                          MASTER TRANSACTION AGREEMENT

                                  by and among

                              Calpine Corporation,
                             a Delaware corporation
                                  as "Calpine"

                    Calpine Merchant Services Company, Inc.,
                             a Delaware corporation
                                    as "CMSC"


                         Calpine Energy Services, L.P.,
                         a Delaware limited partnership
                                    as "CES"


                        The Bear Stearns Companies Inc.,
                             a Delaware corporation
                                as "Bear Stearns"


                               CalBear Energy LP,
                         a Delaware limited partnership
                                  as "CalBear"

                            Dated: September 7, 2005

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

ARTICLE I. DEFINITIONS......................................................................................2
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   1.1      Defined Terms...................................................................................2
   1.2      Construction...................................................................................15

ARTICLE II. FORMATION TRANSACTIONS; EFFECTIVE DATE.........................................................16
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   2.1      Pre-Formation Transactions.....................................................................16
   2.2      Formation Transactions.........................................................................16
   2.3      Effective Date.................................................................................17

ARTICLE III. RELATIONSHIP OF THE PARTIES...................................................................17
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   3.1      CalBear Business...............................................................................17
   3.2      Exclusivity....................................................................................17
   3.3      Certain Restrictions on Sales by Calpine of Equity Securities and Assets of CMSC...............18
   3.4      Certain Restrictions on Sales by Bear Stearns of Equity Securities and Assets of CalBear.......21
   3.5      No Joint Venture or Partnership Created........................................................24
   3.6      Conflicts of Interest; Non-Discrimination......................................................25
   3.7      Non-Solicitation of Bear Stearns Employees.....................................................25
   3.8      Non-Solicitation of Calpine Employees..........................................................26
   3.9      Confidential Information.......................................................................27
   3.10     Netting........................................................................................29
   3.11     Acknowledgements...............................................................................29
   3.12     CMSC Board Representation......................................................................30
   3.13     Performance of Financial Obligations of CalBear................................................30
   3.14     [*]............................................................................................30
   3.15     Fiscal Year of CalBear.........................................................................30
   3.16     Interest on Overdue Amounts....................................................................31

ARTICLE IV. CALPINE GUARANTEE..............................................................................31
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   4.1      Calpine Guarantee..............................................................................31
   4.2      Calpine May Consolidate, etc., on Certain Terms................................................32
   4.3      Release........................................................................................32

ARTICLE V. BEAR STEARNS GUARANTEE..........................................................................33
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   5.1      Bear Stearns Guarantee.........................................................................33
   5.2      Bear Stearns May Consolidate, etc., on Certain Terms...........................................34
   5.3      Release........................................................................................34

ARTICLE VI. REGULATORY MATTERS.............................................................................35
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   6.1      Regulatory Matters With Respect to Calpine.....................................................35
   6.2      Regulatory Matters With Respect to Bear Stearns................................................35
   6.3      Regulatory Matters With Respect to CalBear and CMSC............................................35

ARTICLE VII. NOTICES, RECORDS, MEETINGS, AUDITS AND AVAILABILITY...........................................36
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   7.1      Notices........................................................................................36

   7.2      Books and Records..............................................................................38
   7.3      Meetings.......................................................................................38
   7.4      Audits.........................................................................................39
   7.5      Availability of Parties........................................................................40

ARTICLE VIII. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF THE PARTIES................................................40
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   8.1      Organization...................................................................................40
   8.2      Authorization..................................................................................40
   8.3      No Similar Business............................................................................40
   8.4      Accuracy of Information Furnished..............................................................41

ARTICLE IX. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF CALPINE......................................................41
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   9.1      Calpine and Calpine Transaction Parties........................................................41
   9.2      No Conflict or Violation.......................................................................41
   9.3      Sufficiency of Assets..........................................................................41
   9.4      Permits........................................................................................42
   9.5      Litigation.....................................................................................42
   9.6      Compliance with Law............................................................................42
   9.7      Insurance......................................................................................42
   9.8      Adequate Capital...............................................................................43
   9.9      SEC Filings; Financial Statements..............................................................43
   9.10     Regulation.....................................................................................43
   9.11     Due Consideration..............................................................................44
   9.12     Operations of CMSC.............................................................................44
   9.13     Material Contracts of CMSC.....................................................................44

ARTICLE X. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF BEAR STEARNS..................................................44
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   10.1     Bear Stearns and CalBear.......................................................................44
   10.2     No Conflict or Violation.......................................................................44
   10.3     Sufficiency of Assets..........................................................................45
   10.4     Permits........................................................................................45
   10.5     Litigation.....................................................................................45
   10.6     Compliance with Law............................................................................45
   10.7     Insurance......................................................................................45
   10.8     Adequate Capital...............................................................................46
   10.9     SEC Filings; Financial Statements..............................................................46
   10.10    Regulation.....................................................................................46
   10.11    Operations of CalBear..........................................................................47

ARTICLE XI. PRE-EFFECTIVE DATE COVENANTS OF THE PARTIES....................................................47
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   11.1     Notification of Certain Matters................................................................47
   11.2     Consents and Commercially Reasonable Efforts...................................................47
   11.3     Other Transaction Documents....................................................................48

ARTICLE XII. CONDITIONS TO CALPINE'S OBLIGATIONS...........................................................48
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   12.1     Representations, Warranties and Covenants......................................................48
   12.2     No Proceedings or Litigation...................................................................48
   12.3     Bankruptcy.....................................................................................49
   12.4     Effective Date Deliveries......................................................................49


   12.5     Transaction Documents..........................................................................49
   12.6     Pre-Formation Transactions.....................................................................49
   12.7     Corporate Proceedings..........................................................................49
   12.8     Regulatory Approvals...........................................................................49
   12.9     Opinion of Counsel to Bear Stearns.............................................................49

ARTICLE XIII. CONDITIONS TO BEAR STEARNS' OBLIGATIONS......................................................50
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   13.1     Representations, Warranties and Covenants......................................................50
   13.2     No Proceedings or Litigation...................................................................50
   13.3     Bankruptcy.....................................................................................50
   13.4     Effective Date Deliveries......................................................................50
   13.5     Transaction Documents..........................................................................51
   13.6     Pre-Formation Transactions.....................................................................51
   13.7     Corporate Proceedings..........................................................................51
   13.8     Regulatory Approvals...........................................................................51
   13.9     Opinion of Counsel to Calpine..................................................................51

ARTICLE XIV. CERTAIN ACTIONS AFTER THE EFFECTIVE DATE......................................................51
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   14.1     Survival of Representations, etc...............................................................51
   14.2     No Conflict or Violation.......................................................................52
   14.3     Sufficiency of Assets..........................................................................52
   14.4     Permits........................................................................................52
   14.5     Insurance......................................................................................52
   14.6     Adequate Capital...............................................................................53
   14.7     Further Assurances.............................................................................53
   14.8     Litigation Support.............................................................................53
   14.9     Organizational Documents of CMSC and CalBear...................................................53

ARTICLE XV. INDEMNIFICATION................................................................................53
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   15.1     General Indemnification........................................................................53
   15.2     Right of Offset................................................................................60
   15.3     Payment........................................................................................60
   15.4     Right to Indemnification Not Affected by Knowledge or Presumption..............................60

ARTICLE XVI. TERM; EVENTS OF DEFAULT AND TERMINATION.......................................................60
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   16.1     Term...........................................................................................60
   16.2     Renewal........................................................................................60
   16.3     Certain Matters with Respect to Renewal........................................................62
   16.4     Calpine Events of Default......................................................................62
   16.5     Bear Stearns Events of Default.................................................................63
   16.6     Termination; Liquidation Date; Transfer of Final Third Party Master Agreements.................63

ARTICLE XVII. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY......................................................................69
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   17.1     Limitation of Remedies.........................................................................69
   17.2     Limitation of Monetary Damages.................................................................70
   17.3     Limitation of Non-Monetary Damages.............................................................70
   17.4     Limitation of Consequential Damages, Etc.......................................................70


   17.5     Liability for Acts or Omissions of Other Persons...............................................71
   17.6     Survival of Limitations........................................................................71

ARTICLE XVIII. MISCELLANEOUS...............................................................................71
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   18.1     Assignment.....................................................................................71
   18.2     Notices........................................................................................71
   18.3     Choice of Law; Service of Process; Venue; Jury Trial Waiver....................................76
   18.4     Dispute Resolution; Arbitration................................................................77
   18.5     Continued Performance..........................................................................79
   18.6     Regulatory Event...............................................................................79
   18.7     Forward Contracts..............................................................................79
   18.8     Effectiveness; Entire Agreement; Amendments and Waivers........................................79
   18.9     Multiple Counterparts..........................................................................80
   18.10    Invalidity.....................................................................................80
   18.11    Titles; Currency; Schedules....................................................................80
   18.12    Payments.......................................................................................80
   18.13    Publicity......................................................................................80
   18.14    Fees and Expenses..............................................................................81
   18.15    Specific Performance; Remedies Cumulative......................................................81
   18.16    Representation of Counsel; Mutual Negotiation..................................................81
   18.17    Knowledge......................................................................................81
   18.18    No Third Party Beneficiaries...................................................................81
   18.19    Time of Essence................................................................................82
   18.20    Force Majeure..................................................................................82



Exhibit A..................................Form of Agency and Services Agreement
Exhibit B.......................................Form of Trading Master Agreement
Exhibit C.......................................Organizational Documents of CMSC
Exhibit D....................................Organizational Documents of CalBear
Exhibit E.............................Form of Signature Page of CMSC and CalBear
Exhibit F.................................................Form of Renewal Notice


Schedule 1.1(a)......................................Calpine Existing Indentures
Schedule 1.1(b)...................................Calpine Restricted Transferees
Schedule 1.1(c)..............................Bear Stearns Restricted Transferees
Schedule 1.1(d).........................................Significant Subsidiaries
Schedule 3.7(a)........................................Employees of Bear Stearns
Schedule 3.8(a).............................................Employees of Calpine
Schedule 9.1.............................Calpine and Calpine Transaction Parties
Schedule 9.2..........................Calpine Conflicts, Violations and Consents
Schedule 10.1...........................................Bear Stearns and CalBear
Schedule 10.2....................Bear Stearns Conflicts, Violations and Consents
Schedule 12.9................................Opinions of Counsel to Bear Stearns
Schedule 13.9.....................................Opinions of Counsel to Calpine
Schedule 18.17.........................................................Knowledge


                          MASTER TRANSACTION AGREEMENT

          THIS MASTER  TRANSACTION  AGREEMENT  (this  "Agreement"),  dated as of
September  7,  2005,  is made  by and  among  Calpine  Corporation,  a  Delaware
corporation  ("Calpine"),  Calpine  Energy  Services,  L.P., a Delaware  limited
partnership ("CES") and The Bear Stearns Companies Inc., a Delaware  corporation
("Bear  Stearns")  and,  on and after the  Effective  Date (as  defined  herein)
Calpine Merchant Services  Company,  Inc., a Delaware  corporation  ("CMSC") and
CalBear Energy LP, a Delaware limited partnership ("CalBear").  Each of Calpine,
CES and Bear Stearns and, on and after the Effective Date, CMSC and CalBear, are
sometimes  hereinafter  individually  referred  to as a  "Party",  and  together
referred to as the "Parties".


          WHEREAS,  the Calpine  Transaction  Parties  (as  defined  herein) and
CalBear desire to enter into a mutually beneficial arrangement to facilitate the
Calpine  Transaction  Parties,  on the one hand, and CalBear, on the other hand,
trading in physical and financial gas and electric  power with Third Parties (as
defined herein), and engaging in certain energy management  services,  including
power and gas transportation and transmission services (the "Transaction");

          WHEREAS, Calpine and its Affiliates (as defined herein) will generally
obtain  more  favorable  terms  for their  purchases  and sales of gas and power
through the Transaction than the terms that are otherwise currently available to
Calpine and its Affiliates for such purchases and sales;

          WHEREAS,  CalBear  desires  CMSC to provide the  Services  (as defined
herein)  to  CalBear,  including  acting as agent for  CalBear  with  respect to
certain  Trades,  all in  accordance  with the terms of the Agency and  Services
Agreement (as defined herein);

          WHEREAS,  CMSC is willing to provide  the  Services  to CalBear on the
terms set forth in the Agency and Services Agreement and in this Agreement;

          WHEREAS,   Calpine  and  Bear  Stearns  desire  to  guarantee  certain
obligations  of CMSC and CES, on the one hand,  and CalBear,  on the other hand,

          WHEREAS, the Parties view the Transaction as one transaction, and none
of the Parties  would enter into any of the  Transaction  Documents  (as defined
herein) without entering into all of the Transaction Documents; and

          WHEREAS,  the Parties  desire to enter into this Agreement in order to
more fully set forth certain rights and obligations  with respect to the CalBear
Business (as defined herein) and the Transaction and certain related matters.



          NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration  of the foregoing  premises and the
mutual covenants and promises  contained herein, and for other good and valuable
consideration,  the receipt and adequacy of which are hereby  acknowledged,  the
Parties hereto agree as follows:

                                   ARTICLE I.

   1.1    Defined  Terms.  As  used  herein,  the  terms  below  shall  have the
following meanings:

          "AAA" shall have the meaning given to such term in Section 18.4(b).

          "Action"  shall  mean,  with  respect to any Person,  any  outstanding
action, order, writ, injunction, judgment, determination or decree or any claim,
suit,  litigation,  proceeding,  appeal,  arbitration,  mediation,  tax audit or
governmental  investigation of any kind involving such Person or its business or

          "Affiliate"  shall mean,  with  respect to any Person  (the  "referent
person"), any Person that, directly or indirectly, controls the referent person,
any Person that the referent Person  controls,  or any Person that,  directly or
indirectly,  is under common control with the referent  person.  For purposes of
the  preceding  sentence,  the term  "control"  shall mean the power,  direct or
indirect,  to direct or cause the direction of the  management and policies of a
Person through voting securities, by contract or otherwise. Any Subsidiary shall
be deemed to be an  "Affiliate".  Neither  Calpine nor any  Calpine  Transaction
Party is, or shall be deemed to be, an  "Affiliate"  of Bear Stearns or CalBear.
Neither Bear Stearns nor CalBear is, or shall be deemed to be, an "Affiliate" of
Calpine or any Calpine Transaction Party.

          "Agency and Services  Agreement"  shall mean that  certain  Agency and
Services  Agreement,  substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A, to
be dated on or about  the  Effective  Date,  by and  between  CMSC and  CalBear,
pursuant to which,  among other matters,  CalBear  appoints CMSC as its agent to
transact CalBear Business on behalf of CalBear.

          "Applicable  Agency Law" shall mean any  federal,  state or local laws
(including   common  law  and  criminal  law),  codes,   statutes,   directives,
ordinances, by-laws, regulations, rules, judgments, consent orders, settlements,
and agreements  with  Governmental  Authorities,  proclamations  or delegated or
subordinated   legislation   of  any   Governmental   Authority   governing  the
relationships  and  related  duties  of  agents  or  attorneys-in-fact  to their
principals,  such as any of the  foregoing  providing  for duties of good faith,
fair dealing, loyalty or due care of agents or attorneys-in-fact to principals.

          "Applicable  Law"  shall  mean  any  federal,   state  or  local  laws
(including   common  law  and  criminal  law),  codes,   statutes,   directives,
ordinances,  by-laws, regulations, rules, judgments, consent orders, settlements
and agreements  with  Governmental  Authorities,  proclamations  or delegated or
subordinated  legislation of any  Governmental  Authority that are applicable to
this Agreement, the other Transaction Documents,  the transactions  contemplated


hereby or thereby,  Calpine,  the Calpine  Transaction  Parties,  Bear  Stearns,
CalBear,  the Services or the CalBear Trades, in each case other than Applicable
Agency Law.

          "Arbitration  Panel"  shall  have the  meaning  given to such  term in
Section 18.4(c).

          "Assets" shall mean, with respect to any Person,  all of such Person's
right,  title and  interest in and to all  properties,  assets and rights of any
kind, now owned or hereafter acquired,  whether tangible or intangible,  real or
personal, wherever located.

          "Bankruptcy"  or  "Bankruptcy  Event" shall mean,  with respect to any
Person,  if that Person shall institute a voluntary case seeking  liquidation or
reorganization under the Bankruptcy Law, or shall consent to an involuntary case
thereunder  against  it; or such  Person  shall  file a  petition  or consent or
otherwise institute any similar proceeding under any other applicable Federal or
state law, or shall consent thereto;  or such Person shall apply for, or consent
or acquiesce to, the  appointment of a receiver,  administrator,  administrative
receiver, liquidator, sequestrator, trustee or other officer with similar powers
for itself or any  substantial  part of its Assets;  or such Person shall make a
general assignment for the benefit of its creditors;  or such Person shall admit
in writing its inability to pay its debts generally as they become due; or if an
involuntary case shall be commenced  seeking  liquidation or  reorganization  of
such  Person  under  the  Bankruptcy  Law or any  similar  proceedings  shall be
commenced  against  such  Person  under  any  other  Applicable  Law and (a) the
petition  commencing the  involuntary  case or similar  proceeding is not timely
controverted,  (b) the  petition  commencing  the  involuntary  case or  similar
proceeding  is not  dismissed  within  thirty  (30) days of its  filing,  (c) an
interim  trustee  is  appointed  to take  possession  of all or a portion of the
property,  and/or to operate all or any part of the  business of such Person and
such  appointment  is not vacated  within  thirty (30) days, or (d) an order for
relief  shall  have been  issued or entered  therein;  or a decree or order of a
court having  jurisdiction  in the premises for the  appointment  of a receiver,
administrator,  administrative receiver,  liquidator,  sequestrator,  trustee or
other  officer  having  similar  powers over such Person or all or a part of its
property  shall have been entered;  or any other similar relief shall be granted
against such Person under any applicable Bankruptcy Law.

          "Bankruptcy Law" shall mean Title 11, U.S. Code or any similar federal
or  state  law for the  relief  of  debtors,  as  amended,  and  all  rules  and
regulations promulgated thereunder.

          "Bankruptcy  Remote"  shall mean,  with respect to a Person that is an
Affiliate of Calpine,  that such Person has implemented  governance  procedures,
organizational structure or other arrangements designed to make such Person less
likely to become the  subject of a  Bankruptcy  Event or to become  consolidated
into a Bankruptcy of Calpine or its Affiliates; provided that if such Person has
at least two (2) directors or persons in similar governance functions designated
by Bear Stearns that have the right to veto any  voluntary  and veto any consent
to any involuntary  bankruptcy  filing,  and all of such Persons'  Contracts and
arrangements  with  Affiliates  are  substantially  similar to the Contracts and
arrangements  existing  on the  date  of  this  Agreement  or  substantially  as
advantageous to such Person as the Contracts and arrangements  which such Person
would obtain in a  comparable  arm's  length  transaction,  such Person shall be
deemed to be Bankruptcy Remote.


          "Bear  Stearns  Assets"  shall  mean the Assets of Bear  Stearns,  its
Subsidiaries and their Affiliates (other than CalBear).

          "Bear  Stearns  Claim"  shall have the  meaning  given to such term in
Section 15.1(a)(i).

          "Bear Stearns  Event of Default"  shall have the meaning given to such
term in Section 16.5.

          "Bear Stearns  Guarantee" shall have the meaning given to such term in
Section 5.1(a).

          "Bear  Stearns  Party"  shall have the  meaning  given to such term in
Section 15.1(a)(i).

          "Bear  Stearns SEC Filings"  shall have the meaning given to such term
in Section 10.9(a).

          "Bonus Amount" shall have the meaning given to such term in the Agency
and Services Agreement.

          "Books and Records" shall mean, with respect to any Person, all books,
records,  lists,  ledgers,  financial data, files,  reports,  product and design
manuals, plans, drawings,  technical manuals and operating records of every kind
pertaining  to  such  Person,  any of its  Subsidiaries  or  the  Assets  or the
customers,  suppliers,  distributors  or  personnel of such Person or any of its
Subsidiaries, in whatever form, including all (a) corporate books and records of
such Person or any of its Subsidiaries,  (b) disk or tape files, printouts, runs
or  other  computer-based  information  and  such  Person's,  or its  applicable
Subsidiary's,  interest in all  computer  programs  required to access,  and the
equipment containing, all such computer-based information, (c) product, business
and marketing plans, (d)  environmental  control  records,  (e) sales,  customer
maintenance,  distributor,  supplier and production  records including sales and
promotional literature, and (f) personnel records and information.

          "Business  Day" shall  mean any day on which  Federal  Reserve  member
banks in New York City are open for business.

          "CalBear  Business"  shall  have the  meaning  given  to such  term in
Section 3.1(a).

          "CalBear  Default Option" shall have the meaning given to such term in
Section 16.6(d)(iii).

          "CalBear  Governance  Operations" shall have the meaning given to such
term in the Agency and Services Agreement.

     "CalBear  Information"  shall  mean the  terms  of,  or  other  information
relating to, this Agreement,  any other Transaction  Document,  the transactions


entered into  hereunder or thereunder  or  contemplated  hereby or thereby,  the
Services, the CalBear Trades, the CalBear Business or any related information.

          "CalBear  Name" shall have the  meaning  given to such term in Section

          "CalBear Referral  Business" shall have the meaning given to such term
in Section 3.1(a).

          "CalBear Termination Option" shall have the meaning given to such term
in Section 16.6(d)(ii).

          "CalBear  Trades"  shall  have the  meaning  given to such term in the
Agency and Services Agreement.

          "Calpine  Assets" shall mean the Assets of Calpine,  its  Subsidiaries
and their Affiliates.

          "Calpine  Claim" shall have the meaning  given to such term in Section

          "Calpine  Event of Default"  shall have the meaning given to such term
in Section 16.4.

          "Calpine  Existing  Indentures"  shall mean the  indentures  listed on
Schedule 1.1(a).

          "Calpine  Guarantee"  shall  have the  meaning  given to such  term in
Section 4.1(a).

          "Calpine  Party" shall have the meaning  given to such term in Section

          "Calpine  SEC  Filings"  shall have the meaning  given to such term in
Section 9.9(a).

          "Calpine Transaction Parties" shall mean each of CMSC and CES.

          "Capital Stock" shall mean (a) in the case of a corporation, corporate
stock,  (b)  in  the  case  of  a  partnership  or  limited  liability  company,
partnership or membership  interests or units (whether general or limited),  and
(c) any other  interest or  participation  that confers on a Person the right to
receive a share of the profits and losses of, or  distribution of assets of, the
issuing entity.

          "CEA" shall mean the Commodity Exchange Act, as amended, and all rules
and regulations promulgated thereunder.

          "CET ISDA Agreement"  shall have the meaning given to such term in the
Trading Master Agreement.

          "CFTC" shall mean the Commodity  Futures  Trading  Commission  and its


          "Chairman"  shall  have  the  meaning  given to such  term in  Section

          "Claim"   shall   mean  a  claim,   counterclaim,   Action,   inquiry,
investigation, demand, charge, complaint, information or subpoena.

          "Claim  Notice"  shall have the meaning  given to such term in Section

          "Confidential   Information"   shall  mean,  as  to  any  Person,  all
proprietary and confidential financial, marketing, operational,  organizational,
know-how, personnel,  customer, vendor, technical and other data relating to the
business of such Person,  in any form,  whether oral or written,  including  all
correspondence,  memoranda, notes, summaries, analyses, compilations, forecasts,
studies, models, extracts of and documents and records reflecting, based upon or
derived from Confidential Information, regardless of who prepares it, as well as
all  copies  and other  reproductions  thereof,  whether in writing or stored or
maintained in or by electronic, magnetic or other means, media or devices.

          "Contract"  shall mean,  with  respect to any Person,  any  agreement,
contract,  lease,  sublease,  note, loan,  evidence of indebtedness,  indenture,
guarantee, letter of credit, franchise agreement,  undertaking,  covenant not to
compete,  employment agreement,  license,  sublicense,  instrument,  obligation,
commitment,   purchase  and/or  sales  order,   quotation  and  other  executory
commitment to which such Person is a party or that relates to the  businesses of
such Person or its Assets, whether oral or written, express or implied, and that
pursuant to its terms has not expired, terminated or been fully performed by the
parties thereto.

          "Credit  Enhancement  Trade" shall have the meaning given to such term
in the Trading Master Agreement.

          "Cumulative Net Trading  Profits" shall have the meaning given to such
term in the Agency and Services Agreement.

          "Damages"  shall  have  the  meaning  given  to such  term in  Section

          "Default  Purchase Right" shall have the meaning given to such term in
Section 16.6(d)(iii).

          "Default  Sale  Right"  shall have the  meaning  given to such term in
Section 16.6(d)(iii).

          "Default Termination Notice" shall have the meaning given to such term
in Section 16.6(d)(iii).

          "Defaulting Parties" means Calpine and each Calpine Transaction Party,
in respect of Calpine  Events of  Default,  and Bear  Stearns  and  CalBear,  in
respect of Bear Stearns Events of Default.

          "Defaulting  Termination  Parties"  shall mean (i) if the  Liquidation
Date occurs  pursuant to Section  16.6(b)(iv) or (v), the applicable  Defaulting


Parties,  (ii) if the Liquidation Date occurs pursuant to Section 16.6(b)(vi) or
16.6(b)(vii),  the Parties other than the Party that terminated any of the other
Transaction  Documents in accordance  with its terms,  and its  Affiliates,  and
(iii) if the  Liquidation  Date occurs pursuant to Section  16.6(b)(viii),  Bear
Stearns and CalBear.

          "Designated  CMSC Board  Member"  shall have the meaning given to such
term in Section 3.12.

          "Effective  Date" shall have the meaning given to such term in Section

          "Election Notice" shall have the meaning given to such term in Section

          "Elective  Non-Terminating  Parties" shall mean the Parties other than
the Elective Terminating Parties.

          "Elective  Terminating  Parties"  shall mean the Party  delivering the
Termination Notice pursuant to Section  16.6(b)(iii) or Section  16.6(b)(ix) and
its Affiliates that are Parties.

          "Encumbrance" shall mean any claim, lien,  judgment,  pledge,  escrow,
option, liability,  charge, easement,  restrictive covenant,  security interest,
deed of trust,  right of first refusal,  mortgage,  right-of-way,  encroachment,
building  or use  restriction,  encumbrance  or other  right  of third  parties,
whether  voluntarily  incurred or arising by operation of law, and shall include
any agreement to give any of the foregoing in the future,  and any contingent or
conditional  sales agreement or other title retention  agreement or lease in the
nature  thereof or the filing of, or agreement to give any financing  statement,
under the laws of any jurisdiction.

          "Equity  Securities"  shall mean (i) shares of Capital  Stock or other
equity securities,  (ii) subscriptions,  calls, warrants, options or commitments
of any kind or character  relating  to, or  entitling  any Person to purchase or
otherwise  acquire,  any Capital  Stock or other  equity  securities,  and (iii)
securities convertible into or exercisable or exchangeable for shares of Capital
Stock or other equity securities.

          "Exchange Act" shall mean the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as
amended, and all rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.

          "Facilities"  shall mean,  collectively,  Power generating  facilities
that are located in the United States of America, Canada or Mexico.

          "FERC"  means  the  Federal  Energy  Regulatory   Commission  and  its

          "Final Third Party Master  Agreements" shall have the meaning given to
such term in Section 16.6(d)(i).

          "Fiscal  Quarter"  shall  have the  meaning  given to such term in the
Agency and Services Agreement.


          "Fiscal  Year" shall mean a fiscal  year of  CalBear,  which as of the
date of this Agreement commences on December 1 of each calendar year and ends on
November 30 of the following  calendar  year,  subject to revision in accordance
with Section 3.15; provided that (x) the first Fiscal Year shall commence on the
date of this  Agreement and end the earlier of (1) November 30, 2005 and (2) the
Termination  Date,  and (y) the last  Fiscal  Year shall end on the  Termination

          "Force Majeure" shall mean an event or circumstance which prevents one
Party from performing its obligations  under the  Transaction  Documents,  which
event  or  circumstance  was  not  anticipated  as of the  date  the  applicable
obligation was agreed to, which is not within the reasonable  control of, or the
result of the negligence of, the Party claiming the Force Majeure, and which, by
the  exercise  of  commercially  reasonable  efforts,  such  Party is  unable to
overcome or avoid or cause to be  avoided,  including  acts of God,  acts of the
public  enemy  including   terrorism,   unexpected  delay  by  any  Governmental
Authority,  and any change in  Applicable  Law.  Force Majeure shall exclude any
event or  circumstance  if its sole  effect  on a Party is  economic,  including
economic effects that prevent Payment.

          "Formation  Transactions" shall have the meaning given to such term in
Section 2.2.

          "Forward"  shall have the  meaning  given to such term in the  Trading
Master Agreement.

          "FPA" shall mean the Federal Power Act, as amended,  and all rules and
regulations promulgated thereunder.

          "GAAP"  shall mean  accounting  principles  generally  accepted in the
United  States of America.  The term,  "GAAP," when used herein,  shall mean the
accounting  principles  generally accepted by the Securities Exchange Commission
as reflected in  Regulation  S-X  promulgated  under the Exchange  Act. The term
"GAAP,"  when used herein with respect to CalBear or the CalBear  Trades,  shall
mean GAAP as applied consistently by Bear Stearns from time to time.

          "Gas" shall mean  physical or financial  natural gas unless  otherwise
agreed upon between the Parties.

          "Gas  Trade"  shall mean any  purchase or sale or hedge of Gas, or the
transportation, transmission or storage of Gas, all on a world-wide basis.

          "Governmental  Authority"  shall  mean any  federal,  state,  local or
municipal government, governmental department, commission, board, bureau, agency
or  instrumentality,   any  RTO/ISO  control  area  or  SRO,  or  any  judicial,
regulatory,  administrative or  quasi-governmental  court,  panel or other body,
having or asserting jurisdiction as to the matter in question.

          "Hard  Covenants" shall mean Section 4.2(b) of the Agency and Services
Agreement  (to the extent of the  prohibition  therein  with respect to entering


into Trades directly with Calpine or any of its Affiliates),  Sections  4.17(a),
(b), (c) and (e) of the Agency and Services Agreement,  and Section 3.13 of this

          "Initial  Notice" shall have the meaning given to such term in Section

          "Initial  Period" shall have the meaning given to such term in Section

          "Initial Term" shall mean the period  commencing on the Effective Date
and ending on November 30, 2006.

          "ISO" shall mean any FERC-authorized independent system operator.

          "Latest  Renewal  Period" shall have the meaning given to such term in
Section 16.2(a)(ii).

          "Liabilities"  shall  mean any  liability,  indebtedness,  obligation,
co-obligation,  commitment,  expense, claim, deficiency, guaranty or endorsement
of or by any Person of any nature (whether direct or indirect, known or unknown,
absolute  or  contingent,  liquidated  or  unliquidated,  due or to become  due,
accrued or unaccrued, matured or unmatured).

          "Liquidation"  shall have the meaning given to such term in the Agency
and Services Agreement.

          "Liquidation  Date"  shall  mean the date on which  Liquidation  shall

          "Material  Adverse  Effect" or "Material  Adverse  Change" shall mean,
with  respect to any Person,  any change,  circumstance,  event or effect  that,
individually or in the aggregate with such other changes, circumstances,  events
or effects, is or is reasonably likely to constitute,  a material adverse change
in, or have a material adverse effect on (a) the business,  operations,  assets,
liabilities, foreseeable prospects, financial condition or results of operations
of such  Person  and its  Subsidiaries,  taken as a whole,  or (b) the  right or
ability  of such  Person  to  consummate  the  transactions,  taken  as a whole,
contemplated hereby and by the other Transaction Documents.

          "Misconduct"   shall  mean,  with  respect  to  any  Person:  (a)  any
nonfulfillment,  nonperformance,  nonobservance or other breach or violation of,
or default  under,  any  provision of any  Transaction  Document by such Person,
through any act or omission,  if (i) such act or omission was taken or not taken
with the intent to take or not take the same by the individual  acting on behalf
of such Person, (ii) such individual knew that such act or omission  constituted
a breach or  violation  of the  Transaction  Documents  or the  policies of such
Person or such individual had previously taken, or omitted to take, such act and
had been warned that such act or omission  constituted  a breach or violation of
the Transaction  Documents or the policies of such Person, and (iii) at the time
of such act or omission,  an officer (or with respect to CMSC,  prior to January
1, 2006, an officer  seconded to CMSC under the applicable  transition  services
agreement with an Affiliate of Calpine) of such Person knew or should have known
that such act or omission was being taken or omitted to be taken,  (b) any fraud
by such Person with respect to the Transaction  Documents or the matters covered
thereby,  and (c) any  nonfulfillment,  nonperformance,  nonobservance  or other


breach or  violation  of, or  default  under any  provision  of any  Transaction
Document  by such  Person  through  any act or  omission if such act or omission
constituted gross negligence in the scheduling of physical Trades.

          "Month" shall mean a calendar month.

          "MW" shall mean megawatt, or one million (1,000,000) watts of Power.

          "MWh" shall mean  megawatt-hour,  or one million watts  (1,000,000) of
Power for one (1) hour.

          "Non-Compete  Defaulting  Termination  Parties"  shall mean (i) if the
Liquidation  Date occurs pursuant to Section  16.6(b)(iv) or (v), the applicable
Defaulting  Parties,  (ii) if the  Liquidation  Date occurs  pursuant to Section
16.6(b)(vi)  (except for an occurrence of the Liquidation  Date as a result of a
termination of the Agency and Services Agreement pursuant to Section 7.1(a)(iii)
thereof) or 16.6(b)(vii)  (except for an occurrence of the Liquidation Date as a
result of a termination of the Agency and Services Agreement pursuant to Section
7.1(a)(iv) thereof), the Parties other than the Party that terminated any of the
other  Transaction  Documents in accordance with its terms,  and its Affiliates,
and (iii) if the Liquidation Date occurs pursuant to Section 16.6(b)(viii), Bear
Stearns and CalBear.

          "Non-Compete Period" [*]

          "Non-Defaulting Termination Parties" shall mean the Parties other than
the Defaulting Termination Parties.

          "Non-Renewal  Purchase  Notice"  shall have the meaning  given to such
term in Section 16.6(d)(i).

          "Non-Renewal Purchase Right" shall have the meaning given to such term
in Section 16.6(d)(i).

          "Non-Renewing  Parties"  shall have the meaning  given to such term in
Section 16.2(d).

          "Offer" shall have the meaning given to such term in Section 3.3(b).

          "Offer  Notice"  shall have the meaning  given to such term in Section

          "Offer  Period"  shall have the meaning  given to such term in Section

          "Ordinary Losses" shall mean (a) any Claims or Damages with respect to
the actual or prospective  operations or economic results of CalBear,  including
losses (i) on CalBear Trades where delivery of Gas or Power or  determination of
price has occurred,  (ii) on Forward CalBear  Trades,  and (iii) with respect to
lost  CalBear  Trades,  profits or  opportunities,  and (b) any other  Claims or
Damages, excluding in each case under clauses (a) and (b), Third Party Losses.


          "Organizational  Documents" shall mean the articles of  incorporation,
by-laws,   articles  of  organization,   limited  liability  company  agreement,
partnership  agreement,  formation  agreement,  joint venture agreement or other
similar  organizational  documents of any Person other than any  individual,  as
applicable with respect to such Person.

          "Party  Arbitrator"  shall  have the  meaning  given  to such  term in
Section 18.4(c).

          "Payment" shall mean any payment, repayment, return, refund, transfer,
deposit,  funding, posting or other type of payment or provision of an amount or
collateral  (including provision of letters of credit),  whether as a payment or
provision  for  services or property,  capital  contribution,  loan,  guarantee,
advance, cure of default,  collateral,  margin, credit support or any other form
of security or any other amount.

          "Permits"  shall  mean,  with  respect to any  Person,  all  licenses,
permits,  franchises,  approvals,  authorizations,   certifications,   consents,
orders,  settlements,  exemptions  or  similar  items of, or  filings,  reports,
notifications  or similar  items  submitted  to or granted by, any  Governmental
Authority,  whether  foreign,  federal,  state  or  local  or  otherwise,  under
Applicable Law,  necessary for the past,  present or anticipated  conduct of, or
relating to the  operation of the  businesses  of or the ownership of the Assets
of, such Person.

          "Person" shall mean any individual,  corporation,  partnership,  joint
venture,  association,  joint stock company, trust, unincorporated organization,
limited liability company or Governmental Authority or other entity.

          "Power" shall mean physical or financial electric capacity as measured
in MWs,  physical or financial  electric  energy as measured in MWh,  and/or any
other  electricity  related products or services  available for sale,  including
reserves and other  ancillary  services needed to support the  transmission  and
distribution  of Power from a point of generation to a delivery  point,  as such
services are defined in applicable FERC-filed tariffs.

          "Power  Trade" shall mean any  purchase or sale or hedge of Power,  or
the transportation or transmission of Power, all on a world-wide basis.

          "Pre-Formation Transactions" shall have the meaning given to such term
in Section 2.1.

          "PUHCA" shall mean the Public Utility  Holding Company Act of 1935, as
amended, and all rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.

          "Regulatory  Approval"  shall mean all Permits that are  necessary for
the entering into and performance of CalBear Trades,  this Agreement,  the other
Transaction Documents, or the transactions contemplated hereby or thereby.

          "Regulatory  Event"  shall  have the  meaning  given  to such  term in
Section 18.6.

          "Remedial  Parties"  shall  have the  meaning  given  to such  term in
Section 17.1.


          "Renewal  Notice" shall have the meaning given to such term in Section

          "Renewal  Period" shall have the meaning given to such term in Section

          "Renewing  Parties"  shall  have the  meaning  given  to such  term in
Section 16.2(d).

          "Reports"  shall have the meaning given to such term in the Agency and
Services Agreement.

          "Representative"  shall mean, with respect to any Person, any officer,
director, principal, attorney, employee, agent, consultant,  accountant or other
representative of such Person.

          "Restricted  Transferees"  shall mean,  with  respect to Calpine,  the
Calpine Transaction Parties and their Affiliates, the Persons listed in Schedule
1.1(b),  and with respect to Bear  Stearns,  CalBear and their  Affiliates,  the
Persons listed in Schedule 1.1(c).

          "Returns" shall mean, with respect to any Person, any and all returns,
reports,  declarations,  documents and  information  statements  with respect to
Taxes required to be filed by or on behalf of such Person with any  governmental
authority or Tax  authority or agency,  whether  domestic or foreign,  including
consolidated, combined and unitary returns and all amendments thereto or thereof
and any documents with respect to or accompanying  requests for the extension of
time in which to file any such  returns,  reports,  declarations,  documents and
information statements.

          "Risk  Policy" shall have the meaning given to such term in the Agency
and Services Agreement.

          "RTO"   shall   mean   any   FERC-authorized   regional   transmission

          "Securities  Act"  shall  mean the  U.S.  Securities  Act of 1933,  as
amended, and all rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.

          "Service  Fee" shall have the meaning given to such term in the Agency
and Services Agreement.

          "Service Fee Return"  shall have the meaning given to such term in the
Agency and Services Agreement.

          "Service Fee Return  Refund" shall have the meaning given to such term
in the Agency and Services Agreement.

          "Services" shall have the meaning given to such term in the Agency and
Services Agreement.

          "Significant  Subsidiary"  shall mean (a) in the case of Calpine,  the
Subsidiaries of Calpine listed on Schedule  1.1(d),  their  successors,  if such
successors are Affiliates of Calpine, and assigns of all or substantially all of


their assets,  if such assigns are  Affiliates of Calpine and (b) in the case of
Bear Stearns,  the Subsidiaries of Bear Stearns listed on Schedule 1.1(d), their
successors,  if such  successors are Affiliates of Bear Stearns,  and assigns of
all or substantially all of their assets, if such assigns are Affiliates of Bear

          "Soft  Covenants"  shall mean Sections 3.1 and 3.14 of this  Agreement
and  Sections  4.1(b),  (c) and (e),  and  4.4(a)  of the  Agency  and  Services

          "Specified  Risk Limits"  shall have the meaning given to such term in
the Agency and Services Agreement.

          "SRO"  shall  mean  any   applicable   self-regulatory   organization,
including CFTC-designated contract markets.

          "Subsidiary"  shall mean, with respect to any Person,  any corporation
or other  business  entity,  whether  or not  incorporated,  of which at least a
majority of the securities or interests having, by their terms,  ordinary voting
power to elect members of the board of  directors,  managing  members,  or other
persons  performing  similar  functions  with respect to such  entity,  is held,
directly or indirectly, by such Person.

          "Tax(es)" shall mean all taxes,  estimated taxes,  withholding  taxes,
assessments,  levies,  imposts, and other like charges,  including any interest,
fines, penalties, additions to tax or additional amounts that have or may become
payable in respect  thereof,  imposed by any  foreign,  federal,  state or local
government or taxing  authority,  whether computed on a separate,  consolidated,
unitary,  combined or any other  basis,  which  taxes  shall  include all income
taxes,  service,  license and net worth taxes,  payroll and employee withholding
taxes, unemployment insurance, retirement, social security, sales and use taxes,
value-added  taxes,  excise  taxes,   franchise  taxes,  gross  receipts  taxes,
occupation taxes, real and personal  property taxes,  stamp taxes,  transfer and
recording taxes, workers' compensation and other obligations of the same or of a
similar nature.

          "Termination  Amount"  shall  have the  meaning  given to such term in
Section 16.6(d)(ii).

          "Termination  Date"  shall  have the  meaning  given  to such  term in
Section 16.1.

          "Termination Fee" shall have the meaning given to such term in Section

          "Termination  Notice" shall mean an irrevocable  notice delivered by a
Party, on behalf of itself and its Affiliates that are Parties and in any manner
set forth in Section 18.2, to any of the Parties that are not Affiliates of such
Party,  stating  the  intent  of  such  Party  to  cause a  Liquidation  Date in
accordance with Section  16.6(b)(iii)  or Section  16.6(b)(ix) and setting forth
(a) a  Termination  Amount,  (b)(i) in the case of such notice by Calpine or any
Calpine  Transaction  Party, (A) Calpine's or such Calpine  Transaction  Party's
binding  offer,  irrevocable  by its terms for two (2) Business  Days  following
receipt of the  Termination  Notice by Bear  Stearns or  CalBear,  to either (x)
purchase the Final Third Party Master  Agreements,  in  accordance  with Section


16.6(d)(v)  (including  the  last  sentence  thereof),   from  CalBear  for  the
Termination  Amount or (y) receive from Bear Stearns or CalBear the  Termination
Fee,  and (B) that Bear  Stearns  or CalBear  shall  elect  within  such two (2)
Business  Day period to either sell the Final Third Party Master  Agreements  or
pay the Termination Fee in accordance with the immediately preceding clause (A),
or (ii) in the case of such notice by Bear Stearns or CalBear, (A) Bear Stearns'
or CalBear's  binding offer,  irrevocable by its terms for two (2) Business Days
following  receipt  of  the  Termination   Notice  by  Calpine  or  any  Calpine
Transaction  Party, to either (x) sell the Final Third Party Master  Agreements,
in accordance with Section  16.6(d)(v)  (including the last sentence thereof) to
Calpine or any Calpine  Transaction Party for the Termination  Amount or (y) pay
to Calpine or any Calpine  Transaction  Party the  Termination  Fee and (B) that
Calpine  or any  Calpine  Transaction  Party  shall  elect  within  such two (2)
Business Day period to either  purchase the Final Third Party Master  Agreements
or pay the Termination Fee in accordance with the immediately  preceding  clause

          "Termination Purchase Right" shall have the meaning given to such term
in Section 16.6(d)(ii).

          "Termination  Sale Right" shall have the meaning given to such term in
Section 16.6(d)(ii).

          "Third Party" shall mean, with respect to any Person, any other Person
that is not an Affiliate of such Person,  including any Governmental  Authority.
For purposes of this  Agreement  and the other  Transaction  Documents,  none of
Calpine or any Calpine  Transaction  Party shall be deemed to be a "Third Party"
with  respect to Bear  Stearns or CalBear and neither  Bear  Stearns nor CalBear
shall be deemed to be a "Third  Party"  with  respect to Calpine or any  Calpine
Transaction Party.

          "Third  Party  Claim"  shall  have the  meaning  given to such term in
Section 15.1(c)(i).

          "Third Party Losses"  shall mean any Claims or Damages  arising out of
or  resulting  from (i) a Third  Party  Claim,  including  any  such  Claim by a
Governmental Authority or (ii) actions taken to investigate, prevent or mitigate
a potential  Third  Party  Claim,  to the extent  such  actions (A) are taken by
Calpine or any Calpine  Transaction Party or (B) are reasonable actions taken by
CalBear or any of its Affiliates to investigate,  prevent or mitigate  potential
Third Party Claims  arising out of or resulting  from a violation of  Applicable
Law by Calpine or any Calpine Transaction Party for which  indemnification would
be available under Section  15.1(a)(i)(A),  (B), or (E), if after notice of such
violation by CalBear or any of its  Affiliates,  neither Calpine nor any Calpine
Transaction Party takes timely,  reasonable  actions to investigate,  prevent or
mitigate such potential Third Party Claims.

          "Third Party Master  Agreement"  shall have the meaning  given to such
term in the Agency and Services Agreement.

          "Third  Party  Service  Transaction"  shall  mean any  arrangement  to
provide a set of  services  to a Third  Party  related to Power or Gas  contract
management or physical or financial  optimization  activities of a counterparty,


to the  extent  that  such  services  are  related  to Power  generation  or Gas
production,   purchases,   sales,   transmission,    transportation,   dispatch,
scheduling,  nomination,  injection,  withdrawal, storage, ancillary services or
related physical or financial services and products.

          "Threshold"  shall  have the  meaning  given to such  term in  Section

          "Trades" shall mean any and all Gas Trades and Power Trades.

          "Trading  Master  Agreement"  shall mean that certain  Trading  Master
Agreement,  substantially  in the form attached hereto as Exhibit B, to be dated
on or about the Effective Date, by and between CES, CMSC and CalBear, governing,
among other matters, Credit Enhancement Trades.

          "Trading  Volume"  shall mean a volume of Power equal to the aggregate
volume of Power  (measured in MWhs) traded in any calendar  year by (a) Calpine,
in the CES discretionary program, and (b) CalBear.

          "Transaction Documents" shall mean (a) this Agreement,  (b) the Agency
and Services Agreement,  (c) the Trading Master Agreement,  and (d) the CET ISDA

          "Transaction  Parties" shall mean the Calpine  Transaction Parties and
CalBear, collectively.

          "Transfer"  shall  have  the  meaning  given to such  term in  Section

   1.2    Construction.

          (a) Unless the context of this Agreement otherwise requires, (i) words
of any gender include each other gender, (ii) words using the singular or plural
number also include the plural or singular number, respectively, (iii) the terms
"hereof,"  "herein,"  "hereby"  and  derivative  or similar  words refer to this
entire  Agreement,  (iv) the terms  "modified"  and "amended" and  derivative or
similar words shall mean amended,  supplemented,  waived or otherwise  modified,
(v) the terms "Article" or "Section"  refer to the specified  Article or Section
of this Agreement,  (vi) the word  "including"  shall mean  "including,  without
limitation,"  whether  or not so  specified,  and (vii)  the word "or"  shall be
disjunctive but not exclusive.

          (b)  References to agreements and other  documents  shall be deemed to
include all subsequent modifications thereto.

          (c) References to statutes shall include all  regulations  promulgated
thereunder  and  references  to statutes or  regulations  shall be  construed as
including all statutory and  regulatory  provisions  consolidating,  amending or
replacing the statute or regulation.

          (d) The  language  used in this  Agreement  shall be  deemed to be the
language  chosen by the Parties to express their mutual  intent,  and no rule of
strict construction shall be applied against any Party.


          (e) The  annexes,  schedules  and  exhibits  to this  Agreement  are a
material part hereof and shall be treated as if fully incorporated into the body
of this Agreement.

          (f) Whenever this  Agreement  refers to a number of days,  such number
shall refer to calendar days unless Business Days are specified.

          (g) Whenever  this  Agreement  refers to a right,  obligation,  act or
omission of CalBear, the same shall mean a right, obligation, act or omission of
CalBear itself, and not of CalBear through CMSC as agent or attorney-in-fact for
or on behalf of or in the name of CalBear,  unless the  applicable  provision of
this Agreement expressly states otherwise.

                                  ARTICLE II.

    2.1   Pre-Formation Transactions.  As soon as reasonably practicable
          following the date hereof:

          (a) CES Marketing VII, LLC shall be converted from a limited liability
company to a  corporation  under the laws of the State of Delaware  and its name
shall be changed to Calpine Merchant Services  Company,  Inc., and Calpine shall
enter into,  or cause to be entered  into,  amended and restated  Organizational
Documents of CMSC, substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit C;

          (b) Arroyo Energy LP's name shall be changed to CalBear  Energy LP and
Bear  Stearns  or  its   Affiliates   shall  enter  into  amended  and  restated
Organizational  Documents of CalBear,  substantially in the form attached hereto
as Exhibit D;

          (c)   Calpine  and  the  Calpine   Transaction   Parties   shall  take
commercially  reasonable actions to obtain any Regulatory Approvals necessary or
advisable in order for CMSC to perform the Services; and

          (d) CalBear shall take commercially  reasonable  actions to obtain any
Regulatory  Approvals necessary or advisable in order for CalBear to execute any
CalBear Trades.

          The  transactions  described  in this Section 2.1 shall be referred to
herein as the "Pre-Formation Transactions."

   2.2    Formation  Transactions.  Upon the terms and subject to the conditions
          set  forth in this Agreement, on or prior to the Effective Date:

          (a) Calpine  shall cause CMSC and Bear Stearns  shall cause CalBear to
become a Party to this  Agreement by executing an additional  signature  page to
this Agreement,  substantially in the form of Exhibit E hereto,  and,  following
such  execution  each of CMSC and CalBear shall be a party to, shall be bound by
the  obligations  of, and shall receive the benefits of this Agreement and shall
be "CMSC" and "CalBear",  respectively,  and a "Party",  in each case as defined
herein, for all purposes hereunder; and


          (b) CalBear and the applicable Calpine Transaction Parties shall enter
into the Agency and Services Agreement, the Trading Master Agreement and the CET
ISDA Agreement.

                  The transactions described in this Section 2.2 shall be
referred to herein as the "Formation Transactions."

    2.3   Effective  Date.  Unless  this  Agreement  shall have been  terminated
pursuant  to  Section  16.6(a)  hereof,  the  consummation  of the  transactions
contemplated  herein to be consummated on the Effective Date shall take place at
10:00 a.m.  New York time at the  offices of Latham & Watkins  LLP, at 885 Third
Avenue,  New York,  NY 10022,  on the third (3rd)  Business  Day  following  the
satisfaction or waiver of all of the conditions  precedent to the obligations of
the Parties set forth in Article  XII and  Article  XIII (other than  conditions
which are not capable of being  satisfied  until the  Effective  Date),  or such
other date as the Parties hereto agree (the "Effective Date").

                                  ARTICLE III.
                          RELATIONSHIP OF THE PARTIES

          Each of the Parties covenant and agree with each other as follows:

    3.1   CalBear Business[*]

          (b)  Notwithstanding  any other provision of this Agreement,  the sole
and  exclusive  remedy for any breach of this Section 3.1 shall be, in the event
of a breach by Calpine or the Calpine  Transaction  Parties, on the one hand, or
Bear Stearns,  on the other hand, the termination of this Agreement  pursuant to
Section 16.6(b)(iii) hereof.

    3.2   Exclusivity.

          (a)  Except  as  may  otherwise  be  specifically   provided  in  this
Agreement,  including  Sections  3.2(b),  (c) and (d), or the other  Transaction
Documents,  from  the  date  hereof  through  the  earlier  of (i)  the  date of
termination  of this  Agreement,  if this  Agreement is terminated  prior to the
Effective  Date,  or (ii) in all other  cases,  the last day of the  Non-Compete
Period,  neither Calpine or any of the Calpine  Transaction  Parties, on the one
hand,  nor Bear  Stearns  or  CalBear,  on the other  hand,  will,  directly  or
indirectly,  through one or more of their  respective  Affiliates  or otherwise,
engage in any business  arrangement with a Third Party,  whether structured as a
strategic  alliance,  joint  venture,  partnership,   co-ownership,  contractual
relationship,  agency relationship,  or otherwise, which, when taken as a whole,
substantially  replicates  the substance of the business  arrangement  under the
Transaction  Documents,  taken as a whole, and in connection  therewith provides
for the  sharing  of the  profits  (whether  through  the  ownership  of  Equity
Securities,  contractually, or otherwise) of such business with the Third Party,
in each case, in any state, possession, territory or other political subdivision
of the United States, Canada or Mexico.

          (b) The  foregoing  Section  3.2(a) shall not prohibit any business of
Calpine  or any  Calpine  Transaction  Party with a Third  Party if the  primary
business  of such  Third  Party  and its  Affiliates,  taken as a whole,  is the


ownership,  operation or management of one or more Facilities or gas or electric
loads or the purchase, sale, trading or transmission of Power or Gas.

          (c)  Nothing  in this  Agreement  shall  prohibit  (x)  Calpine or the
Calpine Transaction Parties or any of their Affiliates, on the one hand, or Bear
Stearns or CalBear or any of their  Affiliates,  on the other hand,  from having
passive  investments  of less  than five (5)  percent  in the  aggregate  of the
outstanding  Equity  Securities  of any entity  listed for trading on a national
stock  exchange (as defined in the  Exchange  Act) or any  recognized  automatic
quotation system, (y) Calpine,  the Calpine  Transaction Parties or any of their
Affiliates,  on the one  hand,  or  Bear  Stearns  or  CalBear  or any of  their
Affiliates,  on the other  hand,  from  entering  into any  financing  or credit
enhancement  transaction,  including any  transaction  similar to a transactions
contemplated by the Trading Master Agreement (provided that the other aspects of
such  transaction  do not  result in the  engagement  in a  business  that would
otherwise  violate this Section  3.2),  or (z) Bear  Stearns,  CalBear or any of
their  Affiliates from acting as an underwriter,  initial  purchaser,  lender or
otherwise with respect to any debt,  equity or other financing of any Person, or
purchasing,  owning, holding,  trading or selling any security or other interest
in any Person  (provided  that such activity or the related  transactions,  when
taken as a whole,  does not result in the  engagement  in a business  that would
otherwise violate this Section 3.2).

          (d) Nothing in this Agreement  shall  prohibit  Calpine or the Calpine
Transaction Parties or any of their Affiliates, on the one hand, or Bear Stearns
or any of its Affiliates (other than CalBear),  on the other hand, from engaging
in any  transaction  that  has  been  proposed  to  CalBear  by  Calpine  or its
Affiliates,  on the one hand,  or Bear Stearns or its  Affiliates,  on the other
hand, in accordance with the terms of the Transaction Documents,  if CalBear has
elected not to pursue such  transaction  and such  transaction  has ceased to be
CalBear Referral Business in accordance with Section 3.1(a) above.

   3.3    Certain  Restrictions  on  Sales  by  Calpine of Equity Securities and
Assets of CMSC.

          (a) Calpine and each of the Calpine  Transaction Parties hereby agrees
that it shall not, and shall cause its Affiliates not to, directly or indirectly
(through the sale of Equity  Securities  in an Affiliate  or  otherwise),  sell,
assign, transfer, convey, pledge, mortgage, hypothecate or otherwise encumber or
dispose of (in each case,  a  "Transfer")  any Equity  Securities  of, or all or
substantially all of the Assets of, CMSC, except in compliance with this Section
3.3.  If  Calpine,  any of the  Calpine  Transaction  Parties,  or any of  their
Affiliates  wishes to  Transfer  any such Assets or Equity  Securities,  Calpine
shall first  deliver to Bear Stearns a letter (the "Initial  Notice")  signed by
Calpine (and any such Calpine  Transaction  Party or Affiliate,  if  applicable)
setting forth the Equity Securities and/or Assets proposed to be Transferred and
the material terms of the proposed Transfer other than the price.

          (b) Upon receipt of an Initial Notice, Bear Stearns and its Affiliates
shall  have  forty  five (45) days (the  "Initial  Period")  to submit a binding
letter (the "Offer Notice")  signed by Bear Stearns (and any such Affiliate,  if
applicable)  setting  forth (A) a proposed  purchase  price with  respect to the
Equity Securities and/or Assets proposed to be Transferred and (B) Bear Stearns'
(or such Affiliate's) offer (irrevocable by its terms for five (5) Business Days


(such five (5) day period, the "Offer Period")) to purchase from Calpine or such
Calpine  Transaction  Party or any of their  Affiliates  the  Equity  Securities
and/or  Assets  described  in the Initial  Notice,  on the terms and  conditions
described  in the  Initial  Notice and for the  purchase  price set forth in the
Offer Notice (an "Offer").  If an Offer Notice is delivered  prior to the end of
the Initial Period, the Initial Period shall end on the date of delivery of such
Offer Notice and the Offer Period shall  commence on such date.  If neither Bear
Stearns nor any of its Affiliates delivers an Offer Notice to Calpine within the
Initial Period, Calpine or its Affiliate may, during the period beginning on the
forty-sixth  (46th) day  following  the  receipt of the  Initial  Notice by Bear
Stearns  and ending on the  ninetieth  (90th) day  following  the receipt of the
Initial Notice by Bear Stearns, Transfer to a Third Party all (but not less than
all) of the Equity Securities and/or Assets covered by the Initial Notice, for a
purchase price negotiated between Calpine or such Affiliate and such Third Party
and on other  terms and  conditions  at least as  favorable  to Calpine as those
contained in the Initial Notice;  provided that if a Third Party  transferee has
accepted  such offer,  Calpine  shall have  completed  such  Transfer  within an
additional  one hundred  eighty  (180) days from the end of such ninety (90) day
period; and provided,  further,  that, with respect to any such Transfer that is
not completed within the time periods set forth in this Section 3.3(b),  Calpine
shall not complete any such Transfer without again complying with each provision
of this Section 3.3, as applicable.

          (c) Upon receipt of an Offer Notice,  Calpine and its Affiliates shall
have the option to sell the Equity  Securities  and/or  Assets  described in the
Initial Notice to Bear Stearns (or its Affiliate, as applicable) at the purchase
price and upon the terms and  conditions  specified in the Offer.  If Calpine or
any of its Affiliates  desires to exercise the option set forth in the preceding
sentence,  it shall deliver a notice (an  "Election  Notice") to Bear Stearns at
any time during the Offer  Period,  which  Election  Notice  shall  specify that
Calpine or any of its  Affiliates  has elected to exercise  its option to accept
the Offer and sell the Equity  Securities and/or Assets described in the Initial
Notice to Bear Stearns (or its Affiliate,  as applicable) on the terms set forth
in the Offer.  If Calpine or any of its Affiliates  delivers an Election  Notice
during the Offer Period,  then Bear Stearns (or its  Affiliates,  as applicable)
shall be obligated to purchase and Calpine (or such  Affiliate,  as  applicable)
shall be obligated to sell, the Equity Securities and/or Assets described in the
Initial  Notice at the  purchase  price and on the  other  terms and  conditions
indicated in the Offer.  The closing of such  purchase and sale shall occur on a
closing  date  selected  by Bear  Stearns  or  such  Affiliate,  as  applicable;
provided,  however,  that such closing date shall be not less than ten (10) days
nor more than ninety (90) days following the date of the Election Notice, unless
more time is required to obtain any applicable regulatory or other approvals. If
neither  Calpine nor any of its Affiliates  delivers an Election  Notice to Bear
Stearns (or its  Affiliate,  as applicable)  within the Offer Period,  the Offer
shall  automatically  expire at the end of the Offer  Period  and  neither  Bear
Stearns nor any of its  Affiliates  shall have any  obligation  to purchase  the
Equity Securities and/or Assets described in the Initial Notice.

          (d) If Bear Stearns or one of its Affiliates  delivers an Offer Notice
to  Calpine  within the  Initial  Period,  but  neither  Calpine  nor any of its
Affiliates  delivers an Election Notice to Bear Stearns during the Offer Period,
Calpine or its Affiliate may, during the period beginning on the sixth (6th) day
following  the receipt of the Offer Notice by Calpine and ending on the fiftieth
(50th) day following  the receipt of the Offer Notice by Calpine,  Transfer to a
Third Party all (but not less than all) of the Equity  Securities  and/or Assets
covered by the Initial Notice, (x) for the purchase price and on the other terms


and  conditions  contained in the Offer Notice or (y) for a purchase  price more
favorable  financially  to Calpine,  and on other terms at least as favorable to
Calpine, as those contained in the Offer Notice;  provided that if a Third Party
transferee  has accepted such offer,  Calpine shall have completed such Transfer
within an  additional  one hundred  eighty (180) days from the end of such fifty
(50) day period; and provided,  further, that, with respect to any such Transfer
that is not completed  within the time periods set forth in this Section 3.3(d),
Calpine  shall not complete  such Transfer  without  again  complying  with each
provision of this Section 3.3, as applicable.

          (e) In  addition  to  the  foregoing  restrictions,  Calpine  (or  the
applicable  Calpine  Transaction  Party or  Affiliate)  shall not  complete  any
Transfer  pursuant to Section  3.3(b) or Section  3.3(d)  without  receiving the
prior consent of Bear Stearns to the transferee of such  Transfer,  such consent
with  respect to any  proposed  Third Party  transferee  not to be  unreasonably
withheld or delayed  after  Calpine's  (or the  applicable  Calpine  Transaction
Party's or  Affiliate's)  request for such  consent  (and in no event shall such
consent take more than the longer of ten (10) Business Days following receipt of
such request by Bear Stearns or the time remaining  until the end of the Initial
Period or the Offer Period, as applicable);  provided that Bear Stearns may give
or withhold such consent in its sole and absolute discretion with respect to any
proposed Transfers to a Restricted Transferee.  Calpine may make the request for
such  consent at any time  following  delivery of an Initial  Notice,  including
contemporaneously with the applicable Initial Notice; provided that Calpine must
provide the  identity of any  proposed  Third Party  transferee  (as well as the
identity of the ultimate  operating and holding company parent,  if any, of each
proposed  Third  Party  transferee,  if the  identity of such  Person(s)  is not
readily  apparent) in each request for consent,  and otherwise  comply with this
Section 3.3.  Any consent  given to a Transfer  pursuant to this Section  3.3(e)
shall expire (i) if no proposed  Third Party  transferee  mentioned in a request
for  consent and  approved  by Bear  Stearns  has  accepted  Calpine's  offer to
Transfer the Equity  Securities  and/or Assets  covered by the Initial Notice in
accordance  with Section  3.3(b) or Section 3.3(d) by the end of the ninety (90)
day period set forth in Section 3.3(b) or the fifty (50) day period set forth in
Section 3.3(d),  respectively,  at the end of such period, or (ii) if a proposed
Third Party  transferee  approved by Bear  Stearns has accepted  such offer,  if
Calpine's  Transfer to such Third Party transferee has not been completed within
an additional  one hundred eighty (180) days from the end of the ninety (90) day
period  set forth in  Section  3.3(b) or the fifty  (50) day period set forth in
Section 3.3(d), as applicable.

          (f)  Calpine  further  agrees  that in  connection  with any  Transfer
subject to this Section 3.3  consented to by Bear  Stearns,  Calpine  shall,  if
requested  by Bear  Stearns,  deliver to Bear  Stearns  an  opinion of  external
counsel  in form and  substance  reasonably  satisfactory  to Bear  Stearns  and
counsel for Bear Stearns, to the effect that the Transfer is not in violation of
this Agreement,  and, with respect to a Transfer of any Equity Security,  is not
in violation of the  Securities  Act or the  securities  laws of any State.  Any
purported Transfer in violation of the provisions of this Section 3.3, including
any Transfer to a Third Party made without Bear Stearns' prior consent, shall be
null and void and shall have no force or effect.

          (g) Notwithstanding  anything herein to the contrary, this Section 3.3
shall not apply to (i) a Transfer to Calpine or any of its Affiliates,  provided
that if such Transfer is a Transfer of (A) Assets from CMSC, such Transfer is to


an Affiliate of Calpine that is Bankruptcy  Remote,  or (B) Equity Securities of
CMSC, following such Transfer CMSC is Bankruptcy Remote, (ii) a Transfer to Bear
Stearns  or any of its  Affiliates,  or (iii) a  Transfer  to any Person or such
Person's  Subsidiaries if such Person or its Subsidiaries  merge with Calpine or
purchase all or substantially all of the Equity Securities or Assets of Calpine.

          (h) In  addition  to the  restrictions  set  forth  elsewhere  in this
Agreement,  in the event of a proposed  Transfer  to a Third Party by Calpine or
any of its  Affiliates  of Equity  Securities  and/or Assets of CMSC pursuant to
this Section 3.3,  Bear Stearns'  consent to such  Transfer  shall not be deemed
unreasonably  withheld  if such Third  Party  does not agree to become  bound in
writing at the  closing of such  Transfer  by the terms and  conditions  of this
Agreement and the other Transaction Documents and agree to assume the rights and
obligations of Calpine and all of the Calpine  Transaction Parties hereunder and
thereunder  pursuant  to  one  or  more  instruments  of  assumption  reasonably
satisfactory  in form and substance to Bear Stearns.  Notwithstanding  the other
provisions of this Section 3.3,  unless  expressly  waived by Bear Stearns,  any
otherwise  permitted  Transfer  shall be null and void ab initio if Bear Stearns
does not receive written  instruments  with respect to such Transfer  (including
copies of any instruments of assumption and the Third Party transferee's consent
to  be  bound  by  this  Agreement  and  the  other  Transaction  Documents,  as
applicable) that are in a form reasonably  satisfactory in form and substance to
Bear Stearns. Upon the execution of such instruments of assumption by such Third
Party,  such  Third  Party  shall  be  deemed  to be  Calpine  and  the  Calpine
Transaction Parties for all purposes of this Agreement.

   3.4    Certain Restrictions on Sales by Bear Stearns of Equity Securities and
Assets of CalBear.

          (a) Bear Stearns  hereby agrees that it shall not, and shall cause its
Affiliates not to, directly or indirectly (through the sale of Equity Securities
in an Affiliate or  otherwise),  Transfer  any Equity  Securities  of, or all or
substantially  all of the Assets of,  CalBear,  except in  compliance  with this
Section  3.4. If Bear  Stearns or any of its  Affiliates  wishes to Transfer any
such Assets or Equity Securities, Bear Stearns shall first deliver to Calpine an
Initial  Notice signed by Bear Stearns (and any such  Affiliate,  if applicable)
setting forth the Equity Securities and/or Assets proposed to be Transferred and
the material terms of the proposed Transfer other than the price.

          (b) Upon  receipt of an Initial  Notice,  Calpine  and its  Affiliates
shall have the Initial  Period to submit an Offer Notice  signed by Calpine (and
any such Affiliate,  if applicable)  setting forth (A) a proposed purchase price
with respect to the Equity  Securities  and/or Assets proposed to be Transferred
and (B) Calpine's (or such Affiliate's)  offer (irrevocable by its terms for the
Offer Period) to purchase from Bear Stearns or any of its  Affiliates the Equity
Securities  and/or  Assets  described  in the Initial  Notice,  on the terms and
conditions  described in the Initial Notice and for the purchase price set forth
in the Offer  Notice.  If an Offer Notice is  delivered  prior to the end of the
Initial  Period,  the Initial  Period  shall end on the date of delivery of such
Offer  Notice and the Offer  Period  shall  commence  on such  date.  If neither
Calpine  nor any of its  Affiliates  delivers  an Offer  Notice to Bear  Stearns
within the Initial Period,  Bear Stearns or its Affiliate may, during the period
beginning on the  forty-sixth  (46th) day  following  the receipt of the Initial
Notice by Calpine and ending on the  ninetieth  (90th) day following the receipt


of the Initial  Notice by  Calpine,  Transfer to a Third Party all (but not less
than all) of the Equity  Securities and/or Assets covered by the Initial Notice,
for a purchase price negotiated  between Bear Stearns or such Affiliate and such
Third  Party and on other terms and  conditions  at least as  favorable  to Bear
Stearns as those contained in the Initial Notice; provided that if a Third Party
transferee  has accepted  such offer,  Bear Stearns  shall have  completed  such
Transfer within an additional one hundred eighty (180) days from the end of such
ninety (90) day period;  and provided,  further,  that, with respect to any such
Transfer that is not completed within the time periods set forth in this Section
3.4(b),  Bear  Stearns  shall  not  complete  any such  Transfer  without  again
complying with each provision of this Section 3.4, as applicable.

          (c) Upon receipt of an Offer Notice,  Bear Stearns and its  Affiliates
shall have the option to sell the Equity  Securities  and/or Assets described in
the Initial Notice to Calpine (or its Affiliate,  as applicable) at the purchase
price and upon the terms and conditions  specified in the Offer. If Bear Stearns
or any of its  Affiliates  desires  to  exercise  the  option  set  forth in the
preceding  sentence,  it shall deliver an Election Notice to Calpine at any time
during the Offer Period,  which Election  Notice shall specify that Bear Stearns
or any of its  Affiliates has elected to exercise its option to accept the Offer
and sell the Equity  Securities and/or Assets described in the Initial Notice to
Calpine (or its  Affiliate,  as applicable) on the terms set forth in the Offer.
If Bear Stearns or any of its Affiliates  delivers an Election Notice during the
Offer Period, then Calpine (or its Affiliates, as applicable) shall be obligated
to  purchase  and Bear  Stearns  (or such  Affiliate,  as  applicable)  shall be
obligated to sell, the Equity  Securities and/or Assets described in the Initial
Notice at the purchase price and on the other terms and conditions  indicated in
the Offer.  The closing of such  purchase and sale shall occur on a closing date
selected by Calpine or such Affiliate,  as applicable;  provided,  however, that
such closing date shall be not less than ten (10) days nor more than ninety (90)
days following the date of the Election Notice,  unless more time is required to
obtain any applicable regulatory or other approvals. If neither Bear Stearns nor
any of its Affiliates  delivers an Election Notice to Calpine (or its Affiliate,
as applicable) within the Offer Period, the Offer shall automatically  expire at
the end of the Offer Period and neither Calpine nor any of its Affiliates  shall
have any obligation to purchase the Equity Securities and/or Assets described in
the Initial Notice.

          (d) If Calpine or one of its  Affiliates  delivers an Offer  Notice to
Bear Stearns within the Initial Period,  but neither Bear Stearns nor any of its
delivers an Election Notice to Calpine during the Offer Period,  Bear Stearns or
its Affiliate may, during the period  beginning on the sixth (6th) day following
the  receipt of the Offer  Notice by Bear  Stearns  and  ending on the  fiftieth
(50th) day following  the receipt of the Offer Notice by Bear Stearns,  Transfer
to a Third  Party all (but not less than all) of the  Equity  Securities  and/or
Assets  covered by the Initial  Notice,  (x) for the  purchase  price and on the
other terms and  conditions  contained in the Offer Notice or (y) for a purchase
price more favorable financially to Bear Stearns, and on other terms at least as
favorable to Bear Stearns, as those contained in the Offer Notice; provided that
if a Third Party  transferee  has accepted  such offer,  Bear Stearns shall have
completed such Transfer  within an additional one hundred eighty (180) days from
the end of such fifty (50) day period; and provided, further, that, with respect
to any such Transfer that is not completed  within the time periods set forth in
this Section 3.4(d), Bear Stearns shall not complete such Transfer without again
complying with each provision of this Section 3.4, as applicable.


          (e) In addition to the  foregoing  restrictions,  Bear Stearns (or the
applicable Affiliate) shall not complete any Transfer pursuant to Section 3.4(b)
or  Section  3.4(d)  without  receiving  the prior  consent  of  Calpine  to the
transferee  of such  Transfer,  such consent with respect to any proposed  Third
Party transferee not to be unreasonably  withheld or delayed after Bear Stearns'
(or the applicable  Affiliate's) request for such consent (and in no event shall
such  consent  take more than the  longer of ten (10)  Business  Days  following
receipt of such  request by Calpine or the time  remaining  until the end of the
Initial Period or the Offer Period,  as  applicable);  provided that Calpine may
give or withhold such consent in its sole and absolute  discretion  with respect
to any proposed Transfers to a Restricted Transferee.  Bear Stearns may make the
request for such consent at any time  following  delivery of an Initial  Notice,
including  contemporaneously  with the applicable Initial Notice;  provided that
Bear Stearns must  provide the identity of any proposed  Third Party  transferee
(as well as the identity of the ultimate  operating and holding  company parent,
if any,  of each  proposed  Third  Party  transferee,  if the  identity  of such
Person(s) is not readily  apparent) in each request for consent,  and  otherwise
comply with this Section 3.4. Any consent  given to a Transfer  pursuant to this
Section 3.4(e) shall expire (i) if no proposed Third Party transferee  mentioned
in a request for consent and  approved  by Calpine has  accepted  Bear  Stearns'
offer to Transfer the Equity  Securities  and/or  Assets  covered by the Initial
Notice in  accordance  with Section  3.4(b) or Section  3.4(d) by the end of the
ninety (90) day period set forth in Section  3.4(b) or the fifty (50) day period
set forth in Section 3.4(d), respectively, at the end of such period, or (ii) if
a proposed Third Party  transferee  approved by Calpine has accepted such offer,
if Bear Stearns'  Transfer to such Third Party transferee has not been completed
within an  additional  one hundred  eighty (180) days from the end of the ninety
(90) day  period  set forth in  Section  3.4(b) or the fifty (50) day period set
forth in Section 3.4(d), as applicable.

          (f) Bear Stearns  further agrees that in connection  with any Transfer
subject to this Section 3.4  consented to by Calpine,  Bear  Stearns  shall,  if
requested by Calpine,  deliver to Calpine an opinion of external counsel in form
and substance reasonably satisfactory to Calpine and counsel for Calpine, to the
effect that the Transfer is not in violation  of this  Agreement,  and is not in
violation  of the  Securities  Act or the  securities  laws  of any  State.  Any
purported Transfer in violation of the provisions of this Section 3.4, including
any Transfer to a Third Party made without  Calpine's  prior  consent,  shall be
null and void and shall have no force or effect.

          (g) Notwithstanding  anything herein to the contrary, this Section 3.4
shall not apply to (i) a Transfer to Bear Stearns or any of its Affiliates, (ii)
a Transfer  to Calpine or any of its  Affiliates,  including  any such  Transfer
pursuant to Section 16.6(d),  or (iii) a Transfer to any Person or such Person's
Subsidiaries  if such  Person or its  Subsidiaries  merge  with Bear  Stearns or
purchase all or  substantially  all of the Equity  Securities  or Assets of Bear

          (h) In  addition  to the  restrictions  set  forth  elsewhere  in this
Agreement,  in the event of a proposed Transfer to a Third Party by Bear Stearns
or any of its Affiliates of Equity  Securities and/or Assets of CalBear pursuant
to this  Section 3.4,  Calpine's  consent to such  Transfer  shall not be deemed
unreasonably  withheld  if such Third  Party  does not agree to become  bound in
writing at the  closing of such  Transfer  by the terms and  conditions  of this
Agreement and the other Transaction Documents and agree to assume the rights and
obligations of Bear Stearns and CalBear hereunder and thereunder pursuant to one


or more instruments of assumption reasonably  satisfactory in form and substance
to Calpine.  Notwithstanding  the other  provisions of this Section 3.4,  unless
expressly waived by Calpine,  any otherwise permitted Transfer shall be null and
void ab initio if Calpine does not receive written  instruments  with respect to
such Transfer  (including  copies of any instruments of assumption and the Third
Party  transferee's  consent  to be  bound  by  this  Agreement  and  the  other
Transaction Documents, as applicable) that are in a form reasonably satisfactory
in form and  substance to Calpine.  Upon the  execution of such  instruments  of
assumption  by such Third  Party,  such Third  Party  shall be deemed to be Bear
Stearns and CalBear for all purposes of this Agreement.

          (i) In  addition  to the  restrictions  set  forth  elsewhere  in this
Agreement,  in the event of a proposed Transfer to a Third Party by Bear Stearns
or any of its Affiliates of Equity  Securities and/or Assets of CalBear pursuant
to this  Section 3.4,  Calpine's  consent to such  Transfer  shall not be deemed
unreasonably  withheld  if such Third  Party  does not have,  at the time of the
transfer, a credit rating by (i) Standard & Poors Ratings Group of at least BBB+
and (ii) Moody's Investor Services of at least Baa1.

   3.5    No Joint Venture or Partnership Created.

          (a) Calpine and the Calpine Transaction  Parties, on the one hand, and
Bear  Stearns and  CalBear,  on the other  hand,  are  independent  contractors.
Neither  Calpine or any Calpine  Transaction  Party,  on the one hand,  nor Bear
Stearns or  CalBear,  on the other  hand,  is an agent  (except as  specifically
provided in the Agency and  Services  Agreement),  representative  or partner of
Bear  Stearns  or  CalBear,   or  Calpine  or  any  Calpine  Transaction  Party,
respectively,  and each of Calpine and the Calpine  Transaction Parties and Bear
Stearns  and CalBear  agrees that the  Transaction,  this  Agreement,  the other
Transaction  Documents and the transactions  contemplated hereby and thereby are
not  intended to create,  and shall not be  interpreted,  construed or deemed to
create  in  any   respect   an   association,   joint   venture,   co-ownership,
co-authorship,  or partnership,  whether general, limited or otherwise,  between
Calpine or any Calpine  Transaction  Party, on the one hand, and Bear Stearns or
CalBear,  on  the  other  hand,  or to  impose  any  partnership  obligation  or
partnership  liability between Calpine or any Calpine  Transaction Party, on the
one hand, and Bear Stearns or CalBear, on the other hand. None of Calpine or any
Calpine  Transaction Party, on the one hand, nor Bear Stearns or CalBear, on the
other hand,  shall have any right,  power or  authority to  negotiate,  execute,
authenticate  or deliver any  Contract for or on behalf of or in the name of, or
to incur any  Liability  for, or to  otherwise  bind,  Bear  Stearns or Calpine,
respectively,  or  bind  CalBear  or  any of the  Calpine  Transaction  Parties,
respectively,  except as  specifically  set  forth in the  Agency  and  Services
Agreement or the Trading Master Agreement,  in each case with respect to CalBear
and CMSC. Calpine and the Calpine Transaction Parties, on the one hand, and Bear
Stearns and CalBear,  on the other hand,  agree that they are not, and shall not
be, and shall not hold Bear  Stearns  or  CalBear,  or  Calpine  or the  Calpine
Transaction Parties, respectively, out to be, co-employers.

          (b) The Parties will determine a public description of the Transaction
mutually  satisfactory  to Calpine and Bear  Stearns.  Calpine and Bear  Stearns
shall not, and shall cause their  Affiliates not to, make any press release that
is materially  inconsistent with such public  description.  Reference is made to
Section 18.13 for other agreements with respect to press releases.


   3.6    Conflicts of Interest; Non-Discrimination.

          (a)  Conflicts of Interest.  Calpine,  CMSC,  Bear Stearns and CalBear
acknowledge  that CMSC is providing the Services to CalBear and that Calpine (a)
indirectly  owns a one hundred  percent  (100%) equity  interest in CMSC and (b)
either  directly  or  indirectly   through  one  or  more  of  its  wholly-owned
Subsidiaries,  including  CES or  CMSC,  is  conducting  for its own  account  a
business similar to the CalBear Referral Business.  Accordingly,  Calpine, CMSC,
Bear Stearns and CalBear  acknowledge  and agree that  conflicts  may arise from
time to time between the interests of CalBear,  on the one hand,  and CMSC,  CES
and Calpine's other Affiliates,  on the other hand. In addition,  Calpine, CMSC,
Bear Stearns and CalBear  acknowledge  and agree that CMSC may provide  services
similar to the  Services  with  respect to  transactions  entered  into by Third
Parties or for or on behalf of Third  Parties by CMSC.  The Parties  acknowledge
that Section 4.2 of the Agency and Services Agreement contains certain covenants
of CMSC  representing  the sole and  exclusive  agreement  of the  Parties  with
respect to such conflicts of interest.

          (b) Non-Discrimination.  Calpine agrees that it shall, and shall cause
its Affiliates to, cause CMSC to comply with its obligations pursuant to Section
4.2 of the Agency and Services Agreement.  Calpine agrees that it shall not, and
shall cause its  Affiliates not to, take any action or enter into any agreement,
transaction or arrangement with the purpose of avoiding CMSC's obligations under
Section  4.2 of the  Agency  and  Services  Agreement,  including  by  providing
services  substantially  similar to the Services  through  Calpine or any of its
Affiliates  other  than  CES  or  CMSC  with  the  purpose  of  avoiding  CMSC's
obligations under Section 4.2 of the Agency and Services Agreement.

   3.7    Non-Solicitation of Bear Stearns Employees.

          (a) Prior to the termination of this Agreement and for a period of one
(1) year following the date of termination  of this  Agreement,  each of Calpine
and the Calpine  Transaction Parties shall not, and shall cause their Affiliates
not to, directly or indirectly, for itself or on behalf of any other Person, (i)
hire any employee of Bear Stearns or CalBear who is involved in the transactions
contemplated hereby or by the other Transaction  Documents or the CalBear Trades
and who is listed on Schedule  3.7(a)  (provided that Schedule  3.7(a) shall not
initially  include more than [*]  employees) (A) while such employee is employed
by Bear Stearns or CalBear, or (B) in the event of a voluntary  resignation from
Bear Stearns or CalBear of an employee  listed on Schedule 3.7(a) at the time of
such resignation,  for a period of (60) days following such resignation, or (ii)
solicit,  induce or attempt to solicit or induce any employee of Bear Stearns or
CalBear  listed on  Schedule  3.7(a) to leave  his or her  employment  with Bear
Stearns or CalBear,  as applicable;  provided that a general  solicitation or an
employment agency  solicitation that is not directed to specifically  target any
such employee shall not be deemed to violate this Section  3.7(a)(ii) so long as
Calpine,  the Calpine  Transaction  Parties and their Affiliates do not hire any
such employee as a result of such solicitation or inducement.

          (b) Once each calendar year,  commencing with calendar year 2006, Bear
Stearns  may modify  Schedule  3.7(a) to (i)  increase  the number of  employees
listed on Schedule 3.7(a) up to the number of employees that Calpine includes on
Schedule 3.8(a),  and/or (ii) remove  employees from Schedule  3.7(a);  provided


that if Bear Stearns modifies Schedule 3.7(a) to remove any employee  therefrom,
Section  3.7(a)  shall no  longer  apply  with  respect  to such  employee;  and
provided,  further,  that such  modifications  to Schedule  3.7(a)  shall not be
effective  until Bear Stearns  provides a copy of such modified  Schedule 3.7(a)
(highlighting any  modifications  thereto) to Calpine in accordance with Section
18.2. In addition, after (i) the dismissal or termination of any employee listed
on Schedule  3.7(a) or (ii) sixty (60) days have  elapsed  following a voluntary
resignation  of an employee  listed on Schedule  3.7(a),  Schedule  3.7(a) shall
automatically be modified to remove the name of such employee,  and Bear Stearns
shall  promptly  provide a copy of such modified  Schedule  3.7(a) to Calpine in
accordance with Section 18.2.

          (c) Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 3.7(a), none of Calpine,
the  Calpine  Transaction  Parties or their  Affiliates  shall be deemed to have
violated  Section  3.7(a) until Bear Stearns  provides  notice to Calpine of the
hiring  and/or  solicitation  of any  employee  of Bear  Stearns  or  CalBear in
violation of Section 3.7(a) (which notice contains the name,  title and position
of the employee hired in violation of Section  3.7(a) or details  concerning the
solicitation violating Section 3.7(a)) and Bear Stearns has provided Calpine the
opportunity  to cure such  violation in  accordance  with this  Section  3.7(c).
During the  period  commencing  on the date of  receipt  of any such  notice and
ending on the thirtieth  (30th) day thereafter  (subject to an extension for any
retention period or other period required by Applicable  Law),  Calpine shall be
entitled to cure any  violation  of Section  3.7(a) by  dismissing  the employee
named in the notice (on terms  determined  by  Calpine  in its  discretion,  but
subject  to the  length  of the cure  period  described  above) or  ceasing  the
activity causing the solicitation described in the notice, as applicable.

   3.8    Non-Solicitation of Calpine Employees.

          (a) Prior to the termination of this Agreement and for a period of one
(1) year  following  the date of  termination  of this  Agreement,  each of Bear
Stearns and CalBear shall not, and shall cause their Affiliates not to, directly
or  indirectly,  for  itself  or on behalf  of any  other  Person,  (i) hire any
employee  of Calpine or any  Calpine  Transaction  Party who is  involved in the
transactions  contemplated  hereby or by the other Transaction  Documents or the
CalBear  Trades or the Services and who is listed on Schedule  3.8(a)  (provided
that Schedule  3.8(a) shall not initially  include more than [*]  employees) (A)
while such employee is employed by Calpine or any Calpine  Transaction Party, or
(B)  in the  event  of a  voluntary  resignation  from  Calpine  or any  Calpine
Transaction  Party of an employee  listed on Schedule 3.8(a) at the time of such
resignation,  for a period  of (60) days  following  such  resignation,  or (ii)
solicit,  induce or attempt to solicit or induce any  employee of Calpine or any
Calpine  Transaction  Party  listed  on  Schedule  3.8(a)  to  leave  his or her
employment  with  Calpine  or any  Calpine  Transaction  Party,  as  applicable;
provided that a general  solicitation or an employment agency  solicitation that
is not directed to specifically  target any such employee shall not be deemed to
violate  this Section  3.8(a)(ii)  so long as Bear Stearns and CalBear and their
Affiliates  do not hire any such  employee as a result of such  solicitation  or

          (b) Once each  calendar  year,  commencing  with  calendar  year 2006,
Calpine may modify Schedule 3.8(a) to (i) proportionally  increase the number of
employees  listed on  Schedule  3.8(a) to  reflect  increases  in the  number of


employees of CMSC,  and/or (ii) remove employees from Schedule 3.8(a);  provided
that if  Calpine  modifies  Schedule  3.8(a) to remove any  employee  therefrom,
Section  3.8(a)  shall no  longer  apply  with  respect  to such  employee;  and
provided,  further,  that such  modifications  to Schedule  3.8(a)  shall not be
effective  until  Calpine  provides  a copy of  such  modified  Schedule  3.8(a)
(highlighting  any  modifications  thereto) to Bear Stearns in  accordance  with
Section  18.2.  In  addition,  after (i) the  dismissal  or  termination  of any
employee  listed on  Schedule  3.8(a)  or (ii)  sixty  (60)  days  have  elapsed
following a voluntary  resignation  of an  employee  listed on Schedule  3.8(a),
Schedule  3.8(a)  shall  automatically  be  modified  to remove the name of such
employee,  and Calpine shall promptly  provide a copy of such modified  Schedule
3.8(a) to Bear Stearns in accordance with Section 18.2.

          (c)  Notwithstanding  the provisions of Section  3.8(a),  none of Bear
Stearns,  CalBear or their  Affiliates  shall be deemed to have violated Section
3.8(a)  until  Calpine  provides  notice to Bear  Stearns of the  hiring  and/or
solicitation  of any  employee  of Calpine or any Calpine  Transaction  Party in
violation of Section 3.8(a) (which notice contains the name,  title and position
of the employee hired in violation of Section  3.8(a) or details  concerning the
solicitation violating Section 3.8(a)) and Calpine has provided Bear Stearns the
opportunity  to cure such  violation in  accordance  with this  Section  3.8(c).
During the  period  commencing  on the date of  receipt  of any such  notice and
ending on the thirtieth  (30th) day thereafter  (subject to an extension for any
retention period or other period required by Applicable Law), Bear Stearns shall
be entitled to cure any violation of Section  3.8(a) by dismissing  the employee
named in the notice (on terms determined by Bear Stearns in its discretion,  but
subject  to the  length  of the cure  period  described  above) or  ceasing  the
activity causing the solicitation described in the notice, as applicable.

   3.9    Confidential Information.

          (a) Prior to the termination of this Agreement and for a period of one
(1) year following the  termination of this  Agreement,  the Parties shall,  and
shall cause their respective  Affiliates and Representatives to, (i) maintain in
strict  confidence any and all Confidential  Information  concerning the Parties
and the CalBear Business (including the CalBear Information) and not disclose to
any Third Party any such  Confidential  Information and (ii) restrict the use of
Confidential  Information to prevent  anticompetitive use of such information in
violation of antitrust laws, including with respect to Confidential  Information
regarding  trading  positions,   pricing  models,  projected  trades  and  other
commercial information related to the Power and Gas trading markets developed by
CMSC, with respect to compliance by Bear Stearns and CalBear,  or CalBear,  with
respect to compliance by Calpine and the Calpine Transaction  Parties;  provided
that the  foregoing  obligations  shall  not  apply to  Calpine  or the  Calpine
Transaction  Parties in  connection  with a disclosure by Calpine or the Calpine
Transaction  Parties of the aggregate  net portfolio  positions of CES, but, for
the  avoidance  of doubt,  shall  apply with  respect to any  individual  Credit
Enhancement Trade or any disclosure that, directly or indirectly,  would allow a
Third Party to identify or otherwise  directly determine the terms of any Credit
Enhancement  Trade.  It is  understood  that  the  Parties  shall  not  have any
liability hereunder with respect to information that (i) is, or through no fault
of the Parties or any of their respective Affiliates or Representatives becomes,
generally  available to the public,  (ii) is received  from a Third Party and is


not subject to any  confidentiality  obligation  between the receiving  Party or
Parties  and such  Third  Party,  (iii) is  independently  developed  by a Party
without  the use of the  Confidential  Information,  (iv) the  Parties  or their
respective  Affiliates or Representatives  are legally required to disclose,  or
that is the subject of any disclosure request made by any Governmental Authority
or by any Third  Party  pursuant  to  Applicable  Law,  or (v) is  necessary  in
connection with the defense or prosecution of any Action.

          (b)  In  the  event  that  a  Party  or  any  of  its   Affiliates  or
Representatives   is  required  or  requested   to  disclose  any   Confidential
Information  pursuant to Section  3.9(a)(iv)  or (v),  such Party shall,  unless
prohibited or otherwise  required by Applicable Law, if an Affiliate of Calpine,
promptly  notify Bear  Stearns,  or if an  Affiliate of Bear  Stearns,  promptly
notify Calpine,  so that the Parties may cooperate in seeking a protective order
and/or other motion,  at the expense of the Party seeking such protective  order
and/or other  motion,  to prevent or limit the  production or disclosure of such
Confidential  Information.  If such  protective  order is not  obtained  or such
motion has been denied,  then the Person  required or requested to disclose such
Confidential  Information  may disclose  only that portion of such  Confidential
Information  which,  based on the advice of such Person's outside legal counsel,
is required by  Applicable  Law or requested by a  Governmental  Authority to be
disclosed  (provided  that the Person  required or  requested  to disclose  such
information shall use all reasonable efforts to preserve the  confidentiality of
the remainder of such Confidential  Information).  Such Person shall continue to
be bound by its  obligations  pursuant to this Section 3.9 for any  Confidential
Information that is not required or requested to be disclosed,  or that has been
afforded protective treatment, pursuant to such order or motion.

          (c)   Notwithstanding   the   provisions  of  Section   3.9(a)  above,
disclosures of  Confidential  Information may be made (i) in the ordinary course
of CalBear's  business,  but only to the extent reasonably  necessary to conduct
such  business,  (ii) to each  Party's  advisors,  auditors,  legal  counsel and
insurers  and lenders who  reasonably  need to have access to such  Confidential
Information  in  connection  with  the  performance  of  their  work,  (iii)  to
Representatives of Calpine and its Affiliates who reasonably need to have access
to such  Confidential  Information in connection  with the  performance of their
work, (iv) to  Representatives of Bear Stearns and its Affiliates who reasonably
need to have access to such  Confidential  Information  in  connection  with the
performance of their work, (v) to bona fide potential Third Party  purchasers of
an  interest  in any  Party or its  Subsidiaries,  but in each  case only to the
extent  required in  connection  with such  transaction;  provided that any such
Third Party  receiving  any  Confidential  Information  agrees to  maintain  the
confidentiality  of such  Confidential  Information in accordance with the terms
hereof, and (vi) by any Party or any of their respective  Affiliates at any time
in  connection  with  any  reporting  requirements  of  such  Person  under  any
Applicable Law, any bona fide debt or equity financing of such Person,  any bona
fide  merger  or  sale  of  such  Person,  or  any  bona  fide  sale  of  all or
substantially  all of such Person's Assets,  but in each case only to the extent
reasonably necessary in connection with such transaction,  and such Confidential
Information  may  be  included  in  any  financial   statements,   schedules  or
information,  any diligence  materials or any prospectus,  offering  memorandum,
information  statement or proxy  statement  provided to any Person in connection
therewith  (provided that any such disclosure pursuant to this clause (vi) shall
not include the terms of any individual  CalBear Trade or any  disclosure  that,


directly or  indirectly,  would  allow a Third  Party to  identify or  otherwise
directly  determine the terms of any  individual  CalBear  Trade,  without prior
notice to each Party that is not an  Affiliate  of the  disclosing  Party unless
prohibited by Applicable Law).

    3.10  Netting. Except as expressly set forth in Section 4.4(e) of the Agency
and Services  Agreement,  in the event that, at any time, Calpine or any Calpine
Transaction  Party,  on the one hand,  or Bear Stearns or CalBear,  on the other
hand, is required,  pursuant to this Agreement, the other Transaction Documents,
the  transactions  contemplated  hereby or thereby,  the Services or the CalBear
Trades,  to make any  Payment to Bear  Stearns or CalBear,  on the one hand,  or
Calpine or any Calpine Transaction Party, on the other hand, respectively,  then
in each case the amounts of such Payments between or among Calpine,  the Calpine
Transaction Parties, Bear Stearns and CalBear, as applicable,  may be aggregated
and  Calpine  and the  Calpine  Transaction  Parties,  on the one hand,  or Bear
Stearns and CalBear,  on the other hand,  as  applicable,  may  discharge  their
obligations to make such Payments through  netting,  in which case the Party (or
Calpine and the Calpine Transaction Parties or Bear Stearns and CalBear, in each
case as a group),  if any, owing the greater aggregate amount to any other Party
(or Calpine and the Calpine  Transaction Parties or Bear Stearns and CalBear, in
each case as a group),  may pay to the Party (or such group of Parties) to which
the applicable  Payment or Payments are owed the difference  between the amounts
owed.  For the  avoidance  of doubt,  this  Section  3.10 is  intended to permit
netting of all amounts due among the Parties  hereto or the parties to any other
Transaction  Documents to the fullest  extent  possible.  Each Party reserves to
itself all  rights,  setoffs,  counterclaims  and other  remedies  and  defenses
consistent  with  Article  XVII (to the extent not  expressly  herein  waived or
denied)  which each such Party is or may be entitled  to arising  from or out of
this Agreement and the other  Transaction  Documents.  All  outstanding  CalBear
Trades,  Services and obligations to make Payment in connection  therewith under
this  Agreement and the other  Transaction  Documents may be offset against each
other,  set off or recouped  therefrom.  Except as provided in this Agreement or
the other Transaction  Documents,  upon the termination of this Agreement or any
other  Transaction  Document,  the Parties shall continue to net all amounts due
among them arising under this Agreement or the other Transaction Documents.

    3.11  Acknowledgements.  Each Party acknowledges that, in view of the nature
of the Transaction and the CalBear Business,  and the consideration given by the
Parties  therefore,  the restrictions  contained in Sections 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5,
3.6, 3.7,  3.8,  3.9,  3.12,  and 3.15 are  reasonably  necessary to protect the
legitimate  business  interests  of the Parties and that any  violation  of such
restrictions will result in irreparable  injury to the Parties,  the Transaction
and the CalBear Business for which damages will not be an adequate remedy.  Each
Party therefore  acknowledges that, if any such restrictions are violated by it,
each other  Party that is not an  Affiliate  of such Party  shall be entitled to
preliminary and injunctive  relief or other equitable  remedies.  Each Party has
independently consulted with its counsel and after such consultation agrees that
the  covenants  set forth in Sections  3.2,  3.3,  3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9,
3.12, and 3.15 are reasonable and appropriate.  If the final judgment of a court
or  arbitration  body  of  competent  jurisdiction  declares  that  any  term or
provision of Sections 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9,  3.12, and 3.15 is
invalid or  unenforceable,  the Parties agree that the court or arbitration body
making the determination of invalidity or unenforceability  shall have the power
to reduce  the  scope,  duration,  or area of the term or  provision,  to delete
specific words or phrases,  or to replace any invalid or  unenforceable  term or


provision with a term or provision that is valid and  enforceable and that comes
closest to  expressing  the  intention of the invalid or  unenforceable  term or
provision,  and this  Agreement  shall be  enforceable  as so modified after the
expiration  of the time  within  which  the  judgment  or  determination  may be

    3.12  CMSC Board  Representation.  CalBear shall be entitled to designate up
to two (2) members of the board of directors of CMSC (each,  a "Designated  CMSC
Board  Member");  provided that each such  Designated CMSC Board Member shall be
either (a) a professional  independent  director  compensated by Bear Stearns or
its Affiliates (other than CalBear) and reasonably acceptable to Calpine, or (b)
an employee of Bear Stearns or its Affiliates with a title of Managing  Director
or equivalent  or a more senior title.  CalBear shall be entitled to designate a
replacement for any Designated  CMSC Board Member at any time,  whether upon the
death, removal or resignation of such Designated CMSC Board Member or otherwise.
If CalBear  designates any Designated CMSC Board Member at any time, Calpine and
each of the  Calpine  Transaction  Parties  agrees,  and  agrees  to  cause  its
Affiliates  to (a) vote for,  elect or appoint each such  Designated  CMSC Board
Member  designated  by  CalBear  to the  board  of  directors  of CMSC  promptly
following  such  designation,  (b) vote for,  elect or appoint  any  replacement
Designated CMSC Board Member  designated by CalBear to the board of directors of
CMSC promptly following such designation,  and (c) unless otherwise requested by
Bear Stearns, maintain the Designated CMSC Board Members (as replaced by CalBear
from time to time) as directors of CMSC at all times prior to the termination of
this Agreement.  CMSC's Organizational Documents shall provide that any decision
of the board of  directors of CMSC shall  require the consent of the  Designated
CMSC Board Members,  if any, to (i) initiate a voluntary  Bankruptcy Event, (ii)
consent to an involuntary  Bankruptcy Event, or (iii) modify the  Organizational
Documents  of CMSC to  eliminate  or  otherwise  alter the voting  rights of the
Designated  CMSC Board Members or CalBear's  right to designate,  or Calpine and
its Affiliates  duty to appoint,  such  Designated  CMSC Board  Members.  CMSC's
Organizational  Documents  shall also  provide  that the  Designated  CMSC Board
Members  shall not be entitled to vote with  respect to any matter  presented to
the board of  directors of CMSC other than the matters  listed in the  preceding

   3.13   Performance of Financial Obligations of CalBear.

          Bear  Stearns  shall  provide  to  CalBear  all funds  and  collateral
necessary  for CalBear to perform its  obligations  under the Third Party Master
Agreements,  and the CalBear Trades,  and to pay the amounts required to be paid
by CalBear  pursuant to Section 4.17 of the Agency and Services  Agreement,  and
shall itself or shall cause  CalBear to perform  CalBear's  Payment  obligations
under the Third Party Master  Agreements and the CalBear Trades,  and to pay the
amounts  required to be paid by CalBear  pursuant to Section  4.17 of the Agency
and Services Agreement, in each case in accordance with such Section.

    3.14  [*]3.15  Fiscal Year of CalBear.  CalBear  shall not change its Fiscal
Year without the prior consent of Calpine,  such consent not to be  unreasonably
withheld;  provided  that  Calpine's  consent shall not be required in the event
that such  change is made to  conform  CalBear's  fiscal  year to Bear  Stearns'
fiscal  year in  connection  with a change of Bear  Stearns'  fiscal  year;  and
provided,  further,  that in  connection  with any change in the Fiscal  Year of


CalBear,  the  provisions  of the  Transaction  Documents  shall be  adjusted as
applicable to conform to such adjusted fiscal year and shall also be adjusted to
the extent  necessary to give effect to the original intent of the provisions of
the Transaction  Documents,  as if such change in the Fiscal Year of CalBear had
not  occurred,  including  appropriate  proration  or  other  adjustment  of any
Payments paid pursuant to the Transaction Documents.

    3.16  Interest on Overdue Amounts.  In the event that, at any time,  Calpine
or any Calpine  Transaction  Party, on the one hand, or Bear Stearns or CalBear,
on the  other  hand,  fails to make any  Payment  when  due to Bear  Stearns  or
CalBear,  on the one hand, or Calpine or any Calpine  Transaction  Party, on the
other hand, then the outstanding  principal amount of such overdue Payment shall
bear  interest  at the  lesser of (a) a rate  equal to LIBOR  [*](or  shall bear
additional  interest  at a rate  equal  to the  existing  interest  rate on such
overdue Payment [*], if such overdue  Payment  already bears interest;  provided
that any overdue Payment  already  bearing default or additional  interest shall
not bear further interest pursuant to this Section 3.16) or (b) the highest rate
permitted by law,  until such overdue  Payment plus all  accumulated  but unpaid
interest (and additional  interest,  if applicable) thereon is paid in full, and
the Party  making such  overdue  Payment  shall pay all  accumulated  but unpaid
interest (and additional interest,  if applicable) on the amount of such overdue
Payment at the time the principal of such overdue Payment is paid.

                                  ARTICLE IV.
                               CALPINE GUARANTEE

          Calpine  covenants  and agrees with Bear Stearns and CalBear that from
and after the Effective Date:

   4.1    Calpine Guarantee.

          (a) Subject to the terms of this Article IV, in  consideration of each
of Bear Stearns and CalBear  entering into the  Transaction  Documents,  Calpine
hereby unconditionally and irrevocably guarantees, as primary obligor and not as
surety (the "Calpine Guarantee"), to each of Bear Stearns and CalBear, and their
respective successors and assigns:

               (i) the prompt  payment in full when due of all  amounts  owed by
and due from any Calpine  Transaction  Party to Bear Stearns or CalBear pursuant
to the terms of the Transaction Documents, including all amounts owed by and due
from any  Calpine  Transaction  Party to Bear  Stearns  or CalBear  pursuant  to
Section 15.1(a) and pursuant to Section 6.3 of the Trading Master Agreement; and

               (ii) that in case of any  extension  of time of payment of any of
such  obligations,  such  obligations  will be promptly paid in full when due in
accordance with the terms of the extension.

Failing payment when due of any amount so guaranteed for any reason  whatsoever,
Calpine will  promptly pay the same on the date such payment is due. The Parties
agree that this is a guarantee of payment and not a guarantee of  collection  or


          (b) Calpine  hereby  agrees that its  obligations  under this  Calpine
Guarantee are  absolute,  irrevocable  and  unconditional,  irrespective  of the
validity,   regularity  or   enforceability  of  this  Agreement  or  the  other
Transaction Documents, the absence of any Action to enforce the same, any waiver
or consent by Bear Stearns or CalBear,  any course of dealings among the Parties
with respect to any provisions  hereof or thereof,  the recovery of any judgment
against any  Calpine  Transaction  Party,  any Action to enforce the same or any
other  circumstance  which  might  otherwise  constitute  a legal  or  equitable
discharge of defense of Calpine.  Calpine hereby waives diligence,  presentment,
demand of payment,  filing of claims with a court in the event of any Bankruptcy
of Calpine or any Calpine  Transaction  Party, any right to require a proceeding
first against any Calpine  Transaction  Party,  protest,  notice and all demands
whatsoever  and  covenants  that this Calpine  Guarantee  will not be discharged
except by complete performance and payment of the obligations  contained in this
Agreement and the other Transaction Documents.

          (c) If  Bear  Stearns  or  CalBear  is  required  by any  Governmental
Authority or otherwise to return to Calpine or any Calpine  Transaction Party or
any custodian,  trustee, liquidator or other similar official acting in relation
to Calpine or any  Calpine  Transaction  Party,  any amount paid by them to Bear
Stearns  or  CalBear,   this  Calpine  Guarantee,   to  the  extent  theretofore
discharged,  will be  reinstated  in full force and effect with  respect to such

          (d)  Calpine  agrees  that it will  not be  entitled  to any  right of
subrogation in relation to Bear Stearns or CalBear in respect of any obligations
guaranteed  hereby until payment in full of all obligations  guaranteed  hereby.
Calpine  further  agrees that,  as between  Calpine,  on the one hand,  and Bear
Stearns or CalBear,  on the other  hand,  (i) the  maturity  of any  obligations
guaranteed  hereby  that  may  be  accelerated  pursuant  to  the  terms  of the
Transaction  Documents,  may be so accelerated  for the purposes of this Calpine
Guarantee,  notwithstanding any stay, injunction or other prohibition preventing
such  acceleration in respect of the obligations  guaranteed  hereby and (ii) in
the event of any declaration of acceleration of such  obligations as provided in
the Transaction  Documents,  such  obligations  (whether or not due and payable)
will forthwith become due and payable by Calpine for the purpose of this Calpine
Guarantee.  Calpine will have the right to seek contribution from any non-paying
Calpine  Transaction Party so long as the exercise of such right does not impair
the rights of Bear Stearns or CalBear under this Calpine Guarantee.

    4.2   Calpine May Consolidate, etc., on Certain Terms.  Calpine may not sell
or  otherwise  dispose  of  all  or  substantially  all of  its  Assets  to,  or
consolidate  with or merge with or into (whether or not Calpine is the surviving
Person) another Person unless the Person acquiring the property in any such sale
or  disposition or the Person formed by or surviving any such  consolidation  or
merger  unconditionally  assumes  all the  obligations  of  Calpine  under  this
Agreement, the Calpine Guarantee and the other Transaction Documents.  Except as
set forth in this Section 4.2, nothing  contained in this Agreement will prevent
any  consolidation  or merger of  Calpine  or any sale or  conveyance  of all or
substantially all of the property of Calpine.

   4.3    Release.


          Upon termination of this Agreement in accordance with Section 16.6 and
full  and  final  discharge  of all  obligations  of  Calpine  and  the  Calpine
Transaction Parties under the Transaction Documents,  Calpine shall be fully and
unconditionally  released and  relieved  from any  obligation  under the Calpine
Guarantee;  provided that if, following such discharge,  Bear Stearns or CalBear
is required by any  Governmental  Authority or otherwise to return to Calpine or
any Calpine  Transaction  Party or any custodian,  trustee,  liquidator or other
similar official acting in relation to Calpine or any Calpine Transaction Party,
any amount paid by them to Bear Stearns or CalBear,  the Calpine  Guarantee,  to
the extent  theretofore  released,  relieved or  otherwise  discharged,  will be
reinstated in full force and effect.

                                   ARTICLE V.
                            BEAR STEARNS GUARANTEE

          Bear Stearns covenants and agrees with Calpine and each of the Calpine
Transaction Parties that from and after the Effective Date:

   5.1    Bear Stearns Guarantee.

          (a)  Subject  to the  terms of this  Article  V, in  consideration  of
Calpine  and the  Calpine  Transaction  Parties  entering  into the  Transaction
Documents,  Bear Stearns hereby unconditionally and irrevocably  guarantees,  as
primary  obligor and not as surety (the "Bear  Stearns  Guarantee"),  to each of
Calpine and the Calpine Transaction Parties, and their respective successors and

               (i) the prompt  payment in full when due of all  amounts  owed by
and due from CalBear to Calpine or any Calpine Transaction Party pursuant to the
terms of the Transaction  Documents,  including all amounts owed by and due from
CalBear to Calpine or any Calpine Transaction Party pursuant to Section 15.1(b);

               (ii) that in case of any  extension  of time of payment of any of
such  obligations,  such  obligations  will be promptly paid in full when due in
accordance with the terms of the extension.

Failing payment when due of any amount so guaranteed for any reason  whatsoever,
Bear  Stearns  will  promptly  pay the same on the date such payment is due. The
Parties  agree  that this is a  guarantee  of  payment  and not a  guarantee  of
collection or performance.

          (b) Bear Stearns  hereby agrees that its  obligations  under this Bear
Stearns Guarantee are absolute,  irrevocable and unconditional,  irrespective of
the  validity,  regularity  or  enforceability  of this  Agreement  or the other
Transaction Documents, the absence of any Action to enforce the same, any waiver
or consent by Calpine or any Calpine  Transaction  Party, any course of dealings
among the Parties with respect to any provisions hereof or thereof, the recovery
of any  judgment  against  CalBear,  any Action to enforce the same or any other
circumstance which might otherwise  constitute a legal or equitable discharge of
defense of Bear  Stearns.  Bear Stearns  hereby waives  diligence,  presentment,
demand of payment,  filing of claims with a court in the event of any Bankruptcy
of Bear  Stearns or CalBear,  any right to require a  proceeding  first  against
CalBear, protest, notice and all demands whatsoever and covenants that this Bear


Stearns  Guarantee  will not be discharged  except by complete  performance  and
payment of the obligations contained in this Agreement and the other Transaction

          (c) If Calpine or any  Calpine  Transaction  Party is  required by any
Governmental  Authority or otherwise to return to Bear Stearns or CalBear or any
custodian,  trustee,  liquidator or other similar official acting in relation to
Bear  Stearns  or  CalBear,  any amount  paid by them to Calpine or any  Calpine
Transaction  Party,  this Bear  Stearns  Guarantee,  to the  extent  theretofore
discharged,  will be  reinstated  in full force and effect with  respect to such

          (d) Bear  Stearns  agrees that it will not be entitled to any right of
subrogation in relation to Calpine or the Calpine Transaction Parties in respect
of any  obligations  guaranteed  hereby until payment in full of all obligations
guaranteed hereby. Bear Stearns further agrees that, as between Bear Stearns, on
the one hand, and Calpine or the Calpine Transaction Parties, on the other hand,
(i) the maturity of any  obligations  guaranteed  hereby that may be accelerated
pursuant to the terms of the  Transaction  Documents,  may be so accelerated for
the  purposes  of  this  Bear  Stearns  Guarantee,   notwithstanding  any  stay,
injunction or other  prohibition  preventing such acceleration in respect of the
obligations  guaranteed  hereby  and  (ii) in the  event of any  declaration  of
acceleration of such obligations as provided in the Transaction Documents,  such
obligations  (whether  or not due and  payable)  will  forthwith  become due and
payable by Bear  Stearns for the purpose of this Bear  Stearns  Guarantee.  Bear
Stearns  will have the right to seek  contribution  from  CalBear so long as the
exercise  of such right  does not  impair  the rights of Calpine or the  Calpine
Transaction Parties under this Bear Stearns Guarantee.

    5.2   Bear Stearns May Consolidate, etc., on Certain Terms. Bear Stearns may
not sell or otherwise  dispose of all or substantially  all of its Assets to, or
consolidate  with or merge  with or into  (whether  or not Bear  Stearns  is the
surviving Person) another Person unless the Person acquiring the property in any
such  sale  or  disposition  or the  Person  formed  by or  surviving  any  such
consolidation  or merger  unconditionally  assumes all the  obligations  of Bear
Stearns  under  this  Agreement,  the  Bear  Stearns  Guarantee  and  the  other
Transaction  Documents.  Except  as set  forth  in  this  Section  5.2,  nothing
contained in this  Agreement  will prevent any  consolidation  or merger of Bear
Stearns or any sale or conveyance of all or substantially all of the property of
Bear Stearns.

   5.3    Release.

          Upon termination of this Agreement in accordance with Section 16.6 and
full and final  discharge of all  obligations  of Bear Stearns and CalBear under
the  Transaction  Documents,  Bear  Stearns  shall be fully and  unconditionally
released  and relieved  from any  obligation  under the Bear Stearns  Guarantee;
provided that if, following such discharge,  Calpine or any Calpine  Transaction
Party is required by any  Governmental  Authority or otherwise to return to Bear
Stearns  or CalBear  or any  custodian,  trustee,  liquidator  or other  similar
official acting in relation to Bear Stearns or CalBear,  any amount paid by them
to Calpine or any Calpine Transaction Party, the Bear Stearns Guarantee,  to the
extent  theretofore  released,   relieved  or  otherwise  discharged,   will  be
reinstated in full force and effect.


                                  ARTICLE VI.
                              REGULATORY MATTERS

   6.1    Regulatory Matters With Respect to Calpine.

          (a)  Calpine  and  each  of the  Calpine  Transaction  Parties  hereby
covenant  and agree from and after the  Effective  Date that they shall take all
necessary or appropriate  actions to maintain exemption from material regulatory
restrictions under PUHCA (other than Section 9(a)(2) of PUHCA).

          (b) CES and  CMSC  hereby  covenant  and  agree  from  and  after  the
Effective  Date  that they  shall  take or cause to be taken  all  necessary  or
appropriate   actions  to  maintain  for  CES  and  CMSC,   respectively,   FERC
authorization  to sell Power at  wholesale  at  market-based  rates and,  to the
extent  necessary,  any other FERC approval required under the FPA to sell Power
at wholesale, in each case to the extent necessary to permit ongoing performance
by CES and CMSC under the Transaction Documents.

          (c) Calpine and the Calpine  Transaction  Parties hereby  covenant and
agree from and after the  Effective  Date to (i) obtain all material  Regulatory
Approvals,  and (ii)  comply  with all  material  applicable  federal  and state
energy, and federal commodity,  regulatory laws, including all material notices,
filings,  reports,  consents,  authorizations  or exemptions  from  registration
required or  permitted  under the FPA,  PUHCA,  CEA and state  utility  laws and
regulations,  in each case to the extent necessary to permit ongoing performance
by Calpine and the Calpine Transaction Parties under the Transaction Documents.

   6.2    Regulatory Matters With Respect to Bear Stearns.

          (a) Bear Stearns and CalBear hereby  covenant and agree from and after
the Effective Date that they shall take all necessary or appropriate  actions to
maintain exemption from material regulatory restrictions under PUHCA (other than
Section 9(a)(2) of PUHCA).

          (b) CalBear  hereby  covenants and agrees from and after the Effective
Date  that it  shall  take or cause to be taken  all  necessary  or  appropriate
actions to maintain for CalBear FERC authorization to sell Power at wholesale at
market-based  rates  and,  to the  extent  necessary,  any other  FERC  approval
required  under the FPA to sell Power at  wholesale,  in each case to the extent
necessary  to permit  ongoing  performance  by  CalBear  under  the  Transaction

          (c)  Subject  to  compliance  with  Section  4.1(n) of the  Agency and
Services Agreement by CMSC, Bear Stearns and CalBear covenant and agree from and
after the Effective Date to (i) obtain all material  Regulatory  Approvals,  and
(ii) comply with all material  applicable  federal and state  energy  regulatory
laws,   including  all  material   notices,   filings,   reports,   consents  or
authorizations or exemptions from  registration  required or permitted under the
FPA,  PUHCA and state utility laws and  regulations,  in each case to the extent
necessary to permit  ongoing  performance  by Bear Stearns and CalBear under the
Transaction Documents.

    6.3   Regulatory  Matters With  Respect to CalBear and CMSC.  From and after
the  date  of  this  Agreement,  each  Party  covenants and agrees that it shall


cooperate  with the other  Parties to take or cause to be taken all necessary or
appropriate  actions to prepare and file all  documents  necessary  for (i) CES,
(ii) CMSC's predecessor CES Marketing VII, LLC, and (iii) CalBear's  predecessor
Arroyo Energy LP, to obtain FERC  approval  under Section 203 of the FPA for (A)
an internal  corporate  restructuring of the upstream ownership of Arroyo Energy
LP, (B) the  performance  of the Services by CMSC,  (C) the  provision of energy
related services by CMSC to CES, and any notice filings or other  approvals,  as
needed under Section 203 of the FPA in respect of the Transaction.  With respect
to these filings,  the Parties shall cooperate and use  commercially  reasonable
efforts to share and develop  information  necessary for such filings and drafts
of such filings and shall give each other  reasonable  opportunity to comment on
and to revise such draft filings before such filings are submitted to FERC.

                                  ARTICLE VII.

          Each of the Parties covenants and agrees with each other that from and
after the Effective Date, subject to the confidentiality  obligations  contained
in Section 3.9:

   7.1    Notices.

          (a)   Notice   from   Calpine.   Anything   herein  to  the   contrary
notwithstanding,  Calpine and the Calpine  Transaction  Parties shall  promptly,
upon obtaining knowledge thereof, submit notice to Bear Stearns and CalBear of:

               (i) any Actions  pending or, to the  knowledge  of Calpine or the
Calpine  Transaction  Parties,  threatened  in writing  or filed by any  Person,
concerning the CalBear Business,  the CalBear Trades, this Agreement,  the other
Transaction Documents or the transactions contemplated hereby or thereby;

               (ii) any refusal or, to the  knowledge  of Calpine or the Calpine
Transaction Parties, refusal threatened in writing to grant, renew or extend, or
any Action pending or threatened in writing that would reasonably be expected to
affect, the granting,  renewal or extension of any material Regulatory Approval,
including   CES',   CMSC's   or   CalBear's   FERC-granted   market-based   rate

               (iii)  any  material  dispute  with  any  Governmental  Authority
relating to the CalBear Trades, the Transaction Documents,  the CalBear Business
or  Calpine's  and  the  Calpine  Trading  Parties'  ability  to  perform  their
obligations under the Transaction Documents;

               (iv) any  Bankruptcy  Event with  respect to Calpine,  any of the
Calpine Transaction Parties or any Significant Subsidiary of Calpine;

               (v) any Material Adverse Change with respect to Calpine or any of
the Calpine Transaction Parties;

               (vi) all material  penalties  or notices of  violation  issued or
threatened by any Governmental Authority or other Person relating to the CalBear
Trades or the Services;


               (vii) the violation by Calpine or any Calpine  Transaction  Party
in any material  respect of any  Applicable  Law relating to the  Services,  the
CalBear Trades, the Transaction Documents or the CalBear Business;

               (viii) the failure by Calpine or any Calpine Transaction Party to
perform any covenant or agreement of Calpine or such Calpine  Transaction Party,
respectively,  set forth in this  Agreement or any other  Transaction  Document,
which  failure  constitutes  a material  breach of this  Agreement or such other
Transaction  Document;  provided  that any breach of this clause (viii) shall be
deemed to be cured upon cure of the underlying failure to perform; or

               (ix) any other  event or  circumstance  that would be  reasonably
likely to  materially  adversely  affect  Calpine's  or any Calpine  Transaction
Party's ability to engage in Trades,  perform Services or otherwise  perform its
obligations under the Transaction Documents.

          (b)  Notice  from  Bear  Stearns.  Anything  herein  to  the  contrary
notwithstanding,  Bear  Stearns  and  CalBear  shall  promptly,  upon  obtaining
knowledge thereof,  submit notice to Calpine and the Calpine Transaction Parties

               (i) any Actions  pending or, to the  knowledge of Bear Stearns or
CalBear,  threatened in writing or filed by any Person,  concerning  the CalBear
Business, the CalBear Trades, this Agreement, the other Transaction Documents or
the transactions contemplated hereby or thereby;

               (ii) any refusal or, to the knowledge of Bear Stearns or CalBear,
refusal  threatened in writing to grant,  renew or extend, or any Action pending
or  threatened  in writing  that would  reasonably  be expected  to affect,  the
granting,  renewal or extension of any material Regulatory  Approval,  including
CalBear's FERC-granted market-based rate authorization;

               (iii)  any  material  dispute  with  any  Governmental  Authority
relating to the CalBear Trades, the Transaction Documents,  the CalBear Business
or Bear Stearns' and CalBear's  ability to perform their  obligations  under the
Transaction Documents;

               (iv) any Bankruptcy  Event with respect to Bear Stearns,  CalBear
or any Significant Subsidiary of Bear Stearns;

               (v) any Material  Adverse  Change with respect to Bear Stearns or

               (vi) all material  penalties  or notices of  violation  issued or
threatened by any Governmental Authority or other Person relating to the CalBear
Trades or the Services;

               (vii) the  violation  by Bear  Stearns or CalBear in any material
respect of any Applicable Law relating to the CalBear  Trades,  the  Transaction
Documents or the CalBear Business;


               (viii)  the  failure by Bear  Stearns  or CalBear to perform  any
covenant or  agreement of Bear  Stearns or CalBear,  respectively,  set forth in
this Agreement or any other Transaction  Document,  which failure  constitutes a
material breach of this Agreement or such other Transaction  Document;  provided
that any breach of this clause  (viii)  shall be deemed to be cured upon cure of
the underlying failure to perform;

               (ix) any downgrade of the credit rating  assigned to Bear Stearns
by (i)  Standard  & Poors  Ratings  Group  below BBB+ or (ii)  Moody's  Investor
Services below Baa1;

               (x) any change of Bear  Stearns'  fiscal  year from a November 30
year-end; or

               (xi) any other  event or  circumstance  that would be  reasonably
likely to  materially  adversely  affect Bear  Stearns' or CalBear's  ability to
engage in Trades or  otherwise  perform its  obligations  under the  Transaction

   7.2    Books and Records.

          (a) Books and  Records of Calpine  Transaction  Parties.  The  Calpine
Transaction  Parties shall maintain in good order all Books and Records relating
to the CalBear Trades, any Services and the CalBear Business,  including general
ledgers,  risk systems and related data  storage,  and each Calpine  Transaction
Party shall retain  related  written  records for a minimum  period of seven (7)
years and related oral records  including  tapes in accordance with such Calpine
Transaction  Party's internal policy and, in each case, as otherwise required by
Applicable  Law and  Regulatory  Approvals.  Where Books and  Records  relate to
Actions or the  settlement  of claims  arising  out of the  performance  of this
Agreement,  the  other  Transaction  Documents,  or  any  related  documents  or
agreements,  the  Calpine  Transaction  Parties  shall  maintain  such Books and
Records until the later of (x) three (3) years after the final resolution of the
matter  giving  rise to the Action or  dispute  or (y) the end of the  retention
periods otherwise set forth in this Section 7.2(a).

          (b) Books and Records of CalBear. CalBear shall maintain in good order
all Books and Records  relating to (i) the CalBear Trades,  any Services and the
CalBear  Business to the extent  CalBear  (A)  produces  Books and Records  with
respect  thereto or (B)  receives  copies of any Books and Records  with respect
thereto  from CMSC and (ii) CalBear  Governance  Operations,  and CalBear  shall
retain  related  written  records  for a  minimum  period of seven (7) years and
related oral records  including  tapes in  accordance  with  CalBear's  internal
policy and, in each case, as otherwise required by Applicable Law and Regulatory
Approvals. Where Books and Records relate to Actions or the settlement of claims
arising  out of  the  performance  of  this  Agreement,  the  other  Transaction
Documents,  or any related documents or agreements,  CMSC, on behalf of CalBear,
and CalBear  shall  maintain such Books and Records until the later of (x) three
(3) years after the final  resolution of the matter giving rise to the Action or
dispute  or (y) the end of the  retention  periods  otherwise  set forth in this
Section 7.2(b).

    7.3   Meetings. Representatives of Calpine, the Calpine Transaction Parties,
Bear Stearns and/or CalBear shall meet in person or by conference  call or video
conference at such reasonable times as any of them may request (provided that in


no event shall  Representatives  of any Party or its Affiliates (other than CMSC
and CalBear) be required to attend more than two (2) such  meetings in any given
Month).  During such meetings,  the Representatives of any Party may provide any
information  concerning the CalBear  Business,  the Trades,  the Services or the
Transaction to the  Representatives of any other Party for discussion,  and each
Party shall  provide  any other  information  reasonably  related to the CalBear
Business,  the CalBear Trades or the Transaction that is reasonably requested in
advance by the  Representatives  of any other Party, to the extent the requested
information is required to be maintained for or provided to the requesting Party
under other  provisions of the Transaction  Documents and subject to Section 3.9
and confidentiality duties owed to Third Parties.

   7.4    Audits.  Each  of  the  Calpine  Transaction Parties and CalBear shall
          comply with the following audit provisions:

          (a)  Subject to Section  3.9,  Calpine  and each  Calpine  Transaction
Party, on the one hand, and Bear Stearns and CalBear,  on the other hand, or any
of their respective  Representatives,  has the right, in its sole discretion and
at its sole expense and upon at least five (5) Business Days advance  notice and
during  normal  working  hours,  to  examine  and copy the Books and  Records of
CalBear or any Calpine Transaction Party, respectively,  to the extent necessary
to  verify  compliance  with  the  provisions  of  this  Agreement,   the  other
Transaction Documents, any related documents and agreements and the transactions
contemplated hereby and thereby (other than verifying compliance with provisions
regarding  general  financial  condition or solvency of Calpine or CES), and the
accuracy of any Report or  information,  daily or Monthly  settlement,  Payment,
charge or  computation  made or  provided  pursuant  to the  provisions  of this
Agreement, the other Transaction Documents, any related documents and agreements
or the  transactions  contemplated  hereby  and  thereby,  the  Trades  and  the

          (b) If any audit  conducted  under  Section  7.4(a) above  reveals any
inaccuracy in any Report,  daily or Monthly settlement or Payment, the necessary
adjustments in such  settlement  and the Payments  thereof will be promptly made
and this  provision  shall  survive any  termination  of this  Agreement for the
purpose  of such  daily or  Monthly  settlement  and  Payment  objections.  Each
Transaction Party shall preserve all applicable  records held by it for the time
periods set forth in Section 7.2, as  applicable,  following the  termination of
this  Agreement,  or such longer  period as may be required by  Applicable  Law.
Information  obtained  by any Party's  Representatives  in  examining  any other
Party's  applicable Books and Records to verify such  settlements,  Payments and
billings and Gas and Power delivery data shall not be disclosed to Third Parties
except as provided in Section 3.9.  The audit  rights  contained in this Section
7.4 shall survive the termination of this Agreement.

          (c) Subject to Section  3.9,  Bear  Stearns or CalBear  shall have the
right,  in its sole discretion and at its sole expense and during normal working
hours,  to examine,  at any time and from time to time,  CES' and/or CMSC's risk
management  protocols and procedures in a location reasonably  determined by CES
or CMSC, as applicable,  to the extent  necessary to verify  compliance with the
provisions  of this  Agreement,  the other  Transaction  Documents,  any related
documents and agreements and the transactions  contemplated  hereby and thereby,
and the accuracy of any Reports, daily or Monthly settlement, Payment, charge or


computation  made  pursuant  to the  provisions  of this  Agreement,  the  other
Transaction Documents,  any related documents and agreements or the transactions
contemplated hereby and thereby, the CalBear Trades or the Services.

   7.5    Availability of Parties.

          Each  Calpine   Transaction   Party  and  CalBear  shall  make  itself
reasonably   available   to  CalBear  and  the  Calpine   Transaction   Parties,
respectively,  through  telephone,  voicemail,  e-mail and/or  facsimile  during
normal business hours,  and by telephone,  mobile  telephone and/or pager during
non-business  hours.  CMSC shall make itself  available  to CalBear  through its
24-hour Power trading desk.

                                 ARTICLE VIII.

          As an  inducement  to enter into this  Agreement,  each  Party  hereby
represents  and warrants to each other Party,  as of the date hereof (other than
with respect to CMSC and CalBear) and as of the Effective Date the following:

    8.1   Organization.  Such Party is duly organized,  validly  existing and in
good  standing as a  corporation  or other entity under the laws of the state of
its organization and has full  organizational  power and authority to own, lease
and operate its Assets and to conduct its  business as it is now  conducted  and
presently proposed to be conducted.

    8.2   Authorization. Such Party has the requisite  organizational  power and
authority to, and has taken all organizational  action necessary to, execute and
deliver this  Agreement  and each other  Transaction  Document to which it is or
will be a party, to consummate the transactions  contemplated hereby and thereby
and to  perform  its  obligations  contained  herein and  therein,  and no other
organizational  proceedings on the part of such Party are necessary to authorize
this  Agreement,  each other  Transaction  Document  to which it is or will be a
party and the consummation of the transactions  contemplated hereby and thereby.
This Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by such Party and is a valid
and  binding  obligation  of such  Party,  enforceable  against  such  Party  in
accordance with its terms,  except as the enforceability  thereof may be limited
by (a) applicable bankruptcy, insolvency, moratorium,  reorganization or similar
laws in effect which affect the enforcement of creditors rights generally or (b)
general  principles of equity,  whether  considered in a proceeding at law or in
equity.  Each  Transaction  Document  (other than this  Agreement) to which such
Party is or will be a party has been or will be duly  executed and  delivered by
such Party, as applicable,  and is or will be a valid and binding  obligation of
such Party,  enforceable against such Party in accordance with its terms, except
as the  enforceability  thereof  may be  limited by (a)  applicable  bankruptcy,
insolvency,  moratorium,  reorganization  or similar laws in effect which affect
the  enforcement  of creditors  rights  generally or (b) general  principles  of
equity, whether considered in a proceeding at law or in equity.

    8.3   No Similar  Business.  Neither  such  Party nor any of its  respective
Affiliates  is  currently  engaged in any business  relationship  with any Third
Party pursuant to which such Party or its Affiliates, on the one hand, and such


Third Party, on the other hand,  engage in any business  which,  when taken as a
whole, would be in violation of Section 3.2.

    8.4   Accuracy of Information Furnished.  With respect to such Party and its
Affiliates,  the information contained in this Agreement,  any other Transaction
Document,  and  the  exhibits,  schedules,   certificates,   documents,  written
information  or lists  attached  hereto or thereto or  specifically  referred to
herein or therein  that has been  delivered by or on behalf of such Party or any
of its Affiliates  pursuant to this Agreement or any other Transaction  Document
or otherwise in connection with the transactions  contemplated hereby or thereby
does not, to the  knowledge  of such Party,  contain any untrue  statement  of a
material  fact, or omit to state any material fact that is necessary to make the
statements contained herein and therein, taken as a whole, not misleading.

                                  ARTICLE IX.

          As an inducement to enter into this Agreement, each of Calpine and the
Calpine  Transaction  Parties hereby represents and warrants to Bear Stearns and
CalBear,  as of the date hereof  (other than with respect to CMSC) and as of the
Effective  Date,  and except as otherwise  disclosed in the Calpine SEC Filings,
the following:

    9.1   Calpine and Calpine Transaction Parties.  Schedule 9.1 lists the name,
type of entity and  jurisdiction  of  organization  of  Calpine  and each of the
Calpine Transaction  Parties.  Calpine owns, directly or indirectly,  all of the
outstanding Equity Securities of each of the Calpine Transaction Parties.

    9.2   No  Conflict  or  Violation.  None  of  the  execution,  delivery  and
performance  of  this  Agreement  or  any  other  Transaction   Documents,   the
consummation of the  transactions  contemplated  hereby and thereby,  compliance
with any of the provisions  hereof or thereof,  the  consummation of any CalBear
Trades or the  provision  of the  Services,  by  Calpine  or any of the  Calpine
Transaction  Parties  will result in (a) a violation  of or a conflict  with any
provision  of the  Organizational  Documents  of Calpine  or any of the  Calpine
Transaction  Parties,  (b) a violation  of, a conflict  with,  a breach of, or a
default under (with or without  notice or passage of time),  the  termination or
acceleration of the performance required by, or the creation of any right of any
party to accelerate, modify, terminate or cancel, any material term or provision
of any material Contract to which Calpine or such Calpine Transaction Party is a
party or by which any of its Assets are bound,  (c) a violation or breach in any
material  respect of any  Applicable  Law  applicable to Calpine or such Calpine
Transaction  Party  or (d)  Calpine  or such  Calpine  Transaction  Party  being
required to obtain any material consent, waiver,  agreement,  Permit or approval
or  material  authorization  of,  or  material  declaration,  filing,  notice or
registration  to or  with,  or  material  assignment  by,  any  Third  Party  or
Governmental Authority, except, in each case, as set forth on Schedule 9.2.

    9.3   Sufficiency of Assets.  The Calpine Transaction  Parties own, license,
lease  or  otherwise  have a right  to use or  have  contracted  for all  Assets
materially  necessary and  sufficient  for the  performance  of the Services and
their other obligations under the Transaction Documents, and their Assets in the


aggregate are  materially  in such  operating  condition and repair  (subject to
normal wear and tear) as is necessary and sufficient for the performance of such
Services and obligations.

   9.4    Permits. Except as set forth on Schedule 9.2, the Calpine  Transaction
Parties  have  all  material  Permits  necessary  for (i) the  conduct  of their
businesses  as  now  being   conducted  and  as  proposed  to  be  conducted  as
contemplated in this Agreement and the other Transaction  Documents and (ii) the
performance of the Services and their other  obligations  under the  Transaction
Documents,  and own or  possess  such  Permits  free and  clear of any  material
Encumbrances.  All such  Permits  are valid and in full  force and effect in all
material respects.

    9.5   Litigation.  There is no Action  pending or, to the  knowledge  of the
Calpine  Transaction  Parties,  threatened  in writing  against,  relating to or
affecting Calpine or the Calpine Transaction Parties or any of their properties,
rights or Assets (a) that, if pending,  involves the risk of criminal  liability
or, if threatened,  could reasonably be expected to involve the risk of criminal
liability,  (i) for any  Calpine  Transaction  Party or (ii) for Calpine and its
Affiliates;  provided,  in the case of clause  (ii),  such Action is material to
Calpine  and  its  Affiliates,  taken  as a  whole,  (b)  that  relates  to  the
transactions  contemplated  by  this  Agreement  or  by  the  other  Transaction
Documents,  or (c) with respect to which there is a reasonable  likelihood  of a
determination  which  would  prevent  or  delay  Calpine  or any of the  Calpine
Transaction Parties from consummating the transactions contemplated hereby or by
the other  Transaction  Documents  in any  material  respect or  performing  any
material obligations hereunder or thereunder,  in any court or other tribunal or
before any arbitrator, mediator, authority or Governmental Authority.

    9.6   Compliance with Law.  None  of  Calpine  or  the  Calpine  Transaction
Parties  has  violated  any  Applicable  Laws,  and  each  of  Calpine  and  the
Calpine Transaction Parties is in compliance  with all Applicable  Laws,  except
to the extent that any such violations or failures to comply, individually or in
the  aggregate, have not had a Material Adverse Effect on Calpine or any Calpine
Transaction  Party.  None of  Calpine or the  Calpine  Transaction  Parties  has
received  any written  notice to the effect  that,  and the Calpine  Transaction
Parties do not have any knowledge that, (a) any  investigation  or review by any
Governmental  Authority  related  to  this  Agreement,   the  other  Transaction
Documents, the transactions contemplated hereby or thereby, Calpine, the Calpine
Transaction Parties, the Services or the CalBear Trades is pending or threatened
in writing, or (b) any currently existing  circumstances are likely to result in
a failure of any of Calpine or the Calpine  Transaction  Parties to comply with,
or a  violation  by any of Calpine or the  Calpine  Transaction  Parties of, any
Applicable  Laws, in either case which such failure to comply or violation would
be  reasonably  expected  to have a  Material  Adverse  Effect on Calpine or any
Calpine Transaction Party.

    9.7   Insurance.  The Calpine Transaction  Parties have insurance  policies,
binders or other forms of  insurance  that  provide,  and during their term have
provided,  coverage to the extent and in the manner (a) adequate for the Calpine
Transaction  Parties and their Assets,  businesses  and operations and the risks
insured  against  in  connection  therewith  and (b) as may be or may have  been
required by material  Applicable Law and by any material  Contracts to which any


Calpine  Transaction  Party is or has been a party,  except,  in either case, as
would not have a Material Adverse Effect on any Calpine Transaction Party.

    9.8   Adequate Capital.  Neither Calpine nor any of the Calpine  Transaction
Parties  is  insolvent  or  will  be  insolvent   after  giving  effect  to  the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement and the other Transaction Documents,
as the  term  insolvent  is used in  applicable  state  and  federal  fraudulent
conveyance or transfer laws.

    9.9   SEC Filings; Financial Statements.

          (a) Calpine has filed all registration statements, prospectuses, forms
and reports  required to be filed by it under the Securities Act or the Exchange
Act, as the case may be, since January 1, 2003  (collectively,  the "Calpine SEC
Filings"). Each Calpine SEC Filing, as amended or supplemented,  complied in all
material  respects with the  requirements  of the Securities Act or the Exchange
Act, as the case may be, with respect to such  Calpine SEC Filing.  Each Calpine
SEC Filing, as amended or supplemented, if applicable, did not (as so amended or
supplemented) contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a
material  fact  required to be stated  therein or necessary in order to make the
statements made therein, in the light of the circumstances under which they were
made, not misleading.

          (b) Except as may be indicated  in the notes  thereto and, in the case
of unaudited  quarterly financial  statements,  except as permitted by Form 10-Q
under  the  Exchange  Act,  each  of  the  consolidated   financial   statements
(including,  in each case,  any notes  thereto)  contained  in the  Calpine  SEC
Filings was  prepared in  accordance  with GAAP  applied on a  consistent  basis
throughout the periods indicated,  and, at the time such consolidated  financial
statements  were  filed and at the time they were  amended or  supplemented,  if
applicable,  each fairly  presented  in all material  respects the  consolidated
financial  position of Calpine and its  subsidiaries as of the respective  dates
thereof and for the respective  periods indicated therein (subject,  in the case
of unaudited statements, to normal, recurring year-end adjustments which did not
have a Material Adverse Effect on Calpine).

   9.10   Regulation.

          (a)  Neither  Calpine nor any of the  Calpine  Transaction  Parties is
subject to regulation as an "electric  utility company," a "gas utility company"
a  "public-utility  company,"  or  a  "holding  company,"  under  PUHCA  or  any
regulation  promulgated  thereunder.  Neither  Calpine  nor  any of the  Calpine
Transaction Parties is subject to material  regulatory  restrictions under PUHCA
(other than Section 9(a)(2) of PUHCA).

          (b) CES and CMSC each have validly issued final orders authorizing CES
and CMSC,  respectively,  to engage in Power sales at wholesale at  market-based
rates.  CES and  CMSC  are in  compliance  with all  FERC  reporting  and  other
requirements  generally  imposed on entities  authorized  to engage in wholesale
sales of Power at market-based rates,  including requirements to file electronic
quarterly  transaction  reports,  triennial  market-power updates and changes in
status,  except  to the  extent  that  non-compliance  could not  reasonably  be
expected to cause a Material Adverse Effect with respect to CES or CMSC.


    9.11  Due  Consideration.   Calpine  and  the  Calpine  Transaction  Parties
acknowledge  that they will  generally  obtain more  favorable  terms for Trades
through the Transaction than the terms that are currently  available to them for
similar  transactions with Third Parties and Calpine and the Calpine Transaction
Parties  desire  Bear  Stearns  to  provide  financial  support  as  part of the
Transaction  in order to enhance the credit of certain Gas and Power trades made
by  CalBear  and CES and in order to  otherwise  support  certain  Gas and Power
trading activities of the Calpine Transaction  Parties.  Calpine and the Calpine
Transaction  Parties have received due and adequate  consideration  and fair and
equivalent value for their  agreements and obligations  under this Agreement and
the other Transaction Documents as determined in good faith, in each case within
the meaning of applicable state and federal fraudulent conveyance laws.

    9.12  Operations  of CMSC.  CMSC  has not taken any  action  that would have
violated Section 4.1(m) of the Agency and Services Agreement had it been subject
to such Section  4.1(m) on the Effective  Date.  Except in  connection  with the
transactions  contemplated  by the  Transaction  Documents  or the  provision of
energy  related  services  to CES,  CMSC does not have any  Contracts  with,  or
Liabilities to, Third Parties or its Affiliates.

    9.13  Material  Contracts  of CMSC.  At least  ten (10)  days  prior to the
Effective  Date,  CMSC has  provided to Bear  Stearns and CalBear  copies of all
material  Contracts to which CMSC is a party and copies of all Contracts  listed
on Schedules 4.1(m) to the Agency and Services Agreement.

                                   ARTICLE X.

          As an  inducement to enter into this  Agreement,  each of Bear Stearns
and CalBear  hereby  represents  and warrants to Calpine and each of the Calpine
Transaction  Parties, as of the date hereof (other than with respect to CalBear)
and as of the  Effective  Date,  and except as  otherwise  disclosed in the Bear
Stearns SEC Filings, the following:

   10.1   Bear Stearns and CalBear. Schedule 10.1 lists the name, type of entity
and jurisdiction of organization of Bear Stearns and CalBear. Bear Stearns owns,
directly or indirectly, all of the outstanding Equity Securities of CalBear.

   10.2   No  Conflict  or  Violation.  None  of  the  execution,  delivery  and
performance  of  this  Agreement  or  any  other  Transaction   Documents,   the
consummation of the  transactions  contemplated  hereby and thereby,  compliance
with any of the provisions hereof or thereof, or the consummation of any CalBear
Trades,  by Bear  Stearns  or CalBear  will  result in (a) a  violation  of or a
conflict with any provision of the  Organizational  Documents of Bear Stearns or
CalBear,  (b) a violation  of, a conflict  with, a breach of, or a default under
(with or without notice or passage of time),  the termination or acceleration of
the  performance  required  by,  or the  creation  of any  right of any party to
accelerate,  modify,  terminate or cancel, any material term or provision of any
material Contract to which Bear Stearns or CalBear is a party or by which any of
its Assets are bound,  (c) a violation or breach in any material  respect of any
Applicable  Law  applicable  to  Bear  Stearns  or  CalBear  or (d)  subject  to
compliance  with Section  4.1(n) of the Agency and  Services  Agreement by CMSC,


Bear Stearns or CalBear being required to obtain any material  consent,  waiver,
agreement,  Permit  or  approval  or  material  authorization  of,  or  material
declaration,  filing,  notice or registration to or with, or material assignment
by, any Third Party or  Governmental  Authority,  except,  in each case,  as set
forth on Schedule 10.2.

   10.3   Sufficiency of Assets. CalBear owns, licenses, leases or otherwise has
a  right  to use or has  contracted  for all  Assets  materially  necessary  and
sufficient  for  the  performance  of  its  obligations  under  the  Transaction
Documents,  and its Assets in the  aggregate are  materially  in such  operating
condition  and repair  (subject  to normal  wear and tear) as is  necessary  and
sufficient for the performance of such obligations.

   10.4   Permits.  Except  as  set  forth on  Schedule  10.2,  CalBear  has all
material  Permits  necessary  for (i) the  conduct of its  business as now being
conducted and as proposed to be conducted as  contemplated in this Agreement and
the other  Transaction  Documents and (ii) the  performance  of its  obligations
under the  Transaction  Documents,  and owns or possesses  such Permits free and
clear of any material Encumbrances. All such Permits are valid and in full force
and effect in all material respects.

   10.5   Litigation.  There  is no  Action  pending  or,  to the  knowledge  of
CalBear, threatened in writing against, relating to or affecting Bear Stearns or
CalBear  or any of their  properties,  rights or Assets  (a) that,  if  pending,
involves the risk of criminal  liability or, if threatened,  could reasonably be
expected to involve the risk of criminal liability,  (i) for CalBear or (ii) for
Bear Stearns and its  Affiliates;  provided,  in the case of clause  (ii),  such
Action is material to Bear  Stearns and its  Affiliates,  taken as a whole,  (b)
that relates to the transactions  contemplated by this Agreement or by the other
Transaction  Documents,  or (c)  with  respect  to which  there is a  reasonable
likelihood  of a  determination  which  would  prevent or delay Bear  Stearns or
CalBear from consummating the transactions  contemplated  hereby or by the other
Transaction  Documents  in any  material  respect  or  performing  any  material
obligations  hereunder or  thereunder,  in any court or other tribunal or before
any arbitrator, mediator, authority or Governmental Authority.

   10.6   Compliance with Law. Neither Bear Stearns nor CalBear has violated any
Applicable  Laws, and each of Bear Stearns and CalBear is in compliance with all
Applicable  Laws,  except to the extent that any such  violations or failures to
comply, individually or in the aggregate, have not had a Material Adverse Effect
on Bear  Stearns or CalBear.  Neither  Bear Stearns nor CalBear has received any
written notice to the effect that,  and CalBear do not have any knowledge  that,
(a) any  investigation or review by any Governmental  Authority  related to this
Agreement, the other Transaction Documents, the transactions contemplated hereby
or thereby, CalBear, Bear Stearns, the Services or the CalBear Trades is pending
or threatened in writing, or (b) any currently existing circumstances are likely
to result in a failure of Bear Stearns or CalBear to comply with, or a violation
by Bear Stearns or CalBear of, any  Applicable  Laws,  in either case which such
failure to comply or violation  would be reasonably  expected to have a Material
Adverse Effect on Bear Stearns or CalBear.

   10.7   Insurance.  CalBear has insurance policies,  binders or other forms of
insurance  that provide,  and during their term have  provided,  coverage to the
extent and in the manner (a) adequate for CalBear and its Assets, businesses and
operations and the risks insured against in connection  therewith and (b) as may


be or may have been  required by  material  Applicable  Law and by any  material
Contracts to which  CalBear is or has been a party,  except,  in either case, as
would not have a Material Adverse Effect on CalBear.

   10.8   Adequate  Capital.  CalBear is not insolvent and will not be insolvent
after giving effect to the  transactions  contemplated by this Agreement and the
other Transaction  Documents,  as the term insolvent is used in applicable state
and federal fraudulent conveyance or transfer laws.

   10.9   SEC Filings; Financial Statements.

          (a) Bear Stearns has filed all registration statements,  prospectuses,
forms and  reports  required to be filed by it under the  Securities  Act or the
Exchange Act, as the case may be, since January 1, 2003 (collectively, the "Bear
Stearns SEC Filings"). Each Bear Stearns SEC Filing, as amended or supplemented,
complied in all material respects with the requirements of the Securities Act or
the  Exchange  Act,  as the case may be, with  respect to such Bear  Stearns SEC
Filing. Each Bear Stearns SEC Filing, as amended or supplemented, if applicable,
did not (as so amended  or  supplemented)  contain  any  untrue  statement  of a
material fact or omit to state a material fact required to be stated  therein or
necessary  in order to make the  statements  made  therein,  in the light of the
circumstances under which they were made, not misleading.

          (b) Except as may be indicated  in the notes  thereto and, in the case
of unaudited  quarterly financial  statements,  except as permitted by Form 10-Q
under  the  Exchange  Act,  each  of  the  consolidated   financial   statements
(including,  in each case, any notes thereto)  contained in the Bear Stearns SEC
Filings was  prepared in  accordance  with GAAP  applied on a  consistent  basis
throughout the periods indicated,  and, at the time such consolidated  financial
statements  were  filed and at the time they were  amended or  supplemented,  if
applicable,  each fairly  presented  in all material  respects the  consolidated
financial  position of Bear Stearns and its  subsidiaries  as of the  respective
dates thereof and for the respective periods indicated therein (subject,  in the
case of unaudited  statements,  to normal,  recurring year-end adjustments which
did not have a Material Adverse Effect on Bear Stearns).

   10.10  Regulation.

          (a) Neither  Bear Stearns nor CalBear is subject to  regulation  as an
"electric utility company," a "gas utility company" a "public-utility  company,"
or a "holding  company," under PUHCA or any regulation  promulgated  thereunder.
Neither Bear Stearns nor CalBear is subject to material regulatory  restrictions
under PUHCA (other than Section 9(a)(2) of PUHCA).

          (b) CalBear has validly  issued  final orders  authorizing  CalBear to
engage  in  Power  sales at  wholesale  at  market-based  rates.  CalBear  is in
compliance with all FERC reporting and other  requirements  generally imposed on
entities authorized to engage in wholesale sales of Power at market-based rates,
including   requirements  to  file  electronic  quarterly  transaction  reports,
triennial  market-power updates and changes in status, except to the extent that
non-compliance  could not  reasonably  be expected  to cause a Material  Adverse
Effect with respect to CalBear.


   10.11  Operations  of CalBear.  CalBear  has  not taken any action that would
have violated  Section  4.4(f) of the Agency and Services  Agreement had it been
subject to such Section 4.4(f) on the Effective Date.  Except in connection with
the  transactions  contemplated by the Transaction  Documents,  CalBear does not
have any Contracts with, or Liabilities to, Third Parties or its Affiliates.

                                  ARTICLE XI.

          From the date hereof through the Effective Date:

   11.1   Notification of Certain Matters.  Calpine and the Calpine  Transaction
Parties, on the one hand, and Bear Stearns and CalBear, on the other hand, shall
promptly  following  knowledge  thereof  give  notice  to each  other of (a) the
occurrence, or failure to occur, of any event, which occurrence or failure could
reasonably be expected to cause any  representation or warranty of such Party or
any of its Affiliates  contained in this Agreement or in any exhibit,  schedule,
certificate,  document  or written  instrument  attached  hereto to be untrue or
inaccurate in any material respect, (b) any Material Adverse Change with respect
to such Party or its Assets or the businesses of such Party,  or any development
that  occurs  before the  Effective  Date  (including  the  commencement  of any
proceeding  relating  to the  Bankruptcy  of any such Party) that has a Material
Adverse  Effect with  respect to such Party or its Assets or  business,  (c) any
Bankruptcy of such Party or any of its Significant Subsidiaries, (d) the failure
by such Party to perform any  covenant or  agreement  of such Party set forth in
this Agreement or any other Transaction  Document,  which failure  constitutes a
material breach of this Agreement or such other Transaction  Document;  provided
that any breach of this  clause (d) shall be deemed to be cured upon the cure of
the  underlying  failure to perform,  (e) any material  notice or other  written
communication from any Person alleging that the consent of such Person is or may
be required in connection  with the  execution,  delivery or performance of this
Agreement, any Transaction Document or the transactions  contemplated herein and
therein,  and (f) any material  notice or other written  communication  from any
Governmental  Authority  in  connection  with this  Agreement,  any  Transaction
Document or the transactions contemplated herein and therein;  provided, in each
case, that such disclosure  shall not be deemed to cure, or to relieve any Party
of any  Liability  or  obligation  with  respect to, any breach of or failure to
satisfy any  representation,  warranty,  covenant or agreement or to satisfy any
condition hereunder.

   11.2   Consents and Commercially  Reasonable Efforts. Each of the Transaction
Parties covenants and agrees, upon the terms and conditions contained herein, to
(a) cooperate with the other Transaction Parties hereto and to pursue diligently
and in good faith and use all commercially  reasonable efforts to take, or cause
to be taken, all actions  necessary,  proper or advisable to consummate and make
effective  the  transactions  contemplated  hereby and by the other  Transaction
Documents and (b) execute any documents,  instruments or conveyances of any kind
that  may  be  reasonably  necessary  or  advisable  to  carry  out  any  of the
transactions contemplated hereby and by the other Transaction Documents. Without
limiting the generality of the foregoing,  each Transaction  Party shall use all
commercially  reasonable best efforts to obtain at the earliest practicable date
all consents,  approvals, Permits,  authorizations,  exemptions and waivers from
Governmental  Authorities  and other Persons  (including  all FERC approvals and


authorizations under Section 6.1(c), Section 6.2(c) and Section 6.3) required to
be obtained by it and necessary or advisable to authorize, approve or permit the
performance by such  Transaction  Party of its  obligations  hereunder and under
each other agreement and instrument  referred to herein or contemplated  hereby,
including all such consents, approvals,  authorizations,  exemptions and waivers
listed on Schedules 9.2 and 10.2.

   11.3   Other  Transaction  Documents.  On or prior to the Effective Date, the
Calpine  Transaction  Parties and  CalBear,  respectively,  shall enter into the
Transaction  Documents  (other than this  Agreement),  as applicable,  and shall
provide each other with original copies thereof.

                                  ARTICLE XII.

          The obligation of Calpine and each of the Calpine  Transaction Parties
to perform its  obligations  under this  Agreement that are to be performed from
and after the Effective  Date and to consummate  any  transactions  contemplated
under  this  Agreement  to be  consummated  on or after the  Effective  Date are
subject to the  satisfaction,  on or prior to the Effective Date, of each of the
following  conditions,  any of which may be waived by  Calpine  and the  Calpine
Transaction Parties:

   12.1   Representations,  Warranties and  Covenants.  All  representations and
warranties of Bear Stearns and CalBear contained in this Agreement and qualified
by the words "material,"  "Material  Adverse Effect,"  "Material Adverse Change"
and  similar  phrases  shall  be  true  and  correct  in all  respects,  and all
representations  and  warranties  of Bear Stearns and CalBear  contained in this
Agreement  that are not so  qualified  shall be true and correct in all material
respects, in each case, at and as of the date of this Agreement and at and as of
the Effective Date, except for those  representations  and warranties that speak
as of a particular  date,  which shall be true and correct as of such date,  and
Bear  Stearns and CalBear  shall have  performed  and  satisfied in all material
respects all agreements  and covenants  required to be performed by it hereunder
prior to or on the Effective Date.

   12.2   No Proceedings or Litigation.  No Action by any Governmental Authority
or any other Person shall have been  instituted or threatened in writing for the
purpose of enjoining or preventing,  or which questions the validity or legality
of, the transactions  contemplated hereby and by the other Transaction Documents
and which  could  reasonably  be  expected  to  damage  Calpine  or any  Calpine
Transaction Party materially if Calpine and each Calpine  Transaction Party were
to perform its obligations that are to be performed hereunder from and after the
Effective Date or were to consummate any transactions that are to be consummated
hereunder  or under  any of the  other  Transaction  Documents  on or after  the
Effective Date.  Since the date of this Agreement,  no Applicable Law shall have
been  enacted  that  makes  performance  of this  Agreement  or any of the other
Transaction  Documents  by Calpine  or any of the  Calpine  Transaction  Parties
illegal or otherwise  prohibited or that otherwise has a Material Adverse Effect
on Calpine or any of the Calpine Transaction Parties.


   12.3   Bankruptcy.  Since the date  of this  Agreement,  there shall not have
been  any  Bankruptcy  Event  with  respect  to  Bear  Stearns,  CalBear  or any
Significant Subsidiary of Bear Stearns.

   12.4   Effective Date Deliveries. Calpine and the Calpine Transaction Parties
shall have received from Bear Stearns and CalBear,  at or prior to the Effective
Date, the following:

          (a) a copy of each  of the  Transaction  Documents  (other  than  this
Agreement), duly executed by CalBear;

          (b) a  certificate  executed by an officer of Bear Stearns  certifying
that, as of the Effective  Date,  the  conditions  set forth in Section 12.1 and
Section 12.3 have been satisfied; and

          (c) a certificate  of an officer of CalBear,  certifying the existence
of CalBear and the authority of CalBear to enter into the Transaction  Documents
to which CalBear is a party, in form reasonably satisfactory to Calpine.

   12.5   Transaction  Documents.  Each of the Transaction Documents (other than
this  Agreement)  shall have been  executed and  delivered by each party thereto
other than the Calpine Transaction  Parties.  All of the conditions precedent to
the obligations of the parties to each of the Transaction  Documents (other than
this Agreement)  shall have been satisfied or waived by the party or parties for
whose benefit they were established.

   12.6   Pre-Formation Transactions.  The Pre-Formation Transactions shall have
          been completed.

   12.7   Corporate  Proceedings.  All corporate proceedings of Bear Stearns and
CalBear that are required in connection with the Pre-Formation Transactions, the
Formation Transactions or the transactions contemplated by this Agreement and by
the other  Transaction  Documents  shall be reasonably  satisfactory in form and
substance to Calpine and its counsel.

   12.8   Regulatory Approvals. FERC shall have issued a final order pursuant to
Section 203 of the FPA,  not  undergoing  rehearing or appeal,  authorizing  the
internal  reorganization  of the upstream  ownership  of CalBear's  predecessor,
Arroyo Energy LP, and providing the authorizations required for the provision of
the Services by CMSC to CalBear and the provision of energy related  services by

   12.9   Opinion of Counsel to Bear  Stearns.  Calpine  shall have received (a)
opinions,  dated as of the  Effective  Date,  in form and  substance  reasonably
satisfactory  to  Calpine,  of Latham & Watkins  LLP,  internal  counsel to Bear
Stearns and/or other counsel to Bear Stearns  reasonably  acceptable to Calpine,
with  respect to the matters  set forth on  Schedule  12.9 and (b) copies of any
officer's  certificates or other certificates,  in form and substance reasonably
satisfactory to Calpine, referred to in such opinions.


                                 ARTICLE XIII.

          The  obligation  of each of Bear  Stearns  and  CalBear to perform its
obligations  under this  Agreement  that are to be performed  from and after the
Effective  Date and to  consummate  any  transactions  contemplated  under  this
Agreement to be  consummated  on or after the Effective  Date are subject to the
satisfaction,  on or  prior  to the  Effective  Date,  of each of the  following
conditions, any of which may be waived by Bear Stearns and CalBear:

   13.1   Representations,  Warranties  and Covenants.  All  representations and
warranties of Calpine and of each Calpine  Transaction  Party  contained in this
Agreement  and qualified by the words  "material,"  "Material  Adverse  Effect,"
"Material  Adverse  Change" and similar phrases shall be true and correct in all
respects,  and all representations and warranties of Calpine and of each Calpine
Transaction Party contained in this Agreement that are not so qualified shall be
true and correct in all material  respects,  in each case, at and as of the date
of  this  Agreement  and at  and as of the  Effective  Date,  except  for  those
representations  and warranties that speak as of a particular  date, which shall
be true and correct as of such date,  and Calpine and each  Calpine  Transaction
Party shall have performed and satisfied in all material respects all agreements
and  covenants  required  to be  performed  by it  hereunder  prior to or on the
Effective Date.

   13.2   No Proceedings or Litigation.  No Action by any Governmental Authority
or any other Person shall have been  instituted or threatened in writing for the
purpose of enjoining or preventing,  or which questions the validity or legality
of, the transactions  contemplated hereby and by the other Transaction Documents
and which  could  reasonably  be  expected  to damage  Bear  Stearns  or CalBear
materially  if each of Bear Stearns and CalBear were to perform its  obligations
that are to be performed  hereunder from and after the Effective Date or were to
consummate any transactions that are to be consummated hereunder or under any of
the other  Transaction  Documents on or after the Effective Date. Since the date
of this  Agreement,  no  Applicable  Law shall  have  been  enacted  that  makes
performance of this Agreement or any of the other Transaction  Documents by Bear
Stearns or CalBear  illegal or  otherwise  prohibited  or that  otherwise  has a
Material Adverse Effect on Bear Stearns or CalBear.

   13.3   Bankruptcy.  Since  the date of this  Agreement,  there shall not have
been  any  Bankruptcy  Event  with  respect  to  Calpine,  any  of  the  Calpine
Transaction Parties or any Significant Subsidiary of Calpine.

   13.4   Effective  Date  Deliveries.  Bear  Stearns  and  CalBear  shall  have
received from Calpine and the Calpine  Transaction  Parties,  at or prior to the
Effective Date, the following:

          (a) a copy of each  of the  Transaction  Documents  (other  than  this
Agreement),  duly  executed by each  Calpine  Transaction  Party that is a party

          (b) a certificate  executed by an officer of Calpine  certifying that,
as of the Effective  Date,  the conditions set forth in Section 13.1 and Section
13.3 have been satisfied; and

          (c) a  certificate  of an officer of each Calpine  Transaction  Party,
certifying the existence of such Calpine  Transaction Party, as applicable,  and
the authority of such Calpine  Transaction  Party, as applicable,  to enter into


the Transaction Documents to which such Calpine Transaction Party is a party, in
form reasonably satisfactory to Bear Stearns.

   13.5   Transaction  Documents.  Each of the Transaction Documents (other than
this  Agreement)  shall have been  executed and  delivered by each party thereto
other than CalBear.  All of the conditions  precedent to the  obligations of the
parties to each of the Transaction  Documents  (other than this Agreement) shall
have been  satisfied  or waived by the party or parties for whose  benefit  they
were established.

  13.6    Pre-Formation Transactions.  The Pre-Formation Transactions shall have
been completed.

   13.7   Corporate  Proceedings.  All corporate  proceedings of Calpine and the
Calpine   Transaction   Parties  that  are  required  in  connection   with  the
Pre-Formation  Transactions,  the  Formation  Transactions  or the  transactions
contemplated by this Agreement and by the other  Transaction  Documents shall be
reasonably satisfactory in form and substance to Bear Stearns and its counsel.

   13.8   Regulatory Approvals. FERC shall have issued a final order pursuant to
Section 203 of the FPA,  not  undergoing  rehearing or appeal,  authorizing  the
internal  reorganization of the upstream  ownership of CMSC's  predecessor,  CES
Marketing VII, LLC, and providing the authorizations  required for the provision
of the Services by CMSC to CalBear and the provision of energy related  services
by CMSC to CES.

   13.9   Opinion of Counsel to Calpine.  Bear Stearns  shall have  received (a)
opinions,  dated as of the  Effective  Date,  in form and  substance  reasonably
satisfactory to Bear Stearns,  of Bracewell & Giuliani LLP,  internal counsel to
Calpine and/or other counsel to Calpine  reasonably  acceptable to Bear Stearns,
with  respect to the matters  set forth on  Schedule  13.9 and (b) copies of any
officer's  certificates or other certificates,  in form and substance reasonably
satisfactory to Bear Stearns, referred to in such opinions.

                                  ARTICLE XIV.

          Each of the Parties, with respect to itself only, covenants and agrees
with each of the other Parties that from and after the Effective Date:

   14.1   Survival of  Representations,  etc. The representations and warranties
of each Party contained  herein shall survive for one (1) year after the date on
which  such  representations  and  warranties  are made,  unless  another  Party
notifies  such  Party  prior to such date of any  specific  claim or claims  for
alleged  breach  of any such  representation  or  warranty,  in which  case such
representation  or warranty  shall  survive with respect to such claim until the
later of (a) final  resolution  by  settlement,  Action or otherwise of any such
claim or (b) the end of such one (1) year period.  No investigation  made by any
Party  (whether prior to, on or after the date of this  Agreement)  shall in any
way limit the representations  and warranties of the Parties.  The covenants and
agreements of the Parties contained herein shall survive the termination of this


Agreement only to the extent expressly set forth herein,  including as set forth
in Section 16.6(c)(ii).

  14.2    No Conflict or Violation.

          (a) Each of CMSC and  CalBear  shall  operate  their  businesses  in a
manner  that  will not  result  in (i) a  violation  of or a  conflict  with any
provision of the  Organizational  Documents of such Transaction  Party or (ii) a
violation of or a breach or default under,  the  termination or  acceleration of
the  performance  required  by,  or the  creation  of any  right of any party to
accelerate,  modify,  terminate or cancel, any material term or provision of any
material  Contract related to the Transaction to which such Transaction Party is
a party or by which any of its material  Assets are bound,  or (iii) a violation
or breach in any  material  respect of any  Applicable  Law  applicable  to such
Transaction Party and, in the case of CMSC, applicable to CalBear.

          (b) CES shall  operate  its  businesses  with  respect to the  Trading
Master  Agreement  and this  Agreement in a manner that will not result in (i) a
violation of or a conflict with any provision of the Organizational Documents of
CES or (ii) a violation  of or a breach or default  under,  the  termination  or
acceleration of the performance required by, or the creation of any right of any
party to accelerate, modify, terminate or cancel, any material term or provision
of any  material  Contract  relating  to any  Credit  Enhancement  Trade  or the
Transaction  to which CES is a party or by which any of its material  Assets are
bound, or (iii) a violation or breach in any material  respect of any Applicable
Law applicable to CES.

   14.3   Sufficiency  of Assets.  Each of the Calpine  Transaction  Parties and
CalBear shall continue to own,  license,  lease or otherwise have a right to use
or have  contracted for all Assets  materially  necessary and sufficient for the
performance  of its  obligations  under  the  Transaction  Documents,  and  will
maintain its Assets in the aggregate  materially in such operating condition and
repair  (subject to normal wear and tear) as is necessary and sufficient for the
performance of such obligations.

   14.4   Permits.  Subject  to  Section  4.1(n)  of  the  Agency  and  Services
Agreement,  each of Calpine, the Calpine Transaction  Parties,  Bear Stearns and
CalBear  shall  maintain and keep in full force and effect all material  Permits
needed for the performance of its obligations  under the Transaction  Documents,
and each such Party shall continue to own or possess such Permits free and clear
of any material Encumbrances.

   14.5   Insurance.  Each of the Calpine  Transaction Parties and CalBear shall
maintain and keep in full force and effect insurance policies,  binders or other
forms of insurance  that provide  coverage in  connection  with its  obligations
under the  Transaction  Documents and the  Transaction  to the extent and in the
manner  adequate  for  such  Person  and its  material  Assets,  businesses  and
operations  and the risks  insured  against in connection  therewith,  except as
would not have a Material Adverse Effect.


   14.6   Adequate Capital.  Each of Calpine,  the Calpine Transaction  Parties,
Bear Stearns and CalBear shall operate and maintain its businesses  such that at
all  times it is not  insolvent,  as such term is used in  applicable  state and
federal fraudulent conveyance or transfer laws.

   14.7   Further  Assurances.  The Transaction  Parties shall use  commercially
reasonable efforts to take all actions and to do all things necessary, proper or
advisable to consummate and make effective the transactions contemplated by this
Agreement and by the other Transaction Documents.  Following the Effective Date,
each Transaction  Party agrees to execute such documents or instruments and take
such actions as may be reasonably  requested by the other  Transaction  Parties,
and  otherwise  cooperate  in a  reasonable  manner  with the other  Transaction
Parties and their respective Affiliates and their respective  Representatives in
connection  with any action that may be necessary,  proper or advisable to carry
out the provisions hereof or transactions  contemplated  hereby and by the other
Transaction Documents.

   14.8   Litigation  Support.  In  the  event  and for so long as any  Party is
actively  contesting or defending against any Action or Claim in connection with
(a) any transaction  contemplated  under this Agreement or the other Transaction
Documents or (b) any fact, situation, circumstance, status, condition, activity,
practice,  plan,  occurrence,   event,  incident,  action,  failure  to  act  or
transaction  involving the CalBear  Business,  the Trades or the Services,  each
other Party that is not an Affiliate of such Party, will use reasonable  efforts
to  cooperate  with such Party and its counsel in the  contest or defense,  make
available  its  Representatives,  and provide such  testimony  and access to its
Books and  Records  as shall be  reasonably  necessary  in  connection  with the
contest  or  defense,  all at the sole cost and  expense  of the  contesting  or
defending  Party  (unless  the  contesting  or  defending  Party is  entitled to
indemnification  hereunder).  The covenant  contained in this Section 14.8 shall
not apply if Calpine or any Calpine  Transaction  Party has an adverse Action or
Claim  against  Bear  Stearns or CalBear and shall not apply if Bear  Stearns or
CalBear  has  an  adverse  Action  or  Claim  against  Calpine  or  any  Calpine
Transaction Party, but shall apply equally with respect to any other Transaction
Documents  and shall not be in lieu of or  otherwise  limit the  indemnification
obligations of the Parties pursuant to Article XV hereof.

  14.9    Organizational Documents of CMSC and CalBear.

          (a) Calpine shall not, and shall cause its  Affiliates  not to, modify
the  Organizational  Documents of CMSC,  or any provision  thereof,  without the
prior consent of Bear Stearns, not to be unreasonably withheld.

          (b) Bear  Stearns  shall not, and shall cause its  Affiliates  not to,
modify the  Organizational  Documents  of  CalBear,  or any  provision  thereof,
without the prior consent of Calpine, not to be unreasonably withheld.

                                   ARTICLE XV.

  15.1    General Indemnification.

          (a) By CMSC and CES.


               (i) Subject to Section 14.1 and the limitations set forth in this
Article XV and  Article  XVII,  the  Calpine  Transaction  Parties,  jointly and
severally,  shall indemnify,  save and hold harmless Bear Stearns, CalBear, each
of  their  Affiliates,  and  each  of  their  respective  directors,   officers,
employees, successors, transferees and assignees (each, a "Bear Stearns Party"),
from and against any and all costs, losses, charges,  liabilities,  obligations,
damages,  Actions  (including  response  Actions,  removal  Actions and remedial
Actions),  judgments,  deficiencies,  demands,  fees,  settlements and expenses,
including  interest,  fines,  penalties,  costs of mitigation  and cover (to the
extent, but only to the extent, such costs are provided for in the definition of
Third Party  Losses),  attorneys'  fees and  expenses,  all amounts  paid in the
investigation,  defense  or  settlement  of any of the  foregoing  and  costs of
enforcing the applicable indemnity  (collectively,  "Damages") arising out of or
resulting from:

                    (A) any untruth,  inaccuracy or  incorrectness  of, or other
          breach of, any  representation  or  warranty of Calpine or any Calpine
          Transaction Party in or pursuant to this Agreement or any of the other
          Transaction Documents;

                    (B) any  nonfulfillment,  nonperformance,  nonobservance  or
          other  breach or  violation  of, or default  under,  any  covenant  or
          agreement  made by  Calpine  or any  Calpine  Transaction  Party in or
          pursuant to this Agreement or any of the other Transaction Documents;

                    (C)  any  Misconduct  of  Calpine  or  any  of  the  Calpine
          Transaction  Parties or any of their  Affiliates  or their  respective

                    (D) any Liability of Calpine,  any Calpine Transaction Party
          or any of their  Affiliates  for any finder's  fee,  brokerage  fee or
          commission  or similar  Payment in  connection  with the  transactions
          contemplated hereby and by the other Transaction Documents; or

                    (E) any violation of Applicable Law by Calpine or any of the
          Calpine  Transaction  Parties  or any of  their  Affiliates  or  their
          respective  Representatives,  in each  case  to the  extent  that  the
          Damages to a Bear  Stearns  Party  arose out of or  resulted  from the
          transactions  contemplated  by the  Transaction  Documents or the fact
          that Bear Stearns or CalBear are parties to the Transaction Documents;
          provided  that this  clause (E) shall not apply to any  violations  of
          Applicable Law indemnified  under clauses (A), (B) or (C) above or any
          violations of Applicable Law not indemnified  pursuant to such clauses
          (A),  (B) or (C)  as a  result  of  materiality,  knowledge,  Material
          Adverse Effect and similar qualifiers in the applicable  provisions of
          this Agreement and the other Transaction Documents;

(each claim for  indemnity  by a Bear  Stearns  Party  pursuant to this  Section
15.1(a), a "Bear Stearns Claim").

               (ii) The  indemnity  provided for in this Section  15.1(a) is not
limited to Third Party Claims against any Bear Stearns Party,  but includes Bear
Stearns Claims incurred or sustained by any Bear Stearns Party in the absence of


Third Party  Claims.  With  respect to any Third Party  Claims  against any Bear
Stearns Party covered by the indemnity  provided in this Section  15.1(a),  such
indemnification shall include coverage of any consequential,  indirect, special,
punitive, exemplary or incidental damages included in such Third Party Claims.

               (iii) The  indemnity  provided for in this Section  15.1(a) shall
not  apply  to  Claims  or  Damages   arising  out  of  or  resulting  from  any
nonfulfillment, nonperformance, nonobservance or other breach or violation of or
default under, or any Misconduct related to, Soft Covenants,  for which the sole
and exclusive rights and remedies are described in Clause (a) of Section 17.3 of
this Agreement.

               (iv) The  indemnity  set forth in clauses  (A) and (B) of Section
15.1(a)(i) is subject to the following additional limitations:

                    (A) such  indemnity  shall not  apply to  Claims or  Damages
          constituting  Ordinary  Losses,  except to the  extent  such  Ordinary
          Losses are not consequential,  indirect, special, punitive,  exemplary
          or  incidental  Claims or Damages  and arise out of or result from (I)
          any nonfulfillment,  nonperformance,  nonobservance or other breach or
          violation  of or default  under Hard  Covenants,  (II)  Misconduct  of
          Calpine  or  any  Calpine  Transaction  Party  or  any  other  matters
          indemnified   in   clauses   (C)   through   (E)   above,   (III)  any
          nonfulfillment,  nonperformance,  nonobservance  or  other  breach  or
          violation  of or  default  under  any  provisions  of any  Transaction
          Document  arising out of or  resulting  from the gross  negligence  of
          Calpine or any Calpine Transaction Party (except to the extent covered
          in the definition of  "Misconduct" or limited by paragraph (v) below),
          to the extent  that such  Ordinary  Losses  covered  under this clause
          (III)  incurred in the same Fiscal Year in the  aggregate  exceed $[*]
          million  (provided  that the  occurrence of losses or gains on CalBear
          Trades  does not by itself  represent  the  presence  or  absence  of,
          respectively,  gross  negligence)  or (IV) the failure of Calpine or a
          Calpine  Transaction  Party to make any  Payment  to Bear  Stearns  or
          CalBear  specifically  provided  for  pursuant  to  the  terms  of the
          Transaction Documents; and

                    (B) such  indemnity  shall not  apply to  Claims or  Damages
          constituting  Third  Party  Losses,  unless and until  such  Claims or
          Damages covered under such indemnity  incurred in the same Fiscal Year
          in the aggregate exceed $[*] million (the "Threshold"),  in which case
          such indemnity shall apply to all such Claims or Damages covered under
          such indemnity  during such Fiscal Year whether or not the same exceed
          the  Threshold,  provided that this Section  15.1(a)(iv)(B)  shall not
          apply to Claims or Damages  arising out of or  resulting  from (I) any
          nonfulfillment,  nonperformance,  nonobservance  or  other  breach  or
          violation  of or default  under Hard  Covenants,  (II)  Misconduct  of
          Calpine  or  any  Calpine  Transaction  Party  or  any  other  matters
          indemnified  in clauses (C)  through  (E) above,  (III) the failure of
          Calpine  or a Calpine  Transaction  Party to make any  Payment to Bear


          Stearns or CalBear specifically  provided for pursuant to the terms of
          the Transaction Documents,  or (IV) indemnification  obligations under
          Section 4.4(e)(iv) of the Agency and Services Agreement.

               (v) No Bear Stearns Party shall have the right to indemnification
for any Ordinary Losses resulting from or arising out of the gross negligence of
Calpine or any  Calpine  Transaction  Party to the extent  that Bear  Stearns or
CalBear  actually  knew of such gross  negligence  and did not  promptly,  after
obtaining such knowledge,  inform Calpine or a Calpine  Transaction Party of (A)
its intent to preserve any claim for indemnification  under this Section 15.1(a)
with respect to such gross  negligence  and (B) the facts,  events or conditions
constituting such gross negligence, to the extent then known.

          (b) By CalBear.

               (i) Subject to Section 14.1 and the limitations set forth in this
Article XV and Article  XVII,  CalBear shall  indemnify,  save and hold harmless
Calpine,  each Calpine Transaction Party, each of their Affiliates,  and each of
their respective directors,  officers,  employees,  successors,  transferees and
assignees  (each,  a "Calpine  Party"),  from and  against  any and all  Damages
arising out of or resulting from:

                    (A) any untruth,  inaccuracy or  incorrectness  of, or other
          breach of, any  representation  or warranty of Bear Stearns or CalBear
          in or  pursuant  to this  Agreement  or any of the  other  Transaction

                    (B) any  nonfulfillment,  nonperformance,  nonobservance  or
          other  breach or  violation  of, or default  under,  any  covenant  or
          agreement  made by Bear  Stearns  or CalBear  in or  pursuant  to this
          Agreement or any of the other Transaction Documents;

                    (C) any  Misconduct  of Bear  Stearns  or  CalBear or any of
          their Affiliates or their respective Representatives;

                    (D) any Liability of Bear  Stearns,  CalBear or any of their
          Affiliates  for any  finder's  fee,  brokerage  fee or  commission  or
          similar  Payment  in  connection  with the  transactions  contemplated
          hereby and by the other Transaction Documents; or

                    (E) any violation of Applicable Law by CalBear or any of its
          Affiliates or their  respective  Representatives,  in each case to the
          extent  that the  Damages to a Calpine  Party arose out of or resulted
          from the transactions contemplated by the Transaction Documents or the
          fact that Calpine and the Calpine  Transaction  Parties are parties to
          the  Transaction  Documents;  provided  that this clause (E) shall not
          apply to any  violations of Applicable Law  indemnified  under clauses
          (A),  (B) or (C)  above  or  any  violations  of  Applicable  Law  not
          indemnified  pursuant to such  clauses  (A), (B) or (C) as a result of
          materiality, knowledge, Material Adverse Effect and similar qualifiers
          in  the  applicable   provisions  of  this  Agreement  and  the  other
          Transaction Documents;


(each claim for indemnity by a Calpine Party pursuant to this Section 15.1(b), a
"Calpine  Claim");  provided  that in no event  shall  CalBear be  obligated  to
indemnify  any Calpine Party for Damages to the extent such Damages arose out of
or  resulted  from  CMSC's  performance  of or  failure  to  perform  any of its
obligations  as agent or  attorney-in-fact  for  CalBear  under the  Agency  and
Services Agreement.

               (ii) The  indemnity  provided for in this Section  15.1(b) is not
limited to Third Party Claims  against any Calpine Party,  but includes  Calpine
Claims  incurred or sustained by any Calpine Party in the absence of Third Party
Claims. With respect to any Third Party Claims against any Calpine Party covered
by the indemnity provided in this Section 15.1(b),  such  indemnification  shall
include coverage of any consequential, indirect, special, punitive, exemplary or
incidental damages included in such Third Party Claims.

               (iii) The  indemnity  provided for in this Section  15.1(b) shall
not  apply  to  Claims  or  Damages   arising  out  of  or  resulting  from  any
nonfulfillment, nonperformance, nonobservance or other breach or violation of or
default under, or any Misconduct related to, Soft Covenants,  for which the sole
and exclusive rights and remedies are described in Clause (a) of Section 17.3 of
this Agreement.

               (iv) The  indemnity  set forth in clauses  (A) and (B) of Section
15.1(b)(i) is subject to the following additional limitations:

                    (A) such  indemnity  shall not  apply to  Claims or  Damages
          constituting  Ordinary  Losses,  except to the  extent  such  Ordinary
          Losses are not consequential,  indirect, special, punitive,  exemplary
          or  incidental  Claims or Damages  and arise out of or result from (I)
          any nonfulfillment,  nonperformance,  nonobservance or other breach or
          violation of or default under Hard Covenants,  (II) Misconduct of Bear
          Stearns or CalBear or any other  matters  indemnified  in clauses  (C)
          through   (E)  above,   (III)  any   nonfulfillment,   nonperformance,
          nonobservance  or other breach or  violation  of or default  under any
          provisions  of any  Transaction  Document  arising out of or resulting
          from the gross  negligence  of Bear Stearns or CalBear  (except to the
          extent  covered  in the  definition  of  "Misconduct"  or  limited  by
          paragraph (v) below),  to the extent that such Ordinary Losses covered
          under  this  clause  (III)  incurred  in the same  Fiscal  Year in the
          aggregate  exceed $[*]  million or (IV) the failure of Bear Stearns or
          CalBear  to  make  any   Payment  to  a  Calpine   Transaction   Party
          specifically  provided  for  pursuant to the terms of the  Transaction
          Documents; and

                    (B) such  indemnity  shall not  apply to  Claims or  Damages
          constituting  Third  Party  Losses,  unless and until  such  Claims or
          Damages covered under such indemnity  incurred in the same Fiscal Year
          in the aggregate  exceed the  Threshold,  in which case such indemnity
          shall apply to all such Claims or Damages covered under such indemnity
          during such Fiscal Year whether or not the same exceed the  Threshold,
          provided that this Section 15.1(b)(iv)(B) shall not apply to Claims or
          Damages  arising  out of or  resulting  from  (I) any  nonfulfillment,
          nonperformance,  nonobservance  or other  breach  or  violation  of or


          default  under Hard  Covenants,  (II)  Misconduct  of Bear  Stearns or
          CalBear or any other  matters  indemnified  in clauses (C) through (E)
          above or (III) the  failure  of Bear  Stearns  or  CalBear to make any
          Payment  to  Calpine  or  any  of  the  Calpine   Transaction  Parties
          specifically  provided  for  pursuant to the terms of the  Transaction

               (v) No Calpine Party shall have the right to indemnification  for
any Ordinary  Losses  resulting  from or arising out of the gross  negligence of
Bear  Stearns or CalBear to the extent that  Calpine or any Calpine  Transaction
Party  actually  knew of such  gross  negligence  and  did not  promptly,  after
obtaining  such  knowledge,  inform Bear Stearns or CalBear of (A) its intent to
preserve any claim for  indemnification  under this Section 15.1(b) with respect
to such gross  negligence and (B) the facts,  events or conditions  constituting
such gross negligence, to the extent then known.

          (c) Defense of Claims.

               (i)  If  a  Claim  is  to  be  made  by  a  Person   entitled  to
indemnification  hereunder  (without  regard  to  any  thresholds),  the  Person
claiming such  indemnification  shall give written notice (a "Claim  Notice") to
the indemnifying  Person (A) as soon as practicable after the Person entitled to
indemnification  becomes  aware of any fact,  condition  or event which may give
rise to Damages for which  indemnification may be sought under this Section 15.1
and (B) in the case of the  assertion  of a Claim  (whether  pursuant to a legal
Action or  otherwise) or the  commencement  of any Action by a Third Party other
than directors, officers, employees, successors, transferees or assignees of, or
other  Representatives  of,  Calpine,  any  Calpine  Transaction  Party or their
Affiliates  or Bear Stearns,  CalBear or their  Affiliates  (together,  a "Third
Party Claim"), promptly upon receipt of written notice of the Third Party Claim.
The failure of any indemnified  Person to give timely notice hereunder shall not
affect rights to indemnification  hereunder,  except and only to the extent that
the indemnifying Person demonstrates actual prejudice caused by such failure.

               (ii) In the  case of a Third  Party  Claim,  if the  indemnifying
Person  shall  acknowledge  in  writing  to  the  indemnified  Person  that  the
indemnifying Person shall be obligated to indemnify the indemnified Person under
the terms of its indemnity  hereunder in connection with such Third Party Claim,
then the  indemnifying  Person shall be entitled and, if it so elects,  shall be
obligated at its own cost,  risk and expense,  to participate in or take control
of the defense and  investigation  of such Third Party Claim,  and to pursue the
defense  thereof in good faith by appropriate  actions or  proceedings  promptly
taken or  instituted  and  diligently  pursued,  including  to employ and engage
attorneys of its own choice reasonably  acceptable to the indemnified  Person to
handle and defend the same,  compromise or settle such Third Party Claim subject
to Sections 15.1(c)(iii) and 15.1(c)(iv);  provided that the indemnifying Person
shall not be entitled to take control of the defense or investigation of a Third
Party Claim, if (x) the indemnifying  Person is also a party to such Third Party
Claim and the indemnified  Person  determined in good faith,  upon the advice of
outside  counsel,  that a conflict of interest  exists  between the  indemnified
Person and the  indemnifying  Person with respect to such Third Party Claim, (y)
the indemnifying  Person fails to demonstrate to the reasonable  satisfaction of
the indemnified  Person its financial  capacity to defend such Third Party Claim


and provide  indemnification  with respect to such Third Party Claim or (z) such
Third Party Claim is a Claim by a Governmental Authority.

               (iii) In the  event  the  indemnifying  Person  elects  to assume
control of the defense and investigation of such Third Party Claim in accordance
with  Section  15.1(c)(ii),  the  indemnified  Person  may,  at its own cost and
expense,  participate  in the  investigation,  trial,  and defense of such Third
Party Claim; provided that, if (x) the named persons to an Action resulting from
such Third Party Claim include both the indemnifying  Person and the indemnified
Person and the  indemnified  Person has been  advised in writing by counsel that
there may be one or more legal  defenses  available to such  indemnified  Person
that are different  from or additional  to those  available to the  indemnifying
person or that a conflict of interest exists between the indemnified  Person and
the  indemnifying  Person with  respect to such Third Party  Claim,  or (y) such
Third Party Claim is a Claim by a Governmental Authority, the indemnified Person
shall be entitled,  at the  indemnifying  person's  cost,  risk and expense,  to
reasonable fees and  disbursements of separate  counsel of its own choosing.  In
the event the indemnifying  Person assumes the defense of the Third Party Claim,
the indemnifying Person shall keep the indemnified Person reasonably informed of
the progress of any such defense,  compromise or  settlement.  The  indemnifying
Person shall not have the power to  compromise or settle such Third Party Claim,
except with the written consent of the indemnified  Person,  such consent not to
be unreasonably withheld or delayed (it being understood that the failure of the
indemnified Person to give such consent shall not be considered  unreasonable in
respect  of  any  compromise  or  settlement   that  (A)  does  not  include  an
unconditional  release of such indemnified  Person from all liabilities  arising
out of, or that may arise out of,  such  Third  Party  Claim or (B)  includes  a
statement as to or an admission of fault, culpability or a failure to act, by or
on behalf of such indemnified Person).

               (iv) If the  indemnifying  Person fails to notify the indemnified
Person in writing of its  election  to assume  the  defense of such Third  Party
Claim in  accordance  with this Section  15.1(c)  within ten (10)  calendar days
after  receipt  of the  Claim  Notice,  or if  the  indemnifying  person  is not
permitted  to assume the defense of such Third Party  Claim in  accordance  with
this Section  15.1(c),  the  indemnified  Person  against which such Third Party
Claim has been asserted shall have the right to undertake,  at the  indemnifying
Person's cost, risk and expense, the defense,  compromise and settlement of such
Third Party Claim on behalf of and for the account of the  indemnifying  Person;
provided  that  the  indemnifying  Person  shall  not be  liable  for  costs  of
settlement of such Third Party Claim if such Third Party Claim is compromised or
settled  without the written consent of the  indemnifying  Person (which consent
shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed).

          (d) Loss Calculation.

          The amount of Claims or Damages to which an indemnity  provided for in
this  Section  15.1  applies  shall be  determined  after  giving  effect to all
provisions  of the  Transaction  Documents  other  than  this  Section  15.1 the
operation of which  mitigates or compensates  for such Claims or Damages (to the
extent such terms are given full force and effect),  including  (as  applicable)
any  reductions  in the Service Fee,  Service Fee Return  Refund or Bonus Amount


payable under the Agency and Services Agreement on account or in respect of such
Claims and Damages.

   15.2   Right of Offset.  Each  Party may,  to the extent set forth in Section
3.10  hereof,  withhold and set off against any and all amounts due to any other
Party any and all amounts as to which the other Party is  obligated to indemnify
such Party pursuant to any provision of this Article XV.

   15.3   Payment.  With respect to Third Party Claims for which indemnification
is payable  hereunder,  the indemnifying  Person will pay the indemnified Person
promptly after the earlier of (a) the entry of judgment  against the indemnified
Person and the  expiration of any applicable  appeal period,  (b) the entry of a
non-appealable  judgment or final  appellate  decision  against the  indemnified
person, or (c) the execution of any settlement  agreement referred to in Section
15.1.  Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  expenses of the  indemnified  Person for
which the  indemnifying  Person is responsible  (including  reasonable  fees and
disbursements  of  counsel)  shall  be  reimbursed  on a  current  basis  by the
indemnifying Person.

   15.4   Right to  Indemnification  Not Affected by  Knowledge or  Presumption.

          (a) Except as otherwise  specifically  provided  herein,  the right to
indemnification  based upon breach of  representations,  warranties,  covenants,
agreements or obligations  will not be affected by any  investigation  conducted
with  respect to, or knowledge  acquired  (or capable of being  acquired) at any
time,  whether  before or after the execution and delivery of this  Agreement or
the Effective Date, whether as a result of disclosure by a Party hereto pursuant
to Section 11.1 or  otherwise,  with respect to the accuracy or inaccuracy of or
compliance  with any  such  representation,  warranty,  covenant,  agreement  or

          (b) The  satisfaction of any condition based on the presumed  accuracy
of  any  representation  or  warranty,  or on  the  presumed  performance  of or
compliance with any covenant, agreement or obligation, will not affect the right
to   indemnification,   payment  of  Damages  or  other  remedy  based  on  such
representations, warranties, covenants, agreements and obligations.

                                  ARTICLE XVI.

   16.1   Term.  The term of this  Agreement  shall  commence on the date hereof
and,  subject to the other  provisions of this Agreement,  the Liquidation  Date
shall occur on (a) November 30, 2006,  and (b) on each  February 28 (or February
29, in the event of a leap year),  May 31,  August 31 and November 30 thereafter
(each  three (3) Month  period  ending on each such date,  a "Renewal  Period"),
unless,  in each case, this Agreement is renewed or otherwise stays in effect in
accordance with Section 16.2 below.  This Agreement shall terminate  immediately
upon completion of Liquidation (the "Termination Date").

  16.2    Renewal.

          (a) (i) If any Party  wishes to renew this  Agreement so that it shall
continue after the end of the Initial Term through the end of the Renewal Period
commencing on December 1, 2006, Calpine or any Calpine Transaction Party, on the


one hand, or Bear Stearns or CalBear,  on the other hand, shall deliver a notice
setting forth the intention of such Party and its Affiliates that are Parties to
renew this  Agreement (the "Renewal  Notice")  through the Renewal Period ending
February 28, 2007,  which Renewal  Notice shall be delivered on or before August
31, 2006.

               (ii) If this  Agreement  has been  renewed  so that it  continues
after  the end of the  Initial  Term,  and if any  Party  wishes  to renew  this
Agreement so that it shall  continue  after the end of the latest Renewal Period
for which this  Agreement  has  previously  been renewed  (the  "Latest  Renewal
Period"),  then Calpine or any Calpine  Transaction  Party,  on the one hand, or
Bear  Stearns or CalBear,  on the other  hand,  shall  deliver a Renewal  Notice
setting forth the intention of such Party and its Affiliates that are Parties to
renew this Agreement through the end of the Renewal Period immediately following
the Latest  Renewal  Period,  which  notice  shall be given on or before the day
immediately preceding the first day of the Latest Renewal Period.

               (iii) A Renewal  Notice may set forth the intention of Calpine or
any Calpine  Transaction Party, on the one hand, or Bear Stearns or CalBear,  on
the other  hand,  to renew this  Agreement  for any  number of  Renewal  Periods
following the end of the Initial Term or the end of the Latest  Renewal  Period,
as applicable (and, in such case, such Renewal Notice shall serve as the Renewal
Notice for each such Renewal  Period,  unless such  Renewal  Notice is withdrawn
with respect to any Renewal Period (and all subsequent Renewal Periods contained
in such  Renewal  Notice,  if any) on or prior to the date such  Renewal  Notice
would otherwise be due for such Renewal  Period,  except as set forth in Section
16.3(a)  below),  as determined by the Party  delivering such notice in its sole
discretion.  A form of  Renewal  Notice is  attached  hereto as  Exhibit F. Each
Renewal Notice shall be delivered in any manner provided in Section 18.2.

          (b) If both Calpine or any Calpine Transaction Party, on the one hand,
and Bear Stearns or CalBear,  on the other hand,  deliver a Renewal  Notice with
respect to an Applicable  Renewal Period as specified in Section  16.2(a),  this
Agreement shall continue in full force and effect at least until the end of such
Applicable  Renewal Period,  unless otherwise  terminated  pursuant to the terms

          (c) If none of Calpine, any Calpine Transaction Party, Bear Stearns or
CalBear  delivers a Renewal Notice with respect to an Applicable  Renewal Period
as specified in Section 16.2(a),  the Liquidation Date shall occur at the end of
the Initial Term or the end of the Renewal  Period  immediately  preceding  such
Applicable Renewal Period, as applicable, in accordance with Section 16.6(b)(i).

          (d) If either  Calpine or any Calpine  Transaction  Party,  on the one
hand, or Bear Stearns or CalBear,  on the other hand,  delivers a Renewal Notice
with respect to an  Applicable  Renewal  Period as specified in Section  16.2(a)
(such Party,  together with its Affiliates,  the "Renewing Parties") but neither
of Bear Stearns nor CalBear,  on the one hand, or none of Calpine or the Calpine
Transaction Parties, on the other hand, respectively,  delivers a Renewal Notice
with respect to such  Applicable  Renewal  Period (such  Parties,  together with
their Affiliates,  the "Non-Renewing Parties"), the Liquidation Date shall occur


at the end of the  Initial  Term or the end of the  Renewal  Period  immediately
preceding such  Applicable  Renewal  Period,  as applicable,  in accordance with
Section 16.6(b)(ii).

  16.3    Certain Matters with Respect to Renewal.

          (a) Notwithstanding  anything herein to the contrary,  if a Bankruptcy
Event has occurred with respect to any Party,  neither such Party nor any of its
Affiliates  that are Parties shall have a right to send any Renewal  Notice with
respect  to any  Applicable  Renewal  Period,  unless  such Party and all of its
Affiliates  that are  Parties  have (i)  "assumed",  within  the  meaning of the
Bankruptcy Law, this Agreement and the other Transaction Documents prior to such
time and (ii)  complied  with all of their  obligations  hereunder and under the
other Transaction Documents prior to such time.

          (b) Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, in no event shall
delivery of a Renewal Notice or a renewal of this  Agreement in accordance  with
Section  16.2 result in, or be deemed to, or cause,  the waiver of any rights of
the  Renewing  Parties  under this  Agreement,  the  Transaction  Documents,  or

  16.4    Calpine Events of Default.

          The  occurrence  of any  one or  more of the  following  events  shall
constitute a Calpine Event of Default  ("Calpine  Event of Default")  under this
Agreement and the other Transaction Documents:

          (a) the failure by any Calpine  Transaction  Party to make any Payment
required under this Agreement or any of the other  Transaction  Documents  which
failure  continues  unremedied  (i) if  notice  of such  failure  was  given  in
accordance with the applicable  notice  provisions by Bear Stearns or CalBear to
Calpine or any such Calpine  Transaction  Party prior to 4:30 p.m. New York City
time on a Business  Day, at the end of the Business Day  following  the day such
notice was given, or (ii) if notice of such default was given by Bear Stearns or
CalBear  after 4:30 p.m. New York City time on any  Business  Day, or on any day
that  is not a  Business  Day,  at the  end of the  second  (2nd)  Business  Day
following the day such notice was given;

          (b) the failure by Calpine or any Calpine Transaction Party to perform
any  covenant  or  agreement  of  Calpine  or such  Calpine  Transaction  Party,
respectively,  set forth in this  Agreement  or any other  Transaction  Document
(other than as  described  in Sections  16.4(a),  16.4(c)  and  16.4(d)),  which
failure   constitutes  a  material  breach  of  this  Agreement  or  such  other
Transaction Document or would have a Material Adverse Effect on the Transaction,
and which  failure  is not cured  within (i) any  applicable  cure  period  with
respect to such  failure set forth in this  Agreement  or any other  Transaction
Document,  if any, or, (ii) in the event that there is no such  applicable  cure
period with respect to such failure, ten (10) Business Days after notice thereof
is given to Calpine or such Calpine  Transaction  Party,  respectively,  by Bear
Stearns or CalBear in accordance with Section 18.2;

          (c) a Bankruptcy Event shall have occurred with respect to Calpine,  a
Calpine Transaction Party or a Significant Subsidiary of Calpine; or


          (d)  any   representation  or  warranty  of  Calpine  or  any  Calpine
Transaction  Party  hereunder  proves to have  been  incorrect  in any  material
respect as of the date such representation or warranty was made; provided that a
Calpine  Event of Default shall not arise under this Section  16.4(d)  following
the  expiration of the survival  period with respect to such  representation  or
warranty set forth in Section 14.1.

  16.5    Bear Stearns Events of Default.

          The  occurrence  of any  one or  more of the  following  events  shall
constitute a Bear Stearns  Event of Default  ("Bear  Stearns  Event of Default")
under this Agreement and the other Transaction Documents:

          (a) the  failure by CalBear to make any  Payment  required  under this
Agreement or any of the other  Transaction  Documents  which  failure  continues
unremedied  (i) if  notice of such  failure  was  given in  accordance  with the
applicable notice  provisions by Calpine or a Calpine  Transaction Party to Bear
Stearns or CalBear  prior to 4:30 p.m. New York City time on a Business  Day, at
the end of the Business Day following the day such notice was given,  or (ii) if
notice of such default was given by Calpine or a Calpine Transaction Party after
4:30 p.m.  New York City time on any  Business  Day, or on any day that is not a
Business Day, at the end of the second (2nd) Business Day following the day such
notice was given;

          (b) the failure by Bear  Stearns or CalBear to perform any covenant or
agreement of Bear Stearns or CalBear,  respectively, set forth in this Agreement
or any other Transaction  Document (other than as described in Sections 16.5(a),
16.5(c)  and  16.5(d)),  which  failure  constitutes  a material  breach of this
Agreement or such other  Transaction  Document or would have a Material  Adverse
Effect  on the  Transaction,  and which  failure  is not  cured  within  (i) any
applicable  cure period with respect to such failure set forth in this Agreement
or any other Transaction Document, if any, or (ii) in the event that there is no
such applicable cure period with respect to such failure, ten (10) Business Days
after  notice  thereof is given to Bear  Stearns or  CalBear,  respectively,  by
Calpine or a Calpine Transaction Party in accordance with Section 18.2;

          (c) a  Bankruptcy  Event  shall  have  occurred  with  respect to Bear
Stearns, CalBear or a Significant Subsidiary of Bear Stearns; or

          (d)  any  representation  or  warranty  of  Bear  Stearns  or  CalBear
hereunder  proves to have been incorrect in any material  respect as of the date
such  representation or warranty was made; provided that a Bear Stearns Event of
Default shall not arise under this Section  16.5(d)  following the expiration of
the survival period with respect to such representation or warranty set forth in
Section 14.1.

   16.6   Termination;  Liquidation  Date;  Transfer of Final Third Party Master

          (a)  Termination  Prior to the Effective  Date.  This Agreement may be
terminated,  and the transactions  contemplated  hereby abandoned,  prior to the
Effective Date as follows:


               (i) by mutual consent of the Parties at any time;

               (ii) by Bear Stearns or CalBear,  on the one hand,  or Calpine or
the  Calpine  Transaction  Parties,  on the  other  hand,  upon  notice,  if the
Effective  Date shall not have occurred on or before  December 31, 2005,  except
that  neither  Bear  Stearns or  CalBear,  on the one hand,  nor  Calpine or the
Calpine Transaction  Parties, on the other hand, may terminate this Agreement if
the  failure of the  Effective  Date to occur is due to the  failure of any such
Party  or its  Affiliates  to  perform  in all  material  respects  each  of its
obligations  required to be  performed  under this  Agreement at or prior to the
Effective Date;

               (iii) by Bear  Stearns or CalBear,  upon notice to Calpine or the
Calpine  Transaction  Parties,  if an event or events  shall occur which  render
compliance  with  one or  more of the  conditions  set  forth  in  Article  XIII
impossible and such  condition (or  conditions) is not waived by Bear Stearns or
CalBear;  provided  that  neither  Bear  Stearns nor CalBear is in breach in any
material  respect of its  representations,  warranties,  covenants or agreements
contained in this Agreement; or

               (iv) by Calpine or the Calpine Transaction  Parties,  upon notice
to Bear  Stearns or CalBear,  if an event or events  shall  occur  which  render
compliance  with  one or  more  of the  conditions  set  forth  in  Article  XII
impossible,  and such condition (or  conditions) is not waived by Calpine or the
Calpine  Transaction  Parties,  provided  that none of  Calpine  or the  Calpine
Transaction Parties is in breach in any material respect of its representations,
warranties, covenants or agreements contained in this Agreement.

          (b)  Liquidation  Date and  Termination  Following the Effective Date.
Following  the  occurrence  of the  Effective  Date,  and,  subject to the other
provisions of this Agreement, this Agreement and the other Transaction Documents
shall be automatically terminated,  without any further action by any Party, and
the transactions  contemplated  hereby and thereby  abandoned,  immediately upon
completion of Liquidation.  The Liquidation Date shall occur and the Liquidation
shall commence:

               (i) as  determined  by mutual  consent of the Parties at any time
(provided  that if none of the Parties  delivers a Renewal  Notice in accordance
with  Section  16.2(a) of this  Agreement,  the Parties  shall be deemed to have
mutually  consented to a Liquidation Date  immediately  following the end of the
Initial Term or the applicable Renewal Period, as applicable);

               (ii) in  accordance  with  Section  16.2(d)  of  this  Agreement,
automatically upon the end of the Initial Term or the applicable Renewal Period,
as applicable,  if only Bear Stearns or CalBear,  on the one hand, or Calpine or
any  Calpine  Transaction  Party,  on the other hand,  but not both,  delivers a
Renewal  Notice  with  respect to the end of the  Initial  Term or such  Renewal
Period, as applicable;

               (iii)  following  the end of the Initial  Term,  ninety (90) days
after the delivery of a  Termination  Notice by any Party (or, in the event of a
delivery  of a  Termination  Notice by  Calpine  following  a breach of  Section
3.14(b) by Bear Stearns,  on the one hand, or by Bear Stearns following a breach


of Section 3.14(a) by Calpine, on the other hand, fifty (50) days after delivery
of such  Termination  Notice);  provided  that a  Termination  Notice may not be
delivered by any Party if the  Liquidation  Date has occurred or will occur as a
result of non-renewal of this Agreement or an Event of Default,  or otherwise in
accordance  with this Section  16.6(b) (and,  for the  avoidance of doubt,  if a
Liquidation  Date occurs before the end of the ninety (90) day period  following
the delivery of a Termination  Notice in accordance  with this Section  16.6(b),
Liquidation shall commence and this Agreement shall terminate in accordance with
such  Liquidation  Date and the  applicable  Termination  Notice  shall be of no
further force and effect); provided,  further, that, in the event of a breach of
Section 3.1 or Section 3.14 by Calpine or a Calpine  Transaction  Party,  on the
one hand,  or Bear  Stearns  or  CalBear,  on the other  hand,  Bear  Stearns or
CalBear,  on the one hand, or Calpine or any Calpine  Transaction  Party, on the
other  hand,  may  deliver  a  Termination   Notice  pursuant  to  this  Section
16.6(b)(iii)  at any time following the Effective  Date; and provided,  further,
that if Calpine or any  Calpine  Transaction  Party,  on the one hand,  and Bear
Stearns and  CalBear,  on the other hand,  deliver  Termination  Notices to each
other nearly simultaneously (and in such a manner that it is reasonably unlikely
that  either  Termination  Notice  was  sent  following  receipt  of  the  other
Termination Notice), the Liquidation Date shall occur ninety (90) days after the
delivery of such  Termination  Notices  pursuant to Section  16.6(b)(i)  and the
Parties  shall be deemed to have  mutually  consented to the  occurrence of such
Liquidation Date;

               (iv) upon a  Calpine  Event of  Default,  if so  elected  by Bear
Stearns or CalBear;

               (v)  upon a Bear  Stearns  Event of  Default,  if so  elected  by
Calpine or a Calpine Transaction Party;

               (vi)  automatically,  following a termination of any  Transaction
Document (other than this Agreement) by Calpine or a Calpine  Transaction  Party
in accordance with the terms thereof,  unless  otherwise  agreed by Calpine or a
Calpine Transaction Party prior to such time;

               (vii)  automatically,  following a termination of any Transaction
Document  (other than this  Agreement)  by Bear Stearns or CalBear in accordance
with the terms thereof, unless otherwise agreed by Bear Stearns or CalBear prior
to such time;

               (viii)  following a downgrade  of the credit  rating  assigned to
Bear  Stearns by (i) Standard & Poors  Ratings  Group below BBB+ or (ii) Moody's
Investor  Services  below Baa1, if terminated in writing by Calpine or a Calpine
Transaction Party; or

               (ix) by Bear Stearns or CalBear, following the end of the Initial
Term,  ninety  (90) days after the  delivery  of a  Termination  Notice,  if the
Trading  Volume for a calendar  year during the term of this  Agreement  is less
than [*]MWh.

          (c)  Conduct Of  Business  Following  Liquidation  Date;  Termination;
Survival Following Termination.


               (i)  Conduct  of   Business   Following   Liquidation   Date  and
Termination. Immediately following the occurrence of a Liquidation Date, (1) the
Liquidation  shall commence and (2) pending  completion of the  Liquidation  and
subject to Section  7.1(b) of the Agency and  Services  Agreement,  the  Parties
shall continue to have the benefit of, and be bound by, their applicable  rights
and obligations under the Transaction Documents. Following the Termination Date,
(i) Bear Stearns and CalBear shall,  or shall cause their  Affiliates to, change
the name of CalBear to another name not including the phrase  "CalBear" and (ii)
the  Parties  shall not,  and shall  cause  their  Affiliates  not to,  transact
business  under the name  "CalBear  Energy  LP",  "CalBear",  or any other  name
containing the word "CalBear" (the "CalBear  Name").  Without  limitation of the
foregoing,  as soon as practicable following the Termination Date, but not later
than ninety (90) days after such date, the Parties shall,  and shall cause their
respective  Affiliates  to,  remove and change  signage,  change and  substitute
promotional or advertising  material in whatever medium,  change  stationery and
packaging  and take all such other steps as may be required  or  appropriate  to
cease use of the CalBear Name; provided,  however, that no Party shall be deemed
to have violated this Section  16.6(c)(i) by reason of (i) the appearance of the
CalBear  Name in or on any  equipment,  manuals,  work  sheets,  risk  policies,
operating  procedures,  other written materials or other Assets of such Party or
its Affiliates  that are used for internal  purposes only in connection with the
Transaction  or  CalBear's  business;  provided  that  the  such  Party  and its
Affiliates shall endeavor to remove such appearances of the CalBear Name as soon
as  reasonably  practicable  in  the  ordinary  course  of  business,  (ii)  the
appearance  of  the  CalBear  Name  in or on  any  Third  Party's  publications,
marketing materials,  brochures,  instruction sheets, equipment or products that
any Party or its Affiliates distributed in the ordinary course of business or in
connection with the  Transaction or CalBear's  business prior to the Termination
Date, and that generally are in the public domain,  or any other similar uses by
any such Third Party over which such Party has no  control,  or (iii) the use by
any Party or its  Affiliates  of the CalBear  Name for  purposes of conveying to
customers  or the  general  public  that the name of CalBear  has changed or the
change in ownership or  historical  origins or  historical  business of CalBear,
including the use by any Party or its  Affiliates of the CalBear Name in (A) any
legally required disclosure,  (B) response to any disclosure request made by any
Governmental  Authority,  (C) connection  with the defense or prosecution of any
Action,  (D)  connection  with any reporting  requirements  of such Party or its
Affiliates under any Applicable Law, and (E) any financial statements, schedules
or information.

               (ii)  Survival  of  Certain  Obligations  Following  Termination.
Following the Termination  Date, all rights and obligations of the Parties under
this Agreement shall  terminate,  except for (i) rights and obligations  accrued
prior to the Termination Date,  including rights and obligations with respect to
a breach or violation of or default under any provision of this  Agreement  that
occurred  prior to the  Termination  Date (unless the  survival  period for such
right or obligation has otherwise expired pursuant to Section 14.1), (ii) rights
and  obligations  under  Articles IV, Article V, Article XV and Article XVII and
Sections 3.2, 3.5, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.16, 7.2, 7.4(a),  7.4(b),  14.1,
14.8, this Section  16.6(c),  Section 16.6(d) and Sections 18.1 through 18.4 and
18.6 through 18.20,  (iii) rights and obligations under other provisions of this
Agreement  to  the  extent  the  same  expressly  survive  termination  of  this
Agreement,  and (iv) rights and obligations  under  provisions of this Agreement
necessary  for the operation of effective  provisions  of the other  Transaction
Documents that reference such provisions in this Agreement.


          (d)  Transfer  of  Final  Third  Party  Master  Agreements   Following
Termination Date.

               (i)  Transfer of Final Third Party  Master  Agreements  Following
Non-Renewal.  In  the  event  that  the  Liquidation  Date  occurs  pursuant  to
16.6(b)(ii)  and Calpine and the Calpine  Transaction  Parties are the  Renewing
Parties, subject to clause (iv) below, the Renewing Parties shall have the right
(but not the obligation), exercisable within two (2) Business Days following the
date that the  applicable  Renewal Notice was due from CalBear,  to acquire,  or
cause any of their  respective  Affiliates to acquire,  for a purchase  price of
[*], the Third Party Master  Agreements to which CalBear is a party at such time
(collectively,  the "Final Third Party Master  Agreements"),  in accordance with
Section 16.6(d)(v)  (including the last sentence thereof),  following completion
of Liquidation (the "Non-Renewal Purchase Right"). Calpine or any of the Calpine
Transaction Parties may exercise the Non-Renewal  Purchase Right by delivering a
notice (the  "Non-Renewal  Purchase  Notice") to Bear Stearns or CalBear  within
such two (2) Business Day period,  in any applicable  manner provided in Section
18.2,  setting forth Calpine's or such Calpine  Transaction  Party's election to
exercise its  Non-Renewal  Purchase  Right.  For the avoidance of doubt,  in the
event that the Liquidation Date occurs pursuant to Section 16.6(b)(ii) after the
Non-Renewing  Parties  fail to deliver a Renewal  Notice and if Bear Stearns and
CalBear are the  Renewing  Parties,  Bear  Stearns and CalBear  shall retain the
Final Third Party Master  Agreements  following  completion of  Liquidation  and
Calpine  and the  Calpine  Transaction  Parties  shall  not  have  any  right to
purchase,  or any other right with  respect  to, the Final  Third  Party  Master

               (ii)  Transfer of Final Third Party Master  Agreements  Following
Elective Termination.  In the event that the Liquidation Date occurs pursuant to
Section  16.6(b)(iii)  or  Section   16.6(b)(ix),   following  delivery  of  the
Termination  Notice by an  Elective  Terminating  Party,  subject to clause (iv)
below,  the  Elective  Non-Terminating  Parties  shall  have the  right  and the
obligation  (the  "CalBear  Termination  Option"),  exercisable  within  two (2)
Business Days  following  such delivery of a Termination  Notice,  to (A) if the
Elective  Non-Terminating  Parties  are  Calpine  and  the  Calpine  Transaction
Parties, either (1) elect to acquire the Final Third Party Master Agreements, in
accordance with Section 16.6(d)(v)  (including the last sentence  thereof),  for
the amount set forth in the  applicable  Termination  Notice  (the  "Termination
Amount")  or (2) elect to receive a  termination  fee in an amount  equal to the
Termination Amount from CalBear (the "Termination  Fee"), or (B) if the Elective
Non-Terminating  Parties are Bear  Stearns and  CalBear,  to either (1) sell the
Final Third Party Master  Agreements,  in  accordance  with  Section  16.6(d)(v)
(including the last sentence thereof),  to the Elective  Terminating Parties for
the  Termination  Amount or (2)  elect to pay the  Termination  Fee to  Elective
Terminating Parties (either of clause (A)(1) or (B)(2), a "Termination  Purchase
Right" and either of clause (A)(2) or (B)(1),  a "Termination  Sale Right"),  in
each case  following  completion of  Liquidation.  Any Elective  Non-Terminating
Party shall exercise the CalBear  Termination  Option by delivering a notice, in
any manner provided in Section 18.2, setting forth such Elective Non-Terminating
Party's  election  to  exercise  either its  Termination  Purchase  Right or its
Termination Sale Right within the applicable two (2) Business Day period.

               (iii) Transfer of Final Third Party Master  Agreements  Following
Event of Default or Termination.  In the event that the Liquidation  Date occurs
pursuant to Section  16.6(b)(iv)  through (viii),  subject to clause (iv) below,


the  Defaulting   Termination   Parties  shall  deliver  to  the  Non-Defaulting
Termination  Parties,  within two (2) Business Days  following the occurrence of
the Liquidation  Date and in any manner provided in Section 18.2, an irrevocable
notice (the "Default Termination Notice") setting forth (A) a Termination Amount
and (B) a binding  offer,  irrevocable  by its terms for two (2)  Business  Days
following  receipt  of the  Default  Termination  Notice  by the  Non-Defaulting
Termination  Parties  (the  "CalBear  Default  Option"),  (1) if the  Defaulting
Termination Parties are Calpine and the Calpine  Transaction  Parties, to either
(x) purchase the Final Third Party Master Agreements, in accordance with Section
16.6(d)(v) (including the last sentence thereof),  from Bear Stearns and CalBear
for the  Termination  Amount or (y)  receive  from Bear  Stearns and CalBear the
Termination Fee, or (2) if the Defaulting  Termination  Parties are Bear Stearns
and  CalBear,  to either (x) sell the Final Third Party  Master  Agreements,  in
accordance with Section  16.6(d)(v)  (including the last sentence  thereof),  to
Calpine and the Calpine  Transaction  Parties for the Termination  Amount or (y)
pay to Calpine and the Calpine  Transaction  Parties the Termination Fee (either
of clause  (1)(x) or  (2)(y),  a "Default  Purchase  Right" and either of clause
(1)(y) or (2)(x), a "Default Sale Right"), in each case following  completion of
Liquidation.  Any of the Non-Defaulting  Termination  Parties shall exercise the
CalBear Default Option by delivering a notice, in the manner provided in Section
18.2, setting forth such Non-Defaulting Termination Party's election to exercise
either its Default  Purchase Right or its Default Sale Right within such two (2)
Business Day period. If the Defaulting  Termination  Parties are Calpine and the
Calpine Transaction  Parties and the Defaulting  Termination Parties fail to (A)
deliver the Default  Termination  Notice or (B) comply with their  obligation to
purchase Final Third Party Master Agreements  following  exercise of the Default
Sale Right by the Non-Defaulting  Termination Parties,  CalBear shall retain the
Final Third Party Master  Agreements  following  completion of  Liquidation  and
Calpine  and the  Calpine  Transaction  Parties  shall  not  have  any  right to
purchase,  or any other right with  respect  to, the Final  Third  Party  Master
Agreements.  If the Defaulting  Termination Parties are Bear Stearns and CalBear
and  the  Defaulting  Termination  Parties  fail  to  (A)  deliver  the  Default
Termination  Notice,  (B) comply with their obligation to sell Final Third Party
Master  Agreements  following  exercise  of the  Default  Purchase  Right by the
Non-Defaulting  Termination  Parties, or (C) comply with their obligation to pay
the  Termination  Fee  following  exercise  of the  Default  Sale  Right  by the
Non-Defaulting  Termination Parties, Calpine and the Calpine Transaction Parties
shall have the right (but not the obligation),  exercisable within ten (10) days
following  such  failure to comply,  to purchase  for [*], the Final Third Party
Master  Agreements,  in accordance with Section  16.6(d)(v)  (including the last
sentence thereof), following the completion of Liquidation.

               (iv) Payment of Termination  Amount.  Promptly following exercise
of the Termination  Purchase  Right,  the  Termination  Sale Right,  the Default
Purchase Right or the Default Sale Right, as applicable, the Parties responsible
for payment of the  Termination  Amount with respect to such exercise  shall pay
the Termination  Amount in cash by wire transfer of immediately  available funds
to an account  designated by (A) Calpine or a Calpine  Transaction Party, in the
case of a payment of the Termination  Amount by Bear Stearns or CalBear,  or (B)
Bear Stearns or CalBear,  in the case of a payment of the Termination  Amount by
Calpine or a Calpine Transaction Party.


               (v) Obligation to Transfer  Final Third Party Master  Agreements.
The Parties  shall  cooperate  with each other and take any  actions  reasonably
necessary to cause the  consummation of the  Non-Renewal  Purchase Right and, in
the event that the Termination  Purchase Right,  the Termination Sale Right, the
Default  Purchase  Right or the  Default  Sale Right  requires a transfer of the
Final  Third  Party  Master  Agreements,  the  consummation  of the  Termination
Purchase Right,  the Termination  Sale Right,  the Default Purchase Right or the
Default Sale Right,  as  applicable,  including by  cooperating in obtaining any
applicable  Regulatory  Approvals  and any Third  Party  consents  or  releases.
Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary  contained  in this  Section  16.6(d),
CalBear  shall not be  required to transfer  any Third  Party  Master  Agreement
pursuant  to  this  Section  16.6(d)  (A)  if and  until  Calpine  or a  Calpine
Transaction  Party has paid the  Termination  Amount in accordance  with Section
16.6(d)(iv) or (B) if such Third Party Master  Agreement (1) requires consent to
transfer  from a Third  Party and such  consent  has not been  received  by Bear
Stearns within one hundred eight (180) days following the exercise by Calpine or
any of the  Calpine  Transaction  Parties  of their  right to  purchase,  or the
exercise by Bear Stearns or CalBear of their right to sell, as  applicable,  the
Final Third Party Master Agreements pursuant to this Section 16.6(d) or (2) does
not provide for the  unconditional  release of Bear  Stearns and its  Affiliates
from any  obligation to guarantee or otherwise  provide  credit  support for any
transaction under such Third Party Master Agreement,  unless such  unconditional
release of such  obligation is received by Bear Stearns within one hundred eight
(180) days  following the exercise by Calpine or any of the Calpine  Transaction
Parties of their right to  purchase,  or the exercise by Bear Stearns or CalBear
of their right to sell, as applicable,  the Final Third Party Master  Agreements
pursuant to this  Section  16.6(d).  If CalBear is not  required to transfer any
Third  Party  Master  Agreement  as a result  of clause  (B) in the  immediately
preceding  sentence,  (x) each of Bear  Stearns and CalBear  shall not, and Bear
Stearns  shall cause its  Affiliates  not to,  following the  Termination  Date,
transact any business pursuant to such Third Party Master Agreement, (y) CalBear
shall,  following the expiration of any applicable consent and/or release period
set forth in the immediately  preceding sentence,  reasonably promptly terminate
such Third Party Master Agreement in accordance with the terms thereof (provided
that  CalBear  shall not be required to  terminate  any such Third Party  Master
Agreement  in a manner that  results in Damages owed by CalBear to a Third Party
under such Third Party Master Agreement),  and (z) CalBear shall deliver written
evidence of such termination to Calpine.

               (vi) Closing of Transfer of Final Third Party Master  Agreements.
The  purchase and sale of the Final Third Party  Master  Agreements,  if any, in
accordance  with this  Section  16.6(d)  pursuant to any  exercised  Non-Renewal
Purchase Right,  Termination  Purchase Right,  Termination  Sale Right,  Default
Purchase Right or Default Sale Right, as applicable, shall take place as soon as
reasonably practicable, but in any event following the completion of Liquidation
and the receipt of any applicable  Regulatory Approvals and Third Party consents
and releases.

                                 ARTICLE XVII.
                             LIMITATION OF LIABILITY

  17.1    Limitation of Remedies.



  17.2    Limitation of Monetary Damages.


  17.3    Limitation of Non-Monetary Damages.


  17.4    Limitation of Consequential Damages, Etc.



  17.5    Liability for Acts or Omissions of Other Persons.


  17.6    Survival of Limitations.


                                 ARTICLE XVIII.

    8.1   Assignment.  Except  as  provided  in Section  3.3 or Section  3.4, as
applicable,  neither  this  Agreement  nor  any of  the  rights  or  obligations
hereunder  may be assigned by Calpine or any Calpine  Transaction  Party without
the prior  consent of Bear  Stearns and  CalBear,  or by Bear Stearns or CalBear
without  the prior  consent  of  Calpine  and each  Calpine  Transaction  Party;
provided that in the event of an assignment by a Party of this Agreement and all
of its rights and  obligations  hereunder to an  Affiliate  of such Party,  such
consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. Except as provided in Section 3.3 or
Section 3.4, as applicable,  none of the  Transaction  Documents other than this
Agreement,  nor any of the rights or obligations thereunder,  may be assigned by
any Calpine  Transaction Party without the prior consent of Bear Stearns,  or by
CalBear  without the prior consent of Calpine;  provided that in the event of an
assignment by a  Transaction  Party of a  Transaction  Document  other than this
Agreement  and all of its rights and  obligations  thereunder to an Affiliate of
such Party,  such consent shall not be  unreasonably  withheld.  This  Agreement
shall be binding  upon and inure to the benefit of the Parties  hereto and their
respective  successors  and  assigns,  and no other Person shall have any right,
benefit or obligation  hereunder,  except as  specifically  set forth in Section
18.18 hereof.

  18.2    Notices.


          All  notices,   consents,   waivers,   requests,   demands  and  other
communications which are required or may be given under this Agreement and:

          (a) concern (i) modifications of this Agreement, including pursuant to
Section  18.8, or (ii) Article XV,  Article XVI (other than Section  16.4(a) and
Section  16.5(a)),  or Section 18.4,  shall be in writing and shall be deemed to
have been duly given in writing when  received if personally  delivered,  or, if
sent to the mailing  address set forth below with  respect to notices  delivered
pursuant to this  Section  18.2(a) for any Party,  the  Business Day after it is
sent,  if sent  for  next day  delivery  to a  domestic  address  by  recognized
overnight delivery service (e.g., Federal Express);

          (b)  concern  Payments  (other  than  communications  that  are  given
pursuant  to Section  18.2(a)  and also  concern  Payments),  including  Section
16.4(a) or Section 16.5(a), shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been
duly given in writing when transmitted if transmitted (A) to CalBear by telecopy
to the notice  address set forth below for Bear  Stearns or CalBear with respect
to  notices  delivered  pursuant  to  this  Section  18.2(b)  or (B) to  CMSC by
electronic  mail (including in portable  document format by electronic  mail) to
the notice  address set forth below for Calpine or a Calpine  Transaction  Party
with respect to notices delivered pursuant to this Section 18.2(b); and

          (c) concern any matter not  specifically  addressed in Section 18.2(a)
or Section  18.2(b)  shall be in  writing  and shall be deemed to have been duly
given in writing  when  received  if  personally  delivered,  or, if sent to the
notice  address set forth below with  respect to notices  delivered  pursuant to
this  Section  18.2(c)  for  any  Party,  when  transmitted  if  transmitted  by
electronic mail (including in portable document format by electronic mail);

provided,  that, in the case of Section 18.2(b) and Section 18.2(c), if any such
communication  is  transmitted  by telecopy or electronic  mail, as  applicable,
after 4:30 p.m.  New York City time on any day,  or at any time on a day that is
not a Business Day, such communication  shall be deemed to have been transmitted
at 9:00 a.m. New York City time on the  following  Business  Day; and  provided,
further,  that, in the case of Section 18.2(b),  if the sender of the electronic
mails with respect to such communication  receives an "out-of-office" or similar
notice with respect  thereto from each  addressee  thereof,  such  communication
shall nonetheless be deemed to be duly given in writing; and provided,  further,
that,  in the case of Section  18.2(b)  (except as provided  in the  immediately
preceding  proviso) and Section  18.2(c),  if all telecopies or electronic mails
with respect to such  communication  are returned to the sender as undeliverable
or the sender  receives  an  "out-of-office"  or  similar  notice  with  respect
thereto, such transmission shall not be deemed to be duly given in writing until
(i)  delivered to an alternate  recipient in compliance  with the  provisions of
Section  18.2(b)  or  Section  18.2(c),  as  applicable,  or  (ii)  received  if
personally  delivered,  or, if sent to the applicable  mailing address set forth
below with  respect to notices  delivered  pursuant  Section  18.2(b) or Section
18.2(c),  as  applicable,  for any Party,  the Business Day after it is sent, if
sent for  next day  delivery  to a  domestic  address  by  recognized  overnight
delivery service (e.g., Federal Express).

          Communications  to Calpine or a Calpine  Transaction Party pursuant to
          Section 18.2(a) shall be addressed to:


               Calpine Corporation
               717 Texas Avenue
               Houston, TX 77002
               Tel: (713) 830-8649
               Fax: (713) 570-4725
               Attention: Andrew Slocum
               E-mail:  aslocum@calpine.com

          In each case, with a copy to:

               Calpine Corporation
               50 West San Fernando Street
               San Jose, CA 95113
               Tel: (408) 792-1226
               Fax: (408) 794-2434
               Attention: Lisa Bodensteiner, Executive Vice President and
                            General Counsel
               E-mail:  lisab@calpine.com

          and with a copy to:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Paul Posoli                              Rodney Malcolm
Executive Vice President                 Senior Vice President
Calpine Corporation                      Calpine Corporation
717 Texas Avenue                         717 Texas Avenue
Houston, TX  77002                       Houston, TX  77002
Tel:  (713) 830-8663                     Tel:  (713) 570-4816
Fax: (713) 570-4725                      Fax: (713) 570-4725
E-mail:  paulp@calpine.com               E-mail:  rodneym@calpine.com
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

          Communications  to Calpine or a Calpine  Transaction Party pursuant to
Section 18.2(b) shall be addressed to:


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Andrew Slocum                            Janet Dixon
Vice President Risk Operations           Calpine Merchant Services Company, Inc.
Calpine Merchant Services Company, Inc.  717 Texas Avenue
717 Texas Avenue                         Houston, TX 77002
Houston, TX 77002                        Tel: (713) 830-8835
Tel: (713) 830-8649                      Fax: (713) 570-4725
Fax: (713) 570-4725                      E-mail:  jdixon@calpine.com
E-mail:  aslocum@calpine.com
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Randy Kruger                             Josh Pesikoff
Calpine Merchant Services Company, Inc.  Calpine Merchant Services Company, Inc.
717 Texas Avenue                         717 Texas Avenue
Houston, TX 77002                        Houston, TX 77002
Tel: (713) 570-4811                      Tel: (713) 570-4782
Fax: (713) 570-4725                      Fax: (713) 570-4725
E-mail:  rkruger@calpine.com             E-mail:  jpesikoff@calpine.com
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

          Communications  to Calpine or a Calpine  Transaction Party pursuant to
Section 18.2(c) shall be addressed to:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Paul Posoli                              Rodney Malcolm
Executive Vice President                 Senior Vice President
Calpine Corporation                      Calpine Corporation
717 Texas Avenue                         717 Texas Avenue
Houston, TX  77002                       Houston, TX  77002
Tel:  (713) 830-8663                     Tel:  (713) 570-4816
Fax: (713) 570-4725                      Fax: (713) 570-4725
E-mail:  paulp@calpine.com               E-mail:  rodneym@calpine.com
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lisa Bodensteiner
Executive Vice President and
General Counsel
Calpine Corporation
50 West San Fernando Street
San Jose, CA 95113
Tel: (408) 792-1226
Fax: (408) 794-2434
E-mail:  lisab@calpine.com
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

          Communications  to Bear Stearns or CalBear pursuant to Section 18.2(a)
shall be addressed to:

               The Bear Stearns Companies Inc.
               383 Madison Avenue


               New York, NY  10179
               Tel: (212) 272-4653
               Fax: (212) 272-8976
               Attention:  Andrew Kittell
               E-mail:  akittell@bear.com

          and with a copy to:

               The Bear Stearns Companies Inc.
               383 Madison Avenue
               New York, NY  10179
               Tel: (212) 272-7850
               Fax: (917) 849-1072
               Attention:  Michael Solender, General Counsel
               E-mail:  msolender@bear.com

          and with a copy to:

               Latham & Watkins LLP
               885 Third Avenue
               Suite 1000
               New York, NY  10022
               Tel:(212) 906-1200
               Fax:(212) 751-4864
               Attention:  Steven Della Rocca
               E-mail:  steven.della.rocca@lw.com

          and with a copy to:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Francis Dunleavy                         Eli Wachtel
Senior Managing Director                 Senior Managing Director
Bear, Stearns & Co. Inc.                 Bear, Stearns & Co. Inc.
383 Madison Avenue                       383 Madison Avenue
New York, NY  10179                      New York, NY  10179
Tel: (212) 272-5141                      Tel: (212) 272-4808
Fax: (212) 272-8976                      Fax: (212) 272-5681
E-mail:  fdunleavy@bear.com              E-mail:  ewachtel@bear.com
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

          Communications  to Bear Stearns or CalBear pursuant to Section 18.2(b)
shall be addressed to:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Bill Hamilton                            Chip Steppacher
Bear, Stearns & Co. Inc.                 Bear, Stearns & Co. Inc.
383 Madison Avenue                       383 Madison Avenue
New York, NY  10179                      New York, NY  10179


Tel: (212) 272-6918                      Tel: (212) 272-2050
Fax: (212) 272-5921                      Fax: (212) 272-5921
E-mail:  whamilton@bear.com              E-mail:  csteppacher@bear.com
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Andrew Kittell                           Brian Anast
Bear, Stearns & Co. Inc.                 Bear, Stearns & Co. Inc.
383 Madison Avenue                       383 Madison Avenue
New York, NY  10179                      New York, NY  10179
Tel: (212) 272-4653                      Tel: (212) 272-4654
Fax: (212) 272-8976                      Fax: (212) 272-8976
E-mail:  akittell@bear.com               E-mail:  banast@bear.com
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kristen Reifsnyder
Bear, Stearns & Co. Inc.
383 Madison Avenue
New York, NY  10179
Tel: (212) 272-6417
Fax: (212) 272-8888
E-mail:  kreifsnyder@bear.com
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

          Communications  to Bear Stearns or CalBear pursuant to Section 18.2(c)
shall be addressed to:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Francis Dunleavy                         Eli Wachtel
Senior Managing Director                 Senior Managing Director
Bear, Stearns & Co. Inc.                 Bear, Stearns & Co. Inc.
383 Madison Avenue                       383 Madison Avenue
New York, NY  10179                      New York, NY  10179
Tel: (212) 272-5141                      Tel: (212) 272-4808
Fax: (212) 272-8976                      Fax: (212) 272-5681
E-mail:  fdunleavy@bear.com              E-mail:  ewachtel@bear.com

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

or, in each case, to such other place and with such other copies as any Party
may designate as to itself and its Representatives by notice to the other
Parties that are not Affiliates of such Party.

  18.3    Choice of Law; Service of Process; Venue; Jury Trial Waiver.

          (a) Each of the  Parties  agrees that this  Agreement  and each of the
other  Transaction  Documents  to which it is a party  (including  any  claim or
controversy  arising  out  of or  relating  to  this  Agreement  or  such  other
Transaction  Document)  shall be construed and interpreted and the rights of the
Parties determined in accordance with the internal laws of the State of New York
without giving effect to any choice or conflict of law  provision,  principle or
rule  (whether  of the State of New York or any other  jurisdiction)  that would
cause the  application of the laws of any  jurisdiction  other than the State of
New York. Each of the Parties irrevocably consents to the service of any and all


process in any Action  arising out of or relating to this  Agreement,  the other
Transaction  Documents to which it is a party or the  transactions  contemplated
hereby or  thereby  by the  registered  or  certified  mailing of copies of such
process to the addresses of such Party  specified in Section  18.2.  Each of the
Parties consents and voluntarily  submits to personal  jurisdiction in the State
of New York and in the courts in such state  located in New York  County and the
United  States  District  Court  for the  Southern  District  of New York in any
proceedings arising out of or relating to this Agreement,  the other Transaction
Documents to which it is a party and the  transactions  contemplated  hereby and
thereby and,  subject to the  arbitration  provisions  set out in Section  18.4,
agrees  that all  claims  in  respect  of any such  proceeding  may be heard and
determined in any such court and that all claims  shall,  in respect of any such
proceeding, be brought, prior to appeal beyond such courts, in such courts. Each
Party  irrevocably  and  unconditionally  waives and agrees not to plead, to the
fullest  extent  permitted by law, any objection  that they may now or hereafter
have to the laying of venue or the  convenience  of the forum of any Action with
respect to this  Agreement,  the other  Transaction  Documents  to which it is a
party and the transactions contemplated hereby and thereby, in the United States
District Court for the Southern District of New York and the courts of the State
of New York located in New York County. Each Party agrees that a final judgment,
subject to appeal  rights,  in any proceeding so brought shall be conclusive and
may be  enforced  by suit on the  judgment  in any court or in any other  manner
provided by law or in equity.

          (b) Subject to the  arbitration  provisions  set out in Section  18.4,
each of the Parties agrees to commence any proceeding arising out of or relating
to this Agreement, the other Transaction Documents to which it is a party or the
transactions  contemplated hereby or thereby in the United States District Court
for the  Southern  District  of New York or the  courts of the State of New York
located in New York  County and that any  claims  shall,  in respect of any such
proceeding, initially be brought in such courts.


  18.4    Dispute Resolution; Arbitration.

          (a) In an effort to resolve  informally  and  amicably  any dispute or
Action that might  arise  between  the  Parties or their  respective  Affiliates
hereunder  or under  any of the other  Transaction  Documents,  Calpine  or Bear
Stearns  may by  providing  notice to the other  refer any matter in dispute for
resolution to Paul J. Posoli and Francis Dunleavy, respectively. Calpine or Bear
Stearns may change the designation of the applicable  aforementioned  individual
established  by the  previous  sentence  by notice to Bear  Stearns or  Calpine,
respectively.  If settlement  is not  thereafter  reached  through their efforts
within twenty (20) days following  such referral,  or such longer time period as
the Parties may agree,  then any Party may initiate  arbitration  proceedings as
set forth below to resolve the matter.


          (b) Each of the Parties agrees that,  notwithstanding  anything herein
to the  contrary,  any  dispute or Action not  otherwise  resolved  pursuant  to
Section  18.4(a)  shall  be  resolved  by  binding  arbitration  proceedings  in
accordance  with this Section 18.4.  Any dispute not  otherwise  resolved may be
submitted for arbitration hereunder by any Party delivering to the other Parties
that are not its  Affiliates a notice  demanding  arbitration  of the dispute in
accordance  with the commercial  arbitration  rules of the American  Arbitration
Association  ("AAA") then in effect.  To the extent that such provisions are not
inconsistent  with such rules,  the  remaining  provisions  of this Section 18.4
shall also apply to such proceedings.

          (c) Each of  Calpine  and Bear  Stearns,  within  thirty  (30) days of
delivery of the notice demanding arbitration,  shall select an arbitrator (each,
a "Party Arbitrator"). The Party Arbitrators shall select, within ten (10) days,
one neutral arbitrator,  who shall serve as the Chairman ("Chairman")  (together
with  the  Party  Arbitrators,  the  "Arbitration  Panel").  In the  absence  of
agreement  between the Party  Arbitrators  on  selection  of the  Chairman,  the
Chairman shall be selected by the AAA.

          (d) No member of the  Arbitration  Panel may have a direct or indirect
interest in any Party or the subject of the  arbitration;  provided however that
each of Calpine and Bear Stearns may  communicate  ex parte with its  respective
Party Arbitrator, but not the Chairman.

          (e) The place of the arbitration shall be a place mutually agreed upon
by the Parties at a site chosen by the  Arbitration  Panel or, in the absence of
agreement  among  the  Arbitration  Panel,  at a site  chosen  by the  Chairman;
provided,  however,  that if the Parties are not able to mutually agree upon the
place of arbitration, such place shall be New York, New York.

          (f) The  Arbitration  Panel shall determine the rules of procedure or,
in the absence of agreement  among the Arbitration  Panel,  the Federal Rules of
Civil Procedure shall govern the procedure for discovery as well as presentation
of the  evidence.  In any event,  the  Arbitration  Panel or, in the  absence of
agreement among the  Arbitration  Panel,  the Chairman,  shall have the right to
impose reasonable restrictions on the taking of discovery, including limitations
on the number of and length of depositions of witnesses.

          (g) The Arbitration  Panel shall render a reasoned decision in writing
within  thirty (30) days of the close of evidence.  Any award issued as a result
of such  arbitration  shall be final and binding between the parties thereto and
judgment upon the award rendered by the  arbitration  panel may be entered,  and
shall be enforceable, by any Governmental Authority having jurisdiction over the
party against whom enforcement is sought.

          (h) During the course of the arbitration, each Party shall pay its and
its Affiliates' own fees,  costs and expenses  (including  attorneys'  fees) and
Calpine,  on the one hand, and Bear Stearns,  on the other hand,  shall each pay
one-half of any fees,  costs and expenses of the  Arbitration  Panel;  provided,
however that the  Arbitration  Panel shall in no way award damages for any Claim
of a type  that are not  permitted  for such  Claim  under  New York law and the
provisions of the  Transaction  Documents or that exceed the limits,  if any, on
damages  afforded  by New  York  law  and  the  provisions  of  the  Transaction
Documents, particularly Article XVII.


          (i) Calpine and Bear  Stearns may mutually  agree,  each in their sole
discretion, to reduce any time periods specified in this Section 18.4 to resolve
any dispute or controversy on an expedited basis.

    18.5  Continued  Performance.  Each of the Parties agrees that it shall, and
shall cause each of its Affiliates that is a Party to, continue to perform under
this Agreement and the other Transaction Documents to which it is a party during
the  pendency  of  any  dispute,   arbitration  or  other  Action  hereunder  or
thereunder.  For the avoidance of doubt,  this Section 18.5 shall not prevent or
restrict the termination of, or limit the right of any Party to terminate or the
effect of the termination of, this Agreement or any other  Transaction  Document
in accordance with the terms hereof or thereof.

    18.6  Regulatory  Event.  Any  provision  of  this  Agreement  or the  other
Transaction   Documents  declared  or  rendered  unlawful  by  any  Governmental
Authority  or deemed  unlawful  because of a statutory or  regulatory  change or
interpretation  (individually  or  collectively,  such  events  referred to as a
"Regulatory  Event") will not otherwise affect the remaining lawful  obligations
that arise under this Agreement and the other Transaction Documents. Further, if
a Regulatory Event occurs, the Parties shall use their  commercially  reasonable
efforts  to modify  this  Agreement  and the  other  Transaction  Documents,  as
applicable,  in order to give effect to the original intention of the Parties in
a manner consistent with the Regulatory Event.

    18.7  Forward Contracts.  The Parties acknowledge and agree that all CalBear
Trades,  other than CalBear Trades with a maturity date less than two days after
the date the CalBear Trade is executed,  constitute  "forward  contracts" within
the meaning of the United States  Bankruptcy  Code. The Parties  acknowledge and
agree that CalBear is a "forward  contract  merchant"  within the meaning of the
United States Bankruptcy Code.

    18.8  Effectiveness;   Entire  Agreement;   Amendments  and  Waivers.   This
Agreement  shall  become  binding  upon each  Party  hereto  when such Party has
executed and delivered  this  Agreement.  This  Agreement,  and all exhibits and
schedules hereto,  constitutes the entire agreement among the Parties pertaining
to  the   subject   matter   hereof  and   supersedes   all  prior   agreements,
understandings,  negotiations and discussions,  whether oral or written,  of the
Parties; provided that the forms of agreements attached hereto as exhibits shall
be  superseded  by the copies of such  agreements  executed and delivered by the
respective parties thereto, the execution and delivery of such agreements by the
parties  thereto to be  conclusive  evidence  of such  parties'  approval of any
modification therein. Except as otherwise expressly set forth in this Agreement,
no amendment,  supplement,  waiver or other modification of this Agreement shall
be  binding  unless  agreed in  writing  by each  Party  hereto  indicating  its
intention to modify this  Agreement;  provided  that any waiver of a right under
this  Agreement  shall be binding if agreed in writing by the Party against whom
enforcement  of such waiver is sought.  Neither the failure nor any delay by any
Party in exercising  any right,  power or privilege  under this Agreement or the
other  Transaction  Documents  will  operate as a waiver of any right,  power or
privilege under this Agreement or the other Transaction Documents, and no waiver
of any of the  provisions of this Agreement or the other  Transaction  Documents
shall be deemed or shall  constitute a waiver of any other  provision  hereof or
thereof (whether or not similar),  nor shall such waiver constitute a continuing
waiver  unless  otherwise  expressly  provided in such waiver.  In addition,  no


notice to or demand on one Party  will be deemed a waiver of any  obligation  of
such  Party or of the right of the Party  giving  such  notice or demand to take
further  action  without  notice or demand as provided in this  Agreement or the
other Transaction Documents. Notwithstanding the foregoing, (a) Bear Stearns, in
its sole  discretion,  may modify  Schedule  3.7(a) in  accordance  with Section
3.7(a), and (b) Calpine,  in its sole discretion,  may modify Schedule 3.8(a) in
accordance with Section 3.8(a).

    8.9   Multiple  Counterparts.  This Agreement may be executed in one or more
counterparts,  each of  which  shall be  deemed  an  original,  but all of which
together shall  constitute one and the same  instrument.  This Agreement and the
signature  pages  hereto may be  delivered  by telecopy or other  electronic  or
digital transmission method.

   18.10  Invalidity.  In  addition to, and  not in limitation of, Section 18.6,
in the event that any one or more of the provisions  contained in this Agreement
or in any other instrument referred to herein, shall, for any reason, be held to
be invalid,  illegal or unenforceable in any respect, then to the maximum extent
permitted by law,  such  invalidity,  illegality or  unenforceability  shall not
affect any other provision of this Agreement or any other such instrument.

    8.11  Titles; Currency;  Schedules. The  titles, captions or headings of the
Articles and Sections  herein are inserted for convenience of reference only and
are not intended to be a part of or to affect the meaning or  interpretation  of
this Agreement.  Unless otherwise  specified,  all references  contained in this
Agreement  or in any other  Transaction  Document  to  dollars  or "$" will mean
United  States  Dollars.  Disclosure  of any item in any section or part of this
Agreement or the schedules hereto will not constitute disclosure of such item in
any other section or part of this Agreement or the schedules hereto,  whether or
not the  existence of the item or its  contents  should be or is relevant to any
other section or part of this Agreement or the schedules,  unless such relevance
is reasonably apparent on its face.

   18.12  Payments. Unless otherwise  specified, all Payment due pursuant to the
terms of this Agreement shall be due by 4:00 p.m. New York City time on the date
they are due pursuant to the terms hereof.

   18.13  Publicity.  No  Party shall, and each Party shall cause its Affiliates
and  their  Representatives  not to,  issue  any  press  release  regarding  the
transactions  contemplated  hereby  or by the  other  Transaction  Documents  or
consummated  hereunder or thereunder  without the prior approval of, in the case
of Calpine or any Calpine  Transaction  Party, Bear Stearns,  and in the case of
Bear  Stearns  or  CalBear,  Calpine,  in  each  case  such  approval  not to be
unreasonably  withheld.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,  nothing herein shall be
deemed to prohibit any Party from making any disclosure  which its counsel deems
reasonably  necessary in order to fulfill such  Party's  disclosure  obligations
imposed by Applicable  Law;  provided that each such Party shall,  to the extent
reasonably  practicable,   afford,  in  the  case  of  Calpine  or  any  Calpine
Transaction  Party,  Bear  Stearns,  or in the case of Bear  Stearns or CalBear,
Calpine,  the  opportunity  to review and comment on the proposed  disclosure in
advance of such issuance;  provided,  further,  that in the event that it is not
reasonably  practicable,  such Party shall  provide Bear Stearns or Calpine,  as


applicable, a copy promptly thereafter.  Reference is made to Section 3.5(b) for
other agreements with respect to press releases.

  18.14   Fees and Expenses.

          (a) Calpine.  Subject to the provisions of Article XV and Section 18.4
hereof, unless otherwise specifically provided in this Agreement or in any other
Transaction Document,  Calpine and the Calpine Transaction Parties shall pay all
of the fees, costs and expenses  incurred by Calpine or any Calpine  Transaction
Party incident to or in connection with the negotiation,  preparation, execution
and delivery of this Agreement.

          (b) Bear Stearns.  Subject to the provisions of Article XV and Section
18.4 hereof, unless otherwise  specifically provided in this Agreement or in any
other Transaction Document,  Bear Stearns and CalBear shall pay all of the fees,
costs and  expenses  incurred  by Bear  Stearns  or  CalBear  incident  to or in
connection  with the  negotiation,  preparation,  execution and delivery of this

   18.15  Specific  Performance; Remedies Cumulative. In the event of any actual
or  threatened  default  in, or breach  of,  any of the  terms,  conditions  and
provisions of this Agreement or the other Transaction Documents (other than Soft
Covenants),  any Party who is or is to be thereby  aggrieved will have the right
of specific  performance and injunctive relief giving effect to its rights under
this Agreement and the other  Transaction  Documents to the extent  permitted by
Applicable  Law.  Except as otherwise set forth herein,  all rights and remedies
under this Agreement and the other Transaction Documents will be cumulative, and
the exercise of one or more rights or remedies shall not prejudice or impair the
concurrent or subsequent exercise of other rights or remedies.

   18.16  Representation  of  Counsel;  Mutual Negotiation.  Each Party has been
represented  by  counsel  of its  choice in  negotiating  this  Agreement.  This
Agreement  shall therefore be deemed to have been negotiated and prepared at the
request,  direction and  construction  of each of the Parties,  at arm's length,
with the  advice  and  participation  of  counsel,  and will be  interpreted  in
accordance with its terms without favor to any Party.

   18.17  Knowledge.  Whenever  used  in   this  Agreement  or  any  Transaction
Documents,  "to the  knowledge  of" or a similar  phrase  shall  mean the actual
knowledge of (i) if a specified individual or individuals are referred to in any
provision of this Agreement or any  Transaction  Documents,  such  individual or
individuals,  or (ii) if no such individual or individuals are specified, any of
the individual  Representatives of the applicable Party or its Affiliates listed
on Schedule  18.17, in each case after such  individuals  undertook a reasonable

   18.18  No Third Party  Beneficiaries.  This  Agreement  shall be binding upon
and inure  solely to the benefit of each Party,  and nothing in this  Agreement,
express or implied,  is intended  to or shall  confer upon any other  Person any
legal or equitable right, benefit or remedy of any nature whatsoever under or by
reason  of  this  Agreement,   including  by  way  of  subrogation,   except  as
specifically set forth in Article XV hereof.


   18.19  Time of Essence.  With regard to  all dates and time periods set forth
or referred to in this Agreement, time is of the essence.

   18.20  Force  Majeure.  In  the event of a Force  Majeure  with  respect to a
Party,  if such Party gives notice and details of the Force Majeure to the other
Party or Parties to whom  performance is owed as soon as  practicable,  then the
Party  claiming the Force Majeure shall be excused from the  performance  of its
obligations to the extent and for the period affected by the Force Majeure.  The
Party   claiming  the  Force  Majeure  shall  remedy  the  Force  Majeure  in  a
commercially reasonable manner as promptly as possible.

                            [signature page follows]


          IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the Parties have caused this Agreement to be duly
executed on their respective behalf, by their respective officers thereunto duly
authorized, all as of the day and year first above written.

                               CALPINE CORPORATION

                               By:   /s/ ERIC PRYOR

                               Name:  Eric Pryor
                               Title: Executive Vice President

                               CALPINE ENERGY SERVICES, L.P.

                               By:    /s/ PAUL POSOLI

                               Name:  Paul Posoli
                               Title: President

                               THE BEAR STEARNS COMPANIES INC.

                               By:    /s/ WARREN J. SPECTOR

                               Name:  Warren J. Spector
                               Title: President, Co-Chief Operating Officer
                                      and Director


                                     TO THE

                          MASTER TRANSACTION AGREEMENT

                                    Exhibit A

                      Form of Agency and Services Agreement

                                    Exhibit B

                        Form of Trading Master Agreement

                                    Exhibit C

                        Organizational Documents of CMSC

                                    Exhibit D

                       Organizational Documents of CalBear

                                    Exhibit E

                     Form of CMSC and CalBear Signature Page

                                 SIGNATURE PAGE
                                     TO THE
                          MASTER TRANSACTION AGREEMENT

          By execution of this signature page, each of Calpine Merchant Services
Company, Inc., a Delaware corporation ("CMSC") and CalBear Energy LP, a Delaware
limited  partnership  ("CalBear"),  in  accordance  with the terms of the Master
Transaction  Agreement (as defined  below),  in  consideration  of the premises,
mutual covenants and promises contained in the Master Transaction Agreement, and
for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and adequacy of which are
hereby  acknowledged,  hereby  agrees  to  become  party  to, to be bound by the
obligations of, and to receive the benefits of, that certain Master  Transaction
Agreement,  dated as of September 7, 2005, by and among Calpine  Corporation,  a
Delaware  corporation,   Calpine  Energy  Services,  L.P.,  a  Delaware  limited
partnership,  and The Bear Stearns  Companies Inc., a Delaware  corporation,  as
modified from time to time thereafter (the "Master Transaction Agreement"),  and
each of CMSC and  CalBear  acknowledges  and  agrees  that it shall be "CMSC" or
"CalBear",  respectively,  and a "Party",  in each case as defined in the Master
Transaction Agreement, for all purposes thereunder.

Dated: [________], 2005

                            [signature page follows]

                                      CALPINE MERCHANT SERVICES COMPANY, INC.,
                                      a Delaware corporation


                                      CALBEAR ENERGY LP, a Delaware limited

                                      By: [________]
                                      Its: General Partner

                                          By: [________]
                                          Its: Managing Member


                                    Exhibit F

                             Form of Renewal Notice

                                 RENEWAL NOTICE
                           PURSUANT TO SECTION 16.2(A)
                                     OF THE
                          MASTER TRANSACTION AGREEMENT

          [NAME OF PARTY], together with its Affiliates that are Parties to that
certain  Master  Transaction  Agreement (as defined  below) hereby  deliver this
Renewal Notice to [BEAR STEARNS OR CALPINE,  AS APPLICABLE] and renew the Master
Transaction  Agreement  pursuant  to Section  16.2(a) of the Master  Transaction
Agreement, for [each of] the Renewal Period(s) commencing:

          [August 31, [____], [____] and [____];]

          [November 30, [____], [____] and [____];]

          [February 28 (or  February  29, in the event of a leap year),  [____],
[____] and [____]; and]

          [May 31, [____],  [____] and [____].]
until the end of [the last] such Renewal Period.

          Capitalized  terms used but not defined in this  Renewal  Notice shall
have the meaning  given to them in that certain  Master  Transaction  Agreement,
dated as of  September 7, 2005,  by and among  Calpine  Corporation,  a Delaware
corporation,  Calpine Energy Services, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership, and
The Bear Stearns Companies Inc., a Delaware  corporation,  as modified from time
to time thereafter (the "Master Transaction Agreement").

Dated: [________]

                                      [NAME OF PARTY], a [TYPE OF ENTITY]



                                     TO THE

                          MASTER TRANSACTION AGREEMENT

                                 Schedule 1.1(a)

                           Calpine Existing Indentures

1.   Indenture,  dated  as of  May  16,  1996,  as  supplemented  by  the  First
     Supplemental  Indenture,  dated  as of  August  1,  2000,  and  the  Second
     Supplemental Indenture, dated as of April 26, 2004, between the Company and
     State Street Bank and Trust Company (as successor to Fleet National  Bank),
     as Trustee,  relating to $180,000,000 in aggregate  principal amount of the
     Company's 10-1/2% Senior Notes due 2006.

2.   Indenture,  dated  as of  July  8,  1997,  as  supplemented  by  the  First
     Supplemental  Indenture,  dated  as  of  September  10,  1997,  the  Second
     Supplemental  Indenture,   dated  as  of  July  31,  2000,  and  the  Third
     Supplemental Indenture, dated as of April 26, 2004, between the Company and
     The Bank of New York,  as Trustee,  relating to  $275,000,000  in aggregate
     principal amount of the Company's 8-3/4% Senior Notes due 2007.

3.   Indenture,  dated  as of March  31,  1998,  as  supplemented  by the  First
     Supplemental Indenture,  dated as of July 24, 1998, the Second Supplemental
     Indenture, dated as of July 31, 2000, and the Third Supplemental Indenture,
     dated as of April 26,  2004,  between the Company and The Bank of New York,
     as Trustee,  relating to $400,000,000 in aggregate  principal amount of the
     Company's 7-7/8% Senior Notes due 2008.

4.   Indenture,  dated  as of March  29,  1999,  as  supplemented  by the  First
     Supplemental  Indenture,  dated  as  of  July  31,  2000,  and  the  Second
     Supplemental Indenture, dated as of April 26, 2004, between the Company and
     The Bank of New York,  as Trustee,  relating to  $250,000,000  in aggregate
     principal amount of the Company's 7-5/8% Senior Notes due 2006.

5.   Indenture,  dated  as of March  29,  1999,  as  supplemented  by the  First
     Supplemental  Indenture,  dated  as  of  July  31,  2000,  and  the  Second
     Supplemental Indenture, dated as of April 26, 2004, between the Company and
     The Bank of New York,  as Trustee,  relating to  $350,000,000  in aggregate
     principal amount of the Company's 7-3/4% Senior Notes due 2009.

6.   Indenture,  dated as of  August  10,  2000,  as  supplemented  by the First
     Supplemental  Indenture,  dated as of  September  28,  2000 and the  Second
     Supplemental Indenture, dated as of September 30, 2004, between the Company
     and  Wilmington  Trust Company,  as Trustee,  relating to  $250,000,000  in
     aggregate  principal  amount of the Company's 8-1/4% Senior Notes due 2005,
     $750,000,000 in aggregate  principal  amount of the Company's 8-5/8% Senior
     Notes  due  2010,  $2,000,000,000  in  aggregate  principal  amount  of the
     Company's  8-1/2%  Senior  Notes  due  2011,  $1,200,000,000  in  aggregate
     principal amount of the Company's 4% Convertible  Senior Notes due 2006 and
     $725,000,000  in aggregate  principal  amount of the  Company's  Contingent
     Convertible Notes due 2014.

7.   Amended and Restated  Indenture,  dated as of March 12,  2004,  between the
     Company and Wilmington Trust Company, as Trustee,  relating to $900,000,000
     in aggregate  principal  amount of the Company's  4.75%  Contingent  Senior
     Notes due 2023.

8.   Indenture,  dated as of July 16, 2003,  between the Company and  Wilmington
     Trust Company, as Trustee,  relating to $500,000,000 in aggregate principal
     amount of the Company's  Second Priority Senior Secured Floating Rate Notes
     due 2007.

9.   Indenture,  dated as of July 16, 2003,  between the Company and  Wilmington
     Trust  Company,  as  Trustee,   relating  to  $1,150,000,000  in  aggregate
     principal  amount of the Company's  8.500% Second  Priority  Senior Secured
     Notes due 2010.

10.  Indenture,  dated as of July 16, 2003,  between the Company and  Wilmington
     Trust  Company,  as  Trustee,   relating  to  $1,150,000,000  in  aggregate
     principal  amount of the Company's  8.750% Second  Priority  Senior Secured
     Notes due 2013.

11.  Indenture,  dated  as  of  November  18,  2003,  between  the  Company  and
     Wilmington Trust Company, as Trustee, relating to $400,000,000 in aggregate
     principal  amount of the Company's  9.875% Second  Priority  Senior Secured
     Notes due 2011.

12.  Indenture,  dated  as of  September  30,  2004,  between  the  Company  and
     Wilmington Trust Company, as Trustee, relating to $785,000,000 in aggregate
     principal  amount of the Company's  9.625% First  Priority  Senior  Secured
     Notes due 2014.

                                 Schedule 1.1(b)

                         Calpine Restricted Transferees

[*] and their respective Affiliates.

                                 Schedule 1.1(c)

                       Bear Stearns Restricted Transferees

[*] and their respective Affiliates.

                                 Schedule 1.1(d)

                        Calpine Significant Subsidiaries

Calpine Generating Company, LLC
Calpine Power Company
Calpine Central, Inc.

                      Bear Stearns Significant Subsidiaries

Bear, Stearns & Co. Inc.
Bear, Stearns Securities International Limited
Bear, Stearns International Limited

                                 Schedule 3.7(a)

                            Employees of Bear Stearns


                                 Schedule 3.8(a)

                              Employees of Calpine


                                  Schedule 9.1

                     Calpine and Calpine Transaction Parties

Name                           Type of Entity       Jurisdiction of Organization
Calpine Corporation            Corporation          Delaware
CES Marketing VII, LLC         Limited Liability    Delaware
(to be known as Calpine        Company
Merchant Services
Company, Inc.)
Calpine Energy Services, L.P.  Limited Partnership  Delaware

                                  Schedule 9.2

                   Calpine Conflicts, Violations and Consents

Any notice  filings or other  approvals,  as needed  under the FPA,  for CMSC to
receive FERC approval  under Section 203 of the FPA for the  performance  of the
Services  by  CMSC  in  accordance  with  CalBear's   FERC-jurisdictional   rate
schedules,  for the provision of energy related services by CMSC to CES, for the
transfer of interests in CMSC's  predecessor,  CES  Marketing  VII,  LLC,  among
Affiliates of Calpine,  and for the name change from CES  Marketing  VII, LLC to
Calpine Merchant  Services  Company,  Inc. and any other notice filings or other
approvals required under the FPA.

Any material consent, waiver, agreement, Permit or approval or authorization of,
or material declaration,  filing, notice or registration to or with, or material
assignment  by, any Person or  Governmental  Authority,  that may be required in
connection with any specific CalBear Trade, including any RTO registrations.

                                  Schedule 10.1

                            Bear Stearns and CalBear

Name                           Type of Entity       Jurisdiction of Organization
The Bear Stearns
 Companies Inc.                Corporation          Delaware
Arroyo Energy LP               Limited partnership  Delaware
(to be known as CalBear
Energy LP)

                                  Schedule 10.2

                 Bear Stearns Conflicts, Violations and Consents

Any notice filings or other  approvals,  as needed under the FPA, for CalBear to
receive FERC approval  under Section 203 of the FPA for the  performance  of the
Services  by  CMSC  in  accordance  with  CalBear's   FERC-jurisdictional   rate
schedules, for the transfer of interests in CalBear's predecessor, Arroyo Energy
LP, among Affiliates of Bear Stearns, and for the name change from Arroyo Energy
LP to CalBear Energy LP and any other notice filings or other approvals required
under the FPA.

Any material consent, waiver, agreement, Permit or approval or authorization of,
or material declaration,  filing, notice or registration to or with, or material
assignment  by, any Person or  Governmental  Authority,  that may be required in
connection with any specific CalBear Trade, including any RTO registrations.

                                  Schedule 12.9

                       Opinions of Counsel to Bear Stearns


                                  Schedule 13.9

                         Opinions of Counsel to Calpine


                                 Schedule 18.17


Representatives of Bear Stearns and CalBear


Representatives of Calpine, CMSC and CES
