SECOND AMENDMENT

                            DATED AS OF JUNE 20, 1996


                         AND AMENDED AS OF APRIL 5, 1996

         AMENDMENT  dated  as of June  20,  1996 to the  Rights  Agreement  (the
"Rights Agreement") dated as of January 19, 1996 and Amended as of April 5, 1996
between  MK Rail  Corporation,  a  Delaware  corporation  (the  "Company"),  and
Chase Mellon Shareholder Services, L.L.C. (the "Rights Agent").
         Pursuant  to  resolutions  adopted  by the  Board of  Directors  of the
Company on June 17, 1996 and the  authority  vested in the Board of Directors of
the  Company  by Section 27 of the Rights  Agreement,  the Rights  Agreement  is
hereby amended as follows:
                                     PART I
         The  amendments to the Rights  Agreement set forth in this Part I shall
be effective as of the date of execution of this Amendment by the undersigned.
     i.   Section 1(c) of the Rights Agreement is hereby amended and restated in
          its entirety as follows:

                  (c)  "Affiliate"  and  "Associate"  shall have the  respective
         meanings  ascribed to such terms in Rule 12b-2 of the General Rules and
         Regulations under the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the
         "Exchange Act"), as in effect on the date of this Agreement;  provided,
         however,  that no director or officer of the Company shall be deemed an
         Affiliate or Associate of any other  director or officer of the Company
         solely as a result of his or her being a  director  or  officer  of the
         Company; and provided further that

                                      - 1 -

         the MK Creditors  shall not be deemed  Affiliates  or Associates of one
         another or of MK solely by reason of any or all of the following:

                  (1) negotiations by or among any of such MK Creditors or by or
         among  any  of  such  MK  Creditors  and  MK  in  connection  with  any
         restructuring or reorganization of MK;

                  (2) the MK  Creditors or MK agreeing  upon,  voting as a class
         upon, or acting to effect confirmation of the MK Plan; or

                  (3) the MK Creditors or MK entering into, agreeing to be bound
         by, or acting in accordance with the MK Rail Stockholders Agreement.

     ii.  Section 1(d) of the Rights Agreement is hereby amended and restated in
          its entirety as follows:
                  (d) A Person  shall be deemed  the  "Beneficial  Owner" of and
         shall  be  deemed  to  "Beneficially   Own"  and  to  have  "Beneficial
         Ownership" of any securities:

                           (i)  which  such  Person  or  any  of  such  Person's
                  Affiliates  or  Associates   beneficially  owns,  directly  or
                  indirectly  (as  determined  pursuant  to  Rule  13d-3  of the
                  General  Rules and  Regulations  under the  Exchange Act as in
                  effect on the date of this Agreement);

                           (ii)  which  such  Person  or  any of  such  Person's
                  Affiliates or Associates has (A) the right to acquire (whether
                  such  right  is  exercisable  immediately  or only  after  the
                  passage of time)  pursuant to any agreement,  arrangement,  or
                  understanding   (other  than  customary  agreements  with  and
                  between underwriters and selling group members with respect to
                  a bona  fide  public  offering  of  securities),  or upon  the
                  exercise of conversion rights,  exchange rights, rights (other
                  than  these  Rights),   warrants  or  options,  or  otherwise;
                  provided,  however,  that a Person  shall  not be  deemed  the
                  Beneficial  Owner  of,  or to  Beneficially  Own  or  to  have
                  Beneficial Ownership of, (1) securities tendered pursuant to a
                  tender or  exchange  offer made by or on behalf of such Person
                  or any of such Person's Af filiates or  Associates  until such
                  tendered  securities  are accepted for purchase or exchange or
                  (2)  securities  issuable  upon  exercise of the Rights at any
                  time prior to the Distribution  Date; or (B) the right to vote
                  pursuant  to any  agreement,  arrangement,  or  understanding;
                  provided,  however,  that a Person  shall  not be  deemed  the
                  Beneficial  Owner  of,  or to  Beneficially  Own  or  to  have
                  Beneficial  Ownership  of,  any  security  if  the  agreement,
                  arrangement, or understanding to vote such security (1) arises
                  solely from a revocable  proxy or consent given to such Person
                  in response  to a public  proxy or consent  solicitation  made
                  pursuant to, and in accordance  with, the applicable rules and
                  regulations  promulgated under the Exchange Act and (2) is not
                  also then reportable on Schedule 13D under theExchange Act (or
                  any comparable or successor report); or

                                      - 2 -


                           (iii)  which  are  beneficially  owned,  directly  or
                  indirectly,  by any other Person with which such Person or any
                  of such Person's  Affiliates or Associates  has any agreement,
                  arrangement, or understanding (other than customary agreements
                  with and between  underwriters  and selling group members with
                  respect to a bona fide public  offering of securities) for the
                  purpose of acquiring,  holding,  voting  (except to the extent
                  contemplated  by  the  proviso  to  Section  1(d)(ii)(B)),  or
                  disposing of any securities of the Company.

                  Notwithstanding  anything  in this  definition  of  Beneficial
         Ownership to the contrary:

                           (1) the  phrase  "then  outstanding,"  when used with
                  reference to a Person's Beneficial  Ownership of securities of
                  the  Company,  shall mean the number of such  securities  then
                  issued  and  outstanding  together  with  the  number  of such
                  securities not then actually issued and outstanding  that such
                  Person would be deemed to own beneficially hereunder;

                           (2) none of the MK  Creditors  shall be  deemed to be
                  the Beneficial  Owner of, or to  Beneficially  Own, or to have
                  Beneficial   Ownership   of,  Common  Shares  of  the  Company
                  Beneficially  Owned by any other MK  Creditor  or MK solely by
                  reason of any or all of the following:

                                    (a)  negotiations by or among any of such MK
                  Creditors  or by or among any of such MK  Creditors  and MK in
                  connection with any restructuring or reorganization of MK;

                                    (b) the MK  Creditors  or MK agreeing  upon,
                  voting as a class upon,  or acting to effect  confirmation  of
                  the MK Plan; or

                                    (c) the MK  Creditors  or MK entering  into,
                  agreeing to be bound by, and acting in accordance  with the MK
                  Rail Stockholders Agreement.
     iii. Section 1 of the  Rights  Agreement  is  hereby  amended  by  deleting
          subsection  (ll) in its  entirety  and adding new  subsections  (l-1),
          (l-2), (l-3), (l-4), (l-5), and (l-6) immediately following subsection
          (l) as follows:
                  (l-1)  "Liquidating  Trust" shall mean the  Liquidating  Trust
         established  pursuant  to the  terms  of the MK Plan  and  the  trustee

                  (l-2) "MK" shall mean Morrison Knudsen Corporation, a Delaware
         corporation, Morrison Knudsen Corporation, an Ohio corporation, and the
         Subsidiaries of each, but

                                      - 3 -

         shall not include the Company.

                  (l-3) "MK  Creditors"  shall mean the  creditors of MK who are
         designated  to receive  Common  Shares of the Company in any case under
         Title  11 of the  United  States  Code or as a result  of any  creditor
         foreclosure.  The term MK Creditors  shall also include the Liquidating

                  (l-4) "MK Plan"  shall  mean a  Conforming  Plan as defined in
         Section   5.3(a)(ii)  of  the  Note   Cancellation  and   Restructuring

                  (l-5)  "MK  Rail   Stockholders   Agreement"  shall  mean  the
         Stockholders  Agreement  relating to the  Company in the form  attached
         hereto as Exhibit 1.

                  (l-6) "Note  Cancellation and  Restructuring  Agreement" shall
         mean the Note Cancellation and Restructuring Agreement by and among the
         Company and MK in the form attached hereto as Exhibit 2.

     iv.  Section 1(m) of the Rights Agreement is hereby amended and restated in
          its entirety as follows:
                  (m) "Person" shall mean any individual,  firm, corporation, or
         other  entity  (including a trust),  and shall  include any assignee or
         successor (by merger or otherwise) of such entity.

                                     PART II
         The amendments to the Rights  Agreement set forth in this Part II shall
become  effective only upon the Note  Cancellation and  Restructuring  Agreement
becoming effective in accordance with Section 2 thereof.

     1.   Section 1(a) of the Rights  Agreement shall be amended and restated in
          its entirety as follows:
                  (a) "Acquiring  Person" shall mean any Person (as such term is
         hereinafter  defined) who or which,  together with all  Affiliates  and
         Associates  (as such terms are  hereinafter  defined)  of such  Person,
         shall be the Beneficial Owner (as such term is hereinafter  defined) of
         15% or more of the Common Shares of the Company then

                                      - 4 -

         outstanding, but shall not include the Company, any Subsidiary (as such
         term is hereinafter  defined) of the Company, any employee benefit plan
         of the Company or any Subsidiary of the Company,  or any entity holding
         Common  Shares  for  or  pursuant  to  the  terms  of  any  such  plan.
         Notwithstanding the foregoing:

                  (1)  a  Grandfathered  Stockholder  shall  not  be  deemed  an
         Acquiring  Person for purposes of this  Agreement  unless and until (A)
         such Grandfathered  Stockholder,  or any Affiliate or Associate of such
         Grandfathered  Stockholder,  acquires,  after the time that such Person
         first becomes a Grandfathered Stockholder,  Beneficial Ownership of any
         additional  Common  Shares of the  Company,  in which case such  Person
         shall no longer be deemed a "Grandfathered  Stockholder," or (B) in the
         case of a Grandfathered  Stockholder who,  together with all Affiliates
         and Associates of such Grandfathered Stockholder, Beneficially Owns 20%
         or more of the Common Shares of the Company then outstanding,  a Change
         of Control  Event (as such term is  hereinafter  defined)  occurs  with
         respect to such Grandfathered  Stockholder,  in which case, such Person
         shall no  longer  be deemed a  "Grandfathered  Stockholder;"  provided,
         however,  that the  exception  set forth in Section  1(a)(1)(B)  hereof
         regarding  the  occurrence  of a Change in Control  Event  shall not be
         applicable with respect to any Grandfathered  Stockholder who does not,
         upon the occurrence of such Change in Control Event,  Beneficially Own,
         together with its Affiliates and Associates,  20% or more of the Common
         Shares of the Company then outstanding.

                  (2) no Person shall become an "Acquiring Person" as the result
         of an acquisition  of Common Shares by the Company  which,  by reducing
         the number of shares outstanding, increases the proportionate number of
         shares Beneficially Owned by such Person,  together with all Affiliates
         and  Associates of such Person,  to 15% or more of the Common Shares of
         the Company  then  outstanding;  provided,  however,  that if a Person,
         together  with all  Affiliates  and  Associates  of such Person,  shall
         become the Beneficial  Owner of 15% or more of the Common Shares of the
         Company then  outstanding  by reason of share  purchases by the Company
         and shall,  after  such  share  purchases  by the  Company,  become the
         Beneficial Owner of any additional  Common Shares of the Company,  then
         such Person shall be deemed to be an "Acquiring Person;"

                  (3) if the Board of  Directors  of the Company  determines  in
         good faith that a Person who would otherwise be an "Acquiring  Person,"
         as defined pursuant to the foregoing  provisions of this paragraph (a),
         has become such  inadvertently,  and such Person divests as promptly as
         practicable  a sufficient  number of Common  Shares so that such Person
         would no longer be an  "Acquiring  Person," as defined  pursuant to the
         foregoing  provisions of this paragraph (a), then such Person shall not
         be  deemed  to be an  "Acquiring  Person"  for  any  purposes  of  this
         Agreement; and

                  (4)  for  purposes  of  determining  whether  any MK  Creditor
         (together with its Affiliates or Associates)  Beneficially  Owns 15% or
         more of the  Common  Shares of the  Company  then  outstanding,  Common
         Shares of the Company  Beneficially Owned by such MK Creditor solely as
         a result of the receipt of such Common Shares pursuant to the

                                      - 5 -

         MK Plan or by reason of  foreclosure  by such MK Creditor  shall not be
         aggregated  with Common  Shares of the Company held by such MK Creditor
         (or  its  Affiliates  or  Associates),  in good  faith  and not for the
         purpose of circumventing the provisions of this Rights Agreement, as an
         agent, custodian,  executor, or trustee for or on behalf of one or more
         Beneficial Owners.

                  (5) a disbursing  agent  holding  Common Shares of the Company
         following  effectiveness  of an MK Plan that occurs after the condition
         to  effectiveness  required  to be added to the MK Plan by Exhibit D of
         the Note  Cancellation  Agreement (the "Mandatory Added  Condition") is
         satisfied, which Plan provides for distribution by the disbursing agent
         to MK Creditors of Common  Shares of the Company owned by MK, shall not
         be  deemed to be an  Acquiring  Person  solely by reason of  Beneficial
         Ownership  of such  shares to the extent  within  forty-five  (45) days
         following the Effective Date of the MK Plan it  distributes  the Common
         Shares to MK Creditors or  shareholders  of MK; provided the disbursing
         agent does not vote or  otherwise  take any action with  respect to the
         Common   Shares  other  than   distribute   them  to  MK  Creditors  or
         shareholders of MK.

     2.   Section 1(c) of the Rights Agreement is hereby amended and restated in
          its entirety as follows:
                  (c)  "Affiliate"  and  "Associate"  shall have the  respective
         meanings  ascribed to such terms in Rule 12b-2 of the General Rules and
         Regulations under the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the
         "Exchange Act"), as in effect on the date of this Agreement;  provided,
         however,  that no director or officer of the Company shall be deemed an
         Affiliate or Associate of any other  director or officer of the Company
         solely as a result of his or her being a  director  or  officer  of the
         Company; and provided further that the MK Creditors shall not be deemed
         Affiliates  or  Associates  of one another or of MK solely by reason of
         any or all of the following:

                  (1) negotiations by or among any of such MK Creditors or by or
         among  any  of  such  MK  Creditors  and  MK  in  connection  with  any
         restructuring or reorganization of MK;

                  (2) the MK  Creditors or MK agreeing  upon,  voting as a class
         upon, or acting to effect confirmation of the MK Plan;

                  (3) the receipt of Common Shares of the Company by any of such
         MK  Creditors  pursuant  to the  terms of the MK Plan or as a result of
         foreclosure by any of such MK Creditors;  provided, however, that prior
         to actual  receipt of Common  Shares of the Company by the MK Creditors
         pursuant to the MK Plan or as a result of foreclosure by any of such MK
         Creditors,  each MK Creditor  who  receives  such Common  Shares of the
         Company shall have agreed in writing to be bound by the terms of the MK
         Rail Stockholders Agreement; or

                                      - 6 -

                  (4) the MK Creditors or MK entering into, agreeing to be bound
         by, or acting in accordance with the MK Rail Stockholders Agreement.

     3.   Section 1(d) of the Rights Agreement is hereby amended and restated in
          its entirety as follows:
                  (d) A Person  shall be deemed  the  "Beneficial  Owner" of and
         shall  be  deemed  to  "Beneficially   Own"  and  to  have  "Beneficial
         Ownership" of any securities:

                           (i)  which  such  Person  or  any  of  such  Person's
                  Affiliates  or  Associates   beneficially  owns,  directly  or
                  indirectly  (as  determined  pursuant  to  Rule  13d-3  of the
                  General  Rules and  Regulations  under the  Exchange Act as in
                  effect on the date of this Agreement);

                           (ii)  which  such  Person  or  any of  such  Person's
                  Affiliates or Associates has (A) the right to acquire (whether
                  such  right  is  exercisable  immediately  or only  after  the
                  passage of time)  pursuant to any agreement,  arrangement,  or
                  understanding   (other  than  customary  agreements  with  and
                  between underwriters and selling group members with respect to
                  a bona  fide  public  offering  of  securities),  or upon  the
                  exercise of conversion rights,  exchange rights, rights (other
                  than  these  Rights),   warrants  or  options,  or  otherwise;
                  provided,  however,  that a Person  shall  not be  deemed  the
                  Beneficial  Owner  of,  or to  Beneficially  Own  or  to  have
                  Beneficial Ownership of, (1) securities tendered pursuant to a
                  tender or  exchange  offer made by or on behalf of such Person
                  or any of such Person's Af filiates or  Associates  until such
                  tendered  securities  are accepted for purchase or exchange or
                  (2)  securities  issuable  upon  exercise of the Rights at any
                  time prior to the Distribution  Date; or (B) the right to vote
                  pursuant  to any  agreement,  arrangement,  or  understanding;
                  provided,  however,  that a Person  shall  not be  deemed  the
                  Beneficial  Owner  of,  or to  Beneficially  Own  or  to  have
                  Beneficial  Ownership  of,  any  security  if  the  agreement,
                  arrangement, or understanding to vote such security (1) arises
                  solely from a revocable  proxy or consent given to such Person
                  in response  to a public  proxy or consent  solicitation  made
                  pursuant to, and in accordance  with, the applicable rules and
                  regulations  promulgated under the Exchange Act and (2) is not
                  also then  reportable  on Schedule  13D under the Exchange Act
                  (or any comparable or successor report); or

                           (iii)  which  are  beneficially  owned,  directly  or
                  indirectly,  by any other Person with which such Person or any
                  of such Person's  Affiliates or Associates  has any agreement,
                  arrangement, or understanding (other than customary agreements
                  with and between  underwriters  and selling group members with
                  respect to a bona fide public  offering of securities) for the
                  purpose of acquiring,  holding,  voting  (except to the extent
                  contemplated  by  the  proviso  to  Section  1(d)(ii)(B)),  or
                  disposing of any securities of the Company.

                                      - 7 -

                  Notwithstanding  anything  in this  definition  of  Beneficial
         Ownership to the contrary:

                           (1) the  phrase  "then  outstanding,"  when used with
                  reference to a Person's Beneficial  Ownership of securities of
                  the  Company,  shall mean the number of such  securities  then
                  issued  and  outstanding  together  with  the  number  of such
                  securities not then actually issued and outstanding  that such
                  Person would be deemed to own beneficially hereunder;

                           (2) none of the MK  Creditors  shall be  deemed to be
                  the Beneficial  Owner of, or to  Beneficially  Own, or to have
                  Beneficial   Ownership   of,  Common  Shares  of  the  Company
                  Beneficially  Owned by any other MK  Creditor  or MK solely by
                  reason of any or all of the following:

                                    (a)  negotiations by or among any of such MK
                  Creditors  or by or among any of such MK  Creditors  and MK in
                  connection with any restructuring or reorganization of MK;

                                    (b) the MK  Creditors  or MK agreeing  upon,
                  voting as a class upon,  or acting to effect  confirmation  of
                  the MK Plan;

                                    (c) the  receipt  of  Common  Shares  of the
                  Company by any of such MK  Creditors  pursuant to the terms of
                  the MK Plan or as a result  of  foreclosure  by any of such MK
                  Creditors;  provided, however, that prior to actual receipt of
                  Common  Shares of the Company by the MK Creditors  pursuant to
                  the MK Plan or as a result  of  foreclosure  by any of such MK
                  Creditors, each MK Creditor who receives such Common Shares of
                  the  Company  shall have  agreed in writing to be bound by the
                  terms of the MK Rail Stockholders Agreement; or

                                    (d) the MK  Creditors  or MK entering  into,
                  agreeing to be bound by, and acting in accordance  with the MK
                  Rail Stockholders Agreement.
     4.   Section 1(f) of the Rights  Agreement is hereby  amended by adding the
          following paragraph at the end of said section:
                           Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  a Change of Control
                  Event  shall not be deemed to have  occurred  as a result of a
                  merger  of MK with  any  other  party if (1)  said  merger  is
                  effected in conjunction with the  effectiveness of an MK Plan,
                  following satisfaction of the Mandatory Added Condition, which
                  Plan provides for the distribution,  following said merger, to
                  MK Creditors of Common  Shares of the Company held by MK in an
                  amount  sufficient so that MK (or the surviving  entity of the
                  merger)  will  no  longer  be  a   Grandfathered   Stockholder
                  following  said  distribution  and (2) promptly  following the
                  merger,  as a result of  distribution  of Common Shares of the
                  Company to MK Creditors, MK (or the surviving entity of

                                      - 8 -

                  the merger) is no longer a Grandfathered Stockholder.

     5    Section 1(l) of the Rights  Agreement shall be amended and restated in
          its entirety as follows:
                           (l) "Grandfathered Stockholder" shall mean any Person
                  who,  together  with all  Affiliates  and  Associates  of such
                  Person, Beneficially Owned 15% or more of the Common Shares of
                  the  Company  then  outstanding  on the  date of the  original
                  adoption of this Agreement;  provided,  however, that the term
                  Grandfathered  Stockholder shall not include the Company,  any
                  Subsidiary  of the Company,  any employee  benefit plan of the
                  Company  or any  Subsidiary  of  the  Company,  or any  entity
                  holding Common Shares for or pursuant to the terms of any such
                  plan;   and  provided   further  that  if  any   Grandfathered
                  Stockholder,  together with all  Affiliates  and Associates of
                  such  Grandfathered  Stockholder,   shall  no  longer  be  the
                  Beneficial  Owner of 15% or more of the  Common  Shares of the
                  Company  then  outstanding,  such  Person  shall no  longer be
                  deemed  a  Grandfathered  Stockholder  for  purposes  of  this

     4.   Section 3(a) of the Rights Agreement is hereby amended and restated in
          its entirety as follows:
                           (a) Until the  earlier of (i) the tenth day after the
                  Shares  Acquisition  Date or (ii) the tenth  business  day (or
                  such later date as may be determined by action of the Board of
                  Directors  prior  to  such  time  as  any  Person  becomes  an
                  Acquiring  Person) after the date of the  commencement  by any
                  Person (other than the Company, any Subsidiary of the Company,
                  any employee  benefit plan of the Company or of any Subsidiary
                  of the Company,  or any entity  holding  Common  Shares for or
                  pursuant  to the  terms of any such  plan) of, or of the first
                  public announcement of the intention of any Person (other than
                  the  Company,  any  Subsidiary  of the  Company,  any employee
                  benefit  plan  of  the  Company  or of any  Subsidiary  of the
                  Company,  or any entity  holding Common Shares for or pursuant
                  to the  terms  of any  such  plan) to  commence,  a tender  or
                  exchange offer,  the consummation of which would result in any
                  Person   becoming  the  Beneficial   Owner  of  Common  Shares
                  aggregating 15% or more of the then outstanding  Common Shares
                  (including  any such  date  which  is  after  the date of this
                  Agreement and prior to the issuance of the Rights; the earlier
                  of such dates being  herein  referred to as the  "Distribution
                  Date"),  (x) the  Rights  will be  evidenced  (subject  to the
                  provisions  of Section  3(b) hereof) by the  certificates  for
                  Common Shares  registered in the names of the holders  thereof
                  (which   certificates   shall  also  be  deemed  to  be  Right
                  Certificates) and not by separate Right Certificates,  and (y)
                  the right to receive Right  Certificates  will be transferable
                  only in connection with the transfer of Common Shares. As soon
                  as practicable  after the Distribution  Date, the Company will
                  prepare and execute,  the Rights Agent will  countersign,  and
                  the  Company  will  send or cause to be sent  (and the  Rights
                  Agent  will,  if  requested,  send) by  first-class,  insured,
                  postage-prepaid mail, to each record

                                      - 9 -

                  holder of Common  Shares  as of the close of  business  on the
                  Distribution  Date, at the address of such holder shown on the
                  records of the Company, a Right Certificate,  in substantially
                  the  form  of  Exhibit  B  hereto  (a  "Right   Certificate"),
                  evidencing  one Right for each Common Share so held. As of the
                  Distribution Date, the Rights will be evidenced solely by such
                  Right Certificates.

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the undersigned  have caused this Amendment to be
duly executed and attested, all as of the day and year first above written.

                                            MK RAIL CORPORATION


By___________________                       By________________________
  Name:                                       John C. Pope, Chairman

                                            CHASE MELLON SHAREHOLDER
                                            SERVICES, L.L.C.


By___________________                       By________________________
  Name:                                       Name:
  Title:                                      Title: