CONSULTING AGREEMENT

          THIS AGREEMENT made as of the 26th day of June, 2000 (the "Effective

B E T W E E N:

               OPUS MINERALS INC., corporation incorporated
               under the laws of the Province of Ontario

               (hereinafter referred to as the "Corporation")

                                                            OF THE FIRST PART

               - and -

               CHRISTOS LIVADAS, a businessperson residing in
               the City of Sarasota, in the State of Florida

               (hereinafter referred to as the "Consultant")

                                                            OF THE SECOND PART

          WHEREAS the Consultant has developed certain considerable expertise in
the area of internet commerce and related industries and, in particular, the
expansion and marketing of corporate entities in such business;

          WHEREAS the Corporation is engaged in the business of owning and
operating, through its wholly owned subsidiary, the internet investment site
www.investorlinks.com, which provides free portfolio tracking, stock quotes and
charts, a wide and constantly updated variety of daily stock picks, charts,
market analysis and commentary (the "Business");

          AND WHEREAS the Corporation desires to obtain and apply the expertise
of the Consultant to the Business by adding the Consultant to the Corporation's
Advisory Board, which has been established to assist the Corporation and its
directors in the development of the Corporation's Business.


          NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSES that for good and valuable
consideration (the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged by
each of the parties hereto) the parties make the arrangements and
acknowledgements hereinafter set forth:

1.   Consulting Services - The Corporation hereby retains the services of the
          Consultant and the Consultant hereby agrees to provide the consulting
          services (the "Services") to the Corporation described in this
          Agreement, by acting as a member of the Corporation's Advisory Board,
          to provide such Services to benefit determination and implementation
          of the Corporation's plans for its Business.

2.   Scope of Services -  On the Advisory Board, with the obligation of
          providing advice to the Corporation's Board of Directors concerning
          the Business, the Consultant shall present to the best of the
          Consultant's ability the Business and profile of the Corporation to
          members of the public to maximize the Corporation's public exposure,
          together with such other ancillary and related duties as the
          Corporation may reasonably require from time to time, and shall commit
          such time, effort and attention to the business and affairs of the
          Corporation as required to fulfill the Consultant's obligations
          hereunder in a professional and competent manner. Without limiting the
          generality of the foregoing, the Consultant shall meet with management
          of the Corporation to fully familiarize with the Corporation, the
          Business and its business plans and shall attend and arrange for such
          meetings on behalf of the Corporation as may be necessary to
          effectively determine and implement the plans of the Corporation and
          the Business in the manner contemplated hereunder. All materials
          utilized by the Consultant in carrying out the Services shall be
          subject to the prior written consent of the Corporation and the
          Consultant acknowledges and agrees it will not utilize any information
          about the Corporation or the Business, whether oral or written, if
          such information may not be disseminated under applicable laws and
          regulations, including, without limiting the generality of the
          foregoing, timely disclosure obligations, forward oriented financial
          information and insider trading. Any failure by the Consultant to
          adhere to these requirements will result in all consequences thereof
          being the sole responsibility of the Consultant.

3.   Qualifications - The Consultant represents that he has all the necessary
          knowledge, experience, abilities, qualifications and contacts to
          effectively perform the Services. The Consultant represents that the
          Consultant shall provide the Services in such manner as to permit the
          Corporation to have full benefit of the Consultant's knowledge,
          experience, abilities, qualifications and contacts and to provide the
          Services in strict compliance with all applicable laws and
          regulations. For greater certainty, the Consultant agrees that none of
          the Services will include matters that require the Consultant to be
          registered as a dealer under such applicable laws and regulations.

4.   Term - This Agreement is effective as of the Effective Date and shall
          remain in force, subject to Section 10 of this Agreement, for a period
          of 12 months.


5.   Compensation - In full consideration of the Consultant's Services
          hereunder, the Corporation shall compensate the Consultant as follows:

               a.   grant non-transferable options to acquire 90,000 common
                    shares in the capital stock of the Corporation, exercisable
                    for a period of 5 years from the Effective Date, subject to
                    vesting. The options shall vest at the end of the first year
                    following the Effective Date and shall be exercisable at US
                    $2.55 each. The options shall be granted in the form of
                    Option Agreement attached hereto as Schedule "A".

6.   Confidential Information

     (1)  As used herein the words "Confidential Information" include:

          (1)  such information as a director, officer or senior employee of the
               Corporation may from time to time designate to the Consultant as
               being included in the expression "Confidential Information";

          (2)  any secret or trade secret or know how of the Corporation or any
               information relating to the Corporation or to any person, firm or
               other entity with which the Corporation does business which is
               not known to persons outside the Corporation;

          (3)  any information, process or idea that is not generally known
               outside of the Corporation;

          (4)  all proprietary and financial information relating to the

          (5)  all computer programs including algorithms, specifications, flow
               charts, listings, source codes and object codes either owned by
               the Corporation or to which the Corporation has access and wishes
               to keep confidential; and

          (6)  all investor information and lists owned by the Corporation.

          The Consultant acknowledges that the foregoing is intended to be
          illustrative and that other Confidential Information may currently
          exist or arise in the future.

     (2)  The Corporation and the Consultant acknowledge and agree that the
          relationship between them is one of mutual trust and reliance.


     (3)  The Consultant acknowledges that the Consultant may be exposed from
          time to time to information and knowledge, including Confidential
          Information, relating to all aspects of the business of the
          Corporation, the disclosure of any of which to the Corporation's
          competitors, customers, or the general public may be highly
          detrimental to the best interests of the Corporation.

     (4)  The Consultant acknowledges that the business of the Corporation
          cannot be properly protected from adverse consequences of the actions
          of the Consultant other than by restrictions as hereinafter set forth.

     (5)  The Consultant agrees not to disclose at any time, either during or
          after the termination of the Consultant's relationship with the
          Corporation, to any person any Confidential Information except as
          authorized expressly in writing by a director of the Corporation
          unless such Confidential Information has ceased to be confidential.

     (6)  In the event this Agreement is terminated for any reason whatsoever,
          whether by affluxation of time or otherwise, the Consultant shall
          forthwith upon such termination return to the Corporation each and
          every copy of any Confidential Information (including all notes,
          records and documents pertaining thereto) in the possession or under
          the control of the Consultant at that time.

7.   Use of Consultant's Work - Notwithstanding any other provisions of this
          Agreement, the Corporation shall not be bound to act on or otherwise
          utilize the Consultant's advice or materials produced by the
          Consultant in the performance of the Services or in the Consultant's
          role as a member of the Corporation's Advisory Board.

8.   Compliance with Laws - The Consultant shall in the performance of this
          Agreement comply with all laws, regulations and orders of the federal
          laws of Canada and of the province of Ontario.

9.   Independent Contractor - The Consultant shall provide the Services to the
          Corporation as an independent contractor and not as an employee of the
          Corporation and acknowledges that an employer-employee relationship is
          not created by this Agreement. The Consultant shall have no power or
          authority to bind the Corporation or to assume or create any
          obligation or responsibility, expressed or implied, on the
          Corporation's behalf, or in its name, nor shall he represent to anyone
          that he has such power or authority, except as expressly provided in
          this Agreement.


10.  Termination -

     1         This Agreement shall, if not previously terminated as provided
          for herein, automatically be determined at the close of business on
          June 26, 2001.

     2         This Agreement may be terminated by either party hereto at will
          upon thirty (30) days' prior written notice given by the terminating
          party to the other at any time during the term of this Agreement.

     3         This Agreement may be immediately terminated by mutual consent of
          the parties at any time during the term of this Agreement.

     4         Either or both of the Corporation and the Consultant may
          terminate this Agreement in the event that the Corporation or the
          Consultant is in material breach of any of the terms or conditions of
          the Agreement, if such breach has not been cured within ten (10) days
          of service on the Corporation or the Consultant of written notice of
          such breach.

     5         This Agreement shall be terminated automatically and with
          immediate effect if at any time either the Corporation or the
          Consultant becomes insolvent or voluntarily or involuntarily bankrupt,
          or makes an assignment for the benefit of its or her creditors, or if
          the Consultant dies or ceases, directly or indirectly, to be a
          shareholder of the Corporation.

     6         In no event shall either the Corporation or the Consultant be
          under any obligation to renew or extend the term thereof, nor shall
          the Corporation or the Consultant be entitled to any termination
          payment, compensation or other payment of any nature or kind
          whatsoever not specifically provided for in this Agreement when this
          Agreement terminates, for whatever cause whether by affluxion of time
          or otherwise.

     7         In the event of termination, the Consultant shall have thirty
          (30) days to exercise any options that have vested. Any options that
          have not vested at the date of termination will expire.

11.  Assignment - The Consultant shall not assign, transfer, sub-contract or
          pledge this Agreement or any rights or the performance of any
          obligation arising under this Agreement, without the prior written
          consent of the Corporation.

12.  Survival - Any terms or conditions of this Agreement by which obligations
          of either party are applicable or which extend or may extend beyond
          termination of this Agreement (whether expressly or by implication)
          shall survive and continue in full force and effect notwithstanding
          such termination. Without limitation, the parties acknowledge that
          Sections 6 and 10 shall survive termination of this Agreement.


13.  Governing Law - This Agreement and the rights and obligations and relations
          of the parties hereto shall be governed by and construed in accordance
          with the laws of the Province of Ontario and the federal laws of
          Canada applicable therein (but without giving effect to any conflict
          of laws rules). The parties hereto agree that the Courts of Ontario
          shall have jurisdiction to entertain any action or other legal
          proceedings based on any provisions of this Agreement. Each party
          hereto does hereby attorn to the jurisdiction of the Courts of the
          Province of Ontario.

14.  Partial Invalidity - In any provision of this Agreement or the application
          thereof to any person or circumstance shall, to any extent, be invalid
          or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement, or the application
          of such provision to persons or circumstances other than those as to
          which it is held invalid or unenforceable, shall not be affected
          thereby and each provision of this Agreement shall be valid and
          enforced to the fullest extent permitted by law and be independent of
          every other provision of this Agreement.

15.  Further Assurances - Each party hereto agrees from time to time, subsequent
          to the date hereof, to execute and deliver or cause to be executed and
          delivered to the other of them such instruments or further assurances
          as may, in the reasonable opinion of the other of them, be necessary
          or desirable to give effect to the provisions of this Agreement.

          IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on
the 26/th/ day of June, 2000, with the intention that it shall be effective as
of the date first written above.

  in the presence of               )
                                   )Per: ___________________________c/s
                                   )      Sandra J. Hall, Secretary
_________________________________  )________________________________
       WITNESS                     )        Christos Livadas


                                 SCHEDULE "A"

          MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT made effective the 26/th/ day of June, 2000.

B E T W E E N:

          Opus Minerals Inc.,a corporation incorporated pursuant to the laws
          of the Province of Ontario,

          (hereinafter called the "Corporation")

                                                               OF THE FIRST PART

          - and -

          Christos Livadas, a consultant to the Corporation,

          (hereinafter called the "Purchaser")

                                                              OF THE SECOND PART

          WHEREAS the Corporation is a corporation incorporated under the laws
of the Province of Ontario having an authorized share capital consisting of an
unlimited number of common shares;

          AND WHEREAS the Purchaser is a consultant to the Corporation, acting
on the Corporation's Advisory Board to its board of directors;

          AND WHEREAS the Corporation has agreed to grant to the Purchaser, for
services to the Advisory Board, options over common shares of the Corporation to
be made available to the Purchaser under the terms of this Agreement;

          NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that in consideration of other
good and valuable consideration and the sum of two dollars ($2.00) now paid by
the Purchaser to the Corporation (the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged by
the Corporation), it is agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows:


16.  In this Agreement the term "share" or "shares" shall mean, as the case may
          be, one or more common shares in the capital of the Corporation as
          constituted at the date of this Agreement.

          The Corporation hereby grants to the Purchaser, subject to the terms
          and conditions hereinafter set out, an irrevocable option to purchase
          90,000 shares of the Corporation (the said free trading issued and
          outstanding common shares being hereinafter called the "Optioned
          Shares"), at an exercise price of US $2.55 per Optioned Share vesting
          at the end of the first year following the Effective Date.

17.  The Consultant shall, subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set
          out, have the right to exercise the options hereby granted, with
          respect to any or all of the Optioned Shares that have vested, at any
          time or from time to time after the date on which they vest and prior
          to June 26, 2005 (hereinafter called the "Expiry Date"). On the Expiry
          Date the options hereby granted shall forthwith expire and terminate
          and be of no further force or effect whatsoever as to such of the
          Optioned Shares in respect of which the options hereby granted have
          not then been exercised.

18.  In the event of the resignation or discharge of the Purchaser as a
          consultant to the Corporation prior to the Expiry Date, the vested
          portion of the option at the date of resignation or discharge hereby
          granted to the Purchaser shall immediately after fourteen (14) days of
          the Purchaser ceasing to be a consultant to the Corporation, cease and
          terminate and be of no further force or effect whatsoever as to such
          of the Optioned Shares in respect of which the Purchaser would have
          then been entitled to purchase and such option has not previously been

19.  If at any time when the option hereby granted remains unexercised with
          respect to any Optioned Shares, (a) a general offer to purchase all of
          the issued shares of the Corporation is made by a third party or (b)
          the Corporation proposes to sell all or substantially all of its
          assets and undertaking or to merge, amalgamate or be absorbed by or
          into any other company (save and except for a subsidiary or
          subsidiaries of the Corporation) under any circumstances which involve
          or may involve or require the liquidation of the Corporation, a
          distribution of its assets among its shareholders, or the termination
          of its corporate existence, the Corporation shall use its best efforts
          to bring such offer or proposal to the attention of the Purchaser as
          soon as practicable and (i) the options hereby granted may be
          exercised, as to all or any of the Optioned Shares in respect of which
          such options have not previously been exercised, by the Purchaser at
          any time up to and including (but not after) a date thirty (30) days
          following the date of the completion of such sale or prior to the
          close of business on the Expiry Date, whichever is the earlier; and
          (ii) the Corporation may, at its option, require the acceleration of
          the time for the exercise of the said option and of the time for the
          fulfilment of any conditions or restrictions on such exercise.


20.  Subject to the provisions of paragraphs 4 and 5 hereof, the options hereby
          granted shall be exercisable (at any time and from time to time as
          aforesaid) by the Purchaser or its legal representative giving a
          notice in writing addressed to the Corporation at its principal office
          in the City of Toronto, Ontario and delivered to the Secretary of the
          Corporation, which notice shall specify therein the number of Optioned
          Shares in respect of which such notice is being exercised and shall be
          accompanied by payment (by cash or certified cheque) in full of the
          purchase price for such number of Optioned Shares so specified
          therein. Upon any such exercise of options as aforesaid the
          Corporation shall forthwith cause the transfer agent and registrar of
          the Corporation to deliver to Purchaser or its legal representative
          (or as the Purchaser may otherwise direct in the notice of exercise of
          option) within ten (10) days following receipt by the Corporation of
          any such notice of exercise of option a certificate or certificates in
          the name of the Purchaser or its legal representative representing in
          the aggregate such number of Optioned Shares as the Purchaser or its
          legal representative shall have then paid.

21.  Nothing herein contained or done pursuant hereto shall obligate the
          Purchaser to purchase and/or pay for any Optioned Shares except those
          Optioned Shares in respect of which the Purchaser shall have exercised
          its option to purchase hereunder in the manner hereinbefore provided.

22.  In the event of any sub-division, re-division or change of the shares of
          the Corporation at any time prior to the Expiry Date into greater
          number of shares, the Corporation shall deliver at the time of any
          exercise thereafter of the option hereby granted such additional
          number of shares as would have resulted from such sub-division, re-
          division or change if such exercise of the option hereby granted had
          been prior to the date of such sub-division, re-division or change.

          In the event of any consolidation or change of the shares of the
Corporation at any time prior to the Expiry Date into a lesser number of shares,
the number of shares deliverable by the Corporation on any exercise thereafter
of the option hereby granted shall be reduced to such number of shares as would
have resulted from such consolidation or change if such exercise of the option
hereby granted had been prior to the date of such consolidation or change.


23.  The Purchaser shall have no rights whatsoever as a shareholder in respect
          of any of the Optioned Shares (including any right to receive
          dividends or other distributions therefrom or thereon) other than in
          respect of Optioned Shares in respect of which the Purchaser shall
          have exercised its option to purchase hereunder and which the
          Purchaser shall have actually taken up and paid for.

24.  Time shall be of the essence of this Agreement.

25.  This Agreement shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the
          Corporation, its successors and assigns, and the Purchaser and its
          successors and assigns. This Agreement shall not be assignable by the
          Purchaser or its legal representative.

26.  This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with and be governed by the
          laws of the Province of Ontario and shall be deemed to have been made
          in said Province.

          IN WITNESS WHEREOF this Agreement has been executed by the parties

SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED            ) Opus Minerals Inc.
  in the presence of                    )
                                        ) By:_______________________________ c/s
                                        )       Sandra J. Hall, Secretary
______________________________________  ) __________________________________
Witness                                 )     Christos Livadas

                                                                    EXHIBIT 3.69

                             CONSULTING AGREEMENT

          THIS AGREEMENT made as of the 26th day of June, 2000 (the "Effective

B E T W E E N:

               OPUS MINERALS INC., corporation incorporated
               under the laws of the Province of Ontario

               (hereinafter referred to as the "Corporation")

                                                               OF THE FIRST PART

               - and -

               BEN JOHNSON, a businessperson residing in the
               City of Portland, in the Province of Oregon

               (hereinafter referred to as the "Consultant")

                                                              OF THE SECOND PART

          WHEREAS the Consultant has developed certain considerable expertise in
the area of internet commerce and related industries and, in particular, the
expansion and marketing of corporate entities in such business;

          WHEREAS the Corporation is engaged in the business of owning and
operating, through its wholly owned subsidiary, the internet investment site
www.investorlinks.com, which provides free portfolio tracking, stock quotes and
charts, a wide and constantly updated variety of daily stock picks, charts,
market analysis and commentary (the "Business");

          AND WHEREAS the Corporation desires to obtain and apply the expertise
of the Consultant to the Business by adding the Consultant to the Corporation's
Advisory Board, which has been established to assist the Corporation and its
directors in the development of the Corporation's Business.


          NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSES that for good and valuable
consideration (the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged by
each of the parties hereto) the parties make the arrangements and
acknowledgements hereinafter set forth:

1.   Consulting Services - The Corporation hereby retains the services of the
          Consultant and the Consultant hereby agrees to provide the consulting
          services (the "Services") to the Corporation described in this
          Agreement, by acting as a member of the Corporation's Advisory Board,
          to provide such Services to benefit determination and implementation
          of the Corporation's plans for its Business.

2.   Scope of Services -  On the Advisory Board, with the obligation of
          providing advice to the Corporation's Board of Directors concerning
          the Business, the Consultant shall present to the best of the
          Consultant's ability the Business and profile of the Corporation to
          members of the public to maximize the Corporation's public exposure,
          together with such other ancillary and related duties as the
          Corporation may reasonably require from time to time, and shall commit
          such time, effort and attention to the business and affairs of the
          Corporation as required to fulfill the Consultant's obligations
          hereunder in a professional and competent manner. Without limiting the
          generality of the foregoing, the Consultant shall meet with management
          of the Corporation to fully familiarize with the Corporation, the
          Business and its business plans and shall attend and arrange for such
          meetings on behalf of the Corporation as may be necessary to
          effectively determine and implement the plans of the Corporation and
          the Business in the manner contemplated hereunder. All materials
          utilized by the Consultant in carrying out the Services shall be
          subject to the prior written consent of the Corporation and the
          Consultant acknowledges and agrees it will not utilize any information
          about the Corporation or the Business, whether oral or written, if
          such information may not be disseminated under applicable laws and
          regulations, including, without limiting the generality of the
          foregoing, timely disclosure obligations, forward oriented financial
          information and insider trading. Any failure by the Consultant to
          adhere to these requirements will result in all consequences thereof
          being the sole responsibility of the Consultant.

3.   Qualifications - The Consultant represents that he has all the necessary
          knowledge, experience, abilities, qualifications and contacts to
          effectively perform the Services. The Consultant represents that the
          Consultant shall provide the Services in such manner as to permit the
          Corporation to have full benefit of the Consultant's knowledge,
          experience, abilities, qualifications and contacts and to provide the
          Services in strict compliance with all applicable laws and
          regulations. For greater certainty, the Consultant agrees that none of
          the Services will include matters that require the Consultant to be
          registered as a dealer under such applicable laws and regulations.

4.   Term - This Agreement is effective as of the Effective Date and shall
          remain in force, subject to Section 10 of this Agreement, for a period
          of 12 months.


5.   Compensation - In full consideration of the Consultant's Services
          hereunder, the Corporation shall compensate the Consultant as follows:

               a.   grant non-transferable options to acquire 45,000 common
                    shares in the capital stock of the Corporation, exercisable
                    for a period of 5 years from the Effective Date, subject to
                    vesting. The options shall vest at the end of the first year
                    following the Effective Date and shall be exercisable at US
                    $2.55 each. The options shall be granted in the form of
                    Option Agreement attached hereto as Schedule "A".

6.   Confidential Information

     (1)  As used herein the words "Confidential Information" include:

          (1)  such information as a director, officer or senior employee of the
               Corporation may from time to time designate to the Consultant as
               being included in the expression "Confidential Information";

          (2)  any secret or trade secret or know how of the Corporation or any
               information relating to the Corporation or to any person, firm or
               other entity with which the Corporation does business which is
               not known to persons outside the Corporation;

          (3)  any information, process or idea that is not generally known
               outside of the Corporation;

          (4)  all proprietary and financial information relating to the

          (5)  all computer programs including algorithms, specifications, flow
               charts, listings, source codes and object codes either owned by
               the Corporation or to which the Corporation has access and wishes
               to keep confidential; and

          (6)  all investor information and lists owned by the Corporation.

          The Consultant acknowledges that the foregoing is intended to be
          illustrative and that other Confidential Information may currently
          exist or arise in the future.

     (2)  The Corporation and the Consultant acknowledge and agree that the
          relationship between them is one of mutual trust and reliance.


     (3)  The Consultant acknowledges that the Consultant may be exposed from
          time to time to information and knowledge, including Confidential
          Information, relating to all aspects of the business of the
          Corporation, the disclosure of any of which to the Corporation's
          competitors, customers, or the general public may be highly
          detrimental to the best interests of the Corporation.

     (4)  The Consultant acknowledges that the business of the Corporation
          cannot be properly protected from adverse consequences of the actions
          of the Consultant other than by restrictions as hereinafter set forth.

     (5)  The Consultant agrees not to disclose at any time, either during or
          after the termination of the Consultant's relationship with the
          Corporation, to any person any Confidential Information except as
          authorized expressly in writing by a director of the Corporation
          unless such Confidential Information has ceased to be confidential.

     (6)  In the event this Agreement is terminated for any reason whatsoever,
          whether by affluxation of time or otherwise, the Consultant shall
          forthwith upon such termination return to the Corporation each and
          every copy of any Confidential Information (including all notes,
          records and documents pertaining thereto) in the possession or under
          the control of the Consultant at that time.

7.   Use of Consultant's Work - Notwithstanding any other provisions of this
          Agreement, the Corporation shall not be bound to act on or otherwise
          utilize the Consultant's advice or materials produced by the
          Consultant in the performance of the Services or in the Consultant's
          role as a member of the Corporation's Advisory Board.

8.   Compliance with Laws - The Consultant shall in the performance of this
          Agreement comply with all laws, regulations and orders of the federal
          laws of Canada and of the province of Ontario.

9.   Independent Contractor - The Consultant shall provide the Services to the
          Corporation as an independent contractor and not as an employee of the
          Corporation and acknowledges that an employer-employee relationship is
          not created by this Agreement. The Consultant shall have no power or
          authority to bind the Corporation or to assume or create any
          obligation or responsibility, expressed or implied, on the
          Corporation's behalf, or in its name, nor shall he represent to anyone
          that he has such power or authority, except as expressly provided in
          this Agreement.

10.  Termination -


     1         This Agreement shall, if not previously terminated as provided
          for herein, automatically be determined at the close of business on
          June 26, 2001.

     2         This Agreement may be terminated by either party hereto at will
          upon thirty (30) days' prior written notice given by the terminating
          party to the other at any time during the term of this Agreement.

     3         This Agreement may be immediately terminated by mutual consent of
          the parties at any time during the term of this Agreement.

     4         Either or both of the Corporation and the Consultant may
          terminate this Agreement in the event that the Corporation or the
          Consultant is in material breach of any of the terms or conditions of
          the Agreement, if such breach has not been cured within ten (10) days
          of service on the Corporation or the Consultant of written notice of
          such breach.

     5         This Agreement shall be terminated automatically and with
          immediate effect if at any time either the Corporation or the
          Consultant becomes insolvent or voluntarily or involuntarily bankrupt,
          or makes an assignment for the benefit of its or her creditors, or if
          the Consultant dies or ceases, directly or indirectly, to be a
          shareholder of the Corporation.

     6         In no event shall either the Corporation or the Consultant be
          under any obligation to renew or extend the term thereof, nor shall
          the Corporation or the Consultant be entitled to any termination
          payment, compensation or other payment of any nature or kind
          whatsoever not specifically provided for in this Agreement when this
          Agreement terminates, for whatever cause whether by affluxion of time
          or otherwise.

     7         In the event of termination, the Consultant shall have thirty
          (30) days to exercise any options that have vested. Any options that
          have not vested at the date of termination will expire.

11.  Assignment - The Consultant shall not assign, transfer, sub-contract or
          pledge this Agreement or any rights or the performance of any
          obligation arising under this Agreement, without the prior written
          consent of the Corporation.

12.  Survival - Any terms or conditions of this Agreement by which obligations
          of either party are applicable or which extend or may extend beyond
          termination of this Agreement (whether expressly or by implication)
          shall survive and continue in full force and effect notwithstanding
          such termination. Without limitation, the parties acknowledge that
          Sections 6 and 10 shall survive termination of this Agreement.


13.  Governing Law - This Agreement and the rights and obligations and relations
          of the parties hereto shall be governed by and construed in accordance
          with the laws of the Province of Ontario and the federal laws of
          Canada applicable therein (but without giving effect to any conflict
          of laws rules). The parties hereto agree that the Courts of Ontario
          shall have jurisdiction to entertain any action or other legal
          proceedings based on any provisions of this Agreement. Each party
          hereto does hereby attorn to the jurisdiction of the Courts of the
          Province of Ontario.

14.  Partial Invalidity - In any provision of this Agreement or the application
          thereof to any person or circumstance shall, to any extent, be invalid
          or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement, or the application
          of such provision to persons or circumstances other than those as to
          which it is held invalid or unenforceable, shall not be affected
          thereby and each provision of this Agreement shall be valid and
          enforced to the fullest extent permitted by law and be independent of
          every other provision of this Agreement.

15.  Further Assurances - Each party hereto agrees from time to time, subsequent
          to the date hereof, to execute and deliver or cause to be executed and
          delivered to the other of them such instruments or further assurances
          as may, in the reasonable opinion of the other of them, be necessary
          or desirable to give effect to the provisions of this Agreement.

          IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on
the 26/th/ day of June, 2000, with the intention that it shall be effective as
of the date first written above.

  in the presence of                    )
                                        ) Per: ____________________________
                                        )      Sandra J. Hall, Secretary
_________________________________________    ) _________________________________
     WITNESS                                 )        Ben Johnson


                                 SCHEDULE "A"

          MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT made effective the 26/th/ day of June, 2000.

B E T W E E N:

          Opus Minerals Inc.,a corporation incorporated pursuant to the laws of
          the Province of Ontario,

          (hereinafter called the "Corporation")

                                                               OF THE FIRST PART

          - and -

          Ben Johnson , a consultant to the Corporation,

          (hereinafter called the "Purchaser")

                                                              OF THE SECOND PART

          WHEREAS the Corporation is a corporation incorporated under the laws
of the Province of Ontario having an authorized share capital consisting of an
unlimited number of common shares;

          AND WHEREAS the Purchaser is a consultant to the Corporation, acting
on the Corporation's Advisory Board to its board of directors;

          AND WHEREAS the Corporation has agreed to grant to the Purchaser, for
services to the Advisory Board, options over common shares of the Corporation to
be made available to the Purchaser under the terms of this Agreement;

          NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that in consideration of other
good and valuable consideration and the sum of two dollars ($2.00) now paid by
the Purchaser to the Corporation (the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged by
the Corporation), it is agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows:


16.  In this Agreement the term "share" or "shares" shall mean, as the case may
          be, one or more common shares in the capital of the Corporation as
          constituted at the date of this Agreement.

          The Corporation hereby grants to the Purchaser, subject to the terms
          and conditions hereinafter set out, an irrevocable option to purchase
          45,000 shares of the Corporation (the said free trading issued and
          outstanding common shares being hereinafter called the "Optioned
          Shares"), at an exercise price of US $2.55 per Optioned Share vesting
          at the end of the first year following the Effective Date.

17.  The Consultant shall, subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set
          out, have the right to exercise the options hereby granted, with
          respect to any or all of the Optioned Shares that have vested, at any
          time or from time to time after the date on which they vest and prior
          to June 26, 2005 (hereinafter called the "Expiry Date"). On the Expiry
          Date the options hereby granted shall forthwith expire and terminate
          and be of no further force or effect whatsoever as to such of the
          Optioned Shares in respect of which the options hereby granted have
          not then been exercised.

18.  In the event of the resignation or discharge of the Purchaser as a
          consultant to the Corporation prior to the Expiry Date, the vested
          portion of the option at the date of resignation or discharge hereby
          granted to the Purchaser shall immediately after fourteen (14) days of
          the Purchaser ceasing to be a consultant to the Corporation, cease and
          terminate and be of no further force or effect whatsoever as to such
          of the Optioned Shares in respect of which the Purchaser would have
          then been entitled to purchase and such option has not previously been

19.  If at any time when the option hereby granted remains unexercised with
          respect to any Optioned Shares, (a) a general offer to purchase all of
          the issued shares of the Corporation is made by a third party or (b)
          the Corporation proposes to sell all or substantially all of its
          assets and undertaking or to merge, amalgamate or be absorbed by or
          into any other company (save and except for a subsidiary or
          subsidiaries of the Corporation) under any circumstances which involve
          or may involve or require the liquidation of the Corporation, a
          distribution of its assets among its shareholders, or the termination
          of its corporate existence, the Corporation shall use its best efforts
          to bring such offer or proposal to the attention of the Purchaser as
          soon as practicable and (i) the options hereby granted may be
          exercised, as to all or any of the Optioned Shares in respect of which
          such options have not previously been exercised, by the Purchaser at
          any time up to and including (but not after) a date thirty (30) days
          following the date of the completion of such sale or prior to the
          close of business on the


          Expiry Date, whichever is the earlier; and (ii) the Corporation may,
          at its option, require the acceleration of the time for the exercise
          of the said option and of the time for the fulfilment of any
          conditions or restrictions on such exercise.

20.  Subject to the provisions of paragraphs 4 and 5 hereof, the options hereby
          granted shall be exercisable (at any time and from time to time as
          aforesaid) by the Purchaser or its legal representative giving a
          notice in writing addressed to the Corporation at its principal office
          in the City of Toronto, Ontario and delivered to the Secretary of the
          Corporation, which notice shall specify therein the number of Optioned
          Shares in respect of which such notice is being exercised and shall be
          accompanied by payment (by cash or certified cheque) in full of the
          purchase price for such number of Optioned Shares so specified
          therein. Upon any such exercise of options as aforesaid the
          Corporation shall forthwith cause the transfer agent and registrar of
          the Corporation to deliver to Purchaser or its legal representative
          (or as the Purchaser may otherwise direct in the notice of exercise of
          option) within ten (10) days following receipt by the Corporation of
          any such notice of exercise of option a certificate or certificates in
          the name of the Purchaser or its legal representative representing in
          the aggregate such number of Optioned Shares as the Purchaser or its
          legal representative shall have then paid.

21.  Nothing herein contained or done pursuant hereto shall obligate the
          Purchaser to purchase and/or pay for any Optioned Shares except those
          Optioned Shares in respect of which the Purchaser shall have exercised
          its option to purchase hereunder in the manner hereinbefore provided.

22.  In the event of any sub-division, re-division or change of the shares of
          the Corporation at any time prior to the Expiry Date into greater
          number of shares, the Corporation shall deliver at the time of any
          exercise thereafter of the option hereby granted such additional
          number of shares as would have resulted from such sub-division, re-
          division or change if such exercise of the option hereby granted had
          been prior to the date of such sub-division, re-division or change.

          In the event of any consolidation or change of the shares of the
Corporation at any time prior to the Expiry Date into a lesser number of shares,
the number of shares deliverable by the Corporation on any exercise thereafter
of the option hereby granted shall be reduced to such number of shares as would
have resulted from such consolidation or change if such exercise of the option
hereby granted had been prior to the date of such consolidation or change.


23.  The Purchaser shall have no rights whatsoever as a shareholder in respect
          of any of the Optioned Shares (including any right to receive
          dividends or other distributions therefrom or thereon) other than in
          respect of Optioned Shares in respect of which the Purchaser shall
          have exercised its option to purchase hereunder and which the
          Purchaser shall have actually taken up and paid for.

24.  Time shall be of the essence of this Agreement.

25.  This Agreement shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the
          Corporation, its successors and assigns, and the Purchaser and its
          successors and assigns. This Agreement shall not be assignable by the
          Purchaser or its legal representative.

26.  This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with and be governed by the
          laws of the Province of Ontario and shall be deemed to have been made
          in said Province.

          IN WITNESS WHEREOF this Agreement has been executed by the parties

SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED            ) Opus Minerals Inc.
  in the presence of                    )
                                        ) By:______________________________c/s
                                        )     Sandra J. Hall, Secretary
_______________________________________ ) ____________________________________

Witness                                 )     Ben Johnson

                                                                    EXHIBIT 3.69

                             CONSULTING AGREEMENT

          THIS AGREEMENT made as of the 26th day of June, 2000 (the "Effective

B E T W E E N:

               OPUS MINERALS INC., corporation incorporated
               under the laws of the Province of Ontario

               (hereinafter referred to as the "Corporation")

                                                               OF THE FIRST PART

               - and -

               SUZANNE WOOD, a businessperson residing in the
               City of Vancouver, in the Province of British

               (hereinafter referred to as the "Consultant")

                                                              OF THE SECOND PART

          WHEREAS the Consultant has developed certain considerable expertise in
the area of internet commerce and related industries and, in particular, the
expansion and marketing of corporate entities in such business;

          WHEREAS the Corporation is engaged in the business of owning and
operating, through its wholly owned subsidiary, the internet investment site
www.investorlinks.com, which provides free portfolio tracking, stock quotes and
charts, a wide and constantly updated variety of daily stock picks, charts,
market analysis and commentary (the "Business");

          AND WHEREAS the Corporation desires to obtain and apply the expertise
of the Consultant to the Business by adding the Consultant to the Corporation's
Advisory Board, which has been established to assist the Corporation and its
directors in the development of the Corporation's Business.


          NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSES that for good and valuable
consideration (the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged by
each of the parties hereto) the parties make the arrangements and
acknowledgements hereinafter set forth:

1.   Consulting Services - The Corporation hereby retains the services of the
          Consultant and the Consultant hereby agrees to provide the consulting
          services (the "Services") to the Corporation described in this
          Agreement, by acting as a member of the Corporation's Advisory Board,
          to provide such Services to benefit determination and implementation
          of the Corporation's plans for its Business.

2.   Scope of Services -  On the Advisory Board, with the obligation of
          providing advice to the Corporation's Board of Directors concerning
          the Business, the Consultant shall present to the best of the
          Consultant's ability the Business and profile of the Corporation to
          members of the public to maximize the Corporation's public exposure,
          together with such other ancillary and related duties as the
          Corporation may reasonably require from time to time, and shall commit
          such time, effort and attention to the business and affairs of the
          Corporation as required to fulfill the Consultant's obligations
          hereunder in a professional and competent manner. Without limiting the
          generality of the foregoing, the Consultant shall meet with management
          of the Corporation to fully familiarize with the Corporation, the
          Business and its business plans and shall attend and arrange for such
          meetings on behalf of the Corporation as may be necessary to
          effectively determine and implement the plans of the Corporation and
          the Business in the manner contemplated hereunder. All materials
          utilized by the Consultant in carrying out the Services shall be
          subject to the prior written consent of the Corporation and the
          Consultant acknowledges and agrees it will not utilize any information
          about the Corporation or the Business, whether oral or written, if
          such information may not be disseminated under applicable laws and
          regulations, including, without limiting the generality of the
          foregoing, timely disclosure obligations, forward oriented financial
          information and insider trading. Any failure by the Consultant to
          adhere to these requirements will result in all consequences thereof
          being the sole responsibility of the Consultant.

3.   Qualifications - The Consultant represents that he has all the necessary
          knowledge, experience, abilities, qualifications and contacts to
          effectively perform the Services. The Consultant represents that the
          Consultant shall provide the Services in such manner as to permit the
          Corporation to have full benefit of the Consultant's knowledge,
          experience, abilities, qualifications and contacts and to provide the
          Services in strict compliance with all applicable laws and
          regulations. For greater certainty, the Consultant agrees that none of
          the Services will include matters that require the Consultant to be
          registered as a dealer under such applicable laws and regulations.

4.   Term - This Agreement is effective as of the Effective Date and shall
          remain in force, subject to Section 10 of this Agreement, for a period
          of 12 months.


5.   Compensation - In full consideration of the Consultant's Services
          hereunder, the Corporation shall compensate the Consultant as follows:

               a.   grant non-transferable options to acquire 45,000 common
                    shares in the capital stock of the Corporation, exercisable
                    for a period of 5 years from the Effective Date, subject to
                    vesting. The options shall vest at the end of the first year
                    following the Effective Date and shall be exercisable at US
                    $2.55 each. The options shall be granted in the form of
                    Option Agreement attached hereto as Schedule "A".

6.   Confidential Information

     (1)  As used herein the words "Confidential Information" include:

          (1)  such information as a director, officer or senior employee of the
               Corporation may from time to time designate to the Consultant as
               being included in the expression "Confidential Information";

          (2)  any secret or trade secret or know how of the Corporation or any
               information relating to the Corporation or to any person, firm or
               other entity with which the Corporation does business which is
               not known to persons outside the Corporation;

          (3)  any information, process or idea that is not generally known
               outside of the Corporation;

          (4)  all proprietary and financial information relating to the

          (5)  all computer programs including algorithms, specifications, flow
               charts, listings, source codes and object codes either owned by
               the Corporation or to which the Corporation has access and wishes
               to keep confidential; and

          (6)  all investor information and lists owned by the Corporation.

          The Consultant acknowledges that the foregoing is intended to be
          illustrative and that other Confidential Information may currently
          exist or arise in the future.

     (2)  The Corporation and the Consultant acknowledge and agree that the
          relationship between them is one of mutual trust and reliance.


     (3)  The Consultant acknowledges that the Consultant may be exposed from
          time to time to information and knowledge, including Confidential
          Information, relating to all aspects of the business of the
          Corporation, the disclosure of any of which to the Corporation's
          competitors, customers, or the general public may be highly
          detrimental to the best interests of the Corporation.

     (4)  The Consultant acknowledges that the business of the Corporation
          cannot be properly protected from adverse consequences of the actions
          of the Consultant other than by restrictions as hereinafter set forth.

     (5)  The Consultant agrees not to disclose at any time, either during or
          after the termination of the Consultant's relationship with the
          Corporation, to any person any Confidential Information except as
          authorized expressly in writing by a director of the Corporation
          unless such Confidential Information has ceased to be confidential.

     (6)  In the event this Agreement is terminated for any reason whatsoever,
          whether by affluxation of time or otherwise, the Consultant shall
          forthwith upon such termination return to the Corporation each and
          every copy of any Confidential Information (including all notes,
          records and documents pertaining thereto) in the possession or under
          the control of the Consultant at that time.

7.   Use of Consultant's Work - Notwithstanding any other provisions of this
          Agreement, the Corporation shall not be bound to act on or otherwise
          utilize the Consultant's advice or materials produced by the
          Consultant in the performance of the Services or in the Consultant's
          role as a member of the Corporation's Advisory Board.

8.   Compliance with Laws - The Consultant shall in the performance of this
          Agreement comply with all laws, regulations and orders of the federal
          laws of Canada and of the province of Ontario.

9.   Independent Contractor - The Consultant shall provide the Services to the
          Corporation as an independent contractor and not as an employee of the
          Corporation and acknowledges that an employer-employee relationship is
          not created by this Agreement. The Consultant shall have no power or
          authority to bind the Corporation or to assume or create any
          obligation or responsibility, expressed or implied, on the
          Corporation's behalf, or in its name, nor shall he represent to anyone
          that he has such power or authority, except as expressly provided in
          this Agreement.

10.  Termination -

     1         This Agreement shall, if not previously terminated as provided
          for herein, automatically be determined at the close of business on
          June 26, 2001.

     2         This Agreement may be terminated by either party hereto at will
          upon thirty (30) days' prior written notice given by the terminating
          party to the other at any time during the term of this Agreement.

     3         This Agreement may be immediately terminated by mutual consent of
          the parties at any time during the term of this Agreement.

     4         Either or both of the Corporation and the Consultant may
          terminate this Agreement in the event that the Corporation or the
          Consultant is in material breach of any of the terms or conditions of
          the Agreement, if such breach has not been cured within ten (10) days
          of service on the Corporation or the Consultant of written notice of
          such breach.

     5         This Agreement shall be terminated automatically and with
          immediate effect if at any time either the Corporation or the
          Consultant becomes insolvent or voluntarily or involuntarily bankrupt,
          or makes an assignment for the benefit of its or her creditors, or if
          the Consultant dies or ceases, directly or indirectly, to be a
          shareholder of the Corporation.

     6         In no event shall either the Corporation or the Consultant be
          under any obligation to renew or extend the term thereof, nor shall
          the Corporation or the Consultant be entitled to any termination
          payment, compensation or other payment of any nature or kind
          whatsoever not specifically provided for in this Agreement when this
          Agreement terminates, for whatever cause whether by affluxion of time
          or otherwise.

     7         In the event of termination, the Consultant shall have thirty
          (30) days to exercise any options that have vested. Any options that
          have not vested at the date of termination will expire.

11.  Assignment - The Consultant shall not assign, transfer, sub-contract or
          pledge this Agreement or any rights or the performance of any
          obligation arising under this Agreement, without the prior written
          consent of the Corporation.

12.  Survival - Any terms or conditions of this Agreement by which obligations
          of either party are applicable or which extend or may extend beyond
          termination of this Agreement (whether expressly or by implication)
          shall survive and continue in full force and effect notwithstanding
          such termination. Without limitation, the parties acknowledge that
          Sections 6 and 10 shall survive termination of this Agreement.


13.  Governing Law - This Agreement and the rights and obligations and relations
          of the parties hereto shall be governed by and construed in accordance
          with the laws of the Province of Ontario and the federal laws of
          Canada applicable therein (but without giving effect to any conflict
          of laws rules). The parties hereto agree that the Courts of Ontario
          shall have jurisdiction to entertain any action or other legal
          proceedings based on any provisions of this Agreement. Each party
          hereto does hereby attorn to the jurisdiction of the Courts of the
          Province of Ontario.

14.  Partial Invalidity - In any provision of this Agreement or the application
          thereof to any person or circumstance shall, to any extent, be invalid
          or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement, or the application
          of such provision to persons or circumstances other than those as to
          which it is held invalid or unenforceable, shall not be affected
          thereby and each provision of this Agreement shall be valid and
          enforced to the fullest extent permitted by law and be independent of
          every other provision of this Agreement.

15.  Further Assurances - Each party hereto agrees from time to time, subsequent
          to the date hereof, to execute and deliver or cause to be executed and
          delivered to the other of them such instruments or further assurances
          as may, in the reasonable opinion of the other of them, be necessary
          or desirable to give effect to the provisions of this Agreement.

          IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on
the 26/th/ day of June, 2000, with the intention that it shall be effective as
of the date first written above.

  in the presence of               )
                                   ) Per: ____________________________________
                                   )      Romaine Gilliland, President & CEO
___________________________________       )___________________________________
     WITNESS                              )        Suzanne Wood


                                 SCHEDULE "A"

          MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT made effective the 26/th/ day of June, 2000.

B E T W E E N:

          Opus Minerals Inc.,a corporation incorporated pursuant  to the laws
          of the Province of Ontario,

          (hereinafter called the "Corporation")

                                                               OF THE FIRST PART

          - and -

          SuzanNe Wood, a consultant to the Corporation,

          (hereinafter called the "Purchaser")

                                                              OF THE SECOND PART

          WHEREAS the Corporation is a corporation incorporated under the laws
of the Province of Ontario having an authorized share capital consisting of an
unlimited number of common shares;

          AND WHEREAS the Purchaser is a consultant to the Corporation, acting
on the Corporation's Advisory Board to its board of directors;

          AND WHEREAS the Corporation has agreed to grant to the Purchaser, for
services to the Advisory Board, options over common shares of the Corporation to
be made available to the Purchaser under the terms of this Agreement;

          NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that in consideration of other
good and valuable consideration and the sum of two dollars ($2.00) now paid by
the Purchaser to the Corporation (the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged by
the Corporation), it is agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows:


16.  In this Agreement the term "share" or "shares" shall mean, as the case may
          be, one or more common shares in the capital of the Corporation as
          constituted at the date of this Agreement.

          The Corporation hereby grants to the Purchaser, subject to the terms
          and conditions hereinafter set out, an irrevocable option to purchase
          45,000 shares of the Corporation (the said free trading issued and
          outstanding common shares being hereinafter called the "Optioned
          Shares"), at an exercise price of US $2.55 per Optioned Share vesting
          at the end of the first year following the Effective Date .

17.  The Consultant shall, subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set
          out, have the right to exercise the options hereby granted, with
          respect to any or all of the Optioned Shares that have vested, at any
          time or from time to time after the date on which they vest and prior
          to June 26, 2005 (hereinafter called the "Expiry Date"). On the Expiry
          Date the options hereby granted shall forthwith expire and terminate
          and be of no further force or effect whatsoever as to such of the
          Optioned Shares in respect of which the options hereby granted have
          not then been exercised.

18.  In the event of the resignation or discharge of the Purchaser as a
          consultant to the Corporation prior to the Expiry Date, the vested
          portion of the option at the date of resignation or discharge hereby
          granted to the Purchaser shall immediately after fourteen (14) days of
          the Purchaser ceasing to be a consultant to the Corporation, cease and
          terminate and be of no further force or effect whatsoever as to such
          of the Optioned Shares in respect of which the Purchaser would have
          then been entitled to purchase and such option has not previously been

19.  If at any time when the option hereby granted remains unexercised with
          respect to any Optioned Shares, (a) a general offer to purchase all of
          the issued shares of the Corporation is made by a third party or (b)
          the Corporation proposes to sell all or substantially all of its
          assets and undertaking or to merge, amalgamate or be absorbed by or
          into any other company (save and except for a subsidiary or
          subsidiaries of the Corporation) under any circumstances which involve
          or may involve or require the liquidation of the Corporation, a
          distribution of its assets among its shareholders, or the termination
          of its corporate existence, the Corporation shall use its best efforts
          to bring such offer or proposal to the attention of the Purchaser as
          soon as practicable and (i) the options hereby granted may be
          exercised, as to all or any of the Optioned Shares in respect of which
          such options have not previously been exercised, by the Purchaser at
          any time up to and including (but not after) a date thirty (30) days
          following the date of the completion of such sale or prior to the
          close of business on the


          Expiry Date, whichever is the earlier; and (ii) the Corporation may,
          at its option, require the acceleration of the time for the exercise
          of the said option and of the time for the fulfilment of any
          conditions or restrictions on such exercise.

20.  Subject to the provisions of paragraphs 4 and 5 hereof, the options hereby
          granted shall be exercisable (at any time and from time to time as
          aforesaid) by the Purchaser or its legal representative giving a
          notice in writing addressed to the Corporation at its principal office
          in the City of Toronto, Ontario and delivered to the Secretary of the
          Corporation, which notice shall specify therein the number of Optioned
          Shares in respect of which such notice is being exercised and shall be
          accompanied by payment (by cash or certified cheque) in full of the
          purchase price for such number of Optioned Shares so specified
          therein. Upon any such exercise of options as aforesaid the
          Corporation shall forthwith cause the transfer agent and registrar of
          the Corporation to deliver to Purchaser or its legal representative
          (or as the Purchaser may otherwise direct in the notice of exercise of
          option) within ten (10) days following receipt by the Corporation of
          any such notice of exercise of option a certificate or certificates in
          the name of the Purchaser or its legal representative representing in
          the aggregate such number of Optioned Shares as the Purchaser or its
          legal representative shall have then paid.

21.  Nothing herein contained or done pursuant hereto shall obligate the
          Purchaser to purchase and/or pay for any Optioned Shares except those
          Optioned Shares in respect of which the Purchaser shall have exercised
          its option to purchase hereunder in the manner hereinbefore provided.

22.  In the event of any sub-division, re-division or change of the shares of
          the Corporation at any time prior to the Expiry Date into greater
          number of shares, the Corporation shall deliver at the time of any
          exercise thereafter of the option hereby granted such additional
          number of shares as would have resulted from such sub-division, re-
          division or change if such exercise of the option hereby granted had
          been prior to the date of such sub-division, re-division or change.

          In the event of any consolidation or change of the shares of the
Corporation at any time prior to the Expiry Date into a lesser number of shares,
the number of shares deliverable by the Corporation on any exercise thereafter
of the option hereby granted shall be reduced to such number of shares as would
have resulted from such consolidation or change if such exercise of the option
hereby granted had been prior to the date of such consolidation or change.


23.  The Purchaser shall have no rights whatsoever as a shareholder in respect
          of any of the Optioned Shares (including any right to receive
          dividends or other distributions therefrom or thereon) other than in
          respect of Optioned Shares in respect of which the Purchaser shall
          have exercised its option to purchase hereunder and which the
          Purchaser shall have actually taken up and paid for.

24.  Time shall be of the essence of this Agreement.

25.  This Agreement shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the
          Corporation, its successors and assigns, and the Purchaser and its
          successors and assigns. This Agreement shall not be assignable by the
          Purchaser or its legal representative.

26.  This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with and be governed by the
          laws of the Province of Ontario and shall be deemed to have been made
          in said Province.

          IN WITNESS WHEREOF this Agreement has been executed by the parties

SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED       ) Opus Minerals Inc.
  in the presence of               )
                                   ) By:____________________________________c/s
                                   )    Romaine Gilliland, President & CEO

Witness                            )     Suzanne Wood

                                                                    EXHIBIT 3.69

                             CONSULTING AGREEMENT

          THIS AGREEMENT made as of the 26th day of June, 2000 (the "EFFECTIVE

B E T W E E N:

               OPUS MINERALS INC., corporation incorporated under the laws of
               the Province of Ontario

               (hereinafter referred to as the "CORPORATION")

                                                            OF THE FIRST PART

               - and -

               JOSEPH CARUSONE, a businessperson residing in the City of
               Toronto in the Province of Ontario

               (hereinafter referred to as the "CONSULTANT")

                                                            OF THE SECOND PART

          WHEREAS the Consultant has developed certain considerable expertise in
the area of internet commerce and related industries and, in particular, the
expansion and marketing of corporate entities in such business;

          WHEREAS the Corporation is engaged in the business of owning and
operating, through its wholly owned subsidiary, the internet investment site
www.investorlinks.com, which provides free portfolio tracking, stock quotes and
charts, a wide and constantly updated variety of daily stock picks, charts,
market analysis and commentary (the "BUSINESS");

          AND WHEREAS the Corporation desires to obtain and apply the expertise
of the Consultant to the Business by adding the Consultant to the Corporation's
Advisory Board, which has been established to assist the Corporation and its
directors in the development of the Corporation's Business.

          NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSES that for good and valuable
consideration (the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged by
each of the parties hereto) the parties make the arrangements and
acknowledgements hereinafter set forth:


1.   CONSULTING SERVICES - The Corporation hereby retains the services of the
           Consultant and the Consultant hereby agrees to provide the consulting
           services (the "Services") to the Corporation described in this
           Agreement, by acting as a member of the Corporation's Advisory Board,
           to provide such Services to benefit determination and implementation
           of the Corporation's plans for its Business.

2.   SCOPE OF SERVICES -  On the Advisory Board, with the obligation of
           providing advice to the Corporation's Board of Directors concerning
           the Business, the Consultant shall present to the best of the
           Consultant's ability the Business and profile of the Corporation to
           members of the public to maximize the Corporation's public exposure,
           together with such other ancillary and related duties as the
           Corporation may reasonably require from time to time, and shall
           commit such time, effort and attention to the business and affairs of
           the Corporation as required to fulfill the Consultant's obligations
           hereunder in a professional and competent manner. Without limiting
           the generality of the foregoing, the Consultant shall meet with
           management of the Corporation to fully familiarize with the
           Corporation, the Business and its business plans and shall attend and
           arrange for such meetings on behalf of the Corporation as may be
           necessary to effectively determine and implement the plans of the
           Corporation and the Business in the manner contemplated hereunder.
           All materials utilized by the Consultant in carrying out the Services
           shall be subject to the prior written consent of the Corporation and
           the Consultant acknowledges and agrees it will not utilize any
           information about the Corporation or the Business, whether oral or
           written, if such information may not be disseminated under applicable
           laws and regulations, including, without limiting the generality of
           the foregoing, timely disclosure obligations, forward oriented
           financial information and insider trading. Any failure by the
           Consultant to adhere to these requirements will result in all
           consequences thereof being the sole responsibility of the Consultant.

3.   QUALIFICATIONS - The Consultant represents that he has all the necessary
           knowledge, experience, abilities, qualifications and contacts to
           effectively perform the Services. The Consultant represents that the
           Consultant shall provide the Services in such manner as to permit the
           Corporation to have full benefit of the Consultant's knowledge,
           experience, abilities, qualifications and contacts and to provide the
           Services in strict compliance with all applicable laws and

4.   TERM - This Agreement is effective as of the Effective Date and shall
           remain in force, subject to Section 10 of this Agreement, for a
           period of 12 months.

5.   COMPENSATION - In full consideration of the Consultant's Services
           hereunder, the Corporation shall compensate the Consultant as


               a.   grant non-transferable options to acquire 45,000 common
                    shares in the capital stock of the Corporation, exercisable
                    for a period of 5 years from the Effective Date, subject to
                    vesting. The options shall vest at the end of the first year
                    following the Effective Date and shall be exercisable at US
                    $2.55 each. The options shall be granted in the form of
                    Option Agreement attached hereto as Schedule "A".


     (1)  As used herein the words "Confidential Information" include:

           (1)  such information as a director, officer or senior employee of
                the Corporation may from time to time designate to the
                Consultant as being included in the expression "Confidential

           (2)  any secret or trade secret or know how of the Corporation or any
                information relating to the Corporation or to any person, firm
                or other entity with which the Corporation does business which
                is not known to persons outside the Corporation;

           (3)  any information, process or idea that is not generally known
                outside of the Corporation;

           (4)  all proprietary and financial information relating to the

           (5)  all computer programs including algorithms, specifications, flow
                charts, listings, source codes and object codes either owned by
                the Corporation or to which the Corporation has access and
                wishes to keep confidential; and

           (6)  all investor information and lists owned by the Corporation.

           The Consultant acknowledges that the foregoing is intended to be
           illustrative and that other Confidential Information may currently
           exist or arise in the future.

     (2)   The Corporation and the Consultant acknowledge and agree that the
           relationship between them is one of mutual trust and reliance.

     (3)   The Consultant acknowledges that the Consultant may be exposed from
           time to time to information and knowledge, including Confidential
           Information, relating to all aspects of the business of the
           Corporation, the disclosure of any of which to the Corporation's
           competitors, customers, or the general public may be highly
           detrimental to the best interests of the Corporation.


     (4)   The Consultant acknowledges that the business of the Corporation
           cannot be properly protected from adverse consequences of the actions
           of the Consultant other than by restrictions as hereinafter set

     (5)   The Consultant agrees not to disclose at any time, either during or
           after the termination of the Consultant's relationship with the
           Corporation, to any person any Confidential Information except as
           authorized expressly in writing by a director of the Corporation
           unless such Confidential Information has ceased to be confidential.

     (6)   In the event this Agreement is terminated for any reason whatsoever,
           whether by affluxation of time or otherwise, the Consultant shall
           forthwith upon such termination return to the Corporation each and
           every copy of any Confidential Information (including all notes,
           records and documents pertaining thereto) in the possession or under
           the control of the Consultant at that time.

7.   USE OF CONSULTANT'S WORK - Notwithstanding any other provisions of this
           Agreement, the Corporation shall not be bound to act on or otherwise
           utilize the Consultant's advice or materials produced by the
           Consultant in the performance of the Services or in the Consultant's
           role as a member of the Corporation's Advisory Board.

8.   COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS - The Consultant shall in the performance of this
           Agreement comply with all laws, regulations and orders of the federal
           laws of Canada and of the province of Ontario.

9.   INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR - The Consultant shall provide the Services to the
           Corporation as an independent contractor and not as an employee of
           the Corporation and acknowledges that an employer-employee
           relationship is not created by this Agreement. The Consultant shall
           have no power or authority to bind the Corporation or to assume or
           create any obligation or responsibility, expressed or implied, on the
           Corporation's behalf, or in its name, nor shall he represent to
           anyone that he has such power or authority, except as expressly
           provided in this Agreement.


     1     This Agreement shall, if not previously terminated as provided for
           herein, automatically be determined at the close of business on
           June 26, 2001.


     2     This Agreement may be terminated by either party hereto at will upon
           thirty (30) days' prior written notice given by the terminating party
           to the other at any time during the term of this Agreement.

     3     This Agreement may be immediately terminated by mutual consent of the
           parties at any time during the term of this Agreement.

     4     Either or both of the Corporation and the Consultant may terminate
           this Agreement in the event that the Corporation or the Consultant is
           in material breach of any of the terms or conditions of the
           Agreement, if such breach has not been cured within ten (10) days of
           service on the Corporation or the Consultant of written notice of
           such breach.

     5     This Agreement shall be terminated automatically and with immediate
           effect if at any time either the Corporation or the Consultant
           becomes insolvent or voluntarily or involuntarily bankrupt, or makes
           an assignment for the benefit of its or her creditors, or if the
           Consultant dies or ceases, directly or indirectly, to be a
           shareholder of the Corporation.

     6     In no event shall either the Corporation or the Consultant be under
           any obligation to renew or extend the term thereof, nor shall the
           Corporation or the Consultant be entitled to any termination payment,
           compensation or other payment of any nature or kind whatsoever not
           specifically provided for in this Agreement when this Agreement
           terminates, for whatever cause whether by affluxion of time or

     7     In the event of termination, the Consultant shall have thirty (30)
           days to exercise any options that have vested. Any options that have
           not vested at the date of termination will expire.

11.  ASSIGNMENT - The Consultant shall not assign, transfer, sub-contract or
           pledge this Agreement or any rights or the performance of any
           obligation arising under this Agreement, without the prior written
           consent of the Corporation.

12.  SURVIVAL - Any terms or conditions of this Agreement by which obligations
           of either party are applicable or which extend or may extend beyond
           termination of this Agreement (whether expressly or by implication)
           shall survive and continue in full force and effect notwithstanding
           such termination. Without limitation, the parties acknowledge that
           Sections 6 and 10 shall survive termination of this Agreement.

13.  GOVERNING LAW - This Agreement and the rights and obligations and relations
           of the parties hereto shall be governed by and construed in
           accordance with the laws of the Province of Ontario and the federal
           laws of Canada applicable therein (but without giving effect to any
           conflict of laws rules). The parties


           hereto agree that the Courts of Ontario shall have jurisdiction to
           entertain any action or other legal proceedings based on any
           provisions of this Agreement. Each party hereto does hereby attorn to
           the jurisdiction of the Courts of the Province of Ontario.

14.  PARTIAL INVALIDITY - In any provision of this Agreement or the application
           thereof to any person or circumstance shall, to any extent, be
           invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement, or the
           application of such provision to persons or circumstances other than
           those as to which it is held invalid or unenforceable, shall not be
           affected thereby and each provision of this Agreement shall be valid
           and enforced to the fullest extent permitted by law and be
           independent of every other provision of this Agreement.

15.  FURTHER ASSURANCES - Each party hereto agrees from time to time, subsequent
           to the date hereof, to execute and deliver or cause to be executed
           and delivered to the other of them such instruments or further
           assurances as may, in the reasonable opinion of the other of them, be
           necessary or desirable to give effect to the provisions of this

           IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on
the 26th day of June, 2000, with the intention that it shall be effective as of
the date first written above.

  in the presence of           )
                               )        Sandra J. Hall, Secretary
______________________________ )______________________________________
WITNESS                        )Joseph Carusone

                                  SCHEDULE "A"

          MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT made effective the 26th day of June, 2000.

B E T W E E N:

          OPUS MINERALS INC.,a corporation incorporated pursuant  to the laws
          of the Province of Ontario,


          (hereinafter called the "CORPORATION")

                                                               OF THE FIRST PART

          -and -

          JOSEPH CARUSONE, a consultant to the Corporation,

          (hereinafter called the "PURCHASER")

                                                              OF THE SECOND PART

          WHEREAS the Corporation is a corporation incorporated under the laws
of the Province of Ontario having an authorized share capital consisting of an
unlimited number of common shares;

          AND WHEREAS the Purchaser is a consultant to the Corporation, acting
on the Corporation's Advisory Board to its board of directors;

          AND WHEREAS the Corporation has agreed to grant to the Purchaser, for
services to the Advisory Board, options over common shares of the Corporation to
be made available to the Purchaser under the terms of this Agreement;

          NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that in consideration of other
good and valuable consideration and the sum of two dollars ($2.00) now paid by
the Purchaser to the Corporation (the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged by
the Corporation), it is agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows:

16.  In this Agreement the term "share" or "shares" shall mean, as the case may
           be, one or more common shares in the capital of the Corporation as
           constituted at the date of this Agreement.

           The Corporation hereby grants to the Purchaser, subject to the terms
           and conditions hereinafter set out, an irrevocable option to purchase
           45,000 shares of the Corporation (the said free trading issued and
           outstanding common shares being hereinafter called the "OPTIONED
           SHARES"), at an exercise price of US $2.55 per Optioned Share vesting
           at the end of the first year following the Effective Date.


17.  The Consultant shall, subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set
           out, have the right to exercise the options hereby granted, with
           respect to any or all of the Optioned Shares that have vested, at any
           time or from time to time after the date on which they vest and prior
           to June 26, 2005 (hereinafter called the "EXPIRY DATE"). On the
           Expiry Date the options hereby granted shall forthwith expire and
           terminate and be of no further force or effect whatsoever as to such
           of the Optioned Shares in respect of which the options hereby granted
           have not then been exercised.

18.  In the event of the resignation or discharge of the Purchaser as a
           consultant to the Corporation prior to the Expiry Date, the vested
           portion of the option at the date of resignation or discharge hereby
           granted to the Purchaser shall immediately after fourteen (14) days
           of the Purchaser ceasing to be a consultant to the Corporation, cease
           and terminate and be of no further force or effect whatsoever as to
           such of the Optioned Shares in respect of which the Purchaser would
           have then been entitled to purchase and such option has not
           previously been exercised.

19.  If at any time when the option hereby granted remains unexercised with
           respect to any Optioned Shares, (a) a general offer to purchase all
           of the issued shares of the Corporation is made by a third party or
           (b) the Corporation proposes to sell all or substantially all of its
           assets and undertaking or to merge, amalgamate or be absorbed by or
           into any other company (save and except for a subsidiary or
           subsidiaries of the Corporation) under any circumstances which
           involve or may involve or require the liquidation of the Corporation,
           a distribution of its assets among its shareholders, or the
           termination of its corporate existence, the Corporation shall use its
           best efforts to bring such offer or proposal to the attention of the
           Purchaser as soon as practicable and (i) the options hereby granted
           may be exercised, as to all or any of the Optioned Shares in respect
           of which such options have not previously been exercised, by the
           Purchaser at any time up to and including (but not after) a date
           thirty (30) days following the date of the completion of such sale or
           prior to the close of business on the Expiry Date, whichever is the
           earlier; and (ii) the Corporation may, at its option, require the
           acceleration of the time for the exercise of the said option and of
           the time for the fulfilment of any conditions or restrictions on such

20.  Subject to the provisions of paragraphs 4 and 5 hereof, the options hereby
           granted shall be exercisable (at any time and from time to time as
           aforesaid) by the Purchaser or its legal representative giving a
           notice in writing addressed to the Corporation at its principal
           office in the City of Toronto, Ontario and delivered to the Secretary
           of the Corporation, which notice shall specify


           therein the number of Optioned Shares in respect of which such notice
           is being exercised and shall be accompanied by payment (by cash or
           certified cheque) in full of the purchase price for such number of
           Optioned Shares so specified therein. Upon any such exercise of
           options as aforesaid the Corporation shall forthwith cause the
           transfer agent and registrar of the Corporation to deliver to
           Purchaser or its legal representative (or as the Purchaser may
           otherwise direct in the notice of exercise of option) within ten (10)
           days following receipt by the Corporation of any such notice of
           exercise of option a certificate or certificates in the name of the
           Purchaser or its legal representative representing in the aggregate
           such number of Optioned Shares as the Purchaser or its legal
           representative shall have then paid.

21.  Nothing herein contained or done pursuant hereto shall obligate the
           Purchaser to purchase and/or pay for any Optioned Shares except those
           Optioned Shares in respect of which the Purchaser shall have
           exercised its option to purchase hereunder in the manner hereinbefore

22.  In the event of any sub-division, re-division or change of the shares of
           the Corporation at any time prior to the Expiry Date into greater
           number of shares, the Corporation shall deliver at the time of any
           exercise thereafter of the option hereby granted such additional
           number of shares as would have resulted from such sub-division, re-
           division or change if such exercise of the option hereby granted had
           been prior to the date of such sub-division, re-division or change.

           In the event of any consolidation or change of the shares of the
Corporation at any time prior to the Expiry Date into a lesser number of shares,
the number of shares deliverable by the Corporation on any exercise thereafter
of the option hereby granted shall be reduced to such number of shares as would
have resulted from such consolidation or change if such exercise of the option
hereby granted had been prior to the date of such consolidation or change.

23.  The Purchaser shall have no rights whatsoever as a shareholder in respect
           of any of the Optioned Shares (including any right to receive
           dividends or other distributions therefrom or thereon) other than in
           respect of Optioned Shares in respect of which the Purchaser shall
           have exercised its option to purchase hereunder and which the
           Purchaser shall have actually taken up and paid for.

24.  Time shall be of the essence of this Agreement.


25.  This Agreement shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the
           Corporation, its successors and assigns, and the Purchaser and its
           successors and assigns. This Agreement shall not be assignable by the
           Purchaser or its legal representative.

26.  This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with and be governed by the
           laws of the Province of Ontario and shall be deemed to have been made
           in said Province.

          IN WITNESS WHEREOF this Agreement has been executed by the parties

  in the presence of          )
                              )       Sandra J. Hall, Secretary
_____________________________ )______________________________________
Witness                       )            Joseph Carusone