GRANTOR TRUST AGREEMENT

                         Dated as of July 31, 1994




                               CITIBANK, N.A.

                          GRANTOR TRUST AGREEMENT



SECTION 1      ESTABLISHMENT OF TRUST                           2

      1.1      Trust is established with Trustee.
      1.2      Trust is irrevocable.
      1.3      Trust is a grantor trust.
      1.4      Assets subject to claims of creditors.
      1.5      Due date of Trust contributions.
      1.6      Board can discontinue contributions after 5 years.
      1.7      Discretionary contributions.
      1.8      Eligibility for Trust benefits.
      1.9      Definition of "Required Contribution."
      1.10     Responsibility for Required Contribution calculation.
      1.11     Notification upon failure to made Required Contribution.

               SURVIVING SPOUSES                                8

      2.1      BGE required to provide Payment Schedule to Trustee.
      2.2      Failure by BGE to provide Payment Schedule.
      2.3      Tax withholding.
      2.4      Determination entitlement to benefits.
      2.5      Payment of benefits directly by BGE.
      2.6      Authorization for Trustee to defer payments.
      2.7      Determination of insufficient assets.
      2.8      Notification of insufficiency.
      2.9      Restoration of discontinued or reduced payments.
      2.10     Determination of immediate taxation.
      2.11     Reduction of future benefits following immediate taxation.


      3.1      Payments cease when BGE is Insolvent.
      3.2      Assets subject to claims of creditors.
      3.2(a)   Duty to inform Trustee of BGE's Insolvency.
      3.2(b)   Trustee's responsibility to cease payments.
      3.2(c)   Trustee reliance on Insolvency evidence.
      3.2(d)   Trustee holds assets for general creditors.
      3.2(e)   Authority to resume payments.
      3.3      Restoration of discontinued payments.


SECTION 4      PAYMENTS TO BGE                                 20

      4.1      Return or diversion of Trust assets.
      4.2      Distribution of excess Trust assets to BGE.
      4.3      Distribution of  excess Trust  assets following a
               Change of Control.

SECTION 5      INVESTMENT AUTHORITY                            21

      5.1      No investment in BGE stock.
      5.2      Acknowledgement of investment guidelines.
      5.3      BGE may appoint investment advisor.
      5.4      BGE may transfer life insurance to Trust.

SECTION 6      DISPOSITION OF INCOME                           23

SECTION 7      ACCOUNTING BY TRUSTEE                           24

      7.1      Trustee provides monthly accounting to BGE.
      7.2      Deemed approval of accounting by BGE.
      7.3      Tax returns.
      7.4      Right of Trustee to judicial settlement of accounts.

SECTION 8      RESPONSIBILITY OF TRUSTEE                       26

      8.1      Prudency standard for Trustee.
      8.2      Indemnification of Trustee.
      8.3      Powers of Trustee.
      8.4      Additional powers of Trustee.
      8.5      Trustee prohibited from carrying on business through Trust.


      9.1      Trustee's fees.
      9.2      Taxes on Trust income.


      10.1     Resignation of Trustee.
      10.2     Removal of Trustee.
      10.3     Removal of Trustee after Change of Control.
      10.4     Resignation of Trustee after Change of Control.
      10.5     Transfer of assets after resignation or removal of Trustee.
      10.6     Appointment of successor Trustee.

SECTION 11     APPOINTMENT OF SUCCESSOR                        32
      11.1     Appointment of successor after removal or resignation of


      11.2     Appointment of successor Trustee following Change of
      11.3     Responsibility of successor Trustee.
      11.4     Trustee provides written account after removal or

SECTION 12     AMENDMENT OR TERMINATION                        34

      12.1     Amendments to Trust.
      12.2     Termination date of Trust.
      12.3     Trust termination after participant approval.
      12.4     Amendment following Change of Control.

SECTION 13     MISCELLANEOUS                                   35

      13.1     Provisions prohibited by law.
      13.2     Alienation clause.
      13.3     Trust under New York law.
      13.4     Definitions and plurals.
      13.5     Definition of Change of Control.
      13.6     Certification of authority to act.
      13.7     Indemnification of Trustee.
      13.8     Authority of Trust Agreement.
      13.9     Addresses for Trustee and BGE.

SECTION 14     EFFECTIVE DATE                                  40



                          GRANTOR TRUST AGREEMENT
                         Dated as of July 31, 1994
                     Baltimore Gas and Electric Company
                               Citibank, N.A.

     THIS AGREEMENT dated as of July 31, 1994, by and between Baltimore Gas
and  Electric Company, a Maryland corporation, or its successor ("BGE") and
Citibank, N.  A., a national banking  association as trustee  for the trust
created hereby ("Trustee").

                              WITNESSETH THAT:

     WHEREAS,  BGE  has adopted  the  Baltimore  Gas and  Electric  Company
Executive Benefits Plan ("Plan"); and

     WHEREAS,  BGE has  incurred or  expects to  incur liability  under the
terms  of  such  Plan  for  nonqualified  supplemental  pension  retirement
benefits with respect to the individuals participating in such Plan; and

     WHEREAS, BGE wishes to  establish a trust ("Trust") and  to contribute
to the  Trust assets that shall  be held therein, subject to  the claims of
BGE's creditors in the event of BGE's Insolvency, as defined in Section 3.1
hereof, until paid  to Plan  participants and their  surviving spouses,  as
defined  in Section  7 of  the Plan, in  such manner  and at  such times as
specified in the Plan; and


     WHEREAS, it  is the  intention of the  parties that  this Trust  shall
constitute  an unfunded arrangement and shall not  affect the status of the
Plan   as  an  unfunded  plan  maintained  for  the  purpose  of  providing
nonqualified supplemental pension retirement benefits for a select group of
management or highly compensated employees, for  purposes of Title I of the
Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974; and

     WHEREAS, it is the intention of BGE to make contributions to the Trust
to provide a  source of funds to assist in  meeting BGE's liabilities under
the Plan;

     NOW,  THEREFORE, the parties do  hereby establish the  Trust and agree
that the Trust shall be comprised, held and disposed of as follows:


     1.1  BGE hereby establishes with Trustee the  Trust consisting of such
sums  of  cash and  other  property,  including  collateral assignments  of
interests   in  certain   split  dollar   life  insurance   policies,  (the
"principal"), as from time to time shall be paid or delivered to Trustee to
be held, administered, and disposed of by Trustee as provided in this Trust
Agreement.  The principal of the Trust and any earnings thereon (the "Trust
assets") shall be  held by Trustee  and shall be  dealt with in  accordance
with the provisions of this Trust Agreement until all payments required  by
this Trust Agreement have been made.


     1.2  The Trust hereby established shall be irrevocable.

     1.3  The Trust is intended  to be a grantor trust, of which BGE is the
grantor, within  the meaning of subpart E, part I, subchapter J, chapter 1,
subtitle  A of the Internal Revenue Code of  1986, as amended, and shall be
construed accordingly.

     1.4  The  Trust assets  shall be  held separate  and apart  from other
funds  of BGE and  shall be used  exclusively for the  uses and purposes of
Plan  participants, their surviving spouses, and BGE's general creditors as
herein set forth.  Plan participants and their surviving spouses shall have
no preferred claim on, or any  beneficial ownership interest in, any  Trust
assets.  Any rights created  under the Plan and this Trust  Agreement shall
be  mere  unsecured  contractual  rights  of  Plan  participants and  their
surviving spouses against  BGE.  Any  Trust assets will  be subject to  the
claims of  BGE's general creditors under federal and state law in the event
of Insolvency, as defined in Section 3.1 hereof.

     1.5  By August 31, 1994, for the Plan year 1993, BGE shall be required
to irrevocably contribute cash or other  property to the Trust in an amount
equal  to 50%  of  the Required  Contribution, as  defined  in Section  1.9
hereof.  By  April 30 of  the year following each  of the Plan  years 1994-
2002, unless otherwise directed by the  Board of Directors of BGE  pursuant
to  Section 1.6  hereof, BGE  shall be  required to  irrevocably contribute
additional cash or other property to  the Trust in an amount equal to  100%
of the Required Contribution.


     1.6  Prior to the end of the 1998 Plan year, the Board of Directors of
BGE  may by resolution amend  the contribution requirements  of Section 1.5
hereof such that BGE will not be required  to make additional contributions
of cash or other property to the Trust under the terms of Section 1.5 after
the  Required Contribution is  made in 1998  with respect to  the 1997 Plan
year.   If Section 1.5 is  so amended, additional contributions  of cash or
other property  to the Trust with respect to Plan  years after 1997 will be
in the sole discretion of BGE pursuant to Section 1.7 hereof.

     1.7  BGE, in its  sole discretion, may  at any time,  or from time  to
time, make additional contributions of cash or  other property to the Trust
to augment  the Trust assets  to be held,  administered and disposed  of by
Trustee as provided in this Trust Agreement.  Neither Trustee  nor any Plan
participant  or  surviving  spouse shall  have  any  right  to compel  such
additional contributions.

     1.8  Plan participants or their surviving spouses shall be eligible to
receive  benefits under this Trust  Agreement only if  the Plan participant
was a BGE employee as well as a Plan participant as of the end of any  Plan
year for which a contribution was required pursuant to Sections 1.5 and 1.6


hereof, or as of the end of any Plan year for which a contribution was made
by BGE, in its sole discretion pursuant to Section 1.7, except that for the
Plan  year  1993, Plan  participants or  their  surviving spouses  shall be
eligible to receive benefits  under this Trust Agreement  only if the  Plan
participant was  a BGE employee  as well  as a Plan  participant as of  the
first day of 1993.

     1.9  "Required  Contribution,"  for   purposes  of  the   contribution
requirements as set forth in Section 1.5 hereof, means the sum of (1), (2),
(3), (4) and  (5) below computed as indicated herein,  less the fair market
value of  the  Trust assets  at the  end of  the  Plan year  for which  the
contribution is required.

     (1)  For  Plan participants  eligible to  receive benefits  under this
Trust Agreement pursuant to Section 1.8 hereof, who were also BGE employees
as  of the end  of the  Plan year  for which  the contribution  is required
(except  BGE employees  entitled to  lump sum  payments as  indicated under
Section 1.9(4) hereof) and who were not eligible for early retirement under
the  Plan at  the  end of  the  Plan year  for  which the  contribution  is
required, an amount equal to the  present value of an annuity including the
estimated present  value of  post retirement supplemental  survivor annuity
benefits  under the Plan  commencing effective with the  month in which the
participant  becomes age 65 using  (i) the net  accrued benefit as computed
under  the Plan  (without regard  to age  and Credited  Service eligibility


requirements), expressed as a  monthly amount, (ii) an interest  rate equal
to the lesser  of 8% or 95% of the Interest  Rate under the Plan, and (iii)
the Mortality Table.

     (2)  For  Plan participants  eligible to  receive benefits  under this
Trust Agreement pursuant to Section 1.8 hereof, who were also BGE employees
as of  the end  of the  Plan year  for which  the contribution  is required
(except  BGE employees  entitled to  lump sum  payments as  indicated under
Section 1.9(4) hereof) and who were eligible for early retirement under the
Plan as of the end of the Plan year for which the contribution is required,
an amount  equal to the present  value of an annuity  including the present
value of  post retirement supplemental survivor annuity  benefits under the
Plan commencing effective with  the first month following the Plan year for
which  the contribution is  required using (i)  the net  accrued benefit as
computed  under the Plan, expressed  as a monthly  amount, (ii) an interest
rate equal to the  lesser of 8% or 95% of the Interest Rate under the Plan,
and (iii) the Mortality Table.

     (3)  For Plan participants or their surviving spouses who are eligible
to  receive benefits  under this  Trust Agreement  pursuant to  Section 1.8
hereof who were  also receiving a retirement benefit under  the Plan in the
form of a  monthly payment as  of the end  of the Plan  year for which  the
contribution  is  required, an  amount  equal to  the present  value  of an
annuity  as computed  under (2)(i),(ii),  and (iii)  above except  that the
interest rate used to compute the present value under (ii) shall be 8%.


     (4)  For all Plan participants eligible to receive benefits under this
Trust  Agreement pursuant to Section 1.8 hereof who are also entitled under
Section 5(c) of the Plan to receive a lump  sum payment at the later of age
55 or upon separation from service as of the end of the Plan year for which
the contribution  is required, an amount  equal to the present  value of an
annuity as computed under (1) above.

     (5)  In  the event  there has  been a  reduction or  discontinuance of
payments  pursuant to  Sections 2.6,  2.7, or  Section 3 hereof,  an amount
equal  to  the  total amount  of  any  previously  reduced or  discontinued
payments  to  Plan  participants  and  their  surviving spouses,  less  the
aggregate  amount of  any  payments made  to  Plan participants  and  their
surviving spouses by BGE in  lieu of such payments, plus interest  computed
pursuant to Section 2.9 hereof on the net aggregate amount.

     1.10 BGE shall  have sole responsibility for providing  to Trustee the
determination and calculation  of the Required Contribution  which shall be
determined and calculated by the  actuary of the Pension Plan of  Baltimore
Gas  and Electric  Company.   Trustee  shall  have no  responsibility  with
respect to such determination  and calculation including the responsibility
to verify  (i) the accuracy of  such calculation or (ii)  compliance by BGE
with  the terms  of Section 1  hereof, except  as provided  in Section 1.11
hereof.  Trustee shall have no  duty, obligation or responsibility to bring
any  action or  proceeding  to  enforce  the  collection  of  the  Required
Contribution from BGE.


     1.11 In the event  BGE fails to make the  Required Contribution to the
Trust by the dates  specified in Section 1.5  hereof, Trustee shall  notify
BGE of such failure  by the 15th  day of the month  following the month  in
which  the contribution  was required.   Such notification  shall stipulate
that BGE may correct the failure to contribute by the last day of the month
following the month in  which the contribution was required  (the "Required
Contribution correction date").  Trustee shall notify the Plan participants
or their  surviving spouses shown on  the most recent Payment  Schedule, as
defined in Section 2.1 hereof, provided by BGE to Trustee, in the event BGE
fails to  make  the  Required  Contribution by  the  Required  Contribution
correction date.   Trustee shall make  such notification  no later than  15
days following the Required Contribution correction date.


     2.1  By  August 31  of the year  following the  1993 Plan  year and by
April 30 of the  year following each Plan year thereafter until termination
of the Trust under the provisions of Section 12 hereof, and  at other times
as  reasonably  requested by  Trustee including  such  times as  Trustee is
notified in  writing of the death of a Plan participant or surviving spouse
eligible  to receive benefits under this Trust Agreement, BGE shall deliver
to Trustee a schedule, substantially in the format of Exhibit A hereof, and
any other  necessary documentation  (such schedule and  other documentation


being  referred to  for  this  purpose  as  the  "Payment  Schedule")  that
indicates the Plan  benefit amounts  currently payable in  respect of  each
Plan participant  (and his or her surviving spouse), the form in which such
amount is  to be paid  (as provided for  or available under the  Plan), the
time  of commencement  for  payment  of  such  amounts,  whether  the  Plan
participant is receiving such payment  as a result of an entitlement  event
(as defined in Section  5(c) of the Plan), the present value  of the future
benefits payable to Plan participants and their surviving spouses under the
terms of  this Trust Agreement computed as under Section 1.9 (1), (2), (3),
and  (4) hereof, and the Required Contribution computed pursuant to Section
1.9 hereof.

     Plan  participants or their surviving spouses shall be included on the
Payment  Schedule and  shall  be eligible  for  benefits under  this  Trust
Agreement pursuant to Section  1.8 hereof only to the  extent contributions
to the Trust were required under Sections 1.5 or 1.6 hereof, or for which a
contribution was made  by BGE to the Trust pursuant  to Section 1.7 hereof.
A  modified Payment Schedule shall be delivered  by BGE to Trustee upon the
occurrence of  any event, such as early retirement of a Plan participant or
an  entitlement event, as defined in Section  5(c) of the Plan, requiring a
modification of the Payment Schedule or a modified Payment Schedule.

     BGE  shall cause  the  Payment Schedule  which  BGE shall  provide  to
Trustee to be prepared by the actuary for the Pension Plan of Baltimore Gas
and Electric Company.


     Except as  otherwise provided  in Sections  2.5  through 2.11  hereof,
Trustee  shall  make  payments to  Plan  participants  and their  surviving
spouses in accordance  with such Payment Schedule, and shall  act only upon
such written  direction and shall have  no duty to determine  the rights of
any person under  this Trust Agreement or under the Plan or to inquire into
the  right or power  of BGE to  direct or  not direct any  such payment and
shall be authorized to rely on the Payment Schedule most recently  provided
to Trustee by BGE.

     2.2  In the event BGE fails to deliver the Payment Schedule to Trustee
by the  date specified in Section  2.1 hereof, Trustee shall  notify BGE of
such  failure by the 15th day of the month following the month in which the
Payment  Schedule  was  required   to  be  delivered  to  Trustee.     Such
notification shall stipulate  that BGE may correct the failure  by the last
day of  the month following  the month  in which the  Payment Schedule  was
required  to be  delivered  to Trustee  (the  "Payment Schedule  correction
date").   Trustee  shall notify  the Plan  participants or  their surviving
spouses shown  on  the most  recent  Payment Schedule  provided  by BGE  to
Trustee in the  event BGE fails to deliver the  Payment Schedule to Trustee
by  the  Payment  Schedule  correction  date.    Trustee  shall  make  such
notification   no  later  than  15  days  following  the  Payment  Schedule
correction date.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event BGE fails  to
deliver  the Payment  Schedule to  Trustee for  the 1993  Plan year  by the
Payment Schedule correction date,  Trustee shall not be required  to notify


Plan participants or their  surviving spouses under Sections 1.11,  2.2 and
2.8  hereof or  make  payments to  Plan  participants and  their  surviving
spouses as  provided in  Section 2  hereof, until such  time as  an initial
Payment  Schedule has been  delivered by BGE  to Trustee.   If BGE fails to
deliver the  Payment Schedule to Trustee  by the date specified  in Section
2.1  hereof, Trustee  shall make  payments to  Plan participants  and their
surviving  spouses, except  as otherwise provided  in Sections  2.5 through
2.11 hereof, in accordance with the Payment Schedule most recently provided
to Trustee by BGE.  Within a  reasonable period of time after BGE  delivers
the updated Payment Schedule  to Trustee, Trustee shall pay all amounts due
to the Plan participants and their surviving spouses  for the period during
which  Trustee relied on the  previous Payment Schedule  to the extent such
amounts have not  been paid by Trustee under the  previous Payment Schedule
or by BGE pursuant to Sections 2.5 through  2.11 hereof.  Such amounts paid
by Trustee shall include interest computed at an 8% per annum rate from the
date the payments were due under the Plan to  the first day of the month in
which such amount was paid.

     2.3  Trustee shall make provision for the reporting and withholding of
any federal, state  or local taxes that may be required to be withheld with
respect to  the payment of  benefits from the  Trust and shall  pay amounts
withheld  to  the appropriate  taxing  authorities or  determine  that such
amounts  have been reported, withheld  and paid by  BGE, provided, however,
that  BGE shall  be  required  to  provide  Trustee  with  all  information
reasonably necessary for Trustee to perform such withholding.


     2.4  The entitlement of Plan  participants and their surviving spouses
to benefits under the Plan shall be  determined by BGE or such party as  it
shall designate  under the Plan, and  any claim for such  benefits shall be
considered  and reviewed under the procedures set  out in the Plan.  Except
as provided in Section 2.7 hereof,  Trustee shall have no responsibility to
determine  such   entitlements  or   to  verify   the  accuracy   of  their
determination or to review or supervise the review of claims for benefits.

     2.5  BGE may  make payment of  benefits directly to  Plan participants
and their surviving spouses as they become due in accordance  with the most
recent Payment  Schedule  provided by  BGE to  Trustee.   BGE shall  notify
Trustee  of its  decision to  make payment  of benefits  prior to  the time
amounts are payable  to Plan  participants and their  surviving spouses  by
indicating  such intent on the Payment  Schedule provided by BGE to Trustee
pursuant  to Section  2.1 or by  separate written notification.   BGE shall
provide Trustee  with documentation substantiating that  such payments were
made no  later than the last day  of the month in  which such payments were
due in accordance with the most  recent Payment Schedule provided by BGE to
Trustee.  If such  documentation is not provided, Trustee is  authorized to
make  such  payments  directly  to Plan  participants  and  their surviving


spouses.    In  addition, if  the  Trust  assets are  insufficient  to make
payments  of benefits in accordance  with the most  recent Payment Schedule
provided by  BGE to Trustee,  or are  not available to  make such  payments
because  all  or part  of  the  Trust  assets are  invested  in  collateral
assignments  of certain split dollar life insurance policies, BGE shall pay
the balance of each such payment to the Plan participant or their surviving
spouse as it falls due.  Trustee shall  notify BGE of such insufficiency or
unavailability as specified in Sections 2.6 and 2.8 hereof.

     2.6  Where  Trustee  is  required  to  make payments  from  the  Trust
according  to the  most  recent  Payment Schedule  and  BGE  does not  make
payments in lieu of such payments as provided under Section 2.5 hereof, and
Trustee is unable  to make the required payments because all or part of the
Trust assets are invested  in the collateral assignment portion  of certain
split  dollar life insurance policies,  Trustee is authorized  to defer the
required payments until  cash is  available to make  the required  payments
under the terms of this Trust Agreement.

     2.7  A determination of  insufficiency of Trust  assets shall be  made
with respect to the end  of each Plan year after receipt by  the Trustee of
the Payment  Schedule prepared with respect  to such Plan year  or the most
recent  Payment Schedule  in the  event BGE  fails to  deliver the  Payment
Schedule to Trustee by the date specified in Section 2.1 hereof.  The Trust
assets will  be deemed to be  insufficient to make payments  of benefits in


accordance  with the terms of such Payment  Schedule if the market value of
the Trust assets at the end of the Plan year for which the determination is
being made plus  the Required  Contribution actually made  with respect  to
such Plan  year is less  than the present  value of the future  benefits as
shown on the most recent Payment Schedule.  In determining the market value
of  collateral  assignments of  interests  in split  dollar  life insurance
policies held by the Trust,  Trustee may rely on the valuation  provided by
the insurance carrier who issued such policies, or the broker administering
such policies.

     In the event of such insufficiency and to the extent BGE does not make
payments  directly  to  Plan participants  or  their  surviving  spouses as
provided under Section 2.5 hereof, any payment made from the  Trust will be
reduced by multiplying  such payment by a fraction, the  numerator of which
shall be the value of all cash and other property held by the Trust and the
denominator of which shall be the  aggregate present value of all  benefits
under the Plan as shown on the most recent Payment Schedule.

     2.8  If the Trust assets are insufficient to make payments of benefits
in accordance with the  most recent Payment Schedule, Trustee  shall notify
BGE of such  insufficiency by May 15 (by September  15 for an insufficiency
related to Plan year 1993) of the year following the Plan year with respect
to  which the insufficiency has  been determined.   Such notification shall
stipulate that BGE may correct the insufficiency by May 31 (by September 31


for  an insufficiency related to Plan year  1993) of the year following the
Plan year with respect to which the insufficiency has been  determined (the
"insufficiency correction date").  Trustee shall notify the participants or
their  surviving spouses shown on the most recent Payment Schedule provided
by BGE to  Trustee in the event  BGE fails to correct the  insufficiency by
the insufficiency correction date.  Trustee shall make such notification no
later  that 15 days following  the insufficiency correction  date and shall
proceed  to reduce any payment made from  the Trust in the manner specified
in Section 2.7 hereof as soon as practicable.

     2.9  If  Trustee reduces or discontinues  the payment of benefits from
the  Trust pursuant  to Section  2.6 and  2.7 hereof  and the  Trust assets
subsequently become sufficient to pay all or part of the previously reduced
or  discontinued benefits,  the  first payment  following thereafter  shall
include the  aggregate of all payments  due to Plan participants  and their
surviving spouses under the terms of this Trust Agreement for the period of
such  reduction or discontinuance to the extent Trust assets are available,
less the aggregate  amount of any  payments made  to Plan participants  and
their  surviving  spouses  by BGE  in  lieu of  the  payments  provided for
hereunder  during any such period of reduction  or discontinuance.  In such
event  where Trust  assets    are sufficient  to  pay only  a  part of  the
previously  reduced  or  discontinued  benefits, amounts  relating  to  the
earliest  payments reduced or discontinued  shall be paid  before all other


amounts  due under this Trust Agreement.   Such payments shall also include
interest  computed at an 8%  per annum rate on  the net aggregate amount of
all  payment reductions from the date the  payments were due under the Plan
to the first day of the month in which such net aggregate amount was paid.

     2.10 In the event there  is a final judicial determination or  a final
determination  by the Internal  Revenue Service that  the Plan participants
and their  surviving spouses  are subject  to any tax  with respect  to any
amounts held under the terms of the Trust, then Trustee shall make payments
from the  Trust to such  Plan participants and  their surviving spouses  in
such amounts  as set forth in  such final determination for  the purpose of
paying federal taxes and interest and any penalties thereon which such Plan
participants  and  their  surviving  spouses  incur  arising  out  of  such
determination.   Trustee's decision as to whether a final determination has
occurred shall be binding and conclusive on all Plan participants and their
surviving spouses.

     2.11 Any payment from the  Trust, as provided in Section  2.10 hereof,
excluding  interest and penalties paid with respect to federal taxes, shall
reduce the benefits  payable under the Plan of those participants and their
surviving spouses on whose behalf such payments are made.  It shall be  the
responsibility of BGE to determine or cause to be determined by the actuary
for the  Pension Plan of Baltimore  Gas and Electric Company  the amount of
such reduction and to provide  Trustee with an updated Payment Schedule  to
reflect any such  reduction made hereunder.  Trustee shall  have no duty to
verify any calculations provided by BGE under this Section 2.11.



     3.1  Trustee shall cease payment of  benefits to Plan participants and
their surviving  spouses if  BGE is  Insolvent.   BGE  shall be  considered
Insolvent for purposes of this Trust Agreement if (i) BGE makes a voluntary
filing under the United States Bankruptcy Code, or (ii) BGE is subject to a
pending  involuntary  proceeding  as  a  debtor  under  the  United  States
Bankruptcy Code.

     3.2  At all times during the continuance of this Trust, as provided in
Section 1.4  hereof, the Trust assets shall be subject to claims of general
creditors of BGE under federal and state law as set forth below.

     3.2(a)    The  Board  of  Directors  of BGE  and  the  Chief Executive
Officer of  BGE shall have the  duty to inform Trustee in  writing of BGE's
Insolvency.   If  a person  claiming  to be  a creditor  of BGE  alleges in
writing to Trustee that  BGE has become Insolvent, Trustee  shall determine
whether BGE  is Insolvent  and, pending  such determination,  Trustee shall
discontinue payment of  benefits to Plan  participants and their  surviving


     3.2(b)    Until  receipt of a notice of Insolvency as set forth above,
Trustee  shall be under  no obligation and shall  have no responsibility to
suspend payments  hereunder and hold  the Trust assets  for the benefit  of
BGE's general creditors.   Trustee shall  not be deemed  to have notice  or
knowledge  of facts or events in  public records or received by departments
or divisions of Trustee bank  other than the Investor Services  division of
Trustee bank.  Trustee shall not have any liability to any party for making
any payments or withholding any payments pursuant to court order or request
from trustee in bankruptcy or receivership pursuant to notice of Insolvency
as provided above.

     3.2(c)    Unless Trustee has actual  knowledge of BGE's Insolvency, or
has received notice from BGE or a person claiming to be a creditor alleging
that BGE is Insolvent, Trustee shall have no duty to inquire whether BGE is
Insolvent.   Trustee may  in all events  rely on  such evidence  concerning
BGE's solvency as  may be  furnished to Trustee  and that provides  Trustee
with  a  reasonable  basis  for  making  a  determination concerning  BGE's

     3.2(d)    If at any time Trustee has determined that BGE is Insolvent,
Trustee shall discontinue payments to Plan participants and their surviving
spouses and  shall hold the Trust  assets for the benefit  of BGE's general
creditors.  Nothing  in this Trust Agreement shall in  any way diminish any
rights of Plan  participants and  their surviving spouses  to pursue  their
rights as general creditors of  BGE with respect to benefits due  under the
Plan or otherwise.


     3.2(e)    Trustee  shall  resume  the  payment  of  benefits  to  Plan
participants  and their surviving spouses  in accordance with  Section 2 of
this Trust  Agreement only  after Trustee  has determined  that BGE  is not
Insolvent (or is no longer  Insolvent).  Where BGE is subject  to a pending
proceeding as a  debtor under  the United States  Bankruptcy Code,  Trustee
shall  resume payment  when such  proceeding is  dismissed.   In all  other
cases, Trustee shall have no obligation to so resume payment until it shall
have  received an unqualified opinion of a certified public accountant that
BGE is no longer Insolvent and an opinion of counsel that there is no legal
prohibition to resuming payment hereunder.

     3.3  If Trustee discontinues  the payment of  benefits from the  Trust
pursuant  to Section 3.2 hereof and subsequently resumes such payments, the
first  payment following  such discontinuance  shall include  the aggregate
amount of all payments due to Plan participants and their surviving spouses
under  the  terms  of  this   Trust  Agreement  for  the  period  of   such
discontinuance,  less the  aggregate amount  of any  payments made  to Plan
participants and  their surviving spouses  by BGE  in lieu of  the payments
provided  for  hereunder  during any  such  period  of  discontinuance plus
interest computed as under Section  2.9 hereof on the net  aggregate amount
of all payments  from the date the payments were due  under the Plan to the
first day of  the month in which  such net aggregate amount was  paid.  BGE


shall  cause to be determined and calculated  by the actuary of the Pension
Plan of Baltimore Gas and Electric Company such net aggregate amount, which
determination   shall  be  conclusive  for  BGE,   Trustee,  and  all  Plan
participants and their surviving spouses.


     4.1  Except as provided in Sections 3.2 and 4.2 hereof, BGE shall have
no right or power to direct Trustee to return to BGE or to divert to others
any of  the Trust assets before all payments  of benefits have been made to
Plan participants and their  surviving spouses in accordance with  the most
recent Payment  Schedule provided by BGE  to Trustee and the  terms of this
Trust Agreement.

     4.2  In the event the market value of  Trust assets as of the end of a
Plan year  exceeds 120 percent of  the present value of  future benefits as
shown  on the Payment Schedule for  such Plan year, plus  the amount of any
payments as computed under Section 1.9(5) hereof as of the end of such Plan
year, then  BGE may, in its  sole discretion, direct Trustee  in writing to
distribute such excess Trust assets,  in whole or in part, to  BGE provided
such distribution does not contravene any provision of  law.  Trustee shall
have no responsibility to determine the propriety of any such direction.


     4.3  Notwithstanding Section 4.2 hereof, BGE may not direct Trustee to
distribute such  excess Trust assets for 2 years from  the date a Change of
Control is deemed to occur under Section 13.5 hereof.


     5.1  In  no event may Trustee invest in securities (including stock or
rights to  acquire stock)  or obligations  issued by BGE,  other than  a de
minimis amount held in common investment vehicles in which Trustee invests.
All rights associated with the Trust assets shall  be exercised by Trustee,
and  shall in no event be exercisable by or rest with Plan participants and
their surviving spouses;  provided that BGE may at any  time, upon delivery
of  written notice to Trustee, terminate Trustee's authority over the Trust

     5.2  BGE shall submit to Trustee  investment guidelines which shall be
acknowledged  by Trustee  in writing.    The Trust  assets  shall be  held,
invested and reinvested by  Trustee upon written direction of BGE  and only
in accordance with the investment guidelines most  recently acknowledged by
Trustee.  BGE shall direct Trustee to invest or reinvest from time to  time
the Trust assets (taking into account, among other things, anticipated cash
requirements for benefits under the Plans); provided, however, that pending
receipt  of investment  directions or  guidelines from  BGE or  pending the
acknowledgement by Trustee of such  investment guidelines, the Trust assets
may  be held in  interest bearing cash accounts  maintained by Trustee; and


provided,  however, that  Trustee shall  not be liable  for any  failure to
maximize the income earned on the Trust assets, or for any loss suffered by
the  Trust, as  a result  of its  investment or  reinvestment of  the Trust
assets in accordance with 1) directions received by Trustee from BGE, or 2)
the investment guidelines as acknowledged by Trustee.

     5.3  BGE may, in its sole discretion, appoint an investment manager or
managers to manage  (including the  power to  acquire and  dispose of)  any
Trust  assets.  Trustee  may rely on  direction of such  investment manager
upon receipt of written direction from BGE and shall be entitled to rely on
such  direction until  revoked in  writing by  BGE.   Trustee shall  not be
liable  for the acts or  omissions of such  investment manager or managers,
unless  Trustee  participates  knowingly  in, or  knowingly  undertakes  to
conceal,  an act or omission of  such investment manager, knowing that such
act or  omission is a breach  of its or the  investment manager's fiduciary
duty.   Trustee is under no  obligation to review, inquire  into or examine
the acts or omissions of  any such investment manager.  Trustee  shall have
the duty to inform BGE  in the event Trustee becomes aware of any such acts
or omissions.   Trustee  shall  not be  under an  obligation  to invest  or
otherwise manage Trust assets  which are subject  to the management of  the
investment manager.


     5.4  BGE reserves the right  to transfer to the Trust  in satisfaction
of  the contribution requirements as set forth  in Section 1.5 hereof, life
insurance, annuity  policies or contracts  on or for  the life of  any Plan
participant,  or to  direct  Trustee  to  purchase  any  such  policies  or
contracts on or  for the life of any such Plan participant out of the Trust
assets.  Any such policy or contract shall be a Trust  asset subject to the
claims of BGE's creditors in the event of Insolvency, as defined in Section
3.1 hereof.   The proceeds, dividends, or distributions of  cash value paid
with respect  to any life  insurance policy or  contract held in  the Trust
shall be paid to the Trust.  Trustee shall be under no duty to question any
direction of BGE or to review the form of  any policies or contracts or the
selection of the issuer thereof, or to make suggestions to BGE with respect
to the form of such policies or contracts or to the issuer thereof.


     During  the term of this Trust, all  income received by the Trust, net
of expenses and taxes, shall be accumulated and reinvested, until otherwise
required for disbursement under the terms of this Trust Agreement.



     7.1  Trustee  shall   keep  accurate  and  detailed   records  of  all
investments, receipts, disbursements,  and all other transactions  required
to  be made,  including such specific  records as  shall be  agreed upon in
writing  between BGE and  Trustee.  Within  15 days following  the close of
each calendar month and within 90  days after the removal or resignation of
Trustee,   Trustee  shall  deliver  to   BGE  a  written   account  of  its
administration  of  the Trust  pursuant to  terms  of this  Trust Agreement
during such year or during the period  from the close of the last preceding
year  to  the  date  of  such removal  or  resignation,  setting  forth all
investments, receipts, disbursements and other transactions effected by it,
including a  description of all  securities and  investments purchased  and
sold  with the  cost or net  proceeds of  such purchases  or sales (accrued
interest  paid or receivable being shown separately), and showing all cash,
and  the cost and market value of all securities and other property held in
the Trust at the  end of such  year or as  of the date  of such removal  or
resignation, as the case may be.

     In the event the  insurance carrier who issued the  insurance policies
which are held by or  collaterally assigned to the Trust or the  broker who
administers such policies does  not timely provide Trustee with  the market
value  of such insurance policies or  collateral assignments, Trustee shall
provide  to  BGE written  accounts under  this  Section 7.1  containing all
valuations  except  such  insurance  valuations.   As  soon  as practicable
following the  receipt of  the market  valuations from  the carrier or  the
broker, Trustee shall  provide BGE  with written  accounts containing  such
insurance valuations.


     7.2  Unless BGE shall  have filed with  Trustee written exceptions  to
any such statement or  account delivered by Trustee pursuant to Section 7.1
hereof within 90 days after receipt of such statement or account, BGE shall
be deemed to have approved  such statement or account, and in  such case or
upon the  written approval by BGE of any such statement or account, Trustee
shall be  forever released and  discharged with respect to  all matters and
things embraced in such statement or account as though it  had been settled
by a decree of a court of competent jurisdiction in an action or proceeding
to which  BGE or persons having  any beneficial interest in  the Trust were

     7.3  BGE shall prepare and file such tax returns and other reports  as
may  be required  for the  Trust, with  any taxing  authority or  any other
government  authority and shall provide Trustee with copies of such returns
and reports as  soon as practicable following the date  of filing.  Trustee
shall provide to  BGE such information, to the extent  not already provided
through written  accounts delivered to  BGE pursuant to Section  7.1, as is
necessary for BGE to prepare and file such tax returns and other reports.

     7.4  Nothing  contained in this Trust  Agreement or in  the Plan shall
deprive Trustee of the right to have a judicial settlement of its accounts.


In  any proceeding for a judicial settlement  of the accounts of Trustee or
for instruction in  connection with  the Trust assets,  the only  necessary
party thereto in  addition to Trustee shall be BGE.   If Trustee so elects,
it may  bring  in as  a  party any  other  person or  persons.   No  person
interested  in the  Trust assets,  other than  BGE, shall  have a  right to
compel  an  accounting, judicial  or otherwise,  by  Trustee and  each such
person shall  be bound by  all accountings  as herein provided,  as if  the
account had been settled by decree  of a court of competent jurisdiction in
an action or proceeding to which such person was a party.


     8.1  Trustee shall act  with the care,  skill, prudence and  diligence
under the circumstances  then prevailing  that a prudent  person acting  in
like capacity and familiar with such matters would use in the conduct of an
enterprise of a  like character and with like aims, provided, however, that
Trustee  shall  incur no  liability  to  any person  for  any  action taken
pursuant to a direction,  request or approval  given by BGE (or  investment
manager  designated pursuant to terms hereof) which is contemplated by, and
in  conformity with,  the terms  of this  Trust Agreement  and is  given in
writing by BGE.

     8.2  Trustee  need  not  engage  in  any  litigation,  arbitration  or
administrative  proceeding related  to  this Trust  Agreement unless  first
indemnified to  its reasonable satisfaction by BGE  unless such litigation,


arbitration or administrative proceeding is  prompted by an allegation that
Trustee  has  breached  its  duties  undertaken  pursuant  to   this  Trust
Agreement.    If  Trustee  proceeds  to  engage  in  any  such  litigation,
arbitration  or administrative proceeding  and is  not so  indemnified, all
reasonable costs  of Trustee including reasonable  attorney's fees incurred
pursuant to  such action shall be  charged against and paid  from the Trust
assets, except  when the claim  relates to an  allegation that Trustee  has
breached  its duties in  which case Trustee  shall be responsible  for such

     Trustee  may  consult  with  any  legal  counsel,  including,  without
limitation,  counsel to BGE or Trustee's own independent counsel, to assist
Trustee in the  management and administration of the Trust  or with respect
to (a)  the meaning or construction  of the terms of  this Trust Agreement,
(b) its obligations or duties  hereunder, (c) any act which  Trustee should
take or omit hereunder, (d)  any action or proceeding, or (e)  any question
of law.  In  any action taken or omitted by Trustee  in good faith pursuant
to  the  advice of  such  counsel,  BGE shall  indemnify  and hold  Trustee
harmless  against  reasonable  litigation  expenses  and   attorney's  fees
occasioned by such action; except when Trustee acted or omitted to act upon
the advice of counsel other than counsel to BGE.

     8.3  Trustee shall  have, without  exclusion, all powers  conferred on
trustees  by applicable  law, unless  expressly provided  otherwise herein,
provided, however, that if an  insurance policy is held as an  asset of the


Trust, Trustee  shall have  no power  to name a  beneficiary of  the policy
other than the Trust, to assign the policy (as distinct  from conversion of
the policy to  a different form) other than  to a successor Trustee,  or to
loan to  any person  the proceeds  of any  borrowing  against such  policy.
Trustee, as  assignee  under  split dollar  life  insurance  policies,  may
exercise the right to obtain  policy loans in accordance with the  terms of
the collateral assignment document.

     8.4  In  executing its  duties,  obligations  and responsibilities  as
herein provided,  and in  addition to  those powers  given by law,  Trustee
shall have the power, in its sole discretion:

     (a) to collect and receive any and all money and other property due to
the Trust and to give full discharge therefor;

     (b) to settle, compromise  or submit to arbitration any  claims, debts
or damages due  to or  owing to or  from the Trust;  to commence or  defend
suits  or legal proceedings  to protect any  interest of the  Trust; and to
represent  the Trust  in all  suits or  legal proceedings  in any  court or
before any other body or tribunal;

     (c)   if specifically instructed  by BGE, to  provide benefits through
the purchase of  individual or  group annuity or  life insurance  contracts
issued  by insurance companies licensed to do  business in the State of New

     (d)  if  specifically instructed by  BGE, to act  as agent for  BGE to
perform multiple services for the Plan,  its participants and beneficiaries
and to receive and  withdraw from the Trust assets  reasonable compensation


     (e)   to  engage accountants  or other  advisors as  Trustee may  deem
necessary  to control  and manage  the Trust  assets and  to carry  out the
purposes of this Trust Agreement;

     (f)  subject  to Section 5  hereof, to invest  and reinvest the  Trust
assets  without distinction  between principal  and income  in any  form of
property  not prohibited by law including, without limitation on the amount
which  may be invested therein, any common  or group trust fund operated by
Trustee or in demand deposits of Trustee;

     (g)   to hold  cash uninvested in  an amount considered  necessary and
practical for proper administration of the Trust and/or to deposit the same
with any  banking, savings or  similar financial institution  supervised by
the United States or any State, including Trustee's own banking department;

     (h)   to  perform  all such  acts  and exercise  all  such rights  and
privileges  consistent  with applicable  law and  the  terms of  this Trust
Agreement,  although not specifically mentioned herein, as Trustee may deem
desirable or necessary to control and  manage the Trust assets and to carry
out the purposes of this Trust Agreement.

     Except as provided under Section 13.2, if all or any part of the Trust
assets are  at any time  attached, garnished, or  levied upon by  any court
order, or in case the payment, assignment, transfer, conveyance or delivery
of any such property shall  be stayed or enjoined by any court order, or in
case  any order, judgment  or decree  shall be made  or entered  by a court


affecting such property or any part thereof, then and in any of such events
Trustee is authorized, in its sole discretion, to rely upon and comply with
any such order, writ, judgment or decree, and it shall not be liable to BGE
(or  any  of  its  subsidiaries)  or any  participant  by  reason  of  such
compliance even  though such order,  writ, judgment or  decree subsequently
may be reversed, modified, annulled, set aside or vacated.

     8.5  Notwithstanding any  powers granted  to Trustee pursuant  to this
Trust Agreement or to applicable law, Trustee shall not have any power that
could give this Trust the objective of carrying on a  business and dividing
the  gains therefrom,  within  the meaning  of  section 301.7701-2  of  the
Procedure  and  Administrative  Regulations  promulgated  pursuant  to  the
Internal Revenue Code.


     9.1  BGE shall pay all administrative and Trustee's  fees and expenses
(including, without limitation, reasonable fees of agents and counsel).  If
not so paid, the fees and expenses shall be paid from the  Trust; provided,
however, that  BGE may approve  in writing  the automatic payment  of fees,
compensation and expenses from the Trust.  Trustee shall have a lien on the
Trust in the amount of such fees, expenses and compensation  until the same
have been paid.


     9.2  BGE shall pay any federal, state, local or other taxes imposed or
levied with respect to the Trust assets under the existing or future laws.


     10.1      Trustee may resign  at any  time by written  notice to  BGE,
which shall  be effective 30 days  after receipt of such  notice unless BGE
and Trustee agree otherwise in writing.

     10.2      Accept  as provided in Section  10.3, Trustee may be removed
by BGE  on  30 days  written  notice or  upon  shorter notice  accepted  by

     10.3      Upon a Change of Control, as defined in Section 13.5 hereof,
Trustee may  not be removed by  BGE for 2 years  from the date  a Change of
Control is deemed to occur under Section 13.5 hereof.

     10.4      If  Trustee resigns within 2  years of a  Change of Control,
Trustee  shall select a successor Trustee in accordance with the provisions
of  Section  11.2  hereof   prior  to  the  effective  date   of  Trustee's

     10.5      Upon resignation or removal of Trustee and appointment of  a
successor Trustee,  all Trust assets  shall subsequently be  transferred to


the successor Trustee.  The transfer shall be completed at the later of (i)
90 days  after receipt of notice  of resignation or removal  of Trustee, or
(ii) appointment of successor Trustee, unless BGE extends the time limit in

     10.6      If Trustee  resigns  or is  removed,  a successor  shall  be
appointed, in accordance with Section  11 hereof, by the effective  date of
resignation  or removal  under Sections 10.1  or 10.2  hereof.   If no such
appointment  has  been made,  Trustee  may apply  to  a court  of competent
jurisdiction  for  appointment of  a successor  or  for instructions.   All
expenses of Trustee in  connection with the proceeding shall be  allowed as
administrative expenses of the Trust.


     11.1      If Trustee resigns or is removed in accordance with Sections
10.1 or 10.2 hereof, BGE may appoint  any third party, such as a bank trust
department  or other  party that  may be  granted corporate  trustee powers
under  state law,  as a  successor to replace  Trustee upon  resignation or
removal.   The appointment shall be  effective when accepted in  writing by
the successor Trustee, who shall  have all of the rights and powers  of the
former Trustee, including ownership rights in the Trust assets.  The former
Trustee shall execute  any instrument necessary or reasonably  requested by
BGE or the  successor Trustee (in which case Trustee  shall have received a
copy of successor  Trustee's acceptance)  to evidence the  transfer of  the
Trust assets.


     11.2      If  Trustee resigns  pursuant to  the provisions  of Section
10.4  hereof, Trustee  may appoint  any third  party such  as a  bank trust
department  or other  party that  may be  granted corporate  trustee powers
under state law.  The appointment of a successor Trustee shall be effective
when  accepted in writing by the  successor Trustee.  The successor Trustee
shall  have all  the rights  and powers  of  the former  Trustee, including
ownership rights  in Trust assets.   The  former Trustee shall  execute any
instrument necessary  or reasonably requested  by the successor  Trustee to
evidence the transfer of the Trust assets.

     11.3      The successor Trustee need not examine the  records and acts
of any  prior Trustee and may  retain or dispose of  existing Trust assets,
subject to  Sections 7 and  8 hereof.   The successor Trustee shall  not be
responsible  for and BGE shall  indemnify and defend  the successor Trustee
from any  claim or liability resulting  from any action or  inaction of any
prior Trustee  or from any other  past event, or any  condition existing at
the time it becomes successor Trustee.


     11.4      In the event of such  removal or resignation, Trustee  shall
duly file with BGE a written account as provided in Section 7.1 hereof.


     12.1      Except as provided in Section 12.4, this Trust Agreement may
be  amended  by  a   written  instrument  executed  by  Trustee   and  BGE.
Notwithstanding  the foregoing, no  such amendment shall  conflict with the
terms of the Plan or shall make the Trust revocable.

     12.2      The  Trust shall not terminate until the earlier of the date
on  which Plan  participants  and their  surviving  spouses are  no  longer
entitled to benefits  pursuant to the  terms of the  Plan or have  received
payment  of  all benefits  to  which  they are  entitled  under  this Trust
Agreement.  Upon termination of the Trust any assets remaining in the Trust
shall be returned to BGE.

     12.3      Upon written approval of all Plan participants and surviving
spouses  entitled to payment of benefits pursuant  to the terms of the Plan
and this  Trust Agreement, BGE may  terminate this Trust prior  to the time
all benefit  payments under  the Plan  and this Trust  Agreement have  been
made.  All Trust assets at termination shall be returned to BGE.

     12.4      This Trust Agreement may not be  amended by BGE for 2  years
following  a Change  of  Control,  unless  such  amendment  is  by  written
agreement between BGE  and Trustee  and such amendment  does not  adversely
affect  the rights  of the  Plan participants  and their  surviving spouses
entitled to payment of benefits pursuant to terms of the Plan on the date a
Change of Control is deemed to occur.



     13.1      Any  provision of  this  Trust Agreement  prohibited by  law
shall  be  ineffective  to the  extent  of  any  such prohibition,  without
invalidating the remaining provisions hereof.

     13.2      Benefits  payable to  Plan participants and  their surviving
spouses under this Trust Agreement may not be anticipated, assigned (either
at  law or  in  equity), alienated,  pledged,  encumbered or  subjected  to
attachment,  garnishment, levies,  execution  or other  legal or  equitable
process,  and any attempt to  so alienate, sell,  transfer, assign, pledge,
attach,  charge or otherwise encumber any such amount, whether presently or
thereafter payable, shall be void.  The Trust shall be  in no manner liable
for or subject to the debts or liabilities of any participant.

     13.3      This Trust Agreement shall  be governed by and construed  in
accordance  with the  laws of the  State of  New York and  Trustee shall be
liable to account only in the courts of that state.

     13.4      All words  beginning with an initial capital  letter and not
otherwise defined herein shall have the meaning set forth in the Plan.  All
singular terms  defined in  this Trust  will include  the  plural and  vice


     13.5      For  purposes of  this  Trust Agreement,  Change of  Control
shall  mean (a) the purchase or acquisition  by any person, entity or group
of persons  (within the meaning of section 13(d) or 14(d) of the Securities
Exchange  Act of  1934 (the  "Exchange Act"),  or any  comparable successor
provisions)  of beneficial  ownership  (within the  meaning  of Rule  13d-3
promulgated under  the Exchange Act)  of 20 percent  or more of  either the
outstanding  shares of common stock of BGE  or the combined voting power of
BGE's  then  outstanding shares  of voting  securities  entitled to  a vote
generally,   or  (b)  the  approval  by   the  stockholders  of  BGE  of  a
reorganization, merger, or  consolidation, in  each case,  with respect  to
which  persons who  were  stockholders of  BGE  immediately prior  to  such
reorganization, merger,  or consolidation  do not,  immediately thereafter,
own  more than  50 percent of  the combined  voting power  entitled to vote
generally  in the  election  of directors  of  the reorganized,  merged  or
consolidated entity's then outstanding securities, or (c) a  liquidation or
dissolution of BGE or the sale of substantially all of its assets, or (d) a
change of more than  one-half of the members  of the Board of Directors  of
BGE within  a 90-day period  for reasons other  than death, disability,  or
retirement of such members.


     13.6      BGE shall certify to Trustee the name or names of any person
or  persons authorized  to act for  BGE under  this Trust  Agreement.  Such
certification  shall  be signed  by a  Vice President  of  BGE.   Until BGE
notifies Trustee, in a  similarly signed notice or certification,  that any
such person is no longer authorized to act for BGE, Trustee may continue to
rely upon the authority of such person.

     Trustee may rely upon  any certificate, schedule, notice or  direction
of BGE which  Trustee in good  faith believes to  be genuine, executed  and
delivered by a duly authorized officer or agent of BGE.  Trustee shall have
no duty to verify any calculations provided by BGE in  connection with such
certificate, schedule, notice or direction.

     Communications to Trustee shall be  sent in writing to Trustee at  the
address specified  in Section 13.9 hereof  or to such other  address as the
Trustee may specify in writing.  No communication shall be binding upon the
Trust or  Trustee until  it is  received by  Trustee  and unless  it is  in
writing and signed by an authorized person.

     Communications  to BGE  shall be  sent in  writing to  BGE's principal
offices at  the address specified in  Section 13.9 hereof or  to such other
address  as BGE may specify in writing.   No communication shall be binding
upon BGE until it is received by BGE and unless it is in writing and signed
by Trustee.

     13.7      BGE shall pay and shall protect, indemnify and save harmless
Trustee and its officers, employees and agents from and against any and all
losses, liabilities (including liabilities  for penalties), actions, suits,


judgments,  demands, damages, costs and expenses of any nature arising from
or  relating to any  action by or  any failure  to act by  Trustee (and its
officers, employees and agents) in accordance  with the terms of this Trust
Agreement,  or  the  transactions  contemplated  by  this  Trust  Agreement
(including any action by Trustee on  the direction or instruction of BGE or
any failure to  act on the part of Trustee in  the absence of directions or
instructions by BGE),  except to the extent that  any such loss, liability,
action,  suit, judgment, demand, damage  or expense has  been determined by
final judgement  of a court of  competent jurisdiction to be  the result of
the negligence or willful misconduct of Trustee, its officers, employees or
agents.  To the extent that BGE has not fulfilled its obligations under the
foregoing  provisions of this Section 13.7, Trustee shall be reimbursed out
of the  Trust assets or may set  up reasonable reserves for  the payment of
such  obligations.  To the  maximum extent permitted  by applicable law, no
personal  liability  whatsoever  shall attach  to  or  be  incurred by  any
employee, officer  or director of BGE,  as such, under or by  reason of the
terms or conditions contained in or implied from this Trust Agreement.

     Trustee  assumes no obligation  or responsibility with  respect to any
action required by this  Trust Agreement on the part of  BGE and shall have
those responsibilities only as expressly set forth herein.


     13.8      This Trust Agreement sets  forth the entire understanding of
the parties with respect  to the subject matter  hereof and supersedes  any
and all prior agreements, arrangements and understandings relating thereto.

     13.9 Any notice,  report, demand, waiver or  communication required or
permitted hereunder shall be in writing and shall be given personally or by
prepaid registered  or certified mail, return  receipt requested, addressed
as follows:

                  If to BGE:
                  Constellation Investments, Inc.
                  250 West Pratt Street
                  Baltimore, Maryland 21201

                  Attention:  Steven D. Kesler

                  If to Trustee:
                  Citibank, N. A.
                  Client Services Division
                  111 Wall Street, 14th Floor
                  New York, NY  10005

                  Attention:  Michael Sanfilippo

                  If to a participant or to a participant's surviving

                  To the address shown on the most recent Payment
                  Schedule provided by BGE to Trustee.



     The date of this Trust Agreement shall be July 31, 1994.

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF, and intending to be legally bound hereby, BGE and
Trustee sign  and seal this  Trust Agreement the  day and year  first above

WITNESS:                 CITIBANK, N. A.:

       /s/               By:         /s/              (Seal)
                            Name:  John A. Lang
                            Title: Vice President


      /s/                By:         /s/             (Seal)
                            Name:  Jon M. Files
                            Title: Vice President -
                                    Management Services
