Exhibit 10.34


     The parties to this Employment  Agreement (this  "Agreement"),  dated as of
April,  2004,  are PHC,  Inc.,  a  Massachusetts  corporation  ("PHC,")  and its
subsidiary  Pivotal Research Centers,  LLC, an Arizona limited liability company
("Pivotal,"  together  with  PHC,  the  "Company"),  and  Michael  Colombo  (the


     A.   PHC  is  a  Massachusetts  corporation  engaged  in  the  business  of
          providing behavioral health services and Clinical Research Services.

     B.   PHC currently  conducts  Clinical  Research Services through operating
          divisions  and  subsidiaries  (including  but not  limited  to Pioneer
          Pharmaceutical  Research,  Inc. ("PPR"),  a wholly owned subsidiary of
          PHC) at facilities located in Michigan, Nevada and Utah.

     C.   Pivotal is a  nationally  recognized  provider  of  Clinical  Research
          Services to Pharmaceutical Companies with clinical research facilities
          located in Peoria, Arizona and Mesa, Arizona.

     D.   Executive  has served as an executive  officer of Pivotal prior to its
          acquisition by PHC on the date of this Agreement.

     E.   Company desires to have Executive serve as the Chief Executive Officer
          of  Pivotal,   and  lead  all  of  PHC's  Clinical  Research  Services
          (including but not limited to the activities  conducted by Pivotal and
          PPR),  with  Executive  reporting  directly  to the  CEO of  PHC,  and
          Executive desires to provide such services to Company,  subject to the
          terms and conditions set forth below.


     Now, therefore,  with reference to the foregoing recitals, all of which are
incorporated   herein  by  this  reference  and  for  other  good  and  valuable
consideration,  the receipt and adequacy of which are hereby  acknowledged,  the
parties hereto agree as follows:

     1.   Employment, Term and Duties.

          1.1  Employment.  Pivotal  hereby  agrees to employ  Executive  as the
               Chief Executive  Officer of Pivotal.  PHC hereby agrees to employ
               Executive  as the  Chief  Executive  Officer  of  PHC  divisions,
               subsidiaries  or  affiliates  engaged  in the  Clinical  Research
               Services business.  During the Term,  Executive shall have direct
               management  responsibility  and  authority  over  all  PHC  staff
               conducting  Clinical  Research Services across all PHC divisions,
               subsidiaries  or affiliates  (including,  but not limited to, PPR
               and  Pivotal).  For purposes  hereof,  the  "Business"  means the
               business   of   providing    Clinical    Research   Services   to
               Pharmaceutical  Companies. The parties understand and acknowledge
               that PHC's current corporate  structure as it relates to Clinical
               Research  Services,  including  the  structure  that  will  exist


               immediately  Post-Closing,  may need to be modified  over time to
               improve  the  operational  efficiency  of the  Business,  and all
               parties understand and agree that such restructuring shall in all
               cases  be  consistent  with  Executive's  role  as the CEO of the
               Business with direct management responsibility and authority over
               all PHC staff conducting  Clinical  Research  Services across all
               PHC divisions, subsidiaries or affiliates.

          1.2  Term.  The term of  Executive's  employment  under this Agreement
               shall  commence on the date of this  Agreement and shall continue
               through December 31, 2006, unless sooner  terminated  pursuant to
               Section 4 hereof (the "Initial Term"). Thereafter, this Agreement
               shall  automatically  and without  further  action be renewed for
               successive  one-year periods (each, a "Renewal Term") on the same
               terms and conditions unless sooner terminated pursuant to Section
               4 hereof  or by either  party not less than 60 days  prior to the
               expiration  of the  Initial  Term or any  Renewal  Term.  As used
               herein, "Term" shall mean the Initial Term and any Renewal Term.

          1.3  Duties.  During the Term,  Executive shall report directly to the
               CEO of PHC and perform  the duties set forth in attached  Exhibit
               A; provided,  however,  that Executive shall, at the direction of
               the CEO of PHC, perform other services and allot a portion of his
               time to such other  responsibilities as may be required from time
               to time, related to Clinical Research Services as may be assigned
               from time to time by the CEO of PHC.

          1.4  Best  Efforts.   Executive  shall  devote  his  best  efforts  in
               promoting the Company's interests,  and performing his duties and
               responsibilities. Executive shall devote his full working time to
               the  business and affairs of the  Company.  Executive's  services
               under this  Agreement  shall be performed  primarily at Pivotal's
               offices  located at the Peoria  Location and the Mesa Location or
               at such other primary office as determined mutually by the CEO of
               PHC and Executive,  subject to reasonable travel  requirements on
               behalf of the Company.

          1.5  Defined  Terms.  Any  capitalized  terms not defined herein shall
               have the meaning set forth in that  certain  Membership  Interest
               Purchase  Agreement  (the  "Purchase   Agreement")  between  PHC,
               Pivotal, Louis C. Kirby and Carol Colombo, and Anthony Bonacci of
               even date herewith.

     2.   Compensation.

          2.1  Base Salary.  During the Term, as  compensation  for the services
               rendered by Executive  to the Company,  Pivotal and PHC shall pay
               to  Executive  a single base salary at an annual rate of not less
               than  $150,000  (the "Base  Salary").  The Base  Salary  shall be
               payable in accordance with Pivotal's  regular  payroll  practices
               (but no less  frequently  than  monthly)  less  federal and state
               income tax  withholding,  other  deductions  required  by law and
               other  normal  deductions.  The Base  Salary  shall be subject to
               adjustment  from time to time (but to no less than  $150,000)  by
               the Board of Directors (the "Board") in its discretion. The Board


               shall  review  Executive's  Base Salary no less  frequently  than
               annually to determine  whether or not to make any  adjustment  in
               light  of  the  duties,   responsibilities   and  performance  of
               Executive and the performance of the Company.

          2.2  Incentive  Compensation.  During  the  Term,  Executive  shall be
               entitled to receive  incentive  compensation (a "Bonus") based on
               Adjusted  EBITDA (as defined  below) of the named  operations  as

               (a)  Pivotal Business Bonus.

               If the Adjusted  EBITDA of the   Then Pivotal pays to  Executive:
               Pivotal Business is:

               in excess of $730,000 but less   $15,000  Bonus less federal and
               than $800,000                    state   income tax  withholding,
                                                other deductions required by law
                                                and  other   normal   deductions
                                                ("Pivotal  Bonus A").

               in excess of $800,000            $25,000  Bonus less  federal and
                                                state  income tax   withholding,
                                                other deductions required by law
                                                and  other   normal   deductions
                                                ("Pivotal  Bonus B").  In  the
                                                event Executive is  eligible for
                                                Pivotal Bonus B, Executive  will
                                                be  awarded Pivotal  Bonus B and
                                                shall  not receive Pivotal Bonus

               (b)  Clinical Research Services Business Bonus.

               If the Adjusted EBITDA of        Then Pivotal pays to  Executive:
               all PHC's Clinical Research
               Services business (including
               but not limited to Pivotal,
               and PPR) is:

               in excess of $800,000            $25,000  plus 5% of  amounts  in
                                                excess of $800,000 but less than
                                                $1,200,000,   less  federal  and
                                                state  income  tax  withholding,
                                                other deductions required by law
                                                and  other  normal   deductions.
                                                ("Clinical Research Bonus A").

               in excess of $1,200,000          Clinical  Research Bonus A  plus
                                                3% of amounts of Adjusted EBITDA
                                                of all PHC's  Clinical  Research
                                                Services business  in  excess of
                                                $1,200,000,   less  federal  and
                                                state  income  tax  withholding,
                                                other deductions required by law
                                                and other normal deductions.

               (c) For purposes of Section 2.2(a) and 2.3(a), the term "Adjusted
               EBITDA" shall have the meaning set forth in Note A (pertaining to
               the Pivotal Business). For purposes of Section 2.2(b) and 2.3(b),
               the term "Adjusted  EBITDA"  shall mean  the sum of the  Adjusted
               EBITDA  as  determined  pursuant to  Note  A  (pertaining to  the
               Pivotal Business) and the Adjusted EBITDA as determined  pursuant
               to Note C (pertaining to the Non-Pivotal Business).

          2.3  Stock Options. In addition to and not in lieu of any compensation
               set forth elsewhere in this Agreement, Executive shall be granted
               options  (the  "Options")  to  purchase  PHC Stock  (the  "Option
               Securities")  under  the terms  and  conditions  of the PHC stock
               incentive  plan in effect from time to time (the "Option  Plan"),
               and according to a Stock Option  Agreement  authorized  under the
               Option Plan. Upon the effective date of this Agreement, Executive
               shall  receive  options  to  purchase  20,000  shares  of  Option
               Securities.  During the term hereof,  Executive  shall be granted
               options to purchase  additional shares of Option Securities based
               on annual profits of the named operations as follows:

              (a) Adjusted EBITDA of           PHC   awards  to   Executive  an
               Pivotal Business:                option to purchase:

               in excess of $800,000            10,000 additional shares of  PHC

               (b) Adjusted EBITDA of all       PHC awards to Executive an PHC
                   PHC divisions,               option to purchase:
                   subsidiaries and affiliates
                   engaged in the Business
                   (including but not limited
                   to the Company, Pivotal
                   and PPR)

               In excess of $800,000            20,000 additional  shares of PHC
               but less than $1,200,000         Stock

               In excess of $1,200,000          50,000 additional  shares of PHC

               (c)  The number of shares of the Option Securities into which the
                    Options are  exercisable  shall be  adjusted  based on stock
                    splits, dividends, recapitalizations and other events as set
                    forth in the  Option  Agreement  and the  Option  Plan.  All
                    Options issued to Executive  shall be exercisable at a price
                    equal to the Closing Stock Price (as defined in the Purchase
                    Agreement),  subject to  adjustment  based on stock  splits,
                    dividends, recapitalizations and other similar events all in
                    accordance  with  normal  business  practices.  All of  such
                    Options  shall be for a term of at least five (5) years from
                    the date of  issuance,  and all of such  Options  shall vest
                    immediately upon issuance.


          2.4  Employee  Benefits.  During  the  Term,  Executive,   subject  to
               eligibility and other terms,  shall be entitled to participate in
               any  employee  benefits  plans  and  programs  from  time to time
               established by the Company  including,  without  limitation,  any
               group health plans, insurance plans, life insurance plans, profit
               sharing, vacation, pension and other benefit plans adopted by the
               Company.   During  the  Term,  Executive  shall  be  entitled  to
               participate in and receive  benefits as a senior  executive under
               all employee benefit plans, programs and arrangements,  including
               any stock-based  compensation or incentive plan, retirement plan,
               profit sharing plan,  savings plan, life insurance  plan,  health
               insurance plan, accident or disability  insurance plan. Executive
               shall  be  entitled  to  vacation   commensurate   with  vacation
               available  to  other  executives  of  the  Company.  The  Company
               acknowledges   that  (i)   Executive   is  pursuing  an  advanced
               educational degree, (ii) Executive's course work will conclude in
               April,  2004,  (iii)  Executive  is  required  to attend  all day
               classes every other Friday,  and (iv)  Executive will be required
               to attend a program in China in March that will require Executive
               to miss six consecutive  days of work.  Subject to his continuing
               duties and obligations hereunder, Executive is authorized to take
               a reasonable  amount of time off from work to complete his degree
               during  the time  period  set forth  above,  and none of the time
               spent by  Executive in school or at the program in China shall be
               deemed to be vacation days or count against Executive's paid time

          2.5  Expense  Reimbursement.   The  Company  shall  promptly  pay  all
               reasonable  expenses which are actually  incurred by Executive on
               behalf of the Company  incident to the discharge and  performance
               of Executive's  duties hereunder  including,  but not limited to,
               business  expenses for travel,  as evidenced by vouchers and such
               other reasonable supporting materials as the Company may require.
               Executive  shall  properly  account  for all  expenses  and shall
               maintain  such records with respect  thereto as are in accordance
               with the policies and practices determined by the Board in effect
               from time to time.

          2.6  Auto Allowance.  During the Term,  Executive shall be entitled to
               an automobile  allowance of  twenty-six  payments of Four Hundred
               Dollars  ($400.00)  during any given calendar year of the Term in
               accordance with Pivotal's customary payroll practices.  Such auto
               allowance  shall be in  addition  to other  compensation  paid to

     3.  Covenants  of  Executive.  In order to induce the Company to enter into
this Agreement, Executive hereby covenants as follows:

          3.1  Inventions  and  Innovations.  Executive  agrees  that all right,
               title and interest in and to any innovation,  design,  technique,
               process,  idea,  product,  system,  program,  machine,  method or
               improvement  which are or have been developed or created in whole
               or in part by  Executive  at any time and at any place during the
               term of his employment by the Company and related to or usable in


               connection  with the business  activities of the Company shall be
               and remain forever the sole and exclusive property of the Company
               unless  otherwise  agreed  to in  writing  between  the  parties.
               Executive  further  agrees to  promptly  reveal  all  information
               relating  to the  same to the  Board  and to  cooperate  with the
               Company and execute  such  documents  as may be  necessary in the
               event that the Board desires to seek  protection on behalf of the
               Company thereafter.

          3.2  Covenant Not To Compete.  In consideration of the consummation of
               the  transactions  contemplated  under this Agreement,  Executive
               hereby  covenants and agrees that for the period beginning on the
               date   hereof   and  ending  one  (1)  year  after  the  Date  of
               Termination,  Executive will not,  alone or in  association  with
               others,  either as a principal,  agent, direct or indirect owner,
               shareholder,   partner,   joint  venturer  or  member,   officer,
               director, employee, lender, investor, consultant,  manager, or in
               any other capacity:

               (a)  Recruit or hire any  employee of the  Company,  or otherwise
                    attempt to solicit or induce any  employee of the Company to
                    leave the employment of the Company.

               (b)  Solicit any customer or Prospective  Customer of the Company
                    or  otherwise  interfere  with  the  business  relationships
                    between the Company, its customers,  Prospective  Customers,
                    suppliers  and others  with whom the  Company  conducts  its
                    Clinical Research Services business.

               (c)  Perform any service for any customer or Prospective Customer
                    of the  Company  which is  competitive  in any  manner  with
                    Clinical Research Services which the Company may perform for
                    such  customers  or  Prospective  Customers,  regardless  of
                    whether the Company has or is now  providing  such  Clinical
                    Research Services.

               (d)  Executive  shall not  directly  or  indirectly  solicit  for
                    employment on  Executive's  own behalf,  or on behalf of any
                    other  enterprise,  any  individual  who is or has  been  an
                    employee,  agent or independent contractor of the Company in
                    a  capacity  related  or  pertaining  to  Clinical  Research

     This  covenant  not to  compete  shall in no way  restrict  the  rights  of
Executive to hold 5% or less of the equity  securities of any corporation  whose
equity securities are listed on a national  securities exchange or are regularly
traded in the over-the-counter  market and for which quotations are available on
the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation System.

          3.3  Confidentiality.  Executive  acknowledges  that, by virtue of his
               involvement with the Company, he has been, and in the future will
               be,  exposed to and has had access,  and, in the future will have
               access, to trade secrets, processes, computer programs, financial
               data   and   information,    marketing   information,    customer
               information,  pricing  information,  customer lists,  information


               relating  to the  business or  operations  of the Company and any
               other  information,  software,  equipment or processes  which are
               used in connection  with or relate to the Company or its members,
               managers,  employees,  customers  or other  vendors  or which are
               otherwise  proprietary  to or in the  possession  of the  Company
               ("Confidential   Information")  except  where  such  Confidential
               Information (i) was or becomes generally  available to the public
               other  than  as a  result  of a  disclosure  by  Company  or  its
               affiliates to one or more unauthorized  parties, (ii) is required
               by law to be  disclosed or (iii) is made  generally  available to
               the public by the Company.  Executive  further  acknowledges that
               his  expertise,  knowledge  and  experience  in,  of and with the
               Company  would  enable  him to use such  information  to  benefit
               individuals or entities other than the Company.  Executive hereby
               covenants and agrees as follows:

                    (a)  During  the  Term  and at  all  times  thereafter,  the
                         Confidential  Information shall be kept confidential by
                         Executive,  will  not be used in any  manner  which  is
                         detrimental   to  the  Company  or  its   shareholders,
                         members, managers or employees, and will be safeguarded
                         by Executive from  unauthorized  disclosure.  Executive
                         also agrees that  Executive will disclose to the Person
                         or Persons  designated by the Company all  Confidential

                    (b)  Following the  expiration of the Term,  Executive  will
                         return  to the  Company  any  Confidential  Information
                         currently  in his  possession  or  control or which may
                         subsequently come into his possession or control,  will
                         not retain any copies, including non-conforming copies,
                         thereof,  including,  without limitation, all analyses,
                         compilations,  studies or other  documents  in whatever
                         form,  including magnetic media,  prepared by Executive
                         or for  Executive's  use  containing or reflecting  any
                         Confidential Information.  Executive shall not disclose
                         to the Company, use in the Company's business, or cause
                         the Company to use,  any  confidential  or  proprietary
                         information or materials of any third party.

          3.4  Enforcement  by  Injunction.   Executive  acknowledges  that  the
               protections of the Company set forth in Sections 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3
               of this  Agreement  are of vital  concern  to the  Company,  that
               monetary  damages for any violation  thereof would not adequately
               compensate  the  Company  and that the  Company  is  engaged in a
               highly competitive business.  Accordingly,  Executive agrees that
               the  restrictions  set  forth in  Sections  3.1,  3.2 and 3.3 are
               reasonable and that, in addition to any other remedy, the Company
               shall be entitled to enforce such Sections by injunction  whether
               or not Executive's employment hereunder has terminated. Executive
               hereby waives any  requirement of a bond for such  enforcement by

          3.5  Early  Termination of  Restrictive  Provisions.  The  restrictive


               covenant  set  forth  in  Section  3.2 of  this  Agreement  shall
               terminate  immediately upon the occurrence of (i) any termination
               of Executive not for Cause,  (ii) any  termination of Kirby under
               the Kirby  Employment  Agreement not for Cause, or (ii) an "Event
               of  Default"  under  any Note  which is due to PHC's  failure  or
               refusal  to pay  amounts  due to  Sellers  thereunder  which such
               failure or failures  continue for an aggregate period of not less
               than six (6) months during the Terms of any such Notes.

          3.6  Partial  Enforcement.  If any term or condition of this Agreement
               shall  be  invalid  or  unenforceable  to  any  extent  or in any
               application, then such term or condition shall automatically, and
               without  any  further  action,  be  reformed  so as to retain the
               fullest extent of any  restriction  therein  permitted by law and
               the  remainder  of this  Agreement,  and such term or  condition,
               except  to such  extent  or in  such  application,  shall  not be
               affected  thereby,  and each and every term and condition of this
               Agreement  shall be valid and enforced to the fullest  extent and
               in the broadest application permitted by law.

          3.7  Cumulative Rights. Each and all of the various rights, powers and
               remedies of the Company as set forth in this  Agreement  shall be
               considered  as  cumulative,  with and in  addition  to any  other
               rights, powers or remedies of such parties, and no one of them is
               exclusive  of the  others or is  exclusive  of any other  rights,
               powers and remedies  allowed by law or in equity.  The  exercise,
               partial  exercise  or  non-exercise  of  any  rights,  powers  or
               remedies shall  constitute  neither the election  thereof nor the
               waiver  of any other  rights,  powers or  remedies.  All  rights,
               powers and  remedies  of the  parties  hereto  shall  survive the
               termination of this Agreement.

          3.8  Merger or Reorganization. The Company may assign its rights under
               this  Agreement in accordance  with Section 10.10 of the Purchase

          3.9  Enforcement.  Executive  agrees and warrants  that the  covenants
               contained  herein are reasonable,  that valid  consideration  has
               been and will be received  therefore and that the  agreements set
               forth herein are the result of arms-length  negotiations  between
               the parties hereto.  Executive  recognizes that the provisions of
               this  Article 3 are  important to the  continuing  welfare of the
               Company,  and that money damages are an inadequate remedy for any
               violation  thereof.   Accordingly,  in  the  event  of  any  such
               violation by Executive,  Pivotal or PHC, in addition to any other
               remedies  they may have,  shall have the right to  institute  and
               maintain a proceeding to compel specific  performance  thereof or
               to issue an  injunction  restraining  any action by  Executive in
               violation of this Article 3.

     4.   Termination of Employment.

          4.1  Death or Disability.  Executive's employment under this Agreement
               shall terminate upon his death or Disability.  Executive shall be
               deemed to be  Disabled  in the good  faith  determination  of the


               Board. At any time and from time to time, upon reasonable request
               therefore by the Company,  Executive  shall submit to  reasonable
               medical examination for the purpose of determining the existence,
               nature  and  extent of any such  disability.  The  Company  shall
               promptly  give  Executive  notice  of any such  determination  of
               Executive's  Disability  and of the  decision  of the  Company to
               terminate Executive's  employment by reason thereof. In the event
               of  Disability,  until the Date of  Termination  the Base  Salary
               payable  to  Executive   under   Section  2.1  shall  be  reduced
               dollar-for-dollar by the amount of disability  benefits,  if any,
               paid to Executive in  accordance  with any  disability  policy or
               program of the Company.  "Disability" shall mean the inability of
               Executive,  by reason of any medically  determinable  physical or
               mental  impairment  for a period of 90 days  during  any 12 month
               period,  regardless of the Executive's presence or absence at his
               place of  employment,  to carry out and  perform  the  duties and
               obligations ordinarily required of Executive.

          4.2  Termination by the Company.

               (a)  With or Without Cause. The Company may terminate Executive's
                    employment  under  this  Agreement  with or  without  Cause.
                    "Cause"  means,  (i)  commission  of  any  dishonest  act by
                    Executive in  connection  with  Executive's  performance  of
                    activities  including,  without limitation,  but not limited
                    to, an act of fraud,  embezzlement  or  willful  breach of a
                    fiduciary   duty  to  the  Company,   (ii)   drunkenness  or
                    intoxication while engaged in Company business or the use of
                    drugs  or  alcohol  in  a  manner  which  adversely  affects
                    performance of the Executive's  activities,  (iii) diversion
                    of any corporate  opportunity of the Company for Executive's
                    direct or indirect benefit,  (iv) commission by Executive of
                    any  act  of  sexual  harassment,  discrimination  or  other
                    violation  of  any  similar  statute,   ordinance,   law  or
                    regulation  regarding human rights,  (v) any act or omission
                    by Executive which causes the  disqualification,  expiration
                    or termination  of the Company's  license which is issued by
                    any governmental or quasi  governmental  authority under any
                    statute  governing the business or operations of the Company
                    and which disqualification,  expiration or termination has a
                    Material  Adverse  Effect  upon  the  Company's  ability  to
                    conduct business,  (vi) the breach by Executive of Article 3
                    of this  Agreement,  or  (vii)  Executive's  failure  to use
                    commercially  reasonable efforts to perform his duties under
                    this  Agreement  and   Executive's   failure  to  cure  such
                    non-performance  within  thirty  (30)  calendar  days  after
                    receipt of written  notice from the Company  specifying  the
                    nature of such failure, or if such failure is not capable of
                    being cured  within  thirty (30)  calendar  days,  Company's
                    acceptance,   in  writing,  of  a  written  plan  of  action
                    submitted to the Company,  within ten (10)  calendar days of
                    receipt of such notice from the  Company,  that sets forth a
                    reasonable  plan  for  Executive's   cure  of  the  failure,
                    provided,   however,   that  two  or  more   occurrences  of
                    Executive's  failure to use commercially  reasonable efforts


                    to perform his duties under this  Agreement  during the term
                    of this Agreement shall, at Company's option,  constitute an
                    immediate termination for Cause.

          4.3  Termination  by Executive.  Upon thirty days prior written notice
               Executive may terminate his employment  under this Agreement with
               or without Good Reason (as defined below). If such termination is
               with Good Reason,  Executive shall give the Board written notice,
               which shall identify with reasonable  specificity the grounds for
               Executive's  resignation.  For purposes of this Agreement,  "Good
               Reason"  shall  mean any of the  following:  (i) a  reduction  in
               Executive's  compensation  in  violation  of Section  2.1 of this
               Agreement,  which  reduction  is  accomplished  without the prior
               written  consent  of  Executive,  (ii) a material  diminution  in
               Executive's duties and responsibilities  under this Agreement for
               a period of one month or more other than by virtue of Executive's
               Disability, which material diminution is accomplished without the
               prior written consent of Executive, or the mutual written consent
               of Executive and Company, or the unilateral conduct of Executive,
               (iii) the failure to pay any of Executive's compensation when due
               (including any Bonus),  except in the case of Executive's  breach
               of this Agreement or any other agreement between  Executive,  the
               Company  or its  affiliates,  (iv) any  material  breach  of,  or
               material  failure  of  the  Company  to  perform,   any  material
               provision of this  Agreement  including,  but not limited to, the
               Bonus  provisions  contained  in  Sections  2.2 and 2.3,  and the
               failure  of  such   breaching   party  to  cure  such  breach  or
               non-performance  within the applicable "Cure Period",  or (v) any
               failure by PHC to fund the Company's working capital requirements
               in accordance with the terms and conditions and in the amount set
               forth in Section 3.5 of the  Purchase  Agreement,  which  failure
               would materially impair Executive's ability to perform the duties
               set forth in attached  Exhibit A. For purposes of this Agreement,
               the term "Cure Period" shall mean a period of time that commences
               upon the giving of written  notice by a  non-defaulting  party to
               the defaulting party(ies) that a breach or failure to perform has
               occurred  and expires ten (10)  calendar  days from the date such
               notice is given or deemed given.

          4.4  Date of Termination. "Date of Termination" shall mean the earlier
               of  (a)  the  expiration  of the  Term,  and  (b) if  Executive's
               employment is otherwise terminated whether by Executive or by the
               Board, the date on which Executive's  employment with the Company
               actually terminates.

          4.5  No Event of Default under Transaction Documents.  Any termination
               of this  Agreement by the Company or Executive  (whether  with or
               without  Cause and whether with or without Good Reason) shall not
               independently  constitute an event of default for purposes of the
               Transaction  Documents,  and no independent  action  initiated by
               Executive,  PHC  or  Pivotal  for  a  breach  of  the  terms  and
               conditions of this Agreement  shall give rise to a separate cause
               of action  under the  Transaction  Documents  except  the  rights
               specifically set forth in the Notes.


     5.   Compensation Upon Termination.

          5.1  As a Result of Death, Disability, Cause or Resignation.

               (a)  Death  or  Disability.  Subject  to  Executive's  continuing
                    compliance with the terms of this Agreement,  if Executive's
                    employment  under this Agreement is terminated  prior to the
                    expiration of the Term by reason of his death or disability,
                    then  Executive  (or in the case of his death,  his personal
                    representative)  shall be  entitled to receive the amount of
                    his Accrued  Obligations (as defined below),  such amount to
                    be  paid in  accordance  with  the  Company's  ordinary  and
                    customary  payroll  practices.  As used  in this  paragraph,
                    "Accrued  Obligations" means, as of the Date of Termination,
                    (i) any payments which  Executive may be entitled to receive
                    pursuant to any Company  employee  benefits plan or program,
                    (ii) any  earned but  unpaid  Base  Salary as of the date of
                    such  termination,  (iii) any  accrued  and  unpaid  expense
                    reimbursements  or auto  allowance  pursuant to Sections 2.5
                    and/or 2.6,  and (iv) any accrued or earned and unpaid Bonus
                    pro-rated through the Date of Termination.

               (b)  Termination for Cause;  Resignation  Without Good Reason. If
                    Executive's  employment  under this  Agreement is terminated
                    prior  to  the  expiration  of the  Term  by  reason  of his
                    termination  by the  Company  for  Cause or his  resignation
                    without Good Reason, then Executive shall solely be entitled
                    to receive the following  benefits:  (i) any benefits  which
                    Executive may be entitled to receive pursuant to any Company
                    employee  benefits  plan,  (ii) any earned,  but unpaid Base
                    Salary,   and  (iii)  any   accrued   but   unpaid   expense
                    reimbursements,  subject to Section  2.5, or auto  allowance
                    pursuant to Section 2.6.

          5.2  By Executive for Good Reason or the Company other than for Cause.

                    (a)  Benefits.  If,  prior to  scheduled  expiration  of the
                         Term,  the Company  terminates  Executive's  employment
                         without Cause,  or Executive  terminates his employment
                         for Good Reason, Executive shall be entitled to receive
                         the Accrued  Obligations  described  in Section  5.1(a)
                         and,   subject  to  Section   5.2(b),   the   following
                         additional  benefits  (such  additional  benefits,  the
                         "Post-Termination Benefits"):

                    (i)  In the event the  Company  terminates  the  Executive's
                         employment  without Cause or the  Executive  terminates
                         his   employment  for  Good  Reason,   then,   provided
                         Executive continues to comply with the terms of Section
                         3 of this Agreement, the Company shall pay to Executive
                         his Base Salary,  payable in accordance  with Pivotal's
                         regular payroll  practices (but no less frequently than
                         monthly) less federal and state income tax withholding,
                         other  deductions  required  by law  and  other  normal
                         deductions,  for a period of six (6)  months  following


                         the Date of Termination.  In addition,  Executive shall
                         have the right to select an executive placement firm to
                         provide executive  placement  services to Executive and
                         the Company  shall retain and pay directly all costs up
                         to $10,000 for such executive  placement services until
                         the earlier to occur of (i) the date on which Executive
                         starts new,  full time  employment,  or (ii) six months
                         from the Date of Termination.

                    (b)  Conditions  to  Receipt  of  Post-Termination  Benefits
                         under Section  5.2(a).  As a condition to receiving any
                         Post-Termination  Benefits  to  which  Executive  would
                         otherwise be entitled under Section  5.2(a),  Executive
                         shall execute a release (the "Release"),  in a form and
                         substance reasonably  satisfactory to the Board, of any
                         claims,  whether arising under Federal,  state or local
                         statute,  common law or otherwise,  against the Company
                         and its  direct  or  indirect  subsidiaries,  and their
                         respective  officers,  directors and stockholders which
                         arise or may have  arisen on or before  the date of the
                         Release, other than any claims arising under any of the
                         Transaction  Documents or any rights to indemnification
                         from  the   Company   and  its   direct   or   indirect
                         subsidiaries  pursuant to any  provisions  of Company's
                         (or   any  of   its   subsidiaries')   certificate   of
                         incorporation  or by-laws or any directors and officers
                         liability insurance policies maintained by the Company.
                         If Executive  fails or  otherwise  refuses to execute a
                         Release  within a reasonable  time after the  Company's
                         request to do so, Executive will not be entitled to any
                         Post-Termination Benefits. In addition, if, following a
                         termination of employment  that gives Executive a right
                         to the payment of Post-Termination Benefits,  Executive
                         engages in any activities that violate the covenants in
                         Section 3,  Executive  shall  have no further  right or
                         claim  to  any  Post-Termination   Benefits  and  shall
                         promptly repay any Post-Termination Benefits previously
                         received (such repayment to be in addition to any other
                         rights or remedies  available  to Company in respect of
                         such violation).

          5.3  No  Mitigation.  Executive  shall not be required to mitigate the
               amount of any payment or benefit  provided  for in this Section 5
               by  seeking  other  employment  or  otherwise,   and,  except  as
               otherwise  expressly provided in Sections 5.1 or 5.2, the amounts
               of compensation or benefits payable or otherwise due to Executive
               under this Section 5 or other  provisions of this Agreement shall
               not be reduced by compensation or benefits  received by Executive
               from any other employment he shall choose to undertake  following
               termination of his employment under this Agreement.

     6.   Miscellaneous.

          6.1  Binding Effect. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to
               the benefit of the heirs and representatives of Executive and the
               successors and assigns of the Company.


          6.2  Notices. All notices or other  communications  hereunder shall be
               made  in  writing  and  shall  be  deemed  duly  given  (a)  when
               personally  delivered to the intended recipient (or an officer of
               authorized representative of the intended recipient),  (b) on the
               day of transmittal  when sent by facsimile with  confirmation  of
               receipt if sent prior to 5:00 pm, or on the immediately following
               day if sent after 5:00 pm,  (c) on the first  business  day after
               the date  sent  when sent by a  nationally  recognized  overnight
               courier  service,  or (d) three business days after it is sent by
               first class U.S. mail, postage prepaid, to the intended recipient
               at the address set forth below:

                                (a) to PHC or the Company, to it at:

                                    PHC, Inc.
                                    200 Lake Street, Suite 102
                                    Peabody, MA  01960
                                    Attention:  Bruce A. Shear, President
                                    Facsimile No.:  (978) 536-2677

                                with a copy to:

                                    Arent Fox Kintner Plotkin & Kahn, PLLC
                                    1050 Connecticut Avenue, NW
                                    Washington, DC  20036-5339
                                    Attention:  J. Aaron Ball, Esq.
                                    Facsimile No.:  (202) 857-6395

                                (b) to Executive at:

                                    Michael J. Colombo
                                    4328 East Bramble Circle
                                    Mesa, AZ 85206

Any party may change the address to which notices and  communications  hereunder
are to be delivered by giving the other  parties  notice in the manner set forth

          6.3  Construction.  As used  in this  Agreement,  unless  the  context
               otherwise requires:  (i) references to "Section" are to a section
               of  this  Agreement;  (ii)  all  "Exhibits"  referred  to in this
               Agreement  are to  Exhibits  attached to this  Agreement  and are
               incorporated  into this Agreement by reference and made a part of
               this Agreement;  (iii) "include",  "includes" and "including" are
               deemed to be followed by "without limitation" whether or not they
               are in fact followed by such words or words of like import;  (iv)
               the headings of the various  sections and other  subdivisions  of
               this  Agreement are for  convenience  of reference only and shall
               not  modify,  define or limit any of the terms or  provisions  of
               this Agreement;  and (v) "knowledge" of a person means the actual
               knowledge  of  such  person  and  the  knowledge  that a  prudent
               individual  could be expected to  discover  or  otherwise  become
               aware of in the course of  conducting a reasonable  investigation
               concerning the existence of the matters addressed.


          6.4  Assignment. This Agreement shall not be assignable by Executive.

          6.5  Execution in Counterparts.  This Agreement may be executed in two
               or more  counterparts and by facsimile  signature,  each of which
               shall  constitute an original,  but all of which  together  shall
               constitute but a single instrument.

          6.6  Jurisdiction  and Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed
               by and  construed  in  accordance  with the laws of the  State of
               Arizona  applicable  to  agreements  made and to be  performed in
               Arizona.  Any  and  all  disputes  arising  out  of,  related  or
               pertaining to this Agreement shall be resolved in accordance with
               the  Arbitration  provisions  set forth in  Section  10.12 of the
               Purchase Agreement.

          6.7  Severability.   If  any  provision  of  this  Agreement,  or  the
               application of any provision to any person or circumstance, shall
               for any reason and to any extent be invalid or unenforceable, the
               remainder of this Agreement and the application of that provision
               to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected but shall
               be enforced to the full extent permitted by law.

          6.9  Complete Agreement;  Modification and Termination. This Agreement
               contains a complete  statement of all the arrangements  among the
               parties  with  respect  to its  subject  matter,  supersedes  all
               existing agreements among them concerning that subject matter and
               may  be  modified,   waived  or  terminated  only  by  a  written
               instrument signed by the parties.

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties  hereto have executed and delivered  this
Agreement as of the day and year first above written.

                                  PHC, Inc.

                                  By: /s/ Bruce A. Shear
                                          Bruce A. Shear
                                  Title:  President


                                  /s/  Michael Colombo
                                       Michael Colombo


                                    Exhibit A

                            Executive Job Description

1.       Responsibilities

The Executive  shall be responsible  for management of all PHC staff  conducting
Clinical  Research Services  (including  within Pivotal,  PPR, Inc., and any PHC
operating  divisions)  and all  other  employees  associated  with the  Clinical
Research Services Business. Efforts of the Executive will be focused towards the

     o    Manage Growth

     o   Implement Best Practices across all sites conducting clinical research

     o    Identify and implement  strategies to improve  operational  efficiency
          and patient recruitment

     o    Assess,   present  and  pursue  growth   opportunities   using  either
          Greenfield or acquisition approaches

     o    Develop staff to ensure a robust long-term  focused,  high performance

     o    Develop business  strategy and annual goals for the clinical  research

2.       Reporting Relationship

The  Executive  will  report  directly  to the  CEO of PHC and  the  Board.  All
employees  conducting  Clinical  Research  Services full time will have a direct
reporting  relationship  into the  clinical  research  organization  managed  by
Executive.  Any PHC staff  whose  time is  divided  between  providing  Clinical
Research  Services and providing  other services to PHC or its  subsidiaries  or
affiliates will have a direct reporting  relationship into the clinical research
organization  when they are performing  tasks  contracted to them by the Pivotal
Business.  Compensation  for  part  time  staff  will  be  negotiated  prior  to
acceptance of any new protocols for work to be performed on that protocol.

3.       Accountability

The Executive will be  accountable  directly to the CEO of PHC. The Executive is
responsible  for all  financial and  operational  performance  measures  defined
above. The Executive will provide weekly written  performance  reports (5-15) to
the CEO of PHC. The Executive will support any Board  presentations  or meetings
as requested by the CEO of PHC.  Any and all  foreseen  difficulties  associated
with meeting monthly performance targets will be identified to the CEO of PHC.


4.       Authority

Subject to the authority of the Board, the Executive will have full authority to
manage and run clinical  research  activities  across all PHC subsidiary  sites.
Subject to the  authority of the Board,  the  Executive  will have  authority to
conduct clinical research operations autonomously at all PHC sites.
