Exhibit 10.49

                            PIONEER BEHAVIORAL HEALTH
                         FOR CERTAIN EXECUTIVE EMPLOYEES


     The Plan is intended to provide  supplemental  benefits to certain selected
executive employees of the Employer in the event that the Employer experiences a
Change in Control. The Plan is designed to encourage such executive employees to
provide their full cooperation and efforts to the  implementation  of any merger
or  other  major  transaction  which  is  approved  by the  shareholders  of the
Employer. The Plan shall be effective as of the Effective Date.


     Except as may  otherwise  be  specified  or as the  context  may  otherwise
require,  the following terms shall have the respective meanings set forth below
whenever used herein

     a. "Average  Compensation"  shall mean the average annualized  compensation
which was includible in the gross income of a Participant,  attributable  to the
performance  of  services on behalf of the  Company,  in respect of the five (5)
calendar  years  immediately  preceding  the calendar  year in which a Change in
Control takes place (or such lesser period of time during which the  Participant
performed  services on behalf of the Company if the  Participant did not perform
at least  five  (5)  calendar  years  of  service  for the  Company  immediately
preceding the calendar year in which a Change in Control takes place.)

     b. "Benefit  Factor" shall mean the multiple  (e.g.,  3.0,2.0 or 1.5) which
has been assigned to each  Participant  pursuant to the  recommendations  of the
Committee  and the  approval  of the  Board  for  purposes  of  determining  the
Participant's benefit under Section 4.1 (b).

     c. `Board" shall mean Board of Directors of the Company.

     d. "Chairman shall mean Chairman of the Board.

     e. "Change in Control"  shall mean the first to occur,  after the Effective
Date, of any of the following:

     (i) if any Person is or becomes the "beneficial  owner" (as defined in Rule
13d-3 under the Securities Exchange Act), directly or indirectly,  of securities
of the Company  (not  including  in the  securities  beneficially  owned by such
Person or any securities acquired directly from the Company or its Subsidiaries)

representing  35% or more of the  combined  voting power of the  Company's  then
outstanding securities;

     (ii) if during any period of 12 consecutive  months during the existence of
the Plan commencing on or after the Effective Date, the individuals  who, at the
beginning of such period,  constitute the Board (the Incumbent Directors") cease
for any  reason  other  than death to  constitute  at least a majority  thereof;
provided  that a  director  who  was not a  director  at the  beginning  of such
12-month period shall be deemed to have satisfied such 12-month requirement (and
be  an  Incumbent  Director)  if  such  director  was  elected  by,  or  on  the
recommendation  of or with the approval of, at least two-thirds of the directors
who then qualified as Incumbent  Directors  either  actually  (because they were
directors at the  beginning of such  12-month  period) or by prior  operation of
this clause (ii);

     (iii) the consummation of a merger or consolidation of the Company with any
other corporation other than (A) a merger or consolidation which would result in
the voting  securities  of the  Company  outstanding  immediately  prior to such
merger or consolidation continuing to represent (either by remaining outstanding
or by being  converted  into voting  securities of the  surviving  entity or any
parent  thereof)  50% or  more  of  the  combined  voting  power  of the  voting
securities  of the  Company  or such  surviving  entity  or any  parent  thereof
outstanding  immediately after such merger or consolidation,  or (B) a merger or
consolidation  effected  to  implement  a  recapitalization  of the  Company (or
similar  transaction) in which no Person is or becomes the beneficial  owner, as
defined in clause (i), directly or indirectly, of securities of the Company (not
including in the securities  beneficially owned by such Person or any securities
acquired directly from the Company or its Subsidiaries) representing 50% or more
of either the then  outstanding  shares of Stock of the Company or the  combined
voting power of the Company's then outstanding securities; or

     (iv) the stockholders of the Company approve a plan of complete liquidation
or dissolution of the Company, or there is consummated an agreement for the sale
or  disposition  by the  Company of all or  substantially  all of the  Company's
assets,  other than a sale or disposition by the Company of all or substantially
all of the Company's  assets to an entity,  at least 50% of the combined  voting
power of the voting  securities  of which are owned by Persons in  substantially
the same proportion as their ownership of the Company  immediately prior to such

     Upon the occurrence of a Change in Control as provided above, no subsequent
event or  condition  shall  constitute  a Change in Control for  purposes of the
Plan.  with the  result  that  there can be no more than one  Change in  Control

     f. "Code" shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

     g. "Committee" shall mean the Compensation/Human Resources Committee of the

     h. "Company"  shall mean, PHC, Inc.,  d/b/a Pioneer  Behavioral  Health,  a
Massachusetts corporation.

     i. "Effective Date" shall mean ________________, 2006.

     j. "Participant" shall have the meaning ascribed thereto by Section 3.

     k. "Person" shall have the meaning  ascribed  thereto by Section 3(a)(9) of
the  Securities  Exchange Act, as modified and used in Sections 13( d) and 14(d)
thereof  (except  that such term shall not include (i) the Company or any of its
Subsidiaries,  (ii) a trustee or other  fiduciary  holding  securities  under an
employee  benefit  plan of the  Company  or any of its  Subsidiaries,  (iii)  an
underwriter  temporarily  holding  securities  pursuant  to an  offering of such
securities,   (iv)  a  corporation  owned,   directly  or  indirectly,   by  the
stockholders  of the  Company  in  substantially  the same  proportion  as their
ownership  of  stock  of the  Company,  or (v) with  respect  to any  particular
Participant,  such  Participant or any "group" (as such term is used in Sections
13(d)  and  14(d)  of  the   Securities   Exchange  Act)  which   includes  such

     1.  "Plan"  shall  mean   Pioneer   Behavioral   Health   Change-in-Control
Supplemental Benefit Plan for Certain Executive  Employees,  as it may from time
to time be amended in accordance with Section 7.

     m.  "Securities  Exchange  Act" shall mean the  Securities  Exchange Act of
1934, as amended.

     n.  "Stock"  shall  mean the Class A Common Stock $ .01 par  value,  of the
Company,  and the Class B Common  Stock  $.01 par  value,  of the  Company on an
as-if-converted basis.


     The  employees  of the Employer  who shall be  "Participants"  for purposes
hereof shall be, subject to Section 7, those  employees of the Employer as shall
be proposed by the Committee for coverage hereby and approved by the Board. Such
proposal  and  approval  process  shall also  include the  determination  of the
Benefit Factor  attributable to each Participant.  The initial  Participants and
their  respective  Benefit Factors shall be as listed on Exhibit A hereto (which
is hereby  incorporated  herein by  reference)  as in effect as of the Effective
Date.  The  Company  shall  cause such  Exhibit A to be  amended to reflect  the
Participants  participating  in the Plan from time to time and their  respective
Benefit Factors.

Section 4. BENEFITS

     4.1. If a Change in Control occurs, then each Participant shall be entitled
hereunder  to an amount  equal to the product of (i) the  Participant's  Benefit
Factor for the year in which the Change in Control occurs multiplied by (ii) the
Participant's Average Compensation.

     4.2 The  payments  provided  for in  Section  4.1  shall be made as soon as
practicable,  but in no  event  later  than 30 days,  following  the date of the
Change in Control.


     The Plan shall be  administered  by the  Committee  appointed by the Board,
consisting  of one or more  individuals  employed by the  Employer or  otherwise
serving as a Director of the Company prior to the Change in Control. The acts of
a majority of the members  present at any  meeting of the  Committee  at which a
quorum is  present,  or acts  approved  in writing  by a majority  of the entire
Committee,  shall be the acts of the  Committee for purposes of the Plan. If and
to the extent applicable, no member of the Committee may act as to matters under
the Plan specifically relating to such member. If any member of the Committee is
to be replaced or otherwise ceases to be a member thereof upon or after a Change
in Control,  then the Chief  Executive  Officer of the Company (or, if he or she
fails to act, the President, the Chief Operating Officer and the Chief Financial
Officer, in that order) immediately prior to the Change in Control, and no other
person, shall be permitted to designate a successor member. If at any time there
is no  Committee,  the  Chief  Executive  Officer  shall  have  the  rights  and
responsibilities of the Committee  hereunder.  The Committee shall have the full
authority to employ and rely on such legal  counsel,  actuaries and  accountants
(which  may also be those of the  Employer),  and other  agents,  designees  and
delegatees,  as it may deem  advisable  to assist in the  administration  of the
Plan.  The Employer  hereby  indemnifies  each member of the  Committee  for any
liability or expense relating to the  administration of the Plan, to the maximum
extent permitted by law.


     6.1. If all, or any portion,  of the payments and benefits  provided  under
the Plan,  if any,  either  alone or together  with other  payments and benefits
which a  Participant  receives or is entitled to receive from the Company or its
affiliates, would constitute an excess "parachute payment" within the meaning of
Section 2800 of the Code (whether or not under an existing plan,  arrangement or
other agreement) (each such parachute payment, a "Parachute Payment"), and would
result in the imposition on the  Participant of an excise tax under Section 4999
of the Code,  then,  the  payments  to a  Participant  under  this Plan shall be
reduced  by the  minimum  amount  needed to enable  all such  payments  to avoid
classification as an excess Parachute Payment.

     6.2.  Except  as  may  otherwise  be  agreed  to by  the  Company  and  the
Participant, the amount (if any) of the reduction in the amount of payments to a
Participant  under this  Section 6 shall be as  conclusively  determined  by the
Company's independent auditors, or other independent advisor (who served in such
capacity  immediately  prior to the Change in Control),  whose  determination or
determinations shall be final and binding on all parties.


     7.1  Subject  to  Section  7.2,  the  Board  shall  have  the  right in its
discretion at any time to amend the Plan in any respect or to terminate the Plan
prior to a Change in Control; provided that Exhibit A hereto may be amended from
time to time as provided in Section 7.3 (b) below.

     7.2 Notwithstanding any other provision of the Plan to the contrary:

     (a) The Plan (including,  without limitation,  this Section 7.2) as applied
to any particular Participant may not be amended or terminated at any time on or
after the  occurrence  of a Change  in  Control  in any  manner  adverse  to the
interests  of such  Participant,  without  the express  written  consent of such

     (b)  Immaterial  negotiations  involving  the Board or the Chief  Executive
Officer  of the  Company  have  commenced  regarding  a  transaction  which,  if
consummated,  would  constitute a Change in Control,  and the Plan is amended or
terminated while such  negotiations are continuing and actively being pursued by
the Board or the Chief Executive Officer,  then such amendment or termination of
the Plan  (including,  without  limitation,  this  Section  7.2),  to the extent
adverse to the interests of any particular  Participant,  shall be null and void
as applied to such  Participant  with  respect to the Change in Control (if any)
which  ultimately  results directly from such  negotiations,  unless the written
consent of such  Participant  to the  amendment  or  termination  is or has been
obtained; it being expressly understood that this Section 7.2(b) shall not apply
with respect to any negotiations  which at any time prior to a Change in Control
have ceased as  determined  in good faith and  reflected in writing  (prior to a
Change in Control) by the Board or Chief  Executive  Officer (or which otherwise
have ceased at a time prior to a Change in Control).


     8.1  (a) The  Company  shall  require  any  successor  (whether  direct  or
indirect,   by  purchase,   merger,   consolidation  or  otherwise)  to  all  or
substantially  all of the business or assets of the Company  expressly to assume
and agree to perform  under the terms of the Plan in the same  manner and to the
same extent that the Company and its affiliates  would be required to perform it
if no such  succession  had taken place  (provided  that such a  requirement  to
perform  which  arises  by  operation  of law shall be  deemed  to  satisfy  the
requirements  for such an express  assumption and agreement),  and in such event
the  Company (as  constituted  prior to such  succession)  shall have no further
obligation under or with respect to the Plan.

     (b) To the maximum extent permitted by law, the right of any Participant or
other  person to any amount  under the Plan may not be subject to  voluntary  or
involuntary  anticipation,   alienation,  sale,  transfer,  assignment,  pledge,
encumbrance,  attachment or garnishment by creditors of the  Participant or such
other person.

     (c) The terms of the Plan shall inure to the benefit of and be  enforceable
by the personal or legal representatives, executors, administrators, successors,
heirs, distributees, devisees and legatees of each Participant. If a Participant
shall die while an amount would still be payable to the Participant hereunder if
they had continued to live, all such amounts,  unless otherwise provided herein,
shall  be paid in  accordance  with the  terms of the Plan to the  Participant's
devisee,  legatee  or other  designee  or, if there is no such  designee,  their

     8.2 (a) A  Participant  may file a claim  for  benefits  under  the Plan by
written  communication  to  the  Committee  or  its  designee.  A  claim  is not
considered filed until such  communication is actually received by the Committee
or such  designee.  Within 90 days ( or, if  special  circumstances  require  an
extension of time for processing, 180 days, in which case notice of such special
circumstances  shall be provided  within the initial  90-day  period)  after the
filing of the claim, the Committee shall:

         (i) approve the  claim and take appropriate steps for  satisfaction  of
the claim; or

         (ii) if the claim is wholly or partially denied, advise the claimant of
such denial by furnishing to him or her a written  notice of such denial setting
forth (A) the specific reason or reasons for the denial;  (B) specific reference
to  pertinent  provisions  of the Plan on which the denial is based and,  if the
denial  is  based  in  whole  or  in  part  on  any  rule  of   construction  or
interpretation  adopted by the  Committee,  a reference  to such rule, a copy of
which shall be provided to the  claimant;  (C) a description  of any  additional
material or  information  necessary for the claimant to perfect the claim and an
explanation of the reasons why such material or  information  is necessary;  and
(D) a reference to this Section 8.2.

     (b) The  claimant may request a review of any denial of his or her claim by
written  application to the Committee within 60 days after receipt of the notice
of denial of such claim. Within 60 days (or, if special circumstances require an
extension of time for processing, 120 days, in which case notice of such special
circumstances  shall be provided within the initial 60-day period) after receipt
of written application for review, the Committee shall provide the claimant with
its decision in writing,  including,  if the claimant's  .claim is not approved,
specific  reasons  for  the  decision  and  specific  references  to the  Plan's
provisions on which the decision is based.

     8.3. All notices under the Plan shall be in writing,  and if to the Company
or the Committee,  shall be delivered to the General Counsel of the Company,  or
mailed to the  Company's  principal  office,  addressed to the  attention of the
General  Counsel  of the  Company;  and if to a  Participant  (or the  estate or
beneficiary thereof), shall be delivered personally or mailed to the Participant
at the address appearing in the records of the Company.

     8.4. Unless  otherwise  determined by the Employer in an applicable plan or
arrangement, no amounts payable hereunder shall be deemed salary or compensation
for the purpose of computing  benefits under any employee  benefit plan or other
arrangement of the Employer for the benefit of its employees unless the Employer
shall determine otherwise.

     8.5. Any payments  hereunder shall be made out of the general assets of the
Employer.  Each Participant shall have the status of general unsecured creditors
of the Employer, and the Plan constitutes a mere promise by the Employer to make
payments under the Plan in the future as and to the extent provided herein.

     8.6  Nothing  in the Plan  shall  confer  on any  individual  any  right to
continue in the employ of the  Employer or  interfere  in any way (other than by
virtue of requiring  payments or benefits as may  expressly be provided  herein)
with the right of the Employer to terminate the  individual's  employment at any

     8.7 The Employer  shall be entitled to withhold from any payments or deemed
payments any amount of tax withholding required by law.

     8.8. The invalidity or  unenforceability of any provision of the Plan shall
not affect the  validity or  enforceability  of any other  provision of the Plan
which shall remain in full force and effect.

     8.9. The use of captions in the Plan is for  convenience.  The captions are
not intended to and do not provide substantive rights.

     8.10. The Plan shall be construed,  administered and enforced  according to
the laws of the Commonwealth of  Massachusetts,  without regard to principles of
conflicts of law, except to the extent preempted by federal law.

                                                Years of
                                                Service as
  Executive's Name      Position               Effective Date     Benefit Factor
__________________   ______________________    _______________    _____________

  Bruce A. Shear     President and CEO           26 years             2.99

  Robert A Boswell   Senior Vice President       15 years             2.00

  Paula C. Wurts     Chief Financial Officer     17 years             2.00


                          PLAN PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT

     THIS PARTICIPATION  AGREEMENT  ("Agreement") is made and entered into as of
this ____ day of 2006, by and between PHC, Inc. d/b/a Pioneer Behavioral Health,
a corporation organized under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (the
"Company"), and ("Employee").

     WHEREAS, Employee currently is employed in a key position with the Company;

     WHEREAS,  the parties believe it is in their mutual best interests to reach
an  understanding  concerning  the  Company's  obligations  to make a payment to
Employee in the event of a Change in Control of the Company;

     NOW, THEREFORE,  in consideration of the promises contained herein, and for
other good and  valuable  consideration,  the receipt and  adequacy of which are
hereby acknowledged, the parties agree to the following terms:

     1. Definitions:  For the purposes of this Agreement,  any capitalized words
and phrases shall have the meanings set forth in the Pioneer  Behavioral  Health
Change-In-Control Supplemental Benefit Plan for Certain Executive Employees:

     2.  Change-In-Control:  In the event of a Change in  Control,  the  Company
shall  provide  Employee  with a  payment  equal to (i) the  Employee's  Average
Compensation  multiplied  by (ii)  the  Employee's  Benefit  Factor.  For  these
purposes, the Employee's Benefit Factor shall be

     3.  Limitations of Agreement:  Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed
to require the Company or its successor owner to continue to employ Employee for
any definite  period of time.  Either  Employee or the Company may terminate the
employment  relationship  at any time with or without  cause,  unless  otherwise
expressly  required  by law or  contract,  and  provided  that the terms of this
Agreement are observed.

     4. Arbitration:  Any dispute or controversy  arising under or in connection
with this Agreement which cannot be resolved  informally by the parties shall be
submitted  to  arbitration  and  adjudicated  in  Massachusetts  pursuant to the
commercial  rules (single  arbitrator) of the American  Arbitration  Association
then in effect. The decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on all
parties  hereto.  Each  party  shall  bear  its  own  costs  in any  arbitration
proceeding  held  hereunder  and  the  parties  shall  share  the  costs  of the

     5.  Governing  Law:  This  Agreement  shall be  interpreted,  construed and
governed  according to the laws of the  Commonwealth of  Massachusetts,  without
regard to the principles of conflicts of law thereof.

     6.  Assignability:  Neither this  Agreement  nor any rights or  obligations
hereunder may be assigned by either party  without the prior written  consent of
the other.  Subject to the foregoing,  this Agreement  shall be binding upon and
inure  to  the  benefit  of the  parties  hereto  and  their  respective  heirs,
successors and assigns.

     7. Entire  Agreement:  This  Agreement  contains and  represents the entire
agreement of the parties and supersedes all prior agreements, representations or
understandings, oral or written, express or implied, with respect to the subject
matter  hereof,  which are hereby  terminated and of no further force or effect.
This  Agreement  may not be  modified  or amended in any way unless in a writing
signed by both parties.

     8.   Counterparts:   This   Agreement  may  be  executed  in  one  or  more
counterparts,  each of which shall be considered an original and together  which
shall constitute one and the same instrument.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have duly executed this Agreement,  to be
effective as of the day first above written.

EMPLOYEE                            PHC, INC., d/b/a Pioneer Behavioral Health

________________________________    By:  ____________________________________

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DATE: __________________________    DATE: __________________________________