This Agreement is made and effective as of this 9th day of March 2005,
between LAWSON PRODUCTS, INC., a Delaware corporation "LAWSON"), and THOMAS NERI

         WHEREAS, Lawson wishes to continue to employ Executive as an officer of
Lawson; and

         WHEREAS, Executive wishes to continue employment with Lawson in such
position; and

         WHEREAS, Company (as defined in paragraph 14.1 below) is engaged in:
(i) the acquisition for and the distribution and sale of fasteners, parts,
hardware, pneumatics, hydraulic and other flexible hose fittings, tools, safety
items and electrical and shop supplies, automotive and vehicular products,
chemical specialties, maintenance chemicals and other chemical products, welding
products and related items, all as more particularly described in Company's
sales kits and manuals; (ii) the sale and distribution and the providing of
systems and services related thereto; and (iii) the manufacture, sale and
distribution of production and specialized parts and supplies; and (iv) the
provision of just-in-time inventories of component parts to original equipment
manufacturers and of maintenance and repair parts to a wide variety of users;
and (v) the provision of in-plant inventory systems and of electronic
vendor-managed, inventory systems to various customers (collectively "Company's
Products, Systems and Services"). Company's independent sales agents or other
representatives employed or retained by Company ("Agents"), solicit orders for
Company's Products, Systems and Services, in the territories assigned to them
and also maintain, on behalf of Company, frequent contact for such purposes with
customers; and

         WHEREAS, Lawson's officers are responsible for duties inherent to their
offices relating to the management and operation of the Company, including but
not limited to assisting Company in the development of its product line, the
marketing, sale and distribution of Company's Products, Systems and Services to
Company's customers, assisting in the cross-marketing and cross-selling of
products of Company, and for Company's sales activities, including but not
limited to its sales management and management of its employees, agents and
other representatives; and

         WHEREAS, Lawson's officers interact, cooperate, assist and confer with
executives, employees, officers, directors, agents, representatives, consultants
and others within the Company in the regular course of business and regularly
engage in management, sales, distribution and operational activities, and
activities relating thereto or in connection therewith; and

         WHEREAS, Lawson reposes great trust and confidence in its officers.

         NOW THEREFORE, in recognition of the needs of Company and its
employees, and in consideration of Executive's position with and employment or
continued employment by Lawson, the rights and benefits provided hereunder and
in any plan or program which requires as a condition to participation therein or

receipt of benefits thereunder by Executive's, execution of this Agreement, and
of the mutual agreements, promises and undertakings herein set forth, and for
other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are
acknowledged by the parties hereto, Lawson and Executive mutually agree as


         Lawson hereby agrees to employ Executive as Executive Vice President,
Finance, Planning & Corporate Development, Chief Financial Officer & Treasurer
(or with such other title as mutually agreed upon) and as a member of its
Corporate Management Committee, on a full-time basis, and Executive hereby
accepts such employment. Executive shall report to the Chief Executive Officer,
or to such other person as designated by the Chief Executive Officer (the

         Executive hereby acknowledges that he has a fiduciary responsibility
and duty of loyalty to Company hereunder. For so long as Executive remains
employed, Executive shall, on a full-time basis, devote his best efforts and his
entire business time, energy, attention, knowledge and skill solely and
exclusively to advance the interests, products and goodwill of Company.
Executive shall diligently, competently and faithfully perform the duties
assigned to him by Company from time to time.


         2.1 Executive shall receive the following compensation:

                  (a) An annual salary in the amount of $300,000.00, which
         amount may be increased by the Chief Executive Officer of Lawson
         subject to approval of the Compensation Committee of the Board of
         Directors, in its sole discretion, from time to time, which salary
         shall be payable in substantially equal semi-monthly installments

                  (b) Commencing with the year 2004, an annual incentive bonus,
         if any, determined by the Compensation Committee of the Board of
         Directors of Lawson in its sole discretion based upon the overall
         growth and profitability of the Company as compared to the prior year
         (the "INCENTIVE BONUS"). The Incentive Bonus, if any, shall be payable
         not later than April 15 of the following year, provided Executive's
         employment hereunder has not been terminated by Lawson for cause prior
         to such date. The terms, conditions and provisions of the Incentive
         Bonus shall be in conformance with the incentive bonus program
         applicable to executive officers generally and particularly to such
         office as is held by Executive.

                  (c) Eligibility to participate in the Long-Term Capital
         Accumulation Plan if and as recommended by Lawson's Chief Executive
         Officer and if and as determined in the sole discretion of the
         Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors of Lawson.

         2.2 Executive shall receive the following standard benefits; provided,
however, Lawson may modify or terminate such benefits from time to time to the
extent and on such terms as Lawson modifies or terminates such benefits as
provided to other officers:


                  (a) Coverage under Lawson's group health plan on such terms as
         provided to Lawson's officers.

                  (b) Long-term disability insurance coverage; provided however,
         if Executive becomes disabled within the meaning of any long-term
         disability policy then in effect, Lawson will pay to Executive the
         Salary which would have been due but for Executive's disability for six
         (6) months following such disability. For thirty (30) months
         thereafter, Lawson will pay to Executive sixty percent (60%) of the
         Salary of Executive which would have been due but for Executive's
         disability. While Lawson is making such payments, Lawson will be
         entitled to receive in money or by credit against such payments a sum
         equal to any Company provided long-term disability insurance benefits
         paid to or for the benefit of Executive for such period.

                  (c) Group term life insurance with a death benefit amount of
         not less than $50,000, with additional double indemnity coverage.

                  (d) Accidental death insurance.

                  (e) Participation in Lawson's 401(k) and profit-sharing
         retirement plans.

                  (f) Four weeks annual vacation under the terms of Lawson's
         vacation policy for officers.

                  (g) Participation in Employer's Executive Deferral Plan, if

                  (h) If Executive dies while employed by Lawson under this
         Agreement and is not then in default or breach of this Agreement,
         Lawson shall pay an additional compensation amount equal to two (2)
         times the annual Salary being paid to Executive at the time of his
         death ("ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION AMOUNT"). The Additional Compensation
         Amount shall be payable to the beneficiary(ies) identified in writing
         by Executive from time to time on forms provided by Lawson for that
         purpose and filed by Executive with Lawson and shall be paid in
         forty-eight (48) equal, semi-monthly installments made as of the 15th
         day and the last day of each calendar month following Executive's

                  (i) Reimbursement for all reasonable and approved business
         expenses in accordance with Lawson policy, or as otherwise approved by
         the Reporting Person, provided Executive submits paid receipts or other
         documentation acceptable to Lawson and as required by the Internal
         Revenue Service to qualify as ordinary and necessary business expenses
         under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "CODE").

         2.3 All compensation and benefits to become payable to Executive under
subparagraphs 2.1 and 2.2 shall be subject to applicable governmental laws and
regulations regarding income tax withholding and other payroll taxes and


         3.1 Executive's employment under this Agreement may be terminated as


                  (a) By Lawson, without cause, effective on the date that
         written notice of termination is delivered to Executive or sent to him
         by certified or registered mail to Executive's home address as listed
         on Lawson's records (or effective on such later date as indicated in
         such notice).

                  (b) By Lawson, for cause, effective on the date that written
         notice of termination is delivered to Executive or sent to him by
         certified or registered mail to Executive's home address as listed on
         Lawson's records. For purposes of this Agreement, cause shall mean (i)
         violation by Executive of any agreement between Executive and Lawson or
         any law relating to non-competition, trade secrets, inventions,
         non-solicitation or confidentiality; (ii) material breach or default of
         any of Executive's duties or other obligations or covenants under this
         Agreement; (iii) Executive's gross negligence, dishonesty or willful
         misconduct; (iv) any act or failure to act by Executive which has an
         adverse effect on the Company's reputation, goodwill or customer
         relations; (v) conviction of a crime by Executive (other than traffic
         related offenses); or (vi) an act of fraud, embezzlement or the
         misappropriation of property by Executive.

                  (c) By Executive effective on the expiration of sixty (60)
         days following written notice of resignation delivered to the Reporting
         Person by certified or registered mail, or hand delivery or overnight

                  (d) Automatically, upon Executive's date of death or the date
         on which Executive is determined to be permanently "disabled" pursuant
         to the terms of Lawson's long-term disability insurance policy.

         3.2 Executive shall remain employed by Lawson until the effective date
of termination or resignation, as the case may be, unless the parties shall
otherwise agree; provided, however, following Lawson's notice of termination
without cause or Executive's notice of resignation in accordance herewith, and
until the effective date thereof, Executive shall perform only those services
specifically authorized and directed by the Reporting Person, Chief Executive
Officer or the Board of Directors and shall receive as compensation while so
employed only the annual Salary then in effect and benefits as then in effect,
subject to modifications in such benefits as may occur in the interim pertaining
to such benefit programs generally affecting officers of Lawson.

         3.3 Upon the effective date of termination of Executive's employment
under this Agreement:

                  (a) Executive, upon notice of termination of his employment,
         shall immediately return to Lawson all Company property, including
         without limitation the property and information described in paragraphs
         4 or 5 hereof, in whatever form, together with all copies thereof in
         his possession or under his control.

                  (b) Lawson shall pay to Executive, within ninety (90) days
         following the effective date of termination of his employment, the sum
         of any compensation or benefits or other amounts due to him from Lawson
         as may be accrued for periods prior to the effective date of


         termination and not previously paid, less the sum of any payments,
         advances, loans and other charges due and owing from Executive to

                  (c) In the event of termination pursuant to paragraph 3.1(a)
         hereof during the first twelve-month period following Executive's
         commencement of employment with the Lawson, Lawson shall, in return for
         Executive's performance of the Consulting Services (as defined below),
         pay to Executive an amount equal to one month's Salary times the number
         of complete months Executive has been employed by Lawson; otherwise,
         Lawson shall have no obligation to Executive. In the event of
         termination pursuant to paragraph 3.1(a) hereof after the first
         twelve-month period following Executive's commencement of employment
         with Lawson, Lawson shall, in return for Executive's performance of the
         Consulting Services (as defined below), pay to Executive an amount
         equal to one year's annual Salary plus two additional months' Salary
         (to a maximum of twelve additional months Salary) for each complete
         year Executive has been employed by Lawson after the initial
         twelve-month period of employment by the Lawson. (For example, if
         Executive is employed for six (6) years, Executive would be paid one
         year's annual Salary plus an additional ten (10) months of that annual
         Salary). Amounts due to Executive under this paragraph 3.3(c) shall be
         paid to Executive in equal, semi-monthly installments as though
         Executive had continued in the employ of the Lawson for the period of
         time upon which such payment is based. (For example, if Executive is
         entitled to an amount equal to six months' Salary, such amount shall be
         paid to Executive in equal semi-monthly installments over the six-month
         period immediately following the effective date of termination.) The
         period of time in which Lawson is obligated to provide salary
         continuation payments to Executive pursuant to this paragraph 3.3(c) is
         referred to herein as the "Salary Continuation Period". During the
         Salary Continuation Period, Executive shall be entitled to continued
         health and life insurance coverage on substantially the same basis
         afforded to him prior to termination of Executive's employment. During
         the Salary Continuation Period, Executive shall, upon request of the
         Company, make himself reasonably available on a limited basis from time
         to time to consult with Lawson regarding the business affairs of the
         Company (the "CONSULTING SERVICES"); provided, however, Executive's
         Consulting Services shall be limited to not more than twenty-four (24)
         hours in any calendar quarter and so that such consulting does not
         interfere with Executive's employment time commitments with any
         successor employer.

                  (d) Following termination of Executive's employment with
         Lawson for any reason, Company shall have no obligation to provide for
         post-termination compensation or benefits to Executive (except as
         provided by paragraph 3.3(b) and as otherwise provided by law) unless
         Executive executes and delivers to the Lawson a release, in form
         reasonably satisfactory to the Lawson, of all claims against the
         Company and its officers, directors, employees and agents.


         All notes, lists, reports, sketches, plans, data contained in computer
hardware or software, memoranda or other documents concerning or related to
Company's or affiliates' business which are or were created, developed,
generated or held by Executive during employment, whether containing or relating


to Confidential Information (as defined in paragraph 14) or not, are the
property of Company and shall be promptly delivered to Company upon termination
of Executive's employment for any reason whatsoever. All notes, lists, reports,
sketches, plans, data contained in computer hardware or software, memoranda or
other documents concerning or related to Company's or affiliates' business which
are or were created, developed, generated or held by Executive during the Salary
Continuation Period, whether containing or relating to Confidential Information
(as defined in paragraph 14) or not, are the property of Company and shall be
promptly delivered to Company upon termination of the Salary Continuation
Period. During the course of employment and during the Salary Continuation
Period, Executive shall not remove any of the above property, including but not
limited to, Confidential Information, or reproductions or copies thereof, or any
apparatus containing any such property or Confidential Information, from
Company's premises without prior written authorization from Company, other than
in the normal execution of Executive's duties.


         Executive hereby acknowledges that, during the course of Executive's
employment and during the Salary Continuation Period, Executive will learn or
develop Confidential Information in trust and confidence. Executive agrees to
use the Confidential Information solely for the purpose of performing his duties
hereunder and not for his own private use or commercial purposes. Executive
acknowledges that unauthorized disclosure or use of Confidential Information,
other than in discharge of Executive's duties, will cause Company irreparable
         Executive shall maintain Confidential Information in strict confidence
at all times and shall not divulge Confidential Information to any unauthorized
person or entity, or use in any manner, or knowingly allow another to use, any
Confidential Information, without Lawson's prior written consent, during the
term of employment, during the Salary Continuation Period or thereafter, for as
long as such Confidential Information remains confidential.

         Executive further acknowledges that Company and its affiliates operate
and compete internationally and that Company and/or its affiliates will be
harmed by the unauthorized disclosure or use of Confidential Information
regardless of where such disclosure or use occurs, and that therefore this
confidentiality agreement is not limited to any single state or other


         During the Restriction Period (as hereinafter defined), Executive shall
not, directly or indirectly, for himself or on behalf of any person, firm, or
other entity, solicit, induce or encourage any person to leave her/his
employment, agency or office with Company or any of its affiliates. During the
Restriction Period, Executive shall not, directly or indirectly, for himself or
on behalf of any person, firm or other entity, hire or retain or participate in
hiring or retaining any person who then is an employee of or agent for Company
or any person who has been an employee of or agent for the Company at any time
in the ninety (90) days prior to termination of Executive's employment, and, in
the event Executive is providing Consulting Services following termination of


his employment, any person who has been an employee of or agent for the Company
at any time during the Salary Continuation Period, unless Lawson is informed and
gives its approval prior to the hiring or retention. The term "Restriction
Period" means the period of time in which Executive is employed by Lawson, the
Salary Continuation Period, if any, and a period of two (2) years thereafter.


         Given Executive's office and his participation in the development,
sales, marketing and servicing of Company's Products, Systems and Services,
Executive acknowledges that Executive will learn or develop Confidential
Information relating to the development, sales, marketing or provision of
Company's Products, Systems and Services, and Company's customers and
prospective customers. Executive further acknowledges that Company's
relationships with its customers are extremely valuable to it, are generally the
result of substantial time and effort devoted by Company, and tend to be near
permanent. Therefore, during the Restriction Period, Executive shall not,
directly or indirectly, for himself or on behalf of any person, firm, or other
entity, solicit or sell, attempt to sell, or supervise, participate in, or
assist the sale or solicitation of Competitive Products and Systems (i) to any
person, firm or other entity to which Company sold any of Company's Products,
Systems or Services during the last two (2) years of Executive's employment
prior to the effective date of termination and (ii) in the event Executive is
providing Consulting Services following termination of his employment, to any
person, firm or other entity to which the Company sells any of Company's
Products, Systems or Services during the Salary Continuation Period. However,
this paragraph shall not prohibit the solicitation of any actual or potential
customer of Company which does not fall within the preceding description. This
paragraph is independent of the obligations of confidentiality under paragraph 5
hereof and the non-compete provisions of paragraph 8 below.


         Executive expressly agrees that, during the Restriction Period, in the
United States, Canada, Mexico and the United Kingdom, he shall not, directly or
indirectly, as an owner, officer, director, employee, agent, advisor, financier,
or in any other form or capacity, on behalf of himself or any other person, firm
or other business entity, engage in or be concerned with any Competitive
Products, Systems and Services (defined in paragraph 14 below), or any other
business similar to that of Company, or any other duties or pursuits for
monetary gain which, in the sole judgment of Lawson, interfere with or restrict
Executive's activities on behalf of Company or constitute competition with the
Company or its affiliates. The foregoing notwithstanding, nothing herein
contained shall be deemed to prevent Executive from investing his money in the
capital stock or other securities of any corporation whose stock or securities
are publicly-owned or are regularly traded on any public exchange, provided that
Executive does not own more than a one percent (1%) interest therein.


         During the term of this Agreement and at all times thereafter,
Executive shall not, directly or indirectly, engage in or assist others in
engaging in any unfair trade practices with respect to Company.


10.      REMEDIES.

         Executive acknowledges that failure to comply with the terms of this
Agreement will cause irreparable loss and damage to Company. Therefore,
Executive agrees that, in addition and cumulative to any other remedies at law
or equity available to Company for Executive's breach or threatened breach of
this Agreement, Company is entitled to specific performance or injunctive relief
against Executive to prevent such damage or breach, and a temporary restraining
order and preliminary injunction may be granted to Company for this purpose
immediately at its request upon commencement of any suit, without prior notice
and without posting any bond. The existence of any claim or cause of action
Executive may have against Company will not constitute a defense thereto.


         If any of the restrictions in this Agreement is determined by a court
of competent jurisdiction to be excessively broad as to area or time or
otherwise, the parties authorize the court to reduce such restriction to the
extent necessary to make such restriction reasonable and to enforce such
restriction as so reduced. Any provisions of this Agreement not so reduced shall
remain in full force and effect.

12.      ASSIGNMENT.

         The terms and provisions of this Agreement shall be binding upon and
inure to the benefit of Lawson, its successors and assigns and Executive and
Executive's heirs, executors, administrators and other legal representatives.
This Agreement is a personal service agreement and shall not be assignable by


         This Agreement shall be interpreted and enforced in accordance with the
laws of the State of Illinois, without regard to its conflict of law principles.
Any action commenced to enforce or to determine any right or obligation
hereunder shall be commenced only in a federal or state court with jurisdiction
over Cook County, Illinois. Executive consents to personal jurisdiction in any
such court.


         14.1 "COMPANY" shall mean Lawson and any entity owned by Lawson or
related to Lawson, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, now or at any
time during Executive's employment with Lawson and during the Salary
Continuation Period, if any, including, but not limited to, Assembly Component
Systems, Inc., Cronatron Welding Systems, Inc., Drummond American Corporation,
Automatic Screw Machine Products Company, C.B. Lynn Company, Lawson Products,
Inc. (Ontario), Lawson Products de Mexico, Assembly Component Systems
Limited-UK, and any other entity in which any one or more of them has an
interest at any time during Executive's employment with Lawson and during the
Salary Continuation Period, if any, whether such entity is in the United States
or elsewhere.


         14.2 "COMPETITIVE PRODUCTS, SYSTEMS AND SERVICES" shall mean products,
systems or services in existence or under development which are the same as or
substantially similar to or functional equivalents of those of Company
including, without limitation, those which are or may be provided to Company's
customers on behalf of Company by employees, agents, or sales representatives of

         14.3 "CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION" shall mean all information, including,
but not limited to, trade secrets disclosed to Executive or known by Executive
as a consequence of or through Executive's employment by Lawson, or performance
of Consulting Services to Lawson, concerning the products, services, systems,
customers and Agents of Company, and specifically including without limitation:
computer programs and software, unpatented inventions, discoveries or
improvements; marketing, organizational and product research and development;
marketing techniques; promotional programs; compensation and incentive programs;
customer loyalty programs; inventory systems; business plans; sales forecasts;
personnel information, including but not limited to the identity of employees
and Agents of Company, their responsibilities, competence, abilities, and
compensation; pricing and financial information; customer lists and information
on customers or their employees, or their needs and preferences for Company's
Products, Systems or Services; information concerning planned or pending
acquisitions or divestitures; and information concerning purchases of major
equipment or property, and which:

                  (a) has not been made generally available to the public; and

                  (b) is useful or of value to the current or anticipated
         business or research or development activities of Company, or of any
         customer or supplier of Company; and

                  (c) has been identified to Executive by Company as
         confidential, either orally or in writing.

Confidential Information shall not include information which:

                  (x) is in or hereafter enters the public domain through no
         fault of Executive;

                  (y) is obtained by Executive from a third party having the
         legal right to use and to disclose the same; or

                  (z) was in the possession of Executive prior to receipt from
         Company (as evidenced by Executive's written records pre-dating the
         first date of employment with Lawson).

Confidential Information also does not include Executive's general skills and
experience as defined under the governing law of this Agreement.

         14.4 "UNAUTHORIZED PERSON OR ENTITY" shall mean any individual or
entity who or which has not signed an appropriate secrecy or confidentiality
agreement with Company, or is not a current or target customer with whom
Confidential Information is shared in the mutual interest of that person or
entity and Company.



         15.1 Covenants contained in this Agreement shall remain in force and
effect beyond the termination of Executive's employment.

         15.2 During the term hereof and for four years following the effective
date of termination of employment for any reason, Executive shall give notice of
the existence and a copy of this Agreement to any prospective employer or
business relation.

         15.3 The paragraph headings set forth in this Agreement are for
convenience of reference only and shall not affect the interpretation or meaning
of any provision hereof.


         This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between Company and
Executive with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all previous
communications and agreements between Lawson, including its predecessor, and
Executive regarding the subject matter hereof. It may not be changed or modified
except by written instrument signed by Lawson's Chief Executive Officer and


         Executive acknowledges and agrees that the services to be rendered by
him to Company are of extraordinary merit and constitute a necessary and
valuable contribution to the general growth and development of Company that
result from Executive's unique personal talent and expertise. In return for the
consideration described in this Agreement, and other good and valuable
consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, and
as a condition precedent to Company entering into this Agreement, and as an
inducement to Lawson to do so, Executive hereby represents, warrants, and
covenants as follows:

         17.1 Executive has executed and delivered this Agreement as his free
and voluntary act, after having determined that the provisions contained herein
are of a material benefit to him, and that the duties and obligations imposed on
him hereunder are fair and reasonable and will not prevent him from earning a
livelihood following the termination of his employment with Company.

         17.2 Executive has read and fully understands the terms and conditions
set forth herein, has had time to reflect on and consider the benefits and
consequences of entering into this Agreement, acknowledges that any reference in
this Agreement to Company applies also to any and all subsidiaries and
affiliates of Company as defined in paragraph 14, and has had the opportunity to
review the terms hereof with an attorney or other representatives, if he chose
to do so.

         17.3 The execution and delivery of this Agreement by Executive does not
conflict with, or result in a breach of, or constitute a default under, any
agreement or contract, whether oral or written, to which Executive is a party or
by which Executive may be bound.


         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement at Des
Plaines, Illinois, as of the date first written above.

EXECUTIVE:                                       LAWSON PRODUCTS, INC.

/s/ Thomas Neri                                  By:  /s/ Robert J. Washlow
- -------------------------------                     ----------------------------
      Thomas Neri                                      Robert J. Washlow
                                                       Chief Executive Officer
