Exhibit 10.56

                                January 11, 2002

Heller Healthcare Finance, Inc.
f/k/a HCFP Funding, Inc.
2 Wisconsin Circle, 4th Floor
Chevy Chase, Maryland 20815
Attention:  David Moore, Senior Vice President

Dear Mr. Moore:

     Reference is made to that certain  Loan and Security  Agreement  originally
dated as of February 18, 1998 by and among the Borrowers  identified therein and
Heller  Healthcare  Finance,  Inc.  f/k/a  HCFP  Funding,  Inc.,  as Lender  (as
previously  amended,  as amended  hereby and as otherwise  amended,  modified or
supplemented  from time to time, the "Loan  Agreement").  All capitalized  terms
used but not defined in this letter  (this  "Letter  Agreement")  shall have the
meaning given them in the Loan Agreement.

     We are writing to request  that Lender  agree to lend and  Borrower  hereby
agree to make an  additional  Revolving  Credit Loan in the form of an "overline
advance" (i.e., an advance which exceeds the Borrowing Base). We understand that
the Lender has agreed to provide such  overline  advance,  provided the Borrower
agree to the terms and  conditions set forth herein.  Accordingly,  the Borrower
and Lender hereby agree as follows:

     1. The aggregate  amount of all advances under the June Overline Loan shall
not exceed One Hundred Thousand and No/100 Dollars  ($100,000.00) (the "Overline
Loan").  The Overline  Loan shall bear interest at the Base Rate as specified in
the Loan Agreement.

     2. Except as expressly modified by the terms of this Letter Agreement,  the
Overline Loan will be treated for all purposes as a Revolving  Credit Loan under
the Loan  Agreement,  and all  principal,  interest,  fees and  other  costs and
expenses  relating  to the  Overline  Loan,  including  but not limited to those
described in paragraph 4 of this Letter  Agreement (the "Overline  Obligations")
shall be treated as  additional  Obligations  under the Loan  Agreement  and the
other Loan  Documents.  The Maximum Loan Amount shall be inclusive of, and shall
not be deemed to be increased by, the Overline Obligations.

     3. The  Overline  Loan,  together  with the  Overline  Fee (as  defined  in
paragraph  4 of this  Letter  Agreement),  shall be repaid  in full by  Borrower
making eight (8) consecutive  principal payments each equal to $12,222 beginning
on January 18, 2002 and continuing  through and including  March 8, 2002, and by
Borrower making a final payment on March 15, 2002 (the "Maturity Date") equal to
$12,224 plus all then  outstanding  Overline  Obligations  due and payable under
this Letter Agreement.

     4. In  consideration  for Lender's  agreement to make the Overline  Loan to
Borrower,  Borrower  hereby agrees to pay to Lender a fee (the  "Overline  Fee")
equal to Ten Thousand and No/100  Dollars  ($10,000.00).  The Overline Fee shall
constitute  a portion  of the  Obligations  evidenced  and  secured  by the Loan
Documents,  shall be  deemed  earned  by  Lender  as of the date of this  Letter
Agreement  and shall be  payable  as set  forth in  paragraph  3 of this  Letter
Agreement.  In addition,  Borrower shall pay Lender for all reasonable costs and
expenses of Lender  (including but not limited to the  reasonable  documentation
fees of Lender's  in-house  counsel) in connection  with the preparation of this
Letter Agreement.

     5.  Any  breach  by  Borrower  of any  of the  provisions  of  this  Letter
Agreement,  including  but not  limited to any  failure of Borrower to repay the
Overline Obligations on or before the Maturity Date as required hereunder, shall
constitute an immediate and automatic  Event of Default under the Loan Agreement
without further action or notice by Lender. Upon the occurrence of such an Event
of Default,  and in addition to the other rights to which Lender may be entitled
under the Loan  Agreement,  or at law or in equity,  upon such  failure,  Lender
shall be entitled to apply  amounts  transferred  to the  Concentration  Account
pursuant to Section 2.3 of the Loan  Agreement  in  satisfaction  of  Borrower's
obligations with respect to the Overline Loan and the Overline Obligations.

     6.  Except as  specifically  modified by this  Letter  Agreement,  the Loan
Agreement, and all other Loan Documents,  shall remain in full force and effect,
and are hereby ratified and confirmed.

     7. The execution, delivery and effectiveness of this Letter Agreement shall
not,  except as  expressly  provided  herein,  operate as a waiver of any right,
power or remedy of Lender,  nor constitute a waiver of any provision of the Loan
Agreement,  or any other  documents,  instruments  and  agreements  executed  or
delivered in connection therewith,  nor shall it be construed as a waiver of any
other Event of Default, whether now existing of hereafter arising. Lender hereby
reserves all of its rights and remedies  under the Loan Documents and applicable

     8. This Letter  Agreement  shall be governed by and construed in accordance
with  the  laws  of the  State  of  Maryland  without  regard  to any  otherwise
applicable conflicts of law provisions thereof.

     9. This Letter  Agreement  may be executed in  counterparts,  each of which
shall be deemed to be an original and all of which together shall constitute one
and the same instrument.

     10. By execution and delivery of this Letter Agreement, the Borrower agrees
to be legally bound by the provisions hereof.

                              Very truly yours,

                              PHC OF MICHIGAN, INC.
                              PHC OF UTAH, INC.
                              PHC OF VIRGINIA, INC.,
                              each a Massachusetts corporation

                              By: /s/ Bruce A. Shear
                              Name:   Bruce A. Shear
                              Title:  President


as of this ____ day of January, 2002:

f/k/a HCFP FUNDING, INC., a Delaware corporation
