ARMS DESK: 212-526-8315

                           MERIT SECURITIES CORPORATION

                              [GRAPHIC OMITTED]

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                               DERIVED INFORMATION

                     Senior/Subordinate Collateralized Bonds
                               MERIT, Series 14-1
                        1m Libor Available Funds Floaters
                         No Hard Cap - 30/360 - No Delay

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                                To 35% Call (1)
                               Est.                          Stated   Expected
           Approx.    Tsy.   WAL/ Win    Initial   Margin    Final     Ratings
  Class   Size (2)   Bmark     (yrs)     C/E (3)            Maturity (S&P/Fitch)
   1-A  $363,069,000 1m Libor 2.11/3.42  3.00%     0.65%   02/28/27   AAA/AAA
   1-M  $ 10,480,000 1m Libor 3.46/3.42  0.20%     0.85%   11/28/31     AA
(1)   Prepayments are set at a constant speed of 25% CPR, and assumes the
      payment date is the 28th of every month.
(2)   Includes Pre-Funded  securities from SMSC 1993-6 and SMSC
(3)   Approximately 80% of the loans are covered by mortgage pool insurance.
(4)   Stated final maturity for Class A is the zero stated maturity plus 4
      years, and for Class M it is the date of the latest  maturing loan in the
      pool plus 4 years.
                                To Maturity (1)
                               Est.                          Stated   Expected
           Approx.    Tsy.   WAL/Win     Initial   Margin    Final     Ratings
  Class   Size (2)   Bmark     (yrs)     C/E (3)            Maturity (S&P/Fitch)
   1-A  $363,069,000 1m Libor 2.93/11.17  3.00%     0.65%   02/28/27   AAA/AAA
   1-M  $ 10,480,000 1m Libor 13.51/18.33 0.20%     0.85%   11/28/31     AA
(1)  Prepayments are set at a constant speed of 25% CPR, and assumes the payment
     date is the 28th of every month.
(2)  Includes Pre-Funded securities from SMSC 1993-6 and SMSC 1993-7.
(3)  Approximately  80% of the loans are covered by mortgage pool insurance.
(4)  Stated final maturity for Class A is the zero stated maturity plus 4
     years, and for Class M it is the date of the latest maturing loan in the
     pool plus 4 years.

o    After the call date, the margin on the Class A certificates is doubled, and
     the margin on the subordinate Class M Certificates increases by 75 bps.
o    The collateral  pool for the MERIT  Securities Corporation, Series 14-1 and
     Series 14-2 will be comprised of seven securities and five whole loan pools
     which were pledged as  collateral  in MERIT 10. In addition, two securities
     will be pre-funded from Saxon Mortgage Securities, Corp., Series 1993-6 and
o    Approximately  80.85% of the  collateral pool have Mortgage  Pool Insurance
     available  from  GEMICO or PMI for loss  coverage on all loans currently in
     Ryland Mortgage Securities Corp. ("RMSC") and SMSC securities.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This information  does not constitute  either an offer to sell or a solicitation
of an offer to buy any of the securities referred to herein.  Offers to sell and
solicitations  of  offers  to buy the  securities  are  made  only by , and this
information must be read in conjunction  with, the final  Prospectus  Supplement
and the related  Prospectus or, if not registered under the securities laws, the
final Offering  Memorandum  (the  "Offering  Document").  Information  contained
herein does not purport to be complete and is subject to the same qualifications
and assumptions,  and should be considered by investors only in the light of the
same warnings,  lack of assurances and  representations  and other precautionary
matters,  as disclosed  in the  Offering  Document.  Information  regarding  the
underlying  assets  has been  provided  by the  issuer of the  securities  or an
affiliate  thereof and has not been  independently  verified by Lehman  Brothers
Inc. or any affiliate.  The analyses  contained herein have been prepared on the
basis of certain assumptions (including, in certain cases, assumptions specified
by the recipient hereof) regarding  payments,  interest rates,  losses and other
matters,  including,  but not  limited  to,  the  assumptions  described  in the
Offering  Document.  Lehman  Brothers Inc., and any of its  affiliates,  make no
representation or warranty as to the actual rate or timing of payments on any of
the  underlying  assets  or  the  payments  or  yield  on the  securities.  This
information  supersedes  any  prior  versions  hereof  and will be  deemed to be
superseded  by  any  subsequent  versions   (including,   with  respect  to  any
description of the securities or underlying assets, the information contained in
the Offering Document).


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MBS Trading               Dan Wallace              (212) 526-8315
                          Matt Miller +            (212) 526-8315
                          Jake Freifeld            (212) 526-8315
+ Primary Contact

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- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------     ---------------------------------------
             Principal                                  Interest
- ------------------------------------     ---------------------------------------
o  Sequentially to 1-A, 1-M,             o     Servicing Fee.
   OC, until the OC has doubled as       o     Master Servicing /Trustee Fee.
   a percent of the current              o     Class Coupons in order of rating
   collateral balance.                   o     Excess Spread is used to pay
o  After the OC percentage has doubled         interest  shortfalls (including
   it gets paid with the remaining             interest on interest), pay M past
   securities that continue to be paid         principal losses, and create OC.
- ------------------------------------     ---------------------------------------
o  Losses will be allocated in the following order: pool insurance, excess
   spread, overcollateralization, Class 1-M, Class 1-A.
o  Credit  Enhancement for the Certificates  will consist of: (i) Pool Insurance
   on  all  loans  currently  in  RMSC/SMSC  securities,  (ii)  Excess  Interest
   Collections,   (iii)   Overcollateralization,   and  (iv)  Senior/Subordinate

                         Senior/Subordinate Structure

          1 Month LIBOR Available Funds Floater - 30/360 - No Delay
                  Preliminary Summary of Terms MERIT 14-1

                Payment Priority MERIT 14-1

                      Class 1-A
                 (Senior Certificates)

                                        Class 1-M
                      Class 1-M      is a subordinate class

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                               Credit Enhancement
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

              1) Mortgage Pool Insurance
              (* for all loans currently in RMSC/SMSC securities)
              2) Excess Interest
              3) Overcollaterization

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

This information  does not constitute  either an offer to sell or a solicitation
of an offer to buy any of the securities referred to herein.  Offers to sell and
solicitations  of  offers  to buy the  securities  are  made  only by , and this
information must be read in conjunction  with, the final  Prospectus  Supplement
and the related  Prospectus or, if not registered under the securities laws, the
final Offering  Memorandum  (the  "Offering  Document").  Information  contained
herein does not purport to be complete and is subject to the same qualifications
and assumptions,  and should be considered by investors only in the light of the
same warnings,  lack of assurances and  representations  and other precautionary
matters,  as disclosed  in the  Offering  Document.  Information  regarding  the
underlying  assets  has been  provided  by the  issuer of the  securities  or an
affiliate  thereof and has not been  independently  verified by Lehman  Brothers
Inc. or any affiliate.  The analyses  contained herein have been prepared on the
basis of certain assumptions (including, in certain cases, assumptions specified
by the recipient hereof) regarding  payments,  interest rates,  losses and other
matters,  including,  but not  limited  to,  the  assumptions  described  in the
Offering  Document.  Lehman  Brothers Inc., and any of its  affiliates,  make no
representation or warranty as to the actual rate or timing of payments on any of
the  underlying  assets  or  the  payments  or  yield  on the  securities.  This
information  supersedes  any  prior  versions  hereof  and will be  deemed to be
superseded  by  any  subsequent  versions   (including,   with  respect  to  any
description of the securities or underlying assets, the information contained in
the Offering Document).


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    Preliminary Summary of Terms Merit 14-1
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  Issuer:              MERIT Securities Corporation

  Master Servicer(s):  Norwest Bank Minnesota, N.A. 83%; DYNEX Capital,
                       Inc. ("Dynex"), an affiliate of MERIT, 12%;
                       Residential Funding Corp. ("RFC") 5%.
                       (Note: The initial term of the Master servicing agreement
                       with  Dynex  expires  12/31/99.  This  agreement  may  be
                       renewed for  subsequent  quarterly  terms by the Trustee,
                       but only if the Trustee receives a letter from FITCH IBCA
                       confirming  that  such a  renewal  will not  result  in a
                       downgrading of its rating on any of the bonds.)

  Standby Master       Norwest Bank Minnesota, N.A.

  Trustee and          Chase National Bank of Texas, National Association

  Pre-Funding:         As of the Closing Date, a Pre-funding account
                       will be established and approximately $39,941,531
                       will be deposited into this account.  Funds in
                       this account will be used to purchase the
                       performing loans in the securities, Saxon
                       Mortgage Securities, Corp., Series 1993-6 and
                       1993-7, during the Pre-funding Period for
                       addition to the Trust.  The Pre-funding Period
                       will last three months from Settlement Date.

  Bonds Offered:       $373,549,000

  Rating Agencies:     Standard & Poor's Rating Services ("S&P") Class
                       1-A and 1-M; Fitch IBCA, Inc. ("Fitch") Class 1-A Only

  Underwriter:         Lehman Brothers, Inc.

  Expected Pricing
    Date:              November 8, 1999

  Expected Settlement
    Date:              November 12, 1999

  Distribution Date:   28th of each month, or the next succeeding
                       Business Date (First Payment Date:  November 29, 1999)

  Cut-Off Date::       October 1, 1999

  Delay Days:          0 day delay on the Bonds

  Day Count:           30/360
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This information  does not constitute  either an offer to sell or a solicitation
of an offer to buy any of the securities referred to herein.  Offers to sell and
solicitations  of  offers  to buy the  securities  are  made  only by , and this
information must be read in conjunction  with, the final  Prospectus  Supplement
and the related  Prospectus or, if not registered under the securities laws, the
final Offering  Memorandum  (the  "Offering  Document").  Information  contained
herein does not purport to be complete and is subject to the same qualifications
and assumptions,  and should be considered by investors only in the light of the
same warnings,  lack of assurances and  representations  and other precautionary
matters,  as disclosed  in the  Offering  Document.  Information  regarding  the
underlying  assets  has been  provided  by the  issuer of the  securities  or an
affiliate  thereof and has not been  independently  verified by Lehman  Brothers
Inc. or any affiliate.  The analyses  contained herein have been prepared on the
basis of certain assumptions (including, in certain cases, assumptions specified
by the recipient hereof) regarding  payments,  interest rates,  losses and other
matters,  including,  but not  limited  to,  the  assumptions  described  in the
Offering  Document.  Lehman  Brothers Inc., and any of its  affiliates,  make no
representation or warranty as to the actual rate or timing of payments on any of
the  underlying  assets  or  the  payments  or  yield  on the  securities.  This
information  supersedes  any  prior  versions  hereof  and will be  deemed to be
superseded  by  any  subsequent  versions   (including,   with  respect  to  any
description of the securities or underlying assets, the information contained in
the Offering Document).


            Preliminary Summary of Terms MERIT 14-1 (continued)

  Servicing Fee:       Varies due to specified servicer.  Calculated
                       based of the scheduled pool principal balance,

  Master Servicing
    /Trustee Fee:      0.02% of the scheduled pool principal balance,

  Credit Enhancement:  --    Mortgage pool insurance on approximately
                             80.85% of the collateral;
                       --    Subordination of monthly excess spread;
                       --    Overcollateralization of 0.20% funded

  Optional Redemption: Option of the Issuer, the earlier of (a) October
                       2006 or (b) 35% of the original aggregate bond
                       principal balance.  The call will be executed at

  Clearing Agent:      The Depository Trust Company (DTC), Euroclear and

  Denomination:        Minimum $100,000; increments of $1,000.

  SMMEA                Eligibility:  The  Class  1-A and Class 1-M will be SMMEA

  ERISA Eligibility    All the classes are expected to be ERISA eligible.

    Assumption:        25% CPR.

  Tax Status:          Debt for tax.

This information  does not constitute  either an offer to sell or a solicitation
of an offer to buy any of the securities referred to herein.  Offers to sell and
solicitations  of  offers  to buy the  securities  are  made  only by , and this
information must be read in conjunction  with, the final  Prospectus  Supplement
and the related  Prospectus or, if not registered under the securities laws, the
final Offering  Memorandum  (the  "Offering  Document").  Information  contained
herein does not purport to be complete and is subject to the same qualifications
and assumptions,  and should be considered by investors only in the light of the
same warnings,  lack of assurances and  representations  and other precautionary
matters,  as disclosed  in the  Offering  Document.  Information  regarding  the
underlying  assets  has been  provided  by the  issuer of the  securities  or an
affiliate  thereof and has not been  independently  verified by Lehman  Brothers
Inc. or any affiliate.  The analyses  contained herein have been prepared on the
basis of certain assumptions (including, in certain cases, assumptions specified
by the recipient hereof) regarding  payments,  interest rates,  losses and other
matters,  including,  but not  limited  to,  the  assumptions  described  in the
Offering  Document.  Lehman  Brothers Inc., and any of its  affiliates,  make no
representation or warranty as to the actual rate or timing of payments on any of
the  underlying  assets  or  the  payments  or  yield  on the  securities.  This
information  supersedes  any  prior  versions  hereof  and will be  deemed to be
superseded  by  any  subsequent  versions   (including,   with  respect  to  any
description of the securities or underlying assets, the information contained in
the Offering Document).


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           Collateral Characteristics MERIT 14-1 as of October 1, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Total Number of Loans                                    2,358
     Total Outstanding Loan Principal          $377,269,609.20  100%
Total Number of Fixed-Rate Loans                            63
     Total Fixed-Rate Loan Principal             $7,478,687.55  1.98%
Total Number of Adjustable-Rate Loans                    2,295
     Total Adjustable-Rate Loan Principal      $369,790,921.65  98.02%
Level Paying                                           100.00%
Average Loan Principal Balance                     $159,995.59  $ 3,986 - 1,100,810
Weighted Average Coupon                                 8.183%  6.500%  - 15.000%
Weighted Average Margin                                 2.979%  2.500%  -  7.750%
Weighted Average Original Term (months)                    360  180 - 360
Range of Original Terms (months)                          180:  0.18%
                                                          240:  0.04%
                                                          360:  99.79%
Weighted Average Remaining Term (months)                   279  57 - 337
Weighted Life Cap                                      12.560%  10.125% - 19.750%
Weighted Average Periodic Cap                            0.00%  0.54%
                                                         1.00%  88.30%
                                                         2.00%  11.16%
Weighted Average Floor                                  4.423%  0.000%  - 13.750%
Weighted Average Original LTV                           77.36%  7.69%   -  95.40%
Index Type
                          One Year Treasury             11.16%
                            Six month LIBOR             88.84%
Lien Position (first/second)                         100.00% / 0.0%
         Property Type:
                              Single Family             90.83%
                         Two to Four Family              0.05%
                                        PUD              1.31%
                                Condominium              7.82%
Geographic Distribution:  Other states
  account individually for less than 2% of
  principal balance
                                        CA:             78.43%
                                        VA:              2.69%
                                        MD:              2.37%
                                        WA:              1.78%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

This information  does not constitute  either an offer to sell or a solicitation
of an offer to buy any of the securities referred to herein.  Offers to sell and
solicitations  of  offers  to buy the  securities  are  made  only by , and this
information must be read in conjunction  with, the final  Prospectus  Supplement
and the related  Prospectus or, if not registered under the securities laws, the
final Offering  Memorandum  (the  "Offering  Document").  Information  contained
herein does not purport to be complete and is subject to the same qualifications
and assumptions,  and should be considered by investors only in the light of the
same warnings,  lack of assurances and  representations  and other precautionary
matters,  as disclosed  in the  Offering  Document.  Information  regarding  the
underlying  assets  has been  provided  by the  issuer of the  securities  or an
affiliate  thereof and has not been  independently  verified by Lehman  Brothers
Inc. or any affiliate.  The analyses  contained herein have been prepared on the
basis of certain assumptions (including, in certain cases, assumptions specified
by the recipient hereof) regarding  payments,  interest rates,  losses and other
matters,  including,  but not  limited  to,  the  assumptions  described  in the
Offering  Document.  Lehman  Brothers Inc., and any of its  affiliates,  make no
representation or warranty as to the actual rate or timing of payments on any of
the  underlying  assets  or  the  payments  or  yield  on the  securities.  This
information  supersedes  any  prior  versions  hereof  and will be  deemed to be
superseded  by  any  subsequent  versions   (including,   with  respect  to  any
description of the securities or underlying assets, the information contained in
the Offering Document).


                Yield Tables, reflecting a 11/12/99 Settlement
        Assumptions: 1m Libor 5.40%; 6m Libor 6.00125%; 1yr CMT 5.746%
 All Yields & Duration's are based on monthly payments of interest, zero day

 RUN TO 35% CALL       CLASS A
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                       20% CPR            25% CPR            30% CPR           35% CPR
      PRICE           Disc Marg    Dur   Disc Marg    Dur   Disc Marg   Dur   Disc Marg    Dur
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      99-15             0.873     2.33     0.926     1.88     0.985    1.55     1.043     1.32
      99-16             0.859              0.91               0.965             1.02
      99-17             0.846              0.893              0.945             0.997
      99-18             0.833              0.877              0.926             0.973
      99-19             0.82               0.861              0.906             0.95
      99-20             0.807     2.33     0.845     1.88     0.886    1.55     0.927     1.32
      99-21             0.794              0.828              0.866             0.904
      99-22             0.781              0.812              0.847             0.881
      99-23             0.768              0.796              0.827             0.858
      99-24             0.755              0.78               0.807             0.835

      99-25             0.741     2.33     0.763     1.88     0.788    1.55     0.811     1.32
      99-26             0.728              0.747              0.768             0.788
      99-27             0.715              0.731              0.748             0.765
      99-28             0.702              0.715              0.729             0.742
      99-29             0.689              0.699              0.709             0.719
      99-30             0.676     2.34     0.682     1.88     0.689    1.55     0.696     1.32
      99-31             0.663              0.666              0.67              0.673
     100-00             0.65               0.65               0.65              0.65
     100-01             0.637              0.634              0.63              0.627
     100-02             0.624              0.618              0.611             0.604

     100-03             0.611     2.34     0.602     1.89     0.591    1.55     0.581     1.32
     100-04             0.598              0.585              0.572             0.558
     100-05             0.585              0.569              0.552             0.535
     100-06             0.572              0.553              0.532             0.512
     100-07             0.559              0.537              0.513             0.489
     100-08             0.546     2.34     0.521     1.89     0.493    1.56     0.466     1.33
     100-09             0.533              0.505              0.474             0.443
     100-10             0.52               0.489              0.454             0.42
     100-11             0.507              0.473              0.435             0.397
     100-12             0.494              0.457              0.415             0.374

     100-13             0.481     2.34     0.44     1.89      0.396    1.56     0.351     1.33
     100-14             0.468              0.424              0.376             0.329
     100-15             0.455              0.408              0.357             0.306
     100-16             0.442              0.392              0.337             0.283
     100-17             0.429              0.376              0.318             0.26
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Average Life :         2.67               2.11               1.71              1.44
   First Pay :         11/28/99           11/28/99          11/28/99           11/28/99
   Last Pay :          3/28/04            4/28/03            8/28/02           3/28/02
 Collateral Loss:          -                  -                  -                 -
 Agg. Bond Loss :          -                  -                  -                 -
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 RUN TO 35% CALL       CLASS A
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                40% CPR           45% CPR           50% CPR
      PRICE              Dur   Disc Marg   Dur   Disc Marg   Dur   Disc Marg    Dur
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      99-15             1.32     1.116    1.11     1.185    0.97     1.268     0.84
      99-16                      1.088             1.153             1.232
      99-17                      1.061             1.121             1.195
      99-18                      1.033             1.09              1.159
      99-19                      1.006             1.058             1.122
      99-20             1.32     0.979    1.11     1.027    0.97     1.086     0.84
      99-21                      0.951             0.995             1.05
      99-22                      0.924             0.964             1.013
      99-23                      0.896             0.933             0.977
      99-24                      0.869             0.901             0.94

      99-25             1.32     0.841    1.11     0.87     0.97     0.904     0.84
      99-26                      0.814             0.838             0.868
      99-27                      0.787             0.807             0.831
      99-28                      0.759             0.775             0.795
      99-29                      0.732             0.744             0.759
      99-30             1.32     0.705    1.12     0.713    0.97     0.722     0.84
      99-31                      0.677             0.681             0.686
     100-00                      0.65              0.65              0.65
     100-01                      0.623             0.619             0.614
     100-02                      0.595             0.587             0.578

     100-03             1.32     0.568    1.12     0.556    0.97     0.541     0.84
     100-04                      0.541             0.525             0.505
     100-05                      0.514             0.494             0.469
     100-06                      0.486             0.462             0.433
     100-07                      0.459             0.431             0.397
     100-08             1.33     0.432    1.12      0.4     0.97     0.361     0.84
     100-09                      0.405             0.369             0.325
     100-10                      0.378             0.337             0.288
     100-11                      0.35              0.306             0.252
     100-12                      0.323             0.275             0.216

     100-13             1.33     0.296    1.12     0.244    0.98     0.18     0.84
     100-14                      0.269             0.213             0.144
     100-15                      0.242             0.182             0.108
     100-16                      0.215             0.151             0.072
     100-17                      0.188             0.12              0.036
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Average Life :                  1.2               1.04              0.9
   First Pay :                 11/28/99          11/28/99           11/28/99
   Last Pay :                  10/28/01           7/28/01           4/28/01
 Collateral Loss:                  -                  -                -
 Agg. Bond Loss :                  -                  -                -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

This information  does not constitute  either an offer to sell or a solicitation
of an offer to buy any of the securities referred to herein.  Offers to sell and
solicitations  of  offers  to buy the  securities  are  made  only by , and this
information must be read in conjunction  with, the final  Prospectus  Supplement
and the related  Prospectus or, if not registered under the securities laws, the
final Offering  Memorandum  (the  "Offering  Document").  Information  contained
herein does not purport to be complete and is subject to the same qualifications
and assumptions,  and should be considered by investors only in the light of the
same warnings,  lack of assurances and  representations  and other precautionary
matters,  as disclosed  in the  Offering  Document.  Information  regarding  the
underlying  assets  has been  provided  by the  issuer of the  securities  or an
affiliate  thereof and has not been  independently  verified by Lehman  Brothers
Inc. or any affiliate.  The analyses  contained herein have been prepared on the
basis of certain assumptions (including, in certain cases, assumptions specified
by the recipient hereof) regarding  payments,  interest rates,  losses and other
matters,  including,  but not  limited  to,  the  assumptions  described  in the
Offering  Document.  Lehman  Brothers Inc., and any of its  affiliates,  make no
representation or warranty as to the actual rate or timing of payments on any of
the  underlying  assets  or  the  payments  or  yield  on the  securities.  This
information  supersedes  any  prior  versions  hereof  and will be  deemed to be
superseded  by  any  subsequent  versions   (including,   with  respect  to  any
description of the securities or underlying assets, the information contained in
the Offering Document).


 RUN TO 35% CALL       CLASS M
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                      20% CPR            25% CPR            30% CPR           35% CPR
     PRICE           Disc Marg    Dur   Disc Marg    Dur   Disc Marg   Dur   Disc Marg    Dur
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     99-15             0.989     3.72     1.022     3.02     1.058    2.49     1.092     2.14
     99-16             0.981              1.011              1.046             1.077
     99-17             0.973              1.001              1.034             1.063
     99-18             0.965              0.991              1.021             1.049
     99-19             0.957              0.981              1.009             1.035
     99-20             0.948     3.72     0.971     3.02     0.997    2.49     1.02      2.15
     99-21             0.94               0.961              0.985             1.006
     99-22             0.932              0.951              0.972             0.992
     99-23             0.924              0.941              0.96              0.978
     99-24             0.916              0.931              0.948             0.964

     99-25             0.907     3.72     0.921     3.02     0.936    2.49     0.949     2.15
     99-26             0.899               0.91              0.923             0.935
     99-27             0.891               0.9               0.911             0.921
     99-28             0.883               0.89              0.899             0.907
     99-29             0.875               0.88              0.887             0.893
     99-30             0.866     3.72      0.87     3.03     0.874    2.49     0.878     2.15
     99-31             0.858               0.86              0.862             0.864
    100-00             0.85                0.85              0.85              0.85
    100-01             0.842               0.84              0.838             0.836
    100-02             0.834               0.83              0.826             0.822

    100-03             0.825     3.72      0.82     3.03     0.813    2.49     0.807     2.15
    100-04             0.817               0.81              0.801             0.793
    100-05             0.809               0.8               0.789             0.779
    100-06             0.801               0.79              0.777             0.765
    100-07             0.793               0.78              0.765             0.751
    100-08             0.785     3.73      0.77     3.03     0.752    2.49     0.737     2.15
    100-09             0.777               0.76              0.74              0.723
    100-10             0.768               0.75              0.728             0.708
    100-11             0.76                0.74              0.716             0.694
    100-12             0.752               0.73              0.704             0.68

    100-13             0.744     3.73     0.719     3.03     0.692    2.49     0.666     2.15
    100-14             0.736              0.709              0.679             0.652
    100-15             0.728              0.699              0.667             0.638
    100-16             0.72               0.689              0.655             0.624
    100-17             0.711              0.679              0.643             0.61
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Average Life :         4.38               3.46               2.79              2.38
  First Pay :         3/28/04            4/28/03            8/28/02           3/28/02
  Last Pay :          3/28/04            4/28/03            8/28/02           3/28/02
Collateral Loss:           -                  -                 -                  -
Agg. Bond Loss :           -                  -                 -                  -
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 RUN TO 35% CALL       CLASS M
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                       40% CPR           45% CPR           50% CPR
     PRICE            Disc Marg   Dur   Disc Marg   Dur   Disc Marg    Dur
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

     99-15              1.139    1.79     1.179    1.57     1.232     1.35
     99-16              1.122             1.16              1.21
     99-17              1.105             1.14              1.187
     99-18              1.088             1.121             1.165
     99-19              1.071             1.102             1.142
     99-20              1.054    1.79     1.082    1.58     1.12      1.36
     99-21              1.037             1.063             1.097
     99-22              1.02              1.043             1.075
     99-23              1.003             1.024             1.052
     99-24              0.986             1.005             1.03

     99-25              0.969    1.79     0.985    1.58     1.007     1.36
     99-26              0.952             0.966             0.985
     99-27              0.935             0.947             0.962
     99-28              0.918             0.927             0.94
     99-29              0.901             0.908             0.917
     99-30              0.884    1.79     0.889    1.58     0.895     1.36
     99-31              0.867             0.869             0.872
    100-00              0.85              0.85              0.85
    100-01              0.833             0.831             0.828
    100-02              0.816             0.811             0.805

    100-03              0.799    1.79     0.792    1.58     0.783     1.36
    100-04              0.782             0.773             0.76
    100-05              0.765             0.754             0.738
    100-06              0.748             0.734             0.716
    100-07              0.731             0.715             0.693
    100-08              0.714     1.8     0.696    1.58     0.671     1.36
    100-09              0.697             0.677             0.648
    100-10              0.681             0.657             0.626
    100-11              0.664             0.638             0.604
    100-12              0.647             0.619             0.581

    100-13              0.63      1.8     0.6      1.58     0.559     1.36
    100-14              0.613             0.58              0.537
    100-15              0.596             0.561             0.514
    100-16              0.579             0.542             0.492
    100-17              0.562             0.523             0.47
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Average Life :          1.96              1.71              1.46
  First Pay :         10/28/01           7/28/01           4/28/01
  Last Pay :          10/28/01           7/28/01           4/28/01
Collateral Loss:           -                 -                 -
Agg. Bond Loss :           -                 -                 -
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

This information  does not constitute  either an offer to sell or a solicitation
of an offer to buy any of the securities referred to herein.  Offers to sell and
solicitations  of  offers  to buy the  securities  are  made  only by , and this
information must be read in conjunction  with, the final  Prospectus  Supplement
and the related  Prospectus or, if not registered under the securities laws, the
final Offering  Memorandum  (the  "Offering  Document").  Information  contained
herein does not purport to be complete and is subject to the same qualifications
and assumptions,  and should be considered by investors only in the light of the
same warnings,  lack of assurances and  representations  and other precautionary
matters,  as disclosed  in the  Offering  Document.  Information  regarding  the
underlying  assets  has been  provided  by the  issuer of the  securities  or an
affiliate  thereof and has not been  independently  verified by Lehman  Brothers
Inc. or any affiliate.  The analyses  contained herein have been prepared on the
basis of certain assumptions (including, in certain cases, assumptions specified
by the recipient hereof) regarding  payments,  interest rates,  losses and other
matters,  including,  but not  limited  to,  the  assumptions  described  in the
Offering  Document.  Lehman  Brothers Inc., and any of its  affiliates,  make no
representation or warranty as to the actual rate or timing of payments on any of
the  underlying  assets  or  the  payments  or  yield  on the  securities.  This
information  supersedes  any  prior  versions  hereof  and will be  deemed to be
superseded  by  any  subsequent  versions   (including,   with  respect  to  any
description of the securities or underlying assets, the information contained in
the Offering Document).


- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                      20% CPR            25% CPR           30% CPR            35% CPR
     PRICE           Disc Marg    Dur   Disc Marg   Dur   Disc Marg    Dur   Disc Marg   Dur
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     99-15             0.965     2.98     1.012    2.45     1.062     2.05     1.106    1.75
     99-16             0.955              1                 1.047              1.089
     99-17             0.945              0.987             1.032              1.071
     99-18             0.935              0.975             1.017              1.054
     99-19             0.924              0.963             1.003              1.036
     99-20             0.914     2.98     0.95     2.45     0.988     2.05     1.019    1.75
     99-21             0.904              0.938             0.973              1.001
     99-22             0.894              0.925             0.958              0.984
     99-23             0.884              0.913             0.943              0.966
     99-24             0.873              0.9               0.928              0.949

     99-25             0.863     2.99     0.888    2.45     0.913     2.06     0.931    1.75
     99-26             0.853              0.875             0.899              0.914
     99-27             0.843              0.863             0.884              0.897
     99-28             0.832              0.851             0.869              0.879
     99-29             0.822              0.838             0.854              0.862
     99-30             0.812     2.99     0.826    2.46     0.839     2.06     0.845    1.76
     99-31             0.802              0.813             0.825              0.827
     100-00            0.792              0.801             0.81               0.81
     100-01            0.782              0.789             0.795              0.793
     100-02            0.771              0.776             0.78               0.775

     100-03            0.761       3      0.764    2.46     0.766     2.06     0.758    1.76
     100-04            0.751              0.751             0.751              0.741
     100-05            0.741              0.739             0.736              0.723
     100-06            0.731              0.727             0.721              0.706
     100-07            0.721              0.714             0.707              0.689
     100-08            0.711       3      0.702    2.47     0.692     2.07     0.671    1.76
     100-09            0.701              0.69              0.677              0.654
     100-10            0.69               0.678             0.663              0.637
     100-11            0.68               0.665             0.648              0.62
     100-12            0.67               0.653             0.633              0.602

     100-13            0.66      3.01     0.641    2.47     0.619     2.07     0.585    1.76
     100-14            0.65               0.628             0.604              0.568
     100-15            0.64               0.616             0.589              0.551
     100-16            0.63               0.604             0.575              0.534
     100-17            0.62               0.592             0.56               0.517
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Average Life :        3.68               2.92              2.39               2
  First Pay :         11/28/99          11/28/99           11/28/99          11/28/99
   Last Pay :         8/28/13            1/28/11           2/28/09            8/28/07
 Collateral Loss:         -                  -                 -                   -
 Agg. Bond Loss :         -                  -                 -                   -
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                      40% CPR            45% CPR           50% CPR
     PRICE           Disc Marg    Dur   Disc Marg   Dur   Disc Marg    Dur
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

     99-15             1.164      1.5     1.214    1.31     1.277     1.14
     99-16             1.144              1.191             1.25
     99-17             1.123              1.168             1.223
     99-18             1.103              1.144             1.197
     99-19             1.083              1.121             1.17
     99-20             1.062     1.51     1.098    1.31     1.143     1.14
     99-21             1.042              1.074             1.117
     99-22             1.022              1.051             1.09
     99-23             1.002              1.028             1.063
     99-24             0.982              1.005             1.037

     99-25             0.961     1.51     0.981    1.31     1.01      1.15
     99-26             0.941              0.958             0.984
     99-27             0.921              0.935             0.957
     99-28             0.901              0.912             0.93
     99-29             0.881              0.888             0.904
     99-30             0.86      1.51     0.865    1.31     0.877     1.15
     99-31             0.84               0.842             0.851
     100-00            0.82               0.819             0.824
     100-01            0.8                0.796             0.798
     100-02            0.78               0.773             0.772

     100-03            0.76      1.51     0.749    1.32     0.745     1.15
     100-04            0.74               0.726             0.719
     100-05            0.72               0.703             0.692
     100-06            0.7                0.68              0.666
     100-07            0.68               0.657             0.639
     100-08            0.66      1.52     0.634    1.32     0.613     1.15
     100-09            0.639              0.611             0.587
     100-10            0.619              0.588             0.56
     100-11            0.599              0.565             0.534
     100-12            0.579              0.542             0.508

     100-13            0.559     1.52     0.519    1.32     0.481     1.16
     100-14            0.54               0.496             0.455
     100-15            0.52               0.473             0.429
     100-16            0.5                0.45              0.403
     100-17            0.48               0.427             0.376
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Average Life :        1.7                1.46              1.26
  First Pay :         11/28/99          11/28/99           11/28/99
   Last Pay :         6/28/06            7/28/05           10/28/04
 Collateral Loss:         -                   -                 -
 Agg. Bond Loss :         -                   -                 -
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

This information  does not constitute  either an offer to sell or a solicitation
of an offer to buy any of the securities referred to herein.  Offers to sell and
solicitations  of  offers  to buy the  securities  are  made  only by , and this
information must be read in conjunction  with, the final  Prospectus  Supplement
and the related  Prospectus or, if not registered under the securities laws, the
final Offering  Memorandum  (the  "Offering  Document").  Information  contained
herein does not purport to be complete and is subject to the same qualifications
and assumptions,  and should be considered by investors only in the light of the
same warnings,  lack of assurances and  representations  and other precautionary
matters,  as disclosed  in the  Offering  Document.  Information  regarding  the
underlying  assets  has been  provided  by the  issuer of the  securities  or an
affiliate  thereof and has not been  independently  verified by Lehman  Brothers
Inc. or any affiliate.  The analyses  contained herein have been prepared on the
basis of certain assumptions (including, in certain cases, assumptions specified
by the recipient hereof) regarding  payments,  interest rates,  losses and other
matters,  including,  but not  limited  to,  the  assumptions  described  in the
Offering  Document.  Lehman  Brothers Inc., and any of its  affiliates,  make no
representation or warranty as to the actual rate or timing of payments on any of
the  underlying  assets  or  the  payments  or  yield  on the  securities.  This
information  supersedes  any  prior  versions  hereof  and will be  deemed to be
superseded  by  any  subsequent  versions   (including,   with  respect  to  any
description of the securities or underlying assets, the information contained in
the Offering Document).


- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                     20% CPR            25% CPR           30% CPR            35% CPR
    PRICE           Disc Marg    Dur   Disc Marg   Dur   Disc Marg    Dur   Disc Marg   Dur
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    99-15             1.365     9.68     1.398    8.64     1.424     7.67     1.44     6.81
    99-16             1.362              1.394             1.42               1.436
    99-17             1.359              1.391             1.416              1.431
    99-18             1.356              1.387             1.412              1.427
    99-19             1.353              1.384             1.408              1.422
    99-20             1.349     9.69     1.38     8.64     1.404     7.67     1.418    6.81
    99-21             1.346              1.376             1.4                1.413
    99-22             1.343              1.373             1.396              1.409
    99-23             1.34               1.369             1.392              1.404
    99-24             1.337              1.366             1.388              1.4

    99-25             1.334     9.69     1.362    8.65     1.384     7.68     1.395    6.82
    99-26             1.331              1.359             1.38               1.391
    99-27             1.327              1.355             1.377              1.386
    99-28             1.324              1.352             1.373              1.382
    99-29             1.321              1.348             1.369              1.377
    99-30             1.318      9.7     1.345    8.65     1.365     7.68     1.373    6.82
    99-31             1.315              1.341             1.361              1.369
    100-00            1.312              1.338             1.357              1.364
    100-01            1.309              1.334             1.353              1.36
    100-02            1.305              1.331             1.349              1.355

    100-03            1.302      9.7     1.327    8.66     1.345     7.68     1.351    6.82
    100-04            1.299              1.324             1.341              1.346
    100-05            1.296              1.32              1.337              1.342
    100-06            1.293              1.317             1.333              1.337
    100-07            1.29               1.313             1.329              1.333
    100-08            1.287     9.71     1.31     8.66     1.325     7.69     1.328    6.83
    100-09            1.284              1.306             1.321              1.324
    100-10            1.28               1.303             1.317              1.32
    100-11            1.277              1.299             1.313              1.315
    100-12            1.274              1.296             1.309              1.311

    100-13            1.271     9.72     1.292    8.67     1.305     7.69     1.306    6.83
    100-14            1.268              1.289             1.301              1.302
    100-15            1.265              1.285             1.298              1.297
    100-16            1.262              1.282             1.294              1.293
    100-17            1.259              1.278             1.29               1.289
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Average Life :       16.27              13.5              11.26               9.51
 First Pay :         8/28/13            1/28/11           2/28/09            8/28/07
  Last Pay :         9/28/20            3/28/18           8/28/15            4/28/13
Collateral Loss:          -                  -                 -                  -
Agg. Bond Loss :          -                  -                 -                  -
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                      40% CPR            45% CPR           50% CPR
    PRICE            Disc Marg    Dur   Disc Marg   Dur   Disc Marg    Dur
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    99-15              1.464     6.06     1.477     5.4     1.497     4.82
    99-16              1.459              1.472             1.49
    99-17              1.454              1.466             1.484
    99-18              1.449              1.46              1.478
    99-19              1.444              1.455             1.471
    99-20              1.439     6.06     1.449     5.4     1.465     4.82
    99-21              1.434              1.443             1.459
    99-22              1.429              1.438             1.453
    99-23              1.424              1.432             1.446
    99-24              1.419              1.427             1.44

    99-25              1.414     6.06     1.421     5.4     1.434     4.82
    99-26              1.408              1.415             1.427
    99-27              1.403              1.41              1.421
    99-28              1.398              1.404             1.415
    99-29              1.393              1.398             1.408
    99-30              1.388     6.06     1.393    5.41     1.402     4.82
    99-31              1.383              1.387             1.396
    100-00             1.378              1.382             1.389
    100-01             1.373              1.376             1.383
    100-02             1.368              1.37              1.377

    100-03             1.363     6.07     1.365    5.41     1.371     4.83
    100-04             1.358              1.359             1.364
    100-05             1.353              1.353             1.358
    100-06             1.348              1.348             1.352
    100-07             1.343              1.342             1.345
    100-08             1.338     6.07     1.337    5.41     1.339     4.83
    100-09             1.333              1.331             1.333
    100-10             1.328              1.325             1.327
    100-11             1.323              1.32              1.32
    100-12             1.318              1.314             1.314

    100-13             1.313     6.07     1.309    5.41     1.308     4.83
    100-14             1.308              1.303             1.302
    100-15             1.303              1.297             1.295
    100-16             1.298              1.292             1.289
    100-17             1.293              1.286             1.283
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Average Life :         8.11               6.99              6.07
 First Pay :          6/28/06            7/28/05           10/28/04
  Last Pay :          5/28/11           11/28/09           7/28/08
Collateral Loss:           -                  -                 -
Agg. Bond Loss :           -                  -                 -
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

This information  does not constitute  either an offer to sell or a solicitation
of an offer to buy any of the securities referred to herein.  Offers to sell and
solicitations  of  offers  to buy the  securities  are  made  only by , and this
information must be read in conjunction  with, the final  Prospectus  Supplement
and the related  Prospectus or, if not registered under the securities laws, the
final Offering  Memorandum  (the  "Offering  Document").  Information  contained
herein does not purport to be complete and is subject to the same qualifications
and assumptions,  and should be considered by investors only in the light of the
same warnings,  lack of assurances and  representations  and other precautionary
matters,  as disclosed  in the  Offering  Document.  Information  regarding  the
underlying  assets  has been  provided  by the  issuer of the  securities  or an
affiliate  thereof and has not been  independently  verified by Lehman  Brothers
Inc. or any affiliate.  The analyses  contained herein have been prepared on the
basis of certain assumptions (including, in certain cases, assumptions specified
by the recipient hereof) regarding  payments,  interest rates,  losses and other
matters,  including,  but not  limited  to,  the  assumptions  described  in the
Offering  Document.  Lehman  Brothers Inc., and any of its  affiliates,  make no
representation or warranty as to the actual rate or timing of payments on any of
the  underlying  assets  or  the  payments  or  yield  on the  securities.  This
information  supersedes  any  prior  versions  hereof  and will be  deemed to be
superseded  by  any  subsequent  versions   (including,   with  respect  to  any
description of the securities or underlying assets, the information contained in
the Offering Document).
