THIS  CONSULTING  CONTRACT   ("Contract")  is  made  and  entered  into
effective as of the 1st day of January,  1997,  between Calpine  Corporation,  a
Delaware corporation, of 50 West San Fernando Street, San Jose, California 95113
("CALPINE")  and GEORGE J. STATHAKIS,  120 Montgomery  Street,  13th Floor,  San
Francisco, California 94104 ("CONSULTANT"), with reference to the following:

         In consideration of the mutual agreements herein contained, the parties
wish to amend and restate the Contract in its entirety as follows:


         1.1      CONSULTANT agrees to perform the following services:

                  (a)      Provide advice and guidance on various management 
                           issues to the President and members of his senior 

                  (b)      Provide  advice and  guidance to  CALPINE's  Business
                           Development   staff  with  regard  to  domestic   and
                           international business, with a more in-depth emphasis
                           on international business.

                  (c)      In addition, but outside of the Retainer,  Consultant
                           will identify project  investment  opportunities  for
                           the  Corporation  and  develop  projects  through  to

2.       TERM

         2.1      This  Contract  shall be for a term  lasting one year from the
                  date first specified above, unless earlier terminated pursuant
                  to this  Contract  or  extended  by  mutual  agreement  of the

         2.2      Notwithstanding  the above,  either party may  terminate  this
                  Contract at any time by giving thirty (30) days written notice
                  to the other party,  provided,  however, that any payments due
                  and payable upon termination shall be paid.


         Compensation to CONSULTANT for services rendered shall be as follows:

         (a)      CALPINE   will  pay   CONSULTANT  a  monthly   retainer   (the
                  "Retainer") of Five Thousand Dollars  ($5,000.00),  commencing
                  January 1, 1997, which amount will be payable at the beginning
                  of each month under the Term hereof.

         (b)      In  addition  to the cash  compensation  stated in (a)  above,
                  CALPINE will grant to CONSULTANT  ten thousand  (10,000) stock
                  options  under the Calpine  Corporation  1996 Stock  Incentive
                  Plan.  The grant will be effective  April 1, 1997;  the option
                  price for this grant will be the fair market  value of Calpine
                  Corporation  stock at the close of business  on the  effective
                  date.  The options will be 25% vested on the  effective  date,
                  and the  balance  will vest 25% on July 1,  1997;  October  1,
                  1997; and January 1, 1998.

         (c)      A fee will be negotiated between the parties for those project
                  investment  opportunities  identified  and  completed  through
                  closure by CONSULTANT.

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         (d)      In  addition  to  the  above,   CALPINE  agrees  to  reimburse
                  CONSULTANT  for all  travel  and  other  actual  out-of-pocket
                  expenses  incurred in support of this Contract.  Such expenses
                  will not be incurred by CONSULTANT  without prior  approval of
                  CALPINE.  CONSULTANT shall furnish copies of all receipts with
                  invoices for expenses incurred in support of this Contract.

4.       WARRANTY

         CONSULTANT  assumes  professional  and  technical   responsibility  for
         performance  of Services to be provided  hereunder in  accordance  with
         recognized   professional  standards.  If  within  one  year  following
         completion  of the  Services,  the Services  fail to meet the aforesaid
         standards,   and  CALPINE  promptly  advises   CONSULTANT  in  writing,
         CONSULTANT  agrees to reperform  deficient  Services  without charge to
         CALPINE up to a maximum amount equivalent to the compensation  received
         for the deficient Services rendered.


         5.1      CONSULTANT  acknowledges  and agrees  that it enters into this
                  Contract as an independent contractor.  Under no circumstances
                  shall  CONSULTANT  look to CALPINE as its  employer,  nor as a
                  partner, agent or principal.  CONSULTANT shall not be entitled
                  to any  benefits  accorded to CALPINE's  employees  including,
                  without   limitation,    workers   compensation,    disability
                  insurance,  and  vacation  or sick  pay.  CONSULTANT  shall be
                  responsible  for  providing,  at its  expense and in its name,
                  disability,  workers'  compensation or other insurance as well
                  as licenses and permits usual or necessary for  conducting the
                  Services hereunder.

         5.2      CONSULTANT  shall  pay,  when  and as due,  any and all  taxes
                  incurred as a result of CONSULTANT's  compensation  hereunder,
                  including  estimated  taxes.   CONSULTANT  hereby  indemnifies
                  CALPINE  for any  claims,  losses  costs,  fees,  liabilities,
                  damages  or  injuries  suffered  by  CALPINE  arising  out  of
                  CONSULTANT's breach of this section.

         5.3      CONSULTANT  represents  that he or she has the  qualifications
                  and ability to perform the Services in a professional  manner,
                  without  the  advice,   control  or  supervision  of  CALPINE.
                  CONSULTANT  shall be solely  responsible for the  professional
                  performance of the Services,  and shall receive no assistance,
                  direction or control from CALPINE.  CONSULTANT shall have sole
                  discretion  and control of its work and the manner in which it
                  is performed.

6.       INSURANCE

         6.1      CONSULTANT  shall maintain in full force and effect during the
                  term of this Contract,  the insurance described below, as well
                  as such other  insurance  as deemed  reasonably  necessary  by
                  CALPINE to insure the services performed hereunder.

                  6.1.1    Automobile   liability   insurance   covering  owned,
                           non-owned and hired automobiles for a combined single
                           limit of  $100,000/$300,000  for  bodily  injury  and
                           property damage.

         6.2      CONSULTANT shall, upon request,  furnish  certificates showing
                  that the above  insurance will be in effect during the term of
                  this Contract and shall specify that CALPINE must be given, in
                  writing, thirty (30) days notice of cancellation, termination,
                  or alternation of the policies  evidenced by certificates.  It
                  is  acknowledged,  understood and agreed that no payment shall
                  be due from  CALPINE  under  this  Contract  at any time  when
                  CONSULTANT  is not in  full  compliance  with  this  provision
                  dealing with insurance.

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7.       INDEMNITY

         7.1      CALPINE  agrees to indemnify  CONSULTANT and hold him harmless
                  against any claim by any person that CONSULTANT's  performance
                  arising from or in connection with  CONSULTANT's  relationship
                  with CALPINE  renders  CONSULTANT  liable to such person,  and
                  against  any losses or  damages  suffered  by CALPINE  and its
                  affiliates as a result of any such claim (including legal fees
                  and expenses); provided, however, that such indemnity will not
                  extend to any  action  taken or  omitted  by  CONSULTANT  as a
                  result of gross negligence or wilful misconduct.

         7.2      CONSULTANT  shall  not be  liable  for  any  consequential  or
                  indirect damages occurring as a result of any  recommendation,
                  opinion   or  advice   given  by   CONSULTANT,   or  from  any
                  implementation of CONSULTANT's  recommendations by CALPINE, or
                  from any other services performed  hereunder by CONSULTANT for


         CONSULTANT  shall  not  have the  right  to  assign  this  Contract  or
         subcontract  any of the work  without  the  prior  written  consent  of
         CALPINE.   CONSULTANT   shall  supervise  all  work   subcontracted  by
         CONSULTANT in performing the Services and shall be responsible  for all
         work performed by a subcontractor as if CONSULTANT itself had performed
         such  work.   The   assignment  or   subcontracting   of  any  work  to
         subcontractors shall not relieve CONSULTANT from any of its obligations
         under this Contract with respect to the Services.


         All data, information, work papers, technology and reports furnished or
         disclosed by CALPINE to  CONSULTANT  or its  personnel in the course of
         performing the Services  ("Information")  are and shall remain the sole
         property of CALPINE and shall be kept  confidential by CONSULTANT,  and
         shall be  delivered  over to CALPINE at CALPINE's  request.  CONSULTANT
         agrees  not to  divulge  all or any  part of the  Information  to third
         parties, without the prior written consent of CALPINE, unless:

         (a)      The Information is known to CONSULTANT prior to obtaining the 
                  same from CALPINE;

         (b)      The Information is, at the time of disclosure by CONSULTANT, 
                  then in the public domain; or

         (c)      The  Information is obtained by CONSULTANT  from a third party
                  who did not receive same, directly or indirectly, from CALPINE
                  and who has no obligation of secrecy with respect thereto.

         CONSULTANT  further agrees that it will not,  without the prior written
         consent of CALPINE, disclose to any third party any of such Information
         developed  or  obtained  by  CONSULTANT  in  the  performance  of  this
         Contract.  If so requested  by CALPINE,  CONSULTANT  further  agrees to
         require its  employees to execute a  nondisclosure  agreement  prior to
         performing Services under this Contract.


         This Contract shall be governed by and be construed in accordance  with
         the laws of the State of California.


         CONSULTANT  shall not use CALPINE's name or trademarks,  photographs or
         otherwise  claim any  affiliation  with CALPINE in any  publication  or
         public forum without obtaining prior written approval from CALPINE.

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12.      SURVIVAL

         The rights and obligations of the parties,  which, by their nature, are
         normally  intended to survive the  termination  or  completion  of this
         Contract shall remain in full force and effect following termination of
         this Contract for any reason.


         This Contract,  together with Exhibits and Schedules,  if any, attached
         hereto,  all of which are incorporated  herein as part of this Contract
         by this reference,  and together with all purchase orders,  contain the
         entire agreement between the parties hereto with respect to the subject
         matter  hereof.  No amendment to this Contract or to any purchase order
         shall be binding upon either party hereto,  unless it is in writing and
         executed  on  behalf  of  each  party  hereto  by  a  duly   authorized
         representative and expressly specified as such.


         This First  Amended and  Restated  Contract  shall be binding  upon and
         inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, and to their successors and
         permitted assigns.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  this Contract is executed  effective as of the day
and year first above written.

CALPINE:                                   CONSULTANT:


By:                                        By:

Title:   President                         Title:

Date:    April 3, 1997                     Date:

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