                             SECURED PROMISSORY NOTE

$1,000,000.00                                                   February 1, 2004
Note A                                                          Phoenix, Arizona

     FOR VALUE RECEIVED,  PHC, Inc., a Massachusetts  corporation ("PHC") agrees
and promises to pay to the order of Louis C. Kirby  ("Kirby"),  Carol A. Colombo
("Colombo") and Anthony A. Bonacci ("Bonacci"),  or their heirs,  successors and
assigns (Kirby,  Colombo and Bonacci may be  collectively  referred to herein as
"Lenders" or individually as a "Lender"), the principal sum of $1,000,000,  with
interest  accruing on a daily basis on the unpaid principal balance from time to
time outstanding from the date hereof at the rate of six percent (6%) per annum,
compounded  annually (the "Note  Rate"),  interest to be calculated on a 360-day
year, both principal and interest being payable to Lender at Lenders' respective
accounts at 1st National Bank of  Arizona7150  East  Camelback  Road,  Ste. 275,
Scottsdale,  AZ 85251,  Attention:  Mr. Joe Botero,  or at such other address as
Lender  may  designate  by notice  from time to time,  without  presentment  for
payment,  diligence,  grace, exhibition of this Note, protest, or special notice
of any kind,  all of which are hereby  expressly  waived.  For  purposes of this
Note,  PHC shall be referred to as "Debtor." The unpaid  balance of this Note at
any time shall be the then current Remaining Note Principal (as defined herein),
plus interest accrued thereon and costs, expenses and fees chargeable hereunder,
which balance may be endorsed hereon from time to time by the holder hereof. The
term of this Note will be five (5) years, commencing on the date of execution of
this  Note.  All  payments  due  under  this Note will be paid by Debtor to each
Lender pro-rata, calculated by multiplying the applicable payment amount by each
Lender's Percentage Interest.

1.   Definitions.

     1.1  Generally.  All  capitalized  terms not defined  herein shall have the
          meanings set forth in that certain Membership  Purchase Agreement (the
          "Purchase  Agreement")  between PHC, Pivotal Research Centers,  L.L.C.
          ("Pivotal"), and Lenders of even date herewith.

     1.2  "EBITDA" for any  applicable  period means the earnings of the Pivotal
          Business  before  interest,   taxes,   depreciation  or  amortization,
          determined in accordance  with GAAP. For purposes of  determining  the
          EBITDA  of  the  Pivotal  Business,  all  costs  attributable  to  the
          Non-Pivotal  Business shall not be included regardless where such cost
          is incurred.

     1.3  "Adjusted   EBITDA"   means  an  amount  equal  to  the  sum  (without
          duplication)   of  (i)  all  bonuses  paid  to  employees  of  Pivotal
          (including  but not limited to Michael J. Colombo and Louis C. Kirby),
          plus (ii) the EBITDA  generated  by the  Pivotal  Business  during the
          applicable Note Adjustment Period, plus (iii) the sum of all principal
          and interest  payments,  if any, made by the Pivotal Business to repay
          any portion of the Acquisition Financing,  the Line of Credit, and the
          Notes, plus (iv) any corporate level overhead charges assessed against
          the Pivotal  Business by PHC in violation of the provisions of Section
          3.10 of the Purchase Agreement.

     1.4  "Base Amount" means $780,000  (U.S.) for any calendar year,  pro-rated
          for any partial periods.

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     1.5  "Note Adjustment  Amount" means an amount equal to the Adjusted EBITDA
          of the  Pivotal  Business at the  conclusion  of the  applicable  Note
          Adjustment Period minus the Base Amount, provided however, that if the
          Note Adjustment  Amount is a negative number,  then the procedures set
          forth in Section  2.4.1(c) or 2.4.2(c),  as  applicable,  of this Note
          shall be applied to determine the Note Adjustment Amount.

     1.6  "Note Adjusted  Interest" means, in the case of any Determination Date
          where a Note Adjustment Amount is a negative number, the lesser amount
          of Interest that would have  otherwise been due and payable under this
          Note during the applicable Note Adjustment Period if the Principal was
          reduced by an amount equal to the Note Adjustment  Amount. In the case
          of any Determination Date where a Note Adjustment Amount is a positive
          number,  "Note Adjusted Interest" means the greater amount of Interest
          that would have  otherwise been due and payable under this Note during
          the applicable Note  Adjustment  Period if the Principal was increased
          by an amount equal to the Note Adjustment Amount.

     1.7  "Note  Adjustment  Period"  means the two periods,  the first of which
          shall  commence  on the  date of  execution  of this  Note  and end on
          December  31, 2004  ("Note  Adjustment  Period A"),  and the second of
          which shall  commence on January 1, 2005 and end on December  31, 2005
          ("Note Adjustment Period B").

     1.8  "Note  Interest  Adjustment  Amount"  means  (a) in the  case the Note
          Adjusted  Interest  for the  applicable  Note  Adjustment  Period is a
          positive number,  an amount equal to the net interest payments made by
          Debtor to Sellers  pursuant  to this Note during the  applicable  Note
          Adjustment Period, plus the Note Adjusted Interest, or (b) in the case
          the Note Adjusted  Interest for the applicable Note Adjustment  Period
          is a negative  number,  an amount equal to the net  interest  payments
          made by Debtor to Sellers  pursuant to this Note during the applicable
          Note Adjustment Period, minus the Note Adjusted Interest.

     1.9  "Remaining Note Principal"  means, on a given date, an amount equal to
          the principal of this Note minus any principal payments made by Debtor
          to Sellers  pursuant  to this Note  prior to such date,  plus any Note
          Adjustment  Amounts and Note Interest  Adjustment  Amounts  determined
          pursuant to Sections 1.7 and 1.8 hereof prior to such date.

2.   Payments. Debtor shall make payments under this Note as follows:

     2.1  Interest  Accrual.  Interest  shall  begin to accrue on the  principal
          balance  of this Note from the date of  execution  of this  Note.  All
          interest  that  accrues  from the date of execution of this Note until
          December  31,  2004 shall be added to the then  outstanding  principal
          balance of this Note on the date the Quarterly Installment (as defined
          below) would otherwise have been due, as set forth below.

     2.2  Quarterly  Installments  of  Principal  and  Interest.  Commencing  on
          January  1,  2005  and  on the  first  day of  each  quarterly  period
          thereafter (March,  June,  September,  December) through and including
          December 1, 2008, Debtor shall make quarterly  installment payments of
          principal and interest to Lender with such  installments  based on the
          Remaining Note Principal  outstanding at the beginning of such quarter

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          amortized  in  quarterly  installments  over the  remaining  term (the
          "Quarterly Installments").  The annual principal adjustments described
          in Section 1.5 of this Note shall adjust the principal balance of this
          Note,  if at all, on  February 1 of the year in which such  adjustment

     2.3  Maturity.  Anything  in  this  Note to the  contrary  notwithstanding,
          absent  earlier  acceleration  upon an  Event  of  Default,  all  then
          outstanding  principal  and accrued and unpaid  interest and all other
          amounts due under this Note shall be due and payable to Lender in full
          on December 31, 2008 (the "Maturity Date").

     2.4  Two Annual Principal  Adjustments.  The principal balance of this Note
          shall be adjusted  annually  for each of the first two years after the
          date of execution of this Note,  in the manner  described  below.  The
          adjustment for Note  Adjustment  Period A shall take place on February
          1,  2005   ("Determination  Date  A")  and  the  adjustment  for  Note
          Adjustment   Period  B  shall   take   place  on   February   1,  2006
          ("Determination  Date B"). Debtor shall be responsible for calculating
          the Note  Adjustment  Amount for each Note Adjustment  Period,  all of
          which calculations shall be made in good faith, in accordance with the
          requirements  set  forth  in this  Note,  and  utilizing  commercially
          reasonable  standards  of care.  Debtor  shall  provide  Lenders  with
          written  notice of its findings and reasonable  financial  support for
          its calculations on or before the applicable Determination Date.

          2.4.1 Year One Adjustment.

               (a)  Positive  Adjustment.  If  the  Pivotal  Business  for  Note
                    Adjustment  Period A  generates a positive  Note  Adjustment
                    Amount,  the Remaining Note Principal  shall be increased in
                    an amount equal to the Note Adjustment Amount plus an amount
                    equal to the Note  Interest  Adjustment  Amount,  and Debtor
                    shall  make all  payments  under  this  Note  subsequent  to
                    Determination  Date  A  in  accordance  with  such  adjusted
                    Remaining Note  Principal.  So for example,  if the Adjusted
                    EBITDA for Note Adjustment  Period A equals  $850,000,  then
                    the Remaining Note  Principal  shall be increased by $70,000
                    ($850,000 - $780,000 = $70,000).

               (b)  Negative  Adjustment.  If the Pivotal Business  generates an
                    Adjusted  EBITDA of less than the Base  Amount  during  Note
                    Adjustment  Period A,  then,  subject to the  provisions  of
                    Section  2.4.1(c) below,  the Remaining Note Principal shall
                    be  decreased  by an  amount  equal to the  Note  Adjustment
                    Amount minus an amount equal to the Note Interest Adjustment
                    Amount,  and Debtor shall make all payments  under this Note
                    subsequent to  Determination  Date A in accordance with such
                    adjusted  Remaining Note Principal.  So for example,  if the
                    Adjusted  EBITDA  for  Note   Adjustment   Period  A  equals
                    $700,000,   then  the  Remaining  Note  Principal  shall  be
                    decreased by $80,000 ($700,000 - $780,000 = ($80,000))

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               (c)  Adjustment  Review.  If,  in the  case of a Note  Adjustment
                    Amount  to  which  Section  2.4.1(b)   applies,   such  Note
                    Adjustment Amount is equal to or greater than $50,000,  then
                    the CEO of the Pivotal  Business  shall meet with the CEO of
                    PHC and,  in good  faith,  determine  the  amount  of salary
                    related   expenses  borne  by  the  Pivotal   Business  that
                    reasonably  could have been  allocated to  activities  other
                    than  the  Pivotal  Business  (e.g.,  a  percentage  of  the
                    salaries of employees  that were spending a portion of their
                    time  supporting the  development of Debtor's other clinical
                    research sites and operations)  (hereinafter  referred to as
                    the "Estimated Allocation") and the principal balance of the
                    Note shall be reduced by an amount  equal to the Base Amount
                    minus the Adjusted EBITDA plus the Estimated Allocation,  if
                    any.  Notwithstanding  anything  herein to the contrary,  if
                    after  the  Estimated  Allocation  is added to the  Adjusted
                    EBITDA the result is that there exists an overage that under
                    normal  circumstances  would result in a positive adjustment
                    to the face value of this Note,  then the principal  balance
                    of this Note will not be adjusted and no overage  adjustment
                    will be made except to satisfy any  shortfalls  in any prior
                    or any future years.  Notwithstanding  anything in this Note
                    to  the  contrary,  if the  Pivotal  Business  generates  an
                    Adjusted  EBITDA of less  than the Base  Amount  during  the
                    above  referenced  period,  and if Debtor has  increased the
                    salary or salaries of any employees of the Pivotal  Business
                    by an amount that exceeds the standard salary increase, then
                    the Adjusted EBITDA for such period shall be increased by an
                    amount  equal to the salary  increases  actually  granted by
                    Debtor  to the  employees  of  the  Pivotal  Business  minus
                    standard salary increase.

          2.4.2 Year Two Adjustment:

               (a)  Positive  Adjustment.  If  the  Pivotal  Business  for  Note
                    Adjustment  Period B  generates a positive  Note  Adjustment
                    Amount,  the Remaining Note Principal  shall be increased in
                    an amount equal to the Note Adjustment Amount plus an amount
                    equal to the Note  Interest  Adjustment  Amount,  and Debtor
                    shall  make all  payments  under  this  Note  subsequent  to
                    Determination  Date  B  in  accordance  with  such  adjusted
                    Remaining Note  Principal.  So for example,  if the Adjusted
                    EBITDA for Note Adjustment  Period B equals  $850,000,  then
                    the Remaining Note  Principal  shall be increased by $70,000
                    ($850,000 - $780,000 = $70,000).

               (b)  Negative  Adjustment.  If the Pivotal Business  generates an
                    Adjusted  EBITDA of less than the Base  Amount  during  Note
                    Adjustment  Period  B, then  subject  to the  provisions  of
                    Section 2.4.2 (c) below,  the Remaining Note Principal shall
                    be  decreased  by an  amount  equal to the  Note  Adjustment
                    Amount minus an amount equal to the Note Interest Adjustment
                    Amount,  and Debtor shall make all payments  under this Note
                    subsequent to  Determination  Date B in accordance with such
                    adjusted  Remaining Note Principal.  So for example,  if the

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                    Adjusted  EBITDA  for  Note   Adjustment   Period  B  equals
                    $700,000,   then  the  Remaining  Note  Principal  shall  be
                    decreased by $80,000 ($700,000 - $780,000 = ($80,000)).
               (c)  Adjustment  Review.  If,  in the  case of a Note  Adjustment
                    Amount  to  which  Section  2.4.2(b)   applies,   such  Note
                    Adjustment Amount is equal to or greater than $50,000,  then
                    the CEO of the Pivotal  Business  shall meet with the CEO of
                    PHC and,  in good  faith,  determine  the  amount  of salary
                    related   expenses  borne  by  the  Pivotal   Business  that
                    reasonably  could have been  allocated to  activities  other
                    than  the  Pivotal  Business  (e.g.,  a  percentage  of  the
                    salaries of employees  that were spending a portion of their
                    time  supporting the  development of Debtor's other clinical
                    research sites and operations)  (hereinafter  referred to as
                    the "Estimated Allocation") and the principal balance of the
                    Note shall be reduced by an amount  equal to the Base Amount
                    minus the Adjusted EBITDA plus the Estimated Allocation,  if
                    any.  Notwithstanding  anything  herein to the contrary,  if
                    after  the  Estimated  Allocation  is added to the  Adjusted
                    EBITDA the result is that there exists an overage that under
                    normal  circumstances  would result in a positive adjustment
                    to the face value of this Note,  then the principal  balance
                    of this Note will not be adjusted and no overage  adjustment
                    will be made except to satisfy any  shortfalls  in any prior
                    or any future years.  Notwithstanding  anything in this Note
                    to  the  contrary,  if the  Pivotal  Business  generates  an
                    Adjusted  EBITDA of less  than the Base  Amount  during  the
                    above  referenced  period,  and if Debtor has  increased the
                    salary or salaries of any employees of the Pivotal  Business
                    by an amount that exceeds the standard salary increase, then
                    the Adjusted EBITDA for such period shall be increased by an
                    amount  equal to the salary  increases  actually  granted by
                    Debtor to the  employees of the Pivotal  Business  minus the
                    standard salary increase.

          2.4.3 "Freeze" of Remaining Principal.

               In the event (i) Debtor  breaches its  obligation to maintain the
               Line of  Credit  as set  forth  in  Section  3.5 of the  Purchase
               Agreement,  (ii) Debtor terminates an Executive without Cause, as
               defined  in the  applicable  Employment  Agreement,  or  (iii) an
               Executive  terminates his employment with Debtor for Good Reason,
               as defined in the applicable Employment Agreement,  then, in such
               event,  the Remaining  Principal  shall, at Lender's  option,  no
               longer be subject to adjustment pursuant to this Section 2.4.3 (a
               "freeze") provided that Lender provides to Debtor written notice,
               within  thirty (30) days of the first to occur of items (i), (ii)
               or (iii) above,  of the Lender's  desire to freeze the  Remaining
               Principal  (the  "Election  Term").  If an election is made under
               this Section  2.4.3 to freeze the Remaining  Principal,  then the
               date upon which such Remaining  Principal shall be deemed to have
               been frozen shall the on the first to occur of items (i), (ii) or
               (iii) above.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,  Lender shall not be
               entitled to  accelerate  payment  under this Note based solely on
               the occurrence of items (ii) or (iii) above.

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3.   Adjustments to Reflect Actual  Collections.  If the actual cash collections
     of the Pivotal Business during Note Adjustment  Period A shall be less than
     the EBITDA of the Pivotal  Business  utilized for  purposes of  determining
     principal  adjustments  under  this Note for such Note  Adjustment  Period,
     then, for purposes of making the Year Two  Adjustment,  Adjusted EBITDA for
     Adjustment Period B will be reduced by an amount equal to the shortfall.

4.   Application.  All  payments  received  by Lender  under  this Note shall be
     applied as follows:  (a) first,  to any amounts due under this Note,  other
     than interest and principal  accrued or  outstanding  under this Note;  (b)
     second,  to accrued and unpaid  interest under this Note; and (c) third, to
     the outstanding principal balance of this Note.

5.   Prepayment.  Debtor may prepay the principal  balance of this Note in whole
     or in part at any time.

6.   Related Documents. The transaction evidenced by this Note is also evidenced
     and secured by: (a) the Security Agreement;  (b) the Financing  Statements;
     and (c) the Pledge Agreement.

7.   Additional  Indebtedness.  Debtor shall not incur any material indebtedness
     related to the Pivotal Business except the indebtedness  resulting from the
     Acquisition Financing or the Line of Credit.

8.   Compliance  with  Covenants.  Debtor will provide the Line of Credit to the
     Pivotal  Business  in  the  manner  described  in the  Purchase  Agreement.
     Debtor's  breach of that  obligation  under  the  Purchase  Agreement,  and
     Debtor's  failure to cure such breach  within the Cure Period  specified in
     the Purchase Agreement, shall be deemed an Event of Default under the terms
     of this Note.

9.   Prohibition on PHC's Corporate  Overhead  Charges.  PHC will not impose any
     corporate level overhead  charges or expenses upon the Pivotal  Business as
     provided in Section 3.10 of the Purchase Agreement. If, for any reason, the
     Pivotal  Business  pays any PHC  corporate  level  overhead  charge  on the
     Pivotal  Business in violation  of Section 3.10 of the Purchase  Agreement,
     then  notwithstanding  anything to the contrary in this Note,  the Adjusted
     EBITDA for the period during which such charges are paid shall be increased
     by an amount  equal to the  corporate  level  overhead  charges paid by the
     Pivotal  Business as determined in accordance with the Purchase  Agreement.

10. Default.

     10.1 Events of Default.  The  existence of any one or more of the following
          shall constitute an "Event of Default" under this Note:

          10.1.1  Non-Payment.  Debtor's  failure to make any  payment to Lender
               under  this  or  any  of  the  other  Notes,  including,  without
               limitation,  any Quarterly Installment or Annual Installment,  as
               applicable, on or before the date such payment is due; or

          10.1.2  Non-Performance.  Debtor's  failure to comply timely and fully
               with (i) any  other  provision  of this  Note or any of the other
               Notes (other than those described in Section 10.1.1 above) within
               ten (10) calendar days after Lender's  delivery of written notice

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               of  non-performance,  or, with respect to Section 9 of this Note,
               within the cure period specified in the Purchase Agreement.
          10.1.3 Bankruptcy;  Insolvency. (a) Debtor making a general assignment
               for the  benefit  of  creditors;  (b) the  filing  by Debtor of a
               voluntary petition or application for a custodian,  as defined by
               the United States  Bankruptcy  Code, or for the  appointment of a
               receiver;  (c)  the  filing  against  Debtor  of  an  involuntary
               petition  or case  under any state  insolvency  law of the United
               States Bankruptcy Code,  including,  without limitation,  for the
               appointment  of a  receiver,  and the  petition  or case  remains
               pending for more than 60 days or the court in which such petition
               or case  is  pending  approves  it or  Debtor  is  adjudicated  a
               bankrupt or becomes a debtor or debtor in  possession in any such
               proceeding;  or (d) the  commencement,  under any law relating to
               bankruptcy,  insolvency,  reorganization or relief of debtors, of
               proceedings for the relief of Debtor or for the  composition,  or
               arrangement of a substantial portion of the obligations of Debtor
               or affecting the property of Debtor.

          10.1.4  Assignment;  Change in Control.  Debtor  shall not assign this
               Note or its  obligations  hereunder  without  the  prior  written
               consent  of  Lender  except  in  conjunction  with a  transaction
               described in Section 10.10 of the Purchase Agreement.

     10.2 Default  Interest.  Upon the occurrence and continuance of an Event of
          Default, at the option of Lender without notice to Debtor, all amounts
          then unpaid under this Note and the  Transaction  Documents shall bear
          default  interest at the rate of 15% per annum (the "Default  Interest
          Rate")  commencing  on the initial  due date of the failed  payment or
          performance constituting the Event of Default. Interest at the Default
          Interest Rate shall continue for so long as the Event of Default shall
          remain  uncured and shall be payable  monthly on the same day that the
          Quarterly  Installments  are due under Section 2.2, or at the Maturity
          Date, including any maturity as the result of the acceleration of this

     10.3 Acceleration.  In addition to all other rights and remedies Lender may
          have if an Event of  Default  shall  occur and (i) shall not have been
          cured  within the  applicable  cure period or, (ii) if no cure period,
          shall continue for a period of 10 calendar days, Lender, at its option
          without  further  notice to Debtor,  may declare  immediately  due and
          payable the  Remaining  Note  Principal and interest  accrued  thereon
          together  with all other  sums owed by Debtor  under this Note and any
          other  Notes.  Lender  shall not be entitled to exercise  its right to
          accelerate  payment of this Note,  as provided in this  Section  10.3,
          during  any  period  when  Kirby  or  Michael  J.  Colombo  are not in
          compliance  with their  obligations  under Section 3 of the applicable
          Employment  Agreement,  or  Kirby,  Colombo  and  Bonacci  are  not in
          compliance  with their  obligations  under  Article IV of the Purchase

11.  Remedies Cumulative. The remedies provided in this Note and the other Notes
     shall be cumulative and concurrent and may be pursued singly,  successively
     or together, at the sole discretion of affected party, and may be exercised
     as often as occasion  therefore shall occur. The exercise or the failure to

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     exercise  any such  right or  remedy  shall in no event be  construed  as a
     waiver or release thereof.
12.  Enforcement  Costs. If Lender brings suit on any of the Notes or employs an
     attorney or incurs  expenses to interpret or enforce this Note or otherwise
     to compel  payment  of any  amounts  due under  this Note or to defend  the
     priority of any of the collateral  evidenced by the Pledge Agreement or the
     Security  Agreement,  or to preserve  and enforce its rights in  connection
     with any  bankruptcy or other  proceeding,  Debtor shall pay all reasonable
     attorneys' fees, costs and expenses actually incurred by Lender as a result
     thereof.  Lender  shall be  entitled  to enforce  this Note in any court of
     competent jurisdiction and shall not be bound by the arbitration provisions
     set forth in the Purchase Agreement.

13.  Maximum Rate of Interest. The undersigned acknowledges that the undersigned
     has  agreed to the rate of  interest  represented  by the Note Rate and the
     Default  Interest Rate (as  applicable).  Any provision in this Note to the
     contrary notwithstanding,  the total liability for payments of interest and
     payments in the nature of  interest,  including,  without  limitation,  all
     charges,  fees or any sums that may at any time be deemed to be interest by
     a court of competent  jurisdiction,  shall not exceed the amount Lender may
     lawfully  collect.  If the total  liability  for  payments of interest  and
     payments in the nature of  interest,  including,  without  limitation,  all
     charges,  fees or other sums that may at any time be deemed to be interest,
     shall, for any reason  whatsoever,  result in an effective rate of interest
     that for any month or other  interest  payment  period  exceeds  the amount
     Lender  may  lawfully  collect,  all  sums  in  excess  of  those  lawfully
     collectible  as interest  for the period in question  automatically  shall,
     without  further  notice to Debtor,  be applied as a reduction  of the then
     outstanding  principal  balance of this Note or any other amounts due under
     this Note (other than  interest)  immediately  upon receipt of such sums by
     Lender,  with the same  force  and  effect as if  Debtor  had  specifically
     designated  such  excess  sums to be so  applied to the  reduction  of such
     principal balance or such other amounts due; provided, however, that Lender
     may  elect,  at any time and from  time to time by  notice  in  writing  to
     Debtor, to waive,  reduce or limit the collection of any sums (or to refund
     to Debtor any sums  collected) in excess of those  lawfully  collectible as
     interest  rather  than  accept  such sums on  prepayment  of the  principal
     balance of this Note or as payment of such other amounts.

14.  Notices.  All notices or other  communications  hereunder  shall be made in
     accordance with Section 10.6 of the Purchase Agreement.

15.  Waiver  of  Notice.   Debtor  hereby  waives  diligence,   grace,   demand,
     presentment for payment,  protest,  notice of protest,  notice of dishonor,
     notice of demand,  notice of nonpayment,  exercise of any option hereunder,
     any homestead or exemption rights and any release or discharge arising from
     any extension or extensions of time of payment of this Note any other cause
     of release or discharge  arising from any extension or extension of time of
     payment of this Note, or any other cause of release or discharge other than
     actual payment in full hereof.

16.  No Waiver by Lender.  Lender shall not be deemed,  by an act of omission or
     commission,  to have waived any of its rights or  remedies  under this Note
     unless such waiver is in writing and signed by Lender, and then only to the
     extent specifically set forth in such writing.  The acceptance by Lender of

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     any payment  hereunder that is less than payment in full of all amounts due
     and payable at the time of such  payment  shall not  constitute a waiver of
     the right to exercise any of Lender's remedies under this Note at that time
     or at any  subsequent  time or  nullify  any  prior  exercise  of any  such
     remedies  without the express written  consent of Lender,  except as and to
     the extent otherwise  provided by law. A waiver with reference to one event
     shall not be construed as  continuing or as a bar to or waiver of any right
     or remedy as to a subsequent event.

17.  Transfer  by Lender.  The term  "Lender,"  as used in this Note,  as far as
     covenants or obligations on the part of Lender are concerned, shall include
     Lender,  and any heirs,  successors,  assigns or future holders.  Except as
     otherwise provided herein or in the Purchase Agreement, Lender may transfer
     all or part of its  interest  in this Note or any of the other  Transaction
     Documents  without  the  consent of Debtor and such act or  subsequent  act
     shall not be deemed in violation  on Lender's  part of any of the terms and
     conditions  of this  Note or the  other  Transaction  Documents.  Upon  any
     transfer by Lender,  at Lender's option,  Lender may surrender this Note to
     Debtor for issuance to transferee of a new  instrument  in  replacement  of
     this  Note.  In the  event of any  surrender  of this  Note to  Debtor  for
     reissuance  or  replacement  as  provided  in  the  immediately   preceding
     sentence, Debtor shall,  contemporaneously with such surrender, reissue the
     Note  acknowledging  the  transferee  as the new "Lender"  hereunder or, if
     requested by Lender,  execute and deliver to the  transferee a  replacement
     Note identical to this Note except identifying the transferee as the Lender
     hereunder, and Debtor's failure to do so shall be an Event of Default under
     this Note.

18.  Severability.  If any term or provision of this Note shall,  to any extent,
     be  determined  by a court  of  competent  jurisdiction  to be  invalid  or
     unenforceable,  the  remainder of this Note shall not be affected  thereby,
     but such term or provision  shall be reduced or otherwise  modified by such
     court or authority  only to the minimum  extent  necessary to make it valid
     and  enforceable,  and each term and  provision of this Note shall be valid
     and  enforceable  to the fullest  extent  permitted  by law. If any term or
     provision  cannot be reduced or modified to make it  reasonable  and permit
     its enforcement, it shall be severed from this Note and the remaining terms
     shall  be  interpreted  in  such  a way as to  give  maximum  validity  and
     enforceability to this Note. It is the intention of the parties hereto that
     if any provision of this Note is capable of two constructions, one of which
     would  render the  provision  void and the other of which would  render the
     provision valid, then the provision shall have the meaning which renders it

19.  Acknowledgments.  Debtor acknowledges that, except as otherwise provided in
     Section  10.1 of the  Purchase  Agreement:  (a) with respect to the amounts
     payable to Lender  under this Note,  that Debtor has no offset,  defense or
     counterclaim with respect thereto,  no claim against Lender or with respect
     to any document  forming part of the  transaction  in respect of which this
     Note was made or  forming  part of any other  transaction  under  which the
     undersigned is indebted to Lender;  and (b) all interest imposed under this
     Note through the date hereof, and all fees and other charges that have been
     collected from or imposed with respect to this Note were and are agreed to,
     and were  properly  computed from or imposed with respect to this Note were
     and are agreed to, and were properly computed and collected.

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20.  Headings  and  Captions.  The  headings  and  captions in this Note are for
     convenience of reference only and shall in no way alter or modify the terms
     of this Note.

21.  Governing Law. This Note and the  Transaction  Documents  shall be governed
     by, and construed and enforced in accordance with, the laws of the State of
     Arizona  except for conflict of Law  principles  in the event of a conflict
     between the defined terms of this Note and those of the Purchase Agreement,
     in which case Delaware Law shall govern the  interpretation  of the defined

22.  Time of Essence. Time is of the essence of this Note.

                               PHC, Inc.
                               A Massachusetts corporation

                               By: /s/  Bruce A. Shear
                                    Bruce Shear, President

                                   -- 103 --

County of Essex)

     On this __ day of  February,  2004,  before  me, the  undersigned  officer,
personally  appeared Bruce Shear,  who  acknowledged  himself to be President of
PHC, Inc., a  Massachusetts  corporation  and that he, in such  capacity,  being
authorized so to do, executed the foregoing  instrument for the purposes therein
contained by signing the name of the company by himself.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and official seal.

                                   /s/  Janet Esterkes
                                        Notary Public

My Commission Expires:

March 12, 2010

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