Exhibit 10.28
                                PLEDGE AGREEMENT

     THIS PLEDGE  AGREEMENT  ("Pledge  Agreement") is made and entered into this
April 30, 2004 by and between PHC, Inc., a Massachusetts  corporation  ("PHC" or
the "Pledgor"),  Louis Kirby  ("Kirby"),  Carol Colombo  ("Colombo") and Anthony
Bonacci ("Bonacci" and together with Kirby and Colombo, the "Pledgees").


A.   Pledgor has delivered to Pledgees:  (i) a Secured  Promissory  Note of even
     date herewith in the original  principal  amount of $1,000,000  ("Note A"),
     (ii) a  Secured  Promissory  Note of even  date  herewith  in the  original
     principal  amount of $500,000  ("Note B") and,  (iii) a Secured  Promissory
     Note of even date herewith in the original  principal  amount of $1,000,000
     ("Note C"). Note A, Note B and Note C are sometimes referred to together as
     the "Notes."  The Notes were  delivered  pursuant to a Membership  Purchase
     Agreement  dated of even date herewith (the "Purchase  Agreement")  between
     Pledgor,  Pivotal  Research  Centers,  LLC  ("Pivotal") and the Pledgees in
     their  capacity as members of Pivotal,  pursuant to which Pledgor  acquired
     all of the  membership  interests  of Pivotal.  All  capitalized  terms not
     defined herein shall have the meaning set forth in the Purchase  Agreement.
     In the event of a conflict  between a defined term in this  Agreement and a
     defined  term in the  Purchase  Agreement,  the  meaning  set  forth in the
     Purchase Agreement shall govern.

B.   In  order  to  secure  the  payment  and  performance  of all of  Pledgor's
     Obligations (as defined below), Pledgor has agreed to pledge the Collateral
     (as defined  below) to  Pledgees,  and  Pledgor and Pivotal  have agreed to
     grant to Pledgees a security interest in the Assets of the Pivotal Business
     as more  particularly set forth in that certain Security  Agreement of even
     date herewith between Pledgor and Pledgees (the "Security Agreement").


     NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein,
the Pledgor and the Pledgees agree as follows:

     SECTION  1.  Pledge.  To secure  the  prompt  payment  and  performance  of
Pledgor's  obligations  under the Obligations  (as defined  below),  (i) Pledgor
hereby  pledges  and grants a security  interest  to  Pledgees in the all of the
Collateral  (as  defined  below),  and  (ii)  pursuant  to an  escrow  agreement
satisfactory  to Pledgor,  Pledgor shall deposit with a third party  independent
escrow agent that is a nationally  recognized financial institution (the "Escrow
Agent")  on  behalf of  Pledgees  the  Equity  Securities  evidencing  Pledgor's
ownership  interest in Pivotal and deliver to Escrow Agent on behalf of Pledgees
certificates  or  instruments  therefore,  accompanied  by undated  powers  duly
executed  in blank by Pledgor  and such other  instruments  of  transfer  as are
reasonably  acceptable  to  Pledgees.  Any and all  fees,  costs,  charges,  and
expenses whatsoever charged by Escrow Agent in connection with the establishment
and regular  maintenance  of the Escrow  with the Escrow  Agent shall be paid by
Pledgees. This Pledge Agreement shall remain in effect until all amounts payable
under  the  Notes  have  been  paid  in  full.  Upon  the  satisfaction  of  the
Obligations, Pledgees will release their security interest created hereunder and
under the Security Agreement.

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     (a)  Definitions.  The  term  "Interest"  shall  mean  all  the  Membership
          Interests   at  any  time  owned  by   Pledgor,   together   with  all
          distributions,  cash, instruments and other property from time to time
          received,  receivable or otherwise  distributed in exchange for any or
          all of the Interests.  All Interest at any time pledged or required to
          be pledged hereunder  together with the Cash Collateral (as defined in
          Section  6(a)(ii)  and  Non-cash  Collateral  (as  defined  in Section
          6(a)(iii)  and all rights  derived from any of the  foregoing  and all
          proceeds thereof is hereinafter called the "Collateral."

     (b)  Subsequently  Acquired Securities.  If either Pledgor or any affiliate
          of Pledgor shall acquire (by  purchase,  stock  dividend or otherwise)
          any  additional   Equity   Securities  (as  defined  in  the  Purchase
          Agreement)  representing  an  interest  in Pivotal at any time or from
          time to time after the date hereof (including  without  limitation all
          additional  Membership Interests in Pivotal from time to time acquired
          by Pledgor),  Pledgor will promptly  thereafter pledge to Pledgees and
          deposit  such  Equity   Securities  (or  certificates  or  instruments
          representing such Equity  Securities) as security with Escrow Agent on
          behalf of  Pledgees  and  deliver  to  Escrow  Agent  certificates  or
          instruments therefore,  accompanied by undated powers duly executed in
          blank by such  Pledgor and such other  instruments  of transfer as are
          reasonably  acceptable  to  Pledgees,  and  will  promptly  thereafter
          deliver  to  the  Pledgees  a  certificate  executed  by  a  principal
          executive  officer of Pledgor  describing  such Equity  Securities and
          certifying  that the same has been duly  pledged  to  Escrow  Agent on
          behalf of Pledgees hereunder.

     (c)  Uncertificated  Securities.  Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary
          contained  herein,  if any  Equity  Securities  (whether  now owned or
          hereafter acquired) are uncertificated  securities,  the Pledgor shall
          promptly  notify the Pledgees  thereof,  and shall  promptly  take all
          actions required to perfect the security interest under applicable law
          (including  in any event  the  Arizona  Uniform  Commercial  Code,  if
          applicable).  Pledgor  further agrees to take such actions  reasonably
          necessary  to effect  the  foregoing  and to permit  the  Pledgees  to
          exercise any of their rights and remedies hereunder.

     SECTION 2. Security for  Obligations.  This Agreement is made to secure the
timely payment and  performance  of all  obligations of Pledgor now or hereafter
existing under the Notes, this Agreement,  and the Security Agreement (together,
the "Covered Transaction Documents") in each case including, without limitation,
interest  accruing  after maturity of any obligation and after the filing of any
petition in bankruptcy, or the commencement of any insolvency, reorganization or
like  proceeding  relating to Pledgor or to the obligor  under any of the Notes,
whether or not a claim for post filing or  post-petition  interest is allowed in
such  proceeding,  and all other  obligations of Pledgor to any of the Pledgees,
whether direct, indirect,  absolute or contingent,  due or to become due, or now
existing or hereafter incurred, which may arise out of or in connection with the
Covered  Transaction  Documents,  (in each case as the same may be amended  from
time  to  time),  whether  on  account  of  principal,  interest,  reimbursement
obligations,  fees, costs,  expenses  (including without limitation all fees and
disbursements  of counsel  related to enforcing  Pledgees'  rights) or otherwise
(collectively, the "Obligations").

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     SECTION 3. Event of  Default.  Any of the  following  shall  constitute  an
"Event of Default" under this Agreement: (i) any breach or failure of Pledgor to
perform any material  provision of this  Agreement and the failure of Pledgor to
cure such breach or failure  within the applicable  "Cure Period",  if any; (ii)
any event or  occurrence  that  constitutes  an event of default under any other
Covered  Transaction  Document.  For purposes of determining an Event of Default
based on a failure to perform under this Agreement,  (i) there shall be no "Cure
Period"  for any breach or failure to perform  that is based in whole or in part
upon a failure to pay monies  when due,  and (ii) the term "Cure  Period"  shall
mean a period of time  that  commences  upon the  giving  of  written  notice by
Pledgees  that a breach or failure to perform has  occurred and expires ten (10)
Business  Days from the date such notice is given or deemed  given.  An Event of
Default  hereunder  based on any Covered  Transaction  Document  other than this
Agreement  shall occur after the  expiration of the applicable  cure period,  if
any, set forth in such other  Covered  Transaction  Document,  and no additional
time to cure  under this  Agreement  shall be given or is  intended  to be given
hereby.  In the  event  of  conflicting  cure  periods  in  Covered  Transaction
Documents, the shortest cure period shall control.

     SECTION 4. Representations and Warranties.  Pledgor represents and warrants
as follows as of the Effective Date:

     (a)  Effect of  Pledge.  The  pledge  of the  Collateral  pursuant  to this
          Agreement  creates a valid and  enforceable  first  priority  security
          interest in the  Collateral,  securing the payment and  performance of
          the  Obligations  subject  and  subordinate  only  to the  Acquisition
          Financing and Line of Credit.

     (b)  Liens.  As of  the  Effective  Date:  (i)  Pledgor  is the  legal  and
          beneficial owner of their respective  Collateral free and clear of any
          lien, security interest,  option or other charge or encumbrance except
          for  the  security  interest  created  by  this  Agreement;  (ii)  the
          Membership  Interests are titled in the name of Pledgor;  and (iii) no
          prior or  superior  effective  financing  statement  or other  similar
          instrument is on file in any recording office covering the Collateral,
          except  such as may have been filed in favor of  Pledgees  relating to
          this  Agreement,  or except as may be required in connection  with the
          Acquisition  Financing  or  Line  of  Credit.  Pledgor  shall  have no
          liability for the failure of the foregoing  representation  to be true
          if such failure is caused by (i) the failure of Sellers (as defined in
          the Purchase  Agreement) to have properly  transferred  the Membership
          Interests to PHC under the Purchase Agreement or (b) the breach of any
          representation or warranty of Sellers under the Purchase Agreement.

          (c)  Consents. No authorization,  approval, or other action by, and no
               notice to or filing with, PHC, any member,  manager,  shareholder
               or director of PHC, or any  governmental  authority or regulatory
               body (other than such as may be filedin favor of Pledgee relating
               to this  Agreement),  is  required  either  (i) for the pledge by
               Pledgors  of  any  or all of  the  Collateral  pursuant  to  this
               Agreement or for the  execution,  delivery or performance of this
               Agreement by Pledgor, or (ii) for the exercise by Pledgees of the
               voting or other  rights  provided  for in this  Agreement  or the
               remedies in respect of any or all of the  Collateral  pursuant to
               this  Agreement  (except as may be  required in  connection  with

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               disposition  of the Collateral by laws affecting the offering and
               sale of  securities  generally).  Pledgor shall have no liability
               for the  failure of the  foregoing  representation  to be true if
               such  failure is caused by (i) the failure of Sellers (as defined
               in the  Purchase  Agreement)  to have  properly  transferred  the
               Membership  Interests  under the  Purchase  Agreement  or (b) the
               breach of any  representation  or warranty  of Sellers  under the
               Purchase Agreement.

     SECTION 5. Affirmative Covenants. Pledgor agrees that at all times prior to
the  satisfaction  in full of the  Obligations,  Pledgor  shall  comply with the
following  affirmative  covenants,  unless  compliance  is waived in  writing by

          (a)  Taxes.  Pledgor will pay before  delinquent and before  penalties
               accrue  all  property  taxes,   income  taxes,   assessments  and
               governmental  and other charges  levied and imposed by the United
               States of  America  or by any state,  county or  municipality  or
               other  taxing body prior to the filing or  recordation  of a lien
               against  the  Collateral  based  on the  failure  to pay any such

          (b)  Further Assurances. Pledgor agrees that at any time and from time
               to time, at the expense of Pledgor, Pledgor will promptly execute
               and deliver all further  instruments and documents,  and take all
               further  action,  that may be  necessary,  or that  Pledgees  may
               reasonably  request, in order to perfect and protect any security
               interest  granted or purported to be granted by this Agreement or
               to enable  Pledgees  to  exercise  and  enforce  its  rights  and
               remedies  under this  Agreement  with respect to any  Collateral.
               Without  limiting the generality of the  foregoing,  Pledgor will
               execute and file such financing or  continuation  statements,  or
               amendments thereto and such other instruments or notices, or take
               such  further  action,  as may be  necessary  or as Pledgees  may
               request,  in order to perfect and preserve the security interests
               granted or purported to be granted hereby.

     SECTION 6. Voting Rights; Dividends.

          (a)  Prior to Default. As long as no Event of Default has occurred:

               (i)  Pledgor shall be entitled to exercise any and all voting and
                    other consensual  rights pertaining to the Collateral or any
                    part  thereof  for  any  purpose  not  inconsistent  with or
                    violative  of the  terms  of  this  Agreement  or the  other

               (ii) Pledgor  shall be entitled to retain any and all  dividends,
                    interest and other  payments and  distributions  paid by the
                    Companies   in   respect  of  the   Collateral   (the  "Cash

               (iii)Any and all  distributions  paid or  payable  other  than in
                    cash in  respect  of,  and  instruments  and other  property
                    received,  receivable  or  otherwise  distributed  by PHC in

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                    respect of, or in exchange  for, any  Collateral  ("Non-cash
                    Collateral")  shall be additional  Collateral subject to the
                    terms of this Agreement and, pursuant to Section 1, shall be
                    promptly delivered to Escrow Agent to hold as Collateral for
                    the benefit of Pledgees.  Any Non-cash  Collateral shall, if
                    received  by  Pledgor,  be  received  in  trust  as agent of
                    Pledgees,  be segregated from the other property or funds of
                    Pledgor, and be promptly delivered to Escrow Agent on behalf
                    of  Pledgees as  Collateral  in the same form as so received
                    (with any necessary endorsement).

          (b)  After Default. Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default,

               (i)  All  rights of  Pledgor  to  exercise  the  voting and other
                    consensual  rights  that it would  otherwise  be entitled to
                    exercise  pursuant to Section  6(a)(i) shall cease,  and all
                    such rights shall  automatically  become  vested in Pledgees
                    who shall then have the sole right to  exercise  such voting
                    and other consensual rights.

               (ii) All rights of Pledgor to receive any Cash  Collateral  shall
                    cease and all such rights shall automatically  become vested
                    in  Pledgees  who shall have the sole right to receive  such
                    Cash Collateral.

               (iii)All rights of Pledgor to  receive  any  Non-cash  Collateral
                    shall cease and all such rights shall  automatically  become
                    vested in Pledgees  who shall have the sole right to receive
                    such Non-cash Collateral.

     SECTION 7.  Transfers  and Other  Liens;  Additional  Interests.  Except as
provided in Section 3.11 of the Purchase  Agreement,  Pledgor shall not (a) sell
or  otherwise  dispose  of, or grant any  option  with  respect  to,  any of the
Collateral  without  the  written  consent of  Pledgees,  which  consent  may be
withheld in  Pledgees'  sole and  absolute  discretion;  (b) create or permit to
exist any superior lien, security interest,  or other charge or encumbrance upon
or with respect to any of the Collateral, except for the security interest under
this Agreement;  or (c) re-title any of all of the Collateral  other than in the
name of Pledgor  without the consent of Pledgees,  which consent may be withheld
in  Pledgees'  sole and  absolute  discretion  other than in  accordance  with a
transfer or assignment  compliant with the terms of Section 3.11 of the Purchase

     SECTION 7A. Appointment Attorney-in-Fact.  Pledgor appoints Louis Kirby, in
his capacity as a Pledgee, as Pledgor's  attorney-in-fact with full authority in
the place and stead of Pledgor  and in the name of Pledgor  or  otherwise,  from
time to time,  to take any action and to execute any  instrument  in  accordance
with the terms  hereof to receive,  endorse and  collect  all  instruments  made
payable  to  Pledgor  representing  any  dividend,  interest  payment  or  other
distribution  in respect of the  Collateral or any part thereof and to give full
discharge  for the same,  subject  only to the terms of  Section  6(a)(ii).  The
attorney-in-fact  appointment  set forth in this  Section 7A shall  only  become
effective immediately upon the occurrence of an Event of Default.

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     SECTION 8. Pledgees May Perform.  If any Event of Default occurs,  Pledgees
may, with prior written  notice to Pledgor,  cure the Event of Default on behalf
of Pledgor by providing  written notice to Pledgor of Pledgees'  intent to cure,
provided that Pledgees shall have no  responsibility or liability for continuing
such cure efforts  (which efforts the Pledgees may terminate in whole or in part
at any time,  provided  Pledgees  provide  to  Pledgor  written  notice of their
termination  or intention to terminate  such efforts to cure and use  reasonable
efforts to  describe  generally  Pledgees'  efforts to cure,  if any,  up to and
including  the date Pledgees  terminate  such efforts) or for the failure of the
Event of Default to be cured.  The reasonable  expenses of Pledgees  incurred in
connection  therewith  shall  become  Obligations  and subject to  repayment  by
Pledgors in accordance with the provisions of Section 12.

     SECTION 9. Reasonable Care. If Pledgees receive Collateral,  Pledgees shall
be deemed to have exercised  reasonable care in the custody and  preservation of
the  Collateral  in its  possession  if the  Collateral  is accorded by Pledgees
treatment substantially equal to that which Pledgees accords their own property,
it  being  understood  that  Pledgees  shall  have  no  responsibility  for  (i)
ascertaining  or taking  action with respect to calls,  conversions,  exchanges,
maturities,  tenders or other matters relative to any Collateral, whether or not
Pledgees have or are deemed to have  knowledge of such  matters,  or (ii) taking
any necessary  steps to preserve  rights against any parties with respect to any

     SECTION 10. Remedies upon Default. If any Event of Default has occurred and
is continuing,  and in addition to such other remedies,  rights and consequences
set forth herein (including without limitation as described in Section 6(b):

          (a)  Pledgees  may  exercise,  in respect of the  Collateral,  all the
               rights  and  remedies  of  a  secured  party  under  the  Uniform
               Commercial Code (the "Code") in effect in the State of Arizona at
               that time, in addition to other rights and remedies  provided for
               herein or otherwise  available  to  Pledgees.  Without in any way
               limiting the  foregoing,  Pledgees  shall have the right,  at any
               time in their sole and absolute discretion,  to: (i) receive from
               the Escrow  Agent and  transfer  to, or  register in the name of,
               Pledgees or any of its nominees any or all of the Collateral;  or
               (ii)  take  possession  of and  sell the  Collateral  or any part
               thereof  in one or more  lots at one or more  public  or  private
               sales,  at any  exchange,  broker's  board or at any of Pledgees'
               offices or elsewhere, for cash, on credit or for future delivery,
               and at such  price or  prices  and upon such  other  terms as are
               commercially  reasonable.  Pledgor  agrees that at least ten (10)
               Business  Days  notice  to  Pledgor,  by  registered  mail to the
               address  stated  herein,  of the time and place of any sale shall
               constitute reasonable notification. With respect to any public or
               private sale: (a) Pledgees are hereby relieved from any liability
               or claim for  inadequacy  of price;  (b) at any sale  (public  or
               private),  the Pledgees,  or any of them, may themselves purchase
               the whole or any part of the Collateral or interest therein being
               sold; and (c) if any sale be made on credit for future  delivery,
               the  Collateral  so sold may be retained  by  Pledgees  until the
               selling price is paid by the  purchaser  without any liability on
               the part of the Pledgees in the event of failure of the purchaser
               to take up and pay for the Collateral  sold and with the right of

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               the  Pledgees  to sell the  Collateral  again  in the  event of a
               default by the purchaser. Pledgees shall not be obligated to make
               any sale of  Collateral  regardless of notice of sale having been
               given.  Pledgees  may  adjourn  any  sale  from  time  to time by
               announcement of the time and place fixed therefor,  and such sale
               may, upon giving the same notice to Pledgor as required above, be
               made at the time and  place  to  which  it was so  adjourned,  or
               Pledgee  shall  be  entitled  to give  notice  of its  intent  to
               terminate such sale.

          (b)  All cash proceeds received by Pledgees in respect of any sale of,
               collection from, or other realization upon all or any part of the
               Collateral  may,  in the  discretion  of  Pledgees,  be  held  by
               Pledgees as collateral for, and/or then or at any time thereafter
               be applied  (after  payment of any  amounts  payable to  Pledgees
               pursuant to Section 12) in whole or in part  against,  all or any
               part of the  Obligations  in such order as Pledgees  shall elect.
               Any surplus of such cash or cash  proceeds  held by Pledgees  and
               remaining after payment in full of all the  Obligations  shall be
               paid over to Pledgor or to whomsoever may be lawfully entitled to
               receive such  surplus.  In the event that the  proceeds  from any
               such sale or other  disposition  are  insufficient to satisfy the
               obligations,  Pledgees  retain and may  pursue  all  deficiencies
               directly against Pledgor.

          (c)  Upon  written  request of any  Pledgee to the Escrow  Agent,  and
               delivery  of a copy of such  written  request  to the  Pledgor in
               accordance with Section 15 hereof,  representing that an Event of
               Default  has  occurred  and is  continuing,  Escrow  Agent  shall
               deliver to such  Pledgees all  Collateral  held by Escrow  Agent.
               Escrow Agent shall be entitled to rely on this  Agreement  and on
               the instructions of Pledgees as its instructions.

     SECTION 11.  Cooperation With Sale. If Pledgees elect to exercise Pledgees'
right to sell all or any of the  Collateral  pursuant  to  Section  10,  Pledgor
agrees that,  upon request of Pledgees,  Pledgor  will, at its own expense do or
cause to be done all such other acts and things as may be  reasonably  necessary
to make such sale of the Collateral or any part thereof valid and binding and in
compliance with applicable Law.

     SECTION 12. Expenses. Upon any dispute under this Agreement, the prevailing
party  shall be  entitled  to collect  from the other all  reasonable  expenses,
including the reasonable fees and expenses of the prevailing party's in-house or
outside  counsel and of any experts and agents,  which the prevailing  party may
incur in connection  with (i) the exercise of any rights under this Agreement by
reason  of  the  actions  of the  non-prevailing  party,  (ii)  the  custody  or
preservation of, or the sale of,  collection from, or other realization upon, or
recovery  of, the  Collateral  (iii) the exercise or  enforcement  of any of the
rights of the prevailing  party, (iv) operation of the Business pending the sale
or other transfer of the  Collateral,  or (v) the failure by the  non-prevailing
party to perform or observe any of the  provisions  hereof.  Upon the occurrence
and  continuance  of an Event of  Default  as to  which  there is no  reasonable
dispute,  Pledgor agrees to be responsible for such reasonable fees and expenses
of Pledgor as  described  above  incurred  from and after such Event of Default.
Amounts  for which any  party is  responsible  under  this  Section  12 shall be

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payable  within ten (10)  Business  Days after  demand.  Interest  thereon shall
accrue at the rate of 15% per annum.

     SECTION  13.  Security  Interest  Absolute.   Subject  to  the  Acquisition
Financing and the Line of Credit,  all rights of Pledgees and security interests
under this Agreement, and all obligations of Pledgor under this Agreement, shall
be absolute and unconditional irrespective of:

          (i)  any lack of validity or enforceability of any of the Notes (other
               than as a result of full payment and satisfaction thereof) or any
               other agreement or instrument relating thereto;

          (ii) any change in the time,  manner or place of payment of, or in any
               other  term  of,  all or any of  the  Obligations,  or any  other
               amendment or waiver of or any consent to any  departure  from the
               Notes or this Agreement;

          (iii)any exchange,  release or  non-perfection of any other collateral
               for all or any of the Obligations;

          (iv) the discharge in  bankruptcy  of either of Pledgor's  obligations
               under any of the Notes.

     SECTION 14.  Amendments,  Etc. No amendment  or waiver of any  provision of
this  Agreement  nor consent to any  departure by Pledgor from the terms of this
Agreement,  shall be  effective  unless it is in writing and signed by Pledgees,
and then such waiver or consent shall be effective only in the specific instance
and for the specific purpose for which given. For purposes of this Section,  the
Pledgor  shall be entitled to rely on the  signature of Louis Kirby as agent for
all of the Pledgees.

     SECTION 15. Notices.  Any and all notices  required by this Agreement shall
be made in accordance with Section 10.6 of the Purchase Agreement.

     SECTION 16. Continuing Security Interest; Transfer of Notes. This Agreement
shall create a continuing  security  interest in the Collateral and shall remain
in full force and effect until all of the payment obligations under each and all
of the  Notes,  the  Security  Agreement  and this  Agreement  have  been  fully
satisfied.  This Agreement shall be binding upon Pledgor, and its successors and
assigns, and inure to the benefit of Pledgee and its successors, transferees and
assigns. Without limiting the generality of the preceding sentence, Pledgees may
assign  or  otherwise  transfer  all or a  portion  of  their  interest  in this
Agreement  to a  transferee  of one or more of the  Notes,  in which  case  such
transferee  shall  automatically  become vested with all of the benefits of this

     SECTION  17.  Governing  Law.  This  Agreement  shall  be  governed  by and
construed  in  accordance  with the laws,  without  giving  effect to the law of
conflicts, of the State of Arizona, except for conflict of Law principles in the
event of a conflict between the defined terms of this Agreement and those of the
Purchase  Agreement,  in which case Delaware Law shall govern the interpretation
of the defined term.  Each of the parties is and shall remain  subject to the in
personam,  in rem and subject matter  jurisdiction of the Courts of the State of
Arizona for all purposes  pertaining  to this  instrument  and all documents and
instruments  executed in connection  herewith,  securing the same, or in any way

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pertaining hereto. The parties  specifically  acknowledge that,  notwithstanding
any  provision of the  Purchase  Agreement  or any other  agreement,  a claim or
action to enforce this  Agreement is not required to be brought in  arbitration,
and may be prosecuted in a court of competent jurisdiction as described above.

     SECTION 18. No Waiver;  Cumulative Remedies.  The Pledgees shall not by any
act  (except a written  instrument  pursuant  to Section 14 hereof) be deemed to
have waived any right or remedy  hereunder or to have  acquiesced in any Default
or Event of Default or in any breach of any of the terms and conditions  hereof.
No failure to exercise,  or delay in  exercising  any right,  power or privilege
hereunder shall preclude any other or further  exercise  thereof or the exercise
of any other  right,  power or  privilege.  A waiver by Pledgees of any right or
remedy  hereunder on any one occasion  shall not be a bar to any right or remedy
which the Pledgees would otherwise have on any future  occasion.  The rights and
remedies herein and in the other Covered  Transaction  Documents are cumulative,
may be exercised  singularly or concurrently  and are not exclusive of any other
rights or remedies provided by law.

     SECTION 19.  Counterparts.  This  Agreement  may be executed by the parties
hereto in separate  counterparts and by facsimile signature,  each of which when
so executed and delivered (including by facsimile) shall be an original, but all
such counterparts shall together constitute one and the same instrument.

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties have executed this  Agreement on the date

Pledgees                                       Pledgor:
                                               PHC, Inc.

/s/ Louis C. Kirby                             By:  /s/  Bruce A. Shear
_______________________________                     __________________________
    Louis C. Kirby                                       Bruce Shear, President

/s/ Carol A. Colombo
    Carol A. Colombo

/s/ Anthony A. Bonacci
    Anthony A. Bonacci

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