Explanatory Note

         On May 18, 2000, CFW filed with the SEC under Rule 425 a presentation
relating to its proposed merger with R&B Communications, Inc. and its proposed
acquisition of PrimeCo PCS's operations in Virginia.

         This new Rule 425 filing is being made to correct a typographical error
on page 19 of the May 18, 2000 425 Filing and serves to replace the May 18, 2000
filing in its entirety.

                                 [COVER PHOTO]
                                    May 2000

Communications Company

                           Forward-Looking Statements

This presentation  contains  forward-looking  statements that are based upon the
company's estimates and expectations concerning future events and are subject to
certain  risks and  uncertainties  that  could  cause  actual  results to differ
materially from those reflected in the forward-looking  statements.  These risks
and uncertainties  include,  among other things,  future  competitive and market
conditions,  whether the Company's  services gain  customer  acceptance,  future
business  decisions,  and  other  factors,  including  those  described  in  the
company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission,  all of which are
difficult or impossible to predict  accurately  and many of which are beyond the
control of the Company.  In light of the significant  uncertainties  inherent in
the forward-looking information herein, the inclusion of such information should
not be regarded as a representation  by the company or any other person that the
Company's objectives or plans will be realized.


                              Transaction Overview

          Existing CFW Shareholders----   ------------Welsh, Carson, Anderson & Stowe and
          59.3% Ownership, 13.1MM      |  |           Morgan Stanley Dean Witter
          Shares                       |  |           $100MM (WCAS)        $100MM (WCAS)
                                       |  |           10.9% Ownership      10.0% Ownership
                                       |  |           2.4MM Shares         2.2MM Shares
                                       |  |           $12.5MM (MSDW)       $12.5MM (MSDW)
                                       |  |           1.4% Ownership       1.3% Ownership
                                       |  |           0.3MM Shares         0.3MM Shares

                        $375MM                        $325MM
Senior and Subordinated------->Post-transaction CFW------------>Senior Bank Debt
                              $407MM   |  | 16.6% Ownership
                              RSA 5    |  | 3.7MM CFW Shares
                              RSA 6    |  |
                              $20 MM   |  |
                   Lease Obligations   |  |
                               100%    |  | 100%
          Richmond/Norfolk PCS---------    -----------R&B Communications
          2.9 Million POPs                                ILEC - 12,000 Access Lines*
          83% Covered                                     CLEC - 4,000 Business Access Lines*
          20 MHz                                          Long Haul - 110.5 Route Miles
          78,000 Digital                                  Internet - 2,000 Subscribers*
          Subscribers*                                    25.9% VA PCS Alliance
                                                          34.3% WVA PCS Alliance

     *As of 12/31/99

Communications Company                                                        3


o    Fully Committed Equity
     o    $112.5MM Convertible Preferred at $41/share (8.5% coupon)
          o Initial investment - issuance is not conditioned on the closing
            of the Richmond/Norfolk PCS transaction
          o $100MM Welsh Carson Anderson & Stowe (WCAS)
          o $12.5MM Morgan Stanley Dean Witter (MSDW)
     o    $112.5MM Convertible Preferred at $45/share (5.5% coupon)
          o Funding to occur at closing of the acquisition - terms subject to
            shareholder approval
          o $100MM WCAS
          o $12.5MM MSDW
o    Fully Committed Debt Financing
     o    $325MM Senior Bank Debt - commitment from MSDW
     o    $280MM of Bridge Senior Notes - commitment from MSDW
     o    $95MM Privately Placed Subordinated Notes - commitment from WCAS
Communications Company                                                        4

                                  Pro Forma CFW

                                 Pre-Transaction                                                     Post-Transaction
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------    ---------------------------------------------
CFW                                  Richmond/              R&B                       Pro Forma CFW
                                     Norfolk PCS

PCS                                  PCS                       PCS                     PCS
- ---                                  ---                       ---                     ---
o  1.6 Million Total POPs        o  2.9 Million Total POPs   o  26% of VA PCS       o  8.3 Million Consolidated POPs
   65% of VA PCS                     100%                    o  34% of WV PCS       o  7.6 Million Total Attributed POPs
o  2.2 Million Total POPs                                    o  22% of Other PCS    o  91% of VA PCS
   45% of WV PCS                                                                    o  79% of WV PCS
o  1.5 Million Total POPs                                      ILEC                 o  100% of Richmond PCS
   78% of Other Licenses                                       ----                 o  99% of Other Licenses
                                                             o  12,200 Access Lines

ILEC                                                           CLEC                    ILEC
- ----                                                           ----                    ----
o  38,000 Access Lines                                       o  4,000 Access Lines  o  50,200 Access Lines

CLEC                                                           Long Haul               CLEC
- ----                                                           ---------               ----
o  5,800 Access Lines                                        o  110.5 Route Miles   o  9,800 Access Lines

Long Haul                                                      Spectrum                Long Haul
- ---------                                                      --------                ---------
o  Over 1,500 Route Miles by FYE 2000                        o  100,000 MMDS        o  Over 1,500 Route Miles by FYE 2000
                                                             o  1.65MM lol. LMDS POPs
                                                             o  29% Ownership of LMDS
Spectrum                                                                               Spectrum
- --------                                                                               --------
o  750,000 MMDS Households                                     Internet             o   850,000 MMDS Households
o  6MM WCS POPs                                                                         --------
o  1.65MM lol. LMDS POPs                                     o  2,000 Subs          o   6 MM WCS POPS
o  51% Ownership of LMDS                                                            o   1.3 MM total att. MDS POPS

Internet                                                                               Internet
- --------                                                                               --------
 45,200 subs                                                                        o   47,200 Subs

To Be Divested                                                                         To Be Divested
- --------------                                                                         --------------
o  Cellular [to Bell Atlantic],                                                     o  Towers [from Richmond], Directory Assistance
    Towers Directory Assistance and                                                       and Investment in LSSI
    Investments LSSI

Communications Company                                                        5

                                  CFW Overview

o    Digital PCS
     o    Statewide coverage in Virginia(1) and West Virginia markets
     o    CDMA Technology
     o    8.3 Million consolidated POPs in the Mid-Atlantic region; 7.6 Million
          attributed POPs
     o    Additional growth opportunity
          -    Build out of 2 million PCS license POPs: parts of VA, WV, MD,
               TN, PA
          -    Spectrum swaps
          -    Spectrum re-auction
     o    Approximately 125,000 pro forma subscribers as of December 31, 1999
     o    Wireless data offering

o    Integrated Communications Provide (ICP)
     o    Leading Mid-Atlantic facilities based ICP
     o    Focused on high-growth communications sectors
          -    PCS: 8.3 million consolidated POPs
          -    CLEC: 9 markets in VA and WV
          -    Internet:  ISP in 52 markets in VA, WV, Eastern TN and Western NC
     o    Leverage VA and WV fiber optic network
     o    Ability to  leverage  infrastructure,  billing,  and brand  (strategic
          enablers) for competitive advantage

(1) Excluding the Washington D.C. metropolitan area

Communications Company                                                        6

R&B Overview

o    Partner in PCS Alliances - provides consolidation and control of PCS
o    Complements ICP expansion strategy
o    Potential synergies include billing, network operations, sales,
     engineering, and switching
o    100 year old ILEC company in proximity to CFW ILEC properties
          o    Revenues of $16.8MM for 1999
          o    EBITDA of $7.5MM for 1999

Communications Company                                                        7

Richmond/Norfolk PCS Overview
o      Richmond/Petersburg BTA, Norfolk/Virginia Beach BTA -- 2.9
       million population
o      Customers -- approximately 78,000  (43,000 postpay; 35,000 prepay)
o      Revenue: $50.5MM for 1999
o      EBITDA:  $(8.2)MM for 1999
o      CDMA Technology Provider
o      PCS Licenses -- B Block  --  20 MHz
     o      over 83% POPs covered
     o      200 cell sites in service

Communications Company                                                        8

Richmond/ Norfolk PCS
Operating Strategy

o Recognize Synergies
     o     Enhanced statewide service offerings
     o     Leverage infrastructue costs over greater subscriber base
     o     Greater ability to penetrate market with larger footprint
     o     Network connectivity
o CAPEX Requirements
     o     Expansion of coverage footprint
     o     Extend service area to improve service and reduce churn
     o     Build capacity to accommodate wireless data
o Long-Term Bundling Opportunity
     o     Cross-marketing revenue synergies

Communications Company                                                        9

Dramatic Growth of Wireless Industry
o  Growth from 3 sources
     o      Traditional Voice
     o      Wireline displacement
     o      Wireless data
o  Wireless voice and data projected to grow 45% CAGR over next 5 years

                              FOR NEXT FIVE YEARS]

Wireless MOU's in billions
Source: Consensus Wall Street Estimates

Communications Company                                                        10

                          Catalysts for Value Creation

o    Richmond PCS               o    Geographic fit - completes VA & WV cluster
                                o    Builds scale in PCS business
                                o    Complements ICP Strategy

o    R&B Communications         o    Provides control and consolidation of Alliances
                                o    Complementary in-region business segments

o    WCAS & MSDW                o    Patient growth capital
                                o    Significant industry expertise

o    Sale of Non-Core Assets    o    Enables management to focus time and attention
                                     on core business
                                o    Provides additional capital
                                o    Monetizes undervalued assets

Communications Company                                                        11

Combined Company Profile
o  Service Areas
     o      Wireless
     o      Wireline
     o      Internet
     o      Fiber Network
o  Operating Strategy
o  Strategic Enablers
o  Competition
o  Financial Overview
o  Management Team

Communications Company                                                       13

                         Overview of Service Footprint

Map of Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Virginia, Kentucky, North Carolina,
Maryland, New Jersey.  Map shows: PCS, CLEC and Internet, Two Services, PCS,
ILEC and Richmond/Norfolk, PCS.

Communications Company                                                       13



Map of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, West Virginia, Virginia, Kentucky,
North Carolina, Tennessee.  Map shows CFW/Alliances PCS (5.4MM pops), Richmond
PCS (2.9MMpops).

Communications Company                                                       14


          CLEC                                ILEC                                                   Long-Haul
          ----                                ----                                                   ---------
o Interconnection agreements            o  50,2000 lines                           o  Over 1,500 Route Miles by FYE 2000 throughout
  in VA, WV and TN                      o  Historical 3 1/2% access line growth       Virginia and West Virginia
o 9,800 Business Lines                  o  Historical 6-9% minutes
0 9 Markets                             o  100% digital platform
                                        o  100% fiber interoffice
o Addressable Market (Current)               -3 Lucent class 4/5 offices
  -Uses Long Haul Fiber                      -STP
  -Uses ILEC Switch                     o  Leading VA service provider (per SCC)


Map of Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Tennessee, New Jersey, Virginia, North
Carolina.  Map shows CFW Wireline Service Markets

Communications Company                                                        15


Subscribers                 Equipment                   Local Broadband
- -----------                 ---------                   ---------------
o 47,200 Dial-up           o 16 DSLAM                   o Fiber
o End-to-End DSL           o 4 Super-Pops               o MMDS - 850 HH
o Web Hosting              o 48 Local Access Points     o LMDS - 1.7 MM pops
o 48 markets


Map shows CFW Internet Service Markets

Communications Company



Map of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, West Virginia, Virginia and
Tennessee.  Map shows CFW Network (2Q00), Fiber Swap Under Negotiation (2Q00),
Planned (2000), and Connectivity through R and B

COMMUNICATIONS                                                                17

                               Operating Strategy

o    Differentiated Target: small to mid-size businesses and consumers

o    Local "home team": significant community presence and involvement

o    Leading service provider in VA for last 10 years as measured by VA SCC

o    Robust regional Digital PCS network-

     o    Over 550 cell sites operational

     o    Wholesale agreement with Sprint/Horizon (selected markets)

o    Recognize synergies in Richmond/Norfolk PCS

o    Leverage ICP infrastrucure

COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY                                                        18

                               Strategic Enablers

o    Brand recognition and loyalty

o    41 Integrated Company retail outlets

o    Integrated back office systems                       [Photo of store]

o    Integrated customer care

o    1,500 fiber route miles by FYE 2000

COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY                                                        19

                         Pro Forma Wireless Competition

               1               2               3              4            5                6            7                8
Block MH    Norfolk        Richmond         Roanoke      Charleston    Huntington      Clarksburg   Charlottesville    Lynchburg
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------

   A  25     ALLTEL          ALLTEL       US Cellular       AT&T          AT&T          American      US Cellular     US Cellular
   B  25      GTE             GTE            GTE            ALLTEL       ALLTEL        US Cellular       ALLTEL         ALLTEL

- ---
   A  30     Triton          Triton          Triton         AT&T            AT&T         Sprint(3)      Sprint(3)        Triton
   B  30     CFW PF          CFW PF          CFW            CFW             CFW       VoiceStream (1)    Triton           CFW
   C  30 NextWave(1)(2)  NextWave(1)(2)  NextWave(1)(2)   PCSMob(1)   OPM Auction(1)   Polycell(1)       CFW         ABC Wireless(1)
   D  10     Sprint          Sprint        Sprint(3)       Sprint(3)      Sprint(3)       AT&T           Devon(1)       Sprint(3)
   E  10  VoiceStream(1)  VoiceStream(1)     Devon         Sprint         Sprint(3)       CFW          VoiceStream(1) VoiceStream(1)
   F  10  VoiceStream(1)  VoiceStream(1)  VoiceStream(1)    MCG(1)      NorthCoast(1)  NorthCoast(1)   VoiceStream(1)   Devon(1)

(1) Spectrum owned but not built out.

(2) NextWave's licenses have been cancelled by the FCC and are to be
    re-auctioned in July 2000.

(3) CFW providing wireless access to Sprint under long-term contract.

COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY                                                        20

                               Financial Overview

o    Pro Forma total assets in excess of $1.0 billion

o    Pro Forma shareholder equity of approximately $500 million

o    Fully committed debt financing of $700 million

o    1999 Revenues, as reported

     o CFW:         $73.8MM

     o R&B:         $16.8MM

     o Richmond:    $50.5MM

     o VA PCS:      $13.4MM

     o WV PCS:      $ 2.9MM

COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY                                                        21

                               Financial Overview

Combined Pro Forma Operating Statistics

         PCS REVENUE*     SUBSCRIBERS                                              CLEC REVENUE      ACCESS LINES
- ---------------------------------------                                    ---------------------------------------

1Q99      $14,620             87,100                                       1Q99      $  601              2,500
2Q99      $16,006             98,000                                       2Q99      $  884              4,900
3Q99      $16,538            106,200                                       3Q99      $1,170              7,100
4Q99      $19,055            122,000                                       4Q99      $1,458              9,800

         ISP REVENUE      SUBSCRIBERS                                              ILEC REVENUE      ACCESS LINES
- ---------------------------------------                                    ---------------------------------------
($000's)                                                                    ($000's)

1Q99      $   502             11,900                                       1Q99      $10,227            47,900
2Q99      $   764             18,100                                       2Q99      $10,652            48,200
3Q99      $ 1,552             33,300                                       3Q99      $10,457            48,900
4Q99      $ 2,793             47,300                                       4Q99      $10,448            50,200

*Virginia and West Virginia Alliances and Richmond PCS only.

COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY                                                        22

                            Growth vs. Income Stock

- ------

o  Newer industries and technologies

o  Revenue  growth  > than GDP due to  accelerating  adoption

o  Frequently associated with  significant  capital  investment  needs

o  No dividends during periods of significant  capital  investment and
   operating  needs

o  Shareholder returns from tax efficient capital gains

- ------
o  Mature industries

o  Revenue growth ~ GDP growth

o  Shareholder  returns from a combination  of dividends  and  typically  more
   limited  capital gains

COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY                                                        23

CFW Stock Profile

o  Will Eliminate  Dividend

o  Invest Capital in Potential High Growth Opportunities

                               THREE YEAR PERIOD.]

COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY                                                        24

                              THREE YEAR PERIOD].

CFW Management Team

o  James S. Quarforth  (45), CEO

   o  CEO since 1990

   o  20 years of industry experience

o  Carl A. Rosberg (47), President and COO

   o  Formerly SVP of Operations, 1988-1999

   o  15 years of industry experience

   o  CFO of Shenandoah Telecommunications, 1985-1988

o  Michael B. Moneymaker  (42), Senior Vice President and CFO

   o   CFO since 1995

   o   20 years of financial management experience

   o   Ernst & Young, 1980-1995

COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY                                                        25

CFW Management Team

o  Warren Catlett (40), Senior Vice President - Corporate Development

   o  16 years of industry experience in Regulatory and Business Development

   o  6 years with NECA (National Exchange Carrier Association), 1983-1989

o  David Maccarelli (47), President - Virginia Operations

   o  25 years of industry experience

   o  18 years experience with Bell Atlantic in Operations and Engineering

o  David Lowe (58), President - West Virginia Operations

   o  30 years of industry experience

   o  Formerly President of Bell Atlantic - West Virginia

o  Don Marie Persing (48), Senior Vice President

   o  26 years of industry experience

   o  Formerly VP of Customer Service at PCS PrimeCo, Division level at AT&T

COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY                                                        26

CFW Management Team

o    Frank Berry, (36) Vice President - Engineering
     o Employed by CFW since 1998
     o Formerly a product manager/marketing for AT&T

o    Duane Breeden, (35) Vice President - Information Technology
     o Employed with CFW since 1999
     o Formerly Executive Director-CFO for Advanced Services/Advanced Home Care

o    Rob Cale, (41) Vice President - Marketing
     o Employed with CFW since 1997
     o Formerly Director of Marketing with Comdial Corporation

o    David Coats, (44) Vice President - Customer Care
     o Employed with CFW  since 1998
     o 19 years of management experience with Sprint

CFW Communications Company                                                    27

R&B Management Team

o    J. Allen Layman (48), Chairman of the Board
     o    Former President and Chief Executive Officer of R&B Communications and
          its subsidiaries
     o    Employed with R&B Telephone since 1974.

o    Michael J. Layman (51), Vice President
     o    Former   Senior  Vice   President  of  R&B   Communications   and  its
     o    Employed  with  R&B  since  1985 and is a  member  of  their  Board of

o    Charles Richardson (49), Vice President
     o    Former   Senior  Vice   President  of  R&B   Communications   and  its
     o    Employed with R&B since 1975
     o    Vice  President of Network  Services in 1989 and Senior Vice President

CFW Communications Company                                                    28

R&B Management Team

o    Christopher Foster (38), Vice President
     o    Former Vice President of R&B Communications and its subsidiaries
     o    Employed  with R&B  since  1984 and  responsible  for  overseeing  the
          departments of Finance, Accounting, Human Resources and Purchasing.

o    Thomas L. Orr (53), Vice President
     o    Former Vice President of Customer Services of R&B  Communications  and
          its subsidiaries
     o    Employed with R&B since 1969.

CFW Communications Company                                                    29

Additional Growth Opportunities

o    Build out 2 million of PCS licenses POPs

o    Expand ICP (Digital PCS, CLEC, ISP) to New Markets
     o    Richmond
     o    Williamsburg
     o    Norfolk
     o    Virginia Beach

o    Wireless Data/Internet

o    Fixed Wireless Local Loop

o    C-block Digital PCS Spectrum Re-Auction

CFW Communications Company                                                    30

ICP Expansion

o    Expansion of ICP footprint to adjacent market
     o    Leverages strategic enablers - billing, customer care, etc.
     o    Adjacent CLEC and ISP
          o    Richmond
          o    Norfolk

     o    Tidewater region
     o    Outer Banks of NC

o    Build economies of scale

CFW Communications Company                                                    31

Wireless Data / Internet

o    Wireless data represents strong growth opportunity

o    100%   digital   build  out   provides   early  mover   advantage   through

o    Web Access Provider (WAP) technology implemented on Intelos systems

o    CDMA Technology better suited for heavy bandwidth applications

o    Synergies with ISP business
     o    Access
     o    Customers
     o    Billing
     o    Customer Service

CFW Communications Company                                                    32

July 2000 PCS Auction

Map of Virginia, West Virginia,  Pennsyvannia,  Delaware, and Maryland. Portions
of North Carolina,  Tennessee,  Kentucky,  and Ohio. Map shows CFW Intelos,  PCS
5.4M pops; Richmond PCS, 2.9MM pops; Licenses to be Auctioned

CFW Communications Company                                                    33


o    Company transforming event

o    Major digital PCS provider in Mid-Atlantic region

o    ICP expansion opportunities

o    Fully committed financing
     o    WCAS
     o    MSDW

CFW Communications Company                                                    34

Reg.M Legend

relating  to the  transaction  are  filed  with the  Commission,  investors  and
security  holders  may  obtain  a free  copy  at the  Commission's  web  site at
www.sec.gov. The documents filed with the Commission by CFW may also be obtained
for free from CFW by directing a request to CFW  Communications  Company,  P. O.
Box 1990, Waynesboro, Virginia 22980, Attn: Investor Relations, telephone: (540)
946-3500.  Certain of these  documents may also be available on CFW's website at
www.cfw.com or www.intelos.com.  WHEN THEY BECOME AVAILABLE, READ THE DEFINITIVE

CFW Communications Company                                                    35