Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 8-K

                Current Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of
                       The Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported):  June 2, 1998

                                    PHC, Inc.
             (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)

                    (State of Incorporation or Organization)

        0-23524                                              04-260571 
(Commission File Number)                                  (I.R.S. Employer
                                                          Identification No.)

200 Lake Street, Suite 102, Peabody, Massachusetts                 01960
(Address of Principal Executive Offices)                         (Zip Code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code:  (978) 536-2777 

Item 3.   Other Events.

Discontinuance of Operations of Nursing and Rehabilitation Facility.

                             Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 8-K

     Current Report  Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of The Securities  Exchange
Act of 1934

Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported):  June 5, 1998 (May 26, 1998)

                                    PHC, Inc.
             (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)

                    (State of Incorporation or Organization)

        0-23524                                               04-260571
(Commission File Number)                                   (I.R.S. Employer
                                                            Identification No.)

200 Lake Street, Suite 102, Peabody, Massachusetts                01960
 (Address of Principal Executive Offices)                      (Zip Code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code:  (978) 536-2777

Item 3.    Bankruptcy or Receivership

     On May 26, 1998, PHC, Inc.'s wholly owned subsidiary,  Quality Care Centers
of  Massachusetts,  Inc., doing business as Franvale Nursing and  Rehabilitation
Center,  filed  for  reorganization  under  Chapter  11  of  the  United  States
bankruptcy  Code in the Eastern  Division of the  District of  Massachusetts  at
Boston,  Massachusetts.  The case was assigned to C J Kenner. On May 27, 1998 on
motion of  Franvale,  the court  authorized  the  appointment  of a Trustee  and
appointed  Joseph  Braunstein  as the Chapter 11 Trustee.  On May 29, 1998,  the
Bankruptcy Court terminated the Chapter 11 proceeding determining that there was
no likelihood of reorganization  since the prospective  acquirer of the facility
was now imposing certain terms  unacceptable to all interested  parties and that
the  transfer  of  patients  and  liquidation  of  assets  could  be as  readily
effectuated in a state court  receivership  under the aegis of the Massachusetts
Health Care Statutes and  accordingly  dismissed the Chapter 11 case. On June 1,
1998,  on  the  Petition  of  the  Attorney   General  of  the  Commonwealth  of
Massachusetts on behalf of the Department of Public Health with the acquiescence
of Franvale, Robert Griffin was appointed by J. Kottmyer as Receiver to transfer
the patients and close the facility expeditiously.

     Although  the full  extent of the  financial  impact on PHC,  Inc cannot be
determined  at this  time,  the  management  of PHC  does not  believe  that the
liquidation  of the assets of Quality Care Centers of  Massachusetts,  Inc. will
have a substantial  impact on PHC's financial  position as previously  reported.
Quality  Care Centers of  Massachusetts,  Inc.  posted a loss from  Discontinued
Operations of approximately $1.8 million in the nine months ended March 31, 1998
and $1.9 million in the previous  fiscal year. The elimination of this loss will
enhance the profitability of PHC.

Item 5.   Other Events.

     On May 27,  1998,  PHC of  Rhode  Island,  Inc,  ("PHRI")  entered  into an
agreement  with NMI  Realty,  ("NMI")  the owners of the Good Hope  Center  real
estate.  This  agreement  releases  PHRI from the remaining 16 years on the Good
Hope Center  property  lease in exchange  for some of the PHRI fixed  assets and
payments of approximately $125,000.00 over the next seven months. This agreement
reduces the future cash requirements of PHRI considerably.

     PHRI will continue to incur some  operating  expenses over the next several
months as a result of the costs related to the ongoing collection of outstanding
Accounts Receivable. The closure of PHRI will eliminate approximately $65,000 in
losses each month and further enhance the profitability of PHC.


     Pursuant to the  requirements  of the securities  exchange act of 1934, the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                                     PHC, INC.

Date:  June 5, 1998                                   By:  /s/ Bruce A. Shear
                                                          Bruce A. Shear

Item 6.     Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K.

(a)    Exhibit Index  

Exhibit No.                         Description

4.29 Notice and Agreement of Termination of Lease and Option to Purchase;  Bill
     of Sale;  Assignment  of Licenses;  Promissory  Note; and  Guaranty by and
     between NMI Realty, Inc. and PHC of Rhode Island, Inc. dated May 31, 1998.


     Pursuant to the  requirements of the securities  exchange act of 1934, the
registrant  has duly  caused  this report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                                PHC, INC.

Date:  June 2, 1998                             By: /s/ Bruce A. Shear
                                                    Bruce A. Shear

Exhibit List                         Description

4.29 Notice and Agreement of Termination of Lease and Option to Purchase;  Bill
     of Sale;  Assignment  of Licenses;  Promissory  Note; and  Guaranty by and
     between NMI Realty, Inc. and PHC of Rhode Island, Inc. dated May 31, 1998.

Exhibit 4.29

                             AND OPTION TO PURCHASE

      Notice is hereby  given that the  following  Lease and Option  Agreement
dated March 16, 1994 (the "Agreement") is hereby terminated:

LANDLORD:         NMI  Realty,  Inc.,  a Rhode  Island  corporation  having  a
                  mailing address of P. O. Box 470, East Greenwich, RI 02818.

TENANT:           PHC of Rhode  Island,  Inc.,  d/b/a  Pioneer  Healthcare,  a
                  Massachusetts  corporation  having  an  address  of 200 Lake
                  Street, Suite 102, Peabody, MA 01960.

DESCRIPTION       A certain  parcel of land  together  with the  buildings and
OF PREMISES:      other improvements  located  thereon situated on John Potter
                  Road, West  Greenwich,  Rhode Island, as  more  particularly 
                  described in Exhibit A to the Notice  of Lease and Option to
                  Purchase  recorded in Book 65, Page 841 of  the Town of West
                  Greenwich  Land  Evidence Records (the "Premises").

COMMENCEMENT      March 1, 1994

TERMINATION OF    Landlord  and Tenant have agreed to  irrevocably  cancel and
OPTION TO         terminate the right to purchase the Premises pursuant to the 
PURCHASE:         terms of the Agreement.

OTHER             This Notice is intended to terminate  all the rights,  terms
PROVISIONS:       and conditions of the Agreement.

Executed as a sealed instrument as of the 31st day of May, 1998.

Signed in the presence of:                      Landlord:
                                                NMI REALTY, INC.

/s/  T. A. Bates                                By:  /s/ Alan Willoughby

                                                PHC OF RHODE ISLAND, INC.

/s/  T. A. Bates                                By:  /s/ Bruce A. Shear


      In Peabody on the 27th day of May, 1998,  before me personally  appeared
Alan  Willoughby,  President of NMI Realty,  Inc., to me known and known by me
to be the party executing the foregoing  instrument,  and he acknowledged said
instrument,  by him  executed,  to be his free act and deed  individually,  as
President aforesaid, and the free act and deed of NMI Realty, Inc.

                                                /s/ Stuart Kaufman
                                       SEAL     Stuart Kaufman, Notary Public
                                                My Commission expires
                                                  February 26, 2004


      In Peabody on the 27th day of May, 1998,  before me personally  appeared
Bruce A. Shear,  President of PHC of Rhode Island, Inc., to me known and known
by me to be the party executing the foregoing instrument,  and he acknowledged
said instrument,  by him executed,  to be his free act and deed  individually,
as President as  aforesaid  and the free act and deed of PHC of Rhode  Island,

                                                /s/ Stuart Kaufman
                                       SEAL     Stuart Kaufman, Notary Public
                                                My Commission expires
                                                  February 26, 2004

                                 BILL OF SALE

     FOR GOOD AND  VALUABLE  CONSIDERATION,  the  receipt and  sufficiency  of
which is hereby  acknowledged,  PHC of Rhode Island, Inc. a duly organized and
existing  Massachusetts  corporation  (hereinafter  referred to as  "Seller"),
does hereby sell,  assign,  transfer and convey to GHC, Inc. a duly  organized
and  existing   Rhode   Island   corporation   (hereinafter   referred  to  as
"Purchaser")  all right,  title and interest in and to the Business Assets (as
defined  below),  free and clear of any lien,  charge and encumbrance of claim
of any third party.  The term  "Business  Assets" shall mean all of the assets
owned by Seller or in which Seller has any rights or interests  comprising and
used by Seller in connection  with or related to the ownership,  management or
operation of the treatment center for chemically  dependent  individuals known
as Good Hope  Center (the  "Facility")  located  off John  Potter  Road,  West
Greenwich,  Rhode  Island,  as of the date hereof,  tangible  and  intangible,
wheresoever situated and whether or not specifically  referred to, and any and
all of Seller's right,  title and interest  therein and thereto (but excluding
the Excluded Assets, as hereinafter  defined),  including without limiting the
generality of the foregoing, the following:

      (a)   All  machinery,  equipment,  furniture,   furnishings,   fixtures,
vehicles, computers,  telephones,  supplies, and all other tangible assets now
or  hereafter  owned by Seller  prior to June 1,  1998 and used in  connection
with the operation of the Facility,  wherever  located,  with the exception of
the  rights  to any  and  all  yellow  page  advertisements  and  any  and all
telephone numbers associated therewith.

      (b)   All of  Seller's  right,  title and  interest  in, to or under the
contracts,  agreements,  leases, licenses, permits, approvals, purchase orders
and  commitments,  and any  other  intangible  assets in which  Seller  now or
hereafter  has any present or future  right or interest  prior to June 1, 1998
and used in  connection  with the  operation  of the  Facility,  which will be
assumed by Purchaser.

      (c)   All  leasehold  improvements  owned or made to the  real  property
where the Facility is located (the "Property") by seller.

      (d)   All other tangible and intangible  assets owned by Seller and used
in connection  with the  ownership and operation of the Facility,  on the date
hereof,  including,  without limitation,  all books and records,  customer and
supplier  lists,  provider  agreements,  patient  lists,  approvals,  permits,
contracts,  plans, surveys, policy manuals, accounts,  records, Seller's forms
and office supplies,  all advertising and promotional  literature  relating to
Seller's products,  services or operations, all software and computer programs
and  documentation,  if  any,  used in  conducting  the  business,  including,
without  limitation,  flow charts,  diagrams,  descriptive texts and programs,
computer  printouts,  underlying tapes,  computer data bases and similar items
used in Seller's business.

      (e)   Any and all of Seller's  trademarks  and  trademark  applications,
service marks and service mark applications,  trade names (including,  without
limitation,  the  name  "Good  Hope  Center"  and  all  derivatives  thereof),
copyrights and copyright applications,  and including the associated goodwill,
the right to sue for and recover  such  damages and such other relief as might
be  granted  by a  court  of  competent  jurisdiction  for  past  infringement
thereof,  and,  to the extent  transferable,  any and all  licenses or permits
(including,   without   limitation,   any  transferable   licenses,   permits,
certificates,  registrations or authorizations  from or with federal and state
regulatory  authorities  and/or Medicare and/or  Medicaid) with respect to the
business and/or operations of Seller and the Facility.

      (f)   Any  and  all  advances  or  pre-payments  made  by  patients  for
services not rendered prior to the Closing Date.

      (g)   Except as expressly  provided  herein to the  contrary,  all other
assets,  tangible or intangible,  wherever located, held or used in connection
with the ownership,  operation and management of the Facility,  whether or not
included in or reflected on the books of Seller or its financial statements.

      Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary herein provided,  the Business
Assets shall not include (a) any accounts  receivable,  cash,  bank  balances,
money market  accounts,  certificates  of deposit,  marketable  securities  or
accounts,  or  accounts  or loans  received by Seller,  (b) any  endowment  or
restricted  or  unrestricted  accounts  of  Seller,  and  any  funds  received
pursuant  to any grant  awards,  (c) the  Packard  Bell  computer  and Hewlett
Packard   Inkjet   printer   currently   being   utilized   in  the   Facility
administrative  offices,  (d) any payment obligation or liability for services
rendered,  materials,  supplies or labor which  obligation arose prior to June
1, 1998;  all of which assets  listed in foregoing  clauses (a),  (b), (c) and
(d) of this  paragraph  shall be retained  by Seller,  as the case may be (the
"Excluded Assets") and shall not be sold, assigned,  transferred,  conveyed or
delivered to Purchaser.

      IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  this Bill of Sale has been executed by Seller as of
the 27th day of May, 1998.

                                                PHC of Rhode Island, Inc.

                                                By /s/  Bruce A. Shear

phc. bs

                               PROMISSORY NOTE

$100,000.00                                                      May 27, 1998

      FOR VALUE RECEIVED,  PHC of Rhode island, Inc., with an address of Suite
102, 200 Lake Street,  Peabody, MA 01960 (hereinafter referred to as "Maker"),
promise  to pay to the  order of NMI  Realty,  Inc.,  with an  address  of 902
Whaley Hollow Road, Coventry,  RI 02816 (hereinafter  referred to as "Payee"),
the principal sum of One Hundred Thousand Dollars  ($100,000.00),  which shall
be  paid  (i)  in  equal  monthly  installments  of  Twenty  Thousand  Dollars
($20,000.00),  beginning on the lst day of June,  1998,  and on the 1st day of
July,  1998 and August,  1998; and (ii) in equal monthly  installments  of Ten
Thousand  Dollars  ($10,000.00) on the lst day of September,  1998, and on the
lst day of October,  1998, November,  1998, and December,  1998, and until all
unpaid  principal,  all other  expenses and other  charges  payable  hereunder
shall be paid in full.

      The entire  principal  balance and any Collection  Charges  (hereinafter
defined) shall be paid to Payee on December 1, 1998 (the "Maturity Date").

      All sums payable  hereunder  are payable at the above stated  address of
Payee or such other place or places as Payee,  its  successors or assigns (the
"Holder") may designate in writing.

      This  Note may be  prepaid  at any  time,  in whole or in part,  without
penalty or premium.

      All sums paid under this Note shall be applied  first to any  Collection
Charges  then  due and  unpaid,  with the  remaining  balance,  if any,  to be
applied to unpaid principal.

      Payee and any successor  Holder may assign,  transfer or negotiate  this
Note and any security for the  performance of Maker's  obligations  hereunder,
and in such event all the  provisions  of this Note shall inure to the benefit
of and may be exercised by or on behalf of the successor Holder.

      The  occurrence  of  any  one or  more  of the  following  events  shall
constitute an Event of Default hereunder:

      1.    Nonpayment  of principal  due under this Note when it shall become
due  and  payable  (no  prior  demand  therefor  being   necessary)  and  such
nonpayment  shall have  continued  for more than fifteen days.  However,  upon
receipt of payment by Payee, said default will be considered cured.

      2.    Nonpayment of any Collection Charges.

      3.    The  breach  of,  or  the  proving  false  or  misleading,  in any
material respect,  of any  representation or warranty now or hereafter made to
any  Holder  by, on behalf  of, or for the  benefit  of Maker,  or by Maker as
contained in the Letter  Agreement  between PHC of Rhode  Island,  Inc.,  PHC,
Inc.,  NMI  Realty,  Inc.  and GHC,  Inc.  dated May 22,  1998,  (the  "Letter

      4.    Failure to make  payment of the  property tax bill for the quarter
ended August 31, 1998, in accordance with paragraph 3 of the Letter Agreement.

      5.    (a) (i) The  insolvency  or inability of Maker to pay its debts as
they mature; (ii) the appointment of a receiver,  trustee,  custodian or other
fiduciary,  for, or for any of the property of, Maker;  (iii) the making of an
assignment  for the benefit of creditors,  or the making of or entering into a
trust  mortgage or deed or other  instrument of similar import for the benefit
of creditors,  by Maker;  or (iv) the convening of a meeting of the creditors,
or the selection of a committee representing the creditors, of Maker; or

            (b)   The  filing  of  a  petition,  complaint,  motion  or  other
pleading  seeking any relief  under any  receivership,  insolvency,  or debtor
relief law, or seeking any readjustment or any similar type of relief,  or the
filing of a petition,  complaint,  or motion  under any chapter of the Federal
Bankruptcy Code, 11 U.S.C. (Sub-section)101 et seq., as the same now exists or 
may hereafter be amended (the "Bankruptcy Code"), by Maker; or

            (c)   The  filing  of  a  petition,  complaint,  motion  or  other
pleading  seeking any relief  under any  receivership,  insolvency,  or debtor
relief  law,  or under any  chapter of the  Bankruptcy  Code,  or seeking  any
readjustment of indebtedness,  reorganization,  composition,  extension or any
similar  type of  relief,  or the  entry of any  order  for  relief  under any
chapter of the Bankruptcy  Code,  against Maker;  provided,  however,  that if
Maker  shall  immediately  notify  Holder in writing of the filing of any such
petition,  complaint, motion or other pleading against Maker and shall provide
evidence  satisfactory  to Holder  that Maker has in good faith and within ten
(10) days after the filing of any such  petition,  complaint,  motion or other
pleading  filed an answer  thereto  contesting  same,  then there  shall be no
Event of Default  under this  subparagraph  (c) until the  earliest of (i) the
entry of an order for relief or a judgment under any  proceedings  referred to
in this  subparagraph  (c),  (ii)  the  appointment  of a  receiver,  trustee,
custodian or other  fiduciary in any such  proceeding or (iii) the  expiration
of a  period  of  thirty  (30)  days,  at the  end  of  which  such  petition,
complaint, motion or other pleading remains undismissed; or

      6.    Upon the  occurrence  of any Event of Default,  this Note,  at the
option  of the  Holder,  shall  become  immediately  due and  payable  without
presentment,  demand,  protest or notice of any kind,  all of which are hereby
expressly  waived by Maker.  The  Holder's  failure to  exercise  such  option
shall not constitute a waiver of the right to exercise it at any other time.

     No renewal  or  extension  granted,  or any  indulgence  shown to, or any
release  of,  or any  dealings  between  the  Holder  and  any  other  person,
corporation,  or entity  now or  hereafter  interested  in this Note or in the
property  securing  this  Note,  whether  as  owner,  guarantor,  encumbrance,
grantor,  or  otherwise,  shall  discharge,  extend or in any way  affect  the
obligations of Maker hereunder.

     Maker shall  remain  primarily,  liable on this Note until full  payment,
unaffected by any agreement or transaction  between any Holder and any alienee
as to payment of principal,  interest or other monies,  by any  forbearance or
extension of time,  guaranty or assumption by others,  or by any other matter,
as to all of which notice is hereby waived by Maker.

     Maker  will pay the legal  and  other  fees and  expenses  of the  Holder
reasonably  incurred in connection  with or incidental to the  enforcement  of
any of the  obligations  of Maker or rights of the Holder under this Note,  by
litigation or otherwise;  and all such fees and expenses shall be indebtedness
under this Note, payable on demand (collectively the "Collection Charges").

     This Note may not be modified or terminated orally.

     This Note has been  executed  and  delivered  in Rhode Island and for all
purposes  shall be enforced and construed in accordance  with the  substantive
law of the State of Rhode Island,  without resort to Rhode  Island's  conflict
of laws rules.

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  undersigned  have executed this Note as of the
day and year first above written.

                                             PHC of Rhode Island, Inc.

Witnessed By:

 /s/ Stuart Kaufman                          By /s/  Bruce A. Shear

                                                                  May 27, 1998

      To  induce  NMI  Realty,   Inc.   (the   "Payee")  to  grant   financial
accommodations  to PHC of Rhode  Island,  Inc.,  Suite 102,  200 Lake  Street,
Peabody,  MA  01960,  (the  "Maker"),   and  in  consideration   thereof,  the
undersigned guarantor (the "Guarantor") hereby  unconditionally  guarantees to
the Payee the due and punctual payment and performance of Maker's  Obligations
(as  herein  defined),   when  due,  whether  by  acceleration  or  otherwise.
"Obligations"  means all indebtedness  and liabilities  whatsoever of Maker to
Payee, pursuant to the above Promissory Note between Maker and Payee.

      The  Guarantor  hereby:  (i)  agrees  to  pay  all  costs  and  expenses
(including  reasonable  attorneys'  fees)  incurred in collecting or enforcing
the  Obligations or property  securing  payment of this Guaranty;  (ii) waives
any  and  all  rights   Guarantor  may  have  against  the  Maker  by  way  of
subrogation,  reimbursement,  set-off,  claim or otherwise  arising out of the
payment or  performance by Guarantor of any of the  Obligations to Payee;  and
(iii) waives  notice of  acceptance  of this  Guaranty,  presentment,  demand,
protest,  notice of protest,  notice of dishonor,  notice of non-payment,  any
defenses  available to a surety,  indorser or guarantor under  applicable law,
and any right to require  suit  against  the Maker or any other  party  before
enforcing this Guaranty.

      The Guarantor  further  consents and agrees that renewals and extensions
of time of payment, surrender, release, exchange,  substitution,  dealing with
or  taking  additional   collateral   security,   taking  or  releasing  other
guaranties,  abstaining  from realizing upon any collateral  security or other
guaranties and any and all other  forbearances  or indulgences  granted by the
Payee to the Maker or any other  party may be made,  granted  and  effected by
the Payee  without  notice to the  Guarantor  and without in any way affecting
the Guarantor's liability hereunder.

      This  Guaranty has been  executed and  delivered in Rhode Island and for
all  purposes  shall  be  enforced  and  construed  in  accordance   with  the
substantive  law of the  State  of  Rhode  Island,  without  resort  to  Rhode
Island's conflict of laws rules.

                                                PHC, Inc.
Witnessed By:

 /s/ Stuart Kaufman                             By /s/  Bruce A. Shear