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P.O.Box 34729*North Kansas City, Missouri 64116*(816) 303-4500*Fax (816)221-1829

August 17, 2001

         Re:      $400 Per Unit Unsolicited Tender Offer by O. Bruce Mills dated
                  July  10,  2001  to  Purchase  Any and All Units of Maxus Real
                  Property Investors-Four, LP (the "Partnership")

Dear Limited Partners/Assignee:

         As  Managing  General  Partner  of the  Partnership, the Securities and
Exchange Commission has asked that we clarify a  few points  with respect to our
previous  letters  to  the  Limited  Partners  in connection with O. Bruce Mills
("Mills") offer to buy  any and all Limited Partners/Assignee Interest ("Units")
of the  Partnership  for Four Hundred  Dollars ($400) per Unit ("Mills' Offer to

         We  previously  indicated  that  we  believed  Mills'  Schedule  TO was
misleading because he did  not clearly indicate that the ownership percentage of
every limited partner that did not tender pursuant to the  Partnership's  issuer
tender offer that commenced on April 20, 2001 (the "Partnership's Tender Offer")
increased on  the  same proportionate  basis  as  our  affiliate Bond Purchase's
ownership percentage in  the Partnership.  Bond Purchase's interest did increase
from 13.9 percent to 15.5 percent, as Mills disclosed  in his  Offer to Purchase
dated July 10, 2001.  We agree that his statement as to this matter is factually
correct.  We  merely  wanted  to c larify that the ownership percentage of every
other limited partner  also  increased proportionately.  The Partnership pointed
this  out in  its tender offer in April in its Offer to Purchase dated April 20,
2001.  The  Partnership's  Offer  to Purchase  disclosed that its affiliate Bond
Purchase's  ownership interest  could increase from 13.9 percent to a maximum of
16.4 percent if the maximum number of Units were tendered.

         In addition, we want to clarify that  we were not  claiming that  Mills
was misleading as to his disclosure of the appraised value of the Partnership of
$567.  However,  it  was  our concern  that because the appraised value was only
disclosed once in Mills' Offer to Purchase, many of you may not have seen it and
we  wanted  you  to base your decision on all the facts, including the appraised
value.  We did not mean to  imply  that Mills  was misleading you as to the $567
appraised value.

         We also want to clarify that  we have no factual basis  that Mills will
act similarly to the previous  General  Partner that was removed in 1999.  Based
on  his  previous  statements  in  his  July 27, 2001 letter to you that (i) the
Partnership's  sole  property  (Woodhollow  Apartments)  was such  an attractive
property for him to own and manage

August 17, 2001
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and (ii) he intended to sell Woodhollow Apartments and liquidate the Partnership
if he gained control of the Partnership, we were concerned that Mills might sell
the property to himself or an affiliate in a manner that would be similar to the
previous  managing  general  partner  of the Partnership.  The previous managing
general  partner  attempted to sell one  of  the Partnership's  properties to an
affiliate  at  a  price  that  was  well  below what we ultimately sold the same
property to an unaffiliated third party a few years later. We just believed that
there  was  an  implication  that  Mills  might take  such action if he acquired
control.  Subsequently,  Mills'  has  sent you a letter stating that he will not
sell Woodhollow Apartments to himself or any of his affiliates.

         Additionally,  we  were concerned that  Mills  did not  disclose in his
initial Schedule TO that he had previously indicated to the Partnership that his
"prime"  condition  was  obtaining  a  majority  of  the  outstanding  Units. We
believed  that  Mills' Offer  to Purchase did not properly reflect his desire to
obtain control based on the letter he had previously sent to the Partnership. We
did not  mean  to  imply  in  our  previous letter to you dated July 27 that his
condition itself  was misleading, merely we were concerned that he placed a much
greater  emphasis  on  this  condition  than he disclosed in the Mills' Offer to
Purchase.  We  merely  wanted  Mills to clarify his position with respect to the
emphasis he placed on this condition.  Mills did  subsequently  indicate that he
was  not  placing  a  significant  emphasis  on  this  condition  and waived the

         Finally, we would like to clarify that on June 7, 2001, the Partnership
decided  to  make  quarterly  distributions  using  the  excess  funds that were
anticipated  to  be  used  for  the  Partnership's issuer tender offer after the
closing of the Partnership's issuer tender offer on June 5, 2001.  This decision
was made after Mills' first letter to Maxus regarding his proposal.

         We continue  to strongly recommend that you REJECT Mills' offer for the
reasons previously indicated in our previous letters sent to you.

         For  your  information,  we would  like to  let you know that we do not
currently  plan  to  permit Mills  to become a "Substitute Limited Partner" with
respect to the Units he has acquired in his tender  offer, as is within our sole
discretion pursuant  to Section  7.2 of the Partnership Agreement,   If Mills is
not permitted to become a "Substitute Limited Partner," he  will not have voting
rights with respect to the Units he has acquired.  In addition,  before  we will
recognize  Mills  as  an  assignee  of  any Units pursuant to Section 7.3 of the
Partnership  Agreement,  we  will  provide  a  form  of   assignment  reasonably
acceptable to the Partnership which will evidence the written acceptance  by the
Assignee  of all the terms and provisions  of the Partnership Agreement and that
such  his  acquisition  was  made  in  accordance  with  all applicable laws and
regulations.  If  such  an  agreeable  assignment  is  not executed, we will not
recognize  the  assignment  of  Units  to  Mills,  as  is  our  right  under the
Partnership Agreement.