ELKHART,  Ind., Aug. 9 /PRNewswire/ -- Coachmen  Industries,  Inc. (NYSE:  COA -
news) announced today that it has returned to profitability, consistent with its
previously announced expectations.

Total net income for the second  quarter  ended June 30,  2001 was $1.4  million
compared with $3.7 million reported last year. For the quarter, diluted earnings
per share were $.09 compared to $.24 per share in the same period in 2000.  This
rebounds from a loss in the first  quarter of $4.9  million,  or $.31 per share.
For the first six months of the year,  the net loss is $3.5  million,  or a $.22
per share loss,  compared to net income of $7.7  million,  or $.50 per share for
the same period in 2000.

The  return  to  profitability  was  achieved  in spite of  revenues  that  were
significantly  below those of a year ago because of  continuing  softness in the
recreational vehicle industry.  Sales for the second quarter ended June 30, 2001
were $162.4  million  compared with last year's  second  quarter sales of $194.7
million.  Sales for the first six months were $315.3 million compared with sales
in the first six months of 2000 of $395.9 million.

"Given the continuing  difficulty in the RV market as a whole, we are pleased to
return to  profitability  after two  quarters  of losses.  We  believe  that our
ability to rebound so quickly is the result of the many internal and  structural
changes we have put in place," said Claire C. Skinner, Chairman, Chief Executive
Officer and President of Coachmen Industries.

Recreational Vehicle Group
- --------------------------

The reduction in sales and much of the profit erosion during this period was due
to  the  continuing   industry-wide   softness   experienced  by  the  Company's
Recreational Vehicle Group.

Recreational  vehicle  segment sales for the second  quarter were $93.9 million,
compared to $148.8 million for the same period in 2000.  Sales for the first six
months were  $200.2  million  compared to $311.3  million for the same period in
2000. After  adjustments for sold or discontinued RV operations,  sales for 2000
were $128.3  million for the second quarter and $276.8 million for the first six
months of the year.  The lower sales  volumes,  coupled  with  unusually  fierce
competitive pressures in phasing out 2001 models, negatively impacted profits of
the RV Group.  During the quarter,  Coachmen's

recreational vehicle operations were successful in reducing their inventories by
$11.7 million, in preparation for introduction of the new line of 2002 models.

Throughout  the  Company's RV Group,  capacity  and  staffing  have been further
adjusted  during  the  second  quarter.  It is  anticipated  that  many of these
adjustments  will be  temporary,  and the Company  remains  poised to  recapture
market share as the industry recovers.

"Cost  containment is important in the near-term,"  said Joe Tomczak,  Executive
Vice President and Chief Financial Officer.  "However,  the Company continues to
be very focused on growth, and is prepared to capitalize on those  opportunities
as the market recovers."

Modular Housing and Building Group
- ----------------------------------

During  the  quarter,   the  Company's   Modular   Housing  and  Building  Group
successfully offset the current cycle in the recreational vehicle industry. This
underscores the merits of the Company's strategic plan to bring a better balance
between  its  two  core  businesses.   The  Company's   modular  homes  offer  a
high-quality  alternative to conventional  site-built  homes,  and should not be
confused  with  manufactured  housing and the  problems  that have  plagued that

The Housing and Building Group continued its profitable  performance  during the
second  quarter.  Segment  sales for the quarter  ended June 30, 2001 were $68.5
million,  compared to second quarter 2000 sales of $45.9  million.  Year to date
sales were $115.1 million compared to $84.6 million in the first half of 2000.

Throughout the second  quarter,  consumer  interest and traffic in our builders'
model homes remained strong. This is consistent with the National Association of
Homebuilders  forecast that single family housing starts will total 1,274,000 in
2001,  3.3 percent ahead of last year.  Since modular homes  currently  comprise
less than five  percent of the new single  family  home starts  nationwide,  the
potential  exists for growth  rates  that  equal or exceed  those of  site-built
homes, as the advantages of modular  construction become more widely recognized.
The Company's  strategic growth plan for this segment included the completion of
a new  manufacturing  facility for  recently  acquired All American Kan Build in
Colorado that will enhance the

Company's production in that important area of the country.
During the first half of 2001,  the modular  and  building  segment  represented
approximately  37 percent of  Coachmen's  total  revenues.  This  compares to 24
percent in calendar year 2000 and 18 percent in calendar year 1999.

Financial Strength
- ------------------

The  Company  continues  to  maintain  a strong  financial  position  with total
shareholders'  equity of  approximately  $209.8  million  and net book  value of
approximately  $13.30 per share.  The Company has continued to carefully  manage
its cash and  expenditures  in the

second  quarter  and  finished  the  quarter  with over $39  million of cash and
marketable  securities.  Capital expenditures totaled $0.8 million in the second
quarter, compared to $3.2 million in the same period in 2000.

"Coachmen has a strong  balance  sheet,  with an extremely low level of debt. We
are well  positioned  to  withstand  the industry  conditions  and are poised to
resume the growth that we  experienced  throughout the decade of the '90s," said
CFO Tomczak. "Improved performance should result from our continuing emphasis on
cost containment and efficiency,  as well as from better  utilization of Company

- -------

Coachmen Industries will continue to execute its strategic plan by concentrating
on its two core  businesses:  recreational  vehicles  and  modular  housing  and
building. The Company is beginning to realize the financial benefits and returns
from the  strategic  actions  taken  during 2000 and early 2001,  including  the
reorganization  of  the  RV  segment;  the  Company's  divestiture  of  its  van
conversion and furniture  subsidiaries and four RV retail  dealerships;  and the
acquisitions of Miller Building Systems,  Inc.,  Mod-U-Kraf Homes, Inc., and Kan
Build, Inc.

Based on the Company's return to profitability in the second quarter, management
expects  the  Company to remain  profitable  during the second half of the year,
though  at  lower  levels  than  previously  forecasted  due  to a  softer  than
anticipated  economy.  "It now  appears  that  recovery  in the  economy and the
recreational  vehicle  industry  will be later than the experts  had  originally
forecasted,"  Chairman Skinner  commented,  "although we are encouraged by signs
that market conditions have begun to improve in the third quarter, and we expect
continuing  improvements  through  early 2002.  Further,  many of the  Company's
actions to reduce costs and improve margins should be more apparent in the third
and fourth quarters." Continuing,  she said, "We are also very encouraged by the
strong  response to our 2002 RV models  recently  unveiled at our Annual  Dealer
Seminar.  As a result of the orders  placed by our  dealers,  we are  increasing
production  rates  in  many  of our  facilities."  Chairman  Skinner  concluded,
"Coachmen has many unique strengths  including powerful brand equity,  dedicated
employees, a strong balance sheet and the willingness to take aggressive actions
in response to changing  market  conditions.  Our senior  management team is now
fully in place.  Having  been  through  similar  cycles  during  our 37 years in
operation,  we know how to not only survive,  but thrive, as our Company emerged
stronger  from each of the previous  economic  downturns.  All of us at Coachmen
expect nothing less going forward."

In other news, during its regular meeting on August 6, 2001, Coachmen's Board of
Directors  declared a $.05 per share  dividend to  shareholders  of record as of
August 27, 2001. This is the 76th consecutive  quarter that Coachmen  Industries
has paid dividends.

Founded in 1964,  Coachmen  Industries,  Inc.,  is one of the  nation's  leading
manufacturers of recreational  vehicles with well-known names including Coachmen
RV,  Shasta,  Viking

and Georgie Boy.  Coachmen  Industries is also the largest modular home producer
in the nation with its All American Homes and Mod-U-Kraf  subsidiaries.  Modular
commercial and  telecommunication  structures are  manufactured by the Company's
Miller  Building  Systems  subsidiary.  Coachmen is a publicly held company with
stock listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) under the COA ticker symbol.

This  release  contains  forward-looking  statements  within the  meaning of the
Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Investors are cautioned not to
place  undue  reliance  on  forward-looking  statements,  which  are  inherently
uncertain. Actual results may differ materially from that projected or suggested
due to  certain  risks  and  uncertainties  including,  but not  limited  to the
potential fluctuations in the Company's operating results, the implementation of
its  enterprise-wide  software,  the availability  and pricing of gasoline,  the
Company's  dependence  on  chassis  suppliers,   interest  rates,   competition,
government  regulations,  legislation governing the relationships of the Company
with its  recreational  vehicle dealers,  the impact of economic  uncertainty on
high-cost  discretionary  product  purchases  and other risks  identified in the
Company's SEC filings.

For more information:
     Joseph P. Tomczak
     Executive Vice President and
     Chief Financial Officer

                          Coachmen Industries, Inc.
               Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations
                   (In Thousands, Except Per Share Amounts)

                              Three Months Ended         Six Months Ended
                              ------------------         ----------------
                                   June 30,                   June 30,
                                   --------                   --------
                              2001         2000          2001         2000
                              ----         ----          ----         ----

    Outside Sales           $162,359     $194,699      $315,283     $395,911

    Gross Profit - $          28,059       30,515        44,181       60,665
    Gross Profit - %            17.3%        15.7%         14.0%        15.3%

    SG&A - $                  24,580       25,033        48,129       48,739
    SG&A - %                    15.1%        12.9%         15.3%        12.3%

    Operating Income/
      (Loss) - $               3,479        5,482        (3,948)      11,926
    Operating Income/
      (Loss) - %                 2.1%         2.8%         -1.3%         3.0%

    Other (Income)/Expense     1,232          127         1,597          371

    Pre-Tax Profit/(Loss) - $  2,247        5,355        (5,545)      11,555
    Pre-Tax Profit/(Loss) - %    1.4%         2.8%         -1.8%         2.9%

    Tax Expense/(Income)         823        1,655        (2,029)       3,825

    Net Income/(Loss)          1,424        3,700        (3,516)       7,730
    Earnings/(Loss) per
      Share - Basic & Diluted    .09          .24          (.22)         .50

    Weighted Average Shares Outstanding
         - Basic              15,778       15,566        15,773       15,559
         - Diluted            15,855       15,581        15,773       15,571

                            Coachmen Industries, Inc.
                       Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet
                                  (In Thousands)

    Current assets                            6/30/01           12/31/00
    --------------                            -------           --------
        Cash                                  $25,098            $2,614
        Marketable securities                  13,987            18,737
       Accounts receivable                     30,505            40,079
        Inventories                            86,514            97,315
        Prepaid expenses and other              5,330             6,821
        Deferred income taxes                   9,077             8,384
                                              -------            ------
         Total current assets                 170,511           173,950
    PP&E, net                                  84,484            84,163
    Goodwill and other intangibles, net        19,087            15,983
    Other                                      28,663            22,350
                                              -------            ------
    Total assets                             $302,745          $296,446
                                             ========          ========

    Current Liabilities                       6/30/01           12/31/00
    -------------------                       -------           --------
         Current portion of L-T debt             $865              $865
         Accounts payable, trade               20,310            24,015
         Accrued income taxes                     269               845
         Other accruals                        39,667            31,988
                                              -------            ------
           Total current liabilities           61,111            57,713
    Long-term debt                             19,945            11,795
    Deferred income taxes                       3,349             3,370
    Other                                       8,580             8,619
                                              -------            ------
    Total liabilities                          92,985            81,497
    Shareholders' equity                      209,760           214,949
                                              -------            ------

    Total liabilities and
      shareholders' equity                   $302,745          $296,446
                                             ========          ========