Exhibit 10.27

                          MEMBERSHIP PURCHASE AGREEMENT


                                    PHC, INC.


                          PIVOTAL RESEARCH CENTERS, LLC

                                 AND ITS SELLERS


                              Dated April 30, 2004

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                         TABLE OF CONTENTS

ARTICLE I    DEFINITIONS.....................................................8

      1.1    Certain Defined Terms...........................................8
      1.2    Other Defined Terms............................................16
      1.3    Construction...................................................17

ARTICLE II   THE TRANSACTION................................................18

      2.1    Purchase and Sale..............................................18
      2.2    Prior to Closing...............................................18
      2.3    Purchase Price.................................................19
      2.4    Purchase Price Adjustment......................................19
      2.5    Allocations of Purchase Price..................................20
      2.6    Closing........................................................20

ARTICLE III  COVENANTS OF BUYER.............................................20

      3.1    Collection of Accounts Receivable of Buyer.....................20
      3.2    Public Registration of Closing Stock...........................20
      3.3    Security for Payment of Notes..................................21
      3.4    Buyer's Working Capital Commitment.............................21
      3.5    Buyer's Working Capital Commitment.............................21
      3.6    Kirby Guaranty Leasehold Agreements............................21
      3.7    Compliance with Pharmaceutical Contracts.......................22
      3.8    Continuing Legal Status of Pivotal.............................22
      3.9    Compliance with Leasehold Agreements...........................22
      3.10   No Corporate Overhead Charges..................................22
      3.11   Prohibition on Assignments, Transfers..........................22
      3.12   Prohibition on Material Indebtedness...........................23

ARTICLE IV  COVENANTS OF SEller.............................................23

      4.1    Covenant Not to Compete or Interfere With Business.............23
      4.2    Termination of Covenant........................................24


      5.1    Pivotal Organization...........................................24
      5.2    Power and Authority............................................24
      5.3    Capitalization.................................................25
      5.4    Subsidiaries...................................................25
      5.5    No Conflict....................................................25
      5.6    Licenses.......................................................25
      5.7    Contracts......................................................26
      5.8    Equipment and Other Property...................................27
      5.9    Real Property..................................................27
      5.10   Intellectual Property Rights...................................28
      5.11   Employee Benefit Matters.......................................28
      5.12   Labor Matters..................................................30
      5.13   Tax Matters....................................................30
      5.14   Environmental Matters..........................................32
      5.15   Insurance......................................................33
      5.16   Customers, Distributors and Suppliers..........................33
      5.17   Affiliate Transactions.........................................33
      5.18   Liability......................................................33
      5.19   Full Disclosure................................................34
      5.20   Financial Statements...........................................34
      5.21   No Changes.....................................................34
      5.22   Contracts......................................................36
      5.23   Litigation and Legal Proceedings...............................36
      5.24   Approvals; Consents............................................36
      5.25   Compliance with Law............................................37
      5.26   Title to Transferred Interest..................................37
      5.27   Finders........................................................37
      5.28   Securities Disclosure..........................................37
      5.30   Disclosure.....................................................37

                                    -- 21 --


      6.1      Organization.................................................37
      6.2      Power and Authority..........................................38
      6.3      Authorized Closing Stock.....................................38
      6.4      Finders......................................................38
      6.5      Approvals; Consents..........................................38
      6.6      Compliance with Other Instruments; Law.......................38
      6.7      Investment Representations...................................38
      6.8      SEC Filings..................................................39

ARTICLE VII    CONDITIONS TO CLOSING........................................39

      7.1      Conditions to Obligations of the Sellers.....................39
      7.2      Conditions to Obligations of the Buyer.......................40
      7.3      Concurrent Conditions........................................40

ARTICLE VIII   SURVIVAL AND INDEMNIFICATION.................................41

      8.1      Survival.....................................................41
      8.2      Indemnification..............................................41
      8.3      Limitation of Liability and Termination of Indemnification...42
      8.4      Adjustment of Purchase Price.................................43
      8.5      Claims Resulting from Breach of Representation or Warranty...43
      8.6      Mitigation...................................................43

ARTICLE IX     TAX COVENANTS AND RELATED MATTERS............................43

      9.1      Returns......................................................43
      9.2      Cooperation..................................................43
      9.3      Allocation of Taxes..........................................43

ARTICLE X      MISCELLANEOUS................................................43

     10.1      Right of Set-Off.............................................43
     10.2      Breach or Failure to Perform.................................44
     10.3      Entire Agreement; No Third-Party Beneficiaries...............44
     10.4      Public Announcement..........................................44
     10.5      Expenses.....................................................44
     10.6      Notices......................................................44
     10.7      Waivers and Amendments.......................................45
     10.8      Governing Law; Severability..................................45
     10.9      Headings.....................................................45
     10.10     Assignment...................................................45
     10.11     Binding Effect...............................................45
     10.12     Arbitration of Disputes......................................46
     10.13     Counterparts.................................................46
     10.14     Termination of Certain Agreements............................46

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EXHIBIT Recital B            -   Seller's Membership Interests
EXHIBIT 1.1A                 -   Colombo Employment Agreement
EXHIBIT 1.1B                 -   Kirby Employment Agreement
EXHIBIT 1.1C                 -   Pivotal LLC Agreement
EXHIBIT 2.2(a)               -   Closing Certificate
EXHIBIT 2.3(d)(i)            -   Note A
EXHIBIT 2.3(d)(ii)           -   Note B
EXHIBIT 2.3(d)(iii)          -   Note C
EXHIBIT 2.4(b)               -   PTO Policy
EXHIBIT 2.6(b)               -   Assignment Agreement
EXHIBIT 3.11                 -   Form of Guaranty
EXHIBIT 7.1(b)               -   Buyer's Opinion of Counsel
EXHIBIT 7.1(h)               -   Pledge Agreement
EXHIBIT 7.1(i)               -   Security Agreement
EXHIBIT 7.1(j)               -   Financing Statement
EXHIBIT 7.2(b)               -   Sellers' Opinion of Counsel


SCHEDULE 1.1A                -   Key Employee
SCHEDULE 2.2(a)              -   Reserve Account
SCHEDULE 2.5                 -   Fixed Assets
SCHEDULE 3.6                 -   Kirby Guaranty Leasehold Agreement
SCHEDULE 3.9                 -   Leasehold Agreements
SCHEDULE 3.10                -   Charges for Legal and Accounting Expenses
SCHEDULE 5.20(c)             -   Encumbrances on Accounts and Notes Receivables
                                 (Interim Financial Statements)
SCHEDULE 5.21(b)             -   Changes to Employee Compensation and Benefits
SCHEDULE 5.21(c)             -   Encumbrances on Assets
SCHEDULE 5.22                -   Pharmaceutical Contracts
SCHEDULE 5.28                -   Securities Disclosures
SCHEDULE 6.6                 -   Defaults or Violation Resulting from
                                 Transaction Documents

Section 2.1                  -   Membership Interests
Section 2.2(b)               -   Bank Accounts
Section 2.2(c)               -   Accounts Receivable
Section 5.3                  -   Members of Pivotal
Section 5.5                  -   Conflicts
Section 5.6                  -   Licenses
Section 5.7                  -   Material Contracts
Section 5.8                  -   Equipment
Section 5.9(a)               -   Leased Real Property
Section 5.9(b)               -   Improvements Not in Good Condition
Section 5.9(c)               -   Insufficient Utilities and Services on Leased
                                 Real Property
Section 5.10                 -   Intellectual Property
Section 5.11(a)              -   Employee Plans
Section 5.11(c)(iv)          -   Termination for Cause
Section 5.12                 -   Labor Agreements
Section 5.13                 -   Taxes
Section 5.14                 -   Environmental Matters
Section 5.15(a)              -   Insurance Policies
Section 5.15(b)              -   Invalid Insurance Policies
Section 5.15(c)              -   Cancelled Pharmaceutical Companies and
Section 5.17                 -   Affiliate Insurance Policies

                                    -- 23 --

Section 5.16                 -   10 Largest Customer Transactions
Section 5.16                 -   10 Largest Customer Transactions
Section 5.16                 -   10 Largest Customer Transactions
Section 5.20(a)              -   Financial Statements
Section 5.20(b)              -   GAAP Liabilities
Section 5.22                 -   Pharmaceutical Contract Violations
Section 5.23                 -   Litigation
Section 5.24                 -   Consents and Approvals
Section 5.25                 -   Non-Compliance with Laws
Section 5.29                 -   Pre-Closing Conditions
Section 6.7                  -   Investment Representations

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                          MEMBERSHIP PURCHASE AGREEMENT

                               February ___, 2003

The parties to this Membership  Purchase  Agreement (the  "Agreement")  are PHC,
Inc., a Massachusetts corporation ("PHC" or "Buyer"),  Pivotal Research Centers,
L.L.C.,  an  Arizona  limited  liability  company  ("Pivotal"),  Louis C.  Kirby
("Kirby"),  Anthony A. Bonacci  ("Bonacci"),  and Carol A.  Colombo  ("Colombo")
(Kirby,  Bonacci  and  Colombo  may be  collectively  referred  to herein as the
"Sellers"  and Kirby and  Michael J.  Colombo  may be  collectively  referred to
herein  as  the  "Executives"  or  individually,  as  the  case  may  be,  as an


     A.   WHEREAS,  Pivotal is in the  business of providing  clinical  research
          services to  Pharmaceutical  Companies  (as  defined  below) and their
          designated  contract  research  organizations.  Pivotal's  offices and
          research  facilities  are located at 13128 N. 94th  Drive,  Suite 200,
          Peoria, Arizona (the "Peoria Location"), and 1220 S. Alma School Road,
          Suite 206, Mesa, Arizona;  (the "Mesa Location," and together with the
          Peoria  Location,  and any Successor  Location (as defined  below) the

     B.   WHEREAS,  as of the date  hereof,  each of the  Sellers is a Member of
          Pivotal and owns of record and  beneficially a Membership  Interest in
          Pivotal  set forth next to such  Seller's  name on  Exhibit  Recital B

     C.   WHEREAS, subject to such terms and conditions as are specified herein,
          each of the Sellers  desires to sell all of such  Seller's  Membership

     D.   WHEREAS,  neither party hereto would enter into this Agreement without
          the Executives  and the Buyer entering into the Employment  Agreements
          (defined  below)  and as such  those  agreements  constitute  material
          inducements to all parties to enter into this Agreement; and

     E.   WHEREAS,  subject to the terms and conditions as are specified  herein
          Buyer desires to purchase the Membership Interests.


     Now, therefore,  with reference to the foregoing recitals, all of which are
incorporated  herein by this reference,  in consideration of the premises and of
the mutual  agreements and covenants  hereinafter set forth,  and for other good
and  valuable  consideration,  the  receipt  and  adequacy  of which are  hereby
acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows:

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                                   ARTICLE I


     1.1 Certain Defined Terms.  As used in this Agreement,  the following terms
have the following meanings:

     "Accredited  Investor" means a natural person whose Net Worth, or joint Net
Worth with such natural  person's spouse,  exceeds  $1,000,000 as of the date of
this Agreement.

     "Act" means the Arizona limited liability company act.

     "Action"  means any claim,  action,  suit,  arbitration or proceeding by or
before any Governmental Authority or arbitrator.

     "Acquisition  Financing"  means the financing  obtained by Buyer to pay the
Closing Cash Consideration of this Agreement.

     "Affiliate"  means, when used with respect to a specified  Person,  another
Person that, either directly or indirectly  through one or more  intermediaries,
controls or is controlled by or is under common control with a specified Person.

     "Assets"  mean all of  Pivotal's  right,  title and  interest in and to all
properties,  assets and rights of any kind, whether tangible or intangible, real
or personal, owned by Pivotal, or in which Pivotal has any interest whatsoever.

     "Audited  Financial  Statements" means the audited balance sheet of Pivotal
for the twelve month  periods  ending June 30, 2002 and June 30,  2003,  and the
related  audited  statements of income,  cash flow and Members'  capital for the
twelve months ended June 30, 2002 and June 30, 2003, respectively, together with
the notes thereto and the report of Pivotal's independent auditors thereon.

     "Benefit Arrangement" means any employment,  consulting, severance or other
similar  contract,  arrangement  or  policy  (written  or oral)  and each  plan,
arrangement,  program,  agreement or commitment  (written or oral) providing for
insurance  coverage   (including,   without   limitation,   any  self  insurance
arrangements),   workers'   compensation,   disability  benefits,   supplemental
unemployment benefits,  vacation benefits,  retirement benefits, life, health or
accident benefits  (including,  without  limitation,  any "voluntary  employees'
beneficiary association" as defined in Section 501(c)(9) of the Internal Revenue
Code  providing  for the same or other  benefits) or for deferred  compensation,
profit-sharing,   bonuses,  stock  options,  stock  appreciation  rights,  stock
purchases or other forms of incentive compensation or post-retirement insurance,
compensation  or  benefits  which (i) is not a  Welfare  Plan,  Pension  Plan or
Multi-employer  Plan,  (ii)  is  entered  into,  maintained,  contributed  to or
required  to be  contributed  to,  as the case may be, by  Pivotal  or any ERISA
Affiliate or under which Pivotal or any ERISA Affiliate may incur any liability,
and (ii)  covers  any  employee  or  former  employee  of  Pivotal  or any ERISA
Affiliate (with respect to their relationship with any such entity).

     "Board of Directors"  means the board of managers of Pivotal as constituted
pursuant to the Pivotal LLC Agreement.

     "Books and Records" means all books of account and other financial  records
pertaining to Pivotal.

                                    -- 26 --

     "Business Day" means any day that is not a Saturday,  a Sunday or other day
on which banks are required or authorized by law to be closed in Washington, DC.

     "Capitalized Lease Liabilities" means,  without  duplication,  all monetary
obligations  of  Pivotal  under any  leasing or similar  arrangement  which,  in
accordance  with GAAP,  would be  classified as a  capitalized  lease,  and, for
purposes  of this  Agreement,  the  amount  of  such  obligations  shall  be the
capitalized  amount thereof,  determined in accordance with GAAP, and the stated
maturity  thereof  shall be the date of the last  payment  of rent or any  other
amount due under such lease prior to the first date upon which such lease may be
terminated by the lessee without payment of a penalty.

     "Clinical  Research Services" means clinical research services and clinical
research operations including, but not limited to, any such activities conducted
by any of Buyer,  Pivotal,  PPR or any  Subsidiary  or  Affiliate  of any of the

     "Closing  Stock  Price"  means the lower of a number  equal to the  closing
price of PHC  Stock as  reported  by the  NASDAQ  Bulletin  Board on the day (i)
immediately  preceding  the Closing  Date,  or (ii)  immediately  preceding  the
Buyer's  authorized  release  of  a  public  statement   describing  the  Buyer'
acquisition of Pivotal.

     "Colombo  Employment  Agreement"  means the  employment  agreement  between
Pivotal and Michael J. Colombo in the form attached hereto as Exhibit 1.1A.

     "Contract" means any agreement,  contract,  lease, note, loan,  evidence of
Liabilities, purchase order, letter of credit, franchise agreement, undertaking,
covenant not to compete, employment agreement, license, instrument,  obligation,
commitment,  purchase and sale order,  quotation or other executory  commitment,
including,  but not limited to, Pharmaceutical  Contracts, to which Pivotal is a
party  or  which  related  to  Pivotal's  businesses  or any of  its  assets  or
properties,  whether oral or written,  express or implied, and which pursuant to
its terms has not  expired,  terminated  or been fully  performed by the parties

     "Disclosure Schedule" means the disclosure schedule attached hereto.

     "Discounted  Closing Stock Price" means the Closing Stock Price  multiplied
by .75.

     "Employee  Plans"  means all Benefit  Arrangements,  Multi-employer  Plans,
Pension Plans and Welfare Plans.

     "Employment  Agreements"  means the Colombo  Employment  Agreement  and the
Kirby Employment Agreement, collectively.

     "Encumbrance"  means any claim, lien,  pledge,  option,  charge,  easement,
security interest, deed of trust, mortgage, right-of-way, encroachment, building
or use  restriction,  encumbrance  or  other  right of  third  parties,  whether
voluntarily  incurred or arising by  operation  of law,  and  includes,  without
limitation,  any agreement to give any of the  foregoing in the future,  and any
contingent or conditional  sale agreement or other title retention  agreement or
lease in the nature thereof.

     "Equity  Securities"  of any  Person  means (i)  shares of  capital  stock,
limited  liability  company interests or other equity securities of such Person,
including,   with   respect  to  Pivotal,   the   Membership   Interests,   (ii)
subscriptions,  calls, warrants, options or commitments of any kind or character
relating  to, or  entitling  any Person to purchase or  otherwise  acquire,  any
capital stock, limited liability company interests or other equity securities of
such Person,  (iii)  securities  convertible into or exercisable or exchangeable

                                    -- 27 --

for shares of capital stock, limited liability company interests or other equity
securities  of such  Person,  and  (iv)  equity  equivalents,  interests  in the
ownership,  or  earnings  of, or  equity  appreciation,  phantom  stock or other
similar rights of, or with respect to, such Person.

     "ERISA"  means the Employee  Retirement  Income  Security  Act of 1974,  as

     "ERISA Affiliate" means any entity which is (or at any relevant time was) a
member of a "controlled  group of  corporations"  with,  under "common  control"
with, or a member of a "affiliated service group" with, or otherwise required to
be  aggregated  with,  the  company or any of its  subsidiaries  as set forth in
Section 414(b), (c), (m) or (o) of the Internal Revenue Code.

     "Facility" means any real property or facility owned,  leased,  operated or
used at any  time by  Pivotal  or any of  their  respective  Affiliates  or by a
predecessor  of  Pivotal  or any of  such  predecessor's  respective  Affiliates
including, but not limited to, the Locations.

     "Financing  Statement" means a financing statement filed in accordance with
the  Uniform  Commercial  Code as  enacted  in the State of  Arizona in the form
attached hereto as Exhibit 7.1(j).

     "Fixed Assets" has the meaning set forth in Section 2.5 and Schedule 2.5.

     "GAAP" means United  States  generally  accepted  accounting  principles in
effect from time to time applied consistently throughout the period involved.

     "Governmental  Authority" means any government,  any  governmental  entity,
department,  commission,  board,  agency  or  instrumentality,  and  any  court,
tribunal,  or  judicial or  arbitral  body,  whether  federal,  state,  local or

     "Governmental  Order"  means  any  order,  judgment,   injunction,  decree,
stipulation,  determination  or  award  entered  by  or  with  any  Governmental

     "Handling of Substances" means the production,  use,  generation,  storage,
treatment,   recycling,  disposal,  discharge,  release  or  other  handling  or
disposition of Substances.

     "Improvements"  means  any  buildings,  facilities,  other  structures  and
improvements,  building  systems  and  fixtures  located  on or  under  any real
property owned or leased by Pivotal.

     "Intellectual   Property   Rights"  means  all  (i)  domestic  and  foreign
registrations of trademarks,  service marks, logos,  corporate names,  protected
models,  designs,  created works,  trade names or other trade rights of Pivotal,
(ii) pending  applications by for any such registrations,  (iii) rights in or to
patents,  copyrights  and pending  applications  therefore  of Pivotal,  (iv) of
Pivotal's rights to other  trademarks;  service marks,  logos,  corporate names,
protected models, designs, created works, trade names and other trade rights and
all other trade secrets, designs, plans, specifications,  technology,  know-how,
methods,  designs,  concepts  and  other  proprietary  rights,  whether  or  not
registered,  (v)  rights  under  any  licenses  of  Pivotal  to  use  any of the
foregoing,  (vi) standard operating procedures developed by Pivotal and existing
prior to the Closing which constitute trade secrets,  including, but not limited
to,  those  standard  operating  procedures  set  forth in  Pivotal's  "Standard
Operating  Procedures  Manual,"  and (vii)  databases  constituting  proprietary
information or trade secrets  developed by Pivotal,  including,  but not limited
to, Pivotal's patient database in existence as of the Closing..

                                    -- 28 --

     "Interim Financial  Statements" means the unaudited financial statements of
Pivotal as of July 30, 2003,  August 30, 2003,  September 30, 2003,  October 30,
2003,  November  30,  2003,  and  December  30, 2003 and the  related  unaudited
statements  of income,  cash flows and  Members'  capital of Pivotal for the one
month periods then ended.

     "Internal  Revenue  Code"  means  the  Internal  Revenue  Code of 1986,  as

     "IRS" means the United States Internal Revenue Service.

     "Key Employee" means the Pivotal  employees named in the attached  Schedule

     "Kirby Employment Agreement" means the employment between Pivotal and Kirby
in the form attached hereto as Exhibit 1.1B.

     "Law" means any federal,  state, local or foreign statute,  law, ordinance,
regulation, rule, code, order or rule of common law.

     "Liabilities"  means (i)  indebtedness of Pivotal for borrowed money to any
Person,  (ii) obligations of Pivotal evidenced by bonds, notes,  debentures,  or
similar instruments, (iii) obligations of Pivotal under capitalized leases, (iv)
obligations  of Pivotal  under  conditional  sale,  title  retention  or similar
agreements or arrangements creating an obligation of Pivotal with respect to the
deferred  purchase price of property  (other than customary  trade credit),  (v)
interest  rate and currency  obligation  swaps,  hedges or similar  arrangements
(other than interest  rate caps,  the cost of which have been paid in full prior
to the date  hereof) (vi)  accrued  benefits of Pivotal  employees as of Closing
including, but not limited to, accrued vacation,  pre-paid benefits and expenses
for which adequate provisions have not been made pursuant to the Reserve Account
requirements  set forth in  Section  2.2(a) of this  Agreement  which  shall not
include PTO which is subject to the provisions of Section 2.4(b),  and (vii) all
obligations of Pivotal to guarantee any of the foregoing types of obligations on
behalf of any Person other than Pivotal.

     "Licenses"  means  all of the  licenses,  permits  and  other  governmental
authorizations  required  for the  operation  of the  business  of  Pivotal  and
including,  without limitation,  any and all activities of Pivotal in connection
with, related, or pertaining thereto.

     "Line of Credit"  means the line of credit  financing  provided  by Buyer's
lender to Pivotal in an amount not less than $1,000,000.

     "Loan Document" means a document  evidencing  Acquisition  Financing or the
Line of Credit.

     "Loss  Contract" means any Contract for which Pivotal has accrued a loss on
its financial statements or which Pivotal reasonably expects, based on Pivotal's
knowledge  as of the date  hereof and the  Closing  Date (as  applicable),  will
result in a loss.

     "Losses"  of a  Person  means  any and all  losses,  liabilities,  damages,
claims,  awards,  judgments,  and expenses (including,  without limitation,  the
costs of reasonable investigation,  remediation and attorneys' fees) suffered or
incurred  by such  Person,  provided,  however,  in the case of Pivotal any such
Losses shall be net of insurance  proceeds  actually  collected  with respect to
such Losses.

                                    -- 29 --

     "Material  Adverse Effect" or "Material Adverse Change" means, with respect
to any Person,  any material  adverse effect on or material  adverse change with
respect to the business, operations,  assets, liabilities,  condition (financial
or  otherwise),  or results of operations  of such Person and its  Subsidiaries,
taken as a whole.

     "Members" means all of the members of Pivotal, collectively.

     "Membership  Interest"  means an  interest  in the  capital  and profits of
Pivotal,  together with all property rights and all other rights accorded to the
record  and/or  beneficial  holder of such  interest,  whether  pursuant  to the
Pivotal LLC Agreement, applicable Law (including the Act) or otherwise.

     "Multi-employer  Plan"  means  any  "multi-employer  plan," as  defined  in
Section  4001(a)(3) or 3(37) of ERISA,  which (i) Pivotal or any ERISA Affiliate
maintains,  administers,  contributes  to or is required to  contribute  to, or,
after  September  25,  1980,  maintained,  administered,  contributed  to or was
required to  contribute  to, or under which  Pivotal or any ERISA  Affiliate may
incur any liability and (ii) covers any employee or former  employee of Pivotal,
its Subsidiaries or any ERISA Affiliate (with respect to their relationship with
any such entity).

     "Net Debt" means (x) the  Liabilities  of Pivotal as of the  Closing  Date,
minus (y) the aggregate  cash and cash  equivalents of Pivotal as of the Closing

     "Net  Worth"  means  the  excess  of total  assets  of fair  market  value,
including home, home  furnishings and  automobiles,  over total  liabilities.  A
principal  residence  shall be valued either at (A) cost  (including the cost of
improvements,  net of current  Encumbrances  on the  property) or (B)  appraised
value as  determined  by a written  appraisal  used by an  institutional  lender
making  a loan  secured  by such  property,  including  the  cost of  subsequent
improvements, net of current Encumbrances on such property.

     "Non-Pivotal  Business" means Post-Closing,  the Clinical Research Services
business of Buyer other than the Pivotal Business.

     "Note A" means a  promissory  note in the form  attached  hereto as Exhibit
2.3(d)(i)  in the original  principal  amount of  $1,000,000  executed by PHC as
maker and the Sellers as holders.

     "Note B" means a  promissory  note in the form  attached  hereto as Exhibit
2.3(d) (ii) in the  original  principal  amount of  $500,000  executed by PHC as
maker and the Sellers as holders.

     "Note C" means a promissory note in the form attached hereto as Exhibit 2.3
(d)(iii) in the original principal amount of $1,000,000 executed by PHC as maker
and the Sellers as holders.

     "Note  Consideration"   means,  the  Note  A  Consideration,   the  Note  B
Consideration, and the Note C Consideration, collectively.

     "Note C Shares"  means a number of shares of PHC stock  which may be issued
to Sellers pursuant to the terms of Note C.

     "Notes" means Note A, Note B, and Note C, collectively.

     "PBGC" shall mean the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation.

                                    -- 30 --

     "Pension Plan" shall mean any "employee pension benefit plan" as defined in
Section 3(2) of ERISA (other than a  Multi-employer  Plan) (i) which  Pivotal or
any ERISA  Affiliate  maintains,  administers,  contributes to or is required to
contribute to, or, within the five years prior to the Closing Date,  maintained,
administered,  contributed  to or was required to contribute  to, or under which
Pivotal  or any ERISA  Affiliate  may incur any  liability  (including,  without
limitation,  any  contingent  liability)  and (ii) which  covers any employee or
former  employee  of  Pivotal  or any ERISA  Affiliate  (with  respect  to their
relationship with any such entity).

     "Percentage  Interest" means, with respect to any Membership Interest,  the
relative  Percentage  Interest in the capital and profits of Pivotal represented
by such Membership Interest.

     "Person"  means  any  natural  person,  corporation,  limited  partnership,
general  partnership,  limited  liability  company,  joint stock company,  joint
venture, association,  company, trust or other organization, or any Governmental

     "PHC Stock" means capital stock of PHC.

     "Pharmaceutical   Company"   means  a  Person   engaged  in  research   and
development, manufacture, distribution, sale, or promotion of pharmaceuticals or
related products or services.

     "Pharmaceutical   Contract"   means  a  Contract   between  Pivotal  and  a
Pharmaceutical Company.

     "Pivotal  Business"  means the  business  of  providing  Clinical  Research
Services to Pharmaceutical  Companies and their respective  designated  contract
research organizations conducted primarily at the Locations.

     "Pivotal  LLC  Agreement"  means the  agreement  between the  Members  with
respect to the  governance  of their  Membership  Interests in Pivotal  attached
hereto as Exhibit 1.1 C.

     "Pledge  Agreement"  means  that  certain  Pledge  Agreement,  in the  form
attached hereto as Exhibit 7.1(h), of even date herewith by Buyer as pledgor and
Sellers as pledgees.

     "Post-Closing"  means any period or portion  thereof  that begins after the
Closing Date.

     "PPR"  means  Pioneer  Pharmaceutical   Research,   Inc.,  a  wholly  owned
subsidiary of PHC, with facilities located in Michigan, Utah, and Nevada.

     "Pre-Closing"  means any period or  portion  thereof  that ends  before the
Closing Date.

     "Prospective Customer" means any Person with which any employee, consultant
or other party  affiliated  with Pivotal or the Buyer has engaged in discussions
with  concerning  Clinical  Research  Services  offered  by Pivotal or the Buyer
within the immediately preceding 12 month period of the later of the sale of all
of such  Sellers'  Membership  Interest  or the  termination  of  such  Seller's
employment with the Buyer, if applicable.

     "Purchase Price" means,  subject to adjustment as provided herein,  (w) the
aggregate Closing Cash  Consideration,  plus (x) the Closing Stock, plus (y) the
Note Consideration.

                                    -- 31 --

     "Representative"  means, with respect to any Seller,  such other Person who
has been duly  authorized to act on such Seller's  behalf through the grant of a
power  of  attorney  to the  Representative  with  respect  to the  transactions
contemplated  hereby and by the Transaction  Documents,  which power of attorney
shall  be in  writing,  shall  be  notarized,  shall  expressly  authorize  such
Representative  to  execute  on  behalf  of  such  Seller  this  Agreement,  any
Transaction  Documents to which such Seller is a party and any other instrument,
certificate or agreement with respect to the transactions contemplated hereby or
thereby and to execute on such Seller 's behalf a Membership Interest Assignment
Agreement with respect to such Seller's Membership Interest, and shall otherwise
be in form and substance  satisfactory  to Buyer and its counsel in its sole and
absolute discretion.

     "Return" or "Returns" means all reports, returns, declarations,  claims for
refund or statements of any kind or nature  relating to Taxes,  and any schedule
or attachment thereto and any amendment thereof.

     "Securities Act" means the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.

     "Security  Agreement"  means that certain Security  Agreement,  in the form
attached hereto as Exhibit 7.1(i), of even date herewith.

     "Subsidiary"  of any Person  means any other Person (i) of which such first
Person  (either  alone or through or together with any other  Subsidiary)  owns,
directly or indirectly,  more than 50% of the stock or other Equity  Securities,
the  holders of which are  generally  entitled  to vote for the  election of the
board of  directors  or other  governing  body of such other  Person or (ii) the
operations of which are consolidated  with such first Person,  pursuant to GAAP,
for financial reporting purposes.

     "Substances"  means  any  toxic,  hazardous,  or  other  regulated  wastes,
substances,  products,  pollutants or materials,  including, without limitation,
radioactive materials, asbestos, polychlorinated biphenyls, radon gas, petroleum
and petroleum products.

     "Successor Location" means any Facility located in greater Phoenix, Arizona
metropolitan  area, other than a Location,  at which Clinical  Research Services
are conducted Post-Closing.

     "Tax" or "Taxes"  means any federal,  state,  local or foreign net or gross
income, gross receipts, license, payroll, employment,  excise, severance, stamp,
occupation,  premium  (including  taxes under  Internal  Revenue Code Sec. 59A),
customs duties, capital stock, franchise, profits, withholding,  social security
(or similar), unemployment, disability, real property, personal property, sales,
use, offer, registration,  value added, alternative or add on minimum, estimated
or  other  tax,  governmental  fee or like  assessment  or  charge  of any  kind
whatsoever,  including  any  interest,  penalty  or  addition  thereto,  whether
disputed or not, imposed by any Governmental  Authority or arising under any Tax
Law  or  agreement,   including,   without  limitation,  any  joint  venture  or
partnership agreement.

     "Tax Return" means any return,  declaration,  report,  claim for refund, or
information or return or statement relating to Taxes,  including any schedule or
attachment thereto, and including any amendments thereof.

     "Transaction  Documents"  means:  (i) this  Agreement,  (ii) the Assignment
Agreement,  (iii) the Colombo  Employment  Agreement,  (iv) the Kirby Employment
Agreement, (v) the Security Agreement, (vi), the Financing Statements, (vii) the
Pledge  Agreement,  (viii) Note A, (ix) Note B, (ix) Note C, and (xi) such other
documents that now or in the future may be executed by the parties in connection
with  the  transaction  evidenced  therein,   together  with  any  renewals  and
modifications thereof.

                                    -- 32 --

     "Treasury  Regulations"  means  the  regulations  issued  pursuant  to  the
Internal Revenue Code.

     "Welfare  Plan" means any  "employee  welfare  benefit  plan" as defined in
Section 3(1) of ERISA,  (a) which Pivotal,  or any ERISA  Affiliate,  maintains,
administers,  contributes  to or is  required to  contribute  to, or under which
Pivotal,  or any ERISA  Affiliate,  may incur any liability and (b) which covers
any employee or former  employee of Pivotal or any ERISA Affiliate (with respect
to their relationship with any such entity).

     1.2  Other Defined  Terms.  The  following  terms have the meaning for such
          terms in the sections set forth below:

                 Term                               Section

                AAA                                   10.12(a)
                Accounts Receivable                    2.2 (c)
                Adjusted Accounts Receivable           2.2 (c)
                Arbitration Notice                    10.12(a)
                Assignment Agreement                   2.6 (b)
                CERCLA                                 5.14(b)
                Claim                                  8.2 (d)
                Claim Notice                           8.2 (d)
                Closing                                2.6 (a)
                Closing Cash Consideration             2.3 (b)
                Closing Certificate                    2.2 (a)
                Closing Date                           2.6 (a)
                Closing Stock                          2.3 (c)
                Closing Stock Consideration            2.3 (c)
                Concurrent Transaction                 7.3
                Cure Period                           10.2
                Employment Laws                        5.12
                Environmental Laws                     5.14(a)
                Equipment                              5.8
                Escrow Agent                          10.1
                Escrow Agreement                      10.1
                Exchange Act                           6.8
                Indemnifying Party                     8.2 (d)
                Leased Real Property                   5.9 (a)
                Locations                             Recital A
                Material Contracts                     5.7 (a)
                Mesa Location                         Recital A
                Note A Consideratin                    2.3 (d)(i)
                Note B Consideraton                    2.3 (d)(ii)
                Note C Consideration                   2.3 (d)(iii)
                Peoria Location                       Recital A
                Pivotal Operating Expenses             2.2 (a)
                Pre-Closing Partial Period             5.13(b)
                PTO                                    2.4 (b)
                PTO Policy                             2.4 (b)
                Receivable Expiration Dae              3.1
                Related Party Transactin               5.17
                Reserve Account                        2.2 (a)
                SEC                                    6.8
                SEC Reports                            6.8
                Set-Off Notice                        10.1
                Third Party Notice                     8.2 (d)

                                    -- 33 --

          (a)  References to agreements and other  documents  shall be deemed to
               include  all  subsequent   amendments  and  other   modifications

          (b)  References to statutes shall include all regulations pr omulgated
               thereunder  and  references to statutes or  regulations  shall be
               construed as including all statutory  and  regulatory  provisions
               consolidating, amending or replacing the statute or regulation.

     The  Language Construction.

          (c)  Unless the  context of this  Agreement  otherwise  requires,  (i)
               words of any gender  include each other gender;  (ii) words using
               the singular or plural number also include the plural or singular
               number,   respectively,   (iii)  the  terms  "hereof,"  "herein,"
               "hereby"  and  derivative  or similar  words refer to this entire
               Agreement;  (iv) the terms  "Article" or  "Section"  refer to the
               specified  Article  or Section  of this  Agreement;  (v) the word
               "including" shall mean "including,  without  limitation" and (vi)
               the word "or" shall be disjunctive but not exclusive.

          (d)  used in this Agreement  shall be deemed to be the language chosen
               by the  parties to  express  their  mutual  intent and no rule of
               strict construction shall be applied against any party.

          (e)  The  annexes,  schedules  and  exhibits to this  Agreement  are a
               material   part   hereof   and  shall  be  treated  as  if  fully
               incorporated into the body of the Agreement.

          (f)  Wherever this Agreement  refers to a number of days,  such number
               shall refer to calendar days unless Business Days are specified.

          (g)  meanings given to them and shall be construed in accordance  with
               under GAAP.

                                   ARTICLE II

                                 THE TRANSACTION

     2.1  Purchase and Sale.  Upon the terms and subject to the  conditions  set
          forth in this  Agreement,  each of the Sellers  jointly and  severally
          agree to sell to Buyer,  and Buyer agrees to purchase from each of the
          Sellers, the Membership Interests held by such Seller.  Section 2.1 of
          the Disclosure Schedule sets forth the aggregate  Membership Interests
          to be  sold to and  purchased  by  Buyer  which  represent  all of the
          Membership  Interests of Pivotal.  Except as limited by Section 8.2(e)
          with respect to Bonacci, all obligations of Sellers hereunder shall be
          joint and several  obligations of each of them. All amounts to be paid
          to Sellers  hereunder  shall be paid pro rata in accordance with their
          respective Percentage Interest.

     2.2  Prior to Closing. Immediately prior to Closing, Pivotal shall take the
          following actions:

          (a)  Pre-Closing  Adjustments.   All  operating  expenses  of  Pivotal
               incurred  or  accrued  prior to the  Closing  Date (the  "Pivotal
               Operating  Expenses"),  including but not limited to rent, phone,
               insurance,  equipment  leases,  utilities,  regular  semi-monthly
               salary  expenses  and   unreimbursable   advertising  and  travel
               expenses,  shall be  pro-rated  as of the Closing  Date,  and all

                                    -- 34 --

               Closing related  expenses,  including,  but not limited to, legal
               and  accounting  fees and costs incurred by Pivotal shall be paid
               in full prior to the Closing Date. Prior to the Closing,  Sellers
               shall  deliver  to  Buyer  a  certificate  signed  by  the  chief
               financial  officer of  Pivotal  ("Closing  Certificate")  setting
               forth, in detail,  the Pivotal Operating Expenses and the amounts
               to be pro-rated as of the Closing Date.  The Closing  Certificate
               is  attached  hereto  as  Exhibit  2.2(a).  Immediately  prior to
               Closing,  Pivotal shall pay all operating  expenses that are then
               due and  payable,  and shall  deposit  into the  reserve  account
               described in Schedule  2.2(a) (the  "Reserve  Account") an amount
               sufficient  to cover all  operating  expenses  incurred  or to be
               incurred by Pivotal on or prior to the Closing  Date that are not
               yet  due and  payable,  offset  by the  amount  of any  pro-rated
               Pivotal Operating  Expenses  pertaining to a period  Post-Closing
               which are paid in advance of Closing by Pivotal,  plus the amount
               of any security deposits under any Contracts  including,  but not
               limited to, leases.  In addition,  Sellers shall deposit into the
               Reserve Account that portion of projected  employee  bonuses that
               have  accrued  up to the  Closing  Date.  Non-cash  items such as
               depreciation  shall not be deemed to be  operating  expenses  for
               purposes of this Section 2.2(a).

          (b)  Cash in Accounts.  After making deposits into the Reserve Account
               in accordance with Section 2.2(a), prior to Closing Pivotal shall
               distribute  pro-rata to Sellers one hundred percent (100%) of all
               cash in any bank account  maintained by Pivotal,  including,  but
               not limited to, those bank  accounts  listed in attached  Section
               2.2(b) of the Disclosure Schedule containing the name and address
               of the financial institution at which such account is maintained,
               the  applicable  account  number  of each such  account,  and the
               balance of each such account prior to any such distribution.

          (c)  Accounts Receivable. (i) Pivotal shall distribute to Sellers, pro
               rata in accordance with their  respective  Percentage  Interests,
               the Accounts  Receivable (as defined below);  (ii)  Post-Closing,
               Pivotal  shall  remit  to  Sellers,   in  accordance  with  their
               respective Percentage Interests, the proceeds of all of Pivotal's
               accounts receivable existing or created prior to the Closing Date
               including, but not limited to those accounts receivable set forth
               on  Section  2.2(c) of the  Disclosure  Schedule  (the  "Accounts
               Receivable"),  which  accounts shall be collected and remitted to
               Sellers in accordance  with Section 3.1. The parties  acknowledge
               that,  due to the nature of the Pivotal  Business as conducted on
               the date  hereof,  the number of  Pivotal's  accounts  receivable
               created  during any given month may not be  determined  until the
               succeeding month when Pivotal  reconciles its accounting  records
               with  operations  records  to  determine  the  actual  number  of
               accounts  receivable created during the previous month. Not later
               than thirty (30) days  following the Closing,  the parties shall,
               upon examination of Pivotal's Books and Records, review Pivotal's
               Books and  Records in order to  determine  whether  the  Accounts
               Receivable  constitute  the  actual  number of  Pivotal  accounts
               receivable  existing  or created  prior to the  Closing  Date and
               shall prepare a written list of such Accounts Receivable mutually
               agreeable   to  both  Buyer  and  Sellers   ("Adjusted   Accounts
               Receivable").  In the event the Accounts  Receivable  differ from
               the  Adjusted  Accounts  Receivable,  then Buyer  shall  remit to
               Sellers the proceeds of the Adjusted  Accounts  Receivable in the
               manner described in Section 3.1.

                                    -- 35 --

     2.3  Purchase Price.

          (a)  Generally.  In  consideration  for the sale by each Seller of the
               Membership  Interests  being  sold  to  Buyer  pursuant  to  this
               Agreement, Buyer shall pay, in the aggregate, to each Seller such
               Seller's  allocable  share of the  Purchase  Price as adjusted in
               accordance with Section 2.4.

          (b)  Closing Cash Consideration.  At the Closing,  Buyer shall, in the
               aggregate,  pay to each Seller,  by wire transfer in  immediately
               available funds to an account or accounts designated at least two
               Business  Days prior to the  Closing by such  Seller in a written
               notice to Buyer,  an amount in cash (such  amount,  the  "Closing
               Cash  Consideration")  equal  to  $1,500,000  multiplied  by such
               Seller's Percentage Interest.

          (c)  PHC Closing Stock. At Closing, Buyer shall deliver to each Seller
               a number of  shares  (the  "Closing  Stock")  of PHC  Stock  (the
               "Closing  Stock  Consideration")  equal  to (w)  $500,000  (U.S.)
               multiplied by such Seller's Percentage  Interest,  divided by (x)
               the Closing Stock Price.

          (d)  Note Consideration.

               (i)  Promissory  Note A.  At  Closing,  Buyer  shall  deliver  to
                    Sellers Note A ("Note A Consideration").

              (ii)  Promissory  Note B.  At  Closing,  Buyer  shall  deliver  to
                    Sellers Note B ("Note B Consideration").

             (iii)  Promissory  Note C.  At  Closing,  Buyer  shall  deliver  to
                    Sellers Note C ("Note C Consideration").

     2.4  Purchase Price Adjustment.

          (a)  Note Consideration  Adjustment.  The Note Consideration  shall be
               subject  to  adjustment  as set forth in the Notes in  accordance
               with their terms.  In the event of a conflict  between any of the
               defined  terms of any Note and the defined  terms  referred to in
               this Agreement, the defined terms of this Agreement shall govern.
               Upon any such  adjustment,  the Purchase Price hereunder shall be
               deemed  adjusted  accordingly,  provided  however,  that all such
               adjustments  to the  Purchase  Price  shall  be  deemed  to be an
               adjustment  to  the  portion  thereof   allocated  to  "goodwill"
               according to Section 2.5 hereof,  and that no adjustment shall be
               made to any other category of allocation.

          (b)  PTO Adjustment.  Prior to the Closing Date,  Pivotal maintained a
               policy  whereby  employees of Pivotal  were  entitled to personal
               time off ("PTO").  PTO accrued according to such policy,  and any
               unused time, was  transferred to the employee's  "Serious  Health
               Condition" account to be used in the event of an extended illness
               or other approved leave of absence. Buyer intends to maintain the
               PTO Policy (defined  below)  Post-Closing.  However,  the parties
               acknowledge  and agree that certain changes to the PTO Policy may
               be necessary in the future due to changing business conditions.

                                    -- 36 --

               A copy of the existing  policy relating to PTO (the "PTO Policy")
               is attached as Exhibit 2.4(b). If any Pivotal employee terminates
               their employment  between the Closing Date and December 31, 2003,
               any funds for PTO actually paid to such employee upon termination
               shall be paid by Sellers  within  five days of such  termination.
               Such amounts  shall be deemed  Liabilities  of Pivotal  occurring
               prior to the Closing Date and, at Buyer's option, Buyer may, upon
               thirty days prior  written  notice to  Sellers,  set off any such
               amounts payable by Sellers against the Note Consideration.  Prior
               to the expiration of such  thirty-day  period Sellers may pay any
               sums  due  hereunder  directly  to  Buyer.   Notwithstanding  the
               foregoing,  the  existence or payment of such  amounts  shall not
               independently   result   in  or  cause  a  breach   of   Sellers'
               representations or warranties regarding Liabilities.

     2.5  Allocation of Purchase Price. The Purchase Price shall be allocated as
          follows:  (a) $85,361  (U.S.) to fixed assets  listed in Schedule 2.5,
          (the "Fixed Assets") (b) $350,000 (U.S.) to the Closing Stock, and (c)
          the remainder to goodwill.

     2.6  Closing.

          (a)  The closing of the purchase and sale of the Membership  Interests
               (the  "Closing")  shall take place on  February  __, 2004 at such
               place  or time,  or on such  other  date,  as the  Buyer  and the
               Sellers shall agree (the "Closing Date").

          (b)  At the  Closing,  each  Seller  (or  his or its  duly  authorized
               Representative)  shall deliver or cause to be delivered to Buyer:
               (i)  a  duly  authorized,   executed  and  delivered   Assignment
               Agreement  in the  form  attached  as  Exhibit  2.6(b)  (each  an
               "Assignment Agreement") evidencing the assignment and transfer by
               such Seller of the Membership Interests being sold by such Seller
               pursuant to this Agreement to Buyer; and (ii) the certificate and
               other documents  required to be delivered by such Seller pursuant
               to Section 7.2.

                                  ARTICLE III

                               COVENANTS of Buyer

     Buyer covenants to the Sellers as follows:

     3.1  Collection of Accounts  Receivable of Buyer. Buyer will use reasonable
          commercial  efforts to collect the Adjusted  Accounts  Receivable and,
          except as otherwise provided in Section 10.1, concerning Buyer's right
          of setoff,  shall remit all amounts  collected to Sellers'  account no
          less frequently than monthly. Buyer shall periodically provide Sellers
          with a report of all  collection  activities  relating to the Adjusted
          Accounts  Receivable  in  accordance  with Buyer's  normal  collection
          reporting  practices.  Sellers  shall  take  no  action,  directly  or
          indirectly,   with  respect  to  collection  of  an  Adjusted  Account
          Receivable  prior  to a date  which  is  180  days  subsequent  to the

                                    -- 37 --

          creation  of such  Adjusted  Account  Receivable  (each a  "Receivable
          Expiration  Date") without  Buyer's prior written consent or unless so
          directed by Buyer in such Seller's capacity as an employee of Pivotal.
          With respect to any given Adjusted Account  Receivable,  Sellers shall
          have no recourse  against  Buyer for Buyer's  failure or  inability to
          collect  such  Adjusted  Account  Receivable  prior to the  applicable
          Receivable  Expiration  Date. At any time subsequent to the Receivable
          Expiration Date of an Adjusted Account  Receivable,  Sellers may, with
          ten (10) days  prior  written  notice to  Buyer,  initiate  collection
          activities related to such Adjusted Account(s) Receivable on their own
          behalf. Upon Sellers' written notice to Buyer following the occurrence
          of any Receivable Expiration Date, Buyer will provide such information
          concerning  such  Adjusted   Account   Receivable  to  Sellers  as  is
          reasonably   necessary  for  Sellers  to  undertake  such   collection
          activities.  In the case of a Debtor to whom Pivotal provides products
          or services subsequent to the Closing Date, or incurs any liability to
          Pivotal,  any  payments  received by Pivotal from such Debtor shall be
          applied first to any Adjusted Account  Receivable with respect to such
          Debtor  then,  the  remainder,  if any,  shall be  retained by Pivotal
          unless such Debtor  identifies,  in writing,  that such  payments  are
          being made with reference to particular  products or services provided
          by Pivotal at a particular time (e.g., "for clinical research services
          performed  in April  2004") in which case such payment will be applied
          to the particular account receivable so referenced.

          Public Registration of Closing Stock. Buyer will file with the SEC and
          any other necessary  regulatory body a registration  statement and any
          other documents required to publicly register the Closing Stock, which
          shall be filed within ninety (90) days after the Closing  Date.  Buyer
          will use its good faith and diligent efforts to secure the approval of
          such  registration  statement  so that the  Closing  Stock  issued  to
          Sellers  shall be  publicly  registered  and freely  tradable  and not
          subject  to any  trading  restrictions.  If the SEC  shall  refuse  to
          approve such  registration  statement  within 180 days after the Close
          Date,  despite Buyer's good faith and diligent  efforts to secure such
          approval,  then  Sellers  shall have the right to instruct  Buyer,  in
          writing,  to  discontinue  such  efforts  and deliver to each Seller a
          number of shares of PHC Stock equal to (w) $500,000 multiplied by such
          Seller's  Percentage  Interest,  divided by (x) the Discounted Closing
          Stock  Price,  following  Sellers'  surrender  to Buyer of the Closing
          Stock issued to Sellers on the Closing Date.

     3.2  Security for Payment of Notes. The obligations  evidenced by the Notes
          shall be secured  by the  Membership  Interests  and the Assets of the
          Pivotal  Business.  Such  security  shall be  evidenced by (i) a first
          priority  security  interest in all of the Membership  Interests,  and
          (ii) a security  interest in all of the Assets of the Pivotal Business
          (including without  limitation rights to all trade names,  trademarks,
          and all goodwill associated  therewith,  all employment contracts with
          employees  employed by  Pivotal),  subject only to the priority of the
          Acquisition Financing and the Line of Credit. Sellers will receive the
          Pledge Agreement, the Security Agreement, and the Financing Statements
          and  whatever  other  collateral  assignments  and other  documents or
          instruments related thereto are reasonably necessary to secure payment
          under each of the Notes. Buyer will take reasonable measures to ensure
          that  the  Acquisition  Financing  and  the  Line  of  Credit  will be
          maintained separate and apart from other credit facilities of Buyer so
          that, for such time as any amount remains outstanding under the Notes,
          only  the  Acquisition  Financing  and  the  Line of  Credit  are in a
          security  position  senior to the Notes and only to the extent  such a

                                    -- 38 --

          senior position has, in fact, been validly  created.  Sellers agree to
          execute any and all  documents  reasonably  necessary  to evidence the
          senior  position of the  Acquisition  Financing and the Line of Credit
          including,  but not  limited  to,  the  execution  of a  subordination
          agreement  in a form  reasonably  acceptable  to  Sellers.  Except  as
          otherwise  provided  herein,  until such time as all of the Notes have
          been paid in full,  Buyer will keep the Assets of the Pivotal Business
          segregated from Buyer's assets to ensure  Sellers'  ability to perfect
          their security interest in the Membership  Interests and the Assets of
          the Pivotal Business.

     3.3  Buyer's Clinical Research Operations.  Buyer understands that Seller's
          ability to receive payments under the Notes bears a direct relation to
          Michael J. Colombo and Kirby's  input in the decision  making  process
          regarding Buyer's Clinical Research Services since Sellers may receive
          more, or less, Note consideration  based on the performance of Michael
          J.  Colombo  and Kirby with  respect to the Pivotal  Business  and the
          Non-Pivotal Business.  Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement,
          Buyer agrees that if (a) Buyer  terminates  the employment of Kirby or
          Michael  J.  Colombo  other  than  for  "Cause",  as  defined  in  the
          Employment  Agreements,  or (b)  either  Michael  J.  Colombo or Kirby
          terminate their Employment Agreements for "Good Reason," as defined in
          the Employment  Agreements,  then Sellers  shall,  subject to Sellers'
          continuing compliance with the terms of the Transaction Documents,  be
          entitled to freeze the  Remaining  Principal (as defined in the Notes)
          of Notes A and B according  to the terms  thereof and such Notes shall
          no longer be  subject  to  adjustment  and  payments  will  thereafter
          continue to be made to Sellers in  accordance  with the  schedule  for
          payments set forth in each such Note as of the date of the termination
          of Kirby's or Michael J.  Colombo's  employment.  Notwithstanding  the
          foregoing,  Seller's rights to freeze the Remaining Principal of Notes
          A and B under this  Section 3.4 shall  terminate in the event that any
          one or more of them breaches Article IV or V of this Agreement.

     3.4  Buyer's Working Capital Commitment. Buyer covenants to obtain the Line
          of Credit to fund the  working  capital  requirements  of the  Pivotal
          Business.  The Line of  Credit  shall be  available  to be drawn  down
          immediately  after  Closing in such  increments  as may be  reasonably
          necessary  to fund such  working  capital  requirements,  shall remain
          available  until the second  anniversary of the Closing,  and shall be
          used solely to fund operations at the Locations.

     3.5  Kirby Guaranty Leasehold  Agreements.  Buyer further covenants to take
          all reasonably  necessary actions and execute any reasonably necessary
          documents  that may be required to remove Louis C. Kirby as a personal
          guarantor  of  the  leasehold  obligations  identified  in  the  lease
          described in Schedule 3.6 and shall in all events indemnify Kirby from
          any and all claims or expenses of any nature whatsoever resulting from
          any breach of any of such leasehold  obligations  that occur after the
          Closing Date.

     3.6  Compliance  with  Pharmaceutical  Contracts.  Buyer  covenants that it
          shall not engage in any conduct in breach of a Pharmaceutical Contract
          that would have a Material  Adverse  Effect on Pivotal or the  Pivotal

     3.7  Continuing  Legal Status of Pivotal.  Buyer  covenants to maintain the
          legal existence of Pivotal in good standing from and after the Closing
          Date  until  such  time as Buyer  is  reasonably  certain  that it has
          obtained  all of the  necessary  authorities  and  consents  to assign
          Pivotal's obligations under all then current Pharmaceutical Contracts.
          Buyer  understands that the  Pharmaceutical  Contracts entered into by

                                    -- 39 --

          Pivotal  typically  include  indemnification  rights  that  run to the
          benefit  of  Pivotal  and  most  such  contracts  contain   assignment
          restrictions  that prohibit the  assignment of such contracts to third
          parties  without the  express  written  consent of the  Pharmaceutical

     3.8  Compliance  with Leasehold  Agreements.  Buyer covenants that it shall
          not engage in any conduct in breach of any of the leasehold agreements
          identified in Schedule 3.9 that would have a Material  Adverse  Effect
          on Pivotal.

     3.9  No Corporate Overhead Charges. Buyer hereby covenants that it will not
          impose  any  overhead  charges  or  administrative  expenses  upon the
          Pivotal  Business from the date of Closing and for a period of 5 years
          thereafter except for accounting and legal charges and costs and other
          expenses  actually  incurred  by Buyer on behalf of or relating to the
          Pivotal Business,  which charges and expenses for legal and accounting
          expenses  shall not exceed the amounts set forth on Schedule  3.10. In
          addition,  Buyer  understands and acknowledges that Pivotal may assume
          certain  responsibilities  for the Non-Pivotal Business that, prior to
          the  Closing  Date,  was  handled  by Buyer's  staff and that  Buyer's
          clinical  research sites may have  historically been charged corporate
          level  overheard fee by Buyer. To the extent that Pivotal assumes such
          responsibilities,  Buyer  agrees  that  it  will  not  assess  to  the
          Non-Pivotal  Business  an  overheard  charge  for such  service.  This
          provision is not  intended to restrict or prohibit  Buyer from passing
          through to the  Pivotal  Business  actual  costs and  expenses  of the
          Pivotal Business that are originally incurred and paid by Buyer at the
          corporate level,  including but not limited to Pivotal employee travel
          on behalf of the  Pivotal  Business,  and legal  expenses  incurred to
          defend claims arising out of the Pivotal Business.

     3.10 Prohibition on Assignments,  Transfers.  Buyer will not assign,  sell,
          transfer  or  convey  any  Assets  of  the  Pivotal  Business  or  the
          Membership  Interests  except  in  accordance  with  the  terms of the
          Security Agreement or the Pledge Agreement,  as applicable;  provided,
          however,  that the  Buyer  may,  assign  such  Assets  and  Membership
          Interests in whole or in part without the prior written consent of any
          other party hereto (i) to a  Subsidiary  or Affiliate of Buyer as part
          of a restructuring or reorganization of PHC or its business,  provided
          that  contemporaneous   with  such  assignment,   such  Subsidiary  or
          Affiliate  shall execute in favor of Sellers  documents  substantially
          similar in form to the Security Agreement and the Pledge Agreement and
          pursuant to which such  Subsidiary or Affiliate  provides to Sellers a
          security  interest  in all of the  assets  and  capital  stock of such
          Subsidiary  or  Affiliate,  and  provided  further  that  Buyer  shall
          guaranty such  Subsidiary's  or  Affiliate's  payment and  performance
          under the  Transaction  Documents,  which guaranty must be in the form
          set forth in attached  Exhibit 3.11, (ii) to a lender as security in a
          manner  consistent  with  Buyer's  obligations  under the  Transaction
          Documents,  and (iii) to any Person who acquires all or  substantially
          all  of  the  Equity   Securities  or  assets  of  Buyer  (by  merger,
          recapitalization,  sale or otherwise)  provided that Sellers' security
          interest  in the Assets of the  Pivotal  Business  and the  Membership
          Interests  is  maintained.  If Buyer  desires to sell or transfer  its
          interest in the Pivotal Business,  and if such sale or transfer is not
          part  of  a   transaction   involving  the   acquisition   of  all  or
          substantially  all of the  Equity  Securities  or assets of Buyer,  as
          contemplated under subsection (iii) above, then Buyer shall either (a)
          if such transaction is to be consummated within eighteen months of the
          expiration of the Notes, obtain Seller's prior written consent to such
          sale or transfer,  (provided  that  contemporaneous  with such sale or

                                    -- 40 --

          transfer,  the  acquiring  entity  shall  execute  in favor of Sellers
          documents  substantially similar in form to the Security Agreement and
          the Pledge  Agreement  and  pursuant  to which such  acquiring  entity
          provides  to  Sellers a  security  interest  in all of the  assets and
          capital  stock of the  Pivotal  Business),  or (b) pay to Sellers  the
          remaining  Purchase  Price prior to  effecting  such sale or transfer,
          including  but not limited to all  Remaining  Principal  and  interest
          under the Notes,  or (c) freeze the Remaining Note Principal on all of
          the Notes and provide Sellers with a written guaranty of payment under
          the Notes, which guaranty is in the form set forth in attached Exhibit
          3.11 (provided that  contemporaneous  with such sale or transfer,  the
          acquiring   entity  shall  execute  in  favor  of  Sellers   documents
          substantially similar in form to the Security Agreement and the Pledge
          Agreement  and  pursuant to which such  acquiring  entity  provides to
          Sellers a security  interest in all of the assets and capital stock of
          the Pivotal Business).

     3.11 Prohibition  on Material  Indebtedness.  Buyer will not incur material
          indebtedness on behalf of the Pivotal  Business other than the Line of
          Credit without the written consent of Sellers.

                                   ARTICLE IV

                               COVENANTS OF SELLER

     4.1  Covenant Not to Compete or Interfere With Business. Each Seller agrees
          that they will not compete with Pivotal or Buyer in Clinical  Research
          Services for a period of (i) five (5) years after the Closing Date, or
          (ii) three (3) years after the termination of each Seller's employment
          with the Buyer or Pivotal,  whichever is later,  and that for a period
          of (i) five  years  after the  Closing  Date,  or (ii) three (3) years
          after the  termination of such Seller's  employment  with the Buyer or
          Pivotal,  whichever is later,  they will not,  directly or indirectly,
          individually  or as a non-public  shareholder,  director or officer of
          any corporation,  a partner of any partnership,  a member of a limited
          liability  company,  an owner of any entity or as an employee,  agent,
          consultant or advisor of any entity,  (a) recruit or hire any employee
          of the Buyer or Pivotal, or otherwise attempt to solicit or induce any
          employee to leave the employment of the Buyer or Pivotal;  (b) solicit
          any customer or  Prospective  Customer of the Buyer or Pivotal for the
          performance of Clinical Research Services or otherwise  interfere with
          the  business  relationships  between the Buyer or  Pivotal,  or their
          respective customers,  suppliers and others with whom Buyer or Pivotal
          conducts any Clinical Research Services business;  provided,  however,
          that, in the event Kirby solicits any customer or Prospective Customer
          of the Buyer or Pivotal for products or services  other than  Clinical
          Research  Services during the five-year  period  following the Closing
          Date,  Kirby shall provide  written  notice of the same to Buyer;  (c)
          individually  or  through  any entity  perform  any  services  for any
          customer or  Prospective  Customer  of the Buyer or Pivotal  which are
          directly  competitive with the Buyer's or Pivotal's  Clinical Research
          Services which the Buyer or Pivotal may perform for such customers and
          Prospective  Customers,  regardless  of  whether  or not the  Buyer or
          Pivotal has or is now providing such Clinical  Research  Services;  or
          (d) accept  employment by any customer or Prospective  Customer of the
          Buyer or Pivotal  unless the business of such customer or  Prospective
          Customer of the Buyer or Pivotal  does not  directly  compete with the
          Clinical Research Services business of the Buyer or Pivotal.

                                    -- 41 --

          (a)  Each Seller  acknowledges  that the  protections of the Buyer and
               Pivotal  set forth in this  Article IV of this  Agreement  are of
               vital concern to the Buyer and Pivotal, that monetary damages for
               any violation  thereof would not adequately  compensate the Buyer
               and Pivotal and that the Buyer and Pivotal are each  engaged in a
               highly competitive business. Accordingly, each Seller agrees that
               the  restrictions set forth in this Article IV may be enforced by
               injunction  proceedings  (without the  necessity of posting bond)
               whether  or not  such  Seller's  employment  with the  Buyer  has

          (b)  If any term or  condition of this  Agreement  shall be invalid or
               unenforceable to any extent or in any application, including, but
               not limited to the non-competition  covenants in this Article IV,
               then the remainder of this Agreement, and such term or condition,
               except  to such  extent  or in  such  application,  shall  not be
               affected  thereby,  and each and every term and condition of this
               Agreement  shall be valid and enforced to the fullest  extent and
               in the broadest application permitted by law.

          (c)  The Sellers agree and acknowledge that the restrictions set forth
               in this Article IV are fair,  reasonable and necessary to protect
               the legitimate business interests of the Buyer and Pivotal,  that
               adequate  consideration has been received by the Sellers for such
               obligations,  that these obligations will not prevent the Sellers
               from  earning  a  livelihood,  and that  these  obligations  will
               survive the  termination of this Agreement and the termination of
               such Seller's employment with the Buyer and Pivotal.

          (d)  Any breach of any  covenant or  obligation  under this Article IV
               will result in irremediable  and/or  incalculable damage to Buyer
               and/or Pivotal, as applicable.  It is therefore agreed that Buyer
               either on its own accord or on Pivotal's  behalf,  be entitled to
               (a) obtain  injunctive  relief without the necessity of posting a
               bond  and/or (b) cause  Sellers  to  specifically  perform  their
               obligations   hereunder.   Any  action  to  enjoin  a  breach  or
               threatened  breach of this Article IV may be brought in an action
               at law or in equity  (without the  necessity of posting bond) and
               shall be in  addition  to any other  remedies  available  to such

          (e)  Notwithstanding  anything in this  Section  4.1 to the  contrary,
               Bonacci's  obligations under this Section 4.1 shall terminate two
               years  after the  Closing  Date.  Bonacci  shall be  entitled  to
               participate,  as an owner, advisor,  board member or in any other
               capacity,  in the clinical  psychiatry  business conducted by his
               brother,  Carl  Bonacci,  as currently  conducted  provided  that
               Bonacci's  participation  in that  business  does not violate his
               obligations under Section 4.1.

     4.2  Termination of Covenant.  Sellers' obligations under Section 4.1 above
          will  terminate  in the event Buyer  breaches  any one of the Notes by
          failing or refusing to make  payments  under such Notes when due for a
          period of six months, in the aggregate, during the terms of the Notes.

                                    -- 42 --

                                   ARTICLE V


     Except as set forth in the Disclosure Schedule, the Sellers, subject to the
limitations  set forth herein,  jointly and  severally  represent and warrant to
Buyer as follows as of the Closing Date unless otherwise specified:

     5.1  Pivotal  Organization.  Pivotal is a limited liability  company;  duly
          organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the
          State of Arizona and has the requisite limited liability company power
          and authority to own,  operate or lease the  properties and assets now
          owned,  operated  or  leased  by it and to  carry on its  business  as
          currently  conducted by Pivotal.  Pivotal is duly qualified to conduct
          business  as a  foreign  limited  liability  company  and  is in  good
          standing in each  jurisdiction  where the character of its  properties
          owned,  operated or leased or the nature of its activities  makes such
          qualification necessary except where failure to do so would not have a
          Material  Adverse  Effect.  True and  complete  copies of the  Pivotal
          articles of  organization  and Pivotal LLC Agreement (in each case, as
          amended to the date of this  Agreement)  have been made  available  by
          Pivotal for review by the Buyer.

     5.2  Power and Authority.

          (a)  Pivotal has all necessary and requisite limited liability company
               power and authority to execute and deliver this Agreement and the
               Transaction  Documents  and  to  perform  fully  its  obligations
               hereunder  and  thereunder  and to  consummate  the  transactions
               contemplated  hereby and thereby.  The  execution and delivery of
               the  Transaction  Documents and the performance by Pivotal of its
               obligations  thereunder and the  consummation of the transactions
               contemplated thereby have been duly and validly authorized by all
               necessary  action on the part of Pivotal and  Pivotal's  Board of
               Directors.  Each of the  Transaction  Documents  is a  valid  and
               binding  obligation  of Pivotal  enforceable  against  Pivotal in
               accordance   with  its   terms,   except  to  the   extent   such
               enforceability  (a) may be  limited  by  bankruptcy,  insolvency,
               reorganization,  moratorium  or other  similar  laws  relating to
               creditors  generally,  or (b) is subject to general principles of

          (b)  Each Seller has all requisite  power and authority to execute and
               deliver,  and  to  perform  all  of its  obligations  under,  all
               Transaction  Documents  to which  such  Seller  is a party.  Such
               Seller has taken all necessary  action  required to authorize the
               execution,  delivery and  performance  of this  Agreement and all
               instruments  and other  documents to be executed and delivered by
               such Seller in connection  herewith,  including each  Transaction
               Document to which such Seller is a party, and the consummation of
               the   transactions   contemplated   hereby  and   thereby  to  be
               consummated by it. This Agreement has been, and each  Transaction
               Document  to which  such  Seller  is a party  will  be,  duly and
               validly  executed and delivered by such Seller and  constitutes a
               legal,  valid and binding  obligation of such Seller  enforceable
               against such Seller in accordance  with its terms,  except to the
               extent  such  enforceability  (a) may be limited  by  bankruptcy,
               insolvency,  reorganization,  moratorium  or other  similar  laws
               relating to  creditors'  rights  generally,  or (b) is subject to
               general principles of equity.

                                    -- 43 --

     5.3  Capitalization.  Section 5.3 of the  Disclosure  Schedule sets forth a
          true and  correct  list of each of the  Members of  Pivotal,  and with
          respect to each such  Member,  such  Member's  Percentage  Interest in
          Pivotal.  The Members listed on Section 5.3 of the Disclosure Schedule
          are the record and,  beneficial  holders of one hundred percent (100%)
          of the issued and outstanding  Membership Interests in Pivotal and the
          Members own those  Membership  Interests free and clear of any and all
          claims,  liens and encumbrances of any nature  whatsoever.  Other than
          the  Membership  Interests set forth on Section 5.3 of the  Disclosure
          Schedule,  no other  Person  owns or holds any  Equity  Securities  of
          Pivotal,  any interest in the profits or losses of Pivotal, any rights
          to affect the management of Pivotal (other than the right of the Board
          of  Managers  to manage  Pivotal  under the terms of the  Pivotal  LLC
          Agreement) or any rights to receive distributions from Pivotal. Except
          for the Pivotal LLC Agreement and the Transaction Documents, there are
          no contracts to which Pivotal,  or any Member,  is a party relating to
          the issuance,  sale, or transfer of any Equity  Securities of Pivotal.
          Except for the Pivotal  LLC  Agreement,  (i) there are no  outstanding
          subscriptions,   calls,  commitments,  warrants  or  options  for  the
          purchase of Membership  Interests in, or other Equity  Securities  of,
          Pivotal,  or (ii) there are no other  commitments  of any kind for the
          granting or  issuance  of  additional  Membership  Interests  or other
          Equity  Securities by Pivotal or the  repurchase,  redemption or other
          acquisition   by  Pivotal  of  any  Membership   Interests   currently
          outstanding.  Each of the  Membership  Interests  that are  issued and
          outstanding  are  duly  authorized,  validly  issued,  fully  paid and
          non-assessable  and except as set forth in the Pivotal  LLC  Agreement
          are  free of any  preemptive  or  other  similar  rights.  None of the
          existing   Membership   Interests  was  issued  in  violation  of  the
          Securities Act or any other applicable Law. Except for the Pivotal LLC
          Agreement,  there  are no equity  holder  agreements,  voting  trusts,
          proxies  or other  agreements  or  understandings  with  respect to or
          concerning the purchase, sale or voting of the Membership Interests to
          which Pivotal or, to the  knowledge of Pivotal,  any other Person is a
          party or by which Pivotal or, to the  knowledge of Pivotal,  any other
          Person is bound.

     5.4  Subsidiaries. Pivotal has no Subsidiaries.

     5.5  No Conflict. The execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement
          by  Pivotal  and  each  of the  Sellers  and the  consummation  of the
          transactions  contemplated  hereby do not and will not (a)  violate or
          conflict with the Pivotal LLC Agreement,  (b) conflict with or violate
          in any material  respect any Law or Governmental  Order  applicable to
          Pivotal or the Sellers,  (c) except as set forth in Section 5.5 of the
          Disclosure  Schedule,  violate,  conflict with, result in any material
          breach of, or  constitute a material  default (or event which with the
          giving of notice or lapse of time,  or both,  would  become a material
          default)  under,  or  result  in or  give  to  others  any  rights  of
          termination,  amendment, acceleration or cancellation under, or result
          in of any  Encumbrance  on the  Membership  Interests or on any of the
          assets or properties of Pivotal pursuant to, any Material  Contract or
          material License to which Pivotal or any Seller is a party or by which
          any of their  assets or  properties  is bound,  (d)  conflict  with or
          result in a material  violation  or breach of any term of provision of
          any Law or Governmental Order applicable to such Seller, or any of its
          assets or properties, or (e) except as

                                    -- 44 --

          set forth in Section 5.5 of the Disclosure  Schedule (i) conflict with
          or result  in a  violation  or breach  of,  (ii)  constitute  (with or
          without  notice  or lapse of time or both) a default  under,  or (iii)
          require such Seller to obtain any consent, approval or action of, make
          any filing  with or give any notice to any Person as a result or under
          the terms of, any contract (other than consents required in connection
          with the Pivotal LLC  Agreement) to which such Seller is a party or by
          which any of its assets or properties is bound.

     5.6  Licenses.  Section 5.6 of the  Disclosure  Schedule  sets forth a true
          correct list of each of the Licenses  held by Pivotal or issued by any
          Governmental  Authority.  Such Licenses constitute all of the Licenses
          required  for the  conduct of the  business  of  Pivotal as  presently
          conducted  and any and all  other  activities  related  or  pertaining
          thereto.  Each such  License is valid,  binding  and in full force and
          effect, and Pivotal is not in default (or with the giving of notice or
          lapse of time or both,  would be in default)  under any such  License.
          There  are no  proceedings  pending,  or  threatened,  that  seek  the
          revocation,  cancellation,  suspension or adverse  modification of any
          such  License.  Except as set forth on Section  5.6 of the  Disclosure
          Schedule, all required filings with respect to such Licenses have been
          timely made and all  required  applications  for renewal  thereof have
          been timely filed,  except for such failure to do any of the foregoing
          as  would  not lead to the  revocation,  cancellation,  suspension  or
          adverse  modification  of any  such  License.  No  such  License  will
          terminate or be subject to  termination  or  revocation as a result of
          the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

     5.7  Contracts.

          (a)  Section  5.7 of  the  Disclosure  Schedule  lists  the  following
               Contracts to which  Pivotal is a party or by which its assets may
               be bound (collectively, the "Material Contracts") in effect as of
               the date of this Agreement:

               (i)  any Contract or series of Contracts that Pivotal  reasonably
                    anticipates  will,  in  accordance  with its terms,  involve
                    aggregate payments by or to Pivotal;

              (ii)  any lease of real property or any lease of personal property
                    involving any annual expense;

             (iii)  any Contract  containing  covenants  materially limiting the
                    freedom  of  Pivotal  to engage in any line of  business  or
                    compete with any Person;

              (iv)  any  material  distribution,   franchise,   license,  sales,
                    commission, consulting agency or advertising Contracts;

               (v)  all Contracts evidencing Liabilities;

              (vi)  all  Contracts  relating  to  the  sale  or  disposition  of
                    properties  or Assets  of  Pivotal  (other  than the sale of
                    inventory in the ordinary course of business);

                                    -- 45 --

             (vii)  each  Contract to which any Key Employee of Pivotal is bound
                    which in any manner purports to (A) restrict such employee's
                    freedom to engage in any line of business or to compete with
                    any other  Person,  or (B) assign to any other Person rights
                    to any material invention, improvement, or discovery related
                    to Clinical Research Services;

            (viii)  all Contracts relating to Intellectual Property Rights;

              (ix)  each joint venture Contract,  partnership agreement, limited
                    liability   company  or  other  Contract   (however   named)
                    involving  a  sharing  of   profits,   losses,   costs,   or
                    liabilities by Pivotal with any other Person;

               (x)  each Contract  providing for payments to or by any Person or
                    entity  based on sales,  purchases  or  profits,  other than
                    direct payments for goods;

              (xi)  each Contract  providing for capital  expenditures after the
                    date hereof;

             (xii)  each   written   warranty,   guaranty   or   other   similar
                    undertaking with respect to contractual performance extended
                    by Pivotal  other than in the  ordinary  course of business;

            (xiii)  each Loss Contract.

     Except as set forth in Section 5.7 of the Disclosure Schedules, Pivotal has
delivered or made  available to the Buyer true,  correct and complete  copies of
all of the Material Contracts listed on Section 5.7 of the Disclosure  Schedule,
including all amendments and supplements thereto.

          (b)  Except as set forth in Section 5.7 of the  Disclosure  Schedules,
               Pivotal is not (and Pivotal has  received no notice,  nor has any
               knowledge  that any other party to any Material  Contract is), in
               breach or  violation  of, or default  under,  any of the Material
               Contracts  which,  individually,   involves  claims,  damages  or
               Liabilities  in excess of $5,000.  Except as set forth in Section
               5.7 of the Disclosure Schedule, each Material Contract is in full
               force and effect  (and will  remain in full force and effect upon
               consummation of the actions  contemplated  hereby) and is a valid
               agreement,  arrangement  or  commitment  of Pivotal,  enforceable
               against  Pivotal  in  accordance  with its  terms  and is a valid
               agreement, arrangement or commitment of each other party thereto,
               enforceable  against  such  party in  accordance  with its terms,
               except  in each  case  where  enforceability  may be  limited  by
               bankruptcy, insolvency or other similar laws affecting creditors'
               rights  generally and except where  enforceability  is subject to
               the application of equitable principles or remedies.

     5.8  Equipment  and Other  Property.  Except as set forth in Section 5.8 of
          the  Disclosure  Schedule,  Pivotal  owns and has good and  marketable
          title to the equipment and other tangible items used in the operations

                                    -- 46 --

          of the Pivotal Business  reflected on the books of Pivotal as owned by
          Pivotal (the  "Equipment"),  free and clear of all  Encumbrances.  The
          Equipment, taken as a whole, is in good operating condition and repair
          (subject to normal wear and tear) and is suitable for the purposes for
          which  it is  presently  or has  historically  been  used.  Except  as
          otherwise  contemplated  by this  Agreement,  Pivotal owns, or, in the
          case of  leases  and  licenses,  has valid  and  subsisting  leasehold
          interests or licenses in, all of the material properties and assets of
          whatever kind (whether  real or personal,  tangible or intangible  and
          including,  without limitation,  all material  intellectual  property)
          used in its business, in each case free and clear of Encumbrances.

     5.9  Real Property.

          (a)  Pivotal owns no real  property.  Section 5.9(a) of the Disclosure
               Schedule  describes and lists the name of the record owner of all
               real  property  now leased or licensed  for use by Pivotal  (such
               leasehold  or licensed  interest,  the "Leased  Real  Property").
               Except as set forth on Section 5.9(a) of the Disclosure Schedule,
               Pivotal has a valid  leasehold  interest in, and enjoys  peaceful
               and undisturbed  possession  (consistent with historical use) of,
               all  Leased  Real  Property  free and clear of all  Encumbrances.
               Except as set forth on Section 5.9(a) of the Disclosure Schedule,
               Sellers  have no knowledge  of any leases,  subleases,  licenses,
               occupancy  agreements,  options,  rights,  concessions  or  other
               agreements  or  arrangements,  written or oral,  granting  to any
               Person the right to  purchase  the Leased Real  Property,  or the
               right to use or occupy any of the Leased Real Property. Except as
               set forth on  Section  5.9(a)  of the  Disclosure  Schedule,  the
               Leased  Real  Property  is all of the real  property  used in the
               business of Pivotal as currently conducted.

          (b)  Except as disclosed in Section 5.9(b) of the Disclosure Schedule,
               all Improvements owned,  leased, or used by Pivotal on the Leased
               Real  Property  appear to be in good  condition and repair in all
               material respects (normal wear and tear excepted).  To the extent
               applicable  to a tenant  of Leased  Real  Property,  Pivotal  has
               obtained   Licenses  from  any   Governmental   Authority  having
               jurisdiction over any of the Leased Real Property, or other right
               from any other  Person,  necessary  to permit  the lawful use and
               operation of the Improvements.

          (c)  The  Leased  Real  Property  and the  Improvements  appear  to be
               sufficiently supplied in all material respects with utilities and
               other services as necessary for the operation of such Leased Real
               Property  and  Improvements  as  currently   operated   including
               adequate water,  storm and sanitary  sewer,  gas,  electric,  and
               telephone  facilities,  except as set forth on Section  5.9(c) of
               the Disclosure Schedule.

          (d)  Pivotal has not received written notice of any special assessment
               individually  or in the  aggregate,  relating  to any Leased Real
               Property or any portion thereof and no such special assessment is

                                    -- 47 --

               pending  or  threatened.  There  are  no  pending  or  threatened
               condemnation  proceedings  with respect to any of the Leased Real

          (e)  On or prior to the date  hereof,  Pivotal has  delivered to Buyer
               true and correct copies of the most current title reports,  title
               policies and surveys  currently in the possession of Pivotal with
               respect to any of the Leased Real Property.

     5.10 Intellectual Property Rights.  Section 5.10 of the Disclosure Schedule
          lists all of  Pivotal's  Intellectual  Property  Rights.  Pivotal owns
          and/or has the right to use each of the  Intellectual  Property Rights
          listed on Section 5.10 of the Disclosure  Schedule.  The  Intellectual
          Property Rights constitute all of the material  intellectual  property
          necessary to conduct the  business of Pivotal in the manner  presently
          conducted. None of the Intellectual Property Rights is involved in any
          pending or threatened  Action.  Except as set forth in Section 5.10 of
          the Disclosure  Schedule,  no other Person has the right to use any of
          the  Intellectual  Property  and no  Person  is  infringing  upon  any
          Intellectual  Property  Rights.  Pivotal's  use  of  the  Intellectual
          Property  Rights is not  infringing  upon or otherwise  violating  the
          rights of any  other  Person.  No  proceedings  have  been  instituted
          against or notices received by Pivotal that are presently  outstanding
          alleging  that  Pivotal's  use of  the  Intellectual  Property  Rights
          infringes upon or otherwise violates any rights of a third party.

     5.11 Employee Benefit Matters.

          (a)  Disclosure;  Delivery of Copies of Relevant  Documents  and Other
               Information.  Section 5.11(a) of the Disclosure Schedule contains
               a complete list of Employee Plans. Pivotal has delivered to Buyer
               a true and complete  set of copies of (a) all Employee  Plans and
               related  trust  agreements,  annuity  contracts or other  funding
               instruments;  (b) the latest IRS  determination  letter  obtained
               with respect to any such Employee Plan  qualified or exempt under
               Section 401 or 501 of the Internal  Revenue Code;  (c) Forms-5500
               and  certified  financial   statements  for  each  Employee  Plan
               required  to file  such  form,  together  with  the  most  recent
               actuarial  report,  if  any,  prepared  by  the  Employee  Plan's
               enrolled  actuary;  (d) all summary  plan  descriptions  for each
               Employee Plan required to prepare,  file and  distribute  summary
               plan  descriptions;  (e) all  summaries  furnished to  employees,
               officers  and  directors of Pivotal and its  Subsidiaries  of all
               incentive compensation, other plans and fringe benefits for which
               a  summary  plan  description  is  not  required;   and  (f)  the
               notifications to employees of their rights under Section 4980B of
               the Internal Revenue Code.

          (b)  Each Pension Plan required to be listed in Section 5.11(a) of the
               Disclosure Schedule,  and the related trust, if any, now meet and
               since  inception  have met, the  requirements  for  qualification
               under Internal Revenue Code Section 401(a) and are currently, and
               since  their  inception  have been,  exempt from  taxation  under
               Internal  Revenue  Code  Section  501(a);  the  Internal  Revenue

                                    -- 48 --

               Service has issued a favorable  determination  or advisory letter
               with  respect to the  qualified  status of each such Pension Plan
               and trust,  and has not taken any action to revoke  such  letter;
               Pivotal has performed all obligations required to be performed by
               it  under  the  Pension  Plan   (including   the  making  of  all
               contributions),  is not in default under, or in violation of, and
               have no  knowledge  of any such default or violation of any other
               party to the Pension Plan.

          (c)  Representations.  Except as set forth in  Section  5.11(a) of the
               Disclosure Schedule:

               (i)  Pension Plans. Pivotal has no pension plans

              (ii)  Multi-employer Plans. There are no Multi-employer Plans, and
                    neither Pivotal nor any ERISA Affiliate has ever maintained,
                    contributed  to,  participated or agreed to participate in a
                    Multi-employer Plan.

             (iii)   Welfare Plans.

                    (A)  Each Welfare Plan which covers or has covered employees
                         or former  employees of Pivotal  (with respect to their
                         relationship  with such entities) has been  maintained,
                         and presently is, in material compliance with its terms
                         and,   both  as  to  form  and   operation,   with  the
                         requirements   prescribed  by  any  and  all  statutes,
                         orders,  rules and regulations  which are applicable to
                         such Welfare Plan,  including without  limitation ERISA
                         and the Internal Revenue Code.

                    (B)  An estimate of the liabilities of Pivotal and its ERISA
                         Affiliates for providing  retiree life medical benefits
                         coverage to active and retired  employee of Pivotal and
                         such ERISA Affiliates has been made and is reflected on
                         Pivotal's  balance  sheets and the books and records of
                         Pivotal according to Statement of Financial  Accounting
                         Standards  No. 106.  Pivotal or an ERISA  Affiliate has
                         the right to modify and to terminate  all Welfare Plans
                         which cover  retirees  with respect to both retired and
                         active employees.

                    (C)  Each  Welfare Plan which is a "group  health  plan," as
                         defined in Section  607(1) of ERISA,  has been operated
                         in material compliance with the provisions of Part 6 of
                         Title I,  Subtitle B of ERISA and Section  4980B of the
                         Internal Revenue Code at all times.

              (iv)  Benefit   Arrangements.   Each  Benefit  Arrangement  is  in
                    material compliance with its terms and with the requirements
                    prescribed  by any  and  all  statutes,  orders,  rules  and
                    regulations   which   are   applicable   to   such   Benefit
                    Arrangement,  including,  without  limitation,  the Internal
                    Revenue Code. Except as set forth on Section  5.11(c)(iv) of
                    the Disclosure Schedules, and except as provided by law, the

                                    -- 49 --

                    employment of all persons presently  employed or retained by
                    Pivotal is terminable at will.

               (v)  Fiduciary  Duties  and  Prohibited   Transactions.   Neither
                    Pivotal nor any  fiduciary  of any  Welfare  Plan or Pension
                    Plan  has  any  material   liability  with  respect  to  any
                    transaction  in violation of Sections 404 or 406 of ERISA or
                    any   "prohibited   transaction,"   as  defined  in  Section
                    4975(c)(1) of Internal  Revenue Code, for which no exemption
                    exists under  Section 408 of ERISA or Section  4975(c)(2) or
                    (d)  of  the  Internal   Revenue   Code.   Pivotal  has  not
                    participated in a violation of Part 4 of Title I, Subtitle B
                    of  ERISA  by any  plan  fiduciary  of any  Welfare  Plan or
                    Pension Plan or has any unpaid civil  penalty  under Section
                    502(1) of ERISA.

              (vi)  Litigation.  There is no action,  order,  writ,  injunction,
                    judgment or decree outstanding or claim,  suit,  litigation,
                    proceeding,   arbitral   action,   governmental   audit   or
                    investigation  relating to benefits  under any Employee Plan
                    that is pending or threatened or anticipated against Pivotal
                    or any ERISA Affiliate.

             (vii)  Unpaid  Contributions,  UBIT.  Neither Pivotal nor any ERISA
                    Affiliate   has   any   material    liability   for   unpaid
                    contributions    with   respect   to   any   Pension   Plan,
                    Multi-employer  Plan or  Welfare  Plan.  Pivotal or an ERISA
                    Affiliate  has made all  required  contributions  under each
                    Employee Plan for all prior periods or proper  accruals been
                    made and are reflected on the appropriate  balance sheet and
                    books and records of Pivotal. No Employee Plan is subject to
                    any tax under  Section  511 of the  Internal  Revenue  Code.
                    (viii) Parachute Payments. There is no contract,  agreement,
                    plan or arrangement covering any employee or former employee
                    of Pivotal  that  provides for the payment by Pivotal of any
                    amount (i) that is not deductible under Section 162(a)(1) or
                    404 of the Internal  Revenue Code or (ii) that is an "excess
                    parachute  payment" pursuant to Section 2806 of the Internal
                    Revenue Code.

              (ix)  No Amendments.  Neither  Pivotal nor any ERISA Affiliate has
                    any announced plan or legally  binding  commitment to create
                    any  additional  Employee  Plans which are intended to cover
                    employees  or former  employees  of  Pivotal  or to amend or
                    modify  any  existing  Employee  Plan  which  covers  or has
                    covered employees or former employees of Pivotal.

               (x)  No Other  Material  Liability.  No  event  has  occurred  in
                    connection  with which Pivotal or any ERISA Affiliate or any
                    Employee Plan,  directly or indirectly,  could be subject to
                    any material liability (A) under any statute,  regulation or
                    governmental  order  relating to any  Employee  Plans or (B)
                    pursuant to any obligation of Pivotal or any ERISA Affiliate
                    to indemnify any person against liability incurred under any
                    such  statute,  regulation  or order as they  relate  to the

                                    -- 50 --

                    Employee Plans.

              (xi)  No Acceleration or Creation of Rights. Neither the execution
                    and delivery of this  Agreement or any of the  Transactional
                    Documents   by   Pivotal   nor  the   consummation   of  the
                    transactions  contemplated  hereby or thereby will result in
                    the  acceleration or creation of any rights of any person to
                    benefits  under  any  Employee  Plan   (including,   without
                    limitation,   the   acceleration   of  the  vesting  of  any
                    Membership  Interests,  the  acceleration  of the accrual or
                    vesting  of any  benefits  under  any  Pension  Plan  or the
                    acceleration  or creation of any rights under any severance,
                    parachute or change in control agreement).

     5.12 Labor Matters.  Section 5.12 of the  Disclosure  Schedule sets forth a
          true and correct list of (i) all collective  bargaining  agreements to
          which Pivotal is a party and (ii) all written  employment or severance
          agreements  to which  Pivotal is a party with respect to any employee,
          former  employee and which may not be terminated at will, or by giving
          notice of 30 days or less,  without cost penalty.  Except as set forth
          in Section 5.12 of the  Disclosure  Schedule,  Pivotal has not entered
          into any  severance or similar  arrangement  in respect of any present
          employee of Pivotal  that will result in any  obligation  (absolute or
          contingent)  of Buyer or  Pivotal to make any  payment to any  present
          employee of Pivotal  following  termination  of  employment  or upon a
          change of control of Pivotal.  Except as set forth in Section  5.12 of
          the Disclosure  Schedule,  Pivotal has not engaged in any unfair labor
          practice and there are no complaints  against  Pivotal  pending before
          the National Labor Relations Board or any similar state or local labor
          agency by or on behalf of any employee of Pivotal. Except as disclosed
          in   Section   5.12  of  the   Disclosure   Schedule,   there  are  no
          representation questions, arbitration proceedings, labor strikes, slow
          downs or stoppages,  grievances or other labor disputes pending or, to
          the knowledge of Pivotal,  threatened with respect to the employees of
          Pivotal,  and Pivotal  has not  experienced  any attempt by  organized
          labor to cause  Pivotal  to  comply  with or  conform  to  demands  of
          organized  labor  relating to its  employees.  Except as  disclosed in
          Section 5.12 of the Disclosure  Schedule,  Pivotal has complied in all
          material  respects with all laws,  rules and  regulations  relating to
          employment,    equal   employment   opportunity,    nondiscrimination,
          immigration,   wages,  hours,  benefits,  collective  bargaining,  the
          payment of social security and similar taxes,  occupational safety and
          health (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Employment Laws."
          Pivotal is not  liable  for the  payment  of  material  taxes,  fines,
          penalties or other amounts, however designated,  for failure to comply
          with any of the foregoing Employment Laws.

     5.13 Tax  Matters.  Except to the extent  disclosed  on Section 5.13 of the
          Disclosure Schedules:

          (a)  Pivotal has duly filed with the  appropriate  Tax authorities all
               Tax Returns  required to be filed, and such Tax Returns are true,
               complete, and correct in all material respects.

                                    -- 51 --

          (b)  Pivotal  has duly paid in full or set aside  for  payment  in the
               Reserve  Account  all Taxes that accrue or are payable by Pivotal
               in  respect  of any  taxable  periods  that end on or before  the
               Closing Date. Pivotal has duly paid in full all Taxes that accrue
               or are  payable by Pivotal  for any  taxable  period  that begins
               before the Closing Date and ends  thereafter,  to the extent that
               such Taxes are  attributable to the portion of such period ending
               on the  Closing  Date  (the  "Pre-Closing  Partial  Period");  or
               established  an  adequate   reserve  in  the  Interim   Financial
               Statements  or  the  Reserve  Account  for  the  portion  of  the
               Pre-Closing Partial Period covered thereby.

          (c)  There is no audit or other matter in controversy  with respect to
               any  Taxes  due  and  owing  by  Pivotal,  and  there  is no  Tax
               deficiency or claim  assessed or proposed or threatened  (whether
               orally or in writing) against  Pivotal,  other than in respect of
               any such audits,  controversies,  deficiencies,  assessments,  or
               assessments  that are being  contested  in good faith,  for which
               adequate  reserves have been established in accordance with GAAP,
               and  which  is set  forth  on  Section  5.13  of  the  Disclosure

          (d)  Pivotal has withheld all Taxes required to have been withheld and
               paid by Pivotal in  connection  with amounts paid or owing to any
               employee, independent contractor, creditor, stockholder, or other
               third party,  and such withheld  Taxes have either been duly paid
               to the proper Governmental Authority or set aside in accounts for
               such purpose;

          (e)  Pivotal has not (i) waived any  statutory  period of  limitations
               for the  assessment  of any Taxes or agreed to any  extension  of
               time with respect to a Tax assessment or deficiency other than in
               the case of any such  waivers  or  extensions  in  respect  of an
               assessment  or  deficiency of Tax the liability of which has been
               satisfied  or settled,  (ii) filed a consent  under the  Internal
               Revenue  Code,  or (iii) has any  liability  for the Taxes of any
               other  person as defined in Section  7701(a)(1)  of the  Internal
               Revenue  Code or under Treas.  Reg. ss.  1.1502-6 (or any similar
               provision of state,  local,  or foreign  law),  as a  transferee,
               successor or by contract;

          (f)  No claim has been made in any taxable year which  remains open in
               respect of such claim by an  authority  in a  jurisdiction  where
               Pivotal  does not  file Tax  Returns  that  Pivotal  is or may be
               subject to taxation by that jurisdiction,  other than in the case
               of any such claims the  liability of which has been  satisfied or

          (g)  None of the assets of Pivotal  (i) are  required to be treated as
               being owned by any other Person  pursuant to the  so-called  safe
               harbor  lease  provisions  of  former  Section  168(f)(8)  of the
               Internal  Revenue  Code,  (ii)  secures any debt the  interest on
               which is tax-exempt  under Internal  Revenue Code Section 103(a),
               or (iii)  is  tax-exempt  use  property  within  the  meaning  of
               Internal Revenue Code Section 168(h);

                                    -- 52 --

          (h)  Pivotal  has  not  agreed  to and is not  required  to  make  any
               adjustment  pursuant to Internal  Revenue Code Section  481(a) by
               reason of a change in accounting  method initiated by Pivotal and
               the IRS  has not  proposed  any  such  adjustment  or  change  in
               accounting method;

          (i)  Pivotal has been treated  since its  formation,  as a partnership
               which is not  subject to United  States  federal or state  income
               tax,  and is not, and has never been,  treated as an  association
               taxable as a  corporation  for United  States  federal  and state
               income tax purposes and has never made an election under Treasury
               Regulations Section 301.7701-3(c)(1)(i) or any analogous state or
               local  statutory  or  regulatory  provision)  to be  treated  for
               federal or state or local tax  purposes  as an entity  other than
               one described in Treasury Regulations Section 301.7701-3;

          (j)  Pivotal has not  requested  an extension of the time within which
               to file any Tax  Return  for which  such Tax  Return has not been

          (k)  Pivotal has no  obligation  under any Tax  allocation  or sharing
               agreement,  and after the Closing  Date,  Pivotal  shall not be a
               party  to,  bound  by  or  have  any  obligation  under  any  Tax
               allocation or sharing agreement or have any liability  thereunder
               for amounts due in respect of periods  prior to and including the
               Closing Date;

          (l)  Pivotal has not made any  payments,  nor is Pivotal  obligated to
               make any payments, and is not a party to any agreement that could
               obligate  it to make any  payments  that  will not be  deductible
               under Internal Revenue Code Section 280G;

          (m)  Pivotal  has not  been a  United  States  real  property  holding
               corporation  within the meaning of Internal  Revenue Code Section
               897(c)(2)  during the  applicable  period  specified  in Internal
               Revenue Code  Section  897(c)(1)(A)(ii)  and is not  described in
               either  the  first  sentence  of  Treasury   Regulation   Section
               1.897-7T(a) or 1.445-11T(d)(1);

          (n)  Pivotal has not entered into transfer pricing agreements or other
               like arrangements with respect to any foreign jurisdiction;

          (o)  Pivotal  has  not   participated   in  or   cooperated   with  an
               international   boycott  or  has  been  requested  to  do  so  in
               connection with any transaction or proposed transaction.

     5.14 Environmental Matters.

          (a)  Except as disclosed in Section 5.14 of the  Disclosure  Schedule,
               (i) Pivotal is and at all times has been in  compliance  with all
               Laws relating to pollution or the environment (including, without
               limitation,  the  Handling  of  Substances  or  the  presence  of
               Substances,  under or from any real  property)  the Medical Waste
               Tracking Act, or the Resource  Conservation  Recovery Act and any

                                    -- 53 --

               amendments or modifications thereto  ("Environmental  Laws"), and
               (ii) Pivotal is in  compliance  with all of its  Licenses  issued
               under Environmental Laws.

          (b)  Except as disclosed in Section 5.14 of the  Disclosure  Schedule,
               neither  Sellers nor Pivotal has received any written request for
               information,  or  been  notified  that  either  is a  potentially
               responsible   party,   under  the   Comprehensive   Environmental
               Response,  Compensation  and  Liability  Act of 1980,  as amended
               ("CERCLA"),  or any similar Environmental Law with respect to any
               current or former Leased Real Property or any other location used
               or associated with the business of Pivotal.

          (c)  Except as disclosed in Section 5.14 of the  Disclosure  Schedule,
               neither  Sellers  nor  Pivotal  has  received  any  notice of any
               violation  or  alleged  violation  of  any  Environmental  Law in
               connection  with the Leased  Real  Property or  operation  of the
               Pivotal Business.

          (d)  Except as disclosed in Section 5.14 of the  Disclosure  Schedule,
               there are no writs,  injunctions,  decrees,  orders or  judgments
               outstanding,  or  any  actions,  suits,  claims,  proceedings  or
               investigations pending or threatened, relating to compliance with
               or liability under any Environmental Laws affecting Pivotal.

          (e)  Except as disclosed in Section 5.14 of the  Disclosure  Schedule,
               to the knowledge of the Sellers, none of the Leased Real Property
               is listed or  proposed  for listing on the  "National  Priorities
               List"  under  CERCLA,  or  on  the  Comprehensive   Environmental
               Response,   Compensation   and   Liability   Information   System
               maintained by the United States Environmental  Protection Agency,
               or any similar  state list of sites  requiring  investigation  or

          (f)  Except as disclosed in Section 5.14 of the  Disclosure  Schedule,
               there is no Substance spilled, discharged released or disposed of
               by Pivotal  arising out of the  conduct of the  Pivotal  Business
               that  may  pose  any  material  risk  to  safety,  health  or the
               environment on or under any property owned, leased or operated by
               Pivotal,  currently or in the past,  there has heretofore been no
               spillage,  discharge,  release or disposal of any Substance on or
               under such property by Pivotal  arising out of the conduct of the
               Pivotal  Business  in  any  amount  or  of a  nature  that  could
               reasonably  be  expected  to  result  in  material  liability  to

          (g)  Except as disclosed in Section 5.14 of the  Disclosure  Schedule,
               Pivotal has not assumed or retained,  by contract or operation of
               law in  connection  with the sale or  transfer  of any  assets or
               business,  any material  liabilities  arising from or  associated
               with or otherwise in  connection  with such assets or business of
               any kind,  fixed or  contingent,  known or not  known,  under any
               applicable Environmental Law.

                                    -- 54 --

          (h)  True, complete and correct copies of the written reports, and all
               parts thereof, of all environmental  audits or assessments in the
               possession,   custody  or  control  of  Pivotal  that  have  been
               conducted in respect of any Leased Real Property  within the past
               five  years,   either  by  Pivotal  or  attorney,   environmental
               consultant  or  engineer  engaged  for such  purpose,  have  been
               delivered to Buyer.

     5.15 Insurance.

          (a)  Section 5.15(a) of the Disclosure  Schedule  contains an accurate
               and  complete  description  of all  policies  property,  fire and
               casualty,  product liability,  workers'  compensation,  and other
               forms of insurance  held by Pivotal.  True,  correct and complete
               copies of such  insurance  policies  have been made  available to

          (b)  Except  as  disclosed  in  Section   5.15(b)  of  the  Disclosure
               Schedule,   all  policies   listed  on  Section  5.15(a)  of  the
               Disclosure Schedule (i) are valid,  outstanding,  and enforceable
               policies,  and (ii) will not  terminate or lapse by reason of the
               transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

          (c)  Except  as  set  forth  in  Section  5.15(c)  of  the  Disclosure
               Schedule, Pivotal has not received (i) any notice of cancellation
               of any  policy  listed  on  Section  5.15(a)  of  the  Disclosure
               Schedule or refusal of coverage thereunder,  (ii) any notice that
               any  issuer  of  such  policy  has  filed  for  protection  under
               applicable  bankruptcy  laws or is  otherwise  in the  process of
               liquidating  or has been  liquidated,  or (iii) any other  notice
               that such  policies are no longer in full force or effect or that
               the  issuer of any such  policy is no longer  willing  or able to
               perform its obligations thereunder.

     5.16 Customers,  Distributors and Suppliers. Section 5.16 of the Disclosure
          Schedule  sets  forth a  complete  and  accurate  list of the names of
          Pivotal's (i) ten (10) largest customer  Pharmaceutical  Companies for
          the most  recent  fiscal  year  listed  based on revenue  received  by
          Pivotal,  setting forth the  approximate  amount of payments  received
          from each such  customer  during the most recent  fiscal year and (ii)
          the suppliers for the most recent fiscal year showing the  approximate
          total  purchases in dollars by Pivotal from each such supplier  during
          such  fiscal  year.  Except  as  disclosed  in  Section  5.16  of  the
          Disclosure  Schedule,  Pivotal has not received any communication from
          any  customer  or  supplier  named on Section  5.16 of the  Disclosure
          Schedule of any intention to terminate or materially  reduce purchases
          from or supplies to Pivotal.

     5.17 Affiliate  Transactions.  Except as set forth on  Section  5.17 of the
          Disclosure  Schedule,  (i) no officer,  manager  under the Pivotal LLC
          Agreement, member, or Affiliate of Pivotal, (ii) no individual related
          by blood,  marriage or adoption to any person  described in clause (i)
          and (iii) no entity in which any of the foregoing persons described in
          clause (i) or clause  (ii) owns  individually  or in the  aggregate  a
          greater  than 10%  beneficial  interest  is a party to any  agreement,

                                    -- 55 --

          contract,  commitment  or  transaction  with Pivotal or has a material
          interest in any material property used by Pivotal (any such agreement,
          contract,  commitment,  transaction  or  interest,  a  "Related  Party
          Transaction").  All Related  Party  Transactions  shall be  terminated
          prior to the Closing Date.

     5.18 Liability.  Except  as set  forth on  Section  5.18 of the  Disclosure
          Schedule,  neither  Pivotal nor the Sellers have  committed any act or
          omission  which would result in, or has any  knowledge of any facts or
          circumstances which would give rise to, (i) any material liability not
          covered by insurance (other than deductibles or self retention amounts
          under such insurance  policies) or (ii) any liability in excess of the
          reserve   established   therefore  on  Pivotal's   Audited   Financial
          Statements or the Reserve Account. Except as set forth in Section 5.18
          of the  Disclosure  Schedule,  none  of  Kirby,  Bonacci,  Michael  J.
          Colombo, Craig M. McCarthy,  Troy Williams, or Chrysonne Rinderkinecht
          have ever been the subject of (a) any Action relating to Pivotal,  the
          business of Pivotal,  or the conduct of any activities by or on behalf
          of Pivotal in any capacity whatsoever, or (b) any investigation by any
          Governmental   Authority,   medical  board,   hospital,   health  care
          organization or any professional  organization,  related or pertaining
          to the  practice of  medicine on behalf of Pivotal or the  business of
          Pivotal,  or the conduct of any  activities by or on behalf of Pivotal
          in any  capacity  whatsoever,  or any  other  activities  on behalf of
          Pivotal or the business of Pivotal.

     5.19 Full Disclosure.  No representation or warranty made by Pivotal or any
          Seller  in  this  Agreement,  nor  any  Transaction  Document  or  any
          document, exhibit, statement,  certificate or schedule attached to the
          Transaction  Document  to which  Pivotal or such  Seller is a party or
          delivered  by Pivotal at the Closing to Buyer in  connection  with the
          transactions  contemplated  hereby  contains  any untrue  statement of
          material fact or omits to state any material  fact  necessary in order
          to make the statement contained herein or therein not misleading.

     5.20 Financial Statements.

          (a)  Attached as Section  5.20(a) of the Disclosure  Schedule are true
               and complete copies of (i) the Audited  Financial  Statements and
               (ii) the Interim Financial Statements. Except as set forth in the
               notes  thereto  or  as  disclosed  in  Section   5.20(a)  of  the
               Disclosure Schedule, all such financial statements (including the
               footnotes  thereto)  were  prepared in  accordance  with GAAP and
               fairly present in all material respects the financial  condition,
               results of  operations  and  changes  in cash flows and  Member's
               capital of Pivotal as of the dates  thereof  and for the  periods
               covered thereby, subject to, in the case of the Interim Financial
               Statements,  normal recurring year-end adjustments (the effect of
               which  is  not  expected  to be  material)  and  the  absence  of
               footnotes.  Pivotal's  fiscal  and tax year are both based on the
               calendar year.

          (b)  Pivotal has no liabilities required to be disclosed in accordance
               with GAAP,  other than  liabilities  (i)  reflected  and reserved
               against on  Pivotal's  balance  sheet as of June 30,  2003,  (ii)

                                    -- 56 --

               disclosed in Section 5.20(b) of the Disclosure Schedule, or (iii)
               incurred since June 30, 2003 in the ordinary  course of business,
               consistent with Pivotal's past practice,  which,  individually or
               in the  aggregate,  will not have a  Material  Adverse  Effect on

          (c)  Except as set forth on Schedule  5.20(c),  the accounts and notes
               receivable reflected on the Interim Financial Statements are free
               and clear of any Encumbrance.

          (d)  As of the Closing Date, Pivotal has no Net Debt.

     5.21 No Changes.

          (a)  Except as  otherwise  disclosed  to Buyer,  since the date of the
               Interim  Financial  Statements,  there  has not been any event or
               condition that has materially  and adversely  affected  Pivotal's
               business, prospects,  condition, affairs, operations,  properties
               or assets  other than events  affecting  the economy or Pivotal's
               industry generally.  (b) Except as expressly contemplated by this
               Agreement or as set forth on Schedule  5.21(b),  since  September
               30, 2003, there has been no:

               (i)  (a)  increase  in  the  compensation  payable  or to  become
                    payable to Pivotal to any of its  employees  or  independent
                    contractors,  except for normal  increases  in the  ordinary
                    course  of  business,  (b)  bonus,  incentive  compensation,
                    service  award  or  other  like  benefit  granted,  made  or
                    accrued,  contingently or otherwise, for or to the credit of
                    any of the  personnel,  except  in the  ordinary  course  of
                    business,   (c)  employee  welfare,   pension,   retirement,
                    profit-sharing  or similar  payment or  arrangement  made or
                    agreed to by Pivotal for any  personnel  except  pursuant to
                    the existing  Employee Plans described in Section 5.11(a) of
                    the Disclosure  Schedules or (d) new employment agreement to
                    which  Pivotal  is a party  except as  contemplated  by this

              (ii) addition to or modification of the Employee Plans other than
                    (a)  contributions   made  in  accordance  with  the  normal
                    practices  of Pivotal or (b) the  extension  of  coverage to
                    other  personnel  who became  eligible  after  September 30,

             (iii)  cancellation  of any  Liabilities or waiver of any rights of
                    substantial value to Pivotal;

              (iv)  cancellation,  termination  or  material  amendment  of  any
                    Material  Contract,  License or other  instrument of Pivotal
                    that adversely affects Pivotal;

               (v)  failure to operate the  business of Pivotal in the  ordinary
                    course  in any  material  respect  so as to  use  reasonable
                    efforts to preserve the business  intact,  to keep available
                    the services of employees and independent  contractors,  and

                                    -- 57 --

                    to preserve the goodwill of Pivotal's  suppliers,  customers
                    and other Persons having business relations with Pivotal;

              (vi)  change in accounting methods or practices by Pivotal;

             (vii)  revaluation  by Pivotal of any of its  respective  assets or
                    properties,  including without limitation, writing off notes
                    or accounts receivable;

            (viii)  Liabilities incurred by Pivotal or any commitment to incur
                    Liabilities  entered  into by Pivotal,  or any loans made or
                    agreed  to  be  made  by  Pivotal,  other  than  Liabilities
                    incurred in the ordinary course of business  consistent with
                    past practice or loans to fund insurance;

              (ix)  declaration,   setting  aside  for  payment  or  payment  of
                    dividends  or   distributions   in  respect  of  any  Equity
                    Securities of Pivotal or any  redemption,  purchase or other
                    acquisition by Pivotal of any of Pivotal's Equity Securities
                    except for such  distributions to Sellers on the date hereof
                    pursuant to Section 2.2(a)-(b) of this Agreement;

               (x)  issuance  or  reservation  for  issuance  by Pivotal  of, or
                    commitment  to issue or reserve for  issuance of, any Equity
                    Securities of Pivotal;

              (xi)  execution,  termination,  or material amendment of any lease
                    for real or personal property involving annual payments; or

              xii)   any agreement by Pivotal to do any of the foregoing.

          (c)  Except as  expressly  contemplated  by this  Agreement  or as set
               forth on Schedule 5.21(c),  since September 30, 2003, Pivotal has

               (i)  discharged or satisfied  any lien or paid any  obligation or
                    liability,  other  than  current  liabilities  paid  in  the
                    ordinary course of business;

              (ii)  mortgaged  or  pledged  any of its  properties  or assets or
                    subjected them to any  Liabilities,  except  Liabilities for
                    current property taxes not yet due and payable;

             (iii)  sold,  assigned or transferred  any of its tangible  assets,
                    except in the ordinary  course of business,  or canceled any
                    debts or claims, except in the ordinary course of business;

              (iv)  sold,  assigned or transferred  any  Intellectual  Property,
                    trade secrets or other intangible  assets,  or disclosed any
                    proprietary confidential information to any person; (v) made
                    capital   expenditures   or  incurred  any   commitments  or
                    liabilities other than in the ordinary course of business;

              (vi)  made any loans or advances  to,  guarantees  for the benefit

                                    -- 58 --

                    of, or any investments in, any persons;

             (vii)  suffered any damage,  destruction  or casualty  loss whether
                    or not covered by insurance; or

            (viii)  entered  into any  other  transaction  other  than in the
                    ordinary course of business.

     5.22 Contracts. Schedule 5.22 sets forth a list of Pharmaceutical Contracts
          to which Pivotal is a party and is currently performing, or has agreed
          to perform Clinical Research Services  Post-Closing.  Pivotal and each
          and every other party to each such contract are not in material breach
          or default,  and are not  alleged to be in material  breach or default
          under any such contract, and no event has occurred and no condition or
          state of facts exists (or would exist upon the giving of notice or the
          lapse of time or both) that would  become or cause a material  breach,
          default or event of default  under any such contract or would cause an
          acceleration of any liability  under any such contract.  Except as set
          forth in Section  5.22 of the  Disclosure  Schedules,  Pivotal has not
          received any notice of actual, alleged,  possible or potential default
          or violation with respect to any such contract.

     5.23 Litigation and Legal Proceedings.

          (a)  Except as set forth in attached  Section  5.23 of the  Disclosure
               Schedule,  (i) there are no Actions pending or threatened against
               Pivotal,  or any of its  employees  arising  out of,  related  or
               pertaining to their  relationship or employment with Pivotal,  or
               any of the assets or properties  of Pivotal,  before any court or
               administrative  agency  involving a claim;  (ii)  Pivotal and its
               assets and  properties  used in the  business  of Pivotal are not
               subject to any Governmental  Order, (iii) neither Pivotal nor any
               of its  assets  or  properties  are  subject  of any  pending  or
               threatened  investigation  by any  Governmental  Authority,  (iv)
               there  are no  unsatisfied  judgments  against  Pivotal,  and (v)
               Pivotal  is not  subject  to any  arbitration  proceedings  under
               collective  bargaining  agreements or otherwise any  governmental
               investigations  or  inquiries  (including  inquiries  as  to  the
               qualification  to hold or receive  any  license or  permit).  The
               foregoing  includes,  without  limiting its  generality,  actions
               pending or threatened  involving  the prior  employment of any of
               Pivotal's  employees,  or their use in connection  with Pivotal's
               business of any information or techniques  allegedly  proprietary
               to  any  of its  former  employers.  There  is no  action,  suit,
               proceeding, claim or investigation initiated by Pivotal currently

          (b)  There  are no  Governmental  Orders  outstanding  and no  Actions
               pending or threatened  against,  relating or affecting any Seller
               or any of its assets or  properties  which  could  reasonably  be
               expected  to  result  in the  issuance  of a  Governmental  Order
               restraining, enjoining or otherwise prohibiting or making illegal
               the  consummation  by  such  Seller  of any  of the  transactions
               contemplated   by  this  Agreement  or  any  of  the  Transaction
               Documents  to  which  such  Seller  is a  party  or  which  could

                                    -- 59 --

               reasonably be expected to have a material  adverse  effect on the
               validity  or  enforceability  as  against  such  Seller  of  this
               Agreement  or any of the  Transaction  Documents  to  which  such
               Seller is a party or the ability of such  Seller to perform  his,
               her or its obligations hereunder or thereunder.

     5.24 Approvals;  Consents.  Except  as set  forth  on  Section  5.24 of the
          Disclosure  Schedule and other than  consents  required in  connection
          with the Pivotal LLC Agreement which consents have been obtained prior
          to the date  hereof,  no consent,  approval,  authorization,  license,
          order or permit of, or declaration,  filing or  registration  with, or
          notification  to, any  Governmental  Authority,  or any other  Person,
          including, but not limited to, any party to a Contract, is required to
          be made or  obtained by Pivotal or any Seller in  connection  with the
          execution,  delivery and performance of the Transaction  Documents and
          the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby and thereby.

     5.25 Compliance  with  Law.  Except as  disclosed  in  Section  5.25 of the
          Disclosure Schedule and except for compliance by Pivotal with any Laws
          to the extent  Sellers are making a  representation  and warranty with
          respect to such Laws in this  Article V pursuant to any section  other
          than this Section 5.25,  including,  Environmental  Laws  addressed in
          Section 5.14, Employment Laws addressed in Section 5.12, Laws relating
          to Employee  Plans  addressed in Section  5.11,  and Laws  relating to
          Taxes  addressed in Section 5.13,  Pivotal and the Sellers are, and at
          all times during the past five (5) years have been,  in  compliance in
          all respects with all applicable Laws.  Except as disclosed in Section
          5.25 of the Disclosure Schedule,  neither the Sellers, nor Pivotal has
          received  any  written  notice  during  the past five (5) years to the
          effect that any Seller or Pivotal is not in  compliance in any respect
          with  applicable  Laws.  Except  as set forth in  Section  5.25 of the
          Disclosure Schedule,  Pivotal has not, during the past five (5) years,
          conducted any internal  investigation in connection with which Pivotal
          retained or sought  advice from outside  legal counsel with respect to
          any actual,  potential or alleged  material  violation of any Law by a
          Seller, Pivotal, or any of Pivotal's employees, officers, directors or

     5.26 Title to Transferred Interest.  Each Seller owns,  beneficially and of
          record,  such  Seller's  Membership  Interest  free  and  clear of any
          Encumbrances.  The delivery to Buyer of a duly authorized and executed
          Assignment  Agreement at the Closing  will  transfer to Buyer good and
          valid title to such Seller's Membership Interest free and clear of any
          Encumbrances except for those in favor of the Sellers described in the
          Transaction Documents.  Except for any of this Agreement,  the Pivotal
          LLC Agreement, and any Transaction Documents to which such Seller is a
          party, such Seller is not a party to any contract, agreement, proxy or
          other  similar  instrument  with  respect to the sale or voting of, or
          otherwise relating to or affecting such Seller's Membership Interest.

     5.27 Finders.  No broker's,  finder's or any other similar fee,  expense or
          commission has been or shall be incurred by or on behalf of Pivotal or
          the Sellers in connection with the origin,  negotiation,  execution or
          delivery of this  Agreement or the  consummation  of the  transactions
          contemplated hereby.

                                    -- 60 --

     5.28 Securities  Disclosure.  Sellers have  reviewed all SEC Reports  filed
          from the period  commencing  on  January  1,  2002,  and ending on the
          Closing  Date.  The Closing  Stock is sold to Sellers in reliance upon
          Sellers'  representations  and  warranties  which shall  include that,
          except as set forth in Schedule  5.28,  each  Seller is an  Accredited

     5.29 Pre-Closing  Conditions.  Except as set forth in  Section  5.29 of the
          Disclosure  Schedule,  there  are  no  Pre-Closing  claims,  disputes,
          conflicts,  facts, circumstances,  conditions,  events, or occurrences
          which individually, or in the aggregate, would, except for those items
          for which  Sellers  have  deposited  funds into the  Reserve  Account,
          result, directly or indirectly,  in any damage or liability to Pivotal
          or the  Pivotal  Business,  or impair the  Sellers  ability to perform
          their obligations hereunder.

     5.30 Disclosure.  Pivotal's  disclosure of an item in a Disclosure Schedule
          attached to this  Agreement  shall be deemed actual notice  thereof to
          Buyer with  respect to the  applicable  Section of this  Agreement  to
          which such  disclosure  applies,  but only to the extent of the actual
          disclosure set forth in writing therein.

                                    -- 61 --

                                   ARTICLE VI

                     Representations and Warranties of Buyer

     The  Buyer represents and warrants to Sellers as follows:

     6.1  Organization. Buyer is a corporation duly formed, validly existing and
          in good standing under the laws of the State of Massachusetts  and has
          the requisite  power and authority to own or lease its  properties and
          to carry on its business as now conducted.  Buyer is duly qualified to
          conduct  business as a foreign  corporation and is in good standing in
          each  jurisdiction  where  the  character  of  its  properties  owned,
          operated  or  leased  or the  nature  of  its  activities  makes  such
          qualification necessary,  except where failure to do so would not have
          a Material Adverse Effect.

     6.2  Power and  Authority.  Buyer has all requisite  power and authority to
          enter  into  the  Transaction  Documents  and  to  perform  fully  its
          obligations   hereunder  and   thereunder   and  to   consummate   the
          transactions  contemplated  hereby  and  thereby.  The  execution  and
          delivery of the Transaction  Documents and the performance by Buyer of
          its obligations  thereunder and the  consummation of the  transactions
          contemplated  thereby  have been duly and  validly  authorized  by all
          necessary  action  on the  part  of  Buyer.  Each  of the  Transaction
          Documents  is a valid  and  binding  obligation  of Buyer  enforceable
          against Buyer in accordance with its terms,  except to the extent such
          enforceability   (a)  may  be  limited  by   bankruptcy,   insolvency,
          reorganization, moratorium or other similar laws relating to creditors
          generally, or (b) is subject to general principles of equity.

     6.3  Authorized  Closing  Stock.   Buyer's  Board  of  Directors  has  duly
          authorized the Closing Stock and the Note C Shares.  The Closing Stock
          has been duly and validly  issued,  fully paid and is  non-assessable.
          When issued, the Note C Shares will have been duly and validly issued,
          fully paid and non-assessable

     6.4  Finders. No broker's, finder's or any similar fee has been or shall be
          incurred  by or on  behalf  of Buyer in  connection  with the  origin,
          negotiation,   execution   or  delivery  of  this   Agreement  or  the
          consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby, except such fees
          as Buyer shall pay to Bathgate Capital  Partners,  which fees, if any,
          shall be the sole and separate responsibility of Buyer.

     6.5  Approvals; Consents. All consents, approvals, orders or authorizations
          of, or registrations,  qualifications,  designations,  declarations or
          filings  with,  any  Governmental  Authority  or Person on the part of
          Buyer  required  in  connection  with  the  execution,   delivery  and
          performance of this Agreement and the consummation of the transactions
          contemplated  by this Agreement shall have been obtained prior to, and
          be effective as of, the Closing.

     6.6  Compliance with Other  Instruments;  Law. The execution,  delivery and
          performance  of the  Transaction  Documents  by  the  Buyer,  and  the
          consummation of the transactions  contemplated thereby will not result
          in any  violation,  nor be in  conflict  with or  constitute,  with or

                                    -- 62 --

          without the passage of time and giving of notice,  a default under any
          such provision, nor, except as set forth on Schedule 6.6, or otherwise
          provided in this Agreement or a Loan Document,  result in the creation
          or imposition of any lien pursuant to any such provision.

     6.7  Investment Representations.  Except as set forth in Section 6.7 of the
          Disclosure Schedules:

          (a)  Buyer  understands  that the  Membership  Interests have not been
               registered  under the  Securities  Act, or any state security act
               and are  being  sold to Buyer by reason  of  specific  exemptions
               under the provisions thereof.

          (b)  Buyer  understands that the Membership  Interests are "restricted
               securities" under applicable federal securities laws and that the
               Securities  Act and the  rules  of the  Securities  and  Exchange
               Commission promulgated thereunder provide in substance that Buyer
               may  dispose of the  Membership  Interests  only  pursuant  to an
               effective  registration  statement  under  the  1933  Act  or  an
               exemption from registration if available.

          (c)  Buyer  acknowledges that neither Pivotal nor any person acting on
               behalf of  Pivotal  has used  general  solicitation,  general  or
               public mass media or mass mailing in  connection  with the offer,
               solicitation or sale of the Membership Interests.

          (d)  Buyer is an  "accredited  investor"  as defined in Rule 501 Under
               Regulation D promulgated under the Securities Act.

     6.8  SEC Filings.  Buyer has filed all forms,  reports and  documents  (the
          "SEC  Reports")  required to be filed by Buyer with the Securities and
          Exchange  Commission  ("SEC") for the period  commencing on January 1,
          2003  through  the date  hereof.  Each such SEC  Report,  when  filed,
          complied  in all  respects  with the  requirements  of the  Securities
          Exchange Act of 1934, as amended  ("Exchange Act"), and the applicable
          rules and regulations  thereunder and, as of their  respective  dates,
          none of the SEC Reports  contained any untrue  statement of a material
          fact or omitted to state a material fact required to be stated therein
          or  necessary  to  make  the  statements  therein,  in  light  of  the
          circumstances under which they were made, not misleading. ARTICLE VII

                              CONDITIONS TO CLOSING

     7.1  Conditions  to  Obligations  of the Sellers.  The  obligations  of the
          Sellers and Pivotal to consummate  the  transactions  contemplated  by
          this Agreement  shall be subject to the  fulfillment or waiver,  at or
          prior to the Closing, of each of the following conditions:

          (a)  Representations and Warranties Covenants. (i) The representations
               and  warranties of Buyer  contained in this Agreement and in each
               Transaction  Document  shall be true and correct in all  material
               respects  as of the Closing  (or, in the case of  representations
               and  warranties  of  Buyer  which  address  matters  only as of a
               particular  date,  as of such  date) and (ii) the  covenants  and
               agreements  contained in this  Agreement and in each  Transaction

                                    -- 63 --

               Document to be complied  with by Buyer on or prior to the Closing
               shall have been complied with in all material respects.

          (b)  Opinion.  Buyer shall have  delivered  the legal opinion of Arent
               Fox Kintner Plotkin & Kahn, PLLC in the form of Exhibit 7.1(b) to
               this Agreement;

          (c)  Good Standing.  Buyer shall have delivered to Sellers evidence of
               the good standing of Buyer issued by the Massachusetts  Secretary
               of State  not  later  than  within  five  (5)  days  prior to the

          (d)  Registration of Closing Stock. All steps shall have been taken to
               affect the issuance of the Closing Stock in  compliance  with all
               applicable federal and state securities laws.

          (e)  Buyer shall have executed Note A;

          (f)  Buyer shall have executed Note B;

          (g)  Buyer shall have executed Note C;

          (h)  Buyer shall have  executed  the Pledge  Agreement in favor of the
               Sellers in the form attached hereto as Exhibit 7.1(h);

          (i)  Buyer shall have  executed  the  Security  Agreement  in the form
               attached hereto as Exhibit 7.1(i);

          (j)  Buyer shall have executed the Financing Statement in favor of the
               Sellers in the form attached hereto as Exhibit 7.1(j);

          (k)  Buyer shall have obtained the Acquisition  Financing and the Line
               of Credit financing.

          (l)  Buyer shall have  transferred  the Closing  Stock to the Sellers,
               subject  to the  obligations  on  registration  set forth in this

     7.2  Conditions to Obligations of the Buyer.  The  obligations of the Buyer
          to consummate the transactions contemplated by this Agreement shall be
          subject to the fulfillment or waiver,  at the Closing,  of each of the
          following conditions:

          (a)  Sellers'  Representations  and  Warranties;  Covenants.  (i)  The
               representations  and warranties of each of the Sellers  contained
               in this Agreement and in each of the Transaction  Documents shall
               be true and correct in all  material  respects as of the Closing,
               with the same force and effect as if made as of the Closing  (or,
               in the case of  representations  and  warranties  of the  Sellers
               which  address  matters only as of a particular  date, as of such
               date) and (ii) the  covenants  and  agreements  contained  in the
               Transaction  Documents  to be complied  with by the Sellers at or
               prior  to the  Closing  shall  have  been  complied  with  in all
               material respects; it being understood by the parties hereto that
               it shall be a condition of the Buyer's  obligations to consummate

                                    -- 64 --

               the  transactions  with any Seller that all of the Sellers  shall
               have satisfied the condition set forth in this Section 7.2.

          (b)  Legal Opinion.  Sellers shall have delivered the legal opinion of
               Cynthia  Y.  McCoy,  P.C.,  counsel  to  Sellers,  in the form of
               Exhibit 7.2(b) to this Agreement;

          (c)  Tender for Purchase. Each Seller or its Representative shall have
               delivered at the Closing an Assignment  Agreement with respect to
               the Membership  Interests  being sold by such Seller  pursuant to
               this  Agreement  and  shall  otherwise  have  performed  or shall

               perform at the Closing,  the obligations of such Seller described
               in Section 7.1, it being understood by the parties hereto that it
               shall be a condition of the Buyer's  obligation to consummate the
               transactions  with any Seller that all of the Sellers  shall have
               satisfied the condition set forth in this Section 7.2.

          (d)  Good Standing.  Pivotal shall have delivered to Buyer evidence of
               the good  standing  of Pivotal in the State of Arizona  issued by
               the  Secretary of State of the State of Arizona,  and evidence of
               good standing issued by the applicable  Governmental Authority in
               every other jurisdiction where Pivotal is registered or qualified
               to conduct business, within 5 days prior to the Closing.

          (e)  Third Party  Consents.  The consents,  approvals,  permissions or
               acknowledgments   or  notices  listed  on  Section  5.24  of  the
               Disclosure  Schedule  shall have been obtained or made, and Buyer
               shall  have  received  reasonably   acceptable  written  evidence

          (f)  Resignation of Managers. Each member of the Board of Directors of
               Pivotal shall have  resigned as elected or appointed  managers of
               Pivotal effective as of the Closing Date.

          (g)  Related Party Transactions.  All Related Party transactions shall
               have been  terminated,  effective  as of the Closing Date and all
               sums  payable  by  Pivotal   pursuant  to  such   Related   Party
               Transactions shall have been paid in full.

          (h)  Assignment.  Each of Sellers  shall have  executed an  Assignment

               (i)  Commitment.   The  Buyer  shall  have   received  a  binding
                    commitment  from a lender  acceptable to Buyer to provide to
                    Buyer the Acquisition Financing and the Line of Credit.

     7.3  Concurrent  Conditions.  As a  condition  to closing  for all  parties
          hereto,  each  of  the  following  transactions   (collectively,   the
          "Concurrent  Transactions") shall have been consummated at or prior to
          the Closing:

          (a)  Due Diligence.  Buyer and each Seller shall have  completed,  and
               shall in each of their sole and absolute  discretion be satisfied

                                    -- 65 --

               with the  results  of,  all  business,  financial  and  legal due
               diligence  that it deems  necessary or  appropriate in connection
               with the Transaction Documents.

          (b)  General.  The form and substance of all instruments and documents
               executed and  delivered in  connection  with the Closing shall be
               reasonably  acceptable  to  Sellers,  Buyer and their  respective

          (c)  Kirby Employment  Agreement.  Kirby shall have executed the Kirby
               Employment Agreement.

          (d)  Colombo  Employment  Agreement.  Michael  J.  Colombo  shall have
               executed the Colombo Employment Agreement.

          (e)  No  Injunction.  No injunction or  restraining  order shall be in
               effect or threatened that restrains or prohibits the consummation
               of the  transactions  contemplated  hereby or that would limit or

               adversely affect Buyer's ownership of the Membership Interests or
               Sellers'  ownership of the Closing Stock,  and no proceedings for
               such  purpose  shall be pending,  and no  Governmental  Authority
               shall have enacted, issued promulgated,  enforced or entered into
               any statute, rule,  regulation,  injunction or other Governmental
               Order  that is in  effect  and  has  the  effect  of  making  the
               transaction   contemplated  by  this  Agreement  or  any  of  the
               Transaction  Documents  illegal or otherwise  restricts or delays
               the consummation of transactions.

          (f)  Certified  Documents.  Each  of  Pivotal  and  Buyer  shall  have
               executed and delivered to each other a certificate certifying the
               resolutions  of the  directors  and  members of their  respective
               entities  with respect to the  transactions  contemplated  by the
               Transaction Documents.

          (g)  No Order. No Governmental  Authority shall have enacted,  issued,
               promulgated,  enforced or entered any statute,  rule, regulation,
               injunction or other Governmental Order which is in effect and has
               the effect of making the transactions  contemplated by any of the
               Transaction    Documents   illegal   or   otherwise   prohibiting
               consummation of such transactions.

                                  ARTICLE VIII

                          SURVIVAL AND INDEMNIFICATION

     8.1  Survival.  Subject to the  limitations  and other  provisions  of this
          Agreement,  the  representations,  warranties  and  covenants  of  the
          parties  contained  herein  and in any  certificate  delivered  at the
          Closing  shall  survive the Closing and shall remain in full force and
          effect,  regardless of any  investigation  made by or on behalf of the
          Sellers  or the  Buyer,  for a period of six years  after the  Closing
          Date. For purposes of this Agreement, all references to the Buyer, the
          Sellers and Pivotal shall include successors and assigns.

                                    -- 66 --

     8.2  Indemnification.

          (a)  Subject to the arbitration  provisions of Section 10.12, from and
               after the  Closing  each  Seller,  jointly and  severally,  shall
               indemnify,  defend and hold  harmless  the Buyer from and against
               any and all  Losses  whether  or not  involving  any third  party
               claim,  arising  out of,  resulting  from or  relating to (i) any
               breach on the Closing Date of any  representation  or warranty of
               such  Seller  contained  in  Article V hereof or set forth in any
               certificate delivered by such Seller or his or its Representative
               hereof;  (ii) any breach of any  covenant  or  agreement  of such
               Seller contained herein;  or (iii) any litigation  whether or not
               disclosed in Section 5.23 of the  Disclosure  Schedule  resulting
               from  a  Pre-Closing  event,  facts,  circumstances,   conditions
               whether or not asserted prior to the Closing Date.

          (b)  Subject to the arbitration  provisions of Section 10.12, from and
               after the Closing Sellers shall jointly and severally  indemnify,
               defend and hold  harmless the Buyer and its  Affiliates  from and
               against all Losses from Taxes (i) with  respect to all periods of
               Pivotal  ending prior to the Closing Date or (ii) with respect to
               any  period of Pivotal  beginning  before  the  Closing  Date and
               ending  after the  Closing  Date,  but only with  respect  to the
               Pre-Closing Partial Period.  Payment of any amount due under this

               Section 8.2 shall be made within 30 days following written notice
               by Buyer that  payment of such  amounts  to the  appropriate  tax
               authority is due.

          (c)  Subject to the arbitration  provisions of Section 10.12, from and
               after the Closing Buyer shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless
               Sellers  from and  against  any and all  Losses,  whether  or not
               involving any third party claim,  arising out of,  resulting from
               or  relating  to (i) any  breach  on the  date  hereof  or on the
               Closing  Date of any  representation  or  warranty  of such Buyer
               contained  in  Article  VI  hereof,  or (ii)  any  breach  of any
               covenant or agreement of such Buyer contained herein.

          (d)  If a claim for Losses (a "Claim") is to be made by an indemnified
               party, such indemnified party shall give written notice (a "Claim
               Notice") to the party against whom such Claim is being  asserted,
               in the case of  indemnification  pursuant to Section  8.2(a)-(c),
               the   recipient   of  such  notice   referred  to  below  as  the
               "Indemnifying   Party"),  in  either  case  promptly  after  such
               indemnified  party becomes aware of any fact,  condition or event
               which may give rise to Losses  for which  indemnification  may be
               sought  under this Section 8.2. If any lawsuit or other action is
               filed or instituted against any indemnified party with respect to
               a matter subject to indemnity hereunder, notice thereof (a "Third
               Party  Notice")  shall  be  given  to the  indemnifying  party as
               promptly as  practicable  (and in any event  within  fifteen (15)
               calendar days after the service of the citation or summons).  The
               failure of any indemnified  party to give timely notice hereunder
               shall   not   affect   such   indemnified   party's   rights   to

                                    -- 67 --

               indemnification hereunder,  except to the extent of actual damage
               caused by such  failure.  After  receipt of a Third Party Notice,
               the  Indemnifying  Party shall have the right to (i) take control
               of the defense and investigation of such lawsuit or action,  (ii)
               employ and engage  attorneys  of its own choice  (subject  to the
               approval  of  the  indemnified  party,  such  approval  not to be
               unreasonably  withheld)  to handle and  defend  the same,  at the
               indemnifying  party's  sole  cost,  risk and  expense,  and (iii)
               compromise or settle such claim,  which  compromise or settlement
               shall be made only with the  written  consent of the  indemnified
               party  (such  consent  not  to  be  unreasonably  withheld).  The
               indemnified party shall cooperate in all reasonable respects with
               the Indemnifying  Party and such attorneys in the  investigation,
               trial  and  defense  of such  lawsuit  or action  and any  appeal
               arising  therefrom;  and the  indemnified  party may,  at its own
               cost, participate in the investigation, trial and defense of such
               lawsuit  or  action  and any  appeal  arising  therefrom.  If the
               Indemnifying  Party  fails to assume  the  defense  of such claim
               within thirty (30) calendar days after receipt of the Third Party
               Notice  (or such  earlier  date,  if the  failure  to assume  the
               defense on such earlier date would materially  impair the ability
               of such indemnified party to defend such claim),  the indemnified
               party  against  which  such  claim has been  asserted  will (upon
               delivering notice to such effect to the Indemnifying  Party) have
               the right to undertake  the defense,  compromise or settlement of
               such  claim  (all at the cost  and  expense  of the  Indemnifying
               Party)  and the  Indemnifying  Party  shall  have  the  right  to
               participate therein at its own cost.

          (e)  Notwithstanding the foregoing, Bonacci's liability to Buyer under
               this  Agreement and the  Transaction  Documents,  with respect to
               each  individual  Loss  shall not  exceed an amount  equal to (x)
               Bonacci's  Percentage  Interest  multiplied  by (y) the amount of
               each individual  Loss, not to exceed,  in the aggregate,  for all
               Losses,  the  total  amount  of  consideration  paid  to  Bonacci

          (f)  Notwithstanding  anything in this Agreement to the contrary,  any
               breach of a representation  or warranty under this Agreement that
               results  in a Loss or  Losses  that do not  exceed  $5,000  on an
               individual  basis,  or $25,000 in the  aggregate,  shall not give
               rise to an indemnifiable or arbitratable claim or liability under
               this Agreement,  provided, however, that this provision shall not
               limit  Buyer's  right to pursue  relief under  Article IV of this

     8.3  Limitation  of  Liability  and  Termination  of  Indemnification.  The
          liability of any  indemnifying  party under  Sections 8.2 or 8.3 shall
          terminate   upon  the   termination   of   survival   of  the  subject
          representation, warranty or covenant as described in Section 8.1.

     8.4  Adjustment of Purchase  Price.  Any payment under this Section 8 shall
          be treated by the parties as an adjustment  to the Purchase  Price for
          tax purposes.

                                    -- 68 --

     8.5  Claims Resulting from Breach of Representation  or Warranty.  From and
          after the Closing Date, no Seller shall have any right of contribution
          or  indemnification  against  Pivotal and shall not seek recourse from
          Pivotal for any amounts paid to Buyer as a result of any Claim arising
          from  or   relating   to  a  breach  by  any  Seller  of  any  of  its
          representations,  warranties,  covenants or other agreements contained

     8.6  Mitigation.  The parties  hereto  shall make  commercially  reasonable
          efforts   to   mitigate   any   Losses   subject   to  any  claim  for
          indemnification  pursuant to this Section 8.6; provided that, no party
          shall be required to assert any claim against any customer or supplier
          in order to so mitigate such Losses.

                                   ARTICLE IX


     9.1  Returns.  Sellers  shall cause to be prepared and timely filed all Tax
          Returns of Pivotal  for taxable  years or periods  ending on or before
          the  Closing  Date but which are due to be filed  after  Closing  Date
          (taking into account all  applicable  extensions  of time for filing).
          The  Sellers  agree not to amend any Tax  Return  of  Pivotal  for any
          period on or before the Closing Date without the prior written consent
          of Buyer unless, prior to such amendment, a party obtains a formal tax
          opinion from a nationally  recognized  law firm that it is more likely
          than not that the position  taken by Pivotal could be sustained in the
          event of an audit. In the event Pivotal obtains such an opinion, Buyer
          agrees  to amend  such Tax  Return  in a manner  consistent  with said

     9.2  Cooperation.  Buyer and Sellers shall  cooperate  fully, as and to the
          extent reasonably requested by the other party, in connection with the
          filing of any Tax Returns for Pivotal,  the facing and  prosecution of
          any Tax claims  and any audit,  litigation  or other  proceeding  with
          respect to Taxes.  Such  cooperation  shall include the retention and,
          (upon  the  other  party's  request)  the  provision  of  records  and
          information   which  are  reasonably   relevant  to  any  such  audit,
          litigation or other  proceeding  and making  employees  available on a
          mutually  convenient  basis  to  provide  additional  information  and
          explanation of any material provided hereunder.

     9.3  Allocation  of  Taxes.  In the case of Taxes  that  are  payable  with
          respect to a taxable  period that begins  before the Closing  Date and
          ends after the Closing Date, the portion of such Taxes payable for the
          period  ending  on the  Closing  Date  shall be (a) in the case of any
          property  or ad  valorem  tax,  the  amount of such tax for the entire
          period  multiplied by a fraction,  the numerator of which is number of
          days in the period ending on the Closing Date and the  denominator  of
          which is the number of days in the entire period,  and (b) in the case
          of all other  Taxes,  determined  based upon the  activities,  taxable
          income or taxable loss of Pivotal for the portion of the period ending
          on the Closing Date.

                                    -- 69 --

                                   ARTICLE X


     10.1 Right of Set-Off.  Subject to the conditions set forth in this Section
          10.1,  Buyer shall have the right to apply or set-off any  adjustments
          to the Purchase Price as provided herein to any future payments due to
          Sellers  hereunder.  If Buyer  shall in good  faith  determine  that a
          set-off is necessary,  Buyer shall promptly  notify Sellers in writing
          of such  determination  and shall  provide  Sellers  with a summary of
          Buyer's  justification for such  determination (the "Set-Off Notice").
          In the event any Seller disagrees with Buyer's exercise of such setoff
          right,  such  Seller will  notify  Buyer of their  position in writing
          within 5 business  days from the date of their  receipt of the Set-Off
          Notice and either  Buyer or Sellers  shall  thereupon  be  entitled to
          initiate  arbitration  proceedings under Section 10.12 to resolve such
          dispute.  If Buyer is attempting to exercise its set-off  rights under
          this Section 10.1 and if Buyer has not  received  written  notice from
          Kirby, acting in his capacity as Sellers'  representative for purposes
          of this Section 10.1 (or any other Seller  designated  by Sellers,  in
          writing,  with notice to the Buyer, to act in the capacity as Sellers'
          representative),  indicating  that  set-off is  appropriate,  then all
          amounts  alleged by Buyer to be subject to such set-off right shall be
          paid into an escrow  account  with the  Escrow  Agent on or before the
          date such amounts are due to be paid to Sellers.  The amount  escrowed
          shall in no event be greater  than the  amount  alleged by Buyer to be
          the subject of a set-off claim. All escrowed monies shall be disbursed
          from the escrow  account in the manner  instructed  by the  arbitrator
          selected  in  accordance  with  Section  10.12 to resolve  the set-off
          dispute but in no event later than five (5) Business  Days  subsequent
          to the arbitrator's  decision. In the event the arbitrator selected by
          the parties  holds that Buyer is not entitled to exercise its right of
          setoff hereunder, a default interest rate of 15% shall, in lieu of the
          rate of interest  provided  under the  applicable  Note,  apply to the
          amount  subject to the setoff  during the pendency of the  arbitration
          proceedings.  Buyer and Seller shall, within 30 days after the Closing
          Date,  select a mutually  acceptable escrow agent (the "Escrow Agent")
          and  prepare  a  mutually  acceptable  form of escrow  agreement  (the
          "Escrow  Agreement")  to be  utilized  in the  event  Buyer  elects to
          exercise its set-off right under this Section 10.1.

     10.2 Breach or  Failure  to  Perform.  Unless  otherwise  set forth in this
          Section  10.2,  if a party to this  Agreement  shall breach or fail to
          perform any  provision  of this  Agreement,  such party shall have the
          right to cure such  breach or  non-performance  within the  applicable
          "Cure Period" (as defined below). For purposes of this Agreement,  the
          term "Cure Period" shall mean a period of time that commences upon the
          giving of written  notice by a  non-breaching  party to the  breaching
          party(ies)  that a breach has occurred and expires,  in the event of a
          breach relating to a representation or warranty contained in Article V
          or VI of this Agreement,  thirty (30) calendar days from the date such
          notice is given or deemed given,  or, in the case of any other breach,
          ten (10)  calendar  days from the date such  notice is given or deemed
          given.   Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  no  Cure  Period  shall  be
          available in the event of a breach of Sections 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.5, and
          5.26 of this Agreement.

                                    -- 70 --

     10.3 Entire Agreement; No Third-Party Beneficiaries. This Agreement and the
          documents referred to herein constitute the entire agreement among the
          parties  with  respect  to the  subject  matter  hereof,  and no other
          agreements,  warranties,  representations  or covenants  regarding the
          subject  matter  hereof  shall be of any  force of  effect  unless  in
          writing,  executed  by the party to be bound  thereby  and dated on or
          after the date hereof.  This  Agreement is not intended to confer upon
          any person other than the parties hereto any rights or remedies.

     10.4 Public Announcement.  Unless otherwise required by applicable Law, and
          except as  otherwise  provided  herein,  Sellers  shall make no public
          announcements  in  respect  of  this  Agreement  or  the  transactions
          contemplated  hereby  or  otherwise  communicate  with any news  media
          without the prior  written  consent of Buyer,  and the  parties  shall
          cooperate as to the timing and contents of any such announcement.

     10.5 Expenses. All costs and expenses,  including, without limitation, fees
          and  disbursements  of counsel,  financial  advisors  and  accountants
          incurred  in  connection  with  this  Agreement  and the  transactions
          contemplated  hereby shall be paid by the party  incurring  such costs
          and expenses,  whether or not the Closing shall have occurred and, for
          purposes of determining the EBITDA under the Notes, Post-Closing Buyer
          shall not allocate  such  transaction-related  expenses to the Pivotal
          Business or the Non-Pivotal Business.

     10.6 Notices. All notices or other  communications  hereunder shall be made
          in  writing  and  shall be  deemed  duly  given  (a)  when  personally
          delivered  to the  intended  recipient  (or an officer  of  authorized
          representative  of  the  intended  recipient),   (b)  on  the  day  of
          transmittal  when sent by facsimile  with  confirmation  of receipt if
          sent  prior to 5:00 pm, or on the  immediately  following  day if sent
          after 5:00 pm, (c) on the first  business day after the date sent when
          sent by a nationally  recognized  overnight  courier  service,  or (d)
          three business days after it is sent by first class U.S. mail, postage
          prepaid, to the intended recipient at the address set forth below:

               (a)  if to Pivotal or to Buyer, to:
                    PHC, Inc.
                    200 Lake Street, Suite 102
                    Peabody, MA  01960
                    Attention:  Bruce A. Shear, President
                    Facsimile No.:  (978) 536-2677

                    with a copy to:
                    Arent Fox Kintner Plotkin & Kahn, PLLC
                    1050 Connecticut Avenue, NW
                    Washington, DC  20036-5339
                    Attention:  J. Aaron Ball, Esq.
                    Facsimile No.:  (202) 857-6395

               (b)  if to a Seller, to him or her at the address set forth below
                    his/her signature to this Agreement.

                                    -- 71 --

Any party may change the address to which notices and  communications  hereunder
are to be delivered by giving the other  parties  notice in the manner set forth

     10.7 Waivers and  Amendments.  This  Agreement may be amended,  superseded,
          canceled,  renewed or extended and any terms hereof may be waived only
          by a written instrument signed by all of the parties hereto or, in the
          case of a waiver, by the party waiving compliance with such terms.

     10.8 Governing Law;  Severability.  This Agreement shall be governed by and
          construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Delaware without
          giving  effect to any choice of law or  conflict of law  provision  or
          rule (whether of the State of Delaware or any other jurisdiction) that
          would cause the application of the laws of any jurisdiction other than
          the State of  Delaware.  Should  any  clause,  section or part of this
          Agreement  be held or  declared  to be void or illegal for any reason,
          all  other  clauses,   sections  or  parts  of  this  Agreement  shall
          nevertheless continue in full force and effect.

     10.9 Headings.  The headings  contained in this Agreement are for reference
          purposes  only  and  shall  not  affect  in any  way  the  meaning  or
          interpretation of this Agreement.

     10.10Assignment.  This Agreement  shall not be assigned by operation of Law
          or otherwise;  provided, however, that Buyer may assign this Agreement
          and such Buyer's rights and  obligations  hereunder  without the prior
          written  consent  of any other  party  hereto  (i) to any  person  who
          acquires all or substantially  all of the Equity  Securities or assets
          of Buyer (by merger,  recapitalization,  sale or otherwise),  provided
          that contemporaneous with such assignment,  Sellers' security interest
          in the Assets of the Pivotal Business and the Membership Interests are
          likewise  assigned in accordance  with the  requirements  set forth in
          Section 3.11 of this  Agreement,  or (ii) to a Subsidiary or Affiliate
          of Buyer as part of a restructuring  or  reorganization  of PHC or its
          business, provided that such Subsidiary or Affiliate shall comply with
          the  requirements  set forth in Section  3.11 of this  Agreement,  and
          provided  further  that Buyer  shall  guaranty  such  Subsidiary's  or
          Affiliate's  payment and performance under the Transaction  Documents,
          which  guaranty  shall be in the form set  forth in  attached  Exhibit

     10.11Binding  Effect.  This  Agreement  shall be binding upon, and inure to
          the  benefit of, the parties  and their  respective  successors.  This
          Agreement  and all  rights  and  obligations  hereunder  shall  not be
          assignable by any party  without the prior  written  consent of all of
          the other parties.

     10.12 Arbitration of Disputes.

          (a)  Appointment  of  Arbitrator.  Any dispute  that arises under this
               Agreement shall be settled by arbitration. Any party may commence
               an  arbitration  proceeding  by submitting to the other parties a
               written notice of intent to arbitrate (the "Arbitration Notice").

                                    -- 72 --

               All arbitration proceedings shall be conducted under the rules of
               the American  Arbitration  Association  (the  "AAA").  Unless one
               party  objects,  a sole  arbitrator  appointed  by the AAA  shall
               conduct  the  arbitration.  If one party so  objects,  each party
               shall select an arbitrator  within thirty (30) days of receipt of
               an Arbitration  Notice. If a party fails or refuses to appoint an
               arbitrator   during  such  thirty  (30)  day  period,   then  the
               arbitrator   selected  by  the  other  party  shall  conduct  the
               arbitration.  In the event  both  parties  select  an  arbitrator
               within such thirty (30) day time  period,  then such  arbitrators
               shall have an  additional  thirty days to select an arbitrator to
               conduct  the  arbitration.  In  the  event  the  two  arbitrators
               selected by the  parties  fail to agree on the  appointment  of a
               third arbitrator to conduct the  arbitration,  either one or both
               parties may, by written  notice to the AAA,  request that the AAA
               select an arbitrator to conduct the  arbitration.  In such event,
               the arbitrator shall be appointed and the arbitration proceedings
               shall  commence  within 30 days after the AAA  receives a copy of
               the Arbitration Notice. The prevailing party in any proceeding in
               accordance  with this Section  10.12 shall be awarded  attorneys'
               fees and related costs.

          (b)  Proceedings.  The decision and award of the  arbitrator  shall be
               rendered  within 45 days after  commencement  of the  arbitration
               proceedings, unless otherwise mutually agreed by the parties. The
               decision  of the  arbitrator  shall be final and  binding  on the
               parties,  not subject to appeal,  and shall be enforceable in any
               court of competent  jurisdiction.  The decision of the arbitrator
               shall be in writing, shall state the arbitrator's conclusions and
               shall be signed by the arbitrator.  Arbitration proceedings shall
               be conducted in the following  locations:  (i) if the arbitration
               proceeding  is initiated by the Sellers as a result of an alleged
               breach  by Buyer of any of the  Transaction  Documents,  then the
               forum for the arbitration shall be Phoenix,  Arizona; (ii) if the
               arbitration  is  initiated  by Buyer as a  result  of an  alleged
               breach by the Sellers of any of the Transaction  Documents,  then
               the forum for the arbitration shall be Washington, D.C.;

     10.13Counterparts.   This   Agreement  may  be  executed  in  one  or  more
          counterparts,   and  by  the  different  parties  hereto  in  separate
          counterparts,  each of which  when  executed  shall be deemed to be an
          original but all of which taken together shall  constitute one and the
          same agreement.

     10.14Termination of Certain Agreements.  The parties hereto and the parties
          to the Pivotal LLC Agreement  acknowledge  that this  Agreement  shall
          operate to terminate the Pivotal LLC  Agreement  and neither  Pivotal,
          nor any  Seller  shall  have  any  rights  or  liabilities  thereunder
          (including  any  distribution  for  taxes  with  respect  to income of
          Pivotal prior to the Closing)  whether  relating to the period before,
          on or after the Closing Date.

                            [SIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWS]

                                    -- 73 --

IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be signed
on the date and year first above written.

                                PHC, Inc., A MASSACHUSETTS CORPORATION

                                By:  /s/  Bruce A. Shear
                                          Bruce A. Shear, President

                                PIVOTAL RESEARCH CENTERS, L.L.C.

                                By:  /s/  Louis C. Kirby
                                          Louis C. Kirby, President

                                     /s/  Louis C. Kirby
                                          Louis C. Kirby
                                          5633 North Royal Circle
                                          Paradise Valley, AZ 85253

                                     /s/  Carol A. Colmbo
                                          Carol A. Colombo
                                          2525 E. Camelback Road, Suite 840
                                          Phoenix, AZ  85016

                                     /s/  Anthony A. Bonacci
                                          Anthony A. Bonacci
                                          2525 E. Camelback Road, Suite 840
                                          Phoenix, AZ  85016

                                    -- 74 --