Exhibit 10.1


IHFC: International Home Furnishings Center, Inc.    LESSEE:  Hooker Furniture Corp.
      Post Office Box 828                                     P0 Box 4708
      High Point, North Carolina 27261                        440 East Commonwealth Blvd.
                                                              Martinsville, VA 24115

DESCRIPTION OF PREMISES:   Space No.W1047 including bays C1003, H1042, H1043,
H1045 and W1041 in the International Home Furnishings Center, High Point, North

   TERM: 5 Years

   COMMENCEMENT DATE: May 1, 2000.
   EXPIRATION DATE: April 30, 2005.

   ANNUAL RENTAL:  31,865 sq. ft. @ $10.50 per sq. ft. per year    $334,582.50


Addendum A for Hamilton Wing Leases is attached hereto and made a part of this

IHFC, by this Agreement, leases to Lessee and Lessee leases from IHFC, the
Premises described above, at the rental, for the term and upon the other terms
and conditions contained on this page and in IHFC's Standard Terms and
Conditions of Lease (IHFC Form No.900103) which are incorporated by reference in
and made a part of this Lease.

IHFC and Lessee have caused this Lease to be executed by their duly authorized
officers, this the 11th day of August, 1999.

IHFC:                                        EXHIBITOR:

International Home Furnishings Center, Inc.  Hooker Furniture Corporation
                                             Complete Formal Business Name

By: Signature appears here                   Corporation
    ------------------------------           -----------------------------------
          Vice President                     LEGAL FORM OF BUSINESS:
                                             CORPORATION, PARTNERSHIP OR
                                             INDIVIDUAL AND STATE OF PRINCIPAL

                                             By: Edwin L. Ryder-Sr.    VP Fin.& Admin.
                                                      NAME                TITLE
                                                PRESIDENT, VICE PRESIDENT, GENERAL PARTNER, OWNER

Attest: /S/ Jane S. Lain
           SECRETARY                         Attest: Robert W. Sherwood CORPORATE SEAL
                                                     SECRETARY IF LESSEE IS A CORPORATION


                                                                     Page 1 of 5

                             IHFC FORM NO. 900103

1.0            (S)1.1. Description. Lessee acknowledges receipt of a drawing or
PREMISES       floor plan showing the exact location of the Premises in the
               Intentional Home Furnishings Center showroom complex owned and
               operated by IHFC (the "Home Furnishings Center"). The Home
               Furnishings Center is more particularly described on a map or
               plat prepared by Davis-Martin-Powell and Associates, Inc. and
               designated Job No. S-18512, a copy of which is on file at the
               office of IHFC and is incorporated in this Lease by reference.
               The lease of the Premises includes the right of access to the
               Premises through the common areas of the Home Furnishings Center.

               (S)1.2. Relocation. Lessee acknowledges and agrees that it is
               essential to the orderly and efficient operation of the Home
               Furnishings Center by IHFC that IHFC have the right from time to
               time to relocate lessees in order to achieve optimum utilization
               of all space in the Home Furnishings Center. Consequently, IHFC
               shall be entitled to relocate Lessee as provided in this section
               if IHFC determines that relocation of Lessee is in the best
               interest of the Home Furnishings Center in the conduct of its
               business. IHFC shall exercise its right to relocate Lessee in the
               following manner: (a) the premises to which Lessee is to be
               relocated (the "New Premises") shall be selected by IHFC and
               shall be equivalent (as determined by IHFC in its sole
               discretion) in size and value to the Premises; (b) IHFC shall
               notify Lessee of its intent to relocate Lessee within a time
               period prior to the commencement of the next regularly scheduled
               Market such that the Lessee has a reasonable period of time (as
               determined by IHFC in its sole discretion) to refixture,
               redecorate, and prepare to show at that Market and identify the
               proposed New Premises; (c) within ten (10) days after notice of
               relocation by IHFC, Lessee, at its option, may terminate this
               Lease by written notice to IHFC; (d) if Lessee fails to terminate
               this Lease as provided in (c) above, the New Premises shall be
               substituted for the original Premises, this Lease shall continue
               in full force and effect without any other change, and IHFC, at
               its expense, shall move Lessees property to the New Premises and
               shall pay the costs (less a reasonable allowance for
               depreciation) of replacing (as nearly as possible) all
               installations and improvements of Lessee which cannot be moved to
               the New Premises.

2.0            (S)2.1. Commencement and Expiration Date. The Commencement Date
TERM           and Expiration Date of the Lease term are the dates set forth on
               the first page of this Lease.

               (S)2.2. Holding Over. If Lessee remains in possession of the
               Premises after the expiration or termination of this Lease,
               Lessee shall be only a tenant at will but its occupancy shall
               otherwise be subject to all of the terms and provisions of this
               Lease, except that Lessee shall pay per diem rent for each day
               Lessee occupies the premises, in an amount equal to one hundred
               fifty percent (150%) of the then prevailing annual rates for
               comparable space charged by IHFC to new tenants, prorated on a
               daily basis.

3.0            (S)3.1. Annual Rental. Lessee shall pay to IHFC without offset or
RENT           deduction the Annual Rental for the Premises set forth on the
               first page of this Lease, in semiannual installments, each such
               semiannual installment being due and payable in advance on or

               before the first day of November and on or before the first day
               of May (the "Rental Payment Dates") of each calendar year during
               the Lease term, except as provided in (S)3.2.

               (S)3.2. No Reduction. If the Commencement Date is a day other
               than a Rental Payment Date, Lessee acknowledges and agrees that
               by receiving possession of the Premises on the Commencement Date,
               Lessee will be able to show its merchandise at the next ensuing
               Market and will receive the same benefits as would have been the
               case had the Lease term commenced on the Rental Payment Date next
               preceding the actual Commencement Date. Lessee therefore agrees
               to pay a full semiannual rental payment for the period of time
               beginning with the Commencement Date and ending on the day before
               the next Rental Payment Date.

               (S)3.3. Rent Adjustment. In addition to the Annual Rental
               provided for in (S)3.1, Lessee agrees to pay IHFC, for each Lease
               Year, an amount determined by multiplying the Annual Rental by a
               percentage equal to the cumulative percentage increase, if any,
               in the CPI, determined as follows:

                    (a) "CPI" means the Consumer Price Index, All Urban
                    Consumers -U.S. City Average - All items (1982-4=100) as
                    published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United
                    States Department of Labor;

                    (b) If the Commencement Date is a Rental Payment Date, A
                    Lease Year is the annual period commencing on the
                    Commencement Date and on each anniversary thereof. If the
                    Lease Term commences on any other date, a Lease Year is the
                    annual period commencing on the Rental Payment Date next
                    preceding the Commencement Date, and on each anniversary

                    (c) The cumulative percentage increase in the CPI shall be
                    the percentage increase, if any, in the CPI for the sixth
                    month prior to the Lease Year in question over the CPI for
                    the same month next preceding the Commencement Date;

                    (d) If the CPI ceases to use the 1982-4 average equaling 100
                    as the basis of calculation, or if a change is made in the
                    term or number of items contained in the CPI, or if the CPI
                    is altered, modified, converted or revised in any other way,
                    then the foregoing computations shall be made with the use
                    of such conversion factor, formula or table for converting
                    the CPI as may be published by the Bureau of Labor
                    Statistics or, if the Bureau shall not publish the same,
                    then with the use of a conversion factor which adjusts the
                    modified CPI to the figure that would have been arrived at
                    had the change in the manner of computing the CPI in effect
                    on the date of this lease not been altered. If the Bureau
                    shall cease publication of the CPI, then any substitute or
                    successor index published by the Bureau or other
                    governmental agency of the United States shall be used,
                    similarly adjusted. If neither the CPI or a successor or
                    substitute index similarly adjusted is available, then a
                    reliable governmental or other reputable publication
                    selected by IHFC and evaluating the information theretofore
                    used in determining the CPI shall be used;

                    (e) IHFC shall bill the Lessee for the cumulative increase
                    in the Annual Rental at the same time as its normal invoices
                    for Annual Rental are sent prior to each Lease Year, and,
                    upon request by Lessee, shall furnish Lessee with a
                    statement explaining the method of computation of the CPI
                    increase; and

                                                                     Page 2 of 5

                    (f) IHFC shall not be obliged to make any adjustments or
                    recomputations, retroactive or otherwise, by reason of any
                    revision which may later be made in the amount of the CPI
                    first published for any month.

4.0            (S)4.1. Use. Lessee shall use the Premises for the display,
USE AND        exhibition, and sale of home furnishings, furniture, accessories,
OCCUPANCY      carpeting and wall coverings, and for office or clerical purposes
OF PREMISES    to the extent reasonably required for the conduct of such
BY LESSEE      activities at the Premises, and for no other purpose.

               (S)4.2. Operation During Markets. Lessee shall open the Premises,
               exhibit its products and staff the Premises with employees for
               the entire period of each regularly scheduled Market.

               (S)4.3. Rules and Regulations. IHFC has established rules,
               regulations, guidelines and policies (the "Guidelines") regarding
               the operation of the Home Furnishings Center, and shall be
               entitled to establish Guidelines from time to time after the
               execution of this Lease. Lessee acknowledges receipt of a copy of
               the current Guidelines and agrees to comply, and to cause its
               employees, contractors, agents and others occupying the Premises
               to comply, with all current and future Guidelines, provided that
               (a) IHFC notifies Lessee of any Guidelines established after the
               date of this Lease and (b) the Guidelines established by IHFC do
               not unreasonably interfere with Lessee's use of the Premises for
               the purposes set forth in (S)4.1.

               (S)4.4. Restriction on Other Operations of Lessee. Lessee agrees
               (insofar as and to the extent Lessee may lawfully do so) that
               during all regularly scheduled Markets or other times at which
               the Home Furnishings Center is officially open to buyers during
               the term of this Lease, Lessee will not, within a five (5) mile
               radius of the Home Furnishings Center (a) operate any other
               showroom under the same trade name or names under which Lessee
               does business from the Premises or (b) exhibit in any other
               location the same merchandise which Lessee exhibits in the
               Premises. Lessee acknowledges and agrees that it is in the best
               interest of Lessee and other tenants in the Home Furnishings
               Center as exhibitors, and in the best interest of the successful
               operation of the Home Furnishings Center as a national market for
               home furnishings, to maximize buyer traffic in, and the duration
               of buyer visits to, the Home Furnishings Center. Lessee agrees
               that the foregoing provisions are reasonably necessary to
               accomplish these purposes, and that a breach of these provisions
               by Lessee will constitute a material breach of the Lease.

               (S)4.5. Property of Others. Lessee will not place or permit to be
               placed in the Premises property of any other person or entity,
               unless it has first secured the written consent of IHFC.

               (S)4.6. Market Dates; Admission. IHFC shall have the sole right
               to prescribe the dates of regularly scheduled Markets applicable
               to Lessee's lines of merchandise, and qualifications, conditions
               and times of admission to the Home Furnishings Center. IHFC may
               restrict admission to accredited buyers and condition admission
               upon the presentation of credentials prescribed or provided by
               IHFC. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Lessee
               agrees not to admit any buyers to the Premises during the seven
               day period prior to each Market.

               (S)4.7. Compliance. Lessee agrees not to use or occupy the
               Premises, or permit them to be used or occupied, in any manner
               which violates applicable laws or regulations affecting the
               Premises or the Home Furnishings Center established by any
               governmental or public authority having jurisdiction to
               promulgate such laws or regulations, or by any insurance carrier
               insuring the Premises, property located therein, or the Home
               Furnishings Center.

               (S)4.8. Inspection by IHFC. IHFC and its representatives shall be
               entitled to enter the Premises at any reasonable time for the
               purpose of inspecting the Premises, performing any work required
               or permitted to be performed by IHFC under this Lease, and
               exhibiting the Premises to prospective mortgagees and tenants.
               IHFC agrees that to the extent practical, it will not
               unreasonably interfere with the operation of Lessee's business in
               the exercise of its rights under this Section.

5.0            (S)5.1. Transfers by Lessee. Lessee agrees not to assign this
ASSIGNMENT     Lease or sublet all or any part of the Premises without Lessor's
AND            prior written consent in each instance. In the event of an
SUBLETTING     assignment or sublease, Lessee shall remain primarily liable for
               payment and performance of all obligations under this Lease upon
               default by the assignee or subtenant, notwithstanding the
               acceptance of rent or performance directly from the assignee or
               subtenant by IHFC.

               (S)5.2. Subleasing Policy. All proposed subleases which IHFC is
               requested to approve pursuant to (S)5.1 must conform to
               subleasing policies established by IHFC from time to time, and
               Lessee acknowledges and agrees that IHFC's subleasing policies,
               among other things, may provide for selection of sublessees from
               a priority waiting list, the use of standard forms, direct
               billing by IHFC, the imposition of subleasing fees by IHFC, and
               the retention by IHFC of the excess of any amounts payable under
               the sublease over the rent and other charges payable under this
               Lease. Nothing in this section may be construed to create any
               inference that IHFC is obligated to approve any sublease which
               complies with the provisions of this section.

               (S)5.3. Change of Ownership. For purposes of this Paragraph, an
               assignment includes: (1) one or more sales or transfers by
               operation of law or otherwise by which an aggregate of more than
               fifty percent (50%) of Lessee's shares or ownership shall be
               vested in a party or parties who are not shareholders or owners
               of Lessee as of the date of this Lease; (2) any transfer by
               operation of law; (3) any assignment among co-tenants; and (4)
               any assignment of a part interest in this lease.

6.0            (S)6.1. Acceptance. Lessee has examined the Premises and accepts
REPAIRS        them in their present conditions, without any representation on
AND            the part of IHFC as to the present or future condition of the
MAINTENANCE    Premises except as otherwise specifically provided in this Lease.

               (S)6.2. IHFC's Repair Obligations. IHFC shall at IHFC's expense
               maintain the exterior walls, roof, structural supports and common
               areas of the Home Furnishings Center in good order and repair;
               provided, however, that (a) IHFC is not an insuror and its
               responsibility to do so shall be confined to making the proper
               repairs within a reasonable time after it has received notice of
               the necessity, nature and location of the repairs and (b) Lessee
               shall repair any damage to the Home Furnishings Center caused by
               Lessee or its agents.

                                                                     Page 3 of 5

               (S)6.3. Lessee's Repair Obligations. Lessee agrees to maintain
               the Premises in a neat and clean condition, in good order and
               repair, and in full compliance with applicable laws, ordinances,
               regulations, and codes.

               (S)6.4. Surrender. At the expiration or termination of this
               Lease, Lessee agrees to quit and surrender the Premises to IHFC
               in as good a condition as when received, reasonable wear and tear
               and damage by fire or other casualty excepted.

7.0            (S)7.1. Lessee's Property. Subject to the security interest
LESSEE'S       granted in (S)12.4 of this Lease, all merchandise, office
PROPERTY;      furniture and equipment, samples, inventory and other unattached
ALTERATIONS    movable property placed in the Premises by Lessee shall remain
AND            the property of Lessee, and Lessee, if it is not in default under
IMPROVEMENTS   this Lease, shall be entitled to remove such items from the
               Premises, provided Lessee repairs any damage to the Premises or
               the Home Furnishings Center caused by such removal.

               (S)7.2. Placing Property in or Removing Property From Premises.
               Except as otherwise specifically permitted by IHFC's Guidelines,
               all property of Lessee shall be moved to or from the Premises by
               the employees or designated contractors of IHFC, at the expense
               and risk of Lessee, and Lessee agrees to pay IHFC upon receipt of
               IHFC's invoice, IHFC's standard charges for moving such items to
               and from the Premises. IHFC shall not be liable for any loss or
               damage to property of Lessee, unless caused by the negligence of
               IHFC or its employees.

               (S)7.3. Alterations and Improvements. Lessee shall be entitled to
               make alterations, additions, and improvements to the Premises,
               provided Lessee first obtains IHFC's written consent, which IHFC
               will not unreasonably withhold. Any alteration, addition,
               improvement or other property attached to the Premises by Lessee
               (including, without limitation, electrical wiring, lighting
               fixtures, carpeting and track lighting) shall become the property
               of IHFC upon the expiration or termination of this Lease, unless
               IHFC elects to require Lessee to remove the same, repair any
               damages occasioned by such installation or removal, and restore
               the Premises to their original condition.

               (S)7.4. Performance of Work. All work in connection with
               alterations, additions, or improvements to the Premises (a) shall
               be performed in a first class, workmanlike manner with all
               required governmental and utility permits obtained in advance by
               Lessee; (b) shall not weaken or impair the structural integrity
               of the Home Furnishings Center; and (c) shall be in accordance
               with plans and specifications, and performed by contractors,
               approved by IHFC. All contractors performing such work shall
               carry insurance satisfactory to IHFC and shall execute lien
               waivers, and indemnity agreements satisfactory to IHFC. IHFC
               shall have no duty to Lessee or anyone else to enforce these
               requirements or inspect the work of Lessee's contractors.

8.0            IHFC agrees to pay all ad valorem taxes and assessments levied,
TAXES          assessed or charged against the Home Furnishings Center. Lessee
               agrees to list and pay all license, privilege, ad valorem or
               other taxes levied, assessed or charged against Lessee or IHFC on
               account of the operation of Lessee's business in the Premises or
               on account of property owned by Lessee.

9.0            IHFC agrees to furnish heat, electricity, air conditioning, and
UTILITIES      elevator service to the Premises for a period beginning thirty
               (30) days prior to the commencement of each regularly scheduled
               Market, and ending fourteen (14) days following the close of each
               such Market; provided, however, that IHFC shall not be liable for
               interruptions in service due to breakdowns or other causes beyond
               its control. If Lessee uses the Premises at any other times,
               Lessee agrees to pay such additional charges as may be imposed by
               IHFC for such excess utility use.

10.0           (S)10.1. Insurance. Lessee agrees to keep its property located in
INSURANCE;     the Premises, including all alterations, additions and
INDEMNITY      improvements made by it, insured against loss or damage by fire
               or other casualty, under an "all risks" policy in an amount equal
               to full replacement cost value thereof. Lessee agrees to maintain
               in force comprehensive general liability insurance coverage on
               the Premises, with a minimum combined single limit of $500,000
               for death, personal injury or property damage, naming IHFC as an
               additional insured. This general liability coverage may be either
               on an "occurrence" or a "claims made" basis. If on a "claims
               made" basis, Lessee must either:

                    (a) Agree to provide certificates of insurance evidencing
                    the above coverages for a period of three years after
                    expiration of the lease, which certificate shall evidence a
                    "retroactive date" no later than the Commencement Date; or

                    (b) Purchase the extended reporting period endorsement for
                    the policy or policies in force during the term of this
                    lease and evidence the purchase of this extended reporting
                    period endorsement by means of a certificate of insurance or
                    a copy of the endorsement itself.

               All policies shall provide that unless IHFC is given ten (10)
               days written notice of any cancellation, failure to renew, or
               material change, the insurance shall remain in full force and
               effect, without change. On or before the Commencement Date,
               Lessee agrees to provide IHFC with satisfactory evidence that all
               required insurance is in force. Lessee may provide any insurance
               required under this Article through its corporate or blanket

               (S)10.2. Waiver of Subrogation. To the extent that any business
               interruption or loss or damage to property occurring in the
               Premises or in the Home Furnishings Center, or in any manner
               growing out of or connected with Lessee's occupation of the
               Premises or the condition thereof (whether or not caused by the
               negligence of IHFC or Lessee or their respective agents,
               employees, contractors, tenants, licensees, or assigns) is
               covered by insurance (regardless of whether the insurance is
               payable to or protects IHFC or Lessee, or both) neither IHFC nor
               Lessee, nor their respective officers, directors, employees,
               agents, invitees, assignees, tenants, or subtenants, shall be
               liable to the other for such business interruption or loss or
               damage to property, it being understood and agreed that each
               party will look to its insuror for reimbursement. This release
               shall be effective only so long as the applicable insurance
               policies contain a clause to the effect that it shall not affect
               the right of the insured to recover under the policies. Such
               clauses shall be obtained by the parties wherever possible.
               Nothing in this Section may be construed to impose any other or
               greater liability upon either IHFC or Lessee than would have
               existed in its absence.

                                                                     Page 4 of 5

               (S)10.3. Assumption of Risks, Release, and Indemnity. Lessee (1)
               assumes all risks with respect to, (2) releases IHFC from
               liability for, and (3) agrees (except to the extent IHFC is
               effectively protected by insurance) to protect, indemnify and
               save harmless IHFC from and to defend IHFC (through counsel
               acceptable to IHFC) against any claim liability, loss, or damage
               arising out of or connected with the following, however caused
               and wherever originating and regardless of whether the cause or
               means of repairing the same is accessible to or under the control
               of Lessee:

                    (a) Damage to property of Lessee, or its agents, employees
                    or subtenants occurring in or about the Home Furnishings

                    (b) Damage to property of anyone occurring in or about the

                    (c) Any injury to or interruption of business or loss of
                    profits attributable to or connected with any damage to
                    property referred to in subparagraphs (a) or (b), above.

                    (d) Death or personal injury occurring in or about the
                    Premises (unless resulting from the negligence of IHFC or
                    its employees); or(e) Any other risks with respect to which
                    Lessee is required to insure by the terms of this Lease
                    (whether or not such insurance is actually in force).

               In addition to and without limiting the generality of the
               foregoing. Lessee's assumption of risk, release, and indemnity
               obligations as set forth above shall apply to any claim,
               liability, loss or damage arising out of or in connection with
               (1) Lessee's occupancy of or conduct of business in the Premises;
               (2) the condition of the Premises; (3) any default of Lessee
               under this Lease; and (4) mechanic's or materialmen's liens
               asserted by persons claiming to have dealt with Lessee or
               Lessee's contractors.

11.0           (S)11.1. Option to Terminate. If the Premises are damaged or
DAMAGE OR      destroyed by fire or other casualty to such extent that they are
DESTRUCTION    completely untenantable, or if the area of the Home Furnishings
               Center in which the Premises are located is so severely damaged
               that IHFC elects to demolish, or completely rebuild it, IHFC may
               terminate this Lease by notifying Lessee within thirty (30) days
               following the damage or destruction, and rent and other charges
               payable by Lessee under this lease shall be apportioned to the
               date of the damage or destruction.

               (S)11.2. Obligation to Repair or Restore. If the Premises are
               damaged by fire or other casualty, unless IHFC has exercised its
               right to terminate, if any, under (S)11.1, IHFC shall with
               reasonable dispatch, and in any event within one hundred eighty
               (180) days, repair and restore the Premises to their condition
               existing at the date of the damage or destruction (except for
               alterations and improvements installed by Lessee and other
               property of Lessee, which Lessee shall repair and restore within
               that time) and this Lease shall remain in full force and effect
               except that rent shall abate as provided in (S).11.3.

               (S)11.3. Rent Abatement. If the Premises are damaged or destroyed
               by fire or other casualty and this Lease is not terminated, rent

               and other charges under this Lease shall abate in the same
               percentage as the rentable area of the Premises available for use
               bears to the entire rentable area of the Premises; provided,
               however, that if the Premises are damaged or destroyed to such
               extent that it is unreasonable to expect Lessee to continue to
               operate the Premises as a showroom, all rent shall abate from the
               date of the damage or destruction until the earlier of the date
               the Premises are repaired and restored, or the date Lessee
               reopens the Premises as a showroom. Notwithstanding the
               foregoing, if IHFC is able to repair and restore the Premises
               within such time as to permit Lessee (in the exercise of
               reasonable dispatch and considering the time required for Lessee
               to complete Lessee's restorations to the Premises and redecorate
               them) to use the Premises for a showroom at the next ensuing
               Market after the damage or destruction, there shall be no
               abatement of rent.

12.0           (S)12.1. Events of Default. Lessee shall be in default under this
DEFAULT        Lease if any one of the following Events of Default occurs:

                    (a) Lessee fails to pay when due any installment of rent or
                    other amount due under the terms of this Lease;

                    (b) Lessee fails to pay when due any other amount owed to
                    IHFC; or

                    (c) Lessee repudiates or fails to perform any obligation
                    under (S).1.2 (Relocation), (S).4.0 (Use), (S).5.0
                    (Assignment and Subletting), (S).7.3 (Alterations), (S).13.0
                    (Subordination) or (S).14.0 (Estoppel Certificates).

                    (d) Lessee vacates or abandons the Premises;

                    (e) Lessee becomes insolvent, executes an assignment for the
                    benefit of creditors, is adjudicated a bankrupt, files for
                    relief under the reorganization provisions of any Federal
                    bankruptcy law or state insolvency law, or a permanent
                    receiver of the property of Lessee is appointed by any court
                    of competent jurisdiction.

                    (f) Lessee repudiates or, within ten (10) days after notice
                    of nonperformance by IHFC, fails to perform any other
                    obligation which it is required to perform under the terms
                    of this Lease or, if performance cannot reasonably be had
                    within ten (10) days after notice from IHFC, Lessee fails to
                    commence performance within that period and diligently
                    proceed to completion of performance.

               (S)12.2. Remedies. If an Event of Default occurs, IHFC, at its
               option and without further notice to Lessee, may pursue any
               remedy now or hereafter available to IHFC under the laws of the
               State of North Carolina. Without limiting the generality of the
               foregoing, IHFC shall be entitled to reenter the Premises by
               force, summary proceedings or otherwise, expelling Lessee and
               removing all property from the Premises, all without liability to
               Lessee or anyone else and either:

                    (a) attempt to relet the Premises for such term and rental
                    and upon such other terms and conditions as IHFC in its sole
                    discretion deems advisable. All rentals received by IHFC
                    from such reletting shall be applied, first, to payment of
                    any indebtedness other than rent due from Lessee to IHFC;
                    second, to payment of any expenses of reletting, including,
                    without limitation, the costs of recovering the Premises,

                                                                     Page 5 of 5

                    alterations or repairs as may be necessary to relet the
                    Premises, brokerage fees, and reasonable attorney's fees;
                    third to payment of any rent unpaid under the terms of this
                    Lease; and the residue, if any, to the payment of rent as
                    the same becomes due and payable under this Lease. If the
                    amount received from such reletting and applied to rent
                    during any semiannual period is less than the rent reserved
                    under this Lease, Lessee agrees to pay the deficiency to
                    IHFC. The deficiency shall be calculated and paid
                    semiannually. No reentry or taking possession of the
                    Premises by IHFC shall be construed as an election upon its
                    part to terminate this Lease unless IHFC so notifies Lessee
                    or this Lease is terminated by order of a court of competent
                    jurisdiction; or

                    (b) notwithstanding any reletting without termination, at
                    any time after an Event of Default occurs, elect to
                    terminate this Lease, and, in addition to IHFC's other
                    remedies, recover from Lessee all damages incurred by reason
                    of Lessee's default, including, without limitation, the
                    costs of recovering the Premises, reasonable attorney's
                    fees, and the worth, at the time of the termination, of the
                    excess, if any, of the amount of rent reserved under this
                    Lease over the then reasonable rental value of the Premises
                    for the remainder of the term of the Lease, all of which
                    amounts shall be immediately due and payable from Lessee to

               (S)12.3. Late Charges. If any installment of rent or any other
               amount due under this Lease is not received by IHFC within ten
               (10) days after the date such payment was due, then Lessee shall
               be obligated to pay, in addition to the amount due, a late charge
               equal to five percent (5%) of the overdue amount. Lessee agrees
               that this late charge represents a fair and reasonable estimate
               of the additional processing, accounting and other costs IHFC
               will incur by reason of late payment by Lessee, the exact amount
               of which would be difficult to ascertain. Notification by IHFC to
               Lessee that a late payment charge has been added to the amount of
               overdue rent or other charges shall not constitute a waiver of
               Lessee's default, nor preclude IHFC from exercising any other

               (S)12.4. Security Interest. As security for performance and
               payment of all present and future rents and other obligations
               required to be paid or performed by Lessee under the terms of
               this Lease, and for any other amounts owed IHFC by Lessee, Lessee
               hereby grants unto IHFC a security interest in all installations,
               samples, goods, merchandise, furniture, fixtures, and other
               property of Lessee, now owned or hereafter acquired, located in
               the Premises or the Home Furnishings Center. If an Event of
               Default occurs, IHFC at any time thereafter may exercise, in
               addition to its other remedies, the rights of a secured party
               under Chapter 25 of the North Carolina General Statutes. The
               proceeds from any sale of the collateral pursuant to such
               remedies shall be applied in the following order: (a) the expense
               of taking, removing, holding for sale, and preparing for sale,
               specifically including IHFC's reasonable attorney's fees; (b) the
               expense of liquidating any liens, security interests or other
               encumbrances superior to this security interest; and (c) amounts
               owed by Lessee to IHFC under the terms of this Lease or
               otherwise, in the order herein provided for. Lessee agrees to
               execute such financing statements and other documents as may be
               required to perfect the security interest granted to IHFC under

               this Section.

               (S)12.5. Partial Payment. IHFC shall not be obligated to accept
               partial payments of rent or other charges due under this Lease.
               If IHFC accepts any such payment, IHFC shall not be deemed to
               have waived the default of Lessee by reason of non-payment of
               such charges in full, nor to have waived its right to collect
               late charges. IHFC will hold any partial payment so received as a
               deposit against full payment of such amounts. At any time prior
               to full payment by Lessee of such amounts, IHFC may exercise any
               one or more of its remedies on default, and apply the deposit to
               any amounts or damages owed IHFC as of the date IHFC elects to
               exercise such remedies, including, without limitation, pro rata
               rent and other charges payable under this Lease for the current
               lease period up through the date of the exercise by IHFC of its
               remedies upon default. The acceptance of such deposit by IHFC
               shall be entirely without prejudice to IHFC's right thereafter,
               at any time prior to payment in full, to assert such default,
               apply the deposit as provided in this section, and pursue all
               remedies available to IHFC under this Lease or applicable law.

               (S)12.6. Default Under Prior Lease. If this Lease is to take
               effect at the expiration of an earlier lease between IHFC and
               Lessee for space in the Home Furnishings Center (the "Prior
               Lease"), then this Lease is subject to Lessee's performing its
               obligations under the Prior Lease up through the date of its
               expiration. If an Event of Default occurs under the Prior Lease
               and IHFC, pursuant to its rights under the Prior Lease, either
               (a) terminates Lessee's right to possession of the Premises or
               (b) terminates the Prior Lease, then this Lease shall be
               automatically terminated, whether or not such termination is
               expressly stated in any notice from IHFC to Lessee.

13.0           At the election of IHFC, this Lease shall be subordinate to a
SUBORDINATION  first mortgage or deed of trust held by a lending institution and
               secured by the Home Furnishings Center; provided, however, that
               IHFC agrees to use reasonable efforts to secure from the
               mortgagee a nondisturbance agreement providing that in the event
               of foreclosure the mortgagee will recognize the validity of this
               Lease, and, provided Lessee is not in default, will not disturb
               Lessee's possession hereunder.

14.0           Upon ten (10) days prior written notice from IHFC, Lessee agrees
ESTOPPEL       to execute, acknowledge and deliver to IHFC, Lessee's
CERTIFICATES   certificate: (a) stating whether this Lease is in full force and
               effect; (b) stating whether this Lease has been modified, and if
               so, the nature of such modification; (c) stating the date through
               which rent and other charges are paid in advance; (d) stating
               whether, to Lessee's knowledge, there are any uncured defaults of
               IHFC under this Lease, specifying the nature of any claimed
               default; and (e) providing such other information as IHFC may
               reasonably request with respect to the status of the Lease. Any
               such certificate may be conclusively relied upon by IHFC or any
               prospective purchaser or mortgagee of the Home Furnishings

15.0           All notices required or permitted by the terms of this Lease
NOTICES        shall be deemed given when deposited in the United States
               Registered or Certified Mail, Postage Prepaid, or with
               verification of delivery by telegram, cable, telex, commercial
               courier or any other generally accepted means of business
               communication, to either party, at the address set forth for such
               party on the first page of this Lease. Either party may change
               the address to which notices must be sent by giving notice to the

               other party in accordance with this Section.

16.0                (a) This Lease shall be governed, construed, and enforced
MISCELLANEOUS       under the laws of North Carolina and the parties submit to
                    the jurisdiction of the courts of North Carolina and
                    stipulate that Guilford County, North Carolina, is proper
                    venue for the purpose of all controversies which may arise
                    under this Lease;

                    (b) This Lease contains the entire understanding of the
                    parties and there are no conditions precedent to its
                    effectiveness or collateral understandings with respect to
                    its subject matter;

                    (c) It may not be modified except by writing signed by both

                    (d) it shall not be construed strictly against either party,
                    but fairly in accordance with their intent as expressed

                    (e) Lessor's remedies are cumulative and not exclusive of
                    other remedies to which Lessor may be legally entitled;

                    (f) No waiver of any breach of a provision of this Lease may
                    be construed to be a waiver of any succeeding breach of the
                    same or any other provision, nor shall any endorsement or
                    statement on any check or letter accompanying payment be
                    deemed an accord and satisfaction, and IHFC may accept
                    payment without prejudice to its rights to pursue any remedy
                    provided for in this Lease;

                    (g) Time is of the essence in every particular, especially
                    where the obligation to pay money is involved;

                    (h) Amounts not paid IHFC when due will bear interest on the
                    unpaid balance at the lower of one and one-half percent (1-
                    1/2%) per month or the maximum lawful rate; and

                    (i) This Lease binds the parties, their respective heirs,
                    personal representatives, successors and assigns.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                  ADDENDUM A
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

This Addendum contains provisions which modify and supplement the provisions
contained in the standard IHFC Lease and in IHFC's Standard Terms and Conditions
of Lease. If there is any conflict between the terms of this Addendum and the
terms of IHFC's standard Lease or Standard Terms and Conditions of Lease, this
Addendum controls.


     .  Lessee agrees to pay for and maintain the standard exterior signage in
        accordance with signing specification on all fascias. (Signs are
        required on all fascias.) Lessee agrees not to place any other signs,
        banners, or other material of any kind on the exterior of the premises.


     .  This Lease is contingent upon Lessee making a professionally designed
        showroom statement both interiorly and exteriorly.


     .  Lessee agrees that draperies, blinds, paper, curtains, or any other
        device that limits vision in the Premises will not be installed upon or
        near any window or door of the Premises.


Wrenn, Commerce & Hamilton Wings