Washington, D.C. 20549

                                     FORM 10/A-3

                   General Form for Registration of Securities
                      Pursuant to Section 12(b) or 12(g) of
                       The Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                              FORECROSS CORPORATION
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

                    California                              94-2823882
                    ----------                              ----------
         (State or other jurisdiction                    (I.R.S. Employer
         incorporation or organization                  Identification No.)

      90 New Montgomery Street, San Francisco, California               94105
    -----------------------------------------------------               -----
     (Address  of  principal  executive  offices)                  (Zip  Code)

     Registrant's  telephone  number,  including  area  code:     (415) 543-1515

Securities  to be registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:          None
Securities  to be registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:

                                 Common Stock
                               (Title of Class)



     This  Form 10/A of  Forecross Corporation  ("Forecross"  or the  "Company")
contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Litigation
Reform Act of 1995 (the  "Litigation  Reform Act") that are subject to risks and
uncertainties.  Statements indicating that the Company "expects," "estimates" or
"believes" are  forward-looking,  as are all other statements  concerning future
financial results, product offerings or other events that have not yet occurred.
There are several important factors that could cause actual results or events to
differ  materially  from those  anticipated  by the  forward-looking  statements
contained  in this Form 10/A. Such  factors include, but are not limited to, the
Company's  unprofitable  operating  history  and  limited  financial  resources;
potential  requirements  for additional  financing;  volatility of the Company's
common stock;  fluctuation  of its  quarterly  operating  results;  existing and
potential competition;  dependence on a small number of customers;  market size;
no assurance of success of the Company's marketing strategy;  dependence on year
2000 revenues;  no assurance of the ability to continue  product  development as
required  and in a  timely  manner;  limited  experience  of  management  in the
management  of growth;  control by officers  and  directors;  dependence  on key
personnel;  the ability to adequately  protect its  intellectual  property;  and
general  economic  and  market  conditions.  The  safe  harbor  provided  by the
Litigation  Reform Act does not apply to initial  public  offerings.  Additional
information on these and other certain business  concerns is included  elsewhere
in this Form 10/A.

ITEM  1.                    BUSINESS
- --------                    --------


     Forecross  is a  software  company  that,  together  with  its  predecessor
corporations,  has been in business since 1982. Forecross develops,  markets and
sells sophisticated  software and associated services to large organizations for
the  automated   conversion   ("migration")   of  existing   business   software
applications to new computing environments. Forecross also develops, markets and
sells  similar  software and services to large  organizations  for the automated
assessment  and  renovation  of  non-year   2000-compliant   business   software


     In recent years,  dramatic and fundamental  changes have taken place in the
computer  industry.  These developments have had a significant impact on the way
in which business  applications are developed,  have extended the useful life of
existing  applications  and  have  presented  unique  challenges  to  Management
Information Systems ("MIS") departments.


     First,  there  has  been  a  dramatic  reduction  in  the  cost of computer
processing  power. This has led to the  "downsizing" from larger "mainframe" and
"super-mini"  computers  to  smaller  computers  capable  of processing the same
amount  of  work  at  significantly  lower    cost.

     Second,  standard  computing  environments,  referred to as "open  systems"
architecture,  have increasingly dominated the market.  Previously,  large scale
MIS organizations were forced to implement business  applications using database
software  and  languages   proprietary  to  particular  vendors.   Open  systems
architecture  has, to a  significant  extent,  freed the MIS  manager  from this
constraint by  permitting  the  components  of an overall  hardware and software
solution to be acquired from a number of different,  and  frequently  competing,
vendors.  Examples of these new standards include the UNIX operating system, the
database  language called SQL and programming  languages such as COBOL,  C++ and

     Third,  with  downsized,  open  systems  hardware  ("server")  and personal
computers  on  the  desk of each user ("client"), a new distributed architecture
called "client-server" has emerged. Previously, the computing facilities of most
MIS  organizations  consisted  of  "dumb"  terminals  connected to large mini or
mainframe computers. This new distributed client-server solution provides a more
effective  way  for  MIS  departments  to scale their computing resources to the
changing  needs  of  their  businesses.


     Fourth,  the network which each business establishes to connect clients and
servers  for  business  applications  has  expanded  over the past four years to
include  connections  to, and often web sites on, the Internet.  The "world-wide
web" enables a business to connect all of its employees to each other and to the
company's  vendors  and  customers easily and inexpensively.  This unprecedented
level  of  connectivity  is  driving  a  rapid  evolution  in the way businesses

     Fifth,  over  the past few years the computer industry has been shaken by a
latent  problem  imbedded in many existing applications, known as the "year 2000
problem."  Historically, computer disk space was extremely expensive and storage
capacity  was  very small.  To lessen the cost impact and increase the available
capacity,  dates  in many applications  were stored in an abbreviated form.  For
example,  1997 was stored as '97' and programs assumed the century was '19' even
though  it  was  not  stored  as  part  of  the  date.   When presented with the
abbreviated  date '00', many applications assume the complete date is 1900, when
it  should  be  2000,  resulting  in  incorrect  ordering,  comparisons  and

     Sixth,  even  though there has been a decrease in the cost of some computer
hardware,  there  has  also  been  a  reduction  in  many  MIS  budgets  with no
corresponding  reduction  in  the  costs  of  software  or  technical personnel.

     Finally,  the broad-based application assessment that has been necessitated
by the year 2000 problem has brought unparalleled awareness to MIS management of
the  attributes,  costs  and  risks   inherent  in  their  business  application
portfolios.    What  has  been  discovered is a hodge-podge of environmental and
development software that has resulted in: immense, yet unnecessary, complexity;
duplicated  and high costs of ownership; and serious risks of future maintenance
failures  caused  by  a  lack  of personnel knowledgeable in the older installed


     Existing  systems  represent  a  huge  financial  investment  and are often
functionally  rich  and  mission-critical  to  the  business.  Due to this, many
applications  which  would have been rewritten after three-to-five years are now
remaining  in  service  for ten years or more.  However, due to their underlying
technologies, they may not be meeting all of the needs of the organization.  For
example,  they may not be fully integrated with newer business applications, may
have  data  which  is  not easily accessible to users, may operate on technology
platforms  which  are no longer cost-effective, or may not have been designed to
correctly  handle  the year 2000 problem.  Furthermore, personnel who understand
and  can  maintain  applications developed using older technologies are becoming
more  difficult  to  find  and  retain,  and  are,  therefore,  more  expensive.

     The  challenge  for  businesses  is to find a cost-effective way to upgrade
these  sizable  existing systems to be year 2000-compliant and to take advantage
of the new technologies which have a more readily available manpower pool, while
preserving  all  of  their  valuable  functionality.


     There  are  three  options  available  to  an  MIS  manager wishing to take
advantage  of these developments and upgrade a system to be year 2000-compliant.

     One  option  is  to  acquire  commercially  available  application software
packages specifically designed to operate on the new technology platforms and to
be  year 2000-compliant. However, a suitable package may not always be available
and,  even when it is, the new software package will commonly require adaptation
to  the distinctive business policies and practices of the user organization. In
addition  to  the  initial cost of the package, these adaptations are frequently
expensive  and  may  take  too  long to implement as well as require specialized
technical  resources.

     Another  option  is  to  rewrite  the  computer source code of the existing
possibly  non-year  2000-compliant  application  to  make  it  usable in the new
computing  environment.  This  course  is  time  consuming  to implement, can be
error-prone,  requires  significant  and  specialized  personnel  resources  not
routinely  available,  and  may,  therefore,  be  expensive  and  risky.

     Both  of  these  choices also involve the risk that business-specific rules
and  functionality  currently  imbedded  in the existing application will not be
accurately  or  completely incorporated into the adapted software package or the
rewritten  application.


     The  products  of  Forecross  represent  a third solution.  The Company has
developed  a  proprietary  and innovative technology for the automated migration
and  assessment/renovation  of existing applications.  This allows businesses to
replace existing technologies (i.e., the system is re-hosted to a new technology
platform  or  made  year  2000-ready) while leaving the application functionally
intact (see "-Products").  Consequently, this option usually has the lowest cost
and  least  risk  associated  with  it.   For the Company's experience competing
against  these  other  solutions,  see  "Competition---Competitive  Position".


     At its broadest,  the potential  worldwide market for Forecross products is
comprised of approximately 30,000 large computer-using organizations.  Generally
referred to as "enterprise  computing" users, they include the so-called Fortune
2,000   companies  with  annual   revenues  in  excess  of  $100  million,   and
comparably-sized government, financial services, healthcare, education and other
service  organizations.  Most  of  these  organizations  automated  their  major
business applications before the advent of the new technologies and, hence, find
themselves  with a large  inventory  of  crucial  information  systems  based on
rapidly obsolescing technology.

     Forecross  initially  focused its primary attention upon the portion of the
North American  enterprise  computing  market that is comprised of approximately
1,000  users  of  Computer  Associates  Integrated  Database  Management  System
(CA-IDMS) (based on information  supplied in July 1996 by Computer  Intelligence
Corporation,  an industry  research  organization).  CA-IDMS includes a database
management  system  (CA-IDMS/DB),   user  interface  language  (CA-IDMS/DC)  and
fourth-generation  language (CA-ADSO) which, together with certain other related
products, were originally developed and marketed by Cullinane Corporation, later
by Cullinet  Corporation,  and now by Computer Associates  International.  Based
upon reports in the industry press,  Forecross  believes that there is a growing
shift of enterprise computing users away from CA-IDMS and that over the next ten
years a  substantial  number of the 1,000  users  will have  decided  to move to
newer, more  cost-effective  and flexible  computing  environments.  The Company
estimates  that outside  North  America  there are an  additional  1,000 CA-IDMS
organizations.  These users also represent a potential market in which Forecross
has already had some initial success.

     In addition  to the CA-IDMS  portion of the  enterprise  computing  market,
there are also  additional  portions  related  to other  proprietary  technology
platforms.   They  include   areas  related  to  computer   languages   such  as
CA-Easytrieve from Computer  Associates (an estimated 7,000 users), CSP from IBM
Corporation  (an estimated  1,000 users),  CA-UFO from Computer  Associates  (an
estimated  1,500 users) and ADF from IBM Corporation (an estimated 1,000 users),
and databases  such as IMS from IBM (an estimated  10,000 users) and Adabas from
SoftwareAG  (an  estimated   1,000  users).   These   additional   areas  create
opportunities for Forecross to develop other products and give the Company added
flexibility in responding to changes and developments in the marketplace.

     One  other market to which the Company has responded is the large market of
computer-using  organizations  affected  by  the  year 2000 problem.  A uniquely
large  market  has been created by the fact that virtually all 30,000 enterprise
computing  organizations  have  one  or  more  applications  that  are  not year
2000-compliant  and  need  to  become  so  in  the  near  future.


     The  Company has licensed and delivered its products and ancillary services
to  customers throughout North America, and in Taiwan, France, Belgium, Germany,
and  South  Africa.    Recent and current Forecross customers include Aetna Life
Insurance,  Charles  Schwab  &  Company,  Inc.,  AT&T,  Bank of America, Bank of
Montreal,  Bear Stearns & Company, Brown Brothers Harriman & Co., Fujitsu, Ltd.,
Home  Savings  of  America,  IBM  Corporation,  Kimberly-Clark  Corporation, New
Brunswick Telephone, Price Waterhouse, LLP, Royal Bank of Canada, and Union Gas.

     Forecross  products  are  designed to automate up to 100% of the conversion
and  year 2000 assessment and renovation of an existing application. It has been
the  experience  of  the  Company  that  95% or more of the business application
programs  commonly found in large computerized organizations (see "-Market") can
be  converted, assessed and renovated with full (100%) automation. The remaining
5%  can  usually  be  processed  with a significant degree of automation (80% or
more),  enough  to  make conversion with Forecross products a cost-effective and
lower risk alternative. Converted applications can be easily maintained, perform
well  in  the  new  environment,  and,  with  the  exception  of  the  year 2000
corrections,  are  functionally  equivalent  to  the  original application. Each
Forecross  product  includes a significant number of customization options which
can  be selected by the  user  to  achieve  specific  conversion  or  renovation



     The  Company's  powerful  and  flexible   technology  known  as  the  XCODE
architecture,  has been  refined  over the last  thirteen  years  and  forms the
foundation for all Forecross products, tools, and associated services.

     The  proprietary  XCODE  architecture  of  Forecross  supports  all  of the
functions  ordinarily  required  to  automate  the  conversion,  assessment  and
renovation  of  existing systems. This includes parsing the source code, storing
the  code  in  a  common  repository, identifying areas of the code that require
technology  or  year  2000  upgrades,  transforming  the  old  technology and/or
non-year-2000-compliant  elements  of  the  source  code  and generating revised
source  code for the operation of the application in the new year 2000-compliant

     Forecross  began  developing its technology in 1982.  The prototype for the
XCODE  architecture  was  built  in 1985 to permit a customer to convert a major
application  from a proprietary language to COBOL. The first generation of XCODE
was  developed  and  enhanced between 1985 and 1986, in connection with language
conversion  projects  undertaken for Price Waterhouse, LLP. This resulted in the
first  version  of  the  Convert/ADSO  to  COBOL  product.    In  response  to a
requirement  of  Chemical  Bank  of  New  York, a second generation of XCODE was
developed  in  1987,  resulting  in  the development of the first version of the
Convert/IDMS-DB  to  SQL  product.

     In  1990,  Forecross developed the first version of Convert/IDMS-DC to CICS
in  connection with a migration project undertaken for American President Lines.
In  the  same year, under a contract with IBM, the third generation of XCODE was
produced.   In 1992-93, in connection with a project for Cincom Systems, Inc. of
Ohio,  Forecross  developed  the  Fastforward/VSAM  to SUPRA database conversion
software.  At that time, all the components of XCODE were redeveloped to operate
in  a  PC  environment.

     The  XCODE  architecture is modular in design.  Modular architecture refers
to  the  design  of a system into  separate components that can be connected and
combined  together  in  many  different configurations.  The strength of modular
architecture  is  that any one component can be replaced, added or moved without
altering  the  rest of the system.  The Company's modular XCODE architecture is,
therefore,  readily  adaptable  to the development of new migration and new year
2000  products.  This lowers the cost, shortens the time and reduces the risk of
new  product  development.


     Forecross  has,  to  date,  developed  nine  migration  products. Migration
products  are  named  by  reference  to  the source language or database and the
target  language  or  database:

- -              Convert/IDMS-DC  to  CICS    (user interface language conversion)
- -              Convert/ADSO  to  COBOL    (language  conversion)
- -              Convert/IDMS-DB  to  SQL    (database  conversion)
- -              Convert/VSAM  to  SQL    (database  conversion)
- -              Convert/CSP  to  COBOL    (language  conversion)
- -              Redirect  II  COBOL/VS  to  COBOL  II    (language  conversion)
- -              IMSADF  II  to Cross System Product Migration Facility  (language
- -              Convert/IMSADF  II  to  APS/COBOL    (language  conversion)
- -              Fastforward/VSAM  to  SUPRA    (database  conversion)


     Forecross is the owner of six of these products. Ownership of the following
products  is  shared:  IMSADF  II  to  Cross  System Product Facility, which was
developed  by  Forecross,  but  is  owned jointly with IBM; Convert/IMSADF II to
APS/COBOL,  which  was developed by Forecross, but is owned jointly with Bank of
America; and Fastforward/VSAM to SUPRA which was developed by Forecross pursuant
to  a  Development  and  License  Agreement  dated  April  22, 1991, with Cincom
Systems,  Inc.  (the "Cincom Agreement") and is jointly owned by the Company and
Cincom.    Forecross  and  IBM have joint marketing rights to the first product,
Forecross and Bank of America have joint marketing rights to the second product,
and  Cincom  has  exclusive marketing rights to the third product. None of these
jointly  owned  products  is presently material to the Company's business or its
near-term  business  plans.

     Forecross  has,  to  date,  developed two year 2000 renovation products for
fifteen  languages: Assess/2000 and Renovate/2000, which are integrated into the
Complete/2000    software  solution.  Languages  currently  supported  by  these
products  include  COBOL, C, C++, PL/I, CA-Easytrieve, PowerBuilder, CSP, IMSADF
II,  CA-ADSO, CA-UFO, CLIST, APS, REXX, CA-Ideal and CA-Telon.  Forecross is the
owner  of  these  products.


     The  Company's  strategy  in developing new migration software and services
for  existing  applications  is to respond to the particular needs of a specific
customer  after  research has determined that there is an identifiable potential
for  further  licensing  of  the product, and delivery of associated services to
other  organizations.    Before  Forecross  undertakes  the development of a new
product,  it generally requires that the customer agree to share the development
cost.    One  example of this strategy is the Convert/CSP to COBOL product which
was  developed  for  Kimberly-Clark  Corporation,  under  an  agreement  whereby
Kimberly-Clark  contributed $300,000 of the total $350,000 in development costs.
Another  example  is  the  Convert/IMSADF  II  to  APS/COBOL  product  which was
developed  for  and  financed  by  Bank  of  America  at  a  cost  of  $480,000.

     One  factor  which  greatly  enhances  the Company's ability to employ this
strategy  is its proprietary XCODE architecture.  The XCODE architecture enables
the  Company  to  develop a new migration product in an average of approximately
six  months  of  elapsed  time,  with  three  persons  employed full-time on the
project.  This  is a considerably shorter and less costly development cycle than
traditional industry experience for products of comparable scope and complexity.
It  also allows the Company to fund most or all of the development cost from the
license  revenue  generated  by  the  initial  development-funding  customer.

     Extension  of the Complete/2000  products to support new languages has also
been  greatly  facilitated  by  the  XCODE  architecture.   As requirements have
dictated,  and  may  dictate  in  the  future,  new languages have been added to
Complete/2000    in  an  average  of  eight-weeks  with  two  developers.

     Research  and  development  expenses  were  $1,006,768, $253,743, $358,133,
$899,357  and $404,342 in the years ended September 30, 1997, 1996 and 1995, and
the  six  months  ended  March  31,  1998  and  1997,  respectively.  Additional
expenses of  $29,067, $352,633 and $29,067 in the years ended September 30, 1996
and  1995,  and  the  six  months  ended  March  31,  1997,  respectively,  were
incurred  on  products funded by customers and are included in cost of revenues.
There  were  no  such  costs  in  the  year  ended September 30, 1997 or the six
months  ended  March  31,  1998.



     Forecross grants its customers a non-exclusive,  non-assignable  license to
use  its  software,  including  programs,  options,   documentation,   data  and
information.  While certain provisions in the license agreement (e.g., as to the
number of locations at which the licensed  software may be used,  and the extent
of the customer's  right to receive  upgrades and  enhancements  without charge)
vary  according to the  circumstances,  certain  general terms are common to all
such  agreements.  Each  contains a warranty  by  Forecross  against  defects in
design, operation and usability in the customer's computer environment, and each
contains a covenant by the licensee not to attempt to decipher,  develop  source
code, copy, modify,  duplicate,  create or recreate all or any part of it except
to the extent  required by its normal  operating  procedures.  The licensee also
agrees to take reasonable  steps to prevent access by anyone whose access is not
reasonably  necessary and to ensure that authorized  persons with access refrain
from  duplicating,  reproducing  or disclosing  information  with respect to the
licensed software.


     The  license  is  granted  for  the  conversion  of  a  specified number of
application  programs,  and  may  be  terminated  on  fifteen  days  notice  for
non-payment  of  amounts payable under it, on twenty-four hours notice by either
party  if  the  other  becomes insolvent or (except in certain circumstances) if
bankruptcy or other similar proceedings are commenced against it, or it makes an
assignment  for  the benefit of creditors. The agreement is also terminable upon
fifteen  days  notice  in the event of a material breach being committed, unless
the  breach  is  cured  before  the  expiration  date  of  the  notice  period.


     Forecross  offers  product  licensing  for its Assess/2000 products.  These
licenses  are  identical  to  the  migration  licenses  described above with two
exceptions.    First, they are granted for the assessment of an unlimited number
of  application  programs and related components.  Second, they may be purchased
in  single-user  or  multiple-user  configurations,  priced  accordingly.

     Forecross  offers  "factory  renovation"  services  for  customers  of  its
Complete/2000TM  renovation  software.    Licenses  are  not  currently offered.
Utilizing the factory renovation services, a customer sends its application code
to  the  Forecross factory where the code is renovated for year 2000-compliance,
compiled,  then  shipped  back  to  the  customer  for  testing  and  production
implementation.    The  factory  uses a combination of procedures, processes and
software  that allow for up to 100% automation of all phases of code renovation.


     Forecross  has chosen to protect  the  intellectual  property  value of its
products  and its  proprietary  XCODE  architecture  through  trade  secret  and
confidentiality    provisions   in   its   product    licensing    arrangements,
confidentiality  agreements with its employees and through copyright  protection
for system  externals  such as display  formats  and  documentation.  Additional
protection is provided by the complex nature of both the XCODE architecture, and
the products  themselves.  This approach is consistent with standard practice in
the  industry,  and  provides  reasonable  assurance  against  misappropriation.
Software theft,  which can be a serious problem in the consumer software market,
is relatively rare in the large-scale  software products market. Large corporate
buyers tend not to engage in product  piracy.  The  Company's  products are also
protected  against  unauthorized  use by imbedded  and external  access  control
codes.  There can be no assurance,  however,  that the protection relied upon by
the Company will be effective.  Monitoring and identifying  unauthorized  use of
the Company's  technology  may prove  difficult,  and the cost of litigation may
impair the Company's ability to guard adequately against such infringement.  The
commercial  success  of the  Company  may  also  depend  upon its  products  not
infringing any intellectual property rights of others and upon no such claims of
infringement  being  made.  Even if such  claims  are found to be  invalid,  the
dispute  process  could  have a  materially  adverse  effect  on  the  Company's
business, results of operations and prospects.



     The  developments  in  computer  technology described above (see "-Industry
Background:  Significant  Industry  Developments") have converged to produce the
need  and  create  the  opportunity to convert existing applications. Because of
this, the Company has had to experiment with a number of different techniques to
create  market  awareness of its technology and products, and to provide an easy
way  for  potential  customers  to  evaluate  and  license  its  products.

     Between 1989 and 1992, Forecross experimented with two different approaches
using  third parties to market and sell its products. Neither proved successful.
Initially,  Forecross  entered  into  an exclusive marketing and sales agreement
with  a  large  technology  services  firm  principally  engaged  in  providing
consulting  services,  including  software  conversion, for proposed fees rarely
below $1,000,000 per project. Since the Forecross license fee represented only a
small  portion  of  the  overall  project  fee, the firm had little incentive to
market  Forecross  products  energetically,  and the "bundling" of the Company's
software  with  the  service  provider's  services  obscured  the  fact that the
software  could  be  licensed independently of those services. The agreement was
accordingly  terminated,  and  in  1990,  Forecross  entered  into  a technology
transfer agreement relating to three specific software products (Convert/ADSO to
COBOL,  Convert/IDMS-DC  to  CICS  and Convert/IDMS-DB to SQL), and an exclusive
distribution  agreement,  with  a  start-up software company, AdvantEdge Systems
Group,  Inc.  ("ASG").  This initiative was also unsuccessful due principally to
the fact that the sales and marketing strategy adopted by ASG proved ill-adapted
to  the  market for Forecross products. The principal reason was that ASG sought


to  market  the  products exclusively as software offerings, without any related
consulting  services  that potential customers seemed to require. Due to lack of
funds,  ASG  discontinued  operations  early  in  1992.

     Following  ASG's  cessation  of operations in 1992, Forecross resumed using
and licensing the technology originally transferred to ASG, with ASG's knowledge
and  consent.  The  Company  then,  pursuant  to an agreement with ASG (the "ASG
Agreement"),  effective as of March 23, 1994, reacquired their original software
assets.  Under  the  ASG Agreement, Forecross paid ASG $56,613 and, in addition,
agreed  to  pay  royalties  on  the  net software license revenue derived by the
Company  from  the three products that had been reacquired.  The royalty rate is
30%  until  an  aggregate  of  $600,000 in royalties has been paid. Upon royalty
payments of $600,000, the royalty rate dropped to 20% until January 1, 1995, and
10%  thereafter.    From  1994  through September 30, 1997, Forecross derived no
license  revenues  from  the  three  products, and accordingly no royalties were
payable.  The  Company  does  not  expect that significant future royalties will
become  payable  under  the  ASG  Agreement, since they would only be payable on
License-Only  sales  (see  below)  of  those three specific products, which have
represented  and  are  expected  to continue to comprise a maximum of 10% of the
total  revenues  of Forecross.  Moreover, the gross margin on License-Only sales
is 90% before (and hence would be 60% after) payment of any royalties that might
become  payable  to  ASG.

     In  view of its experience with selling its products through third parties,
Forecross  decided in 1992 to develop and implement its own direct marketing and
sales  strategy. The Company's marketing and sales strategy has several elements
designed  to  overcome  the  problems  previously  encountered.  It has expanded
product  offerings  to include a broad range of service and license alternatives
that  better  adapt  to  meet  the  needs  of  the  marketplace  and  serve  to
differentiate  Forecross  from  its competitors. Conventional techniques such as
trade  publication  notices, direct mail, telemarketing, and, most recently, its
own  site  (  on  the  Internet  are  being  used to bring the
Company's products and their benefits to the attention of prospective customers.
Additionally,  Forecross  has  focused on building a reference base of satisfied

     Recognizing  that  aversion  to risk is one of the major characteristics of
the decision making process for many MIS  organizations, Forecross has created a
strategy  to simplify the process for potential customers to evaluate and invest
in  its  products.    The  Company  has  accordingly  adopted a phased marketing
approach  which  allows a potential customer to pursue its interest in automated
migration in a series of measured steps, with each step in the process providing
demonstrable  value.

     The  Company's  principal  marketing  programs  involve  the  Migration
Alternatives  Planning  Seminar  ("MAPS")  and  either  Factory  Compile  or
License-Only  sales.

     MAPS is an  introduction,  for a fee, to the conversion  process through an
intensive  two-day  customer-site  program  for those  considering  a  migration
project.  Designed to address  conversion  issues,  it includes formal technical
briefings,  expert consulting, an evaluation of the risks, costs and benefits of
various  alternatives and a feasibility analysis of the automated migration of a
selection  of  the  customer's   application  software.   MAPS  is  promoted  by
telemarketing  and is conducted by two senior  members of the  Forecross  staff.
Evaluations  of prior MAPS  sessions  suggest  that many of the  Company's  MAPS
customers will decide to select Factory  Compile or  License-Only  within twelve
months of the MAPS session.

     Factory  Compile  is  a comprehensive program in which the customer engages
Forecross  to  use its proprietary software on behalf of the customer to perform
the  entire  conversion process, thus relieving the customer of the requirements
for  allocating  the  personnel  and  time    necessary to learn  to perform the
migration.  The  customer's role is limited to testing the converted application
in  its new environment. The average Factory Compile project requires one senior
and  two  junior  technical  staff  members  for  approximately  four  months.

     License-Only is a program in which the customer licenses Forecross products
and,  with  training  and  additional optional consulting provided by Forecross,
performs  the  entire  conversion  process  with  its  own personnel.  As in the
Factory  Compile  program,  the customer also tests the converted application in
the  new  environment.    No customer has chosen the License-Only program in the
past  few  years,  preferring to use the Company's automated factory facilities.


     Although  there are no separately chargeable software license fees, Factory
Compile  programs  require  the  customer  to  sign a standard Forecross Product
License  Agreement.    In  both  programs  (Factory Compile and License-Only), a
customer's use of Forecross products is limited to the conversion of a specified
maximum  number  of  application  programs,  at  which time the license expires.


     The  year  2000  market may be viewed as consisting of marketing to provide
two  distinct  services:  assessment  and renovation.  Presently, bids are often
sought  for  each  phase  independent  of the other.  There are more vendors who
provide automated or semi-automated software for assessment than for renovation,
and  the  fee charged for assessment is a small fraction of that for renovation.
Consistent  with industry-wide pricing techniques, fees are based on a price per
line  of  code  basis.

     Because  of  the potentially massive scope of the year 2000 problem and the
relatively  short  period  of time left in which to solve the problem (less than
700  days),  Forecross  has  taken  an  approach  to marketing its Complete/2000
products that is slightly different from its migration marketing.  The year 2000
market has a more acute sense of urgency than the migration market.  This factor
has  caused most MIS directors of large organizations to seek outside assistance
from  year  2000 consulting firms and software vendors in the identification and
resolution  of  the  problem. Traditional marketing is, therefore, not effective
because  it  takes  too  much  of  the  time  remaining until the year 2000.  In
addition,  there  are  far  too  few  solution  providers  to service all of the
potential  customers  in  time  and  the potential customers are already seeking
assistance  from  the  vendors.

     To  accommodate  these  differences,  Forecross  has adopted a  two-pronged
strategy  designed to rapidly reach the broadest  possible market without having
to hire,  train and manage a large sales,  marketing and customer support staff.
For the assessment  function,  Forecross offers its Assess/2000  product through
non-exclusive  license  arrangements  with  consulting  firms and other solution
providers  who do not  market  similar  software  from  other  vendors.  For the
renovation  function,  Forecross seeks and enters into contractual  arrangements
with  distributors  who,  for a  fee,  obtain  exclusive  marketing  rights  for
Complete/2000TM  within a geographic territory.  Exclusivity is generally for an
initial term of one year and is  automatically  extended annually for a total of
four  subsequent    years   provided  that the distributor has caused at least a
specified    number  of  year 2000 contracts of at least a specified value to be
closed  during  the year. In exchange for marketing, project management services
and  staffing  for  substantially  all  on-site work, the distributor  generally
receives    a  fee equal to  twenty-five  percent  (25%) of collected  revenues.
In  the  case  of  one    contract,   under  which a  substantial portion of the
current  year  2000  projects  are  conducted,   the  distributor's fee is fifty
percent  (50%) of collected  revenues until $1,500,000 has been received by  the
distributor    and    twenty-five      percent    (25%)  of  revenue   collected
thereafter.  At the  present  time,  Forecross  has four  distributors:  Gardner
Solution 2000, L.L.C. in New York and New Jersey; Y2K Solutions,  L.P. in Texas;
CY2K  Solutions,  L.L.C.  in California;  and, PY2K  Solutions,  L.L.C. in North
Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida. The President and Chief Executive
Officer of Gardner Solution 2000, L.L.C., is also the Chief Executive Officer of
Y2K  Solutions,  L.P.,  CY2K  Solutions,   L.L.C.  and  PY2K  Solutions,  L.L.C.
Additional   distributorships   are  contemplated  for  the  United  States  and
eventually various international locations.  While Forecross may market its year
2000  products  and  services   directly  in  territories   not  represented  by
distributors,  its strategy is to leverage  its ability to  penetrate  the large
nationwide market by using a network of licensees and distributors.  The Company
believes that it will receive a meaningful  amount of follow-on  renovation work
as a result of licensees'  assessment efforts,  as well as significant  combined
assessment  and  renovation  work  from  its  full-service  distributors.

     In  addition,  the  Company has formed alliances through teaming agreements
with  consulting firms and service providers. As of December 31, 1997, Forecross
has  signed  teaming  agreements  with  BDM International, Inc., Electronic Data
Systems  Corporation  (EDS),  NCR  Corporation and SCB Computer Technology, Inc.


     From  1994  though 1996, the Company's revenues were generated primarily by
migration  projects,  with  some  revenues  contributed  by  MAPS presentations.
During  that  period,  the  Company  performed  work  on  between ten and twenty
projects  per  year,  of  which four projects typically represented in excess of
fifty  per cent of total revenues.  In the fiscal year ended September 30, 1997,
the  initial year 2000 assessment projects, sales of licenses to the Assess/2000
software, and fees associated with distributorships for Complete/2000TM products
and  services  accounted  for  forty-two  percent  of  total  revenue.



     The  marketplace  for  application  migrations  and  year 2000 solutions is
served  by  both  software  and services vendors.  Forecross is not aware of any
vendor,  whether  of  software  or  services, who offers the degree of automated
conversion  achievable  through  use  of  Forecross  products.


     The  principal  focus of other software vendors has been on the development
and  licensing of software which speeds the rewriting alternative for migration.
Examples  of  software  delivering  this  type  of migration solution assistance
include  ViaSoft  Inc.'s  tools  for  application  re-engineering,  and Carleton
Corporation's software to support data migration.  In both of these cases, as in
all others of which Forecross is aware, the software products do not provide the
near-complete and comprehensive automated conversion of business applications as
those  performed  by  Forecross  products.

     In the year 2000 market,  the principal focus of software  vendors has been
on the semi-automated or automated analysis of applications written in the COBOL
language.  Many vendors also assess other languages,  but most use a rudimentary
text scanning approach similar to the "Find and Replace" function commonly found
in most word processing  software today. With respect to renovation,  there is a
growing number of software  vendors whose products  address COBOL, but Forecross
is aware of very few vendors who address any of the other dozen major  languages
used in most large MIS  organizations.  The  Company's  Complete/2000TM  product
already addresses fourteen of the non-COBOL  languages,  and others can be added
within eight to twelve weeks.  Examples of software vendors delivering automated
or  semi-automated  assessment tools include  ViaSoft,  Inc., Micro Focus Group,
P.L.C., and Platinum Technologies, Inc. Vendors with automated or semi-automated
renovation  products include Computer  Associates  International,  Inc., Peritus
Software and Eleventh Hour Systems.


     In  both  the  migration  and  year  2000   renovation   markets,   service
organizations  such as accounting  firms and companies  like BDM  International,
EDS, IBM, Computer Horizons Corporation and Computer Task Group offer conversion
services.   Automated   conversion   facilities   provided   by  these   service
organizations typically embrace between 25% and 80% of the source code, with the
balance of the conversion  being  performed  manually,  making it subject to the
inconsistency,  high risk of error,  high cost and  delays  that  accompany  any
manual conversion.  Since these organizations are principally in the business of
supplying  services,  they tend to focus on  turnkey  projects  costing  several
millions  of dollars  which can,  therefore,  support  the high  manpower  costs

     Since the Company's software automates significantly more of the conversion
(95%  to  100%)  than  can be achieved with other products, Forecross is able to
compete  effectively  with  such  service  suppliers.  The Company can price its
Factory  Compile  service  offering  (see "-Marketing and Sales Strategy") at or
below  the prices quoted by the service suppliers because it can be presented to
the  marketplace  as  the  only  solution  which permits a significantly greater
degree  of  automation than is achievable otherwise, thereby reducing the costs,
time  and  risks  of  the  project.


     The  Company's  experience  in  the competitive bidding process employed by
many  of  its  prospective  customers,  leads it to believe that it has a  price
advantage  over  a  majority  of  the  other  bidders.   Such bidders' costs are
typically higher due to their dependence on skilled people, as compared with the
Company's  dependence  on  less costly automation.  However, the Company has not
historically  enjoyed the same degree of market recognition as many of its large
competitors, such as the national consulting or accounting firms against whom it
often  competes.

     Until  the  emergence  of  the  year  2000  problem, some customers did not
embrace  the  idea  that  automation  could help them solve their problem.  Such
uncertainty  would  sometimes  cause  a customer to award a contract to the more
recognizable  bidder,  in  spite of the higher price.  This extra cost was often
viewed as an "insurance policy" against any problems in the future.  The Company
has  observed  a  shift in this trend over the past year.  Automation of some or
all  of  the  year 2000 solution has gained such widespread acceptance that many
customers  now will not entertain bids which do not contain the use of automated
software  tools.    In  addition,  a  number  of the year 2000 solution vendors,
particularly  those  offering software tools, are small, heretofore unrecognized
companies.    Potential  customers  of  these  tools  and  services are now more
accustomed  to  dealing  with such vendors. The Company believes that it has the
capability  to  compete  favorably  because  of these trends, and because it has
steadily built its reputation and name recognition over the same period of time.


     It  is  possible  that  other software or services companies may attempt to
develop  new  proprietary conversion software or service offerings or to enhance
existing  proprietary  conversion  software,  or  service  offerings, to compete
directly  in  the Company's chosen market. There are, in addition, certain other
elements  of  risk  which  bear  upon  the  Company's  competitive position (see
"-Certain  Business Concerns: Additional Financing; Competition; Market Size; No
Assurance  of  Success  of  Marketing Strategy; Product Development; and Limited
Experience of Management in the Management of Growth").  Moreover, (as indicated
under  "-Industry  Background:  Available  Solutions") there are alternatives to
migration  as  a  means of adapting to technological change, and there can be no
assurance  that  enterprise  computing  users  will  not  prefer  one  of  these

     It is difficult for the Company to assess how many potential customers have
availed  themselves  of the other  alternatives  (i.e.,  the  purchase  of a new
software  package that is year 2000  compliant  and  operates on new  technology
platforms or rewriting the computer  source  codes),  since  Forecross  does not
actively  track  prospects  who  fail  to  meet  the  Company's   initial  sales
qualification criteria. Among qualified prospects who ultimately do not purchase
from Forecross, the rewriting option generally prevails.




     The  Company  was  formed  on  January  1, 1987 by a merger pursuant to the
provisions  of the California Corporations Code of two predecessor corporations,
Jonescast, Inc., and its wholly owned subsidiary, Genasys Software Systems, Inc.
(subsequently renamed Genasys Technologies, Inc., and later changed to Forecross
Corporation), each incorporated under the laws of California in June, 1982. As a
result  of the merger, Forecross succeeded to the business that had been carried
on  by the predecessor corporations since 1982.  References in this Form 10/A to
Forecross  Corporation,  Forecross,  or the Company should be taken to include a
reference  to  its  predecessor  companies.


     As  of  March  31,  1998,  Forecross  had  56  employees. Of these, fifteen
work  primarily in the Factory or on customer Factory Compile projects, nine are
engaged  primarily  in  research  and  development  work,  eight  are in project
management,  five are in technical support, four are in quality assurance, three
are  in  sales  and  marketing and twelve are in finance and administration. All
employees  are  required  to enter into a Confidentiality and Proprietary Rights
Agreement  which  requires  that they not disclose any confidential information,
restricts their right to engage or have an interest in competing businesses, and
requires  them to promptly disclose to Forecross the product of all work done by
them  while  employed by, and for, the Company, and to assign to the Company all
rights  in  such  work  product.


     Backlog  was  $2,510,000  at  March  31,  1998 as compared to $2,812,000 at
March 31, 1997.



     The  Company  has  not  historically  been  profitable, and as of March 31,
1998,  had  suffered  cumulative operating losses aggregating $7,003,385, and at
March  31,  1998,  had  a  net  capital  deficiency  and  a  net working capital
deficiency.   These conditions raise substantial doubts about the ability of the
Company to continue as a going concern.  During fiscal 1998, the Company expects
to  meet  its working capital and other cash requirements with cash derived from
operations, short-term receivables and other financing as required, and software
license  and other fees from distributors desiring early access to the Company's
Complete/2000    product  offerings.    The Company must continue to improve the
efficiency  of  its  operations  to achieve and maintain positive cash flow from
operations  and  support  the  increased  volume of contracts (see "Management's
Discussion  and  Analysis  of  Financial  Condition  and  Results of Operations:
Liquidity  and Capital Resources," and Note 1 of Notes to Financial Statements).
There  is no assurance, however, that cash from operations and the other sources
described  above will be achieved or will be sufficient for the Company's needs,
nor  that  the  Company  will  be  able to achieve profitability on a consistent



     Forecross  may require additional funds to continue product development and
marketing,  and  to  continue the expansion of its administrative and managerial
staff.    The  Company  may  seek  such  additional  financing  through  private
placements  and  public  offerings,  including  equity  financing,  and  through
collaborative arrangements with others. If adequate funds are not available when
required  or  on  acceptable  terms, the Company may be required to delay, scale
back  or  eliminate  its  product development activities and sales and marketing
efforts.  If  this  were  to  become  necessary,  it  would adversely affect the
Company's  business,  results  of  operations  and  prospects (see "Management's
Discussion  and  Analysis  of  Financial  Condition  and  Results of Operations:
Liquidity  and  Capital  Resources").


     The  Company's  stock  price  has  been  volatile  since its initial public
offering  on  the  Vancouver  Stock  Exchange in 1994. The Company believes that
factors  such  as  awareness of the year 2000 problem, quarterly fluctuations in
the  results  of operations, announcements of new products by the Company or its
competitors,  changes  in  revenue or earnings estimates by securities analysts,
changes  in  accounting  principles  or  their application and other factors may
cause  the market price of the Company's stock to continue to fluctuate, perhaps
substantially.  In addition, stock prices of many technology companies fluctuate
widely  for  reasons  that may be unrelated to operating results.  Due to market
and  securities  analysts'  expectations  of  continued  growth  and  the higher
price/earnings  ratio  at  which the Company's stock may trade, any shortfall in
meeting such expectations may have a rapid and significant adverse effect on the
price of the Company's stock in the future.  Fluctuations in the Company's stock
may  in  turn  adversely  affect  the  Company's  ability  to attract and retain
qualified  personnel,  and  to  gain  access to capital and financing if needed.


     The  Company  has  experienced quarterly and other fluctuations in revenues
and  operating results and expects these fluctuations to continue in the future.
The  Company  believes  that  these  fluctuations  have been attributable to the
timing,  size  and  nature  of  the  Company's contracts with its customers; the
performance  of its distributors; the timing of the introduction of new products
or  services  by  its  competitors; changes in the Company's operating expenses;
personnel changes; and fluctuations in economic and financial market conditions.

     The timing,  size and nature of the Company's  contracts with its customers
are  important  factors  in the  Company's  operating  results.  Many  of  these
contracts involve large dollar amounts, and the sales cycle is often lengthy and
unpredictable.  Uncertainties  include  customers'  budgetary  constraints,  the
timing of their budget cycles and their internal approval process.  There can be
no assurance that the Company will be successful in closing such large contracts
on a timely  basis or at all.  As to the  nature of the  contracts,  most of the
Company's  migration  contracts are for a fixed fee. The Company's  projects for
year 2000  services  are  generally  based  upon a fixed  price per line of code
assessed and/or renovated.  Although the contracts contain  provisions  allowing
the  Company  to charge  additional  fees to its  customers  in the  event  that
unanticipated  or 'out of scope'  work must be done,  the  Company  nevertheless
bears the risk of cost overruns and inflation.  A significant  percentage of the
Company's  revenue that is derived from these  contracts  is  recognized  on the
percentage-of-completion  method, which requires revenue to be recorded over the
term of the contract.  A loss is recorded at the time when current  estimates of
project costs exceed unrecognized  revenue.  The Company's operating results may
be adversely affected by inaccurate estimates of contract completion costs.

     The Company's  expense levels are based, in part, on its expectations as to
future revenue and are fixed, to a large extent, in the short term. As a result,
the Company may be unable to adjust  spending in a timely  manner to  compensate
for any unexpected revenue shortfall.  Accordingly, any significant shortfall in
revenue  relative to the  Company's  expectations  would have an  immediate  and
material adverse effect on the Company's business.

     Due  to  the  foregoing factors, the Company believes that period-to-period
comparisons  of  its  operating  results are not necessarily meaningful and that
such  comparisons  cannot  be  relied  upon as indicators of future performance.
There  can  be  no  assurance that future revenue and operating results will not
vary  substantially.  It  is  also  possible  that  in  some  future period, the
Company's  operating  results  will  be  below the expectations of public market
analysts and investors.  In either case, the price of the Company's common stock
could  be  materially  adversely  affected  (see  "Management's  Discussion  and
Analysis  of  Financial  Condition  and  Results  of  Operations").



     Forecross  is  not  currently aware of any direct competitors that license,
use  or  sell  fully automated, near-complete migration software.  While certain
vendors  do offer or use such software, none of the products currently available
provides  the  near-complete and comprehensive automated conversion performed by
the Company's products.  It is possible, however, that other software developers
and  vendors may create such software directed at the Company's market.  If this
should happen, or if the costs and risks associated with an enterprise rewriting
its  business  applications for the new technologies are otherwise significantly
reduced,  it  is  possible  that significantly fewer enterprises will choose the
migration  alternative using the Company's products.  The Company does have some
indirect  competitors  in  the  form  of  service  organizations,  such  as  the
accounting  and  computer  consulting  companies  which provide a combination of
automated  and  manual  conversion,  and  certain  of  these  organizations have
significantly  greater  resources,  both  of  capital  and  personnel,  than the
Company, and much greater general name recognition (see " Business: Competition"
and  "Business:    Competitive  Position").

     In  the  year  2000  renovation  market,  the  Company  is aware of various
software  vendors  whose  products currently address COBOL, one of the languages
addressed  by  the Company's products. The Company is aware of far fewer vendors
who  currently  address  any of the other major non-COBOL languages addressed by
the  Company's  year  2000  products.  It is possible, however, that these other
software  vendors,  many  of whom have substantially more resources available to
them  than the Company, may develop other products to compete with the non-COBOL
products  offered  by  the  Company  (see  "Business:  Competition  -  Software

     There  can be no  assurance  that the  Company's  migration  and year  2000
products and services  will  compete  effectively  with those of its current and
potential  competitors,  nor that  future  competition  for  product  sales  and
services will not have a material  adverse  effect on the  business,  results of
operations and financial condition of the Company (see "Business: Competition").


     The Company's results of operations are attributable to a limited number of
orders, the average size of which exceeds $500,000.  During the six months ended
March   31,  1998,  Brown  Brothers  Harriman  &  Company  (45%), Charles Schwab
& Co., Inc. (14%), and the Company's Distributors, treated as one customer (12%)
represented  seventy-one   percent  (71%)  of  total  revenues.  During  the six
months ended March 31, 1997, the Company's Distributors, treated as one customer
(22%), Aetna Life  Insurance  Company (21%) and United Stationers Supply Company
(14%)  represented  fifty-seven  percent  (57%)  of  total revenues.  During the
fiscal year ended September 30, 1997, the Company's Distributors, treated as one
customer  (17%),  NCR  Corporation  (15%), Aetna Life Insurance Company (11%)and
Brown Brothers Harriman   Company (10%) represented  fifty-three  percent  (53%)
of    total    revenues.    During 1996, Bear Stearns  &  Company,  Inc.  (20%),
Humana    Incorporated   (14%),  New  Brunswick Telephone  (13%)  and Aetna Life
Insurance  Company  (10%)  represented  fifty-seven  percent    (57%)  of  total
revenues.    During  the year ended September 30, 1995, BDM International,  Inc.
(26%),    Union    Gas    (21%)    and  the  City of Chicago (10%) accounted for
fifty-seven  percent  (57%) of total revenues.  The loss or deferral of  one  or
more    significant    sale(s)  or  failure to collect on a significant accounts
receivable    from    any  customer  could cause substantial fluctuations in the
Company's    results    of   operations (see Notes 2 and 3 of Notes to Financial
Statements).  While the Company believes that the year 2000 market will offer it
the opportunity to expand the number of customers and projects in process at any
given  time,  there  can be no assurance that it will be successful in its sales
efforts  or  that  a  weakening  in  customer demand would not have an immediate
material adverse effect on the Company.


      The  market  for  Forecross  migration  products  may  be smaller than the
Company  projects,  whether  because  companies  in  the  marketplace  elect for
budgetary  or  other reasons not to pursue automated migration or any other form
of  software conversion, or because they do so at a rate that is much lower than
Forecross expects (see "Business: Market").  If this should happen, it will have
a  direct  impact  upon  the rate of the Company's growth.  Although the overall
market for renovation in the year 2000 renovation market is estimated to be very
large,  the  number  of competing software products being offered and developed,
the  number  of service suppliers actively soliciting year 2000 projects and the
limited  time  available  in which to address the year 2000 problem may serve to
limit  the number of year 2000 renovation opportunities that the Company is able
to  obtain.



     Forecross has, over the years, experimented with a variety of approaches to
the marketing of its products.  The Company's current strategy for its migration
products and services is based on direct  marketing  which has been in place for
approximately  five years.  While present  indications  are that the strategy is
well-adapted to the market which has been targeted by Forecross, there can be no
assurance   that  over  the  long  term  it  will  be   successful.   Successful
implementation  of the marketing  plan requires,  among other things,  sales and
marketing  personnel  with  an  ability  to  communicate  clearly  to  potential
customers   the  ability  of  the  Company  to   complete   migration   projects
successfully,  and this requires an understanding of both the technology and the
marketplace.  For the year 2000 renovation  market,  the Company's  strategy has
been  developed  over the past  year.  While the  Company  has been able to sell
several  licenses  to its  Assess/2000  product,  several  distributorships  and
several  assessment and renovation  projects,  the Company's  experience in this
market is too  limited at the current  time to  determine  whether the  strategy
being pursued for this market will be successful (see  "Business:  Marketing and
Sales Strategy").


     The  growth in the Company's revenues in fiscal 1997 resulted in large part
from  increased  demand for Assess/2000 and Complete/2000  services and licenses
as awareness of the year 2000 problem has grown.  Year 2000 services and related
revenue  increased from 8% in fiscal 1996 to 42% of the Company's total revenues
in  fiscal  1997  and  49%  of total revenues for the six months ended March 31,
1998.  Should  the  demand  for  the  Company's year 2000 solutions and products
decline  significantly as a result of new technologies, competition or any other
factors,  the Company's professional services fees and license revenues would be
materially  and  adversely affected.  The Company anticipates that demand in the
year  2000  market  will  decline,  perhaps  rapidly,  following  the year 1999.

     The Company has also experienced  significant  growth in its core migration
services.  It is the Company's  strategy to leverage customer  relationships and
knowledge of customer  application  systems  derived from its year 2000 services
solutions  to continue to grow its  migration  and other  products  and services
offerings beyond the year 2000 market.  However,  there can be no assurance that
this  strategy  will be  successful,  and should the Company be unable to market
other products and services as demand in the year 2000 market declines,  whether
as a result of competition, technological change or other factors, the Company's
business,  results of operations and financial  condition will be materially and
adversely affected.


     The Company markets its products and services to customers for managing the
renovation  of  mission-critical  computer  software systems.  As noted above in
"Dependence  on  Year  2000  Revenues",  a  large  and increasing portion of the
Company's business is devoted to addressing the year 2000 problem, which affects
the performance and reliability of many mission-critical systems.  The Company's
agreements with its customers typically contain provisions designed to limit the
Company's  exposure  to  potential  product and service liability claims.  It is
possible,  however, that the limitation of liability provisions contained in the
Company's  customer  agreements  may not be effective as a result of existing or
future  federal,  state,  local  or  foreign  laws  or ordinances or unfavorable
judicial  decisions.    Although  the  Company  has not experienced any material
product  or  service  liability  claims  to  date,  the  sale and support of its
products  and  services  may entail the risk of such claims, particularly in the
year 2000 market, which could be substantial in light of the use of its products
and  services  in mission-critical applications.  The Company does not presently
maintain  insurance  coverage  for  its  products  and services and a successful
product  or  service  liability  claim  brought against the Company could have a
material  adverse  effect  upon  the  Company's  business, operating results and
financial  condition.


     The  development  of  complex,  large-scale,  multiple environment computer
software  presents  a  difficult  engineering challenge, and it is possible that
Forecross  may  not be able to continue to develop products responsive to market
requirements  on  a  timely  or  cost-effective basis, or at all. If that should
happen,  there is a risk that other competing products might be launched earlier
and  capture  a significant part of the market targeted by the Company.  Because
of  the  time  constraints  posed by the year 2000 market, there is no assurance
that the Company will be able to develop products in a timely manner in order to
obtain  sufficient  projects  using  those  products.



     While the present management of the Company, having been its founders, have
been  principally  responsible  for the growth of its business to date, they may
not  be in a position to provide the full range of skills required to manage the
further  growth  of  the  Company's business, and it may be necessary to recruit
competent personnel to supplement their skills and experience. While the Company
believes  that  it will be able to recruit competent personnel with the required
skills,  competition for such personnel is intense and there can be no assurance
that  Forecross  will  be  successful in finding, attracting and retaining them.
Failure  to  do  so  could  have  an adverse impact upon the Company's business.


     The  current  directors  and  officers  of  the  Company  beneficially  own
approximately  34%  of  the  Common Shares outstanding. As a result, the current
directors and officers of the Company will continue to exercise control over its


     The  Company's  progress to date has to a significant extent been dependent
on the skills of certain key personnel, including Kim O. Jones and Bernadette C.
Castello,  the  founders  and  principal  shareholders  and,  respectively,  the
President  and  Chief  Executive Officer and the Senior Vice President and Chief
Financial  Officer  of  the Company. The Company has not entered into employment
contracts  with  these or any other members of management or other employees. In
addition,  competition  for  highly  skilled  technical,  management, financial,
marketing  and  sales,  and other personnel in the computer industry is intense.
Loss  of  the  services  of  any  of  the Company's present key personnel, or an
inability  to  attract  and  retain  needed  additional  personnel  could have a
materially  adverse  effect  upon  the Company.  In addition, the Company relies
upon  qualified,  experienced  subcontractors  to  support  both  its  migration
services  and  year  2000  renovation  work.    The inability to find and retain
sufficient  qualified  subcontractors  may  adversely  impact  the  Company's


     While  the  Company   believes  that  its  products  and  technologies  are
adequately  protected  against   infringement  by  confidentiality   agreements,
licensing agreements,  copyright laws and the complex nature of the products and
technologies  themselves,  there can be no assurance  of  effective  protection.
Monitoring  and  identifying  unauthorized  use of the Company's  technology may
prove difficult, and the cost of, distraction,  and time required for litigation
may impair or completely  frustrate the  Company's  ability to guard  adequately
against such infringement.


     Forecross  products  are  designed  for large organizations which typically
make  significant  investments  in  their  MIS departments. Expenditures by such
organizations  tend  to vary in cycles that reflect overall economic conditions.
The  business of the Company is, therefore, vulnerable to variations in economic
conditions generally, or to those variations which affect the economic prospects
of  corporations  and organizations in its target market, and which could affect
the capital spending or budget cycles of prospective customers.  The time period
during  which  companies  may  address  and  correct  their  year 2000 issues is
limited.  Consequently,  such  companies  may  feel  an  urgency to contract for
assessment  and  renovation  services with other companies before the Company is
able to address a sufficient portion of the market through its direct marketing,
distributors,  and  licensed  service providers. This could adversely affect the
Company's  ability  to  obtain  year  2000  renovation  projects.


     Forecross, like any other company, owns or uses computer  software that may
be impacted by the  year 2000  problem.  During 1998, the Company will perform a
review  of  the  software it is currently using in order to identify any systems
that  need  to  be made year 2000-compliant.  It is anticipated that this review
will  include  a  survey  of  vendors  of software or services to the Company to
ensure  that  their  software  will  also  be  year 2000-compliant.  The Company
intends  to  ensure  that  all such software will be year 2000-compliant well in
advance  of  December 31, 1999.  Management has not yet completed its assessment
of  the  Company's  potential  year  2000 compliance costs and related potential
effect on the  Company's operations, however, management  does not  believe that
the expense or effect of such compliance will be material to the Company.


ITEM  2.                    FINANCIAL  INFORMATION
- --------                    ----------------------

                             SELECTED FINANCIAL DATA

     The  selected  financial  data set forth  below with  respect to the fiscal
years ended  September  30,  1997,  1996 and 1995 and the balance  sheet data at
September  30, 1997 and 1996 are derived from the audited  financial  statements
included  elsewhere  in this Form 10/A.  The  financial data for the years ended
September  30, 1994 and 1993 and the balance  sheet data at September  30, 1995,
1994 and 1993 are derived from audited financial statements not included in this
Form  10/A.  The  financial  data  for  the  six  month  periods ended March 31,
1998  and  1997,  and the balance sheet data at March 31, 1998, are derived from
unaudited financial statements included elsewhere in this Form 10/A. The balance
sheet  data  at  March 31, 1997 is derived from unaudited  financial  statements
not  included  in this Form 10/A. The  unaudited  financial statements have been
prepared  on the same basis as the  audited  financial  statements  and,  in the
opinion  of  management,  include  all  adjustments  (consisting  only of normal
recurring  adjustments)  necessary to present fairly the  information  set forth
therein.  The information set forth below should be read in conjunction with the
audited  financial statements and notes included elsewhere in this Form 10/A and
Management's  Discussion  and  Analysis of  Financial  Condition  and Results of
Operations included elsewhere herein.

                                                              YEAR ENDED                                   SIX MONTHS ENDED
                                                             SEPTEMBER 30,                                    MARCH 31,
                                 --------------------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------
                                     1997          1996          1995          1994          1993          1998          1997
                                 ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------
STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS DATA:    (Restated                                                             (Unaudited    (Unaudited)
                                  -Note 1)                                                              and Restated
                                                                                                        -Note 1)
Net revenues:
   Services and maintenance . .  $ 4,930,456   $ 2,199,672   $ 1,445,009   $ 1,785,035   $   670,700   $ 3,112,920   $ 1,668,559
   Software licenses and
   distributorship fees
   - related parties. . . . . .      844,582       200,000        10,071             -       157,350       272,499       465,000
                                 ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------
   Total net revenues . . . . .    5,775,038     2,399,672     1,455,080     1,785,035       828,050     3,385,419     2,133,559
Cost of services and
   maintenance including fees
   to related parties of
   $853,000, $0, $0, $0, $0,
   $561,000, and $59,000,
   respectively . . . . . . . .    4,006,323     1,431,489       738,986       983,298       387,735     2,690,035     1,107,371
                                 ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------
Gross margin. . . . . . . . . .    1,768,715       968,183       716,094       801,737       440,315       695,384     1,026,188
                                 ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------
Operating expenses:
   Research and development . .    1,006,768       253,743       358,133       628,023       747,640       899,357       404,342
   Sales and marketing. . . . .      850,764       711,545       685,360       682,454       529,368       397,277       421,192
   General and administrative .      887,039       332,500       446,031       704,302       532,298       639,131       346,625
                                 ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------
Total operating expenses. . . .    2,744,571     1,297,788     1,489,524     2,014,779     1,809,306     1,935,765     1,172,159
                                 ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------
Loss from operations. . . . . .     (975,856)     (329,605)     (773,430)   (1,213,042)   (1,368,991)   (1,240,381)     (145,971)
Other income (expense), net . .      (68,855)     (129,141)      (37,720)      (51,825)       16,826       (99,577)      (68,759)
                                 ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------
Loss before provision
   for income taxes . . . . .     (1,044,711)     (458,746)     (811,150)   (1,264,867)   (1,352,165)   (1,339,958)     (214,730)
Provision for income taxes. . .         (800)       (2,300)      (31,616)         (800)         (800)            -             -
                                 ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------
Net loss. . . . . . . . . . . .  $(1,045,511)  $  (461,046)  $  (842,766)  $(1,265,667)  $(1,352,965)  $(1,339,958)  $  (214,730)
                                 ============  ============  ============  ============  ============  ============  ============
Net loss per share. . . . . . .  $     (0.09)  $     (0.04)  $     (0.08)  $     (0.15)  $     (0.25)  $     (0.11)  $     (0.02)
                                 ============  ============  ============  ============  ============  ============  ============
Dividends . . . . . . . . . . .            -             -             -             -             -             -             -
                                 ============  ============  ============  ============  ============  ============  ============
Shares used in computing
per share data. . . . . . . . .   11,681,035    11,370,804    10,344,934     8,366,350     5,407,515    11,760,469    11,621,398
                                 ============  ============  ============  ============  ============  ============  ============
Cash and cash equivalents . . .  $   275,243   $    99,427   $    14,474   $   332,683   $    48,640   $   106,823   $ 1,001,514
Working capital (deficit) . . .      442,765    (1,077,531)     (890,040)     (437,183)     (472,104)     (631,683)      660,157
Total assets. . . . . . . . . .    3,301,051       726,896       410,801     1,010,628       547,680     3,705,853     2,630,162
Deferred revenue, long-term . .    2,110,417             -             -             -             -       868,577     1,827,917
Long-term debt (net of current
portion). . . . . . . . . . . .            -       223,923       262,593       280,393       284,864       563,458             -
Shareholders' deficit . . . . .     (995,912)   (1,120,649)     (999,092)     (551,434)     (575,946)   (2,287,870)     (189,681)



     The following  summary of the Company's  material  activities for the years
ended  September  30,  1997,  1996  and 1995,  and the six month  periods  ended
March  31,  1998  and 1997, is qualified  by, and should be read in  conjunction
with  more  detailed   information  along  with  the  financial  statements  and
accompanying notes to the financial  statements included at the end of this Form
10/A.  Each  recipient  of this  Form 10 is  urged to read this Form 10/A in its

     The  Private  Securities  Litigation  Reform  Act of 1995 (the  "Litigation
Reform Act") provides a "safe harbor" for  forward-looking  statements.  Certain
information   included   in  this   Form  10/A contains   statements   that  are
forward-looking,  such as  statements  relating to plans for future  activities.
Such forward-looking information involves important risks and uncertainties that
could significantly affect results in the future and, accordingly,  such results
may differ from those expressed in any forward-looking  statements made by or on
behalf of the  Company.  These  risks  and  uncertainties  include,  but are not
limited  to,  those  relating  to  the  Company's  growth   strategy,   customer
concentration,  outstanding  indebtedness,  dependence  on  expansion  and other
activities   of   competitors,   changes  in  federal  or  state  laws  and  the
administration  of such laws,  protection  of trademarks  and other  proprietary
rights and the general condition of the economy and its effect on the securities
markets. The safe harbor provided by the Litigation Reform Act does not apply to
initial public offerings. See "Certain Business Concerns."


     From the  commencement of operations of its  predecessor  companies in June
1982,  the  goal of  Forecross  has  been to  focus a  small  group  of  skilled
technicians  on  providing   automated   solutions  to  the  specialized   niche
requirements  of the MIS  departments  of medium to large  enterprise  computing
organizations  seeking  to  adapt  their  business  applications  software  to a
changing technology, economic and business environment.

     From  1982  through  1988,  the  Company developed and licensed specialized
migration  software products to service providers and other software vendors for
delivery  to  the  MIS  marketplace.  The Company's customers during this period
included  Price  Waterhouse,  LLP,  KPMG  Peat Marwick, IBM Corporation, On-Line
Software  International,  Inc., Pansophic Systems, Inc., Fujitsu, Ltd., Sterling
Software  and  Cincom  Systems,  Inc.

     From 1989 through  1992,  Forecross  revenues  were  derived from  software
development  contracts  with other  software  vendors,  royalties  from  various
consulting firms, and software product license fees. At the same time, Forecross
continued to develop additional commercial migration software products.

     From  1992  through 1997, Forecross developed and implemented a strategy of
utilizing  internal  sales and marketing resources instead of relying upon third
parties,  and  focused upon pursuing migration services contracts as compared to
the  previous  focus  on  development  contracts.    Major  customers  utilizing
migration services have included Bank of Montreal, Bear Stearns, Kimberly Clark,
New  Brunswick  Telephone  and  Union  Gas.

     In addition to the  migration  services  contracts,  and in response to its
customers'  growing year 2000 migration  demands and utilizing the technology it
had  developed  over the past  fifteen  years,  during 1996 and 1997 the Company
introduced  its  Complete/2000(TM)  software  products and related  services and
methodologies.  In  June  1996,  the  Company  authorized  its  first  exclusive
distributorship and sold its first software license for the Assess/2000 product.
Initial customer projects commenced during fiscal 1997. During 1997,  additional
sets of Assess/2000 licenses were sold,  additional  exclusive  distributorships
were  authorized,  and additional  customer  projects were signed and commenced.
Once  collectibility of the distributor and license fees is reasonably  assured,
and  if  there  are  no  significant  post-delivery  obligations,   the  Company
recognizes the fees associated  with the  exclusivity  and the software  license
ratably  over the contractual term (including  renewals - generally five  years)
commencing with the date of signing of the  agreements.  Revenues for  technical
and sales training, maintenance and support are recognized ratably over the term
of the support period.




     The  financial information  reported  herein  for  the  fiscal  year  ended
September 30, 1997 and the six  months ended  March 31, 1998 has  been  restated
from amounts previously  reported in  order to  reflect a  modification  of  the
Company's  accounting policies for the recognition of revenues  associated  with
certain year 2000-related  software licenses and distributor  agreements.  Under
the Company's previous accounting policy, the Company recognized  revenue  under
these agreements  ratably from  execution of the  contracts  until  December 31,
1999, the period  during which the Company anticipated  that  it  would  perform
substantially all services required under the agreements.

     The Company will now  recognize revenues  ratably over the contractual term
(including renewals) instead of the date by which the  work resulting  from such
contracts would be substantially  completed.  The net  effect of the restatement
was to reduce revenues and increase net loss for the fiscal year ended September
30, 1997, and the six  months  ended  March 31, 1998, by $193,748  and $240,093,
and to increase net loss per share by $0.02 and $0.02, respectively.

          YEAR 2000 COMPLIANCE

     Forecross, like any other  company, owns or uses computer software that may
be impacted by  the year 2000 problem, and also relies upon vendors of equipment
and  services  whose  products  and  services  may  be impacted by the year 2000
problem.  The  Company's  year  2000  compliance issues include (i) the computer
hardware  and  internally developed software which it uses in the performance of
services  for its customers, (ii) the hardware and third-party software which it
uses  for  corporate administration, (iii) the services of third-party providers
which  it  purchases  for  certain  professional services, and (iv) the external
services  such  as  telecommunications  and  electrical  power.  The Company has
initiated  a  project  that  will  attempt to identify all computer hardware and
software,  other  significant  equipment, and services upon which it relies that
may  be  impacted.   After identification of such items, the Company will verify
whether  those  products and services are year 2000-compliant.  The verification
process  will  include  both  accessing  the  websites  of  vendors  and service
providers to verify such compliance, and, if necessary, contacting those vendors
and service providers to determine their compliance or plans to become compliant
prior  to  December  31, 1999.  It is the intent of the Company to complete this
verification  process  by  December  31,  1998.

     The Company's  administrative and operating systems are primarily PC-based,
utilizing  commercially  available  software.  Based on initial inquiries, which
have  not  yet  been  completed,  management  of the Company believes that these
commercial  software    applications  are either year 2000-compliant now or will
have  upgrades available at nominal cost which will be year 2000-compliant.  The
Company  has  already  purchased  an upgrade to its accounting systems that will
make  it  year  2000-compliant,  for  less  than $200.  The Company's System 390
mainframe software is not year 2000-compliant, and the Company intends to obtain
an  upgrade  to such software from its vendor by September 30, 1998 at a cost of
less  than  $10,000.

     A preliminary review of the Company's  PC-based  servers  and computers has
indicated  that  several systems are not currently year-2000 compliant, but that
there  is a simple procedure to make them compliant in the year 2000 at no cost.
On  January  1,  2000, the dates in these computers will revert automatically to
January  1,  1980.    The Company will execute a procedure, which it has already
tested  on all of the non-compliant computers, to reset the date to the correct,
year  2000  date.    If,  nonetheless,  the  Company is not able to modify those
systems to become year-2000 compliant, it anticipates that the cost of replacing
such  systems  would be approximately $10,000, that the time required to replace
such  systems  would  not  exceed  two  weeks,  and that, during the replacement
period,    the  Company's  other, compliant systems could be used to perform the
work  normally  performed  by  the  systems  being  replaced.

     The Company relies upon outside service providers for the processing and/or
administration of its payroll,  401(K) plan  and  benefits  insurance  programs.
Based    on  initial inquiries, which have not yet been completed, management of
the  Company  believes that  those  service providers will have systems that are
year  2000-compliant  or  that  the   Company  will  be  able  to  select  other
providers whose systems are year 2000-compliant  with no significant increase in
the  cost  of  those  services.

     The internal  software  which   the  Company  utilizes  for  performing the
migration  projects,    and    the    year    2000   assessment  and  renovation
projects,  is    year  2000-compliant.

     The Company is developing  a list of "non-computer" systems  upon  which it
relies, such as telecommunications equipment, building elevators, etc., in order
to determine whether such  systems are  in compliance with the year 2000.  It is
anticipated  that  this  review  will  be  completed  by  December  31,  1998.
Preliminary  review  of  such  vendors'  websites  indicates  that the Company's
vendors  all  have  projects  in process to ensure compliance well in advance of
December  31,  1999.

     The Company has not deferred  any  information technology  projects to date
due to the need to assess or  ensure year  2000-compliance of its systems,  and,
based upon its initial efforts to date as described herein, does  not anticipate
that any other information technology projects will be delayed in the future due
to this year 2000 project.

     For the  foregoing reasons,  the Company does not  anticipate  that it will
have an incomplete or untimely resolution of the year 2000 issue.   Although the
total costs of compliance have not as yet been definitely determined, management
believes  that  such  costs will not be material.  As previously indicated, with
respect to items (i) - (iii) outlined above, the Company believes that it has or
will  have  achieved year 2000 compliance in advance of December 31, 1999.  With
respect  to  external  services  provided  by third parties, the Company is less
certain  of the impact of year 2000 non-compliance.  In the worst case scenario,
a  failure  of  the  electrical  system  which  supplies  power to the Company's
computers  would  disrupt  both the Company's ability to conduct business and to
communicate with its customers, vendors and other suppliers, since the Company's
telephone  system  also  requires  electrical power.  In this event, the Company
would  be  required  to purchase these services from alternative providers.  The
Company  intends, as part of its "non-computer" systems review, to determine any
extraordinary  costs  and the amount of implementation time associated with such
change  of  providers.


     Revenues for the year ended  September 30, 1997 were $5,775,038 as compared
to $2,399,672  in 1996,  an increase of 141%.  This increase in revenues for the
year reflected several factors: first, the significant increase in its migration
services  revenue  ($3,326,172 in 1997 compared to $2,199,672 in 1996);  second,
revenue  from year 2000  assessment  and  renovation  contracts  and the revenue
recognized from Assess/2000  software licenses of $1,788,450 in 1997 as compared
to  $200,000   in  1996;   and  third,   revenue   recognized   from   exclusive
distributorship agreements of $660,416 in 1997 compared to no comparable revenue
in 1996. Backlog was $4,281,000 at September 30, 1997,  including  approximately
$615,000 to be performed after fiscal 1998, as compared to $1,709,000 in 1996.

     Gross  margin  was  $1,768,715 and $968,183 in 1997 and 1996, respectively.
The  gross margin percentage was 31% in 1997 and 40% in 1996.  The gross margins
reflect  the  impact  of both initial inefficiencies of additional personnel and
subcontractors hired during 1996 and 1997, and new methods of performing work on
both  the  migration  services and year 2000 assessment and renovation projects,
which  methods  were  introduced  by the Company during 1996.  While the methods
adopted for use at its main San Francisco facility were performing substantially
as  planned  during  1997, the Company did not realize the efficiencies and cost
savings  anticipated for the off-site work performed primarily by subcontractors
on  the migration services projects.  As a result, the Company is in the process
of implementing some modifications to its procedures for pricing, performing and
controlling the migration services projects in order to improve the gross margin
on  those  projects.

     During  the  three  months  ended  September 30, 1997, the Company provided
reserves  of  $300,000  against revenues and cost of revenues, primarily against
revenues  recorded  under  year 2000 projects. These reserves adversely impacted
the  gross  margin  for  the  year  ended  September  30,  1997.

     Research and  development  expenses  increased to  $1,006,768  in 1997 from
$253,743  in 1996,  or 297% due to an  increase  in the number of  personnel  to
support the development  activity  associated with the  Complete/2000  products,
enhancements to existing  software products and the decreased use of some of the
research and development personnel on migration services contracts in 1997.

     Sales  and marketing expenses were $850,764 in 1997 as compared to $711,545
in 1996.  The increase in 1997 was due primarily to commissions on the increased
sales,  participation in trade shows and other costs associated with the initial
marketing  of  the  Complete/2000  and  Assess/2000  products  and  services.

     General  and administrative expenses were $887,039 and $332,500 in 1997 and
1996,  respectively,  reflecting  additional  personnel, increased use of legal,
audit,  and  other  professional  services,  and increased insurance, telephone,
business  and  payroll  taxes in 1997 to support the increased level of business

     Net  interest  expense was $68,855 in 1997 as compared to $129,141 in 1996,
reflecting the decreased use in 1997 of short-term receivables financing to meet
its  working  capital  needs, as well as the repayment of the Company's interest
bearing  debt  in  March  1997.

     The overall net loss for the year ended  September 30, 1997  was $1,045,511
or $0.09 per share compared with a loss of $461,046 or $0.04 per  share  for the
year ended September 30, 1996 (based on  the  weighted  average number of shares
outstanding  during  the  respective  periods).

     The provision for income tax expense is the tax payable for the period plus
the change during the period in deferred tax assets and liabilities.  Due to the
uncertainty of realization, a valuation allowance has been provided to eliminate
the net deferred tax assets at September 30, 1997 and 1996 (see Notes 2 and 7 of
Notes  to  Financial  Statements).



     Revenues  for the year ended September 30, 1996 were $2,399,672 as compared
to  $1,455,080  in  1995, an increase of 65%.  This increase in revenues for the
year  reflected  two factors: first, the increase in bookings, together with the
increased  size  of  the contracts, both of which began in the fourth quarter of
fiscal  1995,  continued  through  1996;  second, in 1996 the Company recognized
$200,000  of  revenue  associated  with  the  initial  distributorship  of  its
Complete/2000 product.  Backlog was $1,709,000 at September 30, 1996 as compared
to  $1,107,000  in  1995.

     Gross margin was $968,183 and $716,094 in 1996 and 1995, respectively.  The
gross  margin percentage was 40% in 1996 and 49% in 1995, reflecting the initial
inefficiencies  incurred in hiring additional personnel and new sub-contractors,
and  establishing a new method of performing the work on the increased volume of

     For  the  year, operating expenses decreased by $191,736 or 13% ($1,297,788
in  1996  compared  to  $1,489,524  in  1995). Research and development expenses
decreased to $253,743 in 1996 from $358,133 in 1995, or 29% due to a decrease in
the  level of development activity and the increased use of some of the research
and  development  personnel on migration services contracts in the first half of
1996. Sales and marketing expenses increased by 4% ($711,545 in 1996 compared to
$685,360)  as commissions on the increased sales, and trade show and other costs
associated with the Complete/2000 product offset savings achieved from a reduced
headcount  in  1996.  General  and  administrative  expenses  were  $332,500 and
$446,031  in  1996  and  1995,  respectively  reflecting  overall cost reduction
efforts  implemented  during  the  second  half  of  1995.

     Net  interest  expense was $129,141 in 1996 as compared to $37,720 in 1995,
reflecting the use in 1996 of short-term receivables financing and increased use
of  shareholder  loans  to  meet  its  working  capital  needs.

     The  overall net loss for the year ended September 30, 1996 was $461,046 or
$0.04 per share compared with a loss of $842,766 or $0.08 per share for the year
ended  September  30,  1995  reflecting  the  increased  revenue  in  1996.


     Revenues  for  the  six  months  ended  March  31,  1998 were $3,385,419 as
compared  to  $2,133,559 in 1997, an increase of 59%.  This increase in revenues
for  the  period  reflected  several  factors:  first,  revenue  from  year 2000
assessment and renovation contracts and the amortization of Assess/2000 software
licenses  of  $1,615,810  in  1998 as compared to $249,000 in 1997; and, second,
revenue  from  the  amortization  of  exclusive  distributorship  agreements  of
$55,000  in  1998  compared  to  $465,000  in  1997.  Backlog was $2,510,000 at
March  31,  1998  as  compared  to  $2,812,000  in  1997.

     Gross  margin  was  $695,384 and $1,026,188 in 1998 and 1997, respectively.
The  gross margin percentage was 21% in 1998 and 48% in 1997.  The revenues from
the  year  2000  products  and  services  increased  to $943,974 in  the  second
quarter  of  1998  as compared to $671,836 in the first quarter of 1998, however
they  have  not  reached  the  level  anticipated by the Company and industry in
general.  The  Company  has added substantial resources to address the year 2000
market, and the lower than anticipated level of revenue adversely impacted gross
margins.  During  the  three  months  ended March 31, 1998, the Company provided
reserves  of  $50,000  against  revenues  and  cost of services and maintenance,
primarily  against  revenues  recorded  under migration projects, which reserves
adversely impacted the gross margin for the six months ended March 31, 1998.  In
addition,  the  Company  has not  realized  the  efficiencies  and cost  savings
originally   anticipated   for  the  off-site   work   performed   primarily  by
subcontractors on the migration services projects.  During the second quarter of
fiscal  1998  (the  three  months ended March 31, 1998), the Company implemented
some  modifications  to  its procedures for pricing, performing, and controlling
the  migration  services  projects in order to improve the gross margin on those

     Research  and  development  expenses  increased  to  $899,357  in 1998 from
$404,342  in  1997,  or  122%  due  to an increase in the number of personnel to
support  the  development  activity  associated  with  the Complete/2000 product
and enhancements to existing software products.

     Sales  and marketing expenses were $397,277 in 1998 as compared to $421,192
in  1997.  Increases  in  commission  expenses  in 1998 as compared to 1997 were
offset by reductions in bonuses and consultant expenses in 1998.

     General  and administrative expenses were $639,131 and $346,625 in 1998 and
1997,  respectively,  reflecting  additional  personnel, increased use of legal,
audit,  and  other  professional  services,  and  increased  rent,  insurance,
telephone, business  and payroll taxes in 1998 to support the increased level of
business activity.

     Net  interest  expense  was $99,577 for the six months ended March 31, 1998
as  compared  to  $68,759  in  1997,  reflecting  the  increased  use in 1998 of
short-term  receivables  financing and loans from senior officers of the Company
to meet its working capital needs.

     The overall net loss for the six months ended March 31, 1998 was $1,339,958
or  $0.11  per share compared with a loss of $214,730 or $0.02 per share for the
six  months ended March 31, 1997 (based on the weighted average number of shares
outstanding  during  the  respective  periods).


     Through  March  31,  1998,  the Company had sustained recurring losses from
operations  and,  at  March  31,  1998,  had  a net capital deficiency and a net
working capital deficiency.  These conditions raise substantial doubts about the
ability  of  the  Company to continue as a going concern (see Note 1 of Notes to
Financial  Statements).

     For  the  six  months  ended March 31, 1998, operations were funded through
cash  derived from short-term  receivables financing, proceeds from the exercise
of warrants to purchase  common  stock,  and  loans  from senior officers of the

     Operations  for  the year ended September 30, 1997 were funded through cash
derived  from  short-term  receivables  financing, the sale of common stock, the
sale  of software licenses for Assess/2000 and funds associated with distributor

     Cash  received from the sale of common stock and warrants, and the exercise
of  warrants, amounted to $1,162,275, $328,422, $362,010, $48,000 and $1,132,725
in the years ended September 30, 1997, 1996 and 1995, and the three months ended
December  31,  1997  and  1996,  respectively.

     In  October  1995,  the  Company  entered into a factoring agreement with a
financial  organization  whereby  the  Company  is  able  to obtain financing by
borrowing  against  its accounts receivable.  At December 31, 1997, $373,862 was
outstanding  under  the  agreement.    At  September  30,  1997,  there  was  no
outstanding  indebtedness  under the agreement.  The agreement may be terminated
by  either  the  factor  or  the  Company  at  any  time.

     The  Company  has  relied  periodically  upon  shareholder  loans  to  fund
operations.    These prior shareholder loans were repaid in full as of March 31,

     In  December  1997,  the  Company received a loan in the amount of $350,000
from a senior  officer  of the Company.  The loan is for a term of two years, is
unsecured  and  will  earn  interest  at  a  rate  of  24%  per  annum.

     In  February  1998,  the  Company received a loan in the amount of $225,000
from  another  senior  officer  of  the  Company.  The loan is for a term of two
years, is unsecured  and  will  earn  interest  at  a  rate  of  24%  per annum.

     In  January  1997,  the Company received a payment of $800,000 from Gardner
Solution 2000, L.L.C., under the terms of a Complete/2000(TM) solution exclusive
distributorship  agreement  announced  July  2,  1996.

     In  March  1997,  the  Company received payments of $1,746,875, and in June
1997  received  payments  of  $1,350,000,  for the sale of software licenses for
Assess/2000,  new  exclusive  distributor  agreements,  and software maintenance
agreements  for  Assess/2000.


     From  the  various  sources  of proceeds described above, together with the
increased  revenues,  the  Company  was  able  to  repay  all of its outstanding
interest  bearing  debt as of September 30, 1997, pay certain other liabilities,
and  fund  the  capital  expenditures required to support the increased level of
operations.  As  indicated  above,  during  the six months ended March 31, 1998,
and  subsequent  to  March  31,  1998,  the  Company  has  utilized  short-term
receivables  financing  and  loans  from  senior officers of the Company to fund
operations.   During the balance of fiscal 1998, the Company expects to continue
to  meet  its working capital and other cash requirements with cash derived from
its  operations,  short-term  receivables  and  other financing as required, and
software  license  and other fees from distributors desiring early access to the
Company's  Complete/2000  product  offerings.    In  addition,  the Company must
continue  to  improve  the  efficiency of its operations to achieve and maintain
positive  cash  flow  from  operations  and  support  the  increased  volume  of

     There can be no assurance, however, that cash from operations and the other
sources described above will be achieved or will be sufficient for the Company's
needs.    Management  believes  that  the  loans from the senior officers of the
Company, combined with continued use of short-term receivables financing will be
sufficient  to  meet the Company's needs through the balance of fiscal 1998.  In
the  meantime,  management  is  continuing  to  closely  monitor  the  Company's
prospective year 2000 project volume to evaluate whether the existing sources of
financing  are  adequate  to  support  the operations of the Company, or whether
additional  means  of  financing,  including  debt  or  equity financing, may be
required  to  satisfy  its  working  capital  and  other  cash  requirements.

     The Company  anticipates that its capital  expenditures for the next twelve
months  (calendar 1998) will be  approximately  $150,000 to $200,000,  including
furniture and equipment  for the  Company's  additional  space that it leased in
March 1998. The Company has obtained  lease  financing for $50,000 to $75,000 of
furniture and equipment in connection with occupying that additional space.


     During  1997,  the  Financial  Accounting Standards Board released SFAS No.
130,  Reporting  Comprehensive  Income,  and  SFAS  No.  131,  Disclosures about
Segments  of  an Enterprise and Related Information, both of which are effective
for  a fiscal year beginning after December 15, 1997.  The Company believes that
these  pronouncements  will  not  have  a  material  effect  upon  the financial
condition  or  results  of  operations  of  the  Company (see Note 2 of Notes to
Financial  Statements).

     In  1997,  the  American Institute of Certified Public Accountants released
Statement  of  Position  (SOP)  97-2, effective for fiscal years beginning after
December  15,  1997,  which provides revised guidance for recognizing revenue on
certain software transactions.  The Company has not yet evaluated the effect, if
any,  that  the new guidance will have on future operating results and financial
position  (see  Note  2  of  Notes  to  Financial  Statements).

ITEM  3.                    PROPERTIES
- --------                    ----------

     The  Company's principal executive offices are located at 90 New Montgomery
Street,  San  Francisco, California 94105, where it occupies approximately 6,200
square  feet  of  leased space under a lease which expires in February 2002.  In
addition,  the Company occupies approximately 900 square feet of leased space in
the  same  building  under  a lease which expires in May, 1998. Annual base rent
under  the  lease is approximately $150,000.  The Company also maintains a small
sales  office  in San Diego, California. In November 1997, the Company signed an
agreement  to  occupy  an  additional  4,000  square feet of leased space in its
current  location for a three-year period effective January 1, 1998. The Company
occupied the additional space in March, 1998. Annual base rent for the expansion
space  is  approximately  $143,000  per  year.

- --------          --------------------------------------------------------------

     The following table sets forth certain information regarding the beneficial
ownership  of  the  Company's outstanding shares of Common Stock as of March 31,
1998  by  (i) each person known to the Company beneficially to own 5% or more of
the  outstanding  shares  of  its  Common  Stock,  (ii)  each  of  the Company's
directors,  (iii)  each of the Company's executive officers named in the Summary
Compensation  Table  below,  and  (iv)  all  directors  and officers as a group.
Except  as  indicated  in  the footnotes to this table, the persons named in the
table have sole voting and investment power with respect to all shares of Common
Stock  shown  as  beneficially owned by them, subject to community property laws
where  applicable.

Name of Owner                           Number of Shares   Percent of Class
                                       Beneficially Owned  Beneficially Owned
- -------------------------------------  ------------------  ------------------
Kim O. Jones (1). . . . . . . . . . .           2,218,344               18.1%
Bernadette C. Castello (2). . . . . .           2,223,944               18.2%
Richard L. Currier, Jr. (3) . . . . .               5,000                0.0%
All directors and executive officers
as a group (3 persons) (4). . . . . .           4,447,288               36.3%

(1)  Includes  250,000 shares subject to stock option which is exercisable as of
     March 31, 1998.
(2)  Includes  250,000 shares subject to stock option which is exercisable as of
     March 31, 1998.
(3)  Includes  5,000  shares  subject to stock option which is exercisable as of
     March 31, 1998.
     Mr.  Currier's business address is P.O. Box 770-369, Park City, Utah 84060.
(4)  Includes  505,000  shares subject to stock options which are exercisable as
     of March 31, 1998.


- --------                    -----------------------------------

     The  directors,  executive officers and key employees of the Company are as

Name                         Age                           Position
- ---------------------------  ---  -----------------------------------------------------------
Kim O. Jones. . . . . . . .   53  Chief Executive Officer, President and Director

Bernadette C. Castello. . .   44  Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Director
Richard A. Carpenter. . . .   55  Director
Richard L. Currier, Jr. (1)   52  Director
Ronald Herbst . . . . . . .   55  Director of Customer Care
Carl H. Johnson . . . . . .   52  Director of Project Management
Charles T. Nelson . . . . .   51  Director of Software Products
Kenneth J. Paris. . . . . .   51  Senior Database Specialist
Peggy A. Payne. . . . . . .   48  Director of Migration Services
(1)  Denotes  member  of  audit  committee.

     KIM  O.  JONES  (53) founded Forecross together with Bernadette Castello in
1982  and  has  been  in  his present position since that time. Mr. Jones is the
chief  architect  of  the  Company's  products. He has been active as a software
industry  entrepreneur  and  industry  participant  since  1971.  Prior  to  the
establishment of Forecross, Mr. Jones served from 1980 to 1982 as a Director and
Vice  President  of Computer Systems Design, Inc., of San Francisco, California,
in  charge  of  software  product  development  and marketing. In 1970 Mr. Jones
co-founded  Genasys  Systems,  Inc.,  a  software and services firm based in San
Francisco, California, for which he worked initially as Chief Technology Officer
and,  later, as President until 1980. From 1967 to 1970, he was a Vice President
of  Liberty  National  Bank  of  San Francisco, California, responsible for data
processing.  Mr.  Jones  was  a member of the Board of Directors of the American
Software  Association,  a  division of the Information Technology Association of

     BERNADETTE C. CASTELLO (44) co-founded Forecross with Kim Jones in 1982 and
has  been in her present position since that time.  Ms. Castello manages the day
to  day  operations  of  the Company. From 1973 to 1977, Ms. Castello worked for
KPMG  Peat  Marwick in New York, designing and managing the installation and use
of  some  of the earliest automated applications in that firm. Thereafter, until
1980,  she worked as an analyst in Peat Marwick's computer resources department.
From 1980 to 1982, when she left to found Forecross with Mr. Jones, Ms. Castello
was  a  Senior  Consultant  at  Computer  Systems Design, Inc. in San Francisco,
developing  applications  for  the  financial  and  manufacturing  industries.

     RICHARD A.  CARPENTER  (55) is the  President  of Carpenter  Associates,  a
consulting  firm  which  provides   strategic  planning  and  product  marketing
assistance  to early stage  software  companies.  Mr.  Carpenter  also serves as
Chairman of the Board of two companies which he co-founded:  Corex Technologies;
and,  Healthcourt  Technologies.  Prior  to  co-founding  these  companies,  Mr.
Carpenter  had  co-founded  Index  Systems (now  CSC/Index)  in 1969,  and Index
Technology (now part of Intersolv) in 1983 where he served as Chairman/CEO until
its merger with Sage Software in 1991 to form Intersolv Software.  Mr. Carpenter
became a director  in March 1998.  Mr.  Carpenter  does not  provide  consulting
services to any direct or indirect competitor of the Company.

     RICHARD L.  CURRIER,  JR. (52) is the Chairman of Strategic  Marketing,  an
independent  software marketing  consulting firm based in Park City, Utah, which
supplies  strategic  sales and  marketing  consulting  services to the  software
industry.  Mr. Currier has over 20 years of senior management  experience in the
software  industry,  including  positions as Chairman of Panoramic  Inc., of San
Jose, California,  and President of Walker Interactive Systems of San Francisco.
Mr.  Currier's  technical  background  includes  service  as  Director  of  Data
Communications   Software   Development  for  Project  Apollo  of  the  National
Aeronautics and Space Administration,  and as a consultant to the Departments of
Defense and Agriculture and the Executive Offices of the President of the United
States.  Originally  engaged  as a  consultant  to  provide  advice on sales and
marketing  strategies,  Mr. Currier became a director of Forecross on October 1,
1993.  He does  not  provide  consulting  services  to any  direct  or  indirect
competitor of the Company.

     RONALD  HERBST  (55)  joined  the  Company  in December 1995 as Director of
Project  Management  and  currently  serves  as Director of Customer Care.  From
November  1993  through  December  1995,  Mr. Herbst was an independent software
consultant  providing such services as conceptual and detailed system design and
implementation  and  system programming.  From August 1993 through October 1993,
Mr.  Herbst was Vice President, Research and Development for Dynamic Bytes, Inc.
From  July  1989 through July 1993, Mr. Herbst served as Vice President, Windsor
Technologies,  Inc.    Mr.  Herbst  has  over twenty  years of senior management
experience serving the information technology industry.

     CARL H. JOHNSON  (52)  joined  the  Company  in  March  1997 as Director of
Project  Management.  From  1993  to  1997,  Mr.  Johnson  was Director, General
Accounts  for Affiliated Computer Services, Inc.  From 1988 to 1993, Mr. Johnson
was  Manager,  Corporate  Applications  for Amdahl Corporation.  Mr. Johnson has
over  twenty  years  of  senior  management  experience  serving the information
technology  industry.


     CHARLES  T. NELSON (51) joined Forecross in December 1991 and has served in
a  variety  of technical and research and development capacities.  In June 1996,
Mr. Nelson was named Director of Software Products.  Prior to joining Forecross,
Mr.  Nelson  had over twenty years' experience managing and supervising software
and  hardware  technical  support  activities  for  several  large corporations.

     KENNETH  J. PARIS (51) Senior Database Specialist was with the Company from
1989  through  March  1996, and rejoined the Company in October 1996. From March
1996  through  September  1996,  Mr.  Paris  served  as  an independent software
consultant  to  various  companies,  including  Forecross.    Prior  to  joining
Forecross  in 1989, Mr. Paris spent eleven years with KPMG Peat Marwick, both as
Database  Administrator and as director of database research and development for
the  consulting  department  of  KPMG Peat Marwick's National Technology Center.
From  1985  to  1986,  Mr.  Paris  served  as Director of Product Development at
Pansophic  Systems,  Inc.  of  Oak  Brook, Illinois. He was also for six years a
member  of  the  database committee of the American National Standards Institute
(ANSI)  which  developed  the SQL standard. Mr. Paris was the initial Conference
Chairman  and  then  President  of  the  International  DB2  Users  Group.

     PEGGY  A.  PAYNE (48) joined Forecross in May 1996 as Director of Migration
Services.    From  February  1993  through  May  1996, Ms. Payne was Director of
Information  Management  and Technology for Revo Corporation.  From July 1988 to
February  1993,  Ms.  Payne  was  manager,  information systems for Westinghouse
Security  Electronics.   Ms. Payne has over twenty years of technical experience
and  has  served  in  various  capacities  for technical organizations including
Association  of  Corporate Computing Professionals, Bay Area MAPICS Users Group,
and  Information  Technology  Executives  Association.

ITEM  6.                    EXECUTIVE  COMPENSATION
- --------                    -----------------------

     The  following  table sets forth the amount of all compensation paid by the
Company  during  each  of  1997,  1996  and  1995  to  the person serving as the
Company's  Chief Executive Officer, and to the Company's most highly compensated
executive  officer,  other  than the Chief Executive Officer, whose compensation
exceeded  $100,000  during  any  such  year  (the  "Named  Executive Officers").

                                     Annual Compensation     Compensation
                                   -----------------------  ---------------
Name and Principal Position  Year    Salary      Bonus        Securities      All Other
- ---------------------------  ---- -----------  -----------    Underlying     Compensation
                                                            Option(#)(1)(2)  ------------

Kim O. Jones. . . . . . . .  1997  $  156,511  $    51,320             None          None
Chief Executive Officer . .  1996     129,515         None          250,000          None

                             1995     127,400         None             None          None

Bernadette C. Castello. . .  1997  $  156,511  $    56,970             None          None
Senior Vice President . . .  1996     129,515         None          250,000          None
                             1995     127,400         None             None          None
(1)  The  stock  options  granted  to  the named officers are fully vested.  The
     options are exercisable at $1.43 per share and expire five years  from  the
     date of  grant.
(2)  There  are  no  other  long-term incentive compensation plans which require

     Stock  Option  Grants  in  Last Fiscal Year.  There were no grants of stock
options  to  either  of the Company's Named Executive Officers during the fiscal
year  ended  September  30,  1997.

     Aggregated  Option Exercises in Last Fiscal Year and Fiscal Year End Option
Values.    The  following  table  sets  forth  for  each Named Executive Officer
information  regarding  stock  option  exercises  during  the  fiscal year ended
September  30,  1997 as well as the fiscal year end value of unexercised options
for  each  such  person:


                                                   Number of Securities         Value of Unexercised
                                                  Underlying Unexercised      In-the-Money Options at
                                                 Options at 1997 Year End         1997 Year End
                                                --------------------------  ---------------------------
               Shares Acquired
Name             on Exercise    Value Received  Exercisable  Unexercisable  Exercisable   Unexercisable
- -------------  ---------------  --------------  -----------  -------------  ------------  -------------
Kim O. Jones.                0               0      250,000              0  $  4,330,000              0
Bernadette C.
 Castello . .                0               0      250,000              0  $  4,330,000              0


     Directors  receive  no  compensation for service on the Board of Directors.

     Mr. Currier is paid a retainer of $817 per month for consulting services in
connection with the Company's  marketing  strategy.  Non-employee  directors are
reimbursed for reasonable out-of-pocket expenses incurred in connection with the
attendance of Board meetings. Non-employee directors are entitled to participate
in the  Company's  1994 Stock Option Plan.  During the year ended  September 30,
1996,  Mr.  Currier  received a stock option grant for 5,000 shares at $4.75 per
share.  During  the  year ended  September  30,  1997 and during the six  months
ended  March  31,  1998, no options were granted to non-employee  directors.  In
connection  with his  election  to the Board of  Directors  in March  1998,  the
Company has  indicated  to Mr.  Carpenter  that it would apply to the  Vancouver
Stock Exchange for authorization to grant him a stock option for 7,500 shares at
the fair market value at the time of the grant.

- --------                    --------------------------------------------------

      As  of  September  30,  1997  and  March  31,  1998,  the  Company had the
following  notes  receivable  from/payable  to  its  officers:

     Note  receivable  from  Kim  O. Jones, Chief Executive Officer, of $65,429,
with  interest  at  10%,  due December 31, 1997. This represents the balance due
from  amounts  advanced  at  various  times between 1987 and 1993 principally to
assist  in  the purchase of a principal residence by Mr. Jones. Accrued interest
receivable  amounted  to  $24,536 at September 30, 1997. The note receivable and
accrued  interest  receivable  were  paid  in  full  on  December  31,  1997.

     In  July  1997,  the  Company loaned Kim O. Jones, Chief Executive Officer,
$35,000  in  exchange for a note receivable bearing interest at 6.07% and due in
July 1998. The note receivable and accrued interest receivable were paid in full
in  September  1997.

     Note  receivable  from  Bernadette  C.  Castello, Senior Vice President, of
$16,429,  with  interest  at  10%,  due  December  31, 1997. This represents the
balance  due  from  amounts  advanced  at  various  times  between 1987 and 1993
principally  to assist in the purchase of a principal residence by Ms. Castello.
Accrued  interest receivable amounted to $6,161 at September 30, 1997.  The note
receivable  and  accrued  interest  receivable were paid in full on December 15,

     At  September  30,  1997,  travel  advances  of  $37,013  to  Bernadette C.
Castello,  Senior  Vice  President,  were  converted  to  a note receivable with
interest  at  5.7%,  due  in  September,  1999.

     As  of  September 30, 1996, the Company had several notes payable to Kim O.
Jones, Chief Executive Officer, totaling $6,800 plus $2,328 of accrued interest.
The  notes  bear interest at 12% and had various maturities through November 19,
1994.  The  notes  and  accrued  interest  were  repaid  in full in June, 1997.

     In  December  1997,  the Company borrowed $350,000 from Kim O. Jones, Chief
Executive  Officer,  under  an  unsecured promissory note due December 30, 1999.
The  note  bears  interest  at  24.0%  per  annum.

     In  February  1998,  the  Company  borrowed  $225,000  from  Bernadette  C.
Castello, Senior Vice President, under an unsecured promissory note due February
28, 2000.  The  note  bears  interest  at  24.0%  per  annum.

     At various times the Company has borrowed funds from Lawrence J. Schoenberg
and Associates  ("Schoenberg"), an associate of Lawrence J. Schoenberg, a former
director  of  the  Company.    As  of  September  30,  1996,  the Company had an
uncollateralized  note  payable to Schoenberg of $240,000, with interest at 14%.
Beginning  in  1995, principal and interest payments of varying amounts were due
semiannually  through October 1998.  Through September 30, 1996, the Company had
made  no  principal  or interest payments on this note.  The Company also had at
September  30,  1996  an uncollateralized note payable to Schoenberg of $20,000,
with  interest  at 24% and principal and interest originally due April 29, 1995.
During  1996,  the  Company paid $25,000 against this note.  As of September 30,
1996,  accrued  but unpaid interest on these two notes amounted to $188,023.  As
of  March  31,  1997,  the  Company  paid  in full the outstanding principal and
accumulated  interest  on  both  notes  described  above.


ITEM  8.                    LEGAL  PROCEEDINGS
- --------                    ------------------


- --------     -------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------

     As  of  March  31,  1998, the Company had issued and outstanding 11,763,612
shares  of  Common Stock held by 60 shareholders.  The Company's Common Stock is
traded on the Vancouver Stock Exchange under the symbol FRX.U.  Listed below are
the  high  and  low bid prices (U.S. dollars) for the Company's Common Stock for
the  periods  indicated.

- ------------------  ------  ------

03/31/98 . . . . .  $12.70  $ 6.70

12/31/97 . . . . .   20.00   10.00

09/30/97 . . . . .  $20.00  $11.65
06/30/97 . . . . .   25.00   13.05
03/31/97 . . . . .   16.95    6.00
12/31/96 . . . . .    7.00    3.00

09/30/96 . . . . .  $ 6.87  $ 3.15
06/30/96 . . . . .    9.75    1.19
03/31/96 . . . . .    1.80    0.58
12/31/95 . . . . .    1.38    0.80

     The Company has not paid any dividends to date and does not anticipate that
any  cash  dividends  will  be  declared  in  the  foreseeable  future.

- ---------                    -------------------------------------------

     The  following  table  sets forth information regarding issuances of Common
Stock  by the Company during the three years ended September 30, 1997 and during
the  six  months  ended  March  31,  1998.

- ----------------  -----------------------  -----------------------

         735,000  $               294,000  Cash(1)
          62,553                   29,400  Services(2)
         183,750                   73,500  Cash(3)
         551,250                  330,750  Cash(4)
         282,000                1,128,000  Cash(5)
          14,000                   39,550  Cash(6)
          12,000                   48,000  Cash(7)


1.     In  May  1995,  these  shares  were  sold  in  a  private  placement  to
two  individuals  and  three investment funds .  The Company incurred $34,890 of
costs  related  to this sale, including the finder's fee of $29,400 discussed in
the  following  footnote  2.
2.     These  shares were issued to Eboracum Ltd., a placement agent, in lieu of
cash  for  services  associated  with  the  private  placement in May 1995.  The
$29,400  value  of  the  services was a finder's fee equal to ten percent of the
gross  proceeds  of the private placement ($294,000), and the shares were valued
at  a  price  equal  to the average trading price in the ten days preceding the
announcement of the placement.  The $29,400 value of these shares is included in
the  total  cost  of  $34,890 incurred in connection with the private placement.
3.     These  shares  were  issued  in August 1995 upon the exercise of warrants
issued  in connection with the private placement of 735,000 common shares in May
4.     These  shares  were issued in November 1995 upon the exercise of warrants
issued  in connection with the private placement of 735,000 common shares in May
5.     These shares were issued in connection with a private placement completed
in  December  1996  of  Units  consisting  of  one share of Common Stock and one
non-transferable  share  purchase  warrant  to  purchase  an additional share of
Common  Stock for a period of two years from the date of issuance at an exercise
price  of  $4.00  per  share in the first year and $4.60 per share in the second
year.    The purchasers of the shares are family members of the president of the
Company.    The  Company  incurred  $5,275  of  costs  related  to  this  sale.
6.     These shares were issued during the fiscal year ended September 30, 1997
upon  the  exercise  of stock options for 12,500 shares at $2.00 per share, and,
1,500  shares  at  $9.70  per  share.
7.     These  shares  were issued in October and November 1997 upon the exercise
of warrants issued in connection with the private placement of 282,000 shares in
December  1996.

The  Company  has  issued  shares  of  its  Common  Stock  to  certain employees
(including officers) pursuant to compensation benefit plans of the Company.  The
transactions  described  in  this  paragraph  were  exempt from the registration
requirements  of  the Securities Act based upon Rule 701 promulgated thereunder.

- ---------                -------------------------------------------------------

     The  Company's  authorized  capital  stock consists of 20,000,000 shares of
Common  Stock,  no par value, of which 11,763,612 were issued and outstanding as
of  March  31,  1998.  The  holders of the Common Stock are entitled to one vote
per  share at all meetings of shareholders, to receive dividends ratably, if, as
and  when  declared  by  the  directors,  and  to  participate  ratably  in  any
distribution  of  property  or  assets  on  the liquidation, winding up or other
dissolution  of  the  Company.  The shares of Common Stock have no preemptive or
conversion  rights.  There are no provisions in the Articles of Incorporation or
By-Laws  of  the  Company,  nor  any  provisions  of  the  laws  of the State of
California  to  which  the  Company is subject, that would discourage a business
combination  or  other  takeover  of  the  Company.

     See  "Indemnification  of  Officers  and Directors" for a discussion of the
indemnification  and  the  limitation of liability of the Company's officers and
directors  related  to  performance  of  their  duties.


     The  Transfer  Agent  and  Registrar  in Canada for the Common Stock is The
Montreal Trust Company, British Columbia, Canada, which will continue to provide
such services as long as the Company's Common Stock is listed for trading on the
Vancouver  Stock  Exchange.    The  Company  is  currently  reviewing  possible
candidates to serve as the Transfer Agent and Registrar in the United States for
the  Common  Stock.

- ---------                    ---------------------------------------------

     The  Company's  Articles  of  Incorporation  limit,  to  the maximum extent
permitted  by  the  California  General  Corporation Law ("California Law"), the
personal  liability  of  directors  for  monetary  damages  for  breach of their
fiduciary  duties  as  directors.  The Company's Bylaws provide that the Company
shall  indemnify  its directors and officers and may indemnify its employees and
other  agents  to  the  fullest  extent  permitted  by  law.

     California Law does not permit a corporation to eliminate a director's duty
of  care, and the indemnification provisions contained in the Company's Articles
of  Incorporation have no effect on the availability of equitable remedies, such
as  injunction  or  rescission,  for  a  director's  breach of the duty of care.

     The Company has entered into certain  indemnification  agreements  with its
directors  and officers  (the  "Indemnitee")  that  provide  that the  Company's
directors and officers shall be indemnified by the Company to the fullest extent
authorized by California  law, as it now exists or may in the future be amended,
against expenses (including attorneys' fees), judgments,  fines and amounts paid
in  settlement  (if such  settlement  is  approved  in advance  by the  Company)
actually and reasonably  incurred by the Indemnitee in connection with an action
or proceeding against the Indemnitee by reason of the fact that Indemnitee is or
was a director,  officer, employee or agent of the Company, or any subsidiary of
the  Company,  or is or was serving at the request of the Company as a director,
officer, employee or agent of another corporation,  partnership,  joint venture,
trust,  or other  enterprise,  if the  Indemnitee  acted in good  faith and in a
manner  Indemnitee  reasonably  believed  to be in  the  best  interests  of the
Company,  and  with  respect  to  any  criminal  action  or  proceeding,  had no
reasonable   cause  to   believe   Indemnitee's   conduct   was   unlawful.   No
indemnification  shall be made in respect  of any  claim,  issue or matter as to
which  Indemnitee  shall have been  adjudged  to be liable to the Company in the
performance of Indemnitee's duty to the Company and its shareholders  unless and
only to the extent that the court in which such action or  proceeding  is or was
pending shall determine upon application  that, in view of all the circumstances
of the case,  Indemnitee  is fairly and  reasonably  entitled to  indemnity  for
expenses and then only to the extent that the court shall determine.


     At  present,  there  is  no  pending litigation or proceeding involving any
director,  officer,  employee  or  agent  of  the Company which may give rise to
liability  for  the  Company  to provide indemnification, and the Company is not
aware  of any threatened litigation or proceeding that may result in a claim for
such  indemnification.

- ---------                    -----------------------------------------------

     The  financial  statements required by this item are set forth on pages F-1
through  F-16  hereof.

- ---------            -----------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------

     On  July  2,  1997, the Company received the resignation of its independent
auditor,  Coopers  &  Lybrand, L.L.P. ("Coopers & Lybrand"). Prior to receipt of
the  resignation, the decision to change auditors was not discussed, recommended
or  approved  by  any  committee  of  the  Board of Directors or by the Board of
Directors. By resolution dated September 10, 1997, the Board of Directors of the
Company  appointed  BDO  Seidman,  L.L.P. ("BDO Seidman") as the new independent
auditor  of  the  Company,  effective  September  10,  1997.

     There  have  been  no  reservations  in  the auditor's reports of Coopers &
Lybrand  for  the  last  two fiscal years reported on by Coopers & Lybrand ended
September  30,  1996 and 1995.  The auditor's reports of Coopers & Lybrand as of
and  for  the  years  ended September 30, 1996 and 1995 were modified to reflect
their  conclusion that an uncertainty existed at those dates about the Company's
ability  to  continue  as  a  going  concern.

     There  were  no disagreements of any kind with Coopers & Lybrand during the
two  fiscal  years reported on by Coopers & Lybrand ended September 30, 1996 and

     Subsequent  to  the release of the Company's unaudited financial statements
for  the  quarter and six months ended March 31, 1997, Coopers & Lybrand advised
the  Company  that Coopers & Lybrand disagreed with the Company's accounting for
two  specific  transactions  entered  into  in  March  1997.   Both transactions
involved  the  licensing  of  software  and  the  granting  of certain exclusive
marketing  rights  to  two  of  the  Company's distributors.  It was the view of
Coopers  &  Lybrand  that  the  Company  did  not have sufficient information to
support  the allocation and recognition of revenue between the software licenses
and  the exclusive marketing rights because the Company had never sold these two
elements separately. The Company believed that its reporting was appropriate and
consistent  with  advice,  but  Coopers  &  Lybrand  continued  to  disagree.

     Subsequent  to  the  resignation  of  Coopers  &  Lybrand,  BDO Seidman was
retained to advise the Company on a recommended method of accounting for the two
transactions  in  question  as  well  as  a subsequent similar transaction.  BDO
Seidman  has  recommended a method of accounting whereby the total dollar amount
of  the  software  license  and  distributor  agreements  will be amortized over
periods  commencing  with  the  dates  of  their  respective  signing and ending
December  31,  1999.    The Company accepted this recommendation and accordingly
restated  its  interim financial statements for the period ended March 31, 1997.
The  Company  has authorized Coopers & Lybrand to fully respond to any inquiries
of  BDO  Seidman  concerning  the  disagreement.

     The  Company  has never been advised by Coopers & Lybrand that: (1) it does
not  have  the  internal  controls  necessary  for  the  development of reliable
financial  statements; or (2) any information came to the attention of Coopers &
Lybrand  that  led  it  to conclude that it could no longer rely on management's
representations, or made it unwilling to be associated with financial statements
prepared  by  management; or (3) there was any need to increase the scope of its

     The  Company  has  been  advised  by  Coopers & Lybrand that except for the
disagreement  regarding  the  two specific transactions described above, nothing
has  come  to  the attention of Coopers & Lybrand that in its opinion materially
impacts  the  fairness of previously audited financial statements for the fiscal
years  ended  September  30,  1996  and  1995.

     In connection with the  filing of this  Registration Statement, the Company
has  modified its accounting policy and will recognize revenues ratably over the
contractual  term  (including  renewals) of the software license and distributor
agreements.  As  a result, the Company  has restated the  financial  information
reported herein from amounts previously reported.


- ---------                    ------------------------------------

(a)          Financial  Statements

1.        Financial Statements.  The following Financial Statements of Forecross
- --        --------------------
Corporation,  and  the  Report of Independent Public Accountants are included at
pages  F-1  through  F-16  of  this  Registration  Statement.

DESCRIPTION                                                         PAGE NO.
- --------------------------------------------------------------  ----------------
Report of BDO Seidman, LLP,
  Independent Certified Public Accountants . . . . . . . . . .  F-1

Balance Sheets as of September 30, 1997 (Restated) and 1996 and
  March 31, 1998 (Unaudited and Restated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  F-2
Statements of Operations for each of the Three Years
  in the Period Ended September 30, 1997 (Restated), and the Six
  Month Periods Ended March 31, 1998 and 1997 (Unaudited and Restated) .  .  F-3
Statements of Shareholders' Equity (Deficit) for each of the
  Three Years in the Period Ended September 30, 1997 (Restated) and
  the Six Month Period Ended March 31, 1998 (Unaudited and Restated). . . .  F-4
Statements of Cash Flows for each of the Three Years
  in the Period Ended September 30, 1997 (Restated), and the Six Month
  Periods Ended March 31, 1998 and 1997 (Unaudited and Restated). . . . . .  F-5

Notes to Financial Statements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  F-6 through F-16

1.     Financial Statement Schedule.  The following financial statement schedule
- --     ----------------------------
of  Forecross  Corporation  for  each  of  the  three  years in the period ended
September 30, 1997, and  the  six  month  periods  ended March 31, 1998 and 1997
(unaudited) is filed as part of this Form 10/A and should be read in conjunction
with the Financial Statements of Forecross Corporation.

     Valuation  and  Qualifying  Accounts                       S-1

(b)          Index  and  Description  of  Exhibits

Exhibit No.  Description
- -----------  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        3.1  Restated Articles of Incorporation

        3.2  By-Laws
       10.1  Lease Agreement, dated January 1, 1997
             between the Company and The Canada Life Assurance Company
       10.2  Form of Indemnification Agreement entered into
             between the Company and each of its officers and
       10.3  1993 Restricted Stock Purchase Plan
       10.4  1994 Stock Option Plan and Form of Option Agreement
      10.5*  Exclusive Distributor Agreement between the
             Company and Gardner Solution 2000, L.L.C., and
      10.6*  Exclusive Distributor Agreement between the
             Company and Y2K Solutions, L.P.,
      10.7*  Software License Agreement between the Company
             and Y2K Solutions, L.P.
       10.8  Factoring Agreement, dated October 30, 1995, between
             the Company and Silicon Valley Financial Services
       10.9  Lease Expansion Proposal dated November 17, 1997, between
             the Company and The Canada Life Assurance Company
      10.10  Factoring Modification Agreement, dated January 13, 1998, between the Company
             and Silicon Valley Financial Services
     10.11*  Exclusive Distributor Agreement between the Company and CY2K Solutions, L.L.C.
     10.12*  Software License Agreement between the Company and CY2K Solutions, L.L.C.
     10.13*  Exclusive Distributor Agreement between the Company and PY2K Solutions, L.L.C.
     10.14*  Software License Agreement between the Company and PY2K Solutions, L.L.C.
       16.1  Notice of Change of Auditor dated September 23, 1997, issued to all holders of
             common shares of Forecross Corporation


       16.2  Letter dated September 23, 1997 from BDO Seidman, LLP to the British Columbia
             Securities Commission and to the Vancouver Stock Exchange confirming the
             accuracy of the information contained in the Notice of Change of Auditor of
             Forecross Corporation dated September 23, 1997
       16.3  Letter dated September 23, 1997 from Coopers & Lybrand, L.L.P. to the British
             Columbia Securities Commission and to the Vancouver Stock Exchange confirming
             the accuracy of the information contained in the Notice of Change of Auditor of
             Forecross Corporation dated September 23, 1997
       16.4  Letter dated September 23, 1997 from the Board of Directors of Forecross
             Corporation to the shareholders of Forecross Corporation, the British Columbia
             Securities Commission and the Vancouver Stock Exchange confirming the review of
             the Board of Directors of the Notice of Change of Auditor and the related letter
             dated September 23, 1997 from BDO Seidman, LLP and Coopers & Lybrand,

       27.1  Financial Data Schedule, September 30, 1997

       27.2  Financial Data Schedule, March 31, 1998

          *  The Company has requested that certain portions of the documents be given
             confidential  treatment.  The entire documents, including the redacted portions,
             have  been  filed  with  the  SEC.



Pursuant  to  the  requirements  of Section 12 of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934, the registrant has duly caused this Registration Statement to be signed on
its  behalf  by  the  undersigned,  thereunto  duly  authorized.


                         FORECROSS  CORPORATION

July 23, 1998             BY:  /S/ Bernadette C. Castello
                         Bernadette C. Castello
                         Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer



To  the  Stockholders  and  Board  of  Directors  of  Forecross  Corporation

We  have  audited the accompanying balance sheets of Forecross Corporation as of
September  30,  1997  and  1996,  and  the  related  statements  of  operations,
shareholders'  deficit  and cash flows for each of the three years in the period
ended  September  30,  1997.    We  have also audited the Schedule listed in the
accompanying  index at Item 15.  These financial statements and the Schedule are
the responsibility of Forecross Corporation's management.  Our responsibility is
to  express  an  opinion on these financial statements and the Schedule based on
our  audits.

We  conducted  our  audits  in  accordance  with  generally  accepted  auditing
standards.    These  standards  require  that  we plan and perform the audits to
obtain  reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements and schedule
are  free  of  material  misstatement.    An audit includes examining, on a test
basis,  evidence  supporting  the  amounts  and  disclosures  in  the  financial
statements.  An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and
significant  estimates  made  by  management,  as well as evaluating the overall
presentation  of the financial statements.  We believe that our audits provide a
reasonable  basis  for  our  opinion.

In  our  opinion, the financial statements referred to the above present fairly,
in  all  material  respects,  the financial position of Forecross Corporation at
September  30,  1997  and  1996,  and the results of its operations and its cash
flows  for  each  of  the  three years in the period ended September 30, 1997 in
conformity  with  generally  accepted  accounting  principles.

The  accompanying  financial  statements  have  been  prepared assuming that the
Company  will  continue  as  a  going  concern.    As discussed in Note 1 to the
financial statements, the Company has sustained recurring losses from operations
and  has  net capital deficiencies and negative working capital at September 30,
1997.  These conditions raise substantial doubt about the ability of the Company
to continue as a going concern.  Management's plans as to these matters are also
discussed  in  Note  1.  The financial statements do not include any adjustments
that  might  result  from  the  outcome  of  this  uncertainty.

As discussed in Note 1, the financial statements have  been restated  to reflect
the retroactive change in accounting for software licenses and distributor fees.

                                      /s/ BDO SEIDMAN, LLP
                                          BDO SEIDMAN, LLP
                                          San Francisco, California
December  12,  1997, except for Note 1,
which is as of July 17, 1998


                                              FORECROSS CORPORATION
                                                 BALANCE SHEETS

                                                                                September 30,       March 31,
                                                                            1997          1996          1998
                                                                        ------------  ------------  ------------
                                                                        (Restated-                 (Unaudited
 ASSETS                                                                  Note 1)                    and Restated
                                                                                                    -Note 1)
Current assets:
Cash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  $   275,243   $    99,427   $   106,823
Accounts receivable, including unbilled receivables of $1,754,691,
$122,370, and $2,642,259, net of allowance of $300,340, $340 and
$350,340, respectively (Note 3). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    2,112,982       392,805     2,739,182
Current portion of notes receivable from officers (Note 4) . . . . . .      112,504             -             -
Other current assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      128,582        53,859        87,596
                                                                        ------------  ------------  ------------
  Total current assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    2,629,311       546,091     2,933,601
Equipment and furniture, net (Notes 2,  4 and 5) . . . . . . . . . . .      540,804        79,601       660,345
Notes receivable from officers, net, less current portion (Note 4) . .       37,013        95,241             -
Notes receivable from others . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       63,150             -        64,519
Other assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       30,773         5,963        47,388
                                                                        ------------  ------------  ------------
  Total assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  $ 3,301,051   $   726,896   $ 3,705,853
                                                                        ============  ============  ============

Current liabilities:
Accounts payable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  $   452,651   $   475,633   $   747,252
Accrued compensation and related benefits (Note 11). . . . . . . . . .      152,421       338,722       226,964
Accrued liabilities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       89,518        46,081        39,378
Accrued commissions and distributors' fees (Note 4). . . . . . . . . .      639,138        32,252     1,095,717
Deferred compensation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .            -       156,834             -
Payable to factor (Note 6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .            -       120,000       564,000
Accrued warranty costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       96,589        66,547       120,630
Current portion of notes payable to related parties (Note 4) . . . . .            -       224,100             -
Notes payable-other. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .            -        10,000             -
Capital lease obligations due within one year. . . . . . . . . . . . .            -             -        12,361
Deferred revenue (Notes 2 and 4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      756,229       153,453       758,982
                                                                        ------------  ------------  ------------
  Total current liabilities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    2,186,546     1,623,622     3,565,284
Deferred revenue, less current portion (Notes 2 and 4) . . . . . . . .    2,110,417             -     1,827,917
Notes payable to related parties, less current portion (Note 4). . . .            -       223,923       563,458
Capital lease obligations, less current portion. . . . . . . . . . . .            -             -        37,064
                                                                        ------------  ------------  ------------
  Total liabilities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    4,296,963     1,847,545     5,993,723
                                                                        ------------  ------------  ------------
Commitments and contingencies (Notes 2 and 12) . . . . . . . . . . . .
Shareholders' deficit (Notes 8, 9 and 10):
Common stock, no par value; authorized 20,000,000 shares; issued and
 outstanding 11,751,612, 11,455,612 and 11,763,612, respectively . . .    4,667,515     3,505,240     4,715,515
Notes receivable from shareholders (Note 9). . . . . . . . . . . . . .            -        (7,973)            -
Accumulated deficit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   (5,663,427)   (4,617,916)   (7,003,385)
                                                                        ------------  ------------  ------------
Total shareholders' deficit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     (995,912)   (1,120,649)   (2,287,870)
                                                                        ------------  ------------  ------------
  Total liabilities and shareholders' deficit. . . . . . . . . . . . .  $ 3,301,051   $   726,896   $ 3,705,853
                                                                        ============  ============  ============

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                                             FORECROSS CORPORATION
                                           STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS

                                                     For the Years Ended            For the Six Months Ended
                                                        September 30,                     March 31,
                                          ----------------------------------------  --------------------------
                                              1997          1996          1995          1998          1997
                                          ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------
                                           (Restated-                               (Unaudited    (Unaudited)
                                            Note 1)                                  and Restated
                                                                                     -Note 1)
Net revenues (Notes 2, 3 and 4):
Services and maintenance . . . . . . . .  $ 4,930,456   $ 2,199,672   $ 1,445,009   $ 3,112,920   $ 1,668,559
Software licenses and distributorship
 fees-related parties. . . . . . . . . .      844,582       200,000        10,071       272,499       465,000
                                          ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------
  Total net revenues . . . . . . . . . .    5,775,038     2,399,672     1,455,080     3,385,419     2,133,559
Cost of services and maintenance
including fees to related parties of
$853,000, $0, $0, $561,000 and $59,000,
 respectively (Notes 2 and 4). . . . . .    4,006,323     1,431,489       738,986     2,690,035     1,107,371
                                          ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------
Gross margin . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,768,715       968,183       716,094       695,384     1,026,188
                                          ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------
Operating expenses:
Research and development . . . . . . . .    1,006,768       253,743       358,133       899,357       404,342
Sales and marketing. . . . . . . . . . .      850,764       711,545       685,360       397,277       421,192
General and administrative . . . . . . .      887,039       332,500       446,031       639,131       346,625
                                          ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------
Total operating expenses . . . . . . . .    2,744,571     1,297,788     1,489,524     1,935,765     1,172,159
                                          ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------
Loss from operations . . . . . . . . . .     (975,856)     (329,605)     (773,430)   (1,240,381)     (145,971)
Interest expense, net. . . . . . . . . .      (68,855)     (129,141)      (37,720)      (99,577)      (68,759)
                                          ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------
Loss before provision for income taxes .   (1,044,711)     (458,746)     (811,150)   (1,339,958)     (214,730)
Provision for income taxes (Note 7). . .         (800)       (2,300)      (31,616)            -             -
                                          ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------
  Net loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  $(1,045,511)  $  (461,046)  $  (842,766)  $(1,339,958)  $  (214,730)
                                          ============  ============  ============  ============  ============
Net loss per share . . . . . . . . . . .  $     (0.09)  $     (0.04)  $     (0.08)  $     (0.11)  $     (0.02)
                                          ============  ============  ============  ============  ============
Shares used in computing per share data.   11,681,035    11,370,804    10,344,934    11,760,469    11,621,398
                                          ============  ============  ============  ============  ============

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                                            FORECROSS CORPORATION
                                     STATEMENTS OF SHAREHOLDERS' DEFICIT

                                                                 Notes Receivable
                                              Common Stock             from        Accumulated     Total
                                          Shares       Amount      Shareholders      Deficit      Deficit
                                        -----------  -----------  --------------  ------------  ------------
Balances at October 1, 1994. . . . . .  10,035,143   $2,879,600   $    (116,930)  $(3,314,104)  $  (551,434)
Issuance of common stock for
 cash, net of  stock issuance costs
of $34,890 (Note 8). . . . . . . . . .     735,000      259,110               -             -       259,110
Issuance of common stock for
 services  (Note 8). . . . . . . . . .      62,553       29,400               -             -        29,400
Issuance of common stock upon
exercise of  warrants (Note 8) . . . .     183,750       73,500               -             -        73,500
Repurchase of shares (Note 9). . . . .    (112,084)     (64,792)         64,792             -             -
Payments received from
 shareholders (Note 9) . . . . . . . .           -            -          33,098             -        33,098
Net loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           -            -               -      (842,766)     (842,766)
                                        -----------  -----------  --------------  ------------  ------------
Balances at September 30, 1995 . . . .  10,904,362    3,176,818         (19,040)   (4,156,870)     (999,092)

Issuance of common stock upon
exercise of  warrants, net of stock
issuance costs of  $2,328 (Note 8) . .     551,250      328,422               -             -       328,422
Payments received from . . . . . . . .           -            -          11,067             -        11,067
shareholders (Note 9)
Net loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           -            -               -      (461,046)     (461,046)
                                        -----------  -----------  --------------  ------------  ------------
Balances at September 30, 1996 . . . .  11,455,612    3,505,240          (7,973)   (4,617,916)   (1,120,649)

Issuance of common stock for
cash, net of  stock issuance costs of
 $5,275 (Note 8) . . . . . . . . . . .     282,000    1,122,725               -             -     1,122,725
Issuance of common stock upon. . . . .      14,000       39,550               -             -        39,550
 exercise of  options (Note 10)
Payments received from
 shareholders (Note 9) . . . . . . . .           -            -           7,973             -         7,973

Net loss (Restated-Note 1). . . . .. .           -            -               -    (1,045,511)   (1,045,511)
                                       -----------  -----------  --------------  ------------  ------------
Balances at September 30, 1997 . . . .  11,751,612    4,667,515               -    (5,663,427)     (995,912)
(Restated-Note 1)

Issuance of common stock upon
 exercise of  warrants (Note 8)
 (Unaudited) . . . . . . . . . . . . .      12,000       48,000               -             -        48,000

Net loss (Unaudited and Restated-Note 1)         -            -               -    (1,339,958)   (1,339,958)
                                        -----------  -----------  --------------  ------------  ------------
Balances at March 31, 1998
(Unaudited and Restated-Note 1). . . .  11,763,612   $4,715,515   $           -   $(7,003,385)  $(2,287,870)
                                        ===========  ===========  ==============  ============  ============

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                                              FORECROSS CORPORATION
                                            STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS

                                                             For the Years               For the Six Months
                                                          Ended September 30,             Ended March 31,
                                                    1997         1996        1995         1998          1997
                                                ------------  ----------  ----------  ------------  ------------
                                                 (Restated-                           (Unaudited    (Unaudited)
                                                  -Note 1)                             and Restated
                                                                                       -Note 1)
Increase (decrease) in cash resulting from:
Cash flows from operating activities:
Net loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  $(1,045,511)  $(461,046)  $(842,766)  $(1,339,958)  $  (214,730)
Adjustments to reconcile net loss to  net cash
 provided by (used in) operating activities-
Provision for uncollectible amounts. . . . . .      300,000      (3,160)      3,500             -             -
Gain from forgiveness of notes payable . . . .            -           -      (6,500)            -             -
Depreciation and amortization. . . . . . . . .      115,873      53,918      35,453       126,457        33,860
Changes in operating assets and liabilities-
Accounts receivable. . . . . . . . . . . . . .   (2,020,177)   (199,067)    274,886      (626,200)     (719,329)
Other assets and accrued interest on notes
 receivable from officers. . . . . . . . . . .     (148,552)     (9,021)    (16,740)       51,497       (55,702)
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities . . .      471,082     233,974    (113,410)      825,095      (516,875)
Deferred compensation. . . . . . . . . . . . .     (156,834)          -      (9,997)            -             -
Deferred revenue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    2,713,193     128,678     (43,897)     (279,747)    2,067,197
                                                ------------  ----------  ----------  ------------  ------------
Net cash provided by (used in) operating
 activities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      229,074    (255,724)   (719,471)   (1,242,856)      594,421
                                                ------------  ----------  ----------  ------------  ------------
Cash used in investing activities:
Purchase of equipment and furniture. . . . . .     (577,076)    (73,812)    (15,482)     (194,922)     (256,324)
Loans to officers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      (35,000)          -           -             -             -
Payments received on loans to officers . . . .       35,000           -           -        81,858        (3,685)
Loans to key employees . . . . . . . . . . . .      (62,057)          -           -             -             -
Payments received on loans to key employees. .          450           -           -           500             -
                                                ------------  ----------  ----------  ------------  ------------
  Net cash used in investing activities. . . .     (638,683)    (73,812)    (15,482)     (112,564)     (260,009)
                                                ------------  ----------  ----------  ------------  ------------
Cash flows from financing activities:
Proceeds from factoring of accounts receivable      785,200     830,400           -     2,029,545       785,200
Repayment of borrowings under factoring
 arrangement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     (905,200)   (710,400)          -    (1,465,545)     (905,200)
Borrowings under note payable to officers . . .            -           -          -       575,000             -
Borrowings under notes payable . . . . . . . .            -           -     185,000             -        70,000
Repayment of borrowings under  notes payable .     (458,023)    (45,000)   (163,364)            -      (528,023)

Repayment of borrowings under notes payable
- -officers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       (6,800)          -           -             -             -
Net proceeds from issuance of  common shares .    1,162,275     328,422     362,010        48,000     1,137,725
Payments received from shareholders. . . . . .        7,973      11,067      33,098             -         7,973
                                                ------------  ----------  ----------  ------------  ------------
  Net cash provided by financing activities. .      585,425     414,489     416,744     1,187,000       567,675
                                                ------------  ----------  ----------  ------------  ------------
  Net increase (decrease) in cash. . . . . . .      175,816      84,953    (318,209)     (168,420)      902,087
Cash at beginning of period. . . . . . . . . .       99,427      14,474     332,683       275,243        99,427
                                                ------------  ----------  ----------  ------------  ------------
Cash at end of period. . . . . . . . . . . . .  $   275,243   $  99,427   $  14,474   $   106,823   $ 1,001,514
                                                ============  ==========  ==========  ============  ============

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                              FORECROSS CORPORATION
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

            (INFORMATION FOR MARCH 31, 1998 AND 1997 IS UNAUDITED)



Forecross  Corporation  ("Forecross"  or  the  "Company")  is  a  publicly  held
California  corporation  whose  common  stock  is  traded on the Vancouver Stock
Exchange.  The Company provides comprehensive automated conversion solutions for
migrating  existing  software applications to new computing platforms, including
downsized  and client server environments.  In addition, during fiscal 1996, the
Company  introduced  its  Assess/2000  and  Complete/2000  automated  conversion
software products and related services and methodologies, which address the year
2000  problem.    The  year  2000  problem exists because many existing computer
programs  use  only  two  digits  to  identify  a year in the date field.  These
programs were designed and developed before the impact of the upcoming change in
the  century  was fully appreciated by their developers.  If not corrected, many
computer  applications  could  fail or create erroneous results.  Forecross year
2000  software  products  assist  in identifying, analyzing and correcting these
problems  in  a  highly  automated manner.  The Company's migration services and
software  products  have  been  designed to meet the specialized requirements of
management  information  systems departments of medium-sized to large commercial
and  governmental  organizations.    Forecross  also  licenses  its  Assess/2000
software  product  for  use  by  customers  and  distributors (see Note 4).  The
Company's  customers  include  banks  and  other  industrial  and  commercial
corporations  in  Canada,  the  United  States  and  Europe.


The  financial  information reported  herein for the fiscal year ended September
30,  1997 and the six months ended March 31, 1998 has been restated from amounts
previously  reported  in  order  to  reflect  a  modification  of  the Company's
accounting policies for the recognition of revenues associated with certain year
2000-related  software licenses and distributor agreements.  Under the Company's
previous  accounting   policy,  the  Company   recognized  revenue  under  these
agreements  ratably from execution of the contracts until December 31, 1999, the
period  during which the Company anticipated that it would perform substantially
all  services  required  under  the  agreements.

The Company will now recognize revenues ratably over the entire contractual term
(including  renewals) of the contracts in question instead of the date by  which
the work resulting from such contracts would be substantially completed. The net
effect  of  the restatement was to reduce revenues and increase net loss for the
fiscal year ended  September 30, 1997, and the six months  ended March 31, 1998,
by $193,748 and $240,093, and to increase net loss per share by $0.02 and $0.02,


Through  March  31,  1998,  the  Company  had  sustained  recurring  losses from
operations  and,  at  March  31,  1998,  had  a net capital deficiency and a net
working  capital deficiency.  These conditions raise substantial doubt about the
ability  of the Company to continue as a going concern.  During fiscal 1998, the
Company  expects  to  meet  its working capital and other cash requirements with
cash  derived  from  operations,  short-term  receivables and other financing as
required,  and software licenses and other fees from distributors desiring early
access  to  the  Company's  Complete/2000TM  product  offerings.   The Company's
continued  existence  is  dependent  upon  its  ability  to achieve and maintain
profitable operations by controlling expenses and obtaining additional business.
Management  believes  that as the number of concurrent conversion (migration and
year  2000) contracts increases, the Company will be able to utilize experienced
outside  contractors  and  distributors  (see  Note  4)  to  perform many of the
non-management  project  functions  to  mitigate  contract costs and improve its
gross  margin.  However, there can be no assurance that the Company's efforts to
achieve  and  maintain  profitable operations will be successful.  Additionally,
the  Company  is highly dependent on revenues from year 2000 contracts (see Note
2).    The financial statements do not include any adjustments that might result
from  the  outcome  of  this  uncertainty.

The  accompanying  balance  sheet  as  of  March  31,  1998,  the  statements of
operations  and  cash  flows  for  each  of  the six months ended March 31, 1998
and  1997,  and  the statement of shareholders' deficit for the six months ended
March  31,  1998  have not been audited.  However, in the opinion of management,
they  include all adjustments necessary for a fair presentation of the financial
position  and  the results of operations for the periods presented.  The results
of  operations  for  the  six  months  ended  March 31, 1998 are not necessarily
indicative  of  results  to  be  expected  for  any  future  period.


The  growth in the Company's revenues in fiscal 1997 resulted in large part from
increased  demand  for  Assess/2000  and  Complete/2000 services and licenses as
awareness of the year 2000 century date conversion problem has grown.  Year 2000
services  and  related  revenue  increased  from  8% in the year ended September
30,1996  to  42%  of  the  Company's  total revenues in the year ended September
30, 1997,  and  33%  and  49%  of  total revenues for the six months ended March
31,  1997 and 1998, respectively.  Should the demand for the Company's year 2000
solutions  and  products  decline significantly as a result of new technologies,
competition  or  any other factors, the Company's professional services fees and
license  revenues  would  be  materially  and  adversely  affected.  The Company
anticipates  that  demand in the year 2000 market will decline, perhaps rapidly,
following  the  year  1999.

The  Company  has  also  experienced  significant  growth  in its core migration
services.    It is the Company's strategy to leverage customer relationships and
knowledge  of  customer  application systems derived from its year 2000 services
solutions  to  continue  to  grow  its migration and other products and services
beyond  the  year  2000  market.    However, there can be no assurance that this
strategy  will  be  successful, and should the Company be unable to market other
products  and  services as demand in the year 2000 market declines, whether as a
result  of  competition,  technological  change  or other factors, the Company's
business,  results  of operations and financial condition will be materially and
adversely  affected.

The  Company  markets  its  products  and services to customers for managing the
maintenance and redevelopment of mission-critical computer software systems.  As
noted above, a large and increasing portion of the Company's business is devoted
to  addressing  the  year  2000  problem,  which  affects  the  performance  and
reliability of many mission-critical systems.  The Company's agreements with its
customers  typically contain provisions designed to limit the Company's exposure
to  potential  product  and  service liability claims.  It is possible, however,
that  the limitation of liability provisions contained in the Company's customer
agreements  may  not  be  effective  as  a result of existing or future federal,
state,  local  or  foreign laws or ordinances or unfavorable judicial decisions.
Although  the  Company  has  not  experienced  any  material  product or service
liability  claims to date, the sale and support of its products and services may
entail  the  risk  of  such  claims, particularly in the year 2000 market, which
could  be  substantial  in  light  of  the  use  of its products and services in
mission-critical  applications.  A successful product or service liability claim
brought  against  the  Company  could  have  a  material adverse effect upon the
Company's  business,  operating  results  and  financial  condition.



The  preparation  of  financial statements in conformity with generally accepted
accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that
affect  the  reported  amounts  of  assets  and  liabilities  and  disclosures;
contingent  assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements; and,
the  reported  amounts  of  revenue  and  expenses  during the reporting period.
Accordingly,  actual  results  could  differ  from  those  estimates.   The most
significant  estimates  subject  to  future  uncertainties are those relating to
calculations  of  percentage  of  completion  for projects in process.  It is at
least  reasonably  possible  that  the  significant  estimates  used will change
within  a  year.



The  Company  maintains  its  cash  balances with one financial institution.  At
times,  such  balances  may  be  in  excess  of  the  FDIC  insurance  limit.


Equipment  and  furniture is recorded at cost.  Depreciation and amortization is
calculated  using  the  straight-line  method  over the assets' estimated useful
lives,  which  range  from  three  to  five  years.


Costs  incurred  internally  in  creating computer software products to be sold,
leased,  or  otherwise marketed are charged to expense when incurred as research
and  development  until  technological  feasibility has been established for the
product.  Thereafter,  such costs are capitalized until the product is available
for general release to customers and amortized based on either estimated current
and  future  revenue  for  each  product  or straight-line amortization over the
remaining  estimated  life of the product, whichever produces the higher expense
for  the  period.  Purchased  computer software to be sold, leased, or otherwise
marketed  is treated the same if it has no alternative future use, or, if it has
an  alternative  future  use, it is capitalized when acquired and amortized over
its  estimated  useful  life.  No  costs  have  been  capitalized for internally
developed software products because the amount of development costs eligible for
capitalization  was  not  significant.  Non-capitalizeable  development  and
marketing  costs  related  to the software licenses are included in research and
development  expense  or  sales  and  marketing  expense,  as  discussed in "Net
Revenues  and  Cost  of  Services  and  Maintenance"  below.

The  Company  has  capitalized certain purchased software technology rights (see
Note  4)  which  can  be  used  both in connection with its internally developed
software  products  and  in  alternative  standalone applications.  Accordingly,
these rights are included with other purchased software in fixed assets, and are
being  amortized  over their estimated useful life of three years.  Amortization
of  these  purchased  software  technology rights was $12,500 and $25,000 in the
year  ended  September  30,  1997  and  the  six  months  ended  March 31, 1998,


Long-lived  assets are  assessed  for  possible  impairment  whenever  events or
changes  in  circumstances  indicate  that  the  carrying  amounts  may  not  be
recoverable,  or whenever  management  has committed to a plan to dispose of the
assets.  Such  assets  are  carried  at the lower of book value or fair value as
estimated  by  management  based  on  appraisals,   current  market  value,  and
comparable  sales value, as appropriate.  Assets to be held and used affected by
such  impairment  loss are depreciated or amortized at their new carrying amount
over the remaining  estimated life;  assets to be sold or otherwise  disposed of
are not subject to further depreciation or amortization.  In determining whether
an impairment exists,  the Company uses undiscounted  future cash flows compared
to the carrying value of the asset.


The  Company's  migration  projects  have  ranged from six to eighteen months in
duration.  The  Company's  year  2000  projects have ranged from two to eighteen
months in duration.  Revenues for migration services and year 2000 assessment or
renovation  projects are recognized using the percentage of completion method in
the  ratio  that  actual costs incurred to date bear to total estimated costs at
completion.  Provisions  for  estimated  losses  on  uncompleted  contracts  are
recognized  in  the period in which the likelihood of such losses is determined.
Reserves provided for estimated adjustments of contract revenues are included as
reductions  of  gross  revenues.  Cost  of  revenues  is  primarily comprised of
subcontractors'  fees  and  salaries  and  benefits of employees assigned to the
contracts,  and distributors' fees.  Subcontractors' fees, salaries and benefits
are  allocated  based  on  the  amount  of  time devoted to each contract by the
subcontractors  and  employees; distributors' fees are accrued based on revenues
earned  for  specific  projects  for  which  the  distributors provide services.
Billings  are  issued based upon specific contractual terms which may or may not
relate  to  the percentage of completion for the respective contracts.  Unbilled
receivables  represent  revenue recognized in excess of amounts billed.  Amounts
for  billings  in excess of revenue recognized are included in deferred revenue.

The  Company  has  authorized  several  exclusive  distributor   agreements  for
specified areas for its Complete/2000 automated conversion software products and
related  services  and  methodologies.  Under the  agreements,  the  distributor
retains  exclusive rights for the territory for a specified period. In addition,
the Company  licenses the rights to use its  Assess/2000  software,  which as of
March  31,  1998,  had been sold primarily to the exclusive  distributors above.
Once  collectibility of the distributor and license fees is reasonably  assured,
and  if  there  are  no  significant  post-delivery  obligations,   the  Company
recognizes the fees associated  with the  exclusivity  and the software  license
ratably over the contractual term (including  renewals), generally  five  years,
commencing with the date of the  respective  signing of  the agreements.   Costs
associated with the licenses for Assess/2000 have  been included in research and
development expense as  such costs did  not  qualify for  capitalization.  Costs
associated with the marketing and negotiation of distributor customer  proposals
and/or sales contracts have been included in sales and marketing expense.

Revenues  for  technical  and  sales  training,  maintenance  and  support  are
recognized  ratably  over  the  term  of  the  support  period.


Research  and  development  costs  are  expensed  as  incurred.    Research  and
development  expense  includes  both  internally funded development and projects
funded  in  part  by customers.  In both cases, the Company retains ownership of
the  resulting  products,  which are developed for resale to multiple customers;
both  the initial and subsequent customers acquire licenses to use the developed
products.    Revenues  and  research  and development costs relating to products
funded  by  customers,  included  in  revenues  and  cost  of  revenues  on  the
accompanying  statements  of  operations,  were  as  follows:


                                         Years Ended     Six Months Ended
                                        September 30,        March 31,
                                   ------------------------  ------------
                                   1997    1996      1995    1998   1997
                                   -----  -------  --------  -----  -----

- -  Revenues . . . . . . . . . . .  $   -  $     -  $272,754  $   -  $   -
- -  Research and development costs  $   -  $29,067  $352,633  $   -  $   -


The  Company  provides  a  reserve for warranty costs based upon its estimate of
such related costs and expenses.  The reserve is accrued ratably as revenues are
earned.    The  accrued  warranty reserve is amortized over the related warranty
period  for  the respective contract, typically a period of three to six months.


The  Company accounts for income taxes in accordance with Statement of Financial
Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 109, Accounting for Income Taxes, which requires
recognition  of  deferred tax liabilities and assets for the expected future tax
consequences  of events that have been recognized in the financial statements or
tax  returns.    Under  this  method,  deferred  tax  liabilities and assets are
determined based on the difference between the financial statement and tax bases
of  assets  and  liabilities  using  enacted tax rates in effect for the year in
which  the  differences  are  expected  to  affect  taxable  income.   Valuation
allowances  are  established when necessary to reduce deferred tax assets to the
amount expected to be realized.  The provision for income tax expense is the tax
payable  for the period plus the change during the period in deferred tax assets
and  liabilities.


Net  loss  per  share  data  have  been computed using only the weighted average
number  of  outstanding shares of common stock during each period, as all common
stock  equivalents  are  anti-dilutive  due  to  the  losses.

In  February 1997, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued SFAS No. 128,
Earnings  Per  Share, which supersedes Accounting Principles Board (APB) Opinion
No.  15,  the  existing  authoritative  guidance.  SFAS No. 128 is effective for
financial  statements  for  periods ending after December 15, 1997, and requires
restatement  of  all  prior-period  earnings  per share data presented.  The new
statement  modifies  the  calculations of primary and fully diluted earnings per
share  and  replaces them with basic and diluted earnings per share.  Under SFAS
No.  128,  basic  earnings  per  share  is  computed  by dividing income or loss
available  to  common  shareholders  by  the  weighted  average number of shares
outstanding  for  the  period.  Diluted earnings per share reflect the potential
dilution  of  securities  that could share in the earnings of an entity.  Due to
the  losses,  there  were  no  includable  equivalents  in any period presented.
Calculations  under  the  new  standard,  which was adopted in the quarter ended
December 31, 1997, were  the same as current calculations for all periods, since
all  common  stock  equivalents  were  dilutive  due  to  the  losses.

Securities  outstanding  at  March  31,  1998,  the  future  potential  dilutive
effect of which would be dependent upon the exercise price of the securities and
the market price of the Company's common stock at that time, include warrants to
purchase  270,000  shares of common stock and options to purchase 700,300 shares
of common stock.  See Note 8  "Common Stock" and Note 10 "Stock Option Plan" for
details  on  these  securities.


Effective October 1, 1996, the Company adopted the disclosure provisions of SFAS
No.  123,  Accounting  for  Stock-Based  Compensation,  which requires pro forma
disclosure  of  net  income  and  earnings per share as if the SFAS No. 123 fair
value method had been applied.  The Company continues to apply the provisions of
Accounting Principles Board (APB) Opinion No. 25, Accounting for Stock Issued to
Employees,  for  the  preparation  of  its  basic  financial  statements.


At  September  30,  1997 and March 31, 1998, the Company's financial instruments
consist  of cash, and accounts and notes receivable.  The carrying value of cash
and  accounts  receivable  approximate  fair  value based upon the liquidity and
short-term  nature  of  the  assets.    The  carrying  value of notes receivable
substantially  approximate  fair value based upon current market interest rates,
the  short-term  maturity  of  certain  of  the notes and relative amounts owed.


Certain  prior-year  amounts  have  been reclassified to conform to current year


During  1997,  the  Financial  Accounting Standards Board also released SFAS No.
130,  Reporting  Comprehensive  Income.    SFAS  No. 130, which is effective for
fiscal  years  beginning  December 15, 1997, establishes standards for reporting
and  display of comprehensive income and its components in an entity's financial
statements.  The objective of SFAS No. 130 is to report a measure of all changes
in  the equity of an enterprise that result from transactions and other economic
events  of  the period.  Comprehensive income is the total of net income and all


other  non-owner  changes  in  equity.   SFAS No. 130 does not address issues of
recognition  or  measurement  for  comprehensive  income and its components, and
therefore,  it  will not have an impact on the financial condition or results of
operation  of  the  Company  upon  adoption.

In 1997,  the  American  Institute  of  Certified  Public  Accountants  released
Statement  of  Position  (SOP)  97-2,   which  provides   revised  guidance  for
recognizing  revenue on certain software  transactions.  The Company has not yet
evaluated  the  effect,  if any,  that  the new  guidance  will  have on  future
operating results and financial position.  This SOP is required to be adopted in
fiscal years  beginning  after December 15, 1997,  and, thus, will be adopted by
the  Company by the year  ending  September  30,  1999.  The Company has not yet
decided whether to elect early  application for the fiscal year ending September
30, 1998.

In  June  1997,  the  Financial  Accounting Standards Board issued SFAS No. 131,
Disclosures  about Segments of an Enterprise and Related Information, (SFAS 131)
which  supersedes  SFAS  No.  14, Financial Reporting for Segments of a Business
Enterprises.    SFAS 131 establishes standards for the way that public companies
report  information  about operating segments in annual financial statements and
requires  reporting  of selected information about operating segments in interim
financial  statements  issued  to the public.  It also establishes standards for
disclosures  regarding  products  and  services,  geographic  areas  and  major
customers.  SFAS 131 defines operating segments as components of a company about
which separate financial information is available that is evaluated regularly by
the  chief operating decision maker in deciding how to allocate resources and in
assessing  performance.

SFAS  131  is  effective  for  financial  statements for periods beginning after
December  15, 1997, and requires comparative information for earlier years to be
restated.    The Company believes it operates under one business segment and has
already  substantially  complied  with  the  required  financial  statement
disclosures.  Results  of  operations  and  financial position, however, will be
unaffected  by  implementation  of  this  standard.



The  Company  performs ongoing credit evaluations of its customers and generally
does  not  require  collateral  on  accounts  receivable  as the majority of the
Company's  customers  are  large,  well-established  companies.   Two  customers
accounted  for  approximately  53%  and  12%  of the accounts receivable balance
at  March  31,  1998.  Four  customers accounted for approximately 23%, 17%, 13%
and  12%  of  the  accounts  receivable  balance at September 30, 1997, and four
customers  accounted  for  approximately  25%, 22%, 15% and 12% at September 30,
1996.    Additionally,  four  customers,  including  revenues from the Company's
Distributors  treated as resulting from one customer (see Note 4), accounted for
approximately 17%, 15%, 11% and 10% of total  revenues for the fiscal year ended
September  30,  1997, four customers accounted for 20%, 14%, 13% and 10% for the
fiscal year ended September 30, 1996, and three customers accounted for 26%, 21%
and  10%  of total revenues for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1995.  Three
customers,  including  revenues  from  the  Company's  Distributors  treated  as
resulting  from  one  customer,  accounted for approximately 45%, 14% and 12% of
total  revenues  for  the  six  months  ended  March 31, 1998.  Three customers,
including  revenues  from  the  Company's Distributors treated as resulting from
one customer, accounted for approximately 22%, 21% and 14% of total revenues for
the  six months ended March  31,  1997.  Net revenues from Canadian and European
customers  were  as  follows:

            Years Ended   Six Months Ended
           September 30,     March 31,
        -------------------  ------------
        1997   1996   1995   1998   1997
        -----  -----  -----  -----  -----
Canada     9%    15%    29%     --     8%
Europe     1%    --     10%     2%    --


The Company has certain transactions with related parties in the ordinary course
of  business  as  set  forth  below.

Notes  receivable  and  payable:
- -------------------------------

Notes  receivable  and  payable  from  officers  consist  of  the  following:

                                                                   September 30,      March 31,
                                                                --------  ---------  ----------
                                                                  1997      1996        1998
                                                                --------  ---------  ----------
10% Uncollateralized notes receivable from president, due
 December 31, 1997 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  $ 65,429  $ 65,429   $       -
5.7 to 10% Uncollateralized notes receivable from Senior Vice
President,   due in varying amounts through September 30, 1999    53,442    16,429      37,012
Accrued interest receivable. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    30,646    22,511       1,067
                                                                --------  ---------  ----------
  Total receivable from officers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   149,517   104,369      38,079
                                                                --------  ---------  ----------
24% Uncollateralized notes payable to president, due
 December 30, 1999 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         -         -    (350,000)
24% Uncollateralized notes payable to senior vice president,
 due February 28, 2000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         -         -    (225,000)
Uncollateralized notes payable to president. . . . . . . . . .         -    (6,800)          -
Accrued interest payable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         -    (2,328)   ( 26,537)
                                                                --------  ---------  ----------
  Total payable to officers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         -    (9,128)   (601,537)
                                                                --------  ---------  ----------
Notes receivable from (payable to) officers, net . . . . . . .   149,517    95,241    (563,458)
Less current portion under original terms. . . . . . . . . . .   112,504         -           -
                                                                --------  ---------  ----------
                                                                $ 37,013  $ 95,241    (563,458)
                                                                ========  =========  ==========


The Company had notes payable to other related parties as follows:

                                                                   September 30,  March 31,
                                                                  -----------------  -----
                                                                  1997      1996     1998
                                                                  -----  ----------  -----

14% Uncollateralized note payable to a shareholder, paid in full
 during 1997 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  $   -  $ 240,000   $   -

24% Uncollateralized note payable to a shareholder, paid in full
 during 1997 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      -     20,000       -

Accrued interest payable, paid in full during 1997 . . . . . . .      -    188,023       -
                                                                  -----  ----------  -----
                                                                      -    448,023       -
  Less current portion under original terms. . . . . . . . . . .      -   (224,100)      -
                                                                  -----  ----------  -----
                                                                  $   -  $ 223,923   $   -
                                                                  =====  ==========  =====

Software  Licenses  and  Distributorships:
- -----------------------------------------

The  Company  has  entered   into   agreements   with  several   entities   (the
"Distributors") for licenses and distributorship  arrangements for its year 2000
software  products,  Assess/2000 and Complete/2000 , and related  services.  The
Distributors  are  related to each  other  through  some  common  ownership  and
management;  a shareholder of the Company is a founding  investor and officer of
each of the other entities.

At  least  one  other shareholder of the Company is also an investor in at least
one  of  the  Distributors.   As of September 30, 1996, this shareholder pledged
150,000  shares  of Company stock as collateral for $800,000 due under the terms
of  the first of the contracts; the entire amount was collected in January 1997.

Under    the    distributorship    agreements,    the    Distributors    receive
territorially  exclusive  rights  to  market year 2000 renovation projects to be
performed  by  the  Company    using  the Complete/2000  software, and year 2000
assessment  projects  to  be    performed    either    by    the  Company or the
Distributor  using  the  Assess/2000  software.      In  exchange for marketing,
project management services and staffing for  substantially  all  on-site  work,
the Distributor generally receives a fee equal to 25% of collected revenues. The
exclusivity rights under these contracts are generally for  an initial  one-year
period,    but   are  renewable for up to four additional years based on certain
performance conditions.    The  Distributors  generally have separate agreements
for license rights  for  unlimited  usage  of  the  Assess/2000 product.  In the
case  of  one contract,  under  which  a substantial portion of the current year
2000  projects  operate,   the  Company  performs both assessment and renovation
for  all  projects  with  the distributor providing project management, customer
contact  and  on-site  work.      Fees  payable  under  this contract are 50% of
collected revenues until $1,500,000  has  been  received by the Distributor, and
25%  of  revenue  collected  thereafter.

The  licensing and distributorship fees received from the Distributors, totaling
$3,125,000  and  $200,000  in  1997 and 1996,  respectively, have generally been
deferred  and recognized over a five year period  commencing with the signing of
the  respective agreements.    Of  these amounts, approximately  $2,500,000  and
$2,228,000    is    deferred    at  September  30,  1997  and  March  31,  1998,
respectively.    Additional    fees  of  approximately    $672,000  for training
programs,  annual  software maintenance, and customer  support  were received in
1997;  of  this  amount,  approximately  $332,000  and  $186,000  is deferred at
September  30,  1997 and March 31, 1998, respectively. The year 2000 project fee
expense  related  to  the distributor contracts, included in  cost  of  revenues
in  the  accompanying  statements  of   operations,  was approximately  $853,000
for    the year ended September 30, 1997 and $561,000 and $59,000  for  the  six
months  ended March 31, 1998 and  1997, respectively.

Purchased  Software:
- -------------------

During the year ended September 30, 1997, the Company commissioned and purchased
a  $150,000  data  analysis module for use with its year 2000 software products.
The  software  developer is an entity owned in part by the senior vice president
of  the  Company,  another  employee  of  the Company, and another shareholder.



Equipment  and  furniture  is  comprised  of  the  following:

                                                September 30,      March 31,
                                           ----------------------  -----------
                                              1997        1996        1998
                                           ----------  ----------  -----------
Computer equipment and software . . . . .  $ 700,554   $ 229,787   $  817,012
Furniture and equipment . . . . . . . . .    244,570     145,772      363,761
                                           ----------  ----------  -----------
                                             945,124     375,559    1,180,773
Accumulated depreciation and amortization   (404,320)   (295,958)    (520,428)
                                           ----------  ----------  -----------
                                           $ 540,804   $  79,601   $  660,345
                                           ==========  ==========  ===========


In  October 1995, the Company entered into a recourse factoring agreement with a
financial  organization whereby the Company is able to obtain financing of up to
80% of purchased trade accounts receivable. In addition to an administrative fee
of  1%  of each invoice financed, the Company will incur interest at the rate of
2%  per  month on the outstanding gross amount of the receivables financed.  The
Company's  obligations  under  this agreement have been personally guaranteed by
the  president  and  senior  vice  president  of the Company who are significant
shareholders  of  the Company.  At September 30, 1996, the Company's outstanding
indebtedness  under  the  agreement  was  $120,000.    There  was no outstanding
indebtedness  under  the  agreement  as  of  September  30,  1997.  At March 31,
1998,  the  Company's outstanding indebtedness under the agreement was $564,000.
The agreement may be terminated by either the factor or the Company at any time.


The  components  of  the  provision  for income taxes are summarized as follows:

                                 Years Ended     Six Months Ended
                                September 30,       March 31,
                            ----------------------  ------------
                            1997    1996    1995    1998   1997
                            -----  ------  -------  -----  -----

State. . . . . . . . . . .  $ 800  $  800  $   800  $   -  $   -

Foreign. . . . . . . . . .      -   1,500   30,816      -.     -.
                            -----  ------  -------  -----  -----
Total provision for income
 taxes . . . . . . . . . .  $ 800  $2,300  $31,616  $   -  $   -
                            =====  ======  =======  =====  =====

The effective income tax rate differs from the statutory federal income tax rate
primarily due to the full valuation allowance against the Company's deferred tax
assets  arising  from  its  net  operating  losses.

Significant  components  of  the  Company's  net  deferred  tax  balances are as

                                                        September 30,       March 31,
                                                --------------------------  ------------
                                                    1997          1996          1998
                                                ------------  ------------  ------------
Deferred tax assets (liabilities):
Accrual to cash adjustment . . . . . . . . . .  $   511,000   $   446,000   $   148,000

Net operating loss carryforwards . . . . . . .    1,507,000     1,191,000     1,973,000
State taxes, net of federal benefit, and other     (107,000)      (85,000)      (85,000)
                                                ------------  ------------  ------------
  Total deferred tax assets. . . . . . . . . .    1,911,000     1,552,000     2,036,000
Valuation allowance. . . . . . . . . . . . . .   (1,911,000)   (1,552,000)   (2,036,000)
                                                ------------  ------------  ------------
  Net deferred tax assets. . . . . . . . . . .  $         -   $         -   $         -
                                                ============  ============  ============


Since the Company  could not determine if it was more  likely  than not that the
deferred tax assets  would be  realized,  a 100%  valuation  allowance  has been
provided to eliminate the deferred tax assets at September 30, 1997 and 1996 and
March  31,  1998.  The   increase  in  the  valuation  allowance  was  $359,000,
$715,000, $126,000, and $125,000 in the years ended September 30, 1997, 1996 and
1995  and  the  six  months  ended  March  31, 1998,  respectively.  Of the 1996
increase,  $448,000 represented a change in the expected federal rate at date of
realization from 20% to 34%.

At  March 31, 1998,  the  Company  has  net  operating  loss  carryforwards  for
federal and California state income tax purposes of approximately $5,240,000 and
$2,050,000, respectively.  These carryforwards expire in varying amounts between
1998  and  2012.    Pursuant  to  the  provisions of the Tax Reform Act of 1986,
utilization  of  these  net  operating  loss  carryforwards may be subject to an
annual  limitation  due  to  a  greater  than 50% change in the ownership of the
Company  within  a  three-year  period.


In May 1995, the Company sold 735,000 of its shares of common stock in a private
placement.    The  Company  incurred  $34,890  of  costs  related  to this sale,
including  services  totaling $29,400 for which the Company issued 62,553 shares
of  common  stock  in  lieu  of  payment.

In  connection  with  the May 1995 private placement, the Company issued 735,000
warrants  to  purchase  additional  shares  of common stock at $.40 and $.60 per
share if exercised prior to August 31, 1995 and November 30, 1995, respectively.
In  August  1995, warrants were exercised to purchase 183,750 shares at $.40 per
share.    Warrants  to  purchase the remaining 551,250 shares of common stock at
$.60  per  share  were  exercised  in  November  1995.

In  December  1996,  the  Company  sold  282,000 shares of its common stock in a
private  placement  resulting  in  proceeds of $1,128,000.  The Company incurred
$5,275  of costs related to this sale.  In connection with the sale, the Company
issued  to  the  investors  nontransferable  warrants  to purchase an additional
282,000  shares  of  common stock.  The warrants are exercisable for a period of
two  years, at a price of $4.00 per share during the first year and at $4.60 per
share  during  the  second  year.  During  the  six months ended March 31, 1998,
warrants  to  purchase 12,000 shares of common stock were exercised resulting in
proceeds  of  $48,000.


In June 1993, the Board of Directors approved the 1993 Restricted Stock Purchase
Plan (the "Plan").  The Plan allows employees and consultants to purchase shares
of  the  Company's  common  stock  at a price not less than the fair value.  The
maximum aggregate number of shares which may be sold under the Plan is 1,000,000
shares of common stock.  During the year ended September 30, 1994, 50,000 shares
were  sold  under the Plan.  No shares were sold under the Plan in 1997, 1996 or
1995,  or  during  the  six  months  ended  March  31,  1998.

Shares  purchased  under the Plan are  subject to a right of  repurchase  by the
Company at the original  purchase price upon the  termination of the purchaser's
employment or consulting  relationship with the Company.  Except for the initial
stock  purchases in 1993, for which the vesting  commenced on June 25, 1992, the
right to repurchase  generally  lapses at the rate of one-third  (1/3) after one
year from the date of  purchase,  and  one-thirty-sixth  (1/36) of the  original
number  of  shares  purchased per month thereafter. At March 31, 1998, September
30,  1997 and  September  30,  1996,  no shares  are  subject  to the  Company's
repurchase  option under this provision.  No shares were repurchased  during the
years  ended  September  30,  1997  or  1996,  or during  the six  months  ended
March  31,  1998.  During  1995,  the Company  repurchased  112,084 shares under
this provision.

In  partial  consideration  for  stock  purchased  under  the  Plan, the Company
received  promissory  notes  with an aggregate balance of $7,973 as of September
30,  1996.    These  notes  were  paid  in  full  during  1997.



In  April  1994,  the  Board  of  Directors approved the 1994 Stock Option Plan,
whereby  employees  and  consultants  may be granted incentive and non-statutory
stock  options.    Depending  on  the  employee's  stock  ownership  percentage,
incentive  stock  options  are granted with exercise prices ranging from 100% to
110%  of  the  fair  value  of  stock  at the date of grant.  Depending on stock
ownership  percentage,  non-statutory  stock  options  are granted with exercise
prices ranging from 85% to 110% of the fair value of stock at the date of grant.
The maximum aggregate number of shares of common stock which may be optioned and
sold  under the plan is 950,500.  The term of each option is that stated in each
specific  option agreement provided that the term does not exceed ten years from
the  date  of grant (five years in the case of an optionee already owning common
stock  representing  10%  or  more  of  the  voting  power).

Stock  option  activity  under  the  Plan  is  as  follows:

                                                                    OPTIONS OUTSTANDING
                                     SHARES    --------------------------------------------------------------
                                   AVAILABLE                                      AGGREGATE    WEIGHTED AVG.
                                   FOR GRANT   NO. OF SHARES   PRICE PER SHARE      PRICE     EXERCISE PRICE
                                   ----------  --------------  ----------------  -----------  ---------------
Balance, October 1, 1994. . . . .    950,500               -                  -           -                 -
Granted during 1995 . . . . . . .    (42,500)         42,500   $           2.00  $   85,000   $          2.00
                                   ----------  --------------  ----------------  -----------  ---------------
Balance, September 30, 1995 . . .    908,000          42,500               2.00      85,000              2.00
Granted during 1996 . . . . . . .   (561,500)        561,500          1.43-4.75   1,007,125              1.79
Canceled during 1996. . . . . . .     10,000         (10,000)              2.00     (20,000)             2.00
                                   ----------  --------------  ----------------  -----------  ---------------
Balance, September 30, 1996 . . .    356,500         594,000          1.43-4.75   1,072,125              1.80
Granted during 1997 . . . . . . .   (131,800)        131,800         9.70-19.00   1,809,010             13.73
Exercised during 1997 . . . . . .          -         (14,000)         2.00-9.70     (39,550)             2.83
Canceled during 1997. . . . . . .      8,500          (8,500)         2.00-4.75     (33,500)             3.94
                                   ----------  --------------  ----------------  -----------  ---------------
Balance, September 30, 1997 . . .    233,200         703,300         1.43-19.00   2,808,085              3.99

Granted during the six months
  ended March 31, 1998. . . . . .          -               -                  -           -                 -
Exercised during the six months
   ended March 31, 1998 . . . . .          -               -                  -           -                 -
Canceled during the six months
  ended March 31, 1998. . . . . .      3,000          (3,000)              9.70     (29,100)             9.70
                                   ----------  --------------  ----------------  -----------  ---------------
Balance, March 31, 1998 . . . . .    236,200         700,300   $     1.43-19.00  $2,778,985   $          3.97
                                   ==========  ==============  ================  ===========  ===============

The  following  table  summarizes  information  with  respect  to  stock options
outstanding  at  March  31, 1998.

                              OPTIONS OUTSTANDING                                          OPTIONS EXERCISABLE
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -------------------------------------
===============  ====================  ========================  ===============  ====================  ===============
1.43-$2.00 . .                517,500                      2.90  $          1.45               517,500  $          1.45
4.75. . . . . .                55,500                      3.67             4.75                55,500             4.75
9.70-12.70. . .                61,300                      4.21            11.02                48,800            10.81
15.35-19.00 . .                66,000                      4.70            16.51                49,913            16.42
- ---------------  --------------------  ------------------------  ---------------  --------------------  ---------------
1.43-19.00 . .                700,300                      3.25  $          3.97               671,713  $          3.52
===============  ====================  ========================  ===============  ====================  ===============


In  April  1998,  at  the request of the Board of Directors, the Vancouver Stock
Exchange  approved  a repricing of the options listed above at $15.35 and $19.00
per  share  to  $11.15 per share.  Other terms of those options remain the same.

In  June  1998,  at  the request of the Board of  Directors, the Vancouver Stock
Exchange  approved  a repricing of the options listed  above at $9.70 and $12.70
per  share  to  $8.02 per share.  Other terms of those options remain the same.

The  Company  applies  APB  Opinion  No.  25,  Accounting  for  Stock  Issued to
Employees,  in accounting for its plan.  Accordingly,  no compensation  cost has
been  recognized  for its  stock  option  plan.  Had  compensation  cost for the
Company's  stock  option  plan been  determined  consistent  with SFAS No.  123,
Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation, the Company's net loss and net loss per
share would have been the pro forma amounts indicated below:

                                                           Years Ended           Six Months Ended
                                                          September 30,             March 31,
                                                   --------------------------  ----------------------
                                                       1997          1996         1998        1997
                                                   ------------  ------------  ----------  ----------
Net loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  As reported  $(1,045,511)  $  (461,046)  $(1,339,958)  $(214,730)
                                      Pro forma    $(2,043,097)  $(1,038,641)  $(1,439,980)  $(713,523)

Net loss per share-basic and diluted  As reported  $     (0.09)  $     (0.04)  $     (0.11)  $   (0.02)
                                      Pro forma    $     (0.18)  $     (0.09)  $     (0.12)  $   (0.06)

The  fair  value  of  the  Company's  stock  option grants is amortized over the
vesting  period.    The  average  fair value of options granted during the years
ended September 30, 1997 and 1996 were $10.09 and $1.03, respectively.  No stock
options  were  granted  during  the  six  months  ended  March 31, 1998 or 1997.
The  fair  value  was  estimated  as  of  the  date  of  grant  using a modified
Black-Scholes  option  pricing  method based upon the following weighted average

                           Years Ended
                          September 30,
                          1997   1996
                          -----  -----
Expected life (years). .   2.5    2.5
Expected volatility. . .   125%   102%
Risk free interest rate.  6.22%  5.70%


The  Company  has  a  401(k)  profit  sharing  plan  covering  substantially all
employees  and  matches  employee  salary deferrals up to a maximum of 4% of the
participant's  eligible  compensation.   The Company's cost of the 401(k) profit
sharing  plan  was  $66,670,  $25,556  and  $30,700  in  the  fiscal years ended
September  30,  1997,  1996  and 1995, and $23,991 and $16,430 in the six months
ended  March  31,  1998  and  1997,  respectively.

The  Company also has a Money Purchase Pension Plan (Pension Plan).  The Company
was  required  to  contribute  10%  of  total  participant  compensation through
December  1992  and  6%  of  total participant compensation from January 1, 1993
through  December  31,  1994.    Effective January 1, 1995, contributions to the
Pension  Plan were no longer required.  There were no contributions to this Plan
during  1997 or 1996.  The Company's cost of the Pension Plan was $12,736 in the
fiscal  year  ended  September  30,  1995.

The  Company  was   previously   delinquent  in  the  payment  of  its  employer
contributions  to the 401(k)  plan and the Pension  Plan.  Under the terms of an
Employee Plans Voluntary  Compliance  Resolution  Program,  the Company paid the
past due contributions to the 401(k) plan ($59,778),  the Pension Plan ($83,686)
and penalties  ($60,406) on December 28, 1996, with final interest and penalties
($43,315) paid on September 11, 1997.


The Company  leases  office space and equipment  under  operating  leases.  Rent
expense under operating  leases was $184,344,  $125,820,  $127,268, $181,067 and
$61,678 in the fiscal years ended  September  30, 1997,  1996 and 1995,  and the
six  months  ended  March  31,  1998 and 1997, respectively. As of September 30,
1997,  future  minimum  lease  payments  under  operating  leases are as follow:


Years Ending September 30,
- --------------------------
1998 . . . . . . . . . . .  $188,564
1999 . . . . . . . . . . .   148,344
2000 . . . . . . . . . . .   152,207
2001 . . . . . . . . . . .   154,525
2002 . . . . . . . . . . .    57,947

In November 1997, the Company signed a letter of intent for additional space for
a  four-year  period  beginning  in  January  1998,  for  approximately $143,000
annually.    The  rent  expense  for  this additional space is excluded from the
preceding  summary.


                       Years Ended        Six Months Ended
                      September 30,           March 31,
               -------------------------  -----------------
                 1997     1996     1995    1998     1997
               --------  -------  ------  -------  --------
Interest paid  $290,648  $59,647  $8,144  $78,930  $264,617


                                                              Years Ended     Six Months Ended
                                                             September 30,       March 31,
                                                        -------  -----  -------  -----  -----
                                                         1997    1996    1995    1998   1997
                                                        -------  -----  -------  -----  -----

Common stock issued for professional services. . . . .  $     -  $   -  $29,400  $   -  $   -
Common stock repurchased through cancellation of notes
  receivable from shareholders . . . . . . . . . . . .  $     -  $   -  $64,792  $   -  $   -
Outstanding travel advances converted to a note
  receivable from the Senior Vice President. . . . . .  $37,013  $   -  $     -  $   -  $   -


                                        FORECROSS CORPORATION
                                  VALUATION AND QUALIFYING ACCOUNTS

- --------------------------------

                                                     Additions -
                                   Balance,      Charges to Revenues       Deductions-      Balance,
                                 Beginning of       or Costs and           Write-offs        End of
                                 -------------                                              ---------
                                    Period          Expenses (1)       Charged to Reserve    Period
                                 -------------  ---------------------  -------------------  ---------
Year Ended September 30,

1997. . . . . . . . . . . . . .  $         340  $             300,000  $                 -  $ 300,340

1996. . . . . . . . . . . . . .          3,500                      -                3,160        340

1995. . . . . . . . . . . . . .              -                  3,500                    -      3,500

Six Months Ended March 31,

1998. . . . . . . . . . . . . .        300,340                 50,000                    -    350,340

1997. . . . . . . . . . . . . .            340                      -                    -        340

(1)    Certain allowances related to contract estimations for amounts of revenue
recognized  on  percentage-of-completion  basis are charged directly to revenues
