Pro Forma Financial Information
                    The Westwood Group, Inc.and Subsidiaries
                        Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated
                                Balance Sheet at
                                  June 30, 1999


                                                       -Pro Forma
                             Historical  Back Bay(a)     Other (b)    Pro Forma

 Current Assets
 Cash and cash
 equivalents                $3,713,888  $3,562,000                   $151,888
 Restricted cash               153,274                                153,274
 Accounts Receivable           411,974     178,000                    233,974
 Prepaid Expenses and other  2,367,573    ,923,000                    444,573
 current assets
 Note Receivables from          83,993                628,398  (b)    712,391

Total Current Assets         6,730,702   5,663,000     628,398      1,696,100

Property, Plant, and       39,274,128   33,625,000                 5,649,128
Equipment, Net

Intangibles, Net          15,412,439     5,279,067                   133,372

Note Receivable from
Officers,                   543,505      2,203,108  (b)            2,746,613
less current portion
                         $61,960,774    $54,567,067   $2,831,506   $10,225,213

                                   -Pro Forma
                         Historical      Back Bay(a)     Other      Pro Forma
Liabilities and

Current liabilities:
Accounts payable and
other accrued          $13,854,767    $10,159,000    -$283,003  (b) $3,412,764
Current maturities
of long                 1,590,777     1,287,000                       303,777
term debt
Other current
liabilities             1,239,547                   100,000  (c)     1,339,547

Total Current
liabilities           16,685,091    11,446,000    -183,003         5,056,088

Long Term Debt,
less current         39,797,270    34,330,000    -970,000  (b)     4,497,270
Other Long Term
Liabilties            1,852,082      180,000                       1,672,082

Total Liabilities   58,334,443      45,956,000     -1,153,003      11,225,440

Minority Interest
in Subsidiary       2,321,100       2,321,100                                 0

Stockholder's Equity:
Common Stock           19,444        14,000         14,000  (b)         19,444
Class B common stock    9,126                                            9,126
Additional paid in
capital              13,379,275    5,621,967     5,621,967  (b)      13,379,275
Accumulated deficit  -3,888,428      654,000     -1,651,458          -6,193,886
Other comprehensive
loss                   -249,404                                       -249,404
                       9,270,013       6,289,967      3,984,509      6,964,555
Less: treasury stock  -7,964,782                                    -7,964,782
                       1,305,231       6,289,967      3,984,509     -1,000,227
                     $61,960,774     $54,567,067     $2,831,506   $10,225,213

     (a) To eliminate the assets and  liabilities  included in the balance sheet
of the Company's Back Bay Restaurant ("BBRG") business as of June 30, 1999.

     (b) To reflect the basis of the transaction  (cash / retirement of debt for
the interest in BBRG) $628,398 records the officer note receivable plus $128,398
of accrued interest  $2,203,108  represents the long term portion of the officer
note  receivable  $970,000 and $283,003  eliminates the note due to BBRG and the
related    accrued    interest    $5,635,967    ($14,000    Common    Stock    /
$5,621,967APIC)eliminates   the  equity   interest  in  BBRG  in  the   12/31/98
Consolidated Financial Statements

     (c) To reflect transaction costs of the Company