

         The  undersigned  incorporator,  desiring  to  form  a corporation
referred to as the "Corporation") pursuant to the provisions of the Indiana
Corporation  Law,  as  amended (hereinafter referred to as the "Corporation
Law"), executes
following Articles of Incorporation.

                            ARTICLE I


         The name of the Corporation is Lease Acquisition Corporation.

                            ARTICLE II

                       Purposes and Powers

         Section 2.1.  Purposes  of the Corporation.  The purpose for which
Corporation is formed is to engage  in the transaction of any or all lawful
business for which
corporations may now or hereafter be  incorporated  under  the  Corporation

         Section  2.2.   Powers of the Corporation.  The Corporation  shall
have (a) all
powers now or hereafter authorized by or vested in corporations pursuant to
the provisions
the Corporation Law, (b) all powers now or hereafter vested in corporations
by common law
or any other statute or act,  and (c) all powers authorized by or vested in
the Corporation by
the provisions of these Articles  of  Incorporation or by the provisions of
its By-Laws as from
time to time in effect.

                           ARTICLE III

                        Term of Existence

         The  period  during  which  the  Corporation   shall  continue  is

                            ARTICLE IV

                   Registered Office and Agent

         The street address of the Corporation's registered  office  is 300
North Meridian
Street,  Suite  2700,  Indianapolis,  Indiana  46204  and  the  name of its
registered agent at
office is Daniel L. Boeglin.

                            ARTICLE V


         Section 5.1.  Authorized Classes and Number of Shares.   The total
number of
shares which the Corporation has authority to issue shall be 20,000 shares,
consisting of
10,000  common shares (the "Common Shares") and 10,000 special shares  (the
Shares").  The Corporation's shares do not have any par or stated value.

         Section  5.2.  General Terms of All Shares.  The Corporation shall
have the
power to acquire (by purchase, redemption or otherwise), hold, own, pledge,
sell, transfer,
assign,  reissue,  cancel  or  otherwise  dispose  of  the  shares  of  the
Corporation in the manner
to the extent now or  hereafter  permitted  by  the  laws  of  the State of
Indiana (but such
shall  not  imply an obligation on the part of the owner or holder  of  any
share to sell or
otherwise transfer  such  share to the Corporation), including the power to
purchase, redeem
otherwise acquire the Corporation's own shares, directly or indirectly, and
without pro rata
treatment of the owners or  holders  of  any  class  or  series  of shares,
unless, after giving effect
thereto, the Corporation would not be able to pay its debts as they  become
due in the usual
course of business or the Corporation's total assets would be less than its
total liabilities
(calculated  without  regard  to  any  amounts that would be needed, if the
Corporation were to
dissolved at the time of the purchase, redemption  or other acquisition, to
satisfy the
preferential  rights  upon dissolution of shareholders  whose  preferential
rights are superior
those of the holders of  the  shares  of  the  Corporation being purchased,
redeemed or
acquired, unless otherwise expressly provided with  respect  to a series of
Special Shares in
provisions  of  these  Articles  of  Incorporation adopted by the Board  of
Directors pursuant to
Section 5.5 hereof describing the terms  of  such  series).   Shares of the
redeemed  or  otherwise  acquired  by  it  shall constitute authorized  but
unissued shares
unless the
Board  of  Directors  adopts  a  resolution  providing   that  such  shares
constitute authorized and
issued but not outstanding shares.

         The  Board of Directors of the Corporation may dispose  of,  issue
and sell shares
in accordance with, and in such amounts as may be permitted by, the laws of
the State of
Indiana and the  provisions of these Articles of Incorporation and for such
consideration, at
such price or prices,  at  such  time  or  times  and  upon  such terms and
conditions (including
privilege  of selectively repurchasing the same) as the Board of  Directors
of the Corporation
shall determine,  without the authorization or approval by any shareholders
of the
Shares may be disposed  of,  issued  and  sold  to  such  persons, firms or
corporations as the
Board of Directors may determine, without any preemptive or  other right on
the part of the
owners or holders of other shares of the Corporation of any class  or  kind
to acquire such
shares by reason of their ownership of such other shares.

         When  the  Corporation  receives  the consideration specified in a
agreement entered into before incorporation,  or  for  which  the  Board of
Directors authorized
the  issuance  of  shares,  as  the case may be, the shares issued therefor
shall be fully paid

         The Corporation shall have  the power to declare and pay dividends
or other
distributions upon the issued and outstanding  shares  of  the Corporation,
subject to the
limitation that a dividend or other distribution may not be  made if, after
giving it effect, the
Corporation would not be able to pay its debts as they become  due  in  the
usual course of
business  or  the  Corporation's  total assets would be less than its total
liabilities (calculated
without regard to any amounts that would be needed, if the Corporation were
to be
at  the  time  of  the  dividend  or other  distribution,  to  satisfy  the
preferential rights upon
dissolution of shareholders whose preferential rights are superior to those
of the holders of
shares  receiving  the  dividend or other  distribution,  unless  otherwise
expressly provided
respect to a series of Special  Shares  in the provisions of these Articles
of Incorporation
adopted by the Board of Directors pursuant to Section 5.5 hereof describing
the terms of
series).  The Corporation shall have the power to issue shares of one class
or series as a
dividend or other distribution in respect of that class or series or one or
more other classes

         Section 5.3.  Voting Rights of Shares.

         (a)  Common Shares.  Except as otherwise provided by the
    Corporation  Law  and  subject  to  such  shareholder   disclosure  and
    procedures  (which  may  include voting prohibition sanctions)  as  the
    may by action of its Board  of  Directors  establish, the Common Shares
    unlimited voting rights and each outstanding Common Share shall, when
    validly issued by the Corporation, entitle the record holder thereof to
one vote
    at all shareholders' meetings on all matters submitted to a vote of the
    shareholders of the Corporation.

         (b)  Special Shares.  Except as required by the Corporation Law or
    the provisions of these Articles of Incorporation  adopted by the Board
    Directors  pursuant  to  Section  5.5 hereof describing  the  terms  of
Special Shares
    or a series thereof, the holders of Special Shares shall have no voting
rights or
    powers.  Special Shares shall, when  validly issued by the Corporation,
    the record holder thereof to vote as and  on  such matters, but only as
and on
    such matters, as the holders thereof are entitled  to  vote  under  the
    Law  or under the provisions of these Articles of Incorporation adopted
by the
    Board  of Directors pursuant to Section 5.5 hereof describing the terms
    Special  Shares  or  a series thereof (which provisions may provide for
    conditional, limited or  unlimited voting rights, including multiple or
    votes per share, or for no right to vote, except to the extent required
by the
    Corporation  Law)  and  subject  to  such  shareholder  disclosure  and
    procedures (which may include  voting  prohibition  sanctions)  as  the
    may by action of the Board of Directors establish.

         Section  5.4.   Other  Terms  of Common Shares.  The Common Shares
shall be
equal in every respect insofar as their  relationship to the Corporation is
concerned, but
equality of rights shall not imply equality  of  treatment as to redemption
or other
acquisition of
shares by the Corporation.  Subject to the rights  of  the  holders  of any
outstanding Special
Shares  issued under Section 5.5 hereof, the holders of Common Shares shall
be entitled to
share  ratably  in  such  dividends  or  other  distributions  (other  than
purchases, redemptions
other acquisitions  of  shares by the Corporation), if any, as are declared
and paid from time
time on the Common Shares  at the discretion of the Board of Directors.  In
the event of any
liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation, either voluntary
or involuntary,
payment shall have been made  to  the  holders of the Special Shares of the
full amount to
which they shall be entitled under this  Article  V,  the holders of Common
Shares shall be
entitled, to the exclusion of the holders of the Special  Shares of any and
all series, to share,
ratably according to the number of shares of Common Shares held by them, in
assets of the Corporation available for distribution to its shareholders.

         Section 5.5.  Other Terms of Special Shares.

         (a)  Special Shares may be issued from time to time in one or more
    series, each such series to have such distinctive designation and such
    preferences, limitations and relative voting and other  rights as shall
be set forth
    in these Articles of Incorporation.  Subject to the requirements of the
    Corporation  Law and subject to all other provisions of these  Articles
    Incorporation, the Board of Directors of the Corporation may create one
    more series of  Special  Shares  and  may  determine  the  preferences,
    and  relative voting and other rights of one or more series of  Special
    before the issuance of any shares of that series by the adoption of an
    amendment  to  these Articles of Incorporation that specifies the terms
of the
    series of Special  Shares.   All  shares  of a series of Special Shares
must have
    preferences, limitations and relative voting and other rights identical
with those
    of  other  shares of the same series and, if  the  description  of  the
series set forth
    in these Articles  of  Incorporation  so provides, no series of Special
Shares need
    have  preferences,  limitations  or relative  voting  or  other  rights
identical with
    those of any other series of Special Shares.

         Before issuing any shares of a series of Special Shares, the Board
    Directors shall adopt an amendment  to these Articles of Incorporation,
    shall be effective without any shareholder  approval  or  other action,
that sets
    forth the preferences, limitations and relative voting and other rights
of the
    series,  and  authority  is  hereby  expressly  vested in the Board  of
Directors, by
    such amendment:

              (i)   To fix the distinctive designation  of  such series and
         number of shares which shall constitute such series,  which number
         be  increased  or  decreased  (but not below the number of  shares
         then outstanding) from time to  time  by  action  of  the Board of

              (ii)   To  fix  the  voting rights of such series, which  may
consist of
         special,  conditional,  limited   or   unlimited   voting  rights,
         multiple  or  fractional  votes  per  share, or no right  to  vote
(except to the
         extent required by the Corporation Law);

              (iii)  To  fix the dividend or distribution  rights  of  such
series and
         the manner of calculating  the  amount  and  time  for  payment of
         or distributions, including, but not limited to:

                   (1)  the dividend rate, if any, of such series;

                   (2)  any limitations, restrictions or conditions on
              the payment of dividends or other distributions, including
              whether dividends or other distributions shall be
              noncumulative or cumulative or partially cumulative and,
              if so, from which date or dates;

                   (3)  the relative rights of priority, if any, of
              payment of dividends or other distributions on shares of
              that series in relation to Common Shares and shares of
              any other series of Special shares; and

                   (4)  the form of dividends or other distributions,
              which may be payable at the option of the Corporation,
              the shareholder, or another person (and in such case to
              prescribe the terms and conditions of exercising such
              option), or upon the occurrence of a designated event in
              cash, indebtedness, stock or other securities or other
              property, or in any combination thereof,

         and  to  make  provisions,  in  the  case  of  dividends  or other
         payable  in  stock  or  other  securities,  for  adjustment of the
dividend or
         distribution rate in such events as the Board of Directors shall

              (iv)  To fix the price or prices at which, and the terms and
         conditions on which, the shares of such series may be redeemed or
         converted, which may be

                   (1)  at the option of the Corporation, the
              shareholder or another person or upon the occurrence of a
              designated event;

                   (2)  for cash, indebtedness, securities, or other
              property or any combination thereof; and

                   (3)  in a designated amount or in an amount
              determined in accordance with a designated formula or by
              reference to extrinsic data or events;

              (v)  To fix the amount or amounts payable upon the shares of
         such  series  in  the  event  of  any liquidation, dissolution  or
winding up of
         the Corporation and the relative rights  of  priority,  if any, of
         upon shares of such series in relation to Common Shares and shares
         any  other  series of special shares; and to determine whether  or
not any
         such preferential rights upon dissolution need be considered in
         determining whether or not the Corporation may make dividends,
         repurchases or other distributions;

              (vi)  To  determine  whether or not the shares of such series
         be entitled to the benefit  of a sinking fund to be applied to the
         or redemption of such series  and,  if  so entitled, the amount of
such fund
         and the manner of its application;

              (vii)   To  determine  whether  or  not  the   issue  of  any
         shares of such series or of any other series in addition  to  such
         shall  be  subject to restrictions in addition to restrictions, if
any, on the
         issue of additional  shares  imposed  in  the  provisions of these
Articles of
         Incorporation  fixing  the  terms  of  any outstanding  series  of
         Shares theretofore issued pursuant to this  Section  5.5  and,  if
subject to
         additional   restrictions,   the   extent   of   such   additional
restrictions; and

              (viii) Generally to fix the other preferences or rights,  and
         qualifications, limitations or restrictions of such preferences or
rights, of
         such series to the full extent permitted by the Corporation Law;
         provided,    however,    that   no   such   preferences,   rights,
         limitations  or restrictions  shall  be  in  conflict  with  these
Articles of
         Incorporation or any amendment hereof.

         (b)  Special Shares of any series that have been redeemed (whether
    through the operation  of  a sinking fund or otherwise) or purchased by
    Corporation, or which, if convertible,  have been converted into shares
of the
    Corporation of any other class or series,  may be reissued as a part of
    series  or  of  any  other series of Special Shares,  subject  to  such
limitations (if
    any) as may be fixed by  the  Board  of  Directors with respect to such
series of
    Special Shares in accordance with subsection (a) of this Section 5.5.

                            ARTICLE VI


         Section 6.1.  Number.  The initial Board  of  Directors  shall  be
comprised of two
(2) members, which number may be changed by amendment to the By-Laws.

         Section  6.2.  Qualifications.  Directors need not be shareholders
of the
Corporation or residents of this or any other state in the United States.

         Section 6.3.   Vacancies.   Vacancies  occurring  in  the Board of
Directors shall be
filled  in  the  manner provided in the By-Laws or, if the By-Laws  do  not
provide for the
of vacancies, in the  manner  provided by the Corporation Law.  The By-Laws
may also
provide  that  in  certain  circumstances   specified   therein,  vacancies
occurring in the Board of
Directors  may be filled by vote of the shareholders at a  special  meeting
called for that
purpose or at the next annual meeting of shareholders.

         Section 6.4.  Liability of Directors.  A Director's responsibility
to the
Corporation  shall  be  limited  to  discharging  his  or  her  duties as a
Director, including his
as a member of any committee of the Board of Directors upon which he or she
may serve, in
good  faith, with the care an ordinarily prudent person in a like  position
would exercise
similar  circumstances, and in a manner the Director reasonably believes to
be in the best
interests  of  the  Corporation,  all  based on the facts then known to the

         In discharging his or her duties,  a  Director is entitled to rely
on information,
opinions, reports, or statements, including financial  statements and other
financial data, if
prepared or presented by:

         (a)  One (1) or more officers or employees of the Corporation whom
    the Director reasonably believes to be reliable and  competent  in  the

         (b)   Legal  counsel,  public  accountants, or other persons as to
    the Director reasonably believes are  within such person's professional
or expert
    competence; or

         (c)   A committee of the Board of which  the  Director  is  not  a
    if the Director reasonably believes the Committee merits confidence;

but a Director is  not  acting  in good faith if the Director has knowledge
concerning the
in question that makes reliance otherwise  permitted  by  this  Section 6.4
unwarranted.  A
Director  may,  in  considering  the  best  interests  of  the Corporation,
consider the effects of
action   on  shareholders,  employees,  suppliers  and  customers  of   the
Corporation, and
communities  in  which  offices  or other facilities of the Corporation are
located, and any other
factors the Director considers pertinent.

         A Director shall not be liable for any action taken as a Director,
or any failure
to take any action, unless (a) the  Director  has  breached  or  failed  to
perform the duties of
Director's  office  in compliance with this Section 6.4, and (b) the breach
or failure to perform
constitutes willful misconduct or recklessness.

         Section 6.5.   Removal  of  Directors.   Any  one  or  more of the
members of the
Board of Directors may be removed, with or without cause, only at a meeting
of the
shareholders called expressly for that purpose, by the affirmative  vote of
the holders of
outstanding  shares representing at least a majority of all the votes  then
entitled to be cast
at an
election of Directors.   No  Director  may be removed except as provided in
this Section 6.5.

         Section 6.6.  Election of Directors  by Holders of Special Shares.
The holders
of one (1) or more series of Special Shares may be entitled to elect all or
a specified number
of Directors, but only to the extent and subject  to  limitations as may be
set forth in the
provisions  of  these  Articles of Incorporation adopted by  the  Board  of
Directors pursuant to
Section 5.5 hereof describing the terms of the series of Special Shares.

                           ARTICLE VII

              Provisions for Regulation of Business
              and Conduct of Affairs of Corporation

         Section  7.1.   Meetings   of   Shareholders.    Meetings  of  the
shareholders of the
Corporation shall be held at such time and at such place, either  within or
without the State
Indiana, as may be stated in or fixed in accordance with the By-Laws of the
specified  in  the  respective  notices  or  waivers  of notice of any such

         Section 7.2.  Special Meetings of Shareholders.   Special meetings
of the
shareholders, for any purpose or purposes, unless otherwise  prescribed  by
the Corporation
Law,  may  be called at any time by the Board of Directors or the person or
to do so by  the  By-Laws  and shall be called by the Board of Directors if
the Secretary of the
Corporation receives one (1)  or more written, dated and signed demands for
a special
meeting, describing in reasonable  detail the purpose or purposes for which
it is to be held,
from the holders of shares representing  at least twenty-five percent (25%)
of all the votes
entitled to be cast on any issue proposed  to be considered at the proposed
special meeting.
the Secretary receives one (1) or more proper written demands for a special
meeting of
shareholders, the Board of Directors may set  a record date for determining
entitled to make such demand.

         Section 7.3.  Meetings of Directors.   Meetings  of  the  Board of
Directors of the
Corporation shall be held at such place, either within or without the State
of Indiana, as
be  authorized  by  the By-Laws and specified in the respective notices  or
waivers of notice of
any such meetings or otherwise specified by the Board of Directors.  Unless
the By-Laws
provide otherwise (a)  regular  meetings  of  the Board of Directors may be
held without notice
of the date, time, place, or purpose of the meeting  and (b) the notice for
a special meeting
need not describe the purpose or purposes of the special meeting.

         Section  7.4.   Action  Without Meeting.  Any action  required  or
permitted to be
taken at any meeting of the Board  of  Directors or shareholders, or of any
committee of such
Board,  may be taken without a meeting, if  the  action  is  taken  by  all
members of the Board
all shareholders  entitled to vote on the action, or by all members of such
committee, as the
case may be.  The action  must  be  evidenced  by  one  (1) or more written
consents describing
the action taken, signed by each Director, or all the shareholders entitled
to vote on the
or by each member of such committee, as the case may be,  and,  in the case
of action by the
Board of Directors or a committee thereof, included in the minutes or filed
with the
records  reflecting  the  action  taken  or,  in the case of action by  the
shareholders, delivered to
the Corporation for inclusion in the minutes or  filing  with the corporate
records.  Action
under this Section 7.4 is effective when the last director,  shareholder or
committee member,
as  the  case  may  be,  signs the consent, unless the consent specifies  a
different prior or
subsequent effective date,  in  which case the action is effective on or as
of the specified date.
Such consent shall have the same  effect as a unanimous vote of all members
of the Board,
all shareholders, or all members of  the committee, as the case may be, and
may be
as such in any document.

         Section 7.5.  By-Laws.  The Board  of  Directors  shall  have  the
exclusive power
to  make, alter, amend or repeal, or to waive provisions of, the By-Laws of
the Corporation
the affirmative vote of a majority of the entire number of Directors at the
time, except as
expressly  provided  by  the  Corporation  Law.   Any  provisions  for  the
regulation of the
and  management  of  the  affairs  of  the  Corporation not stated in these
Articles of
may be stated in the By-Laws.  The Board of Directors  may  adopt Emergency
By-Laws of
the Corporation and shall have the exclusive power (except as may otherwise
be provided
therein)  to make, alter, amend or repeal, or to waive provisions  of,  the
Emergency By-Laws
by the affirmative  vote of a majority of the entire number of Directors at
such time.

         Section 7.6.  Interest of Directors.

         (a)  A conflict of interest transaction is a transaction with the
    Corporation in which  a  Director  of  the  Corporation has a direct or
    interest.  A conflict of interest transaction  is  not  voidable by the
    solely because of the Director's interest in the transaction if any one
(1) of the
    following is true:

              (1)  The material facts of the transaction and the Director's
         interest were disclosed or known to the Board of Directors or a
         committee of the Board of Directors and the Board of Directors or
         committee authorized, approved, or ratified the transaction.

              (2)  The material facts of the transaction and the Director's
         interest were disclosed or known to the shareholders  entitled  to
vote and
         they authorized, approved, or ratified the transaction.

              (3)  The transaction was fair to the Corporation.

         (b)   For  purposes  of  this  Section  7.6,  a  Director  of  the
    has an indirect interest in a transaction if:

              (1)  Another entity in which the Director has a material
         financial  interest  or in which the Director is a general partner
is a party
         to the transaction; or

              (2)  Another entity  of  which  the  Director  is a director,
         or  trustee is a party to the transaction and the transaction  is,
or is
         required  to  be,  considered  by  the  Board  of Directors of the

         (c)  For purposes of Section 7.6(a)(1), a conflict of interest
    transaction  is  authorized, approved, or ratified if it  receives  the
affirmative vote
    of a majority of the  Directors  on  the  Board of Directors (or on the
    who  have  no direct or indirect interest in  the  transaction,  but  a
transaction may
    not be authorized, approved, or ratified under this section by a single
    If a majority  of the Directors who have no direct or indirect interest
in the
    transaction vote  to  authorize,  approve, or ratify the transaction, a
quorum shall
    be deemed present for the purpose of  taking  action under this Section
7.6.  The
    presence of, or a vote cast by, a Director with  a  direct  or indirect
interest in the
    transaction does not affect the validity of any action taken under
    Section   7.6(a)(1),   if  the  transaction  is  otherwise  authorized,
approved, or
    ratified as provided in such subsection.

         (d)  For purposes of Section 7.6(a)(2), shares owned by or voted
    under the control of a Director  who  has a direct or indirect interest
in the
    transaction,  and shares owned by or voted  under  the  control  of  an
    described  in Section  7.6(b),  may  be  counted  in  such  a  vote  of
shareholders to
    determine whether  to  authorize,  approve  or  ratify  a  conflict  of

         Section  7.7.   Nonliability of Shareholders.  Shareholders of the
Corporation are
not personally liable for  the  acts  or  debts  of the Corporation, nor is
private property of
shareholders subject to the payment of corporate debts.

         Section  7.8.  Indemnification of Officers,  Directors  and  Other
Eligible Persons.

         (a)  To the  extent  not  inconsistent  with applicable law, every
    Person shall be indemnified by the Corporation  against  all  Liability
    reasonable  Expense  that  may  be incurred by him or her in connection
with or
    resulting  from  any  Claim, (i) if  such  Eligible  Person  is  Wholly
Successful with
    respect to the Claim, or  (ii)  if  not Wholly Successful, then if such
    Person is determined, as provided in  either  Section 7.8(f) or 7.8(g),
to have
    acted in good faith, in what he or she reasonably  believed  to  be the
    interests  of  the  Corporation  or  at  least  not opposed to its best
interests and, in
    addition, with respect to any criminal claim is determined to have had
    reasonable cause to believe that his or her conduct  was  lawful or had
    reasonable cause to believe that his or her conduct was unlawful.  The
    termination of any Claim, by judgment, order, settlement (whether  with
    without court approval), or conviction or upon a plea of guilty or of
    nolo contendere, or its equivalent, shall not create a presumption that
    Eligible  Person  did  not  meet  the standards of conduct set forth in
clause (ii) of
    this subsection (a).  The actions of an Eligible Person with respect to
    employee  benefit  plan  subject  to  the  Employee  Retirement  Income
Security Act
    of 1974 shall be deemed to have been taken in what the Eligible Person
    reasonably believed to be the best interests  of  the Corporation or at
least not
    opposed  to  its  best  interests  if  the  Eligible Person  reasonably
believed he or she
    was acting in conformity with the requirements of such Act or he or she
    reasonably believed his or her actions to be  in  the  interests of the
    in or beneficiaries of the plan.

         (b)   The  term "Claim" as used in this Section 7.8 shall  include
    pending, threatened  or completed claim, action, suit or proceeding and
    appeals thereof (whether brought by or in the right of this Corporation
or any
    other corporation or otherwise),  civil,  criminal,  administrative  or
    formal or informal, in which an Eligible Person may become involved, as
    party or otherwise:

              (i)  by reason of his or her being or having been an Eligible
         Person, or

             (ii)  by reason of any action taken or not taken by him or her
in his
         or her capacity as an Eligible Person, whether or not he or she
         continued  in  such capacity at the time such Liability or Expense
         have been incurred.

         (c)  The term "Eligible  Person" as used in this Section 7.8 shall
    every person (and the estate, heirs  and  personal  representatives  of
such person)
    who is or was a Director, officer, employee or agent of the Corporation
or is or
    was  serving  at the request of the Corporation as a director, officer,
    agent  or  fiduciary   of  another  foreign  or  domestic  corporation,
partnership, joint
    venture, trust, employee  benefit plan or other organization or entity,
    for profit or not.  An Eligible Person shall also be considered to have
    serving an employee benefit  plan  at the request of the Corporation if
his or her
    duties to the Corporation also imposed duties on, or otherwise involved
    by, him or her to the plan or to participants  in  or  beneficiaries of
the plan.

         (d)  The terms "Liability" and "Expense" as used in  this  Section
    shall   include,  but  shall  not  be  limited  to,  counsel  fees  and
disbursements and
    amounts of  judgments,  fines  or  penalties  against (including excise
    assessed with respect to an employee benefit plan), and amounts paid in
    settlement by or on behalf of, an Eligible Person.

         (e)   The term "Wholly Successful" as used  in  this  Section  7.8
    mean (i) termination  of  any  Claim  against  the  Eligible  Person in
    without any finding of liability or guilt against him, (ii) approval by
a court or
    agency,   with  knowledge  of  the  indemnity  herein  provided,  of  a
settlement of
    any Claim, or (iii) the expiration of a reasonable period of time after
    threatened  making of any Claim without commencement of an action, suit
    proceeding and  without  any  payment  or  promise  made  to  induce  a

         (f)   Every  Eligible  Person  claiming  indemnification hereunder
    than  one  who has been Wholly Successful with respect  to  any  Claim)
shall be
    entitled to  indemnification  (i) if special independent legal counsel,
which may
    be regular counsel of the Corporation  or other disinterested person or
    in either case selected by the Board of  Directors,  whether  or  not a
    quorum  exists  (such  counsel  or  person or persons being hereinafter
called the
    "Referee"), shall deliver to the Corporation  a  written  finding  that
such Eligible
    Person   has  met  the  standards  of  conduct  set  forth  in  Section
7.8(a)(ii), and
    (ii) if the  Board  of  Directors, acting upon such written finding, so
    The Board of Directors shall,  if  an  Eligible  Person  is found to be
entitled to
    indemnification pursuant to the preceding sentence, also determine the
    reasonableness of the Eligible Person's Expenses.  The Eligible  Person
    indemnification  shall, if requested, appear before the Referee, answer
    that the Referee deems relevant and shall be given ample opportunity to
    to  the  Referee  evidence   upon   which   he   or   she   relies  for
indemnification.  The
    Corporation shall, at the request of the Referee, make available facts,
    or other evidence in any way relevant to the Referee's finding that are
    the possession or control of the Corporation.

         (g)  If an Eligible Person claiming indemnification pursuant to
    Section 7.8(f) is found not to be entitled thereto, or if the  Board of
    fails  to  select  a  Referee  under Section 7.8(f) within a reasonable
amount of
    time  following  a  written request  of  an  Eligible  Person  for  the
selection of a
    Referee, or if the Referee or the Board of Directors fails to make a
    determination under Section 7.8(f) within a reasonable amount of time
    following the selection of a Referee, the Eligible Person may apply for
    indemnification with  respect  to  a  Claim  to  a  court  of competent
    including  a  court in which the Claim is pending against the  Eligible
    On receipt of an  application,  the  court,  after giving notice to the
    and giving the Corporation ample opportunity to  present  to  the court
    information or evidence relating to the claim for indemnification  that
    Corporation   deems   appropriate,  may  order  indemnification  if  it
determines that
    the Eligible Person is  entitled to indemnification with respect to the
    because such Eligible Person met the standards of conduct set forth in
    Section 7.8(a)(ii).  If the  court  determines that the Eligible Person
is entitled to
    indemnification, the court shall also  determine  the reasonableness of
    Eligible Person's Expenses.

         (h)  The rights of indemnification provided in  this  Section  7.8
    be in addition to any rights to which any Eligible Person may otherwise
    entitled.   Irrespective  of  the  provisions  of this Section 7.8, the
Board of
    Directors  may,  at  any  time  and  from  time  to time,  (i)  approve
    of any Eligible Person to the full extent permitted  by  the provisions
    applicable  law  at the time in effect, whether on account of  past  or
    transactions, and  (ii)  authorize  the  Corporation  to  purchase  and
    insurance  on  behalf  of  any  Eligible  Person  against any Liability
asserted against
    him  or any Liability or Expense incurred by him or  her  in  any  such
    or arising  out  of  his  or  her  status  as  such, whether or not the
    would  have  the  power  to  indemnify  him against such  Liability  or

         (i)  Expenses incurred by an Eligible Person with respect to any
    Claim, may be advanced by the Corporation (by action of the Board of
    Directors, whether or not a disinterested  quorum  exists) prior to the
    disposition thereof upon receipt of an undertaking by  or  on behalf of
    Eligible Person to repay such amount if he or she is determined  not to
    entitled to indemnification.

         (j)  The provisions of this Section 7.8 shall be deemed to be a
    contract  between  the  Corporation  and  each  Eligible Person, and an
    Person's  rights  hereunder  shall  not  be  diminished   or  otherwise
    affected  by any repeal, amendment or modification of this Section  7.8
    occurs subsequent to such person becoming an Eligible Person.

         (k)  The  provisions  of  this  Section 7.8 shall be applicable to
    made or commenced after the adoption hereof,  whether arising from acts
    omissions to act occurring before or after the adoption hereof.

                           ARTICLE VIII


         The  name  and  post  office  address of the incorporator  of  the
Corporation are as

                      Number and Street        City, State
    Name                 or Building             Zip Code

Daniel L. Boeglin    300 N. Meridian St.,    Indianapolis, IN
                     Suite 2700              46204

                            ARTICLE IX

                     Miscellaneous Provisions

         Section 9.1.  Amendment or Repeal.   Except as otherwise expressly
for in these Articles of Incorporation, the Corporation  shall  be  deemed,
for all purposes, to
have  reserved  the  right  to amend, alter, change or repeal any provision
contained in these
Articles of Incorporation to  the extent and in the manner now or hereafter
permitted or
prescribed by statute, and all  rights  herein  conferred upon shareholders
are granted subject
such reservation.

         Section 9.2.  Headings.  The headings of the Articles and Sections
of these
Articles of Incorporation have been inserted for  convenience  of reference
only and do not in
any  way  define,  limit, construe or describe the scope or intent  of  any
Article or Section

         IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  undersigned,  being  the  incorporator
in Article IX,  executes  these  Articles  of Incorporation this 3rd day of
August, 1993.

by:  /s/ Daniel L. Boeglin

This instrument was prepared by Daniel L. Boeglin, Attorney at Law, Baker &
Suite 2700, 300 North Meridian Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204-1782.

                              OF THE

         Lease Acquisition Corporation (the "Corporation"), existing
pursuant  to the Indiana Business Corporation  Law  and  desiring  to  give
of corporate action effectuating an amendment to its Articles of
Incorporation, sets forth the following facts:
                            Article I

                         Amendment to the
                    Articles of Incorporation

         Section 1.  The name of the Corporation prior to this amendment is
Lease Acquisition Corporation.
         Section 2.  Article I of the Corporation's Articles of
Incorporation hereby is amended to read in its entirety as follows:
                            ARTICLE I
         The name of the Corporation is Meridian Financial Corporation.

         Section 3.  The amendment was approved by the Board of Directors
and the shareholders of the Corporation on November 8, 1993.  The effective
date of the amendment shall be the date of filing of these Articles of
Amendment with  the  office  of  the  Secretary  of  State  of the State of
                            Article II
                   Manner of Adoption and Vote
         Section 1.  The Corporation has only one class of capital stock
issued and outstanding.  The amendment to the Articles of Incorporation was
adopted by the unanimous joint written consent of all of the  Directors and
of the shareholders of the Corporation on November 8, 1993.
         Section 2.  The manner of the adoption of the amendment to the
Articles of Incorporation constitutes full legal compliance with the
provisions of the Indiana Business Corporation Law and the Corporation's
Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws.
         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned officer of the Corporation has
executed these Articles of Amendment on November 8, 1993.

/s/Michael F. McCoy

oard of Directors constitutes full legal compliance with the provisions  of
the Indiana
Business  Corporation  Law  and the Corporation's Articles of Incorporation
and By-Laws.

                IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the  undersigned  officer  of Meridian
Corporation  has  executed  these  Articles  of Amendment this 24th day  of
November, 1993.

by:\s\ Michael F. McCoy, President

        EXHIBIT A

                Section  5.6.   Terms of Series  A  Preferred  Stock.   The
preferences, limitations and relative voting and other rights of the shares
of the first series
of the authorized Special Shares  of  the  Corporation  (such  series being
hereinafter called the
"Series  A  Preferred  Stock"),  in  addition  to  those set forth in these
Articles of Incorporation
which are applicable to Special Shares of all series,  are  hereby fixed as

                (a)     Designation and Amount.  The shares of  such series
shall be
designated "Series A Preferred Stock", and the number of authorized  shares
such series shall be 1,000 shares.

                (b)     Dividends.   The holders of shares of the Series  A
Preferred Stock shall
be  entitled  to  receive, out of the assets  of  the  Corporation  legally
available therefor and as
and when declared by  the  Board  of Directors in its sole discretion, cash
dividends at the
rate of $40.00 per share per annum,  payable  quarterly  in  arrears on the
last day of the
months of March, June, September and December in each year, commencing
December,  1993.   Such  dividends  shall  be  cumulative from the date  of
original issue of the
Series A Preferred Stock and will be payable to  the  holders  of record as
they appear on the
stock books of the Corporation on such record dates, not more than  50 days
nor less than 10
days  preceding  the  payment  dates,  as  shall  be  fixed by the Board of
Directors of the

                Dividends payable for any partial dividend  period shall be
computed on the
basis of a 360-day year of twelve 30-day months.

                If  dividends  are  not  paid  in  full  upon the Series  A
Preferred Stock and any
other Special Shares ranking on a parity as to dividends with  the Series A
Preferred Stock,
all  dividends  declared  upon shares of Series A Preferred Stock and  such
other Special
Shares shall be declared pro  rata  so  that  in  all  cases  the amount of
dividends declared per
share on the Series A Preferred Stock and such other Special Shares bear to
each other the
same ratio that accumulated dividends per share on the shares of  Series  A
Preferred Stock
and such other Special Shares bear to each other.

                Unless  full cumulative dividends on the Series A Preferred
Stock have been
paid, no Common Shares of  the  Corporation  or  any  other  shares  of the
Corporation ranking
junior  to  the  Series  A Preferred Stock as to dividends may be redeemed,
purchased or
otherwise  acquired for any  consideration  (or  any  payment  made  to  or
available for a
sinking fund  for  the  redemption  of  any such shares) by the Corporation
(except by
conversion into or exchange for, or out of  the  net cash proceeds from the
concurrent sale of,
shares of the Corporation ranking junior to the Series A Preferred Stock as
to dividends)
and no dividends (other than in Common Shares or any  other  shares ranking
junior to the
Series A Preferred Stock as to dividends) may be paid or declared  and  set
aside for payment
or other distribution made upon the Common Shares or on any other shares of
Corporation ranking junior to the Series A Preferred Stock as to dividends.

                (c)     Liquidation   Rights.    In   the   event   of  any
liquidation, dissolution or
winding  up  of  the  Corporation,  whether  voluntary  or involuntary, the
holders of Series A
Preferred  Stock  shall be entitled to receive, out of the  assets  of  the
Corporation available for
distribution to shareholders,  before  any  distribution or payment is made
upon any Common
Shares or other Special Shares ranking junior  in  right  of  payment  upon
liquidation to the
Series  A  Preferred  Stock, the sum of $400 per share plus accumulated and
dividends.  If upon any  liquidation,  dissolution  or  winding  up  of the
Corporation, the
amounts  payable with respect to the Series A Preferred Stock and any other
Special Shares
ranking as to any such distribution on a parity with the Series A Preferred
Stock are not
paid in full, the holders of the Series A Preferred Stock and of such other
Special Shares
will share  ratably in any such distribution of assets in proportion to the
full respective
preferential amounts to which they are entitled.  After payment of the full
amount of the
liquidating distribution  to which they are entitled, the holders of shares
of Series A
Preferred Stock will not be  entitled  to  any further participation in any
distribution of assets
by the Corporation.

                (d)     Voting Rights.  Except  as  required  by applicable
law, the holders of
shares of the Series A Preferred Stock have no voting rights.

                (e)  Optional Redemption.  The Series A Preferred Stock may
be redeemed on
at  least  10  and  not  more  than  60  days' notice at the option of  the
Corporation, as a whole or
in part, at any time or from time to time,  at  a  redemption price of $400
per share plus
accumulated and unpaid dividends.  On and after the  redemption  date,  the
dividends cease
to  accumulate  on  shares  of  the  Series  A  Preferred  Stock called for
redemption.  In case of
the  redemption  of  less  than  all  the  outstanding  shares of Series  A
Preferred Stock, the
shares to be redeemed shall be determined by the Board of  Directors of the
Corporation, in
its sole discretion.  Notice of redemption shall be given by  mail, postage
prepaid, to the
holders  of  record of the Series A Preferred Stock to be redeemed,  to  be
addressed to each
such stockholder  at his post office address as shown by the records of the
Corporation.  If
such notice of redemption  shall  have been duly given, and if on or before
the redemption
date specified in such notice the funds necessary for such redemption shall
have been set
aside  so  as  to  be  and  continue  to  be   available   therefor,  then,
notwithstanding that any
certificate  for  shares  so  called  for  redemption  shall not have  been
surrendered for
cancellation, from and after such redemption date, the shares so called for
redemption shall
no  longer  be  deemed  outstanding, the dividends thereon shall  cease  to
accrue, and all rights
with respect to shares so  called  for redemption, including the rights, if
any, to receive
notices and to vote, shall forthwith  on  such  redemption  date  cease and
terminate, except
only  the  right of the holders thereof to receive the amount payable  upon
thereof, without  interest.  Subject to the provisions hereof, the Board of
Directors shall
have authority to prescribe  the  manner  in  which  the Series A Preferred
Stock shall be
redeemed from time to time.

                (f)  No Sinking Fund.  The Series A Preferred  Stock  shall
not be entitled to
the benefits of any retirement or sinking fund.

Board of Directors constitutes full legal compliance with the provisions of
the Indiana
Business  Corporation  Law  and the Corporation's Articles of Incorporation
and By-Laws.

                IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the  undersigned  officer  of Meridian
Corporation  has  executed  these  Articles  of Amendment this 29th day  of
September, 1994.

by:\s\ Michael F. McCoy, President

        EXHIBIT A

                Section  5.7.   Terms of Series  B  Preferred  Stock.   The
preferences, limitations and relative voting and other rights of the shares
of the
second series of the authorized Special  Shares  of  the  Corporation (such
series being
hereinafter  called the "Series B Preferred Stock"), in addition  to  those
set forth in
these Articles  of  Incorporation which are applicable to Special Shares of
all series,
are hereby fixed as follows:

                (a)     Designation  and Amount.  The shares of such series
shall be
designated "Series B Preferred Stock", and the number of authorized shares
constituting such series shall be 1,500 shares.

                (b)     Dividends.  The  holders  of shares of the Series B
Stock shall be entitled to receive, out of the assets  of  the  Corporation
available  therefor  and as and when declared by the Board of Directors  in
its sole
discretion, cash dividends  at  the  rate  of  $80.00  per share per annum,
quarterly  in  arrears  on  the  last  day  of  the months of March,  June,
September and
December in each year, commencing December, 1994.  Such dividends shall be
cumulative from the date of original issue of the  Series B Preferred Stock
and will be
payable to the holders of record as they appear on the  stock  books of the
on such record dates, not more than 50 days nor less than 10 days preceding
payment  dates,  as  shall  be  fixed  by  the  Board  of  Directors of the

                Dividends payable for any partial dividend period  shall be
on the basis of a 360-day year of twelve 30-day months.

                The Series B Preferred Stock shall rank on a parity  as  to
with  the Series A Preferred Stock.  If dividends are not paid in full upon
the Series B
Preferred  Stock  and  any  other  Special Shares ranking on a parity as to
with the Series B Preferred Stock (including the Series A Preferred Stock),
dividends declared upon shares of Series  B  Preferred Stock and such other
Shares  shall  be  declared pro rata so that in all  cases  the  amount  of
declared per share on  the  Series B Preferred Stock and such other Special
bear to each other the same ratio  that  accumulated dividends per share on
shares of Series B Preferred Stock and such  other  Special  Shares bear to
each other.

                Unless full cumulative dividends on the Series  B Preferred
Stock have
been paid, no Common Shares of the Corporation or any other shares of the
Corporation ranking junior to the Series B Preferred Stock as to  dividends
may be
redeemed,  purchased  or  otherwise acquired for any consideration (or  any
made to or available for a  sinking  fund  for  the  redemption of any such
shares) by the
Corporation (except by conversion into or exchange for,  or  out of the net
proceeds  from  the  concurrent sale of, shares of the Corporation  ranking
junior to the
Series B Preferred Stock  as  to dividends) and no dividends (other than in
Shares or any other shares ranking  junior  to the Series B Preferred Stock
as to
dividends)  may  be paid or declared and set aside  for  payment  or  other
made upon the Common  Shares  or  on  any  other  shares of the Corporation
junior to the Series B Preferred Stock as to dividends.

                (c)     Liquidation   Rights.    In  the   event   of   any
liquidation, dissolution
or  winding up of the Corporation, whether voluntary  or  involuntary,  the
holders of
Series B Preferred Stock shall be entitled to receive, out of the assets of
Corporation   available   for  distribution  to  shareholders,  before  any
distribution or
payment is made upon any Common  Shares  or  other  Special  Shares ranking
in right of payment upon liquidation to the Series B Preferred  Stock,  the
sum of
$1,000 per share plus accumulated and unpaid dividends.

                The  Series  B Preferred Stock shall rank on a parity as to
on liquidation, dissolution or  winding  up  with  the  Series  A Preferred
Stock.  If upon
any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation, the  amounts
with  respect  to the Series B Preferred Stock and any other Special Shares
as to any such distribution  on  a parity with the Series B Preferred Stock
the Series A Preferred Stock) are  not  paid  in  full,  the holders of the
Series B
Preferred Stock and of such other Special Shares will share  ratably in any
distribution  of  assets  in proportion to the full respective preferential
amounts to
which  they  are  entitled.  After  payment  of  the  full  amount  of  the
distribution to which  they are entitled, the holders of shares of Series B
Stock will not be entitled to any further participation in any distribution
of assets by
the Corporation.

                (d)     Voting  Rights.  Except as provided in this Section
5.7(d) or as
required by applicable law, the holders of shares of the Series B Preferred
have no voting rights.

                The holders of Series B Preferred Stock, voting as a class,
shall be
entitled to elect one Director at  each  meeting of the shareholders of the
at which Directors are elected, but (except as provided below) shall not be
entitled to
vote upon the election of the remaining Directors.

                Unless otherwise specified  in  this Section 5.7(d), in any
case in which
the  holders  of  the  Series B Preferred Stock have  voting  rights,  each
share  of Series B Preferred  Stock  shall,  when  validly  issued  by  the
entitle the record holder thereof to one vote.

                If the Corporation fails to declare and pay two consecutive
dividends  on the Series B Preferred Stock, then beginning on the day after
second of such  dividends  should have been but was not paid and continuing
until the
day on which all accumulated  but  unpaid  dividends  have  been  paid, the
holders of
the  Series B Preferred Stock shall be entitled to vote, together with  the
holders of
Common Shares as a single voting group, on all matters on which the holders
Common  Shares  are  entitled to vote.  The aggregate number of votes to be
cast by
the holders of the Series B Preferred Stock shall be equal to forty percent
(40%) of
the total number of votes  entitled to be cast by such single voting group;
and each
share of Series B Preferred  Stock  shall entitle the record holder thereof
to cast one-
fifteen hundredth (1/1500) of such aggregate number of votes.

                (e)  No Sinking Fund.   The  Series B Preferred Stock shall
not be
entitled to the benefits of any retirement or sinking fund.


         Meridian Financial Corporation (hereinafter  referred  to  as  the
existing  pursuant  to the Indiana Business Corporation Law and desiring to
notice of
corporate  action  effectuating   an   amendment   of   its   Articles   of
Incorporation, sets
forth the
following facts:

                            Article I

         Section  1.   The name of the Corporation following this amendment
continues to
be Meridian Financial Corporation.

         Section 2.  Upon effectiveness of these Articles of Amendment, the
Corporation's Articles of  Incorporation  shall  be amended by adding a new
5.8 thereto,
the exact text of which is attached as Exhibit A.

         Section  3.   The  foregoing  amendment was duly  adopted  by  the
Board of Directors on March 24, 1997.  The effective date of such amendment
be the
date  of  filing of these Articles of Amendment  with  the  office  of  the
Secretary of State
of the
State of Indiana.

                            Article II
                   Manner of Adoption and Vote

         Section  1.   The amendment was adopted by the Corporation's Board
Directors  without shareholder  action,  and  shareholder  action  was  not

         Section  2.   The  manner  of  adoption  of  the  amendment by the
Board of Directors constitutes full legal compliance with the provisions of
Business  Corporation  Law  and the Corporation's Articles of Incorporation
and By-

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned officer of Meridian Financial
Corporation has executed these  Articles  of  Amendment  this  27th  day of

by:\s\ Gerald W. Gerichs, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer

                                                        EXHIBIT A

         Section 5.8.   Terms of Series C Convertible Preferred Stock.  The
preferences, limitations and relative voting and other rights of the shares
of the
third series of the
authorized Special Shares of the Corporation (such series being hereinafter
the "Series C
Convertible  Preferred  Stock"),  in  addition  to those set forth in these
Articles of
Incorporation which are
applicable to Special Shares of all series, are hereby fixed as follows:

    1.    Number of Shares.  The series of Special  Shares  designated  and
known as
"Series C
Convertible Preferred Stock" shall consist of 3,000 shares.

    2.   Voting.

         2.1   General.  Except as may be otherwise provided in these terms
of the Series
Convertible Preferred  Stock  or  by  the  Corporation  Law,  the  Series C
Preferred Stock shall
vote together with the Common Shares (which are referred to hereinafter  as
"Common Stock") as a
single  class  on  all  actions  to  be  taken  by  the shareholders of the
Corporation.  Each
share of Series C
Convertible Preferred Stock shall entitle the holder thereof to such number
of votes
per share on each such
action  as  shall  equal  the number of shares of Common  Stock  (including
fractions of a
share) into which
each share of Series C Convertible Preferred Stock is then convertible.

         2.2   Board  Size.    The   Corporation  shall  not,  without  the
affirmative vote of the
of  at  least  two-thirds  of  the  then outstanding  shares  of  Series  C
Preferred Stock, voting
separately  as  a  series,  increase  the   maximum   number  of  directors
constituting the
Board of Directors to
a number in excess of five.

    3.    Dividends.   The  holders  of the Series C Convertible  Preferred
Stock shall be
entitled to
receive, out of funds legally available  therefor,  dividends  at  the same
rate as
dividends (other than
dividends  paid in additional shares of Common Stock) are paid with respect
to the
Common Stock
(treating each share of Series C Convertible Preferred Stock as being equal
to the
number of shares of
Common Stock  (including  fractions  of  a  share) into which each share of
Series C
Convertible Preferred
Stock is then convertible).

    4.   Liquidation.  Upon any liquidation,  dissolution  or winding up of
Corporation, whether
voluntary or involuntary, the holders of the shares of Series C Convertible
Stock shall be
entitled, before any distribution or payment is made upon any stock ranking
liquidation junior to the
Series  C  Convertible Preferred Stock, to be paid an amount equal  to  the
greater of (i)
$1,000 per share
plus, in the  case of each share, an amount equal to all dividends declared
but unpaid
thereon, computed
to the date payment thereof is made, or (ii) such amount per share as would
been payable had each
such  share  been  converted  to  Common  Stock  pursuant  to  paragraph  6
prior to such
liquidation, dissolution  or  winding  up,  and  the  holders  of  Series C
Preferred Stock shall not
be entitled to any further payment, such amount payable with respect to one
of Series C Convertible
Preferred  Stock  being  sometimes referred to as the "Liquidation Payment"
and with
respect to all shares
of Series C Convertible Preferred Stock being sometimes referred to as the
"Liquidation Payments".  If
upon  such liquidation, dissolution  or  winding  up  of  the  Corporation,
voluntary or involuntary,
the assets  to  be  distributed  among  the holders of Series C Convertible
Stock shall be insufficient
to permit payment to the holders of Series C Convertible Preferred Stock of
amount distributable as
aforesaid, then the entire assets of the  Corporation  to be so distributed
shall be
distributed ratably among
the holders of Series C Convertible Preferred Stock and any shares of stock
of the
Corporation ranking
on parity with such shares of Series C Convertible Preferred  Stock  as  to
upon any liquidation,
dissolution  or  winding up of the Corporation.  Upon any such liquidation,
or winding up of
the Corporation, after  the holders of Series C Convertible Preferred Stock
shall have
been paid in full the
amounts to which they shall  be  entitled,  the remaining net assets of the
may be distributed
to  the holders of stock ranking on liquidation  junior  to  the  Series  C
Preferred Stock.  Written
notice  of  such  liquidation, dissolution or winding up, stating a payment
date, the
amount of the
Liquidation Payments and the place where said Liquidation Payments shall be
payable, shall be delivered
in  person,  mailed  by   certified  or  registered  mail,  return  receipt
requested, or sent by
telecopier, not less
than 20 days prior to the payment  date  stated  therein, to the holders of
record of
Series C Convertible
Preferred Stock, such notice to be addressed to each  such  holder  at  its
address as
shown by the records
of the Corporation.  For purposes hereof, shares of Common Stock shall rank
liquidation junior to the
Series C Convertible Preferred Stock, unless the Liquidation Payments are
calculated pursuant to clause
(ii)  above, in which case shares of Common Stock shall rank on liquidation
on parity
with the Series C
Convertible Preferred Stock.  The Series A Preferred Stock and the Series B
Preferred Stock shall rank
on liquidation junior to the Series C Convertible Preferred Stock.

    5.    Restrictions.   At  any  time when shares of Series C Convertible
Preferred Stock
outstanding, except where the vote of  the  holders  of a greater number of
shares of
the Corporation is
required by law or by the Articles of Incorporation of the Corporation, and
addition to any other vote
required  by  law  or  the  Articles  of Incorporation of the  Corporation,
without the
approval of the holders
of  at  least  two-thirds  of  the  then outstanding  shares  of  Series  C
Preferred Stock, voting
separately as a series, the Corporation will not:

              (i)   create,  authorize   the   creation  of  or  issue  any
additional shares of any
         or series of shares of stock unless the  same  ranks junior to the
Series C
         Preferred  Stock  as  to  the  distribution  of  assets   on   the
liquidation, dissolution
or winding
         up  of  the  Corporation, or increase the authorized amount of the
Series C
         Preferred Stock  or increase the authorized amount of any class or
series of
shares of stock
         unless the same ranks junior to the Series C Convertible Preferred
Stock as to
         distribution of assets  on the liquidation, dissolution or winding
up of the
Corporation, or
         create or authorize any obligation  or  security  convertible into
shares of Series
         Convertible Preferred Stock or into shares of any other  class  or
series of stock
unless the
         same  ranks  junior to the Series C Convertible Preferred Stock as
to the
distribution of
         assets on the  liquidation,  dissolution  or  winding  up  of  the
whether any such
         creation, authorization, issuance or increase shall be by means of
to the
         Articles  of  Incorporation  of  the  Corporation  or  by  merger,
consolidation or

              (ii) consent to any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of
the Corporation
         or  consolidate or merge into or with any other entity or entities
or sell, lease,
         transfer  or  otherwise dispose of all or substantially all of its

              (iii)       amend,   alter   or   repeal   its   Articles  of

              (iv) purchase or set aside any sums for the purchase  of,  or
pay any
         or  make  any  distribution on, any shares of stock other than the
Series C
         Preferred Stock,  except  for (x) dividends or other distributions
payable on the
         Stock solely in the form of additional shares of Common Stock, (y)
         dividends on shares of Series  A Preferred Stock outstanding as of
the date
these terms of
         Series C Convertible Preferred Stock  are  filed  with the Indiana
Secretary of
State, in
         accordance  with the terms of such Series A Preferred  Stock,  and
(z) redemption
of the
         Series B Preferred  Stock substantially contemporaneously with the
and sale of
         the Series C Convertible Preferred Stock; or

              (v)  redeem or otherwise  acquire  any  shares  of  Series  C
         Stock  except  as  expressly  authorized  in paragraph 7 hereof or
pursuant to a
purchase offer
         made pro rata to all holders of the shares of Series C Convertible
Stock on the
         basis of the aggregate number of outstanding  shares  of  Series C
         Stock then held by each such holder.

    6.    Conversion.   The  holders  of  shares  of  Series  C Convertible
Preferred Stock
shall have the
following conversion rights:

         6.1   Right  to  Convert.  Subject to the terms and conditions  of
this paragraph 6,
holder of any share or shares of Series C Convertible Preferred Stock shall
have the
right, at its option
at any time, to convert any  such  shares of Series C Convertible Preferred
(except that upon any
liquidation of the Corporation the right  of  conversion shall terminate at
the close of
business on the
business day fixed for payment of the amount distributable on the Series C
Convertible Preferred Stock)
into such number of fully paid and nonassessable  shares of Common Stock as
obtained by (i)
multiplying the number of shares of Series C Convertible Preferred Stock so
to be
converted by $1,000
and (ii) dividing the result by the conversion price  of  $1,000  per share
or, in case an
adjustment of such
price  has taken place pursuant to the further provisions of this paragraph
6, then by
the conversion price
as last  adjusted and in effect at the date any share or shares of Series C
Preferred Stock are
surrendered  for  conversion  (such  price, or such price as last adjusted,
being referred
to as the "Conversion
Price").   Such  rights of conversion shall  be  exercised  by  the  holder
thereof by giving
written notice that
the holder elects  to  convert  a  stated  number  of  shares  of  Series C
Preferred Stock into shares
of  Common Stock and by surrender of a certificate or certificates for  the
shares so to
be converted to the
Corporation  at its principal office (or such other office or agency of the
as the Corporation
may designate  by  notice  in  writing  to  the  holders  of  the  Series C
Preferred Stock) at any time
during  its usual business hours, together with a statement of the name  or
(with address) in which
the certificate or certificates for shares of Common Stock shall be issued.

         6.2  Issuance of Certificates; Time Conversion Effected.  Promptly
after the
receipt of
the written  notice  referred  to  in subparagraph 6.1 and surrender of the
certificate or
certificates for the
share or shares of Series C Convertible  Preferred  Stock  to be converted,
Corporation shall issue and
deliver, or cause to be issued and delivered, to the holder,  registered in
such name or
names as such holder
may direct, a certificate or certificates for the number of whole shares of
Stock issuable upon
the  conversion  of such share or shares of Series C Convertible  Preferred
Stock.  To
the extent permitted
by law, such conversion  shall  be  deemed  to  have  been effected and the
Price shall be
determined  as of the close of business on the date on which  such  written
notice shall
have been received
by the Corporation  and  the  certificate or certificates for such share or
shares shall
have been surrendered
as aforesaid, and at such time  the  rights  of the holder of such share or
shares of
Series C Convertible
Preferred Stock shall cease, and the person or  persons  in  whose  name or
names any
certificate or
certificates  for  shares  of  Common  Stock  shall  be  issuable upon such
conversion shall
be deemed to have
become the holder or holders of record of the shares represented thereby.

         6.3  Fractional Shares; Partial Conversion.  No fractional  shares
shall be
issued upon
conversion  of  Series  C Convertible Preferred Stock into shares of Common
Stock.  At
the time of each
conversion, the Corporation  shall  pay  in  cash  an  amount  equal to all
accrued and unpaid on
the  shares  of  Series  C  Convertible  Preferred  Stock  surrendered  for
conversion to the
date upon which such
conversion  is  deemed  to  take place as provided in subparagraph 6.2.  In
case the
number of shares of
Series C Convertible Preferred  Stock  represented  by  the  certificate or
surrendered pursuant to
subparagraph  6.1  exceeds  the number of shares converted, the Corporation
upon such conversion,
execute and deliver to the holder, at the expense of the Corporation, a new
certificate or certificates for
the number of shares of Series C Convertible Preferred Stock represented by
certificate or certificates
surrendered which are not to  be  converted.   If  any  fractional share of
Common Stock
would, except for
the provisions of the first sentence of this subparagraph 6.3, be delivered
upon such
conversion, the
Corporation, in lieu of delivering such fractional share,  shall pay to the
surrendering the Series C
Convertible Preferred Stock for conversion an amount in cash  equal  to the
market price of such
fractional  share as determined in good faith by the Board of Directors  of

         6.4   Adjustment  of  the Conversion Price.  Except as provided in
6.5, if
and whenever the Corporation shall  issue  or  sell,  or  is deemed to have
issued or sold,
at any time, whether
in a public or private offering or sale or otherwise, any shares  of Common
Stock for a
consideration per
share  less  than  the  lesser  of  (i)  the  Conversion  Price  in  effect
immediately prior to
such issue or sale and
(ii) the Fair Market Value (as herein defined) of a share of Common Stock
immediately prior to such issue
or  sale,  then,  forthwith  upon  such issue or sale, the Conversion Price
shall be
reduced by an amount equal
to: (x) the difference between (1) the  greater of (A) the Conversion Price
in effect
immediately prior to
such issue or sale or (B) the Fair Market Value of a share of Common Stock
immediately prior to such
issue or sale and (2) the price at which the Corporation issued or sold, or
is deemed
to have issued or
sold, such share of Common Stock; multiplied by (y) the number of shares of
Common Stock issued
(including  the  maximum number of shares issuable  upon  the  exercise  of
Options (as
defined herein) or
conversion of Convertible  Securities  (as  defined herein)) at such price;
and divided
by the number of
shares of Common Stock (determined on a fully-diluted basis) outstanding
immediately prior to such
issuance or sale.  Such adjustment shall be made successively each time any
described in this
subparagraph  6.4  shall  occur.  For purposes of  applying  the  foregoing
provisions of
this subparagraph 6.4,
the following subparagraphs shall be applicable:

              (i)  In case  at any time the Corporation shall in any manner
grant (whether
         directly or by assumption  in  a merger or otherwise) any warrants
or other
rights to
         subscribe for or to purchase, or  any options for the purchase of,
shares of
Common Stock
         or  any stock or security convertible  into  or  exchangeable  for
shares of Common
         (such  warrants, rights or options being called "Options" and such
convertible or
         exchangeable   stock   or  securities  being  called  "Convertible
Securities"), whether
or not
         such  Options  or  the right  to  convert  or  exchange  any  such
Securities are
         immediately exercisable,  and the price per share for which shares
of Common
Stock are
         issuable upon the exercise  of such Options or upon the conversion
or exchange
of such
         Convertible Securities (determined by dividing (A) (x) in the case
of an Option
         relating to Convertible Securities,  the  total  amount,  if  any,
received or
receivable by the
         Corporation as consideration for the granting of all such Options,
plus the
         aggregate  amount  of  additional  consideration  payable  to  the
Corporation upon
the exercise
         of  all  such  Options or (y) in the case of an Option relating to
Securities, the
         total amount, if any, received or receivable by the Corporation as
for the
         granting of such  Options,  plus  the  minimum aggregate amount of
         payable to the Corporation upon the exercise  of all such Options,
plus the
         aggregate amount of additional consideration, if  any,  payable to
Corporation upon the
         issue  or  sale  of  all  such  Convertible  Securities  and  upon
conversion or
exchange of all
         such  Convertible  Securities  by  (B) the total maximum number of
shares of
         Stock  issuable upon the exercise of  such  Options  or  upon  the
conversion or
exchange of
         all such Convertible Securities issuable upon the exercise of such
shall be less
         than the  lesser of (1) the Conversion Price in effect immediately
prior to the
granting of
         such Options  and  (2)  the Fair Market Value of a share of Common
Stock in
         immediately prior to the  time  of  the  granting of such Options,
then the total
         number of shares of Common Stock issuable  upon  the  exercise  of
such Options
or upon
         conversion  or  exchange  of  the  total  maximum  amount  of such
         issuable upon the exercise of such Options shall be deemed to have
been issued
for such
         price  per  share  as  of the date of granting of such Options and
thereafter shall
be deemed
         to be outstanding.  Except  as  otherwise provided in subparagraph
(iii) below,
no further
         adjustment of the Conversion Price  shall  be made upon the actual
issue of such
         Stock  or  of such Convertible Securities upon  exercise  of  such
Options or upon
the actual
         issue of such  shares  of Common Stock upon conversion or exchange
of such

              (ii) In case at any  time the Corporation shall in any manner
issue (whether
         directly or by assumption in  a  merger  or otherwise) or sell any
         whether  or  not  the  rights  to  exchange  or convert  any  such
Securities are
         immediately exercisable, and the price per share  for which shares
of Common
Stock are
         issuable upon such conversion or exchange (determined  by dividing
(A) the
total amount
         received or receivable by the Corporation as consideration for the
issue or sale
of all such
         Convertible  Securities,  plus  the  minimum  aggregate amount  of
         if any, payable to the Corporation upon the conversion or exchange
thereof by
(B) the
         total maximum number of shares of Common Stock issuable upon the
conversion or
         exchange of all such Convertible Securities) shall  be  less  than
the lesser of (1)
         Conversion Price in effect immediately prior to such issue or sale
and (2) the
Fair Market
         Value  of  a  share of Common Stock in effect immediately prior to
the time of
such issue
         or sale, then the  total  maximum number of shares of Common Stock
         conversion or exchange of all such Convertible Securities shall be
deemed to
have been
         issued for such price per share  as  of  the  date of the issue or
sale of such
         Securities  and  thereafter  shall  be  deemed to be  outstanding,
provided that (x)
except as
         otherwise  provided  in  subparagraph  (iii)   below,  no  further
adjustment of the
         Price shall be made upon the actual issue of such shares of Common
         conversion or exchange of such Convertible Securities  and  (y) if
any such issue
or sale
         of  such  Convertible  Securities  is  made  upon  exercise of any
Options to
purchase any such
         Convertible  Securities  for  which adjustments of the  Conversion
Price have
been or are to
         be made pursuant to any other provisions of this subparagraph 6.4,
no further
         of the Conversion Price shall be  made  by reason of such issue or

              (iii)     Upon the happening of any  of the following events,
namely, if the
         purchase  price  provided  for  in  any  Option  referred   to  in
subparagraph (i)
above, the
         number   of  shares  of  Common  Stock  or  number  or  amount  of
         subject to  such  Option,  the  additional  consideration, if any,
payable upon the
exercise of
         any Option referred to in subparagraph (i) above  which relates to
         the additional consideration, if any, payable upon  the conversion
or exchange
of any
         Convertible  Securities  referred to in subparagraph (i)  or  (ii)
above, or the rate
at which
         Convertible Securities referred  to  in  subparagraph  (i) or (ii)
above are
convertible into or
         exchangeable for shares of Common Stock, shall change at  any time
but not
         limited  to, changes under or by reason of provisions designed  to
protect against
         the Conversion  Price  in  effect  at the time of such event shall
forthwith be
readjusted to
         the Conversion Price which would have  been in effect at such time
(subject to
any other
         adjustments under the other provisions of  this  subparagraph  6.4
subsequent to
the time of
         such initial grant, issue or sale) had such Options or Convertible
         outstanding  provided  for such changed purchase price, additional
         conversion  rate, as the  case  may  be,  at  the  time  initially
granted, issued or
sold, but only
         if as a result  of  such  adjustment  the Conversion Price then in
effect hereunder
is thereby
         reduced; and on the expiration of any Option or the termination of
any right to
         or exchange Convertible Securities, the  Conversion  Price then in
hereunder shall
         forthwith  be  adjusted  to the Conversion Price which would  have
been in effect
at the time
         of such expiration or termination  had  such Option or Convertible
Securities, to
the extent
         outstanding immediately prior to such expiration  or  termination,
never been
issued and
         thereafter  the  shares of Common Stock theretofore issuable  upon
the exercise
of such
         Option  or  the  conversion   or   exchange  of  such  Convertible
Securities shall no
longer be
         deemed to be outstanding.

              (iv) In case the Corporation shall declare a dividend or make
any other
         distribution upon any stock of the Corporation  payable in Options
         Securities  (except for (A) dividends or other distributions  upon
the Series C
         Preferred Stock  to the exclusion of any other class or series or,
if other classes
or series
         participate in such  dividend  or  distribution, then dividends or
declared ratably
         (as determined in good faith by the  Board  of  Directors  of  the
among the
         Series  C  Convertible  Preferred  Stock and such other classes or
series, and (B)
the issuance
         of stock dividends or distributions upon the outstanding shares of
Stock for
         which  adjustment  is  made pursuant to  any  other  paragraph  or
hereof), the
         provisions of this subparagraph  6.4  shall  be applicable, except
that any
Options or
         Convertible Securities, as the case may be, issuable in payment of
dividend or
         distribution shall be deemed to have been issued  or  sold without
         purposes  of  calculating  the consideration in subparagraphs  (i)
through (iii)

              (v)   In  case  any  shares   of  Common  Stock,  Options  or
Convertible Securities
         shall  be  issued  or  sold for cash, the  consideration  received
therefor shall be
deemed to be
         the amount received by the Corporation therefor, without deduction
of any
         expenses incurred or any  underwriting  commissions or concessions
paid or
allowed by the
         Corporation in connection therewith.  In case any shares of Common
Options or
         Convertible Securities shall be issued or sold for a consideration
other than
cash, the
         amount  of  the  consideration  other than cash  received  by  the
Corporation, for
purposes of
         calculating the consideration in  subparagraphs  (i) through (iii)
above, shall be
deemed to
         be  the fair value of such consideration as determined  reasonably
and in good
faith by the
         Board  of  Directors  of the Corporation, without deduction of any
incurred or any
         underwriting commissions  or  concessions  paid  or allowed by the
Corporation in
         connection   therewith.    In  case  any  Options  or  Convertible
Securities shall be
issued in
         connection with the issue and  sale  of  other  securities  of the
         comprising   one   integral   transaction  in  which  no  specific
consideration is
allocated to such
         Options or Convertible Securities  by  the  parties  thereto, such
Options and
         Securities   shall   be  deemed  to  have  been  issued  for  such
consideration as
         reasonably and in good  faith  by  the  Board  of Directors of the

              (vi)  In  case  the  Corporation shall take a record  of  the
holders of shares of
         Common Stock or any other class  of stock or series thereof of the
for the
         purpose  of  entitling them (A) to receive  a  dividend  or  other
payable in shares
         of Common Stock,  Options  or  Convertible  Securities  or  (B) to
subscribe for or
         shares  of  Common  Stock, Options or Convertible Securities, then
such record
date shall
         be deemed to be the date  of  the  issue  or sale of the shares of
Common Stock  to
be issued
         or sold upon the declaration of such dividend  or  the  making  of
such other
distribution or
         the  date  of  the  granting  of  such  right  of  subscription or
purchase, as the case
may be.

              (vii)     The number of shares of Common Stock outstanding at
any time
shall not
         include shares of Common Stock owned or held by or for the account
of the
         and  the disposition of any such shares of Common Stock  shall  be
considered an
issue or
         sale  of   shares   of  Common  Stock  for  the  purpose  of  this
subparagraph 6.4

         6.5  Certain Issues of  Common Stock Excepted.  Anything herein to
notwithstanding,  the  Corporation  shall  not  be  required  to  make  any
adjustment of
the Conversion Price
in the case of any issuances, from and  after  the  date of filing of these
terms of the
Series C Convertible
Preferred  Stock,  of (i) shares of Common Stock or Options  to  directors,
employees or consultants
of the Corporation pursuant to a stock option or incentive plan approved by
affirmative vote of at least
a majority of the outstanding  shares  of  Series  C  Convertible Preferred
Stock or (ii)
shares of Common
Stock upon the exercise of any such Options.

         6.6   Subdivision  or Combination of Common Stock.   In  case  the
shall at
any time subdivide (by any stock  split,  stock  dividend or otherwise) its
shares of Common
Stock  into  a  greater number of shares, the Conversion  Price  in  effect
prior to such subdivision
shall be proportionately  reduced, and, conversely, in case the outstanding
shares of
Common Stock shall
be combined into a smaller number of shares, the Conversion Price in effect
immediately prior to such
combination shall be proportionately  increased.   In  the case of any such
no further adjustment
shall be made pursuant to subparagraph 6.4(iv) by reason thereof.

         6.7   Fundamental  Changes.   In  case of any reclassification  or
change of the
shares of Common Stock, sale or conveyance of  substantially all the assets
of the
Corporation, or
consolidation or merger of the Corporation with  another corporation (each,
"Fundamental Change"), a
holder of a share of Series C Convertible Preferred  Stock then outstanding
thereafter have the right
to receive upon conversion the kind and amount of shares of stock and other
securities and property
receivable upon such Fundamental Change by a holder of the number of shares
Common Stock which
the holder of such share of Series C Convertible Preferred Stock would have
had the
right to receive upon
conversion immediately prior to such Fundamental Change,  at  a price equal
to the
Conversion Price then
in effect pertaining to such share of Series C Convertible Preferred Stock,
however, that the
Corporation shall not permit, or enter into an agreement which  will result
in a
Fundamental Change unless
such Fundamental Change has been approved by the vote of the holders  of at
two-thirds of the then
outstanding   shares  of  Series  C  Convertible  Preferred  Stock,  voting
separately as a
single class.

         6.8  Fair  Market  Value.   For  purposes of this paragraph 6, the
"Fair Market
Value" of
a share of Common Stock shall be the fair market value of such a share as
determined by the Board of
Directors of the Corporation in the good faith  exercise  of  its informed,
judgment for the purposes
of  the  then  applicable  issuance  or  sale; provided, however, that  the
shall, within five days of
such determination give to the holders of  Series  C  Convertible Preferred
written notice of such
determination  and the basis therefor; provided, further,  that  such  Fair
Value shall be the fair
market value of  such  share  of the Corporation determined by an appraisal
if, within
15 days of receipt of
such  notice,  the  holders  of  a majority  of  the  shares  of  Series  C
Convertible Preferred
Stock then
outstanding shall so elect by service  of written notice on the Corporation
to such
effect.  In the event that
the Fair Market Value of a share of Common Stock is, in accordance with the
immediately preceding
proviso,  to  be  determined  by  an appraisal,  such  appraisal  shall  be
conducted by a
regionally or nationally
recognized  independent  appraiser with  experience  in  the  appraisal  of
similar to those of the
Corporation and mutually acceptable to the Corporation and the holders of a
majority of the shares of
Series  C Convertible Preferred  Stock  then  outstanding.   All  fees  and
associated with the appraisal
shall be  paid  by  the  Corporation.   The  valuation made in an appraisal
pursuant to
this subparagraph 6.8
shall be made in conformity with standard appraisal  techniques  in  use at
the time of
such appraisal,
including,  without  limitation,  discounted  cash  flow analysis and shall
apply the
market and economic facts
then  relevant.   The  Corporation  shall  cause  any  appraiser  appointed
pursuant to
this subparagraph 6.8 to
report  in  writing  to  the  Corporation  and  the  holders  of  Series  C
Preferred Stock the results
of  the  appraisal,  including  the Fair Market Value of a share of  Common
Stock as of
the time such
determination  is  to be made in accordance  with  this  subparagraph  6.8.
Within five
days after any
appraiser appointed  pursuant  to this subparagraph 6.8 delivers its report
to the
Corporation as to the Fair
Market Value of a share of Common  Stock, the Corporation shall give to the
of Series C
Convertible Preferred Stock a copy of  such  appraisal report.  Such report
shall be
binding on the
Corporation and the holders of the Series C Convertible Preferred Stock.

         6.9  Notice of Adjustment.  Upon any  adjustment of the Conversion
Price, then
in  each such case the Corporation shall give written  notice  thereof,  by
delivery in
person, certified or
registered mail, return receipt requested, or telecopier, addressed to each
holder of
shares of Series C
Convertible  Preferred  Stock at the address of such holder as shown by the
records of
the Corporation,
which  notice  shall  state   the  Conversion  Price  resulting  from  such
setting forth in reasonable
detail the method upon which such calculation is based.

         6.10 Other Notices.  In  case  at  any  time:  (i) the Corporation
shall declare any
upon  its  Common  Stock  payable  in  cash  or  stock or  make  any  other
distribution to
the holders of its
Common Stock; (ii) the Corporation shall offer for subscription pro rata to
holders of its Common
Stock any additional shares of stock of any class  or  other  rights; (iii)
there shall be
any capital
reorganization or reclassification of the capital stock of the Corporation,
or a
consolidation or merger of
the Corporation with or into another entity or entities, or a sale, lease,
abandonment, transfer or other
disposition of all or substantially all its assets; or (iv) there  shall be
a voluntary or
involuntary dissolution,
liquidation  or winding up of the Corporation; then, in any one or more  of
said cases,
the Corporation shall
give, by delivery  in  person, certified or registered mail, return receipt
requested, or
telecopier, addressed
to each holder of any shares of Series C Convertible Preferred Stock at the
of such holder as
shown by the records of  the  Corporation,  (x)  at  least  20  days' prior
written notice of
the date on which
the  books  of  the Corporation shall close or a record shall be taken  for
such dividend,
distribution or
subscription rights  or  for  determining  rights to vote in respect of any
reorganization, reclassification,
consolidation, merger, disposition, dissolution,  liquidation or winding up
and (y) in
the case of any such
reorganization,   reclassification,  consolidation,  merger,   disposition,
liquidation or winding up,
at least 20 days' prior written notice of the date when the same shall take
Such notice in
accordance with the foregoing clause (x) shall also specify, in the case of
any such
dividend, distribution
or subscription rights,  the  date on which the holders of shares of Common
shall be entitled thereto
and such notice in accordance with  the  foregoing  clause  (y)  shall also
specify the date
on which the
holders  of  shares  of  Common  Stock  shall be entitled to exchange their
shares of
Common Stock for
securities  or  other  property  deliverable   upon   such  reorganization,
consolidation, merger,
disposition, dissolution, liquidation or winding up, as the case may be.

         6.11  Reservation of Shares. The Corporation shall  at  all  times
reserve from its
authorized Common  Stock  a  sufficient  number  of  shares  to provide for
conversion of
all Series C
Convertible Preferred Stock from time to time outstanding. As  a  condition
to the taking of any
action which would cause an adjustment reducing the Conversion Price, the
Corporation will take such
corporate  action  as  may  be  necessary  in order that it may validly and
legally issue to
holders of Series C
Convertible Preferred Stock upon conversion  fully  paid and non-assessable
shares of
Common Stock at
such  adjusted  Conversion  Price.   If  the  Common  Stock  issuable  upon
conversion of
the Series C
Convertible  Preferred Stock is listed on any national securities  exchange
automated quotation system
of NASD, the Corporation  will  cause,  within 60 days of any such listing,
and within
60 days of any
adjustment reducing the Conversion Price,  all  shares  reserved  for  such
conversion to
be listed on such
exchange  or  automated  quotation  system,  subject  to official notice of
issuance upon
such conversion.

         6.12  Taxes.  The issuance of certificates for  shares  of  Common
Stock upon
of Series C Convertible Preferred Stock shall be made without charge to the
thereof for any
issuance tax in respect thereof, provided that the Corporation shall not be
to pay any tax which
may be payable in  respect  of  any  transfer  involved in the issuance and
delivery of
any certificate in a
name other than that of the holder of the Series  C  Convertible  Preferred
which is being converted.

         6.13 Closing of Books.  The Corporation will at no time close  its
transfer books
the  transfer  of any Series C Convertible Preferred Stock or of any shares
of Common
Stock issued or
issuable  upon the  conversion  of  any  shares  of  Series  C  Convertible
Preferred Stock
in any manner which
interferes  with  the  timely  conversion  of  such  Series  C  Convertible
Preferred Stock,
except as may
otherwise be required to comply with applicable securities laws.

         6.14 Definition of Common Stock.  As used in this paragraph 6, the
Stock" shall mean and include the Corporation's authorized Common Shares,
without par value, as
constituted  on  the  date  of  filing  of  these  terms  of  the  Series C
Convertible Preferred
Stock, and shall also
include  any  capital  stock  of  any  class  of the Corporation thereafter
authorized (other
than the Series C
Convertible Preferred Stock) which shall not be  limited  to a fixed sum or
in respect of the
rights  of  the  holders  thereof  to  participate in dividends or  in  the
distribution of
assets upon the voluntary
or involuntary liquidation, dissolution  or  winding up of the Corporation;
that the shares of
Common Stock receivable upon conversion of shares of Series C Convertible
Preferred Stock shall include
only shares designated as shares of Common Stock  of the Corporation on the
date of
filing of this
instrument,  or  in case of any reorganization or reclassification  of  the
shares thereof, the stock,
securities or assets provided for in subparagraph 6.7.

         6.15 Mandatory  Conversion.   If at any time the Corporation shall
effect a firm
commitment underwritten public offering  of shares of Common Stock in which
(i) the
aggregate price paid
for  such  shares by the public (net of underwriting  discounts  and  other
shall be at least
$25,000,000,  (ii)  the  public  offering price for such shares shall be at
least three times
the Conversion Price
in effect immediately prior to such  public offering and (iii)  the holders
of at least
two-thirds of the then
outstanding shares of Series C Convertible  Preferred  Stock  have approved
selection of the managing
underwriter of such public offering, then effective upon the closing of the
sale of such
shares by the
Corporation  pursuant  to  such public offering, all outstanding shares  of
Series C
Convertible Preferred
Stock shall automatically convert  to  shares  of Common Stock on the basis
set forth
in this paragraph 6.
Holders of shares of Series C Convertible Preferred  Stock so converted may
to the Corporation
at its principal office (or such other office or agency  of the Corporation
as the
Corporation may designate
by notice in writing to such holders) during its usual business  hours, the
or certificates for the
shares   so   converted.    As  promptly  as  practicable  thereafter,  the
Corporation shall
issue and deliver to such
holder a certificate or certificates  for  the  number  of  whole shares of
Common Stock
to which such holder
is  entitled,  together  with  any  cash dividends and payment in  lieu  of
shares to which such holder
may be entitled pursuant to subparagraph  6.3.  Until such time as a holder
of shares
of Series C
Convertible Preferred Stock shall surrender  his,  her  or its certificates
therefor as
provided above, such
certificates  shall  be deemed to represent the shares of Common  Stock  to
which such
holder shall be
entitled upon the surrender thereof.

    7.   Redemption.   The  shares  of Series C Convertible Preferred Stock
shall be
redeemed as

         7.1  Mandatory Redemption.   Each  holder  of  shares  of Series C
Stock shall have the right by written notice delivered to the Company (a
"Redemption Notice") to request
the  Company  to  redeem  all  or  any  portion  of the shares of Series  C
Preferred Stock held by
such holder at any time following the earlier of (i)  the sixth anniversary
of the date
of first issuance of
any shares of Series C Convertible Preferred Stock or (ii) unless waived by
holders of at least 75%
of  the  outstanding  shares of Series C Convertible Preferred  Stock,  the
occurrence of
any of the following

              (a)  The  Corporation   shall  default  in the payment of any
installment of
         principal  or  interest  under  any  subordinated  note   of   the
Corporation issued
pursuant to the
         Securities  Purchase  Agreement  among  the  Corporation,  Inroads
Partners, L.P.,
         Mesirow Capital Partners VII, L.P., Edgewater Private Equity  Fund
II, L.P.,
Michael F.
         McCoy  and  William L. Wildman (the "Purchase Agreement") when the
         become due and payable, and such default shall continue unremedied
for a
period of five
         business days after the date payment is due;

              (b)  The  Corporation shall default in the performance of any
         condition or agreement  on  its  part  to be performed or observed
pursuant to the
terms of
         the  Purchase Agreement, unless waived pursuant  to  the  Purchase
and such
         default  shall  continue  unremedied  for a period of ten business
days after the
delivery to
         the Corporation of written notice thereof;

              (c)  Any representation or warranty  made  by the Corporation
in the
         Agreement  shall  fail  to  be  true  and correct in any  material
respect when made
or deemed
         to  have  been  made  pursuant to the Purchase  Agreement,  unless
pursuant to the
         Purchase Agreement;

              (d)  The Corporation  shall: (i) file a petition commencing a
voluntary case
         under any chapter of Title 11 of the United States Code; (ii) make
a general
         for the benefit of creditors; (iii) admit in writing its inability
to pay its debts as
         mature;  (iv)  file  an  application   for,   or  consent  to  the
appointment of, any
receiver or a
         permanent  or  interim  trustee  of  the  Corporation,  including,
without limitation,
         appointment or authorization of a trustee, receiver or agent under
law or under
         a  contract  to  take charge of its property for  the  purpose  of
enforcing a lien
against such
         property or for the  purpose  of  general  administration  of such
property for the
benefit of
         its creditors; (v) file a petition seeking a reorganization of its
financial affairs
or to take
         advantage   of   any   bankruptcy,   reorganization,   insolvency,
readjustment of
debt, dissolution
         or liquidation law or statute, or an answer admitting the material
of a petition
         filed against it in any proceeding  under such law or statute;  or
(vi) take any
         action for the purpose of effecting any of the foregoing;

              (e)  An involuntary case is commenced against the Corporation
by the filing
         of  a  petition  under  chapter 7 or chapter 11 of Title 11 of the
United States
Code and
         within 60 days after the filing thereof either the petition is not
dismissed or an
order for
         relief is entered therein;  or  an  order,  judgment  or decree is
entered against the
         or against all or any portion of its property, including,  without
limitation, the
entry of an
         order,  judgment  or  decree  appointing or authorizing a trustee,
receiver or
agent to take
         charge  of  the property of the Corporation  for  the  purpose  of
administration of
         such property  or  for the benefit of creditors of the Corporation
and such order,
         or decree shall continue unstayed and in effect for a period of 60
days; or an
         judgment or decree is  entered, without the approval or consent of
         approving   or   authorizing   the   reorganization,   insolvency,
readjustment of debt,
         or liquidation of  the  Corporation  under any law or statute, and
such order,
judgment or
         decree shall continue unstayed and in  effect  for  a period of 60
days; and

              (f)  The Corporation shall sell, lease, abandon,  transfer or
otherwise dispose
         of  all  or  substantially all of its assets, except in connection
with any such
         effected in the form of a securitization.

         7.2  Redemption Price and Payment.  Shares of Series C Convertible
for which redemption is  requested  pursuant  to  subparagraph 7.1 shall be
on the tenth business
day  following  delivery to the Corporation of the Redemption  Notice  (the
Date") by paying
on the Redemption Date an amount in cash equal to $1,000 per share plus (i)
amount equal to all
dividends declared  but unpaid thereon, computed to the date of redemption,
amount being referred
to as the "Redemption  Price")  and  (ii) in the case of any failure by the
Corporation to
redeem such share
on the Redemption Date, interest at a  rate  of 13.5%, compounded annually,
on the
Redemption Price from
the Redemption Date through the actual date of  redemption.  The Redemption
shall be paid only
upon surrender of the certificate or certificates  representing  the shares
to be
redeemed.  If fewer than all
of  the  shares  represented by a certificate are to be redeemed, then  the
shall issue a
replacement certificate for the unredeemed shares.

         7.3  Redemption  Mechanics.   From and after the close of business
on the
Date,  unless there shall have  been  a  default  in  the  payment  of  the
Price, all rights of holders
of shares  of  Series  C  Convertible  Preferred Stock (except the right to
receive the
Redemption Price) for
which  redemption  has been requested shall  cease  with  respect  to  such
shares, and
such shares shall not
thereafter be transferred  on  the books of the Corporation or be deemed to
outstanding for any purpose
whatsoever.   If  the  funds  of  the  Corporation  legally  available  for
redemption of
shares of Series C
Convertible Preferred Stock on the  Redemption  Date  are  insufficient  to
redeem the
number of outstanding
shares  of  Series  C  Convertible Preferred Stock for which redemption has
requested, the holders of
shares of Series C Convertible  Preferred  Stock  for  which redemption has
requested shall share ratably
in any funds legally available for redemption of such shares  according  to
respective amounts which
would  be  payable  with respect to the full number of shares owned by them
for which
redemption has been
requested.  The shares of Series C Convertible Preferred Stock not redeemed
remain outstanding and
entitled to all rights  and  preferences  provided  herein.   At  any  time
thereafter when
additional funds of the
Corporation  are  legally  available  for  the redemption of such shares of
Series C
Convertible Preferred
Stock, such funds will be used to redeem the  balance  of  such  shares for
redemption has been
requested,  or  such  portion  thereof  for  which  funds  are then legally
available, on the
basis set forth above.

         7.4   Redeemed  or  Otherwise Acquired Shares to be Retired.   Any
shares of
Series C
Convertible  Preferred Stock redeemed  pursuant  to  this  paragraph  7  or
acquired by the
Corporation in  any manner whatsoever shall be canceled and shall not under
circumstances be
reissued; and the Corporation may from time to time take such appropriate
corporate action as may be
necessary to reduce accordingly the number of authorized shares of Series C
Convertible Preferred Stock.

    8.   Record Holders.   The  Corporation and its transfer agent, if any,
for the Series
Convertible Preferred Stock may deem  and  treat  the  record holder of any
shares of
Series C Convertible
Preferred Stock as the sole true and lawful owner thereof for all purposes,
neither the Corporation nor
any such transfer agent shall be affected by any notice to the contrary.

    9.    Amendments.   No  provision  of  these  terms  of  the  Series  C
Preferred Stock
may  be  amended,  modified or waived without the affirmative vote  of  the
holders of
at least two-thirds of
the then outstanding shares of Series C Convertible Preferred Stock.

