Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the
                 Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                       (Amendment No. __)

Filed by the Registrant    /X/
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant / /

Check the appropriate box:
/  /     Preliminary Proxy Statement
/  /     Confidential, for Use of the Commission
         Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
/ X /    Definitive Proxy Statement
/  /     Definitive Additional Materials
/  /     Soliciting Material Pursuant to Section 240.14a-11(c) or
         Section 240.14a-12

                ACM Government Income Fund, Inc.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
        (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

- ----------------------------------------------------------------
           (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement,
                  if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
/X /     No fee required
/  /     Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rule 14a-
         6(i)(1) and 0-11.

         (1)  Title of each class of securities to which
         transaction applies:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
         (2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
         (3)  Per unit price or other underlying value of
         transaction computed pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11
         (Set forth the amount on which the filing fee is
         calculated and state how it was determined):
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
         (4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
         (5)  Total fee paid:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
/   /    Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
/   /    Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided
         by Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing
         for which the offsetting fee was paid previously.

         Identify the previous filing by registration statement
         number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its

              (1)  Amount Previously Paid:

              (2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

              (3)  Filing Party:

              (4)  Date Filed:



- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1345 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York 10105 Toll Free (800) 221-5672
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                 March 8, 2001

  To the Stockholders of ACM Government Income Fund, Inc. ("ACM I"), ACM
Government Opportunity Fund, Inc. ("ACM IV"), ACM Managed Income Fund, Inc.
("ACM V"), ACM Municipal Securities Income Fund, Inc. ("ACM VII"), ACM Managed
Dollar Income Fund, Inc. ("ACM VIII"), Alliance World Dollar Government Fund,
Inc. ("AWDGF"), Alliance World Dollar Government Fund II, Inc. ("AWDGF II")
and Alliance All-Market Advantage Fund, Inc. ("AMA"):

  Notice is hereby given that a Joint Annual Meeting of Stockholders (the
(individually, a "Fund" and collectively, the "Funds") will be held at the
offices of the Funds, 1345 Avenue of the Americas, 33rd Floor, New York, New
York 10105, on March 8, 2001 at 11:00 a.m., for the following purposes, all of
which are more fully described in the accompanying Proxy Statement dated
February 9, 2001:

  1. To elect three Directors of each Fund, each such Director to hold office
for a term of three years and until his successor is duly elected and
qualifies and, with respect to the holders of Preferred Stock of ACM V and ACM
VII, to elect a Director to hold office for a term of one year and until his
successor is duly elected and qualifies;

  2. To ratify the selection of Ernst & Young LLP as independent accountants
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as independent accountants of AMA, for each Fund's
respective fiscal year ending in 2001; and

  3. To transact such other business as may properly come before the Meeting.

  The Board of Directors of each Fund has fixed the close of business on
December 29, 2000 as the record date for the determination of stockholders of
the Funds entitled to notice of, and to vote at, the Meeting or any
postponement or adjournment thereof. The enclosed proxy is being solicited on
behalf of the Board of Directors of each Fund.

                                   By Order of the Boards of Directors,

                                   Edmund P. Bergan, Jr.

New York, New York
February 9, 2001
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                            YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT

  Please indicate your voting instructions on the enclosed Proxy Card, sign
and date it, and return it in the envelope provided, which needs no postage if
mailed in the United States. Your vote is very important no matter how many
shares you own. Please mark and mail your proxy promptly in order to save the
Funds any additional cost of further proxy solicitation and in order for the
Meeting to be held as scheduled.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(R)This registered service mark used under license from the owner, Alliance
Capital Management L.P.

                                PROXY STATEMENT

                       ACM GOVERNMENT INCOME FUND, INC.
                         ACM MANAGED INCOME FUND, INC.

                          1345 Avenue of the Americas
                           New York, New York 10105


                                 March 8, 2001



  This Proxy Statement is furnished in connection with the solicitation of
proxies on behalf of the respective Boards of Directors of ACM Government
Income Fund, Inc. ("ACM I"), ACM Government Opportunity Fund, Inc. ("ACM IV"),
ACM Managed Income Fund, Inc. ("ACM V"), ACM Municipal Securities Income Fund,
Inc. ("ACM VII"), ACM Managed Dollar Income Fund, Inc. ("ACM VIII"), Alliance
World Dollar Government Fund, Inc. ("AWDGF"), Alliance World Dollar Government
Fund II, Inc. ("AWDGF II") and Alliance All-Market Advantage Fund, Inc.
("AMA"), each of which is a Maryland corporation (individually, a "Fund" and
collectively, the "Funds"), to be voted at a Joint Annual Meeting of
Stockholders of the Funds (the "Meeting"), to be held at the offices of the
Funds, 1345 Avenue of the Americas, 33rd Floor, New York, New York 10105, on
March 8, 2001 at 11:00 a.m. The solicitation will be by mail and the cost for
each Fund will be borne by that Fund. The Notice of Meeting, Proxy Statement
and Proxy Card are being mailed to stockholders on or about February 9, 2001.

  The Board of Directors of each Fund has fixed the close of business on
December 29, 2000 as the record date for the determination of stockholders
entitled to notice of, and to vote at, the Meeting and at any postponement or
adjournment thereof. The outstanding voting shares of the Funds as of December
29, 2000 consisted, respectively, of 164,597,684 shares of common stock of ACM
I, 12,425,781 shares of common stock of


ACM IV, 23,829,118 shares of common stock and 950 shares of Remarketed
Preferred Stock, Series A (the "ACM V Preferred Stock") of ACM V, 10,870,722
shares of common stock and 3,600 shares of each of Municipal Income Preferred
Shares, Series A, Series B and Series C (the "ACM VII Preferred Stock") of ACM
VII, 22,196,375 shares of common stock of ACM VIII, 8,589,167 shares of common
stock of AWDGF, 77,850,368 shares of common stock of AWDGF II and 3,572,754
shares of common stock of AMA, each share being entitled to one vote.

  At the Meeting, the holders of ACM V Preferred Stock and the holders of each
class of ACM VII Preferred Stock will have equal voting rights with the
holders of ACM V and ACM VII common stock, respectively (i.e., one vote per
share), and, except as discussed below, will vote together with the holders of
ACM V and ACM VII common stock, respectively, as a single class on all
proposals to be brought before the Meeting applicable to their respective
Funds. In addition, the holders of ACM V Preferred Stock and ACM VII Preferred
Stock, voting separately as a class, have the right to elect two Directors
representing the holders of the Preferred Stock of their respective Fund. The
holders of ACM V's common stock and the holders of ACM VII's common stock do
not have the right to vote with respect to the election of those two
Directors. Ms. Ruth Block has previously been elected by the holders of the
ACM V Preferred Stock and the holders of the ACM VII Preferred Stock. She is
not standing for re-election at the Meeting, as her term does not expire until
2003. Mr. Robert C. White, who had previously been elected by the holders of
ACM V and ACM VII Preferred Stock, has retired from the Boards of Directors of
these Funds. Dr. James M. Hester, who is currently a Class Two Director of
each Fund, has been appointed to replace Mr. White as the second Director to
represent the holders of ACM V and ACM VII Preferred Stock. At the Meeting,
Dr. Hester will stand for election to a one-year term by the holders of the
ACM V Preferred Stock and the holders of the ACM VII Preferred Stock.

  All properly executed and timely received proxies will be voted at the
Meeting in accordance with the instructions marked thereon or otherwise
provided therein. Accordingly, unless instructions to the contrary are marked,
(i) proxies from the holders of the Preferred Stock of ACM V and the holders
of the Preferred Stock of ACM VII will be voted for the election of four
Directors, (ii) all other proxies will be voted for the election of three
Directors, (iii) with respect to AMA, proxies will be voted for the
ratification of the selection of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the Fund's
independent accountants for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2001, and
(iv) with respect to the other Funds, proxies will be voted for the
ratification of the selection of Ernst & Young LLP as those Funds' independent
accountants for each of their respective fiscal years ending in 2001. Any
stockholder may revoke that stockholder's proxy at any time prior to exercise
thereof by giving written notice to the Secretary of the Funds at 1345 Avenue
of the Americas, New York, New York 10105, by signing another proxy of a later
date or by personally voting at the Meeting.


  Properly executed proxies may be returned with instructions to abstain from
voting or to withhold authority to vote (an "abstention") or represent a
broker "non-vote" (which is a proxy from a broker or nominee indicating that
the broker or nominee has not received instructions from the beneficial owner
or other person entitled to vote shares on a particular matter with respect to
which the broker or nominee does not have the discretionary power to vote).
The shares represented by such a proxy will be considered present for purposes
of determining the existence of a quorum for the transaction of business but,
not being cast, will have no effect on the outcome of the stockholder votes.
If any proposal, other than Proposals One and Two, properly comes before the
Meeting, shares represented by the proxies will be voted on all such proposals
in the discretion of the person, or persons, voting the proxies.

  The Meeting is scheduled as a joint meeting of the respective stockholders
of the Funds because the stockholders of all the Funds are to consider and
vote on similar matters. Stockholders of each Fund will vote separately on
each proposal set forth herein and on any other matters that may arise for
that Fund, and an unfavorable vote on a proposal by the stockholders of one
Fund will not affect the implementation of the proposal by any other Fund if
such proposal is approved by the stockholders of the other Fund.

  A quorum for each Fund for the Meeting will consist of the presence in
person or by proxy of the holders of a majority of the shares entitled to vote
at the Meeting. In the event that a quorum is not present at the Meeting for a
Fund or, even if a quorum is so present, in the event that sufficient votes in
favor of the positions recommended by the Board of Directors on any proposal
described in the Proxy Statement with respect to a Fund are not timely
received, the persons named as proxies may propose and vote for one or more
adjournments of the Meeting with respect to that Fund, with no other notice
than announcement at the Meeting, in order to permit further solicitation of
proxies. The Meeting may be adjourned with respect to fewer than all of the
proposals in the Proxy Statement, and a stockholder vote may be taken on any
one of the proposals prior to any adjournment if sufficient votes have been
received for approval thereof. Shares represented by proxies indicating a vote
contrary to the position recommended by the Board of Directors on a proposal
will be voted against adjournment as to that proposal.

  Each Fund has engaged Shareholder Communications Corporation, 17 State
Street, New York, New York 10004, to assist the Funds in soliciting proxies
for the Meeting. Shareholder Communications Corporation will receive a total
fee of $37,000 for its services, to be paid by each Fund as follows: ACM I--
$7,500, ACM IV--$3,500, ACM V--$4,000, ACM VII-- $3,500, ACM VIII--$4,000,
AWDGF--$3,500, AWDGF II--$7,500, and AMA--$3,500, plus reimbursement of out-
of-pocket expenses.


                                 PROPOSAL ONE

                             ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

  At the Meeting, three Directors of each Fund will be elected to serve for
terms of three years, and, in each case, until his successor is elected and
qualifies. In addition, the holders of the ACM V Preferred Stock and the
holders of the ACM VII Preferred Stock, voting separately as a class, will
elect one Director to serve for a term of one year and until his successor is
elected and qualifies. The affirmative vote of a plurality of the votes cast
by the stockholders of a Fund is required to elect a Director. With respect to
the election of a Director by the holders of the Preferred Stock of ACM V and
ACM VII, a quorum consists of the presence in person or by proxy of a majority
of the shares of the Preferred Stock. If a quorum for this proposal is
present, the affirmative vote of a plurality of the votes cast by the holders
of the Preferred Stock is required to elect the Director. It is the intention
of the persons named in the enclosed proxy to nominate and vote in favor of
the election of three individuals in Class One and one individual in Class
Two, as described below.

  Pursuant to the Funds' respective Charters and By-Laws, the Board of
Directors of each Fund has been divided into three classes. With respect to
all of the Funds, the terms of the members in Class One will expire as of the
Meeting, the terms of the members in Class Two will expire as of the annual
meeting of stockholders to be held in 2002 and the terms of the members in
Class Three will expire as of the annual meeting of stockholders to be held in
2003. Upon expiration of the terms of the members of a class as set forth
above, the terms of their successors in that class will continue until the
third annual meeting of stockholders following their election and until their
successors are duly elected and qualify. With respect to ACM I, ACM IV, ACM V
and ACM VII, John H. Dobkin, Clifford L. Michel and Donald J. Robinson are
currently the members constituting Class One; David H. Dievler, William H.
Foulk, Jr. and Dr. James M. Hester are currently the members constituting
Class Two; and John D. Carifa and Ruth Block are currently the members
constituting Class Three. With respect to ACM VIII, AWDGF, AWDGF II and AMA,
David H. Dievler, Clifford L. Michel and Donald J. Robinson are currently the
members constituting Class One; John H. Dobkin, William H. Foulk, Jr. and Dr.
James M. Hester are currently the members constituting Class Two; and John D.
Carifa and Ruth Block are currently the members constituting Class Three.

  Under this classified Board structure, only those Directors of each Fund in
a single class may be replaced in any one year. It would require two years to
change a majority of the Board of Directors of a Fund,


although Maryland law provides that stockholders may remove Directors under
certain circumstances even if they are not then standing for re-election and,
under regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission (the
"Commission"), appropriate stockholder proposals may be included in the Funds'
annual proxy statement. This classified Board structure, which may be regarded
as an "anti-takeover" provision, may make it more difficult for each Fund's
stockholders to change the majority of Directors of that Fund and, thus, have
the effect of maintaining the continuity of management.

  At the Meeting, three Directors in Class One of ACM I, ACM IV, ACM V and ACM
VII, Messrs. John H. Dobkin, Clifford L. Michel and Donald J. Robinson, and
three Directors in Class One of ACM VIII, AWDGF, AWDGF II and AMA, Messrs.
David H. Dievler, Clifford L. Michel and Donald J. Robinson, are standing for

  In addition, at the Meeting the holders of the ACM V Preferred Stock and the
holders of the ACM VII Preferred Stock will each be electing a Class Two
Director, Dr. James M. Hester. Dr. Hester, who is currently a Class Two
Director of these Funds, has been appointed to succeed Mr. Robert C. White,
who has retired from the Boards, to represent the interests of the holders of
the Preferred Stock. The holders of the common stock of these Funds will not
participate in the election of Dr. Hester. If elected at the Meeting, Dr.
Hester will hold office until the annual meeting of stockholders to be held in
2002 and will continue to serve thereafter subject to re-election by the
holders of the Preferred Stock.

  If Dr. Hester is not elected at the Meeting, the Board of Directors of the
Fund affected will thereafter consider and take appropriate action to install
a second Director to be elected only by the holders of the Preferred Stock.
Under those circumstances, it is expected that Dr. Hester would serve as a
Class Two Director until the annual meetings of stockholders to be held in
2002 and would continue to serve thereafter subject to re-election by the
holders of the common stock and the holders of the Preferred Stock voting
together as a single class.

  Each nominee has consented to serve as a Director. The Boards of Directors
know of no reason why any of these nominees will be unable to serve, but in
the event of such inability, the proxies received will be voted for such
substitute nominees as the Boards of Directors may recommend.

  Certain information concerning each Fund's Directors, including the nominees
for election as Directors, is set forth below. With respect to each Fund, the
Class One Directors are standing for re-election and, with respect to ACM V
and ACM VII, Dr. Hester is standing for election solely by the holders of the
Preferred Stock.


                                                                  Number of
                                                                of the Funds'
                                                                 common stock
 Name, positions and offices                                        owned
     with the Funds, age,                                        directly or
    principal occupations                                         indirectly
       during the past           Year first     Year term as        as of
        five years and             became       Director will    December 29,
     other directorships         a Director        expire            2000
 ---------------------------   -------------- ----------------- --------------
John D. Carifa,* Chairman of
 the Board, 55................ ACM I--1987          2003        2,000 ACM I
 President, Chief Operating    ACM IV and V--   (Class Three)   1,000 AWDGF II
 Officer and a Director of     1988 AWDGF--                     1,673 AMA
 Alliance Capital Management   1992 ACM VIII
 Corporation, the general      and AWDGF II--
 partner of the Adviser        1993 ACM VII
 ("ACMC"), with which he has   and AMA--1994
 been associated with since
 prior to 1996.

Ruth Block,**+ Director, 70... ACM I--1987          2003        1,445 ACM I
 Formerly an Executive Vice    ACM IV and V--   (Class Three)   4,540 ACM V
 President and Chief Insurance 1988 AWDGF--                     3,000 ACM VIII
 Officer of The Equitable;     1992 ACM VIII                    3,000 AWDGF
 Chairman and Chief Executive  and AWDGF II--                   1,833 AMA
 Officer of Evlico; a Director 1993 ACM VII
 of Avon, Tandem Financial     and AMA--1994
 Group and Donaldson, Lufkin &
 Jenrette Securities
 Corporation. She is a
 Director of Ecolab
 Incorporated (specialty
 chemicals) and BP Amoco
 Corporation (oil and gas).

David H. Dievler,** +          ACM I--1987         2004++       2,193 ACM I
 Director, 71................. ACM IV and V--    (Class One)      200 ACM IV
 Independent Consultant. Until 1988 AWDGF--   (ACM VIII, AWDGF, 1,000 AWDGF II
 December 1994 he was Senior   1992 ACM VIII    AWDGF II and      700 AMA
 Vice President of ACMC        and AWDGF II--       AMA)
 responsible for mutual fund   1993 ACM VII
 administration. Prior to      and AMA--1994        2002
 joining ACMC in 1984 he was                     (Class Two)
 Chief Financial Officer of                     (ACM I, IV, V
 Eberstadt Asset Management                       and VII)
 since 1968. Prior to that he
 was a Senior Manager at Price
 Waterhouse & Co., member of
 American Institute of
 Certified Public Accountants
 since 1953.

- -----------
*   "Interested person," as defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940, as
    amended (the "Act"), of each of the Funds because of an affiliation with
    each of the Funds' investment adviser, Alliance Capital Management L.P.
    (the "Adviser").
**  Member of the Audit Committee.
+   Member of the Nominating Committee.
++  If re-elected at the Meeting.


                                                                  Number of
                                                                of the Funds'
                                                                 common stock
  Name, positions and offices                                       owned
      with the Funds, age,                                       directly or
     principal occupations                                        indirectly
        during the past            Year first    Year term as       as of
         five years and              became      Director will   December 29,
      other directorships          a Director       expire           2000
  ---------------------------    -------------- --------------- --------------
John H. Dobkin,** + Director,    AWDGF--1992        2004++      377 AWDGF II
 58............................. ACM VIII and     (Class One)   610 AMA
 Consultant. Formerly he was a   AWDGF II--1993  (ACM I, IV, V
 Senior Adviser (June 1999-June  AMA--1994         and VII)
 2000) and President (December   ACM I, IV, V
 1989-May 1999) of Historic      and VII--1998       2002
 Hudson Valley (historic                          (Class Two)
 preservation) since prior to                     (ACM VIII,
 1996. Previously, he was                       AWDGF, AWDGF II
 Director of the National                          and AMA)
 Academy of Design.

William H. Foulk, Jr.,**         AWDGF--1992         2002       1,397 ACM I
 +Director, 68.                  ACM VIII and     (Class Two)   521 ACM IV
 Investment Adviser and          AWDGF II--1993                 500 ACM V
 Independent Consultant. He was  AMA--1994                      400 ACM VII
 formerly Senior Manager of      ACM I, IV, V                   500 ACM VIII
 Barrett Associates, Inc., a     and VII--1998                  500 AWDGF
 registered investment adviser,                                 500 AWDGF II
 with which he had been                                         800 AMA
 associated since prior to 1996.
 He is a former Deputy
 Comptroller of the State of New
 York and, prior thereto, Chief
 Investment Officer of the New
 York Bank for Savings.

Dr. James M. Hester,** +
 Director, 76................... ACM I--1987         2002       1,419 ACM I
 President of The Harry Frank    ACM IV and       (Class Two)   815 ACM IV
 Guggenheim Foundation, with     V--1988                        700 ACM V
 which he has been associated    AWDGF--1992                    950 AWDGF
 since prior to 1996. He was     ACM VIII and                   860 AMA
 formerly President of New York  AWDGF II--1993
 University and the New York     ACM VII and
 Botanical Garden, Rector of the AMA--1994
 United Nations University and
 Vice Chairman of the Board of
 the Federal Reserve Bank of New

Clifford L. Michel,** +          ACM I--1987        2004++      2,795 ACM I
 Director, 61................... ACM IV and V--   (Class One)   1,000 ACM IV
 Member of the law firm of       1988                           1,000 ACM V
 Cahill Gordon & Reindel, with   AWDGF--1992                    1,000 ACM VII
 which he has been associated    ACM VIII and                   1,000 ACM VIII
 since prior to 1996. He is      AWDGF II--1993                 1,000 AWDGF
 President, Chief Executive      ACM VII and                    1,000 AWDGF II
 Officer and Director of Wenonah AMA--1994                      1,500 AMA
 Development Company
 (investments) and a Director of
 Placer Dome, Inc. (mining).

- -----------
**  Member of the Audit Committee.
+   Member of the Nominating Committee.
++  If re-elected at the Meeting.


                                                              Number of shares
  Name, positions and                                          of the Funds'
        offices                                                 common stock
  with the Funds, age,                                       beneficially owned
 principal occupations                                          directly or
    during the past        Year first                            indirectly
     five years and          became         Year term as           as of
  other directorships      a Director   Director will expire December 29, 2000
 ---------------------   -------------- -------------------- ------------------
Donald J. Robinson,** +  ACM I, IV, V,         2004++          2,150 ACM V
 Director, 66........... VII                 (Class One)       1,500 ACM VIII
 Senior Counsel of the   and VIII,                             3,731 AMA
 law firm of Orrick,     AWDGF,
 Herrington & Sutcliffe  AWDGF II and
 LLP since prior to      AMA--1996
 1996. He was formerly a
 senior partner and a
 member of the Executive
 Committee of that firm.
 He was also a member of
 the Municipal
 Securities Rulemaking
 Board and a Trustee of
 the Museum of the City
 of New York.

- -----------
**  Member of the Audit Committee.
+   Member of the Nominating Committee.
++  If re-elected at the Meeting.

  It is the policy of the Boards of Directors of all registered investment
companies to which the Adviser provides investment advisory services, including
the Funds (collectively, the "Alliance Fund Complex"), that each Director will
invest specified minimum amounts and (in the case of most of the Directors of
the Funds) an overall total of at least $150,000 in shares of investment
companies within the Alliance Fund Complex.

  During their respective fiscal years ended in 2000, the Boards of Directors
of ACM VII, AWDGF, AWDGF II and AMA met six times, the Boards of Directors of
ACM V and ACM VIII met seven times, and the Boards of Directors of ACM I and
ACM IV met eight times. The Audit Committee of each Fund meets during the
fiscal year for the purposes set forth in the Audit Committee Charter attached
as Appendix A. The Audit Committees of ACM I, ACM V, ACM VII, ACM VIII, AWDGF,
AWDGF II and AMA each met two times during each Fund's most recently completed
respective fiscal year. The Audit Committee of ACM IV met three times during
the Fund's most recently completed fiscal year. The Nominating Committee of
each Fund did not meet during each Fund's respective fiscal year ended in 2000.
Both the Audit Committees and the Nominating Committees are standing committees
of the Board. The Nominating Committees were constituted for the purpose of
reelecting and nominating persons to fill any vacancies on the Board of
Directors and do not currently consider for nomination candidates proposed by
stockholders for election as Directors.

  In accordance with the rules of the New York Stock Exchange, the Boards of
Directors have determined that the members of the Audit Committees are
independent as defined in Section 303.01(B)(2)(a) and (3) of the New York Stock
Exchange Listed Company Manual.


  A Fund does not pay any fees to, or reimburse expenses of, any Director
during a time when such Director is considered an "interested person" of the
Fund, as defined in the Act. The aggregate compensation paid by each Fund to
each of its Directors during its respective fiscal year ended in 2000, the
aggregate compensation paid to each of the Directors during calendar year 2000
by all of the investment companies in the Alliance Fund Complex, and the total
number of investment companies (and separate investment portfolios within those
companies) in the Alliance Fund Complex with respect to which each of the
Directors serves as a director or trustee, are set forth below. Neither the
Funds nor any other investment company in the Alliance Fund Complex provides
compensation in the form of pension or retirement benefits to any of its
directors or trustees.

                                                                            Total Number of
                                                            Total Number of   Investment
                                                              Investment      Portfolios
                                                             Companies in     within the
                                                             the Alliance    Alliance Fund
                                                             Fund Complex,     Complex,
                            Aggregate    Total Compensation  including the   including the
                          Compensation   from the Alliance   Funds, as to    Funds, as to
                         from each Fund    Fund Complex,       which the       which the
                           during its      including the     Director is a   Director is a
                           Fiscal Year     Funds, during      Director or     Director or
Name of Director          Ended in 2000  Calendar Year 2000    a Trustee       a Trustee
- ----------------         --------------- ------------------ --------------- ---------------
John D. Carifa.......... $-0-                      $    -0-        35             103

Ruth Block.............. $3,980 ACM I              $155,737        34              80
                         $3,855 ACM IV
                         $3,855 ACM V
                         $3,704 ACM VII
                         $4.029 ACM VIII
                         $4,742 AWDGF
                         $4,198 AWDGF II
                         $3,841 AMA

David H. Dievler........ $4,088 ACM I              $223,025        40              86
                         $4,338 ACM IV
                         $3,963 ACM V
                         $3,812 ACM VII
                         $4,512 ACM VIII
                         $4,850 AWDGF
                         $4,320 AWDGF II
                         $3,949 AMA

John H. Dobkin.......... $4,089 ACM I              $187,175        37              83
                         $4,338 ACM IV
                         $3,963 ACM V
                         $3,813 ACM VII
                         $4,512 ACM VIII
                         $4,851 AWDGF
                         $4,320 AWDGF II
                         $3,950 AMA


                                                                            Total Number of
                                                            Total Number of   Investment
                                                              Investment      Portfolios
                                                             Companies in     within the
                                                             the Alliance    Alliance Fund
                                                             Fund Complex,     Complex,
                            Aggregate    Total Compensation  including the   including the
                          Compensation   from the Alliance   Funds, as to    Funds, as to
                         from each Fund    Fund Complex,       which the       which the
                           during its      including the     Director is a   Director is a
                           Fiscal Year     Funds, during      Director or     Director or
Name of Director          Ended in 2000  Calendar Year 2000    a Trustee       a Trustee
- ----------------         --------------- ------------------ --------------- ---------------
William H. Foulk, Jr.... $4,086 ACM I              $220,737        41              99
                         $4,336 ACM IV
                         $3,961 ACM V
                         $3,810 ACM VII
                         $4,510 ACM VIII
                         $4,848 AWDGF
                         $4,320 AWDGF II
                         $3,947 AMA

Dr. James M. Hester..... $4,090 ACM I              $171,137        35              81
                         $4,339 ACM IV
                         $3,964 ACM V
                         $3,813 ACM VII
                         $4,513 ACM VIII
                         $4,852 AWDGF
                         $4,320 AWDGF II
                         $3,951 AMA

Clifford L. Michel...... $4,090 ACM I              $171,137        35              83
                         $4,339 ACM IV
                         $3,962 ACM V
                         $3,811 ACM VII
                         $4,325 ACM VIII
                         $4,851 AWDGF
                         $4,320 AWDGF II
                         $3,950 AMA

Donald J. Robinson...... $4,087 ACM I              $160,776        37              93
                         $4,337 ACM IV
                         $3,962 ACM V
                         $3,811 ACM VII
                         $4,511 ACM VIII
                         $4,849 AWDGF
                         $3,954 AWDGF II
                         $3,948 AMA

  As of December 29, 2000, each of the Directors of each Fund owned less than
1% of the shares of such Fund and the Directors and officers of each Fund as a
group owned less than 1% of the shares of each such Fund. During each Fund's
most recently completed fiscal year, none of the Funds' Directors engaged in a
purchase or sale of the securities of the Adviser or of any of its parents or
subsidiaries in an amount exceeding 1% of the relevant class of securities.

  The Boards of Directors recommend that the stockholders of each Fund vote
"FOR" the election of the foregoing nominees to serve as Directors of their


                                 PROPOSAL TWO

                         RATIFICATION OF SELECTION OF
                            INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTANTS

  The Boards of Directors of ACM I, ACM IV, ACM V, ACM VII, ACM VIII, AWDGF
and AWDGF II recommend that the stockholders of each Fund ratify the selection
of Ernst & Young LLP, independent accountants, to audit the accounts of each
such Fund for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2001 (AWDGF II), July 31, 2001
(ACM IV), August 31, 2001 (ACM V), September 30, 2001 (ACM VIII), October 31,
2001 (ACM VII and AWDGF), and December 31, 2001 (ACM I). In addition, the
Board of Directors of AMA recommends that the stockholders of the Fund ratify
the selection of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, independent accountants, to audit
the accounts of the Fund for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2001. The
selection of both Ernst & Young LLP and PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP was
approved by the vote, cast in person, of a majority of the Directors of each
Fund, including a majority of the Directors who are not "interested persons"
of each Fund, as defined in the Act, at meetings held on July 19, 2000 (ACM
IV, ACM V and ACM VIII), July 20, 2000 (AMA), September 7, 2000 (ACM I, ACM
VII and AWDGF) and January 18, 2001 (AWDGF II). With respect to each Fund, the
affirmative vote of a majority of the votes cast at the Meeting is required to
ratify such selection.

  Ernst & Young LLP has audited the accounts of ACM I, ACM IV, ACM VII, ACM
VIII, AWDGF and AWDGF II since the commencement of each Fund's operations, and
of ACM V since its fiscal year ending August 31, 1990, and has represented
that it does not have any direct financial interest or any material indirect
financial interest in any of the Funds. PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP has audited
the accounts of AMA since the Fund's commencement of operations and has
represented that it does not have any direct financial interest or any
material indirect financial interest in the Fund. Representatives of Ernst &
Young LLP and PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP are expected to attend the Meeting
and to have the opportunity to make a statement and respond to appropriate
questions from the stockholders.

  The Audit Committee of the Board of Directors of each Fund will normally
meet three times during each full fiscal year with representatives of the
independent accountants to discuss and review various matters as contemplated
by the Audit Committee Charter attached as Appendix A.


Audit Committee Report

  Each Fund's Board of Directors has adopted a written charter for the Fund's
Audit Committee. The purposes of each Fund's Audit Committee are set forth in
the Fund's Audit Committee Charter, a form of which is included as Appendix A.
The role of each Audit Committee is to assist the Board of Directors in its
oversight of the Fund's financial reporting process. As set forth in the
Charter, management of each Fund is responsible for the preparation,
presentation and integrity of the Fund's financial statements, the Fund's
accounting and financial reporting principles and internal controls and
procedures designed to assure compliance with accounting standards and
applicable laws and regulations. The independent accountants are responsible
for auditing the Fund's financial statements and expressing an opinion as to
their conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

  In the performance of its oversight function, the Audit Committee of each
Fund has considered and discussed the audited financial statements with
management and the independent accountants. The Audit Committee of each Fund
has also discussed with the independent accountants the matters required to be
discussed by Statement on Auditing Standards No. 61, Communication with Audit
Committees, as currently in effect. The Audit Committee of each Fund also
considered whether the provision by the Fund's independent accountants of non-
audit services to the Fund, and of professional services to the Adviser and
affiliates of the Adviser that provide services to the Fund, is compatible
with maintaining the independent accountants' independence. Finally, the Audit
Committee of each Fund has received the written disclosures and the letter
from the independent accountants required by Independence Standards Board
Standard No. 1, Independence Discussions with Audit Committees, and has
discussed with the independent accountants, the independent accountant's

  The members of the Funds' Audit Committees are not professionally engaged in
the practice of auditing or accounting and are not experts in the fields of
accounting or auditing, including in respect of auditor independence. Members
of the Audit Committees rely without independent verification on the
information provided to them and on the representations made by management and
the independent accountants. Accordingly, the Audit Committees' oversight does
not provide an independent basis to determine that management has maintained
appropriate accounting and financial reporting principles or appropriate
internal controls and procedures designed to assure compliance with accounting
standards and applicable laws and regulations. Furthermore,


the Audit Committees' considerations and discussions referred to above do not
assure that the audits of the Funds' financial statements have been carried out
in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, that the financial
statements are presented in accordance with generally accepted accounting
principles or that the Funds' accountants are in fact "independent".

  Based upon the reports and discussions described in this report, and subject
to the limitations on the role and responsibilities of the Audit Committee of
each Fund referred to above and in the Audit Committee Charters, the Audit
Committee of each Fund recommended to the Board of Directors of the Fund that
the audited financial statements be included in the Fund's annual report to
stockholders for the most recent fiscal period.

Submitted by the Audit Committees of the Boards of Directors

  Ruth Block                       Dr. James M. Hester
  David H. Dievler                 Clifford L. Michel
  John H. Dobkin                   Donald J. Robinson
  William H. Foulk, Jr.            Robert C. White*
- -----------
* Mr. White retired from the Board of Directors of each Fund as of December 31,


Independent Accountants' Fees

  The following table sets forth the aggregate fees billed by the independent
accountants for each Fund's most recent fiscal year for professional services
rendered for: (i) the audit of the Fund's annual financial statements and the
review of financial statements included in the Fund's reports to stockholders;
(ii) financial information systems design and implementation services provided
to the Fund, its investment adviser and entities that control, are controlled
by or under common control with the Adviser that provide services to the Fund;
and (iii) all other services provided to the Fund, its investment adviser and
entities that control, are controlled by or under common control with the
Adviser that provide services to the Fund.

                                              Financial Information
                                               Systems Design and
                                   Audit Fees Implementation Fees*  Other Fees*
                                   ---------- --------------------- -----------
ACM Government Income
  Fund, Inc.......................  $56,000           $-0-          $  957,945
ACM Government Opportunity
  Fund, Inc.......................  $38,000           $-0-          $  616,918
ACM Managed Income Fund, Inc......  $40,000           $-0-          $  635,278
ACM Municipal Securities Income
  Fund, Inc.......................  $41,000           $-0-          $  726,218
ACM Managed Dollar Income Fund
  Inc. ...........................  $50,000           $-0-          $  591,200
Alliance World Dollar Government
  Fund, Inc.......................  $50,000           $-0-          $  693,871
Alliance World Dollar Government
  Fund II, Inc....................  $50,000           $-0-          $  649,860
Alliance All Market Advantage
  Fund, Inc.......................  $35,000           $-0-          $1,414,388

- -----------
* Substantially all of the fees reflected are comprised of amounts billed to
  the Adviser and its affiliates. Because these fees are presented based on
  each Fund's most recent fiscal year, and because the fiscal years of the
  Funds overlap, the fees listed are not cumulative. In other words, the same
  fee may be reflected in more than one Fund's listing.

  The Boards of Directors of ACM I, ACM IV, ACM V, ACM VII, ACM VIII, AWDGF
and AWDGF II recommend that the stockholders vote "FOR" the ratification of
the selection of Ernst & Young LLP as independent accountants for their Fund.
The Board of Directors of AMA recommends that the stockholders of the Fund
vote "FOR" the ratification of the selection of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as
independent accountants of the Fund.


  Each Fund's investment adviser is Alliance Capital Management L.P., with
principal offices at 1345 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York 10105.
The administrator for ACM I is Mitchell Hutchins Asset Management Inc., with
principal offices at 1285 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York 10019.
The administrator for ACM IV, ACM VII,


AWDGF, AWDGF II and AMA is Alliance Capital Management L.P., with principal
offices at 1345 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York 10105. Prudential
Investments Fund Management LLC, with principal offices at Gateway Center 3,
Newark, New Jersey 07102, serves as sub-administrator for ACM VII. The
administrator for ACM V and ACM VIII is Princeton Administrators, L.P., with
principal offices at 500 College Road East, Princeton, New Jersey 08540.

Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance

  Section 30(h) of the Act and the rules under Section 16 of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 require that the Directors and officers of each Fund and
the Directors of ACMC, among others, file with the Commission and the NYSE
initial reports of ownership and reports of changes in ownership of shares of
the Funds. For each Fund's fiscal year ended in 2000, all such reports were
timely filed.

                                 OTHER MATTERS

  Management of each Fund does not know of any matters properly to be
presented at the Meeting other than those mentioned in this Proxy Statement.
If any other matters properly come before the Meeting, the shares represented
by proxies will be voted with respect thereto in the best discretion of the
person or persons voting the proxies.

  According to information filed with the Commission, as of March 7, 2000, Aon
Corporation, Aon Advisors, Inc., Combined Insurance Company of America and
Virginia Surety Company, Inc., each with an address of 123 North Wacker Drive,
Chicago, Illinois 60606, beneficially owned an aggregate of 4,635,536 shares,
or 35.5%, of the outstanding common stock of ACM IV.

                        ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS

  Proposals of stockholders intended to be presented at the next annual
meeting of stockholders of a Fund must be received by the Fund by October 12,
2001 for inclusion in such Fund's proxy statement and proxy card relating to
that meeting. The submission by a stockholder of a proposal for inclusion in
the proxy statement does not guarantee that it will be included. Stockholder
proposals are subject to certain requirements under the federal securities
laws and the Maryland General Corporation Law and must be submitted in
accordance with each Fund's By-laws.


  The persons named as proxies for the 2002 Annual Meeting of Stockholders
will with respect to the proxies in effect at the meeting have discretionary
authority to vote on any matter presented by a stockholder for action at that
meeting unless the Fund receives notice of the matter by December 26, 2001,
(or such earlier date as may be specified by an advance notice provision in
the Fund's By-laws). If a Fund receives such timely notice, these persons will
not have this authority except as provided in the applicable rules of the

                            REPORTS TO STOCKHOLDERS

  Each Fund will furnish each person to whom this Proxy Statement is delivered
with a copy of the Fund's latest annual report to stockholders and, if
applicable, such Fund's subsequent semi-annual report to stockholders, upon
request and without charge. To request a copy, please call Alliance Fund
Services at (800) 227-4618 or write to Gary Beckham at Alliance Capital
Management L.P., 1345 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York 10105.

                                      By Order of the Boards of Directors,

                                      Edmund P. Bergan, Jr.

February 9, 2001
New York, New York


                                                                     Appendix A
                            AUDIT COMITTEE CHARTER
            Registered Investment Companies in the Alliance Complex

I.  Composition of the Audit Committee: The Audit Committee shall be comprised
    of at least three directors, each of whom shall have no relationship to
    the Company or any investment adviser, sub-adviser, administrator, sub-
    administrator, custodian, principal underwriter or transfer agent that may
    interfere with the exercise of his or her independence from management and
    the Company and, with respect to his or her relationship to the Company,
    may otherwise satisfy any applicable membership requirements of stock
    exchange or Nasdaq rules, as such requirements are interpreted by the
    Board of Directors in its business judgment.*

II.  Purpose of the Audit Committee: The purposes of the Audit Committee are
     to assist the Board of Directors:

  1.  in its oversight of the Company's accounting and financial reporting
      principles and policies and related controls and procedures maintained
      by or an behalf of the Company;
  2.  in its oversight of the Company's financial statements and the
      independent audit thereof;
  3.  in selecting (or nominating the independent accountants to be proposed
      for shareholder approval in any proxy statement),
- -----------
*  The New York Stock Exchange's rules require that the Audit Committee
   members have no relationship with the Company that may interfere with their
   independence. More specifically, the standards restrict the eligibility of
   people with certain relationships from membership on the Audit Committee.
   Notably, a director who is an employee, including an executive officer, of
   the Company or any of its affiliates may not serve on the Audit Committee
   until three years after termination of the employment, and a director who
   is a partner, controlling shareholder, or executive officer of an entity
   that has a business relationship with the Company may not serve on the
   Audit Committee unless the board of directors of the Company determines
   that such relationship will not interfere with the director's independence.
     The New York Stock Exchange rules also require that (i) each Audit
   Committee member be financially literate and (ii) at least one member of
   the Audit Committee have accounting or related financial management
   expertise. Each of these qualifications is subject to the interpretation of
   the Company's board of directors in its business judgment. The Company is
   required to regularly provide certifications to the New York Stock Exchange
   regarding its compliance with the Audit Committee rules.
     The SEC's proxy rules require closed-end investment companies listed on
   the NYSE or AMEX, or quoted on Nasdaq, to disclose in their proxy
   statements relating to the election of directors whether the committee
   members are independent under the applicable stock exchange or Nasdaq
   rules, and, if not independent, the nature of the relationship and the
   reasons the board appointed the non-independent director.


      evaluating and, where deemed appropriate, replacing the independent
      accountants; and
  4.  in evaluating the independence of the independent accountants.

  The function of the Audit Committee is oversight. The management of the
  Company, including contractually obligated service providers, are
  responsible for the preparation, presentation and integrity of the
  Company's financial statements. Management and applicable service
  providers are responsible for maintaining appropriate accounting and
  financial reporting principles and policies and related controls and
  procedures designed to assure compliance with accounting standards and
  applicable laws and regulations. The independent accountants are
  responsible for planning and carrying out a proper audit. In fulfilling
  their responsibilities hereunder, it is recognized that the members of the
  Audit Committee are not full-time employees of the Company, and the
  members of the Audit Committee are neither acting as, nor do they
  represent themselves to be acting as, accountants, auditors or experts in
  the fields of accounting or auditing. As such, in fulfilling their
  oversight duties under this Charter, it is neither the duty nor the
  responsibility of the Audit Committee or its members to conduct "field
  work" or other types of auditing or accounting reviews or procedures, and
  each member of the Audit Committee shall be entitled to rely on (i) the
  integrity of those persons and organizations within and outside the
  Company that provide information to the Audit Committee and (ii) the
  accuracy of the financial and other information provided to the Audit
  Committee by such persons or organizations absent actual knowledge to the
  contrary (which shall be promptly reported to the Board of Directors).

  The independent accountants for the Company are ultimately accountable to
  the Board of Directors and the Audit Committee. The Board of Directors,
  with the assistance of the Audit Committee, has the ultimate authority and
  responsibility to select, evaluate and, where appropriate, replace the
  independent accountants (or to nominate the independent accountants to be
  proposed for shareholder approval in the proxy statement).

  The Audit Committee shall also be responsible for ensuring that the
  independent accountants submit to the Company annually a formal written
  statement delineating all relationships between the independent
  accountants and the Company ("Statement as to Independence"), addressing
  at least the matters set forth in Independence Standards Board Standard
  No. 1. The Statement as to Independence shall also identify any audit, tax
  or consulting services


  to the Company's investment adviser, sub-adviser, administrator, sub-
  administrator, custodian, principal underwriter or transfer agent or other
  service providers, and such other investment companies advised by the
  Company's investment adviser, as the Audit Committee may specify.

III. Meetings of the Audit Committee: The Audit Committee shall meet as often
     as may be required to consider the matters set forth in Article IV. In
     addition, the Audit Committee should meet separately at least annually
     with management and the independent accountants to discuss any matters
     that the Audit Committee or any of these persons or firms believe should
     be discussed privately. The Audit Committee may request any officer or
     employee of the Company or of any service provider, outside counsel to the
     Company or to the independent directors, or representatives of the
     Company's independent accountants to attend a meeting of the Audit
     Committee or to meet with any members of, or consultants to, the Audit
     Committee. Members of the Audit Committee may participate in a meeting of
     the Audit Committee by means of conference call or similar communications
     equipment by means of which all persons participating in the meeting can
     hear each other.

IV. Duties and Powers of the Audit Committee: To carry out its purposes, the
    Audit Committee shall have the following responsibilities and powers:
  1.  with respect to the independent accountants,

    (i)   to provide advice to the Board of Directors in selecting,
          evaluating or replacing the independent accountants;

    (ii)  to review the fees charged by the independent accountants for
          the performance of audit and non-audit services to the Company;

    (iii) to ensure that the independent accountants prepare and deliver
          annually a Statement as to Independence (it being understood
          that the independent accountants are responsible for the
          accuracy and completeness of this Statement), to discuss with
          the independent accountants any relationships or services
          disclosed in this Statement that may impact the objectivity and
          independence of the Company's independent accountants and to
          recommend that the Board of Directors take appropriate action
          in response to this Statement to satisfy itself of the
          independent accountants' independence; and


    (iv) to instruct the independent accountants that the independent
         accountants are ultimately accountable to the Board of Directors
         and Audit Committee;
  2.  with respect to financial reporting principles and policies and
      related controls and procedures,

    (i) to advise management and the independent accountants that they
        are expected to provide or cause to be provided to the Audit
        Committee a timely analysis of significant financial reporting
        issues and practices;

    (ii) to consider any reports or communications (and management's
         responses thereto) submitted to the Audit Committee by the
         independent accountants required by generally accepted auditing
         standards, as they may be modified or supplemented, including
         reports and communications related to:

      .   deficiencies noted in the audit in the design at operation
          of related controls;

      .   consideration of fraud in a financial statement audit;

      .   detection of illegal acts;

      .   the independent accountants' responsibility under generally
          accepted auditing standards;

      .   significant accounting policies;

      .   management judgments and accounting estimates;

      .   adjustments recorded and unadjusted differences arising from
          the audit;

      .   the responsibility of the independent accountants for other
          information in documents containing audited financial

      .   disagreements with management;

      .   consultation by management with other independent

      .   major issues discussed with management prior to retention of
          the independent accountants;

      .   difficulties encountered with management in performing the
          audit; and

      .   the independent accountant's judgments about the quality of
          the Company's accounting principles;


    (iii)  to meet with management and/or the independent accountants:

      .   to discuss the scope of the annual audit or any audit or
          review of interim financial statements;
      .   to discuss the audited financial statements;

      .   to discuss any significant matters arising from any audit or
          report or communication referred to in item 2(ii) above,
          whether raised by management or the independent accountants,
          relating to the Company's financial statements;

      .   to review the opinion rendered, or the form of opinion the
          independent accountants propose to render, to the Board of
          Directors and shareholders;

      .   to discuss allocations of expenses between the Company and
          other entities and, if applicable, among different series of
          the Company and among different classes of shares of the

      .   to discuss the Company's compliance with Subchapter M and,
          if applicable, Subchapter L*, of the Internal Revenue Code
          of 1986, as amended;

      .   to discuss the Company's compliance with Rule 2a-7* of the
          Investment Company Act of 1940, to the extent that such Rule
          applies to the Company;

      .   to discuss with management and the independent accountants
          their respective procedures to assess the representativeness
          of securities prices provided by external pricing services;

      .   to discuss with independent accountants their conclusions as
          to the reasonableness of procedures employed to determine
          the fair value of securities for which market quotations are
          not readily available, management's adherence to such
          procedures and the adequacy of supporting documentation;

      .   to discuss with management and the independent accountants
          any reports issued by independent accountants regarding the
          Company's transfer, custody and accounting agents;
- -----------
*Subchapter L is relevant only to investment companies that sell their shares
 to insurance company separate accounts.
* Rule 2a-7 applies only to money market funds.


      .   to discuss the report of the independent accountants on the
          Company's system of internal accounting controls required to
          be filed with the Company's Form N-SAR;

      .   to discuss significant changes to the Company's accounting
          principles, policies, controls, procedures and practices
          proposed or contemplated by management;

      .   to discuss significant changes to auditing principles and to
          auditing policies, controls, procedures and practices
          contemplated by the independent accountants;

      .   to inquire about significant risks and exposures, if any,
          and the steps taken to monitor and minimize such risks; and

    (iv)  to discuss with the Company and its legal advisors any
          significant legal matters that may have a material effect on the
          financial statements; and

  3.  with respect to reporting, recommendations and other matters,

    (i)   to provide advice to the Board of Directors in electing the
          principal accounting officer of the Company;

    (ii)  to provide any report required by the rules of the Securities
          and Exchange Commission to be included in the Company's annual
          proxy statement;*

    (iii) to review this Charter at least annually and recommend any
          changes to the full Board of Directors; and

    (iv)  to report its activities to the full Board of Directors on a
          regular basis and to make such recommendations with respect to
          the above and other matters as the Audit Committee may deem
          necessary or appropriate.

V.  Resources and Authority of the Audit Committee : The Audit Committee shall
    have the resources and authority appropriate to discharge its
    responsibilities, including the authority to engage independent
    accountants for special audits, reviews and other procedures and to retain
    special counsel and other experts or consultants.
- -----------
* Closed-end investment companies must include in their proxy statements
  relating to the election of directors a signed report of the Audit Committee
  in which the Audit Committee states whether it has (i) reviewed and
  discussed the audited financial statements, (ii) discussed the matters to be
  discussed under SAS 61 and (iii) received from and discussed with the
  independent accountants their Statement as to Independence. The report must
  also include a statement as to whether, based on these three items, the
  Audit Committee recommended to the board of directors the inclusion of the
  audited financial statements in the Company's annual report required by
  (S)30(e) of the Investment Company Act.


                      [This Page Intentionally Left Blank]

                      [This Page Intentionally Left Blank]

TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                          Page
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Introduction..............................................................   1

Proposal One: Election of Directors.......................................   4

Proposal Two: Ratification of Selection of Independent Accountants........  11

Information as to the Investment Adviser and the Administrators of the
  Funds...................................................................  14

Other Matters.............................................................  15

Submission of Proposals for the Next Annual Meeting of Stockholders.......  15

Reports to Stockholders...................................................  16

Appendix A................................................................ A-1

                        ACM Government Income Fund, Inc.

                     ACM Government Opportunity Fund, Inc.

                         ACM Managed Income Fund, Inc.

                   ACM Municipal Securities Income Fund, Inc.

                      ACM Managed Dollar Income Fund, Inc.

                  Alliance World Dollar Government Fund, Inc.

                 Alliance World Dollar Government Fund II, Inc.

                    Alliance All-Market Advantage Fund, Inc.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                           [LOGO OF ALLIANCE CAPITAL]
                        Alliance Capital Management L.P.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MARCH 8, 2001




The undersigned stockholder of ACM Government Income Fund, Inc.,
a Maryland corporation (the "Corporation"), hereby instructs each
of Carol H. Rappa and Christina A. Santiago, or either of them,
as proxies for the undersigned, each with full power of
substitution, to attend the meeting of Stockholders of the
Corporation to be held at 11:00 a.m., Eastern Time, on March 8,
2001 at the offices of the Corporation, 1345 Avenue of the
Americas, 33rd Floor, New York, New York 10105, and any
postponement or adjournment thereof, to cast on behalf of the
undersigned all votes that the undersigned is entitled to cast at
the meeting and otherwise to represent the undersigned with all
powers possessed by the undersigned if personally present at such
meeting.  The undersigned hereby acknowledges receipt of the
Notice of Meeting and accompanying Proxy Statement.


             Please refer to the Proxy Statement for
             a discussion of each of the Proposals.


NOTE:  Please sign this proxy exactly as your name(s) appear(s)
on the books of the Corporation.  Joint owners should each sign
personally.  Trustees and other fiduciaries should indicate the
capacity in which they sign, and where more than one name
appears, a majority must sign.  If a corporation, the signature
should be that of an authorized officer who should state his or
her title.


__________________________________   ____________________________

__________________________________   ____________________________

__________________________________   ____________________________


Mark box at right if an address
change or comment has been noted on
the reverse side of this card.  /  /

    Your Board of Directors urges
    you to vote "FOR" the election
    of all Nominees and "FOR"
    Proposal Two.

                                    Please mark votes as in this example: /X/
1.  Election of Directors               FOR ALL                      FOR ALL
                                        NOMINEES       WITHHOLD      EXCEPT
                                        /      /       /      /      /     /
    Class One Nominees
    (terms expire 2004):

    (01)  John H. Dobkin            NOTE: If you do not wish your shares
    (02)  Clifford L. Michel        voted "FOR" any particular Nominee, mark
    (03)  Donald J. Robinson        the "For All Except" box and strike a
                                    line through the name(s) of the
                                    Nominee(s).  Your shares will be voted
                                    for the remaining Nominee(s).


2.  Ratification of the selection of       FOR       AGAINST      ABSTAIN
    Ernst & Young LLP as the             /     /     /     /      /     /
    independent auditors for the
    Corporation for the fiscal year
    ending December 31, 2001.

3.  In their discretion upon any
    other matters that may properly
    come before the Annual Meeting
    or any postponement or
    adjournment thereof, as
    described in the Proxy

                                      Please be sure to sign and date this

                                       Stockholder sign here

                                       Co-owner sign here

                                       Date _______________, 2001

