WASHINGTON, D.C.  20549

                                    FORM 8-K

                                 CURRENT REPORT

     Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934


      Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported):  September 5, 1997

                       CNL AMERICAN PROPERTIES FUND, INC.
               (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in Charter)

            Florida                333-15411               59-3239115
(State or other jurisdiction  (Commission File Number)   (IRS Employer
       of incorporation)                               Identification No.)

             400 East South Street, Suite 500               32801
                     Orlando, Florida                    (Zip Code)
         (Address of principal executive offices)

       Registrant's telephone number, including area code:  (407) 422-1574


              Not applicable.



         On February 6, 1997, the Company commenced an offering (the "Offering")
of up to 27,500,000 shares of common stock (the "Shares").  As of October 3,
1997, the Company had received subscription proceeds of $141,214,029 (14,121,403
Shares) including $1,183,289 (118,329 Shares) issued pursuant to the
Reinvestment Plan, from 6,506 stockholders in connection with the Offering.  The
proceeds of the Offering will be used primarily to acquire properties (the
"Properties") located across the United States to be leased on a long-term,
triple-net basis to operators of selected national and regional fast-food,
family-style and casual dining restaurant chains.  The Company may also provide
financing (the "Mortgage Loans") for the purchase of buildings, generally by
lessees that lease the underlying land from the Company.


         Between August 22, 1997 and October 3, 1997, the Company acquired 17
Properties, including 6 Properties consisting of land and building and 11
Properties consisting of building only.  These Properties are one Boston Market
Property (in Hoover, Alabama), three Golden Corral Properties (one in each of
Palatka, Florida; Mobile, Alabama; and Olathe, Kansas), one T.G.I Friday's
Property (in Superstition Springs, Arizona) and 12 Black-eyed Pea Properties
(one in each of Mesa and Tucson, Arizona; Dallas, Houston, and Waco, Texas;
Forestville, Maryland; Wichita, Kansas; two in Albuquerque, New Mexico; and
three in Phoenix, Arizona).

     In connection with the purchase of the Boston Market Property, the three
Golden Corral Properties and the T.G.I. Friday's Property, which are land and
building, the Company, as lessor, entered into long-term lease agreements with
unaffiliated lessees.  The leases are on a triple-net basis, with the lessee
responsible for all repairs and maintenance, property taxes, insurance and
utilities.  The lessee also is required to pay for special assessments, sales
and use taxes, and the cost of any renovations permitted under the lease.  For
the Properties that are to be constructed or renovated, the Company has entered
into development and indemnification and put agreements with the lessees.

     In connection with the Black-eyed Pea Properties, one of which is located
in each of Dallas, Houston, and Waco, Texas; Forestville, Maryland; and Wichita,
Kansas; and two of which are located in Albuquerque, New Mexico; which are
building only, the Company, as lessor, entered into long-term lease agreements
with an unaffiliated lessee.  In connection with these acquisitions, the Company
has also entered into tri-party agreements with the lessee and the owner of the
land.  The tri-party agreements provide that the ground lessee is responsible
for all obligations under the ground leases and provide certain rights to the
Company relating to the maintenance of its interest in the buildings in the
event of a default by the lessee under the terms of the ground leases.

     In connection with the Black-eyed Pea Properties, one of which is located
in Tucson, Arizona, and three of which are located in Phoenix, Arizona, which
are building only, the Company, as lessor, entered into long-term lease
agreements with an unaffiliated lessee.  In addition, the Company has entered
into landlord estoppel agreements with the landlord of the land and collateral
assignments of the ground leases with the lessee in order to provide the Company
with certain rights with respect to the land on which the buildings are located.

         The following table sets forth the location of the 17 Properties,
including 6 Properties consisting of land and building and 11 Properties
consisting of building only, acquired by the Company from August 22, 1997
through October 3, 1997, a description of the competition, and a summary of the
principal terms of the acquisition and lease of each Property.

                              PROPERTY ACQUISITIONS
                  From August 22, 1997 through October 3, 1997

                                                         Lease Expira-
Property Location and              Purchase     Date      tion and          Minimum                             Option
Competition                       Price (1)   Acquired  Renewal Options  Annual Rent (2)    Percentage Rent   To Purchase
- ---------------------             ----------  --------  ---------------  ---------------    ---------------   -----------
BOSTON MARKET (6)                 $1,062,327  09/05/97   09/2012;         $110,270;          for each lease    at any time
(the "Hoover Property")                                  five  five-      increases by       year after the    after the
Existing restaurant                                      year renewal     10% after the      fifth lease       fifth lease
                                                         options          fifth lease        year, (i) 4% of   year
The Hoover Property is located                                            year and after     annual gross
on the southeast quadrant of                                              every five         sales minus
U.S. Highway 31 and Lorna                                                 years              (ii) the
Road, in Hoover, Jefferson                                                thereafter         minimum annual
County, Alabama, in an area of                                            during the         rent for such
mixed retail, commercial, and                                             lease term         lease year
residential development.
Other fast-food and family-
style restaurants located in
proximity to the Hoover
Property include a Taco Bell,
a McDonald's, a Wendy's, and a
Pizza Hut.

T.G.I. FRIDAY'S                   $872,422    09/05/97   09/2017;        10.75% of Total    for each lease    at any time
(the "Superstition Springs        (excluding             four five-      Cost (4);          year, (i) 6% of   after the
Property")                        development            year renewal    increases by       annual gross      seventh
Restaurant to be constructed      costs)(3)              options         10% after the      sales minus       lease year
                                                                         fifth lease        (ii) the
The Superstition Springs                                                 year and after     minimum annual
Property is located on the                                               every five         rent for such
northwest corner of the                                                  years              lease year
intersection of Superstition                                             thereafter
Springs Boulevard and South                                              during the
Power Road, in Superstition                                              lease term
Springs, Maricopa County,
Arizona, in an area of mixed
retail, commercial, and
residential development.
Other fast-food and family-
style restaurants located in
proximity to the Superstition
Springs Property include a
Burger King, an Outback
Stachyose, a Jack in the Box,
a Dance, a McDonald's, a
Wendy's, a Chili's, and
several local restaurants.

                                                         Lease Expira-
Property Location and              Purchase     Date      tion and          Minimum                             Option
Competition                       Price (1)   Acquired  Renewal Options  Annual Rent (2)    Percentage Rent   To Purchase
- ---------------------             ----------  --------  ---------------  ---------------    ---------------   -----------
GOLDEN CORRAL (7)                 $417,329    09/17/97   03/2013;        10.75% of Total    for each lease    during the
(the "Mobile Property")           (excluding             four five-      Cost (4)           year, 5% of the   first
Restaurant to be constructed      development            year renewal                       amount by which   through
                                  costs)(3)              options                            annual gross      seventh
The Mobile Property is located                                                              sales exceed      lease years
on the southeast side of Halls                                                              $2,502,407 (5)    and the
Mill Road, south of Range Line                                                                                tenth
Road, in Mobile, Mobile                                                                                       through
County, Alabama, in an area of                                                                                fifteenth
mixed retail, commercial, and                                                                                 lease years
residential development.                                                                                      only
Other fast-food and family-
style restaurants located in
proximity to the Mobile
Property include a KC, a
McDonald's, an Orbs, a Popeye,
a Checkers, a Waffle House, a
Chances Family Steak House, a
Chains, a Pizza Inn, a Taco
Bell, a Burger King, a Pizza
Hut, a Godfather's Pizza, and
several local restaurants.

GOLDEN CORRAL (7)                 $319,140    09/17/97   03/2013;        10.75% of Total    for each lease    during the
(the "Palatka Property")          (excluding             four five-      Cost (4)           year, 5% of the   first
Restaurant to be constructed      development            year renewal                       amount by which   through
                                  costs)(3)              options                            annual gross      seventh
The Palatka Property is                                                                     sales exceed      lease years
located on the southeast side                                                               $2,191,973 (5)    and the
of Highway 19, south of U.S.                                                                                  tenth
17, in Palatka, Putnam County,                                                                                through
Florida, in an area of mixed                                                                                  fifteenth
retail, commercial, and                                                                                       lease years
residential development.                                                                                      only
Other fast-food and family-
style restaurants located in
proximity to the Palatka
Property include an In and Out
Burgers, a Pizza Hut, and
several local restaurants.

                                                         Lease Expira-
Property Location and              Purchase     Date      tion and          Minimum                             Option
Competition                       Price (1)   Acquired  Renewal Options  Annual Rent (2)    Percentage Rent   To Purchase
- ---------------------             ----------  --------  ---------------  ---------------    ---------------   -----------
BLACK-EYED PEA (9)                $1,600,000  09/30/97   09/2017; two    $168,000;          for each lease    during the
(the "Mesa Property")                                    five-year       increases  by      year, 6% of the   eighth,
Existing restaurant                                      renewal         11% after the      amount by which   tenth, and
                                                         options         fifth lease        annual gross      twelfth
The Mesa Property is located                                             year and after     sales exceed      lease years
on the northeast corner of the                                           every five         $2,200,000        only
intersection of South Alma                                               years
School Road and West Holmes                                              thereafter
Road, in Mesa, Maricopa                                                  during the
County, Arizona, in an area of                                           lease term
mixed retail, commercial, and
residential development.
Other fast-food and family-
style restaurants located in
proximity to the Mesa Property
include a Chevy's, a
McDonald's, a Dance, an
Applebee's, an American Grill,
an Olive Garden, a Bennigan's,
a Red Lobster, and several
local restaurants.

BLACK-EYED PEA (8) (9)            $641,254    09/30/97   11/2006         $109,225           None              at any time
(the "Phoenix #1 Property")                                                                                   after the
Existing restaurant                                                                                           fifth lease
The Phoenix #1 Property is
located on the southeast
quadrant of Peoria Avenue and
35th Avenue, in Phoenix,
Maricopa County, Arizona, in
an area of mixed retail,
commercial, and residential
development.  Other fast-food
and family-style restaurants
located in proximity to the
Phoenix #1 Property include a
McDonald's, a Jack in the Box,
a Taco Bell, a Wendy's, a
Sizzler, a Whataburger, a
Bennigan's, and several local

                                                         Lease Expira-
Property Location and              Purchase     Date      tion and          Minimum                             Option
Competition                       Price (1)   Acquired  Renewal Options  Annual Rent (2)    Percentage Rent   To Purchase
- ---------------------             ----------  --------  ---------------  ---------------    ---------------   -----------
BLACK-EYED PEA (8) (9)            $641,371    09/30/97   06/2008         $100,195;          None              at any time
(the "Phoenix #2 Property")                                              increases  to                        after the
Existing restaurant                                                      $100,583 after                       fifth lease
                                                                         the tenth lease                      year
The Phoenix #2 Property is                                               year
located on the southeast
quadrant of North 75th  Avenue
and Thomas Road, in Phoenix,
Maricopa County, Arizona, in
an area of mixed retail,
commercial, and residential
development.  Other fast-food
and family-style restaurants
located in proximity to the
Phoenix #2 Property include a
Wendy's, a Fazoli's, a
McDonald's, an Olive Garden, a
Denny's, a Whataburger, a Taco
Bell, and several local

BLACK-EYED PEA (8) (9)            $645,471    09/30/97   08/2009         $95,149;           None              at any time
(the "Phoenix #3 Property")                                              increases to                         after the
Existing restaurant                                                      $96,112 after                        fifth lease
                                                                         the tenth lease                      year
The Phoenix #3 Property is                                               year
located on the southeast
quadrant of Cactus Road  and
48th Street, in Phoenix,
Maricopa County, Arizona, in
an area of mixed retail,
commercial, and residential
development.  Other fast-food
and family-style restaurants
located in proximity to the
Phoenix #3 Property include a
Red Lobster, an Olive Garden,
a Don Pablo's, an Outback
Steakhouse, a Denny's, an
IHOP, a McDonald's, and
several local restaurants.

                                                         Lease Expira-
Property Location and              Purchase     Date      tion and          Minimum                             Option
Competition                       Price (1)   Acquired  Renewal Options  Annual Rent (2)    Percentage Rent   To Purchase
- ---------------------             ----------  --------  ---------------  ---------------    ---------------   -----------
BLACK-EYED PEA (8) (9)            $641,871    09/30/97   08/2010         $91,251;           None              at any time
(the "Tucson Property")                                                  increases to                         after the
Existing restaurant                                                      $92,576 after                        fifth lease
                                                                         the tenth lease                      year
The Tucson Property is located                                           year
on the southwest quadrant of
West River Road and Stone
Road, in Tucson, Pima County,
Arizona, in an area of mixed
retail, commercial, and
residential development.
Other fast-food and family-
style restaurants located in
proximity to the Tucson
Property include a Chili's, an
On The Border, and several
local restaurants.

BLACK-EYED PEA (6) (10)           $667,290    10/01/97   09/2013         $86,087;           None              at any time
(the "Albuquerque #1                                                     increases to                         after the
Property")                                                               $88,584 after                        seventh
Existing restaurant                                                      the tenth lease                      lease year
The Albuquerque #1 Property is
located on the northwest
corner of San Mateo Boulevard
Northeast and Lumber Avenue
Northeast, in Albuquerque,
Bernalillo County, New Mexico,
in an area of mixed retail,
commercial, and residential
development.  Other fast-food
and family-style restaurants
located in proximity to the
Albuquerque #1 Property
include a Sweet Tomatoes, a
Hooters, a Pizza Hut, a
Grady's, a Chili's, an
Austin's, an Applebee's, an
Olive Garden, and a local

                                                         Lease Expira-
Property Location and              Purchase     Date      tion and          Minimum                             Option
Competition                       Price (1)   Acquired  Renewal Options  Annual Rent (2)    Percentage Rent   To Purchase
- ---------------------             ----------  --------  ---------------  ---------------    ---------------   -----------
BLACK-EYED PEA (6) (10)           $666,355    10/01/97   07/2011         $91,517;           None              at any time
(the "Albuquerque #2                                                     increases  to                        after the
Property")                                                               $93,270 after                        seventh
Existing restaurant                                                      the tenth lease                      lease year
The Albuquerque #2 Property is
located on the northwest
quadrant of Interstate 40 and
Juan Tabo Boulevard Northeast,
in Albuquerque, Bernalillo
County, New Mexico, in an area
of mixed retail, commercial,
and residential development.
Other fast-food and family-
style restaurants located in
proximity to the Albuquerque
#2 Property include an Olive
Garden, a Village Inn, a
Grandy's, and several local

BLACK-EYED PEA (6) (10)           $660,748    10/01/97  09/2011          $90,265;           None              at any time
(the "Dallas #2 Property")                                               increases to                         after the
Existing restaurant                                                      $92,064 after                        seventh
                                                                         the tenth lease                      lease year
The Dallas #2 Property is                                                year
located on the south side of
Beltline Road, in Dallas,
Dallas County, Texas, in an
area of mixed retail,
commercial, and residential
development.  Other fast-food
and family-style restaurants
located in proximity to the
Dallas #2 Property include a
Chili's, an On The Border, an
Olive Garden, a Grady's, a
Macaroni Grill, and several
local restaurants.

                                                         Lease Expira-
Property Location and              Purchase     Date      tion and          Minimum                             Option
Competition                       Price (1)   Acquired  Renewal Options  Annual Rent (2)    Percentage Rent   To Purchase
- ---------------------             ----------  --------  ---------------  ---------------    ---------------   -----------
BLACK-EYED PEA (6) (10)           $643,925    10/01/97   06/2004         $133,563           None              at any time
(the "Forestville Property")                                                                                  after the
Existing restaurant                                                                                           seventh
                                                                                                              lease year
The Forestville Property is
located on the northeast
quadrant of the intersection
of Silver Hill Road and
Pennsylvania Avenue, in
Forestville, Prince Georges
County, Maryland, in an area
of mixed retail, commercial,
and residential development.
Other fast-food and family-
style restaurants located in
proximity to the Forestville
Property include a Subway
Sandwich Shop, a Pizza Hut,
and several local restaurants.

BLACK-EYED PEA (6) (10)           $648,598    10/01/97   08/2008         $99,659;           None              at any time
(the "Houston Property")                                                 increases to                         after the
Existing restaurant                                                      $100,213 after                       seventh
                                                                         the tenth lease                      lease year
The Houston Property is                                                  year
located on the corner of
Northwest Freeway and
Deauville Plaza Drive, in
Houston, Harris County, Texas,
in an area of mixed retail,
commercial, and residential
development.  Other fast-food
and family-style restaurants
located in proximity to the
Houston Property include a
Ryan's Steakhouse, a Denny's,
an Olive Garden, a Bennigan's,
a Chili's, a Kettle's, and
several local restaurants.

                                                         Lease Expira-
Property Location and              Purchase     Date      tion and          Minimum                             Option
Competition                       Price (1)   Acquired  Renewal Options  Annual Rent (2)    Percentage Rent   To Purchase
- ---------------------             ----------  --------  ---------------  ---------------    ---------------   -----------
BLACK-EYED PEA (6) (10)           $661,682    10/01/97   03/2012         $89,029;           None              at any time
(the "Waco Property")                                                    increases  to                        after the
Existing restaurant                                                      $91,002 after                        seventh
                                                                         the tenth lease                      lease year
The Waco Property is located                                             year
on the north side of Bosque
Road within the Lake Air Mall,
in Waco, McLennan County,
Texas, in an area of mixed
retail, commercial, and
residential development.
Other fast-food and family-
style restaurants located in
proximity to the Waco Property
include a Piccadilly
Cafeteria, a Chili's, a
Fuddrucker's, and several
local restaurants.

BLACK-EYED PEA (6) (10)           $660,748    10/01/97   12/2011         $89,571;           None              at any time
(the "Wichita Property")                                                 increases to                         after the
Existing restaurant                                                      $91,456 after                        seventh
                                                                         the tenth lease                      lease year
The Wichita Property is                                                  year
located on the south side of
East Central Avenue within
Dillow's Superstore Shopping
Center, in Wichita, Sedgwick
County, Kansas, in an area of
mixed retail, commercial, and
residential development.
Other fast-food and family-
style restaurants located in
proximity to the Wichita
Property include a Chili's,
and an Olive Garden.

                                                         Lease Expira-
Property Location and              Purchase     Date      tion and          Minimum                             Option
Competition                       Price (1)   Acquired  Renewal Options  Annual Rent (2)    Percentage Rent   To Purchase
- ---------------------             ----------  --------  ---------------  ---------------    ---------------   -----------
GOLDEN CORRAL (7)                 $529,105    10/02/97   03/2012;        10.75% of Total    for each lease    during the
(the "Olathe Property")           (excluding             four five-      Cost (4)           year, 5% of the   first
Restaurant to be constructed      development            year renewal                       amount by which   through
                                  costs)(3)              options                            annual gross      seventh
The Olathe Property is located                                                              sales exceed      lease years
on the west side of Blackbob                                                                $2,886,067 (5)    and the
Road, north of U.S. 169, in                                                                                   tenth
Olathe, Johnson County,                                                                                       through
Kansas, in an area of mixed                                                                                   fifteenth
retail, commercial, and                                                                                       lease years
residential development.                                                                                      only
Other fast-food and family-
style restaurants located in
proximity to the Olathe
Property include a Dairy
Queen, a Fazoli's, a KFC, a
Taco Bell, and an Applebee's.

- --------------------------------------------------

(1)  The  estimated  federal  income  tax  basis of the depreciable portion (the
     building  portion) of each of the Properties acquired, and for construction
     Properties, once the buildings are constructed, is set forth below:

      Property                        Federal Tax Basis
      --------                        -----------------
      Hoover Property                           618,000
      Superstition Springs Property           1,269,000
      Mobile Property                           988,000
      Palatka Property                          932,000
      Mesa Property                             910,000
      Phoenix #1 Property                       675,000
      Phoenix #2 Property                       675,000
      Phoenix #3 Property                       680,000
      Tucson Property                           676,000
      Albuquerque #1 Property                   703,000
      Albuquerque #2 Property                   702,000
      Dallas #2 Property                        696,000
      Forestville Property                      678,000
      Houston Property                          683,000
      Waco Property                             697,000
      Wichita Property                          696,000
      Olathe Property                         1,097,000

(2)   Minimum  annual  rent  for  each  of  the Properties became payable on the
      effective  date  of the lease, except as indicated below.  For the Mobile,
      Palatka  and  Olathe  Properties,  minimum annual rent will become due and
      payable  on the earlier of (i) 180 days after execution of the lease, (ii)
      the  date  the  certificate  of occupancy for the restaurant is issued, or
      (iii)  the  date the restaurant opens for business to the public.  For the
      Superstition  Springs  Property  minimum  annual  rent will become due and
      payable  on the earlier of (i) 180 days after execution of the lease, (ii)
      the  date the certificate of occupancy for the restaurant is issued, (iii)
      the date the restaurant opens for business to the public, or (iv) the date
      t h e  tenant  receives  from  the  landlord  its  final  funding  of  the
      construction  costs.  During the period commencing with the effective date
      of  the  lease  to  the  date  minimum annual rent becomes payable for the
      Mobile,  Palatka  and  Olathe Properties, as described above, interim rent
      equal  to  ten  percent  per  annum of the amount funded by the Company in
      connection  with  the  purchase  and  construction of the Properties shall
      accrue and be payable in a single lump sum at the time of final funding of
      the  construction  costs.  During the period commencing with the effective
      date  of the lease to the date minimum annual rent becomes payable for the
      Superstition  Springs  Property,  as described above, the tenant shall pay
      monthly  "interim  rent" equal to a specified rate per annum (ranging from
      10.75%  to 11%) of the amount funded by the Company in connection with the
      purchase and construction of the Properties.

(3)   The  development agreements for the Properties which are to be
      constructed, provides  that  construction must be completed no later than
      the dates set forth  below.  The  maximum  cost  to the Company,
      (including the purchase price  of  the land, development costs, and
      closing and acquisition costs) is not expected to, but may, exceed the
      amount set forth below:

      Property Estimated              Maximum Cost    Estimated Final Completion Date
      ------------------              ------------    -------------------------------
      Superstition Springs Property   $2,044,922       March 4, 1998
      Mobile Property                  1,463,204       March 16, 1998
      Palatka Property                 1,289,938       March 16, 1998
      Olathe Property                  1,677,340       March 31, 1998

(4)   The  "Total  Cost"  is  equal  to the sum of (i) the purchase price of the
      property,  (ii) closing costs, and (iii) actual development costs incurred
      under the development agreement.

(5)   Percentage rent shall be calculated on a calendar year basis (January 1 to
      December 31).

(6)   The  Company  owns  the building only for this Property.  The Company does
      not  own  the  underlying  land; although, the Company entered into a tri-
      party  agreement  with the lessee and the landlord of the land in order to
      provide  the Company with certain rights with respect to the land on which
      the building is located.

(7)   The  lessee  of  the  Mobile,  Palatka  and  Olathe Properties is the same
      unaffiliated lessee.

(8)   The  Company  owns  the building only for this Property.  The Company does
      not own the underlying land; although, the Company entered into a landlord
      estoppel  agreement  with  the  landlord  of  the  land  and  a collateral
      assignment  of  the  ground  lease with the lessee in order to provide the
      Company with certain rights with respect to the land on which the building
      is located.

(9)   The  lessee  of  the  Mesa,  Phoenix #1, Phoenix #2, Phoenix #3 and Tucson
      Properties is the same unaffiliated lessee.

(10)  The  lessee of the Albuquerque #1, Albuquerque #2, Dallas #2, Forestville,
      Houston, Waco and Wichita Properties is the same unaffiliated lessee.

                       CNL AMERICAN PROPERTIES FUND, INC.
                    PROPERTIES ACQUIRED FROM AUGUST 22, 1997
                             THROUGH OCTOBER 3, 1997
                FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1996 (UNAUDITED)

      The  following  schedule  presents  unaudited  estimated taxable operating
results  of  each  Property acquired by the Company from August 22, 1997 through
October 3, 1997. The statement presents estimated operating results for each
Property that was operational as if the Property had been acquired and
operational on January 1, 1996 through December 31, 1996. The schedule should be
read in light of the accompanying footnotes.

      These estimates do not purport to present actual or expected operations of
the  Company for any period in the future.  These estimates were prepared on the
basis  described  in  the accompanying notes which should be read in conjunction
herewith. No single lessee or group of affiliated lessees lease Properties or
has  borrowed  funds from the Company with an aggregate purchase price in excess
of 20% of the expected total net offering proceeds of the Company.

                                 Boston Market        T.G.I. Friday's       Golden Corral      Golden Corral
                                 Hoover, AL (7)  Superstition Springs, AZ   Mobile, AL (11)   Palatka, FL (11)
                                 --------------  ------------------------   ---------------   ----------------
Estimated Taxable Operating
  Results Before Dividends Paid

Base Rent (1)                       $110,270               (5)                    (5)              (5)

Asset Management Fees (2)             (6,316)              (5)                    (5)              (5)

General and Administrative
  Expenses (3)                        (6,837)              (5)                    (5)              (5)
Estimated Cash Available from
  Operations                          97,117               (5)                    (5)              (5)

Depreciation and Amortization
  Expense (4)                        (15,840)              (5)                    (5)              (5)
Estimated Taxable Operating
  Results Before Dividends Paid
  Deduction:                        $ 81,277               (5)                    (5)              (5)

                                 See Footnotes

                                Black-eyed Pea      Black-eyed Pea         Black-eyed Pea        Black-eyed Pea
                                Mesa, AZ (12)     Phoenix #1, AZ (12)    Phoenix #2, AZ (12)   Phoenix #3, AZ (12)
                                --------------    -------------------    -------------------   -------------------
Estimated Taxable Operating
  Results Before Dividends Paid

Base Rent (1)                     $168,000             $109,225                $100,195              $ 95,149

Asset Management Fees (2)           (9,597)              (3,845)                 (3,845)               (3,870)

General and Administrative
  Expenses (3)                     (10,416)              (6,772)                 (6,212)               (5,899)
                                  --------             --------                --------              --------
Estimated Cash Available from
  Operations                       147,987               98,608                  90,138                85,380

Depreciation and Amortization
  Expense (4)                      (23,333)             (17,310)                (17,313)              (17,424)
                                  --------             --------                --------              --------

Estimated Taxable Operating
  Results Before Dividends Paid
  Deduction:                      $124,654             $ 81,298                $ 72,825              $ 67,956
                                  ========             ========                ========              ========

                                  See Footnotes

                                 Black-eyed Pea       Black-eyed Pea         Black-eyed Pea           Black-eyed Pea
                                 Tucson, AZ (12)  Albuquerque #1, NM (13)  Albuquerque #2, NM (13)   Dallas #2, TX (13)
                                 ---------------  -----------------------  -----------------------   ------------------
Estimated Taxable Operating
  Results Before Dividends Paid

Base Rent (1)                        $ 91,248            $ 86,087               $ 91,517                  $ 90,265

Asset Management Fees (2)              (3,848)             (4,004)                (3,998)                   (3,964)

General and Administrative
  Expenses (3)                         (5,657)             (5,337)                (5,674)                   (5,596)
                                     --------            --------               --------                  --------
Estimated Cash Available from
  Operations                           81,743              76,746                 81,845                    80,705

Depreciation and Amortization
  Expense (4)                         (17,326)            (18,027)               (18,001)                  (17,850)
                                     --------            --------               --------                  --------
Estimated Taxable Operating
  Results Before Dividends Paid
  Deduction:                         $ 64,417            $ 58,719               $ 63,844                  $ 62,855
                                     ========            ========               ========                  ========

                                  See Footnotes

                                     Black-eyed Pea           Black-eyed Pea     Black-eyed Pea     Black-eyed Pea
                                   Forestville, MD (13)      Houston, TX (13)    Waco, TX (13)      Wichita, KS (13)
                                   --------------------      ----------------    --------------     ----------------
Estimated Taxable Operating
  Results Before Dividends Paid

Base Rent (1)                           $133,563                 $ 99,657           $ 89,029            $ 89,571

Asset Management Fees (2)                 (3,864)                  (3,892)            (3,970)             (3,964)

General and Administrative
  Expenses (3)                            (8,281)                  (6,179)            (5,520)             (5,553)
                                        --------                 --------           --------            --------
Estimated Cash Available from
  Operations                             121,418                   89,586             79,539              80,054

Depreciation and Amortization
  Expense (4)                            (17,395)                 (17,522)           (17,875)            (17,850)
                                        --------                 --------           --------            --------
Estimated Taxable Operating
  Results Before Dividends Paid
  Deduction:                            $104,023                 $ 72,064           $ 61,664            $ 62,204
                                        ========                 ========           ========            ========

                                  See Footnotes

                                       Golden Corral
                                      Olathe, KS (11)      Total
                                      ---------------      -----
Estimated Taxable Operating
  Results Before Dividends Paid

Base Rent (1)                               (5)          $1,353,776

Asset Management Fees (2)                   (5)             (58,977)

General and Administrative
  Expenses (3)                              (5)             (83,933)
Estimated Cash Available from
  Operations                                                     (5)
Depreciation and Amortization
  Expense (4)                               (5)            (233,066)
Estimated Taxable Operating
  Results Before Dividends Paid
  Deduction:                                (5)          $  977,800

- --------------------------------------


(1)   Base  rent does not include percentage rents which become due if specified
      levels of gross receipts are achieved.

(2)   The  Properties  will be managed pursuant to an advisory agreement between
      the Company and CNL Fund Advisors, Inc. (the "Advisor"), pursuant to which
      the  Advisor will receive monthly asset management fees in an amount equal
      to  one-twelfth of .60% of the Company's Real Estate Asset Value as of the
      end of the preceding month as defined in such agreement.

(3)   Estimated  at 6.2% of gross rental income based on the previous experience
      of Affiliates of the Advisor with 17 public limited partnerships which own
      properties similar to those owned by the Company.  Amount does not include
      soliciting  dealer servicing fee due to the fact that such fee will not be
      incurred  until  December  31  of the year following the year in which the
      offering terminates.

(4)   The  estimated  federal tax basis of the depreciable portion (the building
      portion) of each Property has been depreciated on the straight-line method
      over 39 years.

(5)   The Property is either under construction or renovation or was under
      construction or renovation during, or subsequent to, the period presented,
      and therefore was not operational for the period presented. The
      development agreements for the Properties which are to be constructed or
      renovated, provide that construction or renovation must be completed no
      later than the dates set forth below:

      Property                                 Estimated Final Completion Date
      --------                                 -------------------------------

      Superstition Springs Property            March 4, 1998
      Mobile Property                          March 16, 1998
      Palatka Property                         March 16, 1998
      Olathe Property                          March 31, 1998

(6)   The lessee of the Mobile, Palatka and Olathe Properties is the same
      unaffiliated lessee.

(7)   The lessee of the Mesa, Phoenix #1, Phoenix #2, Phoenix #3 and Tucson
      Properties is the same unaffiliated lessee.

(8)   The lessee of the Albuquerque #1, Albuquerque #2, Dallas #2, Forestville,
      Houston, Waco and Wichita Properties is the same unaffiliated lessee.


                  Not applicable.


                  Not applicable.


      On  October 10, 1997, the Company filed a Registration Statement on Form
S-11 in connection with the proposed offering of up to 34,500,000 shares of
common stock at a price of $10 per share. The offering is expected to commence
upon the completion of the current offering of 27,500,000 shares.


                  Not applicable.


                       CNL AMERICAN PROPERTIES FUND, INC.
                                 AND SUBSIDIARY

                         INDEX TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

Pro Forma Consolidated Financial Information (unaudited):

      Pro Forma Consolidated Balance Sheet as of June 30, 1997          23

      Pro Forma Consolidated Statement of Earnings for the six          24
      months ended June 30, 1997

      Pro Forma Consolidated Statement of Earnings for the year         25
      ended December 31, 1996

      Notes to Pro Forma Consolidated Financial Statements for          26
      the six months ended June 30, 1997 and the year ended
      December 31, 1996


      The  following  Pro  Forma Consolidated Balance Sheet of the Company gives
effect  to (i) property acquisition transactions from inception through June 30,
1997,  including the receipt of $223,843,177 in gross offering proceeds from the
sale  of  22,384,318 shares of common stock and the application of such proceeds
to  purchase  174 properties (including 121 properties which consist of land and
building,  one  property  through  a joint venture arrangement which consists of
land  and  building,  eight  properties  which  consist  of building only and 44
properties  which  consist of land only), 33 of which were under construction at
June 30, 1997, to provide mortgage financing to the lessees of the 44 properties
consisting  of  land  only,  and  to  pay  organizational and offering expenses,
acquisition  fees  and  miscellaneous acquisition expenses,  (ii) the receipt of
net  sales  proceeds  in  the  amount  of  $1,035,153  relating to the sale of a
property  consisting  of land and building which had been sold during the period
July  1, 1997 through October 3, 1997, (iii) the receipt of $67,962,617 in gross
offering  proceeds  from the sale of 6,796,262 additional shares of common stock
during  the period July 1, 1997 through October 3, 1997, (iv) the application of
such  funds  and  $8,009,833  of  cash and cash equivalents at June 30, 1997, to
purchase  47  additional  properties  acquired  during  the  period July 1, 1997
through  October 3, 1997 (16 of which are under construction and consist of land
and building, one property which is under construction and consists of building,
11 properties which consist of building only, and 19 properties which consist of
land  and  building),  to  pay  additional  costs  for  the  33 properties under
construction  at  June  30, 1997, and to pay offering expenses, acquisition fees
and  miscellaneous  acquisition  expenses,  all  as  reflected  in the pro forma
adjustments  described in the related notes.  The Pro Forma Consolidated Balance
Sheet as of June 30, 1997, includes the transactions described in (i) above from
the  historical  consolidated  balance  sheet,  adjusted  to  give effect to the
transactions in (ii), (iii), and (iv) above, as if they had occurred on June 30,

      The Pro Forma Consolidated Statements of Earnings for the six months ended
June  30,  1997  and  the  year  ended December 31, 1996, include the historical
operating  results  of  the  properties described in (i) above from the dates of
their  acquisitions  plus  operating results for six of the properties that were
acquired  by  the  Company  during the period January 1, 1996 through October 3,
1997,  and  had  a previous rental history prior to the Company's acquisition of
such  properties,  from  (A)  the  later  of  (1)  the  date the property became
operational  as  a rental property by the previous owner or (2) January 1, 1996,
to  (B)  the earlier of (1) the date the property was acquired by the Company or
(2)  the  end  of the pro forma period presented.  No pro forma adjustments have
been  made to the Pro Forma Consolidated Statement of Earnings for the remaining
properties  acquired  by  the  Company during the period January 1, 1996 through
October  3,  1997, due to the fact that these properties did not have a previous
rental history.

      This  pro  forma  consolidated  financial  information  is  presented  for
informational  purposes  only  and  does  not  purport  to  be indicative of the
Company's  financial results or condition if the various events and transactions
reflected  therein  had  occurred  on  the  dates,  or been in effect during the
periods,  indicated.    This pro forma consolidated financial information should
not  be viewed as predictive of the Company's financial results or conditions in
the future.

                       CNL AMERICAN PROPERTIES FUND, INC.
                                 AND SUBSIDIARY
                                  JUNE 30, 1997

                                                   Pro Forma
            ASSETS                  Historical    Adjustments     Pro Forma
                                    ----------    -----------     ---------
Land and buildings on operating
  leases, less accumulated
  depreciation                     $140,983,397 $ 33,734,922 (a)
                                                  (1,025,712)(b) $173,692,607
Net investment in direct
  financing leases (c)               22,703,193   24,391,282 (a)   47,094,475
Cash and cash equivalents            31,097,346   (8,009,833)(a)
                                                   1,035,153 (b)   24,122,666
Receivables                             497,307                       497,307
Mortgage notes receivable            17,737,107                    17,737,107
Organization costs, less
  accumulated amortization               11,682                        11,682
Loan costs, less accumulated
  amortization                           23,954                        23,954
Accrued rental income                   861,703                       861,703
Other assets                          1,026,053
                                                     154,904 (a)    1,180,957
                                   ------------ ------------     ------------
                                   $214,941,742 $ 50,280,716     $265,222,458
                                   ============ ============     ============

  Note payable                     $  4,756,658                  $  4,756,658
  Accrued interest payable               26,751                        26,751
  Accrued construction costs
    payable                          10,524,476 $(10,524,476)(a)           -
  Accounts payable and other
    accrued expenses                    113,317                       113,317
  Due to related parties                790,223                       790,223
  Rents paid in advance                 305,524                       305,524
  Deferred rental income              1,005,050       26,353 (a)    1,031,403
  Other payables                         10,315                        10,315
                                   ------------ ------------     ------------
      Total liabilities              17,532,314  (10,498,123)       7,034,191
                                   ------------ ------------     ------------
Minority interest                       286,992                       286,992
                                   ------------ ------------     ------------
Stockholders' equity:
  Preferred stock, without par
    value.  Authorized and unissued
  Excess shares, $.01 par value per
    share.  Authorized and unissued
  Common stock, $.01 par value per
    share.  Authorized 75,000,000
    shares; issued and outstanding
    22,404,318 shares; issued and
    outstanding, as adjusted,
    29,200,580 shares                   224,043       67,963 (a)      292,006
  Capital in excess of par value    198,913,717   60,701,435 (a)  259,615,152
  Accumulated distributions in
    excess of net earnings           (2,015,324)      10,463 (b)
                                                      (1,022)(b)    2,005,883
                                   ------------ ------------     ------------
                                    197,122,436   60,778,839      257,901,275
                                   ------------ ------------     ------------
                                   $214,941,742 $ 50,280,716     $265,222,458
                                   ============ ============     ============

See accompanying notes to unaudited pro forma consolidated financial statements.

                       CNL AMERICAN PROPERTIES FUND, INC.
                                 AND SUBSIDIARY
                         SIX MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 1997

                                                     Pro Forma
                                      Historical    Adjustments    Pro Forma
                                      ----------    -----------    ---------
  Rental income from
    operating leases                  $4,006,805   $    8,188 (1)  $4,014,993
  Earned income from
    direct financing leases (2)          958,492                      958,492
  Interest income from
    mortgage notes receivable            815,192                      815,192
  Other interest and income              934,745       (3,359)(3)     931,386
                                      ----------   ----------      ----------
                                       6,715,234        4,829       6,720,063
                                      ----------   ----------      ----------
  General operating and
    administrative                       481,211                      481,211
  Professional services                   44,679                       44,679
  Asset and mortgage management
    fees to related party                259,256          873 (4)     260,129
  State and other taxes                  107,863                      107,863
  Depreciation and amortization          579,404        2,142 (6)     581,546
                                      ----------   ----------      ----------
                                       1,472,413        3,015       1,475,428
                                      ----------   ----------      ----------
Earnings Before Minority
  Interest in Income of
  Consolidated Joint Venture           5,242,821        1,814       5,244,635

Minority Interest in Income of
  Consolidated Joint Venture             (15,726)                     (15,726)
                                      ----------   ----------      ----------
Net Earnings                          $5,227,095   $    1,814      $5,228,909
                                      ==========   ==========      ==========
Earnings Per Share of
  Common Stock (7)                    $     0.29                   $     0.29
                                      ==========                   ==========
Weighted Average Number of
  Shares of Common Stock
  Outstanding (7)                     17,826,025                   17,826,025
                                      ==========                   ==========

See accompanying notes to unaudited pro forma consolidated financial statements.

                       CNL AMERICAN PROPERTIES FUND, INC.
                                 AND SUBSIDIARY
                          YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1996

                                                     Pro Forma
                                      Historical    Adjustments    Pro Forma
                                      ----------    ------------   ----------
  Rental income from
    operating leases                  $3,717,886   $   62,167 (1)  $3,780,053
  Earned income from
    direct financing leases (2)          625,492       34,282 (1)     659,774
  Contingent rental income                13,920                       13,920
  Interest income from
    mortgage notes receivable          1,069,349                    1,069,349
  Other interest and income              780,037      (24,826)(3)     755,211
                                      ----------    ------------   ----------
                                       6,206,684       71,623       6,278,307
                                      ----------    ------------   ----------
  General operating and
    administrative                       542,564                      542,564
  Professional services                   58,976                       58,976
  Asset and mortgage management
    fees to related party                251,200        5,435 (4)     256,635
  State and other taxes                   56,184        1,218 (5)      57,402
  Depreciation and amortization          521,871        6,852 (6)     528,723
                                      ----------    ------------   ----------
                                       1,430,795       13,505       1,444,300
                                      ----------    ------------   ----------

Earnings Before Minority
  Interest in Income of
  Consolidated Joint Venture           4,775,889       58,118       4,834,007

Minority Interest in Income of
  Consolidated Joint Venture             (29,927)                     (29,927)
                                      ----------    ------------   ----------
Net Earnings                          $4,745,962   $   58,118      $4,804,080
                                      ==========    ============   ==========
Earnings Per Share of
  Common Stock (7)                    $     0.59                   $     0.60
                                      ==========    ============   ==========
Weighted Average Number of
  Shares of Common Stock
  Outstanding (7)                      8,071,670                    8,071,670
                                      ==========    ============   ==========

See accompanying notes to unaudited pro forma consolidated financial statements.

                       CNL AMERICAN PROPERTIES FUND, INC.
                                 AND SUBSIDIARY

Pro Forma Consolidated Balance Sheet:

(a)   Represents  gross  proceeds  of $67,962,617 from the issuance of 6,796,262
      shares  of  common stock during the period July 1, 1997 through October 3,
      1997,  the  receipt  of  $26,353  of  rental  income  during  construction
      (capitalized  as  deferred rental income), and $8,009,833 of cash and cash
      equivalents  used (i) to acquire 47 properties for $48,490,648 of which 12
      properties consists of building only and 35 properties consist of land and
      building,  (ii)  to  fund  estimated  construction  costs  of  $17,256,618
      ($10,524,476  of  which  was accrued as construction costs payable at June
      30,  1997)  relating  to  33 wholly-owned properties under construction at
      June  30, 1997, (iii) to pay acquisition fees of $3,058,318 ($2,903,414 of
      which  was allocated to properties and $154,904 of which was classified as
      other  assets  and will be allocated to future properties) and (iv) to pay
      selling  commissions  and  offering  expenses  (stock  issuance  costs) of
      $7,193,219, which have been netted against capital in excess of par value.

      The  pro  forma  adjustments to land and buildings on operating leases and
      net  investment  in  direct  financing  leases  as  a  result of the above
      transactions were as follows:

                                         Estimated purchase
                                          price (including
                                          construction and
                                           closing costs)        Acquisition fees
                                           and additional          allocated to
                                          construction costs         property           Total
                                          ------------------     ----------------    -----------
      Boston Market in Southlake, TX          $ 1,025,712          $       -         $ 1,025,712
      Boston Market in Stafford, TX             1,068,222              57,226          1,125,448
      Jack in the Box in Channelview, TX        1,007,970              53,998          1,061,968
      Jack in the Box in Garland, TX              935,120              50,096            985,216
      KFC in Putnam, CT                           794,700              42,573            837,273
      Arby's in Lexington, NC                     741,536              39,725            781,261
      Boston Market in Newport News, VA         1,002,216              53,690          1,055,906
      IHOP in Houston, TX                       1,419,809              76,061          1,495,870
      IHOP in Stockbridge, GA                   1,392,627              74,605          1,467,232
      Jack in the Box in Woodland, CA             962,592              51,568          1,014,160
      Jack in the Box in West Sacramento, CA    1,072,031              57,430          1,129,461
      Tumbleweed Southwest Mesquite
        Grill & Bar in Cookeville, TN           1,456,843              78,045          1,534,888
      Tumbleweed Southwest Mesquite
        Grill & Bar in Hendersonville, TN         739,655              39,624            779,279
      Tumbleweed Southwest Mesquite
        Grill & Bar in Lawrence, KS             1,433,474              76,794          1,510,268
      Tumbleweed Southwest Mesquite
        Grill & Bar in Nashville, TN            1,294,917              69,371          1,364,288
      Arby's in Greensboro, NC                    726,273              38,908            765,181
      Arby's in Greenville, NC                    726,273              38,907            765,180
      Arby's in Jonesville, NC                    726,273              38,907            765,180
      Arby's in Kernersville, NC                  649,000              34,768            683,768
      Arby's in Kinston, NC                       712,636              38,177            750,813
      Tumbleweed Southwest Mesquite
        Grill & Bar in Murfreesboro, TN         1,410,322              75,553          1,485,875
      Boston Market in Edgewater, CO              896,187              48,010            944,197
      Golden Corral in Fort Walton Beach, FL    1,490,657              79,857          1,570,514
      Golden Corral in Duncan, OK               1,036,607              55,532          1,092,139
      Ruby Tuesday's in London, KY              1,119,970              59,999          1,179,969
      IHOP in Elk Grove, CA                     1,535,840              82,278          1,618,118
      IHOP in Lake Jackson, TX                  1,192,497              63,884          1,256,381
      IHOP in Loveland, CO                      1,372,745              73,540          1,446,285
      IHOP in Victoria, TX                      1,070,000              57,321          1,127,321
      Shoney's in Las Vegas, NV                 1,519,984              81,428          1,601,412
      Boston Market in Hoover, AL               1,052,658              56,392          1,109,050
      TGI Friday's in Superstition Springs, AZ  2,038,893             109,227          2,148,120
      Golden Corral in Mobile, AL               1,343,204              71,957          1,415,161
      Golden Corral in Palatka, FL              1,189,051              63,699          1,252,750
      Black-eyed Pea in Mesa, AZ                1,599,500              85,688          1,685,188
      Black-eyed Pea in Phoenix, AZ (#1)          640,754              34,326            675,080
      Black-eyed Pea in Phoenix, AZ (#2)          640,871              34,332            675,203
      Black-eyed Pea in Phoenix, AZ (#3)          644,971              34,552            679,523
      Black-eyed Pea in Tucson, AZ                641,371              34,359            675,730

                       CNL AMERICAN PROPERTIES FUND, INC.
                                 AND SUBSIDIARY
                             STATEMENTS - CONTINUED

Pro Forma Consolidated Balance Sheet - Continued:

                                             Estimated purchase
                                              price (including
                                              construction and
                                               closing costs)    Acquisition fees
                                               and additional      allocated to
                                             construction costs     property          Total
                                             ------------------  ----------------     -----
      Black-eyed Pea in Albuquerque, NM (#1)       667,290            35,748         703,038
      Black-eyed Pea in Albuquerque, NM (#2)       666,355            35,698         702,053
      Black-eyed Pea in Dallas, TX                 660,748            35,397         696,145
      Black-eyed Pea in Forestville, MD            643,925            34,496         678,421
      Black-eyed Pea in Houston, TX                648,599            34,745         683,344
      Black-eyed Pea in Waco, TX                   661,682            35,447         697,129
      Black-eyed Pea in Wichita, KS                660,748            35,397         696,145
      Golden Corral in Olathe, KS                1,557,340            83,429       1,640,769
      33 wholly owned properties under
        construction at June 30, 1997            6,732,142           360,650       7,092,792
                                               -----------       -----------     -----------
                                               $55,222,790       $ 2,903,414     $58,126,204
                                               ===========       ===========     ===========

      Adjustment classified as follows:
          Land and buildings on operating leases                                 $33,734,922
          Net investment in direct financing leases                               24,391,282

(b)   Represents  net  sales  proceeds  in  the amount of $1,035,153 received in
      conjunction  with  the sale of a property consisting of land and building,
      purchased and sold during the period July 1, 1997 through October 3, 1997,
      of which $1,022 had been depreciated through the date of sale and was sold
      at a gain of $10,463.

(c)   In  accordance  with  generally  accepted accounting principles, leases in
      which the present value of future minimum lease payments equals or exceeds
      90  percent  of  the value of the related properties are treated as direct
      financing leases rather than as land and buildings.  The categorization of
      the leases has no effect on rental revenues received.

Pro Forma Consolidated Statement of Earnings:

(1)   Represents  rental  income  from  operating  leases and earned income from
      direct  financing  leases  for  six  of the properties acquired during the
      period  January  1,  1996  through  October  3, 1997, which had a previous
      rental  history  prior  to  the acquisition of the property by the Company
      (the  "Pro  Forma Properties"), for the period commencing (A) the later of
      (i)  the  date  the  Pro  Forma  Property  became  operational as a rental
      property by the previous owner or (ii) January 1, 1996, to (B) the earlier
      of (i) the date the Pro Forma Property was acquired by the Company or (ii)
      the  end  of  the  pro  forma period presented.  Each of the six Pro Forma
      P r operties  was  acquired  from  an  affiliate  who  had  purchased  and
      temporarily held title to the property.  The noncancellable leases for the
      Pro  Forma  Properties  in place during the period the affiliate owned the
      properties  were  assigned to the Company at the time the Company acquired
      the  properties.    The  following  presents the actual date the Pro Forma
      Properties  were  acquired or placed in service by the Company as compared
      to  the date the Pro Forma Properties were treated as becoming operational
      as  a rental property for purposes of the Pro Forma Consolidated Statement
      of Earnings.

                       CNL AMERICAN PROPERTIES FUND, INC.
                                 AND SUBSIDIARY
                             STATEMENTS - CONTINUED

Pro Forma Consolidated Statement of Earnings - Continued:

                                                            Date Pro Forma
                                           Date Placed      Property Became
                                           in Service       Operational as
                                         By the Company     Rental Property
                                         --------------     ----------------

          Mr. Fable's in Grand
            Rapids, MI                     March 1996         January 1996
          Denny's in McKinney, TX           June 1996         January 1996
          Boston Market in Merced, CA     October 1996         July 1996
          Boston Market in
            St. Joseph, MO                December 1996         June 1996
          Burger King in Kent, OH         February 1997       December 1996
          Golden Corral in
            Hopkinsville, KY            February 19, 1997   February 18, 1997

      In accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, lease revenue
      from  leases  accounted  for under the operating method is recognized over
      the  terms  of  the  leases.    For  operating leases providing escalating
      guaranteed  minimum  rents, income is reported on a   straight-line  basis
      over    the    terms  of  the leases.  For  leases accounted for as direct
      financing  leases,  future  minimum  lease  payments  are  recorded  as  a
      receivable.    The  difference  between  the  receivable and the estimated
      residual  values  less  the cost of the properties is recorded as unearned
      income.   The unearned income is amortized over the lease terms to provide
      a  constant  rate  of  return.   Accordingly, pro forma rental income from
      operating  leases  and earned income from direct financing leases does not
      necessarily represent rental payments that would have been received if the
      properties had been operational for the full pro forma period.

      Generally,  the  leases  provide  for  the  payment  of percentage rent in
      addition  to  base  rental  income.    However,  due  to  the fact that no
      percentage  rent  was  due  under  the leases for the Pro Forma Properties
      during  the  portion  of  1996  and 1997 that the previous owners held the
      properties,  no pro forma adjustment was made for percentage rental income
      for  the  six  months  ended June 30, 1997 and the year ended December 31,

(2)   See  Note  (c)  under  "Pro  Forma Consolidated Balance Sheet" above for a
      description of direct financing leases.

(3)   Represents adjustment to interest income due to the decrease in the amount
      of  cash  available for investment in interest bearing accounts during the
      periods  commencing  (A)  on  the  later  of  (i)  the dates the Pro Forma
      Properties  became operational as rental properties by the previous owners
      or  (ii)  January 1, 1996, through (B) the earlier of (i) the actual dates
      of  acquisition  by  the  Company  or  the  end  of  the  pro forma period
      presented,  as  described  in  Note  (1)  above.   The estimated pro forma
      adjustment is based upon the fact that interest income on interest bearing
      accounts  was  earned at a rate of approximately four percent per annum by
      the  Company  during the six months ended June 30, 1997 and the year ended
      December 31, 1996.

(4)   Represents  incremental  increase in asset management fees relating to the
      Pro Forma Properties for the period commencing (A) on the later of (i) the
      date  the  Pro Forma Properties became operational as rental properties by
      the previous owners or (ii) January 1, 1996 through (B) the earlier of (i)
      the date the Pro Forma Properties were acquired by the Company or (ii) the
      end  of  the  pro  forma period presented, as described in Note (1) above.
      Asset  management  fees  are  equal  to 0.60% of the Company's Real Estate
      Asset Value (estimated to be approximately $873,000 and $3,509,000 for the
      Pro  Forma  Properties for the six months ended June 30, 1997 and the year
      ended  December  31,  1996,  respectively),  as  defined  in the Company's

                       CNL AMERICAN PROPERTIES FUND, INC.
                                 AND SUBSIDIARY
                             STATEMENTS - CONTINUED

Pro Forma Consolidated Statement of Earnings - Continued:

(5)   Represents adjustment to state tax expense due to the incremental increase
      in rental revenues of Pro Forma Properties.  Estimated pro forma state tax
      expense  was  calculated based on an analysis of state laws of the various
      states  in  which  the Company has acquired the Pro Forma Properties.  The
      estimated  pro forma state taxes consist primarily of income and franchise
      taxes  ranging from zero to approximately two percent of the Company's pro
      forma  rental income of each Pro Forma Property.  Due to the fact that the
      Company's  leases are triple net, the Company has not included any amounts
      for real estate taxes in the pro forma statement of earnings.

(6)   Represents  incremental  increase  in depreciation expense of the building
      portions  of  the  Pro Forma  Properties accounted for as operating leases
      using the straight-line method over an estimated useful life of 30 years.

(7)   Historical  earnings  per  share  were  calculated based upon the weighted
      average number of shares of common stock outstanding during the six months
      ended June 30, 1997 and the year ended December 31, 1996.


                  Not applicable.




      Pursuant  to  the  requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as
amended, the registrant has duly caused this report to be filed on its behalf by
the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                             CNL AMERICAN PROPERTIES FUND, INC.

Dated:  October 17, 1997                     By:  /s/ Robert A. Bourne
                                                  ROBERT A. BOURNE, President