Exhibit 10.29

                               SECURITY AGREEMENT

     This SECURITY  AGREEMENT  ("Security  Agreement")  is made and entered into
this April 30, 2004 by and among Pivotal Research  Centers,  L.L.C.  ("Pivotal")
and PHC, Inc. ("PHC"), a Delaware  corporation  (Pivotal and PHC are jointly and
severally  referred to herein as the  "Companies")  and Louis  Kirby  ("Kirby"),
Carol Colombo  ("Colombo"),  and Anthony Bonacci  ("Bonacci" and,  together with
Colombo and Kirby, the "Creditors").


     A. PHC has  delivered to Creditors  (i) a Secured  Promissory  Note of even
date herewith in the original  principal amount of $1,000,000 ("Note A"), (ii) a
Secured  Promissory Note of even date herewith in the original  principal amount
of  $500,000  ("Note  B") and,  (iii) a  Secured  Promissory  Note of even  date
herewith in the original principal amount of $1,000,000 ("Note C"). Note A, Note
B and Note C are  sometimes  referred to together as the "Notes." The Notes were
delivered  pursuant  to a  Membership  Purchase  Agreement  dated  of even  date
herewith (the "Purchase  Agreement")  between PHC,  Pivotal and the Creditors in
their capacity as members of Pivotal,  pursuant to which PHC acquired all of the
Membership  Interests of Pivotal. All capitalized terms not defined herein shall
have the meaning set forth in the Purchase Agreement. In the event of a conflict
between a defined  term in this  Agreement  and a defined  term in the  Purchase
Agreement, the meaning set forth in the Purchase Agreement shall govern.

     B. In order to secure the  payment  and  performance  of all of the Secured
Obligations  (as defined  below),  PHC has agreed that  payment of the Notes and
performance  of the other  Secured  Obligations  are to be secured by all of the
Assets of the Pivotal Business now existing or hereafter  acquired as well as by
PHC's ownership interest in Pivotal pursuant to that certain Pledge Agreement of
even date herewith executed by PHC as pledgor and the Creditors as pledgees (the
"Pledge Agreement").


     NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein,
and in partial  consideration for the Creditors to accept the Notes, the parties
agree as follows

     1. GRANT OF SECURITY  INTEREST.  To secure  payment and  performance of the
"Secured  Obligations"  (as herein  defined)  Creditors  shall have, and Pivotal
hereby grants to Creditors,  a security  interest in the Collateral  subject and
subordinate  only  to the  lien,  if  any,  created  to  secure  payment  of the
Acquisition  Financing  and the  Letter of Credit (as  defined  in the  Purchase


"Secured  Obligations"  means all obligations of the Companies,  in each case as
their  respective  interests  may appear,  now or hereafter  existing  under the
Notes, the Pledge  Agreement and this Agreement (in each case including  without
limitation  interest  accruing  after  maturity of any  obligation and after the
filing of any petition in bankruptcy,  or the  commencement  of any  insolvency,
reorganization or like proceeding  relating to either of the Companies,  whether

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or not a claim for post  filing or  post-petition  interest  is  allowed in such
proceeding),  and all other  obligations  of Companies to any of the  Creditors,
whether direct, indirect,  absolute or contingent,  due or to become due, or now
existing or hereafter incurred, which may arise out of or in connection with the
Notes, this Agreement, or the Pledge Agreement, (in each case as the same may be
amended  from time to time by mutual  written  agreement of the parties) and any
other  document  made,  delivered or given in connection  therewith or herewith,
whether on account of principal,  premium, interest,  reimbursement obligations,
fees, costs, expenses (including without limitation,  all fees and disbursements
of counsel) or otherwise.

"Collateral"  means all or any  portion of the assets  described  on  Schedule 1

     3.  WARRANTIES.  PHC and Pivotal each  warrants  that,  except as otherwise
provided in the Purchase Agreement:  (a) each of the Companies has the authority
and has  obtained  all  approvals  and  consents  necessary to incur the Secured
Obligations and enter into this Agreement,  and there is no legal restriction or
agreement  affecting its right to grant a security  interest in the  Collateral;
(b) except for the Accounts  Receivable  (as defined in the Purchase  Agreement,
which definition refers to accounts  receivable existing or created prior to the
Closing  Date and in no way  limits  the  coverage  of this  Security  Agreement
relating to accounts receivable created subsequent to the Closing Date), Pivotal
is,  and will be,  the owner of the  Collateral,  free and  clear of all  liens,
encumbrances and claims  whatsoever except for liens securing the payment of the
Acquisition Financing and the Line of Credit; (c) except for Accounts Receivable
(as  defined in the  Purchase  Agreement,  which  definition  refers to accounts
receivable  existing or created  prior to the Closing  Date and in no way limits
the coverage of this Security Agreement relating to accounts  receivable created
subsequent to the Closing Date), all accounts or general intangibles  comprising
Collateral  are genuine,  as appearing on their face,  enforceable  according to
their  terms,  free of  disputes,  set-offs,  counterclaims  and  defenses,  and
represent indebtedness,  obligations,  interests or property justly owing to and
owned by Pivotal as therein provided;  (d) the Collateral will be primarily used
and located at the Locations; and (e) following the Closing Date, except for the
financing  statement  evidencing the lien to secure  payment of the  Acquisition
Financing or the Line of Credit,  no financing  statement or security  agreement
covering any of the property of the type,  kind or class of the Collateral is or
will be on file in any public office without Creditors' consent.  PHC shall have
no liability for the failure of the foregoing  representation to be true if such
failure is caused by (i) the failure of Sellers, or any of them to have properly
transferred the Membership  Interests to PHC in accordance with the terms of the
Purchase  Agreement  or (ii) the breach of any  representation  or  warranty  of
Sellers under the Purchase Agreement.

     4.  AFFIRMATIVE  COVENANTS.  PHC and Pivotal each agrees to: (a) defend the
Collateral and its proceeds against the claims and demands of all third persons;
(b) except for the lien to secure payment of the  Acquisition  Financing and the
Line of Credit, keep the Collateral free of all levies, liens,  encumbrances and
other  security  interests;  (c) pay when due all taxes,  licenses,  charges and
other  impositions on or for the Collateral or the Secured  Obligations;  (d) at
its expense,  keep the Collateral insured in amounts,  on terms and against such
risks and  casualties as are  reasonable,  customary or  appropriate,  with loss
payable to Creditors,  and  providing  for written  notice to Creditors at least
thirty (30) days prior to  cancellation  or material  change;  (e) properly care

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for,  house,  store and  maintain  the  Collateral;  (f)  comply  with all laws,
statutes and  regulations  pertaining to the Collateral;  (g) execute,  deliver,
file  and/or  record  such  instruments,   documents,   statements,  notices  or
agreements,  in such form and substance, as Creditors may request, and take such
action and obtain  such  certificates  and  documents,  in  accordance  with all
applicable laws, statutes and regulations as is necessary, to create,  preserve,
validate,  perfect, evidence and/or continue Creditors' security interest in the
Collateral,  and/or to enable  Creditors  to exercise or enforce its rights with
respect to such security  interest;  (h) supply  Creditors with any  information
Creditors  may  reasonably  request,  and permit  Creditors  to inspect and copy
Pivotal's records,  with respect to the Pivotal Business or the Collateral;  (i)
supply  Creditors with any  information  Creditors may reasonably  request,  and
permit  Creditors  to inspect and copy  Pivotal's  records,  with respect to the
Pivotal  Business  or the  Collateral,  and upon the  occurrence  of an Event of
Default,  account  fully for and  promptly  deliver to  Creditors  the  proceeds
thereof as and when received and (j) upon demand,  pay Creditors all  reasonable
sums actually  expended and reasonable  expenses  actually incurred by Creditors
with  respect  to  enforcing  their  rights in the  Collateral  upon an Event of
Default,  together with the balance of any deficit under the Secured Obligations
remaining  after any sale or other  disposition  of the Collateral by Creditors,
together with interest as provided herein.

     5. COMPANIES'  NEGATIVE  COVENANTS.  Neither PHC nor Pivotal will,  without
Creditors'   written  consent:   (a)  exchange,   lease,   lend,  use,  operate,
demonstrate,  sell,  assign,  transfer  or  dispose of the  Collateral  or their
respective  rights therein,  except in the ordinary course of Pivotal's or PHC's
business,  except  as  otherwise  provided  in  Section  3.11  of  the  Purchase
Agreement;  (b)  make  any  compromise,   adjustment,  amendment,  modification,
settlement, substitution or termination with respect to the Collateral except as
otherwise provided in Section 3.11 of the Purchase Agreement; (c) enter into any
agreement or borrowing  relationships  that creates or could with the passage of
time result in the creation of a lien or  encumbrance  of any nature  whatsoever
affecting  the  Collateral,  other  than  those  created  as a  result  of or in
accordance with the Purchase Agreement, the Notes, the Pledge Agreement or other
documents  executed in connection  therewith;  or (d) permit anything to be done
that may impair it or its value,  or  Creditors'  security  interest  and rights

     6. CREDITORS'  AUTHORITY.  Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default, each
of PHC and Pivotal hereby authorizes  Creditors to do the following from time to
time in  connection  with the  Collateral,  in their own name or in Pivotal's or
PHC's  name  (as  appropriate),   and  without  affecting  Companies'  liability
hereunder  or on the Secured  Obligations:  (a) notify any obligor or account of
Companies on an  instrument  or account that is part of the  Collateral  to make
payment to Creditors;  (b) demand,  sue for, collect,  or make any compromise or
settlement  with  reference  to the  Collateral,  and any  interest,  dividends,
principal  payments,   benefits  and  other  sums  payable  on  account  of  the
Collateral,  as Creditors in their sole discretion  choose; (c) collect by legal
proceedings  or otherwise,  and endorse,  receive and receipt for all dividends,
interest,  payments,  proceeds  and other  sums and  property  now or  hereafter
payable  with respect to or on account of the  Collateral;  (d) make any payment
and perform any agreement undertaken by either Pivotal or PHC in connection with
the Pivotal  Business,  and expend such sums and incur such  expense,  including
reasonable  attorney's  fees and legal  expenses,  as Creditors  reasonably deem
advisable; (e) transfer the Collateral into its own name or into the name of one

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of its  nominees;  (f)  renew or  extend  the time for  payment  of the  Secured
Obligations;  (g) take and hold  security,  other than the  Collateral,  for the
payment of the Secured Obligations or any part thereof,  and exchange,  enforce,
waive,  and  release  the  Collateral  or any part  thereof  or any  such  other
security;  (h) apply the Collateral or other  security,  and direct the order or
manner of sale thereof as  Creditors  in their  discretion  may  determine;  (i)
except as provided under the Purchase  Agreement or in accordance with the terms
of the  Acquisition  Financing  or Line of  Credit,  enter  into any  extension,
subordination, reorganization, deposit, merger or consolidation agreement or any
other  agreement  affecting  or relating to the  Collateral,  and in  connection
therewith  deposit or surrender  control of the  Collateral or any part thereof,
and accept other property in exchange or  substitution  therefor;  (j) except as
provided  under the Purchase  Agreement or in  accordance  with the terms of the
Acquisition  Financing or Line of Credit, assign or negotiate any of the Secured
Obligations and, in the case of such transfer,  deliver the whole or any part of
the  Collateral to the transferee who shall succeed to all the powers and rights
of Creditors in respect  thereof,  and  Creditors  shall  thereafter  be forever
relieved and fully discharged from any liability or responsibility  with respect
to the transferred Collateral; (k) release or substitute the appropriate Company
of any of its  liabilities  and  obligations  or any  part  thereof;  (l)  delay
exercising  or not  exercise  any  right  or  remedy  under  this  or any  other
agreement,  without  waiving that or any other past,  present or future right or
remedy; (m) insure, process and preserve all or any part of the Collateral;  (n)
receive  premiums and proceeds of insurance  covering the Collateral  with prior
written  notice to PHC; and (o) take any reasonable  action it deems  advisable,
and exercise all the rights, powers and remedies of an owner with respect to all
or any part of the Collateral.

     7. CREDITORS' DUTIES.  Creditors' duty with respect to the Collateral shall
be to use reasonable  care in the custody and  preservation of Collateral in its
possession,  which  shall not  include any steps  necessary  to preserve  rights
against prior parties nor the duty, except as otherwise provided herein, to send
notices,  perform  services or take any action in connection with the management
of the  Collateral.  Such care as Creditors give to the safekeeping of their own
property of like kind shall constitute reasonable care of the Collateral when in
Creditors'  possession.  Neither  Creditors nor their  correspondents  or agents
shall have any  responsibility  or  liability  for:  (a) the form,  sufficiency,
correctness,   genuineness  or  legal  effect  of  any  instrument  or  document
constituting  a part  of or in  any  way  relating  to  the  Collateral,  or any
signature  thereon;  (b) making any  presentment,  demand or protest,  or giving
notice, in connection with any obligation or evidence of indebtedness held by it
as part of the Collateral or in connection with the Secured Obligations; (c) the
description or misdescription,  quantity, weight, quality,  condition,  packing,
delivery  or  value  of  property  or  goods  represented,  or  purported  to be
represented,  by documents or instruments except in the case of Creditors' gross
negligence or intentional  misconduct;  or (d) the performance or nonperformance
of any contract or obligation,  insurance or otherwise,  relating thereto except
to the extent such  performance or  nonperformance  constitutes a breach of such
Creditor's obligations under the Transaction Documents; (e) consequences arising
out of acts or decisions of public authorities,  strikes, lockouts, riots, wars,
acts of God or other causes beyond the control of Creditors,  its correspondents
or agents; or (f) any act or failure to act of their correspondents or agents.

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          (a)  Mandatory.  Any of the  following  shall  constitute an "Event of
               Default" under this  Agreement:  (i) any breach of, or failure of
               any party to perform,  any  provision  of this  Agreement  or the
               Notes, or the occurrence of any of the events  described in (a) -
               (e) below,  and the  failure  of such party to cure such  breach,
               non-performance or event within the applicable "Cure Period",  if
               any; (ii)  termination of an Executive by PHC without  Cause,  as
               defined  in  the  Employment   Agreements;   (iii)  an  Executive
               terminates  his  employment  for Good  Reason,  as defined in the
               Employment Agreements;  or (iv) Buyer breaches Section 3.5 of the
               Purchase Agreement concerning  maintenance of the Line of Credit.
               There  shall be no "Cure  Period"  under this  Agreement  for any
               breach or failure  to  perform  that is based in whole or in part
               upon a  failure  to pay  monies  when due under  the  Notes.  For
               purposes of this  Agreement,  the term "Cure Period" shall mean a
               period of time that  commences  upon the giving of written notice
               by a  non-defaulting  party to the defaulting  party(ies)  that a
               breach or failure to perform has  occurred,  or in the case of an
               event  described in items (a)- (e) below the  occurrence  of such
               event,  and  expires  ten (10)  Business  Days from the date such
               notice is given. An Event of Default  hereunder based on any Note
               or the Pledge  Agreement,  but not the  Employment  Agreements or
               other this  Agreement,  shall occur after the  expiration  of the
               applicable  cure  period,  if any,  set  forth in any Note or the
               Pledge  Agreement,  and no  additional  time to cure  under  this
               Agreement  shall be given or is intended to be given  hereby.  In
               the event of  conflicting  cure periods in any Note or the Pledge
               Agreement, the shortest cure period shall control.

          (b)  Optional.  At Creditors'  option,  an Event of Default  hereunder
               shall be  deemed  to  occur  upon the  following  events  and the
               expiration  of the Cure  Period  described  above:  (a) either of
               Companies (i) is  adjudicated a bankrupt,  or an order for relief
               under the Bankruptcy Code (Title 11 of the United States Code) is
               entered  naming  either of Companies  as "Debtor",  (ii) fails to
               pay,  or  admits  in  writing  its  inability  to pay,  its debts
               generally as they become due,  (iii) makes an assignment  for the
               benefit of creditors,  (iv) applies for,  seeks,  consents to, or
               acquiesces in, the appointment of a receiver,  custodian, trustee
               (interim or otherwise),  examiner, liquidator or similar official
               for it or any  substantial  part of its property,  (v) institutes
               any  proceeding  seeking  dissolution,  winding up,  liquidation,
               reorganization,  arrangement,  adjustment or composition of it or
               its debts under any law  relating to  bankruptcy,  insolvency  or
               reorganization or relief of debtors or fails to file an answer or
               other  pleading  denying  the  material  allegations  of any such
               proceeding  filed against it, (vi) takes any corporate  action to
               authorize  or  effect  any of the  foregoing,  or (vii)  fails to
               contest in good faith any  appointment  or  proceeding  described
               above;  (b) either of Companies  fails to pay and  discharge  any
               material  indebtedness  when and as due  (except in the case of a
               good faith dispute), or by reason of a default, the holder of any
               indebtedness  becomes  entitled to accelerate the stated maturity
               thereof  except  where  failure to do so does not have a Material

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               Adverse Effect;  (c) either of Companies contests the validity or
               enforceability of any document executed in connection herewith or
               with  the  Secured  Obligations  or  denies  it has  any  further
               liability or  obligation  thereunder,  or fails to perform any of
               its obligations  hereunder;  (d) there occurs a sale, assignment,
               pledge, transfer, hypothecation, encumbrance or other disposition
               of the  Collateral  or  any  portion  thereof  (or  any  interest
               therein) other than (i) in the ordinary course of business,  (ii)
               a  disposition  of  obsolete  or  retired  property,  or (iii) as
               otherwise provided in the Purchase Agreement; or (e) there is any
               injury to, or any destruction, loss or decline in value or market
               price of, the  Collateral  other than in the  ordinary  course of
               business that is not covered by insurance.

     9. CREDITORS' REMEDIES.  Upon the occurrence and continuance of an Event of
Default,  Creditors  (and its  agents)  shall have the rights and  remedies of a
secured creditor,  and Companies shall have the rights and duties provided under
the Uniform Commercial Code in force in Arizona at the date of this Agreement or
as such Uniform Commercial Code may thereafter be amended, and Creditors may, at
their  election and in addition to all other rights,  powers and  privileges and
notwithstanding the cessation of the Companies'  liability,  which the Companies
waive (other than by payment in full of the Secured Obligations), to the fullest
extent permitted by law: (a) declare the Secured Obligations  immediately fixed,
due and payable, the same as if the Secured Obligations had become in default or
past due,  and  proceed to collect  the same;  (b) waive or remedy any  default,
without waiving it or any prior or subsequent default; (c) as appropriate,  take
immediate  possession  of the  Collateral,  without  notice  and with or without
resort to legal  process,  and for such purpose  Creditors  may,  subject to the
restrictions set forth under the Law including,  but not limited to, the Uniform
Commercial  Code as enacted by the state of Arizona  enter upon any  premises on
which the Collateral or any part thereof may be situated and remove it therefrom
or render the Collateral unusable and upon Creditors' demand, each Company shall
assemble the Collateral and make it available at a reasonably  convenient  place
designated by  Creditors;  (d) remove any and all  Collateral  from the state or
country  in which it may be held to any  other  state or  country,  and there be
dealt with by Creditors as provided in this  Agreement;  (e) transfer any voting
securities, if any, constituting all or any part of the Collateral into the name
of  Creditors  for the  purpose  of voting  said  securities  as  Creditors  may
determine in their sole discretion;  (f) at its option, retain the Collateral in
satisfaction  of the  Secured  Obligations  by  sending  written  notice of such
election to PHC; (g) lease all or any part of the  Collateral,  or sell,  assign
and  deliver  all or any  part of the  Collateral  at  public  or  private  sale
(regardless  whether the  Collateral  is present at the place of sale),  without
notice  or  advertisement,  and at any sale or  disposition  of the  Collateral,
Creditors  may bid and become a purchaser at any public  sale,  and may accept a
trade of property for all or a portion of the sale price;  (h) make or have made
any necessary repairs, the reasonable cost of which is to be charged to PHC; (i)
realize  upon  insurance  policies  with a  cash  surrender  value,  securities,
instruments  or  documents  that will be redeemed by the issuer upon  surrender,
without  notice to PHC;  and (j) apply the  Collateral,  or the  proceeds of any
disposition of Collateral,  towards the satisfaction of the Secured Obligations,
in any order that Creditors, in their sole discretion, choose. In the event of a
failure by PHC in so doing,  Creditors may obtain physical damage/loss insurance
(protecting Creditors only if it chooses), pay taxes, assessments,  liens, fees,
charges or  encumbrances,  and order and pay for  repairs  or spend any  amounts
necessary to maintain the Collateral in Companies'  exclusive  possession and in

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good  condition  and repair,  and all amounts so expended  shall,  with interest
thereon at the highest rate contracted with respect to the Secured  Obligations,
constitute  part of the Secured  Obligations  and shall be  immediately  due and
payable.  No such act or expenditure by Creditors  shall relieve  Companies from
the  consequences  of such  default.  The  making  of any  such  payment  or the
performance of any obligation on behalf of either Company shall constitute prima
facie evidence of the necessity and the  reasonableness  therefor.  If notice to
either Company is required,  Creditors shall give written notice to PHC not less
than ten (10) Business  Days prior to the date of public sale of the  Collateral
or prior to the date after which private sale of the Collateral  will be made by
mailing such notice to PHC at the address designated in the Purchase  Agreement.
PHC shall continue to be liable to Creditors for any deficiency  remaining after
application  of the Collateral or proceeds  thereof to the Secured  Obligations,
together with interest  thereon at the rate  applicable upon a default under the
agreement or instrument  evidencing the Secured  Obligations,  and if no rate is
provided, then at 15% per annum.

     10. WAIVERS.  Companies each waive:  (a) any right to require  Creditors to
proceed against any person,  exhaust any Collateral,  or pursue any other remedy
in  Creditors'  power;  (b) any defense  arising by reason of any  disability or
other defense of Company,  or any other person,  or by reason of cessation  from
any cause whatsoever of the liability of Company,  or any other person;  (c) any
right to enforce or compel the enforcement of any remedy which Creditors now has
or may hereafter have against Companies, or either of them, or against any other
person;  (d) any benefit of and any right to  participate  in the  Collateral or
other  security  whatsoever  now or  hereafter  held by  Creditors;  and (e) the
provisions  of  Delaware  and  Arizona  Statutes,  if  applicable,  relating  to
sureties.  Until all of the Secured  Obligations  shall have been  satisfied and
paid in full, neither of Companies shall have any right of subrogation.

     11.  MISCELLANEOUS  AGREEMENTS.  Each Company agrees: (a) to give Creditors
prior written notice of any change of residence,  place of business or insurance
with  respect to the  Collateral;  (b) demands  for  additional  or  substituted
Collateral, and any other demands or notices may be given by telegram, telephone
or cable, or by mailing the same, postage prepaid, to Companies' addresses shown
below;  (c)  acceptance  by Creditors of any  performance  which does not comply
strictly  with the terms hereof shall not be deemed to be a waiver or bar of any
right of Creditors, nor a release of any of the Secured Obligations; (d) each of
Companies  is and shall remain  subject to the in  personam,  in rem and subject
matter  jurisdiction  of the  Courts of the State of  Arizona  for all  purposes
pertaining to this  instrument  and all documents  and  instruments  executed in
connection  herewith,  securing the same, or in any way pertaining  hereto;  (e)
this Agreement  shall be governed by the laws of the State of Arizona except for
conflict of Law principles in the event of a conflict  between the defined terms
of this  Agreement and those of the Purchase  Agreement,  in which case Delaware
Law shall  govern the  interpretation  of the defined  term;  (f) time is of the
essence of this Agreement; (g) this is a continuing agreement, and to the extent
possible, applies to all past, present and future indebtedness,  obligations and
transactions  of either of Companies,  with  Creditors,  and whether or not such
transactions  continue,  increase,  decrease or create new indebtedness after or
before payment of prior indebtedness,  and notwithstanding the death, incapacity
or bankruptcy of, or other event or proceedings  affecting  either of Companies;
(h) this  Agreement may not be assigned by either of the  Companies  without the
express  written  consent of Creditors;  (i) the  obligations  and agreements of
Companies  hereunder are binding upon their  respective  successors and assigns,
and the delivery or other  accounting of the  Collateral  (in whatever  form) to

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them shall discharge Creditors of all liability  therefore;  and (j) the parties
specifically  acknowledge  that,  notwithstanding  any provision of the Purchase
Agreement or any other agreement, a claim or action to enforce this Agreement is
not required to be brought in  arbitration,  and may be prosecuted in a court of
competent jurisdiction as described above.

     All words used herein shall be construed to be of such gender and number as
the  circumstances  require.  This instrument shall be binding upon the personal
representatives, successors and assigns of Companies and inure to the benefit of
Creditors,  their heirs,  successors and assigns.  Except as otherwise  provided
herein,  this Agreement  constitutes  the entire  agreement  between the parties
concerning  the  subjects  addressed  herein  and may not be  altered or amended
except by a writing signed by Companies and Creditors.

Dated: April 30, 2004                PHC, Inc.

                                     By:  /s/ Bruce Shear
                                              Bruce A. Shear, President

                                     PIVOTAL RESEARCH CENTERS, L.L.C

                                     By: /s/ Louis C. Kirby
                                            Louis C. Kirby, President


                                         /s/ Louis C. Kirby
                                             Louis C. Kirby
                                             5633 North  Royal Circle
                                             Paradise Valley, AZ 85253

                                         /s/ Carol A. Colombo
                                             Carol A. Colombo
                                             2525 E. Camelback Road, Suite 840
                                             Phoenix, AZ 85016

                                         /s/ Anthony A. Bonacci
                                             Anthony A. Bonacci
                                             2525 E. Camelback Road, Suite 840
                                             Phoenix, AZ 85016

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                                   Schedule 1

     All of Pivotal's  existing and hereafter acquired right, title and interest
in and to all  properties,  assets and rights of any kind,  whether  tangible or
intangible,  real or personal,  or in which Pivotal has any interest whatsoever,
and specifically including without limitation accounts receivable, contracts and
in the following service mark, together with all goodwill associated therewith.

         Mark               Registration Number            Registration Date
       ________             ___________________            _________________
       Pivotal                    2,498,718                October 16, 2001

                            ) ss.
County of Essex             )

     On  this  __ day of  _______________,  2004,  before  me,  the  undersigned
officer,  personally  appeared  Bruce  Shear,  who  acknowledged  himself  to be
President  of PHC,  Inc.,  a  Massachusetts  corporation  and that  he,  in such
capacity,  being authorized so to do, executed the foregoing  instrument for the
purposes therein contained by signing the name of the company by himself.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and official seal.

                                                      Notary Public

My Commission Expires:

                            ) ss.
County of Essex             )

     On this __ day of ____________,  2004, before me, the undersigned  officer,
personally   appeared   Bruce   Shear,   who   acknowledged    himself   to   be
___________________  of Pivotal  Research  Centers,  L.L.C.,  an Arizona limited
liability  company and that he, in such  capacity,  being  authorized  so to do,
executed the foregoing  instrument of the purposes therein  contained by signing
the name of the company by himself.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and official seal.

                                                     Notary Public
My Commission Expires:

                                    -- 92 --

STATE OF ARIZONA            )
                            )       ss.
County of Maricopa          )

     On this __ day of ____________,  2004, before me, personally appeared Louis
C. Kirby,  M.D., who acknowledged that he executed the foregoing  instrument for
the purposes therein contained.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and official seal.

                                                      Notary Public

My Commission Expires:

STATE OF ARIZONA            )
                            )       ss.
County of Maricopa          )

     On this __ day of ____________,  2004, before me, personally appeared Carol
A. Colombo,  who acknowledged that she executed the foregoing instrument for the
purposes therein contained.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and official seal.

                                                      Notary Public

My Commission Expires:

STATE OF ARIZONA            )
                            )       ss.
County of Maricopa          )

     On  this __ day of  ____________,  2004,  before  me,  personally  appeared
Anthony A. Bonacci,  who acknowledged that he executed the foregoing  instrument
for the purposes therein contained.

                  IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and official seal.

                                                      Notary Public

My Commission Expires:

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