CONSENT OF COOPERS & LYBRAND L.L.P.

We consent  to  the incorporation by reference in the registration statements of
Tredegar Industries,  Inc.   on Form S-3 (File No.   33-57268) and on Forms  S-8
(File No.   33-29582,  File No.   33-31047, File No.  33-47800 and File No.  33-
50276) of our report  dated  January  16,   1995  (except  for  the  information
presented in Note 19,  for which the date is January 31, 1995), on our audits of
the consolidated  financial  statements  of  Tredegar  Industries,   Inc.    and
Subsidiaries as of December 31,  1994 and 1993,  and for each of the three years
in the period ended December 31,  1994,  which report appears on page 29 of  the
1994 Annual Report to Shareholders of Tredegar industries, Inc.

                                   /s/ Coopers & Lybrand L.L.P.

Richmond, Virginia
March 16, 1995