Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-Q
                   QUARTERLY REPORT UNDER SECTION 13 OR 15 (d)
                     OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

        For Quarter Ended December 31, 2001 - Commission File No. 0-17196

                          MIDWEST GRAIN PRODUCTS, INC.

             (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

                  KANSAS                                      48-0531200
      (State or Other Jurisdiction of                        IRS Employer
       Incorporation or Organization)                      Identification No.

                    1300 Main Street, Atchison, Kansas 66002
              (Address of Principal Executive Offices and Zip Code)

                                 (913) 367-1480
              (Registrant's Telephone Number, Including Area Code)

Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the  preceding 12 months (or for such  shorter  period that the  Registrant  was
required  to  file  such  reports)  and  (2)  has  been  subject  to the  filing
requirements  for at least the past 90 days.                  [X] Yes     [ ] No

Indicate the number of shares  outstanding  of each of the  issuer's  classes of
common stock, as of the latest practicable date.

                           Common stock, no par value
                          8,032,454 shares outstanding
                             as of February 1, 2002

Part I. Financial Information

   Item 1. Financial Statements

     Independent Accountants' Review Report................................... 2

     Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets as of December 31, 2001 and
        June 30, 2001......................................................... 3

     Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income for the Three Months
        Ended and Six Months Ended December 31, 2001 and 2000................. 5

     Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the Six
        Months Ended December 31, 2001 and 2000............................... 6

     Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements..................... 7

    Item 2.  Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
             and Results of Operations........................................ 8

    Item 3.  Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk.......14

Part II.  Other Information

    Item 6. Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K................................. 15


                         Independent Accountants' Report

Board of Directors and Stockholders
Midwest Grain Products, Inc.
Atchison, Kansas   66002

We have  reviewed  the  accompanying  condensed  consolidated  balance  sheet of
Midwest Grain Products,  Inc. and  subsidiaries as of December 31, 2001, and the
related  condensed  consolidated  statements of income for the six-month periods
ended  December  31,  2001 and  2000,  and the  related  condensed  consolidated
statements of cash flows for the six-month  periods ended  December 31, 2001 and
2000.  These  financial  statements  are  the  responsibility  of the  Company's

We conducted our review in accordance with standards established by the American
Institute  of  Certified  Public  Accountants.  A review  of  interim  financial
information consists principally of applying analytical  procedures to financial
data and making  inquiries of persons  responsible  for financial and accounting
matters. It is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance
with  generally  accepted  auditing  standards,  the  objective  of which is the
expression of an opinion  regarding the financial  statements  taken as a whole.
Accordingly, we do not express such an opinion.

Based on our review, we are not aware of any material  modifications that should
be made to the accompanying condensed consolidated financial statements for them
to be in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

We have  previously  audited,  in accordance with auditing  standards  generally
accepted in the United States of America,  the consolidated  balance sheet as of
June 30, 2001, and the related consolidated statements of income,  stockholders'
equity, and cash flows for the year then ended (not presented  herein);  and, in
our report dated August 1, 2001,  we expressed an  unqualified  opinion on those
consolidated financial statements.  In our opinion, the information set forth in
the accompanying  condensed  consolidated  balance sheet as of June 30, 2001, is
fairly stated in all material  respects in relation to the consolidated  balance
sheet from which it has been derived.

                                                        /s/BKD, LLP

Kansas City, Missouri
January 22, 2002


                          Midwest Grain Products, Inc.

           See Accompanying Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial
             Statements and Independent Accountants' Review Report 4
                      Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets
                                 (In Thousands)


                                                           December 31,         June 30,
                                                              2001                2001
Current Assets
  Cash and cash equivalents                               $  29,391          $  33,454
  Receivables (less allowance for bad debts of $452 at
    December 31, 2001 and June 30, 2001, respectively)       24,433             26,109
  Inventories                                                22,149             18,230
  Prepaid expenses                                            2,017              1,625
  Deferred income taxes                                       2,484              2,451
  Refundable income taxes                                        --                299
                                                          ---------         ----------
    Total Current Assets                                     80,474             82,168
                                                          ---------         ----------
Property and Equipment, at cost                             250,281            245,305
  Less accumulated depreciation                             160,290            153,181
                                                          ---------         ----------
                                                             89,991             92,124
                                                          ---------         ----------
Other Assets                                                    247                158
                                                          ---------         ----------
  Total Assets                                            $ 170,712          $ 174,450
                                                          =========         ==========


                          Midwest Grain Products, Inc.
                Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets (Continued)
                                 (In Thousands)

Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity

                                                                      December 31,        June 30,
                                                                          2001              2001
Current Liabilities
  Current maturities of long-term debt                              $    3,202         $    4,273
  Accounts payable                                                      11,061             10,446
  Accrued expenses                                                       3,505              4,008
  Deferred income                                                       13,437             15,951
  Income taxes payable                                                   1,262                 --
                                                                     ---------          ---------
    Total current liabilities                                           32,467             34,678
                                                                     ---------          ---------
Long-Term Debt                                                          18,897             22,420
                                                                     ---------          ---------
Post-Retirement Benefits                                                 5,932              6,034
                                                                     ---------          ---------
Deferred Income Taxes                                                   10,769             10,774
                                                                     ---------          ---------
Stockholders' Equity
  Capital stock
    Preferred, 5% noncumulative, $10 par value; authorized 1,000
    shares; issued and outstanding 437 shares                                4                  4
  Common, no par; authorized 20,000,000 shares; issued
    9,765,172 shares                                                     6,715              6,715
  Additional paid-in capital                                             2,485              2,485
  Retained earnings                                                    109,653            105,878
  Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) -
    Cash flow hedges                                                       (59)                15
                                                                     ---------          ---------
                                                                    $  118,798         $  115,097
  Treasury stock, at cost
    December 31, 2001 - 1,626,018 shares                               (16,151)           (14,553)
                                                                     ---------          ---------
    June 30, 2001 - 1,585,518 shares                                   102,647            100,544
                                                                     ---------          ---------
      Total liabilities and stockholders' equity                    $  170,712         $  174,450
                                                                     =========          =========


See Accompanying Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial
  Statements and Independent Accountants' Review Report

                          Midwest Grain Products, Inc.
                   Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income
          Three Months and Six Months Ended December 31, 2001 and 2000

                                                                       Three Months                     Six Months
                                                                      2001           2000            2001            2000
                                                                                        (in thousands)

Net Sales                                                     $     54,394    $     58,489   $    108,688    $    116,786
Cost of Sales                                                       47,500          52,336         94,804         107,868
                                                               -----------     -----------    -----------     -----------
Gross Profit                                                         6,894           6,153         13,884           8,918

Selling, General and Administrative Expenses                         3,548           3,220          7,699           6,421
                                                               -----------     -----------    -----------     -----------
                                                                     3,346           2,933          6,185           2,497

Other Operating Expense                                                (42)              6            (63)              5
                                                               ------------    -----------    -----------     -----------
Income From Operations                                               3,304           2,939          6,122           2,502

Other Income (Expense)
    Interest                                                          (355)           (304)          (749)           (648)
    Other                                                            1,268             215          2,884             343
                                                               -----------     -----------    -----------     -----------
Income Before Income Taxes                                           4,217           2,850          8,257           2,197

Provision For Income Taxes                                           1,666           1,126          3,262             868
                                                               -----------     -----------    -----------     -----------
Net Income                                                           2,551           1,724          4,995           1,329
                                                               -----------     -----------    -----------     -----------
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss)                                      365              40            (74)             55
                                                               -----------     -----------    -----------     -----------
Comprehensive Income                                          $      2,916    $      1,764   $      4,921    $      1,384
                                                               ===========     ===========    ===========     ===========
Earnings Per Common Share
    Basic                                                     $      0.32     $      0.20    $      0.62     $      0.16
                                                               ==========      ==========     ==========      ==========
    Dilutive                                                  $      0.31     $      0.20    $      0.61     $      0.16
                                                               ==========      ==========     ==========      ==========

Dividends Per Common Share                                                                   $      0.15     $      0.10
                                                                                              ==========      ==========

See Accompanying Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial
  Statements and Independent Accountants' Review Report                       5

                          Midwest Grain Products, Inc.
                 Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
                   Six Months Ended December 31, 2001 and 2000

                                                            2001     2000
                                                             (in thousands)
   Operating Activities
      Net income                                         $  4,995   $  1,329
       Items not requiring (providing) cash:
       Depreciation                                         7,109      6,581
       Loss on sale of equipment                               --          6
       Deferred income taxes                                  (38)        --
       Changes in:
       Accounts receivable                                  1,676        236
       Inventories                                         (3,993)       (53)
       Accounts payable and accrued expenses                  756     (1,404)
       Deferred revenue                                    (2,514)        --
       Income taxes (receivable) payable                    1,561       (732)
       Other                                                 (583)      (365)
                                                         --------   --------
              Net cash provided by operating activities     8,969      5,598
                                                         --------   --------

   Investing Activities
       Additions to property and equipment, net            (5,620)    (3,397)
                                                         --------   --------
              Net cash used in investing activities        (5,620)    (3,397)
                                                         --------   --------

   Financing Activities
       Purchase of treasury stock                          (1,598)    (1,565)
       Net payments on long-term debt                     (11,017)    (2,273)
       Net proceeds from issuance of long-term debt         6,423         --
       Dividends paid                                      (1,220)      (856)
                                                         --------   --------
              Net cash used in financing activities        (7,412)    (4,694)
                                                         --------   --------
   Decrease In Cash and Cash Equivalents                   (4,063)    (2,493)

   Cash and Cash Equivalents, Beginning of Period          33,454      7,728
                                                         --------   --------
   Cash and Cash Equivalents, End of Period                29,391      5,235
                                                         ========   ========

See Accompanying Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial
  Statements and Independent Accountants' Review Report                       6

                          Midwest Grain Products, Inc.
              Notes To Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements
                                December 31, 2001

Note 1:  Basis Of Presentation

         The accompanying  unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements
         reflect  all  adjustments  that are,  in the  opinion of the  Company's
         management, necessary to fairly present the financial position, results
         of operations and cash flows of the Company.  Those adjustments consist
         only  of  normal  recurring  adjustments.  The  condensed  consolidated
         balance  sheet as of June 30,  2001 has been  derived  from the audited
         consolidated  balance  sheet of the  Company as of that  date.  Certain
         information  and note  disclosures  normally  included in the Company's
         annual  financial  statements  prepared in  accordance  with  generally
         accepted  accounting  principles have been condensed or omitted.  These
         condensed   consolidated   financial   statements  should  be  read  in
         conjunction  with  the  consolidated  financial  statements  and  notes
         thereto in the  Company's  Form 10-K Annual  Report for 2001 filed with
         the Securities and Exchange  Commission.  The results of operations for
         the period are not necessarily indicative of the results to be expected
         for the full year.

Note 2:  Bonds Payable

         The Company has financed the new Wheatex production facility,  acquired
         in February  2001,  through a capital  lease  financing  involving  the
         issuance on August 22, 2001 of a $6.5 million  industrial  revenue bond
         by the Unified  Government of  Wyandotte/Kansas  City, Kansas. The bond
         bears  interest at a rate of 5.23% per annum and  matures in  September
         2008. Under the lease, the Company will make monthly payments declining
         from  $114,200  in  October  2001 to  $77,700  in  September  2008.  In
         connection  with the  financing,  the  Company  must  maintain  certain
         financial  ratios,  including  a  current  ratio  of 1.5 to 1,  minimum
         consolidated  tangible  net  worth of $84  million  and a debt  service
         coverage ratio of 1.5 to 1.

Note 3:  Contingencies

         There are  various  legal  proceedings  involving  the  Company and its
         subsidiaries.  Management considers that the aggregate liabilities,  if
         any, arising from such actions would not have a material adverse effect
         on the consolidated financial position or operations of the Company.

         The  Company  recently   advised   customers  and  the  Food  and  Drug
         Administration  that certain  products in one of its specialty  protein
         lines required  relabeling  because they contain sulfites,  a potential
         allergen.  The products represented less than 1% of the Company's total
         wheat protein product sales during fiscal year 2001.  Certain customers
         have  advised  the  Company  that they will  expect  indemnity  against
         resulting losses aggregating  approximately $750,000 allegedly incurred
         as a result  of the  mislabeling.  Although  the  Company  is unable to
         estimate  the costs that it might  actually  incur,  after  taking into
         account anticipated insurance coverage the Company does not expect such
         costs  would be  material  to its  financial  condition  or  results of

See Independent Accountants' Review Report                                     7

                          Midwest Grain Products, Inc.
                     Management's Discussion And Analysis of
                  Financial Condition and Results of Operations
                   Six Months Ended December 31, 2001 and 2000

Item 2: Management's Discussions and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results
        of Operations

        Results Of Operations


        The Company had net income of $2,551,000 in the second quarter of fiscal
        2002  compared  to net income of  $1,724,000  in the  second  quarter of
        fiscal 2001. The  improvement  was primarily  attributable to heightened
        demand for the Company's  fuel grade alcohol  combined with lower energy
        costs and growth in sales of specialty wheat  proteins.  The recognition
        of income from a United Sates Department of Agriculture Commodity Credit
        Corporation  program to support the  development  of  value-added  wheat
        protein and wheat starch products also  contributed to the  improvement.
        Details of this program are provided on the following page.

        The  heightened  demand  for fuel  grade  alcohol,  or  ethanol as it is
        commonly  known,  resulted  in  improved  second  quarter  sales of this
        product  compared  to sales in the  prior  year's  second  quarter.  The
        increased   market   interest   was   partially   attributable   to  the
        Environmental   Protection  Agency's  proposal  to  phase  out  MTBE,  a
        competing  fuel  oxygenate  that is  synthetically  derived and has been
        shown  to be  harmful  to  groundwater  supplies.  In  response  to  the
        increased  demand,  the Company  raised fuel alcohol  production  levels
        compared to the second quarter a year ago. The Company also  experienced
        improved  selling  prices for its food grade  alcohol for  beverage  and
        industrial applications.  However, the unit volume of food grade alcohol
        declined in the second quarter compared to a year ago.

        A program developed by the U.S.  Department of Agriculture and initiated
        in  December  2000,  provides  a two-year  cash  incentive  for  ethanol
        producers who increase  their grain usage by specified  amounts to raise
        fuel alcohol  production.  The Company presently satisfies the program's
        eligibility  requirements  and  began  receiving  payments  in the third
        quarter of fiscal 2001.  Also in fiscal  2001,  the  Company's  Board of
        Directors approved a $2.1 million distillery  improvement project at the
        Atchison plant.  Completed in December 2001, this project is designed to
        enhance food grade  alcohol  production,  while also  strengthening  the
        Company's  fuel grade  alcohol  production  capabilities.  The Board has
        additionally  approved plans for the installation of a new feed dryer at
        the Company's Pekin, Illinois plant. Expected to be completed by the end
        of fiscal 2002 at a cost of $5  million,  the new dryer  should  improve
        alcohol  production  efficiencies at that location.  Distillers' feed is
        the principal by-product of the alcohol production process.

        The  Company  continually   evaluates  the  market  climate  and  growth
        potential  for its various  market  groups.  The  Company's  strategy in
        recent  years  has been to focus on the  development  and  marketing  of
        specialty  wheat  protein and starch  products for use in unique  market
        niches.  Although it is  strengthening  its fuel  alcohol  manufacturing
        capabilities, principally at its Pekin plant, the

                          Midwest Grain Products, Inc.
                     Management's Discussion And Analysis of
                  Financial Condition and Results of Operations
                   Six Months Ended December 31, 2001 and 2000

        Company  is  also   considering  the  current  and  anticipated   market
        environment  for fuel  ethanol in the context of the  Company's  overall
        long-term growth strategies for specialty ingredient markets.

        Due principally to increased  customer  interest and expanded  marketing
        programs, demand for the Company's specialty wheat proteins continued to
        strengthen in the second  quarter of fiscal 2002. As a result,  sales of
        these  products  showed  an  improvement  over the prior  year's  second
        quarter. Produced for a variety of food and non-food applications, these
        value-added  products  include  dough  enhancers,   meat  extenders  and
        replacers,  ingredients  for  hair  care  and  skin  care  systems,  and
        bio-polymers   for   producing   pet  treats  as  well  as   degradable,
        plastic-like items.

        While second quarter sales of specialty wheat proteins increased,  sales
        of vital wheat gluten,  the protein portion of flour that is principally
        used in many  types of  bread,  decreased.  This  occurred  because  the
        Company  elected to curtail  production  due to pricing  pressures  from
        artificially  low priced gluten  imports from the European Union (E.U.).
        Competitive pressures from the E.U. intensified following the expiration
        of a three-year-long  quota on gluten imports in early June 2001. Unless
        future  conditions  warrant  otherwise,  the Company plans to maintain a
        reduced  presence  in the  more  traditional,  commodity-related  gluten
        markets   while   continuing  to  broaden  its  presence  in  specialty,
        value-added markets.

        In lieu of a gluten quota extension,  the White House approved a funding
        program to support  the  development  of  value-added  wheat  gluten and
        starches. Administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Commodity
        Credit  Corporation,  the program began in June 2001 and is scheduled to
        end May 31,  2003.  Under the  program,  the  Company  is  eligible  for
        approximately  $26 million of the program total of $40 million.  For the
        first 12 months of the  program,  approximately  $17.3  million has been
        allocated to the  Company.  The  remaining  amount is expected to become
        available to the Company starting in June 2002. The funds are to be used
        for  capital,  research,  marketing  and  promotional  costs  related to
        value-added  wheat protein and starch  products.  Funds received will be
        recognized  in income  during the period  during which they are expended
        for a  permitted  purpose.  However,  funds  that are  used for  capital
        expenditure  projects  will be  recognized  in income  over the  periods
        during which those projects are depreciated. They are not intended to be
        used to reduce  production  and  marketing-related  costs for  commodity
        vital  wheat  gluten  and wheat  starches  which  could  extend the U.S.
        industry's participation in these markets.

        At this time, the Company  expects that  approximately  80% of the first
        year's  allotment  under the program will be used for capital  projects,
        including  the $8.3  million  expansion  project  described  below.  The
        remaining  20% of the first  year's  funds are  expected  to be  applied
        toward  research and  marketing  related costs and,  therefore,  will be
        reflected in earnings.

        On October 10, 2002,  the  Company's  Board  approved  plans for an $8.3
        million expansion  project that is expected to substantially  strengthen
        production and sales capabilities for certain of the Company's specialty
        wheat proteins. The expansion will occur at the Company's Atchison plant
        and is scheduled for  completion in early fiscal 2003.  The project will
        involve the  installation of additional  processing and drying equipment
        for the  production  of  ingredients  for  bakery,  pasta and noodle and
        related food  markets,  both  domestically  and abroad.  The cost of the
        project is  expected  to be offset by funds  provided  through  the USDA
        program described above.


                          Midwest Grain Products, Inc.
                     Management's Discussion And Analysis of
                  Financial Condition and Results of Operations
                   Six Months Ended December 31, 2001 and 2000

        Last  February,  the  Company  was  named  the  successful  bidder  on a
        state-of-the-art  manufacturing  facility owned by a Kansas City, Kansas
        firm that  entered  Chapter 11  bankruptcy  proceedings.  The Company is
        using the  facility,  which is operated by its  subsidiary,  Kansas City
        Ingredient Technologies,  Inc., primarily for the production of Wheatex,
        the Company's  unique line of textured  wheat  proteins that are sold to
        enhance the flavor and texture of vegetarian  and extended meat products
        as well as wheat-based  bio-polymers.  Finalized in the third quarter of
        fiscal  2001 at a cost  of  approximately  $6.5  million,  the  purchase
        replaces  the  Company's  earlier  plan to  build a  Wheatex  plant at a
        similar  cost.  The  Company  expects the  acquisition  will allow it to
        increase the production of textured wheat proteins and bio-polymers at a
        more accelerated  rate. Also, the Company  anticipates that, in addition
        to providing more space than was incorporated  into the design for a new
        plant, the facility will provide greater flexibility for producing other
        lines of value-added specialty wheat proteins.

        The  Company's  wheat starch sales in the second  quarter of fiscal 2002
        were  approximately  even with the sales in the  second  quarter  of the
        prior  year.   Responsibilities   in  this  area  have   recently   been
        restructured  and  additional  personnel  have been added to  strengthen
        future sales and marketing capabilities.

        Although slightly higher than they were during the second quarter of the
        prior fiscal year,  per unit raw material  costs for grain  continued to
        remain relatively low in the second quarter of fiscal 2002. Assuming the
        continuation of more normal energy costs combined with reasonable  grain
        costs,  favorable  market  conditions for alcohol products and growth in
        sales  of  specialty  wheat-based  products,   the  Company  expects  to
        experience  improved  results in the second half of fiscal 2002 compared
        to the second half of fiscal 2001.  However,  actual  results could vary
        from  our  expectations  in  this  forward-looking   statement  if  such
        assumptions prove incorrect.


        Net sales in the second quarter of fiscal 2002  decreased  approximately
        $4.1 million below net sales in the second  quarter of fiscal 2001.  The
        decrease  resulted  mainly from a 52%  reduction in sales of vital wheat
        gluten and an 18% decline in sales of food grade  alcohol  for  beverage
        and industrial applications.  These decreases were partially offset by a
        7%  increase  in fuel  alcohol  sales  and a 41%  increase  in  sales of
        specialty wheat proteins compared to a year ago.

        Sales of vital wheat gluten dropped due to reductions in both unit sales
        and selling prices. This decrease was partially offset by increased unit
        sales of the Company's specialty wheat proteins. Wheat starch sales were
        essentially equal to wheat starch sales a year ago as the selling prices
        and unit  volume  remained  virtually  unchanged.  Sales  of food  grade
        alcohol fell as the result of  decreased  unit sales in the beverage and
        industrial markets,  which offset higher selling prices in both markets.
        Sales of fuel grade  alcohol  rose  compared  to the  second  quarter of
        fiscal 2001 as the result of higher unit sales and higher  prices caused
        by increased demand. Sales of distillers' feed, the principal by-product
        of the alcohol production  process,  rose substantially due to increased
        unit sales.

        Net  sales  for the  first  six  months  of  fiscal  2002  decreased  by
        approximately  $8.1 million  compared to the net sales for the first six
        months of fiscal 2001, principally for the same reasons cited above.


                          Midwest Grain Products, Inc.
                     Management's Discussion And Analysis of
                  Financial Condition and Results of Operations
                   Six Months Ended December 31, 2001 and 2000

     Cost of Sales

        The cost of sales in the second  quarter  of fiscal  2002  decreased  by
        approximately $4.8 million below the cost of sales in the second quarter
        of the prior  fiscal  year.  This  principally  was due to a decrease in
        energy  costs  resulting  from lower  natural gas prices and reduced raw
        material costs for grain.  The average per unit price of natural gas was
        44% lower in the second quarter  compared to a year ago. The lower grain
        costs were primarily due to decreased  requirements  for wheat resulting
        from reduced production of vital wheat gluten. Additionally, the reduced
        raw material costs were further decreased by approximately  $1.9 million
        as a  result  of the  U.S.D.A.  cost  incentive  for  ethanol  producers
        discussed previously.

        The  cost of  sales  for  the  first  half of  fiscal  2002  dropped  by
        approximately  $13.1 million compared to the cost of sales for the first
        half of fiscal 2001, due mainly to the same factors outlined above.

        In connection with the purchase of raw materials,  principally  corn and
        wheat, for anticipated operating  requirements,  the Company enters into
        commodity  contracts  to reduce or hedge the risk of future  grain price
        increases. Additionally, the Company uses gasoline futures to hedge fuel
        alcohol sales  contractually  sold at prices  fluctuating  with gasoline
        futures.  In the  second  quarter of fiscal  2002,  raw  material  costs
        included a net hedging  loss of $1.2  million  compared to a net hedging
        loss of $233,000 on contracts in the second  quarter of fiscal 2001.  In
        the first six months of fiscal 2002,  raw material  costs included a net
        hedging loss of $1.0 million  compared to a net hedging loss of $330,000
        in the first six months of the prior fiscal year.

     Selling, General and Administrative Expenses

        Selling,  general and  administrative  expenses in the second quarter of
        fiscal 2002 were approximately $328,000 higher than selling, general and
        administrative  expenses  in the  second  quarter  of fiscal  2001.  The
        increase was due largely to various factors, including marketing-related
        expenses,  costs  associated with  employee-related  benefits and higher
        research and development costs.

        Selling, general and administrative expenses for the first six months of
        fiscal 2002  increased  by  approximately  $1.3  million  over  selling,
        general and  administrative  expenses for the first six months of fiscal
        2001. The reasons for this increase were  principally  the same as those
        cited  above and  included  a  $310,000  bad debt  expense  in the first
        quarter of fiscal 2002.

     Other Income

        The increase in other income relates to the  recognition of $1.1 million
        of pre-tax  income from the previously  discussed USDA Commodity  Credit
        Corporation  program  for  value-added  wheat  gluten  and wheat  starch


                          Midwest Grain Products, Inc.
                     Management's Discussion And Analysis of
                  Financial Condition and Results of Operations
                   Six Months Ended December 31, 2001 and 2000

     Net Income

        The  consolidated  effective  income  tax  rate  is  consistent  for all
        periods. The general effects of inflation were minimal.

        As the result of the  foregoing  factors,  the Company  experienced  net
        income of  $2,551,000  in the second  quarter of fiscal 2002 compared to
        net income of $1,724,000 in the second  quarter of fiscal 2001.  For the
        first  six  months  of  fiscal  2002,  the  Company  had net  income  of
        $4,995,000  versus net income of $1,329,000  for the first six months of
        fiscal 2001.

     Liquidity and Capital Resources

        The following table is presented as a measure of the Company's liquidity
        and financial condition:

                                                  December 31,    June 30,
                                                      2001         2001
                                                        (in thousands)
   Cash and cash equivalents                       $   29,391   $ 33,454
   Working capital                                     48,007     47,490
   Amounts available under lines of credit             12,000      5,500
   Notes payable and long-term debt                    22,099     26,693
   Stockholders' equity                               102,647    100,544

        Cash generated from operations was partially offset by increased working
        capital  requirements  through  increased   inventories.   Payments  for
        equipment  additions,  debt  reductions  and  treasury  stock  purchases
        reduced cash balances.  The  comparatively  high cash balances  resulted
        from cash flows generated during fiscal 2001 combined with $17.3 million
        received in June 2001 as a result of the program  administered by the U.
        S. Department of Agriculture's Commodity Credit Corporation.

        The Company made open market  purchases of 144,700  shares of its common
        stock during the six-month period. These purchases were made to fund the
        Company's  stock option plans and for other  corporate  purposes.  As of
        December  31,  2001,  the  Board  has  authorized  the  purchase  of  an
        additional 269,782 shares of the Company's common stock.

        At December 31, 2001, the Company had $13.2 million committed to capital
        improvements,  including the $8.3 million  expansion project in Atchison
        that is designed to strengthen production and sales capabilities for the
        Company's  specialty  wheat  proteins and the  acquisition of a new feed
        dryer at Pekin,  Illinois to improve alcohol production  efficiencies at
        that location.  The Company is also developing plans for other additions
        relating to value-added wheat gluten and wheat starch products.

        The Company has financed the new Wheatex production facility acquired in
        February 2001 through a capital lease  financing  involving the issuance
        on August 22,  2001 of a $6.5  million  industrial  revenue  bond by The
        Unified  Government of  Wyandotte/Kansas  City,  Kansas.  The bond


                          Midwest Grain Products, Inc.
                     Management's Discussion And Analysis of
                  Financial Condition and Results of Operations
                   Six Months Ended December 31, 2001 and 2000

        bears  interest  at a rate of 5.23% per annum and  matures in  September
        2008. Under the lease, the Company will make monthly payments  declining
        from  $114,200  in  October  2001  to  $77,700  in  September  2008.  In
        connection  with  the  financing,  the  Company  must  maintain  certain
        financial  ratios,  including  a  current  ratio  of 1.5  to 1,  minimum
        consolidated  tangible  net  worth  of $84  million  and a debt  service
        coverage ratio of 1.5 to 1.

        The Company has added to its normally  strong equity and working capital
        positions while  continuing to generate strong earnings before interest,
        taxes  and  depreciation.   Management  believes  the  Company  is  well
        positioned to effectively expand its production of specialty products as
        well as supply customer needs for all its other products.

     Forward-Looking Information

        This report  contains  forward-looking  statements as well as historical
        information.   Forward-looking  statements  are  identified  by  or  are
        associated with such words as "intend," "believe," "estimate," "expect,"
        "anticipate,"   "hopeful"   and  similar   expressions.   They   reflect
        management's   current   beliefs  and   estimates  of  future   economic
        circumstances,  industry  conditions,  Company performance and financial
        results   and  are   not   guarantees   of   future   performance.   The
        forward-looking  statements are based on many  assumptions  and factors,
        including those relating to grain prices, energy costs, product pricing,
        competitive   environment  and  related  market  conditions,   operating
        efficiencies,  access to capital and actions of governments. Any changes
        in the assumptions or factors could produce materially different results
        than those predicted and could impact stock values.

     Future Changes in Accounting Principles

        The  Financial  Accounting  Standards  Board  (FASB) has issued four new
        accounting  pronouncements that will become effective in the fiscal year
        commencing July 1, 2002.

        In June 2001, the FASB issued SFAS No. 141, Business  Combinations,  and
        No. 142,  Goodwill and Other  Intangible  Assets,  effective  for fiscal
        years beginning after December 15, 2001.  Under the new rules,  goodwill
        (and intangible  assets deemed to have indefinite  lives) will no longer
        be  amortized  but  will  be  subject  to  annual  impairment  tests  in
        accordance with the Statements. Other intangible assets will continue to
        be amortized over their useful lives. SFAS No. 143, Accounting for Asset
        Retirement  Obligations,  was  issued in August  2001 and deals with the
        recognition  and  remeasurement  of  obligations   associated  with  the
        retirement of tangible  long-lived assets.  SFAS No. 144, Accounting for
        the Impairment or Disposal of Long-Lived  Assets,  was issued in October
        2001 and applies to all  long-lived  assets,  other than  goodwill,  and
        discontinued   operations,   and  develops  one  accounting   model  for
        long-lived  assets that are to be disposed of by sale.  The  adoption of
        these  statements  is not  expected  to have a  material  impact  on the
        Company's financial statements.


                          Midwest Grain Products, Inc.
                           December 31, 2001 and 2000

Item 3. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk

        The Company  produces  its  products  from wheat,  corn and milo and, as
        such, is sensitive to changes in commodity prices.  Grain futures and/or
        options  are  used as a hedge to  protect  against  fluctuations  in the
        market. The information  regarding  inventories and futures contracts at
        June 30, 2001, as presented in the annual report,  is not  significantly
        different from December 31, 2001.


                          Midwest Grain Products, Inc.

Part II. Other Information

    Item 6. Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K

            (a) Exhibits

                10   Form of Memorandum of Agreement Concerning Options approved
                     on  December  10,  2001  between  the  Company  and certain
                     members of senior management, including the following named
                     executive  officers:  Ladd  M,  Seaberg,  Robert  G.  Booe,
                     Randall M. Schrick and Dr. Sukh Bassi.

                15.1 Letter  from  independent  public  accountants  pursuant to
                     paragraph (d) of Rule 10-01 of Regulation S-X (incorporated
                     by reference to Independent  Accountants'  Review Report at
                     page 2 hereof).

                15.2 Letter from independent public  accountants  concerning the
                     use of its  Review  Report  in the  Company's  Registration
                     Statement No. 333-51849.

            (b) Reports on Form 8-K

                The  Company has filed no reports on Form 8-K during the quarter
                ended December 31, 2001.



Pursuant  to the  requirements  on the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                          MIDWEST GRAIN PRODUCTS, INC.

                                          By  /s/ Ladd M. Seaberg, President
                                                  Ladd M. Seaberg, President
Date:  February 11, 2002                          and Chief Executive Officer

                                          By  /s/ Robert G. Booe
                                                  Robert G. Booe, Vice President
Date:  February 11, 2002                          and Chief Financial Officer
