Exhibit 10 (vi)

                          HOME BENEFICIAL CORPORATION
                                  PO Box 27572
                               Richmond, VA 23261

                               September 19, 1995

Mr. J. M. Wiltshire, Jr.
3901 West Broad Street
Richmond, VA 23230

Dear Mr. Wiltshire:

Since you will be retiring  from active  service  with the  Corporation  and its
subsidiaries  as of December 31, 1995, your service as an employee will cease at
that time.

Based on our mutual  agreement,  on January 1, 1996,  you will begin  serving as
consulting  Counsel to the Corporation and its  subsidiaries on a schedule of 20
hours per week and will be  compensated  at a rate of  $50.00  per hour for such
service.  You will  provide  consulting  service  on such  matters  as the Chief
Executive  Officer,  or his delegate,  of the  Corporation may from time to time
determine. You will continue to have your present office available for your use.
Your service will be considered  as that of an  independent  contractor  and not
that of a common law employee.

You have agreed to serve as a consultant for a period of two years unless unable
to do so by reason of illness,  disability or some other  situation  beyond your
control. The Corporation has the right to discontinue this agreement, as well as
the right to reduce the number of hours per week  mentioned  above,  at any time
without further liability.

Will you please  acknowledge your agreement to the above by signing the enclosed
copy of this letter.


                                         R. W. Wiltshire, Jr.
                                         Chief Executive Officer
                                         Home Beneficial Corporation and
                                         Home Beneficial Life Insurance Company

Seen and Agreed to:
J.M. Wiltshire, Jr.
Date: 9-19-95