Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 8-K

              Current Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the
                        Securities Exchange Act of 1934

        Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported): April 30, 2004

                                    PHC, Inc.
             (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)

                    (State of Incorporation or Organization)

     0-22916                                               04-2601571
(Commission File Number)                                 (I.R.S. Employer
                                                        Identification No.)

200 Lake Street, Suite 102, Peabody, Massachusetts            01960
 (Address of Principal Executive Offices)                   (Zip Code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code:  (978) 536-2777

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Item 2.  Acquisition of Assets

     On April 30, 2004, the Company closed on the  acquisition of  Phoenix-based
Pivotal Research Centers, LLC, ("Pivotal") significantly expanding the Company's
clinical research  capabilities and geographic  presence.  The Company purchased
100% of the  membership  interest in Pivotal  Research  Centers,  LLC,  from the
former owners,  Louis Kirby,  Carol Colombo and Anthony Bonacci.  In addition to
its currently enrolling research  contracts,  the acquisition brings with it the
expertise and  reputation  of Pivotal's  founder,  Louis Kirby,  MD and its CEO,
Michael Colombo.

     Pivotal performs all phases of clinical research for Phase I-IV drugs under
development  through two dedicated research sites,  including one of the largest
single psychiatric sites in the country.  Pivotal currently has approximately 22
enrolling studies and an additional 31 ongoing studies with approximately  75-80
percent of Pivotal's research activity in central nervous system (CNS) research,
With a  current  client  base  including  AstraZeneca,  Bristol  Meyers  Squibb,
Cephalon,  Forest,  GlaxoSmithKline,  Lilly,  Merck, Mylan,  Novartis,  Organon,
Sepracor and Wyeth, the Company currently has protocols in Alzheimer's  disease,
ADHD, Diabetes Type II, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Insomnia, Major Depressive
Disorder, Obesity, Pain, Parkinson's Disease, and Shift Work Sleep Disorder.

     The Company  paid $1.5 million in cash and  $500,000 in PHC,  Inc.  Class A
common  stock  based on the closing  market  price of $1.17.  Additionally,  the
Company agreed to three performance-based notes which are staged during the next
five  years  based on future  profitability  and  secured  by all the  assets of
Pivotal as well as by PHC, Inc.'s ownership interest in Pivotal.

     Note A is a secured  promissory note with a face value of $1,000,000,  with
an annual interest rate of 6%, a maturity date of December 31, 2008 and payments
due in quarterly  installments beginning January 2005. The outstanding principal
will be  adjusted  in the first and second  years of the note based on  adjusted
EBITDA as defined in the agreement of $780,000.  Adjusted EBITDA of greater than
$780,000 for each period increases the note value by the difference and adjusted
EBITDA of less than  $780,000  will  decrease the note value by the  difference.
Quarterly payments are then made based on the adjusted value of the note.

     Note B is a secured promissory note with a face value of $500,000,  with an
annual  interest  rate of 6%, a maturity  date of December 31, 2008 and payments
due in quarterly  installments beginning January 2007. The outstanding principal
will be adjusted on February 1, 2006 based on annual  adjusted EBITDA as defined
in the  agreement  of  $780,000  for the  adjustment  period of  January 1, 2005
through  December  31,  2006.  Adjusted  EBITDA  greater  than  $780,000 for the
adjustment period increases the note value by the difference and adjusted EBITDA
of less than $780,000 for the adjustment  period will decrease the note value by
the difference.  Quarterly payments are then made based on the adjusted value of
the note

     Note C is a secured  promissory note with a face value of $1,000,000,  with
an annual  interest  rate of 6%, a  maturity  date of March 31,  2009 and annual
payments  commencing on March 31, 2005.  Note payment amounts will be determined
based on the  adjusted  EBITDA as defined in the  agreement  of the  non-Pivotal
Research business for each payment period beginning at the effective date of the
agreement and ending on December 31, of 2004 and each year thereafter multiplied
by .35. In  addition,  this note  provides for the issuance of up to $200,000 in

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PHC, Inc.  Class A common  stock,  should the total of the five note payments be
less than the $1,000,000 face value of the note.

     In addition to the usual  representations and warranties made in agreements
such as this,  the  Membership  Purchase  agreement  also  includes  a  sellers'
covenant  to the  buyers not to compete or  interfere  with the  business  and a
buyers'  covenant  regarding the timely  collection and transfer of the accounts
receivable of the seller and the public  registration  of the closing stock.  In
addition,  the sellers also  provided an  indemnification  to the buyer from and
against any and all losses including, but not limited to, any litigation whether
or not disclosed  resulting from a pre-closing  event,  facts,  circumstances or
conditions whether or not asserted prior to the closing date.

     In conjunction  with the Membership  Purchase  Agreement,  the Company also
executed,  employment  and  non-compete  agreements  with Dr. Louis C. Kirby and
Michael J. Colombo.

     Dr.  Kirby's  employment  agreement  extends  from April 30,  2004  through
December  31, 2006 and calls for an annual base salary of  $200,000,  subject to
adjustment  from time to time at the  discretion of the Board of Directors,  and
incentive  compensation  of  $30,000  if the  adjusted  EBITDA as defined in the
Membership Purchase agreement is greater than $780,000.

     Mr.  Colombo's  employment  agreement  extends  from April 30, 2004 through
December  31, 2006 and calls for an annual base salary of  $150,000,  subject to
adjustment  from time to time at the  discretion of the Board of Directors,  and
incentive  compensation  of  $15,000  if the  adjusted  EBITDA as defined in the
Membership Purchase agreement is greater then $730,000 but less than $800,000 or
$25,000 if the adjusted EBITDA as defined in the Membership  Purchase  agreement
is greater than $800,000.  Additional incentive compensation will be provided to
Mr. Colombo based on combined  adjusted EBITDA of all clinical research business
in excess of $800,000, with incremental increases for amounts over $800,000.

     The  loan  adjustment  periods  and  payment  dates  in the  notes  and the
employment agreement were amended to reflect the closing date of April 30, 2004,
as agreed to by Sellers and Buyers  pursuant to Section  2.6(a) of the  Purchase

     The  Company  determined  that it  would  be in the  best  interest  of the
shareholders to finance this  transaction  entirely  through equity,  since debt
with favorable terms was not available. Therefore, the Company offered 2,800,000
shares of Class A Common  Stock at $1.10 per share in a private  placement.  The
private  placement  also included 25% warrant  coverage at an exercise  price of
$1.10 per share with a three-year term and standard anti-dilution features. This
offering  was  completed  in two  stages.  As a result of the first stage of the
offering,  in March 2004,  the Company  issued  684,999 shares of Class A Common
Stock for $753,500 and warrants to purchase 171,248 additional shares of Class A
Common Stock.  As a result of second stage of this offering,  in April 2004, the
Company  issued  1,918,196  shares of Class A Common  Stock for  $2,110,016  and
warrants to purchase  479,549  additional  shares of Class A Common  Stock.  The
private placement  facilitated the closing of the acquisition  without incurring
any additional  bank debt, and also provides the necessary  working  capital for
Pivotal to execute its business plan.

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Item 7. Financial Statements and Exhibits

     It is impractical to provide the required  financial  information  for this
acquisition at this time as the Seller has not yet provided the Company with the
necessary  financial  statements.  Appropriate  financial  information  will  be
provided within 60 days.

( c )  Exhibits

     4.22 Form of Subscription Agreement and warrant

     10.27 Membership Purchase  Agreement  between PHC, Inc and Pivotal Research
           Centers, LLC and its  Sellers  Louis C. Kirby,  Carol A.  Colombo and
           Anthony A. Bonacci dated April 30, 2004.

     10.28 Pledge Agreement entered into April 30, 2004 by and between PHC, Inc.
           and Louis Kirby, Carol Colombo and Anthony Bonacci.

     10.29 Security  Agreement entered  into April 30, 2004 by and between  PHC,
           Inc. and Louis Kirby, Carol Colombo and Anthony Bonacci.

     10.30 Secured  Promissory  Note dated  April  30,  2004  in the  amount  of
           $1,000,000 by PHC, Inc. in favor of Louis C. Kirby, Carol Colombo and
           Anthony Bonacci. (Note A)

     10.31 Secured  Promissory  Note  dated  April  30,  2004 in the  amount  of
           $500,000 by PHC,  Inc. in favor of Louis C. Kirby, Carol  Colombo and
           Anthony Bonacci. (Note B)

     10.32 Secured  Promissory  Note  dated  April  30,  2004 in the  amount  of
           $1,000,000 by PHC, Inc. in favor of Louis C. Kirby, Carol Colombo and
           Anthony Bonacci. (Note C)

     10.33 Kirby employment and Non-Compete Agreement.

     10.34 Colombo employment and Non-Compete Agreement.

     10.35 First  Amendment  to  Membership   Purchase   Agreement  and  Colombo
           employment agreement and Note C.

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     Pursuant to the  requirements  of the securities  exchange act of 1934, the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                         PHC, INC.

Date: May 13, 2004                       By: /s/ Bruce A. Shear
                                                 Bruce A. Shear

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