Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 8-K

                        SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934.

                           Date of Report May 9, 2000

             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

                             Florida                                 000-30110                                65-0716501
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(State or other jurisdiction of incorporation or organization)      Commission File Number      (I.R.S. Employer Identification No.)

     One Town Center Road, Boca Raton, Florida                                                          33486
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     (Address of principal executive offices)                                                         (Zip code)

                                                         (561) 995-7670
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                       (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Item 5            Other Events

                  SBA Communications  Corporation ("SBA") announced  significant
                  increases  in revenue  and EBITDA for the three  months  ended
                  March 31, 2000 over the same period in 1999.

                  For the three months ended March 31, 2000,  revenues increased
                  122% to $30.4  million  from the first  quarter of 1999.  Site
                  leasing revenue increased to $10.1 million for the quarter,  a
                  96% increase over the first quarter of 1999.  Gross profit for
                  the quarter  increased  130% to $10.9  million  from the first
                  quarter of 1999,  due to both  higher  site  leasing  and site
                  development gross profit.  Site leasing gross profit, or tower
                  cash flow,  increased to $6.2  million for the  quarter,  125%
                  increase  over the  first  quarter  of 1999.  Earnings  before
                  interest,  taxes,  depreciation,   amortization  and  non-cash
                  compensation   charges  (EBITDA)  for  the  quarter  was  $5.1
                  million,  a 667%  increase  over the  first  quarter  of 1999.
                  Earnings  (loss)  per share were  $(.27) for the three  months
                  ended March 31, 2000  compared to $(1.01) in the year  earlier

                  "The  first  quarter  of 2000 has  been  very  successful  and
                  exciting  for  us,"  commented  Steven  E.  Bernstein,   Chief
                  Executive Officer. "We continue to have significant and record
                  growth  in  all  aspects  of  our  business   including  total
                  revenues,  tower cash  flows and  EBITDA.  Our  backlog of new
                  tower builds,  tower acquisitions and services business are at
                  all-time  highs.  Including  the  expected  results  from  our
                  recently announced  build-to-suit agreement with Telecorp PCS,
                  we are  involved in  projects  for over 1,600 new tower builds
                  for our ownership  throughout  the nation,  consisting of over
                  700 build-to-suit mandates from wireless carriers and over 900
                  sites SBA is developing  through its strategic siting efforts.
                  With this backlog and our capital resources,  which have never
                  been better, we are well positioned for continued growth."

Item 7            Financial Statements and Exhibits

                  (c)      Exhibits

                  99.1     Press release dated May 8, 2000

                                        SUMMARY HISTORICAL FINANCIAL DATA

                                                                                       For the three months ended March 31,
                                                                                     1999                               2000
                                                                                     ----                               ----

         Operating Data:

             Site development revenue                                               $8,574,687                         $20,341,580
             Site leasing revenue                                                    5,141,614                          10,087,445
                                                                                   ------------                        ------------
         Total revenues                                                             13,716,301                          30,429,025

         Cost of revenues:
             Cost of site development revenue                                        6,623,195                          15,712,237
             Cost of site leasing revenue                                            2,377,506                           3,865,641
                                                                                   ------------                        ------------
         Total cost of revenues                                                      9,000,701                          19,577,878
                                                                                   ------------                        ------------

         Gross Profit                                                                4,715,600                          10,851,147

         Operating expenses:
         Selling, general and administrative                                         4,077,573                           5,974,932
         Depreciation and amortization                                               3,131,301                           6,830,274
                                                                                   ------------                        ------------
         Total operating expenses                                                    7,208,874                          12,805,206
                                                                                   ------------                        ------------

         Operating  loss                                                            (2,493,274)                         (1,954,059)

         Other income (expense):                                                    (5,499,576)                         (7,544,872)
                                                                                   ------------                        ------------

         Loss before income taxes and extraordinary item                            (7,992,850)                         (9,498,931)

         (Provision) benefit for income taxes                                          785,582                            (224,486)
                                                                                   ------------                        ------------

         Net loss before extraordinary item                                         (7,207,268)                         (9,723,417)

         Extraordinary item                                                         (1,149,954)                                  -

         Dividends on preferred stock                                                 (712,500)                                  -
                                                                                   ------------                        ------------

         Net loss to common shareholders                                           ($9,069,722)                        ($9,723,417)
                                                                                   ============                        ============

         Basic and diluted loss per common share                                        ($1.01)                             ($0.27)
                                                                                   ============                        ============

         Weighted average number of shares                                           8,955,922                          35,382,348
                                                                                   ============                        ============

         Other Data:
         Earnings before interest,
            taxes, depreciation, amortization and
            non-cash compensation charges                                             $662,589                          $5,078,915
                                                                                   ============                        ============

         Annualized Tower Cash Flow                                                $11,056,432                         $24,887,216
                                                                                   ============                        ============

                                                                                      As of                                As of
                                                                                    December 31,                         March 31,
                                                                                       1999                                2000
                                                                                   -------------                       ------------
                                                                                                     (IN THOUSANDS)
         Balance Sheet Data:
         Cash and cash equivalents                                                  $    3,131                           $ 111,697
         Total assets                                                               $  429,823                           $ 602,504
         Total debt                                                                 $  318,268                           $ 266,730
         Common shareholders equity                                                 $   48,582                           $ 274,717


Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

May 9, 2000                       /s/ Pamela J. Kline
                                    Pamela J. Kline
                                    Chief Accounting Officer