Washington, D.C. 20549

                                   FORM 10-Q

[X]  Quarterly  Report  Pursuant  to  Section  13 or 15(d)  of the  Securities
Exchange act of 1934 For the Quarterly Period Ended June 30, 1996


[ ] Transition report pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934  For the  transition  period  from  ____________________________  to

                         Commission File Number 0-25378

                                   HCIA Inc.

             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

                   Maryland                           52-1407998

         (State or other jurisdiction              (I.R.S. Employer
               of incorporation)                Identification Number)

300 East Lombard Street, Baltimore, Maryland                       21202
  (Address of principal executive offices)                       (Zip Code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code             (410) 895-7470

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the  preceding 12 months (or for such  shorter  period that the  registrant  was
required  to file  such  report(s)),  and (2) has been  subject  to such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days.

                           Yes    X                         No
                               -------                          -------

Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the registrant's classes of
common stock, at August 1, 1996:

Class:   Common Stock                       Number of Shares: 9,274,387

                           HCIA INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                          CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                      June 30, 1996 and December 31, 1995
                                 (in thousands)

Part 1
Item 1. Financial Statements

                                                                                   1996                        1995
Current assets:
  Cash and cash equivalents..................................................   $  6,387                    $  3,190
  Short-term investments.....................................................     19,752                      23,280
  Trade accounts receivable, net of allowance for doubtful accounts
     of $868 in 1996 and $454 in 1995........................................     24,531                      16,623
  Prepaid expenses and other current assets..................................      3,167                       2,236
                                                                                 -------                     -------
   Total current assets......................................................     53,837                      45,329

Furniture and equipment, net.................................................      7,554                       6,576
Computer software costs, net.................................................     15,086                      11,012
Other intangible assets, net.................................................     43,012                      42,338
Deferred tax asset, net......................................................      3,697                       3,090
Other........................................................................        868                          56
                                                                                 -------                     -------
   Total assets..............................................................   $124,054                    $108,401
                                                                                 =======                     =======

Current liabilities:
 Accounts payable............................................................   $  1,211                    $    732
 Accrued salaries, benefits and other liabilities............................      4,959                       4,222
 Capital lease obligations...................................................        116                         174
 Notes payable...............................................................      2,160                       2,265
 Income taxes payable........................................................      1,413                       1,098
 Deferred revenue............................................................      2,007                       1,167
                                                                                 -------                     -------
   Total current liabilities.................................................     11,866                       9,658

 Notes payable...............................................................         --                         699
                                                                                 -------                     -------
   Total liabilities.........................................................     11,866                      10,357
                                                                                 -------                     -------
Stockholders' equity:
Preferred stock-$.01 par value; authorized 500,000 shares; no shares
      issued and outstanding in 1996 and 1995................................         --                          --
Common stock-$.01 par value;15,000,000 shares authorized; issued
      and outstanding 9,274,387 as of June 30, 1996 and 8,955,932 as of
      December 31, 1995......................................................         92                          90
Additional paid-in capital...................................................    116,141                     102,882
Accumulated deficit..........................................................     (3,989)                     (4,953)
Cumulative unrealized (depreciation)/appreciation of short-term investments..        (32)                         44
Cumulative effect of currency translation adjustment.........................        (24)                        (19)
                                                                                 -------                     -------
    Total stockholders' equity...............................................    112,188                      98,044
                                                                                 -------                     -------
Total liabilities and stockholders' equity...................................   $124,054                    $108,401
                                                                                 =======                     =======

          See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.
                                     Page 1

                           HCIA INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                   Three months ended June 30, 1996 and 1995
                     (in thousands, except per share data)

                                                                                  1996                1995

Revenue......................................................................   $ 16,489           $ 12,256

Salaries, wages and benefits.................................................      6,871              5,621
Other operating expenses.....................................................      3,514              3,057
Depreciation.................................................................        572                393
Amortization.................................................................      1,923              1,276
Write-off of acquired in-process research and development costs..............      4,372                  -
                                                                                 -------             ------
      Operating income (loss) ...............................................       (763)             1,909
Interest income..............................................................        284                241
Interest expense ............................................................        (60)               (14)
                                                                                 -------             ------
       Income (loss) before income taxes and minority interest in income
          of consolidated subsidiaries.......................................       (539)             2,136
Benefit (provision) for income taxes.........................................        212               (951)
Minority interest in income of consolidated subsidiaries.....................          -                (21)
                                                                                 -------            -------
       Net income (loss).....................................................   $   (327)          $  1,164
                                                                                 =======            =======

Net income (loss) per share..................................................   $  (0.04)          $   0.15
                                                                                 =======            =======
Shares used in per share calculation.........................................      9,153              7,804
                                                                                 =======            =======

        See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.
                                   Page 2

                          HCIA INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                  Six months ended June 30, 1996 and 1995
                  (in thousands, except per share data)

                                                                                        1996              1995

Revenue......................................................................  $      30,718        $   21,005

Salaries, wages and benefits.................................................         13,558            10,163
Other operating expenses.....................................................          6,816             5,536
Depreciation.................................................................          1,090               655
Amortization.................................................................          3,716             2,305
Write-off of acquired in-process research and development costs..............          4,372                 -
                                                                                      ------            ------
      Operating income.......................................................          1,166             2,346
Interest income..............................................................            566               417
Interest expense ............................................................           (142)              (39)
                                                                                      ------            ------
       Income before income taxes and minority interest in income of
          consolidated subsidiaries..........................................          1,590             2,724
Provision for income taxes...................................................           (626)           (1,189)
Minority interest in income of consolidated subsidiaries.....................              -               (28)
                                                                                      ------            ------
       Net income............................................................  $         964        $    1,507
                                                                                      ======            ======

Net income per share.........................................................  $        0.10        $     0.21
                                                                                      ======            ======
Shares used in per share calculation.........................................          9,549             7,173
                                                                                      ======            ======

          See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.
                                 Page 3

                         HCIA INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                         CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF
             Year ended December 31, 1995 and the six months ended
                              June 30, 1996
                              (in thousands)

                                                                         Unrealized    Cumulative
                                                                        Appreciation/   Effect of
                                              Additional               (Depreciation)   Currency         Total
                                    Common     Paid-In    Accumulated  of Short-term   Translation    Stockholders'
                                    Stock      Capital      Deficit     Investments    Adjustment        Equity

1994                                $ 54       $ 36,876   $ (2,548)     $     -          $  (11)      $   34,371
                                    ----       --------   --------      -------          ------       ----------
Sale of common
stock to the
public                                36         66,006          -            -               -           66,042

Net loss                               -              -     (2,405)           -               -           (2,405)

Effect of currency
adjustment                             -              -          -            -              (8)              (8)

appreciation of
investments                            -              -          -           44               -               44
                                    ----       --------   --------      -------          ------       ----------
1995                                  90        102,882     (4,953)          44             (19)          98,044
                                    ----       --------   --------      -------          ------       ----------
Exercise of stock
options                                -            503          -            -               -              503

Sale of common
stock to the
public                                 2         12,756          -            -               -           12,758

Net income                             -              -        964            -               -              964

Effect of currency
adjustment                             -              -          -            -              (5)              (5)

(depreciation) of
investments                            -              -          -          (76)              -              (76)
                                    ----       --------   --------      -------          ------       ----------
JUNE 30, 1996
(unaudited)                         $ 92      $ 116,141   $ (3,989)       $ (32)          $ (24)       $ 112,188
                                    ====      =========   ========      =======          ======       ==========

           See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.
                                      Page 4

                        HCIA INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                Six months ended June 30, 1996 and 1995
                          (in thousands)

                                                                                                 1996              1995

Cash flows from operating activities:
      Net income ..........................................................................    $  964             $  1,507
      Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash
         provided by operating activities:
            Depreciation and amortization..................................................     4,806                2,960
            Write-off of acquired in-process research and development costs................     4,372                    -
            Deferred tax provision.........................................................      (386)                   -
            Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
               Accounts receivable.........................................................    (6,767)              (2,206)
               Income taxes payable........................................................       315                1,109
               Prepaid expenses............................................................      (485)                (308)
               Accounts payable............................................................       336                   19
               Accrued salaries, benefits and other liabilities............................      (110)                (811)
               Deferred revenue............................................................       629                  (10)
               Minority interest...........................................................         -                   29
                                                                                             ---------         ------------

                    Net cash provided by operating activities..............................     3,674                2,289
                                                                                             ---------         ------------

Cash flows from investing activities:
      Purchases of furniture and equipment.................................................    (2,369)              (1,650)
      Cost of acquisitions, net of cash acquired...........................................    (6,782)             (14,976)
      Computer software purchased or capitalized...........................................    (5,517)              (2,684)
      Other intangible assets purchased or capitalized.....................................      (820)                (453)
      Purchases of short-term investments..................................................   (45,329)                   -
      Proceeds from disposals of short-term investments....................................    48,781                    -
      Other................................................................................      (812)                 (28)
                                                                                             ---------         ------------
                    Net cash used in investing activities..................................   (12,848)             (19,791)
                                                                                             ---------         ------------

Cash flows from financing activities:
      Proceeds from exercise of stock options..............................................       503                    -
      Proceeds from public offerings.......................................................    12,758               25,675
      Borrowing from related party.........................................................         -                  600
      Repayments of notes payable..........................................................      (804)                 (71)
      Repayments of related party borrowings...............................................         -               (1,900)
      Principal payments on capital leases.................................................       (81)                (147)
                                                                                             ---------         ------------
                     Net cash provided by financing activities.............................    12,376               24,157
                                                                                             ---------         ------------

Impact of currency fluctuations on cash and cash equivalents..............................         (5)                  (4)
                                                                                             ---------         ------------
Increase in cash and cash equivalents .....................................................     3,197                6,651

Cash & cash equivalents - beginning of period..............................................     3,190                  696
                                                                                             ---------         ------------

Cash & cash equivalents - end of period....................................................   $ 6,387              $ 7,347
                                                                                             =========         ============

Supplemental cash flow information - cash paid during period for interest..................   $    72           $       79
                                                                                             =========         ============
                                   - cash paid during period for income taxes..............   $   699           $        -
                                                                                             =========         ============

             See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.
                                      Page 5

                         HCIA INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                             June 30, 1996

(1)      Basis of Presentation

The accompanying unaudited interim financial statements of the Company have been
prepared in accordance with generally  accepted  accounting  principles.  In the
opinion of management, these statements reflect all adjustments, consisting only
of  normal  recurring  adjustments,  necessary  for a fair  presentation  of the
Company's financial condition,  results of operations,  changes in stockholders'
equity and cash flows for the periods  presented.  The results of operations for
the three- and six-month periods ended June 30, 1996 may not be indicative of
the results that may be expected for the full year ending  December 31, 1996.
These financial  statements and notes should be read in conjunction with the
financial statements and notes included in the audited  consolidated  financial
statements of the  Company  for the  year  ended  December  31,  1995 as
contained  in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended
December 31, 1995 (1934 Act File No. 0-25378).

(2)      Public Offerings

On May 6, 1996,  approximately 4.2 million shares of common stock of the Company
were sold by AMBAC Inc. ("AMBAC") in a registered public offering. In connection
with the offering,  the Company sold 261,591  shares of common  stock  at $51.00
per share. The Company did not receive any of the  proceeds from the sale of the
shares by AMBAC.

(3)      Cash Equivalents

As of June 30, 1996, cash equivalents  consist of highly liquid  securities with
original maturities of three months or less at the date acquired by the Company.
The Company's short term investments consist of preferred stocks,  variable rate
debenture bonds and municipal bonds.

(4)      Acquisitions

In May 1996 the Company acquired  Response  Healthcare  Information  Management,
Inc.  ("Response")  for approximately  $6.2 million in cash. The acquisition has
been accounted for using the purchase method of accounting and, accordingly, the
assets acquired are valued at their estimated fair market value.

                                   Page 6

Item 2.


Six months ended June 30, 1996 compared to six months ended June 30, 1995

Revenue.  Revenue for the six months ended June 30, 1996 was $30.7  million,  an
increase of $9.7  million or 46% over the six months  ended June 30,  1995.  The
increase was  primarily the result of a 49% increase in revenue from the sale of
Decision  Support  Systems.  Revenue from the sale of Decision  Support  Systems
represented  81% of  revenue  for the  first six  months of 1996 and  Syndicated
Products represented the remaining 19% of revenue.

The increase in Decision Support Systems revenue was primarily the result of the
Company's  continued  success in  expanding  its customer  relationships  in the
provider  and supplier  markets,  and as a result of the  acquisitions  of Datis
Corporation  ("Datis")  and the CHAMP unit of William  M.  Mercer,  Incorporated

Salaries,  Wages and Benefits.  Salaries, wages and benefits decreased to 44% of
revenue for the six months ended June 30, 1996 from 48% for the six months ended
June  30, 1995.  This  decrease was a result of the continued leveraging  of the
Company's  historical  investments  in  technology  and basic  infrastructure as
revenue increased.

Other Operating  Expenses.  Other operating  expenses,  which include occupancy,
travel and  marketing  expenses,  decreased to 22% of revenue for the six months
ended  June 30,  1996 from 26% for the six  months  ended  June 30,  1995.  This
decrease was a result of certain of these expenses growing at a slower rate than

Depreciation and Amortization. Depreciation and amortization increased to 16% of
revenue  for the six months  ended June 30, 1996 from 14% of revenue for the six
months  ended  June  30,  1995.  The  increase  was a result  of the  additional
amortization  associated  with the  acquisitions  of Datis  and CHAMP as well as
depreciation of other acquired assets.

Write-off of Acquired  In-process  Research and Development Costs. In connection
with the  acquisition  of  Response,  the Company  acquired  Response's  ongoing
research and development activities. At the time of the acquisition, the Company
recorded a one-time  $4.4 million  charge  resulting  from the  write-off of the
acquired in-process research and development costs.

Interest Income and Expense. Net interest income was $424,000 for the six months
ended June 30, 1996  compared  with net interest  income of $378,000 for the six
months ended June 30, 1995.  This  increase was the result of a higher  invested
balance in 1996.

Income  Taxes.  The  Company's  effective  income tax rate was 39.4% for the six
months ended June 30, 1995 compared with 43.6% for the six months ended June 30,
1995.  The  decrease  was the result of a portion of the  Company's  investments
being placed in  tax-exempt  securities,  as well as the tax benefit  associated
with the exercise of certain  non-qualified  stock  options.  This  decrease was
partially   offset  by  an  increase   in   non-deductible   goodwill   and  the
non-deductible  write-off  of the acquired in-process  research  and development
costs resulting from the Response acquisition.

                                   Page 7

Three months ended June 30, 1996 compared to three months ended June 30, 1995

Revenue.  Revenue for the three months ended June 30,1996 was $16.5 million,  an
increase of $4.2 million or 35% over the three  months ended June 30, 1995.  The
increase was  primarily the result of a 28% increase in revenue from the sale of
Decision  Support  Systems.  Revenue from the sale of Decision  Support  Systems
represented  79% of the  revenue for the three  months  ended  June 30, 1996 and
Syndicated Products represented the remaining 21% of revenue.

The increase in Decision Support Systems revenue was primarily the result of the
Company's  continued  success in  expanding  its customer  relationships  in the
provider and supplier markets, and as a result of the acquisition of CHAMP.

Salaries Wages and Benefits.  Salaries,  wages and benefits  decreased to 42% of
revenue for the three  months  ended June 30, 1996 from 46% for the three months
ended June 30,  1995.  This  decrease  resulted from  leveraging  the  Company's
historical  investments  in  technology  and  basic  infrastructure  as  revenue

Other Operating  Expenses.  Other operating  expenses,  which include occupancy,
travel, and marketing expenses, decreased to 21% of revenue for the three months
ended June 30,  1996 from 25% for the three  months  ended June 30,  1995.  This
decrease was a result of certain of these expenses growing at a slower rate than

Depreciation and Amortization. Depreciation and amortization increased to 15% of
revenue for the three  months  ended June 30, 1996 from 13% for the three months
ended June 30, 1995.  This increase was a result of the additional  amortization
associated  with the  acquisitions of Datis and CHAMP as well as depreciation of
other acquired assets.

Write-off of Acquired  In-process  Research and Development Costs. In connection
with the  acquisition  of  Response,  the Company  acquired  Response's  ongoing
research and development activities. At the time of the acquisition, the Company
recorded a one-time  $4.4 million  charge  resulting  from the  write-off of the
acquired in-process research and development costs.

Income Taxes.  The  Company's  effective tax rate was 39.3% for the three months
ended June 30,  1996  compared  with 44.5% for the three  months  ended June 30,
1995.  The  decrease  was the result of a portion of the  Company's  investments
being placed in  tax-exempt  securities,  as well as the tax benefit  associated
with the exercise of certain  non-qualified  stock  options.  This  decrease was
partially offset by an increase in non-deductible goodwill.

                                        Page 8

Liquidity and Capital Resources

In May 1995,  the Company  entered into a line of credit  agreement  with a bank
providing for a borrowing capacity of $4.0 million.  Borrowings bear interest at
a  fluctuating  rate equal to the Bank's prime rate plus 0.25%.  The Company
also pays a commitment  fee on the average daily unused portion of the line of
credit at a rate of 0.25% per annum.  Borrowings  are  collateralized  by the
Company's accounts  receivable.  There were no  borrowings  under the line of
credit as of June 30, 1996. This line of credit was terminated effective August
8, 1996.

On August 8, 1996,  the  Company  obtained a credit  facility  from First  Union
National  Bank  of  North  Carolina  ("First Union")  totaling  $100  million,
consisting  of a $50  million  term  loan and a $50  million  revolving  line of
credit.  Borrowings  bear  interest  at varying  rates based on an index tied to
First Union's prime rate or LIBOR.  The Company will pay a commitment fee on the
average daily unused  portion of the facility at a rate from 0.25% to 0.375% per
annum,  depending on the Company's  debt/cash flow ratio.  The Company has drawn
down the entire  $50  million  term loan and  $36  million of the revolving line
of credit in connection  with its  recent acquisition of LBA Health Care
Management,  Inc. ("LBA"), and intends to repay the borrowings with a portion of
the net  proceeds to the Company of a public  offering  of  2,000,000  shares of
common  stock.  The Company will then maintain a $50 million  revolving  line of
credit for general corporate purposes, including future acquisitions and working
capital requirements.  Borrowings are collateralized by substantially all of the
Company's assets.

In May 1996,  the  Company  acquired  all of the capital  stock of Response  for
approximately $6.2 million in cash. The acquisition has been accounted for using
the purchase method of accounting, and, accordingly, the assets have been valued
at their estimated fair market value.

On August 9, 1996,  the Company  acquired LBA for approximately  $130  million,
$100  million  of which  was paid in cash and $30 million of which was paid
through the delivery of 492,961 shares of common stock of the Company. See Part
II, Item 5 - Other Information.

                                       Page 9

PART II  Other Information

Item 5. Other Information

On August, 9 1996, the Company acquired LBA for approximately $130 million, $100
million of which was paid in cash and $30 million of which was paid  through the
delivery of 492,961 shares of common stock of the Company.

In July 1996, the Company filed a registration  statement covering the sale of
2,000,000 shares of common  stock by the Company and 216,696  shares  acquired
by certain former  stockholders  of the parent company of LBA. The Company will
not receive any of the proceeds  from the sale of the shares of common stock
sold by the selling stockholders.  In addition, the Company has granted the
underwriters of the  offering an option to purchase an  additional  332,505
shares of common stock to cover over-allotments, if any.

Item 6-Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K

(a) The following are annexed as exhibits:

Exhibit Number                              Description

11                         Statement Re: Computation of Earnings per share.

(b) Reports on Form 8-K

The Company filed a report on Form 8-K dated July 19, 1996, which was amended on
August 13, 1996.

                                 Page 10


         Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,
the  registrant  has duly  caused  this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                              HCIA Inc.

Date:    August 13, 1996

                                    By:      /s/ Barry C. Offutt
                                             Barry C. Offutt
                                             Senior Vice President and
                                             Chief Financial Officer
                                             (principal financial officer)

                                 Page 11

                              EXHIBIT INDEX

Exhibit Number                                                      Page

11       Statement Re:  Computation of Earnings per share            13

                                Page 12