860 Omni Boulevard
                          Newport News, Virginia 23606

                                  June 16, 1998

Dear Shareholder:

         You are  cordially  invited  to  attend  the  1998  Annual  Meeting  of
Shareholders  of nVIEW  Corporation,  which will be held at the offices of nVIEW
Corporation, 860 Omni Boulevard, Newport News, Virginia 23606, on Thursday, July
16, 1998, at 11:00 a.m., local time.

         Enclosed are a Notice of the Annual Meeting,  a Proxy Card, and a Proxy
Statement  containing  information  about the  matters  to be acted  upon at the
meeting.  Directors and officers of the Company,  as well as a representative of
KPMG Peat Marwick LLP,  will be present at the Annual  Meeting to respond to any
questions our shareholders may have.

         It is  important  that  your  shares  be  represented  at the  meeting.
Accordingly,  we urge you to sign and date the enclosed  Proxy Card and promptly
return it to us in the enclosed, self-addressed,  postage paid envelope, even if
you are planning to attend the meeting. If you attend the meeting,  you may vote
in person even if you have previously returned your Proxy Card.

         We look forward to the 1998 Annual Meeting of  Shareholders  and we
hope you will attend the meeting or be represented by Proxy.


                                                        Angelo Guastaferro
                                                        Chairman of the Board

                                nVIEW CORPORATION
                               860 Omni Boulevard
                          Newport News, Virginia 23606

                                   TO BE HELD
                                  July 16, 1998

To the Shareholders:

         NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Annual Meeting of Shareholders of nVIEW
Corporation  (the  "Company")  will be held on Thursday,  July 16, 1998,  at the
offices of nVIEW Corporation,  860 Omni Boulevard, Newport News, Virginia 23606,
at 11:00 a.m.,  local time.  The  following  matters will be brought  before the
shareholders for consideration at the Annual Meeting:

         1.       The election of seven (7)  directors to hold office during the
                  ensuing year, and until their  successors are elected and have
                  been properly qualified.

         2.       The  ratification  of the appointment of KPMG Peat Marwick LLP
                  as independent auditors for the ensuing year.

         3.       The  transaction  of such other  business as may properly come
                  before the meeting or any adjournment thereof.

         The Board of Directors has established the close of business on June 1,
1998,  as the record  date for the  determination  of  Shareholders  entitled to
notice of and to vote at the Annual Meeting or any adjournments thereof.

                                             By Order of the Board of Directors
                                             of nVIEW Corporation

                                             LU ANN KLEVECZ

June 16, 1998
Newport News, Virginia


                                 PROXY STATEMENT

         The enclosed  Proxy is solicited on behalf of the Board of Directors of
nVIEW  Corporation (the "Company") for use at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders
to be held on Thursday, July 16, 1998, at the offices of nVIEW Corporation,  860
Omni Boulevard,  Newport News,  Virginia 23606, at 11:00 a.m., local time, or at
any adjournment thereof (the "Annual Meeting") for the purposes set forth in the
accompanying Notice of Meeting.

         Only  shareholders  of record at the close of  business on June 1, 1998
(the  "Record  Date"),  are  entitled  to  notice  of and to vote at the  Annual
Meeting.  It is the  intention  of the  persons  named  in the  Proxy to vote as
instructed by shareholders, or if no instructions are given, to vote (1) for the
election  of the seven (7)  nominees to serve as  directors  listed in the Proxy
Statement and (2) for the  ratification  of the appointment of KPMG Peat Marwick
as independent  auditors for 1998.  This Proxy  Statement and the enclosed Proxy
are being mailed on or about June 16, 1998.

Revocability of Proxy

         Execution of the enclosed Proxy will not affect a  shareholder's  right
to attend the Annual Meeting and vote in person.  A  shareholder,  in exercising
his right to vote in person  at the  Annual  Meeting,  effectively  revokes  all
previously executed Proxies.  In addition,  the Proxy may be revoked at any time
prior to the Annual  Meeting by written  notice to the Secretary of the Company.
If a  shareholder's  Proxy is properly  signed,  received by the Company and not
revoked,  the shares to which it pertains will be voted at the Annual Meeting in
accordance with the shareholder's instructions. If a shareholder does not return
a signed Proxy, his or her shares cannot be voted by proxy.

Persons Making the Solicitation

         The  cost of  soliciting  Proxies  will be  borne  by the  Company.  In
addition to  solicitation  by mail, the Company will request banks,  brokers and
other  custodians,  nominees  and  fiduciaries  to send proxy  materials  to the
beneficial  owners and to secure their voting  instructions,  if necessary.  The
Company,  upon  request,  will  reimburse  them for their  expenses in so doing.
Officers and regular employees of the Company may solicit Proxies personally, by
telephone or telegram,  for which no additional  compensation  will be paid. The
Company has engaged the firm of Georgeson & Company,  Inc. to assist the Company
in the  solicitation  of  proxies.  The  Company  has agreed to pay  Georgeson &
Company, Inc. a fee of $6,000 plus expenses for its services.

Voting Shares and Vote Required

         On the Record Date,  the Company had  6,225,166  shares of Common Stock
outstanding.  Each share of Common  Stock is entitled to one vote on each matter
presented at the Annual Meeting.

         The  presence  at the  Annual  Meeting,  in person or by Proxy,  of the
holders of a  majority  of the issued  and  outstanding  shares of Common  Stock

entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting shall  constitute a quorum.  In the event
there are not sufficient  votes for a quorum at the time of the Annual  Meeting,
the meeting may be adjourned to permit  further  solicitation  of proxies.  If a
quorum is present,  in the  election  of  directors,  nominees  are elected by a
plurality  of the votes  cast at the Annual  Meeting.  The  ratification  of the
appointment of independent  auditors requires the affirmative vote of a majority
of the votes cast on such matter.

         Regarding the election of directors,  votes may be cast in favor or may
be withheld as to all or any of the  nominees.  Votes that are withheld  will be
counted for purposes of  determining  the  presence or absence of a quorum,  but
will have no other effect.  With respect to the  ratification of the appointment
of auditors,  votes may be cast for or against or abstentions  may be specified.
Abstentions  will be counted as present for  purposes of the presence or absence
of a quorum, but will not be counted in determining votes cast. Broker non-votes
will have no effect on the election of  directors,  or the  ratification  of the
appointment of auditors.

         Unless  specified  otherwise,  the  Proxy  will  be  voted  (i) FOR the
election of the seven (7) nominees to serve as  directors  of the Company  until
the next Annual Meeting or until their successors are duly elected and qualified
and (ii) FOR the ratification of the appointment of auditors.  In the discretion
of the Proxy  holders,  the Proxies will also be voted for or against such other
matters as may properly come before the Annual Meeting.  Management is not aware
of any other matters to be presented for action at the Annual Meeting.

Security Ownership of Management and Certain Beneficial Owners

         The  following  table  sets  forth,  as of  June  1,  1998,  beneficial
ownership of shares of Common Stock of the Company by (i) each of the  Company's
directors and named executive  officers who own Common Stock; (ii) all directors
and executive officers as a group; and (iii) each person (or group of affiliated
persons) who owns  beneficially  more than 5% of the Common Stock. All directors
and executive  officers of the Company  receive mail at the Company's  corporate
executive offices at 860 Omni Boulevard, Newport News, Virginia 23606.

                                                                Total Number                  Percent
  Name of Individual or                                     Shares Beneficially              of Common
Number of Persons in Group                                        Owned                     Stock Owned
- - --------------------------                                  -------------------             -----------
Stephen C. Adams (1)(2)                                              21,994                      *
Edgar M. Cortright (2)(3)                                            52,356                      *
Angelo Guastaferro (4)                                               70,522                     1.13
Grant T. Hollett, Jr. (2)                                             8,000                      *
Joseph G. Morone (2)                                                  8,000                      *
Jerry W. Stubblefield (5)                                            46,200                      *
Barry D. Todd (6)                                                 1,250,000                    19.98
James H. Vogeley (7)                                                866,850                    13.92
Woodstock Overseas Inc. (6)(8)                                    1,250,000                    19.98
Directors and named executive officers as a
group (8 persons)                                                 2,323,922                    37.33

- - ------------------
*Less than 1% beneficial ownership.


(1)      Includes  2,118 shares  owned  by  Mr. Adams'  wife,  Nancy  B.  Adams.
         Mr.  Adams  disclaims  beneficial ownership of these shares.

(2)      Includes currently exercisable options to purchase 8,000 shares granted
         under the Director Plan.

(3)      Includes  27,356  shares owned by a revocable  trust for the benefit of
         Mr.  Cortright.  Also includes 17,000 shares owned by a revocable trust
         for the  benefit  of Mr.  Cortright's  wife,  for which  Mr.  Cortright
         disclaims beneficial ownership.

(4)      Includes 43,000 shares that may be purchased pursuant to incentive
         stock options granted by the Company.

(5)      Includes 46,000 shares that may be purchased pursuant to incentive
         stock options granted by the Company.

(6)      Represents all of the shares of Woodstock Overseas Inc., a wholly owned
         subsidiary of Snell & Wilcox  Limited.  Mr. Todd is a director and Vice
         President of Woodstock Overseas Inc.

(7)      Includes  94,850 shares owned by the Estate of Arthur W.  Vogeley,  for
         which James H. Vogeley is co-executor.  Does not include 168,448 shares
         owned by Mr. Vogeley's mother,  Julia B. Vogeley,  of which Mr. Vogeley
         disclaims beneficial ownership.

(8)      Woodstock  Overseas,  Inc.'s  principal  business address is 50 Shirley
         Street,  P.O. Box  CB 13937,  The Bahamas.

                        PROPOSAL 1. ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

Nominees for Election

         Seven (7) persons  have been  nominated  by the Board of  Directors  to
serve as Directors until the 1999 Annual Meeting of Shareholders, or until their
successors have been elected and duly qualified.

         Unless  otherwise  directed by a shareholder on his Proxy,  the persons
named in the Proxy will vote for the election of the nominees  listed below.  It
is not anticipated that any of the nominees will be unable to serve on the Board
of Directors, but if for any reason any nominee should not be able to serve, the
persons  named in the Proxy will vote for a new  nominee to be  selected  by the
Board of Directors. The Board of Directors has no separate nominating committee.


         The following table sets forth the name, age and the date first elected
to the Board of Directors of each nominee:

        Name                         Age         Director Since
        ----                         ---         --------------
Stephen C. Adams(A)(B)                47                1987
Edgar M. Cortright(A)(B)              74                1987
Angelo Guastaferro                    66                1994
Grant T. Hollett, Jr.                 55                1996
Joseph G. Morone(B)                   45                1996
Barry D. Todd                         42                1998
James H. Vogeley                      40                1987

(A)      Member of Audit Committee,  which oversees the Company's internal audit
         and  control  policies  and  represents  the Board in dealing  with the
         Company's independent auditors. The Audit Committee held one meeting in

(B)      Member of  Compensation  Committee,  which  recommends  to the Board of
         Directors the salaries for the Company's officers,  the compensation to
         be paid the  Company's  directors  and  determines  the persons to whom
         stock options are granted, the number of shares subject to options, and
         the appropriate vesting schedule.  The Compensation  Committee held two
         meetings in 1997.

         The Company's Bylaws establish a range for the number of directors from
three to seven and  authorize  the Board to set the  exact  number of  directors
within the range.  There are currently seven  directors,  each having a one-year
term that expires at the Annual Meeting.

Background and Experience of Directors

         Mr. Adams has been Vice President of the POMOCO Group,  Inc., a holding
company for automobile,  real estate,  insurance and development concerns, since
1986.  Prior to that,  he was a partner in the public  accounting  firm of Hart,
Adams and Toney.  He is a member of the Peninsula  Advisory Board of NationsBank
of  Virginia,  N.A.  Mr.  Adams is a Certified  Public  Accountant  and received
bachelor's and master's degrees in Accounting from the University of Virginia.

         Mr.  Cortright  retired in 1983 as  President  of  Lockheed  California
Company.  He is a past Director of the Langley  Research  Center of the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration  ("NASA"). From 1990 to 1998, Mr. Cortright
served as a  consulting  engineer  to Cypress  Creek  Inc.,  a land  development
concern.   Mr.  Cortright  received  his  bachelor's  and  master's  degrees  in
Aeronautics  from  Rensselaer  Polytechnic  Institute  ("RPI") and has  received
honorary Ph.D. degrees from RPI and George Washington University.

         Mr.  Guastaferro  is retiring  as an employee of the Company  effective
June 30,  1998.  He joined the staff of the Company in January  1996.  From 1985
until  1995,  he was Vice  President  - NASA and  Federal  Systems  of  Lockheed
Missiles & Space  Company,  Inc.  ("Lockheed").  Before  joining  Lockheed,  Mr.
Guastaferro  had a career with NASA and the United  States Air Force.  From 1981


through 1985, he was the NASA Ames Research Center Deputy Director and from 1963
through 1981, he was involved in a number of space projects at Langley  Research
Center. Mr. Guastaferro received his bachelor's degree from New Jersey Institute
of  Technology,  an MBA from Florida State  University,  and an AMP from Harvard

         Mr.  Hollett is Vice  President  and  General  Manager  of  Vickers
Electronic  Systems,  an  electronics manufacturing  firm, a position he has
held since 1996.  From 1990 until 1996,  Mr. Hollett was President of Cherry
Electrical  Products,  a major  supplier of  electronic  components to the
automotive  industry.  Mr.  Hollett has extensive  experience in administration
and quality control  management with Energy and Pollution  Controls,  Inc. and
Procter and Gamble  Company.  A graduate of the United States Navy's nuclear
power program,  he currently holds the rank of Rear  Admiral  in the  U.S. Naval
Reserve.  Mr.  Hollett  is a  graduate  of Duke  University  with a bachelor's
degree in Mechanical Engineering.

         Dr. Morone has been President of Bentley College since August 1997. Dr.
Morone was Dean of the Lally School of  Management  and  Technology  at RPI from
July 1993 to June 1997, having previously served RPI as the Andersen  Consulting
Professor of  Management  and  Director of the  School's  Center for Science and
Technology  Policy.  Prior to joining RPI, Dr. Morone was a senior associate for
the Keyworth Company,  a consulting firm  specializing in technology  management
and science  policy.  Dr. Morone also serves on the Board of Directors of Albany
International and Transworld Entertainment, the securities of which are publicly
traded and the Board of  Directors of New England  Medical  Center.  Dr.  Morone
received his bachelor's  degree from Hamilton  College and his doctorate  degree
from Yale University.

         Mr. Todd has been a Commercial Director of Snell & Wilcox Limited since
April 1997. Snell & Wilcox Limited is an electronics  group  specializing in the
invention, design and manufacture of high-quality, multi-standard, digital image
processing products,  primarily for the broadcast television,  video, satellite,
cable, film and image communications industries. Prior to joining Snell & Wilcox
Limited,  Mr. Todd served as a Regional Director of National  Westminister Bank,
P.L.C.,  from 1980 until April 1997. Mr. Todd also serves as a Director and Vice
President of Woodstock  Overseas,  Inc., a  wholly-owned  subsidiary  of Snell &
Wilcox Limited.

         Mr. Vogeley,  the Company's Chief Technology  Officer,  is a founder of
the Company and has been employed by it since its  formation in 1987.  From 1985
until  the  formation  of  the  Company,  Mr.  Vogeley  was  Vice  President  of
Bio-Systems Industries, Inc., a company that developed oculomotor products. From
1980 to  1985,  he was  employed  by  Hewlett-Packard  Company  in  engineering,
manufacturing  and marketing  capacities with the Disc Memory Division,  Medical
Products Division, and the Medical Products Group Headquarters.  Mr. Vogeley has
a  bachelor's  degree  in  Electrical  Engineering  with  Distinction  from Duke

Board and Committee Meetings

         Regular  meetings of the Board of  Directors  are held  quarterly,  and
additional  meetings are held between regularly scheduled meetings as necessary.
The Board of Directors held 12 meetings in 1997.  All Directors  attended 75% or
more of all  Board of  Directors  meetings  and  meetings  of  their  respective


Executive Officers

         The following  table sets forth the names,  ages and positions  held by
each of the Company's executive officers.

Name                            Age          Position
Angelo Guastaferro              65           Chairman of the Board
James H. Vogeley                40           Chief Technology Officer
Jerry W. Stubblefield           49           President, Chief Executive Officer
                                             and Chief Financial Officer

Background and Experience of Executive Officers

         For a review of Mr. Guastaferro's and Mr. Vogeley's background,  please
see " - Background and Experience of Directors" above.

         Mr.  Stubblefield  became President and Chief Executive  Officer of the
Company in June 1998,  having served as Chief  Financial  Officer of the Company
since February 1992.  Prior to joining the Company in January 1992, he served as
Chief  Financial  Officer of Trico USA,  Inc.  and Source  Telecomputing,  Inc.,
companies wholly or partially owned by a New York based capital investment firm,
from July 1988 until  September  1991.  From August 1986  through  June 1988 Mr.
Stubblefield  was  Corporate  Controller  for QuesTech,  Inc.  Previously he has
served as Controller of Dynamic Engineering,  Inc., a QuesTech  subsidiary,  and
Senior Staff Accountant for Rauch, Witt and Company, CPA's. He graduated in 1980
from  Christopher  Newport  College,  with  degrees in Business  Management  and


Executive Compensation

         The  following  table  presents an overview of  executive  compensation
awarded,  earned, or paid during 1997, 1996 and 1995 to the Company's  President
and Chief Executive  Officer,  and the Company's  other executive  officers that
earned in excess of $100,000 in 1997.

                       TABLE 1. SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                                      Annual Compensation
                                                      -------------------         Securities
                                                                                  Underlying             All Other
Name and Principal Position                Year      Salary     Bonus ($)         Options (#)         Compensation ($)
- - ---------------------------                ----      -------    ---------         -----------         ----------------
Angelo Guastaferro                         1997       171.000       --              10,000                2,248(2)
    President and Chief                    1996       176,823       --              25,000                   --
    Executive Officer (1)                  1995         --          --              25,000                   --
Jerry W. Stubblefield                      1997       134,500       --              17,500                7,380(2)
   Executive Vice President                1996       101,000       --               6,000                6,060(2)
   Chief Financial Officer (3)             1995       100,846       --              20,000                5,594(2)
John Malone                                1997       133,698                         --                 35,955(5)
   Vice President - Sales and              1996        17,308       --              60,000                   --
   Marketing (4)                           1995         --          --                --                     --

- - ------------------
(1)      Mr.  Guastaferro  retired from the Company on June 30,  1998,  but will
         remain as a director and Chairman of the Board. Mr.  Guastaferro became
         an employee of the  Company in 1996,  serving as a director  since 1994
         and Chairman since 1995.

(2)      Includes  the  Company's  matching  contribution  to its 401(k)
         retirement savings plan.

(3)      In June 1998, Mr.  Stubblefield  was named President and Chief
         Executive  Officer of the  Company.

(4)      Mr.  Malone was employed by the Company from November 1996 until
         December 1997.

(5)      Relocation reimbursement.

         The table below sets forth information regarding stock option grants in
1997, all of which were granted pursuant to the Company's incentive stock option


                                                                                         Potential Realized Value
                                                                                            at Assumed Annual
                                         % of Total        Exercise                       Rates of Stock Price
                         Options      Options Granted      or Base                     Appreciation for Option Term($)
                         Granted      to Employees in       Price         Expiration   -------------------------------
Name                        (#)          Fiscal Year       ($/sh.)            Date           (5%)         (10%)
- - ----                      ------       --------------      -------        ----------         ----         -----
Angelo Guastaferro         10,000          6.06%            $2.10          9/10/03          $4,971       $13,333
Jerry Stubblefield          5,000          3.03              4.10      1/16/03-1/16/04       5,886        14,382
                            7,500          4.55              2.10          9/10/03           3,728        10,000
                            5,000          3.03              1.07      7/01/03-1/01/04       3,254         5,789

         None of the executive officers exercised options in 1997.

Retirement Savings Plan

         The Company has a defined contribution plan under Section 401(k) of the
Internal  Revenue  Code in  which  employees  of the  Company  are  eligible  to
participate.  The plan permits employees to elect to invest not more than 15% of


their qualified compensation (subject to a maximum imposed on highly-compensated
employees each year by the Internal  Revenue Code) on a tax-deferred  basis in a
fixed income fund, a balanced fund, an  intermediate  bond fund, a small company
fund  or an  equity  fund.  Participants  in  the  plan  have  matching  Company
contributions  made  to the  plan  on  their  behalf  equal  to  100%  of  their
contributions  not to exceed 6% of their  base  salary.  The  preceding  Summary
Compensation  Table  shows the value of Company  contributions  made to the plan
with  respect to the named  executive  officers in the column  marked "All Other

         In years when  operational  results  warrant,  the  Company  may make a
discretionary  profit  sharing  contribution,  in addition to the 401(k)  match.
Participants  must have  worked a minimum of 1,000  hours and be employed on the
last day of the year to receive profit sharing contributions.  Contributions are
also made to the accounts of participants who have retired,  deceased, or become
disabled  during the plan year.  Both the  401(k)  match and the profit  sharing
contributions vest according to the following schedule:

                           Years of Service                   Vesting

                           0-2 Years                             0%
                           2 Years                              10%
                           3 Years                              40%
                           4 Years                              70%
                           5 Years                             100%

Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation

         No member of the  Company's  Compensation  Committee  was an officer or
employee  of the  Company in 1997.  During  1997,  no  executive  officer of the
Company served as a member of the compensation  committee of another entity, nor
did any executive officer of the Company serve as a director of another entity.

Compensation Committee Report

         The  Compensation  Committee  ("Committee")  reviews the  salaries  and
incentive compensation of executive officers,  including the President and Chief
Executive Officer,  and other key employees of the Company.  The Committee makes
recommendations  to the Board of Directors  concerning  the adequacy of existing
and proposed levels of compensation and benefits.  The Committee is comprised of
Messrs.  Adams,  Cortright and Morone.  The Compensation  Committee met twice in

         Compensation  for  contribution  to the  success of the  Company is the
cornerstone  of  the  Company's  executive  compensation  philosophy.  Executive
officers and other key employees  are provided with the financial  motivation to
achieve higher  profitability,  and higher  shareholder  value. These annual and
long-term incentives serve to focus executives on Company goals.

         The  Company  utilizes  its  incentive  stock  option  plan to  provide
executives and other key employees with long-term  incentives for Company growth
and  profitability.  Employees  are  provided  the option to purchase  shares of


Company  Common  Stock at 100% of value  on the  date of grant  for a  specified
period,  which  period is never  longer than ten years.  The Company  expects to
continue  awarding stock option grants to key employees as motivation to improve
Company and shareholder value. Table 2, as shown under "Executive Compensation,"
summarizes stock options granted to the named executive officers during 1997.

         Compensation  adjustments  to base salary for  executives  in 1997 were
awarded  based on  individual  performance,  skill  level  and  experience.  The
executive  salaries  initiated  and/or  adjusted  in 1997 fell within the ranges
established  by the  Compensation  Committee  based upon  industry  standards as
recommended by William M. Mercer, Inc. in 1993.

         In an effort to improve the  performance  of the  Company's  management
team,  in 1996  the  Committee  voted  to  implement  the  Management  Incentive
Compensation Plan ("Management  Plan"),  effective for fiscal 1997, and has been
continued for fiscal 1998.  Under the Management Plan,  participating  employees
are  eligible for an annual bonus based upon the ability to meet or exceed goals
established  prior to the  beginning of the fiscal year. A  participant's  bonus
will be a  percentage  of base  salary,  and  will be  adjusted  by a  corporate
multiplier to take into account the overall  performance  of the Company.  Under
the  Management  Plan,  25% of any  bonus  will be paid in  Common  Stock of the
Company and the remaining 75% will be paid in cash. The Committee will establish
the goals for the Company for the purpose of the corporate  multiplier each year
to be used in determining  bonuses payable and will establish  individual  goals
for the President  and CEO. The  President and CEO will  recommend the corporate
multiplier  to be used  each  year.  The  Committee  can  change  the  corporate
multiplier but cannot adjust the bonus percentage for  participants.  For fiscal
1997,  the Company did not pay any bonuses  under the  Management  Plan,  as the
Company did not achieve the performance required under the Management Plan.

         In  summary,  the  Committee  endeavors  to provide  competitive  total
compensation  packages for the Company's  employees,  with  compensation  levels
biased toward, and dependent upon, achievement of performance goals.

         The  Board  of  Directors  did not  materially  modify  or  reject  any
Committee action or recommendation.

                          Mr. Edgar Cortright, Chairman
                          Mr. Stephen Adams
                          Dr. Joseph Morone



Five-Year Shareholder Return Comparison

         The  following  graph  shows  a  comparison  of  cumulative,  five-year
shareholder  return for the  Company,  the  NASDAQ US Index,  the S&P 500 and an
index of peer companies selected by the Company.  The Company has constructed an
industry peer group that  consists of the Company and the  following  companies:
Proxima  Corporation and In Focus Systems,  Inc. In developing the industry peer
group index,  the returns of these  companies  were weighted  according to stock
market  capitalization  at the  beginning  of each  period for which a return is



NVIEW CORP ($)       $100.00    $71.11   $151.11    $64.44    $60.00    $14.44
S&P 500 ($)          $100.00   $110.08   $111.53   $153.45   $188.68   $251.63
NASDAQ US ($)        $100.00   $114.80   $112.21   $158.70   $195.19   $239.53
PEER GROUP ONLY ($)  $100.00   $107.55   $231.63   $267.06   $158.65   $182.73

Directors' Compensation

         The Company  pays all  directors  who are not  employees of the Company
$1,250 for each  regular  quarterly  board  meeting  attended  and $500 for each
additional  meeting attended  (although there have been times when board members
waived the fees  associated  with  attendance  at board or committee  meetings).
Directors  who  are  also  employees  of  the  Company   receive  no  additional
compensation for serving as directors.  Directors  receive payment of directors'
fees in cash.  Further,  the Company  reimburses its  out-of-town  directors for
travel and reasonable out-of-pocket expenses in connection with their attendance
at meetings of the board.

         In  addition,   in  1996  the  Board  of  Directors  adopted  the  1996
Non-Employee Director Stock Option Plan ("Director Plan"), which was approved by
shareholders  at the 1996 Annual  Meeting.  Pursuant to the Director Plan,  each
director  received  an initial  grant of an option to purchase  5,000  shares of
Company  Common  Stock and will  receive  additional  options to purchase  3,000
shares at each Annual Meeting of Shareholders  commencing in 1997,  provided the
director is still a member of the Board after the meeting.  All options  granted
under the Director Plan vest immediately and have an exercise price equal to the
fair market value of the Company Common Stock on the date of grant.


Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance

         Section  16(a) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  as  amended,
requires directors, officers and persons who beneficially own more than 10% of a
registered  class of stock of the Company to file  initial  reports of ownership
(Forms 3) and reports of changes in  beneficial  ownership  (Forms 4 and 5) with
the SEC and  NASDAQ.  Such  persons  are  also  required  under  the  rules  and
regulations  promulgated  by the SEC to furnish the  Company  with copies of all
Section 16(a) forms they file.

         Based  solely on a review of the copies of such forms  furnished to the
Company,  the Company  believes  that all reporting  requirements  under Section
16(a)  for 1997  were met in a timely  manner  by its  directors,  officers  and
greater than 10% beneficial owners.


         The Board of Directors,  upon  recommendation  of its Audit  Committee,
intends to appoint  KPMG Peat Marwick LLP as the firm of  independent  certified
public accountants to audit the financial statements of the Company for the year
1998 and the Board of Directors desires that such appointment be ratified by the
shareholders.  KPMG Peat Marwick LLP has audited the financial statements of the
Company since the Company's  organization in 1987. A representative of KPMG Peat
Marwick LLP will be present at the Annual Meeting,  will have the opportunity to
make a  statement  if he or she  desires,  and will be  available  to respond to

                             SUBMISSION OF PROPOSALS

         The next annual  meeting of  shareholders  will be held on or about May
25, 1999. Any shareholder who wishes to submit a proposal for  consideration  at
that  meeting  must  submit  the  proposal  in  writing  to Jerry  Stubblefield,
President and Chief Executive Officer, before December 31, 1998.


         The  Company's  1997  Annual  Report  on Form  10-K for the year  ended
December  31,  1997,  as filed  with the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission,
accompanies  this Proxy Statement.  The 1997 Annual Report to Shareholders  does
not form any part of the material for the solicitation of proxies.



                                            By Order of the Board of Directors

                                            Lu Ann Klevecz

June 16, 1998

                                nVIEW CORPORATION
                        Proxy Solicited on Behalf of the
                             Board of Directors for
                         Annual Meeting of Shareholders
                            to be Held July 16, 1998

         The undersigned,  having received the Annual Report to Shareholders and
the  accompanying  Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareholders  and Proxy Statement
dated June 16, 1998,  hereby appoints Angelo  Guastaferro,  Stephen C. Adams and
James H. Vogeley  (each with power to act alone) as proxies,  with full power of
substitution,  and hereby  authorizes  them to represent  and vote,  as directed
below, all the shares of the Common Stock of nVIEW Corporation held of record by
the  undersigned  on June 1, 1998, at the Annual Meeting of  Shareholders  to be
held on July 16, 1998, and any adjournment thereof.

                             THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS
                             RECOMMENDS A VOTE "FOR"
                                PROPOSALS 1 AND 2

         FOR all nominees listed (except as indicated to the contrary)     |_|

         WITHHOLD AUTHORITY to vote for all nominees listed                |_|

                                    Stephen C. Adams
                                    Edgar M. Cortright
                                    Angelo Guastaferro
                                    Grant T. Hollett, Jr.
                                    Joseph G. Morone
                                    Barry D. Todd
                                    James H. Vogeley

 (INSTRUCTIONS:  To withhold authority to vote for any individual nominee write
  the nominee's name on the line provided below.)


2.       TO  RATIFY  the  appointment  by the  Board of  Directors  of KPMG Peat
         Marwick  as the  Company's  independent  auditors  for the year  ending
         December 31, 1998.

         |_| FOR             |_|    AGAINST          |_|  ABSTAIN

3.       IN THEIR DISCRETION,  on such other matters as may properly come before
         the meeting, or, if any nominee listed in Proposal 1 above is unable to
         serve for any reason,  to vote or refrain  from voting for a substitute
         nominee or nominees.

         This proxy is revocable at any time prior to its exercise.  This proxy,
         when properly executed,  will be voted as directed.  Where no direction
         is given, this proxy will be voted for Proposals 1 and 2.

                                          Please sign your  name(s) exactly as
                                      they appear hereon.  If signer is a
                                      corporation, please sign the full
                                      corporate name by duly authorized officer.
                                      If any attorney, guardian, administrator,
                                      executor, or trustee, please give full
                                      title as such. If a limited liability
                                      company or partnership, sign in limited
                                      liability  company or partnership name by
                                      authorized person.

                                      Date: __________________, 1998



                                      Please complete, date, sign and return
                                      this proxy promptly in  the accompanying