and former fiscal year,
                          if changed since last report)

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the  preceding 12 months (or for such  shorter  period that the  registrant  was
required  to file  such  reports),  and  (2) has  been  subject  to such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days.

                                   Yes X  No

As of May 6, 1996,  5,183,683  shares of common  stock of  Litchfield  Financial
Corporation were outstanding.

                                    FORM 10-Q

                          QUARTER ENDED MARCH 31, 1996



        Item 1.       Financial Statements                                  3

        Item 2.       Management's Discussion and Analysis of
                      Financial Condition and Results of Operations         9


        Item 1.       Legal Proceedings                                    14

        Item 2.       Changes in Securities                                14

        Item 3.       Defaults Upon Senior Securities                      14

        Item 4.       Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders  14

        Item 5.       Other Information                                    14

        Item 6.       Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K                     14

SIGNATURES                                                                 15

                                    FORM 10-Q

                          PART I - FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                          Item 1. Financial Statements

                           Consolidated Balance Sheets
                         (in 000's except share amounts)

                                                                                          March 31,        December 31,
                                                                                             1996              1995
                                                                                          -----------      -------------
Cash and cash equivalents............................................................       $  22,356          $  34,853
Investments held to maturity.........................................................             236                260
Loans held for sale, net of allowance for loan losses of
     $1,232 in 1996 and $1,100 in 1995...............................................          21,986             14,380
Loans held for investment, net of allowance for loan losses of'
     $425 in 1996 and $413 in 1995...................................................          42,621             33,613
Subordinated pass-through certificates held to maturity, net of allowance
     for loan losses of $1,012 in 1996 and $1,270 in 1995............................          13,878             13,468
Excess servicing asset...............................................................          10,208             10,058
Deferred debt issuance costs.........................................................           2,117              2,211
Other assets.........................................................................           4,692              4,548
                                                                                          -----------        -----------
        Total assets.................................................................        $118,094           $113,391
                                                                                             ========           ========

     Lines of credit.................................................................     $     2,400     $          ---
     Term note payable...............................................................           9,389              9,836
     Accounts payable and accrued liabilities........................................           6,440              4,442
     Dealer/developer reserves.......................................................           9,507              9,644
     Allowance for loans sold........................................................             946                932
     Deferred income taxes...........................................................           3,789              3,740
                                                                                          -----------        -----------
                                                                                               32,471             28,594
                                                                                           ----------         ----------

     10% Notes due 2002..............................................................          12,888             12,888
     8 7/8 % Notes due 2003..........................................................          16,113             16,113
     10% Notes 2004..................................................................          18,400             18,400
                                                                                           ----------         ----------
                                                                                               47,401             47,401
                                                                                           ----------         ----------

Stockholders' equity:
     Preferred stock, $.01 par value; authorized 1,000,000 shares, none issued
        and outstanding..............................................................             ---                ---
     Common stock, $.01 par value; authorized 8,000,000 shares, 5,231,019
        shares issued and 5,182,029 shares outstanding in 1996; 5,223,715
        shares issued and 5,174,715 shares outstanding in 1995.......................              52                 52
     Additional paid in capital......................................................          31,901             31,873
     Retained earnings...............................................................           6,863              6,065
     Less 48,990 and 49,000 common shares held in treasury, at cost, in 1996
         and 1995, respectively......................................................            (594)              (594)
                                                                                         ------------       ------------
        Total stockholders' equity...................................................          38,222             37,396
                                                                                           ----------         ----------
        Total liabilities and stockholders' equity...................................        $118,094           $113,391
                                                                                             ========           ========
     See accompanying notes to unaudited consolidated financial statements.

                                    FORM 10-Q

                        Consolidated Statements of Income
                  (in 000's except share and per share amounts)

                                                                                          Three Months Ended March 31,
                                                                                           1996                 1995
                                                                                          ---------          ---------
     Interest income.............................................................          $3,219                 $2,002
     Gain on sale of loans.......................................................             880                    512
     Loan origination and fee income.............................................             344                    144
     Servicing income............................................................             272                     92
                                                                                         --------               --------
                                                                                            4,715                  2,750
                                                                                          -------                 ------

     Interest expense............................................................           1,529                  1,250
     Salaries and  employee benefits.............................................             790                    407
     Other operating expenses....................................................             676                    344
     Provision for loan losses...................................................             425                    156
                                                                                         --------                -------
                                                                                            3,420                  2,157
                                                                                          -------                 ------

Income before income taxes and extraordinary item................................           1,295                    593
Provision for income taxes.......................................................             497                    223
                                                                                         --------                -------
Net income.......................................................................         $   798                 $  370
                                                                                          =======                 ======

Primary and fully-diluted net income per common share ...........................           $ .15                  $ .09
                                                                                            =====                  =====

Weighted average number of shares................................................       5,429,420              4,031,850

     See accompanying notes to unaudited consolidated financial statements.

                                    FORM 10-Q

                 Consolidated Statements of Stockholders' Equity
                                   (in 000's)

                                                     Common       Paid In      Retained          Treasury
                                                      Stock       Capital      Earnings           Stock          Total
                                                     -------     ----------    --------          --------       -------
Balance, December 31, 1995...................          $52        $31,873        $6,065           $(594)        $37,396

    Issuance of  7,314 shares of common
       stock (including reissuance of
       10 shares held in treasury)...........          ---             28           ---             ---              28

    Net income    ...........................          ---            ---           798             ---             798
                                                     -----   ------------      --------        --------      ----------

Balance, March 31, 1996......................          $52        $31,901        $6,863           $(594)        $38,222
                                                      ====        =======        ======           ======        =======
     See accompanying notes to unaudited consolidated financial statements.

                                                                       FORM 10-Q

                      Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
                                   (in 000's)

                                                                                           Three Months Ended March 31,
                                                                                               1996           1995
                                                                                           ============   ============
Cash flows from operating activities:
      Net income....................................................................         $   798           $   370
      Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash used in
          operating activities:
          Gain on sale of loans.....................................................            (880)             (512)
          Amortization and depreciation.............................................             145               126
          Provision for loan losses.................................................             425               156
          Deferred income taxes.....................................................              49                38
          Net changes in operating assets and liabilities:
          Loans held for sale.......................................................          (7,737)           (6,927)
          Excess servicing asset....................................................             571               545
          Dealer /developer reserves................................................            (137)              585
          Net change in other assets and liabilities................................           1,284              (643)
                                                                                           ---------        ----------
          Net cash used in operating activities.....................................          (5,482)           (6,262)
                                                                                           ---------         ---------

Cash flows from investing activities:
      Purchase of investments held to maturity......................................             ---            (5,595)
      Redemption of investments held to maturity....................................              24               227
      Net originations and principal payments on loans held for investment..........          (9,008)           (4,192)
      Capital expenditures and other assets.........................................             (12)           (1,379)
                                                                                         -----------         ---------
           Net cash used in investing activities....................................          (8,996)          (10,939)
                                                                                           ---------          --------

Cash flows from financing activities:
      Net borrowings (repayments) on lines of credit................................           2,400            (5,823)
      Proceeds from issuance of long-term notes.....................................             ---            18,400
      Proceeds from term note.......................................................             ---            12,500
      Payments on term note.........................................................            (447)             (643)
      Net proceeds from issuance of common stock....................................              28               ---
                                                                                         -----------      ------------
          Net cash provided by financing activities.................................           1,981            24,434
                                                                                           ---------          --------

Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents................................         (12,497)            7,233
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period......................................          34,853            16,922
                                                                                            --------          --------
Cash and cash equivalents, end of period............................................         $22,356           $24,155
                                                                                             =======           =======

Supplemental Schedule of Noncash Financing and Investing Activities:
      Transfers from loans to real estate acquired through foreclosure..............       $     107         $     218
                                                                                           =========         =========

Supplemental Cash Flow Information:
      Interest paid.................................................................        $  1,522          $  1,271
                                                                                            ========          ========
      Income taxes paid.............................................................       $     443         $     184
                                                                                           =========         =========

     See accompanying notes to unaudited consolidated financial statements.

                                    FORM 10-Q



A. Basis of Presentation

       The accompanying  unaudited  consolidated interim financial statements as
of March 31, 1996 and for the three month  periods ended March 31, 1996 and 1995
have been prepared in accordance with generally accepted  accounting  principles
for interim  financial  information  and with the  instructions to Form 10-Q and
Rule  10-01 of  Regulation  S-X.  Accordingly,  they do not  include  all of the
information and footnotes required by generally accepted  accounting  principles
for complete financial statements. In the opinion of management, all adjustments
(consisting of normal  accruals)  considered  necessary for a fair  presentation
have been included. Operating results for the three month period ended March 31,
1996, are not necessarily  indicative of the results expected for the year ended
December 31, 1996. For further information,  refer to the consolidated financial
statements and footnotes thereto included in Litchfield Financial  Corporations'
annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1995.

       In May, 1995, the Financial  Accounting Standards Board issued Accounting
Standard No. 122,  "Accounting for Mortgage  Servicing  Rights;  an Amendment of
FASB Statement No. 65." The provisions of this standard are effective for fiscal
years beginning after December 15, 1995. Adoption of this standard as of January
1, 1996 did not have a significant impact on the Company.

       In  October  1995,  the  Financial   Accounting  Standards  Board  issued
Statement of Financial  Accounting Standards No. 123 "Accounting for Stock-Based
Compensation."  The  Company  intends  to  continue  to  account  for its  stock
compensation  arrangements  under the provisions of APB No. 25  "Accounting  for
Stock Issued to Employees" with adoption of the new standard for the fiscal year
ending December 31, 1996.

B.  Sale of  Notes

       Since its inception,  the Company has sold  $199,814,000 of loans at face
value  ($194,515,000  through December 31, 1995). The principal amount remaining
on the  loans  sold was  $103,952,000  at March  31,  1996 and  $111,117,000  at
December 31, 1995.  The Company  guarantees,  through  replacement or repayment,
loans in default up to a specified  percentage  of loans sold.  Dealer/developer
guaranteed loans are secured by repurchase or replacement guarantees in addition
to, in most instances, dealer/developer reserves.

       The   Company's   exposure  to  loss  on  loans  sold  in  the  event  of
nonperformance  by  the  consumer,   default  by  the  dealer/developer  on  its
guarantee,  and  the  determination  that  the  collateral  is of no  value  was
$9,231,000 at March 31, 1996  ($10,259,000  at December 31,  1995).  The Company
repurchased  $155,000 and $43,000 of loans under the recourse provisions of loan
sales during the three months



ended March 31, 1996 and 1995, respectively,  and $448,000 during the year ended
December  31,  1995.   In  addition,   when  the  Company  sells  loans  through
securitization programs, the Company commits either to replace or repurchase any
loans that do not conform to the requirements thereof in the operative loan sale
documents. Also, in connection with certain securitization programs, $17,761,000
of cash and cash equivalents are restricted as credit  enhancements at March 31,

       The  Company's  Serviced  Portfolio is  geographically  diversified  with
collateral and consumers located in 37 and 50 states, respectively. At March 31,
1996,  11.6% and 11.0% of the  collateral  by property  balance  were located in
California, and Texas, respectively, and 11.8, 11.8%, and 11.0% of the borrowers
by  collateral  location  were  located  in  New  York,  Texas  and  California,
respectively. No other state accounted for more than 10.0% of the total.

C.  Debt

       At March 31,  1996 and  December  31,  1995,  the  Company  had a secured
warehouse line of credit of $15,000,000 from the Bank of Boston as lead agent at
the  Bank's  prime  interest  rate plus 1%.  The line of credit  is  secured  by
consumer receivables and other secured loans.  Outstanding  borrowings under the
line of credit at March 31,  1996 were  $2,400,000.  There  were no  outstanding
borrowings  at  December  31,  1995.  The  Company is not  required  to maintain
compensating  balances or forward sales commitments under the terms of this line
of  credit.  In April  1996,  the  warehouse  line of credit  was  increased  to
$20,000,000.  The  Company  can elect to borrow  all or part of the  outstanding
balance on the line of credit at either the Bank's  prime  interest  rate or the
Eurodollar  rate plus 2%. The  warehouse  line of credit  matures in April 1997,
with renewal at the lender's  discretion.  As discussed  below, the Company also
has a  revolving  line of credit  as part of an asset  backed  commercial  paper

       During the first quarter of 1995, the Company  entered into a $12,500,000
debt placement with an insurance company.  Principal is payable monthly based on
collection of the underlying collateral. Interest is payable at a rate of 10.43%
per annum. The note is redeemable only with the approval of the noteholder.  The
note is  collateralized  by the Company's  investments  in Class B  subordinated
pass-through certificates, excess servicing assets, and cash. At March 31, 1996,
the remaining  principal  balance was $9,389,000 and the value of the underlying
collateral was approximately $16,650,000.

       On March 15, 1995, the Company completed a public offering of $18,400,000
of 10% Notes due 2004.  The Company  repaid  $120,000 of these notes pursuant to
the noteholders' annual redemption rights on April 1, 1996.

       In 1995,  the Company closed a new  securitization  facility with Holland
Limited  Securitization,  Inc.,  ("HLS") a multi-seller  commercial paper issuer
sponsored by Internationale  Nederlanden (U.S.) Capital Markets,  Inc., ("ING").
The new facility amends the previous facility and provides the

Company  with up to $75  million  of  funding,  subject  to  certain  terms  and
conditions. The facility expires in June 1998.

       In  connection  with the  facility,  the  Company  formed a wholly  owned
subsidiary,   Litchfield  Mortgage  Securities  Corporation  1994  ("LMSC"),  to
purchase  loans from the Company.  LMSC either  pledges the loans on a revolving
line of credit with HLS or sells the loans to HLS. HLS issues  commercial  paper
or other  indebtedness to fund the purchase or pledge of loans from LMSC. HLS is
not  affiliated  with the Company or its  affiliates.  As of March 31, 1996, the
outstanding  balance of loans sold under the facility was $50,650,000.  Interest
is payable on the line of credit at an interest rate based on certain commercial
paper rates.  There were no amounts  borrowed  under the line of credit at March
31, 1996.


       Litchfield Financial  Corporation (the "Company") is a specialty consumer
finance company which provides  financing for the purchase of rural and vacation
properties  ("Land Loans") and financing for the purchase of vacation  ownership
interests ("VOI Loans"),  popularly known as timeshare  interests.  In addition,
the Company makes loans to rural land dealers and resort  developers of vacation
properties secured by consumer receivables and other secured loans (collectively
"Dealer/Other Loans").

       The principal sources of the Company's  revenues are (i) interest income,
(ii) gain from the sale of loans, (iii) loan origination and fee income and (iv)
servicing income. Gains on sales of loans are based principally upon the present
value of the  difference  between the interest to be collected from the borrower
and the  interest  to be  passed  on to the  purchaser  of the loan  during  the
estimated average life of the loans, less a normal servicing fee (referred to as
"excess servicing asset"). In addition,  the Company realizes gains from selling
loans  which  were  purchased  at a  discount.  The  excess  servicing  asset is
amortized  over the estimated  term of the loans using the interest  method.  If
prepayment or default  assumptions prove inaccurate,  then in subsequent periods
the excess  servicing asset may be adjusted for unfavorable  changes.  Because a
significant  portion of the  Company's  revenues is comprised of gains  realized
upon sales of loans,  the timing of such sales has a  significant  effect on the
Company's results of operations.

Results of Operations

       The following  table sets forth the percentage  relationship to revenues,
unless  otherwise  indicated,   of  certain  items  included  in  the  Company's
statements of income.

                                                                             Three months ended March 31,
                                                                                1996                1995
                                                                             ===========         ==========
                      Interest income.........................                   68.3%                72.8%
                      Gain on sale of  loans..................                   18.6                 18.6
                      Loan origination and fee income.........                    7.3                  5.2
                      Servicing income........................                    5.8                  3.4
                                                                              -------              -------
                                                                                100.0                100.0
                                                                                -----                -----
                      Interest expense........................                   32.4                 45.4
                      Salaries and employee benefits..........                   16.8                 14.8
                      Other operating expenses................                   14.3                 12.5
                      Provision for loan losses...............                    9.0                  5.7
                                                                               ------               ------
                                                                                 72.5                 78.4
                                                                               ------                -----

                  Income before income taxes..................                   27.5                 21.6
                  Provision for income taxes..................                   10.6                  8.1
                                                                               ------               ------
                  Net income..................................                   16.9%                13.5%
                                                                               ======                =====

       Revenues  increased  71.5% to $4,715,000 for the three months ended March
31, 1996,  from $2,750,000 for the same period in 1995. Net income for the three
months ended March 31, 1996  increased  115.7% to $798,000  compared to $370,000
for the same period in 1995. Net income as a percentage of revenues increased to
16.9% for the three months ended March 31, 1996  compared to 13.5% for the three
months ended March 31, 1995.

       Interest income  increased 60.8% to $3,219,000 for the three months ended
March 31, 1996 from $2,002,000 in 1995,  primarily as the result of the increase
in loans held for investment and subordinated  pass-through certificates and, to
a lesser  extent,  an increase in the average rate earned on loans.  Interest on
loans and subordinated  pass-through  certificates,  cash and  investments,  and
excess servicing revenue comprised 81.9%, 10.1%, and 8.0% of interest income for
the three months ended March 31, 1996,  compared with 75.5%,  15.3%, and 9.2% in
the  prior  period.  Interest  earned  on loans and  subordinated  pass  through
certificates,  cash and  investments,  and excess  servicing  revenue  increased
74.4%, 6.5%, and 39.1%, respectively, for the three months ended March 31, 1996.
The  average   rate  earned  on  loans  owned  and   subordinated   pass-through
certificates  increased  to 13.3% for the three months ended March 31, 1996 from
12.8% for the three months ended March 31, 1995,  primarily  due to the increase
in VOI Loans which generally have higher interest rates.

       Gain on the  sale of loans  increased  71.9% to  $880,000  for the  three
months  ended  March 31, 1996 from  $512,000  in 1995.  The volume of loans sold
increased  33.7% to  $5,299,000  for the three  months ended March 31, 1996 from
$3,962,000 in 1995.  Gain on sale of loans increased  proportionately  more than
the  volume  of loans  sold  because  certain  of the  loans  sold in 1996  were
purchased at a larger discount.

       Loan  origination  and fee income  increased  138.9% to $344,000  for the
three  months  ended March 31, 1996 from  $144,000  for the same period in 1995.
This increase in fee income primarily reflected an increase in Dealer/Other Loan
originations during 1996.

       Loans serviced for others increased 37.4% to $103,952,000 as of March 31,
1996 from  $75,661,000  at March 31,  1995.  This  growth  together  with higher
servicing fees for certain VOI Loans resulted in an 195.7% increase in servicing
income to $272,000 for the three  months ended March 31, 1996,  from $92,000 for
the same period in 1995. In connection with the Company's  continued growth, the
Company decided to subcontract its servicing  rights in order to avoid incurring
additional fixed overhead costs associated with such servicing. Accordingly, the
Company  subcontracted,  to an  unaffiliated  third party,  the servicing of VOI
Loans in 1995 and the remaining loans in April 1996.

       Interest  expense  increased 22.3% to $1,529,000  during the three months
ended March 31,  1996 from  $1,250,000  for the same period in 1995.  During the
three months ended March 31, 1996, borrowings averaged $57,602,000 at an average
rate of 9.8% as compared to $43,895,000  at an average rate of 9.5%,  during the
same period in 1994.  Interest expense includes the amortization of the deferred
debt issuance costs.

       Salaries and employee benefits  increased 94.1% to $790,000 for the three
months ended March 31, 1996 from $407,000 in 1995 due to hiring additional staff
to support the increase in the Serviced Portfolio.  As a result of the Company's
growth,  the Company  increased  total full time  equivalent  employees to 53 in
March 1996 from 39 in March 1995.  Personnel  costs as a percentage  of revenues
increased  to 16.8% for the three months ended March 31, 1996 from 14.8% for the
same period in 1995.

       Other operating expenses increased 96.5% to $676,000 for the three months
ended March 31, 1996 from $344,000 for the same period in 1995.  Other operating
expenses  increased to 14.3% as a percentage  of revenue for the three months in
1996 compared to 12.5% for the same period in 1995.
The increases relate to the growth in the Serviced Portfolio.

       During the three months ended March 31, 1996,  the Company  increased its
provision for loan losses 172.4% to $425,000 from $156,000 in 1995  primarily as
the result of the overall  increase  in the  Serviced  Portfolio  as well as the
proportionate   increase  in  the  VOI  component  of  the  Serviced  Portfolio.
Historically,  the delinquency  rate for VOI Loans has been higher than the rate
for Land Loans.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

       The Company's  business requires  continued access to short and long-term
sources of debt financing and equity  capital.  The Company's cash  requirements
arise from loan  originations  and  purchases,  repayment of debt upon maturity,
payments of operating and interest expenses and loan repurchases.  The Company's
primary  sources of liquidity are sales into  secondary  markets of the loans it
originates and purchases, short-term borrowings under warehouse lines secured by
pledges  of its loans (in most cases  until such loans are sold and the  lenders
can be  repaid),  long-term  debt and  equity  offerings,  and cash  flows  from

       In connection  with the Company's  practice of selling the loans which it
originates and purchases,  the Company in some cases commits to repurchase  from
investors any such loans that become 90 days or more past due.  This  obligation
is subject to various terms and  conditions,  including,  in some  instances,  a
limitation on the amount of loans that may be required to be repurchased.  Based
on the Company's  repurchase  obligations  contained in certain of its loan sale
contracts,  there were approximately $9,231,000 of loans at March 31, 1996 which
the  Company  could be required to  repurchase  in the future  should such loans
become 90 days or more past due. The Company repurchased  $155,000 of such loans
under the recourse  provisions of loan sales during the three months ended March
31, 1996. Also, in connection with certain securitization programs,  $17,761,000
of cash and cash equivalents are restricted as credit  enhancements at March 31,

       The  Company  funds  its loan  purchases  in part with  borrowings  under
various bank warehouse  lines of credit.  Warehouse lines are paid down when the
Company receives the proceeds from the

loans or when cash is  otherwise  available.  At March 31, 1996 and December 31,
1995, the Company had a secured warehouse line of credit of $15,000,000 from the
Bank of Boston as lead agent at the Bank's prime interest rate plus 1%. The line
of credit is secured by consumer receivables.  Outstanding  borrowings under the
line of credit at March 31,  1996 were  $2,400,000.  There  were no  outstanding
borrowings  at  December  31,  1995.  The  Company is not  required  to maintain
compensating  balances or forward sales commitments under the terms of this line
of  credit.  In April  1996,  the  warehouse  line of credit  was  increased  to
$20,000,000.  The  Company  can elect to borrow  all or part of the  outstanding
balance on the line of credit at either the Bank's  prime  interest  rate or the
Eurodollar  rate plus 2%. The  warehouse  line of credit  matures in April 1997,
with renewal at the lender's  discretion.  As discussed  below, the Company also
has a  revolving  line of credit  as part of an asset  backed  commercial  paper

       As of March 31, 1996 and December 31, 1995,  the Company had no unsecured
lines of credit.

       During the first quarter of 1995, the Company  entered into a $12,500,000
debt placement with an insurance company.  Principal is payable monthly based on
collection of the underlying collateral. Interest is payable at a rate of 10.43%
per annum. The note is redeemable only with the approval of the noteholder.  The
note is  collateralized  by the Company's  investments in Class "B" subordinated
pass-through certificates, excess servicing assets, and cash. At March 31, 1996,
the  balance  outstanding  on the  note  was  $9,389,000  and the  value  of the
underlying  collateral  was  approximately  $15,650,000.  On March 15, 1995, the
Company  completed a public offering of $18,400,000 of 10% Notes due 2004 ("1995
Notes").  The 1995 Notes allow for a maximum  annual  redemption of $920,000 and
contain certain restrictions  regarding the payment of dividends and require the
maintenance  of  certain  financial  ratios.  On April 1,  1996 the  noteholders
redeemed,  and the Company paid $120,000 of the 1995 Notes. On October 31, 1995,
the Company completed a public offering of 1,250,000 shares of common stock at a
price of $15 per share.  The net  proceeds  to the  Company  were  approximately
$17,325,000 after deducting expenses related to the offering.

       Previously,  the Company significantly increased its capital base through
a $9,500,000 initial public offering in February, 1992 and public debt offerings
of  $15,065,000  in November  1992 ("1992  Notes") and  $17,570,000  in May 1993
("1993  Notes").  The 1992 Notes and the 1993 Notes bear  interest  at 10% and 8
7/8%, respectively,  and are due 2002 and 2003, respectively. The 1992 Notes and
the 1993 Notes are unsecured  obligations  of the Company and each such issuance
allows for a maximum  annual  redemption  by  noteholders  of 5% of the original
principal amount thereof.

       In 1995,  the Company closed a new  securitization  facility with Holland
Limited  Securitization,  Inc.,  ("HLS") a multi-seller  commercial paper issuer
sponsored by Internationale  Nederlanden (U.S.) Capital Markets,  Inc., ("ING").
The new facility  amends the previous  facility and provides the Company with up
to $75 million of funding, subject to certain terms and conditions. The facility
expires in June 1998.

     In  connection  with the  facility,  the  Company  formed  a  wholly  owned
subsidiary,   Litchfield  Mortgage  Securities  Corporation  1994  ("LMSC"),  to
purchase loans from the Company. LMSC 

either  pledges  the loans on a  revolving  line of credit with HLS or sells the
loans to HLS.  HLS issues  commercial  paper or other  indebtedness  to fund the
purchase or pledge of loans from LMSC. HLS is not affiliated with the Company or
its  affiliates.  As of March 31, 1996,  the  outstanding  balance of loans sold
under the facility was $50,650,000. Interest is payable on the line of credit at
an interest rate based on certain  commercial paper rates. There were no amounts
borrowed under the line of credit at March 31, 1996.

       The  Company  manages  its  exposure  to  changes  in  interest  rates by
attempting  to match  its  proportion  of fixed  versus  variable  rate  assets,
liabilities  and loan sale  facilities.  The Company has  mitigated its interest
rate exposure due to interest rate declines by instituting  interest rate floors
on its adjustable rate loans.

       Historically,  the Company has not required major capital expenditures to
support its operations.

Credit Quality and Allowances for Loan Losses

       The Company maintains  allowances for loan losses at levels which, in the
opinion of management, provide adequately for current and possible future losses
on loans, loans sold and subordinated pass-through certificates.  Past-due loans
(loans  30 days or more  past due  which  are not  covered  by  dealer/developer
reserves and guarantees) as a percentage of the Serviced Portfolio were 1.75% as
of March 31, 1996.  Management  evaluates  the adequacy of the  allowances  on a
quarterly basis by examining current  delinquencies,  the characteristics of the
accounts,  the  value  of  the  underlying  collateral,   and  general  economic
conditions   and  trends.   Management   also  evaluates  the  extent  to  which
dealer/developer  reserves and guarantees can be expected to absorb loan losses.
A  provision  for loan  losses is recorded  in an amount  deemed  sufficient  by
management to maintain the allowances at adequate  levels.  Total allowances for
loan losses  decreased  slightly  to  $3,615,000  at March 31, 1996  compared to
$3,715,000 at December 31, 1995,  decreasing the allowance ratio (the allowances
for loan losses  divided by the amount of the Serviced  Portfolio) to 1.97% from
2.10% at December 31, 1995.

       As  part  of the  Company's  financing  of  Land  Loans  and  VOI  Loans,
arrangements  are  entered  into with  dealers  and resort  developers,  whereby
reserves are established to protect the Company from potential losses associated
with such loans. As part of the Company's  agreement with the dealers and resort
developers,  a portion of the amount payable to each dealer and resort developer
for a Land Loan or a VOI Loan is retained by the Company and is available to the
Company to absorb loan losses for those loans. The Company negotiates the amount
of the reserves with the dealers and developers based upon various criteria, two
of which are the  financial  strength of the dealer or developer and credit risk
associated with the loans being purchased. Dealer/developer reserves amounted to
$9,507,000 and $9,644,000 at March 31, 1996 and December 31, 1995, respectively.


       Inflation  has not had a significant  effect on the  Company's  operating
results to date.


Item 1.  Legal Proceedings


Item 2.  Changes in Securities


Item 3.  Defaults Upon Senior Securities


Item 4.  Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders


Item 5.  Other Information


Item 6.               (a) Exhibits

                      The following exhibits are filed herewith:

                      11.1  --  Statement re: computation of earnings per share

                      27.1  --  Financial Data Schedule

                      (b) Reports on Form 8-K



Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                        LITCHFIELD FINANCIAL CORPORATION

DATE: May 10, 1996                      /s/ Richard A. Stratton
                                        RICHARD A. STRATTON
                                        Chief Executive Officer,
                                        President and Director

DATE: May 10, 1996                      /s/ Ronald E. Rabidou
                                        RONALD E. RABIDOU
                                        Chief Financial Officer