(To Prospectus dated August 1, 1997)

                        15,938,113 Shares of Common Stock

         The  table  beginning  on page 10 of the  Prospectus  contained  in the
section  entitled  "Selling  Shareholders"  is revised to delete the listing for
James W.  Spencer and  Watermark  Investments  Limited and to add the  following
Selling Shareholders:

                                                                                                      Number of
                                                                   Total Number of Securities    Shares to be Owned
                                        Total Number of Shares                 to                  Upon Completion
                                       Owned Prior to Offering          be Offered Hereby            of Offering
                                       -----------------------          -----------------            -----------
Watertone Holdings L.P.                        550,000                       550,000                     -0-

Watermark Investments Limited, LLC              75,000                        75,000                     -0-

Mr. Robert A. Berman                          1,246,192                     1,246,192                    -0-

Mr. Guillermo Montero                         1,075,813                     1,075,813                    -0-

Mr. Philip Berman                              371,250                       371,250                     -0-

Kaniewski Family Limited                       221,250                       221,250                     -0-

Sheryl Smul Grantor Annuity Trust             1,075,813                     1,075,813                    -0-

Mr. Lawrence M. Friedberg, CPA                 185,625                       185,625                     -0-

Ms. Sheryl Smul                                185,625                       185,625                     -0-

Mr. Gunther Arzberger                           37,125                       37,125                      -0-

Mr. William I. Bard                             37,125                       37,125                      -0-

Mr. Shlomo Ben Hamoo                            3,712                         3,712                      -0-

Mr. and Mrs. Daryl B. Cramer                    9,281                         9,281                      -0-

Mr. Kenneth G. Cramer                           18,562                       18,562                      -0-

Ms. Dawn J. Jurewicz, Trust                    222,750                       222,750                     -0-
Officer, Independent Trust
f/b/o Philip Datlof, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul deBary                       100,000                       100,000                     -0-

                                                                                                      Number of
                                                                   Total Number of Securities    Shares to be Owned
                                        Total Number of Shares                 to                  Upon Completion
                                       Owned Prior to Offering          be Offered Hereby            of Offering
                                       -----------------------          -----------------            -----------

Mr. Paul deBary                                122,750                       122,750                     -0-

Mr. Stephen R. Goldenberg                       61,256                       61,256                      -0-

Mr. Leonard Parker                              37,125                       37,125                      -0-

Mr. and Mrs. Burt Bloom                         18,562                       18,562                      -0-

Mr. Steven Schwimmer                            18,562                       18,562                      -0-

Dean Witter Reynolds, Inc. C/F                  37,125                       37,125                      -0-
Mr. Bruce Rosen, PSP

Richard J. Rose, M.D.                          111,375                       111,375                     -0-

Ms. Robin Rose                                 111,375                       111,375                     -0-

Kimi Sato                                       37,125                       37,125                      -0-

Tri-State Equity Partners, L.P.               2,250,000                     2,250,000                    -0-

         The  addition of these  Selling  Shareholders  and the shares of Common
Stock owned by these Selling  Shareholders does not increase the total number of
shares  of Common  Stock  registered  for  resale  by the  Selling  Shareholders
pursuant to the Prospectus dated August 1, 1997. The number of shares offered by
the Selling  Shareholders  pursuant to the  Prospectus  has been  reduced by two
shares  as a result of the  rounding  of the  number  of shares of Common  Stock
received by each of the holders of the Cumulative  Convertible  Preferred Stock,
Series A, and the Cumulative Contingently  Convertible Preferred Stock, Series B
(collectively,  the  "Preferred  Stock") upon the  redemption  of the  Preferred

            The date of this Prospectus Supplement is June 16, 1999.