Current Report Pursuant
                          to Section 13 or 15(d) of the
                         Securities Exchange Act of 1934

 Date of Report (Date of Earliest Event Reported): July 3, 1996 (June 20, 1996)
                                                   ------------ --------------

                               MK RAIL CORPORATION
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

State or Other Jurisdiction of Incorporation

        0-23802                                           82-0461010
        -------                                           ----------
 Commission File Number                                 I.R.S. Employer
                                                       Identification No.

   1200 Reedsdale Street, Pittsburgh, PA                        15233
   -------------------------------------                        -----
   Address of principal executive offices                      Zip Code

 Registrant's telephone number, including area code:   (412) 237-2250

Item 5.  Other Events

Note Cancellation Agreement

         MK Rail Corporation, a Delaware corporation (the "Company"), executed a
definitive agreement to repurchase the debt the Company owes to Morrison Knudsen
Corporation,  an Ohio corporation  ("MKO"),  pursuant to a Note Cancellation and
Restructuring  Agreement  dated June 20, 1996 by and among the Company,  MKO and
Morrison  Knudsen  Corporation,   a  Delaware  corporation  ("MKC")  (the  "Note
Cancellation Agreement").  Under the Note Cancellation Agreement, the Company is
to  repurchase  the debt,  which had as of June 1, 1996 an  outstanding  balance
including accrued interest of approximately $56.2 million,  for a total of $34.5
million.  The Company  plans to finance the  transaction  with the proceeds from
previously announced asset sales, cash from operations,  and proceeds from other
borrowings or non-essential asset sales.

         The Note  Cancellation  Agreement  provides that a first installment of
$6.9 million  (plus  interest  calculated at prime from the date of execution of
the  Note  Cancellation  Agreement)  is to be paid ten  days  after  MKC and MKO
(collectively,  "MK") have  obtained  either  Bankruptcy  Court  approval of the
transaction  ("Bankruptcy  Court Approval") or ten days after  confirmation of a
Plan  of  Reorganization  that  includes  certain  provisions   integrating  the
transactions  into the Plan (a "Conforming  Plan"). In the event that Bankruptcy
Court Approval is obtained and is appealed during the ten-day  period,  the $6.9
million  is  to be  paid  into  a  court-approved  escrow  to  be  held  pending
finalization  of the  Bankruptcy  Court  Approval or the  expiration of ten days
following  confirmation  of a  Conforming  Plan,  or  termination  of  the  Note
Cancellation  Agreement.  A second installment in the amount of $27.6 million is
to be paid either  when the  Bankruptcy  Court  Approval is a final order or ten
days after  confirmation of a Conforming Plan (referred to in either case as the
"Disbursement  Condition").  In addition,  the  Company's  obligation to pay the
second  installment is subject to a condition (which the Company can waive) that
the Company has sold Alert  Manufacturing  & Supply Co.,  Inc.  ("Alert") and MK
Gain S.A. de C.V. ("MK Gain")  pursuant to terms and at prices  satisfactory  to
the  Company  in  its  sole  discretion.  As  described  under  "Sale  of  Alert
Manufacturing,"  below,  the Company has entered  into an  agreement to sell the
assets of  Alert.  MK Rail and MK are  currently  discussing  certain  technical
amendments to the Note Cancellation  Agreement relating to the definition of the
Disbursement  Condition to account for the fact that MKO is not a party to MKC's
bankruptcy   proceeding  (as  had  been   contemplated  at  the  time  the  Note
Cancellation Agreement was executed).

         The Note  Cancellation  Agreement also provides that if the Company has
not  consummated  the Alert and MK Gain  transactions  on or before the later of
August 30, 1996 or the date the Disbursement Condition is satisfied, the Company
must waive the condition that those  transactions  be consummated  and close the
note cancellation,  or MKC can terminate the Note Cancellation Agreement. If, by
December 31,  1996,  the  transaction  has not fully closed for any reason other
than a  default  by MK,  subject  to  certain  notification  provisions,  MK can
terminate  the Note  Cancellation  Agreement  if the  Company  does not elect to
proceed and close the transactions.

Stockholders Agreement

         The Company and MKO also entered into a  Stockholders  Agreement  dated
June 20, 1996. The Stockholders Agreement provides demand registration rights to
certain  creditors  of  MKO,  who  are to  receive  Company  stock  from  MKO in
connection with its  reorganization.  Such holders are able to make four demands
over a five-year period, which period commences when the Company's Form 10-K for
its 1996 fiscal  year is filed  (i.e.,  on or about April 1, 1997).  Expenses of
demand  registrations  (other than selling holder advisor fees and  underwriting
discounts and commissions) are to be paid by the Company.

         In  addition,  the  Company is to file a shelf  registration  statement
during  the  summer of 1996 to permit  nonunderwritten  public  resales by those
stockholders. Up to $75,000 of the costs of the shelf registration statement are
to be paid by MKO.

         Further,  MKO has agreed  that the stock held by MK  creditors  will be
subject to  standstill  and  voting  provisions  which  generally  prohibit  the
solicitation  of proxies,  initiation  or  inducement of tender offers and other
efforts to influence or control the  management or policies of the Company.  The
voting provisions  require that for a specified period,  during which a majority
of the Company's  Board of Directors  consists of  independent  directors,  this
stock will be voted in favor of the Company's nominees to its board. This period
will end on the earlier of the date two years after MK distributes the stock, or
the date that stock subject to the standstill and voting  provisions  represents
less than 15 percent of the Company's outstanding common stock. Also, this stock
is subject to transfer  restrictions under which  transferees,  other than those
receiving stock in certain registered offerings, must agree to be bound to these

Second Amendment to Rights Plan

         On June 20,  1996,  the Company  entered into a Second  Amendment  (the
"Second  Amendment")  to the Rights  Agreement  dated as of January 19, 1996, as
amended by the Amendment dated as of April 5, 1996,  between the Corporation and
Chase Mellon  Shareholder  Services,  L.L.C.,  formerly known as Chemical Mellon
Shareholder  Services,  L.L.C.  (the "Rights  Agent") (as  amended,  the "Rights
Agreement").  As a result of the Second Amendment,  the shareholder rights under
the Rights  Agreement will be  exercisable  and will trade  separately  from the
Company's  common stock if a person or a group of persons becomes the beneficial
owner of 15  percent  or more of the  Company's  common  stock  (rather  than 10
percent or more, as was previously provided),  or if a person commences a tender
offer or exchange offer,  the  consummation of which would result in such person
being the  beneficial  owner of 15 percent or more of the common  stock  (rather
than 10 percent or more, as was previously provided).  The Second Amendment also
provides that a merger of MK will not  constitute a "change of control event" as
defined in the Rights  Agreement,  provided  certain  conditions  are satisfied,
including  prompt  distribution  of  the  Company's  common  stock.  The  Second
Amendment also permits the  solicitation of votes and the voting with respect to
the plan of  reorganization  of MK and the  execution  of the Note  Cancellation
Agreement and the Stockholders Agreement.

Sale of Alert Manufacturing

         On June 27, 1996, the Company and its subsidiary, Alert Manufacturing &
Supply Co.  ("Alert"),  entered into an  Agreement  for the Purchase and Sale of
Assets with All-State  Industrial  Rubber Co., Inc.  ("All-State"),  pursuant to
which substantially all of the assets of Alert are to be sold to All-State for a
purchase price of $4,500,000,  subject to certain adjustments and the assumption
by All-State of trade payables of Alert in the amount of $750,000.  Alert, based
in Elk Grove  Village,  Illinois,  manufacturers  a variety of rubber  products,
primarily for the trucking industry. Alert, which had sales of approximately $10
million in 1995,  is a subsidiary  of Power Parts Co.,  which is a subsidiary of
the Company.  All-State,  based in West Des Moines,  Iowa,  is a privately  held
manufacturer  of  rubber  belting  and other  industrial  rubber  products.  The
transaction is expected to close during the third quarter of 1996.

Item 7.  Financial Statements and Exhibits

(a)      Financial statements of businesses aquired     (None)

(b)      Pro forma financial information                (none)
(c)      Exhibits

Exhibit No.                            Description                      Page
- -----------                            -----------                      -----
 4.1  Second  Amendment  dated as of June 20, 1996 to Rights  Agreement
      dated as of  January  19,  1996 as amended as of April 5, 1996 by
      and  between MK Rail  Corporation  and Chase  Mellon  Shareholder
      Services,  L.L.C.  (formerly known as Chemical Mellon Shareholder
      Services,  L.L.C.),  as Rights  Agent (filed as an exhibit to the
      Company's  Amendment  No. 2 on Form 8-A/A  dated July 3, 1996 and
      incorporated herein by reference).

 10.1 Note  Cancellation and  Restructuring  Agreement dated as of June
      20,  1996,  by and among MK Rail  Corporation,  Morrison  Knudsen
      Corporation,   a  Delaware  corporation,   and  Morrison  Knudsen
      Corporation, an Ohio corporation.

 10.2 Stockholders  Agreement dated as of June 20, 1996 between MK Rail
      Corporation and Morrison Knudsen Corporation.

 10.3 Agreement for the Purchase and Sale of Assets dated June 27, 1996
      by and among MK Rail  Corporation,  Alert  Manufacturing & Supply
      Co. and All-State Industrial Rubber co., Inc.


              Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act, of
1934,  the  Registrant has duly caused this Report to be signed on its behalf by
the undersigned, hereunto duly authorized.

                                          MK RAIL CORPORATION

Dated: July 3, 1996                   By:  /s/  William D. Grab
                                           William D. Grab
                                           Vice President, Controller and
                                             Principal Accounting Officer