Pro Forma Financial Information
                    The Westwood Group, Inc. and Subsidiaries
                        Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated
                                Income Statement
                                  June 30, 1999


                   For Six Months
                   Ended          -Pro Forma
                 Historical     Back Bay(a)        Other         Pro Forma

 Operating Revenue:
Pari - mutuel
commissions     $7,425,713                                         $7,425,713
Restaurants     27,307,000     27,307,000                                   0
Concessions     1,326,920                                           1,326,920
Other             240,612                                             240,612

Net revenue    36,300,245     27,307,000               0            8,993,245

Cost of revenue:
Wages, taxes and
 benefits      11,462,583      8,173,000                            3,289,583
Purses          2,216,550                                           2,216,550
Cost of food
and beverage    7,582,950      7,358,000                              224,950
Administrative  2,822,886      2,628,000                              194,886
operating       8,070,112      6,018,000                            2,052,112
Depreciation and
amortization    1,486,321      1,134,000                              352,321

Total cost
of revenue     33,641,402     25,311,000               0            8,330,402

Income from
operations     2,658,843      1,996,000               0              662,843

Other income

Interest income
(expense), net  -1,207,579   -1,008,000         128,398   (b)       -71,181
Equity income
(loss) in         -47,600                        47,600   (c)             0
Other income,
net                -54,000        -54,000                                 0

Total other
 income        -1,309,179     -1,062,000         175,998               -71,181

Income from operations before
provision for
ncome taxes and
 minority      1,349,664        934,000         175,998               239,666
interest in subsidiary

Provision for
income tax       332,800        280,000                               52,800
Income before
minority interst 1,016,864      654,000         175,998              186,866
in subsidiary
Minority interest
 in subsidiary     -166,247                                         -166,247

Net income         $850,617       $654,000        $175,998           $20,619

Basic and diluted per share

Net Income          $0.67          $0.52           $0.14               $0.02

Basic and diluted
weighted average
common shares
 outstanding      1,263,225      1,263,225       1,263,225           1,263,225

     (a) To eliminate the income and expenses  included in the income  statement
of the Company's Back Bay Restaurant Group, Inc. (BBRG) investment  (subsidiary)
through June 30, 1999. Restaurant business as of June 30, 1999.

     (b) To reflect the basis of the transaction of the sale of BBRG.

     (c) To reflect the  elimination of the equity  interest from BBRG earned in
the first quarter of calendar 1999.