UNITED STATES
                             Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 6-K

                            Report of Foreign Issuer
                      Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 of
                       the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

For the month of                     December                             , 2002

                          Knightsbridge Tankers Limited
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                 (Translation of registrant's name into English)

       Par-la-Ville Place, 14 Par-la-Ville Road, Hamilton HM 08, Bermuda
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    (Address of principal executive offices)

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant  files or will file annual reports
under cover Form 20-F or Form 40-F

               Form 20-F       X           Form 40-F
                        --------------              --------------

Indicate by check mark whether the  registrant  by  furnishing  the  information
contained  in this  Form is  also  thereby  furnishing  the  information  to the
Commission pursuant to Rule 12g3-2(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

                     Yes                          No      X
                        --------------              --------------

If "Yes" is marked, indicate below the file number assigned to the registrant in
connection with Rule 12g3-2(b): 82-______________

Knightsbridge Tankers Limited
Registered Office
Par-la-Ville Place, 14 Par-la-Ville Road
Hamilton, Bermuda


Attached as Exhibit 1 is a copy of the Third Quarter 2002 Report to Shareholders
of Knighstbridge Tankers Limited (the "Company"), dated November 9, 2002.

Attached as Exhibit 2 is a copy of a letter from the Company  dated  December 5,
2002  which  accompanies  the  Third  Quarter  2002  Report to  Shareholders  as
transmitted to the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Knightsbridge Tankers Limited
Registered Office
Par-la-Ville Place, 14 Par-la-Ville Road
Hamilton, Bermuda

                                    Exhibit 1

                          KNIGHTSBRIDGE TANKERS LIMITED

                               THIRD QUARTER 2002
                             REPORT TO SHAREHOLDERS

Knightsbridge Tankers Limited
Registered Office
Par-la-Ville Place, 14 Par-la-Ville Road
Hamilton, Bermuda

                                                       Bermuda, November 9, 2002

To the Shareholders of Knightsbridge Tankers Limited:

Enclosed  is our report  for the third  quarter  of 2002.  The  report  contains
selected  unaudited   financial   information   accompanied  by  a  Management's
Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations for the
period ended September 30, 2002.

On February 27, 1997, the Company's ship owning subsidiaries purchased five very
large crude carriers ("VLCC's") from their previous owners and delivered them to
Shell  International  Petroleum  Company  Limited  ("Shell  International"),  as
charterer,  under separate "hell and high water" bareboat charters.  Under those
charters,  the Company's ship owning subsidiaries  receive the greater of a Base
Rate of hire in the amount of $22,069 per day per VLCC or a spot market  related
rate. After inclusion of a component for operating  expenses of $10,500 per day,
the spot  market  related  rate must exceed  $32,569  per day for the  Company's
subsidiaries to receive any Additional Hire over the Base Rate.

Based upon the determination by the London Tanker Brokers Panel, the spot market
related rate totaled $9,093 per day for the period July 1 through  September 30,
2002. (The  corresponding spot market related rate for the period July 1 through
September 30, 2001 was determined to be $25,163).

Accordingly,  on October 15, 2002,  Shell  International  paid to the  Company's
vessel owning subsidiaries charter hire at the Base Rate in the aggregate amount
of $10,151,740 for the period July 1 through September 30, 2002. (For the period
July 1 through September 30, 2001, Shell  International paid charter hire at the
Base Rate of $10,151,740).

On  October  15,  2002,  the  Board  of  Directors  of the  Company  declared  a
distribution  to  shareholders  of record as of October 25, 2002,  payable on or
about  November 7, 2002,  in the amount of $0.45 per share for the period July 1
through  September 30, 2002. (For the period July 1 through  September 30, 2001,
the distribution was $0.45 per share.)

The Company has agreed to provide  information to  shareholders  that are United
States  income  tax  payers  by  February  15,  2003,  so that they may make the
appropriate  tax reporting and elections with the United States tax  authorities
with respect to the Company's status as a "Passive Foreign Investment  Company".
Under  present  United  States tax rules,  the  amount of income  reported  by a
shareholder is based on the Company's income on an annual basis. Therefore,  the
Company will provide  information  enabling  shareholders  to determine  the tax
consequences  of their  investment  in the Company,  including  the treatment of
distributions received from the Company, for the entire year ending December 31,

Please  visit our  website at  We are  pleased to
answer any inquiries that shareholders may have. Our investor relations contacts
are: Ola  Lorentzon in Oslo,  Norway (Tel:  47 23 11 40 00, Fax: 47 23 11 40 44)
and  Kate  Blankenship  in  Hamilton,  Bermuda  (Tel:  441  295-0182,  Fax:  441
295-3494).  The NASDAQ National Market symbol for the Company's Common Shares is

Very truly yours,

Ola Lorentzon
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

                     Management's Discussion and Analysis of
                  Financial Condition and Results of Operations

Knightsbridge  Tankers  Limited (the  "Company") was  incorporated in Bermuda on
September 18, 1996. In February 1997, the Company offered and sold to the public
16,100,000  common  shares  at an  initial  offering  price  of $20  per  share.
Simultaneously,  the Company sold 1,000,000  common shares at a price of $20 per
share to ICB International  Limited, an indirect wholly-owned  subsidiary of ICB
Shipping  Aktiebolag  (publ) ("ICB"),  a Swedish publicly traded ship owning and
operating  company.  The Company used the proceeds of these offerings,  together
with advances  under a $145.6  million  credit  facility  from an  international
syndicate  of  lenders,   primarily  to  fund  the  purchase  by  the  Company's
subsidiaries of five recently  constructed  very large crude carrier oil tankers
("VLCC's").  Upon their  purchase from their  previous  owners,  the VLCC's were
delivered on February 27, 1997, to Shell International Petroleum Company Limited
("Shell International"),  a company of the Royal Dutch/Shell Group of Companies,
under  separate  "hell  and high  water"  bareboat  charters.  The term of these
charters is a minimum of seven years, with an option for Shell  International to
extend the period for each VLCC for an additional  seven-year term, to a maximum
of 14 years per VLCC.  This term expires in February  2004.  Under the charters,
Shell  pays the  greater  of a Base  Rate of hire of  $22,069  per day or a spot
market related rate,  determined  quarterly by the London Tankers Brokers Panel.
After taking into account a component  for  operating  costs of $10,500 per day,
Shell International pays the higher rate if the award exceeds $32,569 per day.

Results of Operations - Nine Months Ended September 30, 2002
- ------------------------------------------------------------

The Company's  revenues  consisted of charter hire of $30.1 million for the nine
months ending  September 30, 2002 compared with $51.0 million for the first nine
months of 2001.  This  decrease is due to the fact that no  additional  hire was
paid in the first nine months of 2002 while additional hire of $20.9 million was
paid in the first nine months of 2001.

Operating Expenses
The  Company's  operating  expenses  consist  of (i) fees  due to the  Company's
manager,  ICB Shipping  (Bermuda) Ltd (the "Manager"),  (ii) depreciation of the
vessels and (iii)  administration  expenses  consisting of payments of insurance
premiums  for  directors  and  officers  liability  insurance.  There  can be no
assurance,  however, that the Company will not have other expenses or contingent
liabilities for which reserves will be required.

Interest income and expense
Interest  income of  $24,925  was earned  during  the first nine  months of 2002
compared with $194,174 in the  comparable  period of 2001, a decrease due to the
lower cash  balances  arising from the  decreased  charter hire  received in the
first nine months of 2002.

The Company's borrowings under its primary credit facility have been effectively
converted to a fixed rate pursuant to a swap arrangement to which the Company is
a party.  Interest on the primary credit facility has effectively  been fixed at
approximately  7.14 %, which resulted in interest expenses of $6,667,812 for the
first nine months of 2002.

On January 1, 2001 the Company adopted SFAS No. 133, "Accounting for Derivatives
and Hedging  Activities",  which  requires that all  derivative  instruments  be
recorded on the balance sheet at their fair value.  As the interest rate swap is
designated  as  part of a hedge  transaction,  changes  in the  fair  value  are
recorded each period in other  comprehensive  income.  At September 30, 2002 the
interest rate swap had a negative value of $12,287,826. A separate statement for
consolidated   comprehensive  income  is  included  in  the  enclosed  financial

Liquidity and Capital Resources
Total  shareholders'  equity of the  Company at  September  30,  2002 was $212.5
million compared to $229.1 million at December 31, 2001. The decrease was due to
net income of $9.4 million for the period  January 1 through  September 30, 2002
less  distribution  to  shareholders  for the first  nine  months of 2002 in the
aggregate amount of $23.3 million and the recording of the $2.7 million movement
in the fair value of the swap in other comprehensive income/loss.

The  Company's  long-term  debt as of September  30, 2002 and 2001,  consists of
$125.4  million  borrowed under its credit  facility.  The balance of the credit
facility matures in August 2004.  Interest on this balance is payable  quarterly
in arrears.

Currency Exchange Rates
The international  shipping industry's  functional currency is the United States
Dollar and virtually all of the  Company's  operating  revenues and expenses are
expected to be denominated in United States Dollar.  Accordingly,  the company's
operating  results,  following  expiration or  termination  of the charters with
Shell International,  are not expected to be significantly affected by movements
in currency exchange rates.

                          KNIGHTSBRIDGE TANKERS LIMITED
                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                                (in U.S. Dollars)


Current assets                                  Sept 30, 2002     Dec 31, 2001
- --------------                                  -------------     ------------

Cash                                                  205,941          278,268
Charter hire receivable                            10,151,740       10,515,600
Prepaid expenses                                       42,849           15,342
                                                -------------     ------------

Total current assets                               10,400,530       10,809,210

Vessels under capital lease, net                  341,399,267      354,593,912
Capitalized financing fees and expenses, net          522,224          800,882
                                                -------------     ------------

TOTAL ASSETS                                      352,322,021      366,204,004
                                                =============     ============


Current liabilities
- -------------------

Accrued expenses and other current liabilities      2,184,047        2,176,885
                                                -------------     ------------
Total current liabilities                           2,184,047        2,176,885

Credit facility                                   125,397,399      125,397,399
Interest rate swap agreement at fair value         12,287,826        9,552,504

Shareholders' equity
- --------------------

Common shares, par value $0.01 per share:
Authorized and outstanding 17,100,000                 171,000          171,000
Contributed capital surplus account               224,569,575      238,458,720
Retained earnings                                           -                -
Accumulated other comprehensive income            (12,287,826)      (9,552,504)
                                                -------------     ------------

Total shareholders' equity                        212,452,749      229,077,216
                                                -------------     ------------

SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                              352,322,021      366,204,004
                                                =============     ============

                          KNIGHTSBRIDGE TANKERS LIMITED
                                (in U.S. Dollars)

                                               Jan 1, 2002         Jan 1, 2001
                                          to Sept 30, 2002    to Sept 30, 2001
                                          -----------------   -----------------

Charter hire revenue                            30,124,185          51,018,735

Operating expenses:
Depreciation of vessels
   under capital leases                         13,194,645          13,194,645
Management fee                                     562,500             562,500
Administration expenses                             41,345              38,095
                                          -----------------   -----------------
                                                13,798,490          13,795,240

Net operating income                            16,325,695          37,223,495

Interest income                                     24,925             194,174
Interest expense                                (6,667,812)         (6,737,732)
Other financial costs                             (315,953)           (316,170)
                                          -----------------   -----------------
                                                (6,958,840)         (6,859,728)
Net income                                       9,366,855          30,363,767
                                          =================   =================

                          KNIGHTSBRIDGE TANKERS LIMITED
                                (in U.S. Dollars)

                                               Jan 1, 2002         Jan 1, 2001
                                          to Sept 30, 2002    to Sept 30, 2001
                                          -----------------   -----------------

Net income                                       9,366,855          30,363,767

Other comprehensive loss
Loss on derivative cash flow
   hedging instrument                           (2,735,322)        (10,738,768)
                                          -----------------   -----------------
Comprehensive income                             6,631,533          19,624,999
                                          =================   =================

                          KNIGHTSBRIDGE TANKERS LIMITED
                                (in U.S. Dollars)

                                               Jan 1, 2002         Jan 1, 2001
                                          to Sept 30, 2002    to Sept 30, 2001
                                          -----------------   ----------------
Cash flows from operating activities
- ------------------------------------

Net income                                       9,366,855          30,363,767

Items to reconcile net income to net cash
provided by operating activities:

Depreciation                                    13,194,645          13,194,645
Amortization of capitalized                        278,658             278,657
   fees and expenses

Changes in operating assets and liabilities:

Charter hire receivable and prepaid expenses       336,353          20,940,486
Accrued expenses and other                           7,162              26,951
   current liabilities                    -----------------   -----------------

Net cash provided by operating activities       23,183,673          64,804,506

Cash flows from financing activities
- ------------------------------------

Distribution to shareholders                   (23,256,000)        (64,809,000)
                                          -----------------   -----------------
Net cash used in financing activities          (23,256,000)        (64,809,000)

Net increase (decrease) in cash
   and cash equivalents                            (72,327)             (4,494)
Cash and cash equivalents at                       278,268             247,370
   beginning of period                    -----------------   -----------------

Cash and cash equivalents at                       205,941             242,876
   end of period                          =================   =================

                          KNIGHTSBRIDGE TANKERS LIMITED
                                (in U.S. Dollars)

                                         Contributed                        Other
                           Share     capital surplus     Retained   Comprehensive
                          Capital            Account     Earnings          Income          Total
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Balance at
December 31, 2000         171,000        273,809,543    3,237,745               -    277,218,288

Net income                      -                  -   33,915,432               -     33,915,432

Other comprehensive             -                  -            -      (9,552,504)    (9,552,504)

to shareholders                 -        (35,350,823) (37,153,177)              -    (72,504,000)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance at
December 31, 2001         171,000        238,458,720            -      (9,552,504)   229,077,216

Net income                      -                  -    9,366,855               -      9,366,855

Other comprehensive
loss                                                                   (2,735,322)    (2,735,322)
to shareholders                 -        (13,889,145)  (9,366,855)              -    (23,256,000)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance at
Sept 30, 2002             171,000        224,569,575            -     (12,287,826)   212,452,749

                                    Exhibit 2

                                                                December 5, 2002

Securities and Exchange Commission
450 Fifth Street, N.W.
Washington D.C.

Dear Sirs,

                Knightsbridge Tankers Limited (the "Registrant")
                                File No. 0-29106

We refer to the  accompanying  periodic  report on Form 6-K.  To the best of the
knowledge  of each of the  undersigned,  this  report  fully  complies  with the
requirements of Section 13 (a) or 15 (d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.
The  information  contained  in this  report  fairly  presents  in all  material
respects the  Registrant's  financial  condition and results of operations as of
the periods stated therein.

                                Yours faithfully,

                                /s/ Ola Lorentzon

                                  Ola Lorentzon
                             Chief Executive officer

                              /s/ Kate Blankenship

                                Kate Blankenship
                             Chief Financial Officer


Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorised.

                                          Knightsbridge Tankers Limited

Date    December 5, 2002        By            /s/ Kate Blankenship
     -----------------------      -------------------------------------------
                                                Kate Blankenship
                                      Chief Financial Officer and Secretary

01655.0002 #369136