ATCHISON,  Kan.,  November 12, 2002--MGP  Ingredients,  Inc.  (MGPI/Nasdaq)
today reported net income of $6,790,000,  or 84 cents per common share,  for the
first quarter of fiscal 2003,  which ended Sept. 30. That compares to net income
of  $2,444,000,  or 30 cents per share,  for the same period the prior year. The
increase was due to $13 million in non-operating  income ($7.9 million after the
effects of income taxes)  resulting from the  recognition of expected  insurance
proceeds in excess of the net recorded  costs of assets that were destroyed in a
distillery  explosion at the company's Atchison,  Kan., plant on Sept. 13, 2002.
This  amount  more than  offset  what  otherwise  would  have been a net loss of
$1,110,000 in the current year's first quarter. The company's sales in the first
quarter of fiscal 2003 totaled  $42,899,000  compared to sales of $54,294,000 in
the first quarter of fiscal 2002.

     According to Ladd  Seaberg,  president  and chief  operating  officer,  the
company's  operating  results  were  adversely  affected  by  reduced  sales  of
distillery products and higher prices for grain, principally corn, compared to a
year ago. The company also  experienced a decrease in ingredient  sales due to a
planned  reduction in sales of  commodity  ingredients,  which  consist of vital
wheat gluten and  commodity  wheat  starch.  Meanwhile,  sales of the  company's
specialty ingredients,  primarily specialty wheat proteins and starches, grew by
10 percent over the prior year's first quarter level.

     The  decline in sales of  distillery  products  was  attributable  to lower
selling  prices for both food grade and fuel grade  alcohol,  commonly  known as
ethanol,  and lower  production  resulting  from the  shutdown of the  company's
Atchison,   Kansas   distillery  due  to  the  Sept  13th  explosion.   Business
interruption  insurance  proceeds to compensate for the effects of the explosion
amounted to $530,000 in the quarter and helped reduce the operating  loss during
that period.  The operating  loss  recognized in the quarter was also  partially
reduced by  approximately  $1,063,000 in net income  received during the quarter
from a previously  announced  United  States  Department of  Agriculture  (USDA)
program to provide  cash  incentives  to ethanol  producers.  The  company  also
benefited  from  approximately  $621,000 in other  operating  net income for the
quarter resulting from a USDA program to support the development of products and
markets for value-added wheat proteins and wheat starches.

     As previously reported, because of the expiration of the wheat gluten quota
in June,  2001,  the company has  significantly  reduced its production of vital
wheat  gluten.  This  measure  was  taken  in  the  face  of  greatly  increased
competitive  pressures from the European Union. At the same time, the company is
placing  greater  attention and  resources on the  development,  production  and
marketing of its specialty  wheat  proteins and starches for use in  value-added

     "Growth  in the  specialty  ingredients  area is our  primary  focus  as we
concentrate our marketing  efforts on serving  manufacturers  of food,  personal
care and pet  products,"  Seaberg  said. He stated that over the next two years,
the  company's  goal is to increase  sales of specialty  ingredients  by over 30
percent compared to the $37.4 million that was realized in fiscal 2002.  Seaberg
noted that there were a number of factors  that could  cause  actual  results to
differ  materially  from the company's goal  identified in this  forward-looking
statement, including the company's ability to expand its customer base, customer
acceptance of new products, and competition.

     The USDA  program to support  value-added  wheat  protein and wheat  starch
development was implemented in June, 2001.  Administered by the USDA's Commodity
Credit  Corporation,  it was granted in lieu of an extended  quota on imports of
foreign  wheat gluten.  Over the life of the program,  which is scheduled to end
May 31, 2003,  Midwest Grain is eligible for approximately  $25.6 million of the
program  total  of $40  million.  For  the  first  12  months  of  the  program,
approximately  $17.3  million was allocated to the company.  The remaining  $8.3
million was allocated to the company in July,  2002.  The funds must be used for
capital, research, marketing and promotional costs related  to value-added wheat



protein and starch products.  Funds received are recognized in income during the
period in which they are expended for a permitted purpose.  However,  funds that
are used for capital expenditure  projects will be recognized in income over the
periods during which those projects are depreciated.

     Approximately  75 percent of the program's funds for the two years combined
are  expected to be used for capital  projects and will be reflected in earnings
over the next seven to 10 years.  These projects include a previously  announced
$8.3 million expansion project at the company's Atchison plant. The expansion is
slated  for  completion  later  this  month and  involves  the  installation  of
additional processing and drying equipment for the production of specialty wheat
proteins for bakery,  pasta and noodle and related food  markets,  both domestic
and  foreign.  The  remaining 25 percent of the funds are being  applied  toward
research and marketing-related costs, and hence are reflected in earnings.

     The USDA's incentive program for ethanol producers began in December,  2000
and  extends  through  September,  2006.  It was  initiated  to  provide  a cash
incentive for ethanol  producers who increase their grain usage over  comparable
quarters in the prior year to raise fuel  alcohol  production.  Funding from the
program  is  determined  on  an  annual  basis.  The  company's  eligibility  to
participate in the program is determined from quarter to quarter.  However,  due
to the reduced  production  resulting from the distillery  shutdown in Atchison,
the company's eligibility through the remainder of fiscal 2003 is questionable.

     As a result of the explosion, the company will be unable to produce alcohol
at the Atchison plant for an extended period. Because its ingredient and alcohol
production  processes are integrated,  the distillery  shutdown also affects the
company's ability to produce the base raw material for specialty  ingredients at
this location. "Fortunately," Seaberg said, "although our ability to supply spot
business at this time is substantially reduced,  production  capabilities at our
Pekin, Ill., facility should be adequate to supply alcohol to regular customers.
Additionally,  our Illinois operation has been able to produce the base proteins
and  starches,  which  are then  transferred  to the  Atchison  facility  as raw
material for producing our specialty ingredients."

     Seaberg  reiterated  that the Company is  proceeding  with plans to restart
alcohol  production in Atchison.  "While some production could resume within the
next month, the total rebuilding process is expected to take from nine months to
a year to  complete,"  he  said.  "The  goal of  this  process  is to be able to
efficiently  make high quality,  high purity food grade alcohol when  distillery
production  fully  resumes in Atchison," he added.  Seaberg  indicated  that the
company may also  consider  plans to further  enhance the  efficiencies  of fuel
alcohol production at the Illinois facility.

     "We currently are  experiencing  slight  improvements in selling prices for
our alcohol products compared to the first quarter," Seaberg said. "However," he
added, "grain prices have also risen since that time."

     Seaberg  emphasized  that MGP  Ingredients'  financial  condition  "is very
solid,"  noting that the company has cash and cash  equivalents  of $28 million,
working capital of approximately  $42 million and equity of  approximately  $110
million. He announced that considering "the substantial  increase in grain costs
combined  with  challenges  posed  by the  Atchison  distillery  shutdown,  "the
company's  fiscal 2003 target for operating  income,  which  excludes  insurance
gains,  is to break even." He also said, "I expect us to emerge from our current
situation  as a stronger  company and hope to have  improved  operating  income,
resulting  in earnings  per share in the range of 40 cents to 50 cents in fiscal

     Seaberg  added that actual  results  for fiscal 2003 and 2004 might  differ
materially  from those in these  forward-looking  statements  due to a number of
factors.  The company's  ability to reach its 2003 target  depends  primarily on
some  strengthening  of alcohol selling  prices,  over which it has little or no
control, and steady increases in sales of specialty ingredients, which, as noted
above,  depend on the company's  ability to expand its customer  base,  customer
acceptance  of new  products  and  competition.  In addition  to these  factors,
reaching  fiscal 2004 goals will  require  grain  prices that are lower than the
company  currently is experiencing  and more reflective of historical  averages,
conditions which are largely beyond the company's control, and increased alcohol
efficiencies,  which the  company  hopes to achieve as the result of the planned
start-up of rebuilt distillery operations in Atchison in early fiscal 2004.

This news release  contains  forward-looking  statements  as well as  historical
information. Forward-looking statements are identified by or are associated with
such  words  as  "intend,"  "believe,"   "estimate,"   "expect,"   "anticipate,"
"hopeful,"  "should," "may" and similar  expressions.  They reflect management's
current  beliefs  and  estimates  of  future  economic  circumstances,  industry
conditions,  company performance and financial results and are not guarantees of
future performance. The forward-looking statements are based on many assumptions
and factors,  including those relating to grain prices,  gasoline prices, energy
costs,   product  pricing,   competitive   environment  and  related   marketing
conditions, operating efficiencies, access to capital, actions of governments or
government officials and actions of insurers.  Any changes in the assumptions or
factors  could produce  materially  different  results than those  predicted and
could impact stock values.


- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
(unaudited)                               Three Months Ended September 30
(Dollars in thousands, except per share)       2002               2001
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
NET SALES                                  $  42,899         $  54,294
COST OF SALES                                 42,722            47,304
GROSS PROFIT                                     177             6,990
OTHER OPERATING INCOME                         1,522             1,349
INCOME FROM OPERATIONS (LOSS)                 (1,622)            4,188
   OTHER                                      13,166               246
   INTEREST                                     (321)             (394)
INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAXES                    11,223             4,040
PROVISION  FOR INCOME TAXES                    4,433             1,596
NET INCOME                                 $   6,790         $   2,444
OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME                       385                --
COMPREHENSIVE INCOME                           7,175             2,444
BASIC EARNINGS PER COMMON SHARE            $    0.84         $     .30
DILUTED EARNINGS PER COMMON SHARE          $    0.83         $     .30
DIVIDENDS PER COMMON SHARE                 $    0.15         $    0.15

Weighted average shares outstanding        8,071,410         8,165,325

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(unaudited)                          Sept. 30    Sept. 30  (unaudited)                     Sept. 30      Sept. 30
(Dollars in thousands)               2002         2001      (Dollars in thousands)          2002          2001
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ASSETS                                                      LIABILITIES AND
                                                            STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY
CURRENT ASSETS:                                             CURRENT LIABILITIES:
   Cash and cash equivalents    $ 22,447     $ 24,045
   Investments                     5,483        4,691       Current maturities of
   Receivables                    19,226       24,071         long-term debt             $  3,201      $   3,201
   Inventories                    23,045       20,755       Accounts payable                6,862          8,681
   Prepaid expenses                2,049          550       Accrued expenses                3,452          3,745
   Deferred income taxes             397          284       Deferred income                18,264         10,971
   Refundable Income taxes         1,266          585
                                ---------------------                                    -----------------------
Total Current Assets              73,913       74,981         Total Current Liabilities    31,779      $  26,598
PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT, At Cost  255,515      258,501
   Less accumulated depreciation 164,019      167,486       LONG-TERM DEBT                 15,927         18,433
                                ---------------------       POST-RETIREMENT BENEFITS        5,904          5,921
                                  91,496       91,015       DEFERRED INCOME TAXES          15,688         10,588
Insurance Receivable              14,000          ---       STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY          110,215        104,678
                                ---------------------                                    -----------------------
OTHER ASSETS                         104          222
                                =====================                                    =======================
                                $179,513    $ 166,218                                    $179,513      $ 166,218