Exhibit 10.84

                               SECURITY AGREEMENT
           (Accounts Receivable - General Intangibles - Chattel Paper)

This  Security  Agreement  ("Agreement")  is made  this  25th day of July,  1996
between PHC,  INC. a  Massachusetts  corporation,  PHC OF RHODE  ISLAND,  INC. a
Massachusetts Corporation, PHC OF VIRGINIA, INC. a Massachusetts Corporation and
PHC OF NEVADA, a Massachusetts Corporation (jointly and severally the "Debtor"),
and LINC ANTHEM CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation (the "Secured Party").

                             Preliminary Statements

A.  Debtor  has  contemporaneously  delivered  to  Secured  Party  that  certain
Corporate  Guaranty of even date herewith (the  "Guaranty")  whereby  Debtor has
agreed to guaranty the obligations of NORTH POINT - PIONEER,  INC.  ("Borrower")
under that certain Loan and Security  Agreement of even date herewith (the "Loan
Agreement")  including  that certain  Secured  Promissory  Note in the principal
amount of $500,000.00  made by Borrower in favor of Secured Party, as payee (the

B. Debtor desires to induce Secured Party to extend credit to the Borrower under
the Note and to better secure  Secured Party in respect of Debtor's  performance
under the Guaranty of the Loan Agreement and the Note.

NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration of the premises and mutual  agreements herein
contained, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows:

1.      DEFINED TERMS. Capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have
the meanings given such terms in the Loan  Agreement, the Note and the Guaranty.


(a) Grant of Security. To secure the prompt and complete payment, observance and
performance  of all of the  obligations  and  liabilities  of  Debtor  under the
Guaranty and the payment of sums due and to become due  thereunder and all other
obligations and liabilities of Debtor to Secured Party (whether or not evidenced
by a note or other  instrument or document and whether or not for the payment of
money)  direct or indirect,  absolute or  contingent,  due or to become due, now
existing or hereafter and howsoever arising, including without limitation, Costs
and Expenses (as defined in Section 6) in  connection  therewith  (collectively,
the "Liabilities"),  Debtor hereby assigns and pledges to the Secured Party, and
hereby  grants to Secured  Party,  a security  interest  in all of the  Debtor's
right, title and interest in and to the following, whether now owned or existing
or hereafter arising or acquired and wheresoever located (the "Collateral"):

       Accounts.  All present and future accounts,  accounts receivabl and other
rights  of the  Debtor to  payment  for  goods  sold or  leased or for  services
rendered  (except those evidenced by instruments or chattel paper),  whether now
existing or hereafter arising and wherever arising, and whether or not they have
been earned by  performance  (collectively,  "Accounts")  **  **[except  for any
Accounts sold by Debtor to LINC Finance  Corporation VIII under the terms of (i)
that certain Sale and Purchase  Agreement  dated January 20, 1995 between PHC of
Rhode Island,  Inc. and LINC Finance  Corporation VIII or (ii) that certain Sale
and Purchase  Agreement dated as of March 6, 1995 between PHC of Virginia,  Inc.
and  LINC  Finance  Corporation  VIII or (iii)  all  future  Sale  and  Purchase
Agreements as may be executed  between Debtor or its affiliates and LINC Finance
Corporation  VIII or its successors and assigns  (collectively  the "Receivables
Agreement")  but  including  any  right to  payment  Debtor  may have  under the
Receivables  Agreement with respect to any Advance Amounts and Provider Interest
then due and  payable by LINC  Finance  Corporation  VIII to Debtor] and subject
only to the security  interest of LINC Finance  Corporation VIII granted to LINC
Finance Corporation VIII under the Receivables Agreement;

      General Intangibles.  All rights, interests,  chooses in action, causes of
action,  claims and all other  intangible  property  of Debtor of every kind and
nature  related to or arising in  connection  with  Accounts,  in each  instance
whether  now owned or  hereafter  acquired by Debtor,  and however and  whenever
arising, including, without limitation,

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all customer  contracts,  firm orders,  rights under provider  contracts and all
other contracts and contract rights;  all deposit accounts  (general or special)
with any bank or other financial institution, including, without limitation, any
deposits  or  other  sums at any  time  credited  by or due to  Debtor  from any
affiliate  of Secured  Party with the same rights  therein as if the deposits or
other sums were credited by or due from Secured Party thereunder;  all rights to
indemnification;   and  all  letters  of  credit,  guaranties,  liens,  security
interests  and  other  security  held by or  granted  to  Debtor;  and all other
intangible  property,  whether  or not  similar to the  foregoing  related to or
arising in connection with the Accounts; and

      Chattel Paper,  Instruments and Documents.  All chattel paper, leases, all
instruments and all payments  thereunder and instruments and other property from
time to time  delivered in respect  thereof or in exchange  therefor,  and other
documents  of  title  and  documents,  in each  instance  whether  now  owned or
hereafter  acquired  by Debtor  relating  to or arising in  connection  with the

      Other Property.  All money and proceeds of Accounts and insurance proceeds
and  books  and  records  relating  to any of the  Accounts  together,  in  each
instance, with all accessions and additions thereto, substitutions therefor, and
replacements, proceeds and products thereof.

(b) Debtor Remains Liable. Anything herein to the contrary notwithstanding,  (i)
Debtor shall remain solely liable under the contracts and agreements included in
the  Collateral to the extent set forth therein to perform all of its duties and
obligations  thereunder  to the same extent as if this  Agreement  and any other
security  document  executed in connection  with the Guaranty or this  Agreement
("Security Documents") had not been executed, (ii) the exercise by Secured Party
of any of its rights  hereunder or under any other Security  Documents shall not
release  Debtor from any of its duties or  obligations  under the  contracts and
agreements included in the Collateral and (iii) Secured Party shall not have any
responsibility,  obligation  or liability  under the  contracts  and  agreements
included in the  Collateral  by reason of this  Agreement or any other  Security
Documents,  nor shall Secured Party be required or obligated,  in any manner, to
(A) perform or fulfill any of the  obligations  or duties of Debtor  thereunder,
(B) make any payment, or make any inquiry as to the nature or sufficiency of any
payment  received by Debtor or the  sufficiency of any  performance by any party
under any such  contract or agreement or (C) present or file any claim,  or take
any action to collect or enforce any claim for payment assigned hereunder.

(c) Representations and Warranties Regarding  Collateral.  Debtor represents and
warrants, as of the date of this Agreement and as of each date hereafter (except
for changes  permitted or contemplated by this Agreement)  until  termination of
this Agreement:

(i) The  correct  name of Debtor is set  forth in the  first  paragraph  of this
Agreement. The chief place of business, chief executive office of Debtor and all
Collateral of Debtor is located at the address  specified as the notice  address
for Debtor (the  "Premises") and Debtor has exclusive  possession and control of
the  Collateral.  All records  concerning  any Accounts and all originals of all
chattel paper which evidence any Account are located at the Premises and none of
the Accounts is evidenced by a promissory  note or other  instrument  except for
such notes and other instruments delivered to Secured Party.

(ii) Debtor is the legal and beneficial  owner of the Collateral  free and clear
of all liens except for liens of Secured Party.

(iii)  This  Agreement  creates  in favor  of  Secured  Party a legal,  valid an
enforceable security interest in the Collateral.  When financing statements have
been filed in the office of the Secretary of State of Michigan and Massachusetts
and the County  Recorder's  office or  delivery  of  Collateral  made to Secured
Party,  Secured Party will have a fully  perfected  first  priority lien on, and
security  interest  in,  the  Collateral  in which a  security  interest  may be
perfected by filing or delivery.

(iv) No  authorization,  approval or other  action by, and no notice to or filin
with,  any  governmental  authority that have not already been taken or made and
which are in full force and effect,  is required  (A) for the grant by Debtor of
the security interest in the Collateral  granted hereby;  (B) for performance of
this Agreement by Debtor; or (C) for the exercise by Secured Party of any of its
other rights or remedies hereunder.

(d)  Perfection and Maintenanceof Security Interest and Lien. Debtor agrees that
until all liabilities have been fully satisfied and the

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        Note has been canceled,  Secured Party's security interests in and liens
on and against the  Collateral,  and all proceeds and  products  thereof,  shall
continue  in full  force and  effect.  Debtor  shall  perform  any and all steps
reasonably  requested by Secured Party to perfect,  maintain and protect Secured
Party's security interests in and liens on and against the Collateral granted or
purported to be granted hereby and by the other Security  Documents or to enable
Secured Party to exercise its rights and remedies  hereunder and under the other
Security   Documents  with  respect  to  any  Collateral,   including,   without
limitation,  (i) executing and filing financing or continuation  statements,  or
amendments  thereof,  in form and substance  reasonably  satisfactory to Secured
Party, (ii) executing and recording mortgages, deeds of trust and other Security
Documents in form and substance reasonably  satisfactory to Secured Party, (iii)
delivering  to  Secured  Party all  certificates,  notes  and other  instruments
(including,  without limitation,  all letters of credit on which Debtor is named
as a  beneficiary)  representing  or  evidencing  Collateral  duly  endorsed and
accompanied by duly executed  instruments of transfer or assignment,  including,
but not limited to,  note  powers,  all in form and  substance  satisfactory  to
Secured Party,  (iv) placing  notations on Debtor's books of account to disclose
Secured  Party's  security  interest  therein  and  marking  conspicuously  each
document,  contract,  chattel paper and all records pertaining to the Collateral
with a legend, in form and substance  satisfactory to Secured Party,  indicating
that such  document,  contract,  chattel  paper or  Collateral is subject to the
security  interest  granted  herein and (v) executing and delivering all further
instruments and documents,  and taking all further action,  as Secured Party may
reasonably request.

(e) Financing  Statements.  To the extent  permitted by applicable  law,  Debtor
hereby  authorizes  Secured Party to file one or more financing or  continuation
statements and amendments  thereto,  disclosing the security interest granted to
Secured Party under this Agreement without Debtor's signature  appearing thereon
and  Secured  Party  agrees to notify  Debtor  when such a filing has been made.
Debtor agrees that a carbon, photographic,  photostatic or other reproduction of
this  Agreement  or  of a  financing  statement  is  sufficient  as a  financing

(f)     Filing  Costs.  Debtor  shall  pay the costs of, or  incidental  to, all
recordings or filings of all financing statements and other Security Documents.

(g) Schedule of  Collateral.  Debtor shall furnish to Secured Party from time to
time statements and schedules further  identifying and describing the Collateral
and such other  reports in connection  with the  Collateral as Secured Party may
reasonably request, all in reasonable detail.

(h) Accounts. Debtor covenants and agrees with Secured Party that from and after
the date of this Agreement and until termination of this Agreement that:

     (i)  Debtor  shall keep its chief  place of  business  and chief  executive
office and the office where it keeps its records  concerning  the Accounts,  and
the offices  where it keeps all  originals of all chattel  paper which  evidence
Accounts,  at the  Premises.  Debtor  will hold and  preserve  such  records (in
accordance with Secured Party's usual document retention  practices) and chattel
paper and will permit representatives of Secured Party at any time during normal
business hours to inspect, copy and make abstracts from such records and chattel

   (ii) Except as  otherwise  provided in this  subsection  (ii),  Debtor  shall
continue to collect, at its own expense, all amounts due or to become due Debtor
under the Accounts. In connection with such collections,  Debtor may, take (and,
at the Secured Party's discretion,  shall take) such action as Debtor or Secured
Party may deem  necessary of advisable to enforce  collection  of the  Accounts;
provided  however,  that  Secured  Party  shall  have the right at any time upon
written notice to Secured Party of its intention to do so, to notify the account
debtors or  obligors  under any  Account of the  assignment  of such  Account to
Secured Party and to direct such account  debtors or obligors to make payment of
all amounts due or to become due to Debtor thereunder directly to, Secured Party
and, upon such notification and at the expense of Debtor, to enforce  collection
of any such Account,  and to adjust,  settle or compromise the amount or payment
thereof,  in the same manner and to the same  extent as Debtor  might have done.
After  receipt by Debtor of the notice  from  Secured  Party  referred to in the
proviso to the  preceding  sentence,  (A) all  amounts and  proceeds  (including
instruments)  received by Debtor in respect of the Accounts shall be received in
trust for the benefit of Secured Party hereunder, shall be segregated from other
funds of Debtor and shall be  forthwith  paid over to Secured  Party in the same
form  as so  received  (with  any  necessary  endorsement)  to be  held  as cash
collateral  and either ((i)) released to Debtor so long as no 'Event of Default"
(as hereinafter  defined) shall have occurred and be continuing or ((ii)) if any
Event of Default  shall have  occurred  and be  continuing,  applied as provided
herein and (B)  Debtor  shall not  adjust,  settle or  compromise  the amount or
payment of any  Account,  or  release  wholly or partly  any  account  debtor or
obligor thereof, or allow any credit or discount thereon;

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  (iii) In any suit,  proceeding  or action  brought by Secured  Party under any
Account comprising part of the Collateral,  Debtor will save, indemnify and keep
Secured Party,  harmless from and against all expenses,  loss or damage suffered
by reason of any  defense,  setoff,  counterclaim,  recoupment  or  reduction of
liability  whatsoever  of the  obligor  thereunder,  arising  out of a breach by
Debtor of any obligation or arising out of any other agreement,  indebtedness or
liability  at any time owing to or in favor of such  obligor  or its  successors
from  Debtor,  and all such  obligations  of Debtor  shall be and  shall  remain
enforceable against and only against Debtor and shall not be enforceable against
Secured Party;

   (iv) At Secured  Party's  request in the event that Debtor has Accounts  with
respect  to which the  account  debtor is the  United  States of  America or any
department,   agency  or  instrumentality   thereof  (all  such  Accounts  being
hereinafter referred to as "Government Receivables"), Debtor shall, with respect
to such  Government  Receivables,  promptly comply with the Assignment of Claims
Act of 1940,  as  amended  (31  U.S.C.  3727 et seq.) and any other  statute  or
regulation  governing the collection of such Government  Receivables,  and shall
promptly  deliver to Secured Party evidence of such  compliance,  which evidence
shall  be in form  and  substance  satisfactory  to  Secured  Party  in its sole

    (v)  Debtor  shall  keep and  maintain  at  Debtor's  own  cost and  expense
satisfactory and complete records of Debtor's  Collateral in a manner consistent
with  reasonable  and  appropriate   business  practices,   including,   without
limitation,  a record of all  payments  received  and all credits  granted  with
respect to such  Collateral.  Debtor  shall,  for the  Secured  Party's  further
security,  deliver and turn over to Secured Party or Secured Party's  designated
representatives  at any time following the occurrence of an Event of Default and
upon five (5) days'  notice from  Secured  Party or Secured  Party's  designated
representative,  any such books and records (including,  without limitation, the
file cabinets in which paper records are stored and any and all computer  tapes,
programs and source  codes  relating to such  Collateral  in which Debtor has an
interest or any part or parts thereof);

   (vi) Debtor will not create,  permit or suffer to exist,  and will defend the
Collateral  against,  and take such other action as is necessary to remove,  any
lien on such  Collateral,  and will  defend the  right,  title and  interest  of
Secured Party in and to Debtor's rights to such Collateral,  including,  without
limitation, the proceeds and products thereof, against the claims and demands of
all persons or entities whatsoever;

   (vii) Debtor will not, without Secured Party's prior written consent,  except
in the ordinary course of business and for amounts which are not material in the
aggregate,  (A)  grant  any  extension  of the  time  of  payment  of any of the
Collateral or compromise,  compound or settle any Account for less than the full
amount thereof; (B) release, wholly or partly, any person liable for the payment
thereof; or (C) allow any credit or discount whatsoever thereon other than trade
discounts granted in the ordinary course of business; and

  (viii) Debtor will advise Secured Party promptly, in reasonable detail, of (A)
any material lien, security interest or claim made by or asserted against any or
all of the  Collateral,  and (B) the  occurrence  of any other event which would
have a material  adverse effect on the aggregate  value of such Collateral or on
the  security  interest  and  liens  with  respect  to such  Collateral  created
hereunder or under any other Security Document.

    (i) Secured Party  Appointed  Attorney-in-Fact.  Debtor  hereby  irrevocably
appoints Secured Party as Debtor's attorney-in-fact,  with full authority in the
place and stead of Debtor and in the name of the Debtor or otherwise,  from time
to time in Secured  Party's  discretion,  to take any action and to execute  any
instrument which the Secured Party may deem necessary or advisable to accomplish
the purposes of this Agreement, including, without limitation, (i) following the
occurrence and during the continuance of an Event of Default, to:

         (A)   obtain and adjust insurance;

         (B) ask, demand,  collect,  sue for, recover,  compromise,  receive and
give  acquittance  and  receipts  for  moneys  due and to become due under or in
respect of any of the Collateral,

         (C)  receive,  endorse  and  collect  any  drafts or other  instruments
documents and chattel paper, in connection with clause (A) or (B) above; and

         (D) file any claims or take any  action or  institute  any  proceedings
which Secured Party may deem necessary or desirable for the collection of any of
the  Collateral or otherwise to enforce the rights of Secured Party with respect
to any

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of the Collateral;

and (ii) at any time, to:

        (A) obtain access to records  maintained for Debtor by computer services
companies and other service companies or bureaus;

        (B) send  requests  under  Debtor's  or a  fictitious  name to  Debtor's
customers or account debtors for verification of Accounts; and

       (C) do all things necessary to carry out this Agreement.

(j)  Secured  Party  May  Perform.  If Debtor  fails to  perform  any  agreement
contained  herein,  Secured Party may itself perform,  or cause  performance of,
such  agreement,  and the  reasonable  expenses of the Secured Party incurred in
connection  therewith shall be payable by Debtor on demand and shall become part
of the Liabilities secured hereunder.

(k) Secured Party's Duties.  The powers conferred on Secured Party hereunder are
solely to protect its interest in the  Collateral  and shall not impose any duty
upon Secured  Party to exercise any such powers.  Except for the safe custody of
any Collateral in its possession and the accounting for moneys actually received
by it hereunder, Secured Party shall have no duty as to any Collateral.  Secured
Party  shall be deemed to have  exercised  reasonable  care in the  custody  and
preservation  of the  Collateral in its possession if the Collateral is accorded
treatment  substantially  equal to that  which  Secured  Party  accords  its own
property, it being understood that Secured Party shall be under no obligation to
take any steps  necessary to preserve  rights against prior parties or any other
rights  pertaining  to any  Collateral,  but  may do so at its  option,  and all
reasonable  expenses  incurred  in  connection  therewith  shall be for the sole
account of Debtor and shall be added to the Liabilities.

3.  WARRANTIES  AND  REPRESENTATIONS.  Debtor hereby represents and warrants to
Secured Party, on each date indebtedness is incurred under the Note, that:

         (a)  All of the  Collateral  is  kept as such   place(s) of business of
         the respectable Debtors.

         (b)  Debtor  is  lawfully  possessed  of  and  has  good  title  to the
         Collateral,  five  and  clear  of  all  liens,  encumbrances,  security
         interests  and adverse  claims  except only for the  security  interest
         granted to Secured Party herein except as otherwise provided herein;

         (c) (i) Debtor is  legally  organized  and  validly  existing,  in good
         standing  under  the  laws of its  state  of  organization  and is duly
         qualified  to do business and in good  standing  under the laws of each
         jurisdiction  where the nature of its business or the  character of its
         properties makes it necessary for it to so qualify to do business; (ii)
         Debtor  has full  power and  authority  to  execute  and  deliver  this
         Security  Agreement,  together with all notes,  leases,  agreements and
         instruments  evidencing  Indebtedness,  and  to  pay  and  perform  its
         obligations  thereunder;  (iii) Debtor has full power and  authority to
         own its  properties  and carry on its business as now being  conducted;
         (iv) this Security Agreement and all documents evidencing  indebtedness
         under the Guaranty have been duly authorized, executed and delivered by
         Debtor and  constitute  the valid,  legal and  binding  obligations  of
         Debtor enforceable in accordance with their terms.

         (d) (i)  The  execution,  delivery  and  payment  of any and all of the
         documents and instruments  evidencing  indebtedness  under the Guaranty
         and the  entering  into by Debtor of this  Security  Agreement  and the
         performance of its  obligations  hereunder will not violate or conflict
         with any of the  provisions  of the  Certificate  of  Incorporation  or
         By-Laws of Debtor (or Debtor's Articles of Partnership,  if applicable)
         and will not result in any breach of, or constitute a default under, or
         result in the creation of any lien, charge, security interest, or other
         encumbrance  in or upon any of Debtor's  property or assets (except for
         the  security  interest  created  hereby)  pursuant  to any  indenture,
         mortgage,  deed of trust, bank loan or credit  agreement,  or any other
         instrument  to which  Debtor is a party or by or under  which it may be
         bound; (ii) no approval is required from any public regulatory body nor
         from any parent,  subsidiary  or  affiliate of Debtor or from any other
         person, firm or corporation with respect to the execution, delivery and
         payment upon any documents evidencing  Indebtedness,  the entering into
         of this  Security  Agreement,  and the  performance  by  Debtor  of its
         obligations hereunder; (iii) there are no suits or proceedings pending,
         or to the knowledge of Debtor threatened, in any court or before any


regulatory commission, board or other administrative governmental agency against
or affecting  Debtor which will have a material  adverse effect on the financial
condition or business of Debtor.


(a)  Financial Information: On or  prior to the  tenth day of each month, Debtor
     shall deliver to Secured Party:

     (i)   a schedule of all Accounts  created or acquired by Debtor  during the
           preceding  month  together with an aged trial balance of Accounts (an
           "Accounts Trial Balance") for Debtor, indicating which Accounts are 1
           to 30,  31 to 60,  61 to 90,  91 to 120 and 120 or more days past the
           origina invoice date and, if requested by Secured Party,  listing the
           names and addresses of all account debtors;

     (ii)  an accounts  pyable aging,  showing which accounts  payable are 10 to
           30, 31 to 60, 61 to 90 and 91 days or more past due; and

     (iii) interim financial  statements,  consisting of balance sheets,  income
           statements,  cash flow  statements  for such month and for the period
           from the beginning of the then current fiscal year to the end of such

(b)  Distributions: From and  after Secured Party  gives notice to  Debtor to do
     so, Debtor shall not:

      (i)  make any  distribution  of dividends  or  the  equivalent  (including
           repurchases of interests in Debtor from any holder thereof); or

      (ii) pay any management fees to any affiliate of Debtor.

5. TERM OF AGREEMENT.  This Agreement shall become effective as provided herein,
and shall remain in effect until such time as all of the Liabilities  shall have
been fully performed and paid in full and the Guaranty shall have been canceled.

6. SECURED  PARTY'S  EXPENSES.  Debtor shall reimburse the Secured Party for all
fees, costs and expenses (including,  but not limited to, attorneys' fees, costs
and expenses)  incurred by the Secured Party,  in connection with this Agreement
including,  but not  limited  to,  such fees,  costs and  expenses  incurred  in
connection  with the  implementation,  administration  and  enforcement  of this
Agreement and the other agreements, documents and instruments referred to herein
or  contemplated  hereby and the auditing,  appraising,  evaluating or otherwise
monitoring the Collateral or other credit support for the Liabilities  (all such
costs and expenses, "Cost and Expenses").


(a)    Events of Default.  Any  one of the following acts  shall  constitute  an
       "Event of Default" under this Agreement:

      (i)  Failure by the Debtor to pay any of the Liabilities when due.

      (ii) Any  representation  or warranty now or hereafter  made by the Debtor
      herein or by the Debtor in connection  with this Agreement  shall prove to
      have been incorrect in any material respect when made.

     (iii) Failure by the Debtor to perform or observe any  covenant,  condition
     or agreement contained in this Agreement.

     (b)  Remedies.  If any Event of Default  occurs,  in  addition to all other
remedies  Secured  Party  may have at law or in  equity,  Secured  Party may (i)
declare  all  Liabilities  to  be  forthwith  due  and  payable,  whereupon  the
Liabilities shall become and be forthwith due and payable,  without presentment,
demand,  protest,  or  further  notice  of any  kind,  all of which  are  hereby
expressly waived by the Debtor,  and (ii) exercise all or any of the rights of a
secured  party  under  the  Uniform  Commercial  Code  in the  State  where  the
Collateral is located or other applicable laws and any other rights and remedies
available  to  Secured  Party,  all  of  which  rights  and  remedies  shall  be
cumulative, and none exclusive, to the extent permitted

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by law; provided,  however, that if an Event of Default involving the bankruptcy
of the Debtor shall exist or occur, all of the Liabilities shall  automatically,
without  notice of any kind,  be  immediately  due and payable and Secured Party
shall be entitled to reclaim the Collateral.

(c) Entry Upon Premises. Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default, (i) Secured
Party shall have the right to enter upon the  premises  of the Debtor  where the
Collateral is located (or is believed to be located)  without any  obligation to
pay rent to the Debtor,  or any other place or places  where the  Collateral  is
believed to be located and kept,  and render the  Collateral  unusable or remove
the  Collateral  therefrom,  in order  effectively  to collect or liquidate  the
Collateral,  or (ii)  Secured  Party may  require  the  Debtor to  assemble  the
Collateral  and  make it  available  to  Secured  Party  at a  place  reasonably
convenient to Secured Party or (iii) some combination thereof.

(d) Sale or Other  Disposition  of  Collateral  by  Secured  Party.  Any  notice
required to be given by Secured Party of a sale,  lease or other  disposition or
other intended action by Secured Party with respect to any of the Collateral, at
least three (3) business  days prior to such  proposed  action shall  constitute
fair and  reasonable  notice to the Debtor of any such  action.  If the  Secured
Party chooses to dispose of the  Collateral,  it shall dispose of the Collateral
in a commercially  reasonable  manner.  Any sale of the Collateral  conducted in
conformity  with  the  reasonable  commercial  practices  of  banks,   insurance
companies,   commercial  finance  companies  or  other  financial   institutions
disposing  of  property  similar  to  the  Collateral  shall  be  deemed  to  be
commercially  reasonable.  The net proceeds  realized by Secured  Party upon any
such sale or other  disposition,  after  deduction  for the expense of retaking,
holding,  preparing for sale, selling or the like and the reasonable  attorneys'
fees and legal expenses incurred by Secured Party in connection therewith, shall
be applied toward  satisfaction of the Liabilities.  Secured Party shall account
to Debtor for any  surplus  realized  upon such sale or other  disposition,  and
Debtor shall remain liable for any deficiency.  The  commencement of any action,
legal  or  equitable,  or the  rendering  of any  judgment  or  decree  for  any
deficiency shall not affect Secured Party's security  interest in the Collateral
until the  Liabilities  are fully paid.  Debtor agrees that Secured Party has no
obligation to preserve rights to the Collateral against any other parties.

8.  AMENDMENTS.  No amendment or modification of any provision of this Agreement
shall be  effective  without the  written  agreement  of the  Secured  Party and
Debtor,  and no  termination  or waiver of any provision of this  Agreement,  or
consent to any  departure by Debtor  therefrom,  shall in any event be effective
without the written concurrence of Secured Party. Any waiver or consent shall be
effective only in the specific  instance and for the specific  purpose for which
it was  given.  No notice  to or demand  upon  Debtor  or any  guarantor  of the
obligations  of  Debtor in any case  shall  entitle  such  party to any other or
further notice or demand in similar or other circumstances.

9. NO  WAIVER.  Secured  Party's  failure,  at any time or times  hereafter,  to
require strict  performance by Debtor of any provision or term of this Agreement
shall not waive,  affect or diminish any right of Secured  Party  thereafter  to
demand strict compliance and performance therewith.  Any suspension or waiver by
Secured Party of an Event of Default  shall not,  except as may be expressly set
forth herein,  suspend, waive or affect any other Event of Default,  whether the
same is prior or  subsequent  thereto  and whether of the same or of a different
kind or character. None of the undertakings,  agreements,  warranties, covenants
and  representations  of Debtor  contained  in this  Agreement,  and no Event of
Default  shall be deemed  to have been  suspended  or waived by  Secured  Party,
unless such  suspension or waiver is (a) in writing and signed by Secured Party,
and (b) delivered to Debtor.

10. SOLE  BENEFIT OF PARTIES.  This  Agreement  is solely for the benefit of the
parties hereto and their respective  successors and assigns, and no other person
shall have any right,  benefit or interest  under or because of the existence of
this Agreement.

11.  LIMITATION ON RELATIONSHIP  BETWEEN  PARTIES.  The  relationship of Secured
Party on the one  hand,  and  Debtor,  on the  other  hand,  has been and  shall
continue  to be, at all  times,  that of lessor and  lessee  and,  to the extent
monies  are owed to  Secured  Party by  Debtor,  creditor  and  debtor.  Nothing
contained in this Agreement, any instrument,  document or agreement delivered in
connection therewith or in the Guaranty, the Loan Agreement,  the Note or any of
the  other  documents  shall be  deemed  or  construed  to  create  a  fiduciary
relationship between the parties. 12. NO ASSIGNMENT. This Agreement shall not be
assignable by Debtor without the written consent of Secured Party. Secured Party
may  assign  to one or more  persons  all or any part of,  or any  participation
interest in, the Secured Party's rights and benefits hereunder.


13.  SECTION  TITLES.  The  section  and  subsection  titles  contained  in this
Agreement  are  included  for the sake of  convenience  only,  shall be  without
substantive meaning or content of any kind whatsoever, and are not a part of the
agreement  between Debtor and Secured Party.  14.  NOTICES.  Except as otherwise
expressly provided herein, any notice required or desired to be served, given or
delivered  hereunder  shall be in  writing,  and  shall be  deemed  to have been
validly served, given or delivered (a) four (4) days after deposit in the United
States  mails,  with  proper  postage  prepaid,  (b) when sent after  receipt of
confirmation or answerback if sent by telecopy, telex or other similar facsimile
transmission,  (c)  one  (1)  business  day  after  deposited  with a  reputable
overnight   courier  with  all  charges  prepaid  or  (d)  when  delivered,   if
hand-delivered  by  messenger,  all of which shall be properly  addressed to the
party to be notified and sent, to the address or number indicated below:

(a) If to Secured Party:                LINC ANTHEM CORPORATION
                                        303 East Wacker Drive
                                        Chicago, Illinois 60601

                      Attention:Vice President - Operations

               Telecopy:                (312) 938-4290
               Confirmation:            (312) 946-1000

               (b) If to Debtor:    __________________________________________
                    Attention: ______________________________

                Telecopy:            _________________________________________
                Confirmation:        __________________________________________

15. COUNTERPARTS.  This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts,
each of which  shall be  deemed  an  original  but all of which  together  shall
constitute one and the same instrument.





IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been duly executed as of this 25th day of
July, 1996.

By:  _______________________________
Authorized Signature
Name:  ____________________________
Title:  _____________________________

By:  _______________________________
Authorized Signature
Name:  ____________________________
Title:  _____________________________

By:  ______________________________
Authorized Signature
Name:  ___________________________
Title:  ____________________________

By:  _____________________________
Authorized Signature
Name:  __________________________
Title:  ___________________________

Acknowledged by:
(Secured Party)
By:  _____________________________
Authorized Signature
Name:  __________________________
Title:  ___________________________


Exhibit 10.85
                               CUSTODIAL AGREEMENT

This  agreement  made this 25th day of July 1996,  by and  between  LINC  ANTHEM
CORPORATION,  a Delaware corporation with its principal place of business at 303
East Wacher Drive,  Chicago,  Illinois 60601  (hereinafter  called "LIC"),  PHC,
INC., a Massachusetts  corporation with its principal office at 200 Lake Street,
Peabody,  Massachusetts  01960  (hereinafter  called  "PHC"),  and Choate Hall &
Stewart,  a law firm  having its office at  Exchange  Place,  53 State,  Street,
Boston, MA 02109 (hereinafter called the "Custodian").


Whereas,  LINC and PHC  have  entered  into a Stock  Pledge  Agreement  ("Pledge
Agreement")  dated June 1996  whereby PHC has pledged all of its right title and
interest in all of the stock held by PHC in its wholly  owned  subsidiary  North
Point - Pioneer, Inc. (the "Stock ") in accordance with the requirements of that
certain  Loan  and  Security   Agreement  dated  __________,   1996  (the  "Loan
Agreement"), and

Whereas,  under the  terms of the  Pledge  agreement,  LIC is  entitled  to hold
physical  possession of the stock  certificates  evidencing the Stock pledged to
LINC (the "Stock Certificates:);

Whereas,  LINC  and PHC  have  agreed  that  physical  possession  of the  Stock
Certificates may be held by the Custodian for administrative convenience of both

Now,  Therefore,  in consideration  of the premises and the mutual  undertakings
herein, and the aforesaid Agreement between LINC and PHC, it is hereby agreed.
as follows:

1. The Stock  Certificates  shall be promptly  delivered to the Custodian who is
hereby  retained  by PHC as its agent for the  purpose  of  holding  said  Stock
Certificates in trust solely for the benefit of PHC and LINC and for the purpose
hereinafter set forth.

2. The Custodian is hereby directed and agrees to keep the Stock Certificates at
all times in its exclusive control and custody , in trust for and subject to the
direction  of  LINC,  in a secure  space  in the  ustodian's  office  set  aside
specifically  for that  purpose,  to which a duly  appointed  representative  of
Custodian  approved  by PHC alone  shall have  access,  and said  representative
shall:  (a) deliver the Stock  Certificates  only upon  written  request of LINC
pursuant  to the terms of the  Pledge  Agreement;  (b) upon the  termination  of
Custodian's  employment  hereunder  and  the  appointment  of  a  successor  for
Custodian hereunder, immediately deliver Stock Certificates, when so directed by
LINC and PHC, to such  successor  or to such other  person or concern as PHC may
designate,  subject to the same  terms  hereof;  and (c) make such other  lawful
disposition of the Stock Certificates as PHC and LINC may expressly direct.

3. The Custodian agrees without cost or charge to PHC to provide a suitable safe
space at its office for the safekeeping of such Stock  Certificates,  and agrees
that  such  space  and the  said  Stock  Certificates  shall  be in the sole and
exclusive  custody and control of the Custodian.  PHC further agrees to reimburs
the Custodian  for all proper and  reasonable  expenses  which the Custodian may
incur  in  carrying  out  the  terms  oF this  Agreement,  such  expenses  to be
separately  negotiated  between  Custodian  and  PHC  and  not be a part of this

4.  PHC  shall at any  time  have  full and  unconditional  right  and  power to
discharge the Custodian and to appoint a successor for him to act hereunder. The
Custodian accepts all of the provisions hereinabove contained.

5. LINC shall deliver a notice of  termination  of this Agreement and release of
the Stock  Certificates  collaterally  assigned to LINC to the Custodian and PHC
upon the satisfaction of all the obligations of PHC under the Pledge Agreement.

6.  When the  Stock  Certificate  is  delivered  to the  Custodian,  it shall be
maintained by the Custodian in an envelope in the corporate books and records of
PHC marked as follows:

          "Property of LINC ANTHEM CORPORATION pursuant to Stock Pledge
           Agreement dated ___________, 1996 between PHC, INC. and LINC

7. In the event that it is necessary for LINC and PHC to have  possession of the
Stock  Certificates  in  order to  pursue,  prove or  protect  their  respective
interests or claims,  LINC or PHC shall be permitted access to and possession of
the Stock Certificates to the extent necessary to pursue, prove and protect such
interests upon written request.

8. It is agreed and understood  that PHC is solely  responsible for any mistake,
error or omission of PHC or the Custodian in the handling,  release, delivery or
redelivery  of the Stock  Certificates  while in the  possession  and control of
Custodian or PHC. It is agreed and  understood  that LINC is solely  responsible
for any mistake, error or omission of LINC in the handling, release, delivery or
redelivery of the Stock  Certificates  while it is in the actual  possession and
control of LINC.

In witness  whereof,  the parties have  executed  this  Agreement as of the date
first stated above.

PHC, INC.                                     CHOATE HALL & STEWART

By:  ___________________________              By:  __________________________
Name:                                         Name:

Title:   __________________________           Title:  ________________________


By:  ___________________________

Title:  __________________________:


July ______, 1996

LINC Finance Corporation VIII
303 East Wacker Drive,
Chicago, IL 60601

LINC Financial Services, Inc.
303 East Wacker Drive,
Chicago, IL 60601
Ladies and Gentlemen:

     This letter will set forth the irrevocable instruction being issued by PHC,
Inc. and its affiliates PHC of Rhode Island, Inc. and PHC of Virginia,  Inc. who
are  parties  to a Sale and  Purchase  Agreement  (the  "Agreement")  among LINC
Financial Services, Inc. (the "Administrative  Agent"), LINC Finance Corporation
VIII ("LFC") under either (i) that certain Sale and Purchase  Agreement dated as
of  January  20,  1995  between  PHC of Rhode  Island,  Inc.  and  LINC  FINANCE
CORPORATION  VIII or (ii) that certain Sale and Purchase  Agreement  dated as of
March 6, 1995 between PHC of Virginia,  Inc. and LINC FINANCE  CORPORATION  VIII
(iii) all future Sale and Purchase  Agreements as may be executed between Debtor
or its  affiliates  and LINC  Finance  Corporation  VIII or its  successors  and
assigns.  Each of the  signatories  hereto are  referred  to in each  applicable
Agreement as the  "Provider"  under which the Provider will sell certain  health
care  receivables  to LFC and the  terms  under  which  LFC will  purchase  such
receivables.  Except as otherwise expressly defined herein all capitalized terms
shall have the same meanings as set forth in the Agreement.

     PHC,  Inc.,  PHC of Rhode Island,  Inc.,  PHC of Virginia,  Inc. and PHC of
Nevada,  Inc., has each entered into that certain Corporate  Guaranty dated July
_____,  1996 in favor of LINC Anthem  Corporation  and has  granted  LINC Anthem
Corporation  a security  interest in all  accounts  receivable  now or hereafter
acquired by PHC,  Inc., PHC of Rhode Island,  Inc. and PHC of Virginia,  Inc. In
connection  therewith  each of the  undersigned  hereby agrees that upon written
notice of a default in the payment or  performance  of PHC,  Inc.,  PHC of Rhode
Island, Inc., PHC of Virginia,  Inc. or PHC of Nevada, Inc., under the Corporate
Guaranty  through  a letter  issued by LINC  Anthem  Corporation  (the  "Default
Notice") to each or all of the  undersigned  setting forth the aggregate  amount
then  due  under  the  Corporate  Guaranty  to  LINC  Anthem  Corporation,   the
undersigned  hereby  agree that LINC  Finance  Corporation  VIII may withhold an
amount equal to the  aggregate  amount set forth in the Default  Notice from any
Advance  Amount or any  Provider  Interest  then or  thereafter  payable by LINC
Finance  Corporation  VIII to each or all of the  undersigned  and to remit such
amounts to LINC Anthem Corporation or to its designee as directed in the Default

     Amounts to be withheld from the  undersigned  shall be pro-rated  among the
Providers on each Purchase  Date. In the event that there is  insufficient  sums
available to be withheld on any  Purchase  Date to satisfy the amounts set forth
in the Default Notice,  then LINC Finance  Corporation VIII is hereby authorized
to  continue  to  withhold  and remit sums to LINC  Anthem  Corporation  on each
subsequent  Purchase Date until the full amount due LINC Anthem  Corporation  as
set  forth in the  Default  Notice  has been paid in full or until  LINC  Anthem
Corporation  instructs  LINC  Finance  Corporation  VIII to  cease  making  such
remittances.  Notwithstanding  the foregoing it is  understood  that the maximum
amount of any Advance  Amount to be  withheld  from any one  Provider  shall not
exceed 10% of the Advance  Amount payable for any Batch on any Purchase Date and
shall not exceed 50% of any Provider Interest payable on any remittance date. It
is further understood that to the extent any Advance Amount or Provider Interest
is  payable  directly  to PHC,  Inc.  then up to 100% of such  amounts  shall be
withheld and remitted to LINC Anthem  Corporation in accordance with the Default
Notice before any amounts are withheld from any other Provider.

     This Direction may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which
shall be deemed to be an original,  and all of which together  shall  constitute
but one and the same instrument.

     PHC, INC.

     By:  __________________________
     Name: ________________________
     Title:   ________________________
     Date:   ________________________


     By:  __________________________
     Name: ________________________
     Title:   ________________________
     Date:   ________________________


     By:  __________________________
     Name: ________________________
     Title:   ________________________
     Date:   ________________________


     By:  __________________________
     Name: ________________________
     Title:   ________________________
     Date:   ________________________

     Accepted by:
     By:  __________________________
     Name: ________________________
     Title:   ________________________
     Date:   ________________________

Receipt of this Direction  issued by the related Provider to the applicable Sale
and Purchase Agreement is hereby accepted and acknowledged to by:


     By:  __________________________
     Name: ________________________
     Title:   ________________________
     Date:   ________________________

     By:  __________________________
     Name: ________________________
     Title:   ________________________
     Date:   ________________________

Exhibit 10.86
                           LOAN AND SECURITY AGREEMENT

     THIS LOAN AND SECURITY  AGREEMENT (this 'Agreement") is made July 25, 1996,
by and between NORTH POINT - PIONEER,  INC., a Massachusetts  corporation,  with
its principal place of business at 200 Lake Street, Peabody, Massachusetts 01960
("Debtor') and LINC ANTHEM CORPORATION,  a Delaware corporation,  located at 303
East Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL 60601 ("Secured Party").


     WHEREAS,  Secured  Party wishes to make and Debtor  wishes to receive loans
(hereinafter  individually and collectively referred to as the 'Loan') evidenced
by one or more of Debtor's  Promissory  Notes  delivered in connection  herewith
from  time to time  (hereinafter  individually  referred  to as the  "Note'  and
collectively referred to as the "Notes"); and

     WHEREAS,  the Note and all principal  thereof and interest  thereon and all
additional  amounts and other sums at any time due and owing from or required to
be paid by  Debtor  under  the  terms  of  each  Note  and  this  Agreement  are
hereinafter sometimes referred to as the 'Indebtedness'; and

     WHEREAS,  in exchange for  receiving  the Loan Debtor will grant to Secured
Party a security  interest in the tangible and  intangible  assets of Debtor and
all proceeds thereof; and

     WHEREAS,  all of the  requirements of law have been fully complied with and
all other acts and things necessary to make this Agreement a valid,  binding and
legal instrument for the security of each Note have been done and performed;

     NOW, THEREFORE,  in consideration of the covenants and conditions stated in
this Agreement, the parties agree as follows:

     1. The Loan; Assignment; Security Interest.

     1.01 Loan Amount.  Subject to the terms and  conditions of this  Agreement,
Secured Party agrees to make a Loan to Debtor in the aggregate  principal amount
of $500,000.00 ("Loan") on or before July _, 1996 with an interest rate of 10.75
% per annum.  The  proceeds of the Loan shall be  directed  by Secured  Party to
those persons identified by Debtor in writing at the time the Loan is made.

     1.02 The Note. Each Note shall:  (a) be dated the date on which the Loan is
made;  (b) be in a principal  amount which,  when taken  together with all other
Notes execute in connection herewith collectively equals the amount of the Loan;
(c) bear interest on the unpaid  principal  amount thereof at the Discount Rate;
and (d) be transferable by the holder thereof.  The form of the Note is attached
as Exhibit A.

     1.03 Loan  Deliveries.  In connection  with the initial Loan,  Debtor shall
deliver or cause to be  delivered  to  Secured  Party the  following  documents,
certificates,  opinions  of  counsel,  and  agreements,  in form  and  substance
satisfactory to Secured Party:

     (a) A certified copy of the Articles of Incorporation and By Laws of Debtor
as amended and restated through the date of the initial loan;

     (b) Certificates of authority and incumbency to enter into this transaction
in a form acceptable to Secured Party ;

     (c) Opinion of Debtor's counsel in a form acceptable to Secured Party;

     (d) A Corporate  Guaranty  issued by PHC,  of Rhode  Island,  Inc.,  PHC of
Virginia,  and  PHC of  Nevada,  Inc.,  in  favor  of  Secured  Party  in a form
acceptable to Secured Party ("Corporate Guaranty");

     (e) A Security  Agreement  issued by PHC, Inc., PHC of Rhode Island,  Inc.,
PHC of Virginia, Inc. and PHC of Nevada, Inc., in favor of Secured Party in form
acceptable to Secured Party

G|\law\lac\phc\loandoc  7/16/96

granting  Secured Party a continuing  valid and enforceable  perfected  security
interest and collateral  assignment of (i) all accounts  receivables and related
rights of PHC, Inc. now owned or hereafter  created by PHC,  Inc.,  PHC of Rhode
Island,  Inc.,  PHC of Virginia,  Inc. and PHC of Nevada,  Inc.,  ('PHC Security
Agreement')  except for any accounts  receivable  sold to and  purchased by LINC
Finance  Corporation  VIII  under  either  (a) that  certain  Sale and  Purchase
Agreement  dated as of January 20, 1995  between PHC of Rhode  Island,  Inc. and
LINC FINANCE  CORPORATION  VIII or (b) that certain Sale and Purchase  Agreement
dated as of  March 6,  1995  between  PHC of  Virginia,  Inc.  and LINC  FINANCE
CORPORATION  VIII or (c) any  subsequent  Sale and  Purchase  Agreement  between
Debtor  and  LINC  Finance  Corporation  VIII  or  its  successors  and  assigns
(collectively,  the  "Receivables  Agreement")  and subject only to the security
interest of LINC Finance  Corporation  VIII granted to LINC Finance  Corporation
VIII  under the  Receivables  Agreement;  & (ii) all other  assets of PHC,  Inc.
including, equipment, chattel paper, documents, instruments, general intangibles
and other property of PHC, Inc. whether now owned or hereafter  acquired and all
products and proceeds thereof subject to no other interests.

     (f) UCC-1  financing  statements  naming the  Debtor as debtor and  Secured
Party as secured  party,  executed  by Debtor  for  filing by Secured  Party for
acknowledgment  by the appropriate  recording  offices where the collateral,  as
hereafter defined, is located;

     (g) UCC-1  flanking  statements  naming the PHC, Inc. as debtor and Secured
Party as secured  party,  executed by PHC,  Inc. for filing by Secured Party for
acknowledgment  by the appropriate  recording offices where the collateral under
the PHC Security Agreement is located;

     (h) UCC-1  financing  statements  naming the PHC of Rhode  Island,  Inc. as
debtor and Secured Party as secured party, executed by PHC of Rhode Island, Inc.
for filing by Secured  Party for  acknowledgment  by the  appropriate  recording
offices where the collateral under the PHC Security Agreement is located;

     (i) UCC-1 financing  statements naming the PHC of Virginia,  Inc. as debtor
and Secured Party as secured party, executed by PHC of Virginia, Inc. for filing
by Secured Party for  acknowledgment by the appropriate  recording offices where
the collateral under the PHC Security Agreement is located; and

     0) UCC-1 financing  statements naming the PHC of Nevada, Inc. as debtor and
Secured Party as secured  party,  executed by PHC of Nevada,  Inc. for filing by
Secured Party for acknowledgment by the appropriate  recording offices where the
collateral under the PHC Security Agreement is located; and

     (k) Such other  instruments  and  documents  as required  by Secured  Party
including a direction to LINC Finance  Corporation  VIII to remit sums otherwise
payable to PHC, Inc., PHC of Rhode Island, Inc. and PHC of Virginia,  Inc. under
the Receivables Agreement to Lender upon the occurrence of certain events.

     (1) A Stock Pledge and Security Agreement

     (m) Stock Power Agreement

     (n) Custodial Agreement

1. DEFINED TERMS. Capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the
meanings given such terms in the Note


G|\law\lac\phc\loandoc  7/16/96

     (a)  Grant  of  Security.  To  secure  the  prompt  and  complete  payment,
observance and  performance of all of the  obligations and liabilities of Debtor
under the Note and the payment of sums due and to become due  thereunder and all
other  obligations  and  liabilities  of Debtor to Secured Party (whether or not
evidenced by a note or other  instrument  or document and whether or not for the
payment of money) direct or indirect,  absolute or contingent,  due or to become
due,  now  existing  or  hereafter  and  howsoever  arising,  including  without
limitation, Costs and Expenses (as defined in Section 6) in connection therewith
(collectively,  the  "Liabilities"),  Debtor  hereby  assigns and pledges to the
Secured Party, and hereby grants to Secured Party, a security interest in all of
the  Debtor's  right,  title and interest in and to the  following,  whether now
owned or existing or hereafter arising or acquired and wheresoever  located (the

     Accounts.  All present and future accounts,  accounts  receivable and other
rights  of the  Debtor to  payment  for  goods  sold or  leased or for  services
rendered  (except those evidenced by instruments or chattel paper),  whether now
existing or hereafter arising and wherever arising, and whether or not they have
been earned by performance (collectively, "Accounts");

     Equipment.  All machinery, all manufacturing,  distribution,  selling, data
processing  and  office  equipment,  all  furniture,  furnishings,   appliances,
fixtures and trade fixtures, tools, tooling, molds, dies, vehicles and all other
goods of every type and  description  (other than  inventory),  in each instance
whether now owned or  hereafter  acquired by Debtor and located at the  Debtor's
Location (collectively, "Equipment");

     General Intangibles.  All rights,  interests,  chooses in action, causes of
action,  claims and all other  intangible  property  of Debtor of every kind and
nature related to or arising in connection with Accounts, or Equipment,  in each
instance  whether now owned or  hereafter  acquired  by Debtor,  and however and
whenever arising,  including,  without limitation,  all customer contracts, firm
orders,  rights under  provider  contracts and all other  contracts and contract
rights;  all  deposit  accounts  (general  or  special)  with  any bank or other
financial institution, including, without limitation, any deposits or other sums
at any time  credited by or due to Debtor from any  affiliate  of Secured  Party
with the same rights  therein as if the deposits or other sums were  credited by
or due from Secured Party  thereunder;  all rights to  indemnification;  and all
letters of credit, guaranties, liens, security interests and other security held
by or granted  to  Debtor;  and all other  intangible  property,  whether or not
similar to the foregoing  related to or arising in connection  with the Accounts
or Equipment; and

     Chattel Paper,  Instruments and Documents.  All chattel paper,  leases, all
instruments and all payments  thereunder and instruments and other property from
time to time  delivered in respect  thereof or in exchange  therefor,  and other
documents  of  title  and  documents,  in each  instance  whether  now  owned or
hereafter  acquired  by Debtor  relating  to or arising in  connection  with the
Accounts or Equipment.

     Other  Property.  All  other  tangible  and  intangible  real and  personal
property now or hereafter acquired by Debtor including all money and proceeds of
Accounts and Equipment and insurance  proceeds and books and records relating to
any of the  Accounts  and  Equipment;  together,  in  each  instance,  with  all
accessions and additions  thereto,  substitutions  therefor,  and  replacements,
proceeds and products thereof.

(b) Debtor Remains Liable. Anything herein to the contrary  notwithstanding,  (i
Debtor shall remain solely liable under the contracts and agreements included in
the  Collateral to the extent set forth therein to perform all of its duties and
obligations  thereunder  to the same extent as if this  Agreement  and any other
security  document  executed  in  connection  with  the  Note or this  Agreement
("Security Documents") had not been executed, (ii) the exercise by Secured Party
of any of its rights  hereunder or under any other Security  Documents shall not
release  Debtor from any of its duties or  obligations  under the  contracts and
agreements included in the Collateral and (iii) Secured Party shall not have any
responsibility,  obligation  or liability  under the  contracts  and  agreements
included in the  Collateral  by reason of this  Agreement or any other  Security
Documents,  nor shall Secured Party be required or obligated,  in any manner, to
(A) perform or fulfill any of the  obligations  or duties of Debtor  thereunder,
(B) make any payment, or make any inquiry as to the nature or sufficiency of any
payment  received by Debtor or the  sufficiency of any  performance by any party
under any such  contract or agreement or (C) present or file any claim,  or take
any action to collect or enforce any claim for payment assigned hereunder.

(c) Representations and Warranties  Regarding Collateral.  Debtor represents and
warrants, as of the date of this

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Agreement  and as of each  date  hereafter  (except  for  changes  permitted  or
contemplated by this Agreement) until termination of this Agreement:

     (i) The correct  name of Debtor is set forth in the first  paragraph o this
Agreement.  The chief plac e of business,  chief executive  office of Debtor and
all Inventory and Equipment of Debtor is located at the address specified as the
notice address for Debtor (the  "Premises") and Debtor has exclusive  possession
and control of the Equipment and Inventory.  All records concerning any Accounts
and all originals of all chattel paper which evidence any Account are located at
the Premises and none of the Accounts is evidenced by a promissory note or other
instrument  except for such  notes and other  instruments  delivered  to Secured

     (ii) Debtor is the legal and  beneficial  owner of the Collateral  free and
clear of all liens except for liens o  Secured  arty.  Debtor currently conducts
business under the name: NORTH POINT - PIONEER, INC..

    (iii) This  Agreement  creates in favor of Secured Party a legal,  valid and
enforceable  security interest in the Collateral.  When flanking statements have
been filed in the office of the Secretary of States of Massachusetts  and Nevada
or delivery of Collateral made to Secured Party, Secured Party will have a fully
perfected  first  priority lien on, and security  interest in, the Collateral in
which a security interest may be perfected by filing or delivery.

    (iv) No  authorization  approval  or other  action  by,  and no notice to or
filing  with,  any  governmental  authorit y that have not already been taken or
made and which are in full force and effect,  is  required  (A) for the grant by
Debtor of the  security  interest  in the  Collateral  granted  hereby;  (B) for
performance  of this  Agreement  by Debtor;  or (C) for the  exercise by Secured
Party of any of its other rights or remedies hereunder.

(d) Perfection and Maintenance of Security Interest and Lien. Debtor agrees that
until all liabilities  have been fully satisfied and the Note has been canceled,
Secured Party's  security  interests in and liens on and against the Collateral,
and all proceeds and products thereof,  shall continue in full force and effect.
Debtor shall perform any and all steps reasonably  requested by Secured Party to
perfect, maintain and protect Secured Party's security interests in and liens on
and against the Collateral  granted or purported to be granted hereby and by the
other  Security  Documents or to enable Secured Party to exercise its rights and
remedies  hereunder and under the other  Security  Documents with respect to any
Collateral,  including, without limitation, (i) executing and filing flanking or
continuation statements, or amendments thereof, in form and substance reasonably
satisfactory to Secured Party, (ii) executing and recording mortgages,  deeds of
trust and other Security Documents in form and substance reasonably satisfactory
to Secured Party, (iii) delivering to Secured Party all certificates,  notes and
other instruments (including, without limitation, all letters of credit on which
Debtor is named as a beneficiary)  representing  or evidencing  Collateral  duly
endorsed and accompanied by duly executed instruments of transfer or assignment,
including,  but  not  limited  to,  note  powers,  all  in  form  and  substance
satisfactory  to Secured  Party,  (iv) placing  notations  on Debtor's  books of
account to  disclose  Secured  Party's  security  interest  therein  and marking
conspicuously each document,  contract, chattel paper and all records pertaining
to the Collateral with a legend,  in form and substance  satisfactory to Secured
Party, indicating that such document,  contract,  chattel paper or Collateral is
subject to the security interest granted herein and (v) executing and delivering
all further instruments and documents, and taking all further action, as Secured
Party may reasonably request.

(e) Financing  Statements.  To the extent  permitted by applicable  law,  Debtor
hereby  authorizes  Secured Party to file one or more  flanking or  continuation
statements and amendments  thereto,  disclosing the security interest granted to
Secured Party under this Agreement without Debtor's signature  appearing thereon
and  Secured  Party  agrees to notify  Debtor  when such a filing has been made.
Debtor agrees that a carbon, photographic,  photostatic or other reproduction of
this  Agreement  or  of a  financing  statement  is  sufficient  as a  financing

(f)  Filing  Costs.  Debtor  shall  pay the  costs of,  or  incidental  to,  all
recordings or filings of all financing statements and other Security Documents.

(g) Schedule of  Collateral.  Debtor shall furnish to Secured Party from time to
time statements and schedules further  identifying and describing the Collateral
and such other  reports in connection  with the  Collateral as Secured Party may
reasonably request, all in reasonable detail.

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(h) Equipment and Inventory.  Debtor  covenants and agrees with lessor that from
and after the date of this  Agreement and until  termination  of this  Agreement
Debtor shall:

     (i)  Keep  the  Equipment  and  Inventory  (other  than  Inventory  sold in
the  ordinary course of business) on the Premises;

     (ii) Maintain or cause to be  maintained  in good repair,  working order an
condition,  excepting ordinary wear and tear and damage due to casualty,  all of
the Equipment,  and make or cause to be made all appropriate  repairs,  renewals
and replacements  thereof, as quickly as practicable after the occurrence of any
loss or damage thereto which are necessary or desirable to such end.

     (i) Accounts.  Debtor covenants and agrees with Secured Party that from and
after the date of this Agreement and until termination of this Agreement that:

     (i)  Debtor  shall keep its chief  place of  business  and chief  executive
office and the office where it keeps its records  concerning  the Accounts,  and
the offices  where it keeps all  originals of all chattel  paper which  evidence
Accounts,  at the  Premises.  Debtor  will hold and  preserve  such  records (in
accordance with Secured Party's usual document retention  practices) and chattel
paper and will permit representatives of Secured Party at any time during normal
business hours to inspect, copy and make abstracts from such records and chattel

     (ii) Except as otherwise  provided in this  subsection  (ii),  Debtor shall
continue to collect, at its own expense, all amounts due or to become due Debtor
under the Accounts. In connection with such collections,  Debtor may, take (and,
at the Secured Party's discretion,  shall take) such action as Debtor or Secured
Party may deem  necessary of advisable to enforce  collection  of the  Accounts;
provided  however,  that  Secured  Party  shall  have the right at any time upon
written notice to Secured Party of its intention to do so, to notify the account
debtors or  obligors  under any  Account of the  assignment  of such  Account to
Secured Party and to direct such account  debtors or obligors to make payment of
all amounts due or to become due to Debtor thereunder  directly to Secured Party
and, upon such notification and at the expense of Debtor, to enforce  collection
of any such Account,  and to adjust,  settle or compromise the amount or payment
thereof,  in the same manner and to the same  extent as Debtor  might have done.
After  receipt by Debtor of the notice  from  Secured  Party  referred to in the
provision to the  preceding  sentence,  (A) all amounts and proceeds  (including
instruments)  received by Debtor in respect of the Accounts shall be received in
trust for the benefit of Secured Party hereunder, shall be segregated from other
funds of Debtor and shall be  forthwith  paid over to Secured  Party in the same
form  as so  received  (with  any  necessary  endorsement)  to be  held  as cash
collateral  and either ((i)) released to Debtor so long as no "Event of Default"
(as hereinafter  defined) shall have occurred and be continuing or ((ii)) if any
Event of Default  shall have  occurred  and be  continuing,  applied as provided
herein and (B)  Debtor  shall not  adjust,  settle or  compromise  the amount or
payment of any  Account,  or  release  wholly or partly  any  account  debtor or
obligor thereof, or allow any credit or discount thereon;

     (iii) In any suit,  proceeding or action brought by Secured Party under any
Account comprising part of the Collateral,  Debtor will save, indemnify and keep
Secured Party,  harmless from and against all expenses,  loss or damage suffered
by reason of any  defense,  setoff,  counterclaim,  recoupment  or  reduction of
liability  whatsoever  of the  obligor  thereunder,  arising  out of a breach by
Debtor of any obligation or arising out of any other agreement,  indebtedness or
liability  at any time owing to or in favor of such  obligor  or its  successors
from  Debtor,  and all such  obligations  of Debtor  shall be and  shall  remain
enforceable against and only against Debtor and shall not be enforceable against
Secured Party;

    (iv) At Secured  Party's  request in the event that Debtor has Accounts with
respect  to which the  account  debtor is the  United  States of  America or any
department,   agency  or  instrumentality   thereof  (all  such  Accounts  being
hereinafter  referred  to as  ("Government  Receivables"),  Debtor  shall,  with
respect to such Government  Receivables,  promptly comply with the Assignment of
Claims Act of 1940, as amended (31 U.S.C. 3727 et seq.) and any other statute or
regulation  governing the collection of such Government  Receivables,  and shall
promptly  deliver to Secured Party evidence of such  compliance,  which evidence
shall  be in form  and  substance  satisfactory  to  Secured  Party  in its sole

    (v)  Debtor  shall  keep and  maintai  at  Debtor's  o wn cost  and  expense
satisfactory and complete records of Debtor's  Collateral in a manner consistent
with  reasonable  and  appropriate   business  practices,   including,   without
limitation,  a record of all  payments  received  and all credits  granted  with
respect to such Collateral. Debtor shall, for the

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Secured  Party's  further  security,  deliver and turn over to Secured  Party or
Secured Party's designated  representatives at any time following the occurrence
of an Event of Default  and upon five (5) days'  notice  from  Secured  Party or
Secured  Party's   designated   representative,   any  such  books  and  records
(including,  without  limitation,  the file  cabinets in which paper records are
stored and any and all computer  tapes,  programs  and source codes  relating to
such Collateral in which Debtor has an interest or any part or parts thereof);

    (vi) Debtor will not create,  permit or suffer to exist, and will defend the
Collateral  against,  and take such other action as is necessary to remove,  any
lien on such  Collateral,  and will  defend the  right,  title and  interest  of
Secured Party in and to Debtor's rights to such Collateral,  including,  without
limitation, the proceeds and products thereof, against the claims and demands of
all persons or entities whatsoever;

   (vii) Debtor will not, without Secured Party's prior written consent,  except
in the ordinary course of business and for amounts which are not material in the
aggregate,  (A)  grant  any  extension  of the  time  of  payment  of any of the
Collateral or compromise,  compound or settle any Account for less than the full
amount thereof, (B) release, wholly or partly, any person liable for the payment
thereof; or (C) allow any credit or discount whatsoever thereon other than trade
discounts granted in the ordinary course of business; and

  (viii) Debtor will advise Secured Party promptly, in reasonable detail, of (A)
any material lien, security interest or claim made by or asserted against any or
all of the  Collateral,  and (B) the  occurrence  of any other event which would
have a material  adverse effect on the aggregate  value of such Collateral or on
the  security  interest  and  liens  with  respect  to such  Collateral  created
hereunder or under any other Security Document.

0) Secured Party Appointed Attorney-in-Fact.  Debtor hereby irrevocably appoints
Secured Party as Debtor's attorney-in-fact, with full authority in the place and
stead of Debtor and in the name of the Debtor or otherwise, from time to time in
Secured  Party's  discretion,  to take any action and to execute any  instrument
which the Secured  Party may deem  necessary  or  advisable  to  accomplish  the
purposes of this Agreement,  including,  without  limitation,  (i) following the
occurrence and during the continuance of an Event of Default, to:

     (A)   obtain and adjust insurance;

     (B) ask, demand,  collect,  sue for, recover,  compromise,  receive an give
     acquittance  and  receipts  for  moneys  due and to become  due under or in
     respect of any of the Collateral;

     (C) receive, endors and collect any drafts or other instruments,  documents
     and chattel paper, in connection with clause (A) or (B) above; and

     (D) file any claims or take any action or institute any  proceedings  which
     Secured Party may deem  necessary or desirable for the collection of any of
     the  Collateral  or otherwise  to enforce the rights of Secured  Party with
     respect to any of the Collateral;

and (ii) at any time, to:

     (A) obtain  access to records  maintained  for Debtor by computer  services
     companies and other service companies or bureaus;

     (B) send requests under Debtor's or a fictitious name to Debtor's customers
     or account debtors for verification of Accounts; and

     (C) do all things necessary to carry out this Agreement.

(k)  Secured  Party  May  Perform.  If Debtor  fails to  perform  any  agreement
contained  herein,  Secured Party may itself perform,  or cause  performance of,
such  agreement,  and the  reasonable  expenses of the Secured Party incurred in
connection  therewith shall be payable by Debtor on demand and shall become part
of the Liabilities secured hereunder.

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(1) Secured Party's Duties.  The powers conferred on Secured Party hereunder are
solely to protect its interest in the  Collateral  and shall not impose any duty
upon Secured  Party to exercise any such powers.  Except for the safe custody of
any Collateral in its possession and the accounting for moneys actually received
by it hereunder, Secured Party shall have no duty as to any Collateral.  Secured
Party  shall be deemed to have  exercised  reasonable  care in the  custody  and
preservation  of the  Collateral in its possession if the Collateral is accorded
treatment  substantially  equal to that  which  Secured  Party  accords  its own
property, it being understood that Secured Party shall be under no obligation to
take any steps  necessary to preserve  rights against prior parties or any other
rights  pertaining  to any  Collateral,  but  may do so at its  option,  and all
reasonable  expenses  incurred  in  connection  therewith  shall be for the sole
account of Debtor and shall be added to the Liabilities.

3 . WARRANTIES  AND  REPRESENTATIONS.  Debtor hereby  represents and warrants to
Secured Party, on each date indebtedness is incurred under the Note, that:

     (a)  Debtor's  principal place of  business is that shown  at the beginning
of this Security  Agreement.  All of the  Collateral is kept as such place(s) of

     (b) Debtor is lawfully  possessed of and has good title to the  Collateral,
free and clear of all liens, encumbrances, security interests and adverse claims
except only for the security  interest granted to Secured Party herein except as
otherwise provided herein;

     (c) (i) Debtor is legally organized and validly existing,  in good standing
under the laws of its state of organization and is duly qualified to do business
and in good standing under the laws of each jurisdiction where the nature of its
business or the  character of its  properties  makes it  necessary  for it to so
qualify to do business;  (ii) Debtor has full power and authority to execute and
deliver this Security Agreement, together with all notes, leases, agreements and
instruments  evidencing  Indebtedness,  and to pay and perform  its  obligations
thereunder;  (iii) Debtor has full power and authority to own its properties and
carry on its business as now being conducted;  (iv) this Security  Agreement and
all documents evidencing  indebtedness under the Note have been duly authorized,
executed and  delivered by Debtor and  constitute  the valid,  legal and binding
obligations of Debtor enforceable in accordance with their terms.

     (d) (i) The execution,  delivery and paymentof any and all of the documents
and instruments evidencing  indebtedness under the Note and the entering into by
Debtor  of this  Security  Agreement  and  the  performance  of its  obligations
hereunder  will  not  violate  or  conflict  with any of the  provisions  of the
Certificate  of  Incorporation  or By-Laws of Debtor (or  Debtor's  Articles  of
Partnership,  if applicable) and will not result in any breach of, or constitute
a default  under,  or  result in the  creation  of any  lien,  charge,  security
interest,  or other  encumbrance  in or upon any of Debtor's  property or assets
(except for the security  interest  created  hereby)  pursuant to any indenture,
mortgage,  deed of trust, bank loan or credit agreement, or any other instrument
to  which  Debtor  is a party  or by or under  which  it may be  bound;  (ii) no
approval  is  required  from any  public  regulatory  body nor from any  parent,
subsidiary or affiliate of Debtor or from any other person,  firm or corporation
with  respect  to  the  execution,  delivery  and  payment  upon  any  documents
evidencing  Indebtedness,  the entering into of this Security Agreement, and the
performance by Debtor of its obligations hereunder;  (iii) there are no suits or
proceedings  pending, or to the knowledge of Debtor threatened,  in any court or
before any regulatory  commission,  board or other  administrative  governmental
agency against or affecting  Debtor which will have a material adverse effect on
the financial condition or business of Debtor.


(a) Financial  Information:  On or prior to the tenth day of each month,  Debtor
    shall deliver to Secured Party:

     (i) a schedule of all  Accounts  created or  acquired by Debtor  during the
preceding  month  together  with an aged trial balance of Accounts (an "Accounts
Trial Balance") for Debtor,  indicating which Accounts are 1 to 30, 31 to 60, 61
to 90, 91 to 120 and 120 or more days past the  original  invoice  date and,  if
requested  by Secured  Party,  listing  the names and  addresses  of all account

     (ii) an accounts  payable aging,  showing which accounts  payable are 10 to
30, 31 to 60, 61 to 90 and 91 days

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or more past due; and

     (iii) interim financial  statements,  consisting of balance sheets,  income
statements,  cash flow  statements  for such month and for the  period  from the
beginning of the then current fiscal year to the end of such month.

(b) Distributions: From and after Secured Party gives notice to Debtor to do so,
Debtor shall not:

     (i) make  any  distribution   of dividends  or  the  equivalent  (including
repurchases of interests in Debtor from any holder thereof); or

   (iii) pay any management fees to any affiliate of Debtor.

5. TERM OF AGREEMENT.  This Agreement shall become effective as provided herein,
and shall remain in effect until such time as all of the Liabilities  shall have
been fully performed and paid in full and the Note shall have been canceled.

6. SECURED  PARTY'S  EXPENSES.  Debtor shall reimburse the Secured Party for all
fees, costs and expenses (including,  but not limited to, attorneys' fees, costs
and expenses)  incurred by the Secured Party,  in connection with this Agreement
including,  but not  limited  to,  such fees,  costs and  expenses  incurred  in
connection  with the  implementation,  administration  and  enforcement  of this
Agreement and the other agreements, documents and instruments referred to herein
or  contemplated  hereby and the auditing,  appraising,  evaluating or otherwise
monitoring the Collateral or other credit support for the Liabilities  (all such
costs and expenses, ("Cost and Expenses").


(a) Events of Default.  Any one of the following acts shall constitute an "Event
of Default' under this Agreement:

     (i) Failure by the Debtor to pay any of the Liabilities when due.

    (ii) Any  representation  or warranty  now or  hereafter  made by the Debtor
         herein or by the Debtor in connection  with this Agreement  shall prove
         to have been incorrect in any material respect when made.

   (iii) Failure by the Debtor to perform or observe any covenant,  condition or
         agreement contained in this Agreement.

(b) Remedies.  If any Event of Default occurs, in addition to all other remedies
Secured  Party may have at law or  equity,  Secured  Party may (i)  declare  all
Liabilities  to be forthwith due and payable,  whereupon the  Liabilities  shall
become and be forthwith due and payable,  without presentment,  demand, protest,
or further notice of any kind, all of which are hereby  expressly  waived by the
Debtor,  and (ii) exercise all or any of the rights of a secured party under the
Uniform  Commercial  Code in the State where the  Collateral is located or other
applicable  laws and any other rights and remedies  available to Secured  Party,
all of which rights and remedies shall be cumulative, and none exclusive, to the
extent  permitted  by law;  provided,  however,  that  if an  Event  of  Default
involving  the  bankruptcy  of the  Debtor  shall  exist  or  occur,  all of the
Liabilities shall automatically,  without notice of any kind, be immediately due
and payable and Secured Party shall be entitled to reclaim the Equipment.

(c) Entry Upon Premises. Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default, (i) Secured
Party shall have the right to enter upon the  premises  of the Debtor  where the
Collateral is located (or is believed to be located)  without any  obligation to
pay rent to the Debtor,  or any other place or places  where the  Collateral  is
believed to be located and kept,  and render the  Collateral  unusable or remove
the  Collateral  therefrom,  in order  effectively  to collect or liquidate  the
Collateral,  or (ii)  Secured  Party may  require  the  Debtor to  assemble  the
Collateral  and  make it  available  to  Secured  Party  at a  place  reasonably
convenient to Secured Party or (iii) some combination thereof.

(d) Sale  or Other  Disposition  of Collateral  by  Secured   Party. Any notice
required to be given by Secured Party of a sale, lease or  other disposition  or
other intended action by Secured Party with respect to any of the Collateral, at

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least three(3) business days prior to such proposed action shall constitute fair
and  reasonable  notice to the Debtor of any such action.  If the Secured  Party
chooses to dispose of the  Collateral,  it shall dispose of the  Collateral in a
commercially  reasonable  manner.  Any  sale  of  the  Collateral  conducted  in
conformity  with  the  reasonable  commercial  practices  of  banks,   insurance
companies,   commercial  finance  companies  or  other  financial   institutions
disposing  of  property  similar  to  the  Collateral  shall  be  deemed  to  be
commercially  reasonable.  The net proceeds  realized by Secured  Party upon any
such sale or other  disposition,  after  deduction  for the expense of retaking,
holding,  preparing for sale, selling or the like and the reasonable  attorneys'
fees and legal expenses incurred by Secured Party in connection therewith, shall
be applied toward  satisfaction of the Liabilities.  Secured Party shall account
to Debtor for any  surplus  realized  upon such sale or other  disposition,  and
Debtor shall remain liable for any deficiency.  The  commencement of any action,
legal  or  equitable,  or the  rendering  of any  judgment  or  decree  for  any
deficiency shall not affect Secured Party's security  interest in the Collateral
until the  Liabilities  are fully paid.  Debtor agrees that Secured Party has no
obligation to preserve rights to the Collateral against any other parties.

8.  AMENDMENTS.  No amendment or modification of any provision of this Agreement
shall be  effective  without the  written  agreement  of the  Secured  Party and
Debtor,  and no  termination  or waiver of any provision of this  Agreement,  or
consent to any  departure by Debtor  therefrom,  shall in any event be effective
without the written concurrence of Secured Party. Any waiver or consent shall be
effective only in the specific  instance and for the specific  purpose for which
it was  given.  No notice  to or demand  upon  Debtor  or any  guarantor  of the
obligations  of  Debtor in any case  shall  entitle  such  party to any other or
further notice or demand in similar or other circumstances.

9. NO  WAIVER.  Secured  Party's  failure,  at any time or times  hereafter,  to
require strict  performance by Debtor of any provision or term of this Agreement
shall not waive,  affect or diminish any right of Secured  Party  thereafter  to
demand strict compliance and performance therewith.  Any suspension or waiver by
Secured Party of an Event of Default  shall not,  except as may be expressly set
forth herein,  suspend, waive or affect any other Event of Default,  whether the
same is prior or  subsequent  thereto  and whether of the same or of a different
kind or character. None of the undertakings,  agreements,  warranties, covenants
and  representations  of Debtor  contained  in this  Agreement,  and no Event of
Default  shall be deemed  to have been  suspended  or waived by  Secured  Party,
unless such  suspension or waiver is (a) in writing and signed by Secured Party,
and (b)  delivered  to Debtor.  10. SOLE BENEFIT OF PARTIES.  This  Agreement is
solely for the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and
assigns,  and no other person shall have any right, benefit or interest under or
because of the existence of this Agreement.

11.  LIMITATION ON RELATIONSHIP  BETWEEN  PARTIES.  The  relationship of Secured
Party on the one  hand,  and  Debtor,  on the  other  hand,  has been and  shall
continue  to be, at all  times,  that of lessor and  lessee  and,  to the extent
monies  are owed to  Secured  Party by  Debtor,  creditor  and  debtor.  Nothing
contained in this Agreement, any instrument,  document or agreement delivered in
connection  therewith  or in the  Note or any of the  other  documents  shall be
deemed or construed to create a fiduciary relationship between the parties.

12. NO ASSIGNMENT.  This Agreement shall not be assignable by Debtor without the
written  consent  of  Secured  Party.  Secured  Party may  assign to one or more
persons all or any part of, or any participation interest in, the Secured
Party's rights and benefits hereunder.

13.  SECTION  TITLES.  The  section  and  subsection  titles  contained  in this
Agreement  are  included  for the sake of  convenience  only,  shall be  without
substantive meaning or content of any kind whatsoever, and are not a part of the
agreement between Debtor and Secured Party.

14. NOTICES.  Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, any notice required
or desired to be served,  given or delivered hereunder shall be in writing,  and
shall be deemed to have been validly  served,  given or  delivered  (a) four (4)
days after deposit in the United States mails, with proper postage prepaid,  (b)
when sent after  receipt of  confirmation  or answer  back if sent by  telecopy,
telex or other similar  facsimile  transmission,  (c) one (1) business day after
deposited  with a reputable  overnight  courier with all charges  prepaid or (d)
when delivered,  if hand-delivered by messenger,  all of which shall be properly
addressed  to the  party to be  notified  and  sent,  to the  address  or number
indicated below:

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(a) If to Secured Party at:         LINC ANTHEM CORPORATION
                                    303 East Wacker Drive, Suite 1000
                                    Chicago, Illinois 60601
                     Attention: Vice President - Operations

                  Telecopy:         (312) 938-4290
                  Confirmation:     (312) 946-1000

(b) If to Debtor, at:               NORTH POINT - PIONEER, INC.
                                    200 Lake Street,
                                    Peabody, Massachusetts 01960

                  Telecopy:         (508) 536 - 2677
                  Confirmation:     (508) 536 - 2777

or to such other address as each party may designate for itself  by like notice.

15. COUNTERPARTS.  This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts,
each of which  shall be  deemed  an  original  but all of which  together  shall
constitute one and the same instrument.




IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  this Agreement has been duly executed as of this 25 day of
July, 1996.

(Debtor)                                     (Secured Party)

By:  _____________________________           By:  _________________________
        Authorized Signature                       Authorized Signature

Name:    ______________________________      Name: __________________________

Title:     ______________________________   Title: __________________________

G|\law\lac\phc\loandoc 07/16/96

Exhibit 10.87
                               CORPORATE GUARANTY

FOR VALUE RECEIVED,  and other good and sufficient  consideration the receipt of
which is hereby acknowledged,  PHC, INC., a Massachusetts corporation,  with its
principal place of business at 200 Lake Street, Peabody, Massachusetts 01960 PHC
OF RHODE ISLAND, INC., d/b/a Good Hope Center, a Massachusetts  corporation with
its place of business at, John Potter Road,  West  Greenwich,  RI 02817,  PHC OF
VIRGINIA,  INC., d/b/a Mount Regis Center, a Massachusetts  corporation with its
place of  business  at 405 Kimball  Avenue,  Salem,  VA 24153 and PHC OF NEVADA,
INC., a Nevada  Corporation with its place of business at, 2340 Paseo Del Prado,
Las Vegas,  NV 89102 (herein jointly and severally  called  "Guarantor") , being
financially  interested in and  dependent  upon the economic well being of NORTH
POINT - PIONEER, INC. a Massachusetts corporation (herein called "Obligor") with
its principal place of business at 200 Lake Street, Peabody, Massachusetts 01960
and in order to induce  LINC  ANTHEM  CORPORATION  with its  principal  place of
business at 303 East Wacker Drive,  Chicago, IL 60601 (herein called "LINC"), to
make loans and other financial accommodations to Obligor the undersigned, hereby
absolutely  and   unconditionally   guarantees  to  LINC  the  full  and  prompt
performance by Obligor of all obligations  which Obligor  presently or hereafter
may have to LINC under any agreement now or hereafter  executed and delivered by
Obligor to LINC  (collectively the  "Liabilities"),  and the payment when due of
all sums owing by  Obligor to LINC  thereunder,  and  agrees to  indemnify  LINC
against any losses LINC may sustain and expenses it may incur as a result of any
default by Obligor thereunder and/or as a result of the enforcement or attempted
enforcement by LINC of any of its rights against Guarantor hereunder.

Guarantor hereby expressly waives all defenses which might constitute a legal or
equitable  discharge  of a surety or  guarantor,  and agrees that this  Guaranty
shall be valid and unconditionally  binding upon Guarantor regardless of (i) the
reorganization,  merger or consolidation of Obligor into or with another entity,
corporate or  otherwise,  or the  dissolution  of Obligor,  or the sale or other
disposition of all or substantially all of the capital stock, business or assets
of Obligor to any other person or party,  or (ii) the  voluntary or  involuntary
bankruptcy  (including a reorganization in bankruptcy) of Obligor,  or (iii) the
granting by LINC of any  indulgences  to Obligor,  or (iv) the assertion by LINC
against  Obligor of any of LINC's  rights and  remedies  provided  for under the
Liabilities or existing in its favor in law,  equity or  bankruptcy,  or (v) the
release  of  Obligor  from  any of the  Liabilities  or by  operation  of law or
otherwise, or (vi) any invalidity,  irregularity,  defect or unenforceability of
any provision of the  Liabilities,  or (vii) any defect in LINC's rights against
Obligor under the Liabilities. Guarantor hereby waives notice of and consents to
all  of the  provisions  of the  Liabilities  of  Obligor  to  LINC,  and to any
amendments thereof, and to any actions taken thereunder, and to the execution by
Obligor of the foregoing  documents and of any other  agreements,  documents and
instruments executed by Obligor in connection therewith.

Guarantor  further waives notice of LINC's  acceptance of this Guaranty,  of any
default and non-payment and/or  non-performance by Obligor under the obligations
due to LINC,  of  presentment,  protest and demand,  and of all other matters to
which Guarantor might otherwise be entitled.  Guarantor further agrees that this
Guaranty shall remain and continue in full force and effect  notwithstanding any
renewal,  modification  or  extension  of the  obligations  owed  to LINC or any
ancillary  document  related thereto,  Guarantor  hereby  expressly  waiving all
notice of and consenting to any such renewal,  modification or extension, and to
the  execution  by  Obligor of any  documents  pertaining  to any such  renewal,
modification  or extension.  Guarantor  further agrees that its liability  under
this Guaranty shall be absolute,  primary and direct, and that LINC shall not be
required  to pursue any right or remedy it may have  against  Obligor  under the
Liabilities or otherwise (and shall not be required to first commence any action
or obtain any judgment against Obligor) before

enforcing this Guaranty against Guarantor, and that Guarantor will, upon demand,
pay LINC the amount of all sums due under the Liabilities, the payment of which,
by Obligor, is in default under the Liabilities,  and will, upon demand, perform
all other  obligations of Obligor,  the performance of which, by Obligor,  is in
default under the Liabilities.

Guarantor  further  warrants  and  represents  to LINC  that the  execution  and
delivery  of this  Guaranty  is not in  contravention  of  Guarantor's  charter,
certificate of incorporation, by-laws and applicable law; that the execution and
delivery of this Guaranty, and the performance thereof, has been duly authorized
by  Guarantor's  Board  of  Directors,  and will not  result  in a breach  of or
constitute a default under, or result in the creation of any security  interest,
lien, charge or encumbrance upon any property or assets of Guarantor pursuant to
any loan agreement, indenture or contract to which Guarantor is a party or by or
under which it is bound.

Guarantor  will  furnish  LINC  unaudited  quarterly  financial   statements  of
Guarantor within sixty (60) days after the end of each quarter,  certified to be
true and correct by its chief  financial  officer,  and will also furnish  LINC,
within  ninety  (90) days after the close of each  fiscal  year of  Guarantor  a
consolidated  Balance  Sheet  and  Profit  and Loss  Statement  and  Source  and
Application  of Funds of Guarantor  as of the end of such year  certified by the
independent public accountants of Guarantor.  To the extent that Guarantor is or
may be required to submit quarterly and/or annual reports and/or  certifications
to the Securities Exchange  Commission,  Guarantor will furnish LINC with copies
of such reports and/or certifications at the time of the said submission of same
by Guarantor.

Guarantor  hereby  agrees  that the failure of LINC to insist in any one or more
instances  upon a  strict  performance  or  observance  of  any  of  the  terms,
provisions  or  covenants of the  Liabilities,  or to exercise any of its rights
thereunder,  shall not be construed  or deemed to be a waiver or  relinquishment
for the future of any such  terms,  provisions,  covenants  or rights,  but such
terms, provisions,  covenants and rights shall continue and remain in full force
and  effect.  Receipt by LINC of any sums  payable  under the  Liabilities  with
knowledge that Obligor has breached any of the terms,  provision or covenants of
the Liabilities shall not be deemed to be a waiver by LINC of such breach.

No  assignment or other  transfer by LINC or Obligor of any  interest,  right or
obligation under the Liabilities or any ancillary  document related thereto,  or
assumption  by  any  third  party  of  the  obligations  of  Obligor  under  the
Liabilities,  shall extinguish or diminish the unconditional,  absolute, primary
and  direct  liability  of  Guarantor  under  this  Guaranty,  Guarantor  hereby
consenting  to and  waiving  all  notice  of any such  assignment,  transfer  or

This Guaranty is assignable by LINC without notice to Guarantor,  but may not be
assigned by  Guarantor.  Any  assignee of LINC shall have all the rights of LINC
hereunder and may enforce this Guaranty  against  Guarantor  with the same force
and  effect  as if this  Guaranty  were  given  to such  assignee  in the  first
instance.  This Guaranty  shall be construed  liberally in LINC's  favor,  shall
inure to the  benefit of LINC,  and its  successors  and  assigns,  and shall be
binding upon Guarantor and its successors and assigns.



This Guaranty may be executed in counterparts by the Guarantor.

IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  Guarantor  has caused this  Guaranty to be executed by its
duly authorized officer, this _________ day of July, 1996.

                                      PHC, INC.
                                      By:    __________________________
                                      Title:  _________________________

                                      PHC OF RHODE ISLAND, INC.
                                      By:     __________________________

                                      Title: : _________________________
                                      PHC OF VIRGINIA, INC.

                                      By:    __________________________
                                      Title:  _________________________
                                      PHC OF NEVADA, INC.
                                      By: __________________________
                                      Title: ________________________

Exhibit 10.88
                           LOAN AND SECURITY AGREEMENT

Agreement made and entered into as of the 25th day of July, 1996, by and between
PHC, INC. a  Massachusetts  corporation  with its principal place of business at
200 Lake  Street,  Peabody,  Massachusetts  01960  ("Pledgor")  and LINC  ANTHEM
CORPORATION , a Delaware  corporation,  with its principal  place of business at
303 East Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60601 ("Pledgee").


Whereas,  Pledgor  desires  to induce  Pledgee  to enter  into a leasing  and/or
financing arrangement  (hereinafter referred to as the "Financing  Arrangement")
with NORTH  POINT - PIONEER,  INC.,  a  Massachusetts  corporation  (hereinafter
referred to as the "Company" or, hereafter  referred to both as "Pledgor" and as
"Company" if such parties are one and the same); and

Whereas,  Pledgor,  in order to induce  Pledgee  to enter  into  such  Financing
Arrangement,  and to secure the  payment  and  performance  of all of  Company's
obligations  under the Financing  Arrangement,  has agreed to pledge and grant a
lien and  security  interest in all of the  securities  listed and  described in
Section I hereof and Exhibit "A" hereto.

Now, Therefore, in consideration of the foregoing,  the covenants and conditions
herein  contained and the mutual  agreements of the parties hereto,  Pledgor and
Pledgee hereby agree as follows:

1.  Collateral.   To  secure  the  payment  and  performance  of  all  Company's
obligations  and  liabilities  under  the  Financing  Arrangement  and all other
obligations  and  liabilities  of the Company and/or the Pledgor to the Pledgee,
absolute or contingent,  due or to become due,  direct or indirect,  and whether
now existing or hereafter  and howsoever  arising,  Pledgor  hereby  pledges and
assigns to Pledgee and grants unto Pledgee a security interest in:

    1.1 The  securities  described  in Exhibit "A" attached  hereto,  with stock
powers  attached  thereto,  all duly  endorsed in blank,  herewith  delivered to

   1.2 Any and all other securities  deposited with Pledgee from time to time in
accordance with the provisions of Section 3 hereof;

    1.3 Any and all other or additional  securities  to which  Pledgor  (without
additional consideration) now is, or hereafter may be, entitled by virtue of his
ownership  of any of the  foregoing  securities  as the result of any  corporate
reorganization,   merger  or  consolidation,  stock  split,  stock  dividend  or
otherwise; and

   1.4 Any and all dividends,  distributions  and other amounts to which Pledgee
is entitled pursuant to the provisions of Section 4 hereof;

Subsections  1. I through  1.4 above are  hereinafter  collectively  called  the

2.  Representations  and Warranties.  Pledgor hereby  represents and warrants to
Pledgee that:

   2.1 The execution,  delivery and  performance by Pledgor of this Stock Pledge
and Security  Agreement  will not violate any provision of law, any order of any
court or  other  agency  of  government,  or any  indenture  agreement  or other
instrument  to which  Pledgor is a party or by which Pledgor or any of Pledgor's
property is bound or be in conflict  with,  result in a breach of or  constitute
(with due notice or lapse of time, or both) a default under any such  indenture,
agreement or other  instrument,  or result in the creation or  imposition of any
lien, charge or encumbrance of any nature whatsoever upon any of his property or
assets,  except as  contemplated  by the  provisions  of this  Stock  Pledge and
Security Agreement;

   2.2 This Stock Pledge and Security  Agreement  constitutes a legal, valid and
binding obligation of Pledgor in accordance with its terms; and

   2.3 As to such of the  Collateral  deposited with Pledgee on the date hereof,
(i) Pledgor is the legal and beneficial owner thereof;  (ii) the same is validly
issued, fully paid and non-assessable and is registered in Pledgor's name;

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       (iii) the stock transfer forms attached to the certificates  representing
       such.  Collateral  have been duly  executed  and  delivered by Pledgor to
       Pledgee;  and (iv ) none of such  Collateral  is subject to any  security
       interest, pledge, lien or other encumbrance, or adverse claim of any kind
       whatsoever, except for the interest therein granted to Pledgee hereby.

3.  Value of  Collateral.  It is the  intent of  Pledgor  and  Pledgee  that the
Collateral  shall  have,  at all  times,  a value  of not  less  than  the  then
outstanding unpaid balance due under that certain Secured Promissory Note issued
by NORTH  POINT - PIONEER,  INC. in favor of Pledgee in the  original  principal
amount of $750,000.  Pledgor agrees to maintain such value by pledging from time
to time  pursuant to this Stock  Pledge and  Security  Agreement  and,  upon the
request of Pledgee, additional cash or securities satisfactory to Pledgee.

4. Stock Splits, Stock Dividends, Etc.

   4.1 In the event  that  Pledgor,  by v irtue of  Pledgor's  ownership  of the
   Collateral  now  is,  or  hereafter  becomes,  entitled  (without  additional
   consideration)  to  other  or  additional  securities  as the  result  of any
   corporate  reorganization,   merger  or  consolidation,  stock  split,  stock
   dividend or otherwise, Pledgor shall:

     4.1.1  Cause the issuer  thereof to  deliver  to Pledgee  the  certificates
   evidencing  Pledgor's  ownership  thereof and hereby  authorizes and empowers
   Pledgee to demand the same fro such issuer,  and agrees if such  certificates
   are delivered to Pledgor, to take possession thereof in trust for Pledgee and
   forthwith deliver the same to Pledgee;

     4.1.2  Deliver  to  Pledgee  a stock  transfer  form with  respect  to such
   securities,  executed in blank by Pledgor  and on which hall be endorsed  the
   guarantee by a banking association  acceptable to Pledgee, that the signature
   on such form is genuine;

     4.1.3 Deliver to Pledgee a  certificate,  executed by Pledgor and dated the
   date of such  pledge,  as to the  ruth  and  orrectness  on such  date of the
   warranties set forth in Subsection

2.3 hereof; and

     4.1.4  Deliver  to  Pledgee  such  other  certificates,   forms  and  other
     instruments as Pledgee may request in connection with such pledge.

   4.2 Pledgor agrees t hat such  securities  shall  constitute a portion of the
   Collateral and be subject to this Stock Pledge and Security  Agreement in the
   same  manner  and to the same  extent  as the  securities  pledged  hereby to
   Pledgee on the date hereof.

5. Voting Power, Dividends,  Substitutions. Unless and until an Event of Default
hereunder shall have occurred, Pledgor shall be entitled to:

     5.1 Exercise all voting powers pertaining to the securities included in the
     Collateral for any purpose not  inconsistent  with, or in violation of, the
     provisions  of this Stock Pledge and Security  Agreement,  in all corporate
     matters (unless Pledgee consents  thereto) except those which, in Pledgee's
     sole discretion, may affect the value of the assets owned by the Company or
     the value of the Collateral,  including,  but not limited to, those related
     to any  merger or  consolidation  of the  Company  with any  other  firm or
     corporation,  reorganization  or  liquidation  of the Company,  or mortgage
     hypothecation,  sale or any other disposition  whatsoever by the Company of
     any of its assets;

     5.2 Collect and receive all cash dividends with respect to such  securities
     paid out of the retained  earnings or the current net profits of the issuer

Pledgee  shall be  entitled  to collect  and  receive  all other  dividends  and
distributions  on such  securities  (whether in stock,  cash or other  property)
received in exchange or substitution for or upon conversion of, such securities,
and all amounts payable or distributable upon the liquidation, whether voluntary
or involuntary,  of any issuer thereof. Cash received by Pledgee pursuant to the
provisions  of this Section 5 may be commingled by Pledgee with its other funds,
and shall be  non-interest  bearing.  Pledgor  agrees that if it receives any of
such dividends, distributions,  securities and other amounts to which Pledgee is
entitled,  it shall take  possession  thereof in trust for Pledgee and forthwith
deliver the same to Pledgee, and agrees that the same shall constitute a portion
of the Collateral and be subject to this Stock Pledge and Security

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Agreement in the same manner and to the same extent as the securities pledged to
Pledgee on the date hereof.

6.   Default and Remedies.

     6.1  The occurrence of any of  the following  shall  constitute an Event of
          Default hereunder:

          6.1.1 Any   representation   orwarranty  made  by  Pledgor  to  ledgee
                hereunder,  or in any ertificate  delivered to Pledgee  pursuant
                hereto,  or  order  any  other  agreement  between  Pledgor  and
                Pledgee,  shall  prove to have been false or  misleading  in any
                material respect as of the date on which the same was made; or

         6.1.2  Pledgor shall fail to duly observe or perform any other covenant
                or  agreement  made by  Pledgor  hereunder  or under  any  other
                agreement made by Pledgor and Pledgee; or

         6.1.3  An  Event of Default under the Financing Arrangement shall occur
                and be continuing; or

         6.1.4  Bankruptcy,  reorganization,  receivership,  insolvency or other
                similar proceedings shall be instituted by or against Pledgor or
                all or any part of his property under the Federal Bankruptcy Act
                or  other  law of the  United  States  or of any  state or other
                competent jurisdiction and, if against Pledgor, he shall consent
                thereto or shall fail to cause the same to be discharged  within
                thirty (30) days.

     6.2  If an Event of Default shall occur and be continuing,  Pledgee may, at
          its option:

         6.2.1  Upon  giving  notice to Pledgor  thereof,  cause the  securities
                included in the  Collateral  to be  registered in its name or in
                the name of its nominee;

         6.2.2  Upon  giving  notice to  Pledgor  thereof,  exercise  all voting
                powers  pertaining  to such  securities  and  otherwise act with
                respect thereto as though Pledgee were the outright owne thereof
                (Pledgor hereby  irrevocably  constituting and appointing Pledge
                its proxy and attorneys-in-fact  with full power of substitution
                so to do);

         6.2.3  Receive all  dividends and  all other distributions of any  kind
                whatsoever on all or any of such securities;

         6.2.4  Exercise  any  and  all  rights  of  collection,  conversion  or
                exchange, and any and all other rights,  privileges,  options or
                powers of Pledgor  pertaining  or  relating  to such  securities
                (Pledgor hereby  irrevocably  constitutig and appointing Pledgee
                its proxy and attorneys-in-fact  with full power of substitution
                so to do);

         6.2.5  Sell,  assign and deliver the whole,  or from time to time,  any
                part of such securities at any broker's  board or at any private
                sale   or  at  public  auction,  with   or  without  demand  for
                performance, advertisement or  notice  of the time or  place  of
                sale or adjournment  thereof  or  otherwise, and  free  from any
                right of redemption (all of which  hereby are  expressly  waived
                for cash,  for credit or for other  property,  for  immediate or
                future delivery,  and for such price or prices and on such terms
                as Pledgee in its  uncontrolled discretion may determine; and

         6.2.6  Exercise any other remedy specifically  granted under this Stock
                Pledge and Security  Agreement  or now or hereafter  existing in
                equity, at law, by virtue of statute or otherwise.

     6.3  For the  purposes of this  Section 6, an a greement to sell all or any
          part of such securities shall be treated as a sale thereof and Pledgee
          shall be free to carry out such sale pursuant to such  agreement,  and
          Pledgor shall not be entitled to the return of any of the same subject
          thereto,  notwithstanding  that after  Pledgee shall have entered into
          such an  agreement,  all  Events of  Default  hereunder  may have been
          remedied or all obligations  under the Financing  Arrangement may have
          been paid and performed in full.

     6.4  At any sale made pursuant to Subsection  6.2,  Pledgee may bid for and
          purchase,  free from any right or equity of  redemption on the part of
          Pledgor (the same being hereby  waived and  released),  any part of or

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securities  included  in the  Collateral  that are offered for sale and may make
payment on account thereof by using any claim then due and payable to Pledgee by
Pledgor as a credit against the purchase price, and Pledgee may, upon compliance
with the terms of sale,  hold,  retain and  dispose of such  securities  without
further accountability therefor.

     6.5 Pledgee shall apply the proceedsof any sale of the whole or any part of
         such  securities and any other monies at the time held by Pledgee under
         the  provisions  of this Stock  Pledge and  Security  Agreement,  after
         deducting  all costs and  expenses  of  collection,  sale and  delivery
         (including,  without limitation,  reasonable  attorneys' fees and other
         legal  expenses)  incurred  by  Pledgee in  connection  with such sale,
         towards  the  payment  of  the  Company's   obligations,   accrued  and
         executory, under the Financing Arrangement and any other obligations of
         the Company and/or  Pledgor to Pledgee.  Pledgee shall remit an surplus
         to Pledgor.

     6.6 Pledgee  shall  not  have  any  duty  to  exercise  any of the  rights,
         privileges,  options or powers or to sell or otherwise realize upon any
         of such securities,  as hereinbefore authorized,  and Pledgee shall not
         be responsible for any failure to do so or delay in so doing.

     6.7 Any  sale of,  or the  grant  of  options  to  purchase,  or any  other
         realization  upon,  all  or  any  portion  of  such  securities,  under
         Subsection  6.2 shall  operate to divest all  right,  title,  interest,
         claim and demand, either at law or in equity, of Pledgor in and to such
         securities  so sold,  optioned or realized  upon,  or any part thereof,
         from, through and under Pledgor.

     6.8 Pledgor  recognizes  that Pledgee may be unable to effect a public sale
         of all or a part of the  Collateral  by reason of certain  prohibitions
         contained in the  Securities  Ac t of 1933 as amended  (the "Act"),  or
         that it may be able to do so only after  delay  which  might  adversely
         affect  the  value  that  might  be  realized  upon  the  sale  o f the
         Collateral.  Accordingly,  Pledgor agrees that Pledgee may, without the
         necessity of attempting to cause any  registration of the Collateral to
         be effected  under the Act, sell the  Collateral or any part thereof in
         one or more private sales to a restricted  group of purchasers  who may
         be required to agree,  among other things,  that they are acquiring the
         Collateral  for their own account for investment and not with a view to
         the  distribution  or  resale  thereof.  Pledgor  agrees  that any such
         private  sale may be at prices or on terms less  favorable to the owner
         of the  Collateral  than  would be the case if they were sold at public
         sale,  and that any such private sale shall be deemed to have been made
         in a commercially reasonable manner.

     6.9 Pledgo r agrees that  without  affecting  the right of private  sale as
         aforesaid,  it will,  upon  request of  Pledgee,  if in the  opinion of
         Pledgee's counsel registration of the Collateral or any part thereof is
         required  under the Act,  use its best efforts to complete and cause to
         become effective a registration of the Collateral under the Act, and to
         take all other  actions  necessary,  in  Pledgee's  opinion,  to enable
         Pledgee to sell,  within ninety (90) days of the  commencement  of such
         best  efforts,  the  Collatera  pursuant to an  effective  registration
         statement under the Act. Such best efforts shall be commenced  promptly
         after request by Pledgee which may be given at any time on or after the
         occurrence  of an Event of  Default  hereunder  or under the  Financing
         Arrangement  and while the same is  continuing.  All  expenses  of such
         registration,  including,  without limitation,  registration and filing
         fees,  blue sky fees,  printing  expenses,  fees and  disbursements  of
         counsel  for  Pledgor  and  Pledgee,  fees and  expense of  auditors of
         Pledgor and Pledgee, and all underwriter,  broke r or dealer discounts,
         and all transfer taxes properly  attributable to the Collateral,  shall
         be home by Pledgor who agrees to do all acts and things which are usual
         and customary in connection  with  registered  offerings of securities,
         including entering into indemnification agreements with Pledgee and any
         underwriters. The managing underwriter of any public offering for which
         any said registration statement is filed shall have the right to impose
         such  conditions on the sale of the  Collateral as it shall  reasonably
         deem  necessary to protect the  underwritten  offering,  provided  such
         conditions  are similarly and  proportionately  imposed on other shares
         which  may be  included  in  said  registration  as the  result  of the
         exercise of piggyback rights by the holders of such other shares.

7.        Pledgee's Obligations, Custodial Agreement.

          7.1  Pledgee shall have no duty to protect, preserve or enforce rights
               under any security  included in the Collateral  other than a duty
               of  reasonable  custodial  care  of  any  such  security  in  its

          7.2  Pledgor  understands  and agrees that  Pledgee  may deposit  such
               securities  with a custodian and hereby agrees to pay  reasonable
               fees of any such  custodian  in  connection  with its  acting  as

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8. Termination of Stock Pledge and Security  Agreement.  Upon termination of the
Financing  Arrangement and the payment in full of all of the obligations secured
hereby,  Pledgee  shall  cause to be  transferred  to  Pledgor  all of the stock
pledged by Pledgor  herein and any rights  received by Pledgee  pursuant  hereto
(less any portion of same sold,  transferred  or  disposed  of pursuant  to, and
under the circumstances  specified in, Section 6 hereof),  and this Stock Pledge
and Security Agreement shall thereupon be terminated.

9.   Miscellaneous.

9.1     Pledgor  further  unconditionally  agrees  that if Company is in default
        under the  Financing  Arrangement,  Pledgee may  exercise its rights and
        remedies  hereunder prior to,  concurrently  with, or subsequent to, the
        exercise by Pledgee of its rights and remedies against the Company under
        the Financing Arrangement, or otherwise, or against any guarantor of the
        Company's  obligations under same. The obligations of Pledgor under this
        Stock Pledge and Security Agreement shall be absolute and unconditional,
        and shall remain in full force and effect  without  regard to, and shall
        not be released or discharged or in any way affected by:

        9.1.1 The failure of Pledgee to give any notices to which  Pledgor is or
              may be  entitled,  all of which are hereby  waived by Pledgor;

        9.1.2 Any amendment or modification of  or supplement to  the  Financing

        9.1.3 Any  exercise or  non-exercise  of any right,  remedy or privilege
              under or in respect of this Stock Pledge and  Security  Agreement,
              the inancing  Arrangement or any other agreements,  instruments or
              documents,  or the granting of any postponements or extensions for
              time of payment or other  indulgences  to the Company or any other
              person,  or the  settlement  or  adjustment  of any  claim  or the
              release or discharge or  substitution  of any person  primarily or
              secondarily liable with respect to the Financing Arrangement;

        9.1.4 The institution of any bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization debt
              arrangement, radjustment, composition, receivership or liquidation
              proceedings by or against the Company; or

        9.1.5 Any  assumption  by any  third  party  of the  obligations  of the
              Company  under the  Financing  Arrangement,  or any  assignment by
              Pledgee referred to in Subsection 9.2

9.2     Should  Pledgee at any time assign any of its rights under the Financing
        Arrangement,  Pledgee may assign its rights  under this Stock Pledge and
        Security  Agreement,  and may  deliver  the  Collateral  or any  portion
        thereof to the assignee who shall  thereupon,  to the extent provided in
        the  instrument  of  assignment,  have  all of  the  rights  of  Pledgee
        hereunder with respect to the Collateral and Pledgee shall,  thereafter,
        be  fully  discharged  from  any  responsibility  with  respect  to  the
        Collateral so delivered to such assignee.  No such assignment,  however,
        shall relieve such assignee of those duties and  obligations  of Pledgee
        specified hereunder.

9.3     Each and every  right,  remedy and power  granted  to Pledgee  hereunder
        shall be cumulative and in addition to any other right,  remedy or power
        herein  specifically  granted or now or hereafter existing in equity, at
        law, by virtue of statute or otherwise  and may be exercised by Pledgee,
        from time to time,  concurrently  or  independently  and as often and in
        such order as Pledgee  may deem  expedient.  Any failure or delay on the
        part of  Pledgee  in  exercising  any such  right,  remedy or power,  or
        abandonment or  discontinuance  of steps to enforce the same,  shall not
        operate as a waiver  thereof or affect  Pledgee's  right  thereafter  to
        exercise the same, and any single or partial exercise of any such right,
        remedy or power shall not preclude any other or further exercise thereof
        or the exercise of any other right, remedy or power.

9.4     Any  modification  or waiver of any  provision  of this Stock Pledge and
        Security  Agreement,   or  any  consent  to  any  departure  by  Pledgee
        therefrom,  shall not be  effective  in any event  unless the same is in
        writing and signed by  Pledgee,  and then such  modification,  waiver or
        consent  shall be effective  only in the  specific  instance and for the
        specific  purpose given. Any notice to or demand on Pledgor in any event
        not specifically required of Pledgee hereunder shall not entitle Pledgor
        to any other or further  notice or demand in the same,  similar or other
        circumstances unless specifically required hereunder.

9.5     Pledgor  agrees  that at any  time,  and from  time to time,  after  the
        execution and delivery of this Stock Pledge

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        and  Security  Agreement,  Pledgor  will upon the  request  of  Pledgee,
        execute,and  deliver such further documents and do such further acts and
        things as Pledgee may  reasonably  request in order to fully  effect the
        purpose of this Stock  Pledge and Security  Agreement  and to subject to
        the  security  interest  created  hereby any  property  intended  by the
        provisions hereof to be covered hereby.

9.6     Any notice,  request,  emand,  consent,  approval or other communication
        providedor  permitted  hereunder  shall  be in  writing  and be given by
        personaldelivery  or sent by United  States  first-class  mail,  postage
        prepaid,addressed  to the party for whom it is intended,  at its address
        as follows:

           To Pledgor:                PHC, INC.
                                      200 Lake Street,
                                      Peabody, Massachusetts 01960
                                      Attention:   ____________________________

           To Pledge                  LINC ANTHEM CORPORATION
                                      303 East Wacker Drive, 10th Floor
                                      Chicago, Illinois 60601
                                      Attn:     Treasurer

       provided,  however, that either party may change its address for purposes
       of  receipt  of any such  ommunication  by giving  ten (10 days'  written
       notice of such chance to the other party in the manner above provided.

9.7    This Stock  Pledge and  Security  Agreement  shall be deemed to have been
       made under,  and shall be governed  by, the laws of the State of Illinois
       in  all  respects,  including  matters  of  construction,   validity  and

9.8     If any  provision  of  this  Stock  Pledge  and  Security  Agreement  is
        prohibited by, or is unlawful or unenforceable under, any applicable law
        of any jurisdiction,  such provision shall, as to such jurisdiction,  be
        ineffective to the extent of such prohibition  without  invalidating the
        remaining   provisions  hereof;   provided,   however,   that  any  such
        prohibition in any  jurisdiction  shall not invalidate such provision in
        any other jurisdiction; and, provided further, that where the provisions
        of any such  applicable  law may be  waived,  they  hereby are waived by
        Pledgor to the full extent  permitted  by law to the end that this Stock
        Pledge and Security Agreement shall be deemed to be valid and binding in
        accordance with its terms.

9.9     This Stock Pledge and Security  Agreement  shall inure to the benefit of
        the  successors  and  assigns of Pledgee  and shall be binding  upon the
        heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives,  successors and
        assigns of Pledgor.

In Witness  Whereof,  Pledgor and  Pledgee  have  caused  this  Agreement  to be
executed as of the date first above written.

    Witness or Attest:                      PHC, INC.

   _______________________________          By:  ______________________________

   _______________________________          Title:  ___________________________
    (Print Name)

                             LINC ANTHEM CORPORATION

                        By: ____________________________

                        Title: _________________________

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Capitalization and Stockholders of: NORTH POINT - PIONEER, INC.

Authorized:    200,000  Shares
Par Value:       $        .0 1
Issued and Outstanding:  100 Shares

Shares Held by Pledgor:  100 Shares

Stock Certificate Number(s):     1

- -----------------          --------------------
Pledgor's Initials          Pledgee's Initials

 G:\law\lac\phc\loandoc  7/16/96

                                   STOCK POWER

FOR VALUE  RECEIVED,  PHC,  INC. , the  undersigned  hereby  sells,  assigns and
transfers unto LINC ANTHEM CORPORATION (100) Shares of the Common stock of NORTH
POINT - PIONEER,  INC., (the "Company")  represented on the books of the Company
by Certificate No. 1 herewith and do hereby  irrevocably  constitute and appoint
______________________  attorney to transfer  the said stock on the books of the
within named Company with full power of substitution in the premises.

Date:   __________________             PHC, INC.
                     By: __________________________________
                     Name: ________________________________
                     Title: ________________________________

- -------------------------------

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Exhibit 10.89

                             SECURED PROMISSORY NOTE

$900,000.00                                   Chicago, Illinois
                                              July 25, 1996

     The undersigned,  NORTH POINT - PIONEER, INC. ("Maker"), promises to pay to
the order of LINC  ANTHEM  CORPORATION  ("LINC")  or any holder of this note the
principal  sum of NINE HUNDRED  THOUSAND  AND 00/100  DOLLARS  ($900,000.00)  in
United  States  currency at its office at 303 East  Wacker  Drive,  Chicago,  IL
60601,  or at such other place as the holder  hereof may appoint,  plus interest
thereon at a rate equal to Eleven and 50 One  Hundredths  percent  (11.50%)  per
annum payable in Forty Eight (48) consecutive monthly installments commencing on
July 30, 1996 and continuing on the same day of each month thereafter as follows
in accordance with the following schedule:  (2) consecutive monthly installments
each in the amount of $4,791.67 followed by (4) consecutive monthly installments
each in the amount of $8,625.00  followed by Forty-Two (2)  consecutive  monthly
installments  each in the amount of $26,130.78 until the entire principal amount
plus all accrued interest and other charges due LINC have been paid in full.

     Interest shall accrue from the date of initial disbursement hereof computed
on the basis of a 360-day  year  provided  further that the  aggregate  interest
payable  hereunder shall not exceed the maximum rate permitted by law.  Provided
that all payments required to be made under this Note have been made in a timely
manner,  Maker may voluntarily  prepay not less than all of the unpaid principal
balance remaining plus all accrued and unpaid interest due thereon together with
a prepayment fee equal to a percentage of the then unpaid  principal  balance of
the Note. The prepayment  fee  percentage  shall be (a) 4% if prepayment  occurs
after the date hereof but prior to July 30, 1997;  (b) 3% if  prepayment  occurs
after July 30,  1997 but prior to July 30,  1998;  (c) 2% if  prepayment  occurs
after July 30, 1998 but prior to July 30, 1999 and (d) 2% if  prepayment  occurs
after July 30, 1999.

In the event the entire  principal  amount is not  advanced by LINC to the Maker
hereof, principal payments will be reduced on a pro rata basis.

If any payment of principal or interest to be made  hereunder  shall become past
due for a period in excess of five (5) days,  Maker  shall pay a late  charge of
two percent  (2%) of such  overdue  payment for each month or portion of a month
for which such  payment  shall  remain  unpaid  plus LINC's  expenses  resulting
therefrom  together with collection  expenses and reasonable  attorneys' fees if
placed with an attorney for collection.

Demand,  presentment  for payment,  notice of non-payment and protest are hereby
waived by the undersigned.

     This Note is  secured  by and  entitled  to (i) the  benefits  of a certain
Security  Agreement  dated as of July 25,  1996,  and (ii) any other  agreements
under which the holder has been granted a lien and security interest in property
to  secure  the  payment  and  performance  by  Maker of this  Note  (all of the
foregoing  hereinafter  sometimes  collectively  referred  to as  the  "Security
Agreement") to which  reference is hereby made for a statement of the nature and
extent of the  protection  and  security  afforded  and the  rights of the payee
hereof and the rights  and  obligations  of the  undersigned.  LINC's  books and
records shall de dispositive  evidence of the amount  disbursed under this Note.
Upon an "Event of Default," as defined in the Security Agreement,  this Note may
become or be declared due in the manner and with the effect provided in the Loan
Agreement. The holder hereof shall not be required to look to any collateral for
the payment of this Note, but may proceed against Maker, or any guarantor hereof
in such  manner as it deems  desirable.  None of the rights or  remedies  of the
holder  hereunder or under the  Security  Agreement  are to be deemed  waived or
affected by any failure to exercise same. All remedies conferred upon the holder
of this Note,  the Security  Agreement or any other  instrument  or agreement to
which the undersigned or any guarantor  hereof is a party or under any or all of
them is bound,  shall be cumulative and not exclusive,  and such remedies may be
exercised concurrently or consecutively at the holder's option.



In Witness  Whereof,  the undersigned  hereunto sets its hand and seal as of the
date first set forth above.

                                         NORTH POINT - PIONEER, INC.
                        By: _____________________________
                        Title: __________________________


                          DIRECTION TO PAY LOAN PROCEEL

July __________, 1996

     NORTH  POINT - PIONEER,  INC.  (the  "Borrower'),  pursuant to the Loan and
Security  Agreement dated as of July  __________,  1996 (the "Loan  Agreement'),
between the Borrower and LINC ANTHEM  CORPORATION  (th "Lender")  hereby directs
that the proceeds of the Loan  aggregating  $500,000.00  be remitte by Lender as
indicated below:

    A. Please  remit the sum of  $______________  to Borrower for the purpose of
       paying the unpaid  balance of the  Purchase  Price due Seller  under that
       certain Asset Purchase  Agreement  dated as of May 26, 1996 in accordance
       with the following wire instructions:

                Bank Name:  __________________________________________
                Address:       __________________________________________
                City/State:    _________________   MA  ___________________
                Acct. No.:       For Credit to Account  __________________

                ABA No.:  ____________________________________________
                Attention:  ____________________________________________

    B. Please remit the sum of  $___________________ to Borrower for the purpose
       of providing  Borrower  with working  capital and other  capital needs of
       Borrower in connection with the Practice acquired under the Asset urchase
       Agreement in accordance with the following wire instructions:

                 Bank Name:  _______________________
                 Address:    _______________________
                 City/State: _______________________
                 Acct.  No.:         For Credit to Account

                  ABA No.:   ________________________
                  Attention: ________________________

       Borrower  hereby  acknowledges  that the Loan has been  made by Lender to
Borrower  to  enable  Borrower  to  acquire  rights  in some  of the  Collateral
described  in the Loan  Agreement  and that the proceeds of the Loan has in fact
been so used.  The Borrower  hereby  authorizes  Lender to insert or correct any
dates missing in the Loan Agreement.

       The  undersigned  certifies that he is a duly  authorized  officer of the
Borrower,  and that as such he is authorized to execute this Direction on behalf
of the Borrower.  Lender is hereby  authorized to remit the proceeds of the Loan
in accordance with this Direction.

                                  NORTH POINT - PIONEER, INC.

                                  By:  _____________________________

                                  Name:  ___________________________
                                  Title: ___________________________


By:    __________________________
Name:  __________________________
Its:   __________________________
Date: July ______, 1996


                          AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER

                          Dated as of October 31, 1996


                              EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT

      THIS EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT is entered into this 1st day of November,  1996,
(the "Effective Date") by and between BSC-NY,  Inc., a New York corporation (the
"Corporation"), and Yakov Burstein, Ph.D. (the "Employee").

                              W I T N E S S E T H:

      WHEREAS, the Corporation is in the business of providing management and
administrative services; and

      WHEREAS, Perlow Physicians, P.C. (the "PC") is a New York professional
corporation that provides psychotherapy services; and

      WHEREAS,   the  Corporation  has  been  retained  by  the  PC  to  provide
administrative  and  management  services  in support of the PC's  provision  of
psychotherapy services; and

      WHEREAS,  the  Corporation  desires  to employ  Employee  on the terms and
conditions  hereafter  set  forth,  and the  Employee  desires  to  accept  such

      NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the mutual promises and agreements
herein  contained,  the Corporation  hereby employs Employee and Employee hereby
agrees to work for the Corporation, upon the following terms and conditions:

      1.  EMPLOYMENT  DUTIES.  Employee is hereby employed by the Corporation to
provide  non-clinical  administrative and management  services in support of the
business operations of the PC. In performing duties hereunder, Employee shall at
all times comply with all policies and procedures of the Corporation,  copies of
which shall be provided to the Employee by the Corporation,  and incorporated by
reference into this Agreement when initialed by the Employee.

      2.    TIME REQUIREMENTS.  Subject to the provisions of Section 7
hereof, Employee agrees to devote forty (40) hours per week during the term
of this Agreement to the affairs and activities of the Corporation on such
days and at such times as are consistent with his past practices at
Behavioral Stress Center, Inc. and Professional Health Associates, Inc. its
wholly owned subsidiary.

      3.  COMPENSATION.  Subject  to the  provisions  of  Section 7 hereof,  the
Corporation agrees to pay to Employee as compensation for his services hereunder
a  salary  at an  annual  rate  of one  hundred  twenty  five  thousand  dollars
($125,000.00) per year. Any and all compensation to be paid to Employee pursuant
to this Section 3 and pursuant to the Employment  Agreement between Employee and
the P.C. of even date herewith (the "P.C. Agreement") shall be paid by the P.C.

      4.  BENEFITS.   Subject  to  the  provisions  of  Section  7  hereof,  the
Corporation  shall provide and Employee  shall be entitled to participate in all
of the  employee  benefit  programs  and  plans  which are  applicable  to other
professionals  of the  Corporation in accordance with the terms of said programs
and plans.  Such programs and plans shall  include,  without  limitation,  group
health insurance, life insurance, short and long-term disability insurance and a
401(k) program.

      5.  REIMBURSEMENT  OF  EXPENSES.  Subject to the  provisions  of Section 7
hereof, the Corporation shall provide the Employee with an automobile  allowance
of $475.00 per month.  The  Corporation  shall  reimburse  the  Employee for all
reasonable and necessary business expenses incurred by him in the performance of
his duties hereunder,  including  parking expenses,  cellular phone expenses and
beeper expenses.  The Corporation  shall also reimburse  Employee for membership
dues in  professional  organizations  bearing direct  relationship to Employee's
duties in connection with this Agreement.

      6. VACATIONS AND EMPLOYEE MEETINGS. Subject to the provisions of Section 7
hereof,  Employee shall be entitled to (a) four (4) weeks'  vacation during each
calendar  year, and (b) one (1) week each year to attend  professional  meetings
and  seminars.  The  Employee  shall be  entitled  to his normal  salary  during
vacation and while in attendance at professional meetings and seminars.

of time  devoted by  Employee to his  responsibilities  pursuant to Section 2 of
this Agreement  shall offset the number of hours he is required to devote to his
responsibilities   under  the  terms  of  the  P.C.  Agreement.   Any  right  to
compensation,   item  of  benefit,   reimbursement   of  item  of  expense,   or
vacation/seminar  time to be provided by the Corporation to Employee pursuant to
Sections  3,4,5 and 6 of this  Agreement  shall be offset by such  compensation,
such  item  of  benefit,   such  reimbursement  of  item  of  expense,  or  such
vacation/seminar  time to be provided by the  Corporation  to the Employee under
the P.C. Agreement.

The Corporation represents and warrants at all times during the term of this
Agreement that:

            8.1 The Corporation is a duly formed corporation organized,  validly
existing and in good standing under the laws of the State of New York.

            8.2 The  Corporation  has the corporate power and authority to enter
into this Agreement and carry on its business as currently conducted.

            8.3  Within 90 days of the  Effective  Date of this  Agreement,  the
Corporation  shall  employ a  qualified  Chief  Operating  Officer to manage the
affairs of the Corporation. Should the employment of the Chief Operating Officer
be terminated for any reason, the Corporation shall hire a replacement within 90
days thereafter.

      9.    TERM; BASIS FOR TERMINATION.  Subject to the provisions of this
Section, the term of this Agreement shall be for three (3) years, commencing
on the Effective Date.  This Agreement shall terminate earlier on the first
to occur of the following:

            9.1   The death of Employee;

            9.2 The permanent  disability of the Employee at any time.  Employee
shall be  deemed  to have  become  permanently  "disabled"  when by  reason of a
physical or mental disability or incapacity he shall have failed or is unable to
perform his customary  duties and activities on behalf of the  Corporation for a
consecutive  period of four (4)  months  or for any six (6)  months  within  any
twelve (12) month period; or

            9.3 At any time by the Corporation  for "cause" which,  for purposes
of this Agreement, shall mean (a) willful and serious or habitual failure of the
Employee to perform his duties  hereunder in all material  respects which is not
remedied   within  30  days  after  the  receipt  of  notice  thereof  from  the
Corporation; or (b) gross misconduct, fraud or embezzlement by the Employee.

       10.  PROTECTION OF THE  CORPORATION.  In  consideration of the Employee's
initial and/or  continued  employment and other good and valuable  consideration
provided by the Corporation,  the adequacy of which is hereby acknowledged,  the
parties agree to the following:
             10.1 COVENANTS.  In  consideration of the execution and delivery of
this Agreement and in recognition that the Corporation was induced to enter into
this  Agreement  based on the  covenants  and  assurances  made by the Employee,
Employee  covenants  and agrees  that,  for a period of four (4) years after the
Closing,  he will not (i) directly or indirectly  (whether as a sole proprietor,
partner,  stockholder,  director,  officer,  employee,  consultant,  independent
contractor,  or in any capacity as principal or agent or in any other individual
or  representative  capacity)  engage in  Competition  (as such term is  defined
below) with the  Corporation  or be interested  in or associated  with or render
services  to or  sell  any  ideas,  inventions  or  products  to  any  party  in
Competition  with the  Corporation  or (ii) make known or  disclose  the name or
address of (x) any of the clients,  customers or patrons of the  Corporation  or
(y) any persons having a contractual  relationship with the Corporation  (except
where the facts of such relationships are generally available to or known by the
public other than as a result of a  disclosure  by Employee) or (iii) call upon,
solicit,  divert or take away, or attempt to solicit,  divert or take away,  any
such  clients,  customers  or patrons or  employees  of the  Corporation  or any
persons having a contractual  relationship  with the Corporation or (iv) request
or advise any present or future client, customer or patron of the Corporation or
any persons having a contractual  relationship with the Corporation to withdraw,
curtail or cancel their business relationship with the Corporation. For purposes
hereof,  the term  "Competition"  shall mean the providing of (i)  psychotherapy
services to individuals either  individually or in group settings in out-patient
clinics,  nursing homes or hospitals,  or (ii) management services in connection
therewith,  in any  case,  within a radius of twenty  five (25)  miles  from any
location in which  psychotherapy  services or management  services in connection
therewith are then being provided by the Corporation;  provided,  however,  that
the Employee may engage in private practice and may provide such services to the
Hempstead Hospital,  administrative  divisions of the State of New York, Upstate
Clinical  Associates  and, with respect only to  administrative  and  management
services provided to governments or municipalities ("GMC Contracts"), BSC Health
Management  ("BSCHM").  In the event Upstate Clinical Associates plans to render
psychotherapy  services  at a  location  more than  twenty  five (25) miles from
Monroe County,  New York, it shall provide PHC, Inc. ("PHC") with notice of such
location. If PHC or any of its subsidiaries engages in such services or provides
management  services in  connection  therewith  within twenty five (25) miles of
such location during the sixty (60) days following the date of such notice, then
Upstate Clinical  Associates shall  discontinue such plans for so long as PHC is
so  engaged.  BSCHM  will  obtain  clinical  services  from  the PC or  from  an
authorized  provider  associated with PHC under the GMC Contracts  except (A) in
the  Capital  District  (as defined in the "GMC  Contracts"),  (B) to the extent
BSCHM's  partner or joint  venturer as of the date  hereof  (which is a national
behavioral  health care provider  identified to PHC) or the governmental  entity
withholds its consent  and/or (C) to the extent prices and services  proposed by
the PC or from an authorized provider associated with PHC in connection with the
GMC Contracts are not competitive.  For purposes hereof, "Competition" shall not
preclude the  ownership of less than ten (10)  percent of the common  stock,  or
other class of voting stock, or any percentage of non-voting securities,  of any
publicly traded company.  10.1 COVENANTS.  In consideration of the execution and
delivery of this Agreement and in recognition  that the  Corporation was induced
to enter into this Agreement  based on the covenants and assurances  made by the
Employee,  Employee  covenants  and agrees that,  for a period of four (4) years
after the  Closing,  he will not (i) directly or  indirectly  (whether as a sole
proprietor,  partner,  stockholder,  director,  officer,  employee,  consultant,
independent contractor, or in any capacity as principal or agent or in any other
individual or  representative  capacity)  engage in Competition (as such term is
defined below) with the  Corporation  or be interested in or associated  with or
render  services  to or sell any ideas,  inventions  or products to any party in
Competition  with the  Corporation  or (ii) make known or  disclose  the name or
address of (x) any of the clients,  customers or patrons of the  Corporation  or
(y) any persons having a contractual  relationship with the Corporation  (except
where the facts of such relationships are generally available to or known by the
public other than as a result of a  disclosure  by Employee) or (iii) call upon,
solicit,  divert or take away, or attempt to solicit,  divert or take away,  any
such  clients,  customers  or patrons or  employees  of the  Corporation  or any
persons having a contractual  relationship  with the Corporation or (iv) request
or advise any present or future client, customer or patron of the Corporation or
any persons having a contractual  relationship with the Corporation to withdraw,
curtail or cancel their business relationship with the Corporation. For purposes
hereof,  the term  "Competition"  shall mean the providing of (i)  psychotherapy
services to individuals either  individually or in group settings in out-patient
clinics,  nursing homes or hospitals,  or (ii) management services in connection
therewith,  in any  case,  within a radius of twenty  five (25)  miles  from any
location in which  psychotherapy  services or management  services in connection
therewith are then being provided by the Corporation;  provided,  however,  that
the Employee may engage in private practice and may provide such services to the
Hempstead Hospital,  administrative  divisions of the State of New York, Upstate
Clinical  Associates  and, with respect only to  administrative  and  management
services provided to governments or municipalities ("GMC Contracts"), BSC Health
Management  ("BSCHM").  In the event Upstate Clinical Associates plans to render
psychotherapy  services  at a  location  more than  twenty  five (25) miles from
Monroe County,  New York, it shall provide PHC, Inc. ("PHC") with notice of such
location. If PHC or any of its subsidiaries engages in such services or provides
management  services in  connection  therewith  within twenty five (25) miles of
such location during the sixty (60) days following the date of such notice, then
Upstate Clinical  Associates shall  discontinue such plans for so long as PHC is
so  engaged.  BSCHM  will  obtain  clinical  services  from  the PC or  from  an
authorized  provider  associated with PHC under the GMC Contracts  except (A) in
the  Capital  District  (as defined in the "GMC  Contracts"),  (B) to the extent
BSCHM's  partner or joint  venturer as of the date  hereof  (which is a national
behavioral  health care provider  identified to PHC) or the governmental  entity
withholds its consent  and/or (C) to the extent prices and services  proposed by
the PC or from an authorized provider associated with PHC in connection with the
GMC Contracts are not competitive.  For purposes hereof, "Competition" shall not
preclude the  ownership of less than ten (10)  percent of the common  stock,  or
other class of voting stock, or any percentage of non-voting securities,  of any
publicly traded company.

             10.2 ENFORCEMENT.  Employee agrees that the remedies at law for any
breach of the covenants contained in this Section 10 will be inadequate and that
PHC or the  Corporation  shall be entitled  to  appropriate  equitable  remedies
including  injunctive relief in any action or proceeding  brought to prevent the
taking or  continuation  of any action  which  would  constitute  or result in a
breach of such  covenant.  Such remedies  shall not be exclusive and shall be in
addition to any and all remedies which may be available, directly or indirectly,
without limiting the recovery of any incidental,  consequential  and/or punitive
damages.  Employee  further agrees that if any restriction in this Section 10 is
held by any court to be unenforceable or unreasonable, a lesser restriction will
be  enforced  in its  place  and the  remaining  restrictions  will be  enforced
independently of each other. The attorneys' fees, court costs and other expenses
incurred by the  prevailing  party to enforce any rights under any  provision of
this Section 10, or to defend any such attempted  enforcement,  shall be paid by
the non-prevailing party.

             10.3 ANCILLARY OBLIGATIONS.  This covenant shall be construed as an
obligation ancillary to the other provisions of this Agreement and the existence
of any claim or cause of action by the Employee,  whether predicated on a breach
of  this  Agreement  or  otherwise,  shall  not  constitute  a  defense  to  the
enforcement by PHC or the Corporation of this covenant.

              10.4   JURISDICTION.   The   Employee   hereby   irrevocably   and
unconditionally  consents to submit to the exclusive  jurisdiction of the courts
of the  State of New York  located  in New York City for any  actions,  suits or
proceedings  arising out of or relating to this covenant and each further agrees
that service of any  process,  summons,  notices or document by U.S.  registered
mail to the address set forth herein  shall be effective  service of process for
any action, suit or proceeding brought against him in any such court.

      11.   GOVERNING LAW.  This Agreement shall be construed under the laws
of the State of New York without giving effect to the conflict of laws
provisions thereof.

      12.  ASSIGNMENT.  Neither this Agreement nor any right, duty or obligation
arising  under it may be assigned  by either  party  without  the prior  written
consent of the other party.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,  in the event of the
merger  or  consolidation  of the  Corporation  with any  other  corporation  or
corporations, the sale by the Corporation of a major portion of its assets or of
its business and good will, or any other corporate  reorganization involving the
Corporation,  this Agreement may,  without the Employee's  written  consent,  be
assigned  and  transferred  to such  successor  in  interest  as an asset of the
Corporation upon such assignee assuming the Corporation's  obligation hereunder,
in which  event the  Employee  agrees to  continue  to  perform  his  duties and
obligations,  according  to  the  terms  hereof,  to or  for  such  assignee  or
transferee of this  Agreement;  provided,  however,  that the  Corporation  will
remain  secondarily  liable  as  guarantor  of  such  assignee  or  transferee's
obligations to the Employee hereunder.

      13.   NATURE OF RELATIONSHIP.  Nothing in this Agreement shall be
construed as establishing the parties as partners or joint venturers.

binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties and their respective heirs,
representatives and successors.  This Agreement supersedes all prior agreements,
representations  or  understandings,  oral or written,  express or implied  with
respect to the subject matter hereof.

      15.   AMENDMENTS.  No amendment to this Agreement shall be valid unless
in writing signed by both of the parties.

      16. RESOLUTION OF DISPUTES. The rights of the parties under this Agreement
and concerning the employment relationship shall be determined,  in the event of
a dispute, by an independent arbitrator selected in accordance with the rules of
the American Arbitration Association and the decision of the arbitrator shall be
final and binding on both parties.  To the maximum extent  permitted by law, the
parties waive their rights to a  determination  of any such issues by a court or
jury. In the event either party resorts to  arbitration or other legal action to
resolve a dispute  arising under this Agreement,  the prevailing  party shall be
entitled to recover the costs and  expenses  incurred  in  connection  with such
arbitration  or action  from the other  party,  including,  without  limitation,
reasonable  attorneys'  fees.  For purposes of this Section,  the term "dispute"
means all controversies or claims relating to terms, conditions or privileges of
employment,  including,  without  limitation,  claims  for  breach of  contract,
discrimination,  harassment, wrongful discharge, misrepresentation,  defamation,
emotional  distress  or any other  personal  injury,  but  excluding  claims for
unemployment  compensation or worker's compensation.  This Section shall survive
the termination of this Agreement.

      17.   COUNTERPARTS.  This Agreement may be executed in one or more
counterparts, each of which shall be considered an original and all of which
shall constitute one and the same agreement.  This Agreement shall not become
effective until it has been executed by both of the parties hereto.

      18.   HEADINGS.  The headings used in this Agreement are for
convenience of reference only and shall have no force or effect in the
construction or interpretation of the provisions of this Agreement.

      19. NOTICES.  All notices,  requests,  demands,  and other  communications
required or permitted by this Agreement  shall be in writing  (unless  otherwise
specifically  provided  herein) to the  addresses of the parties set forth below
and shall be deemed to have been  received:  (a) three (3) days after deposit in
the U.S. mail, postage prepaid, registered or certified, and addressed to either
party at the  addresses  set forth below,  or to such changed  address as either
party may have given to the other by notice in the manner  herein  provided;  or
(b) upon personal delivery.

      If to the Corporation:  BSC-NY, Inc.
                              c/o PHC, Inc.
                                          200 Lake St.
                              Suite 102
                              Peabody, MA 01960

      With a copy to:         Arent Fox Kintner Plotkin & Kahn
                              1675 Broadway
                              New York, N.Y. 10019
                              Attn: Jerome T. Levy, Esq.

      If to the Employee:     Yakov Burstein, Ph.D.
                              54-19 59th Ave.
                              Elmhurst, N.Y. 11373

      With a copy to:         Harvey Z. Werblowsky, Esq.
                              McDermott, Will & Emery
                              50 Rockefeller Plaza
                              New York, N.Y. 10020

      20.  SEVERABILITY.  Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed
to require the  commission of any act contrary to law, and whenever there is any
conflict between any provision of this Agreement and any statute, law, ordinance
or regulations the statute,  law, ordinance or regulation shall prevail. In such
event, and in any case in which any provision of this Agreement is determined to
be in  violation  of a statute,  law,  ordinance  or  regulation,  the  affected
provision(s)  shall be limited  only to the extent  necessary to bring it within
the requirements of the law and, insofar as possible under the circumstances, to
carry out the purposes of this Agreement. The other provisions of this Agreement
shall remain in full force and effect, and the invalidity or unenforceability of
any  provision  hereof shall not affect the validity and  enforceability  of the
other provisions of this Agreement.

      21.   NO WAIVER.  The waiver by any party to this Agreement of any
breach of any term or condition of this Agreement shall not constitute a
waiver of subsequent breaches.  No waiver by any party of any provision of
this Agreement shall be deemed to constitute a waiver of any other provision.

      22. NO  REQUIREMENT  TO REFER.  It is not a purpose of this  Agreement  to
induce or encourage the referral of patients,  and there is no requirement under
this  Agreement,  or under any other  agreement  between  the  practice  and the
Employee,  that the Employee  refer any patient to the PC or to any other entity
for the delivery of health care items or services.  The compensation paid to the
Employee under this Agreement is made for services and  obligations as set forth
in this Agreement, and no payment made under this Agreement is in return for the
referral of patients or in return for purchasing, leasing, ordering or arranging
for any good, facility, item or service from the PC or any other entity.

      IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the parties hereby have executed this Agreement as of
the date first above written.

EMPLOYEE                                  BSC-NY, INC.

By:                                                                        By:
      Yakov Burstein, Ph.D.                     Its President

                              CONSULTING AGREEMENT

      THIS CONSULTING AGREEMENT is entered into this 1st day of November,  1996,
(the  "Effective  Date") by and  between  BSC-NY,  a New York  corporation  (the
"Corporation"), and Irwin Mansdorf, Ph.D (the "Consultant").

                              W I T N E S S E T H:

      WHEREAS, the Corporation is in the business of providing management and
administrative services; and

      WHEREAS, Perlow Physicians, P.C. (the "P.C.") is a New York
professional corporation that provides psychotherapy services; and

      WHEREAS, the Corporation has been retained by the P.C. to provide
administrative and management services in support of the P.C.'s provision of
psychotherapy services; and

      WHEREAS, the Corporation desires to retain the Consultant on the terms and
conditions  hereafter  set forth,  and the  Consultant  desires  to accept  such

      NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the mutual promises and agreements
herein  contained,  the  Corporation  hereby  retains the  Consultant to provide
consulting  services and the Consultant hereby agrees to provide such consulting
services to the Corporation, upon the following terms and conditions:

      1. DUTIES. The Consultant is hereby retained by the Corporation to perform
marketing and business development  services.  The Consultant shall at all times
comply with all  policies and  procedures  of the  Corporation,  copies of which
shall be provided to the  Consultant by the  Corporation,  and  incorporated  by
reference into this Agreement when initialed by the Consultant.

      2.    TIME REQUIREMENTS.  Subject to the provisions of Section 5
hereof, the Consultant agrees to devote one hundred (100) hours per month
during the term of this Agreement to the affairs and activities of the

      3.  COMPENSATION.  Subject  to the  provisions  of  Section 5 hereof,  the
Corporation  agrees to pay to the  Consultant as  compensation  for his services
hereunder a salary at an annual rate of one hundred twenty five thousand dollars
($125,000.00)  per  year.  Any and  all  compensation  to be paid to  Consultant
pursuant to this Section 3 and under the Consulting Agreement between Consultant
and the P.C. of even date herewith (the "P.C.  Agreement")  shall be paid by the

      4.  REIMBURSEMENT  OF  EXPENSES.  Subject to the  provisions  of Section 5
hereof, the Corporation will provide the Consultant with an automobile allowance
or $475.00 per month.  The  Corporation  shall  reimburse the Consultant for all
reasonable and necessary business expenses incurred by him in the performance of
his duties hereunder,  to include parking expenses,  cellular phone expenses and
beeper  expenses.  The  Corporation  shall also  reimburse  the  Consultant  for
membership dues in professional organizations bearing direct relationship to the
Consultant's duties in connection with this Agreement.

time devoted by Consultant to his responsibilities pursuant to Section 2 of
this Agreement shall offset the number of hours Consultant is required to
devote to his responsibilities under the P.C. Agreement.    Any right to
compensation or reimbursement of item of expense paid by the Corporation to
the Consultant pursuant to Section 3 and 4 of this Agreement shall be offset
by such compensation or such reimbursement of item of expense to be provided
by the Corporation to Consultant under the P.C. Agreement.

The Corporation represents and warrants at all times during the term of this
Agreement that:

            6.1 The Corporation is a duly formed corporation organized,  validly
existing and in good standing under the laws of the State of New York.

            6.2 The  Corporation  has the corporate power and authority to enter
into this Agreement and to carry on its business as currently conducted.

            6.3  Within 90 days of the  Effective  Date of this  Agreement,  the
Corporation  shall  employ a  qualified  Chief  Operating  Officer to manage the
affairs of the Corporation. Should the employment of the Chief Operating Officer
be terminated for any reason, the Corporation shall hire a replacement within 90
days thereafter.  The Corporation  shall confer with the Consultant prior to the
hiring of an initial or replacement Chief Operating Officer.

      7.    TERM; BASIS FOR TERMINATION.  Subject to the provisions of this
Section 7, the term of this Agreement shall be for three (3) years,
commencing on the Effective Date.  This Agreement shall terminate on the
earlier to occur of the following:

            7.1   The death of the Consultant;

            7.2 The  permanent  disability of the  Consultant  at any time.  The
Consultant shall be deemed to have become permanently  "disabled" when by reason
of a physical  or mental  disability  or  incapacity  he shall have failed or is
unable  to  perform  his  customary  duties  and  activities  on  behalf  of the
Corporation  for a  consecutive  period  of four (4)  months  or for any six (6)
months within any twelve (12) month period; or

            7.3 At any time by the Corporation  for "cause" which,  for purposes
of this Agreement, shall mean (a) willful and serious or habitual failure of the
Consultant to perform his duties hereunder in all material respects which is not
remedied   within  30  days  after  the  receipt  of  notice  thereof  from  the
Corporation; (b) gross misconduct, fraud or embezzlement by the Consultant.

      8.    GOVERNING LAW.  This Agreement shall be construed under the laws
of the State of New York without giving effect to the conflict of laws
provisions thereof.

      9.  ASSIGNMENT.  Neither this Agreement nor any right,  duty or obligation
arising  under it may be assigned  by either  party  without  the prior  written
consent of the other party.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,  in the event of the
merger  or  consolidation  of the  Corporation  with any  other  corporation  or
corporations, the sale by the Corporation of a major portion of its assets or of
its business and good will, or any other corporate  reorganization involving the
Corporation,  this Agreement may, without the Consultant's  written consent,  be
assigned  and  transferred  to such  successor  in  interest  as an asset of the
Corporation upon such assignee assuming the Corporation's  obligation hereunder,
in which  event the  Consultant  agrees to  continue  to perform  his duties and
obligations,  according  to  the  terms  hereof,  to or  for  such  assignee  or
transferee of this  Agreement;  provided,  however,  that the  Corporation  will
remain  secondarily  liable  as  guarantor  of  such  assignee  or  transferee's
obligations to the Consultant hereunder.

       10. NATURE OF  RELATIONSHIP.  For the purposes of this  Agreement and all
services to be provided hereunder,  the parties shall be, and shall be deemed to
be independent contractors and not agents or employees of each party. Nothing in
this  Agreement  shall be construed as  establishing  the parties as partners or
joint venturers.

binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties and their respective heirs,
representatives   and  successors.   This  Agreement   supersedes  all  previous
employment  agreements  and any  amendments  thereto  entered  into  between the
Consultant and the Corporation  concerning the subject matter of this Agreement,
prior agreements, representations or understandings, oral or written, express or
implied with respect to the subject matter hereof.

      12.   AMENDMENTS.  No amendment to this Agreement shall be valid unless
in writing, signed by both of the parties.

      13. RESOLUTION OF DISPUTES. The rights of the parties under this Agreement
and concerning the consulting relationship shall be determined,  in the event of
a dispute, by an independent arbitrator selected in accordance with the rules of
the American Arbitration Association and the decision of the arbitrator shall be
final and binding on both parties.  To the maximum extent  permitted by law, the
parties waive their rights to a  determination  of any such issues by a court or
jury. In the even that either party resorts to arbitration or other legal action
to resolve a dispute arising under this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be
entitled to recover the costs and  expenses  incurred  in  connection  with such
arbitration  or action  from the other  party,  including,  without  limitation,
reasonable  attorney's  fees.  For purposes of this Section,  the term "dispute"
means all controversies or claims relating to terms, conditions or privileges of
employment,  including,  without  limitation,  claims  for  breach of  contract,
discrimination,  harassment, wrongful discharge, misrepresentation,  defamation,
emotional  distress  or any other  personal  injury,  but  excluding  claims for
unemployment  compensation or worker's compensation.  This Section shall survive
the termination of this Agreement.

      14.   COUNTERPARTS.  This Agreement may be executed in one or more
counterparts, each of which shall be considered an original and all of which
shall constitute one and the same agreement.  This Agreement shall not become
effective until it has been executed by both of the parties hereto.

      15.   HEADINGS.  The headings used in this Agreement are for
convenience of reference only and shall have no force or effect in the
construction or interpretation of the provisions of this Agreement.

      16. NOTICES.  All notices,  requests,  demands,  and other  communications
required or permitted by this Agreement  shall be in writing  (unless  otherwise
specifically  provided  herein) to the  addresses of the parties set forth below
and shall be deemed to have been  received:  (a) three (3) days after deposit in
the U.S. mail, postage prepaid, registered or certified, and addressed to either
party at the  addresses  set forth below,  or to such changed  address as either
party may have given to the other by notice in the manner  herein  provided;  or
(b) upon personal delivery.

      If to the Corporation:  BSC-NY, Inc.
                              c/o PHC, Inc.
                              200 Lake St., Suite 102
                              Peabody, MA.

      With a copy to:         Arent Fox Kintner Plotkin & Kahn
                              1675 Broadway
                              New York, N.Y. 10019
                              Attn: Jerome T. Levy, Esq.

      If to the Consultant:   Irwin Mansdorf, Ph.D.
                              94-19 59th Ave.
                              Elmhurst, N.Y.  11373

      With a copy to:         Harvey Z. Werblowsky, Esq.
                              McDermott, Will & Emery
                              50 Rockefeller Plaza
                              New York, N.Y.  10020

      16.  SEVERABILITY.  Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed
to require the  commission of any act contrary to law, and whenever there is any
conflict between any provision of this Agreement and any statute, law, ordinance
or regulation,  the statute, law, ordinance or regulation shall prevail. In such
event,  and in any case any  provision of this  Agreement is determined to be in
violation of a statute, law, ordinance or regulation,  the affected provision(s)
shall  be  limited  only  to  the  extent  necessary  to  bring  it  within  the
requirements  of the law and,  insofar as possible under the  circumstances,  to
carry out the purposes of this Agreement. The other provisions of this Agreement
shall remain in full force and effect, and the invalidity or unenforceability of
any  provision  hereof shall not affect the validity and  enforceability  of the
other provisions of this Agreement.

      17.   NO WAIVER.  The waiver by any party to this Agreement of any
breach of any term or condition of this Agreement shall not constitute a
waiver of subsequent breaches.  No waiver by any party of any provision of
this Agreement shall be deemed to constitute a waiver of any other provision.

      18. NO  REQUIREMENT  TO REFER.  It is not a purpose of this  Agreement  to
induce or encourage the referral of patients,  and there is no requirement under
this  Agreement,  or under any other  agreement  between  the  practice  and the
Consultant,  that the  Consultant  refer any patient to the P.C. or to any other
entity for the delivery of health care items or services.  The compensation paid
to the  Consultant  under this Agreement is made for  professional  services and
obligations  as set forth in this  Agreement,  and no  payment  made  under this
Agreement is in return for the referral of patients or in return for purchasing,
leasing,  ordering or arranging for any good, facility, item or service from the
P.C. or any other entity.

      IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the parties hereby have executed this Agreement as of
the date first above written.

CONSULTANT                                BSC-NY, INC.

By:                                       By:
       Irwin Mansdorf, Ph.D.                     Its President



                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


          ARTICLE I


                                                     THE MERGER.................................................  1
                  SECTION 1.1  THE MERGER.......................................................................  1
                  SECTION 1.2 EFFECTIVE TIME....................................................................  1
                  SECTION 1.3 EFFECTS OF THE MERGER.............................................................  1
                  SECTION 1.4 CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION AND BYLAWS...........................................  1
                  SECTION 1.5 DIRECTORS.........................................................................  1
                  SECTION 1.6 OFFICERS..........................................................................  2
                  SECTION 1.7 CONVERSION OF SHARES..............................................................  2
                  SECTION 1.9 CONVERSION OF MERGER SUB COMMON STOCK.............................................  5

          ARTICLE II
                                                 EXCHANGE OF SHARES.............................................  5
                  SECTION 2.1 EXCHANGE OF CERTIFICATES..........................................................  5
                  SECTION 2.2 NO FURTHER OWNERSHIP RIGHTS IN THE COMPANY COMMON STOCK...........................  5
                  SECTION 2.3 NO FRACTIONAL SHARES..............................................................  5
                  SECTION 2.4 NO LIABILITY......................................................................  5

         ARTICLE III
                               REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF PARENT AND MERGER SUB..........................  6
                  SECTION 3.1  DUE ORGANIZATION.................................................................  6
                  SECTION 3.2  INTERIM OPERATION OF MERGER SUB..................................................  6
                  SECTION 3.3  AUTHORITY........................................................................  6
                  SECTION 3.4  BOARD AND SHAREHOLDER APPROVAL...................................................  6
                  SECTION 3.5  CAPITALIZATION...................................................................  7
                  SECTION 3.6  SEC REPORTS AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS.............................................  7
                  SECTION 3.7  VALIDITY.........................................................................  8
                  SECTION 3.8  LEGAL PROCEEDINGS................................................................  8
                  SECTION 3.9  HART-SCOTT-RODINO................................................................  9

         ARTICLE IV
                                    REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF THE COMPANY...............................  9
                  SECTION 4.1 DUE ORGANIZATION..................................................................  9
                  SECTION 4.2 SUBSIDIARY........................................................................  9
                  SECTION 4.3 AUTHORITY.........................................................................  9
                  SECTION 4.4  BOARD AND SHAREHOLDER APPROVAL...................................................  9
                  SECTION 4.5  CAPITALIZATION................................................................... 10
                  SECTION 4.6 EXECUTION, DELIVERY AND PERFORMANCE............................................... 10
                  SECTION 4.7  INCOME TAX RETURNS............................................................... 11
                  SECTION 4.8 ERISA............................................................................. 11
                  SECTION 4.9  REAL PROPERTY AND REAL ESTATE LEASES............................................. 13
                  SECTION 4.10  OPERATING EQUIPMENT............................................................. 14
                  SECTION 4.11  EMPLOYEE MATTERS................................................................ 14
                  SECTION 4.12  LICENSES AND PERMITS............................................................ 14
                  SECTION 4.13  CONTRACTS AND COMMITMENTS....................................................... 15
                  SECTION 4.14  TAXES........................................................................... 15
                  SECTION 4.15  LEGAL PROCEEDINGS............................................................... 16
                  SECTION 4.16  INVESTMENTS..................................................................... 16
                  SECTION 4.17  CONDUCT OF BUSINESS............................................................. 16
                  SECTION 4.18  COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE LAWS................................................. 17
                  SECTION 4.19  UNDISCLOSED LIABILITIES......................................................... 17
                  SECTION 4.20  BANKING RELATIONSHIPS........................................................... 18
                  SECTION 4.21  INSURANCE....................................................................... 18
                  SECTION 4.22  MINUTE BOOKS.................................................................... 18
                  SECTION 4.23  CASH FLOW....................................................................... 18
                  SECTION 4.24  DISCLOSURE...................................................................... 18
                  SECTION 4.25  ABSENCE OF CERTAIN CHANGES...................................................... 18
                  SECTION 4.26  SUFFOLK COUNTY.................................................................. 18

                                    ARTICLE V
                                      CONDUCT OF BUSINESSES PENDING THE MERGER.................................. 19

         ARTICLE VI
                                                ADDITIONAL AGREEMENTS........................................... 19
                  SECTION 6.1  ACCESS TO INFORMATION............................................................ 19
                  SECTION 6.2.  LEGAL CONDITIONS TO MERGER...................................................... 19
                  SECTION 6.3.  STOCK EXCHANGE LISTING.......................................................... 20
                  SECTION 6.4  NOTIFICATION OF CERTAIN MATTERS.................................................. 20
                  SECTION 6.5  SUPPLEMENTAL DISCLOSURE.......................................................... 21
                  SECTION 6.6  ADDITIONAL AGREEMENTS; BEST EFFORTS.............................................. 21
                  SECTION 6.7  RECORD RETENTION................................................................. 21
                  SECTION 6.8  EMPLOYMENT WITH THE BUSINESS..................................................... 22
                  SECTION 6.9  CONSULTING AGREEMENTS............................................................ 22
                  SECTION 6.10  ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE............................................................. 22

         ARTICLE VII
                                                      COVENANTS................................................. 22
                  SECTION 7.1  CONDUCT OF BUSINESS BY PARENT AND SURVIVING CORPORATION.......................... 22
                  SECTION 7.2  NO SOLICITATION BY PARENT AND SURVIVING CORPORATION.............................. 23
                  SECTION 7.3  CERTAIN OPERATIONAL MATTERS...................................................... 23

                                                     CONDITIONS................................................. 24
                  SECTION 8.1 CONDITIONS TO EACH PARTY'S OBLIGATION TO EFFECT THE MERGER........................ 24
                  SECTION 8.4 OTHER AGREEMENTS.................................................................. 27

         ARTICLE IX
                                                     TERMINATION................................................ 27
                  SECTION 9.1 TERMINATION....................................................................... 27
                  SECTION 9.2  EFFECT OF TERMINATION............................................................ 28
                  SECTION 9.3  AMENDMENT........................................................................ 28
                  SECTION 9.4  EXTENSION; WAIVER................................................................ 28

         ARTICLE X
                                               COVENANT NOT TO COMPETE.......................................... 29
                  SECTION 10.1  COVENANTS....................................................................... 29
                  SECTION 10.2  ANCILLARY OBLIGATIONS........................................................... 30
                  SECTION 10.3  ENFORCEMENT..................................................................... 30
                  SECTION 10.4  SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS.......................................................... 30

         ARTICLE XI
 ................................................................................................................ 30
                  SECTION 11.1 SURVIVAL......................................................................... 30
                  SECTION 11.2  STATEMENTS AS REPRESENTATIONS................................................... 30
                  SECTION 11.4  INDEMNIFICATION BY THE STOCKHOLDERS. ........................................... 33
                  SECTION 11.5  INDEMNIFICATION BY PARENT AND THE SURVIVING CORPORATION......................... 33
                  SECTION 11.6  NOTICE AND DEFENSE OF INDEMNIFICATION CLAIMS.................................... 33
                  SECTION 11.7  LIMITATION ON RIGHT OF SET-OFF AND INDEMNIFICATION.............................. 35

         ARTICLE XII
                               DISPUTE RESOLUTION
 ................................................................................................................ 35
                  SECTION 12.1  NEGOTIATED RESOLUTION........................................................... 35
                  SECTION 12.2  MEDIATION....................................................................... 36
                  SECTION 12.3  ARBITRATION..................................................................... 36

                               GENERAL PROVISIONS
 ................................................................................................................ 36
                  SECTION 13.1 EXPENSES......................................................................... 36
                  SECTION 13.2 COUNTERPARTS..................................................................... 36
                  SECTION 13.3 CONSENT TO JURISDICTION; APPLICABLE LAW.......................................... 36
                  SECTION 13.4 ANNOUNCEMENTS.................................................................... 37
                  SECTION 13.5 NOTICES.......................................................................... 37
                  SECTION 13.6 ASSIGNMENT....................................................................... 38
                  SECTION 13.8 CAPTIONS......................................................................... 38

                          AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER

          Agreement  and Plan of Merger  dated as of October  31,  1996,  by and
among PHC, Inc., a Massachusetts  corporation  ("Parent"),  BSC-NY,  Inc., a New
York corporation and a direct, wholly-owned subsidiary of Parent ("Merger Sub"),
Behavioral Stress Center, Inc., a New York corporation (the "Company"),

Irwin  Mansdorf,  a  shareholder  of the Company and  resident of New York State
("Mansdorf"),  and Yakov Burstein,  a shareholder of the Company and resident of
New York State  ("Burstein")  (Mansdorf  and Burstein  sometimes are referred to
hereinafter  collectively  as the  "Stockholders"  and  individually  each  as a

                                    ARTICLE I
                                   THE MERGER

     THE MERGER.  Subject to the terms and conditions  hereof, and in accordance
with the New York Business  Corporation Law (the "Corporation Law"), the Company
will be  merged  with  and  into  the  Merger  Sub  (the  "Merger"),  as soon as
practicable  following the satisfaction or waiver of the conditions set forth in
Article VIII hereof.  Following the Merger, the Merger Sub shall continue as the
surviving  corporation (the "Surviving  Corporation") and the separate corporate
existence of the Company shall cease.

EFFECTIVE  TIME.  The Merger shall be  consummated by the filing by the New York
Department of State of a certificate of merger in substantially  such form as is
annexed  hereto as Exhibit  A, and  executed  in  accordance  with the  relevant
provisions  of the New York  Business  Corporation  Law (the time of such filing
being the "Effective Time").

     EFFECTS OF THE  MERGER.  The Merger  shall  have the  effects  set forth in
Section 906 of the New York Business  Corporation Law. As of the Effective Time,
the Merger Sub shall be a wholly owned subsidiary of Parent.

     CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION  AND BYLAWS.  The Certificate of Incorporation
and  Bylaws  of  Merger  Sub as in effect  at the  Effective  Time  shall be the
Certificate of Incorporation and Bylaws of the Surviving  Corporation,  provided
that  Article  "FIRST" of the  Certificate  of  Incorporation  of the  Surviving
Corporation  shall be amended to read in its  entirety as follows:  "The name of
the Corporation is "Behavioral Stress Center, Inc."

     DIRECTORS.  The directors of Merger Sub at the Effective  Time shall be the
directors of the Surviving  Corporation and shall hold office from the Effective
Time  until  their  respective  successors  are duly  elected or  appointed  and
qualified in the manner provided in the Bylaws of the Surviving Corporation,  or
as otherwise provided by law.

OFFICERS.  The  officers  of the Merger Sub at the  Effective  Time shall be the
officers of the Surviving  Corporation  and shall hold office from the Effective
Time until their  respective  successors  are duly  elected or  appointed in the
manner  provided in the Bylaws of the  Surviving  Corporation,  or as  otherwise
provided by law.

CONVERSION OF SHARES. (a) Each share of common stock, no par value per share, of
the Company (the "Company  Common  Stock")  issued and  outstanding  immediately
prior to the  Effective  Time  (other  than  shares  held by the  Company or any
subsidiary of the Company, which shall be cancelled, by virtue of the Merger and
without any action on the part of the holder  thereof)  shall be converted  into
the right to receive the Merger Consideration (as hereinafter defined),  payable
to the holder  thereof,  without any  interest  thereon,  upon  surrender of the
certificate representing such share of the Company Common Stock.

          (b) As used in this  Agreement,  "Merger  Consideration"  per share of
Company Common Stock shall mean:

          (i) the  greater of (x) 625  shares of Class A Common  Stock of Parent
("Parent  Stock") or (y) that  number of shares of Parent  Stock equal to $5,625
divided by the Market  Price (as  hereinafter  defined) per share on the date of
closing (the  "Closing")  which shall take place at 10:00 a.m. at the offices of
Arent Fox Kintner Plotkin & Kahn, 1675 Broadway,  25th Floor, New York, NY 10019
as of October 31, 1996 (the  "Closing  Date").  For purposes of this  Agreement,
Market  Price shall mean the average per share  closing  price on the  principal
stock  exchange  or market  where  Parent  Stock is then  traded  during  the 10
consecutive  trading  days ending on the  trading day prior to the date  "Market
Price" is being determined, plus

          (ii) an  amount of Parent  Stock and cash with  respect  to each of th
first  three  (3)  Fiscal  Years  (as  hereinafter  defined)  of  the  Surviving
Corporation after the Closing Date payable on the ninetieth (90th) day following
the end of such Fiscal Year (each, a "Payout Date") equal to (.49) multiplied by
the Earn Out Income (as  hereinafte  defined)  for such Fiscal  Year  divided by
(160), plus

          (iii) an  additional  amount of Parent  Stock and cash  payable on the
Payout Date following the third Fiscal Year of the Surviving  Corporation  after
the Closing Date, equal to (.49)  multiplied by (4),  multiplied by the Earn Out
Income for such Fiscal Year divided by (160) (the "Third Year Payment") plus

          (iv) an  additional  cash  amount  payable on the date ninety (90) day
after the closing  Date equa l to the amount of the accounts  receivable  of the
Company  and the  Company Sub (as  hereinafter  defined) as of the Closing  Date
("A/R") to the extent A/R have been  collected on or prior to such ninetieth day
divided  by (160) plus (v) an  additional  cash  amount  payable on the date one
hundred  eighty  (180) days after the  Closing  Date (and each six month  period
thereafter)  equal  to A/R to the  extent  A/R have  been  collected  after  the
ninetieth  day  following  the  Closing  Date but on or prior to such  180th day
divided by (160) (or during such six month period).

          (c) The payment on each Payout Date shall consist of one-half cash and
one-half  Parent Stock provided such payment shall include no more than $200,000
of Parent  Stock.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  (i) to the extent the total
Merger  Consideration  (including amounts payable pursuant to Section 1.7(b)(i),
(ii),  (iii),  (iv)  and (v)) at any time  would  result  in 50% or more of such
Merger  Consideration  being  non-stock  in  nature,  the  excess of the  Merger
Consideration above such 50% threshold will be payable in Parent Stock, and (ii)
each  Stockholder  may elect to receive any higher  percentage  of Parent Stock.
Parent  Stock  shall be valued  when  issued  based on the Market  Price on each
Payout Date or issue date for purposes of this section.

          (d) The term  "Earn Out  Income"  for any  Fiscal  Year shall mean the
consolidated  net  income  before  taxes of the  Surviving  Corporation  and its
subsidiary,  Professional Health Associates,  Inc. (the "Company Sub"), for such
Fiscal  Year,  determined  in  accordance  with  generally  accepted  accounting
principles ("GAAP").  In no event shall any management or similar fee charged by
Parent  or any of its  Subsidiaries  (as  such  term  is  defined  in  Rule  405
promulgated under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities Act"))
to the Surviving  Corporation or any of its Subsidiaries be deemed an expense in
determining such consolidated net income.  Any management or similar fee charged
by the Surviving  Corporation or any of its  Subsidiaries to Perlow  Physicians,
P.C.,  a New York  corporation  (the  "PC"),  shall be  included  in  revenue in
determining such  consolidated net income.  In no event shall any obligations of
(i) the PC, Parent and any of their  Subsidiaries  (including Merger Sub) to the
Stockholders,  Clinical  Associates or Clinical  Diagnostics  under that certain
agreement  for purchase and sale of assets of even date  herewith  among Parent,
Merger  Sub,  the  PC,  Clinical   Associates,   Clinical  Diagnostics  and  the
Stockholders  and (ii) Parent and any of its  Subsidiaries  to the  Stockholders
under this Agreement, other than under the Burstein Employment Agreement and the
Mansdorf Consulting  Agreement or any payment for psychotherapy  services by the
PC, be deemed an expense in determining such consolidated net income;  provided,
however,  that  depreciation  and  amortization  arising out of the transactions
referred  to in  clauses  (i) and (ii)  above may be  deducted  as an expense in
computing Earn Out Income to the extent that such  depreciation and amortization
does not  exceed  $250,000  in each of the  first  two (2)  Fiscal  Years of the
Surviving  Corporation  and $500,000 in the third  Fiscal Year of the  Surviving
Corporation.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,  all direct out-of-pocket  ordinary
and  necessary  costs  and  expenses  paid or  incurred  by Parent or any of its
Subsidiaries on behalf of the Surviving Corporation and the Company Sub shall be
reflected as an expense of the  Surviving  Corporation  and the Company Sub. The
term  "Fiscal  Year"  shall  mean the  twelve  month  period  ended on the first
anniversary of Closing Date and each successive twelve month period thereafter.

          (e) In the event the Surviving  Corporation or any of its Subsidiaries
plans  to  acquire  (by  merger,  consolidation,   purchase  or  otherwise)  any
psychotherapy   practice  or  provider  of  management  services  in  connection
therewith  (an  "Acquisition"),  Parent shall  provide the  Stockholders  with a
notice  ("Acquisition  Notice")  including the terms of the  Acquisition and the
parties thereto in reasonable detail, copies of any agreements or instruments to
be  executed in  connection  with the  Acquisition  and,  if then  available,  a
computation  (the  "Computation")  of the maximum  depreciation and amortization
expenses  per  year  to be  borne  by the  Surviving  Corporation  or any of its
Subsidiaries in connection with the  Acquisition.  Promptly (but no more than 10
business days) after receipt of any Acquisition  Notice for an Acquisition,  the
Stockholders  shall elect whether or not such Acquisition  shall be reflected in
Earn Out Income.  If the Stockholders  elect to include such Acquisition in Earn
Out Income,  the operating  results  resulting from such  Acquisition  including
depreciation  and  amortization  shall be reflected  in Earn Out Income.  If the
Stockholders  elect not to include  such  Acquisition  in Earn Out Income,  such
operating results,  depreciation and amortization shall not be reflected in Earn
Out  Income.  If the  Stockholders  elect  to  include  in Earn Out  Income  any
Acquisition  the  Acquisition  Notice for which did not  include a  Computation,
Parent shall provide the  Stockholders  with a supplemental  Acquisition  Notice
including a Computation  as soon as it is available.  Promptly (but no more than
10 business days) after receipt of such  supplemental  Acquisition  Notice,  the
Stockholders  may change  their  election as to whether or not such  Acquisition
shall be reflected in Earn Out Income.  If Parent or any of its  Affiliates  (as
such term is defined in Rule 405  promulgated  under the Securities  Act) (other
than the  Surviving  Corporation  or any of its  Subsidiaries)  plans to acquire
(either by merger,  consolidation,  purchase  or  otherwise)  any  psychotherapy
practice or provider of management services in connection therewith located more
than 100 miles from New York City that was  introduced  to Parent by Mansdorf or
Burstein,  Parent shall provide the Stockholders with an Acquisition Notice with
respect  thereto in  accordance  with this  Section  1.7(e) as if the  Surviving
Corporation  or any of its  Subsidiaries  were  making the  acquisition  and the
Stockholders  shall have the  election  rights with  respect  thereto  specified

          (f) Any dispute as to the  determination  of Earn Out Income  shall be
settled in the manner provided in Article XII.

a "change of control" with OR respect to Parent,  Parent's minimum obligation to
pay the Merger  Consideration  shall be  immediately  determined  and  fixed.  A
"change of control"  with respect to Parent means the  occurrence of one or more
of the following: (a) Bruce A. Shear ceases to be the chief executive officer of
Parent;  (b) Bruce A. Shear  ceases to be the  president  of Parent;  (c) Parent
ceases  to  own  at  least  51%  of  the  voting  securities  of  the  Surviving
Corporation;  or  (d)  the  sale,  exchange,   transfer,   assignment  or  other
disposition,  whether  voluntary or  involuntary  (but not including a pledge or
grant of another  form of  security  interest)  of the assets  constituting  the
business  of the  Company  as  such  assets  exist  on the  Closing  Date by the
Surviving  Corporation.  In the event  Parent's  minimum  obligation  to pay the
Merger  Consideration  is  determined  pursuant to this section as a result of a
change in control, any Merger Consideration for any Fiscal Year not yet ended at
the time of such change in control shall be  calculated  based on the greater of
(i) Earn Out Income for such  Fiscal  Year as set forth in Section  1.7 and (ii)
Earn Out Income for the Fiscal  Year ended  immediately  prior to such change in
control (or, if no full Fiscal Year has yet ended, an annualized amount based on
the partial Fiscal Year ended on the date of the change of control).  E.G., if a
change in  control  occurs  nine  months  after the  Closing  Date,  the  Merger
Consideration per share of Company Common Stock pursuant to Section 1.7(b) (ii &
iii)  shall  be no  less  than an  amount  equal  to  (.49)  multiplied  by (7),
multiplied  by the Earn Out Income of the  Company  and the Company Sub for such
nine month period multiplied by (12) divided by (9) divided by (160). Nothing in
this  section  affects  the  time  Parent  shall  be  obligated  to  pay  Merger
Consideration,  it being  understood  that this section merely  establishes  the
minimum amount of such Merger  Consideration  upon the occurrence of a change in
control with respect to Parent.

CONVERSION OF MERGER SUB COMMON STOCK.  Each share of common stock, no par value
per  share,  of Merger  Sub  issued  and  outstanding  immediately  prior to the
Effective Time shall, by virtue of the Merger and without any action on the part
of the holder  thereof,  be  converted  into and  exchangeable  for one share of
common stock of the Surviving Corporation.

                                   ARTICLE II
                               EXCHANGE OF SHARES

shall deliver the Parent Stock to the holders of record of Company  Common Stock
upon surrender of the  certificates  representing  such shares of Company Common
Stock in accordance with Section 1.7(a).  On each Payout Date,  Parent shall pay
to the  shareholders  of the Company  immediately  prior to the  Effective  Time
Merger Consideration in the form of cash or Parent Stock, as the case may be, in
accordance  with Section  1.7(b)(ii) and (iii).  For purposes of this Agreement,
all  payments  of cash  shall  be made by  bank or  certified  check  or by wire
transfer  into the account or accounts  designated  by the  shareholders  of the
Company immediately prior to the Effective Time.

exchange  of shares of the Company  Common  Stock in  accordance  with the terms
hereof,  there  shall be no  further  registration  of  transfers  on the  stock
transfer books of the Surviving  Corporation of the shares of the Company Common
Stock which were  outstanding  immediately  prior to the Closing Date. If, after
the  Effective  Time,  Certificates  are  presented  to Parent or the  Surviving
Corporation for any reason, they shall be cancelled and exchanged as provided in
this Article II.

NO FRACTIONAL SHARES. No certificate or scrip representing  fractional shares of
Parent Stock shall be issued upon the surrender for exchange of Certificates. In
lieu of any  fractional  share of Parent  Stock  which a holder  of the  Company
Common Stock otherwise  would be entitled to receive,  such holder shall receive
one full share of Parent Stock.

NO LIABILITY.  None of Parent,  Merger Sub, the Company,  the Company Sub or the
Surviving  Corporation  shall be liable to any  holder of shares of the  Company
Common Stock for any Merger  Consideration  (or dividends or distributions  with
respect  to  Parent  Stock  included  therein)  delivered  to a public  official
pursuant to any applicable abandoned property, escheat or similar law.

                                   ARTICLE III

   Parent and Merger Sub hereby  represent  and warrant to the Company as of the
date hereof follows:

DUE  ORGANIZATION.  Parent is a business  corporation  duly  organized,  validly
existing  and  in  good  standing  under  the  laws  of  the   Commonwealth   of
Massachusetts, with full power and authority and all requisite licenses, permits
and franchises to own, lease and operate its assets and to carry on the business
in which it is engaged.  Merger Sub is a business corporation duly organized and
validly  existing  under the laws of the State of New York,  with full power and
authority and all requisite  licenses,  permits and franchises to own, lease and
operate its assets and to carry on the business in which it is engaged.  Each of
Parent and Merger Sub has delivered to the Company a true,  correct and complete
copy of its respective  Certificate of Incorporation and Bylaws.  Parent is duly
qualified as a foreign corporation to do business,  and is in good standing,  in
each  jurisdiction  where the character of its properties owned or leased or the
nature of its activities makes such  qualification  necessary,  except where the
failure  so to  qualify  or to be in good  standing  would  not have a  material
adverse effect on its business or the results of its operations or its financial

 INTERIM  OPERATION OF MERGER SUB.  Merger Sub was formed solely for the purpose
of engaging in the  transactions  contemplated  hereby,  has engaged in no other
business  activities  and has  conducted  its  operations  only as  contemplated

 AUTHORITY.  Each of Parent and Merger Sub has full right,  power and authority,
without the consent of any other person,  to execute and deliver this  Agreement
and to carry out the transactions  contemplated  hereby. Each of Parent,  Merger
Sub and (as of the Closing) the PC has full right, power and authority,  without
the consent of any other  person,  to execute  and deliver all other  agreements
being  delivered  in  connection  herewith to which it is a party,  including an
employment  agreement with Burstein (the "Employment  Agreement"),  a consulting
agreement with Mansdorf (the "Consulting Agreement"),  and a registration rights
agreement (the  "Registration  Rights Agreement" and collectively with all other
agreements,  the  "Ancillary  Agreements"),  and to carry  out the  transactions
contemplated thereby. All corporate and other acts or proceedings required to be
taken by  Parent  and  Merger  Sub to  authorize  the  execution,  delivery  and
performance of this Agreement and all transactions contemplated hereby have been
duly and properly taken.

BOARD AND SHAREHOLDER APPROVAL.  This Agreement and the Ancillary Agreements and
the transactions  contemplated hereby and thereby have been approved and adopted
by the  requisite  vote of the board of  directors  of  Parent  and the board of
directors and  shareholders  of Merger Sub. No vote of Parent's  shareholders is
required in connection  with this Agreement and the Ancillary  Agreements or the
transactions contemplated hereby or thereby.

CAPITALIZATION.  As of the date hereof,  the authorized  capital stock of Parent
consists of (i)  10,000,000  shares of Parent  Stock,  of which,  as of the date
hereof,  2,327,624  shares are issued and  outstanding and no shares are held in
treasury;  (ii) 2,000,000  shares of Class B Common Stock,  of which,  as of the
date  hereof,  806,556  shares are issued and  outstanding  and no shares are in
treasury; (iii) 200,000 shares of Class C Common Stock, of which, as of the date
hereof, 199,816 shares are issued and outstanding and no shares are in treasury;
and (iv) 1,000,000  shares of preferred  stock, of which, as of the date hereof,
no  shares  are  issued  and  outstanding.  As of the  date  hereof,  there  are
outstanding  pursuant to Parent's  incentive and stock option plans (the "Parent
Stock Plans") and other agreements,  options to purchase 79,875 shares of Parent
capital stock.  All the outstanding  shares of Parent capital stock are, and all
shares of Parent capital stock which are to be issued  pursuant to the Merger or
which may be issued pursuant to the Parent Stock Plans when issued in accordance
with the  respective  terms thereof will be, duly  authorized,  validly  issued,
fully  paid and  nonassessable  and free of any  preemptive  rights  in  respect
thereto.  As  of  the  date  hereof,  no  bonds,  debentures,   notes  or  other
indebtedness having the right to vote (or convertible into securities having the
right to vote) ("Voting  Debt") of Parent are issued or  outstanding.  Except as
set forth above and except for this Agreement,  as of the date hereof, there are
no  existing  options,   warrants,  calls,  subscriptions  or  other  rights  or
agreements or  commitments  of any character  relating to the issued or unissued
capital stock or Voting Debt of Parent or any of its  Subsidiaries or obligating
Parent  or any of its  Subsidiaries  to issue,  transfer  or sell or cause to be
issued,  transferred  or sold any shares of capital  stock or Voting Debt of, or
other equity  interests in, Parent or of any of its  Subsidiaries  or securities
convertible  into or  exchangeable  for  such  shares  or  equity  interests  or
obligating Parent or any of its Subsidiaries to grant,  extend or enter into any
such  option,   warrant,  call,   subscription  or  other  right,  agreement  or
commitment.  As of the date hereof,  the authorized  capital stock of Merger Sub
consists  of 200 shares of Common  Stock,  no par value per share,  of which 100
shares are validly issued,  fully paid and  nonassessable and are owned directly
by Parent.

SEC REPORTS AND FINANCIAL  STATEMENTS.  Parent has filed with the Securities and
Exchange  Commission  (the  "SEC"),  and has  heretofore  made  available to the
Company, true and complete copies of all forms, reports,  schedules,  statements
and other documents required to be filed by it under the Securities Exchange Act
of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act") or the Securities Act since its initial
public  offering (as such  documents  have been  amended  since the time of such
filing,  collectively,  the "Parent SEC  Documents").  The Parent SEC Documents,
including without  limitation,  any financial  statements or schedules  included
therein,  at the time  filed,  (a) did not  contain  any untrue  statement  of a
material fact or omit to state a material fact required to be stated  therein or
necessary in order to make the statements therein, in light of the circumstances
under which they were made,  not  misleading  and (b)  complied in all  material
respects with the applicable requirements of the Exchange Act and the Securities
Act, as the case may be, and the  applicable  rules and  regulations  of the SEC
thereunder, except, in each case, to the extent any Parent SEC Document has been
amended  prior  hereto by a  subsequent  Parent SEC  Document  delivered  to the
Company. The financial statements of Parent included in the Parent SEC Documents
comply  as  to  form  in  all  material  respects  with  applicable   accounting
requirements  and with  the  published  rules  and  regulations  of the SEC with
respect  thereto,  have been  prepared in  accordance  with  generally  accepted
accounting  principles applied on a consistent basis during the periods involved
(except  as may be  indicated  in the  notes  thereto  or,  in the  case  of the
unaudited  statements,  as  permitted  by Form  10-QSB of the SEC),  and  fairly
present (subject,  in the case of the unaudited  statements,  to normal year-end
audit  adjustments)  the  consolidated  financial  position  of  Parent  and its
consolidated  Subsidiaries as at the dates thereof and the consolidated  results
of their operations and cash flows for the periods then ended.

VALIDITY.  This Agreement has been, and the documents to be delivered at Closing
will be, duly  executed and  delivered  by Parent and Merger Sub and  constitute
lawful,  valid and  legally  binding  obligations  of  Parent  and  Merger  Sub,
enforceable in accordance with their respective terms, except as the same may be
limited by bankruptcy,  insolvency and other laws  affecting  creditors'  rights
generally and by general equity principles.  None of the execution,  delivery or
performance of this Agreement and the Ancillary  Agreements and the consummation
of the transactions contemplated hereby or thereby by Parent or Merger Sub will,
with or without the giving of notice or the passage of time, or both,  result in
the creation of any lien,  charge or encumbrance of any kind or the acceleration
of any  indebtedness  or other  obligation  of Parent or Merger  Sub and are not
prohibited  by, do not violate or  conflict  with any  provision  of, and do not
result in a default under or a breach of (A) the Certificate of Incorporation or
Bylaws of either Parent or Merger Sub, (B) any note, bond, indenture,  contract,
agreement,  permit, license or other instrument to which Parent or Merger Sub is
a party or by which they are bound, (C) any order, writ,  injunction,  decree or
judgment of any court or governmental agency, or (D) any law, rule or regulation
applicable  to Parent or Merger  Sub,  except,  in each  case,  for such  liens,
charges,  encumbrances,  violations,  conflicts  or  defaults  the  creation  or
occurrence of which would not have a material adverse effect on the consolidated
business or results of operations or financial condition of Parent. No approval,
authorization,  consent or other  order or action of or filing  with any person,
including any court,  administrative  agency or other governmental  authority is
required  for the  execution  and  delivery  by  Parent  or  Merger  Sub of this
Agreement or its obligations  hereunder or the  consummation by Parent or Merger
Sub  of  the  transactions  contemplated  hereby,  except  for  such  approvals,
authorizations,  registrations, consents, orders, actions or filings the failure
of which to  obtain  or make  would not have a  material  adverse  effect on the
consolidated business or results of operations or financial condition of Parent.

LEGAL PROCEEDINGS. Neither Parent nor Merger Sub is engaged in or a party to or,
to the knowledge of Parent or Merger Sub,  threatened  with any action,  suit or
other legal proceeding involving the Merger or affecting their ability to engage
in the transactions contemplated hereby. Parent and Merger Sub have no knowledge
of any  investigation  involving  the Merger and the  transactions  contemplated
hereby pending or threatened by any governmental or regulatory authority, and to
the knowledge of Parent and Merger Sub, the Merger or transactions  contemplated
hereby are not subject to any judgment, order, writ, injunction,  stipulation or
decree of any court or any governmental agency.

HART-SCOTT-RODINO.   With  the  meaning  of  the   Hart-Scott-Rodino   Antitrust
Improvements  Act of 1976 (15  U.S.C.  ss.18a),  Bruce A. Shear  (including  all
entities the assets or sales of which are attributable to Mr. Shear for purposes
of such Act) has total  assets of less than  $100,000,000  and total  annual net
sales of less than  $100,000,000,  and  therefore no party to this  Agreement is
required  to file  notification  pursuant  to such  Act in  connection  with the

                                   ARTICLE IV

          The Company represents and warrants to Parent and Merger Sub as of the
date hereof as follows:

DUE ORGANIZATION.  The Company is a corporation which is duly organized, validly
existing  and in good  standing  under the laws of the State of New York and has
full power and authority to conduct its  business.  The Company has delivered to
Parent and Merger Sub a true,  correct and complete copy of its  Certificate  of
Incorporation and Bylaws.

SUBSIDIARY. The Company Sub is the sole, wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company.
The Company Sub is a corporation  which is duly organized,  validly existing and
in good  standing  under  the laws of the State of  Delaware.  The  Company  has
delivered  to Parent and Merger Sub a true,  correct  and  complete  copy of the
Company Sub's Certificate of Incorporation and Bylaws.

AUTHORITY.  The Company has full legal right,  power and authority,  without the
consent  of any other  person,  to  execute  and  deliver  this  Agreement,  the
Ancillary  Agreements  to which it is a party and to carry out the  transactions
contemplated  hereby and thereby,  except as noted on Schedule  4.3. All acts or
proceedings  required to be taken by the  Company to  authorize  the  execution,
delivery and  performance of this  Agreement,  the Ancillary  Agreements and all
transactions contemplated hereby and thereby including,  without limitation, any
required shareholder approval, have been duly and properly taken.

BOARD AND SHAREHOLDER APPROVAL. This Agreement and the transactions contemplated
hereby  have been  approved  and adopted by the  requisite  vote of the board of
directors and shareholders of the Company.

CAPITALIZATION.  The  authorized  capital  stock of the Company  consists of 200
shares of the Company Common Stock, of which, as of the date hereof,  160 shares
are  issued  and  outstanding  and 40 shares  are held in  treasury.  All of the
outstanding  shares of the Company  Common  Stock are duly  authorized,  validly
issued,  fully  paid and  nonassessable  and free of any  preemptive  rights  in
respect  thereto.  As of the date  hereof,  no Voting Debt of the Company or the
Company  Sub is  issued  or  outstanding.  As of the date  hereof,  there are no
existing  options,  warrants,  calls,  subscriptions  or other  rights  or other
agreements or  commitments  of any character  relating to the issued or unissued
capital stock or Voting Debt of the Company or the Company Sub or obligating the
Company or any of its  Subsidiaries  to issue,  transfer  or sell or cause to be
issued,  transferred  or sold any shares of capital  stock or Voting Debt of, or
other  equity  interests  in,  the  Company  or the  Company  Sub or  securities
convertible  into or  exchangeable  for  such  shares  of  equity  interests  or
obligating  the Company or the  Company  Sub to grant,  extend or enter into any
such  option,   warrant,  call,   subscription  or  other  right,  agreement  or
commitment.  The Company is not a party to any voting trust or other arrangement
or  understanding  with respect to the voting of the Company Common Stock. As of
the date hereof, there are no outstanding contractual obligations of the Company
or the  Company Sub to  repurchase,  redeem or  otherwise  acquire any shares of
capital  stock of the Company or the Company Sub. All shares of capital stock of
the  Company  Sub  are  owned  by the  Company  free  and  clear  of any  liens,
encumbrances,  claims,  charges,  limitations  or  restrictions  (including  any
restriction  on the right to vote,  sell or  otherwise  dispose of such  capital
stock or other ownership interests).  As of the Closing Date and at the Closing,
the  Stockholders  are and will be record  and  beneficial  owners of all of the
outstanding shares of the Company Common Stock.

EXECUTION,  DELIVERY AND PERFORMANCE.  This Agreement and the documents executed
and  delivered by the  Company,  the Company Sub and the  Stockholders  pursuant
hereto have been duly executed and delivered and  constitute  lawful,  valid and
legally   binding   obligations  of  the  Company,   the  Company  Sub  and  the
Stockholders,  enforceable in accordance with their respective terms,  except as
the same may be  limited by  bankruptcy,  insolvency  and other  laws  affecting
creditors'  rights  generally  and by  general  equity  principles.  None of the
execution,   delivery  or  performance  of  this  Agreement  and  the  Ancillary
Agreements  and the  consummation  of the  transactions  contemplated  hereby or
thereby by the  Company,  the  Company  Sub or the  Stockholders  will,  with or
without  the  giving of notice or the  passage of time,  or both,  result in the
creation of any lien,  charge or encumbrance  of any kind or the  termination or
acceleration of any indebtedness or other obligation of the Company, the Company
Sub or the  Stockholders  and are not  prohibited by, do not violate or conflict
with any provision of, and do not  constitute a default under or a breach of (A)
the  Certificate  of  Incorporation  of the Company or the Company  Sub, (B) any
note, bond, indenture,  contract, agreement, permit, license or other instrument
to which the Company,  the  Stockholders  or the Company Sub or their assets are
bound,  (C) any order,  writ,  injunction,  decree or  judgment  of any court or
governmental  agency,  or (D) any  law,  rule or  regulation  applicable  to the
Company,  the  Stockholders or the Company Sub,  except,  in each case, for such
liens, charges, encumbrances,  violations,  conflicts or defaults the occurrence
of which would not have a material  adverse effect on the business or results of
operations or financial condition of the Company and the Company Sub, taken as a
whole. No approval, authorization,  registration, consent, order or other action
of or filing  with any person,  including  any court,  administrative  agency or
other governmental  authority, is required for the execution and delivery by the
Company and the Stockholders of this Agreement,  the Ancillary Agreements or the
performance of its obligations  hereunder or the consummation by the Company and
the Company Sub of the Merger and the transactions  contemplated hereby,  except
for such approvals, authorizations,  registrations, consents, orders, actions or
filings the failure of which to obtain or make would not have a material adverse
effect on the business or results of  operations  or financial  condition of the
Company and the Company Sub, taken as a whole.

INCOME TAX RETURNS.  The federal and state income tax returns of the Company and
the Company Sub for the three years  ended  December  31, 1995  (except New York
State  and City  returns  for  1995)  attached  hereto  as  Schedule  4.7 are in
accordance  with the books of account and records of the  Company,  which are in
compliance  with  law in all  material  respects,  as of the  dates  and for the
periods indicated.

ERISA.  (a)  Schedule  4.8  contains  a true and  complete  list of each  bonus,
deferred compensation,  incentive  compensation,  stock purchase,  stock option,
severance or termination pay,  vacation,  sick leave,  hospitalization  or other
medical,   life  or  other  insurance,   supplemental   unemployment   benefits,
profit-sharing,  pension, or retirement plan, program, agreement or arrangement,
and each  other  employee  benefit  plan,  program,  agreement  or  arrangement,
sponsored,  maintained or contributed to or required to be contributed to within
two years prior to the date  hereof by the Company or by any trade or  business,
whether or not  incorporated  (an "ERISA  Affiliate"),  that  together  with the
Company  would be deemed a 'single  employer'  within  the  meaning  of  Section
4001(b) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended,  and
the rules and regulations  promulgated thereunder ("ERISA"),  for the benefit of
any employee or former employee of the Company or any ERISA  Affiliate,  whether
formal or informal and whether  legally  binding or not (the "Plans").  Schedule
4.8  identifies  each of the Plans that is an "employee  benefit  plan," as that
term is defined in Section 3(3) of ERISA (such plans being hereinafter  referred
to  collectively  as the "ERISA  Plans").  Except as disclosed in Schedule  4.8,
neither the Company nor any ERISA  Affiliate has any formal plan or  commitment,
whether  legally  binding  or not,  to create any  additional  Plan or modify or
change any existing Plan that would affect any employee or  terminated  employee
of the Company or any ERISA  Affiliate or to increase the cost or  obligation of
any  existing  Plan to the  Company or any ERISA  Affiliate.  Each Plan is being
terminated  immediately prior to the Closing without liability to the Company as
a result of such  termination  or for the payment of any benefits  prior to such

          (b) With  respect to each of the Plans,  the  Company  has  heretofore
delivered or made available to Parent and Merger Sub true and complete copies of
each of the following documents:

          (i) a copy of the Plan currently in effect (if it is in writing);

          (ii) a copy of the  annual  report,  if  required  under  ERISA,  with
respect to each such Plan for the last two Plan years for which such a report is
due as of the date hereof;

          (iii) a copy of the most recent  Summary  Plan  Description,  together
with each subsequent Summary of Material Modifications,  if required under ERISA
with respect to such Plan;

          (iv) if the Plan is funded  through a trust or any third party funding
vehicle,  a copy of the trust or other funding  agreement as currently in effect
and the latest financial statements thereof;
          (v) all  contracts  relating  to the Plans  with  respect to which the
Company  or any ERISA  Affiliate  may have any  material  liability,  including,
without  limitation,  insurance  contracts,  investment  management  agreements,
subscription and participation agreements and record keeping agreements; and

          (vi) the most recent  determination  letter received from the Internal
Revenue Service with respect to each Plan that is intended to be qualified under
Section 401 of the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986,  as from time to time amended
(the "Code").

          (c) None of the ERISA  Plans are (or ever have been)  subject to Title

          (d) Neither the Company nor any ERISA Affiliate,  nor any of the ERISA
Plans,  nor any trust  created  thereunder,  has  engaged  in a  transaction  in
connection  with  which the  Company  or any ERISA  Affiliate,  any of the ERISA
Plans,  any such trust, or any trustee or  administrator  thereof,  or any party
dealing  with the ERISA  Plans or any such  trust  could be  subject to either a
material  civil penalty  assessed  pursuant to Section 409,  502(i) or 502(l) of
ERISA or a tax imposed pursuant to Section 4975 or 4976 of the Code.

          (e) Full  payment has been made,  or will be made in  accordance  with
Section  404(a)(6)  of the Code,  of all amounts  which the Company or any ERISA
Affiliate  is  required  to pay under  the terms of each of the ERISA  Plans and
Section  412 of the Code,  and all such  amounts  properly  accrued  through the
Effective Time with respect to the current plan year thereof will be paid by the
Company  prior  to the  Effective  Time  or  will be  properly  recorded  on the
Company's financial statements.

          (f) None of the ERISA Plans is a "multiemployer pension plan," as such
term is defined in Section 3(37) of ERISA.
          (g)  Each of the  Plans  has been  operated  and  administered  in all
material respects in accordance with applicable laws,  including but not limited
to ERISA and the Code.

          (h) (1) Each of the ERISA  Plans that is  intended  to be  "qualified"
within the  meaning  of Section  401(a) of the Code  satisfies  in all  material
respects the requirements of such Section; and

          (2)  Each  of  the  ERISA  Plans  that  is  intended  to  satisfy  the
requirements  of Section 125 or 501(c)(9) of the Code  satisfies in all material
respects the requirements of such Section.

          (i) Except as disclosed in Schedule 4.8, no "leased employee," as that
term is defined in Section 414(n) of the Code, performs services for the Company
or any ERISA Affiliate.

          (j) Except as disclosed in Schedule  4.8, no Plan  provides  benefits,
including without limitation death or medical benefits (whether or not insured),
with  respect  to  current  or  former   employees  after  retirement  or  other
termination of service other than (i) coverage  mandated by applicable law, (ii)
death,  retirement or other benefits under any "employee  pension plan," as that
term is defined in Section 3(2) of ERISA, (iii) deferred  compensation  benefits
accrued as liabilities  on the financial  statements of the Company or the ERISA
Affiliates  or (iv)  benefits  the full cost of which is borne by the current or
former employee (or his beneficiary).

          (k)  The  consummation  of  the  transactions   contemplated  by  this
Agreement will not (i) entitle any current or former  employee of the Company to
severance pay, employment  compensation or any other payment,  benefit or award,
(ii) accelerate the time of payment,  or vesting,  or increase the amount of any
benefit,  award or  compensation  due any such  employee or (iii)  constitute  a
"prohibited  transaction"  under  ERISA or the Code for  which an  exemption  is
unavailable.  No amounts  payable under the Plans will fail to be deductible for
federal income tax purposes by virtue of Section 28OG of the Code.

          (l)  There  are  no  pending,  threatened  or  anticipated  claims  or
proceedings  against  any  Plan or  otherwise  involving  any  such  Plan by any
employee or  beneficiary  covered under any such Plan (other than routine claims
for benefits under the Plans) or by or before any governmental agency.

REAL PROPERTY AND REAL ESTATE  LEASES.  Schedule 4.9 sets forth a true,  correct
and complete  list of all real estate  owned,  leased or used by the Company and
the  Company  Sub  including  identification  of the street  address and list of
contracts,  agreements,  leases,  subleases,  options and  commitments,  oral or
written, affecting such real estate or any interest therein to which the Company
or the  Company  Sub is a party or by which  any of its  interests  in such real
property is bound (the "Real  Estate  Leases").  The Company  has  delivered  to
Parent and Merger Sub accurate,  correct and complete copies of each Real Estate
Lease.  Any consents or approvals of any parties required in connection with the
assignment  of the Real Estate  Leases will be  obtained  prior to the  Closing,
except as noted on Schedule  4.9.  Each Real  Estate  Lease is in full force and
effect and, to the knowledge of the Company and the Company Sub, there exists no
default or event, occurrence, condition or act which, with the giving of notice,
the lapse of time or the  happening  of any further  event or  condition,  would
become a default under such lease.

OPERATING EQUIPMENT.  Set forth on Schedule 4.10 is a true, correct and complete
list of all of the equipment,  furnishings,  fixtures and other property  owned,
leased or used by the Company  and the Company Sub in the conduct and  operation
of their business (the "Operating Equipment").  The Operating Equipment owned by
the Company and the Company Sub is owned by the Company or the Company Sub, free
and clear of all liens and  encumbrances.  The Operating  Equipment,  taken as a
whole,  is in good  operating  condition  and  repair in all  material  respects
(reasonable  wear and tear  excepted) and is suitable for the purposes for which
it is presently being used.  Each lease of Operating  Equipment is in full force
and effect and, to the  knowledge  of the  Company  and the Company  Sub,  there
exists no default or event, occurrence,  condition or act which, with the giving
of notice, the lapse of time or the happening of any further event or condition,
would become a default under such lease.

EMPLOYEE MATTERS. (a) CONTRACTS. Schedule 4.11(a) sets forth a true, correct and
complete  list  and  summary  description  of all  agreements,  arrangements  or
understandings,  written or oral, with officers,  directors and employees of the
Company  and the  Company  Sub  regarding  services  to be  rendered,  terms and
conditions of employment, and compensation (the "Employment Contracts"), each of
which  will be  terminated  at or prior to Closing  except as noted on  Schedule
          (b)  COMPENSATION.  Schedule  4.11(b)  sets forth a true,  correct and
complete  list of all  employees of the Company and the Company  Sub,  including
name, title or position,  the present annual  compensation  (including  bonuses,
commissions,  vacation, sick leave and deferred compensation),  years of service
and any  interests in any incentive  compensation  plan.  Schedule  4.11(b) sets
forth a correct and complete  list of each  employee who may become  entitled to
receive supplementary  retirement benefits or allowances,  whether pursuant to a
contractual obligation or otherwise, and the estimated amounts of such payments.
          (c) DISPUTES.  There are no controversies pending or, to the knowledge
of the Company or the Company Sub, threatened involving any employee or group of
employees. Neither the Company nor the Company Sub has suffered or sustained any
work  stoppage and no such work  stoppage is, to the knowledge of the Company or
the  Company  Sub,  threatened.  No  union  organizing  or  election  activities
involving  any  nonunion  employees  of the  Company or the  Company  Sub are in
progress or, to the  knowledge  of the Company or the Company  Sub,  threatened.
Neither the Company nor the Company  Sub is  obligated  under any  agreement  to
recognize or bargain with any labor or employee  organization or union on behalf
of any employees.

LICENSES AND PERMITS.  Schedule 4.12 contains a true,  correct and complete list
and  summary  description  of  each  license,  permit,  certificate,   approval,
exemption,  franchise,  registration,  variance,  accreditation or authorization
issued to the  Company  and the Company Sub  (collectively,  the  "Licenses  and
Permits").  All such Licenses and Permits  remain in full force and effect,  and
there  are no  notices  relating  to the  withdrawal  of any  such  approval  or
requiring any  modification of a product in order to preserve any such approval.
The  Licenses  and  Permits are valid and in full force and effect and there are
not pending, or, to the knowledge of the Company or the Company Sub, threatened,
any proceedings which could result in the termination, revocation, limitation or
impairment  of any of the Licenses and Permits.  The Company and the Company Sub
have all licenses, permits,  certificates,  approvals,  exemptions,  franchises,
registrations,   variances,  accreditations  and  other  authorizations  as  are
necessary,  required or  appropriate  in order to enable them to own and conduct
business and,  except as set forth in Schedule 4.9, to occupy and lease the real
property subject to the Real Estate Leases.  No violations have been recorded in
respect of any Licenses and Permits, and neither the Company nor the Company Sub
knows of any meritorious basis therefor.

CONTRACTS AND COMMITMENTS. The following Schedules set forth certain information
with respect to contracts and commitments of the Company and the Company Sub:
          (a) Schedule  4.13(a) sets forth a true,  complete and correct list of
all written or oral leases of personal  property utilized by the Company and the
Company Sub in the conduct of their business as of the date hereof.

          (b) Schedule 4.13(b) sets forth (i) a true,  complete and correct list
as of the date hereof of all  written or oral  customer  contracts  to which the
Company or the Company  Sub is a party and  pursuant to which the Company or the
Company Sub performs services in the ordinary course of business.

          (c) Schedule  4.13(c) sets forth a true,  correct and complete list of
all written or oral contracts and agreements between the Company and the Company
Sub, on the one hand,  and any  suppliers,  vendors  and the like,  on the other

          (d) Schedule  4.13(d) sets forth a true,  correct and complete list of
all  guarantees  and loans  entered into by the Company or the Company Sub. Each
contract on Schedule  4.13 is in full force and effect and, to the  knowledge of
the Company and the Company Sub,  there exists no default or event,  occurrence,
condition  or act which,  with the  giving of  notice,  the lapse of time or the
happening of any further event or  condition,  would become a default under such

TAXES. All federal,  foreign,  state, county and other tax returns,  reports and
declarations  required to be filed by or on behalf of the Company or the Company
Sub for the three year period ended December 31, 1995 (except New York State and
City  returns  for 1995)  have been  filed and such  returns  are  complete  and
accurate  in all  material  respects.  As of the time of filing,  the  foregoing
returns  correctly  reflected in all material  respects the facts  regarding the
income, business, assets, operations, activities, status or other matters of the
Company  and the  Company  Sub or any  other  information  required  to be shown
thereon and complied in all material  respects  with  applicable  law. No issues
have been raised and are currently pending by any taxing authority in connection
with any of the returns.  No extension of time in which to file any such returns
and  reports  is in  effect.  All  taxes,  including  estimated  taxes  and  all
deficiency  assessments,  penalties  and interest  relating to any period ending
prior to the date  hereof  have  been  paid.  All  taxes  required  by law to be
withheld or collected  for payment have been duly  withheld and  collected,  and
have  been paid to the  proper  governmental  entity  or are  being  held by the
Company or the Company Sub for such payment.

LEGAL PROCEEDINGS. Except as set forth in Schedule 4.15, neither the Company nor
the Company Sub is engaged in or a party to or, to the  knowledge of the Company
or the Company Sub,  threatened with any action,  suit,  proceeding,  complaint,
charge,  hearing,  investigation  or  arbitration  or other  method of  settling
disputes or  disagreements;  and, upon due inquiry,  neither the Company nor the
Company Sub knows of,  anticipates or has notice of any reasonable basis for any
such action.  Neither the Company nor the Company Sub has received notice of any
investigation threatened or contemplated by any foreign, federal, state or local
governmental  or regulatory  authority,  including those involving the safety of
products,  the working  conditions of  employees,  the  employment  practices or
policies,  or compliance  with  environmental  or tax  regulations.  Neither the
Company nor the Company Sub is subject to any judgment, order, writ, injunction,
stipulation or decree of any court or any governmental agency or any arbitrator.

INVESTMENTS.  Neither the Company nor the Company Sub owns any securities issued
by any  business  organization  or  governmental  authority,  other than certain
certificates  of deposit  and money  market fund shares in which the Company and
the Company Sub invest liquid funds in the ordinary  course of their  respective

CONDUCT OF BUSINESS.  Except as set forth on Schedule  4.17,  since December 31,
1995 (the "Balance Sheet Date"), each the Company and the Company Sub has:

          (a) used its best  efforts to promote its  successful  operations  and
earning power, and to conduct its business only in the ordinary course,  and has
used its best efforts to preserve its business, including without limitation (i)
the  servicing  of all  customer  needs,  (ii) the  maintenance  of  customers',
suppliers' and employees'  goodwill and (iii) the maintenance of all real estate
used by the Company and the Company Sub  including all  maintenance,  repair and
replacements  which  are  required  in  order  for the  continued  operation  of

          (b) not sold or otherwise disposed of any of its material fixed assets
or equipment, except for replacements and dispositions in the ordinary course;

          (c) not made any material  change or incurred any obligation to make a
change in its  Certificate  of  Incorporation,  Bylaws,  or authorized or issued
capital stock other than as contemplated by this Agreement;

          (d) not made any change with respect to its  executive  personnel  and
banking  arrangements  and other  than as  disclosed  in this  Agreement  or the
Schedules attached hereto;
          (e) not  incurred  or become  subject to, or agreed to incur or become
subject to, any  obligations or  liabilities  (absolute or  contingent),  except
current  liabilities  incurred,  and  obligations  entered into, in the ordinary
course of business;

          (f) not suffered any extraordinary loss;

          (g) not made,  paid or agreed to make any  increases in the  salaries,
wages or fringe benefits (including bonus arrangements and deferred compensation
plans) payable or to become payable,  to any employee or shareholder,  above the
scales  existing  on the  Balance  Sheet  Date  other  than with  respect of the

          (h) not incurred any obligations, other than in the ordinary course of
its business, or borrowed or agreed to borrow any funds;

          (i) not  introduced  any new  method of  accounting  in respect of its
business or any of the assets, properties or rights applicable thereto; or

          (j) not made any  distributions  or transferred any property to or for
the account of any Stockholder or any associate thereof nor declared or paid any
dividend in respect of any stock of the Company or the Company  Sub,  other than
cash;  provided,  the real property located at 9419 59th Street,  Elmhurst,  New
York  may be  sold or  otherwise  disposed  of,  to or for  the  account  of any
Stockholder or any associate thereof.

COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE LAWS.  Except as set forth on Schedule 4.18,  neither
the  Company  nor  the  Company  Sub  is in  violation  of any  applicable  law,
regulation,  ordinance,  decree,  judgment, order or requirement relating to its
assets or  properties  or the  operation  of its  business,  including,  without
limitation,  any  law,  regulation,  ordinance,  decree,  order  or  requirement
relating to zoning,  employment,  occupational  safety or public health matters,
the failure  with which to comply  would have a material  adverse  effect on its
business.  Without  limitation  of the  foregoing,  neither  the Company nor the
Company  Sub has  taken or  omitted  to take any  action,  and no  situation  or
condition  has occurred or exists prior to or on the Closing  Date, in violation
or  noncompliance  with  any  statute,  law,  regulation,  directive  or  permit
requirement  promulgated  or  adopted  by any  governmental  authority  (whether
federal,  state or  local)  or  under  common  law with  respect  to  health  or
occupational safety,  including, but not limited to, the Occupational Safety and
Health  Act  and  regulations  and  publications  promulgated  pursuant  to such
statute, as amended from time to time until the Closing Date.

UNDISCLOSED  LIABILITIES.  Except as set forth on Schedule  4.19 or otherwise in
this Agreement,  neither the Company nor the Company Sub has any debt, liability
or  obligation  of  any  nature  (whether  accrued,  absolute,   contingent,  or

BANKING RELATIONSHIPS. All arrangements which the Company or the Company Sub has
with any banking  institution  are set forth in Schedule  4.20,  which  Schedule
describes in general the nature of each of such arrangements.

INSURANCE.  All  insurance  policies  and  arrangements  of the  Company and the
Company Sub are set forth on Schedule 4.21.  Said  insurance is consistent  with
that  maintained  by the  Company  and the  Company  Sub in the  past.  All such
insurance  is in force and neither the Company nor the Company Sub has  received
notice of  cancellation  of, or of an intent to cancel,  any of its  policies of
insurance. No claims are pending under such insurance coverage.

MINUTE BOOKS. The minute books of the Company do not omit records required to be
in such minute books of any material action taken by its  shareholders and board
of directors, and such minute books are accurate in all material respects.

CASH FLOW.  The average  monthly cash  receipts less cash  disbursements  in the
ordinary course of business of the Company and the Company Sub on a consolidated
basis,  determined in accordance with generally accepted accounting  principles,
consistently  applied,  during the nine month  period ended  September  30, 1996
exceeds $100,000. For purposes of the foregoing sentence, (i) cash disbursements
include  compensation  in favor of  Mansdorf,  his spouse and Burstein at annual
rates of $125,000, $35,000 and $125,000,  respectively, and (ii) additional cash
disbursements  in favor of  Mansdorf,  Burstein  and  their  spouses  have  been

DISCLOSURE.  No representation or warranty of the Company and the Company Sub in
this Agreement, and no information,  statement or certificate furnished or to be
furnished  by or on behalf of the Company  and the Company Sub  pursuant to this
Agreement, or in connection with the transactions  contemplated hereby, contains
or shall contain any untrue statement of material fact or omits or shall omit to
state a material fact necessary to make the  statements  contained  therein,  in
light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading.

ABSENCE OF CERTAIN  CHANGES.  Since the Balance  Sheet  Date,  there has been no
material  adverse  change in the  financial  condition  or  business  prospects,
properties,  assets, liabilities,  business or operations of the Company and the
Company Sub, taken as a whole.

SUFFOLK COUNTY.  The Company  currently  provides services to the Suffolk County
Municipal  Employees  Benefit Fund ("Fund")  pursuant to an oral  month-to-month
contract which is a successor to a written  contract between the Company and the
Fund which  expired in 1992 and receives  monthly  income  pursuant to such oral
contact of approximately  $6,500,  which amount has been received within 30 days
of billing.  Services  provided to the Fund pursuant to the oral Fund  contract,
and the  predecessor  written  contract,  are limited to  assessment  counseling
referral and  follow-up.  No  professional  psychological  services are provided
under such contract.
                               ARTICLE V


          The Company  covenants and agrees that,  prior to the Effective  Time,
the business of the Company and the Company Sub shall have been conducted in the
ordinary  and  usual  course in  substantially  the same  manner  as  heretofore
conducted,  and  reasonable  efforts  have been made to  preserve  intact  their
respective  business  organizations  and their working capital,  to continue the
accuracy of the  representations  and warranties  contained in Article IV and to
keep available the services of their present  directors,  officers and employees
and preserve their  relationships  with  customers,  suppliers and others having
business  dealings with them to the end that their goodwill and ongoing business
shall not be impaired in any material respect pending the Merger.

                                   ARTICLE VI
                              ADDITIONAL AGREEMENTS

ACCESS TO INFORMATION.  Upon reasonable notice and subject to applicable law and
appropriate security regulations and restrictions,  the Company shall (and shall
cause the  Company  Sub to)  afford  to the  officers,  employees,  accountants,
counsel  and other  representatives  of Parent and Merger  Sub,  access,  during
normal  business hours during the period prior to the Effective Time, to all its
properties,  books, contracts,  commitments and records and, during such period,
subject to  applicable  law, the Company  shall (and shall cause the Company Sub
to) furnish  promptly to Parent and Merger Sub all  information  concerning  its
business,  properties  and  personnel  as Parent or  Merger  Sub may  reasonably
request.  Unless otherwise  required by law, Parent and Merger Sub will hold any
such  information  which is  nonpublic  in  confidence  until  such time as such
information  otherwise  becomes  publicly  available  through no wrongful act of
Parent or Merger Sub, and in the event of  termination of this Agreement for any
reason  Parent or Merger  Sub shall  promptly  return  all  nonpublic  documents
obtained  from  the  Company  and  Company  Sub,  and  any  copies  made of such
documents,  to the  Company  and  Company  Sub.  Paragraph  H of the  letter  of
agreement  between Parent and the shareholders of the Company  immediately prior
to the Effective  Time dated July 31, 1996, a copy of which is annexed hereto as
Exhibit B, is  incorporated  by  reference  herein and shall be binding upon and
enforceable against the parties hereto.

LEGAL  CONDITIONS TO MERGER.  Each of the Company,  the Company Sub,  Parent and
Merger Sub will take all reasonable  actions  necessary to comply  promptly with
all legal requirements which may be imposed on itself with respect to the Merger
(which actions shall include, without limitation,  furnishing all information in
connection with approvals of or filings with any other governmental  entity) and
will promptly cooperate with and furnish information to each other in connection
with any such requirements imposed upon any of them or any of their Subsidiaries
in connection with the Merger. Each of the Company,  the Company Sub, Parent and
Merger Sub will, and will cause its Subsidiaries to, take all reasonable actions
necessary  to obtain  (and will  cooperate  with each  other in  obtaining)  any
consent,  authorization,  order  or  approval  of,  or  any  exemption  by,  any
governmental  entity or other  public or private  third  party,  required  to be
obtained or made by Parent, Merger Sub, the Company or any of their Subsidiaries
in connection with the Merger or the taking of any action  contemplated  thereby
or by this Agreement or the Ancillary Agreements.

STOCK EXCHANGE  LISTING.  Parent shall use its reasonable  best efforts to cause
the shares of Parent Stock to be issued in the Merger to be registered under the
Securities Act in accordance with the Registration Rights Agreement,  subject to
the  limitations  thereof,  and  to be  approved  for  trading  or  listing,  as
applicable,  on the principal stock exchange on which such shares are traded and
any other national securities exchange or market on which shares of Parent Stock
may at such time be listed, subject to official notice of issuance.


          (a) The Company shall promptly notify Parent of:

          (i) any notice of, or other  communication  relating  to, a default or
event  which,  with  notice or lapse of time or both,  would  become a  default,
received  by the  Company  or the  Company  Sub  subsequent  to the date of this
Agreement  and prior to the  Effective  Time,  under any  agreement to which the
Company or the Company Sub is a party or to which the Company or the Company Sub
or any of their respective properties or assets may be subject or bound;

          (ii) any notice or other  communication  from any third party alleging
that the consent of such third party is or may be  required in  connection  with
the transactions contemplated by this Agreement;

          (iii) any notice or other  communication from any governmental  entity
in connection with the transactions contemplated hereby;

          (iv)  any  actions,   suits,   claims,   investigations,   rule-making
initiatives  or  proceedings  commenced  or,  to  the  best  of  its  knowledge,
threatened against,  relating to or involving or otherwise affecting the Company
and the  Company  Sub  which,  if pending  on the date  hereof,  would have been
required  to  have  been  disclosed  by  the  Company  or  which  relate  to the
consummation of the Merger; and

          (v) any event having a material  adverse effect on the Company and the
Company Sub taken as a whole or which renders inaccurate in any material respect
any representation or warranty contained in Article IV.

          (b) Parent shall promptly notify the Company of:

          (i) any notice or other  communication  from any third party  alleging
that the consent of such third party is or may be  required in  connection  with
the transactions contemplated by this Agreement; or

          (ii) any notice or other communication from any governmental entity in
connection with the transactions contemplated hereby.

SUPPLEMENTAL  DISCLOSURE.  The Company  shall  promptly  supplement or amend the
documents or information  disclosed  herein with respect to any material  matter
hereafter  arising or discovered which, if existing or known at the date hereof,
would have been  required  to be  disclosed;  PROVIDED,  HOWEVER,  that any such
supplemental or amended disclosure shall not be deemed to have been disclosed as
of the date  hereof  unless so agreed to in  writing by Parent and Merger Sub in
their sole discretion.

ADDITIONAL AGREEMENTS; BEST EFFORTS. Subject to the terms and conditions of this
Agreement,  each of the parties hereto agrees to use reasonable  best efforts to
take,  or cause to be taken,  all  action  and to do,  or cause to be done,  all
things  necessary,  proper or advisable under applicable laws and regulations to
consummate and make effective the  transactions  contemplated  by this Agreement
and the Ancillary  Agreements.  In case at any time after the Effective Time any
further  action is  necessary  or  desirable  to carry out the  purposes of this
Agreement,  the proper  officers and  directors of each party to this  Agreement
shall take all such necessary  action.  To the extent any consent or approval of
any party  required in connection  with the assignment of the Real Estate Leases
has not been  obtained,  and the  Surviving  Corporation  or the  Company Sub is
adversely affected, the Stockholders shall pay any losses resulting therefrom.

RECORD  RETENTION.  Parent  will  retain  and  maintain,  in  an  organized  and
retrievable manner, in accordance with past practice of the Company prior to the
Merger,  all documents and records of the Company and the Company Sub pertaining
to the  periods  before the Closing  Date  transferred  hereunder  and shall not
destroy any such  records or  documents.  Parent will  retain and  maintain  all
machine-sensible records, such as computer tapes, disks, diskettes,  etc., which
are  considered  books and records  within the meaning of Internal  Revenue Code
Section 6001, in accordance  with Internal  Revenue  Service  Revenue  Procedure
91-59.  Parent will make available such documents and records,  machine-sensible
records,  computer  time,  and,  at the  reasonable  expense  of the  requesting
Stockholder,  reasonable assistance from Parent's personnel as may be reasonably
requested  by Mansdorf or  Burstein  in order to  expeditiously  comply with all
pertinent   requests  from  the  Internal   Revenue  Service  and  state  taxing
authorities  which relate to periods  prior to the Closing  Date. In addition to
the  foregoing,  following the Closing  Date,  Parent shall grant to Mansdorf or
Burstein,  and his  representatives,  at their  reasonable  request,  reasonable
access to and the right to make copies of those records and documents related to
the Company and the Company Sub prior to the Closing Date. Mansdorf and Burstein
shall  prepare and file the  federal,  state and city tax returns of the Company
and the  Company  Sub with  respect  to  periods  prior to the  Closing  Date in
accordance  with the books and records of such companies and in accordance  with
applicable laws and shall pay any tax due therewith.

EMPLOYMENT  WITH  THE  BUSINESS.  Prior  to  the  Closing,  Parent  shall  offer
employment  in the  Surviving  Corporation  and the Company  Sub,  without  term
certain,  to each of the individuals  listed in Schedule 6.8, and at the same or
greater cash rate of compensation as that provided by the Company or the Company
Sub immediately  before the Closing Date,  without requiring  relocation of such
individuals.  The Surviving  Corporation has the right to terminate any employee
in accordance with any agreement entered into by such employee and the Surviving
Corporation from and after the closing and applicable law.

          (b)  Prior  to the  Closing,  Parent  shall  offer  employment  in the
Surviving  Corporation  to  Burstein  pursuant  to the  terms of the  Employment
Agreement, substantially in such form as is annexed hereto as Exhibit C.

CONSULTING  AGREEMENTS.  Prior  to  the  Closing  Date,  Parent  shall  offer  a
consulting  arrangement in the Surviving Corporation to Mansdorf pursuant to the
terms of the  Consulting  Agreement,  substantially  in such form as is  annexed
hereto as Exhibit D.

ACCOUNTS  RECEIVABLE.   The  Surviving  Corporation  shall  employ  commercially
reasonable  methods consistent with the past practices of the Company to collect
within  one  hundred  eighty  (180)  days after the  Closing  Date all  accounts
receivable of the Company and Company Sub for all periods prior to and including
the  Closing  Date.  Such  methods  shall be  employed  be at no  charge  to the
Stockholders  and shall  include no more than the  following  number of hours of
those continuing  employees of the Surviving  Corporation  previously engaged in
collection  activities:  (i) unlimited hours during the 30- day period after the
Closing Date; (ii) 20 hours during the next 30-day period; (iii) 15 hours during
the next 30-day period;  and (iv) 10 hours during each successive  30-day period
thereafter until the 180th day after the Closing Date. The Surviving Corporation
shall not be required to initiate any claim,  suit or proceeding to collect such
accounts or to take any action  which  materially  interferes  with the business
relationship of the obligor of any such account.

                                   ARTICLE VII

Subsidiaries shall operate their businesses in a commercially  reasonable manner
so as to preserve the business of the Surviving  Corporation and the Company Sub
and their  working  capital,  and to preserve  the  goodwill  of its  customers,
suppliers and others having business dealings with the Surviving Corporation and
Company Sub to the end that the goodwill and ongoing  business of the  Surviving
Corporation  and the Company Sub shall not be impaired in any  material  respect
after  the  Effective  Time.   Parent   covenants  that  neither   Parent,   its
Subsidiaries,  the Surviving  Corporation nor the Company Sub shall, directly or
indirectly, engage in any activity that knowingly would impact negatively on the
business of the Surviving  Corporation  and the Company Sub and the right of the
shareholders of the Company immediately prior to the Closing Date to receive the
Merger  Consideration  described in Section 1.7 hereof.  The  provisions of this
Section 7.1 shall  survive  until any and all  obligations  of Parent to pay the
Merger Consideration, including that based on Earn Out Income, terminate.

that it shall not,  directly  or  indirectly,  induce,  influence  or attempt to
induce or influence any person, firm or corporation to terminate their patronage
with the  Surviving  Corporation  or the  Company  Sub, or in any way attempt to
divert or influence patients from professionals or professional  entities served
by the Surviving  Corporation.  The provisions of this Section 7.2 shall survive
until the fourth anniversary of the Closing Date.

CERTAIN   OPERATIONAL   MATTERS.   Except  as   noted   below,    the  following
actions shall require the written approval of
                         Mansdorf and Burstein:

                  (a) engagement by the Surviving  Corporation or any Subsidiary
                  thereof  in  any  trade,   business  or  activity  other  than
                  providing  psychotherapy  services or the  management  of such
                  services or any other services provided by the Company and the
                  Company Sub as of the Closing; and

                  (b) the acquisition, either by merger, consolidation, purchase
                  or  otherwise,  by  Parent  or any of  its  Affiliates  of any
                  psychotherapy  practice  or provider  of  management  services
                  thereto  located  within  100  miles of New York  City  unless
                  Mansdorf  and  Burstein  shall have  received  an  Acquisition
                  Notice with respect  thereto in accordance with Section 1.7(e)
                  as if the  Surviving  Corporation  or any of its  Subsidiaries
                  were making the acquisition; and

                  (c) transactions  between the Surviving  Corporation or any of
                  its  Subsidiaries,   on  the  one  hand,  and  Parent  or  its
                  Affiliates  or any of  their  Officers  or  Directors  (or any
                  Associates  of any such  person) (as such terms are defined in
                  Rule 405 promulgated  under the Securities  Act), on the other
                  hand,  (i) except no  approval  is  required to the extent the
                  only   obligation  of  the  Surviving   Corporation   and  its
                  Subsidiaries   is  to  pay  management  or  similar  fees  not
                  reflected  in Earn Out  Income,  (ii)  except no  approval  is
                  required for transactions where any expenses arising therefrom
                  represent  arm's-length  arrangements,  and  (iii)  except  no
                  approval  is  required  for  transactions  that  result  in no
                  expense reflected in Earn Out Income; and

                  (d) the guarantee by the Surviving  Corporation  or any of its
                  Subsidiaries of the indebtedness of others, except no approval
                  is required where any expenses of the Surviving Corporation or
                  any of its  Subsidiaries  arising  out of such  guarantee  are
                  disregarded in calculating Earn Out Income; and

                  (e)  the   borrowing  of  money  or  the   assumption  of  the
                  indebtedness  of others  (except  for  working  capital  or in
                  connection with  Acquisitions  for which Mansdorf and Burstein
                  shall have received an Acquisition  Notice in accordance  with
                  Section  1.7(e))  or the  lending  of money  by the  Surviving
                  Corporation or any of its Subsidiaries,  except no approval is
                  required  where any expenses of the Surviving  Corporation  or
                  any  of  its  Subsidiaries  arising  out  of  such  borrowing,
                  assumption or lending are disregarded in calculating  Earn Out
                  Income; and

                  (f) contracts or obligations other than in the ordinary course
                  of business binding on the Surviving Corporation or any of its
                  Subsidiaries  (except for  Acquisitions for which Mansdorf and
                  Burstein  shall  have  received  an   Acquisition   Notice  in
                  accordance  with  Section  1.7(e)),   except  no  approval  is
                  required where expenses of the Surviving Corporation or any of
                  its Subsidiaries  arising out of such contracts or obligations
                  are disregarded in calculating Earn Out Income; and

                  (g)  increase  in  number  of,  or  compensation  payable  to,
                  officers,  directors or employees of the Surviving Corporation
                  or any of its Subsidiaries, except no approval is required for
                  hiring or retention of any additional officer or employee,  or
                  any  additional  compensation,   where  any  expenses  arising
                  therefrom represent an arm's-length arrangement; and

                  (h) capital expenditures by the Surviving  Corporation and its
                  Subsidiaries  (except with respect to  Acquisitions  for which
                  Mansdorf  and  Burstein  shall have  received  an  Acquisition
                  Notice in  accordance  with  Section  1.7(e)),  (i)  except no
                  approval  is  required  for  capital  expenditures  reasonably
                  necessary  for the business of the Surviving  Corporation  and
                  its  Subsidiaries  to the extent  aggregate  depreciation  and
                  amortization  resulting from such capital  expenditures do not
                  exceed $37,500 in any Fiscal Year, and (ii) except no approval
                  is  required  where any  depreciation,  amortization  or other
                  expenses  of  the   Surviving   Corporation   or  any  of  its
                  Subsidiaries  arising out of such expenditures are disregarded
                  in calculating Earn Out Income.

                                  ARTICLE VIII

obligations of each party to effect the Merger shall be subject at its option to
the fulfillment at or prior to the Closing Date of the following conditions:

          (a) the Closing shall be  contingent  upon  consummation  of the asset
purchase  agreement among Clinical  Associates,  a New York partnership owned by
the Stockholders, Clinical Diagnostics, a sole proprietorship owned by Mansdorf,
and the PC, and Parent of even date herewith (the "Asset Purchase Agreement");

          (b)  except as  disclosed  herein,  there is no suit,  claim,  action,
proceeding or investigation  pending or, to the best knowledge of Parent, Merger
Sub, the Company Sub or the Company,  threatened against Parent, Merger Sub, the
Company Sub or the Company or any of their Subsidiaries  before any governmental
entity which if adversely  determined,  individually or in the aggregate,  would
have a material  adverse  effect on Parent,  Merger Sub,  the Company Sub or the
Company or prohibit,  delay or interfere with the consummation by Parent, Merger
Sub,  the Company Sub or the Company of the  transactions  contemplated  by this
Agreement.  Except as disclosed herein,  neither Parent, Merger Sub, the Company
Sub  nor  the  Company,  nor  any of  their  Subsidiaries,  are  subject  to any
outstanding  order,  writ,  injunction  or  decree  which,  insofar  as  can  be
reasonably foreseen,  individually or in the aggregate, in the future would have
a material adverse effect on Parent,  Merger Sub, the Company Sub or the Company
or prohibit, delay or interfere with the consummation by Parent, Merger Sub, the
Company Sub or the Company of the  transactions  contemplated by this Agreement;

          (c) all waivers,  consents,  approvals and actions of any governmental
authority, commission, board or other regulatory body or third party required in
connection with the consummation of the Merger and the transactions contemplated
hereby shall have been  obtained by Parent,  Merger Sub or the  Company,  as the
case may be, and (i) shall not have been reversed,  stayed, enjoined, set aside,
annulled or suspended, (ii) shall not be subject to any timely request for stay,
petition  for  reconsideration  or appeal or SUA SPONTE  action with  comparable
effect,  and (iii) the time for filing any such  request,  petition or appeal or
for the taking of any such SUA SPONTE action shall have expired.

the  Company to effect the Merger  shall be subject at the option of the Company
to the fulfillment at or prior to the Closing Date of the following conditions:

          (a)  Parent  and  Merger  Sub shall  have  performed  in all  material
respects their obligations  contained in this Agreement required to be performed
on or  prior  to the  Closing  Date  and  the  Company  shall  have  received  a
certificate  signed  on  behalf of Parent  and  Merger  Sub  signed by the Chief
Executive  Officer and the Chief Financial  Officer of each of Parent and Merger
Sub to such effect; and

          (b) the  representations  and  warranties of Parent and Merger Sub set
forth in Article III of this Agreement shall be true and correct in all material
respects as of the Closing Date as if made as of such time,  except as permitted
by this Agreement,  and the Company shall have received a certificate  signed on
behalf of Parent  and Merger Sub by the Chief  Executive  Officer  and the Chief
Financial Officer of each of Parent and Merger Sub to such effect; and

          (c) the Company's obligations hereunder are expressly conditioned upon
delivery  by Parent and Merger Sub and  receipt by the Company at the Closing of
the following items:

          (i) Parent  shall  deliver  the  Merger  Consideration  due at Closing
              pursuant to Section 1.7 and in accordance with Article II hereof;

          (ii)  Parent  shall  execute  and  deliver  the  Registration   Rights
Agreement in substantially such form as is annexed hereto as Exhibit E;

          (iii) the Surviving  Corporation shall have offered  employment in the
Surviving  Corporation to Burstein in accordance with Section 6.8 hereof, and in
accordance  with the terms of the Employment  Agreement,  substantially  in such
form as is annexed hereto as Exhibit C;

          (iv)  the  Surviving  Corporation  shall  have  offered  a  consulting
arrangement in the Surviving  Corporation to Mansdorf in accordance with Section
6.9  hereof,  and in  accordance  with the  terms of the  Consulting  Agreement,
substantially in such form as is annexed hereto as Exhibit D;

          (v) Parent and Merger Sub shall  deliver x) a copy of the  Certificate
of  Incorporation of Parent certified as to its authenticity by the Secretary of
State of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts certifying the existence of Parent as
a business  corporation and y) a copy of the Certificate of Incorporation of the
Merger Sub certifying  the existence of Merger Sub as a business  corporation in
the State of New York; and

          (vi)  Parent and Merger Sub shall  deliver  (x) a  certificate  of the
Secretary  or  an  assistant  Secretary  of  each  of  Parent  and  Merger  Sub,
respectively certifying that the Certificates of Incorporation provided pursuant
to subsection 8.2(c)(v) and are true and correct,  that no action has been taken
to amend such  Certificates of Incorporation  since the last amendment set forth
therein,  and that  neither  Parent nor Merger Sub has taken action to dissolve,
liquidate or wind-up their  businesses,  (y) attached  thereto shall be true and
complete  copies of the Bylaws of Parent and Merger Sub and that such Bylaws are
in full force and effect on the date  thereof  and have not been  amended  since
June 30, 1996,  and (z) attached  thereto shall be true and complete copy of the
resolutions adopted by the board of directors and shareholders of the Merger Sub
and  directors of Parent  relating to the Merger and  transactions  contemplated
hereby,  that such resolutions are the only resolutions  adopted by the board of
directors and  shareholders  of Parent and Merger Sub relating to the Merger and
transactions  contemplated hereby and which resolutions remain in full force and

THE MERGER.  The obligations of Parent and Merger Sub to effect the Merger shall
be subject at the option of Parent and Merger Sub to the fulfillment at or prior
to the Closing Date of the following conditions:

          (a) the  Company  and the  Stockholders  shall have  performed  in all
material  respects their agreements  contained in this Agreement  required to be
performed  on or prior to the Closing  Date and Parent and Merger Sub shall have
received a  certificate  signed on behalf of the Company by the President of the
Company to such effect; and

          (b) the  representations  and  warranties  of the Company set forth in
Article IV of this Agreement shall be true and correct in all material  respects
as of the Closing  Date as if made as of such time,  except as permitted by this
Agreement, and Parent and Merger Sub shall have received a certificate signed on
behalf of the Company by the President of the Company to such effect; and

          (c)  Parent and  Merger  Sub's  obligations  hereunder  are  expressly
conditioned  upon delivery by the Company and receipt by Parent or Merger Sub at
the Closing of the following items:

          (i) Burstein  shall  execute and deliver the  Employment  Agreement in
accordance with Section 6.8 hereof and  substantially in such form as is annexed
hereto as Exhibit C;

          (ii) Mansdorf  shall execute and deliver the  Consulting  Agreement in
accordance with Section 6.9 hereof and  substantially in such form as is annexed
hereto as Exhibit D;

          (iii) (X) a copy of the  Certificate of  Incorporation  of the Company
certified as to its  authenticity  by the Secretary of State of the State of New
York,  and (Y) a certificate of the Secretary of State of the State of New York,
certifying  the existence of the Company as a business  corporation in the State
of New York.

OTHER  AGREEMENTS.  At the Closing,  the parties shall execute,  acknowledge and
deliver such other  instruments and documents as may be reasonably  necessary or
appropriate to carry out the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

                                   ARTICLE IX

          TERMINATION. This Agreement may be terminated at any time prior to the
Effective Time:
          (a) by mutual written consent of Parent, Merger Sub and the Company;

          (b) by either  Parent or the  Company  if (i) there  shall have been a
material breach of any  representation,  warranty,  covenant or agreement on the
part of the other set forth in this  Agreement  which breach shall not have been
cured, in the case of a representation or warranty,  prior to the Closing or, in
the case of a covenant or  agreement,  within five (5) business  days  following
receipt by the breaching  party of notice of such breach,  or (ii) any permanent
injunction or other order of a court or other competent authority preventing the
consummation of the Merger shall have become final and non-appealable; or

          (c) by either  Parent or the Company if the Merger shall not have been
consummated on or before December 15, 1996; provided however,  that the right to
terminate this Agreement  pursuant to this Section 9.1(c) shall not be available
to any party whose failure to fulfill any  obligation  under this  Agreement has
been the cause of, or resulted in, the failure of the Merger to have occurred on
or before the aforesaid date.

EFFECT OF TERMINATION. In the event of a termination of this Agreement by either
the  Company,  Parent or Merger Sub as provided in Section 9.1,  this  Agreement
shall forthwith become void and there shall be no liability or obligation on the
part of  Parent,  Merger  Sub or the  Company or their  respective  officers  or
directors,  except for the second  sentence of Section  6.1 which shall  survive
such termination.  Nothing contained in this Section 9.2 shall relieve any party
hereto from any liability for any breach of this Agreement.

AMENDMENT.  This Agreement may be amended by the parties hereto, by action taken
or authorized by their respective  boards of directors,  but, no amendment shall
be made which by law requires  further  approval by  shareholders of the Company
without such further  approval.  This  Agreement may not be amended except by an
instrument in writing signed on behalf of each of the parties hereto.

EXTENSION;  WAIVER. At any time prior to the Effective Time, the parties hereto,
by action taken or authorized by their respective  boards of directors,  may (i)
extend the time for the  performance of any of the  obligations or other acts of
the other parties hereto, (ii) waive any inaccuracies in the representations and
warranties  contained herein or in any document  delivered  pursuant thereto and
(iii)  waive  compliance  with any of the  agreements  or  conditions  contained
herein.  Any  agreement on the part of a party  hereto to any such  extension or
waiver shall be valid only if set forth in a written instrument signed on behalf
of such party.

                                    ARTICLE X
                             COVENANT NOT TO COMPETE

COVENANTS.  In consideration of the execution and delivery of this Agreement and
in recognition that Parent was induced to enter into this Agreement based on the
covenants and assurances made by the  Stockholders,  each Stockholder  covenants
and agrees that,  for a period of four (4) years after the Closing,  he will not
(i) directly or indirectly (whether as a sole proprietor,  partner, stockholder,
director,  officer,  employee,  consultant,  independent  contractor,  or in any
capacity as  principal  or agent or in any other  individual  or  representative
capacity)  engage  in  Competition  (as such  term is  defined  below)  with the
Surviving  Corporation or be interested in or associated with or render services
to or sell any ideas,  inventions or products to any party in  Competition  with
the Surviving  Corporation or (ii) make known or disclose the name or address of
(x) any of the clients, customers or patrons of the Surviving Corporation or (y)
any persons  having a contractual  relationship  with the Surviving  Corporation
(except  where the facts of such  relationships  are  generally  available to or
known by the public other than as a result of a disclosure by such  Stockholder)
or (iii) call upon, solicit,  divert or take away, or attempt to solicit, divert
or take  away,  any such  clients,  customers  or patrons  or  employees  of the
Surviving Corporation or any persons having a contractual  relationship with the
Surviving  Corporation  or (iv) request or advise any present or future  client,
customer  or  patron  of the  Surviving  Corporation  or any  persons  having  a
contractual relationship with the Surviving Corporation to withdraw,  curtail or
cancel their business relationship with the Surviving Corporation.  For purposes
hereof,  the term  "Competition"  shall mean the providing of (i)  psychotherapy
services to individuals either  individually or in group settings in out-patient
clinics,  nursing homes or hospitals,  or (ii) management services in connection
therewith,  in any  case,  within a radius of twenty  five (25)  miles  from any
location in which  psychotherapy  services or management  services in connection
therewith are then being  provided by the Surviving  Corporation  or the Company
Sub; provided, however, that the Stockholders may engage in private practice and
may provide such services to the Hempstead Hospital, administrative divisions of
the State of New York,  Upstate  Clinical  Associates  and, with respect only to
administrative and management services provided to governments or municipalities
("GMC  Contracts"),  BSC  Health  Management  ("BSCHM").  In the  event  Upstate
Clinical  Associates plans to render  psychotherapy  services at a location more
than twenty  five (25) miles from  Monroe  County,  New York,  it shall  provide
Parent  with  notice of such  location.  If  Parent  or any of its  Subsidiaries
engages in such services or provides management services in connection therewith
within  twenty  five (25)  miles of such  location  during  the sixty  (60) days
following  the date of such  notice,  then  Upstate  Clinical  Associates  shall
discontinue  such plans for so long as Parent is so  engaged.  BSCHM will obtain
clinical services from the PC or from an authorized provider associated with PHC
under the GMC  Contracts  except (A) in the Capital  District (as defined in the
"GMC Contracts"),  (B) to the extent BSCHM's partner or joint venturer as of the
date hereof (which is a national  behavioral health care provider  identified to
PHC) or the  governmental  entity withholds its consent and/or (C) to the extent
prices and services proposed by the PC or from an authorized provider associated
with PHC in connection with the GMC Contracts are not competitive.  For purposes
hereof,  "Competition"  shall not preclude  the  ownership of less than ten (10)
percent of the common stock,  or other class of voting stock,  or any percentage
of non-voting securities, of any publicly traded company.

ANCILLARY  OBLIGATIONS.  This  covenant  shall  be  construed  as an  obligation
ancillary to the other  provisions  of this  Agreement  and the existence of any
claim  or cause  of  action  by the  Stockholders,  or any one of them,  whether
predicated  on a breach of this  Agreement  or of the  Ancillary  Agreements  or
otherwise,  shall  not  constitute  a  defense  to the  enforcement  by  Parent,
Surviving Corporation or any party to the Ancillary Agreements of this covenant.

ENFORCEMENT.  Each Stockholder agrees that the remedies at law for any breach of
the covenants  contained in this Article X will be inadequate and that Parent or
the Surviving  Corporation shall be entitled to appropriate  equitable  remedies
including  injunctive relief in any action or proceeding  brought to prevent the
taking or  continuation  of any action  which  would  constitute  or result in a
breach of such  covenant.  Such remedies  shall not be exclusive and shall be in
addition to any and all remedies which may be available, directly or indirectly,
without limiting the recovery of any incidental,  consequential  and/or punitive
damages. Each Stockholder further agrees that if any restriction in this Article
is held by any court to be unenforceable or unreasonable,  a lesser  restriction
will be enforced in its place and the  remaining  restrictions  will be enforced
independently of each other. The attorneys' fees, court costs and other expenses
incurred by the  prevailing  party to enforce any rights under any  provision of
this Article X, or to defend any such  attempted  enforcement,  shall be paid by
the non-prevailing party.

SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. The rights of Parent and the Surviving Corporation under
this  covenant  shall  inure to the  benefit of and shall be binding  upon their
successors  and  assigns.  In the  event  of any  such  assignment,  any and all
references  to Parent and the  Surviving  Corporation  in this Article  shall be
deemed to mean and include such assignee or assignees.

                                   ARTICLE XI

SURVIVAL.  All  covenants  and  agreements  of the  parties  contained  in  this
Agreement  or  expressly  incorporated  herein by  reference  shall  survive the
Closing  and  continue  in full  force and effect  following  the  Closing.  All
representations  and  warranties of the parties  contained in this  Agreement or
expressly  incorporated herein by reference shall be deemed to be made as of the
date hereof and as of the Closing Date and shall  survive the Closing  hereunder
and any  investigation  made by or on behalf of any party hereto for a period of
three (3) years.

STATEMENTS  AS  REPRESENTATIONS.  All  statements  contained  herein  or in  any
Exhibit, agreement, certificate or instrument executed and delivered pursuant to
this Agreement shall be deemed representations and warranties within the meaning
of this Article XI.


          (a) RIGHT OF SET-OFF. Subject to the provisions and conditions of this
Article  XI, any and all  amounts  to be paid to the  Stockholders  pursuant  to
Section 1.7 of this Agreement,  or to the Stockholders pursuant to the Ancillary
Agreements,   shall  be  reduced  for  any  losses   sustained  or  liabilities,
obligations,  expenses,  claims,  liens,  judgments,  damages  or other  amounts
asserted  by any third  party and any and all  reasonable  costs or  expenses of
defending  against any of the foregoing  including costs of settlements  (herein
collectively, "Damages") asserted against, imposed upon or incurred by Parent or
Surviving Corporation or any other Subsidiary of either of them, or any of their
respective directors,  officers or employees  (collectively,  the "Indemnitees,"
and each individually,  an "Indemnitee")  resulting from, relating to or arising
out of:

                  (i) any breach of any representation, warranty or agreement of
                  the Company or the Company Sub  contained in or made  pursuant
                  to this Agreement,  the Ancillary Agreements or any agreement,
                  contract or instrument  required to be executed by the Company
                  or the  Company  Sub or by the  Stockholders  pursuant to this
                  Agreement  or the  Ancillary  Agreements  or the  transactions
                  contemplated thereby; or

                  (ii) any act or  omission of the Company or the Company Sub or
                  the  Stockholders or their  Affiliates,  trustees,  directors,
                  officers, employees, agents or representatives relating to the
                  property,  business,  operations and activities of the Company
                  or the Company Sub or the Stockholders which occurred, existed
                  or failed to occur or exist  before  the  Closing  (including,
                  without limitation, such acts or omissions as are described or
                  enumerated in this Agreement); or

                  (iii) any event,  state of facts,  circumstances or conditions
                  occurring or existing (or not occurring or not existing if the
                  absence of such fact, circumstances or condition forms a basis
                  for Damages) relating to the property, business, operations or
                  activities   of  the   Company  or  the  Company  Sub  or  the
                  Stockholders  with respect to their  business,  operations  or
                  services  performed  before the  Closing  (including,  without
                  limitation,  such  events,  state of facts,  circumstances  or
                  conditions described in this Agreement); or

                  (iv)  any  liability  of or  relating  to the  Company  or the
                  Company Sub or the  Stockholders,  whether accrued,  absolute,
                  contingent  or otherwise,  arising out of their  businesses or
                  operations  before the Closing  Date  whether  first  asserted
                  before  or after  the  Closing  Date (or  whether  known by or
                  disclosed to Parent or the Surviving Corporation); or

                  (v) without limiting the generality of (i) through (iv) above,
                  (1) any taxes  assessed  against and payable or asserted to be
                  payable by Parent or  Surviving  Corporation  on behalf of the
                  Company or the Company Sub or the Stockholders for any taxable
                  period  ending  on or  prior  to the  Closing  Date,  (2)  any
                  deficiencies in any tax payable by or on behalf of the Company
                  or the Company Sub or the Stockholders  arising from any audit
                  by any taxing  agency or authority  with respect to any period
                  ending on or prior to the Closing Date, (3) taxes with respect
                  to any period  ending on or prior to the  Closing  Date of any
                  member of a  consolidated  or combined  tax group of which the
                  Company or the Company  Sub is, or was at any time,  a member,
                  for  which  the  Company  or the  Company  Sub is  jointly  or
                  severally  liable as a result of its  inclusion  in such group
                  and  (4)  any   claim   or   demand   for   reimbursement   or
                  indemnification  resulting from any transfer by the Company or
                  the Company  Sub prior to the  Closing of any tax  benefits or
                  credits to any other person;

PROVIDED,  HOWEVER,  that no  indemnity  shall  be made for any  portion  of any
liability  arising in the  ordinary  course of  business  of the  Company or the
Company Sub prior to the Closing Date for which the Surviving Corporation or the
Company Sub or any of their  successors  and assigns  receives or is entitled to
receive a  comparable  benefit at any time  subsequent  to the Closing  Date and
PROVIDED  FURTHER  that no  indemnity  shall  be made  for  any  portion  of any
liability  arising in the  ordinary  course of  business  of the  Company or the
Company  Sub  from  contracts  and  agreements   identified  in  this  Agreement
(including  the  schedules  hereto) for which the Surviving  Corporation  or the
Company Sub or any of their  successors  and assigns  receives or is entitled to
receive any benefit at any time  subsequent to the Closing Date. The matters and
events set forth in  subparagraphs  (a)(i)  through  (v)  above,  subject to the
foregoing proviso, are referred to herein as the "Buyer Indemnification Events."

          (b) PROCEDURE IN EVENT OF CLAIMED SET-OFF.  If Parent or the Surviving
Corporation asserts a claim for set-off pursuant to Section 11.3(a), it promptly
shall provide notice to the  Stockholders  in accordance with the procedures set
forth in Section 11.6 hereof  setting  forth the nature of the claim for set-off
and the  amount  thereof.  Within  thirty  (30)  days  after  such  notice,  the
Stockholders  (by a written  notice to be signed by both of them)  either  shall
approve the claim for set-off and the amount thereof ("Approved Claim") or shall
disapprove such claim for set-off or the amount thereof ("Rejected  Claim"),  or
both. If the  Stockholders  fail to approve or disapprove a claim for set-off or
the amount thereof within the requisite period,  such claim for set-off shall be
deemed to be an Approved  Claim.  Parent or the Surviving  Corporation  shall be
entitled to set-off the amount of any Approved  Claims.  Parent or the Surviving
Corporation and the Stockholders shall resolve any disagreements with respect to
any Rejected  Claim in accordance  with the dispute  resolution  procedures  set
forth in Article XII. Parent or the Surviving  Corporation  shall be entitled to
withhold the stated  amount of the Rejected  Claims  pending  resolution  of the
Rejected  Claim.  If,  pursuant to the  procedures  set forth in Article XII, it
ultimately is determined that any further portion of the amount withheld is then
due to  the  Stockholders  or  either  one  of  them,  Parent  or the  Surviving
Corporation  immediately  shall pay to the Stockholder or either of one of them,
as the case may be, such additional portion of the amount withheld.

INDEMNIFICATION  BY THE  STOCKHOLDERS.  In addition to Parent's or the Surviving
Corporation's  right to deduct  the  aggregate  amount of  Damages  pursuant  to
Section 11.3,  subject to the  provisions and conditions of this Article XI, the
Stockholders (the "Indemnifying Party") shall, jointly and severally, indemnify,
defend and hold harmless each of Parent or the Surviving  Corporation and any of
their Subsidiaries, and any of their respective directors, officers or employees
(collectively,  "Indemnitees," and each individually,  an "Indemnitee") from and
against all Damages (but only to the extent Parent or the Surviving  Corporation
has not previously  set-off or reduced the amounts withheld  pursuant to Section
11.3 above by the amount of such  Damages)  asserted  against,  imposed  upon or
incurred by the  Indemnitees or any Indemnitee,  resulting from,  relating to or
arising out of a Buyer Indemnification Event.

provisions  and  conditions  of  this  Article  XI,  Parent  and  the  Surviving
Corporation (the "Indemnifying Party") shall, jointly and severally,  indemnify,
defend and hold harmless each Stockholder (collectively, "Indemnitees," and each
individually,  an "Indemnitee")  from and against all Damages asserted  against,
imposed upon or incurred by the Indemnitees or any  Indemnitee,  resulting from,
relating  to or arising  out of any breach of any  representation,  warranty  or
agreement of Parent or the Surviving  Corporation  contained in or made pursuant
to this  Agreement,  the  Ancillary  Agreements  or any  agreement,  contract or
instrument  required  to be  executed  by  Parent or the  Surviving  Corporation
pursuant  to  this  Agreement,  the  Ancillary  Agreements  or the  transactions
contemplated thereby.


          (a)  NOTICE OF  CLAIMS.  If either (i) a claim is made or brought by a
third party against any  Indemnitee  (as defined in Section  11.3,  11.4 or 11.5
hereof)  and  if  such  Indemnitee  reasonably  believes  that  such  claim,  if
successful,  would give rise to a right of set-off or indemnification under this
Article XI against an Indemnifying Party, or (ii) an Indemnitee becomes aware of
facts or  circumstances  establishing  that an  Indemnitee  has  experienced  or
incurred  Damages or may  experience  or incur Damages which will give rise to a
right of set-off or indemnification  under this Article XI, then such Indemnitee
shall  give  written  notice  to  the  Indemnifying  Party  of  such  claim  for
indemnification ("Indemnification Notice") as soon as reasonably practicable but
in no event more than thirty (30) days after the Indemnitee has received written
notice  or  actual  knowledge  of such  claim  or such  facts  or  circumstances
(provided  that  failure to give an  Indemnification  Notice shall not limit the
Indemnifying Party's  indemnification  obligation hereunder except to the extent
that the  delay in  giving,  or  failure  to give,  the  Indemnification  Notice
adversely  affects the  Indemnifying  Party's  ability to defend against a claim
described  in clause (i)  above).  To the  extent  reasonably  practicable,  the
Indemnification  Notice  will  describe  the  nature,  basis  and  amount of the
indemnification claim and include any relevant supporting documentation.  If the
Indemnifying  Party does not object within thirty (30) days after receipt of the
Indemnification  Notice  to the  propriety  of  (i)  the  indemnification  claim
described  on  the  Indemnification  Notice  as  being  subject  to  set-off  or
indemnification pursuant to Section 11.3, 11.4 and (or) 11.5 and (ii) the amount
of Damages specified in the Indemnification  Notice, the  indemnification  claim
described in the Indemnification  Notice shall be deemed to be final and binding
upon  the  Indemnifying  Party(ies)  (hereinafter,   "Permitted  Indemnification
Claim").  Any  undisputed  set-off or  indemnification  claim  described  in the
Indemnification  Notice  shall  be  deemed  to be  final  and  binding  upon the
Indemnifying Party(ies) and shall constitute a Permitted  Indemnification Claim.
If the Indemnifying Party contests the propriety of a set-off or indemnification
claim  described  in the  Indemnification  Notice  and/or  the amount of Damages
alleged to be  associated  with such claim,  then the  Indemnifying  Party shall
deliver to the  Indemnitee an  Indemnification  Objection  Notice  detailing all
specific objections the Indemnitee has with respect to the indemnification claim
described  in the  Indemnification  Notice.  If the  Indemnifying  Party and the
Indemnitee are unable to resolve the disputed  issues  concerning the set-off or
indemnification  claim  within  fifteen  (15)  business  days after the date the
Indemnifying Party received the  Indemnification  Objection Notice, the disputed
issues will be resolved pursuant to the dispute resolution  procedures set forth
in Article XII hereof.  If any  disputed  issues  ultimately  are resolved by an
arbitrator  pursuant to Section 12.3, and if the  arbitrator's  determination of
the disputed issues results in all or any portion of the  indemnification  claim
properly being subject to set-off or  indemnification  pursuant to Section 11.3,
11.4 and (or) 11.5, (i) such claim or portion thereof shall be final and binding
upon  the   Indemnifying   Party(ies)   and   shall   constitute   a   Permitted
Indemnification  Claim,  and (ii) the  Indemnifying  Party(ies) shall pay to the
Indemnitee  all Damages  associated  with any  Permitted  Indemnification  Claim
within  ten  (10)  days  after  such  claim  is  determined  to  be a  Permitted
Indemnification  Claim  pursuant  thereto.  If,  however,  the  disputed  issues
ultimately are resolved by the arbitrator and (x) the arbitrator determines that
the claim is not properly subject to set-off or  indemnification  and (y) Parent
or  Surviving  Corporation  has withheld  payment of any amount,  then Parent or
Surviving  Corporation  immediately  shall pay to the  Stockholders  such amount
improperly  withheld.  The Stockholders  acknowledge and agree that the right to
receive the  payments  improperly  withheld as  described  herein shall be their
exclusive remedy with respect thereto.

          (b) DEFENSE OF THIRD PARTY CLAIMS. The Indemnitee against whom a third
party claim is made or brought shall give the Indemnifying  Party an opportunity
to defend such claim, at the  Indemnifying  Party's own expense and with counsel
selected  by  the  Indemnifying   Party  and  reasonably   satisfactory  to  the
Indemnitee, provided that such Indemnitee at all times also shall have the right
to  participate  fully  in  the  defense  at  its  own  expense.  Failure  of an
Indemnifying  Party to give the  Indemnitee  written  notice of its  election to
defend such claim within thirty (30) days after receipt of notice  thereof shall
be deemed a waiver by such Indemnifying Party of its right to defend such claim.
If the  Indemnifying  Party  shall elect not to assume the defense of such claim
(or if  Indemnifying  Party  shall be deemed to have  waived its right to defend
such  claim),  the  Indemnitee  against  whom such  claim is made shall have the
right,  but  not  the  obligation,  to  undertake  the  sole  defense  of and to
compromise  or settle the claim on behalf,  for the  account and at the risk and
expense of the Indemnifying  Party (including  without limitation the payment by
the  Indemnifying  Party of the attorneys'  fees of the  Indemnitee);  provided,
however,  that if the  Indemnitee  undertakes  the sole defense of such claim on
behalf,  for the account and at the risk and expense of the Indemnifying  Party,
it shall  defend  such claim in good faith and shall  apprise  the  Indemnifying
Party from time to time as the Indemnitee  deems  appropriate of the progress of
such defense. If one or more of the Indemnifying  Parties assumes the defense of
such claim, the obligation of such Indemnifying Party hereunder as to such claim
shall include taking all steps reasonably necessary in the defense or settlement
of such claim. The Indemnifying  Party, in the defense of such claim,  shall not
consent to the entry of any judgment or enter into any  settlement  (except with
the  written  consent  of  the   Indemnitee)   which  does  not  include  as  an
unconditional  term thereof the giving by the claimant to the Indemnitee against
who such claim is made of a release from all  liability in respect of such claim
(which release shall exclude only any  obligations  incurred in connection  with
such  settlement).  If the claim is one that  cannot by its  nature be  defended
solely by the Indemnifying  Party, then the Indemnitee shall make available,  at
the Indemnifying Party's reasonable expense, all information and assistance that
the Indemnifying Party reasonably may request.

foregoing  provisions  of this  Article  XI,  set-off and  indemnity  rights for
Damages hereunder shall be limited as follows:

          (a) No indemnity  shall be made for Damages unless an  Indemnification
Notice  therefor shall have been given not later than three (3) years  following
the Closing Date.

          (b) No Indemnitee shall have any right of set-off and the Stockholders
shall not be  obligated to indemnify  any  Indemnitee  for any Damages for which
set-off is allowed or  indemnification  is required  pursuant to this Article XI
unless the  aggregate of all such  Damages  shall exceed  $20,000.  Parent,  the
Surviving  Corporation and other  Indemnitees shall be entitled to claim against
the Stockholders only for Damages which exceed $20,000.

          (c)  The  Stockholders   shall  not  be  obligated  to  indemnify  the
Indemnitees  for  Damages,  in the  aggregate,  exceeding  the sum of the Merger
Consideration actually paid to the Stockholders plus $1,250,000.

                                   ARTICLE XII
                               DISPUTE RESOLUTION

NEGOTIATED  RESOLUTION.  If any  dispute  arises (i) out of or  relating to this
Agreement  or any alleged  breach  thereof,  or (ii) with  respect to any of the
transactions or events  contemplated  hereby, the party desiring to resolve such
dispute  shall  deliver a Dispute  Notice to the other  parties of such  dispute
(herein  "Dispute").  If any party  delivers a Dispute  Notice  pursuant to this
Section  12.1,  or if any  Indemnifying  Party  delivers  to any  Indemnitee  an
Indemnification Objection Notice pursuant to Article XI, the parties involved in
the  Dispute  shall  meet at least  twice  within  the  thirty  (30) day  period
commencing with the date of the Dispute Notice or the Indemnification  Objection
Notice (as the case may be) and in good  faith  shall  attempt  to resolve  such
Dispute or the Rejected Claim (as the case may be).

MEDIATION.  If any Dispute or Rejected  Claim is not  resolved or settled by the
parties as a result of negotiation  pursuant to Section 12.1 above,  the parties
shall submit the Dispute or Rejected  Claim to  non-binding  mediation  before a
retired  judge of either a federal  District  Court in New York or of a New York
State Court, or some similarly  qualified,  mutually agreeable  individual.  The
parties shall bear the costs of such mediation equally.

ARBITRATION.  If the Dispute or  Rejected  Claim is not  resolved  by  mediation
pursuant to Section 12.2 above, or if the parties fail to agree upon a mediator,
within  sixty (60) days after the Dispute  Notice or  Indemnification  Objection
Notice (as the case may be),  the Dispute or Rejected  Claim shall be settled by
arbitration  conducted in the City of New York which shall be in accordance with
the rules of the American Arbitration Association then in effect with respect to
commercial disputes. The arbitration of such issues, including the determination
of any amount of damages  suffered by any party  hereto by reason of the acts or
omissions of any party,  shall be final and binding upon all parties.  Except as
otherwise set forth in this Agreement,  the cost of any  arbitration  hereunder,
including the cost of the record or transcripts thereof, if any,  administrative
fees, and all other fees involved including reasonable  attorneys' fees incurred
by the party determined by the arbitrator to be the prevailing  party,  shall be
paid by the party  determined by the arbitrator not to be the prevailing  party,
or otherwise  allocated in an equitable  manner as determined by the arbitrator.
The parties shall  instruct the  arbitrator to render its decision no later than
sixty (60) days after the submission of the Dispute or Indemnification Objection

                                  ARTICLE XIII
                               GENERAL PROVISIONS

EXPENSES.  Except as otherwise  expressly  provided  herein,  each party to this
Agreement  shall  pay  its  own  costs  and  expenses  in  connection  with  the
transactions contemplated hereby.

COUNTERPARTS.  This  Agreement  may be  executed  simultaneously  in two or more
counterparts,  each of  which  shall be  deemed  an  original,  but all of which
together shall constitute one and the same instrument.


ANNOUNCEMENTS. No announcement of this Agreement or any transaction contemplated
hereby  shall be made by any party  prior to the  Closing  without  the  written
approval of the other parties hereto (which  approval shall not be  unreasonably
withheld), except as required by law.

NOTICES. All notices and other communications  hereunder shall be in writing and
shall be deemed given if delivered personally, sent by facsimile transmission or
mailed by registered or certified mail (return receipt requested) to the parties
at the  following  addresses  (or at such other  address for a party as shall be
specified by like notice):

                              (a)     if to Parent:
                                      PHC, Inc.
                                      200 Lake Street
                                      Suite 102
                                      Peabody, Massachusetts  01960
                                      Fax:  (508) 536-2677

                                      with a copy to:

                                      Arnold R. Westerman, Esq.
                                      Arent Fox Kintner Plotkin & Kahn
                                      1050 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
                                      Washington, D.C.  20036-5339
                                      Fax:  (202) 857-6395

                              (b)     if to Merger Sub:

                                      PHC, Inc.
                                      200 Lake Street
                                      Suite 102
                                      Peabody, Massachusetts  01960
                                      Fax:  (508) 536-2677

                                      with a copy to:

                                      Arnold R. Westerman, Esq.
                                      Arent Fox Kintner Plotkin & Kahn
                                      1050 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
                                      Washington, D.C.  20036-5339
                                      Fax:  (202) 857-6395

                              (c)     if to the Company or either Stockholder:

                                      Behavioral Stress Center, Inc.
                                      9419 59th Street
                                      Elmhurst, New York  11373
                                      Fax: (718) 760-3090

                                      with a copy to:

                                      Harvey Z. Werblowsky, Esq.
                                      McDermott, Will & Emery
                                      50 Rockefeller Plaza
                                      New York, New York  10020
                                      Fax: (212) 547-5444

          ASSIGNMENT.  This Agreement  shall not be assigned by operation of law
or otherwise, except by the prior written consent of all parties.

Agreement (i)  constitutes  the entire  agreement and supersedes all other prior
agreements and understandings,  both written and oral, among the parties, or any
of them, with respect to the subject matter hereof,  and (ii) is not intended to
confer upon any other person any rights or remedies hereunder.

CAPTIONS . The captions of the various Articles,  Sections and Schedules of this
Agreement have been inserted only for  convenience of reference and shall not be
deemed to modify,  explain,  enlarge or restrict any provision of this Agreement
or affect the construction hereof.

          IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  Parent,  Merger Sub, the  Company,  Mansdorf and
Burstein have caused this Agreement to be signed on the date first written above
personally or by their respective representatives thereunto duly authorized.

                                      PHC, INC.

                                       BSC-NY, INC.


                                       BEHAVIORAL STRESS CENTER, INC.


                                     Irwin Mansdorf

                                     Yakov Burstein



US$180,000.00                                            Dated October 31, 1996

                 FOR VALUE  RECEIVED,  PHC,  INC., a  Massachusetts  corporation
located at 200 Lake  Street,  Peabody,  Massachusetts  01960  (the  "Borrower"),
promises  to pay to the order of Yakov  Burstein,  a resident  of New York State
(the "Lender"),  or his registered assigns, in lawful money of the United States
of  America  and  in  immediately  available  funds,  the  principal  amount  of
$180,000.00,  payable in  installments  of  $45,000.00  on each of the first and
second anniversaries of the date hereof and $90,000 on the fourth anniversary of
the date hereof.  The Borrower  further  agrees to pay interest,  in like funds,
from the date  hereof on the unpaid  principal  amount  hereof from time to time
outstanding  at an annual  rate of eight  percent  calculated  on a 360 day year
based on the actual number of days elapsed.  Accrued  interest  shall be payable
quarterly on the last day of each  calendar  quarter  commencing on December 31,

                 All payments made under this Note shall be applied first to the
payment of interest on the principal balance outstanding  hereunder from time to
time, and second to the payment of principal.

                 Any or all interest or principal  outstanding  hereunder may be
prepaid  at any  time  and  from  time  to time  without  penalty.  Any  partial
prepayments of principal shall be applied  against  installments of principal in
the inverse order of maturity.  All payments and  prepayments on this Note shall
be made to the holder at 184-63  Aberdeen  Road,  Jamaica,  New York 11432 or at
such other address of which the holder shall notify the Borrower in writing. The
holder of this Note is  authorized to record the date and amount of each payment
or prepayment of principal hereof on the schedule annexed hereto and made a part
hereof,  and any such  recordation  shall constitute PRIMA FACIE evidence of the
information so recorded, PROVIDED that the failure of the holder of this Note to
make such  recordation (or any error in such  recordation)  shall not affect the
obligations of the Borrower hereunder.

                 If any  payment  under  this Note is due on a day other  than a
Business Day, such payment shall be made on the last Business Day preceding such
day. A "Business Day" shall mean any day other than a Saturday,  Sunday or other
day on which  commercial  banks are required or  authorized  to be closed in New
York, New York.

                 If any payment of principal or interest  which is due hereunder
is not paid,  the Lender shall provide  written notice of such failure to pay to
the Borrower  specifying  the amount  overdue.  If such amount has not been paid
within seven days after the receipt of said  notice,  there shall be an event of
default,  and all amounts outstanding under this Note may be declared to be, and
shall become, upon such declaration, immediately due and payable.

                 The Borrower is obligated to pay the principal described herein
and any stated  interest  thereon only to the holder of this Note at the address
set forth above or as otherwise specified in writing,  and only the person whose
name has been notified to the Borrower shall be entitled to payment of principal
and interest on the obligation  evidenced hereby.  The transfer of this Note may
be effected only by surrender of this Note by the holder to the  Borrower,  and,
as the  Borrower  elects,  reissuance  by the  Borrower  of this Note to the new
holder or issuance by the Borrower of a new instrument to the new holder.

                 In the event that Perlow  Physicians,  P.C.  receives notice of
termination  of any contract  identified on Schedule 2.5 attached  hereto during
the ninety (90) calendar day period  commencing  on the date hereof,  the Lender
shall be entitled to reduce the principal amount of this Note by an amount equal
to $5,143  for each  nursing  home  facility  giving any such  notice.  Any such
reduction shall be applied to payments scheduled  hereunder in the inverse order
of  maturity.  This Note is a note  referred to in that  certain  agreement  for
purchase and sale of assets dated the date hereof among the Lender, the Borrower
and others and shall be subject to the terms thereof.

                 The  Borrower  hereby  expressly  waives  presentment,  demand,
protest or notice of any kind.  This Note shall  inure to the benefit of, and be
binding upon, the successors and assigns of the Borrower.


                                          PHC, INC.

                                             Bruce A. Shear

        SCHEDULE 1
                                     TO NOTE
                              PAYMENTS OF PRINCIPAL

                          of                           Unpaid
                          Principal                    Principal      Notation
DATE                      REPAID                       BALANCE         MADE BY


                                 PROMISSORY NOTE

US$570,000.00                                Dated October 31, 1996

                 FOR VALUE  RECEIVED,  PHC,  INC., a  Massachusetts  corporation
located at 200 Lake  Street,  Peabody,  Massachusetts  01960  (the  "Borrower"),
promises  to pay to the order of Irwin  Mansdorf,  a resident  of New York State
(the "Lender"),  or his registered assigns, in lawful money of the United States
of  America  and  in  immediately  available  funds,  the  principal  amount  of
$570,000.00,  payable in  installments  of  $142,500.00 on each of the first and
second  anniversaries of the date hereof and $285,000 on the fourth  anniversary
of the date hereof. The Borrower further agrees to pay interest,  in like funds,
from the date  hereof on the unpaid  principal  amount  hereof from time to time
outstanding  at an annual  rate of eight  percent  calculated  on a 360 day year
based on the actual number of days elapsed.  Accrued  interest  shall be payable
quarterly on the last day of each  calendar  quarter  commencing on December 31,

                 All payments made under this Note shall be applied first to the
payment of interest on the principal balance outstanding  hereunder from time to
time, and second to the payment of principal.

                 Any or all interest or principal  outstanding  hereunder may be
prepaid  at any  time  and  from  time  to time  without  penalty.  Any  partial
prepayments of principal shall be applied  against  installments of principal in
the inverse order of maturity.  All payments and  prepayments on this Note shall
be made to the holder at 198-17 Pompei Avenue,  Holliswood, New York 11423 or at
such other address of which the holder shall notify the Borrower in writing. The
holder of this Note is  authorized to record the date and amount of each payment
or prepayment of principal hereof on the schedule annexed hereto and made a part
hereof,  and any such  recordation  shall constitute PRIMA FACIE evidence of the
information so recorded, PROVIDED that the failure of the holder of this Note to
make such  recordation (or any error in such  recordation)  shall not affect the
obligations of the Borrower hereunder.

                 If any  payment  under  this Note is due on a day other  than a
Business Day, such payment shall be made on the last Business Day preceding such
day. A "Business Day" shall mean any day other than a Saturday,  Sunday or other
day on which  commercial  banks are required or  authorized  to be closed in New
York, New York.

                 If any payment of principal or interest  which is due hereunder
is not paid,  the Lender shall provide  written notice of such failure to pay to
the Borrower  specifying  the amount  overdue.  If such amount has not been paid
within seven days after the receipt of said  notice,  there shall be an event of
default,  and all amounts outstanding under this Note may be declared to be, and
shall become, upon such declaration, immediately due and payable.

                 The Borrower is obligated to pay the principal described herein
and any stated  interest  thereon only to the holder of this Note at the address
set forth above or as otherwise specified in writing,  and only the person whose
name has been notified to the Borrower shall be entitled to payment of principal
and interest on the obligation  evidenced hereby.  The transfer of this Note may
be effected only by surrender of this Note by the holder to the  Borrower,  and,
as the  Borrower  elects,  reissuance  by the  Borrower  of this Note to the new
holder or issuance by the Borrower of a new instrument to the new holder.

                 In the event that Perlow  Physicians,  P.C.  receives notice of
termination  of any contract  identified on Schedule 2.5 attached  hereto during
the ninety (90) calendar day period  commencing  on the date hereof,  the Lender
shall be entitled to reduce the principal amount of this Note by an amount equal
to $16,286 for each  nursing  home  facility  giving any such  notice.  Any such
reduction shall be applied to payments scheduled  hereunder in the inverse order
of  maturity.  This Note is a note  referred to in that  certain  agreement  for
purchase and sale of assets dated the date hereof among the Lender, the Borrower
and others and shall be subject to the terms thereof.

                 The  Borrower  hereby  expressly  waives  presentment,  demand,
protest or notice of any kind.  This Note shall  inure to the benefit of, and be
binding upon, the successors and assigns of the Borrower.


                                      PHC, INC.

                                        Bruce A. Shear

                                     TO NOTE
                              PAYMENTS OF PRINCIPAL

                          of                           Unpaid
                          Principal                    Principal      Notation
DATE                      REPAID                       BALANCE         MADE BY



            This Agreement is entered into as of this 31st day of October, 1996,
by and between CLINICAL ASSOCIATES, a New York partnership (hereinafter referred
to as the  "Assignor"),  and PERLOW  ASSOCIATES,  P.C., a New York  professional
corporation (the "Assignee").
                               W I T N E S S E T H
            WHEREAS,  the  Assignor  has this day  sold and  transferred  to the
Assignee  certain  personal  property used in  connection  with the operation of
Clinical Associates which is a provider of professional  psychotherapy  services
(the "Business"); and
            WHEREAS,  as a part of the sale and  transfer of the  Business,  the
Assignor has agreed to transfer and assign to the extent transfer and assignment
are  permissible,  and the  Assignee  has agreed to receive and  assume,  to the
extent  assumption is permissible,  ALL contracts,  leases and other  agreements
identified in that certain Asset Purchase  Agreement dated as of the date hereof
among the Assignor, Assignee and others (the "Contracts").
            NOW THEREFORE,  in  consideration of the mutual covenants herein and
other good and valuable consideration,  the receipt and sufficiency of which are
hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows:
            The Assignor hereby assigns and transfers to the Assignee all of the
Assignor's rights and interest with respect to the Contracts, to the extent such
rights are assignable.


            The Assignee  hereby assumes the Assignor's  rights and  obligations
arising after the date hereof with respect to the Contracts.
            The Assignor  warrants  that (a) it has the authority to execute and
deliver this Assignment and Assumption Agreement,  (b) it has not made any prior
assignment  of its  rights  under the  Contracts,  and (c) it will  execute  and
deliver to the Assignee such additional documents as the Assignee may reasonably
request to secure its rights under this Assignment and Assumption Agreement.
            The  Assignee  warrants  that it is a valid  New  York  professional
corporation authorized to transact business in the State of New York and that it
has the  authority  to  execute  and  deliver  this  Assignment  and  Assumption
Agreement and perform the assumed obligations under the Contracts.
                          Assignor: Clinical Associates

                         By: __________________________
                                               Irwin Mansdorf

                        Assignee: Perlow Physicians, P.C.

                        By: ____________________________


The obligations of the Assignee set forth herein are hereby  unconditionally and
absolutely guaranteed by PHC, Inc.

                                          Guarantor:  PHC, Inc.



                                  BILL OF SALE

            FOR GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION,  the receipt and sufficiency of
which is hereby acknowledged,  CLINICAL DIAGNOSTICS, a sole proprietorship owned
by Irwin  Mansdorf  (hereinafter  referred to as  "Seller"),  does hereby  sell,
assign,  transfer and convey to PERLOW  PHYSICIANS,  P.C., a duly  organized and
existing  New  York  professional   corporation   (hereinafter  referred  to  as
"Purchaser"),  all right,  title and interest in and to the specified assets (as
defined below), free and clear of any lien or encumbrances,  except as disclosed
herein or in the Asset Purchase  Agreement (as  hereinafter  defined).  The term
"Specified  Assets"  shall  mean all of the  assets  owned by Seller or in which
Seller has any rights or interests  comprising  and used by Seller in connection
with or related to the ownership,  management or operation of its business known
as Clinical  Associates (the  "Business"),  as of the date hereof,  tangible and
intangible,  wheresoever  situated and whether or not specifically  referred to,
and any and all of Seller's  right,  title and  interest  therein and thereto as
noted in that  certain  Asset  Purchase  Agreement  dated as of October 31, 1996
among Seller, PHC, Inc. and others (the "Asset Purchase Agreement"),  including,
without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the following:
            (a) all (I) rights of the Seller under contracts, arrangements, Real
Estate Leases (as defined in the Asset  Purchase  Agreement)  and agreements set
forth on Schedules  1.2(b) and (c) of the Asset Purchase  Agreement,  including,
without  limitation,  all rights to receive goods and services rendered pursuant
thereto,  and to assert  claims  and take other  rightful  actions in respect of
breaches, defaults and other violations thereof (collectively, the "Contracts"),
(II) machinery,  equipment,  furniture,  furnishings, tools, or similar property
used in the Business,  (iii) the employee roster of the Seller,  (IV) all books,
records,  manuals,  price  lists,  correspondence,  patient  lists,  mailing  or
distribution  lists, and lists of customers of the Seller,  (V) all research and
development,  financial,  accounting  and  operational  data  and  records  used
exclusively in the Business,  (VI) the intangible  goodwill of Seller, and (VII)
all such  other  assets as  specified  on  Schedule  1.2 of the  Asset  Purchase
            (b)  Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary herein provided,  the
Specified Assets shall not include (I) all cash, cash equivalents including cash
on hand or in bank accounts,  and certificates of deposit,  and commercial paper
held by Seller, (II) all notes receivable held by each Seller, (III) all patient
accounts receivable held by Seller on the Closing Date (as defined in subsection
2.1 of the Asset Purchase Agreement), including fees earned for patients treated
prior to the  Closing  Date but not yet  billed,  (IV)  the  organizational  and
capitalization  documents  of the  Seller,  (V)  all  contracts  and  agreements
specified  in Schedule  1.3 of the Asset  Purchase  Agreement  (VI) the personal
property of the partners of the Seller that has been used in connection with the
operation of the Business and is set forth in Schedule 1.3 of the Asset Purchase
Agreement and (VII) the assets  specified in Schedule 1.3 of the Asset  Purchase

            IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Bill of Sale has been executed by Seller as
of the 31st day of October, 1996.

                          Seller: Clinical Diagnostics

                         By: __________________________
                                              Irwin Mansdorf


                              EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT

      THIS EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT is entered into this 1st day of November,  1996,
(the  "Effective  Date") by and  between  Perlow  Physicians,  P.C.,  a New York
professional corporation (the "Corporation"), and Yakov Burstein, Ph.D.
(the "Clinical Director").

                              W I T N E S S E T H:

      WHEREAS,  the  Corporation is a New York  professional  corporation  which
provides  mental  health  services  to  the  general  public  in  the  New  York
metropolitan area; and

      WHEREAS,  concurrent with the execution of this Agreement, the Corporation
is purchasing the practice jointly  operated by the Clinical  Director and Irwin
Mansdorf, Ph.D.; and

      WHEREAS,  in order to promote  continuity of patient care, the Corporation
desires to employ  Clinical  Director on the terms and conditions  hereafter set
forth, and the Clinical Director desires to accept such employment;

      NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the mutual promises and agreements
herein contained,  the Corporation hereby employs Clinical Director and Clinical
Director hereby agrees to work for the Corporation, upon the following terms and

      1.  EMPLOYMENT  DUTIES.  Clinical  Director  is  hereby  employed  by  the
Corporation to serve as its Clinical Director to provide  professional  services
in connection  with  psychotherapy.  In performing  duties  hereunder,  Clinical
Director  shall at all times  comply with all  policies  and  procedures  of the
Corporation,  copies of which shall be provided to the Clinical  Director by the
Corporation, and incorporated by reference into this Agreement when initialed by
the Clinical Director.

      2. TIME  REQUIREMENTS.  Subject  to the  provisions  of  Section 7 hereof,
Clinical  Director agrees to devote forty (40) hours per week during the term of
this  Agreement to the affairs and activities of the  Corporation,  on such days
and at such  times  as are  consistent  with  his  past  practices  at  Clinical
Associates,  a  partnership  owned by Irwin  Mansdorf,  Ph.D.  ("Mansdorf")  and
Clinical  Director  ("Clinical  Associates")  and Clinical  Diagnostics,  a sole
proprietorship owned by Mansdorf ("Clinical Diagnostics").

      3.  COMPENSATION.  Subject  to the  provisions  of  Section 7 hereof,  the
Corporation  agrees to pay to Clinical Director as compensation for his services
hereunder a salary at an annual rate of one hundred twenty five thousand dollars
($125,000.00)  per year. Any and all compensation due to be paid to the Clinical
Director  pursuant to this Section 3 and under the Employment  Agreement between
the  Clinical  Director  and BSC-NY,  Inc. of even date  herewith  (the  "BSC-NY
Agreement") shall be paid by the Corporation.

      4.  BENEFITS.   Subject  to  the  provisions  of  Section  7  hereof,  the
Corporation  shall  provide  and the  Clinical  Director  shall be  entitled  to
participate  in all  of the  employee  benefit  programs  and  plans  which  are
applicable to clinical directors of the Corporation in accordance with the terms
of said  programs  and plans.  Such  programs and plans shall  include,  without
limitation,  group  health,  insurance,  life  insurance,  short  and  long-term
disability insurance and a 401(k) plan.

      5.  REIMBURSEMENT  OF  EXPENSES.  Subject to the  provisions  of Section 7
hereof,  the Corporation  will provide the Clinical  Director with an automobile
allowance  of $475.00  per month.  The  Corporation  shall  also  reimburse  the
Clinical Director for all reasonable and necessary business expenses incurred by
him in the  performance  of his duties  hereunder  including  parking  expenses,
cellular phone expenses and beepers.  The  Corporation  shall also reimburse the
Clinical  Director for membership  dues in  professional  organizations  bearing
direct  relationship  to  Clinical  Director's  duties in  connection  with this

      6. VACATIONS AND CLINICAL DIRECTOR MEETINGS.  Subject to the provisions of
Section 7 hereof, the Clinical Director shall be entitled to (a) four (4) weeks'
vacation  during each  calendar  year,  and (b) one (1) week each year to attend
professional  meetings and  seminars as may be mutually  agreed upon by Clinical
Director and the  Corporation's  Chief Executive  Officer ("CEO").  The Clinical
Director shall be paid his normal salary during vacation and while in attendance
at professional meetings and seminars.

of time devoted by Clinical Director to his responsibilities pursuant to Section
2 of this Agreement shall offset the number of hours he is required to devote to
his  responsibilities  under the terms of the  BSC-NY  Agreement  . Any right to
compensation,   item  of  benefit,   reimbursement   of  item  of  expense,   or
vacation/seminar time to be provided by the Corporation to the Clinical Director
pursuant  to Sections  3, 4, 5 and 6 of this  Agreement  shall be offset by such
compensation,  such item of benefit,  such reimbursement of item of expense,  or
such  vacation/seminar  time to be provided by the  Corporation  to the Clinical
Director under the BSC-NY Agreement.

Director  hereby  represents  and  warrants at all times during the term of this
Agreement  that he is duly  authorized,  licensed and in good standing under the
laws of the State of New York to engage in the practice of psychology, that said
license is not  suspended,  revoked or restricted in any manner and that, to his
knowledge,  there is not presently pending or threatened against him any action,
claim or proceeding the outcome of which could result in revocation,  suspension
or restriction of his license.

The Corporation represents and warrants at all times during the term of this
Agreement that:

            9.1  The  Corporation  is a  duly  formed  professional  corporation
organized,  validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the State of
New York.

            9.2 The  Corporation  has the corporate power and authority to enter
into this Agreement and carry on its business as currently conducted.

      10.   TERM; BASIS FOR TERMINATION.  Subject to the provisions of this
Section 10, the term of this Agreement shall be for three (3) years,
commencing on the Effective Date.  This Agreement shall terminate earlier on
the first to occur of the following:

            10.1  The death of Clinical Director;

            10.2 The permanent  disability of the Clinical Director at any time.
The Clinical Director shall be deemed to have become permanently "disabled" when
by reason of a physical or mental  disability or incapacity he shall have failed
or is unable to perform his  customary  duties and  activities  on behalf of the
Corporation  for a  consecutive  period  of four (4)  months  or for any six (6)
months within any twelve (12) month period; or

            10.3 At any time by the Corporation for "cause" which,  for purposes
of this Agreement, shall mean (a) willful and serious or habitual failure of the
Clinical Director to perform his duties hereunder in all material respects which
is not  remedied  within 30 days after the  receipt of notice  thereof  from the
Corporation;   (b)  legal  disqualification  of  the  Employee  from  practicing
psychology  within  the State of New York;  or (c)  gross  misconduct,  fraud or
embezzlement by the Clinical Director.

      11.  PROTECTION  OF THE  CORPORATION.  In  consideration  of the  Clinical
Director's  initial  and/or  continued  employment  and other good and  valuable
consideration  provided  by the  Corporation,  the  adequacy  of which is hereby
acknowledged, the parties agree to the following:

            11.1 COVENANTS.  In  consideration  of the execution and delivery of
this Agreement and in recognition that the Corporation was induced to enter into
this  Agreement  based on the  covenants  and  assurances  made by the  Clinical
Director,  Clinical Director covenants and agrees that, for a period of four (4)
years after the Closing,  he will not (i) directly or  indirectly  (whether as a
sole proprietor, partner, stockholder,  director, officer, employee, consultant,
independent contractor, or in any capacity as principal or agent or in any other
individual or  representative  capacity)  engage in Competition (as such term is
defined below) with the  Corporation  or be interested in or associated  with or
render  services  to or sell any ideas,  inventions  or products to any party in
Competition  with the  Corporation  or (ii) make known or  disclose  the name or
address of (x) any of the clients,  customers or patrons of the  Corporation  or
(y) any persons having a contractual  relationship with the Corporation  (except
where the facts of such relationships are generally available to or known by the
public  other than as a result of a  disclosure  by Clinical  Director) or (iii)
call upon, solicit,  divert or take away, or attempt to solicit,  divert or take
away, any such clients,  customers or patrons or employees of the Corporation or
any persons  having a  contractual  relationship  with the  Corporation  or (iv)
request  or advise  any  present  or future  client,  customer  or patron of the
Corporation  or  any  persons  having  a  contractual   relationship   with  the
Corporation to withdraw,  curtail or cancel their business relationship with the
Corporation.  For  purposes  hereof,  the  term  "Competition"  shall  mean  the
providing of (i) psychotherapy services to individuals either individually or in
group  settings in  out-patient  clinics,  nursing homes or  hospitals,  or (ii)
management  services in connection  therewith,  in any case,  within a radius of
twenty-five  (25) miles from any  location  in which  psychotherapy  services or
management  services  in  connection  therewith  are then being  provided by the
Corporation; provided, however, that the Clinical Director may engage in private
practice and may provide such services to the Hempstead Hospital, administrative
divisions  of the State of New  York,  Upstate  Clinical  Associates  and,  with
respect only to administrative  and management  services provided to governments
or municipalities  ("GMC Contracts"),  BSC Health Management  ("BSCHM").  In the
event Upstate Clinical  Associates plans to render  psychotherapy  services at a
location more than twenty five (25) miles from Monroe County, New York, it shall
provide PHC,  Inc.  ("PHC") with notice of such  location.  If PHC or any of its
subsidiaries  engages  in such  services  or  provides  management  services  in
connection  therewith  within twenty five (25) miles of such location during the
sixty  (60)  days  following  the date of such  notice,  then  Upstate  Clinical
Associates shall discontinue such plans for so long as PHC is so engaged.  BSCHM
will obtain clinical  services from an authorized  provider  associated with PHC
under the GMC Contracts except (A) in the "Capital  District" (as defined in the
GMC  Contracts),  (B) to the extent BSCHM's  partner or joint venturer as of the
date hereof (which is a national  behavioral health care provider  identified to
PHC) or the  governmental  entity  withholds  its consent  and/or (C) the extent
prices and services proposed by the PC or an authorized provider associated with
PHC in  connection  with the GMC  Contracts  are not  competitive.  For purposes
hereof,  "Competition"  shall not preclude  the  ownership of less than ten (10)
percent of the common stock, or other class of voting stock or any percentage of
non-voting securities, of any publicly traded company.

            11.2 ENFORCEMENT.  The Clinical Director agrees that the remedies at
law for any  breach  of the  covenants  contained  in  this  Section  11 will be
inadequate and that the Corporation  shall be entitled to appropriate  equitable
remedies  including  injunctive  relief in any action or  proceeding  brought to
prevent  the taking or  continuation  of any action  which would  constitute  or
result in a breach of such  covenant.  Such remedies  shall not be exclusive and
shall be in addition to any and all remedies which may be available, directly or
indirectly,  without  limiting  the  recovery of any  incidental,  consequential
and/or  punitive   damages.   Clinical  Director  further  agrees  that  if  any
restriction  in this  Section  11 is held by any  court to be  unenforceable  or
unreasonable,  a  lesser  restriction  will be  enforced  in its  place  and the
remaining  restrictions  will  be  enforced  independently  of each  other.  The
attorneys' fees, court costs and other expenses incurred by the prevailing party
in any  proceeding to enforce any rights under any provision of this Section 11,
or to defend any such attempted enforcement, shall be paid by the non-prevailing

            11.3 ANCILLARY  OBLIGATIONS.  This covenant shall be construed as an
obligation ancillary to the other provisions of this Agreement and the existence
of any claim or cause of action by the Clinical Director,  whether predicated on
a breach of this  Agreement or otherwise,  shall not constitute a defense to the
enforcement by the Corporation of this covenant.

            11.4  JURISDICTION.  The Clinical  Director  hereby  irrevocably and
unconditionally  consents to submit to the exclusive  jurisdiction of the courts
of the  State of New York  located  in New York City for any  actions,  suits or
proceedings  arising out of or relating to this covenant and each further agrees
that service of any  process,  summons,  notices or document by U.S.  registered
mail to the address set forth herein  shall be effective  service of process for
any action, suit or proceeding brought against him in any such court.

      12. INSURANCE. The Clinical Director shall maintain professional liability
coverage  covering  him for acts  and  omissions  in the  normal  course  of his
employment  hereunder,  in an  amount  of not less than  three  million  dollars
($3,000,000)  aggregate coverage and one million dollars  ($1,000,000)  coverage
per wrongful act or occurrence.  The  Corporation  shall  reimburse the Clinical
Director  for the costs of such  professional  liability  insurance  and for the
costs of so-called "tail insurance"  covering Clinical Director in the amount of
the policy limits, if the insurance being provided is on a claims-made basis and
the  insurance  carrier or  coverage  is changed  or  terminated  for any reason
whatsoever.   In  addition,   the   Corporation   shall  maintain  a  policy  of
comprehensive general liability insurance coverage in an amount of not less than
one million  dollars  ($1,000,000)  aggregate  coverage and one million  dollars
($1,000,000) coverage per wrongful act or occurrence.

      13.   GOVERNING LAW.  This Agreement shall be construed under the laws
of the State of New York without giving effect to the conflict of laws
provisions thereof.

      14.  ASSIGNMENT.  Neither this Agreement nor any right, duty or obligation
arising  under it may be assigned  by either  party  without  the prior  written
consent of the other party.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,  in the event of the
merger  or  consolidation  of the  Corporation  with any  other  corporation  or
corporations, the sale by the Corporation of a major portion of its assets or of
its business and good will, or any other corporate  reorganization involving the
Corporation,  this  Agreement  may,  without  the  Clinical  Director's  written
consent,  be assigned and  transferred to such successor in interest as an asset
of the  Corporation  upon such assignee  assuming the  Corporation's  obligation
hereunder,  in which event the Clinical  Director  agrees to continue to perform
his  duties  and  obligations,  according  to the terms  hereof,  to or for such
assignee  or  transferee  of  this  Agreement;   provided,   however,  that  the
Corporation  will remain  secondarily  liable as guarantor  of such  assignee or
transferee's obligations to the Clinical Director hereunder.

      15.   NATURE OF RELATIONSHIP.  Nothing in this Agreement shall be
construed as establishing the parties as partners or joint venturers.

binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties and their respective heirs,
representatives and successors.  This Agreement supersedes all prior agreements,
representations  or  understandings,  oral or written,  express or implied  with
respect to the subject matter hereof.

      17.   AMENDMENTS.  No amendment to this Agreement shall be valid unless
in writing signed by both of the parties.

      18. RESOLUTION OF DISPUTES. The rights of the parties under this Agreement
and concerning the employment relationship shall be determined,  in the event of
a dispute, by an independent arbitrator selected in accordance with the rules of
the American Arbitration Association and the decision of the arbitrator shall be
final and binding on both parties.  To the maximum extent  permitted by law, the
parties waive their rights to a  determination  of any such issues by a court or
jury. In the event either party resorts to  arbitration or other legal action to
resolve a dispute  arising under this Agreement,  the prevailing  party shall be
entitled to recover the costs and  expenses  incurred  in  connection  with such
arbitration  or action  from the other  party,  including,  without  limitation,
reasonable  attorneys' fees. For purposes of this Section 18, the term "dispute"
means all controversies or claims relating to terms, conditions or privileges of
employment,  including,  without  limitation,  claims  for  breach of  contract,
discrimination,  harassment, wrongful discharge, misrepresentation,  defamation,
emotional  distress  or any other  personal  injury,  but  excluding  claims for
unemployment compensation or worker's compensation.

      19.   COUNTERPARTS.  This Agreement may be executed in one or more
counterparts, each of which shall be considered an original and all of which
shall constitute one and the same agreement.  This Agreement shall not become
effective until it has been executed by both of the parties hereto.

      20.   HEADINGS.  The headings used in this Agreement are for
convenience of reference only and shall have no force or effect in the
construction or interpretation of the provisions of this Agreement.

      21. NOTICES.  All notices,  requests,  demands,  and other  communications
required or permitted by this Agreement  shall be in writing  (unless  otherwise
specifically  provided  herein) to the  addresses of the parties set forth below
and shall be deemed to have been  received:  (a) three (3) days after deposit in
the U.S. mail, postage prepaid, registered or certified, and addressed to either
party at the  addresses  set forth below,  or to such changed  address as either
party may have given to the other by notice in the manner  herein  provided;  or
(b) upon personal delivery.

      If to the Corporation:  Perlow Physicians, P.C.
                              c/o Arent Fox Kintner Plotkin & Kahn
                                          1675 Broadway
                               New York, NY 10019
                             Attn: Jerome Levy, Esq.

      If to the Clinical Director:  Yakov Burstein, Ph.D.
                                 54-19 59th Ave.
                              Elmhurst, N.Y. 11373

                                 With a copy to:
                              Harvey Z. Werblowsky, Esq.
                             McDermott, Will & Emery
                              50 Rockefeller Plaza
                              New York, N.Y. 10020

      22.  SEVERABILITY.  Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed
to require the  commission of any act contrary to law, and whenever there is any
conflict between any provision of this Agreement and any statute, law, ordinance
or regulations the statute,  law, ordinance or regulation shall prevail. In such
event, and in any case in which any provision of this Agreement is determined to
be in  violation  of a statute,  law,  ordinance  or  regulation,  the  affected
provision(s)  shall be limited  only to the extent  necessary to bring it within
the requirements of the law and, insofar as possible under the circumstances, to
carry out the purposes of this Agreement. The other provisions of this Agreement
shall remain in full force and effect, and the invalidity or unenforceability of
any  provision  hereof shall not affect the validity and  enforceability  of the
other provisions of this Agreement.

      23.   NO WAIVER.  The waiver by any party to this Agreement of any
breach of any term or condition of this Agreement shall not constitute a
waiver of subsequent breaches.  No waiver by any party of any provision of
this Agreement shall be deemed to constitute a waiver of any other provision.

      24.   SURVIVAL.  All of the provisions in Section 12 and 18 shall
survive any termination or expiration of the term of this Agreement.

      25. NO  REQUIREMENT  TO REFER.  It is not a purpose of this  Agreement  to
induce or encourage the referral of patients,  and there is no requirement under
this  Agreement,  or under any other  agreement  between  the  practice  and the
Clinical  Director,  that  the  Clinical  Director  refer  any  patient  to  the
Corporation  or to any other  entity for the  delivery  of health  care items or
services. The compensation paid to the Clinical Director under this Agreement is
made for  professional  services and obligations as set forth in this Agreement,
and no payment  made  under this  Agreement  is in return  for the  referral  of
patients or in return for  purchasing,  leasing,  ordering or arranging  for any
good, facility, item or service from the Corporation or any other entity.

      IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the parties hereby have executed this Agreement as of
the date first above written.


By:                                       By:
      Yakov Burstein, Ph.D.                     President



                              This AGREEMENT, effective as of October 31,
1996, between CLINICAL ASSOCIATES, a New York partnership, CLINICAL DIAGNOSTICS,
a sole proprietorship owned by Irwin Mansdorf,  Ph.D.  (collectively referred to
herein as the  "Sellers"),  PHC,  INC.,  a  Massachusetts  corporation  ("PHC"),
BSC-NY,  INC., a New York corporation and a direct,  wholly-owned  subsidiary of
PHC ("BSC"), PERLOW PHYSICIANS, P.C., a New York corporation (the "PC") (BSC and
the PC sometimes are referred to hereinafter  collectively  as the  "Purchasers"
and separately  each as a "Purchaser"),  IRWIN  MANSDORF,  a partner in Clinical
Associates and a resident of New York State ("Mansdorf"),  and YAKOV BURSTEIN, a
partner in Clinical  Associates  and a resident  of New York State  ("Burstein")
(Mansdorf and Burstein sometimes are referred to hereinafter collectively as the
"Partners" and individually each as a "Partner").

                              W I T N E S S E T H :

                              WHEREAS, the Sellers are comprised of a
partnership and a sole proprietorship, engaged in the business of providing
professional services for psychotherapy (collectively, the "Business"); and

                              WHEREAS, the Purchasers desire to purchase from
the Sellers and the Sellers desire to sell to the Purchasers  certain  specified
assets,   properties,   rights   and  claims  of  the   Business   (constituting
substantially  all of the assets of Sellers) as a going concern on the terms and
conditions set forth herein;

                              NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the
premises and the mutual  covenants and  agreements  hereinafter  set forth,  the
parties hereby agree as follows:

 .                        .    PURCHASE AND SALE OF ASSETS

           PURCHASE AND SALE OF ASSETS.  Subject to and upon the  conditions set
forth in this Agreement,  the Sellers will sell,  transfer,  convey,  assign and
deliver to Purchasers, and Purchasers will purchase and acquire from the Sellers
at the Closing (defined in subsection 2.1 hereof) provided for herein all right,
title and  interest  of  Sellers  in and to the  Specified  Assets  (defined  in
subsection 1.2 hereof),  but shall not include the Excluded  Assets  (defined in
subsection 1.3 hereof).

            SPECIFIED ASSETS.  The "Specified Assets" are:ASSETS

                          (A) All machinery, equipment,
furniture, furnishings, computers, telephones, supplies, and all tangible assets
used in connection with the operation of the Business,  wherever  located,  more
particularly described in Schedule 1.2(a) attached hereto;


                        (B) All of Sellers' right, title
and interest in, to, or under the written or oral contracts, agreements, leases,
licenses,  permits,  approvals,  purchase orders and commitments,  and any other
intangible assets used in connection with the operation of the Business, through
the Closing  Date (as  hereinafter  defined)  (the  "Contracts"),  which will be
assumed by Purchasers as enumerated  and described in Schedule  1.2(b)  attached

                         (C) All leasehold interests in
real property used in connection with the Business (the "Property"),  which will
be assumed by Purchasers as enumerated and described in Schedule 1.2(c) attached

                         (D) All leasehold improvements
owned or made to the Property by Sellers;

                           (E) All of Sellers' books,
records, files and correspondence,  display and promotional material relating to
or utilized in connection with the operation of the Business,  wherever located,
through the Closing  Date,  together  with all of the  goodwill  attached to the
Business,  and any other  intangibles,  including  trademarks,  corporate names,
trade names,  all  customer  lists,  consent to the rights to use the  telephone
numbers and  listings  pertaining  to same,  the entire  inventory of office and
maintenance supplies, if any; and

                        (F) Except as expressly provided
herein to the  contrary,  all other  assets,  tangible or  intangible,  wherever
located, held or used in connection with the ownership, operation and management
of the  Business,  whether  or not  included  in or  reflected  on the  books of

            EXCLUDED  ASSETS.  The  "Excluded  Assets"  are (I) all  cash,  cash
equivalents  including cash on hand or in bank  accounts,  and  certificates  of
deposit,  and commercial  paper held by each Seller,  (II) all notes  receivable
held by each Seller,  (III) all patient accounts  receivable held by each Seller
on the Closing Date  including  fees earned for patients  treated on or prior to
the Closing Date but not yet billed,  (IV) the organizational and capitalization
documents of each Seller, (V) all contracts and agreements specified in Schedule
1.3,  (VI) the  personal  property of the  partners or sole  proprietor  of each
Seller that has been used in  connection  with the operation of the Business and
is set forth in Schedule 1.3 and (VII) the assets specified in Schedule 1.3.

            ALLOCATION.  All Specified  Assets will be purchased and acquired by
BSC,  except the PC will  purchase  and  acquire  contracts  with  nursing  home
facilities,  goodwill  attached  thereto,  patient  records and other  Specified
Assets that BSC is not permitted to acquire under applicable law.


                        A.     TIME AND PLACE OF CLOSING
 The  closing of the sale of the  Specified
Assets  contemplated by this Agreement (the "Closing") shall take place at 10:00
a.m. at the offices of Arent Fox Kintner  Plotkin & Kahn,  1675  Broadway,  25th
Floor,  New York,  NY 10019 as of October 31, 1996 (the  "Closing  Date").  Upon
consummation,  the  Closing  shall be  deemed  to take  place as of the close of
business on the Closing Date.

            PURCHASE PRICE.

                                           2.2.1.     PURCHASE PRICE.  On the
terms and subject to the conditions set forth in this Agreement, the Purchasers,
jointly and severally,  agree to deliver to the Sellers the following (together,
the "Purchase Price") in consideration of the sale of the Specified Assets:

                               (a)  cash (by certified or bank
            check) in the amount of $1,500,000, plus

                               (b)  promissory  notes  (each,  a "Note") made by
            PHC, in  substantially  such form as is annexed hereto as Exhibit A,
            in the  original  aggregate  principal  amount of  $750,000  bearing
            interest at 8% per annum and payable, in the aggregate,  as follows:
            $187,500  on each  of the  first  and  second  anniversaries  of the
            Closing Date and $375,000 on the fourth  anniversary  of the Closing
            Date, plus

                               (c) a cash  amount (by  certified  or bank check)
            with  respect  to each of the  first  three  (3)  Fiscal  Years  (as
            hereinafter defined) of the PC after the Closing Date payable on the
            ninetieth  (90th) day following the end of such Fiscal Year (each, a
            "Payout Date") equal to (.49)  multiplied by the Earn Out Income (as
            hereinafter defined) for such Fiscal Year, plus

                               (d) an  additional  cash amount (by  certified or
            bank check)  payable on the Payout Date  following  the third Fiscal
            Year of the PC after the Closing Date,  equal to (.49) multiplied by
            (4),  multiplied  by the Earn Out Income for such  Fiscal  Year (the
            "Third Year Payment").

                                           2.2.2.     EARN OUT INCOME.  (a)
The term "Earn Out Income" for any Fiscal Year shall mean the net income  before
taxes of the PC for such Fiscal Year,  determined in accordance  with  generally
accepted  accounting  principles  ("GAAP").  In no event shall any management or
similar fee charged by PHC or any of its  Subsidiaries  (as such term is defined
in Rule 405  promulgated  under the  Securities  Act of 1933,  as  amended  (the
"Securities Act")) (other than Behavioral Stress Center,  Inc.) to the PC or any
of its  Subsidiaries  be deemed an expense in determining  such net income.  Any
management or similar fee charged by Behavioral  Stress  Center,  Inc. or any of
its  Subsidiaries  to the PC shall be deemed an expense in determining  such net
income.  In no event shall any  obligations  of (i) the PC, PHC and any of their
Subsidiaries  to the Partners or Sellers  under this  Agreement and (ii) PHC and
any of its  Subsidiaries  to the Partners under the Agreement and Plan of Merger
of even date herewith among PHC, the Partners and others, other than obligations
under the Burstein Employment Agreement and the Mansdorf Consulting Agreement or
any  payment  for  psychotherapy  services  by the PC, be deemed an  expense  in
determining such net income. E.g.,  depreciation and amortization arising out of
the  transactions  referred to in clauses (i) and (ii) above may not be deducted
as an expense in computing Earn Out Income.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,  all
direct out-of-pocket  ordinary and necessary costs and expenses paid or incurred
by PHC or any of its  Subsidiaries  on behalf of the PC shall be reflected as an
expense of the PC. The term  "Fiscal  Year" shall mean the twelve  month  period
ended on the first  anniversary of the Closing Date and each  successive  twelve
month period thereafter.

                               (b)  In the event the PC or any of its
Subsidiaries plans to acquire (by merger, consolidation,  purchase or otherwise)
any  psychotherapy  practice or provider of  management  services in  connection
therewith  (an  "Acquisition"),  PHC shall  provide the  Partners  with a notice
("Acquisition  Notice")  including the terms of the  Acquisition and the parties
thereto in reasonable  detail,  copies of any  agreements or  instruments  to be
executed  in  connection  with  the  Acquisition  and,  if  then  available,   a
computation  (the  "Computation")  of the maximum  depreciation and amortization
expenses per year to be borne by the PC or any of its Subsidiaries in connection
with the Acquisition. Promptly (but no more than 10 business days) after receipt
of any Acquisition  Notice for an Acquisition,  the Partners shall elect whether
or not such Acquisition  shall be reflected in Earn Out Income.  If the Partners
elect to include such  Acquisition  in Earn Out Income,  the  operating  results
resulting from such Acquisition including depreciation and amortization shall be
reflected  in Earn  Out  Income.  If the  Partners  elect  not to  include  such
Acquisition  in Earn  Out  Income,  such  operating  results,  depreciation  and
amortization shall not be reflected in Earn Out Income. If the Partners elect to
include in Earn Out Income any Acquisition the Acquisition  Notice for which did
not include a  Computation,  PHC shall provide the Partners with a  supplemental
Acquisition Notice including a Computation as soon as it is available.  Promptly
(but  no  more  than 10  business  days)  after  receipt  of  such  supplemental
Acquisition  Notice, the Partners may change their election as to whether or not
such  Acquisition  shall be reflected  in Earn Out Income.  If PHC or any of its
Affiliates (as such term is defined in Rule 405 promulgated under the Securities
Act)  (other  than  Behavioral  Stress  Center,  Inc.,  the PC or  any of  their
Subsidiaries)  plans to acquire  (either by merger,  consolidation,  purchase or
otherwise)  any  psychotherapy  practice or provider of  management  services in
connection  therewith  located  more than 100 miles  from New York City that was
introduced  to PHC by Mansdorf or Burstein,  PHC shall provide the Partners with
an  Acquisition  Notice with  respect  thereto in  accordance  with this Section
2.2.2(b) as if the PC or any of its Subsidiaries were making the acquisition and
the Partners  shall have the  election  rights with  respect  thereto  specified

                               (c)  Any dispute as to the determination of
Earn Out Income shall be settled in the manner provided in Section 9.

                        C.     ALLOCATION OF PURCHASE PRICE
 The Purchase Price shall be allocated
among the Specified Assets of the Sellers, and paid to each Seller, as set forth
in Schedule 2.3.

     In the event of a "change of  control"  with  respect to PHC,  the  minimum
obligation  of  Purchasers  and PHC to pay the Earn Out  Income  portion  of the
Purchase Price shall be immediately  determined and fixed. A "change of control"
with respect to PHC means the  occurrence of one or more of the  following:  (a)
Bruce A. Shear  ceases to be the chief  executive  officer of PHC;  (b) Bruce A.
Shear ceases to be the  president of PHC; or (c) the sale,  exchange,  transfer,
assignment  or other  disposition,  whether  voluntary or  involuntary  (but not
including a pledge or grant of another form of security  interest) of the assets
constituting  the  Business  as such  assets  exist on the  Closing  Date by the
Purchasers.  In the  event the  minimum  obligation  to pay the Earn Out  Income
portion of the Purchase Price is determined pursuant to this section as a result
of a change in control,  any Earn Out Income  portion of the Purchase  Price for
any Fiscal  Year not yet ended at the time of such  change in  control  shall be
calculated  based on the  greater of (i) Earn Out Income for such Fiscal Year as
set forth in  Section  2.2.1(c)  and (d) and (ii) Earn Out Income for the Fiscal
Year ended  immediately  prior to such change in control  (or, if no full Fiscal
Year has yet ended, an annualized  amount based on the partial Fiscal Year ended
on the date of the change of control).  E.g., if a change in control occurs nine
months after the Closing Date, the Earn Out Income portion of the Purchase Price
of pursuant to Section 2.2.1(c) and (d) shall be no less than an amount equal to
(.49)  multiplied  by (7),  multiplied by the Earn Out Income of the PC for such
nine month period  multiplied  by (12)  divided by (9).  Nothing in this section
affects the time PHC and the  Purchasers  shall be obligated to pay the Purchase
Price,  it being  understood  that this section merely  establishes  the minimum
amount of the Earn Out Income portion of such Purchase Price upon the occurrence
of a change in control with respect to PHC.

            SET-OFF.  In the event the PC receives  notice of termination of any
contract  identified  on Schedule 2.5 during the ninety (90) calendar day period
commencing  on the Closing  Date,  PHC shall be entitled to reduce the principal
amount of each Note on a pro rata basis in accordance with the initial principal
amount of the Notes by an amount equal to $21,429 for each nursing home facility
giving  any such  notice.  Any such  reduction  to a Note  shall be  applied  to
payments scheduled thereunder in the inverse order of maturity.

            NO LIABILITIES.  The Purchasers are not assuming any liabilities
or obligations of the Sellers except as explicitly set forth in this

III.                     .  CONDITIONS
respective obligations of each party to this Agreement are expressly conditioned
upon the following:

                               (a)  the Closing shall be contingent upon
      consummation of the transactions contemplated by the agreement and plan
      of merger among PHC, BSC, Behavioral Stress Center, Inc. and the

                               (b)  except as disclosed herein, there is no
      suit, claim, action,  proceeding or investigation  pending or, to the best
      knowledge of the Sellers or PHC,  threatened against PHC, either Purchaser
      or  either  Seller  before  any  governmental  entity  which if  adversely
      determined,  individually  or in the  aggregate,  would  have  a  material
      adverse  effect on PHC, the Sellers or  Purchasers  or prohibit,  delay or
      interfere with the  consummation  by PHC, the Sellers or Purchasers of the
      transactions  contemplated by this Agreement.  Except as disclosed herein,
      neither PHC,  the Sellers nor  Purchasers  are subject to any  outstanding
      order,  writ,  injunction  or decree  which,  insofar as can be reasonably
      foreseen,  individually  or in the  aggregate,  in the future would have a
      material  adverse  effect on PHC, the Sellers or  Purchasers  or prohibit,
      delay or interfere with the consummation by PHC, the Sellers or Purchasers
      of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement; and

                               (c)  all waivers, consents, approvals and
      actions  of  any  governmental  authority,   commission,  board  or  other
      regulatory  body or third party required in connection with this Agreement
      and the  transactions  contemplated  hereby  shall have been  obtained  by
      Sellers  or  Purchasers,  as the case may be,  and (i) shall not have been
      reversed,  stayed, enjoined, set aside, annulled or suspended,  (ii) shall
      not  be  subject   to  any  timely   request   for  stay,   petition   for
      reconsideration or appeal or SUA SPONTE action with comparable effect, and
      (iii) the time for filing any such request,  petition or appeal or for the
      taking of any such SUA SPONTE action shall have expired.

            DELIVERY BY SELLER. The obligation of the Purchasers to purchase the
Specified  Assets and to pay the Purchase Price are expressly  conditioned  upon
the  fulfillment  at or prior to the Closing and the delivery by each Seller and
receipt by PHC at the Closing of the following items:

                               (a)  Sellers shall have performed in all
      material respects their obligations  contained in this Agreement  required
      to be  performed  on or  prior to the  Closing  Date  and PHC  shall  have
      received a certificate signed by a duly authorized  representative of each
      Seller to such effect; and

                               (b)  the representations and warranties of
      each  Seller  set forth in Section 4 of this  Agreement  shall be true and
      correct in all  material  respects as of the Closing Date as if made as of
      such time,  except as  contemplated  or permitted by this  Agreement,  PHC
      shall  have   received  a   certificate   signed  by  a  duly   authorized
      representative of each Seller to such effect; and

                               (c)  a bill of sale, in substantially such
      form as is annexed  hereto as Exhibit B (the "General  Assignment and Bill
      of Sale"),  executed  and  delivered by each Seller and  transferring  the
      Specified Assets (other than the Contracts) to the Purchasers; and

                               (d)  an assignment and assumption agreement,
      in  substantially  such  form  as is  annexed  hereto  as  Exhibit  C (the
      "Assignment  and  Assumption  Agreement"),  executed and delivered by each
      Seller and  assigning to the  Purchasers  all the  Contracts  and Property
      leases; and

                               (e)  copies of all consents necessary for the
      assignment of the Contracts, unless the requirement to obtain such
      consents has been waived by PHC; and

                               (f)  copies of all Property leases, and any
      consents and approvals in connection with the assignment of the
      Property leases to BSC; and

                               (g)  Burstein shall execute and deliver the
      Employment   Agreement  in  accordance  with  Section  6.2(c)  hereof  and
      substantially in such form as is annexed hereto as Exhibit D; and

                               (h)   Mansdorf shall execute and deliver the
      Consulting   Agreement  in  accordance  with  Section  6.2(c)  hereof  and
      substantially in such form as is annexed hereto as Exhibit E.

     C.  DELIVERIES  BY THE  PURCHASER.  Each Seller's  obligations  to sell the
Specified  Assets  are  expressly   conditioned  upon  the  following  and  upon
fulfillment  at or prior to the Closing and the delivery by the  Purchasers  and
receipt by each Seller at the Closing of the following items:

                               (a)  PHC and Purchasers shall have performed
      in all material  respects  their  obligations  contained in this Agreement
      required to be  performed  on or prior to the Closing Date and the Sellers
      shall  have   received  a   certificate   signed  by  a  duly   authorized
      representative of PHC and the Purchasers to such effect; and

                               (b)  the representations and warranties of PHC
      and Purchasers set forth in Section 5 of this Agreement  shall be true and
      correct in all  material  respects as of the Closing Date as if made as of
      such time, except as contemplated or permitted by this Agreement,  and the
      Sellers  shall have  received a  certificate  signed by a duly  authorized
      representative of PHC and the Purchasers to such effect; and

                               (c)  the Notes and a bank or certified check
      or other immediately available funds in the amount of the cash
      consideration due at the Closing pursuant to Section 2.2.1; and

                               (d)  the Assignment and Assumption Agreement,
      executed and delivered by each Purchaser  pursuant to which the Purchasers
      assume the  obligations  of each Seller  under all the  Contracts  and the
      Property leases; and

                               (e)  (I) a copy of the Certificate of
      Incorporation  of each Purchaser  certified as to its  authenticity by the
      Secretary of State of the State of New York, and (II) a certificate of the
      Secretary of State of the State of New York  certifying  the  existence of
      the PC as a professional corporation in the State of New York; and

                               (f)  a certificate of the Secretary or an
      assistant Secretary of each Purchaser  certifying (i) that the Certificate
      of  Incorporation  provided  pursuant  to  subsection  3.3(e)  is true and
      correct,  that no  action  has been  taken to amend  such  Certificate  of
      Incorporation  since the last amendment set forth  therein,  and that such
      Purchaser  has not taken  action to  dissolve,  liquidate  or wind-up  its
      businesses,  (ii) true and complete copies of the Bylaws of such Purchaser
      as in full  force  and  effect on the date  thereof,  and (iii) a true and
      complete  copy of the  resolutions  adopted by the board of directors  and
      shareholders of such Purchaser  relating to the transactions  contemplated
      hereby, which resolutions are the only resolutions adopted by the board of
      directors and shareholders of such Purchaser  relating to the transactions
      contemplated hereby and which resolutions remain in full force and effect;

                               (h)  a copy of the license to practice
      medicine or psychology, as the case may be, in the State of New York and a
      copy of Federal Drug  Enforcement  Agency  ("DEA")  registration  for each
      shareholder and/or employee of the PC and DEA licensure; and

                               (i)  the PC shall have offered employment to
      Burstein in accordance with Section 6.2(c) hereof,  and in accordance with
      the terms of the Employment  Agreement,  substantially  in such form as is
      annexed hereto as Exhibit D; and

                               (j)  the PC shall have offered a
      consulting  arrangement  to Mansdorf in  accordance  with  Section  6.2(c)
      hereof,  and in  accordance  with the terms of the  Consulting  Agreement,
      substantially in such form as is annexed hereto as Exhibit E.

     D.  ACCESS TO PATIENT  FILES.  At the  Closing,  the custody of all medical
records of patients of each Seller shall be  transferred  to the PC, which shall
hold such records in  confidence  and utilize the same only for its  appropriate
purposes or as may be  necessary  to identify  such  records for  forwarding  to
another  physician at the written  direction of a patient.  Each Seller shall be
authorized to have access to such records, or a copy thereof, upon request.

     OTHER AGREEMENTS.  At the Closing,  the parties shall execute,  acknowledge
and deliver such other instruments and documents as may be reasonably  necessary
or appropriate to carry out the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.


                                     The Sellers, jointly and severally,
hereby represent and warrant to the Purchasers as of the date hereof as

            DUE  ORGANIZATION.  Clinical  Associates  represents  that  it  is a
partnership  which is duly  organized and validly  existing and in good standing
under the laws of the State of New York,  and has full  power and  authority  to
conduct its business,  and operate its assets  including  its Specified  Assets.
Mansdorf  represents that he is the sole proprietor of Clinical  Diagnostics and
that he has full  power and  authority  to  conduct  the  business  of  Clinical
Diagnostics and operate its assets, including its Specified Assets.

            AUTHORITY.  Each Seller has full legal right,  power and  authority,
without the consent of any other person,  to execute and deliver this Agreement,
and all other agreements being delivered in connection  herewith (the "Ancillary
Agreements"), and to carry out the transactions contemplated hereby and thereby,
except as noted in Schedule 4.2. All acts or proceedings required to be taken by
each  Seller to  authorize  the  execution,  delivery  and  performance  of this
Agreement  and  all  transactions   contemplated   hereby   including,   without
limitation, any required partnership or sole proprietor approval, have been duly
and properly taken.

            APPROVALS.  This Agreement and the transactions  contemplated hereby
have been approved and adopted by the requisite vote of the partners or the sole
proprietor of each Seller, as the case may be.
     D.  EXECUTION,  DELIVERY AND  PERFORMANCE . This  Agreement,  the Ancillary
Agreements,  and the documents  executed and  delivered by each Seller  pursuant
hereto have been duly executed and delivered and  constitute  lawful,  valid and
legally binding  obligations of such Seller,  enforceable against such Seller in
accordance  with their  respective  terms,  except as the same may be limited by
bankruptcy,  insolvency and other laws affecting creditors' rights generally and
by general equity principles. None of the execution,  delivery or performance of
this  Agreement,   the  Ancillary   Agreements  and  the   consummation  of  the
transactions contemplated hereby or thereby by such Seller will, with or without
the giving of notice or the passage of time, or both,  result in the creation of
any lien,  charge or encumbrance of any kind or the  termination or acceleration
of any indebtedness or other obligation of such Seller. The execution,  delivery
and  performance  of this  Agreement and the  consummation  of the  transactions
contemplated  hereby is not  prohibited  by, do not violate or conflict with any
provision  of,  and do not  constitute  a  default  under or a breach of (A) the
Certificate for Partners of Clinical Associates,  (B) any note, bond, indenture,
contract,  agreement, permit, license or other instrument to which either Seller
or its assets is bound, (C) any order, writ,  injunction,  decree or judgment of
any court or governmental agency, or (D) any law, rule or regulation  applicable
to either Seller,  except, in each case, for such liens, charges,  encumbrances,
violations,  conflicts  or  defaults  the  occurrence  of which would not have a
material  adverse  effect on the business or results of  operations or financial
condition of the Sellers.  No approval,  authorization,  registration,  consent,
order or other  action  of or  filing  with any  person,  including  any  court,
administrative  agency or other  governmental  authority,  is  required  for the
execution and delivery by either Seller of this Agreement or the  performance of
its obligations hereunder or the consummation by such Seller of the transactions
contemplated hereby, except for such approvals,  authorizations,  registrations,
consents,  orders,  actions  or filings  the  failure of which to obtain or make
would  not  have a  material  adverse  effect  on the  business  or  results  of
operations or financial condition of such Seller.

            TITLE TO ASSETS.  The Sellers are the sole and  exclusive  legal and
equitable  owners  of all  right,  title  and  interest  in and  have  good  and
marketable title to all of the Specified Assets. Except as set forth in Schedule
4.5,  none of the Specified  Assets which Sellers  purport to own are subject to
(A) any title defect or objection;  (B) any contract of lease,  license or sale;
(C) any security interest,  mortgage, pledge, lien, charge or encumbrance of any
kind or character, direct or indirect, whether accrued, absolute,  contingent or
otherwise; (D) any royalty or commission arrangement; or (e) any claim, covenant
or restriction.  The Specified  Assets,  taken as a whole, are in good operating
condition  and  repair  in all  material  respects  (reasonable  wear  and  tear
excepted) and are suitable for the purposes for which they are  presently  being

     F. REAL PROPERTY AND REAL ESTATE LEASES.  The Sellers have delivered to PHC
accurate,  correct and complete  copies of each Property  lease. At the Closing,
the  Sellers  shall  deliver to PHC any  consents  or  approvals  of any parties
required in connection  with the  assignment of the Property  leases,  except as
noted on Schedule 4.6.  Each Property  lease is in full force and effect and, to
the  knowledge  of the Sellers,  there  exists no default or event,  occurrence,
condition  or act which,  with the  giving of  notice,  the lapse of time or the
happening of any further event or  condition,  would become a default under such

                                EMPLOYEE MATTERS.

                       (a) CONTRACTS. Schedule 4.7(a) sets
forth  a  true,  correct  and  complete  list  and  summary  description  of all
agreements,  arrangements or understandings,  written or oral, with employees of
each  Seller  regarding  services  to  be  rendered,  terms  and  conditions  of
employment, and compensation (the "Employment Contracts"), each of which will be
terminated at or prior to Closing except as noted on Schedule 4.7.

                     (b) COMPENSATION. Schedule 4.7(b) sets
forth  a true,  correct  and  complete  list of all  employees  of each  Seller,
including name, title or position,  the present annual  compensation  (including
bonuses, commissions,  vacation, sick leave and deferred compensation), years of
service and any interests in any incentive compensation plan.

                                     (c)  DISPUTES.  There are no
controversies pending or, to the knowledge of the Sellers,  threatened involving
any  employee or group of  employees,  except  individual  grievances  under any
collective  bargaining  agreement  which,  in the  aggregate,  are not material.
Neither  Seller has not suffered or sustained any work stoppage and no such work
stoppage is, to the knowledge of such Seller, threatened. No union organizing or
election  activities  involving  any nonunion  employees of either Seller are in
progress  or, to the  knowledge of such Seller,  threatened.  Neither  Seller is
obligated under any agreement to recognize or bargain with any labor or employee
organization or union on behalf of any employees.

            LICENSES  AND PERMITS.  Schedule  4.8  contains a true,  correct and
complete  list and summary  description  of each license,  permit,  certificate,
approval,  exemption,  franchise,   registration,   variance,  accreditation  or
authorization   issued  to  the   Sellers  and   assigned   to  the   Purchasers
(collectively, the "Licenses and Permits"). All such Licenses and Permits remain
in full force and effect, and there are no notices relating to the withdrawal of
any such  approval  or  requiring  any  modification  of a  product  in order to
preserve any such approval. The Licenses and Permits are valid and in full force
and effect  and there are not  pending,  or, to the  knowledge  of the  Sellers,
threatened,  any proceedings which could result in the termination,  revocation,
limitation or impairment of any of the Licenses and Permits. Each Seller has all
licenses,   permits,   certificates,   approvals,   franchises,   registrations,
accreditation and other  authorizations as are necessary or appropriate in order
to  enable  it to own and  conduct  its  business  and,  except  as set forth in
Schedule  4.8,  to own,  occupy and lease its real  property.  Unless  otherwise
specified in Schedule 4.8, all Licenses and Permits are freely assignable to the
Purchasers.  No  violations  have been  recorded in respect of any  Licenses and
Permits, and the Sellers know of no meritorious basis therefor.

            MATERIAL  CONTRACTS.  All agreements,  commitments,  instruments and
leases related to the Business to which either Seller is a party or is bound, or
by which any of the  Specified  Assets of the  Business are subject or bound and
which Purchasers are assuming (the "Material  Contracts") are listed on Schedule
4.9  hereto.  All  Material  Contracts  are valid,  binding and  enforceable  in
accordance  with  their  terms  and are in full  force  and  effect  and to each
Seller's knowledge, none of the parties to any Material Contract is in breach of
any  provision  of,  violation  of,  or in  default  under the terms of any such
Material Contract. No event has occurred which with notice or passage of time or
both would result in a breach of any provision of, or default  under,  the terms
of any Material Contract.  At the Closing,  the Sellers shall deliver to PHC any
consents or approvals of any parties  required in connection with the assignment
of the Material Contracts, except as noted on Schedule 4.9.

            LEGAL  PROCEEDINGS.  Except as set forth in Schedule  4.10,  neither
Seller  is  engaged  in or a party  to or,  to the  knowledge  of  such  Seller,
threatened  with any  action,  suit,  proceeding,  complaint,  charge,  hearing,
investigation   or  arbitration   or  other  method  of  settling   disputes  or
disagreements;  and, upon due inquiry,  such Seller does not know of, anticipate
or have notice of any reasonable  basis for any such action.  Neither Seller has
received notice of any investigation  threatened or contemplated by any foreign,
federal,  state or local governmental or regulatory  authority,  including those
involving  the safety of products,  the working  conditions  of  employees,  the
Seller's  employment  practices or policies,  or compliance  with  environmental
regulations.  Neither the Sellers,  nor the  Business  nor any of the  Specified
Assets is subject to any  judgment,  order,  writ,  injunction,  stipulation  or
decree of any court or any governmental agency or any arbitrator.

            CONDUCT OF BUSINESS.  Except as set forth on Schedule 4.11, since
December 31, 1995, the Sellers have:

                     (a) used their best efforts to promote
the Business,  and to conduct the Business only in the ordinary course, and have
used their best efforts to preserve  Business,  including without limitation (i)
the  servicing  of all  customer  needs,  (ii) the  maintenance  of  customers',
suppliers' and employees'  goodwill and (iii) the maintenance of all real estate
used by the Business  including all maintenance,  repair and replacements  which
are required in order for the continued operation of Business;

                      (b) not sold or otherwise disposed of
any of their material fixed assets or equipment, except for replacements and
dispositions in the ordinary course; and

     (c) not suffered any extraordinary loss.

     4.12 COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE LAWS. Except as set forth on Schedule 4.12,
the Sellers are not in violation of any applicable law,  regulation,  ordinance,
decree,  judgment,  order or  requirement  relating to the Business,  including,
without limitation, any law, regulation, ordinance, decree, order or requirement
relating to zoning,  employment,  occupational  safety or public health matters,
the failure  with which to comply  would have a material  adverse  effect on the
Business.  Without  limitation of the  foregoing,  the Sellers have not taken or
omitted to take any action, and no situation or condition has occurred or exists
prior to or on the Closing Date, in violation or noncompliance with any statute,
law, regulation,  directive or permit requirement  promulgated or adopted by any
governmental  authority  (whether  federal,  state or local) or under common law
with respect to health or occupational  safety,  including,  but not limited to,
the  Occupational  Safety  and  Health  Act  and  regulations  and  publications
promulgated  pursuant to such  statute,  as amended  from time to time until the
Closing Date.

INSURANCE.  All insurance policies and arrangements of the Sellers are set forth
on Schedule  4.13.  Said  insurance is  consistent  with that  maintained by the
Business in the past.  All such  insurance  is in force and the Sellers have not
received  notice of  cancellation  of, or of an intent to  cancel,  any of their
policies of insurance. No claims are pending under such insurance coverage.

                                     4.14  ABSENCE OF CERTAIN CHANGES   4.14
ABSENCE OF CERTAIN CHANGES.  Since December 31, 1995, there has been no
material adverse change in the Business.


     The Purchasers and PHC, jointly and severally, hereby represent and warrant
to the Sellers as of the date hereof as follows:

            DUE  ORGANIZATION.   The  PC  is  a  professional  corporation  duly
organized  and validly  existing  under the laws of the State of New York,  with
full power and authority and all requisite  licenses,  permits and franchises to
own,  lease and operate  its assets and to carry on the  business in which it is
engaged. BSC is a business corporation duly organized and validly existing under
the laws of the  State of New  York,  with  full  power  and  authority  and all
requisite licenses,  permits and franchises to own, lease and operate its assets
and to carry on the  business in which it is engaged.  PHC has  delivered to the
Sellers a true,  correct and complete copy of the  Certificate of  Incorporation
and Bylaws of the PC and BSC.

            AUTHORITY.  Each of PHC and the Purchasers has full right, power and
authority,  without the consent of any other person, to execute and deliver this
Agreement,  and the  Ancillary  Agreements,  and to carry  out the  transactions
contemplated  hereby and thereby.  All corporate  and other acts or  proceedings
required  to be  taken  by  each  of PHC and the  Purchasers  to  authorize  the
execution,  delivery and  performance  of this  Agreement  and all  transactions
contemplated hereby have been duly and properly taken.

                        C.     BOARD AND SHAREHOLDER APPROVAL     BOARD AND
Agreements and the transactions  contemplated  thereby have been approved by the
requisite vote of the board of directors and the  shareholders of Purchasers and
the board of directors of PHC.

     D. PAYMENT OF PURCHASE PRICE. The Notes, when delivered, shall be valid and
duly executed and shall constitute binding obligations of PHC in accordance with
the terms thereof.

            LICENSURE.  Shareholders and employees of the PC are duly
registered and licensed, and in good standing to practice medicine in the
State of New York.

            VALIDITY. This Agreement has been, and the documents to be delivered
at Closing will be, duly  executed and delivered by PHC and the  Purchasers  and
constitute  lawful,  valid  and  legally  binding  obligations  of PHC  and  the
Purchasers,  as the case may be, enforceable in accordance with their respective
terms,  except as the same may be limited by  bankruptcy,  insolvency  and other
laws affecting  creditors'  rights  generally and by general equity  principles.
None  of the  execution,  delivery  or  performance  of this  Agreement  and the
consummation of the transactions  contemplated  hereby will, with or without the
giving of notice or the passage of time, or both,  result in the creation of any
lien,  charge or encumbrance or the  acceleration  of any  indebtedness or other
obligation of PHC or the Purchasers and are not prohibited by, do not violate or
conflict with any provision of, and do not result in a default under or a breach
of (A) the Certificate of Incorporation or Bylaws of PHC or the Purchasers,  (B)
any  note,  bond,  indenture,  contract,  agreement,  permit,  license  or other
instrument  to which PHC or either  Purchaser  is a party or by which  either of
them is bound, (C) any order, writ, injunction,  decree or judgment of any court
or governmental agency, or (D) any law, rule or regulation  applicable to PHC or
the Purchasers,  except,  in each case, for such liens,  charges,  encumbrances,
violations,  conflicts or defaults the creation or occurrence of which would not
have a  material  adverse  effect on the  consolidated  business  or  results of
operations or financial condition of PHC. No approval, authorization, consent or
other  order or  action of or  filing  with any  person,  including  any  court,
administrative  agency  or other  governmental  authority  is  required  for the
execution  and  delivery by PHC or the  Purchasers  of this  Agreement  or their
obligations   hereunder  or  the   consummation  by  them  of  the  transactions
contemplated hereby, except for such approvals,  authorizations,  registrations,
consents,  orders,  actions  or filings  the  failure of which to obtain or make
would not have a material adverse effect on the consolidated business or results
of operations or financial condition of PHC.

            LEGAL PROCEEDINGS.  Neither PHC nor the Purchasers are engaged in or
a party to or, to the knowledge of PHC and the  Purchasers,  threatened with any
action,  suit or other  legal  proceeding  involving  the  Specified  Assets  or
affecting their ability to engage in the transactions contemplated hereby.

     H. SEC REPORTS AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS . PHC has filed with the Securities
and Exchange  Commission  (the "SEC"),  and has heretofore made available to the
Company, true and complete copies of all forms, reports,  schedules,  statements
and other documents required to be filed by it under the Securities Exchange Act
of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act") or the Securities Act since its initial
public  offering (as such  documents  have been  amended  since the time of such
filing, collectively, the "PHC SEC Documents"). The PHC SEC Documents, including
without limitation,  any financial  statements or schedules included therein, at
the time filed,  (a) did not contain any untrue  statement of a material fact or
omit to state a material  fact  required to be stated  therein or  necessary  in
order to make the statements  therein, in light of the circumstances under which
they were made, not  misleading  and (b) complied in all material  respects with
the applicable  requirements  of the Exchange Act and the Securities Act, as the
case may be, and the applicable  rules and  regulations  of the SEC  thereunder,
except,  in each case, to the extent any PHC SEC Document has been amended prior
hereto by a subsequent PHC SEC Document delivered to the Company.  The financial
statements  of PHC  included in the PHC SEC  Documents  comply as to form in all
material respects with applicable accounting requirements and with the published
rules and  regulations  of the SEC with respect  thereto,  have been prepared in
accordance with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a consistent
basis  during the  periods  involved  (except as may be  indicated  in the notes
thereto or, in the case of the unaudited statements, as permitted by Form 10-QSB
of the  SEC),  and  fairly  present  (subject,  in  the  case  of the  unaudited
statements,  to normal year-end audit  adjustments) the  consolidated  financial
position of PHC and its  consolidated  Subsidiaries  as at the dates thereof and
the consolidated results of their operations and cash flows for the periods then

      HART-SCOTT-RODINO.  With the  meaning of the  Hart-Scott-Rodino  Antitrust
Improvements  Act of 1976 (15  U.S.C.  ss.18a),  Bruce A. Shear  (including  all
entities the assets or sales of which are attributable to Mr. Shear for purposes
of such Act) has total  assets of less than  $100,000,000  and total  annual net
sales of less than  $100,000,000,  and  therefore no party to this  Agreement is
required  to file  notification  pursuant  to such  Act in  connection  with the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

VI.                      .    COVENANTS

            PATIENT  RECORDS.  The PC will retain all patient records  purchased
pursuant to the terms hereof for a period of time equal to the longer of (I) the
period of time required by applicable  law and (II) ten (10) years from the last
day on which such patient was examined by any employee of either Seller.  If the
PC no longer desires to retain such records,  the PC may deliver such records to
the  Sellers or any  successor  of the  Sellers to be retained by the Sellers or
such  successor as required by applicable  law.  Delivery of such records to the
Sellers or such  successor  will  satisfy the  obligations  of the PC under this
Section 6.1.

                        B.     EMPLOYMENT WITH THE BUSINESS

     (a)  Prior to the  Closing,  the PC will  offer  employment,  without  term
certain, to the employees of each Seller listed on Schedule 6.2, and at the same
or greater cash rate of  compensation  as that  provided by Sellers  immediately
before the Closing Date, without requiring  relocation of employees.  The PC has
the right to terminate  any employee in accordance  with any  agreement  entered
into by such employee and the PC from and after the Closing and applicable law.

                     (b) The Sellers shall terminate all the
employees of the Sellers (the  "Terminated  Employees").  The Sellers  shall use
commercially  reasonable efforts to encourage the Terminated Employees to accept
and retain employment with the PC.

                      (c) Prior to the Closing Date, the PC
shall offer a consulting  arrangement  to Mansdorf  pursuant to the terms of the
Consulting Agreement, substantially in such form as is annexed hereto as Exhibit
E. Prior to the Closing Date, the PC shall offer employment to Burstein pursuant
to the  terms of the  Employment  Agreement,  substantially  in such  form as is
annexed hereto as Exhibit D.

     C. COLLECTION OF RECEIVABLES. The PC agrees to assist Sellers in collecting
through  commercially  reasonable  methods accounts  receivable arising from the
Sellers'  operation of the Business prior to the Closing Date.  Such  assistance
shall  be at no  charge  to the  Sellers  and  shall  include  no more  than the
following  number  of  hours  of  those  continuing  employees  of the  Business
previously engaged in collection activities:  (i) unlimited hours during the 30-
day period after the Closing Date;  (ii) 20 hours during the next 30-day period;
(iii) 15 hours  during the next  30-day  period;  and (iv) 10 hours  during each
successive  30-day period thereafter until the 180th day after the Closing Date.
The PC shall not be  required  to  initiate  any claim,  suit or  proceeding  to
collect such accounts or to take any action which materially interferes with the
business relationship of the obligor of any such account.

     D. CONDUCT OF BUSINESS BY THE  PURCHASERS . Purchasers  shall operate their
business in a commercially reasonable manner so as to preserve the Business, and
to preserve the goodwill of its customers,  suppliers and others having dealings
with the Business to the end that the goodwill  and ongoing  performance  of the
Business  shall not be impaired in any material  respect after the Closing Date.
Neither PHC, its Subsidiaries nor the Purchasers shall,  directly or indirectly,
engage in any activity that  knowingly  would impact  negatively on the Business
and the right of the  Partners  to receive  the Earn Out  Income  portion of the
Purchase  Price.  The provisions of this Section 6.4 shall survive until any and
all  obligations  of PHC and the PC to pay the Purchase  Price,  including  that
based on Earn Out Income, terminate.

     E. NO SOLICITATION BY PHC AND THE PURCHASERS . Each party hereto  covenants
that neither it nor any of its Affiliates shall, directly or indirectly, induce,
influence or attempt to induce or influence any person,  firm or  corporation to
terminate their patronage with the Business,  or in any way attempt to divert or
influence  patients from  professionals  or professional  entities served by the
Business.  The  provisions  of this Section 6.5 shall  survive  until the fourth
anniversary of the date hereof.

MATTERS     CERTAIN OPERATIONAL MATTERS.  Except as noted below, the
following actions shall require the written approval of Mansdorf and

                         (a)  engagement by either  Purchaser or any  Subsidiary
            thereof in any trade,  business  or  activity  other than  providing
            psychotherapy  services or the  management  of such services and any
            other services provided by the Sellers as of the Closing; and

                         (b) the acquisition,  either by merger,  consolidation,
            purchase  or  otherwise,  by PHC or  any  of its  Affiliates  of any
            psychotherapy  practice or provider of management  services  thereto
            located  within  100  miles of New York  City  unless  Mansdorf  and
            Burstein  shall have  received an  Acquisition  Notice with  respect
            thereto in accordance  with Section  2.2.2(b) as if the PC or any of
            its Subsidiaries were making the acquisition; and

                         (c) transactions between the Purchasers or any of their
            Subsidiaries,  on the one hand,  and PHC or its Affiliates or any of
            their  Officers or Directors (or any  Associates of any such person)
            (as such  terms  are  defined  in Rule  405  promulgated  under  the
            Securities  Act),  on the other  hand,  (i)  except no  approval  is
            required to the extent the only  obligation  of the  Purchasers  and
            their  Subsidiaries  is  to  pay  management  or  similar  fees  not
            reflected  in Earn Out  Income,  (ii) except no approval is required
            for  transactions  where any expenses  arising  therefrom  represent
            arm's-length  arrangements  and (iii) except no approval is required
            for  transactions  that result in no expense  reflected  in Earn Out
            Income; and

                         (d) the  guarantee  by the  Purchasers  or any of their
            Subsidiaries of the  indebtedness  of others,  except no approval is
            required  where  any  expenses  of the  Purchasers  or any of  their
            Subsidiaries  arising  out of  such  guarantee  are  disregarded  in
            calculating Earn Out Income; and

                         (e) the  borrowing  of money or the  assumption  of the
            indebtedness  of others (except for working capital or in connection
            with  Acquisitions  for  which  Mansdorf  and  Burstein  shall  have
            received an Acquisition  Notice in accordance with Section 2.2.2(b))
            or  the  lending  of  money  by  the  Purchasers  or  any  of  their
            Subsidiaries,  except no approval is required  where any expenses of
            the  Purchasers  or any of their  Subsidiaries  arising  out of such
            borrowing, assumption or lending are disregarded in calculating Earn
            Out Income; and

                         (f) contracts or obligations other than in the ordinary
            course  of  business  binding  on the  Purchasers  or  any of  their
            Subsidiaries   (except  for  Acquisitions  for  which  Mansdorf  and
            Burstein  shall have  received an  Acquisition  Notice in accordance
            with  Section  2.2.2(b)),  except  no  approval  is  required  where
            expenses of the Purchasers or any of their Subsidiaries  arising out
            of such contracts or obligations are disregarded in calculating Earn
            Out Income; and

                         (g) increase in number of, or compensation  payable to,
            officers,  directors or employees of the  Purchasers or any of their
            Subsidiaries, except no approval is required for hiring or retention
            of  any   additional   officer  or  employee,   or  any   additional
            compensation,  where any  expenses  arising  therefrom  represent an
            arm's-length arrangement; and

                         (h) capital  expenditures  by the  Purchasers and their
            Subsidiaries (except with respect to Acquisitions for which Mansdorf
            and Burstein shall have received an Acquisition Notice in accordance
            with  Section  2.2.2(b)),  (i) except no approval  is  required  for
            capital  expenditures  reasonably  necessary for the business of the
            Purchasers   and  their   Subsidiaries   to  the  extent   aggregate
            depreciation   and   amortization   resulting   from  such   capital
            expenditures  do not exceed  $37,500 in any  Fiscal  Year,  and (ii)
            except no approval is required where any depreciation,  amortization
            or other  expenses of the  Purchasers  or any of their  Subsidiaries
            arising out of such expenditures are disregarded in calculating Earn
            Out Income.


            COVENANTS.  In  consideration  of the execution and delivery of this
Agreement and in  recognition  that PHC was induced to enter into this Agreement
based  on the  covenants  and  assurances  made by the  Partners,  each  Partner
covenants and agrees that, for a period of four (4) years after the Closing,  he
will not (i)  directly or  indirectly  (whether as a sole  proprietor,  partner,
stockholder, director, officer, employee, consultant, independent contractor, or
in  any  capacity  as  principal  or  agent  or  in  any  other   individual  or
representative  capacity)  engage in Competition (as such term is defined below)
with the PC or be interested in or associated with or render services to or sell
any ideas,  inventions  or products to any party in  Competition  with the PC or
(ii) make  known or  disclose  the name or  address  of (x) any of the  clients,
customers  or  patrons  of  the PC or  (y)  any  persons  having  a  contractual
relationship  with the PC  (except  where  the facts of such  relationships  are
generally  available  to or  known by the  public  other  than as a result  of a
disclosure by such Partner) or (iii) call upon, solicit, divert or take away, or
attempt to solicit, divert or take away, any such clients,  customers or patrons
or employees of the PC or any persons having a contractual relationship with the
PC or (iv) request or advise any present or future client, customer or patron of
the PC or any persons having a contractual relationship with the PC to withdraw,
curtail or cancel their business  relationship with the PC. For purposes hereof,
the term "Competition" shall mean the providing of (i) psychotherapy services to
individuals  either  individually  or in group settings in out-patient  clinics,
nursing homes or hospitals, or (ii) management services in connection therewith,
in any case,  within a radius of  twenty-five  (25) miles from any  location  in
which psychotherapy  services or management services in connection therewith are
then being provided by the PC; provided,  however,  that the Partners may engage
in private  practice and may provide such  services to the  Hempstead  Hospital,
administrative  divisions of the State of New York, Upstate Clinical  Associates
and, with respect only to  administrative  and management  services  provided to
governments  or  municipalities   ("GMC   Contracts"),   BSC  Health  Management
("BSCHM").   In  the  event  Upstate   Clinical   Associates   plans  to  render
psychotherapy  services  at a  location  more than  twenty  five (25) miles from
Monroe County,  New York, it shall provide PHC with notice of such location.  If
the  PC or  any of  its  Subsidiaries  engages  in  such  services  or  provides
management  services in  connection  therewith  within twenty five (25) miles of
such location during the sixty (60) days following the date of such notice, then
Upstate Clinical  Associates shall  discontinue such plans for so long as PHC is
so engaged.  BSCHM will obtain clinical  services from PHC or from an authorized
provider  associated with PHC under the GMC Contracts except (A) in the "Capital
District" (as defined in the GMC  Contracts),  (B) to the extent BSCHM's partner
or joint venturer as of the date hereof (which is a national  behavioral  health
care  provider  identified  to PHC) or the  governmental  entity  withholds  its
consent  and/or (C) the  extent  prices and  services  proposed  by the PC or an
authorized provider associated with PHC in connection with the GMC Contracts are
not  competitive.  For  purposes  hereof,  "Competition"  shall not preclude the
ownership of less than ten (10) percent of the common  stock,  or other class of
voting stock r any percentage of non-voting  securities,  of any publicly traded

            ANCILLARY  OBLIGATIONS.  This  covenant  shall  be  construed  as an
obligation ancillary to the other provisions of this Agreement and the existence
of any  claim or cause of action by the  Partners,  or any one of them,  whether
predicated  on a breach of this  Agreement  or of the  Ancillary  Agreements  or
otherwise,  shall not constitute a defense to the enforcement by PHC, Purchasers
or any party to the Ancillary Agreements of this covenant.

            ENFORCEMENT.  Each  Partner  agrees that the remedies at law for any
breach of the covenants  contained in this Section 7 will be inadequate and that
PHC or the  Purchasers  shall be  entitled  to  appropriate  equitable  remedies
including  injunctive relief in any action or proceeding  brought to prevent the
taking or  continuation  of any action  which  would  constitute  or result in a
breach of such  covenant.  Such remedies  shall not be exclusive and shall be in
addition to any and all remedies which may be available, directly or indirectly,
without limiting the recovery of any incidental,  consequential  and/or punitive
damages.  Each Partner  further agrees that if any restriction in this Section 7
is held by any court to be unenforceable or unreasonable,  a lesser  restriction
will be enforced in its place and the  remaining  restrictions  will be enforced
independently of each other. The attorneys' fees, court costs and other expenses
incurred by the  prevailing  party in any proceeding to enforce any rights under
any  provision of this Section 7, or to defend any such  attempted  enforcement,
shall be paid by the non-prevailing party.

            SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS.  The rights of PHC and the Purchasers  under
this  covenant  shall  inure to the  benefit of and shall be binding  upon their
successors  and  assigns.  In the  event  of any  such  assignment,  any and all
references  to PHC and the  Purchasers in this Section 7 shall be deemed to mean
and include such assignee or assignees.


            SURVIVAL.  All covenants and agreements of the parties  contained in
this Agreement or expressly  incorporated  herein by reference shall survive the
Closing  and  continue  in full  force and effect  following  the  Closing.  All
representations  and  warranties of the parties  contained in this  Agreement or
expressly  incorporated herein by reference shall be deemed to be made as of the
date hereof and as of the Closing Date and shall  survive the Closing  hereunder
and any  investigation  made by or on behalf of any party hereto for a period of
three (3) years.

     B. STATEMENTS AS  REPRESENTATIONS  . All statements  contained herein or in
any  Exhibit,  agreement,  certificate  or  instrument  executed  and  delivered
pursuant to this Agreement shall be deemed representations and warranties within
the meaning of this Section 8.


     (a) RIGHT OF SET-OFF.  Subject to the  provisions  and  conditions  of this
Section 8, any and all amounts to be paid to the Sellers pursuant to Section 2.2
of this  Agreement  shall be reduced for any losses  sustained  or  liabilities,
obligations,  expenses,  claims,  liens,  judgments,  damages  or other  amounts
asserted  by any third  party and any and all  reasonable  costs or  expenses of
defending  against any of the foregoing  including costs of settlements  (herein
collectively,  "Damages")  asserted against,  imposed upon or incurred by PHC or
Purchasers or any other  Subsidiary  of any of them, or any of their  respective
directors,  officers or employees  (collectively,  the  "Indemnitees,"  and each
individually, an "Indemnitee") resulting from, relating to or arising out of:

     (i) any breach of any  representation,  warranty  or  agreement  of Sellers
contained in or made pursuant to this Agreement, the Ancillary Agreements or any
agreement, contract or instrument required to be executed by Sellers pursuant to
this  Agreement or the  Ancillary  Agreements or the  transactions  contemplated
thereby; or

                         (ii) any act or  omission  of Sellers  which  occurred,
            existed or failed to occur or exist  before the Closing  (including,
            without  limitation,  such acts or  omissions  as are  described  or
            enumerated in this Agreement); or

                         (iii)  any  event,  state of  facts,  circumstances  or
            conditions  occurring or existing (or not  occurring or not existing
            if the  absence of such fact,  circumstances  or  condition  forms a
            basis for Damages) relating to the property, business, operations or
            activities of Sellers with respect to the Business  performed before
            the Closing (including,  without limitation,  such events,  state of
            facts, circumstances or conditions described in this Agreement); or

                         (iv) any  liability of or relating to Sellers,  whether
            accrued,  absolute,  contingent  or  otherwise,  arising  out of the
            Business  before the Closing Date whether first  asserted  before or
            after the Closing  Date (or whether  known by or disclosed to PHC or
            the Purchasers);

                         PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that no indemnity shall be made
for any portion of any liability  arising in the ordinary  course of business of
either  Seller prior to the Closing Date for which PHC or the  Purchasers or any
of their successors or assignees receives or is entitled to receive a comparable
benefit at any time subsequent to the Closing Date and PROVIDED  FURTHER that no
indemnity shall be made for any portion of any liability arising in the ordinary
course of business of either Seller from contracts and agreements  identified in
this Agreement  (including the schedules  hereto) for which either  Purchaser or
any of their  successors  and  assigns  receives  or is  entitled to receive any
benefit at any time  subsequent to the Closing Date.  The matters and events set
forth in  subparagraphs  (a)(i)  through  (iv) above,  subject to the  foregoing
proviso, are referred to herein as the "Buyer Indemnification Events."

                                     (b)  PROCEDURE IN EVENT OF CLAIMED
SET-OFF.  If PHC or the  Purchasers  asserts a claim  for  set-off  pursuant  to
Section  8.3(a),  it promptly shall provide notice to the Partners in accordance
with the  procedures set forth in Section 8.6 hereof setting forth the nature of
the claim for set-off and the amount thereof. Within thirty (30) days after such
notice,  the Partners (by a written  notice to be signed by both of them) either
shall approve the claim for set-off and the amount thereof ("Approved Claim") or
shall  disapprove  such  claim for  set-off  or the  amount  thereof  ("Rejected
Claim"),  or both.  If the  Partners  fail to approve or  disapprove a claim for
set-off  or the  amount  thereof  within the  requisite  period,  such claim for
set-off shall be deemed to be an Approved Claim. PHC and the Purchasers shall be
entitled to set-off the amount of any Approved Claims. PHC or the Purchasers and
the Partners shall resolve any disagreements  with respect to any Rejected Claim
in accordance with the dispute resolution procedures set forth in Section 9. PHC
or the  Purchasers  shall be  entitled  to  withhold  the  stated  amount of the
Rejected Claims pending  resolution of the Rejected  Claim.  If, pursuant to the
procedures set forth in Section 9, it ultimately is determined  that any further
portion  of the amount  withheld  is then due to the  Partners  or either one of
them,  PHC or the Purchasers  immediately  shall pay to the Partner or either of
one of them, as the case may be, such additional portion of the amount withheld.
     D.  INDEMNIFICATION  BY  THE  SELLERS.  Y . In  addition  to  PHC's  or the
Purchasers'  right to deduct the aggregate amount of Damages pursuant to Section
8.3,  subject to the  provisions  and conditions of this Section 8, Sellers (the
"Indemnifying  Party") shall indemnify,  defend and hold harmless each of PHC or
the  Purchasers  and any of  their  Subsidiaries,  and any of  their  respective
directors,   officers  or  employees  (collectively,   "Indemnitees,"  and  each
individually,  an  "Indemnitee")  from and against all Damages  (but only to the
extent PHC or the Purchasers  has not previously  set-off or reduced the amounts
withheld  pursuant to Section 8.3 above by the amount of such Damages)  asserted
against,  imposed  upon  or  incurred  by the  Indemnitees  or  any  Indemnitee,
resulting from, relating to or arising out of a Buyer Indemnification Event.

     E.  INDEMNIFICATION  BY PHC AND THE  PURCHASERS . Subject to the provisions
and  conditions  of this Section 8, PHC and the  Purchasers  (the  "Indemnifying
Party") shall, jointly and severally,  indemnify,  defend and hold harmless each
Seller and any of its  Subsidiaries,  and any of their  respective  partners and
employees (collectively,  "Indemnitees," and each individually, an "Indemnitee")
from and against all Damages asserted  against,  imposed upon or incurred by the
Indemnitees or any Indemnitee,  resulting  from,  relating to or arising out of:
(i) any  breach  of any  representation,  warranty  or  agreement  of PHC or the
Purchasers  contained  in or made  pursuant  to this  Agreement,  the  Ancillary
Agreements or any agreement,  contract or instrument  required to be executed by
PHC or the Purchasers  pursuant to this Agreement,  the Ancillary  Agreements or
the transactions  contemplated thereby; (ii) any obligation of Sellers expressly
assumed by the  Purchasers  pursuant to this  Agreement  or the  Assignment  and
Assumption Agreement; and (iii) any operations of the Business after the Closing


     (a) NOTICE OF  CLAIMS.  If either (i) a claim is made or brought by a third
party against any  Indemnitee (as defined in Section 8.3, 8.4 or 8.5 hereof) and
if such Indemnitee  reasonably  believes that such claim,  if successful,  would
give rise to a right of set-off or indemnification  under this Section 8 against
an  Indemnifying  Party,  or  (ii) an  Indemnitee  becomes  aware  of  facts  or
circumstances  establishing  that an  Indemnitee  has  experienced  or  incurred
Damages or may  experience  or incur  Damages which will give rise to a right of
set-off or indemnification under this Section 8, then such Indemnitee shall give
written  notice to the  Indemnifying  Party of such  claim  for  indemnification
("Indemnification  Notice") as soon as  reasonably  practicable  but in no event
more than thirty (30) days after the Indemnitee  has received  written notice or
actual  knowledge of such claim or such facts or  circumstances  (provided  that
failure  to give an  Indemnification  Notice  shall not  limit the  Indemnifying
Party's indemnification obligation hereunder except to the extent that the delay
in giving, or failure to give, the Indemnification  Notice adversely affects the
Indemnifying  Party's  ability to defend against a claim described in clause (i)
above). To the extent reasonably  practicable,  the Indemnification  Notice will
describe the nature,  basis and amount of the indemnification  claim and include
any relevant supporting documentation. If the Indemnifying Party does not object
within  thirty  (30) days  after  receipt of the  Indemnification  Notice to the
propriety of (i) the  indemnification  claim  described  on the  Indemnification
Notice as being subject to set-off or  indemnification  pursuant to Section 8.3,
8.4 and (or) 8.5 and (ii) the amount of Damages specified in the Indemnification
Notice, the indemnification claim described in the Indemnification  Notice shall
be deemed to be final and binding upon the Indemnifying Party(ies) (hereinafter,
"Permitted  Indemnification  Claim").  Any undisputed set-off or indemnification
claim  described in the  Indemnification  Notice shall be deemed to be final and
binding  upon the  Indemnifying  Party(ies)  and shall  constitute  a  Permitted
Indemnification  Claim.  If the  Indemnifying  Party contests the propriety of a
set-off or indemnification claim described in the Indemnification  Notice and/or
the  amount of  Damages  alleged  to be  associated  with such  claim,  then the
Indemnifying Party shall deliver to the Indemnitee an Indemnification  Objection
Notice detailing all specific  objections the Indemnitee has with respect to the
indemnification claim described in the Indemnification  Notice. If the Indemnity
Party and the  Indemnitee are unable to resolve the disputed  issues  concerning
the set-off or indemnification claim within fifteen (15) business days after the
date the Indemnifying Party received the  Indemnification  Objection Notice, and
the  disputed  issues  will  be  resolved  pursuant  to the  dispute  resolution
procedures set forth in Section 9 hereof.  If any disputed issues ultimately are
resolved by an  arbitrator  pursuant  to Section  9.3,  and if the  arbitrator's
determination  of the  disputed  issues  results  in all or any  portion  of the
indemnification  claim  properly  being  subject to  set-off or  indemnification
pursuant to Section  8.3,  8.4 and (or) 8.5,  (i) such claim or portion  thereof
shall be final and binding upon the Indemnifying Party(ies) and shall constitute
a Permitted  Indemnification  Claim, and (ii) the Indemnifying  Party(ies) shall
pay to the Indemnitee all Damages associated with any Permitted  Indemnification
Claim  within ten (10) days after such  claim is  determined  to be a  Permitted
Indemnification  Claim  pursuant  thereto.  If,  however,  the  disputed  issues
ultimately are resolved by the arbitrator and (x) the arbitrator determines that
the claim is not properly subject to set-off or  indemnification  and (y) PHC or
either Purchaser has withheld payment of any amount,  then PHC or such Purchaser
immediately  shall pay to the  Partners  such amount  improperly  withheld.  The
Sellers  acknowledge and agree that the right to receive the payments improperly
withheld as  described  herein  shall be their  exclusive  remedy  with  respect

     (b) DEFENSE OF THIRD PARTY  CLAIMS.  The  Indemnitee  against  whom a third
party claim is made or brought shall give the Indemnifying  Party an opportunity
to defend such claim, at the  Indemnifying  Party's own expense and with counsel
selected  by  the  Indemnifying   Party  and  reasonably   satisfactory  to  the
Indemnitee, provided that such Indemnitee at all times also shall have the right
to  participate  fully  in  the  defense  at  its  own  expense.  Failure  of an
Indemnifying  Party to give the  Indemnitee  written  notice of its  election to
defend such claim within thirty (30) days after receipt of notice  thereof shall
be deemed a waiver by such Indemnifying Party of its right to defend such claim.
If the  Indemnifying  Party  shall elect not to assume the defense of such claim
(or if  Indemnifying  Party  shall be deemed to have  waived its right to defend
such  claim),  the  Indemnitee  against  whom such  claim is made shall have the
right,  but  not  the  obligation,  to  undertake  the  sole  defense  of and to
compromise  or settle the claim on behalf,  for the  account and at the risk and
expense of the Indemnifying  Party (including  without limitation the payment by
the  Indemnifying  Party of the attorneys'  fees of the  Indemnitee);  provided,
however,  that if the  Indemnitee  undertakes  the sole defense of such claim on
behalf,  for the account and at the risk and expense of the Indemnifying  Party,
it shall  defend  such claim in good faith and shall  apprise  the  Indemnifying
Party from time to time as the Indemnitee  deems  appropriate of the progress of
such defense. If one or more of the Indemnifying  Parties assumes the defense of
such claim, the obligation of such Indemnifying Party hereunder as to such claim
shall include taking all steps reasonably necessary in the defense or settlement
of such claim. The Indemnifying  Party, in the defense of such claim,  shall not
consent to the entry of any judgment or enter into any  settlement  (except with
the  written  consent  of  the   Indemnitee)   which  does  not  include  as  an
unconditional  term thereof the giving by the claimant to the Indemnitee against
who such claim is made of a release from all  liability in respect of such claim
(which release shall exclude only any  obligations  incurred in connection  with
such  settlement).  If the claim is one that  cannot by its  nature be  defended
solely by the Indemnifying  Party, then the Indemnitee shall make available,  at
the Indemnifying Party's reasonable expense, all information and assistance that
the Indemnifying Party reasonably may request.

the foregoing provisions of this Section 8, set-off and
indemnity rights for Damages hereunder shall be limited as follows:

     (a) No indemnity shall be made for Damages unless an Indemnification Notice
therefor  shall have been given not later  than  three (3) years  following  the
Closing Date.

     (b) No Indemnitee shall have any right of set-off and the Sellers shall not
be obligated to indemnify  any  Indemnitee  for any Damages for which set-off is
allowed or  indemnification  is required  pursuant to this  Section 8 unless the
aggregate of all such Damages  shall exceed  $20,000.  PHC, the  Purchasers  and
other  Indemnitees  shall be  entitled to claim  against  the  Sellers  only for
Damages which exceed $20,000.

     (c)  Sellers  shall not be  obligated  to  indemnify  the  Indemnitees  for
Damages, in the aggregate, exceeding $1 million.

                            IX. . DISPUTE RESOLUTION

            NEGOTIATED RESOLUTION.  If any dispute arises (i) out of or relating
to this Agreement or any alleged breach thereof,  or (ii) with respect to any of
the transactions or events  contemplated  hereby,  the party desiring to resolve
such dispute shall deliver a Dispute Notice to the other parties of such dispute
(herein  "Dispute").  If any party  delivers a Dispute  Notice  pursuant to this
Section  9.1,  or if  any  Indemnifying  Party  delivers  to any  Indemnitee  an
Indemnification  Objection Notice pursuant to Section 8, the parties involved in
the  Dispute  shall  meet at least  twice  within  the  thirty  (30) day  period
commencing with the date of the Dispute Notice or the Indemnification  Objection
Notice (as the case may be) and in good  faith  shall  attempt  to resolve  such
Dispute or the Rejected Claim (as the case may be).

            MEDIATION.  If any  Dispute or  Rejected  Claim is not  resolved  or
settled by the parties as a result of negotiation pursuant to Section 9.1 above,
the parties shall submit the Dispute or Rejected Claim to non-binding  mediation
before a retired  judge of either a federal  District  Court in New York or of a
New  York  State  Court,  or  some  similarly   qualified,   mutually  agreeable
individual. The parties shall bear the costs of such mediation equally.

            ARBITRATION.  If the  Dispute or Rejected  Claim is not  resolved by
mediation  pursuant to Section 9.2 above, or if the parties fail to agree upon a
mediator,  within  sixty (60) days after the Dispute  Notice or  Indemnification
Objection  Notice (as the case may be),  the Dispute or Rejected  Claim shall be
settled  by  arbitration  conducted  in the City of New York  which  shall be in
accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association then in effect
with respect to commercial disputes.  The arbitration of such issues,  including
the  determination  of any amount of  damages  suffered  by any party  hereto by
reason of the acts or  omissions  of any party,  shall be final and binding upon
all parties.  Except as otherwise set forth in this  Agreement,  the cost of any
arbitration hereunder,  including the cost of the record or transcripts thereof,
if any,  administrative  fees, and all other fees involved including  reasonable
attorneys'  fees incurred by the party  determined  by the  arbitrator to be the
prevailing party, shall be paid by the party determined by the arbitrator not to
be the  prevailing  party,  or otherwise  allocated  in an  equitable  manner as
determined  by the  arbitrator.  The parties  shall  instruct the  arbitrator to
render its  decision no later than sixty (60) days after the  submission  of the
Dispute or Indemnification Objection Notice.

                                 X. . GUARANTY

     PHC hereby unconditionally and absolutely guarantees the performance of any
and all  obligations,  responsibilities  and duties of each  Purchaser set forth
herein, including,  without limitation,  any obligation of each Purchaser to pay
the  Purchase  Price in the manner set forth  herein.  To the extent that either
Purchaser fails to perform any of the  obligations,  responsibilities  or duties
required of it, before or after the Closing Date, PHC shall immediately take any
and all actions necessary to perform such action on the Purchaser's behalf.

                               XI. . TERMINATION

            TERMINATION.  This Agreement may be terminated at any time prior
to the Closing Date:

           (a)  by mutual written consent of PHC and Sellers;

                               (b)  by either PHC or Sellers if (i) there
      shall  have  been  a  material  breach  of any  representation,  warranty,
      covenant or agreement on the part of the other set forth in this Agreement
      which breach shall not have been cured, in the case of a representation or
      warranty, prior to the Closing or, in the case of a covenant or agreement,
      within five (5) business days following  receipt by the breaching party of
      notice of such breach, or (ii) any permanent  injunction or other order of
      a court or other competent  authority  preventing the  consummation of the
      transactions shall have become final and non-appealable; or

                               (c)  by either PHC or Sellers if the
      transaction  shall not have been  consummated  on or before  December  15;
      provided however,  that the right to terminate this Agreement  pursuant to
      this Section  11.1(c) shall not be available to any party whose failure to
      fulfill  any  obligation  under this  Agreement  has been the cause of, or
      resulted in, the failure of the  transaction to have occurred on or before
      the aforesaid date.

            EFFECT  OF  TERMINATION.  In the  event of a  termination  of this N
Agreement by either PHC or Sellers as provided in Section 11.1,  this  Agreement
shall forthwith become void and there shall be no liability or obligation on the
part of PHC or Sellers or their  respective  partners,  officers  or  directors,
except for the  second  sentence  of  Section  12.1  which  shall  survive  such
termination.  Nothing  contained in this  Section  11.2 shall  relieve any party
hereto from any liability for any breach of this Agreement.

            AMENDMENT.  This Agreement may be amended by the parties hereto,  by
action taken or  authorized by their  respective  partners,  sole  proprietor or
boards of directors.  This  Agreement may not be amended except by an instrument
in writing signed on behalf of each of the parties hereto.

            EXTENSION;  WAIVER.  At any time prior to the  Closing,  the parties
hereto may (i) extend the time for the  performance of any of the obligations or
other  acts of the other  parties  hereto,  (ii) waive any  inaccuracies  in the
representations  and warranties  contained  herein or in any document  delivered
pursuant  thereto  and (iii)  waive  compliance  with any of the  agreements  or
conditions  contained herein. Any agreement on the part of a party hereto to any
such  extension  or  waiver  shall  be  valid  only if set  forth  in a  written
instrument signed on behalf of such party.

XII.                     .  ADDITIONAL AGREEMENTS

            ACCESS  TO  INFORMATION.  Upon  reasonable  notice  and  subject  to
applicable   law,  each  Seller  shall  afford  to  the   officers,   employees,
accountants,  counsel  and  other  representatives  of PHC and  the  Purchasers,
access,  during  normal  business  hours  during the period prior to the Closing
Date, to all its  properties,  books,  contracts,  commitments  and records and,
during  such  period,  subject to  applicable  law,  each Seller  shall  furnish
promptly to PHC and the  Purchasers  all  information  concerning  its business,
properties and personnel as Purchasers may reasonably request.  Unless otherwise
required by law, PHC and the Purchasers will hold any such information  which is
nonpublic in confidence  until such time as such information  otherwise  becomes
publicly available through no wrongful act of PHC or the Purchasers,  and in the
event of  termination  of this  Agreement for any reason PHC and the  Purchasers
shall promptly return all nonpublic documents obtained from each Seller, and any
copies  made of such  documents,  to each  Seller.  Paragraph H of the letter of
agreement  between PHC and the Partners  dated July 31, 1996, a copy of which is
annexed hereto as Exhibit F, is incorporated by reference herein.

     B. LEGAL  CONDITIONS TO ASSET PURCHASE . Each of the Purchasers and Sellers
will take all  reasonable  actions  necessary to comply  promptly with all legal
requirements  which may be imposed on itself  with  respect to the  purchase  of
assets in  connection  with this  Agreement,  the Ancillary  Agreements  and the
transactions  contemplated  hereby and thereby  (which  actions  shall  include,
without  limitation,  furnishing all information in connection with approvals of
or filings with any other governmental  entity) and will promptly cooperate with
and furnish  information to each other in connection with any such  requirements
imposed upon any of them or any of their Subsidiaries in connection  herewith or
therewith.  Each of the  Purchasers  and the  Sellers  will,  and will cause its
Subsidiaries  to,  take all  reasonable  actions  necessary  to obtain (and will
cooperate  with each other in obtaining)  any consent,  authorization,  order or
approval of, or any  exemption  by, any  governmental  entity or other public or
private  third  party,  required to be obtained  or made by  Purchasers  and the
Sellers or any of their  Subsidiaries in connection with the purchase of assets,
or the  taking of any  action  contemplated  by this  Agreement,  the  Ancillary
Agreements or the transactions contemplated hereby and thereby.

     C. NOTIFICATION OF CERTAIN MATTERS (a) Each Seller shall promptly notify
Purchasers of:

     (i) any notice of, or other  communication  relating to, a default or event
which, with notice or lapse of time or both, would become a default, received by
such  Seller  subsequent  to the  date of this  Agreement,  under  any  material
agreement  to which such Seller is a party or to which such Seller or any of its
respective properties or assets may be subject or bound;

     (ii) any notice or other  communication  from any third party alleging that
the consent of such third party is or may be  required  in  connection  with the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement;

     (iii) any notice or other  communication  from any  governmental  entity in
connection with the transactions contemplated hereby;

     (iv) any actions, suits, claims, investigations, rule-making initiatives or
proceedings  commenced  or, to the best of its  knowledge,  threatened  against,
relating to or involving or otherwise affecting such Seller which, if pending on
the date hereof,  would have been required to have been disclosed by such Seller
or which relate to the consummation of the asset purchase; and

     (v) any event,  change or effect having a material  adverse  effect on such

     (b) Purchasers shall promptly notify the Sellers of:

     (i) any notice or other  communication  from any third party  alleging that
the consent of such third party is or may be  required  in  connection  with the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement; or

     (ii) any  notice or other  communication  from any  governmental  entity in
connection with the transactions contemplated hereby.

            SUPPLEMENTAL  DISCLOSURE.  Each Seller shall promptly  supplement or
amend the documents or information disclosed herein with respect to any material
matter hereafter  arising or discovered  which, if existing or known at the date
hereof, would have been required to be disclosed;  PROVIDED,  HOWEVER,  that any
such  supplemental  or  amended  disclosure  shall  not be  deemed  to have been
disclosed as of the date hereof  unless so agreed to in writing by Purchasers in
its sole discretion.

     E.  ADDITIONAL  AGREEMENTS;  BEST  EFFORTS  .  Subject  to  the  terms  and
conditions  of  this  Agreement,  each  of  the  parties  hereto  agrees  to use
reasonable best efforts to take, or cause to be taken,  all action and to do, or
cause to be done, all things  necessary,  proper or advisable  under  applicable
laws  and  regulations  to  consummate  and  make  effective  the   transactions
contemplated by this Agreement and the Ancillary Agreements. In case at any time
after the Closing any further  action is necessary or desirable to carry out the
purposes of this Agreement, the proper partners,  officers and directors of each
party to this Agreement shall take all such necessary action.

            RECORDS  RETENTION.  Purchasers  will  retain  and  maintain,  in an
organized  and  retrievable  manner,  in  accordance  with past  practice of the
Sellers prior to Closing,  all documents and records of the Business  pertaining
to the  periods  before the Closing  Date  transferred  hereunder  and shall not
destroy any such records or documents without the consent of Sellers. Purchasers
will retain and maintain all machine-sensible  records,  such as computer tapes,
disks,  diskettes,  etc.,  which are  considered  books and  records  within the
meaning of Section 6001 of the Code, in accordance with Internal Revenue Service
Revenue  Procedure  91-59.  Purchasers  will make  available  such documents and
records, machine-sensible records, computer time, and, at the reasonable expense
of the requesting Seller, reasonable assistance from PHC and Purchaser personnel
as may be reasonably requested by either Seller in order to expeditiously comply
with all pertinent  requests from the Internal  Revenue Service and state taxing
authorities  which relate to periods  prior to the Closing  Date. In addition to
the foregoing,  following the Closing Date,  PHC and  Purchasers  shall grant to
each  Seller  and its  representatives,  at such  Seller's  reasonable  request,
reasonable access to and the right to make copies of those records and documents
related  to such  Seller  or the  Business  or the  Specified  Assets  as may be
reasonably  necessary for any activities required to be performed by such Seller
or its designees.

XIII.                    .    GENERAL PROVISIONS

            ANNOUNCEMENTS.  No announcement of this Agreement or any transaction
contemplated  hereby shall be made by any party prior to the Closing without the
written  approval  of the other  parties  hereto  (which  approval  shall not be
unreasonably withheld), except as required by law.

            NOTICES.  All notices,  requests,  demands and other  communications
hereunder  shall be in  writing  and  shall be  delivered  in  person or sent by
registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, or by telecopy as follows:

                        a)     If to either Seller or either Partner:

                               Clinical Associates
                                94-19 5th Avenue
                                                 Elmhurst, New York  11373
                               Fax: (718) 760-3090

                                           With a copy to:

                                                 Harvey Z. Werblowsky, Esq.
                             McDermott, Will & Emery
                              50 Rockefeller Plaza
                                                 New York, New York  10020
                               Fax: (212) 547-5444

                        b)     If to either Purchaser or PHC:

                                                 PHC, Inc.
                                 200 Lake Street
                                                 Suite 102
                                                 Peabody, Massachusetts  01960
                               Fax: (508) 536-2677

                                           With a copy to:

                                                 Arnold R. Westerman, Esq.
                                                 Arent Fox Kintner Plotkin &
                                                 1050 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
                                                 Washington, D.C. 20036
                                                 Fax:  (202) 857-6395

                         Any party may change its address for receiving
notice by written notice given to the others named above.

            COUNTERPARTS.  This Agreement may be executed  simultaneously in two
or more  counterparts,  each of which  shall be deemed an  original,  but all of
which together shall constitute one and the same instrument.

            ASSIGNMENT.  This Agreement shall not be assigned by operation of
law or otherwise, except by the written consent of all parties.

            SEVERABILITY.  If any provision of this Agreement is held by a court
of  competent  jurisdiction  to  be  illegal,  invalid  or  unenforceable,  such
provision shall be construed and enforced, to the extent practicable and lawful,
as if it had been  more  narrowly  drawn  so as not to be  illegal,  invalid  or
unenforceable;  and the remaining  provisions of this Agreement  shall remain in
effect and be enforceable in accordance with their terms.

ENTIRE AGREEMENT;  RIGHT OF Ownership. This Agreement (i) constitutes the entire
agreement and  supersedes  all other prior  agreements  and  undertakings,  both
written and oral, among the parties, or any of them, with respect to the subject
matter  hereof,  and (ii) is not  intended to confer  upon any other  person any
rights or remedies hereunder.


     H. TRANSFER TAXES AND RECORDING  EXPENSES . Purchasers shall assume and pay
and shall indemnify each Seller against all sales, use, transfer and like taxes,
if any,  required to be paid in  connection  with the transfer of the  Specified

            CAPTIONS.  The  captions  of  the  various  Articles,  Sections  and
Schedules of this Agreement have been inserted only for convenience of reference
and shall not be deemed to modify, explain, enlarge or restrict any provision of
this Agreement or affect the construction hereof.

                     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the parties
has caused this  Agreement  to be  executed  on its behalf by a duly  authorized
representative all as of the date first written above.

                                    CLINICAL ASSOCIATES

Irwin Mansdorf


Irwin Mansdorf



Bruce A. Shear






- -----------------------------------
Irwin Mansdorf, Ph.D.

- -----------------------------------
Yakov Burstein, Ph.D.




                   Agreement for Purchase and Sale of Assets


                                           TABLE OF CONTENTS


       SECTION 1...................................PURCHASE AND SALE OF ASSETS
            .............................................................. 1.1
            Purchase and Sale of Assets....................................  1
            .............................................................. 1.2
            Specified Assets...............................................  1
            .............................................................. 1.3
            Excluded Assets................................................  2
            .............................................................. 1.4
            Allocation.....................................................  2

       SECTION 2....................................CLOSING AND PURCHASE PRICE
            .............................................................. 2.1
            Time and Place of Closing......................................  2
            .............................................................. 2.2
            Purchase Price.................................................  3
            .............................................................. 2.3
            Allocation of Purchase Price...................................  4
            .............................................................. 2.4
            Change of Control; Acceleration of Payment of Purchase Price...  4
            .............................................................. 2.5
            Set-Off........................................................  5
            .............................................................. 2.6
            No Liabilities.................................................  5

       SECTION 3.  CONDITIONS..............................................  5
                         3.1  Conditions to Each Party's Obligation to
            Effect the Asset Purchase.....................................  5
            Delivery by Seller
            .............................................................. 3.3
            Deliveries by the Purchaser....................................  7
            .............................................................. 3.4
            Access to Patient Files........................................  8
            .............................................................. 3.5
            Other Agreements...............................................  8

            .............................................................. 4.1
            Due Organization...............................................  8
            .............................................................. 4.2
            Authority......................................................  8
            .............................................................. 4.3
            Approvals......................................................  9
            .............................................................. 4.4
            Execution, Delivery and Performance............................  9
            .............................................................. 4.5
            Title to Assets................................................  9
            .............................................................. 4.6
            Real Property and Real Estate Leases........................... 10
            .............................................................. 4.7
            Employee Matters............................................... 10
            .............................................................. 4.8
            Licenses and Permits........................................... 10
            .............................................................. 4.9
            Material Contracts............................................. 11
            ............................................................. 4.10
            Legal Proceedings.............................................. 11
            ............................................................. 4.11
            Conduct of Business............................................ 11
      .................................. 4.12  Compliance with Applicable Laws
      ........................................................ 4.13  Insurance
            ................................. 4.14  Absence of Certain Changes

     AND PHC............................................................... 12
            .............................................................. 5.1
            Due Organization............................................... 12
            .............................................................. 5.2
            Authority...................................................... 12
            .............................................................. 5.3
            Board and Shareholder Approval................................. 13
            .............................................................. 5.4
            Payment of Purchase Price...................................... 13
            .............................................................. 5.5
            Licensure...................................................... 13
            .............................................................. 5.6
            Validity....................................................... 13
            .............................................................. 5.7
            Legal Proceedings.............................................. 13
            .............................................................. 5.8
            SEC Reports and Financial Statements........................... 13
            .............................................................. 5.9
            Hart-Scott-Rodino.............................................. 14

       SECTION 6.....................................................COVENANTS
            .............................................................. 6.1
            Patient Records................................................ 14
            .............................................................. 6.2
            Employment With the Business................................... 14
            .............................................................. 6.3
            Collection of Receivables...................................... 15
            .............................................................. 6.4
            Conduct of Business by the Purchasers.......................... 15
            .............................................................. 6.5
            No Solicitation by PHC and the Purchasers...................... 15
            .............................................................. 6.6
            Certain Operational Matters.................................... 15

       SECTION 7. COVENANT NOT TO COMPETE.................................. 17
            .............................................................. 7.1
            Covenants...................................................... 17
            .............................................................. 7.2
            Ancillary Obligations.......................................... 18
            .............................................................. 7.3
            Enforcement.................................................... 18
            .............................................................. 7.4
            Successors and Assigns......................................... 18

             INDEMNIFICATION............................................ 18
            .............................................................. 8.1
            Survival....................................................... 18
            .............................................................. 8.2
            Statements as Representations.................................. 18
            .............................................................. 8.3
            Claims Against Promissory Obligations and Earn Out Payments.... 19
            .............................................................. 8.4
            Indemnification by the Sellers. ............................... 20
            .............................................................. 8.5
            Indemnification by PHC and the Purchasers...................... 20
            .............................................................. 8.6
            Notice and Defense of Indemnification Claims................... 20
            .............................................................. 8.7
            Limitation on Right of Set-Off and Indemnification............. 22

       SECTION 9............................................DISPUTE RESOLUTION
            .............................................................. 9.1
            Negotiated Resolution.......................................... 23
            .............................................................. 9.2
            Mediation...................................................... 23
            .............................................................. 9.3
            Arbitration.................................................... 23

       SECTION 10.  GUARANTY............................................... 23

       SECTION 11.  TERMINATION............................................ 24
            ................................................ 11.1  Termination
            ............................................................. 11.2
            Effect of Termination.......................................... 24
      ................................................................... 11.3
      Amendment............................................................ 24
      ................................................................... 11.4
      Extension; Waiver.................................................... 24

       SECTION 12.  ADDITIONAL AGREEMENTS.................................. 25
            ...................................... 12.1  Access to Information
            ......................... 12.2  Legal Conditions to Asset Purchase
            ............................ 12.3  Notification of Certain Matters
            .................................... 12.4  Supplemental Disclosure
            ........................ 12.5  Additional Agreements; Best Efforts
 12.6  Records Retention................................................... 26

       SECTION 13.  GENERAL PROVISIONS..................................... 27
            ............................................................. 13.1
            Announcements.................................................. 27
            ............................................................. 13.2
            Notices........................................................ 27
            ............................................................. 13.3
            Counterparts................................................... 28
            ............................................................. 13.4
            Assignment..................................................... 28
            ............................................................. 13.5
            Severability................................................... 28
                         13.6 Entire Agreement; No Third Party
            Beneficiaries; Right
    of Ownership........................................................... 28
            ............................................................. 13.7
            CONSENT TO JURISDICTION; APPLICABLE LAW........................ 28
            ...................... 13.8  Transfer Taxes and Recording Expenses
            ................................................... 13.9  Captions

      - 6 -



                          DATED AS OF: OCTOBER 31, 1996

EXHIBIT 10.100

                                           CONSULTING AGREEMENT

      THIS CONSULTING AGREEMENT is entered into this 1st day of November,  1996,
(the  "Effective  Date") by and  between  Perlow  Physicians,  P.C.,  a New York
professional  corporation  (the  "Corporation"),  and Irwin Mansdorf,  Ph.D (the

                              W I T N E S S E T H:

      WHEREAS,  the  Corporation is a New York  professional  corporation  which
provides  mental  health  services  to  the  general  public  in  the  New  York
metropolitan area; and

      WHEREAS,  concurrent with the execution of this Agreement, the Corporation
is  purchasing  the  practice  jointly  operated  by the  Consultant  and  Yakov
Burstein, Ph.D.;

      WHEREAS, the Corporation desires to retain the Consultant on the terms and
conditions  hereafter  set forth,  and the  Consultant  desires  to accept  such

      NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the mutual promises and agreements
herein  contained,  the  Corporation  hereby  retains the  Consultant to provide
consulting  services and the Consultant hereby agrees to provide such consulting
services to the Corporation, upon the following terms and conditions:

      1. DUTIES. The Consultant is hereby retained by the Corporation to perform
professional services in connection with psychotherapy.  The Consultant shall at
all times comply with all policies and procedures of the Corporation,  copies of
which shall be provided to the Consultant by the  Corporation,  and incorporated
by reference into this Agreement when initialed by the Consultant.

      2.    TIME REQUIREMENTS.  Subject to the provisions of Section 5
hereof, the Consultant agrees to devote one hundred (100) hours per month
during the term of this Agreement to the affairs and activities of the
Corporation as reasonably requested by the Corporation.

      3.  COMPENSATION.  Subject  to the  provisions  of  Section 5 hereof,  the
Corporation  agrees to pay to the  Consultant as  compensation  for his services
hereunder a salary at an annual rate of one hundred twenty five thousand dollars
($125,000.00)  per  year.  Any and  all  compensation  to be paid to  Consultant
pursuant to this Section 3 and under the Consulting Agreement between Consultant
and BSC-NY, Inc. of even date herewith (the "BSC-NY Agreement") shall be paid by
the Corporation.

      4.  REIMBURSEMENT  OF  EXPENSES.  Subject to the  provisions  of Section 5
hereof, the Corporation will provide the Consultant with an automobile allowance
of $475.00 per month.  The  Corporation  also shall reimburse the Consultant for
all  reasonable  and  necessary   business  expenses  incurred  by  him  in  the
performance of his duties hereunder,  including parking expenses, cellular phone
expenses and beeper expenses.  The Corporation  shall also reimburse  Consultant
for membership dues in professional organizations bearing direct relationship to
Consultant's duties in connection with this Agreement.

hours of time devoted by Consultant to his responsibilities  pursuant to Section
2 of this Agreement  shall offset the number of hours  Consultant is required to
devote  to his  responsibilities  in  accordance  with the  terms of the  BSC-NY
Agreement. Any right to compensation or reimbursement of item of expense paid by
the Corporation to the Consultant  pursuant to Section 3 and 4 of this Agreement
shall be offset by such compensation or such reimbursement of item of expense to
be provided by the Corporation to Consultant under the BSC-NY Agreement.

represents  and warrants at all times during the term of this  Agreement that he
is duly authorized, licensed and in good standing under the laws of the State of
New York to engage in the  practice  of  psychology,  that said  license  is not
suspended, revoked or restricted in any manner and that, to his knowledge, there
is not  presently  pending  or  threatened  against  him any  action,  claim  or
proceeding  the  outcome of which  could  result in  revocation,  suspension  or
restriction of his license.

The Corporation represents and warrants at all times during the term of this
Agreement that:

            7.1  The  Corporation  is a  duly  formed  professional  corporation
organized,  validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the State of
New York.

            7.2 The  Corporation  has the corporate power and authority to enter
into this Agreement and to carry on its business as currently conducted.

      8.    TERM; BASIS FOR TERMINATION.  Subject to the provisions of this
Section 8, the term of this Agreement shall be for three (3) years,
commencing on the Effective Date.  This Agreement shall terminate on the
earlier to occur of the following:

            8.1   The death of the Consultant;

            8.2 The  permanent  disability of the  Consultant  at any time.  The
Consultant shall be deemed to have become permanently  "disabled" when by reason
of a physical  or mental  disability  or  incapacity  he shall have failed or is
unable  to  perform  his  customary  duties  and  activities  on  behalf  of the
Corporation  for a  consecutive  period  of four (4)  months  or for any six (6)
months within any twelve (12) month period; or

            8.3 At any time by the Corporation  for "cause" which,  for purposes
of this Agreement, shall mean (a) willful and serious or habitual failure of the
Consultant to perform his duties hereunder in all material respects which is not
remedied   within  30  days  after  the  receipt  of  notice  thereof  from  the
Corporation;  (b)  legal  disqualification  of the  Consultant  from  practicing
psychology  within  the State of New York;  or (c)  gross  misconduct,  fraud or
embezzlement by the Consultant.

      9.  INSURANCE.   The  Consultant  shall  maintain  professional  liability
coverage  covering  him for acts  and  omissions  in the  normal  course  of his
employment  hereunder,  in an  amount  of not less than  three  million  dollars
($3,000,000)  aggregate coverage and one million dollars  ($1,000,000)  coverage
per wrongful act or occurrence.  The Corporation  shall reimburse the Consultant
for the  costs of such  professional  liability  insurance  and for the costs of
so-called  "tail  insurance"  covering  Consultant  in the  amount of the policy
limits,  if the  insurance  being  provided  is on a  claims-made  basis and the
insurance   carrier  or  coverage  is  changed  or  terminated  for  any  reason
whatsoever.   In  addition,   the   Corporation   shall  maintain  a  policy  of
comprehensive general liability insurance coverage in an amount of not less than
one million  dollars  ($1,000,000)  aggregate  coverage and one million  dollars
($1,000,000) coverage per wrongful act or occurrence.

      10.   GOVERNING LAW.  This Agreement shall be construed under the laws
of the State of New York without giving effect to the conflict of laws
provisions thereof.

      11.  ASSIGNMENT.  Neither this Agreement nor any right, duty or obligation
arising  under it may be assigned  by either  party  without  the prior  written
consent of the other party.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,  in the event of the
merger  or  consolidation  of the  Corporation  with any  other  corporation  or
corporations, the sale by the Corporation of a major portion of its assets or of
its business and good will, or any other corporate  reorganization involving the
Corporation,  this Agreement may, without the Consultant's  written consent,  be
assigned  and  transferred  to such  successor  in  interest  as an asset of the
Corporation upon such assignee assuming the Corporation's  obligation hereunder,
in which  event the  Consultant  agrees to  continue  to perform  his duties and
obligations,  according  to  the  terms  hereof,  to or  for  such  assignee  or
transferee of this  Agreement;  provided,  however,  that the  Corporation  will
remain  secondarily  liable  as  guarantor  of  such  assignee  or  transferee's
obligations to the Consultant hereunder.

      12.  NATURE OF  RELATIONSHIP.  For the purposes of this  Agreement and all
services to be provided hereunder,  the parties shall be, and shall be deemed to
be independent contractors and not agents or employees of each party. Nothing in
this  Agreement  shall be construed as  establishing  the parties as partners or
joint venturers.

binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties and their respective heirs,
representatives   and  successors.   This  Agreement   supersedes  all  previous
employment  agreements  and any  amendments  thereto  entered  into  between the
Consultant and the Corporation  concerning the subject matter of this Agreement,
prior agreements, representations or understandings, oral or written, express or
implied with respect to the subject matter hereof.

      14.   AMENDMENTS.  No amendment to this Agreement shall be valid unless
in writing, signed by both of the parties.

      15. RESOLUTION OF DISPUTES. The rights of the parties under this Agreement
and concerning the consulting relationship shall be determined,  in the event of
a dispute, by an independent arbitrator selected in accordance with the rules of
the American Arbitration Association and the decision of the arbitrator shall be
final and binding on both parties.  To the maximum extent  permitted by law, the
parties waive their rights to a  determination  of any such issues by a court or
jury. In the even that either party resorts to arbitration or other legal action
to resolve a dispute arising under this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be
entitled to recover the costs and  expenses  incurred  in  connection  with such
arbitration  or action  from the other  party,  including,  without  limitation,
reasonable  attorney's fees. For purposes of this Section 15, the term "dispute"
means all controversies or claims relating to terms, conditions or privileges of
employment,  including,  without  limitation,  claims  for  breach of  contract,
discrimination,  harassment, wrongful discharge, misrepresentation,  defamation,
emotional  distress  or any other  personal  injury,  but  excluding  claims for
unemployment compensation or worker's compensation.

                                     - 5 -
      16.   COUNTERPARTS.  This Agreement may be executed in one or more
counterparts, each of which shall be considered an original and all of which
shall constitute one and the same agreement.  This Agreement shall not become
effective until it has been executed by both of the parties hereto.

      17.   HEADINGS.  The headings used in this Agreement are for
convenience of reference only and shall have no force or effect in the
construction or interpretation of the provisions of this Agreement.

      18. NOTICES.  All notices,  requests,  demands,  and other  communications
required or permitted by this Agreement  shall be in writing  (unless  otherwise
specifically  provided  herein) to the  addresses of the parties set forth below
and shall be deemed to have been  received:  (a) three (3) days after deposit in
the U.S. mail, postage prepaid, registered or certified, and addressed to either
party at the  addresses  set forth below,  or to such changed  address as either
party may have given to the other by notice in the manner  herein  provided;  or
(b) upon personal delivery.

      If to the Corporation:  Perlow Physicians, P.C.
                              c/o Arent Fox Kintner Plotkin & Kahn
                                  1675 Broadway
                               New York, NY 10019
                           Attn: Jerome T. Levy, Esq.

      If to the Consultant:         Irwin Mansdorf, Ph.D.
                                 94-19 59th Ave.
                              Elmhurst, N.Y. 11373

      With a copy to:         Harvey Z. Werblowsky, Esq.
                             McDermott, Will & Emery
                              50 Rockefeller Plaza
                              New York, N.Y. 10020

      19.  SEVERABILITY.  Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed
to require the  commission of any act contrary to law, and whenever there is any
conflict between any provision of this Agreement and any statute, law, ordinance
or regulation,  the statute, law, ordinance or regulation shall prevail. In such
event,  and in any case any  provision of this  Agreement is determined to be in
violation of a statute, law, ordinance or regulation,  the affected provision(s)
shall  be  limited  only  to  the  extent  necessary  to  bring  it  within  the
requirements  of the law and,  insofar as possible under the  circumstances,  to
carry out the purposes of this Agreement. The other provisions of this Agreement
shall remain in full force and effect, and the invalidity or unenforceability of
any  provision  hereof shall not affect the validity and  enforceability  of the
other provisions of this Agreement.

     20. NO WAIVER.  The waiver by any party to this  Agreement of any breach of
any term or  condition  of this  Agreement  shall  not  constitute  a waiver  of
subsequent  breaches.  No waiver by any party of any provision of this Agreement
shall be deemed to constitute a waiver of any other provision.
     21.  SURVIVAL.  All of the provisions in Section 9 and 15 shall survive any
termination or expiration of the term of this Agreement.

     22. NO  REQUIREMENT  TO REFER.  It is not a purpose  of this  Agreement  to
induce or encourage the referral of patients,  and there is no requirement under
this  Agreement,  or under any other  agreement  between  the  practice  and the
Consultant,  that the Consultant  refer any patient to the Corporation or to any
other entity for the delivery of health care items or services. The compensation
paid to the Consultant  under this Agreement is made for  professional  services
and obligations as set forth in this  Agreement,  and no payment made under this
Agreement is in return for the referral of patients or in return for purchasing,
leasing,  ordering or arranging for any good, facility, item or service from the
Corporation or any other entity.

      IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the parties hereby have executed this Agreement as of
the date first above written.

CONSULTANT                                PERLOW PHYSICIANS, P.C.

By:                                       By:
      Irwin Mansdorf, Ph.D.                     President

EXHIBIT 10.101

                                OPTION AGREEMENT

      This OPTION  AGREEMENT  (the "Option  Agreement")  is made this 5th day of
November, 1996, by and between Pioneer Healthcare. ("Pioneer"), and Gerald M.
Perlow, M.D. ("Perlow").

                               W I T N E S S E T H

      WHEREAS,   Pioneer  is  in  the  business  of  providing   management  and
administrative  services to medical practices and is acquiring Behavioral Stress
Centers,  Inc., a mental health practice  management  company,  through a merger
with BSC-NY, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Pioneer (the "Subsidiary"); and

      WHEREAS,  in conjunction  with the merger,  Pioneer is purchasing  certain
assets of Clinical  Associates and Clinical  Diagnostics,  a general partnership
and sole proprietorship  respectively,  which have been engaged in the provision
of psychotherapy services in the New York metropolitan area; and

      WHEREAS, Perlow is the majority shareholder in Perlow Physicians,  P.C., a
New York  professional  corporation  (the  "P.C.")  that was  formed in order to
provide  psychotherapy  services to the  patients  currently  served by Clinical
Associates and Clinical Diagnostics; and

      WHEREAS,  Pioneer is advancing  $750,000 to the P.C. in order to allow the
P.C. to purchase the  professional  assets of Clinical  Associates  and Clinical
Diagnostics,  including  the various  contracts  that those  entities  have with
health care facilities and third party payers for the provision of psychotherapy
services; and

      WHEREAS, the P.C. will enter into a management agreement with the
Subsidiary (the "Management Agreement") pursuant to which the Subsidiary will
provide non-clinical management and administrative services to the P.C.; and

      WHEREAS, it is a condition to the completion of the transactions described
above that this Option be granted to Pioneer.

      NOW, THEREFORE,  in consideration of the mutual covenants  hereinafter set
forth and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency
of which are hereby  acknowledged,  the parties hereto,  intending to be legally
bound hereunder, agree as follows:

     GRANT OF OPTION.  Perlow hereby irrevocably grants to Pioneer the right and
option  (hereinafter called the "Option") to designate a person who lawfully may
hold an ownership interest in the P.C. (the "Optionee") who shall be entitled to
purchase all of the shares of the P.C. owned by Perlow ("Perlow's  Interest") at
the  exercise  price set forth in  paragraph 2, during the period and subject to
the conditions herein set forth.

     EXERCISE  PRICE.  The exercise  price (the  "Exercise  Price") for Perlow's
Interest shall be One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00).
     OPTION TERM.  The term of this Option  shall expire on the fortieth  (40th)
anniversary of the date hereof.
     EXERCISE  OF  OPTION.  The  Option  shall  be  exercisable  only  upon  the
occurrence of one or more of the following events:

         (a) Perlow's death;

         (b) Perlow's  disability  which, for purposes of this Option Agreement,
shall be defined as  Perlow's  failure or  inability  to perform  his  customary
duties  for a  consecutive  period of three (3) months or for any number of days
totalling 120 within a six (6) month period;

     (c) The loss or suspension of Perlow's medical license, cancellation of the
P.C.'s medical malpractice insurance without replacement, commission of a felony
by the P.C. or by Perlow,  or the loss or suspension,  for more than ninety (90)
days,  of the P.C.'s or  Perlow's  participation  in the  Medicare  or  Medicaid
programs  or  in  any  third-party  payor  contract  which,  in  the  reasonable
discretion of Pioneer, is a significant contract for the P.C.;

     (d) Upon the default or termination of that certain Employment Agreement of
even date herewith between the P.C. and Perlow;

     (e) Upon default or  termination  of that certain  Management  Agreement of
even date herewith between the Subsidiary and the P.C.; or
     (f) The filing by Perlow of a petition in bankruptcy, an assignment for the
benefit of creditors,  or other action taken voluntarily or involuntarily  under
any state or federal statute for the protection of debtors.

     5. MANNER OF  EXERCISE.  Each  exercise  of the Option  shall be by written
notice to Perlow,  and shall be accompanied by the designated  Optionee's  check
payable to Perlow for the amount of the Exercise  Price.  Upon  delivery of such
notice and  payment,  the  Optionee  shall be deemed to have  acquired  Perlow's
Interest  and shall be deemed to have  become a member of the P.C.  without  any
further action on the part of the Optionee,  Perlow or the P.C.. However, at the
Optionee's request, Perlow shall also deliver an assignment of his shares in the
P.C.  to the  Optionee  in form and  substance  reasonably  satisfactory  to the

     6. NO OBLIGATION TO EXERCISE  OPTION.  Pioneer shall be under no obligation
to exercise all or any part of the Option.

     7. TRANSFERABILITY OF OPTION. The Option is freely transferable by Pioneer.
Pioneer shall notify the P.C and Perlow of the exercise or the revocation of any
assignment of the Option.

Option Period,  no part of Perlow's  Interest  shall be transferred  without the
prior  written  consent of Pioneer.  For  purposes of this Option  Agreement,  a
transfer  shall  include  any  dissolution  or  termination  of the P.C.  or any
assignment,  mortgage,  hypothecation,  transfer, pledge, creation of a security
interest in or lien upon,  encumbrance,  gift or other  disposition  unless such
transfer  is made  subordinate  to or  subject  to this  Option.  An  authorized
assignee or transferee  must consent in writing to be bound by the terms of this
Option  Agreement.  Further,  the P.C.  and Perlow shall not amend or modify the
P.C.'s  Articles of  Organization  or Bylaws in any manner that would  adversely
affect  Pioneer's  rights  hereunder  without  Pioneer's prior written  consent.
Perlow  consents to the Option on his interests  granted  herein,  and agrees to
recognize  the  Optionee  as a  substituted  shareholder  immediately  upon  the
exercise of this Option.  Any provisions in the P.C.'s Bylaws that conflict with
this Option Agreement are superseded and shall be of no effect.

     9.  REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF PERLOW.  Perlow hereby represents and
warrants to, and covenants with, Pioneer as follows:

     Perlow has full power and  authority  to permit him to execute  and deliver
this Option  Agreement and to perform all of the obligations  contained  herein,
and none of such actions will violate any  provisions  of law or will violate or
constitute  a default  under any  agreement or  instrument  to which Perlow is a
     This Option Agreement  constitutes,  and each instrument to be executed and
delivered  by  Perlow  in  connection  with  the  exercise  of the  Option  will
constitute,  a valid and  legally  binding  obligation  of  Perlow,  enforceable
against him in accordance with its terms.

                               Except for Nissim Schliselberg, M.D., no other
     person will be permitted to become a  shareholder  (other than  pursuant to
the exercise of this Option) without prior written notice to the Pioneer and the
grant to Pioneer of an option of such  person's  interest in form and  substance
comparable to this Option Agreement.

     Perlow shall take,  or cause to be taken,  all steps  necessary to maintain
the P.C. as a New York  professional  corporation in good standing and,  without
the prior written  consent of the Pioneer,  shall not take, or cause or allow to
be taken, any steps to dissolve the P.C..

                  (e) A legend shall be placed on each stock certificate  issued
by the P.C. to Perlow  indicating that the shares  represent by that certificate
are  subject to this Option  Agreement  and may not be  transferred  without the
express written consent of Pioneer.

            10. NOTICES. All notices required or permitted hereunder shall be in
writing and shall be deemed to be properly  given when  personally  delivered to
the party entitled to receive the notice or when sent by certified or registered
mail, postage prepaid,  properly addressed to the party entitled to receive such
notice at the address  stated below or at such other address as may be furnished
in writing by any party hereto to the other:


            If to a Perlow:   Gerald M. Perlow, M.D

            If to Pioneer:          Pioneer Healthcare
                                 200 Lake Street
                              Suite 102
                                Peabody, MA 01960
                                 Attn: President

            11.   SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS.  This Option Agreement shall be
binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their
respective executors, administrators, heirs, and assigns.

            12.   GOVERNING LAW.  This Option Agreement shall be governed by
and construed under the laws of the State of New York without regard to the
conflicts of laws provisions of that state.

            13.   COUNTERPARTS.  This Option Agreement may be executed in two
or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of
which together shall constitute one and the same instrument.

            14.   AMENDMENT.  This Option Agreement may not be amended except
by an instrument in writing signed by all the parties.

            15.  SPECIFIC  PERFORMANCE.  The parties  hereto agree that Perlow's
Interest in the P.C. is unique and that  failure to honor the rights  granted by
this Option Agreement will result in irreparable damage, and that in addition to
all  other  remedies  of which  Pioneer  may avail  itself at law or in  equity,
Pioneer shall have the right of specific performance.

            16.  ENTIRE  AGREEMENT.  This Option  Agreement  embodies the entire
agreement  between the parties with respect to its subject matter.  There are no
restrictions,  promises, representations,  warranties, covenants or undertakings
other than those expressly set forth herein.  This Option  Agreement  supersedes
any and all prior agreements and understandings between the parties with respect
to its subject matter.

      IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties  hereto have duly  executed  this Option
Agreement as of the date first written above.

                                    PIONEER HEALTHCARE, INC.:


                                    Gerald M. Perlow, M.D.