CONSENT OF INDEPENDENT AUDITORS

We hereby consent to the incorporation by reference in this Registration
Statement on Form S-8 of our report dated March 6, 1996, relating to the
combined financial statements of United Envelope Co., Inc. and its affiliate Rex
Envelope Co., Inc., and our report dated March 4, 1996, relating to the
financial statements of Huxley Envelope Corporation, which reports appear in the
Information Statement/Prospectus constituting part of the Registration Statement
on Form S-1 of Workflow Management, Inc. dated June 10, 1998. We also consent to
the application of such reports to the Financial Statement Schedule listed as
Exhibit 99.1 of the Form S-1 when such schedule is read in conjunction with the
financial statements referred to in our reports.


New York, New York
June 25, 1998