EXHIBIT 10.2.6
                              CALPINE CORPORATION
                              Employment Agreement

     This  Employment  Agreement  (this  'Agreement')  has  been  entered  into,
effective  as of  August  1,  1999,  between  CALPINE  CORPORATION,  a  Delaware
corporation (the 'Company'),  and Ron A. Walter ('Executive') to provide for the
employment of Executive on the terms and conditions set forth herein.

     WHEREAS, Executive has served as Senior Vice President-Business Development
of the Company since January 1998; and

     WHEREAS,  the Company  wishes to assure itself of the continued  employment
efforts of Executive for the period provided in this Agreement, and Executive is
willing to continue  to serve in the employ of the Company on a full-time  basis
for said period upon the terms and conditions hereinafter provided.

     NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual agreements herein contained,
intending to be legally bound, the Company and Executive agree as follows:

          1. Definitions. The capitalized terms in this Agreement shall have the
     meanings set forth in this Agreement or in Appendix A hereto.

          2.  Employment.  The Company hereby employs  Executive,  and Executive
     hereby  accepts  such  employment  by  the  Company,  upon  the  terms  and
     conditions herein provided.

          3.  Term  of  Employment.  Executive's  employment  with  the  Company
     pursuant  to this  Agreement  shall  commence  on  August 1, 1999 and shall
     continue through July 31, 2004, unless such employment is sooner terminated
     or subsequently extended as hereinafter provided. The Company and Executive
     may agree to extend the Employment  Period beyond the initial term upon the
     terms and conditions of this Agreement or upon other terms, but neither the
     Company nor  Executive is under any  obligation to do so. The period during
     which this Agreement  continues in effect shall  constitute the 'Employment

          4. Positions and Responsibilities.

               (a) Position. During the Employment Period, Executive shall serve
          as the Company's Senior Vice President-Business  Development and shall
          be responsible for leading the Company's business development affairs,
          reporting to the  President and Chief  Executive  Officer (CEO) of the

               (b)  Duties.  During the  Employment  Period,  and subject to the
          control of the CEO,  Executive shall have general executive powers and
          active  management  and  supervision  over  the  business  development
          affairs of the Company and shall perform such other  executive  and/or
          administrative  duties  consistent  with the  office  of  Senior  Vice
          President-Business Development as from time to time may be assigned to
          Executive by the CEO, but subject to the conditions in this Agreement.
          Executive shall devote  substantially  Executive's  full business time
          and  attention  to,  and  exert   Executive's  best  efforts  in,  the
          performance  of  Executive's  duties  hereunder,  so as to promote the
          business of the Company.  Executive  agrees that,  during  Executive's
          employment  with the Company,  Executive  will not provide  consulting
          services to or become an employee of, any other firm or person engaged
          in a business in any way competitive with the Company.


          5.  Compensation.  For all services rendered by Executive  pursuant to
     this Agreement,  the Company shall pay Executive,  and Executive  agrees to
     accept,  the salary,  bonuses and other  benefits  described  below in this
     Section 5.

               (a) Salary. The Company shall pay Executive an annual base salary
          ('Base  Salary')  as  determined  by the CEO in  accordance  with this
          Section 5,  payable  at  periodic  intervals  in  accordance  with the
          Company's payroll practices for salaried  employees.  Executive's Base
          Salary as of the effective date hereof is two hundred thirty  thousand
          dollars  ($230,000.00)  per annum.  In  accordance  with  Section 5(c)
          hereof, the amount of the Base Salary shall be reviewed by the CEO and
          approved by the Board of Directors, if required, on at least an annual
          basis,  and any increases will be effective as of the date  determined
          appropriate by the CEO.  Executive's  Base Salary may be increased for
          any reason,  including to reflect  inflation or such other adjustments
          as the CEO may deem appropriate;  provided,  however, that Executive's
          Base  Salary,  as  currently  in  effect  as  stated  above  or  as so
          increased,  may not be subsequently  decreased,  except with the prior
          written consent of Executive.

               (b)  Bonuses.  In addition  to Base  Salary,  Executive  shall be
          entitled to receive,  for each fiscal year of the Company  ending with
          or within the Employment  Period,  an annual bonus ('Bonus'),  whether
          pursuant  to a  formal  bonus  or  incentive  plan or  program  of the
          Company.  or otherwise.  Subject to this Section 5(b) and Section 5(c)
          hereof,  such  Bonus  shall be based on such  criteria  as are in good
          faith deemed appropriate by the CEO. Any Bonus earned by Executive for
          service  or  performance  rendered  in  any  fiscal  year  within  the
          Employment  Period shall be paid to Executive in  accordance  with the
          applicable plan or program and the Company's  policies  governing such
          matters.  For the year  ending  December  31,  1999 and for all future
          years  hereunder,  Executive  shall be entitled to  participate in and
          receive a Bonus in accordance  with the terms and conditions set forth
          in the Company's Annual Management  Incentive Plan provided,  however,
          that the target bonus for Executive as set forth in the current Annual
          Management  Incentive Plan shall be fifty percent (50%).  In the event
          of Executive's death or Disability during the Employment  Period,  the
          Company  shall pay to  Executive  or  Executive's  estate the pro rata
          portion of the Bonus that  Executive  would have  earned in respect of
          the portion of the year prior to Executive's death or Disability.

               (c) Annual Compensation Review.  Notwithstanding  anything herein
          to the contrary, Executive's compensation, consisting of salary, bonus
          and stock option grants, shall be reviewed annually by the CEO.

               (d) Life  Insurance.  During the Employment  Period,  the Company
          shall provide to Executive a life insurance  policy in accordance with
          the  terms  of  the  current  policy  maintained  by the  Company  for
          Executive, as further described in Section 8(b).


               (e) Health Care. During the Employment Period, Executive shall be
          eligible to participate in any health  insurance  programs and medical
          plans available to officers or employees of the Company.

               (f)  Participation  in  Benefit  and Equity  Compensation  Plans.
          During the Employment  Period,  Executive shall be eligible to receive
          all benefits,  including  those under equity  participation  and bonus
          programs,  to which key  employees are or become  eligible  under such
          plans or programs as may be established by the Company. In addition to
          any other  plans or programs  established  by the  Company,  Executive
          shall be entitled to participate in the Company's 1996 Stock Incentive
          Plan and any similar or replacement plan or program (the 'Stock Option

               (g) 401(k) Plan  Benefits.  In addition to the other  benefits to
          which Executive  shall be entitled to under this Agreement,  Executive
          shall be  entitled to  participate  in the  Company's  401(k) Plan and
          shall be entitled to receive the full benefit of  contributions  to be
          made by the Company for the  benefit of  Executive  under the terms of
          the 401(k) Plan.

          6. Vacation. During the Employment Period, Executive shall be entitled
     to vacation in accordance with the Company's  Vacation Policy in effect for
     executives.  In no event  shall such  entitlement  be less than twenty (20)
     business days in each year, with full salary. Furthermore,  Executive shall
     accrue paid vacation  benefits  during the Employment  Period in accordance
     with the Company's Vacation Policy in effect for executives.

          7. Indemnification.  The Company shall indemnify Executive pursuant to
     the provisions of the Company's Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws to the
     fullest  extent of California law and all other  applicable  law, and shall
     provide Executive with  indemnification  pursuant to the Company's standard
     indemnification  agreement  and  any  director's  and  officer's  liability
     insurance policy maintained by the Company.

          8. Benefits Payable Upon Disability or Death.

               (a)  Disability  Benefits.  In the  event  of the  Disability  of
          Executive,  the Company  shall  continue to pay  Executive  the salary
          payable to Executive in  accordance  with Section 5 hereof  during the
          period of  Executive's  Disability;  provided,  however,  that, in the
          event that Executive is disabled for a continuous period exceeding six
          (6) calendar  months,  the Company may elect at the expiration of this
          six (6) month period to terminate this Agreement and pay Executive the
          greater  of  (i)  Executive's  available  monthly  benefits  from  any
          existing  Company-sponsored  long-term  disability plan; or (ii) sixty
          seven  percent  (67%) of the salary  provided in Section  5(a) for the
          duration of the Employment Period.

               (b) Death  Benefits.  In the event of  Executive's  death  during
          Executive's  Disability or otherwise during the Employment Period, the
          Company  shall cause payment to be made to  Executive's  most recently
          designated  beneficiary  (which,  absent  specific  designation  of  a
          beneficiary for purposes of this provision,  shall be Executive's most
          recently  designated   beneficiary  under  the  Company's  group  life
          insurance  program)  a sum equal to three (3) times  Executive's  Base
          Salary.  This  obligation  of the Company  shall be  discharged to the
          extent benefits are actually paid pursuant to the Company's group life
          insurance  program,   with  the  balance  of  said  obligation  to  be
          discharged  either  by a cash  payment  from the  Company,  or, if the
          Company so elects,  by  supplementary  life  insurance  policies to be
          obtained and maintained by the Company.


          9. Severance Benefits.

               (a)   Termination  of  Employment.   In  the  event   Executive's
          employment  terminates  for any reason,  except as provided in Section
          9(b) in connection  with a Change of Control,  then Executive shall be
          entitled to receive severance benefits as follows:

                    (i)  Voluntary   Resignation.   If  Executive's   employment
               terminates by reason of Executive's  voluntary  resignation  (and
               such   termination  is  not  an  Involuntary   Termination  or  a
               termination  for Cause),  then Executive shall not be entitled to
               receive  severance or other benefits except for those (if any) to
               which  Executive  may be  entitled  under this  Agreement  or any
               separate agreement with the Company or as may then be established
               under the Company's then existing severance and benefit plans and
               policies at the time of such termination.

                    (ii)  Involuntary  Termination  Other  Than  For  Cause.  If
               Executive's   employment   is   terminated  as  a  result  of  an
               Involuntary  Termination other than for Cause, then the following
               severance  benefits  shall  be  paid  or  otherwise  provided  to
               Executive:  (A) the Company shall pay to Executive in the form of
               a lump sum  payment,  in cash, a severance  payment  equal to the
               lesser of (I) three (3)  times  Executive's  Base  Salary or (II)
               Executive's  Base Salary  multiplied by the sum of (x) the number
               of years (or any portion  thereof,  calculated  on a daily basis)
               remaining  under this  Agreement had  Executive's  employment not
               been terminated,  plus (y) an additional  one-half year, however,
               in  no  event  shall  such  payment   equal  less  than  100%  of
               Executive's Base Salary,  which shall be paid to Executive within
               ten (10)  days  after  the date of  termination;  (B)  until  the
               earlier  of (I) the date  this  Agreement  would  otherwise  have
               terminated had  Executive's  employment not been  terminated (the
               'Remaining  Term') or (II) the  expiration  of the three (3) year
               period  measured  from the  date of  Executive's  termination  of
               employment.  The  Company  shall  at its sole  cost  and  expense
               provide Executive (and Executive's eligible  dependents,  if any)
               with   life,   disability,   and   medical   insurance   benefits
               substantially  similar  to those  benefits  that  Executive  (and
               Executive's  dependents)  were  receiving  immediately  prior  to
               Executive's  termination of employment;  provided,  however, that
               the benefits  otherwise  receivable by Executive pursuant to this
               Section  9(a)(ii)(B)  shall be reduced  to the extent  comparable
               benefits are  concurrently  received by Executive (or Executive's
               dependents)  pursuant  to a similar  plan or  program  of another
               employer,  and any  such  other  benefits  actually  received  by
               Executive  (or  Executive's  dependents)  must be reported to the
               Company;  and  provided  further,  however,  that  the  insurance
               coverage  provided  by  the  Company  pursuant  to  this  Section
               9(a)(ii)(B)  shall be in lieu of any other continued  coverage to
               which Executive or Executive's  dependents  would  otherwise,  at
               Executive's  own  expense,  be  entitled in  accordance  with the
               requirements  of  Internal  Revenue  Code  of  1986,  as  amended
               ('Code'),  Section  4980B  ('COBRA'),  by reason  of  Executive's
               termination  of  employment;  (C) all  stock  options,  warrants,
               rights  and  other  Company   stock-related   awards  granted  to
               Executive  by the  Company  that would  otherwise  have vested or
               become  exercisable  at any time in the future shall become fully
               vested   and   nonforfeitable   upon  the  date  of   Executive's
               termination of employment,  the Company's  repurchase  rights, if
               any, with respect to those vested shares shall immediately lapse,
               and each such stock option,  to the extent  vested,  shall remain
               exercisable  for the vested option shares until the expiration or
               sooner  termination  of the option  term in  accordance  with the
               provisions of the agreement  evidencing such option;  and (D) the
               Company shall pay or reimburse Executive for any and all expenses
               incurred by Executive for outplacement  services  selected by the
               Executive and approved by the Company, which approval will not be
               unreasonably  withheld,  until  the  earlier  of  (I)  the  first
               anniversary  of the date of termination of employment or (II) the
               date  on  which  Executive  commences   employment  with  another


                    (iii)  Termination for Cause.  If Executive's  employment is
               terminated  for Cause,  then  Executive  shall not be entitled to
               receive any severance  payments or other severance benefits under
               this Section 9. Executive's  benefits will be continued under the
               Company's then existing  benefit plans and policies in accordance
               with such plans and policies in effect on the date of termination
               and in accordance with the requirements of COBRA.

               (b)  Termination  As  a  Result  of  a  Change  of  Control.   If
          Executive's employment with the Company is terminated as a result of a
          Change  of  Control  then  Executive  shall  be  entitled  to  receive
          severance benefits as follows:

                    (i)  Voluntary  Resignation.  If as a result  of a Change of
               Control,  Executive's  Base Salary is reduced  within twelve (12)
               months of the Change of Control and, or, Executive's  position is
               relocated  to a place more than one hundred  (100) miles from the
               Executive's  current place of employment within six (6) months of
               the  Change  of  Control,  and  as  a  result  of  these  changes
               Executive's   employment   terminates   by  reason  of  voluntary
               resignation   (and  such   termination   is  not  an  Involuntary
               Termination  or a  Termination  for  Cause),  then the  following
               severance  benefits  shall  be  paid  or  otherwise  provided  to
               Executive:  (A) the Company shall pay to Executive in the form of
               a lump sum  payment,  in cash, a severance  payment  equal to the
               lesser  of (I) two (2)  times  Executive's  Base  Salary  or (II)
               Executive's  Base Salary  multiplied by the sum of (x) the number
               of years (or any portion  thereof,  calculated  on a daily basis)
               remaining  under this  Agreement had  Executive's  employment not
               been terminated,  plus (y) an additional  one-half year, however,
               in  no  event  shall  such  payment   equal  less  than  100%  of
               Executive's Base Salary,  which shall be paid to Executive within
               ten (10)  days  after  the date of  termination;  (B)  until  the
               earlier  of (I) the date  this  Agreement  would  otherwise  have
               terminated had  Executive's  employment not been  terminated (the
               'Remaining  Term') or (II) the  expiration  of the three (3) year
               period  measured  from the  date of  Executive's  termination  of
               employment.  The  Company  shall  at its sole  cost  and  expense
               provide Executive (and Executive's eligible  dependents,  if any)
               with   life,    disability   and   medical   insurance   benefits
               substantially  similar  to those  benefits  that  Executive  (and
               Executive's  dependents)  were  receiving  immediately  prior  to
               Executive's  termination of employment;  provided,  however, that
               the benefits  otherwise  receivable by Executive pursuant to this
               subsection  9(b)(i)(B) shall be reduced to the extent  comparable
               benefits are  concurrently  received by Executive (or Executive's
               dependents)  pursuant  to a similar  plan or  program  of another
               employer,  and any  such  other  benefits  actually  received  by
               Executive  (or  Executive's  dependents)  must be reported to the
               Company;  and  provided  further,  however,  that  the  insurance
               coverage  provided  by  the  Company  pursuant  to  this  Section
               9(b)(i)(B)  shall be in lieu of any other  continued  coverage to
               which Executive or Executive's  dependents  would  otherwise,  at
               Executive's  own  expense,   be  entitled   accordance  with  the
               requirements  of COBRA by reason of  Executive's  termination  of
               employment; and (C) all stock options, warrants, rights and other
               Company  stock-related awards granted to Executive by the Company
               that would  otherwise  have vested or become  exercisable  at any
               time in the future shall  become fully vested and  nonforfeitable
               upon the  date of  Executive's  termination  of  employment,  the
               Company's repurchase rights, if any, with respect to those vested
               shares shall  immediately  lapse, and each such stock option,  to
               the extent vested, shall remain exercisable for the vested option
               shares until the  expiration or sooner  termination of the option
               term  in  accordance   with  the   provisions  of  the  agreement
               evidencing such option.


                    (ii) Involuntary  Termination  Other Than For Cause. If as a
               result of a Change of Control and within  twelve (12) months of a
               Change of  Control  Executive's  employment  is  terminated  as a
               result of an Involuntary  Termination  other than for Cause, then
               the  Company  shall pay or  otherwise  provide to  Executive  the
               severance benefits described in Section 9(a)(ii) hereof.

                    (iii)  Termination for Cause.  If Executive's  employment is
               terminated  for Cause,  then  Executive  shall not be entitled to
               receive any severance  payments or other severance benefits under
               this Section 9. Executive's  benefits will be continued under the
               Company's then existing  benefit plans and policies in accordance
               with  such  plans  and   policies   in  effect  on  the  date  of

                    (iv) Involuntary  Termination  Other Than For Cause. If as a
               result of a Change of Control and within  twelve (12) months of a
               Change of  Control  Executive's  employment  is  terminated  as a
               result of an Involuntary  Termination  other than for Cause, then
               the  Company  shall pay or  otherwise  provide to  Executive  the
               severance benefits described in Section 9(a)(ii) hereof.

               (c)  Parachute  Payments.  If all or any  portion of the  amounts
          payable to Executive  under this Agreement or otherwise are subject to
          the excise tax imposed by Section  4999 of the  Internal  Revenue Code
          (the 'Code') (or similar state tax and/or  assessment),  Company shall
          pay to  Executive an amount  necessary to place  Executive in the same
          after tax position as Executive  would have been in had no such excise
          tax  been  imposed.  The  amount  payable  pursuant  to the  preceding
          sentence shall be increased to the extent  necessary to pay income and
          excise taxes due on such amount.  The  determination  of the amount of
          any such additional amount shall be made by the independent accounting
          firm then employed by the Company.

          10. Nondisclosure of Proprietary Information and Company Documents and

               (a)  Executive  understands  that the Company  possesses and will
          possess  Proprietary  Information  which is important to its business.
          All  Proprietary  Information is and shall be the sole property of the
          Company.  Executive understands that Executive's  employment creates a
          relationship of confidence and trust between the Company and Executive
          with respect to  Proprietary  Information.  At all times,  both during
          Executive's  employment  by the  Company  and after  its  termination,
          Executive  shall  keep in  confidence  and  trust  and will not use or
          disclose  any  Proprietary  Information  or  anything  relating  to it
          without  the  prior  written  consent  of the  CEO,  except  as may be
          necessary in the ordinary course of performing  Executive's  duties to
          the Company.

               (b)  Executive  understands  that the Company  possesses  or will
          possess  Company  Documents and  Materials  which are important to its
          business.  All Company  Documents  and  Materials are and shall be the
          sole property of the Company. Executive agrees that during Executive's
          employment  by the  Company,  Executive  will not remove  any  Company
          Documents and Materials  from the business  premises of the Company or
          deliver any Company  Documents  and  Materials to any person or entity
          outside  the  Company,  except  as  Executive  is  required  to  do in
          connection  with  performing  the  duties of  Executive's  employment.
          Executive agrees that, immediately upon the termination of Executive's
          employment  by Executive  or by the Company for any reason,  or during
          Executive's employment if so requested by the Company,  Executive will
          return all Company Documents and Materials,  apparatus,  equipment and
          other  physical  property,  or  any  reproduction  of  such  property,
          excepting only (i) Executive's  personal copies of records relating to
          Executive's  compensation;  (ii)  Executive's  personal  copies of any
          materials  previously  distributed  generally to  stockholders  of the
          Company; and (iii) Executive's copy of this Agreement.


     11.  Non-Solicitation  of  Company  Employees.  During  the  term  of  this
Agreement  and for a period of twelve  (12)  months  thereafter,  the  Executive
agrees to not  encourage  or solicit  any  employee  of the Company to leave the
Company for any reason or to accept  employment with any other company.  As part
of this restriction,  the Executive agrees to not interview or provide any input
to any third  party  regarding  any such person  during the period in  question.
However,  this obligation shall not affect any  responsibility the Executive has
with respect to the bona fide hiring and firing of Calpine personnel.

     12.  Consulting.  Executive  and the Company  may, but are not required to,
enter into an agreement  pursuant to which  Executive  will  provide  consulting
services to the Company after the date of Executive's retirement or termination.
Any  consulting  fees paid to Executive will be in addition to any retirement or
severance payments.

     13.  Failure to Comply.  If, for any reason other than  Executive's  death,
Disability or Involuntary Termination,  Executive shall cease to render services
as required by this Agreement without the written consent of the Company,  or if
Executive  shall  breach the  provisions  of  Sections  10 or 11  hereof,  then,
Executive  will  thereby  relinquish  all  rights  to  any  benefits  hereunder,
including  future  salary  payments and death  benefits,  and the Company  shall
reserve  whatever  rights,  if any,  it may have  against  Executive  under this
Agreement or otherwise.

     14.  Successors.  Any successor to the Company  (whether direct or indirect
and whether by purchase, lease, merger, consolidation, liquidation or otherwise)
or to all or  substantially  all of the Company's  business  and/or assets shall
assume the  obligations  under this Agreement and shall perform the  obligations
under this  Agreement  in the same  manner and to the same extent as the Company
would be required to perform such  obligations  in the absence of a  succession.
The terms of this Agreement and all of Executive's  rights hereunder shall inure
to the  benefit  of,  and be  enforceable  by,  Executive's  personal  or  legal
representatives,  executors,  administrators,  successors,  heirs, distributees,
devisees and legatees.

     15.  Notice.  Notices  and all other  communications  contemplated  by this
Agreement  shall be in writing  and shall be deemed to have been duly given when
personally delivered or when mailed by U.S. registered or certified mail, return
receipt  requested and postage  prepaid.  Mailed  notices to Executive  shall be
addressed to Executive at the home address from which  Executive  most  recently
communicated  to the  Company in  writing.  In the case of the  Company,  mailed
notices shall be addressed to its corporate  headquarters,  and all notice shall
be directed to the attention of its Secretary.


     16. Miscellaneous Provisions.

               (a) No Duty to  Mitigate.  Executive  shall  not be  required  to
          mitigate  the amount of any  payment  contemplated  by this  Agreement
          (whether by seeking new employment or in any other manner),  nor shall
          any such  payment be reduced by earnings  that  Executive  may receive
          from any other source.

               (b) Waiver.  No  provision of this  Agreement  shall be modified,
          waived or discharged unless the  modification,  waiver or discharge is
          agreed to in writing  and  signed by  Executive  and by an  authorized
          officer or  representative  of the Company (other than Executive).  No
          waiver by either party of any breach of, or of  compliance  with,  any
          condition or  provision of this  Agreement by the other party shall be
          considered a waiver of any other condition or provision or of the same
          condition or provision of another time.

               (c)  Whole   Agreement.   No   agreements,   representations   or
          understandings  (whether  oral  or  written  and  whether  express  or
          implied) which are not expressly set forth in this Agreement have been
          made or  entered  into by either  party with  respect  to the  subject
          matter hereof.

               (d) Choice of Law. The validity, interpretation, construction and
          performance  of this  Agreement  shall be  governed by the laws of the
          State of California.

               (e)  Severability.  If any term or provision of this Agreement or
          the application thereof to any circumstance shall, in any jurisdiction
          and to any extent, be invalid or unenforceable, such term or provision
          shall be  ineffective  as to such  jurisdiction  to the extent of such
          invalidity  of  unenforceability  without  invalidating  or  rendering
          unenforceable  the remaining terms and provisions of this Agreement or
          the  application of such terms and provisions to  circumstances  other
          than  those as to which it is held  invalid  or  unenforceable,  and a
          suitable and equitable term or provision shall be substituted therefor
          to carry out, insofar as may be valid and enforceable,  the intent and
          purpose of the invalid or unenforceable term or provision.

               (f) Arbitration.  Any dispute or controversy  arising under or in
          connection  with this  Agreement may be settled by  arbitration in the
          County of San Francisco,  California,  in accordance with the rules of
          the American Arbitration  Association then in effect. Such arbitration
          proceedings  shall be  nonbinding  and any claim with  respect to this
          Agreement,  whether or not  previously  the subject of an  arbitration
          proceeding, may be brought in any court of competent jurisdiction.

               (g)  Employment   Taxes.  All  payments  made  pursuant  to  this
          Agreement  will be subject to  withholding  of  applicable  income and
          employment taxes.


               (h)  Assignment  by  Company.  The  Company may assign its rights
          under this Agreement to an affiliate,  and an affiliate may assign its
          rights  under this  Agreement  to another  affiliate  of the  Company;
          provided,  however, that if there is any such assignment,  the Company
          will  guarantee all payments and the  performance  of all  obligations
          under this  Agreement.  In the case of any such  assignment,  the term
          'Company'  when used in a section  of this  Agreement  shall  mean the
          corporation or other entity that actually employs Executive.

               (i) Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts,
          each of which shall be deemed an original,  but all of which  together
          will constitute one and the same instrument.

          16. Entire Agreement.  This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement
     between the Company and the Executive as of the date hereof and  supersedes
     any prior understandings,  agreements, or representations by or between the
     Company and the  Executive,  written or oral,  to the extent that they have
     related in any way to the subject matter hereof.

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties  hereto have executed this Agreement this
day and year first above written.


By: /s/ Peter Cartwright              /s/ Ron A. Walter
    ----------------------------      -------------------------------
    Peter Cartwright, President,      Ron A. Walter
    Chief Executive Officer and       Senior Vice President-Business
    Chairman of the Board             Development


                                   APPENDIX A


     Cause. 'Cause' shall mean (i) material breach of any material terms of this
Agreement,   (ii)  conviction  of  a  felony,   (iii)  repeated  unexplained  or
unjustified absence, (iv) willful breach of fiduciary duty under this Agreement,
or  (v)  failure  to  meet  the  Company's   standards  of  competence  and  job

     Change of Control.  'Change of Control' shall mean the occurrence of any of
the following events:

          (i) a change in ownership or control of the Company  effected  through
     either of the following transactions:

               (A) any  'person'  (as such  term is used in  Sections  13(d) and
          14(d)  of  the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  as  amended  (the
          'Exchange Act')),  other than the Company's  current  stockholder or a
          trustee  or other  fiduciary  holding  securities  under  an  employee
          benefit  plan of the  Company or any  corporation  owned,  directly or
          indirectly,  by the Company's  stockholders in substantially  the same
          proportions  as their  ownership of the Company's  stock,  becomes the
          'beneficial  owner' (as defined in Rule 13d-3 under the Exchange Act),
          directly or  indirectly,  of  securities  of the Company  representing
          fifty percent (50%) or more of the total combined  voting power of the
          Company's then outstanding securities pursuant to a tender or exchange
          offer made directly to the Company's stockholders which the Board does
          not recommend such stockholders to accept; or

               (B) a change in the  composition  of the  Board  over a period of
          thirty-six (36)  consecutive  months or less such that the majority of
          the members of the Board ceases to be comprised of individuals who are
          Continuing Members; for such purpose, a 'Continuing Member' shall mean
          an  individual  who is a  member  of the  Board  on the  date  of this
          Agreement and any  successor of a Continuing  Member who is elected to
          the Board or  nominated  for such  election by action of a majority of
          Continuing Members then serving on the Board; or

          (ii)  either of the  following  stockholder-approved  transactions  to
     which the Company is a party:

               (A) a merger  or  consolidation  of the  Company  with any  other
          corporation,  other than a merger or consolidation  which would result
          in the voting securities of the Company outstanding  immediately prior
          thereto continuing to represent (either by remaining outstanding or by
          being  converted  into voting  securities of the surviving  entity) at
          least fifty percent (50%) of the total voting power represented by the
          voting securities of the Company or such surviving entity  outstanding
          immediately  after  such  merger  or  consolidation;  or


               (B) the sale, transfer or complete  liquidation or dissolution of
          the Company of all or substantially all of the Company's assets.

     Company  Documents and Materials.  'Company  Documents and Materials' shall
mean  documents  or  other  media or  tangible  items  that  contain  or  embody
Proprietary  Information  or any  other  information  concerning  the  business,
operations or plans of the Company, whether such documents,  media or items have
been prepared by Executive or others.

     Disability.  'Disability'  shall mean the inability of Executive to perform
all the material duties of Executive's  position as determined by an independent
physician selected with the approval of the Company and Executive.

     Involuntary Termination.  'Involuntary  Termination' shall mean termination
by the Company of  Executive's  employment  for any reason other than for Cause,
and shall include Executive's  voluntary  resignation following (i) the material
breach by the  Company of one or more of its  obligations  under this  Agreement
which are not otherwise  corrected  within ten (10) days  following  Executive's
written  notice to the Company of such breach,  or the  Executive's  annual base
salary is materially reduced.

     Proprietary Information.  'Proprietary  Information' shall mean information
that was developed,  created,  or discovered by or on behalf of the Company,  or
which  became or will become  known by, or was or is  conveyed  to the  Company,
which has commercial value in the Company's business; including, but not limited
to, trade  secrets,  designs,  technology,  know-how,  processes,  data,  ideas,
techniques,  inventions  (whether  patentable  or  not),  works  of  authorship,
formulas,  business and development plans, customer lists, software programs and
subroutines,  source and object  code,  algorithms,  terms of  compensation  and
performance  levels of Company employees,  and other information  concerning the
Company's actual or anticipated business,  research or development,  or which is
received in confidence by or for the Company from any other person.
