WASHINGTON, D.C.


                                    FORM 8-K

                                 CURRENT REPORT
                     PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(D) OF THE
                         SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

Date of report (Date of earliest event reported):  March 6, 2001

                                   NTELOS Inc.
               (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in Charter)

         Virginia                         0-16751                 54-1443350
(State of Incorporation)          (Commission File Number)      (IRS Employer
                                                             Identification No.)
                                 P. O. Box 1990
                           Waynesboro, Virginia 22980
                    (Address of principal executive offices)

                                 (540) 946-3500
              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

Item 9.  Regulation FD Disclosure

         Pursuant to Regulation FD,  information is being  furnished  below with
         respect  to a  presentations  to be made  by Mr.  James  S.  Quarforth,
         Chairman and Chief Executive  Officer,  and Mr. Michael B.  Moneymaker,
         Chief Financial Officer, at investor meetings.

         This   presentation   provides  an   overview   of  NTELOS'   strategy,
         transactions  and  performance  through  the  fourth  quarter  of 2000.
         Included are  statistical  reviews of our core services  (digital PCS,
         Internet,  and  local  telephone  service).

         The   presentation   is   available   on  the   company's   website  at


Photo of products and customers.


Map of Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Portions of Tennessee, Portions of
North Carolina, Portions of Ohio, and Portions of Pennsylvania


The Transactions
- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- - --------------------------------     -----------------------------------     --------------------------------
|                              |     |                                 |     |     Divestiture of           |
|       Preferred Stock        |     |        Debt Financing           |     |     Non-Core Assets          |
|  o $225MM from Welsh Carson  |     | o $325MM Senior Credit Facility |     | o Directory assistance       |
|  o $25MM from MSDW           |     | o $375MM Senior and             |     | o Communications towers      |
|                              |     |   Subordinated Notes            |     | o Additional non-core assets |
- - --------------------------------     -----------------------------------     --------------------------------
                  |                                 |      $700MM                     |
                  |                                 |                                 |
                  |       $250MM               ----------------    $60MM +            |
                  |                            |              |                       |
                  -----------------------------|    NTELOS    |------------------------
                  |                            |              |               Up to   |
                  |     $408.6MM +             ----------------               $250MM  |
                  |  Asset Swaps +                   |           3.7MM                |
                  |  Assumed Leases                  |           shares               |
- - ------------------------------------   ----------------------------------    ---------------------------------------
|          Richmond-Norfolk        |   |                                |    |                                     |
|          PCS Acquisition         |   |      R&B Communications        |    |        VA and WVA PCS               |
|  o $408.6MM cash                 |   |            Merger              |    |        Alliance Recap               |
|  o Swap cellular assets of RSA 5 |   | o Stock-for-stock              |    | o Inter-company loan                |
|    and RSA 6                     |   | o Long-time partner in all key |    | o Refinance credit facilities       |
|  o Assume $20MM in capital leases|   |   businesses                   |    | o Pro forma ownership               |
|  o Contiguous PCS footprint      |   | o Consolidate ownership of PCS |    |   o 91.1% of Virginia Alliance      |
|                                  |   |   Alliances                    |    |   o 78.9% of West Virginia Alliance |
- - ------------------------------------   ----------------------------------    ---------------------------------------


Established Regional ICP
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Invested Capital
- - ----------------


        PCS     Other   Total
        ---     -----   -----
1996    98.1    21.0    119.1
1997    68.1    22.2    90.3
1998    63.6    20.8    84.4
1999    61.5    43.6    105.1
2000    77.3    37.0    114.3

Customer Base
- - -------------


         PCS       ILEC/CLEC      Internet
      Subscribers  Access Lines   Subscribers   Total
      ----------   ------------   -----------   -----
1995                  41.7                      41.7
1996                  43.4           0.3        43.7
1997     23.8         45.5           4.8        74.1
1998     69.8         48.9           8.7       127.4
1999    122.1         59.3          47.3       228.7
2000    168.4         72.5          62.9       303.8


Pro Forma Service Footprint
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- - -----------------------------
o  11,032,828 PCS pops
o  168,436 PCS subscribers
o  702 cell sites

- - -----------------------------
o  51,959 ILEC access lines
o  20,545 CLEC access lines
o  1,500 route miles
o  62,916 Internet subscribers

Map of Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Portions of Pennsylvania,  Portions of
North  Carolina,  Portions  of Ohio,  Portions  of  Tennessee,  and  Portions of
Kentucky showing regions with:

PCS, CLEC and Internet
Richmond-Norfolk PCS
AT&T Swap


Transition and Integration - Virginia East (Former PrimeCo)
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

o  Organizational Integration Completed

o  Functional Transition Completed For:
      -  Human Resources
      -  Inside Sales
      -  Purchasing
      -  Branding Campaign
      -  New Service Plans
      -  Fraud Management
      -  Customer Care

o  Transition Scheduled for Mid-2001
      -  Point of Sale/RMS Inventory
      -  Pre-Pay Platform
      -  Billing Conversion
      -  Over-the-Air Activation

Picture of new customer care center - Portsmouth, VA


Fiber Network Expansion
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

o  Fiber construction and swap activities
   -  1,500 route miles
   -  32,000 fiber route miles
   -  Charlottesville to Richmond to Norfolk planned in 2001

o  Connectivity to major cities

o  Best-in-class equipment
   (Lucent, Nortel, Siemens/Corning)

Map of Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Portions of Pennsylvania,  Portions of
North Carolina, Portions of Ohio, and Portions of Kentucky showing Fiber Network
expansion plans at:

  End of year 1999
  Early 2001


Pro Forma PCS Statistics

- - -----------

        Alliances   Norfolk PCS    Total
        ---------   -----------    -----
1Q 99     19.1        68.6          87.7
2Q 99     24.2        73.7          97.9
3Q 99     30.5        74.9         105.4
4Q 99     43.3        78.9         122.2
1Q 00     55.2        86.4         141.6
2Q 00     63.5        88.0         151.5
3Q 00     69.4        88.3         157.7
4Q 00     80.7        87.7         168.4

Revenues and EBITDA
- - -------------------
($ MMs)


        EBITDA   Revenues
        ------   --------
1Q 99   (9.6)      15.1
2Q 99   (8.0)      16.6
3Q 99   (5.7)      17.2
4Q 99   (8.9)      19.6
1Q 00   (8.9)      21.2
2Q 00   (4.7)      23.8
3Q 00   (5.7)      23.9
4Q 00  (10.3)      23.1

* SAB 101 adopted 4Q 00


PCS Operating Strategy
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

o  Own and control licenses, network, distribution channels and brand

o  Focus on in-region market niche with localized marketing
     -  Intra-regional "one-rate" plans (88-94% of subscribers)
     -  National "one-rate" (6-12% of subscribers)

o  Expand robust digital CDMA PCS network

o  Emphasize customer service via consolidated selling effort and single bill

o  Target attractive markets
     -  Individual - convenience users in the 25-45 age group
     -  Business - regional small to medium sized businesses

o  Wholesale Provider of Wireless Network
     -  Sprint/Horizon Agreement


Wireline Overview
- - ------------------
100% digital platform with best-in-class equipment

o  20,545 business access lines
o  9 markets; 11 COs
o  Interconnection agreements in
   VA, WV and TN with Sprint and

   Internet                          ILEC
   --------                          ----
o  61,261 customers      o  51,959 residential/business
o  1,655 DSL Customers      access lines
o  60 markets            o  Leading ILEC service provider in VA
o  Dial-up access
o  DSL in 16 markets


Integrated CLEC Operating Strategy
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

o  Hybrid facilities-based/ "smart-build" strategy
     -  Leverage our fiber optic network and ILEC switching platform
     -  Remote switching in COs

o  Target businesses through a direct sales strategy

o  Bundle local service with long distance, DSL and digital PCS
     -  PCS service emphasized

o  Leverage local brand name recognition and strong customer service

o  Focus on long-term, sustainable revenues


Pro Forma CLEC Statistics
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Business Access Lines
- - ---------------------


      NTELOS    R&B
       Lines   Lines  Total
       -----   -----  -----
1Q 99   0.9     1.6    2.5
2Q 99   2.3     2.6    4.9
3Q 99   4.0     3.1    7.1
4Q 99   5.8     4.0    9.8
1Q 00   8.9     4.4   13.3
2Q 00   12.4    5.0   17.4
3Q 00   13.2    5.0   18.2
4Q 00   14.6    5.9   20.5

Revenues and EBITDA
- - -------------------


       EBITDA     Revenues
       ------     --------
1Q 99   (295)        647
2Q 99   (404)        884
3Q 99   (334)      1,132
4Q 99   (501)      1,453
1Q 00   (486)      2,013
2Q 00   (820)      2,180
3Q 00   (764)      2,245
4Q 00   (588)      2,883


Favorable ILEC Regulatory Environment
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

o  No competition in ILEC markets to date, despite deregulation

o  ILEC operates under small company status, which is lightly regulated

o  Virginia State Corporation Commission has taken a progressive stance
   on supporting the value of rural telephone companies and the role
   they play in economic development in these regions

o  Process for rate increases is less cumbersome than for large telcos


Pro Forma ILEC Statistics
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Access Lines
- - ------------


      NTELOS    R&B
       Lines   Lines  Total
       -----   -----  -----
1Q 99   37.1   10.8   47.9
2Q 99   37.3   10.9   48.2
3Q 99   37.5   11.3   48.8
4Q 99   37.9   12.2   50.1
1Q 00   38.3   12.3   50.6
2Q 00   39.1   12.3   51.4
3Q 00   39.4   12.3   51.7
4Q 00   39.7   12.3   52.0

Revenues and EBITDA
- - -------------------


        EBITDA   Revenues
        ------   --------
1Q 99   6,642      9,880
2Q 99   7,024     10,251
3Q 99   6,503     10,054
4Q 99   6,293     10,018
1Q 00   6,407     10,171
2Q 00   6,037     10,072
3Q 00   6,265     10,178
4Q 00   7,102     10,743


Internet Operating Strategy
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

o  Broad product offering of fast and reliable services
     -  Offers local dial-up, dedicated and discounted bundled services
     -  All digital network
     -  Web hosting available
     -  Low modem-to-customer ratio (9:1)

o  24/7 customer care

o  High speed data services
     -  Aggressive rollout strategy
     -  DSL: offered in a growing number of markets in four states
     -  Wireless spectrum: LMDS (1.3MM POPs), MMDS (850,000) households


Pro Forma Internet Statistics
- - -----------------------------

- - -----------


      NTELOS    R&B   Total
      ------    ---   -----
1Q 99    9.1    1.4   10.5
2Q 99   16.7    1.4   18.1
3Q 99   31.6    1.8   33.4
4Q 99   45.7    2.1   47.8
1Q 00   54.4    2.2   56.6
2Q 00   57.0    2.3   59.3
3Q 00   57.6    2.1   59.7
4Q 00   60.8    2.1   62.9

Revenues and EBITDA
- - -------------------


        EBITDA   Revenues
        ------   --------
1Q 99   (249)        630
2Q 99   (325)        921
3Q 99   (249)      1,704
4Q 99     86       2,949
1Q 00     84       3,652
2Q 00    197       4,142
3Q 00    431       4,347
4Q 00    407       4,586


Extensive Retail Distribution Focused on Customer Care
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

o  Sales force representatives
     -  108 retail
     -  30 business
     -  14 CLEC

o  46 company-owned retail outlets

o  Consolidated customer care centers
   and operations support systems for
   all products
     -  One-call access for all products and services
     -  Consolidated, itemized bill

Photo of retail center.


When Quality Matters
- - --------------------

- - ---------
o  Augusta Health Care
   -  PRI CLEC Service

o  Rockingham Memorial Hospital
   -  PRI CLEC Service
   -  Private Fiber Network
   -  100 meg Circuit
   -  PCS

o  Genesis (1)
   -  PRI CLEC Service
   -  Private Fiber Network

(1) Services contracted to begin in early 2001

Colleges and Universities
- - -------------------------

o  James Madison University
   -  PRI Service
   -  100 meg Circuits
   -  PCS

o  Eastern Mennonite University
   -  PRI Service
   -  PCS

o  Mary Baldwin College
   -  PRI Service

o  Bridgewater College
   -  T-1 Internet Service
   -  PRI Service

o  Liberty University
   -  PRI Service
   -  PCS


Pro Forma Historical Operating Statistics
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                         1996         1997        1998        1999     2000
                         ----         ----        ----        ----     ----
   PCS                      -       23,758      69,797     122,168    168,436
      % Growth              -            -      193.8%       75.0%       37.8%
   Internet               363        4,800       8,659      47,849     62,916
      % Growth              -     1,222.3%       80.4%      452.6%       31.5%

Access Lines
   CLEC                     -            -       1,688       9,775     20,545
      % Growth              -            -           -      479.1%      110.2%
   ILEC                43,371       45,495      47,258      50,133     51,959
      % Growth           4.0%         4.9%        3.9%        6.1%        3.6%


Pro Forma Historical Financial Statistics
- - -----------------------------------------

- - --------


        PCS      Other
        ---      -----
1995       -     49.9
1996     0.7     55.7
1997    11.3     61.8
1998    37.3     70.8
1999    72.1     81.4
2000    92.0     93.3

- - ------


        PCS      Other
        ---      -----
1995       -     26.0
1996   (14.9)    28.1
1997   (28.0)    32.7
1998   (31.2)    36.8
1999   (32.2)    38.1
2000   (29.6)    37.1

Capital Expenditures
- - --------------------


        PCS      Other
        ---      -----
1995    7.3      15.2
1996    98.1     21.0
1997    68.1     22.2
1998    63.6     20.8
1999    61.5     43.6
2000    77.3     37.0


Investment Highlights

o  Transactions solidify position as regional PCS / ICP powerhouse

o  Region's first and largest PCS provider utilizing CDMA technology

o  Established, local CLEC and ILEC presence provides stable revenues

o  Internet growth increases bundled service offerings

o  Significant liquidity and financial flexibility

     -  Positive EBITDA
     -  $250MM of new preferred stock
     -  $150MM available at closing under senior credit facility
     -  $100MM+ in non-core assets available for sale

o  Experienced management team



         Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,
the  registrant  has duly  caused  this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                        NTELOS Inc.

                                        By:   /s/ Michael B. Moneymaker
                                           Michael B. Moneymaker
                                           Chief Financial Officer and Senior
                                           Vice President, Treasurer and

Date:  March 6, 2001