Exhibit 4.22

                         FORM OF SUBSCRIPTION AGREEMENT

PHC, Inc.
200 Lake Street, Suite 102
Peabody, MA 01960


     The purpose of this Subscription Agreement is to memorialize your agreement
to subscribe for and purchase from PHC, Inc., a Massachusetts  corporation  (the
"Company") shares of the Company's Class A Common Stock and warrants to purchase
shares of the Class A Common Stock,  as set forth on Exhibit A attached  hereto,
on the following terms and conditions.

     Section 1. Shares

     The Company is offering for sale an aggregate of up to _______ of its Class
A Common  Stock and a warrant to  purchase  up to _______  shares of its Class A
Common Stock  (collectively,  the "Aggregate  Securities")  for the sum of up to
________. Of the Aggregate  Securities,  the Company is offering for sale to you
________  shares of its Class A Common  Stock  (the  "Shares")  and a warrant to
purchase  ________  shares  of its  Class A Common  Stock  (the  "Warrant,"  and
collectively with the Shares,  the "Securities").  In exchange,  you will pay to
the Company the sum of $__________.  The Warrants will be entitled to the rights
described in the Warrant Agreement attached as Exhibit B.


                                    -- 6 --

     Section 2. Acceptance and Rejection of Subscriptions

     The  undersigned  hereby  agrees to purchase  the  Securities  set forth in
Section 1. The subscription  offer shall not entitle the undersigned to purchase
any Securities  unless and until it has been accepted in writing by the Company.
The  undersigned  understands  that  this  Subscription  Agreement  may  not  be
terminated or withdrawn and that closing on this  subscription  shall take place
as  soon  all  the  purchasers  of  the  Aggregate  Securities,   including  the
undersigned,  deposit by wire transfer  payment of the  subscription  price with
Arent Fox Kintner  Plotkin & Kahn,  PLLC (the "Escrow  Agent").  The undersigned
understands  that the Company may accept or reject  this  subscription  offer in
whole or in part in its sole discretion at any time. If this subscription  offer
or any part hereof is rejected for any reason, the subscription  payment will be
refunded promptly, without interest or deduction.

     Section 3. Closing; Issuance of Interests and Warrants

     Closing on this  subscription  shall take place at the Company's offices at
the time specified in the notice issued by the Company,  upon the deposit by all
the  purchasers  of the Aggregate  Securities,  including  the  undersigned,  of
payment of the  subscription  price by wire transfer with the Escrow Agent.  The
Company shall file a  registration  statement for the  Securities and the shares
issuable upon exercise of the Warrants as soon as practically possible following
the closing of the acquisition of the Pivotal Research Centers, LLC, pursuant to
the Membership Purchase Agreement by and between the Company, Louis Kirby, Carol
Colombo,  and Anthony Bonacci (the "Pivotal  Transaction")  but no later than 90
days after the closing of the Pivotal  Transaction.  The Securities shall not be
deemed issued to, or owned by, the  undersigned  until closing and tender to the
Company  of  immediately  available  funds by wire  transfer  in  payment of the
subscription price.

     Section 4. Subscriber's Representations and Warranties

     (a)  The undersigned represents, warrants and agrees with the Company that:

          (i)  The  undersigned has received copies of the Company's 10-K Annual
               Report for the year ending June 30, 2003,  10-Q Quarterly  report
               for the quarter ending  September 30, 2003,  annual report to the
               stockholders,  proxy statements, and other reports, which include
               a  description  of  the  Company's  business,   operations,  risk
               factors,  litigation and other matters, and acknowledges that the
               undersigned  was provided with the  opportunity  to meet with and
               ask questions of and receive answers from  representatives of the
               Company concerning the business,  operations and prospects of the
               Company and its financial  position and to obtain any  additional
               information which the undersigned  deemed necessary in connection
               with making an investment  decision  regarding this subscription.
               The  undersigned  acknowledges  that  he  or  she  has  read  and
               understands  the  material  provided  to him or her and the risks
               associated with an investment in the Securities.  The undersigned
               acknowledges that an investment in the Securities involves a high
               degree of risk.

                                    -- 7 --

          (ii) The  undersigned  has reached  the age of majority  (if a natural
               person)  in the  state  in which  the  undersigned  resides,  has
               adequate means of providing for the  undersigned's  current needs
               and  personal  contingencies,  is able to  bear  the  substantial
               economic risks of an investment in the Securities,  including the
               risk that the entire  investment  could be lost,  has no need for
               liquidity in such investment, and could afford a complete loss of
               such investment.

          (iii) The undersigned is:

               (A)  an  individual  who either (1) has a net worth or,  together
                    with the  undersigned's  spouse,  a joint net  worth  (i.e.,
                    total  assets in excess of total  liabilities)  in excess of
                    $1,000,000  or (2) has had in  each of the two  most  recent
                    years,  and  reasonably  expects to have  during the current
                    year,  an  individual  income in excess  of  $200,000  (1 is
                    footnote) or, together with  undersigned's  spouse,  a joint
                    income  in  excess of  $300,000  in each of those  years and
                    reasonably  expects  to have such  joint  income  during the
                    current year; or

               (B)  an organization  which is (l) an  institutional  investor as
                    defined  in  Securities  Act Rule  501(a)(1),  (2) a private
                    business  development  company defined in Section 202(a)(22)
                    of  the   Investment   Advisers  Act  of  1940,   or  (3)  a
                    corporation,  business trust or partnership,  not formed for
                    the specific  purpose of acquiring the  securities  offered,
                    with total  assets in excess of  $5,000,000  or a trust with
                    total  assets  exceeding  $5,000,000,  not  formed  for  the
                    purpose of acquiring the securities offered, whose purchases
                    are  directed by a  sophisticated  person as defined in Rule
                    506(b)(2)(ii); or

               (C)  an entity in which all of the equity  owners are  Accredited

          (iv) The  undersigned  has such  knowledge and experience in financial
               and  business   matters  that  the   undersigned  is  capable  of
               evaluating  the  merits  and  risks  of  the  investment  in  the
Footnote   1

     For this  purpose,  a  person's  income  is the  amount  of his  individual
adjusted gross income (as reported on a Federal income tax return)  increased by
the  following  amounts:  (a) any  deduction  for a portion of long term capital
gains  (Section  1202  of the  Internal  Revenue  Code  (the  "Code"));  (b) any
deduction for depletion (Section 611 et seq. of the Code); (c) any exclusion for
interest on tax-exempt municipal  obligations (Section 103 of the Code); and (d)
any losses of a  partnership  allocated on the  individual  limited  partner (as
reported on Schedule E of Form 1040).

                                    -- 8 --

          (v)  The   undersigned   is   purchasing   the   Securities   for  the
               undersigned's  own account for investment and not with a view to,
               or for sale in connection  with, any  distribution,  and does not
               have  any  present  plan  to  sell or  otherwise  dispose  of the
               Securities or the shares  issuable upon exercise of the Warrants;
               the undersigned will not sell,  transfer or otherwise  dispose of
               the  Securities  or the  shares  issuable  upon  exercise  of the
               Warrants, or any interest therein,  except in accordance with the
               Securities   Act  and  the  applicable   rules  and   regulations
               promulgated thereunder, as then in force, and any applicable law,
               rule or  regulation  of any state or other  jurisdiction  ("State

     (b)  The undersigned further understands and agrees that:

          (i)  The  Securities  and the shares  issuable  upon  exercise  of the
               Warrants have not been registered under the Securities Act or the
               State  Laws and,  consequently,  the  Securities  and the  shares
               issuable upon exercise of the Warrants must be held  indefinitely
               unless  subsequently  registered  thereunder or an exemption from
               such  registration is available.  The undersigned  shall register
               the  Securities  and the shares  issuable  upon  exercise  of the
               Warrants as soon as practically possible following the closing of
               the  Pivotal  Transaction  but no later  than 90 days  after  the
               closing of the Pivotal Transaction so that the Securities and the
               shares underlying the Warrant may be publicly offered.

          (ii) The  Securities  and the shares  issuable  upon  exercise  of the
               Warrants have not been registered under the Securities Act on the
               basis that the issuance  thereof is exempt under  Section 3(b) or
               4(2) of the Securities Act and by Rule 505 or 506 of Regulation D
               ("Regulation  D") under the Securities Act and that the Company's
               reliance  on  such   exemption  is  predicated  in  part  on  the
               undersigned's representations and warranties as set forth in this
               Subscription  Agreement.  The Securities and the shares  issuable
               upon  exercise of the  Warrants  have not been  registered  under
               certain  State  Laws in  reliance  on  specific  exemptions  from
               registration  thereunder and no securities  administrator  or any
               state  or  the  Federal   government  has  made  any  finding  or
               determination  relating to the  fairness  for  investment  of the
               Securities  or the shares  issuable upon exercise of the Warrants
               and no securities  administrator  or the Federal  government  has
               recommended  or endorsed  the offering of the  Securities  or the
               shares issuable upon exercise of the Warrants.

          (iii)The  Company  is relying  on the  undersigned's  representations,
               warranties,  understandings  and  agreements  set  forth  in this
               Subscription   Agreement   in   consummating   the   transactions
               contemplated herein.

     (c)  The  undersigned,  if  executing  this  Subscription  Agreement  in  a
          representative or fiduciary capacity,  has full power and authority to
          execute and deliver this  Subscription  Agreement in such capacity and
          on  behalf  of  the  subscribing  individual,   partnership,   limited
          liability company, trust, estate, corporation or other entity for whom

                                    -- 9 --

         the  undersigned is executing this  Subscription  Agreement,  and such
          individual,  partnership,  limited liability company,  trust,  estate,
          corporation  or other  entity  has full  right  and  power to  perform
          pursuant to this  Subscription  Agreement.  The undersigned will, upon
          request, furnish to the Company a true and correct copy of, (i) if the
          undersigned is a trust, the trust  agreement,  (ii) if the undersigned
          is a corporation, the Articles of Incorporation and By-laws and a copy
          (certified   by  the  secretary  or  other   authorized   officer)  of
          appropriate corporate resolutions authorizing the specific investment,
          and (iii) if the  undersigned  is a partnership  or limited  liability
          company, the partnership or limited liability company agreement.

     (d)  If the  undersigned is a partnership or a limited  liability  company,
          the  person  who has  signed on behalf of the  partnership  or limited
          liability company identified as the investor is authorized to so sign;
          if the  undersigned  is a trust,  the trustee (or  co-trustee)  of the
          trust is authorized by the trust agreement;  and if the undersigned is
          a corporation,  the corporate officer so signing is authorized to sign
          on behalf of the corporation.

     (e)  If the undersigned is purchasing the Securities  subscribed for herein
          in a representative or fiduciary capacity,  the above  representations
          and  warranties  shall be  deemed  to have  been made on behalf of the
          person or persons for whom the undersigned is so purchasing.

     (f)  All  representations  and  warranties  set forth above or in any other
          written  statement  or  document   delivered  by  the  undersigned  in
          connection with the transactions contemplated hereby shall be true and
          correct in all  respects  on and as of the date of the  closing of the
          offering  as if made on and as of the date of such  closing  and shall
          survive such closing.

     (g)  The undersigned understands the meanings and legal consequences of the
          representations and warranties  contained in this Section 4 and agrees
          to  indemnify  and hold  harmless the Company from and against any and
          all loss, damage or liability due to or arising out of a breach of any
          representation  or  warranty  of the  undersigned  contained  in  this
          Subscription  Agreement.  Notwithstanding any of the  representations,
          warranties,   acknowledgements   or  agreements  made  herein  by  the
          undersigned,  the undersigned  does not thereby or in any other manner
          waive any rights  granted to the  undersigned  under  Federal or state
          securities laws.

     Section 5. Irrevocability

     The undersigned hereby  acknowledges and agrees that, except as required by
law, this  subscription  offer is  irrevocable  and that the  undersigned is not
entitled to cancel,  terminate  or revoke  this  Subscription  Agreement  or any
agreements of the undersigned hereunder and that this Subscription Agreement and
such agreements shall survive the death or disability of the undersigned.

     Section 6. Binding Effect

     This Subscription  Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit
of the undersigned and the undersigned's  successors but shall not be assignable

                                    -- 10 --

by the  undersigned  without the prior  written  consent of the  Company,  which
consent may be withheld by the Company for any reason.

     Section 7. Applicable Law

     This Subscription  Agreement and all rights hereunder shall be governed by,
and  interpreted  in  accordance  with,  the laws of the State of  Massachusetts
without reference to any conflict of laws.

                                    -- 11 --

     IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,   the  undersigned  has  executed  this  Subscription
Agreement to purchase the number of Shares  provided on Exhibit A on this day of
_____, 2004.

(Signature of Subscriber)                      Taxpayer ID/Social Security No.
Name:                                          of Subscriber

(Signature of Joint                            Taxpayer ID/Social Security No.
Subscriber, if any)                            of Joint Subscriber
Name ______________________________

Address of Subscriber                          Address of Joint Subscriber,
                                               if any


           The foregoing offer is hereby accepted this day of , 2004.

                                               PHC, Inc.

                                               By: ____________________________

                                               Title: _________________________

                                    -- 12 --

                                    EXHIBIT A
                            Subscription Information
        for the purchase of _____________ shares of Class A Common Stock

Please indicate with your initials in the space provided the manner in which the
Shares are to be held.

The Securities are to be held as follows:

____________ Community Property         ____________  S Corporation
____________ Joint Tenancy              ____________  Partnership
____________ Tenancy in Common          ____________  Limited Liability Company
____________ Separate Property          ____________  Trust
____________ Individual Ownership       ____________  Corporation
                                        ____________  Other (please indicate)

Please supply the following information, if a natural person.

Subscriber:                               Joint Subscriber:

_____________________________________     _____________________________________
Place and date of birth                   Place and date of birth

US citizen:  Yes _____     No  _____      US citizen:  Yes _____     No  _____

_____________________________________     _____________________________________
Subscriber Sign Here                      Joint Subscriber Sign Here

Name _________________________              Name _________________________

                                    -- 13 --

                                    EXHIBIT B


Shares Issuable Upon Exercise:       Up to ________ shares of the Class A Common
                                     Stock, $.01 par value, of PHC, Inc.


                      Expires February ___, 2007 (3 years)

     THIS  CERTIFIES  THAT,  for value  received,  _____________  is entitled to
subscribe  for and  purchase  that number of shares (the  "Shares") of the fully
paid and  nonassessable  Class A Common  Stock,  $.01 par value,  (the  "Class A
Common Stock") of PHC, Inc., a Massachusetts corporation (the "Company"),  for a
price of $1.10 per Share (the "Warrant  Price"),  subject to the  provisions and
upon the terms and conditions  hereinafter set forth.  As used herein,  the term
"Shares" shall mean the Company's Class A Common Stock, or any stock into or for
which such Class A Common Stock shall have been or may hereafter be converted or
exchanged  pursuant to the Articles of Incorporation of the Company as from time
to  time  amended  as  provided  by law and in such  Articles  (hereinafter  the
"Charter"), and the term "Grant Date" shall mean __________________.

     1.   Term.  Subject to the  provisions of this Warrant,  the purchase right
          represented  by this Warrant is  exercisable,  in whole or in part, at
          any time and from time to time from and after the Grant Date and prior
          to February ___, 2007.

          Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary  contained  herein,  neither
          this Warrant nor any rights  hereunder may be  transferred or assigned
          except to an  Assignee  who is an  "accredited  investor"  within  the
          meaning of  Regulation D of the General Rules and  Regulations  of the
          Securities Act of 1933.

     2    Method of Exercise. The purchase right represented by this Warrant may
          be exercised by the holder  hereof,  in whole or in part and from time
          to time,  by the surrender of the Warrant (with the notice of exercise
          form  attached  hereto as Exhibit A-1 duly  executed) at the principal
          office  of the  Company  and by the  payment  to the  Company  by wire
          transfer,  of an amount equal to the Warrant  Price  multiplied by the
          number of shares then being purchased.  The person or persons in whose
          name(s) any certificate(s) representing Shares which shall be issuable
          upon  exercise  of this  Warrant  shall be deemed to have  become  the
          holder(s)  of record of, and shall be treated for all  purposes as the
          record holder(s) of, the shares  represented  thereby (and such shares
          shall be deemed to have been issued) immediately prior to the close of
          business on the date or dates upon which this Warrant is exercised and
          the  Warrant  Price paid.  In the event of any  exercise of the rights

                                    -- 14 --

          represented by this Warrant,  certificates  for the shares of stock so
          purchased  shall be delivered to the holder hereof as soon as possible
          and in any event  within ten (10) days of  receipt of such  notice and
          payment of the Warrant  Price and,  unless this Warrant has been fully
          exercised or expired,  a new Warrant  representing  the portion of the
          Shares, if any, with respect to which this Warrant shall not then have
          been  exercised  shall also be issued to the holder  hereof as soon as
          possible and in any event within such ten-day period.

     3.   Stock Fully Paid; Reservation of Shares. All shares that may be issued
          upon the exercise of the rights  represented by this Warrant will upon
          issuance,  be fully paid and  nonassessable,  and free from all taxes,
          liens and charges with respect to the issue thereof. During the period
          within which the rights  represented  by the Warrant may be exercised,
          the Company  will at all times have  authorized  and  reserved for the
          purpose of issuance upon exercise of the purchase rights  evidenced by
          this Warrant, a sufficient number of shares of Class A Common Stock to
          provide for the exercise of the rights represented by this Warrant.

     4.   Adjustment of Warrant Price and Number of Shares.  The number and kind
          of securities  purchasable upon the exercise of the Warrant  Agreement
          and the Warrant Price shall be subject to adjustment from time to time
          upon the occurrence of certain events, as follows:

          4.1  Reclassification.  In case  of any  reclassification,  change  or
               conversion  of the  Company's  Class A Common Stock (other than a
               change in par value,  or from par value to no par value,  or from
               no par value to par  value,  or as a result of a  subdivision  or
               combination),  the Company, shall execute a new Warrant Agreement
               (in form and  substance  reasonably  satisfactory  to the Holder)
               providing  that the Holder of this Warrant  Agreement  shall have
               the right to exercise  such new Warrant  Agreement  and upon such
               exercise  and  payment of the then  applicable  Warrant  Price to
               receive, in lieu of each Share theretofore issuable upon exercise
               of this  Warrant  Agreement,  the kind and  amount  of  shares of
               stock, other securities,  money and property receivable upon such
               reclassification  or  change  by a holder of one share of Class A
               Common  Stock.  Such new  Warrant  Agreement  shall  provide  for
               adjustments  that  shall  be  as  nearly  equivalent  as  may  be
               practicable to the adjustments  provided for in this Section 4.1.
               The  provisions  of this  Section  4.1 shall  similarly  apply to
               successive reclassifications and changes.

          4.2  Subdivision or Combination of Shares.  If the Company at any time
               while  this  Warrant  remains  outstanding  and  unexpired  shall
               subdivide or combine its Class A Common Stock,  the Warrant Price
               and the number of Shares  issuable upon exercise  hereof shall be
               equitably adjusted.

          4.3  Stock Dividends. If the Company at any time while this Warrant is
               outstanding and unexpired shall pay a dividend  payable in shares
               of Class A Common  Stock  (except any  distribution  specifically
               provided for in the  foregoing  Sections  4.1 and 4.2),  then the
               Warrant  Price  shall be  adjusted,  from and  after  the date of
               determination  of shareholders  entitled to receive such dividend
               or  distribution,  to that price  determined by  multiplying  the

                                    -- 15 --

               Warrant  Price  in  effect  immediately  prior  to  such  date of
               determination  by a fraction (a) the  numerator of which shall be
               the total  number of shares of Class A Common  Stock  outstanding
               immediately  prior to such dividend or distribution,  and (b) the
               denominator of which shall be the total number of shares of Class
               A Common Stock  outstanding  immediately  after such  dividend or
               distribution  and the number of Shares  subject  to this  Warrant
               shall be appropriately adjusted.

          4.4  No Impairment.  The Company will not, by amendment of its Charter
               or through  any  reorganization,  recapitalization,  transfer  of
               assets,  consolidation,  merger,  dissolution,  issue  or sale of
               securities or any other voluntary action,  avoid or seek to avoid
               the  observance or performance of any of the terms to be observed
               or performed  hereunder by the Company,  but will at all times in
               good faith assist in the carrying  out of all the  provisions  of
               this  Article 4 and in the  taking  of all such  action as may be
               necessary  or  appropriate  in order to protect the rights of the
               Holder of this Warrant Agreement against impairment.

          4.5  Notices of Record Date. In the event of any taking by the Company
               of a record of its  shareholders  for the purpose of  determining
               shareholders  who are entitled to receive payment of any dividend
               or  other  distribution,   or  for  the  purpose  of  determining
               shareholders  who are  entitled  to vote in  connection  with any
               proposed merger or  consolidation of the Company with or into any
               other  corporation,  or any proposed sale, lease or conveyance of
               all or  substantially  all of the assets of the  Company,  or any
               proposed  liquidation,  dissolution or winding up of the Company,
               the Company  shall mail to the holder of this  Warrant,  at least
               fifteen (15) days prior to the date specified  therein,  a notice
               specifying  the date on which any such  record is to be taken for
               the  purpose  of such  dividend,  distribution  or vote,  and the
               amount and character of such dividend, distribution or vote.

     5.   Notice of Adjustments.  Whenever the Warrant Price or number of Shares
          shall be adjusted pursuant to the provisions hereof, the Company shall
          within  thirty  (30) days of such  adjustments  deliver a  certificate
          signed by its chief  financial  officer  to the  registered  holder(s)
          hereof  setting forth in reasonable  detail,  the event  requiring the
          adjustment,  the  amount of the  adjustment,  the method by which such
          adjustment was  calculated,  and the Warrant Price after giving effect
          to such adjustment.

     6.   Fractional  Shares.  No fractional Shares will be issued in connection
          with any exercise hereunder, but in lieu of such fractional shares the
          Company  shall  make a cash  payment  therefore  upon the basis of the
          Warrant Price then in effect.

     7.   Compliance with Securities Act, Disposition of Shares.

          7.1  Compliance with  Securities  Act. The holder of this Warrant,  by
               acceptance  hereof,  reconfirms the  representations  made by the
               Purchaser in a subscription  agreement with the Company as of the
               date  hereof  (the  "Subscription  Agreement")  and agrees to the
               placement of a  restrictive  transfer  legend on this Warrant and
               the certificates representing the shares.

                                    -- 16 --

               7.2  Disposition  of  Warrants  and Shares.  With  respect to any
                    offer,  sale or other  disposition  of this  Warrant  or any
                    Shares  acquired  pursuant to the  exercise of this  Warrant
                    prior to  registration  of this Warrant or such Shares,  the
                    holder  hereof and each  subsequent  holder of this  Warrant
                    agrees to give written  notice to the Company prior thereto,
                    describing  briefly  the  manner  thereof,  together  with a
                    written  opinion of such  holder's  counsel,  if  reasonably
                    requested by the Company  (and,  in such case,  such counsel
                    and opinion must be  reasonably  acceptable to the Company),
                    to the effect that such offer,  sale or other disposition my
                    be effected without registration or qualification (under the
                    Securities  Act of 1933 (the "Act") as then in effect or any
                    federal or state law then in effect) and indicating  whether
                    or not under the Act  certificates  for this Warrant or such
                    Shares  to be sold or  otherwise  disposed  of  require  any
                    restrictive   legend  as  to  applicable   restrictions   on
                    transferability  in order to insure compliance with the Act.
                    Each  certificate  representing  this  Warrant or the Shares
                    thus  transferred  (except a transfer  pursuant to Rule 144)
                    shall  bear a legend as to the  applicable  restrictions  on
                    transferability  in order to ensure compliance with the Act,
                    unless in the  aforesaid  opinion of counsel for the holder,
                    such legend is not  required  in order to ensure  compliance
                    with  the  Act.   The  Company   may  issue  stop   transfer
                    instructions  to its transfer  agent in connection  with the
                    foregoing restrictions.

     8.   Rights as  Shareholders.  No holder of the Warrant,  as such, shall be
          entitled  to vote or  receive  dividends  or be deemed  the  holder of
          Shares or any other securities of the Company which may at any time be
          issuable on the exercise  thereof for any purpose,  nor shall anything
          contained  herein,  be  construed  to confer  upon the  holder of this
          Warrant,  as such any of the rights of a shareholder of the Company or
          any right to vote for the  election  of  directors  or upon any matter
          submitted to shareholders at any meeting thereof, or to receive notice
          of  meetings  (except as  otherwise  provided  in Section  4.5 of this
          warrant),  or to receive dividends or subscription rights or otherwise
          until  this  Warrant   shall  have  been   exercised  and  the  Shares
          purchasable upon the exercise hereof shall have become deliverable, as
          provided herein.

     9.   Representations  and Warranties.  This Warrant is issued and delivered
          on the basis of the following:

          9.1  Authorization and Delivery. This Warrant has been duly authorized
               and executed by the Company and when  delivered will be valid and
               binding obligation of the Company  enforceable in accordance with
               its terms; and

          9.2  Shares.  The Shares have been duly  authorized  and  reserved for
               issuance  by  the  Company  and  when  issued  and  paid  for  in
               accordance with the terms hereof,  will be validly issued,  fully
               paid and nonassessable.

                                    -- 17 --

     10.  Modification and Waiver.  This Warrant and any provision hereof may be
          changed,  waived,  discharged or  terminated  only by an instrument in
          writing  signed by the party against which  enforcement of the same is

     11.  Notices.  Any notice,  request or other document required or permitted
          to be given or delivered to the holder  hereof or the Company shall be
          delivered in the manner set forth in the Subscription Agreement.

     12.  Binding Effect of  Successors.  This Warrant shall be binding upon any
          corporation succeeding the Company by merger of consolidation, and all
          of the obligations of the Company relating to the Shares issuable upon
          the exercise of this Warrant shall be as set forth in the Subscription
          Agreement,  the Company's  Charter and the Company's  by-laws (each as
          amended  from  time to  time)  and  shall  survive  the  exercise  and
          termination  of this Warrant and all of the covenants  and  agreements
          herein and in such other  documents  and  instruments  of the  Company
          shall inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of the holder
          hereof. The Company will, at the time of the exercise of this Warrant,
          in whole or in part,  upon  request  of the  holder  hereof but at the
          Company's expense, acknowledge in writing its continuing obligation to
          the  holder  hereof  in  respect  of  any  rights  (including  without
          limitation,  any right to  registration  of the  Shares)  to which the
          holder  hereof shall  continue to be entitled  after such  exercise in
          accordance with this Warrant;  provided that the failure of the holder
          hereof  to make any such  request  shall  not  affect  the  continuing
          obligation  of the  Company  to the  holder  hereof in respect of such

     13.  Lost  Warrants or Stock  Certificates.  The Company  covenants  to the
          holder hereof that upon receipt of evidence reasonable satisfactory to
          the Company of the loss,  theft,  destruction,  or  mutilation of this
          Warrant or any stock  certificates  and, in the case of any such loss,
          theft  or  destruction,   upon  receipt  of  an  indemnity  reasonable
          satisfactory  to the  Company,  or in the case of any such  mutilation
          upon surrender and cancellation of such Warrant or stock  certificate,
          the Company will make and deliver a new Warrant or stock  certificate,
          or like tenor,  in lieu of the lost,  stolen,  destroyed  or mutilated
          Warrant or stock certificate.

     14.  Descriptive   Headings.   The  descriptive  headings  of  the  several
          paragraphs  of this Warrant are inserted for  convenience  only and do
          not constitute a part of this Warrant.

     15.  Governing  Law.  This  Warrant  shall be  construed  and  enforced  in
          accordance  with,  and the rights of the parties shall be governed by,
          the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

                                    PHC, INC.

                                    By:  /s/  Bruce A. Shear
                                         Bruce A. Shear, President

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                                   Exhibit A-1

                               Notice of Exercise


     1. The  undersigned  hereby elects to purchase  _______ Shares of PHC, Inc.
pursuant to the terms of the attached  Warrant,  and tenders herewith payment of
the purchase price of such Shares in full.

     2. Please  issue a  certificate  or  certificates  representing  the Shares
deliverable  upon  the  exercise  set  forth in  paragraph  1 in the name of the
undersigned  or,  subject to compliance  with the  restrictions  on transfer set
forth in Section 7 of the Warrant,  in such other name or names as are specified





     3.   The  undersigned  represents  that  the  aforesaid  shares  are  being
          acquired for the account of the  undersigned  for  investment  and not
          with a view to, or for resale in  connection  with,  the  distribution
          thereof  and  that  the  undersigned  has  not  present  intention  of
          distributing or reselling such shares.



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