Exhibit 10.53



                        MORTGAGOR: PHC OF MICHIGAN, INC.


                                December 6, 2001

                                    Prepared by and after recording, return to:
                                    Katherine R. Lofft, Esq.
                                    Heller Healthcare Finance, Inc.
                                    2 Wisconsin Circle, 4th Floor
                                    Chevy Chase, Maryland  20815


THIS INSTRUMENT (the "Amended  Consolidated  Mortgage")  WITNESSES:  That PHC OF
MICHIGAN,  INC.,  a  Massachusetts  corporation  having its  principal  place of
business  at 200 Lake  Street,  Suite  102,  Peabody,  Massachusetts  01960,  as
"Mortgagor",  and HELLER HEALTHCARE FINANCE, INC., a Delaware corporation having
its principal office at 2 Wisconsin  Circle,  4th Floor,  Chevy Chase,  Maryland
20815, as "Mortgagee".


WHEREAS,  that certain  Consolidated  Restated  Mortgage was previously  made by
Mortgagor  in favor of  Mortgagee  dated March ___,  2001,  and  recorded in the
official records of the Macomb County,  Michigan registrar of deeds (the "Macomb
County  Records"  at Liber ____ Page __ on  ___________  __,  2001 (as it may be
amended from time to time,  the  "Original  Consolidated  Mortgage"),  and which
Original  Consolidated Mortgage secured the obligations of Mortgagor under those
certain notes identified in the Recitals to the Consolidated  Restated  Mortgage
and more specifically identified as follows:

     (a)  that certain Secured Term Note in the original principal amount of One
          Million One Hundred Thousand and No/100 Dollars  ($1,100,000.00)  made
          by Mortgagor in favor of Mortgagee's predecessor-in-interest and dated
          March 12,  1997 (as  amended,  modified or  supplemented  from time to
          time, the "March 1997 Term Note");

     (b)  that certain Revolving Credit Note in the original principal amount of
          Four Million and No/100 Dollars ($4,000,000.00) made by Mortgagor, PHC
          of Utah, Inc. ("PHCU"), PHC of Virginia, Inc. ("PHCVA"),  PHC of Rhode
          Island,  Inc.  ("PHCRI") and Pioneer  Counseling of Virginia,  Inc. in
          favor of  Mortgagee's  predecessor-in-interest  and dated February 20,
          1998 (as  amended,  modified or  supplemented  from time to time,  the
          "February 1998 Revolving Credit Note"),  which February 1998 Revolving
          Credit Note was subsequently amended to reduce the principal amount of
          such note to Three Million and No/100 Dollars ($3,000,000.00);

     (c)  that certain  Secured Term Note in the  original  principal  amount of
          Five  Hundred  Thousand  and  No/100  Dollars  ($500,000.00)  made  by
          Mortgagor in favor of  Mortgagee's  predecessor-in-interest  and dated
          December 9, 1997 (as amended,  modified or  supplemented  from time to
          time, the "December 1997 Term Note");

     (d)  that certain Secured Term Note in the original principal amount of One
          Million and No/100 Dollars  ($1,000,000.00) made by Mortgagor in favor
          of Mortgagee  and dated  November  23, 1999 (as  amended,  modified or
          supplemented from time to time, the "November 1999 Term Note"); and

     (e)  that certain  Secured Term Note in the  original  principal  amount of
          Five  Hundred  Thousand  and  No/1000  Dollars  ($500,000.00)  made by
          Mortgagor  in favor of  Mortgagee  and dated May 26, 2000 (as amended,
          modified or supplemented from time to time, the "May 2000 Term Note");

WHEREAS, the Mortgagor, PHCU and PHCVA have entered into a Consolidating Amended
and Restated Secured Term Note dated of even date with this Amended Consolidated
Mortgage pursuant to which, among other things,  the following  obligations have
been  consolidated and combined:  (a) the obligations of Mortgagor under (i) the
March 1997 Term Note, (ii) the December 1997 Term Note,  (iii) the November 1999
Term Note and (iv) the May 2000 Term Note,  (b) the  obligations  of  Mortgagor,
PHCU and PHCVA under that certain  Letter  Agreement  dated as of August 9, 2001
(the  "Letter  Agreement")  in respect of the  Overline  Loan (as defined in the
Letter  Agreement) made by Lender to Borrower  pursuant to the Letter Agreement,
and (c) the  obligations  of PHCVA  allocated  to it  under  the  February  1998
Revolving Credit Note; and

WHEREAS,   the  Mortgagee  and  the  Mortgagor  desire  to  amend  the  Original
Consolidated  Mortgage  to (a)  reference  the  new  Consolidating  Amended  and
Restated  Term  Note  and  (b)  increase  the  amount  secured  by the  Original
Consolidated  Mortgage  to reflect an increase  in the  obligations  of Borrower
secured thereby.

NOW,  THEREFORE,  for  value  received,  Mortgagor  mortgages  and  warrants  to
Mortgagee the property situated in the City of New Baltimore,  County of Macomb,
and  State of  Michigan,  with a street  address  of  35031  23 Mile  Road,  New
Baltimore,  Michigan  48047,  and  legally  described  as shown on the  attached
Exhibit A; together with the  easements,  rights-of-way,  licenses,  privileges,
hereditaments,  and appurtenances  belonging to the property, and all the rents,
issues,  leases, and profits, the interest of Mortgagor in the property,  either
at law or in  equity,  all  buildings,  structures,  and  improvements,  and all
fixtures  located  in,  on, or affixed  to the  property,  and used or usable in
connection with the operation of the property (all of the above-stated  property
are  collectively  referred  to in this  Amended  Consolidated  Mortgage  as the

     This Amended Consolidated Mortgage is given to secure the following:

     a.   payment of the indebtedness evidenced by the Consolidating Amended and
          Restated Term Note;

     b.   payment of the  indebtedness  of Mortgagor and PHCU only  evidenced by
          the February 1998 Revolving Credit Note;

     c.   payment by Mortgagor to Mortgagee of all sums  expended or advanced by
          Mortgagee   pursuant  to  any  term  or   provision  of  this  Amended
          Consolidated Mortgage;

     d.   performance of the covenants,  conditions, and agreements contained in
          this Amended Consolidated Mortgage and in any other documents securing
          the indebtedness evidenced by the notes described in (a) and (b) above
          (as amended,  modified or restated  from time to time,  together,  the
          "Notes"); and

     e.   all other  indebtedness  and  obligations  of  Mortgagor  currently or
          subsequently  owing to  Mortgagee,  including  but not  limited to all
          future  advances  under this Amended  Consolidated  Mortgage or on the
          Notes, any loan agreements,  security  agreements,  pledge agreements,
          assignments,  mortgages, leases, guarantees, and any other agreements,
          instruments,   or  documents  previously  or  subsequently  signed  by
          Mortgagor,  whether  the  indebtedness  or  obligations  are direct or
          indirect, absolute or contingent,  primary or secondary, or related or
          unrelated to the premises or the transaction of which this Mortgage is

          a part, and any and all partial or full extensions or renewals of this
          indebtedness  or  other  indebtedness  and  obligations  (all  of  the
          foregoing obligations as the same may be amended, modified or restated
          from time to time are collectively referred to as the "indebtedness").

Mortgagor hereby warrants, covenants, and agrees that:

     1. Title. Mortgagor is seized of the premises, in fee simple. Mortgagor had
the right and power to mortgage  and  warrant the  premises as set forth in this
Mortgage. The premises are free from all liens and encumbrances except easements
and restrictions of record disclosed in Lawyers Title Insurance Policy, Schedule
B,  Policy No.  135-01-844628,  dated May 6,  1997,  relating  to the  premises.
Mortgagor will defend the premises against all claims and demands.

     2. Payment of Indebtedness.  Mortgagor will pay all indebtedness  when due,
including the principal and interest, as provided in the Term Notes.

     3.  Taxes and  Assessments.  Until  the  indebtedness  is fully  satisfied,
Mortgagor  will pay all  taxes,  assessments,  and  other  similar  charges  and
encumbrances  levied on the  premises  before they become  delinquent,  and will
promptly deliver to Mortgagee, without demand, receipts showing the payment.


     5.  Change of Law.  If,  after the date of this  Mortgage,  any  statute or
ordinance  is  passed  that  changes  in any way the laws  now in force  for the
taxation of mortgages or mortgaged  debts or the manner in which those taxes are
collected, so as to affect this Mortgage or the interest of Mortgagee, the whole
of the principal sum secured by this Mortgage, with all interest and charges, if
any, at the option of Mortgagee, shall become due and payable.

     6.   Insurance.  Mortgagor  will procure,  deliver to, and maintain for the
          benefit  of  Mortgagee  during the term of this  Amended  Consolidated

     a.   a policy of hazard insurance,  providing an all-risk extended coverage
          endorsement,  in an amount equal to the highest  replacement  value of
          the premises;

     b.   a policy of comprehensive  public liability insurance insuring against
          bodily  injury,  with a  coverage  limit  of at least  $1,000,000  per
          occurrence  (and $3,000,000 in the  aggregate),  and against  property
          damage,  with a  coverage  limit  of at  least  $3,000,000,  from  any
          accident or occurrence with respect to the premises.

All policies of insurance  required by this paragraph  shall be in a form,  with
companies, and in amounts acceptable to Mortgagee, and shall contain a mortgagee
endorsement  clause  acceptable  to  Mortgagee,  with loss payable to Mortgagee.
Mortgagor will pay when due the premiums on any policy of insurance  required by
Mortgagee,  and will deliver to Mortgagee  renewals of all policies at least ten
(10) days before their expiration  date(s).  Duplicates of all policies shall be
delivered to Mortgagee.

In the  event  of any  loss or  damage  to the  premises,  Mortgagor  will  give
immediate written notice to Mortgagee,  and Mortgagee may then make proof of the
loss or  damage,  if it is not  promptly  made by  Mortgagor.  All  proceeds  of
insurance shall be payable to Mortgagee,  and any affected  insurance company is
authorized  and directed to make  payment  directly to  Mortgagee.  Mortgagee is
authorized to settle,  adjust,  or compromise  any claims for loss,  damage,  or
destruction under any policy of insurance.

     7.  Maintenance  and  Repair.  Mortgagor  will  not  cause  or  permit  the
commission of waste on the premises and will keep the premises in good condition
and repair.  No building or other  improvement on the premises shall be removed,
demolished,   or  materially  altered  without  the  prior  written  consent  of
Mortgagee.  Mortgagor will comply with all laws,  ordinances,  regulations,  and
orders of all public authorities having  jurisdiction over the premises.  If the
premises,  in the sole  judgment of  Mortgagee,  require  inspection  or repair,
Mortgagee may enter upon the premises and inspect  and/or repair the premises as
Mortgagee  may deem  advisable,  and may take other action as Mortgagee may deem
appropriate  to preserve the premises.  Mortgagor  will pay when due all charges
for utilities or services contracted for by Mortgagor.

     8.  Environmental   Matters.   No  use,  exposure,   release,   generation,
manufacture,  storage,  treatment,   transportation  or  disposal  of  Hazardous
Material (as defined) has occurred or is occurring on or from the property.  All
Hazardous Material used, treated,  stored,  transported to or from, generated or
handled on the  property  has been  disposed of on or off the  property by or on
behalf of Borrower in a lawful manner.  There are no  underground  storage tanks
present  on or under the  property.  No other  environmental,  public  health or
safety hazards exist with respect to the property.  "Hazardous  Material"  means
any substances  defined or designated as hazardous or toxic waste,  hazardous or
toxic  material,   hazardous  or  toxic  substance,  or  similar  term,  by  any
environmental  statute,  rule or  regulation  or any  federal,  state  or  local
governmental authority.

     9. Waste.  The failure of Mortgagor to meet its maintenance  obligations or
to pay any taxes  assessed  against  the  premises or any  insurance  premium on
     policies  covering any property  located on the premises  shall  constitute
waste as
provided by MCLA 600.2927,  MSA 27A.2927, and shall entitle Mortgagee to appoint
a receiver of the property for the purpose of preventing the waste. The receiver
may collect the rents and income from the premises.

     10. Condemnation.  If the premises,  or any part, are taken under the power
of eminent  domain,  the entire award,  to the full extent of the  indebtedness,
shall be paid to  Mortgagee.  Mortgagee is empowered in the name of Mortgagor to
receive  and give  acquittance  for any award,  whether it is joint or  several.
However,  Mortgagee  shall not be held  responsible  for  failing to collect any

     11. Mortgagee  Expenses.  If Mortgagor fails to meet any of its obligations
under this Amended  Consolidated  Mortgage,  Mortgagee shall have the right, but
not the obligation, to perform in the place of Mortgagor. If Mortgagee incurs or
expends  any  sums,  including  reasonable  attorney  fees,  whether  or  not in
connection  with any  action  or  proceeding,  to (a)  sustain  the lien of this
Amended  Consolidated  Mortgage or its  priority,  (b) protect or enforce any of
Mortgagee's  rights,  (c)  recover  any  part of the  indebtedness,  (d) meet an
obligation  of  Mortgagor  under this  mortgage,  or (e)  collect  insurance  or
condemnation proceeds,  then those sums shall become immediately due and payable
by Mortgagor  with interest at the highest of the default rates set forth in the
Notes from the date of  Mortgagee's  payment until paid by  Mortgagor.  The sums
expended  in  this  manner  by  Mortgagee  shall  be  secured  by  this  Amended
Consolidated  Mortgage and be a lien on the premises prior to any right,  title,
or interest on the premises attaching or accruing subsequent to the lien of this
Amended Consolidated Mortgage.

     12.  Assignment of Contracts and Licenses.  Mortgagor assigns to Mortgagee,
as further security for payment of the indebtedness, Mortgagor's interest in all
agreements,  contracts  (including  any  contracts  for the lease or sale of the
premises),  licenses,  and permits affecting the premises.  The assignment shall
not be construed as a consent by Mortgagee to any agreement,  contract,  license
or permit so assigned,  or to impose any  obligations  on  Mortgagee.  Mortgagor
shall not cancel, amend, permit, or cause a default or termination of any of the
agreements,  contracts,  licenses,  and  permits  used in  conjunction  with the
operation of the premises without the written approval of Mortgagee.

     13. Assignment of Rents and Leases. As additional  security for the payment
of the indebtedness,  Mortgagor assigns and transfers to Mortgagee,  pursuant to
1953 PA 210, as amended by 1966 PA 151 (MCLA 554.231 et seq.,  MSA 26.1137(1) et
seq.),  all  the  rents,  profits,  and  income  under  all  leases,   occupancy
agreements,  or  arrangements  upon or  affecting  the premises  (including  any
extensions or amendments)  now in existence or coming into existence  during the
period this Amended  Consolidated  Mortgage is in effect.  This assignment shall
run with the land and be good and valid as against  Mortgagor and those claiming
under or through  Mortgagor.  This  assignment  shall  continue to be  operative
during foreclosure or any other proceedings to enforce this Amended Consolidated
Mortgage.  If a foreclosure sale results in a deficiency,  this assignment shall
stand  as  security  during  the  redemption  period  for  the  payment  of  the
deficiency.  This assignment is given only as collateral  security and shall not
be  construed  as  obligating  Mortgagee  to  perform  any of the  covenants  or
undertakings required to be performed by Mortgagor in any leases.

     In the event of default in any of the terms or  covenants  of this  Amended
Consolidated  Mortgage,  Mortgagee  shall be  entitled  to all of the rights and
benefits of MCLA 554.231B.233, MSA 26.1137(1)B(3) and 1966 PA 151, and Mortgagee
shall be entitled to collect the rents and income from the premises,  to rent or
lease  the  premises  on the  terms  that  it may  deem  best,  and to  maintain
proceedings  to recover  rents or  possession of the premises from any tenant or

     Mortgagee  shall be  entitled  to enter the  premises  for the  purpose  of
delivering  notices  or  other  communications  to the  tenants  and  occupants.
Mortgagee  shall  have no  liability  to  Mortgagor  as a result of those  acts.
Mortgagee  may  deliver  all of  the  notices  and  communications  by  ordinary
first-class U.S. mail.

     If  Mortgagor  obstructs  Mortgagee in its efforts to collect the rents and
income from the premises or unreasonably refuses or neglects to assist Mortgagee
in  collecting  the rent and  income,  Mortgagee  shall be entitled to appoint a
receiver for the premises and the income,  rents, and profits,  with powers that
the court making the appointment may confer.

     Mortgagor  shall at no time  collect  advance  rent in  excess of one month
under any lease pertaining to the premises,  and Mortgagee shall not be bound by
any rent prepayment  made or received in violation of this paragraph.  Mortgagee
shall  not  have  any  obligation  to  collect  rent  or to  enforce  any  other
obligations  of any tenant or occupant of the premises to  Mortgagor.  No action
taken by  Mortgagee  under this  paragraph  shall  cause  Mortgagee  to become a
"mortgagee in possession."

     14.  Performance  of  Leases.  Mortgagor  shall  observe  and  perform  all
obligations  contained in any lease affecting the premises.  Mortgagor shall not
default in performing any of the  obligations  imposed on Mortgagor by any lease
if such a default gives the lessee the right to terminate or cancel the lease or
offset against  rentals.  Upon request,  Mortgagor  shall furnish to Mortgagee a
statement,  in any reasonable  detail that Mortgagee may request,  of all leases
relating to the premises and executed counterparts of any and all leases.

     15.  Records.  With respect to the premises and its  operations,  Mortgagor
shall  keep  proper  books in  accordance  with  generally  accepted  accounting
principles  consistently applied.  Mortgagee shall have the right to examine the
books at reasonable times as Mortgagee may elect. Upon request,  Mortgagor shall
furnish to Mortgagee within sixty (60) days after the end of each calendar year,
a financial  statement of Mortgagor for the calendar year, in reasonable  detail
and  stating  in  comparative  form the  figures  as of the end of the  previous
calendar year, including statements of income and expense relating to operations
of  the  premises,  certified  by an  independent  certified  public  accountant
acceptable to Mortgagee. In addition, Mortgagor shall furnish to Mortgagee, in a
form acceptable to Mortgagee,  interim  financial  statements that Mortgagee may
request, certified by Mortgagor.

     16.  Waiver.  If Mortgagee (a) grants any extension of time with respect to
the  payment  of any part of the  indebtedness,  (b) takes  other or  additional
security  for the payment of the  indebtedness,  (c) waives or fails to exercise
any right granted by this Amended Consolidated Mortgage or the Notes, (d) grants
any  release  on  any  part  of  the  security  held  for  the  payment  of  the
indebtedness,  or (e)  amends  any of the terms or  provisions  of this  Amended
Consolidated  Mortgage or the Notes,  such act,  taking,  waiver,  omission,  or
amendment, as the case may be, shall not release Mortgagor under any covenant of
this Amended  Consolidated  Mortgage or the Notes,  nor preclude  Mortgagee from
exercising any right or power  granted,  nor impair the lien or priority of this
Amended Consolidated Mortgage.

     17. Use of Premises. Mortgagor shall not make, or permit, without the prior
written consent of Mortgagee,  (a) any use of the premises for any purpose other
than that for which they are now used;  (b) any  alterations  of the  buildings,
improvements,  and fixtures located on the premises; (c) any purchase, lease of,
or agreement for any fixtures to be placed on the premises  under which title is
reserved in the vendor.  Mortgagor shall execute and deliver  documents that may
be  requested  by  Mortgagee  to confirm the lien of this  Amended  Consolidated
Mortgage on any fixtures, machinery, and equipment.

     18. Events of Default.  The occurrences listed below shall be deemed events
of default and shall entitle Mortgagee,  at its option and without notice except
as required by law, to exercise  any one or any  combination  of remedies  under
this Amended Consolidated Mortgage or permitted by law:

     a.   the failure by  Mortgagor  to (i) make any payment  when due under the
          Notes,  or (ii) to  perform  any of the  other  terms,  covenants,  or
          conditions of this Amended  Consolidated  Mortgage  within a period of
          ten (10) days after  written  notice  from  Mortgagee  of  Mortgagor's

     b.   the  institution of  foreclosure  or other  proceedings to enforce any
          junior lien or encumbrance on the premises;

     c.   the  appointment  by a court of a receiver or trustee of  Mortgagor or
          for any property of Mortgagor;

     d.   a decree by a court adjudicating Mortgagor a bankrupt or insolvent, or
          for the sequestration of any of Mortgagor's property;

     e.   the filing of a petition in bankruptcy by or against  Mortgagor  under
          the federal Bankruptcy Code or any similar statute that is in effect;

     f.   an  assignment  by Mortgagor for the benefit of creditors or a written
          admission by Mortgagor of the inability to pay debts generally as they
          become due;

     g.   the  failure  to comply  with all of the terms  and  covenants  of any
          leases  or  other  agreements,  documents,  or  restrictions  that now
          encumber, affect, or pertain to the premises;

     h.   Mortgagor,  without the written consent of Mortgagee,  sells, conveys,
          or transfers the premises,  any interest in the premises, or any rents
          or profits from the premises, or causes or allows any mortgage,  lien,
          or  other  encumbrance,  or  any  writ  of  attachment,   garnishment,
          execution, or other legal process to be placed on the premises, or any
          part of the premises is transferred by operation of law;

     i.   all or any part of the  premises  is damaged or  destroyed  by fire or
          other  casualty,  regardless of whether such damages or destruction is
          covered, in whole or in part, by a policy or policies of insurance, or
          all or any part of the premises is taken by power of eminent domain.

     19. Default  Remedies.  Upon the occurrence of any event of default of this
Amended Consolidated  Mortgage,  Mortgagee shall have the option, in addition to
and not in lieu of all other rights and  remedies  provided by law, to do any or
all of the following:

     a.   Without  notice,  except as expressly  required by law, to declare the
          principal sum secured by the Amended Consolidated  Mortgage,  together
          with all interest and all other sums secured by this  mortgage,  to be
          immediately due and payable;  to demand any installment payment due or
          to  accelerate  the  Notes;  and to  institute  any  proceedings  that
          Mortgagee  deems  necessary  to collect and  otherwise  to enforce the
          indebtedness  and obligations  secured by this Mortgage and to protect
          the lien of this Amended Consolidated Mortgage.

     b.   Commence  foreclosure  proceedings  against the  premises  pursuant to
          applicable laws.  Mortgagee's  commencement of a foreclosure  shall be
          deemed an exercise by  Mortgagee of its option to  accelerate  the due
          date of all  sums  secured  by  this  Amended  Consolidated  Mortgage.
          Mortgagor  grants to Mortgagee,  in the event of the  occurrence of an
          event of default,  the power to sell the premises at public auction by
          advertisement,  without  notice  or  hearing,  except as  required  by
          Michigan statutes.

     c.   To enter into peaceful  possession  of the premises  and/or to receive
          the rent, income,  and profits,  and to apply those in accordance with
          paragraph 13.

     Mortgagor acknowledges having been advised that Mortgagee believes that the
value  of  the  security  covered  by  this  Amended  Consolidated  Mortgage  is
inextricably intertwined with the effectiveness of the management,  maintenance,
and general  operation of the premises,  and that  Mortgagee  would not make the
loan secured by this Amended  Consolidated  Mortgage  unless it could be assured
that it would  have the right to take  possession  of the  premises  in order to
manage,   control  management,   and  enjoy  the  income,  rents,  and  profits,
immediately  upon  default  by  Mortgagor,   notwithstanding   that  foreclosure
proceedings may not have been instituted, or are pending, or that the redemption
period may not have expired.  Accordingly,  Mortgagor  knowingly and voluntarily
waives  all  right to  possession  of the  premises  from and  after the date of
default, upon demand for possession by Mortgagee.

     20. Sale of Premises as a Whole or in Parcels. Upon any foreclosure sale of
the  premises,  the  premises  may be sold either as a whole or in  parcels,  as
Mortgagee  may elect,  and if in parcels,  to be divided as Mortgagee may elect,
or, at the election of  Mortgagee,  the premises may be offered first in parcels
and then as a whole,  with the offer  producing the highest price for the entire
property to prevail.

     21.  Assignment.  Mortgagor  shall not make a conveyance of any interest in
the premises.  A  "conveyance"  of  Mortgagor's  interest in the premises  shall
include without limitation any voluntary or involuntary  disposition or dilution
of legal or beneficial  title to the premises by any means.  If ownership of the
premises,  or any part, becomes vested in a person other than Mortgagor (with or
without Mortgagee's consent),  Mortgagee may, without notice to Mortgagor,  deal
with the  successors  in interest  with  reference to this Amended  Consolidated
Mortgage  or the Notes  without  in any way  releasing  or  otherwise  affecting
Mortgagor's liability under the Notes and this Amended Consolidated Mortgage.

     22.  Application  of  Proceeds.  In the event of the payment to  Mortgagee,
pursuant to this  Amended  Consolidated  Mortgage,  of any rents or profits,  or
proceeds of any insurance or  condemnation  award,  or proceeds from the sale of
the  premises  upon  foreclosure,  Mortgagee  shall  have the right to apply the
rents, profits, or proceeds, in amounts and proportions that Mortgagee shall, in
its sole  discretion,  determine,  against  the cost and  expenses  incurred  by
Mortgagee in exercising its rights under this mortgage,  payment of the interest
and  principal  due  under  the  Notes,  payment  of any  other  portion  of the
indebtedness,  and payment of  expenses  incurred in  preserving  the  premises.
Application by Mortgagee of any proceeds  toward the last maturing  installments
of  principal  and  interest to become due or then due under the Notes shall not
excuse  Mortgagor  from making the  regularly  scheduled  payments due under the
Notes and this Amended Consolidated  Mortgage,  nor shall the application reduce
the amount of the payments.  In the event of the payment of proceeds as a result
of an insurance or condemnation  award,  Mortgagee shall have the right, but not
the  obligation,  to require  all or part of the  proceeds of any  insurance  or
condemnation  award to be used to restore  any part of the  premises  damaged or
taken  by  reason  of the  occurrence  which  gave  rise to the  payment  of the

                             IMPORTANT LEGAL RIGHTS

     23. Waiver of Rights. This Amended  Consolidated  Mortgage contains a power
of sale which permits Mortgagee to cause the premises to be sold in the event of
a default. Mortgagee may elect to cause the premises to be sold by advertisement
rather than pursuant to court action,  and Mortgagor  voluntarily  and knowingly
waives any right  Mortgagor may have by virtue of any applicable  constitutional
provision or statute to any notice or court hearing prior to the exercise of the
power of sale,  except as may be  expressly  required  by the  Michigan  statute
governing  foreclosures by advertisement.  In addition,  Mortgagor knowingly and
voluntarily  waives any right  Mortgagor may have to remain in possession of the
premises or to collect any rents or income  therefrom during the pendency of any
foreclosure  proceedings  and during any  applicable  redemption  period.  Also,
paragraphs 18 and 21 above entitle Mortgagee to require immediate payment of the
balance  of the  indebtedness  in full if the  premises  are  sold or  otherwise
transferred.   By  execution  of  this   mortgage,   Mortgagor   represents  and
acknowledges  that the meaning and  consequences  of these  paragraphs have been
discussed as fully as desired by Mortgagor with Mortgagor's legal counsel.

     24. Environmental Matters. Mortgagor agrees to indemnify Mortgagee against,
and hold it harmless  from,  all  obligations  and  liabilities  relating to the
premises arising out of claims made or suits brought for  investigation,  study,
remedial  work,  monitoring,  or  other  costs  and  expenses  arising  from  or
associated with response to any environmental matters, including but not limited
to any (a) water  pollution,  air pollution,  noise,  odor,  spills,  leaks,  or
inadvertent   discharges,   emissions,   or   releases,   or   the   generation,
transportation,  storage,  treatment,  or  disposal  of solid  waste,  including
hazardous waste, hazardous substances,  pollutants and contaminants; (b) injury,
sickness,  disease,  or death of any  person;  or (c)  damage  to any  property,
regardless of whether the cause of the injury or damage occurred before or after
the date of this Amended  Consolidated  Mortgage.  Mortgagor further agrees that
Mortgagee shall have no liability for any environmental contamination associated
with Mortgagor's business or the premises, and that any involvement of Mortgagee
with Mortgagor's business to protect its security interest in the premises shall
not constitute  Mortgagor as an "owner or operator" of Mortgagor's  business for
purposes of  determining  environmental  liability.  In any event,  if Mortgagee
becomes  obligated,  by judicial or  administrative  judgment or settlement of a
claim,  to pay any  amounts  for  response  to any  environmental  contamination
associated or connected with Mortgagor's  business or the premises,  any payment
by Mortgagee shall be deemed additional indebtedness secured by the lien of this
mortgage,  shall be  immediately  due and payable to  Mortgagee,  and shall bear
interest until paid at the highest of the default  interest  rates  specified in
the Notes.

     25. Covenants Run with Land. All of the terms and covenants of this Amended
Consolidated  Mortgage shall run with the land and shall be binding on and inure
to the benefit of the  respective  legal  representatives  and successors of the

     26.  Release  of  Amended  Consolidated  Mortgage.  If  Mortgagor  pays  to
Mortgagee  the money  required  by the  Notes,  in the  manner  and at the times
provided  in the  Notes,  and all  other  sums of the  indebtedness  payable  by
Mortgagor  to  Mortgagee,  and keeps and  performs  the  terms,  covenants,  and
agreements of Mortgagor with Mortgagee,  then this Amended Consolidated Mortgage
shall be  satisfied,  and  Mortgagee  shall  release this  Amended  Consolidated

     27. Notice. All notices,  demands, and requests required or permitted to be
given to Mortgagor  or by law shall be deemed  delivered  when  deposited in the
United States mail, with postage prepaid, addressed to Mortgagor or Mortgagee at
their last known addresses.

     28. Severability. If any provision of this Amended Consolidated Mortgage is
in  conflict  with any  statute  or rule of law of the State of  Michigan  or is
otherwise unenforceable for any reason, then that provision shall be deemed null
and void to the extent of the conflict or unenforceability,  but shall be deemed
separable  from and shall not  invalidate  any other  provision  of this Amended
Consolidated Mortgage.

     29. Venue and  Jurisdiction.  All  provisions of this Amended  Consolidated
Mortgage  shall be governed by and construed in accordance  with the laws of the
State of  Michigan.  Venue shall be in Macomb  County,  Michigan  for any action
brought  with  regard  to  this   Mortgage.   Mortgagor   consents  to  personal
jurisdiction  over  it by any  Michigan  courts  to  the  extent  that  personal
jurisdiction  may be necessary to enforce any of the  provisions of this Amended
Consolidated Mortgage.

                               [SIGNATURES FOLLOW]

      Signed on the date set forth above.


WITNESSES:                          PHC OF MICHIGAN, INC.,
                                    a Massachusetts corporation

/s/  Janet Esterkes                 By:  /s/  Bruce A. Shear
Name:                                         Bruce A. Shear

/s/  Erica H. Cashell



The foregoing  instrument  was  acknowledged  before me on December 10, 2001, by
Bruce  A.  Shear,  the  President  of PHC of  Michigan,  Inc.,  a  Massachusetts
corporation, on behalf of the corporation.

/s/  Paul C. Wurts
Notary Public, Essex County

My commission expires November 29, 2002.

                                   Exhibit "A"

                                Legal Description

Lots 32 and 33 of ASSESSOR'S  CRICKLEWOOD PLAT, excepting therefrom that portion
which lies  Southerly  of a line which is 50 feet  Northerly  of (as measured at
right angles) and parallel to the Southerly line of fractional  Section 13, Town
3 North,  Range 14 East, City of New Baltimore,  Macomb County,  Michigan.  Plat
recorded in Liber 35 of Plats, Page 12, Macomb County Records.

ALSO EXCEPTING a portion of Lot 32 of "Assessor's  Cricklewood Plat",  described
as follows:

Commencing at the original  Southeast  corner of said Lot 32 of said "Assessor's
Cricklewood  Plat";  thence  North 01 degrees 41 minutes  West 17.00 feet to the
point of beginning,  said point being on the Northerly  right-of-way  line of 23
Mile Road (50 feet  wide);  thence  North 89 degrees 19 minutes  West along said
right-of-way  5.36 feet;  thence leaving said right-of-way line North 00 degrees
59 minutes 17 seconds West,  576.95 feet to the  Northerly  line of said Lot 32;
thence  North 88 degrees 04 minutes  East along said North line 8.43 feet to the
Northeast  corner of said Lot 32;  thence South 00 degrees 41 minutes East along
the Easterly line of said Lot 32, 577.25 feet back to the point of beginning.