Washington, D.C. 20549

                                   FORM 20-F

(Mark One)
                     OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934


                         SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

For the fiscal year ended      December 31, 2002


                         SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

For the transition period from

Commission file number             000-50113

                                Golar LNG Limited
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
             (Exact name of Registrant as specified in its charter)

                                Golar LNG Limited
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                 (Translation of Registrant's name into English)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                 (Jurisdiction of incorporation or organization)

       Par-la-Ville Place, 14 Par-la-Ville Road, Hamilton, HM 08, Bermuda
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    (Address of principal executive offices)

Securities registered or to be registered pursuant to section 12(b) of the Act.

         Title of each class                      Name of each exchange
                                                   on which registered
- ----------------------------------           -----------------------------------

Securities registered or to be registered pursuant to section 12(g) of the Act.

                        Common Shares, par value $1.00
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                (Title of class)

Securities for which there is a reporting obligation pursuant to Section 15(d)
of the Act.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                (Title of class)

Indicate the number of  outstanding  shares of each of the  issuer's  classes of
capital  or common  stock as of the close of the  period  covered  by the annual

                   56,012,000 Common Shares, par value $1.00
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the  preceding 12 months (or for such  shorter  period that the  registrant  was
required  to file  such  reports),  and  (2) has  been  subject  to such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days.

     Yes |X|             No |_|

Indicate by check mark which financial statement item the registrant has elected
to follow.

     Item 17 |_|         Item 18 |X|

                          INDEX TO REPORT ON FORM 20-F

PART I                                                                    PAGE



ITEM 3.   KEY INFORMATION                                                  3

ITEM 4.   INFORMATION ON THE COMPANY                                       12




ITEM 8.   FINANCIAL INFORMATION                                            48

ITEM 9.   THE OFFER AND LISTING                                            49

ITEM 10.  ADDITIONAL INFORMATION                                           50





          AND USE OF PROCEEDS                                              61

ITEM 15.  CONTROLS AND PROCEDURES                                          62

ITEM 16.  RESERVED                                                         62


ITEM 17.  FINANCIAL STATEMENTS                                             62

ITEM 18.  FINANCIAL STATEMENTS                                             62

ITEM 19.  EXHIBITS                                                         63


     This document contains assumptions,  expectations,  projections, intentions
and beliefs about future events, in particular under Item 4, "Information on the
Company - Our Business Strategy" and Item 5, "Operating and Financial Review and
Prospects".  These statements are intended as  "forward-looking  statements." We
may also from  time to time  make  forward-looking  statements  in our  periodic
reports  to  the  United  States  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission,   other
information sent to our stockholders,  and other written  materials.  We caution
that assumptions, expectations, projections, intentions and beliefs about future
events may and often do vary from  actual  results  and the  differences  can be

     All statements in this document that are not statements of historical  fact
are forward-looking statements.  Forward-looking statements include, but are not
limited to, such matters as:

     o    future operating or financial results;

     o    statements  about  future,  pending or recent  acquisitions,  business
          strategy,  areas of possible expansion,  and expected capital spending
          or operating expenses;

     o    statements   about  LNG  market  trends,   including   charter  rates,
          development of a spot market, factors affecting supply and demand, and
          opportunities for the profitable trading of LNG;

     o    expectations  about the availability of vessels to purchase,  the time
          which it may take to construct new vessels,  or vessels' useful lives;

     o    our ability to obtain additional financing.

     When  used  in  this   document,   words  such  as   "believe,"   "intend,"
"anticipate,"  "estimate,"  "project,"  "forecast," "plan," "potential," "will,"
"may,"  "should," and "expect" and similar  expressions are intended to identify
forward-looking  statements but are not the exclusive means of identifying  such

     We undertake no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking
statements  contained in this document,  whether as a result of new information,
future events or otherwise,  except as required by law. In light of these risks,
uncertainties  and  assumptions,  the  forward-looking  events discussed in this
document might not occur,  and our actual results could differ  materially  from
those anticipated in these forward-looking statements.


     Not Applicable


     Not Applicable


A. Selected Financial Data

     The following  selected  consolidated and combined financial and other data
summarize our historical  consolidated and combined  financial  information.  We
derived the  information  as at  December  31, 2002 and 2001 and for each of the
years in the three-year period ended December 31, 2002 from our audited combined
and consolidated  financial statements included in Item 18 of this annual report
on Form 20-F,  prepared  in  accordance  with  accounting  principles  generally
accepted in the United States,  or U.S.  GAAP. We derived the  information as at
December 31, 2000 and 1999 and for the year ended  December  31, 1999,  from our
audited combined and consolidated  financial  statements  prepared in accordance
with U.S.  GAAP,  and the  information as of and for the year ended December 31,
1998, from our unaudited combined and consolidated financial statements prepared
in  accordance  with U.S.  GAAP.  The  following  table  should  also be read in
conjunction  with Item 5. "Operating and Financial Review and Prospects" and the
Company's  Consolidated  and Combined  Financial  Statements  and Notes  thereto
included herein.

     We are a holding  company that was formed on May 10, 2001.  We acquired our
liquefied  natural gas, or LNG,  operations  from Osprey  Maritime  Limited,  or
Osprey,  a  company  indirectly  controlled  by  our  Chairman,   President  and
controlling  shareholder,  John  Fredriksen.  The  LNG  operations  were a fully
integrated business of Osprey prior to our acquisition of them. Accordingly, the
following financial  information for the years ended December 31, 2000, 1999 and
1998 and for  periods  that  include  the five  months to May 31,  2001 has been
derived  from the  financial  statements  and  accounting  records of Osprey and
reflects  significant  assumptions  and  allocations.  Our  financial  position,
results of  operations  and cash flows  could  differ from those that would have
resulted if we operated  autonomously  or as an entity  independent of Osprey in
the period for which annual historical financial data is presented for the years
ended  December  31,  2000,  1999 and 1998 and for periods that include the five
months to May 31, 2001 below, and, similarly may not be indicative of our future
operating results or financial performance.

                                                             At or for the Fiscal Year Ended
                                                                       December 31
                                                   2002         2001         2000         1999         1998
                                                   ----         ----         ----         ----         ----
(in thousands of $, except per                                                                   (unaudited)
common share data and fleet data)
Income Statement Data:
Total operating revenues                        130,611      114,223      113,009       81,792       78,254
Vessel operating expenses (1)                    28,061       24,537       20,973       18,249       19,969
Administrative expenses                           6,127        8,232        7,715        7,935       10,007
Restructuring costs                                  --        1,894           --           --           --
Depreciation and amortization                    31,300       31,614       36,488       29,464       29,715
Operating income                                 65,123       47,946       47,833       26,144       18,563
Net financial expenses                          (40,367)     (41,617)     (44,820)     (27,764)     (31,591)
Income (loss) before income taxes
and minority interests                           24,756        6,329        3,013       (1,620)     (13,028)
Income taxes and minority interests              (2,381)       1,963        3,517          237         (236)
Net income (loss)                                27,137        4,366         (504)      (1,857)     (12,792)
Earnings (loss) per common share
 - basic and diluted (2)                           0.48         0.08        (0.01)       (0.03)       (0.23)
Cash dividends per common share                      --           --           --           --           --
Weighted average number of shares
- - basic (2)                                      56,012       56,012       56,012       56,012       56,012
Weighted average number of shares
- - diluted (2)                                    56,021       56,019       56,012       56,012       56,012

Balance Sheet Data (at end of year):
Cash and cash equivalents                        52,741       57,569        5,741        2,567        1,806
Restricted cash and short-term investments       12,760       14,163       13,091           --           --
Short-term investments                               --           --       14,231           --           --
Amounts due from related parties                    281          261           --           --           --
Newbuildings                                    291,671      132,856           --      158,110           --
Vessels and equipment, net                      617,583      641,371      765,559      541,922      568,959
Total assets                                    987,935      855,991      817,990      724,101      594,264
Current portion of long-term debt                48,437       41,053       10,171           --           --
Current indebtedness due to related parties      32,703       85,278       12,000       12,000           --
Long-term debt                                  629,173      483,276      204,329      126,308           --
Long-term debt due to related parties                --           --      287,400      329,400      352,400
Minority interest                                13,349       25,820       26,011       14,250           --
Stockholders' equity                            196,136      174,397      257,034      225,056      220,641
Common shares outstanding (2)                    56,012       56,012       56,012       56,012       56,012

Fleet Data (unaudited)
Number of vessels at end of year (3)                  6            6            6            5            5
Average number of vessels during year (3)             6            6            6            5            5
Average age of vessels (years)                     21.4         20.4         19.4         22.1         21.1
Total calendar days for fleet                     2,190        2,190        2,182        1,825        1,825
Total operating days for fleet (4)                2,166        2,060        2,103        1,673        1,566
Average daily time charter earnings (5)       $  59,000    $  53,600    $  50,900    $  43,300    $  42,100
Average daily vessel operating costs (6)      $  12,800    $  11,200    $   9,600    $  10,000    $  10,900


(1)  Vessel  operating  expenses are the direct costs  associated with running a
     vessel including crew wages, vessel supplies, routine repairs,  maintenance
     and  insurance.  In  addition,  they  include an  allocation  of  overheads
     allocable to vessel operating expenses.

(2)  Since our financial results for the years ended December 31, 2000, 1999 and
     1998 and for the periods that include the five months to May 31, 2001, were
     "carved  out" of those of  Osprey,  we did not record  any  specific  share
     capital  for  the  period  before  we  acquired  Osprey's  LNG  assets  and
     operations.  To  provide  a  measurement  of  earnings  per share for those
     periods,  we use for basic  earnings per share the 12,000  shares issued in
     connection  with the formation of Golar on May 10, 2001 and the  subsequent
     issuance of 56 million  shares in our  Norwegian  placement as described in
     Note 1 to our Combined  Financial  Statements.  Basic earnings per share is
     computed based on the income (loss)  available to common  shareholders  and
     the weighted  average  number of shares  outstanding.  The  computation  of
     diluted  earnings per share assumes the conversion of potentially  dilutive

(3)  We have a 60 per cent  interest  in one of our  vessels  and a 100 per cent
     interest in our remaining five vessels.

(4)  The  operating  days for our fleet is the  total  number of days in a given
     period that the vessels  were in our  possession  less the total  number of
     days offhire. We define days offhire as days spent on repairs, drydockings,
     special surveys and vessel upgrades or awaiting  employment during which we
     do not earn charter hire.

(5)  We  calculate  average  daily time  charter  earnings by dividing  our time
     charter  revenues by the number of calendar  days minus days for  scheduled
     offhire. We do this calculation on a vessel by vessel basis.

(6)  We  calculate  average  daily  vessel  operating  costs by dividing  vessel
     operating costs by the number of calendar days. We do this calculation on a
     vessel by vessel basis.

B. Capitalization and Indebtedness

     Not Applicable

C. Reasons for the Offer and Use of Proceeds

     Not Applicable

D. Risk Factors

     Some of the following  risks relate  principally  to our business or to the
industry in which we operate.  Other risks relate  principally to the securities
market and ownership of our shares.  Any of these risks, or any additional risks
not  presently  known  to  us  or  that  we  currently  deem  immaterial,  could
significantly and adversely affect our business,  our financial  condition,  our
operating results and the trading price of our shares.

Risks Related to our Business

Currently,  we generate  substantially  all of our revenue  under six  long-term
agreements  with  two  customers,  and the  unanticipated  loss of any of  these
agreements or either customer would likely interrupt our related cash flow.

     We currently generate substantially all of our revenue under a total of six
long-term charters with two large and established  customers.  In the year ended
December  31,  2002,  BG  Group  plc,  or BG,  accounted  for  52.1 per cent and
Pertamina  accounted  for  46.7  per  cent  of  our  total  operating  revenues,
respectively.  All of our charters have fixed terms,  but might  nevertheless be
lost in the event of unanticipated developments such as a customer's breach. Our
customers may  terminate  their  charters  with us if, among other  events,  the
relevant vessel is lost or damaged beyond repair.  The unanticipated loss of any
of these  charters or either  customer  would likely  interrupt our related cash
flow  because we cannot be sure that we would be able to enter  into  attractive
replacement charters on short notice. A persistent and continued interruption of
our cash flow could, in turn,  substantially  and adversely affect our financial

If  construction  of any of the four LNG  carriers  we have  ordered  were to be
substantially  delayed or left incomplete,  our earnings and financial condition
could suffer.

     We have binding contracts for the construction of four new LNG carriers, or
newbuildings,  by two  established  Korean  shipyards.  While each  shipbuilding
contract contains a liquidated damages clause requiring the shipyard to refund a
portion of the  purchase  price if delivery of a vessel is delayed  more than 30
days,  any such delay could  adversely  affect our  earnings  and our  financial
condition.  In addition,  if these shipyards were unable to deliver a particular
vessel on time, we might be unable to perform under a related  long-term charter
and our earnings and financial condition could suffer.

Completion of our newbuilding program is dependent on additional debt financing.

     We  have  installments  relating  to the  construction  cost  of  our  four
newbuildings,  which are due on December 31, 2003 and during 2004.  We currently
have  insufficient  funding to meet these  payments.  In April 2003, we obtained
approximately  $32.5 million  through a lease finance  arrangement in respect of
five existing ships. After taking into account this additional financing, to pay
the anticipated  installments on the construction  cost of our four newbuildings
due on December 31, 2003 and during 2004,  we will need to obtain  further loans
or other financing in the amount of approximately  $278 million.  It is standard
in the shipping  industry to finance  between 50 and 80 per cent of the purchase
price of vessels,  or  construction  cost in the case of  newbuildings,  through
traditional bank financing.  In the case of vessels that have charter  coverage,
the debt finance percentage may increase significantly.  One of our newbuildings
has been employed on a long-term charter with BG and we have obtained  financing
for 100 per cent of the cost of the  vessel.  If we were to  obtain  50 per cent
debt financing to cover the installments  due on our three remaining  unfinanced
newbuildings,  this would equate to  additional  finance of  approximately  $231
million of the $278 million  required.  For further  information  concerning our
future  financing  plans,  including  our  current  reliance  on  related  party
financing, see Item 5; "Operating and Financial Review and Prospects,  Liquidity
and Capital Resources - Newbuilding Contracts and Capital Commitments". While we
believe we will be able to arrange  financing for the full amount of newbuilding
payments  due, to the extent we do not timely obtain  necessary  financing for a
newbuilding,  the  completion of that  newbuilding  could be delayed or we could
suffer  financial  loss,  including the loss of all or a portion of the progress
payments we had made to the shipyard and any  deficiency  if the shipyard is not
able to recover its costs from the sale of the newbuilding.

We are considering various  alternatives for the employment of our newbuildings,
failure  to find  profitable  employment  for them  could  adversely  affect our

     We will  incur  substantial  costs for the four  newbuildings  that we have
ordered. The first newbuilding that will be delivered to us has been employed on
a long-term  charter that will commence during the first quarter of 2004,  which
will be between four and eight months after delivery.  We are seeking short term
employment for this vessel during this  intervening  period.  We are considering
various  employment  opportunities for the remaining three newbuildings that may
include  medium-term or long-term charter  contracts,  trading in the developing
spot  LNG  carrier  charter  market,  that is,  carrying  LNG  under  short-term
contracts of up to one year or on a per voyage  basis,  and entering LNG trading
as a principal. If we cannot obtain profitable employment for these vessels, our
earnings  will suffer.  If we are unable to secure term  charter  coverage for a
newbuilding, we may be unable to obtain the financing necessary to complete that
newbuilding.  In addition, whether or not we employ our newbuildings profitably,
we must service the debt that we incur to finance them.

If we do not accomplish our strategic  objective of entering into other areas of
the LNG industry,  we may incur losses and our strategy to continue  growing and
increasing operating margins may not be realized.

     A part of our strategy  reflects our  assessment  that we should be able to
expand profitably into areas of the LNG industry other than the carriage of LNG.
We have not  previously  been involved in other LNG industry  businesses and our
expansion  into  these  areas  may  not be  profitable.  Our  plan  to  consider
opportunities   to  integrate   vertically  into  upstream  and  downstream  LNG
activities depends materially on our ability to identify attractive partners and
projects and obtain project financing at a reasonable cost.

Our loan and lease agreements impose  restrictions that may adversely affect our
earnings or that may prevent our shipowning  subsidiaries,  and our intermediate
holding  company  that owns  them,  from  taking  actions  that  could be in our
shareholders' best interest.

     Covenants  in our loan and lease  agreements  limit the  ability of all our
shipowning and ship operating subsidiaries to:

          o    merge  into or  consolidate  with  any  other  entity  or sell or
               otherwise dispose of all or substantially all of their assets;

          o    make or pay equity distributions;

          o    incur additional indebtedness;

          o    incur or make any capital expenditure; or

          o    materially  amend,  or  terminate,  any  of our  current  charter
               contracts or management agreements.

In addition,  if the ownership interest in us of John Fredriksen,  our chairman,
and his  affiliated  entities  falls below 25 per cent of our share  capital,  a
default of two loan  agreements,  totaling  $325 million of debt,  and our lease
agreements to which we are a party would occur.

     In addition,  covenants in our loan and lease  agreements  may  effectively
prevent us from paying dividends should our board of directors wish to do so and
may  require us to obtain  permission  from our lenders and lessors to engage in
some other  corporate  actions.  Our  lenders'  and  lessors'  interests  may be
different from those of our shareholders and we cannot guarantee  investors that
we will be able to obtain our lenders' and lessors' permission when needed. This
may adversely  affect our earnings and prevent us from taking actions that could
be in our shareholders' best interests.

If we do not  maintain  the  financial  ratios  contained  in our loan and lease
agreements, we could face acceleration of the due date of our bank loans and the
loss of our vessels.

     Our loan and lease  agreements  require us to maintain  specific  financial
levels and ratios, including minimum available cash, ratios of current assets to
current liabilities (excluding current long-term debt) and ratios of net debt to
earnings  before  interest,  tax,  depreciation  and  amortization.  Although we
currently comply with these requirements,  if we were to fall below these levels
we would be in default of our loans and lease agreements and the due date of our
debt could be  accelerated  and our lease  agreements  terminated,  which  could
result in the loss of our vessels.

Provisions in our UK vessel leases may further limit our flexibility.

     In addition to the general  restrictions  contained in our loan  agreements
and UK vessel lease  agreements,  our UK vessel lease  agreements also limit our
ability to time charter our five currently operating vessels to time charterers,
other than BG and  Pertamina,  who do not have credit  ratings of at least BBB+,
unless we post additional security. This restriction could limit our operational
flexibility  and negatively  impact our financial  position or cash flows in the

We no longer have legal title to our five currently  operating  vessels that are
subject to UK vessel  leases and have agreed to indemnify  the UK vessel  lessor
for  adverse tax  consequences,  which  could  adversely  affect our results and
financial position.

     While we have complete  operational control and responsibility for our five
currently operating vessels that are subject to UK vessel leases, we do not have
legal title to them.  In some events,  for instance the failure of our Chairman,
John Fredriksen,  to maintain at least a 25 per cent share holding in us, the UK
lessor could terminate those leases resulting in the sale of the vessels.  While
we would  realize  99.9 per cent of the net proceeds of the sale of the vessels,
it may not be in our  best  interests  to sell  the  vessels  at that  time.  In
addition,  our ability to realize our portion of the net proceeds will depend on
the cooperation of the UK lessor, which is a recognized UK financial institution
that has secured its  obligations  to us, and the  willingness of buyers to take
the vessels  subject to our time charters with BG and Pertamina,  to whom the UK
lessors and we have given the right of quiet enjoyment. This means that any sale
would be subject to the buyer's  continuing to perform the BG and Pertamina time
charters  of the  vessels.  Any funds that we receive on the sale of the vessels
following a lease  termination  will also be subordinate to lien claimants,  and
claims of our lenders and the UK lessor for unpaid amounts.  In the event of any
adverse tax changes or rulings, we may be required to return all or a portion of
the  cash  inflow  that we  received  in  connection  with the  lease  financing
transactions,  post  additional  security  or make  addition  payments to the UK

Servicing our debt substantially limits our funds available for other purposes.

     A large part of our cash flow from operations  must go to paying  principal
and interest on our debt. As of December 31, 2002,  our total  indebtedness  was
$710 million and our ratio of  indebtedness  to total  capital was 0.78.  We may
incur  additional debt of as much as $278 million to fund completion of our four
newbuildings,  and we may incur  additional  indebtedness  to fund our  possible
expansion into other areas of the LNG industry.  Debt payments  reduce our funds
available for expansion into other parts of the LNG industry,  working  capital,
capital  expenditures and other purposes.  In addition,  our business is capital
intensive  and requires  significant  capital  outlays that result in high fixed
costs.  We cannot assure  investors that our existing and future  contracts will
provide revenues adequate to cover all of our fixed and variable costs.

Maritime  claimants  could arrest our vessels,  which could  interrupt  our cash

     If we are in  default on some  kinds of  obligations,  such as those to our
crew  members,  suppliers  of goods and  services  to our vessels or shippers of
cargo,  these  parties may be entitled to a maritime lien against one or more of
our vessels. In many jurisdictions,  a maritime lien holder may enforce its lien
by arresting a vessel through foreclosure  proceedings.  In a few jurisdictions,
claimants could try to assert "sister ship" liability  against one vessel in our
fleet for claims relating to another of our vessels. The arrest or attachment of
one or more of our vessels  could  interrupt our cash flow and require us to pay
to have the arrest lifted. Under some of our present charters,  if the vessel is
arrested or detained for as little as 14 days as a result of a claim against us,
we may be in default of our charter and the charterer may terminate the charter.

It may be  difficult  to serve  process on or enforce a United  States  judgment
against us, our officers, our directors or some of our experts or to initiate an
action based on United States  federal or state  securities  laws outside of the
United States.

     We are a Bermuda  corporation and our executive offices are located outside
of the United  States.  Our officers and directors  reside outside of the United
States.  In  addition,  substantially  all of our  assets  and the assets of our
officers,  directors  and some of our experts are located  outside of the United
States.  As a result,  you may have difficulty  serving legal process within the
United States upon us or any of these  persons or enforcing a judgment  obtained
in a  U.S.  court  to  the  extent  assets  located  in the  United  States  are
insufficient  to satisfy the judgment.  In addition,  there is uncertainty as to
whether the courts  outside of the United  States  would  enforce  judgments  of
United  States  courts  obtained  against us or our  officers  and  directors or
entertain original actions  predicated on the civil liability  provisions of the
United States federal or state securities laws. As a result, it may be difficult
for you to enforce  judgments  obtained  in United  States  courts  against  our
directors,  officers  and  non-U.S.  experts or to bring an action  against  our
directors,  officers or non-U.S.  experts  outside of the United  States that is
based on United States federal or state securities law.

We may not be exempt from U.S.  taxation  on our U.S.  source  shipping  income,
which would reduce our net income and cash flow by the amount of the  applicable

     Although we currently  believe we are exempt from tax under Section 883 and
intend to take this position on our U.S. tax returns, proposed regulations under
Section 883, if they become final as proposed,  may not permit us to continue to
claim exemption from tax under Section 883. If we are not eligible for exemption
from tax under Section 883 of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code, we will be subject
to a four percent tax on our U.S. source shipping income,  which is comprised of
50 percent of our shipping income attributable to the transport of cargoes to or
from United States ports.  We believe that if we were not eligible for exemption
under Section 883, our potential  tax  liability  for the three  calendar  years
2000,   2001  and  2002  would  have  been   $29,458,   $488,000  and  $337,400,

Many  of  our  seafaring  employees  are  covered  by  industry-wide  collective
bargaining  agreements  and the  failure  of  industry  groups  to  renew  those
agreements may disrupt our operations and adversely affect our earnings.

     We employ  approximately  500 seafarers  either directly or through crewing
agents, of which a significant  portion are subject to industry-wide  collective
bargaining agreements that set basic standards.  We cannot assure you that these
agreements  will prevent  labor  interruptions.  Any labor  interruptions  could
disrupt our operations and harm our financial performance.

If we are treated as a passive foreign  investment  company,  a U.S. investor in
our common shares would be subject to disadvantageous rules under U.S. tax laws.

     If we are treated as a passive foreign investment company in any year, U.S.
holders of our shares would be subject to  unfavorable  U.S.  federal income tax
treatment.  We do not believe that we were a passive foreign  investment company
in 2002 or will be in any  future  year.  However,  passive  foreign  investment
company  classification is a factual determination made annually and thus may be
subject  to change if the  portion  of our income  derived  from  other  passive
sources,  including the spot trading of LNG for our own account, were to develop
or to increase  substantially.  Moreover,  the  Internal  Revenue  Services  may
disagree with our position that time charters do not give rise to passive income
for purposes of the passive foreign investment company rules. Accordingly, there
is a  possibility  that we could be  treated  as a  passive  foreign  investment
company for 2002 or for any future year. The passive foreign  investment company
rules are  discussed  in more detail in Item 10 of this annual  report under the
heading "Additional Information; Taxation - U.S. Taxation of U.S. Holders".

Terrorist  attacks,  such as the attacks on the United  States on September  11,
2001, and other acts of violence or war may affect the financial markets and our
business, results of operations and financial condition.

     Terrorist attacks such as the attacks on the United States on September 11,
2001 and the United States' continuing response to these attacks, as well as the
threat of future terrorist attacks,  continues to cause uncertainty in the world
financial  markets.  The recent  conflict in Iraq may lead to additional acts of
terrorism and armed conflict  around the world,  which may contribute to further
economic  instability  in the global  financial  markets,  including  the energy
markets.  These  uncertainties could also adversely affect our ability to obtain
additional financing on terms acceptable to us or at all.

     Future terrorist attacks, such as the attack on the m.t. Limburg in October
2002, may also  negatively  affect our  operations  and financial  condition and
directly  impact our vessels or our customers.  Future  terrorist  attacks could
result in increased volatility of the financial markets in the United States and
globally and could result in an economic  recession in the United  States or the
world.  Any of these  occurrences  could have a material  adverse  impact on our
operating results, revenue, and costs.

An  increase  in costs  could  materially  and  adversely  affect our  financial

     Our vessel operating expenses depend on a variety of factors including crew
costs,  provisions,   deck  and  engine  stores,   lubricating  oil,  insurance,
maintenance  and  repairs,  many of which are beyond our  control and affect the
entire shipping industry.  Some of these costs, primarily insurance and enhanced
security  measures  implemented  after September 11, 2001, are  increasing.  The
terrorist  attack on the m.t.  Limburg in Yemen during October 2002 has resulted
in even more  emphasis on security  and pressure on  insurance  rates.  This may
increase  vessel  operating  expenses for 2003. If costs continue to rise,  that
could materially and adversely affect our results of operations.

Risks Related to the LNG Shipping Industry

Over time, charter rates for LNG carriers may fluctuate substantially.  If rates
happen to be lower at a time when we are  seeking  a charter  for a vessel,  our
earnings will suffer.

     Charter rates for LNG carriers  fluctuate  over time as a result of changes
in the  supply-demand  balance  relating  to  current  and  future  LNG  carrier
capacity. This supply-demand relationship largely depends on a number of factors
outside our control.  The LNG market is closely  connected to world  natural gas
prices and energy markets,  which we cannot  predict.  A substantial or extended
decline in natural gas prices  could  adversely  affect our charter  business as
well as our business opportunities.  Our ability from time to time to charter or
re-charter  any vessel at  attractive  rates will depend on, among other things,
then prevailing economic conditions in the LNG industry.

The LNG  transportation  industry is  competitive  and if we do not  continue to
compete successfully, our earnings could be adversely affected.

     Although we  currently  generate  substantially  all of our  revenue  under
long-term contracts, the LNG transportation industry is competitive,  especially
with  respect  to  the  negotiation  of  long-term  charters.  Furthermore,  new
competitors with greater  resources could enter this industry and operate larger
fleets through consolidations, acquisitions, or the purchase of new vessels, and
may be able to offer lower  charter rates and more modern  fleets.  If we do not
continue to compete  successfully,  our earnings  could be  adversely  affected.
Competition may also prevent us from achieving our goal of profitably  expanding
into other areas of the LNG industry.

Shipping companies generally must conduct operations in many parts of the world,
and  accordingly  their vessels are exposed to  international  risks which could
reduce revenue or increase expenses.

     Shipping companies,  including those that own LNG carriers,  conduct global
operations.  Changing  economic,  regulatory  and  political  conditions in some
countries,  including political and military  conflicts,  have from time to time
resulted in attacks on vessels, mining of waterways, piracy, terrorism and other
efforts to disrupt shipping. The terrorist attacks against targets in the United
States on September 11, 2001, the military response by the United States and the
recent  conflict  in Iraq  may  increase  the  likelihood  of acts of  terrorism
worldwide.   Acts  of  terrorism,   regional   hostilities  or  other  political
instability  could affect LNG trade  patterns and reduce our revenue or increase
our expenses.  Further,  we could be forced to incur  additional  and unexpected
costs in order to comply with changes in the laws or  regulations of the nations
in which our  vessels  operate.  These  additional  costs  could have a material
adverse impact on our operating results, revenue, and costs.

Our insurance coverage may not suffice in the case of an accident or incident.

     The  operation  of any  ocean-going  vessel  carries  an  inherent  risk of
catastrophic  marine  disaster  and  property  loss  caused by  adverse  weather
conditions,   mechanical   failures,   human   error,   hostilities   and  other
circumstances or events. The transportation of LNG is subject to the risk of LNG
leakage and business  interruptions  due to political  circumstances  in foreign
countries,  hostilities  and labor  strikes.  Events such as these may result in
lost revenues and increased costs for us.

     We carry insurance to protect against the  accident-related  risks involved
in the conduct of our business and environmental damage and pollution insurance.
However,  we cannot assure investors that we have adequately  insured  ourselves
against all risks,  that any particular claim will be paid out of such insurance
or that we will be able to procure adequate  insurance  coverage at commercially
reasonable  rates  or  at  all  in  the  future.  More  stringent  environmental
regulations  that are currently  being  considered or that may be implemented in
the future may result in  increased  costs for  insurance  against  the risks of
environmental  damage or pollution.  Our insurance policies contain  deductibles
for which we will be responsible.  They also contain  limitations and exclusions
that,  although we believe  them to be standard in the  shipping  industry,  may
increase  our costs or lower our  profits.  Moreover,  if the  mutual  insurance
protection and indemnity  association that provides our tort insurance  coverage
were  to  suffer  large  unanticipated  claims  related  to the  vessel  owners,
including us, that it covers, we could face additional insurance costs.

If any of our LNG carriers  discharged fuel oil into the  environment,  we might
incur significant liability that would increase our expenses.

     As with  all  vessels  using  fuel  oil for  their  engines,  international
environmental  conventions,  laws  and  regulations,  including  United  States'
federal laws,  apply to our LNG  carriers.  If any of the vessels that we own or
operate were to discharge  fuel oil into the  environment,  we could face claims
under these  conventions,  laws and regulations.  We must also carry evidence of
financial responsibility for our vessels under these regulations.  United States
law also permits  individual  states to impose their own liability  regimes with
regard to oil  pollution  incidents  occurring  within their  boundaries,  and a
number of states have enacted legislation  providing for unlimited liability for
oil spills.

Any future  changes to the laws and  regulations  governing LNG carrier  vessels
could increase our expenses to remain in compliance.

     The laws of the nations where our vessels operate as well as  international
treaties and conventions regulate the production, storage, and transportation of
LNG.  While we  believe  that we  comply  with  current  International  Maritime
Organization,  or IMO, regulations, any future noncompliance could subject us to
increased  liability,  lead to  decreases in  available  insurance  coverage for
affected  vessels and result in the denial of access to, or  detention  in, some
ports.  Furthermore,  in order to continue  complying  in the future with United
States  federal and state laws and  regulations  as then in force,  or with then
current  regulations  adopted by the IMO, and with any other future regulations,
we may be forced to incur  additional  costs  relating  to such  matters  as LNG
carrier construction,  maintenance and inspection  requirements,  development of
contingency plans for potential leakages and insurance coverage.

Risks Related to our Common Shares

Our  Chairman  effectively  controls us and may have the ability to  effectively
control the outcome of significant corporate actions.

     John Fredriksen, our chairman, and his affiliated entities beneficially own
50.01 per cent of our outstanding common shares. As a result, Mr. Fredriksen and
his affiliated  entities have the ability to effectively  control the outcome of
matters on which our shareholders  are entitled to vote,  including the election
of all directors and other significant corporate actions.

Our annual historical financial  information may not accurately reflect what our
results of operations,  financial position and cash flows would have been had we
been a separate, stand-alone entity during the periods presented.

     All of the annual  historical  financial  information  for periods prior to
2002 that we have  included in this  annual  report has been carved out from the
consolidated  financial  statements  and  information  of Osprey.  We were not a
separate, stand-alone entity for the annual periods presented and therefore this
financial information may not accurately reflect what our results of operations,
financial  position  and cash  flows  would  have  been had we been a  separate,
stand-alone  entity  during  the  periods  presented.  In  addition,  the annual
historical  information  is not  necessarily  indicative  of what our results of
operations, financial position or cash flows will be in the future.

Because we are a Bermuda  corporation,  you may have less recourse against us or
our directors than  shareholders of a U.S. company have against the directors of
that U.S. Company.

     Because we are a Bermuda company the rights of holders of our common shares
will be governed by Bermuda law and our memorandum of association  and bye-laws.
The rights of  shareholders  under  Bermuda  law may  differ  from the rights of
shareholders in other  jurisdictions.  Among these  differences is a Bermuda law
provision  that permits a company to exempt a director  from  liability  for any
negligence,  default,  or  breach  of a  fiduciary  duty  except  for  liability
resulting  directly  from that  director's  fraud or  dishonesty.  Our  bye-laws
provide  that no director or officer  shall be liable to us or our  shareholders
unless the director's or officer's liability results from that person's fraud or
dishonesty.  Our  bye-laws  also  require us to  indemnify a director or officer
against any losses  incurred by that  director or officer  resulting  from their
negligence or breach of duty except where such losses are the result of fraud or
dishonesty.  In addition,  under Bermuda law the directors of a Bermuda  company
owe their duties to that company, not to the shareholders.  Bermuda law does not
generally  permit  shareholders  of a Bermuda  company  to bring an action for a
wrongdoing  against the company,  but rather the company itself is generally the
proper  plaintiff  in an  action  against  the  directors  for a breach of their
fiduciary duties.  These provisions of Bermuda law and our bye-laws,  as well as
other  provisions not discussed  here, may differ from the law of  jurisdictions
with  which  investors  may be more  familiar  and may  substantially  limit  or
prohibit shareholders ability to bring suit against our directors.


A. History and Development of the Company

     We are a holding company formed on May 10, 2001 and we currently own and/or
operate a fleet of six liquefied natural gas, or LNG,  carriers.  We are engaged
in the acquisition,  ownership, operation and chartering of LNG carriers through
our  subsidiaries.   We  operate  five  of  our  vessels  through   wholly-owned
subsidiaries  and we have a 60 per cent  interest  in the owning  company of the
sixth vessel.  This sixth vessel, the Golar Mazo, was delivered to us in January
2000 as a  newbuilding.  Additionally,  we have  contracts  to  build  four  LNG
carriers.  Our six LNG  carriers  are all  currently  employed  under  long-term
charter contracts.  We have also entered into a long-term charter for one of our

     We are  incorporated  under the laws of the Islands of Bermuda and maintain
our principal  executive  headquarters  at  Par-la-Ville  Place, 14 Par-la-Ville
Road,  Hamilton,  Bermuda.  Our  telephone  number  is  (+1)  441-295-6935.  Our
principal  ship-management  offices are located at 30 Marsh Wall, London, United

     Our  business  was  originally  founded in 1946 as  Gotaas-Larsen  Shipping
Corporation.  Gotaas-Larsen  entered the LNG  shipping  business in 1970 and was
acquired by Osprey  Maritime  Limited,  then a Singapore  listed publicly traded
company,  in 1997. In August 2000, World Shipholding Ltd., a company  indirectly
controlled  by  John  Fredriksen,   our  chairman,   president  and  controlling
shareholder,  commenced an acquisition  of Osprey.  World  Shipholding  gained a
controlling  interest  of more than 50 per cent of Osprey in  November  2000 and
increased this interest to over 90 per cent in January 2001.  World  Shipholding
completed its  acquisition  in May 2001.  Osprey was delisted from the Singapore
Stock Exchange in May 2001.

     On May 21, 2001,  we acquired the LNG shipping  interests of Osprey,  which
included  one  newbuilding  contract  and an option  for a  further  newbuilding
contract.  We also entered into a purchase agreement with Seatankers  Management
Company Ltd., a company indirectly controlled by our chairman,  John Fredriksen,
to purchase its one  newbuilding  contract for an LNG carrier and its options to
build three new LNG  carriers.  Two of the  newbuilding  options have since been
exercised and two have expired.

     In April 2003 we entered  into a lease  finance  arrangement  in respect to
five of the LNG carriers we currently  operate  with a  subsidiary,  to which we
refer as the UK  Lessor,  of a major UK bank.  The five  vessels  are the  Golar
Spirit,  Golar Freeze,  Hilli, Gimi and Khannur.  We sold five of our subsidiary
companies, which owned these five vessels, to the UK lessor and each of the five
companies, now owned by the UK Lessor,  subsequently entered into 20 year leases
of the vessels to us. Our current time charters on these vessels expire on dates
between December 2006 and December 2012.

B. Business Overview

The Natural Gas Industry

     Natural gas has been over the last two decades, and is expected to continue
to be, one of the world's fastest growing energy sources over the next 20 years.
Already  responsible  for  25  per  cent  of  the  world's  energy  supply,  the
International  Energy Agency,  or IEA, projects that demand for natural gas will
rise by  between  2.7 and 3.2 per cent  per  annum  over  the next two  decades.
According  to the IEA,  new power plants are expected to provide the majority of
this incremental demand.

     The rate of growth of natural gas consumption has been almost twice that of
oil consumption during the last decade. The primary factors  contributing to the
growth of natural gas demand include:

     o    Costs:  Technological  advances  and  economies  of scale have lowered
          capital expenditure requirements.

     o    Environmental:  Natural gas is a clean-burning  fuel. It produces less
          carbon  dioxide and other  pollutants and particles per unit of energy
          production  than  coal,  fuel oil and other  common  hydrocarbon  fuel

     o    Demand from Power Generation: According to the IEA, natural gas is the
          fastest growing fuel source for electricity generation worldwide.

     o    Market  Deregulation:  Deregulation  of the  gas  and  electric  power
          industry in the United States,  Europe and Japan,  has resulted in new
          entrants and an increased market for natural gas.

     o    Significant  Natural Gas Reserves:  Approximately  half of the world's
          remaining hydrocarbon reserves are natural gas.

     The U.S.  and  Russia  alone  account  for some 41 per cent of total  world
natural gas  consumption  and with Europe and the other  countries of the former
Soviet Union accounted for  approximately 70 per cent of total world consumption
in 2001. In these areas,  there is a highly developed  pipeline grid and natural
gas usage is diversified  among the different  sectors described below. In 2001,
Asia  accounted  for  approximately  12  per  cent  of  the  world  natural  gas
consumption with Japan being the largest consumer.

     The primary applications for natural gas include the following:

     o    Electrical Power Generation;

     o    Industrial uses including plant  operations,  cogeneration of electric
          power and production of steam for heating and drying;

     o    Residential; and

     o    Commercially used mainly for heating and air conditioning.

The LNG Industry


     Of the natural gas consumed worldwide in 2001,  approximately 5.75 per cent
was supplied as LNG. LNG is liquefied  natural gas,  produced by cooling natural
gas to -163(degree)C (-256(Degree) Fahrenheit),  which is just below the boiling
point of LNG's main constituent, methane. LNG is produced in liquefaction plants
situated  around  the globe  near gas  deposits.  In its  liquefied  state,  LNG
occupies  approximately  1/600th the volume of its gaseous  state.  Liquefaction
makes it possible to  transport  natural  gas  efficiently  and safely by sea in
specialized  vessels  known as LNG  carriers.  LNG is stored at  slightly  above
atmospheric pressure in cryogenic tanks. LNG is converted back to natural gas in
regasification plants by raising its temperature.

     The first LNG project was  developed in the  mid-1960s and in the mid-1970s
LNG  began  to play a larger  role as  energy  companies  developed  remote  gas
reserves that could not be served by pipelines in a cost-efficient  manner.  The
LNG industry has historically been characterized by the following:

     o    Expectation  of Security  and  Diversification  of Supply:  East Asian
          countries,  led by Japan, searching for a non-OPEC,  non-oil source of
          energy, have been the dominant consumers of LNG.

     o    High Project Cost: Most projects have been highly capital intensive.

     o    Long-Term Contracts: The high capital expenditures associated with LNG
          projects have necessitated long-term contracts.  The long-term charter
          of LNG  carriers  to carry  the LNG has been an  integral  part of any

     o    Concentrated Production:  The Middle East and Southeast Asia, together
          with  Algeria,  have  historically   accounted  for  the  overwhelming
          majority of LNG production.

Historical and Prospective Growth in Demand for LNG

     Over the last two decades,  LNG consumption  has shown sustained  growth of
8.1 per cent per year - far higher  than the 1.1 per cent  annual  growth in the
consumption of oil. The Energy  Information  Administration of the United States
Department  of Energy  forecasts  annual growth of eight per cent in LNG imports
into the  United  States  through  2020.  There is no  guarantee  that this will

     In recent years,  the global LNG industry has been in transition,  changing
from the old model of long-term  contracts with dedicated  ships attached to the
specific trade routes and gas pricing tied to the price of different hydrocarbon
fuels such as oil and coal,  to a more  flexible  market  model for gas contract
volumes, contract periods, gas prices and ship allocation.  While this new model
is still in its infancy, some of the key factors influencing its growth are:

     o    Deregulation  of Power and Gas  Industries in Asia,  North America and
          Europe: With trends toward  deregulation and further  privatization in
          Asia and  Europe,  many  utilities  are  reluctant  to rely  solely on
          long-term   take  or  pay  contracts  with  fixed  volumes  and  price

     o    Improved  Competitiveness:  During the last decade,  LNG's  commercial
          competitiveness  has  improved  dramatically.  Costs  associated  with
          natural  gas  field   development   have  fallen  and  LNG  production
          facilities have become cheaper, larger and more efficient. The cost of
          shipping has also declined due to  significantly  reduced costs of LNG
          carrier construction and the prolonged lives of LNG carriers.

     o    National  Asset  Development.  As  national  governments  and  private
          companies seek to amortize  their  stranded gas assets,  more and more
          LNG  projects are  reaching  markets  without  first  obtaining  sales
          commitments for the whole capacity of the liquefaction plants

     o    Projects with Paid Down  Infrastructure:  After being in operation for
          two to three  decades,  several  LNG  projects  have  satisfied  their
          project  finance.  The owners of these  projects are now able to offer
          more flexibility in considering contract terms.

     o    Access  to  Remote  Gas  Reserves:  New  areas of  exploration  due to
          advances  in  exploration  production  technology  have  yielded  more
          potential natural gas production projects.

As a result of these  factors and other  industry  developments,  the  following
trends are driving the global LNG market:

     o    Strong Growth in Demand: Due to improved  competitiveness,  demand for
          natural gas as a preferred  source of energy has been  growing in both
          Asia and in the countries bordering the Atlantic Basin, which includes
          the Atlantic Ocean and adjacent  bodies of water bordered by North and
          South  America  to the west and the west coast of Europe and Africa to
          the east.

     o    Surplus LNG from Projects: In many cases, LNG liquefaction plants have
          the  ability to produce  more LNG than the  volumes  required  under a
          project's  long-term  contract.   Additionally,   conservative  design
          estimates  and  de-bottlenecking  operations  have  given  rise to LNG
          production  in  excess  of the  nameplate  capacity.  During  build-up
          periods for contractual volumes, there are also often potential excess
          volumes for export.

     o    Gas Flaring and LNG Production:  Capture of flared gas from oil fields
          associated  with oil  production  constitutes  a new source of natural

     o    Emergence  of New  Contract  Structure:  Increasingly,  LNG  trade  is
          expected to be contracted for the short-term,  in smaller volumes with
          built-in flexibility to move deliveries to third parties.

     o    Improved Gas Power Plant  Efficiency:  The power generation sector has
          recently  increased its  consumption of natural gas as a result of the
          development of combined cycle gas turbines.

     o    Growth in Atlantic Basin LNG Trade: While the region is also served by
          pipelines,  the Atlantic Basin,  in particular,  may see increased LNG
          trade due to recent  growth in exports of LNG from newly  commissioned
          production facilities in Trinidad & Tobago and Nigeria. Atlantic Basin
          countries present a wide range of potential markets, including several
          European countries and the United States.

     o    Interest in New Infrastructure: The overall market growth has resulted
          in increased  interest in both onshore and offshore LNG production and
          receiving capacities.

Production and Consumption of LNG


     There are three major  regional  areas that  supply  LNG.  These are first,
Southeast Asia, including Australia,  Malaysia, Brunei and Indonesia, second the
Middle East,  including  Qatar,  Oman and United Arab Emirates  with  facilities
planned in Iran and Yemen, and third,  the Atlantic Basin  countries,  including
Algeria, Libya, Nigeria and Trinidad with facilities under construction in Egypt
and  Norway and  planned in Angola and  Venezuela.  Qatar,  Oman,  Trinidad  and
Nigeria have all began large scale LNG production in recent years. It is notable
that many existing  facilities are currently  expanding or actively  considering
further expansion possibilities.

     The  largest  exporters  are  Indonesia,   Algeria,   Malaysia,  Qatar  and
Australia.  Other LNG  producing  countries  and  areas  include  Brunei,  Oman,
Nigeria,  United Arab Emirates,  Trinidad & Tobago,  Libya and Alaska.  As noted
above and based on published  reports, a number of existing LNG exporting plants
are either being expanded,  or are planning  expansion.  These include plants in
Australia, Brunei, Indonesia-Bontang, Malaysia, Nigeria, Oman, Trinidad & Tobago
and two LNG projects in Qatar.


     The two major areas that  dominate  worldwide  consumption  of LNG are East
Asia, including Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, and Europe,  specifically France,
Spain, Italy, Belgium and Turkey. East Asia currently accounts for approximately
70 per cent of the global LNG market while Europe accounts for  approximately 25
per cent. The United States presently  accounts for approximately  five per cent
of the global LNG market,  but has experienced a growth in LNG imports in recent

     There are currently 12 LNG importing countries with 39 importing terminals.
Two of these countries - Greece and Puerto Rico - commenced accepting deliveries
in 2000 with the AES "Andres" terminal in the Dominican  Republic  commencing in
the first quarter of 2003.  The largest LNG importers in 2002 were Japan,  South
Korea, France, Spain and the United States.

     Japan and South  Korea are  currently  the two  largest  importers  of LNG,
accounting for approximately 65 per cent of the world total LNG imports in 2002.
Almost all  natural  gas  consumption  in Japan and South  Korea is based on LNG

     The cost of  constructing  LNG import  facilities has  decreased.  This has
enabled small or low volume markets such as Puerto Rico, the Dominican  Republic
and Greece to receive imports on a cost-effective basis.

     During 2000,  two LNG import  terminals were operated in the United States,
one in Lake Charles, Louisiana, and one in Boston, Massachusetts. Two terminals,
one at  Elba  Island,  Georgia  and  one  at  Cove  Point,  Maryland  are  being
reactivated,  primarily due to increased LNG import demand in the United States.
The Elba Island terminal was open by the end of 2001. Cove Point has a scheduled
reopening  during the second  half of 2003.  Expansion  plans exist for the Lake
Charles and Elba Island  facilities  and in addition as many as 15 companies are
currently  pursuing more than 20 green field LNG projects aimed at significantly
increasing domestic import capacity.

Emerging Spot Market and Short-Term Trades

     In recent  years  there has been  increasing  spot and  short-term  trading
activity in LNG. The spot market  utilizes  surplus export capacity and shipping
on routes other than, or not necessarily the same as, those for which a facility
was originally  dedicated.  Spot activity  refers to single cargo or non-project
related  series of cargoes over a pre-set  period  generally  not  exceeding one
year.  Short-term trading activity for the purposes of this discussion refers to
contracts of up to four years.

     A combination  of the following key factors may favor the  development of a
spot market, particularly in the Atlantic Basin:

     o    excess LNG production above long-term contracted volumes;

     o    increased  receiving  capacity by reopening  and  expansions of United
          States import facilities;

     o    new and increased receiving capacity in Europe;

     o    spare LNG shipping capacity;

     o    deregulation and liberalization of natural gas markets and prices; and

     o    liquidity in the derivatives market for natural gas.

     In order  to  utilize  market  opportunities,  unsold  LNG  volumes,  spare
shipping  and terminal  capacity,  industry  participants  may enter the spot or
short-term LNG market to:

     o    take  advantage  of  arbitrage  opportunities  between LNG markets and
          regions; and

     o    manage variations in demand due to seasonal fluctuations and increased
          regasification during peak demand periods.

LNG Transportation

     LNG  delivery  depends  on  availability  of  LNG  carriers.   While  these
specialized and high cost vessels are generally  chartered  long-term to satisfy
the transportation  needs of a specific LNG trade route, the emerging short-term
and spot trading market for LNG should require separate carrier capacity for its
needs. Demand for LNG carriers is commonly measured by the volume of LNG carried
multiplied  by the  distance  traveled  between  LNG  producers  and  importers,
expressed in cubic meter-nautical miles or cbm-miles.

The LNG Fleet

     Supply of LNG Carriers.  As of the first  quarter of 2003,  the world fleet
consisted  of 141 LNG  carriers  with a total  capacity  of  approximately  16.2
million  cbm. The average age of the fleet was 12.9 years.  Currently  there are
orders for 55 new LNG carriers to be  constructed  for delivery  from the second
quarter of 2003 through the end of 2006.

     Most LNG carrier  newbuildings  follow  standard  ship designs with a cargo
capacity now edging  towards  145,000 cubic meters.  There are also some smaller
LNG carriers,  often built for dedicated trades. Apart from one vessel of 74,000
cubic meters all the  newbuildings  to be delivered  from the second  quarter of
2003  through  2006  are in the  range  of  136,000  to  145,000  cubic  meters.
Furthermore  vessel sizes of 200,000 to 250,000 are currently being investigated
for exports from Qatar. Four main factors determine general design features:

     o    port restrictions;

     o    cargo containment system design;

     o    economies of scale achieved by building larger ships; and

     o    vessel speed.

     LNG carriers have a longer service life than  conventional  tankers or bulk
carriers,  with a possible economic life of approximately 40 years.  Therefore a
significant  number of LNG  carriers  that  were  built in the  mid-1970s  still
actively trade. In recent contract renewals,  LNG vessels have been placed under
time charters with terms  surpassing  those  vessels' 40th  anniversaries.  As a
result, limited scrapping of LNG carriers has occurred.

     Ownership  Structure.  There are relatively few independent  ship owners in
the LNG business as compared with other merchant shipping sectors. The major LNG
project  exporters or importers  control most of the LNG fleet.  Independent LNG
shipowners,  in addition to Golar,  include  Bergesen D.Y. and Leif Hoegh & Co.,
Mitsui O.S.K. Lines in association with, amongst others, Nippon Yusen Kaisha, K-
Line and Exmar N.V.

     LNG Shipyard  Capacity.  The estimated  building time for an LNG carrier is
30-34  months.  Berths  suitable  for  building LNG carriers can also be used to
build large crude or dry bulk carriers,  cruise ships,  large container  vessels
and  large  offshore  units.  Demand  for  such  vessels  tends to  influence  a
shipyard's LNG newbuilding capacity and LNG newbuilding prices.

     LNG Vessel Cargo Containment  Systems.  LNG carriers principally use one of
three LNG vessel containment system designs:

     o    two membrane designs (Gaztransport and Technigaz (GTT))

     o    a spherical design (Moss-Rosenberg)

     Of  the  current   world   fleet,   approximately   60  per  cent  use  the
Moss-Rosenberg  spherical  design  while 40 per cent use one of the two membrane
designs. Of South Korea's four LNG shipbuilding yards, three build vessels using
the membrane designs.  Both the membrane and spherical designs have proven to be
capable of  transporting  LNG over a long period of time with  limited  wear and

     Current  Orderbook.  Based  on  current  yard  availability,  the  earliest
delivery date for a new LNG vessel  ordered  today is likely to be in 2006.  Any
new  project/trade  with LNG vessel demand before 2006 may have to rely on third
party tonnage until potential new orders can be delivered.

     LNG  Newbuilding  Trends.  LNG carriers  continue to be built for long-term
contracts  of 20-25  years  duration  tied to new export and import  facilities.
Major oil and gas  companies  such as Royal  Dutch  Shell,  and BP,  which  have
interests in several export and import terminals, have ordered new LNG carriers.
Based on publicly available reports, these ordered LNG carriers are not yet tied
to any specific projects or long-term LNG sale and purchase agreements,  but are
expected to  supplement  these  companies'  existing LNG  activities  around the
world.  The cost to build LNG tankers has  fluctuated  from $280  million in the
early  1990s to  approximately  $160-175  million  at the end of 2001 and in the
region of $155 million currently.

     Barriers to Entry in LNG Shipping.  The principal  barriers to entry to the
LNG  shipping  business  include the high cost of LNG vessels,  charterers'  and
financiers'  requirements  such as  experience  in the operation of gas vessels,
history  of  quality  operations,  financial  strength  and the need for  highly
qualified personnel. The LNG shipping business is a small and highly specialized
shipping  segment  compared to other bulk shipping  segments and is dominated by
oil  majors  and LNG  project  owners  and  operators.  Since  LNG  shipping  is
relatively  capital  intensive,   sufficient  funding  and  credit  ratings  are
important commercial  elements.  It is also costly and demanding for yards to be
accepted and receive a license to build the different designs.

Our Business Strategy

     Our  strategic  objective  is to use our  position  among  independent  LNG
operators  to become a leader in  integrated  LNG  services.  In pursuit of this
objective,  we  plan to  expand  and  diversify  our  LNG  shipping  operations,
capitalize  on our  shipping  assets and  specialized  industry  knowledge,  and
exploit available  arbitrage  opportunities  afforded by price differentials for
natural gas worldwide. Depending on market conditions, we will consider entering
LNG trading  activities and integrating  into further  attractive LNG activities
such as liquefaction and regasification.

     We benefit from long-term  contracts that provide stable cash flows and the
opportunities for attractive  margins.  To further enhance the earnings from our
LNG shipping business, we plan to:

     o    Capitalize  on  attractive  charter  contracts.  We have  entered into
          construction   agreements  for  four  new  LNG  carriers.   The  first
          newbuilding  that  will be  delivered  to us has  been  employed  on a
          long-term charter to a BG subsidiary,  which will commence within four
          to eight months after delivery.  We are considering various employment
          opportunities  for the remaining three  newbuildings  that may include
          medium-term or long-term charter contracts,  trading in the developing
          spot  LNG  carrier  charter  market,   that  is,  carrying  LNG  under
          short-term  contracts of up to one year or on a per voyage basis,  and
          entering LNG trading as a principal.

     o    Expand our fleet to increase revenues and earnings.  We may expand our
          fleet  through new orders or by acquiring  existing LNG carriers  from
          third parties. Such acquisitions can give us additional flexibility to
          avail  ourselves of  opportunities  either in the  long-term  contract
          market or the emerging spot market.

     o    Continue building scale to increase operating efficiencies and enhance
          margins. We are working to identify areas in which we can reduce costs
          and increase productivity.  As we expand our fleet, we also believe we
          will be able to reduce  incremental  costs  per  vessel  and  increase

     o    Integrate  into  upstream  and  downstream  LNG  activities.   We  are
          considering  pursuing  opportunities to leverage our expanded shipping
          assets and our LNG industry knowledge to integrate vertically into the
          liquefaction  and  regasification  of LNG. We believe this can enhance
          our overall margins while at the same time diversifying our sources of
          income  from  LNG.  In  pursuit  of this  strategy,  we will  consider
          investing in both  established LNG operations and technologies as well
          as newly developing  technologies,  such as offshore  liquefaction and
          regasification operations.

     All of these strategies require the consideration and approval of our board
of directors and we cannot guarantee  investors that we will pursue any of them.
If  approved,  capital  projects of this nature  typically  require  substantial
investment over several years.

Competitive Strengths

     We  believe  that our  features  listed  below  distinguish  us from  other
participants in the LNG transportation industry.

     o    Our market  position and LNG shipping  experience.  We believe that we
          are the only company  focusing  exclusively on the LNG  transportation
          industry,  and that we have  established  our  position  as a  leading
          independent  owner and operator of LNG  carriers.  We plan to build on
          this position with our four  commissioned  newbuildings.  The loading,
          carriage  and  delivery  of LNG  require  special  expertise.  We have
          accumulated this expertise through more than 25 years of operating LNG
          carriers. Our vessels and crews have loaded cargoes from virtually all
          of the world's LNG export terminals and have delivered cargoes to most
          of the major LNG import  facilities in the world. We believe that this
          experience  and the  quality  of our  vessels  make  us an  attractive
          service provider to both current and potential customers.

     o    Our  fleet  and   newbuildings.   We   operate  a   high-quality   and
          well-maintained  fleet and have been successful at keeping unscheduled
          offhire to a minimum  while our  vessels  are on  charter.  We are two
          years away from completing a six-year, $29.5 million refurbishment and
          modernization  program  for  four of our  existing  vessels.  Upon the
          completion of this program,  we believe that our existing vessels will
          be able to  serve  through  their  40th  anniversaries.  We have  also
          contracted for the  construction  of four new LNG carriers,  giving us
          more  available  vessels  over the next  three  years  than any  other
          independent  LNG  carrier.  Two of these  vessels  are  scheduled  for
          delivery in 2003 and two are  scheduled  for delivery in 2004.  Due in
          part to the  limited  number  of  shipyards  qualified  to  build  LNG
          carriers,  we  believe  that  these  contracts  may  provide us with a
          competitive advantage by allowing us to deploy new LNG carriers sooner
          than our competitors.

     o    Customer and industry relationships. We have strong long-term customer
          relationships with many of the industry's largest customers, including
          BG,  Pertamina,  the  state-owned  gas company of  Indonesia,  and the
          National Gas Shipping  Company of Abu Dhabi.  Our in-house  management
          has  experience of working with major oil and gas producers  active in
          the LNG market.  Due to the size of our current fleet and  newbuilding
          program we enjoy  excellent  relationships  with  shipyards  and other

     o    Our  management's   success  in  rapidly  identifying  and  exploiting
          business  opportunities.   Our  senior  management  has  a  record  of
          assembling teams who can rapidly exploit market  opportunities as they
          arise.  We believe  that our  exclusive  focus on the LNG industry has
          positioned us well to take advantage of the new  competitive  dynamics
          of a sector in transition.


     We currently have customer  relationships  with three large participants in
the LNG industry,  although most of our revenues are derived from two customers.
Our customers are Methane Services Limited,  a subsidiary of BG, Pertamina,  the
state-owned  oil and gas company of  Indonesia,  and the  National  Gas Shipping
Company,  which  provides LNG  shipping  services to the  state-owned  Abu Dhabi
National Oil Company.

     We have had charters with Pertamina since 1989. Our revenues from Pertamina
were $59.5 million in 2000,  $62.8 million in 2001 and $61 million in 2002. This
constitutes  53 per cent,  55 per cent and 47 per cent of our revenues for those
years, respectively.  Methane Services Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of BG,
has chartered LNG carriers from us and our predecessors  since 2000. Our revenue
from BG was $7.2  million in 2000,  $45.8  million in 2001 and $68.1  million in
2002, constituting six per cent, 40 per cent and 52 per cent of our revenues for
those years respectively. BG owns two LNG carriers that it currently charters to
a third party while it charters four vessels from us and has chartered our first
newbuilding.  The charter for that  newbuilding  will commence at a time between
January 1, 2004 and March 31, 2004.

     The  National  Gas  Shipping  Company  has  contracted  with us to  provide
management services for four LNG carriers that it owns. Since 1994, the National
Gas Shipping  Company,  a subsidiary of the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company,  has
provided  shipping  services  to the state  owned  Abu  Dhabi  Gas  Liquefaction
Company.  The vessels that we manage for the  National Gas Shipping  Company are
currently employed delivering LNG pursuant to long-term supply contracts between
the Abu Dhabi Gas  Liquefaction  Company and the Tokyo Electric Power Company of


     While virtually all of the existing world LNG carrier fleet is committed to
long-term  charters,  there is  competition  for  employment  of  vessels  whose
charters are expiring and vessels that are under  construction.  Competition for
long-term LNG charters is based primarily on price, vessel  availability,  size,
age and  condition of the vessel,  relationships  with LNG carrier users and the
quality,  LNG experience and  reputation of the operator.  In addition,  vessels
coming off charter and newly constructed vessels may operate in the emerging LNG
carrier spot market that covers short-term  charters of one year or less as well
as voyage charters.

     While we believe  that we are the only  independent  LNG carrier  owner and
operator that focuses solely on LNG, other independent  shipping  companies also
own and operate LNG  carriers  and have new vessels  under  construction.  These
companies  include  Bergesen  DY ASA  (Norway)  and Exmar  S.A.  (Belgium).  Two
Japanese shipowning groups, Mitsui O.S.K. Lines and Nippon Yusen Kaisha, provide
LNG shipping services exclusively to Japanese LNG companies.

     In addition to  independent  LNG  operators,  some of the major oil and gas
producers,  including Royal  Dutch/Shell,  BP Amoco, and BG own LNG carriers and
are reported to have contracted for the construction of new LNG carriers.

     As discussed  above we are  considering  strategic  opportunities  in other
areas of the LNG industry. To the extent we do expand into new businesses, there
can be no assurance that we will be able to compete successfully in those areas.
Our new businesses may involve competitive factors that differ from those in the
carriage  of LNG  and may  include  participants  that  have  greater  financial
strength and capital resources than us.

Our Current Fleet

     We currently lease five LNG carriers under long-term  leases (20 years) and
have a 60 per cent interest in another LNG carrier  through a joint venture with
the Chinese  Petroleum  Corporation,  the  Taiwanese  state oil and gas company.
Following an internal  review of the flag state of our  vessels,  we changed the
registration of five of our vessels from the Liberian flag to the United Kingdom
flag.  The  sixth  vessel,  in which we have a 60 per cent  interest,  currently
remains Liberian  registered.  Two of our vessels serve routes between Indonesia
and Taiwan and South Korea, while four are involved in the transportation of LNG
from  facilities  in the Middle  East and  Algeria to ports  principally  in the
United States and Europe.

     The following table lists the LNG carriers that we currently  lease, own or
have under construction and that are committed under charters:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                     Year of       Capacity,                     Current Charter
Vessel Name          Delivery        cbm.       Charterer           Expiration
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Golar Mazo(1)            2000        135,000    Pertamina                   2017
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Golar Spirit             1981        128,000    Pertamina                   2006
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Khannur                  1977        125,000           BG                   2009
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Golar Freeze             1977        125,000           BG                   2008
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Gimi                     1976        125,000           BG                   2010
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hilli                    1975        125,000           BG                   2012
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hull No.2215             2003        138,000           BG                   2024
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(1)  We own a 60 per cent  interest  in the Golar Mazo  through a joint  venture
     with the remaining 40 per cent owned by Chinese Petroleum Corporation.

     Our currently trading fleet represents  approximately  4.25 per cent of the
worldwide fleet by number of vessels.

Our Charters

     All of our current  LNG  carriers  are on  long-term  time  charters to LNG
producers and importers.  These charters generally provide us with stable income
and cash flows.  In addition to their  potential  for earning  revenues over the
course of their  useful  lives,  we believe  that our LNG carriers may also have
significant residual value when they are released from service.

     Pertamina  Charters.  Two of our  vessels,  the  Golar  Mazo and the  Golar
Spirit,  are  chartered by  Pertamina,  the  state-owned  oil and gas company of
Indonesia.  The Golar  Mazo,  which we jointly  own with the  Chinese  Petroleum
Corporation,  transports  LNG from  Indonesia  to  Taiwan  under a 18 year  time
charter  that  expires in 2017.  The Golar  Spirit is employed on a 20-year time
charter  that  expires in 2006.  Pertamina  has options to extend the Golar Mazo
charter for two  additional  periods of five years each, and to extend the Golar
Spirit charter for up to two years.

     Under the Pertamina  charters,  the operating costs of the vessel are borne
by Pertamina on a cost  pass-through  basis.  Pertamina  may suspend its payment
obligations  under the charter  agreement  for periods  when the vessels are not
able to  transport  cargo for various  reasons.  These  periods,  which are also
called  offhire  periods,  may  result  from,  among  other  causes,  mechanical
breakdown or other  accident,  the  inability of the crew to operate the vessel,
the arrest or other detention of the vessel as the result of a claim against us,
or the  cancellation  of the  vessel's  class  certification.  Payments  are not
suspended during scheduled maintenance.  The charters automatically terminate in
the event of the loss of a vessel.

     BG Charters. Methane Services Limited, a subsidiary of BG, charters four of
our  vessels on  long-term  time  charters.  These  vessels,  the Golar  Freeze,
Khannur,  Gimi,  and Hilli,  each  transport  LNG from export  facilities in the
Middle East and Atlantic  Basin nations to ports on the east coast of the United
States and in Europe.  The trading  routes of these  vessels are  determined  by
Methane Services Limited. BG Asia Pacific PTE Limited, another subsidiary of BG,
has  executed a charter  for one of our  newbuildings  that is  currently  under
construction.  This charter was due to commence  when the vessel was  delivered,
which was  expected  to occur in March 2003.  As a result of a fire  onboard the
vessel  while in the  shipyard  the  delivery  date has  been  delayed  until an
expected  date of August 29,  2003.  We are  entitled to  compensation  from the
shipyard for late  delivery and as a result we do not expect the delay to have a
material  adverage  financial  impact  on us. BG will now take  delivery  of the
vessel at a date between  January 1, 2004 and March 31, 2004. We expect to enter
into a  short-term  charter  between  the  delivery  date of the  vessel and its
delivery to BG. The Golar Freeze  commenced a new  five-year  charter with BG on
March 31, 2003. The charter for the Khannur expires in 2009, the charter for the
Gimi  expires in 2010 and the  charter for the Hilli  expires at a date  between
January 1, 2011 and December 31, 2012.

Charter Renewal Options

     Pertamina  Charters.  Pertamina has the option to extend the charter of the
Golar Mazo and the Golar Spirit.  Pertamina may extend the charter of Golar Mazo
that expires in 2017,  for up to 10 years by exercising  the right to extend for
one or two additional five year periods. Pertamina must give two years notice of
any decision to extend.  The revenue during the period of charter extension will
be subject to adjustments  based on our actual operating costs during the period
of the extension.  For the Golar Spirit, Pertamina may extend the charter beyond
its current  expiration in 2006 for up to two years. As with the Golar Mazo, the
hire rate  during  any  extension  is subject to  adjustment  to reflect  actual
operating expenses during the term.

     BG Charters. With the exception of the Golar Freeze charter, each of the BG
charters,  including the charter for the  newbuilding,  is subject to options on
the part of BG to extend those  charters for two five-year  periods.  If BG does
not  exercise  its  option  to renew  the  Hilli  charter,  it may  designate  a
redelivery  date between January 1, 2011 and December 31, 2012. The terms of the
Hilli charter  contained in the chart below and the preceding table assumes that
BG will chose a redelivery  date of December 31, 2012.  BG must notify us during
2003 of a redelivery window of 180 days between January 1, 2011 and December 31,
2012  during  which time the vessel  must be  redelivered,  and,  to specify the
redelivery  date by June 30, 2004.  The hire rates for  Khannur,  Gimi and Hilli
will be  increased  from  January  1, 2010  onwards  and  thereafter  subject to
adjustments  based on  escalation  of three per cent per annum of the  operating
costs of the vessel.  The British Gas charter for our newbuilding  hull no. 2215
which commences between January 1, 2004 and March 31, 2004 is for a period of 20
years,  and is  subject  to  options  to extend  the  charter  for two five year

     The following chart summarizes the current charters and renewal options for
each of our vessels and newbuildings that have charter coverage arranged:


                                 Current Time Charter   Option
                                 --------------------   ------
Newbuild 2215                    2004 through 2024      10 yrs (5yrs x2)
Golar Freeze                     through 2008           -
Hilli                            through 2012           10 yrs (5yrs x2)
Gimi                             through 2010           10 yrs (5yrs x2)
Khannur                          through 2009           10 yrs (5yrs x2)
Golar Spirit                     through 2006           2  yrs
Golar Mazo                       through 2017           10 yrs (5yrs x2)


     We have  executed  newbuilding  contracts  for  the  delivery  of four  LNG
carriers.  The following table summarizes our newbuilding projects, all of which
have capacities of approximately 138,000 cbm:

     Hull number          Shipbuilder   Contract Price         Delivery Date(1)
     -----------          -----------   --------------         ----------------

     2215                      Daewoo             $162M    August (29th) 2003
     1444                     Hyundai           $165.6M  December (31st) 2003
     2220                      Daewoo             $165M            March 2004
     1460                     Hyundai           $166.3M          October 2004

(1)  The delivery of hull 2215 has been delayed as noted above,  with August 29,
     2003 as the  currently  expected  date of  delivery.  All other  dates are
     contractual delivery dates.

     The selection of and investment in newbuildings is a key strategic decision
for us. We believe  that  years of  experience  in the  shipping  industry  have
equipped our senior  management with the experience to determine when to acquire
options for  newbuildings and when to order the construction of newbuildings and
the  scope  of  those  constructions.  Our  senior  management  has  established
relationships  with  several  shipyards,  and this has  enabled us to access the
currently limited shipyard slots to build LNG carriers.

Senior Management of Golar LNG Limited

     Our senior management makes strategic and commercial  decisions that relate
to our business,  and analyzes and recommends to our board of directors areas of
possible  expansion  into  other  areas  of the LNG  supply  chain.  Our  senior
management is responsible for:

     o    Vessel   charters.   Decisions   relating  to  our  current   business
          opportunities,  including the negotiation of charters for our existing
          fleet and for our newbuildings.

     o    Financing  decisions.   Decisions  regarding  our  capital  structure,
          overall debt and equity financing, use of financing alternatives,  the
          selection and negotiation of financing to fund the construction of our
          newbuildings  and the  consideration  of  financing  alternatives  for
          projects in other areas of the LNG supply chain that we may consider.

     o    Newbuilding   contracts.   Decisions   relating  to   investments   in
          newbuildings,  including  determining when these investments should be
          made  and the  negotiation  of  newbuilding  contracts  with  selected

     o    Future business strategies. Decisions regarding our possible expansion
          into other areas of the LNG supply chain.

Golar Management (UK) Limited

     We provide our own vessel  management  services  through  our wholly  owned
subsidiary  Golar  Management  UK Limited,  or Golar  Management,  which has its
offices in London. The technical functions exercised by Golar Management include
operational  support,   vessel  maintenance  and  technical  support,   crewing,
purchasing and accounting services.  We do not contract out to third parties any
of our vessel management services other than some crewing  activities,  which we
subcontract   to  crewing   agents.   We  have  a  fleet   manager   and  vessel
superintendents who regularly inspect the vessels in our fleet. Golar Management
provides the following services to the vessels in our fleet of LNG carriers:

     o    supervision of routine  maintenance  and repair of the vessel required
          to keep each vessel in good and  efficient  condition;  including  the
          preparation  of  comprehensive   drydocking   specifications  and  the
          supervision of each drydocking;

     o    oversight  of  compliance  with  applicable   regulations,   including
          licensing and certification requirements, and the required inspections
          of each  vessel to ensure  that it meets  the  standards  set forth by
          classification societies and applicable legal jurisdictions as well as
          our internal corporate  requirements and the standards required by our

     o    engagement and provision of qualified crews (masters, officers, cadets
          and ratings) and attendance to all matters regarding discipline, wages
          and labor relations;

     o    arrangements  to supply the  necessary  stores and  equipment for each
          vessel; and

     o    continual  monitoring  of  fleet  performance  and the  initiation  of
          necessary  remedial  actions to ensure that  financial  and  operating
          targets are met.

Ship Management

     We are focused on maximizing revenue from each vessel. Through a process of
continual evaluation and maintenance, our management team has been able to limit
unscheduled  offhire due to  equipment  failure or repair while our vessels have
been  employed.  Our ability to minimize  unscheduled  offhire while our vessels
have been employed is in part a result of our policy of having our crews perform
routine  maintenance  on our vessels  while  underway,  rather than  placing the
vessels in drydocking for longer periods of time. Since we do not earn hire from
a vessel  while it is in  drydock  for  unscheduled  repairs,  or for  scheduled
maintenance that exceeds a specified number of days, we believe that the expense
of the additional  crew members is outweighed by the additional  revenue that we

     To further minimize  drydocking costs and ensure compliance with the latest
industry  standards,  we are two years away from  completing  a six-year,  $29.5
million  program to refurbish and modernize our four vessels built in the 1970s.
As with the regularly scheduled maintenance on our vessels, this program will be
carried out while our  vessels are under way or when they are already  scheduled
to be in drydock. This program is not expected to require any additional offhire
days for our  vessels.  We expect that this  upgrading  program will allow us to
operate each of these  vessels to their 40th  anniversary.  Although we have not
experienced  any  material  operational  problems  with any of our  vessels,  we
believe  that the  capital  expenditure  of this  program  will  result in lower
maintenance  costs in the future.  We also  believe  this  program  will help us
maintain  our  proven  safety  record  and  ability  to meet  customer  delivery
deadlines. We expect this program to be completed by the end of 2004.

Third Party Ship Management

     In addition to managing our own fleet,  we provide  management  services to
LNG carriers owned by selected third parties.  We currently  manage four vessels
for the National Gas Shipping  Company,  a subsidiary of the Abu Dhabi  National
Oil Company.  These vessels are  currently  engaged on the route between the Das
Island LNG  terminal in Abu Dhabi and  various  ports in Japan.  Our  management
agreements  with  National  Gas  Shipping  Company  terminate in 2006 but may be
canceled at any time by either party on 12 months prior notice.

     The table below summarizes the LNG carriers that we manage for the National
Gas Shipping Company:

     Vessel Name       Year Built             Type    Capacity in cbm.      Flag
     -----------       ----------             ----    ----------------      ----

     Mubaraz                 1996   Moss-Rosenberg             137,500   Liberia
     Mraweh                  1996   Moss-Rosenberg             137,500   Liberia
     Al Hamra                1997   Moss-Rosenberg             137,500   Liberia
     Umm Al Ashtan           1997   Moss-Rosenberg             137,500   Liberia


     The operation of any vessel,  including LNG carriers,  has inherent  risks.
These risks include mechanical  failure,  personal injury,  collision,  property
loss, vessel or cargo loss or damage and business  interruption due to political
circumstances in foreign countries,  hostilities and labor strikes. In addition,
there is always an inherent possibility of marine disaster, including explosion,
spills and other environmental  mishaps, and the liabilities arising from owning
and operating vessels in international  trade. While we believe that our present
insurance coverage is adequate,  not all risks can be insured,  and there can be
no  guarantee  that any specific  claim will be paid,  or that we will always be
able to obtain adequate insurance coverage at reasonable rates.

     We have obtained hull and  machinery  insurance on all our vessels  against
marine and war risks, which include the risks of damage to our vessels,  salvage
or towing costs,  and also insure against actual or  constructive  total loss of
any of our vessels.  Our vessels are each covered with  deductibles  of $150,000
per  vessel per  incident,  except in the event of a total  loss,  in which case
there is no deductible. We have also arranged additional total loss coverage for
each vessel.  This coverage,  which is called hull interest and freight interest
coverage, provides us additional coverage for amounts not economically insurable
under our hull and  machinery  insurance  and responds in the event of the total
loss of a vessel.

     We have also obtained specific loss of hire insurance to protect us against
loss of income in the event one of our vessels  cannot be employed due to damage
that is covered under the terms of our hull and machinery  insurance.  Under our
loss of hire income  policies,  our insurer will pay us the daily rate agreed in
respect  of each  vessel  for each day,  in excess of 14 days,  that the  vessel
cannot be employed as a result of damage, for a maximum of 240 days.

     Protection  and indemnity  insurance,  which covers our  third-party  legal
liabilities in connection with our shipping activities,  is provided by a mutual
protection and indemnity  association,  or P&I club.  This includes  third-party
liability  and other  expenses  related to the injury or death of crew  members,
passengers  and other  third-party  persons,  loss or  damage  to cargo,  claims
arising  from  collisions  with other  vessels or from  contact  with jetties or
wharves and other  damage to other  third-party  property,  including  pollution
arising from oil or other substances,  and other related costs,  including wreck
removal.  Subject to the  capping  discussed  below,  our  coverage,  except for
pollution, is unlimited.

     Our current protection and indemnity insurance coverage for pollution is $1
billion  per vessel per  incident.  The  fourteen  P&I clubs that  comprise  the
International  Group of Protection and Indemnity Clubs insure  approximately  90
per cent of the  world's  commercial  tonnage  and have  entered  into a pooling
agreement to reinsure each association's  liabilities.  Each P&I club has capped
its exposure in this pooling  agreement so that the maximum claim covered by the
pool and its reinsurance  would be  approximately  $4.25 billion per accident or
occurrence.  We are a member of the "UK Club"  which is the  largest P&I club in
the  International  Group. As a member of the P&I club, we are subject to a call
for additional premiums based on the club's claims record, as well as the claims
record of all other members of the P&I clubs comprising the International Group.
However,  our P&I club has  reinsured  the risk of  additional  premium calls to
limit our additional  exposure.  This reinsurance is subject to a cap, and there
is the risk that the full amount of the additional  call would not be covered by
this reinsurance.

     The owners of the four vessels that we manage for the National Gas Shipping
Company  maintain all marine  insurances on those  vessels.  We are protected by
contractual  defenses and by the National  Gas  Shipping  Company's  contractual
obligation  to name us as a  co-insured  in the  policies it  maintains  for the
vessels  we  manage  for it.  In  addition,  we  carry  shipmanager's  liability
insurance  for each of the  vessels  we manage  for the  National  Gas  Shipping
Company.  Shipmanager's liability insurance protects us against losses caused by
our own negligence in connection  with the management of these vessels which the
owner of the vessel could recover from us under the  management  contract.  This
insurance  has a  general  limit of $20  million  ($10  million  in  respect  of
pollution) with a deductible of $50,000.

Environmental and other Regulations

     Governmental and international  agencies  extensively regulate the handling
and carriage of LNG. These  regulations  include  international  conventions and
national,  state and  local  laws and  regulations  in the  countries  where our
vessels  operate or where our  vessels  are  registered.  We cannot  predict the
ultimate  cost of  complying  with these  regulations,  or the impact that these
regulations  will  have on the  resale  value or  useful  lives of our  vessels.
Various  governmental  and  quasi-governmental  agencies  require  us to  obtain
permits, licenses and certificates for the operation of our vessels. Although we
believe that we are  substantially  in compliance with applicable  environmental
laws and regulations and have all permits,  licenses and  certificates  required
for our  operations,  future non-compliance  or failure to maintain  necessary
permits or approvals could require us to incur  substantial costs or temporarily
suspend operation of one or more of our vessels.

     A variety of governmental  and private entities inspect our vessels on both
a scheduled and unscheduled basis. These entities, each of which may have unique
requirements  and each of which conducts  frequent vessel  inspections,  include
local  port  authorities,  such  as the  U.S.  Coast  Guard,  harbor  master  or
equivalent,  classification  societies, flag state, or the administration of the
country of registry, charterers, terminal operators and LNG producers.

     Golar Management is certified to the International  Standards  Organization
(ISO) Environmental Standard for the management of the significant environmental
aspects  associated  with the  ownership  and  operation of a fleet of liquefied
natural gas  carriers.  This  certification  requires  that the  Company  commit
managerial  resources to act on its  environmental  policy  through an effective
management  system.  In addition,  the  Environmental  Management System must be
audited on a regular basis by Det Norske Veritas,  the Norwegian  classification
society,  and  deficiencies  found must be acted on  through a planned  remedial
action program.

     Regulation by the International Maritime Organization

     The International  Maritime  Organization,  or IMO, is a specialized agency
organized  by  the  United  Nations  that  provides  international   regulations
affecting the practices of those in shipping and  international  maritime trade.
The  requirements  contained in the  International  Management Code for the Safe
Operation of Ships and for Pollution Prevention, or ISM Code, promulgated by the
IMO,  affect our  operations.  The ISM Code requires the party with  operational
control  of a vessel to develop  an  extensive  safety  management  system  that
includes,  among  other  things,  the  adoption  of a safety  and  environmental
protection  policy setting forth  instructions  and procedures for operating its
vessels safely and also  describing  procedures  for responding to  emergencies.
Golar Management is certified as an approved ship manager under the ISM Code.

     The ISM Code  requires  that vessel  operators  obtain a safety  management
certificate,  issued by each flag  state,  for each vessel  they  operate.  This
certificate  evidences onboard compliance with code requirements.  No vessel can
obtain a certificate  unless its  shore-based  manager has also been awarded and
maintains  a Document  of  Compliance,  issued  under the ISM Code.  Each of the
vessels in our fleet has received a safety management certificate.

     Vessels that  transport  gas,  including LNG carriers,  are also subject to
regulation under the  International  Gas Carrier Code, or IGC,  published by the
IMO. The IGC provides a standard for the safe  carriage of LNG and certain other
liquid gases by  proscribing  the design and  construction  standards of vessels
involved  in such  carriage.  Compliance  with  the IGC must be  evidenced  by a
Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Liquefied  Gases of Bulk. Each of our
vessels  is in  compliance  with the IGC and each of our  newbuilding  contracts
requires that the vessel  receive  certification  that it is in compliance  with
applicable  regulations  before it is delivered.  Noncompliance  with the IGC or
other  applicable  IMO  regulations,  may  subject  a  shipowner  or a  bareboat
charterer to increased  liability,  may lead to decreases in available insurance
coverage  for  affected  vessels  and may  result in the denial of access to, or
detention  in,  some  ports.  Both the  U.S.  Coast  Guard  and  European  Union
authorities have indicated that vessels not in compliance with the ISM Code will
be prohibited from trading in their respective ports.

     The IMO also promulgates ongoing amendments to the international convention
for the Safety of Life at Sea 1974 and its protocol of 1988,  otherwise known as
SOLAS.  This provides rules for the  construction  of ships and  regulations for
their  operation  with respect to safety  issues.  It requires the  provision of
lifeboats  and other  life-saving  appliances,  requires  the use of the  Global
Maritime  Distress and Safety System which is an  international  radio equipment
and  watchkeeping  standard,  afloat and at shore  stations,  and relates to the
Treaty on the Standards of Training and Certification of Watchkeeping  Officers,
or STCW, also promulgated by IMO. Flag states which have ratified the convention
and the  treaty  generally  employ  the  classification  societies,  which  have
incorporated  SOLAS and STCW  requirements  into their class rules, to undertake
surveys to confirm compliance.

     Environmental Regulation--OPA/CERCLA

     The U.S.  Oil  Pollution  Act of 1990,  or OPA,  established  an  extensive
regulatory and liability regime for environmental  protection and cleanup of oil
spills. OPA affects all owners and operators whose vessels trade with the United
States or its territories or possessions, or whose vessels operate in the waters
of the United  States,  which  include the U.S.  territorial  waters and the two
hundred  nautical  mile  exclusive  economic  zone  of the  United  States.  The
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980, or
CERCLA,  applies to the discharge of hazardous  substances whether on land or at
sea.  While OPA and CERCLA  would not apply to the  discharge  of LNG,  they may
affect us because we carry oil as fuel and lubricants  for our engines,  and the
discharge  of these  could  cause an  environmental  hazard.  Under OPA,  vessel
operators,   including   vessel  owners,   managers  and  bareboat  or  "demise"
charterers,  are "responsible  parties" who are all liable  regardless of fault,
individually  and as a group,  for all  containment and clean-up costs and other
damages arising from oil spills from their vessels.  These "responsible parties"
would not be liable if the spill  results  solely  from the act or omission of a
third  party,  an act of God or an act of war.  The  other  damages  aside  from
clean-up and containment costs are defined broadly to include:

     o    natural resource damages and related assessment costs;

     o    real and personal property damages;

     o    net loss of taxes, royalties, rents, profits or earnings capacity;

     o    net cost of public services necessitated by a spill response,  such as
          protection from fire, safety or health hazards; and

     o    loss of subsistence use of natural resources.

     OPA limits the  liability  of  responsible  parties for vessels  other than
crude oil tankers to the  greater of $600 per gross ton or $500,000  per vessel.
These limits of liability do not apply, however, where the incident is caused by
violation  of  applicable  U.S.   federal  safety,   construction  or  operating
regulations,   or  by  the  responsible  party's  gross  negligence  or  willful
misconduct. These limits likewise do not apply if the responsible party fails or
refuses to report the incident or to cooperate and assist in connection with the
substance removal  activities.  This limit is subject to possible adjustment for
inflation.  OPA  specifically  permits  individual  states to  impose  their own
liability regimes with regard to oil pollution  incidents occurring within their
boundaries,  and some states have enacted  legislation  providing  for unlimited
liability for discharge of pollutants within their waters. In some cases, states
which  have  enacted  their own  legislation  have not yet  issued  implementing
regulations defining shipowners' responsibilities under these laws.

     CERCLA,  which also applies to owners and operators of vessels,  contains a
similar liability regime and provides for cleanup,  removal and natural resource
damages.  Liability under CERCLA is limited to the greater of $300 per gross ton
or $5 million.  As with OPA,  these  limits of  liability do not apply where the
incident is caused by violation of applicable U.S. federal safety,  construction
or operating  regulations,  or by the  responsible  party's gross  negligence or
willful  misconduct or if the  responsible  party fails or refuses to report the
incident or to cooperate  and assist in connection  with the  substance  removal
activities.  OPA and CERCLA each  preserve  the right to recover  damages  under
existing law,  including  maritime  tort law. We  anticipate  that we will be in
compliance  with OPA, CERCLA and all applicable  state  regulations in the ports
where our vessels will call.

     OPA requires owners and operators of vessels to establish and maintain with
the U.S. Coast Guard evidence of financial responsibility sufficient to meet the
limit of their  potential  strict  liability under OPA. The U.S. Coast Guard has
enacted regulations requiring evidence of financial responsibility in the amount
of $900 per gross ton for  vessels  other  than oil  tankers,  coupling  the OPA
limitation on liability of $600 per gross ton with the CERCLA liability limit of
$300 per gross ton. Under the regulations,  evidence of financial responsibility
may be demonstrated by insurance, surety bond, self-insurance or guaranty. Under
OPA  regulations,  an owner or  operator  of more than one vessel is required to
demonstrate  evidence of  financial  responsibility  for the entire  fleet in an
amount  equal only to the  financial  responsibility  requirement  of the vessel
having the greatest maximum liability under  OPA/CERCLA.  Each of our shipowning
subsidiaries  that has  vessels  trading in U.S.  waters has  applied  for,  and
obtained from the U.S. Coast Guard National  Pollution Funds Center,  three-year
certificates  of  financial  responsibility,  supported by  guarantees  which we
purchased from an insurance-based  provider.  We believe that we will be able to
continue  to obtain the  requisite  guarantees  and that we will  continue to be
granted  certificates of financial  responsibility from the U.S. Coast Guard for
each of our vessels that is required to have one.

     Environmental Regulation--Other

     Most  U.S.   states  that  border  a  navigable   waterway   have   enacted
environmental  pollution  laws that  impose  strict  liability  on a person  for
removal  costs and damages  resulting  from a discharge of oil or a release of a
hazardous substance. These laws may be more stringent than U.S. federal law. The
European Union has proposed  regulations,  which,  if adopted,  may regulate the
transmission,  distribution,  supply and  storage of natural gas and LNG at land
based facilities. It is not clear what form these regulations, if adopted, would

Inspection by Classification Societies

     Every seagoing vessel must be "classed" by a  classification  society.  The
classification  society certifies that the vessel is "in class," signifying that
the vessel has been built and  maintained  in  accordance  with the rules of the
classification  society and complies with  applicable  rules and  regulations of
that particular class of vessel as laid down by that society.

     For maintenance of the class certificate, regular and extraordinary surveys
of hull,  machinery,  including the electrical  plant and any special  equipment
classed,  are required to be performed by the classification  society, to ensure
continuing compliance.  Most vessels are drydocked every three to five years for
inspection of the underwater  parts and for repairs related to  inspections.  If
any defects are found, the classification surveyor will issue a "recommendation"
which must be rectified by the  shipowner  within  prescribed  time limits.  The
classification  society  also  undertakes  on request  of the flag  state  other
surveys and checks that are required by the regulations and requirements of that
flag state. These surveys are subject to agreements made in each individual case
and/or to the regulations of the country concerned.

     Most insurance underwriters make it a condition for insurance coverage that
a vessel be  certified  as "in class" by a  classification  society,  which is a
member of the International  Association of Classification Societies. All of our
vessels have been certified as being "in class".  The Golar Mazo and each of the
vessels that we manage for the National Gas Shipping  Corporation  are certified
by Lloyds  Register,  and our other  vessels  are each  certified  by Det norske
Veritas,  both  members  of  the  International  Association  of  Classification

In-House Inspections

     We inspect all of our vessels on a regular basis, both at sea and while the
vessels are in port. Each vessel in our fleet is inspected on an annual basis by
our fleet safety officer,  annually by an independent third party safety auditor
and at four-month intervals by one of our technical superintendents. The results
of these inspections, which are conducted both in port and underway, result in a
report containing  recommendations  for improvements to the overall condition of
the  vessel,  maintenance,  safety  and  crew  welfare.  Based  in part on these
evaluations,  we create and implement a program of continual maintenance for our
vessels  and their  systems.  These  programs  are  subject to a computer  based
tracking system in order to assure compliance. Our maintenance program, like our
vessel upgrading, is performed while underway whenever possible.  Those projects
that do require the ship to be taken out of service are only performed  during a
vessel's scheduled offhire period.

C. Organizational Structure

     As is  customary in the shipping  industry,  we own,  lease and operate our
vessels,  and  our  newbuildings  while  under  construction,  through  separate
wholly-owned  subsidiaries.  With the  exception of the Golar Mazo, we own a 100
per cent  interest  in each of our vessel and  newbuilding  owning or  operating
subsidiaries.  We own the  Golar  Mazo  in a  joint  venture  with  the  Chinese
Petroleum Corporation in which we own 60 per cent and Chinese Petroleum owns the
remaining  40 per cent of the  vessel  owning  company.  Our  vessel  management
services and vessel manning services are provided through separate, wholly-owned

     The  following  chart  lists each of our  subsidiaries,  the  subsidiaries'
purpose and its country of  organization  as at May 31, 2003.  Unless  otherwise
indicated, we own 100 per cent of each subsidiary.

                                      Jurisdiction of
Subsidiary                             Incorporation           Purpose
- ----------                             -------------           -------

Golar Gas Holding Company Inc.        Republic of Liberia      Holding Company
Golar Maritime (Asia) Inc.            Republic of Liberia      Holding Company
Gotaas-Larsen Shipping  Corporation   Republic of Liberia      Holding Company
Oxbow Holdings Inc.                   British Virgin Islands   Holding Company
Faraway Maritime Shipping Inc.
    (60% ownership)                   Republic of Liberia      Vessel ownership
Golar LNG 2215 Corporation            Republic of Liberia      Vessel ownership
Golar LNG 1444 Corporation            Republic of Liberia      Vessel ownership
Golar LNG 1460 Corporation            Republic of Liberia      Vessel ownership
Golar LNG 2220 Corporation            Republic of Liberia      Vessel ownership
Golar International Ltd               Republic of Liberia      Vessel management
Golar Maritime Services Inc.          Philippines              Vessel management
Golar Maritime Services, S.A.         Spain                    Vessel management
Gotaas-Larsen International Ltd.      Republic of Liberia      Vessel management
Golar Management Limited              Bermuda                  Management
Golar Maritime Limited                Bermuda                  Management
Aurora Management Inc.
     (90% ownership)                  Republic of Liberia      Management
Golar Management (UK) Limited         United Kingdom           Management
Golar Freeze (UK) Limited             United Kingdom           Vessel operation
Golar Khannur (UK) Limited            United Kingdom           Vessel operation
Golar Gimi (UK) Limited               United Kingdom           Vessel operation
Golar Hilli (UK) Limited              United Kingdom           Vessel operation
Golar Spirit (UK) Limited             United Kingdom           Vessel operation

D. Property, Plant and Equipment

The Company's Vessels

The  following  tables set forth the fleet that we operate and the  newbuildings
that we have on order:

                                Capacity                      Current Charter
Vessel         Delivered            cbm.   Flag   Charterer        Expiration
- ------         ---------        --------   ----   ---------   ---------------

Golar Mazo          2000         135,000    LIB   Pertamina              2017
Golar Spirit        1981         128,000     UK   Pertamina              2006
Golar Freeze        1977         125,000     UK          BG              2008
Khannur             1977         125,000     UK          BG              2009
Gimi                1976         125,000     UK          BG              2010
Hilli               1975         125,000     UK          BG              2012

                       Date      Capacity                     Current Charter
Newbuilding     of Delivery          cbm.         Charterer        Expiration
- ------         ------------      --------  ----   ---------   ---------------

Hull No. 2215   August 2003      138,000     --         BG              2024
Hull No. 1444   December 2003    137,000     --        n/a               n/a
Hull No. 2220   March 2004       138,000     --        n/a               n/a
Hull No. 1460   October 2004     140,000     --        n/a               n/a

Key to Flags:
LIB - Liberian, UK - United Kingdom

     We do not own any  interest in real  property.  We  sublease  approximately
8,000 square feet of office space in London for our ship management  operations.
In addition,  we have leasehold interests in two London offices that we formerly
occupied which we have assigned or sublet to unrelated  third parties.  We lease
approximately  540 square feet of office space in Bilbao,  Spain for our crewing


A. Operating Results

Overview and Background

     The  following  discussion  of  our  financial  condition  and  results  of
operations  should be read in conjunction with our financial  statements and the
related notes, and the other financial  information  included  elsewhere in this
document.  Our financial  statements  have been prepared in accordance with U.S.
GAAP. This discussion includes  forward-looking  statements based on assumptions
about our future business. Our actual results could differ materially from those
contained in the forward-looking statements.

     The  following  discussion  assumes  that our  business  was  operated as a
separate corporate entity prior to its inception.  Prior to May 10, 2001, we did
not exist as a corporate  entity,  and prior to May 31,  2001,  our business was
operated as part of the shipping business of Osprey. For the year ended December
31, 2000 the combined financial statements presented have been carved out of the
consolidated financial statements of Osprey. For the period from January 1, 2001
to May 31, 2001,  our financial  statement  activity has also been carved out of
the consolidated  financial statements of Osprey, and from that date to December
31, 2002,  all of our results were  reflected  in the  stand-alone  consolidated
financial statements of Golar as a separate entity. In addition, some costs have
been reflected in the historical  combined  financial  statements  which are not
necessarily  indicative  of the costs that  Golar  would  have  incurred  had it
operated as an independent, stand-alone entity for all periods presented.

     In August 2000,  World  Shipholding  Ltd commenced an acquisition of Osprey
and gained a controlling interest of more than 50 per cent of Osprey in November
2000.  This  interest  increased  to over 90 per cent in January  2001 and World
Shipholding  completed  its  acquisition  in  May  2001.  This  acquisition  was
accounted for by World  Shipholding as a step-by-step  purchase  transaction and
the  purchase  price was  therefore  allocated  to the  assets  and  liabilities
acquired  based on their fair value as of each  acquisition  date,  with vessels
being valued on the basis of discounted expected future cash flows. In each step
of the  acquisition,  the fair value of the net  assets  acquired  exceeded  the
purchase price with resulting negative goodwill allocated to the recorded values
of the vessels.  These purchase price allocations were pushed down and reflected
in Osprey's financial statements from February 1, 2001.

     Effective May 31, 2001,  we acquired the LNG shipping  interests of Osprey,
which included one newbuilding  contract and an option for a further newbuilding
contract. We also entered into a purchase agreement with Seatankers, to purchase
its one newbuilding contract for a LNG carrier and its option to build three new
LNG carriers.

     In addition to controlling  Seatankers,  Mr. Fredriksen indirectly controls
50.01 per cent of our shares through World  Shipholding.  As required under U.S.
GAAP,  our  purchase of the LNG  operations  of Osprey and  Seatankers  has been
reflected in our financial  statements as  transactions  between  entities under
common  control.  We have recorded the LNG assets and liabilities we acquired at
the  amounts  previously  reflected  in  the  books  of  World  Shipholding  and
Seatankers  on what is known as a  "predecessor  basis".  Under the  predecessor
basis of accounting,  tangible and intangible  assets  acquired and  liabilities
assumed  are  recorded  in our books at the amount at which they would have been
recorded  on the  books of World  Shipholding  and  Seatankers.  The  difference
between  our  purchase  price  and this  predecessor  basis was  reflected  as a
reduction in equity in a capital reorganization.

Current Business

     Our activities are currently focused on the long-term chartering of our LNG
carriers and the  management  of four LNG  carriers  for a third party,  both of
which provide us with stable and predictable cash flows.

     Vessels may operate under  different  charter  arrangements  including time
charters  and bareboat  charters.  A time charter is a contract for the use of a
vessel for a specific  period of time at a specified  daily  rate.  Under a time
charter,  the charterer pays substantially all of the vessel voyage costs, which
consist  primarily  of fuel and  port  charges.  A  bareboat  charter  is also a
contract  for the use of a vessel for a specific  period of time at a  specified
daily rate but the charterer pays the vessel  operating  costs as well as voyage
costs.  Operating costs include crew wages,  vessel  supplies,  routine repairs,
maintenance,  lubricating oils and insurance. We define charters for a period of
less than one year as short-term,  charters for a period of between one and four
year as  medium-term  and  charters  for a  period  of more  than  four  year as

     All of our currently trading LNG carriers are employed under long-term time
charters,  which do not come up for renewal until 2006 and later.  The following
table sets out our current charters,  including future committed  charters,  and
their expirations:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                     Current Charter        Charterers Renewal
Vessel Name    Annual charter hire     Expiration             Option Periods
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Golar Mazo     $31 million / year*        2017             5 years plus 5 years
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Golar Spirit   $21 million / year***      2006             1 year plus 1 year
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Khannur        $15.3 million / year       2009             5 years plus 5 years
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Golar Freeze   $19.6 million / year       2008             None
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Gimi           $15.3 million / year       2010             5 years plus 5 years
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hilli          $15.3 million / year       2012             5 years plus 5 years
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hull No. 2215  $24.4 million /  year**    2024             5 years plus 5 years
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     *    on a  wholly-owned  basis and excluding  operating  cost recovery from
          charterer (see below)
     **   commencing  in 2004  between  January  1, 2004 and March 31,  2004
     ***  excludes operating cost recovery from charterer (see below)

     The  long-term  contracts  for the Golar  Spirit  and  Golar  Mazo are time
charters but the economic terms are analogous to bareboat contracts, under which
the  vessels are paid a fixed rate of hire,  being the rate in the above  Table,
and the vessel operating costs are borne by the charterer on a cost pass through
basis. These contracts contain no escalation clauses.

     The charter with BG with respect to hull 2215 was due to commence  when the
vessel was delivered,  which was expected to occur in March 2003. As a result of
a fire  onboard the vessel  while in the  shipyard  the  delivery  date has been
delayed until an expected  date of August 2003. We are entitled to  compensation
from the shipyard  for late  delivery and as a result we do not expect the delay
to have a material adverse impact on us. BG is now scheduled to take delivery of
the vessel at a date between  January 1, 2004 and March 31,  2004.  We expect to
enter into a short-term  charter between the delivery date of the vessel and the
delivery to BG.

Employment History

     The following  table sets out the  employment of the LNG carriers now owned
and/or operated by us during the period 1998 to 2002.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vessel Name         1998                1999                 2000 to 2002
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Golar Mazo     Not applicable (a)  Not applicable (a)  Long-term time charter to
                                                       Pertamina commenced on
                                                       delivery in 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Golar Spirit   Long-term time      Long-term time      Long-term time charter to
               charter to          charter to          Pertamina
               Pertamina           Pertamina
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Khannur        Short-term          Short-term          Short-term charters until
               charters            charters            start of long-term time
                                                       charter with BG in
                                                       December 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Golar Freeze   Medium-term         Medium-term         Short-term charters until
               charter             charter             start of medium-term time
                                                       charter with BG in
                                                       November 2000. Long-term
                                                       time charter with BG from
                                                       March 2003.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Gimi           Short-term          Short-term          Short-term charters until
               charters            charters            start of long-term time
                                                       charter with BG in May
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hilli          Medium-term         Medium-term         Medium-term charter until
               charter             charter             start of long-term time
                                                       charter with BG in
                                                       September 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(a)  This vessel was delivered to us and began trading on January 15, 2000.

     In the second half of 2000, and the first half of 2001, Golar Freeze, Gimi,
Hilli and  Khannur,  then owned by Osprey,  were  committed  to  long-term  time
charters with a subsidiary of BG at rates that were lower than prevailing market
rates.  The  employment  under  these  charters  results in  minimal  periods of
offhire,  generally  limited  to  scheduled  offhire  for  drydocking.  We  have
subsequently  renegotiated  the  charters  paid by BG, and have had the charters
extended to the dates shown above.

     Current management took over the Osprey LNG business in February 2001, when
World Shipholding had acquired more than 90 per cent of Osprey's shares. Between
February and May 2001,  World  Shipholding  acquired almost all of the remaining
shares by continued open market purchases.

     Beginning in February 2001, the new management of Osprey  restructured  the
business. New management reduced costs by rationalizing the corporate structure,
reducing staff, and closing the Singapore office.

     Possible Future LNG Industry Business Activities

     Depending on market conditions, we may diversify our operations. Our senior
management  is  currently  considering  spot  chartering  of  LNG  carriers  and
vertically integrated infrastructure investments.

     The LNG spot  market  has  only  recently  developed  and it is at an early
stage.  Rates payable in that market may be uncertain  and volatile.  The supply
and demand  balance for LNG  carriers is also  uncertain.  These  factors  could
influence  any  decision  to enter  into the LNG spot  market or the  results of
operations from any spot market activities.

     All future  possible LNG activities are also dependant on our  management's
decisions  regarding the utilization of our assets. In the longer term,  results
of  operations  may also be affected by  strategic  decisions by  management  as
opportunities  arise  to  make  investments  in  LNG  logistics   infrastructure
facilities to secure access to markets as well as to take advantage of potential
industry consolidation.

     In February  2002, we announced our  participation  in a joint  development
arrangement  headed by Marathon Oil Company to construct and operate a major LNG
import  facility on Mexico's Baja  Peninsula to be located near  Tijuana.  Other
participants in the project include Grupo GGS, S.A. de C.V., a subsidiary of GGS
Holdings  Limited,  or GGS, a Mexican  company  involved in the  development  of
various infrastructure  projects,  including oil and natural gas projects. It is
anticipated that the project will commence operations during the last quarter of
2006. Upon its completion,  the project would consist of a LNG marine  terminal,
regasification  facility,  natural  gas-fired power generation plant and a water
desalination  plant  as  well  as  infrastructure  to  export  natural  gas  and
electricity  to the United  States,  and for  distribution  within  Mexico.  The
project may employ up to eight LNG  carriers.  We expect that our  investment in
the project would be financed through both internal and external resources.

     In May 2003, we announced that Mexico's Comision Reguladora de Energia (CRE
or Energy Regulatory  Commission) had awarded a gas-storage permit to a Marathon
subsidiary,   Gas  Natural  Baja  California,  S.  de  R.L.  de  C.V.,  for  the
construction and operation of a liquefied  natural gas (LNG) storage facility to
be located near Tijuana, Baja California,  Mexico.  Currently,  the Marathon-led
consortium  is  proceeding  with  additional  regulatory  reviews and permits as
required  by  federal  and local  authorities  in  Mexico.  Assuming  regulatory
approvals  and  execution  of  successful   commercial   and  financing   plans,
construction  of the Tijuana  Regional  Energy  Center would begin in late 2003,
with start up expected in 2006.  The project,  therefore,  is still in its early
stages,  and its  completion  depends on several  factors,  including  obtaining
necessary project financing, regulatory approvals, and market conditions.

     Under the agreement  with Marathon and GGS,  costs  incurred in relation to
the  development  of the project  are to be shared as  follows:  Marathon 80 per
cent, GGS 10 per cent, Golar LNG Limited 10 per cent prior to the  establishment
of a lead project company and execution of a shareholders'  agreement.  The size
of our  ultimate  investment  in this project has not yet been  determined.  Our
share of development costs incurred to December 31, 2002 amount to $1,077,000 of
which $792,000 has been expensed.  The remaining $285,000,  which relates to the
purchase  of land  options  in Baja,  has been  treated  as an asset.  A further
$261,000 of  development  costs have been  expensed in the three months to March
31, 2003.

     In June 2002, we announced that we had signed a heads of agreement  (letter
of intent) with the Italian offshore and contracting  company Saipem SPA for the
joint marketing and development of Floating Regasification  Terminals, or FRT's,
for the  Italian gas market.  The concept is based on the  conversion  of a Moss
type LNG carrier (`Moss type' is in reference to the type and shape of the cargo
tanks), either existing or newly built. The activities will be managed through a
dedicated joint venture,  where Saipem will handle the engineering and technical
aspects of the FRT's.  We will  contribute to the joint  venture by  identifying
suitable LNG carriers as well as providing maritime expertise. Progress has been
made in respect of this project with a potential  customer,  Cross Energy S.R.L.
who is planning  to site a FRT off the coast of Livorno in Italy.  A decision on
the  permit  for the FRT is  expected  to be made  some  time  between  July and
September of 2003. It is estimated that the terminal  could  commence  receiving
gas by the first quarter of 2005. The ultimate size of our investment has yet to
be determined.

     Factors Affecting Our Results

     The principal  factors that have affected,  and are expected to continue to
affect, our core LNG shipping business are:

          o    The employment of our vessels, daily charter rates and the number
               of unscheduled offhire days

          o    Non-utilization for vessels not subject to charters

          o    Vessel operating expenses

          o    Administrative expenses

          o    Depreciation expenses

          o    Net  financial  expenses  including  mark to market  charges  for
               interest rate swaps.

     Operating  revenues are  primarily  generated by charter rates paid for our
short-term, medium-term and long-term charters and are therefore related to both
our ability to secure continuous employment for our vessels as well as the rates
that we secure for these  charters.  Four of our ships  currently  under charter
with a subsidiary  of BG have derived a cashflow  benefit from  negotiated  rate
increases  that have taken  effect  from  August 1, 2001 for one vessel and from
January 1, 2002 for the other three.

     The number of days that our vessels earn hire substantially  influences our
results.  We attempt to minimize  unscheduled offhire by conducting a program of
continual  maintenance for our vessels. The charter coverage we have for all our
vessels has resulted in a minimal number of waiting days in 2000, 2001 and 2002.
We have also had a low number of  unscheduled  offhire  days and expect  this to

     Our  vessels  may be out of  service,  that is,  offhire,  for  three  main
reasons:  scheduled drydocking or special survey or maintenance,  which we refer
to as scheduled offhire, days spent waiting for a charter,  which we refer to as
waiting  time  and  unscheduled  repairs  or  maintenance,  which we refer to as
unscheduled offhire.  Generally, for vessels that are under a time charter, hire
is paid for each day that a vessel is available for service. However, two of our
long-term  charters provide for an allowance of a specified number of days every
two to three  years  that our  vessels  may be in  drydock,  and for one  vessel
provide  that the  vessel  will only be placed  offhire if the number of days in
drydock  every two years  exceeds that  allowance.  The shipping  industry  uses
average daily time charter  earnings,  or TCE, to measure revenues per vessel in
dollars per day for vessels on charters. We calculate TCE by taking time charter
revenues  earned and dividing by the number of days in the period less scheduled

     Our  exposure to credit  risk is limited as our  long-term  charterers  pay
monthly in advance. This trend is expected to continue as all of our vessels are
under  long-term  charters  with  customers  with  whom we have  had a  positive
collection history.

     Vessel operating  expenses include direct vessel operating costs associated
with running a vessel and an allocation of  shore-based  overhead costs directly
related to vessel  management.  Vessel operating costs include crew wages, which
are  the  most  significant   component,   vessel  supplies,   routine  repairs,
maintenance,  lubricating  oils and  insurance.  Accordingly,  the level of this
operating  cost is  directly  related to the number of vessels we own.  Overhead
allocated  to  vessels  includes  certain  technical  and  operational  support,
information  technology,  legal, accounting and corporate costs that are related
to vessel operating  activity.  These costs are allocated based on internal cost
studies, which management believes are reasonable estimates.  Operating expenses
increased  over the past two years  principally  because of  increased  crew and
related pension costs and insurance costs.

     Administrative   expenses  are  composed  of  general  corporate   overhead
including  primarily personnel costs,  corporate  services,  public filing fees,
property costs and expenses related to other similar functions.  Personnel costs
comprise  approximately 60 per cent of our  administrative  expenses and include
salaries, pension costs, fringe benefits, travel costs and social insurance. The
streamlining of our operations  resulting from our Singapore  office closure and
London office relocation has allowed us to reduce administration  expenses since

     Depreciation  expense,  or the periodic  cost charged to our income for the
reduction in usefulness and long-term value of our ships, is also related to the
number of vessels we own.  We  depreciate  the cost of our  vessels,  less their
estimated  residual value,  over their estimated  useful life on a straight-line
basis. We amortize our deferred drydocking costs over two to five years based on
each vessel's next anticipated drydocking. No charge is made for depreciation of
newbuildings  until they are  delivered.  We amortize our office  equipment  and
fittings over three to six years based on estimated economic useful life.

     Interest  expense  depends on the overall  levels of borrowing we incur and
may  significantly  increase  when  we  acquire  ships  or on  the  delivery  of
newbuildings.   During  a  newbuilding  construction  period,  interest  expense
incurred is capitalized  in the cost of the  newbuilding.  Interest  expense may
also change with prevailing  interest rates although the effect of these changes
may be reduced by interest rate swaps or other derivative instruments. Currently
$85  million of debt under our hull 2215  facility  has a fixed  interest  rate.
Furthermore, $183.8 million of our floating rate debt under our Mazo facility is
swapped  to  fixed  rate,  and  we  may  also  enter  into  interest  rate  swap
arrangements  on our other debt if this is considered to be  advantageous to us.
Interest expense in the carved out combined  financial  statements  relates to a
debt facility in Osprey that was specifically designated to LNG operations and a
facility specific to the Golar Mazo.  Interest income in the carved out combined
financial statements includes an allocation of Osprey group interest income. The
Osprey group  operated a centralized  treasury  system and did not have separate
bank  accounts for each of its  subsidiaries.  There were separate bank accounts
for Golar Mazo.  For the  remaining  LNG  activities,  interest  income has been
allocated in the carved out  combined  financial  statements  based on operating
cash flows, net of debt service.

     Other  financial  items are composed of financing  fee  arrangement  costs,
amortization  of deferred  financing  costs,  market  valuation  adjustment  for
interest rate derivatives and foreign exchange  gain/loss.  The market valuation
adjustment for our interest rate  derivatives  may have a significant  impact on
our results of operations and financial position although it does not impact our
liquidity.  Foreign  exchange gains and losses are minimal as our activities are
primarily denominated in U.S. dollars.

     Since  most of these key items are  directly  related  to the number of LNG
carriers we own, the  acquisition or divestment of additional  vessels and entry
into additional  newbuilding  contracts would cause corresponding changes in our

     Although  inflation  has  had a  moderate  impact  on  operating  expenses,
interest costs, drydocking expenses and corporate overheads, management does not
expect inflation to have a significant impact on direct costs in the current and
foreseeable economic environment.

     A number of factors could substantially affect the results of operations of
our core long-term charter LNG shipping business as well as the future expansion
of any spot  market  business.  These  factors  include the pricing and level of
demand for natural gas and specifically LNG. Other uncertainties that could also
substantially  affect  these  results  include  changes in the number of new LNG
importing  countries and regions and  availability  of surplus LNG from projects
around the world,  as well as structural  LNG market  changes  allowing  greater
flexibility and enhanced competition with other energy sources.

Critical Accounting Policies

     The  preparation of the Company's  financial  statements in accordance with
accounting  principles  generally  accepted in the United  States  requires that
management  make  estimates and  assumptions  affecting the reported  amounts of
assets and  liabilities  and disclosure of contingent  assets and liabilities at
the date of the financial  statements  and the reported  amounts of revenues and
expenses  during the  reporting  period.  The  following is a discussion  of the
accounting  policies  applied by the Company  that are  considered  to involve a
higher  degree of judgement in their  application.  See Note 2 to the  Company's
audited  Consolidated  and  Combined  Financial  Statements  and  Notes  thereto
included  herein  for  details  of  all  of the  Company's  material  accounting

Carve out of the Financial Statements of Osprey

     For the year ended December 31, 2001, the five months to May 31, 2001, have
been carved out of the  financial  statements  of Osprey and are  presented on a
combined basis.  For the seven months from June 1, 2001 to December 31, 2001 and
for the year ended  December 31, 2002,  the  financial  statements of Golar as a
separate  entity  are  presented  on a  consolidated  basis.  For the year ended
December 31, 2000 the combined financial  statements  presented herein have been
carved out of the financial statements of Osprey.

     Osprey was a shipping company with activities that included oil tankers and
product carriers as well as LNG carriers.  Where Osprey's  assets,  liabilities,
revenues and expenses relate to the LNG business, these have been identified and
carved out for inclusion in these financial  statements.  Where Osprey's assets,
liabilities,  revenues and expenses  relate to one specific line of business but
not the LNG  business,  these have been  identified  and not  included  in these
financial  statements.  The  preparation of the carved out financial  statements
requires  allocation of certain assets and liabilities and revenues and expenses
where  these items are not  identifiable  as related to one  specific  activity.
Management  has deemed the related  allocations  are  reasonable  to present the
financial position,  results of operations,  and cash flows of the Company.  The
financial position,  results of operations and cash flows of the Company are not
necessarily  indicative  of those that would have been  achieved had the Company
operated  autonomously  for all years  presented  as the  Company  may have made
different  operational  and  investment  decisions as a Company  independent  of

Vessels and Depreciation

     The cost of the Company's  vessels is depreciated on a straight-line  basis
over the vessels'  remaining  economic  useful lives.  Management  estimates the
useful  life of the  Company's  vessels to be 40 years and this is a common life
expectancy  applied in the LNG  shipping  industry.  If the  estimated  economic
useful life is incorrect, an impairment loss could result in future periods. Our
vessels are reviewed for impairment  whenever events or changes in circumstances
indicate  that the carrying  amount may not be  recoverable.  In  assessing  the
recoverability  of our  vessels'  carrying  amounts,  we must  make  assumptions
regarding estimated future cash flows. Factors we consider important which could
affect    recoverability   and   trigger    impairment    include    significant
underperformance relative to expected operating results and significant negative
industry or economic trends.

Results of operations

     Our results  for the years  ended  December  31,  2002,  2001 and 2000 were
affected by several key factors:

     o    the pushdown of purchase  accounting  adjustments on January 31, 2001,
          resulting from the acquisition of Osprey by World Shipholding, thereby
          recording  in our books a  significant  reduction  in vessel  carrying

     o    the  application of the  predecessor  basis of accounting  with effect
          from May 31, 2001 resulting  from our  acquisition of the LNG interest
          of Osprey and Seatankers;

     o    the issue of new equity and refinancing of our principal loan facility
          with effect from May 31, 2001 in connection  with the  acquisition  by
          Golar of the LNG business of Osprey;

     o    restructuring  costs incurred in connection with the reorganization of
          our operations, in particular the closure of Osprey's Singapore office
          and associated employment severance costs; and

     o    the adoption of Statement of Financial  Accounting  Standards No. 133,
          "Accounting for Derivatives and Hedging Activities.

The impact of these factors is discussed in more detail below.

     Year ended  December 31, 2002,  compared  with the year ended  December 31,

     Operating  Revenues.  Total operating  revenues  increased 14 per cent from
$114.2 million in 2001 to $130.6 million in 2002.  This resulted  primarily from
higher  average  charter rates and a decrease in offhire days in 2002. The fleet
earned an average  daily time  charter  rate of $59,000  and $53,600 in 2002 and
2001, respectively. The increase in rates from 2001 to 2002 was due to increased
rates in respect of the Hilli, Gimi and Khannur, effective January 1, 2002 and a
rate  increase in respect of the Golar Freeze  effective  August 1, 2001. In the
years  ended  December  31,  2002 and 2001 total days  offhire  were 24 and 130,
respectively.  The  decrease  is due to the fact that three  vessels  under went
drydocking  during 2001 whilst there was no loss of income  associated  with the
drydocking of one vessel in 2002.

     Vessel Operating Expenses.  Vessel operating expenses increased 14 per cent
from  $24.5  million  in 2001 to $28.1  million  in 2002.  This was  principally
attributable to increased crew,  insurance and repair costs.  Crew costs account
for  approximately  $1.9 million of the increase  due to a  combination  of crew
restructuring,   including  changing  crew  nationalities,   increased  training
programs,  a  higher  level of  surplus  crew and  additional  pension  costs as
determined by our actuarial valuations.  Crew pension costs were $0.8m higher in
2002 compared to 2001. Insurance costs increased  approximately $0.5 million due
to the  general  increase  in the  market  rates for  insurance  and  because of
additional  war  insurance  premiums  applied to two of our  vessels  trading in
Indonesian waters.  This additional premium has ceased to be applicable from May
2003. Repair costs increased  approximately $0.6 million as a result of a number
of individual  repairs required.  In the years ended December 31, 2002 and 2001,
the average  daily  operating  costs of our vessels  were  $12,800 and  $11,200,
respectively.  Included  in these  amounts  are $1,027 per day and $928 per day,
respectively  of overheads  allocable to vessel  operating  expenses.  These are
onshore  costs such as technical  and  operational  staff  support,  information
technology and legal,  accounting  and corporate  costs  attributable  to vessel
operations.  These costs are allocated  based on internal  cost  studies,  which
management  believes  are  reasonable  estimates.  We plan to leverage  overhead
functions  by   increasing   fleet  size  without   proportional   corresponding
incremental  increases in overhead spending.  We have signed an agreement with a
Croatian  crew  management  company  for the  provision  of  officers  with  LNG
experience. Importantly this provides us with access to experienced officers but
also affords us more flexibility and improves the utilization of our crew pool.

     Administrative Expenses. Administrative expenses decreased 26 per cent from
$8.2  million in 2001 to $6.1  million in 2002,  principally  due to a charge of
$2.4 million in 2001 of expenses  relating to a planned  public  offering in the
United States. We incurred $0.8 million of expenses,  included in administrative
expenses,  relating  to our share of  development  costs in  respect of the Baja
project  during  2002 ($nil  2001).  We expect to incur costs in respect of Baja
during  2003.  Other than these Baja  related  costs we  anticipate  recurring
administrative expenses in the future to be in line with those incurred in 2002,
allowing for market related and inflationary increases.

     Restructuring costs.  Restructuring costs of $1.9 million in the year ended
December 31, 2001 consist  primarily of employment  severance  costs incurred in
connection with the restructuring of Osprey's Singapore operations following the
acquisition by Word Shipholding.  There were no restructuring  costs incurred in
the year ended December 31, 2002.

     Depreciation and  Amortization.  Depreciation  and  amortization  decreased
marginally from $31.6 million in 2001 to $31.3 million in 2002.

     Net Financial  Expenses.  Interest income was $1.1 million and $3.3 million
for the years ended  December  31, 2002 and 2001,  respectively.  This  decrease
reflects a higher average cash balance for the Golar Mazo in the 2001 period and
lower interest rates during 2002.  Interest  expense was $23.6 million and $32.5
million  for the years ended  December  31,  2002 and 2001,  respectively.  This
decrease of 27 per cent reflects a combination of lower average  interest rates,
a  restructuring  of the our debt in the first half of 2001 and an  increase  in
capitalized  interest in respect of newbuilding  installments  paid by cash from
$1.1 million in 2001 to $2.2 million in 2002. Other financial items increased to
$17.9  million for the year ended  December  31, 2002 from $12.4  million in the
year ended  December  31,  2001,  primarily  due to a mark to market  charge for
interest rate swaps of $16.5 million in 2002 compared with $8.2 million in 2001.
During the first half of 2001,  we wrote off $2.3  million of  deferred  finance
fees as a result  of  refinancing  a loan  facility,  in 2002 we wrote  off $0.4
million of deferred finance fees as a result of loan repayments.

     Minority Interest and Income Taxes. Minority interest, consisting of the 40
per cent  interest in the Golar Mazo,  decreased  from $1.6 million in 2001 to a
credit of $2.5  million in 2002,  principally  due to the impact of the minority
interests share of mark to market charge for derivative instruments amounting to
$6.6 million in 2002 and $2.5 million in 2001. Income taxes, which relate to the
taxation of the United  Kingdom  branch  operations of a subsidiary  and certain
interest income, were insignificant in both periods.

     Net Income (Loss).  As a result of the  foregoing,  we earned net income of
$27.1 million in 2002, increased from $4.4 million in 2001.

     Year ended  December 31, 2001,  compared  with the year ended  December 31,

     Operating  Revenues.  Total operating  revenues increased one per cent from
$113.0 million in 2000 to $114.2 million in 2001.  This resulted  primarily from
higher  average  charter rates and an increase in the number of days trading for
the Golar Mazo,  offset by an  increase in  scheduled  offhire  days.  The fleet
earned an average  daily time  charter  rate of $53,600  and $50,900 in 2001 and
2000,  respectively.  Total operating  revenues were reduced due to an increased
number of offhire days associated with the scheduled drydocking of three vessels
in 2001.  In the years ended  December 31, 2001 and 2000 total days offhire were
130 and 79, respectively.

     Vessel Operating Expenses.  Vessel operating expenses increased 17 per cent
from  $21.0  million  in 2000 to $24.5  million  in 2001.  This was  principally
attributable to increased crew costs,  pension costs and insurance  costs.  Crew
costs  account  for  approximately  $1.1  million  of  the  increase  due  to  a
combination of pay increases,  changes to shift patterns that increased  manning
levels and a slightly  higher level of surplus crew.  Pension costs in 2001 were
$1.6 million higher as determined by our actuarial  valuations.  Insurance costs
increased  approximately  $0.6 million due to the payment of a deductible for an
insured vessel  operating  repair and a general increase in the market rates for
insurance.  In the years ended  December  31, 2001 and 2000,  the average  daily
operating costs of our vessels were $11,200 and $9,600,  respectively.  Included
in these  amounts are $928 per day and $872 per day,  respectively  of overheads
allocable to vessel operating expenses.

     Administrative  Expenses.  Administrative expenses increased seven per cent
from $7.7 million in 2000 to $8.2 million in 2001,  principally  due to a charge
of $2.4 million of expenses  relating to a planned public offering in the United
States.  Offsetting  this amount was reduced  property  costs and the absence of
costs  associated  with  financing  activities  which  took  place in  2000.  We
relocated  our London office  facilities  during  September  2000 and closed our
Singapore office during May 2001, which reduced property costs from $1.2 million
for the year ended December 31, 2000 to $0.8 million for the year ended December
31, 2001.

     Restructuring costs.  Restructuring costs of $1.9 million in the year ended
December 31, 2001 consist  primarily of employment  severance  costs incurred in
connection with the restructuring of Osprey's Singapore operations following the
acquisition by Word Shipholding.

     Depreciation and Amortization.  Depreciation and amortization  decreased 13
per cent from $36.5 million in 2000 to $31.6  million in 2001.  This decrease is
due to the reduction in carrying values of the vessels of  approximately  $109.8
million  that  resulted  from  World  Shipholding's  purchase  of Osprey and was
reflected in our financial statements beginning February 1, 2001.

     Net Financial  Expenses.  Interest income was $3.3 million and $2.1 million
for the years ended  December  31, 2001 and 2000,  respectively.  This  increase
reflects a higher  average  cash  balance for the Golar Mazo in the 2001 period.
Interest  expense  was $32.5  million  and  $44.5  million  for the years  ended
December 31, 2001 and 2000, respectively.  This decrease of 27 per cent reflects
a combination  of lower average  interest  rates and an increase in  capitalized
interest from $196,000 in 2000 to $2,627,000 in 2001. In May 2001, we refinanced
the  facility  for the five  wholly-owned  vessels  and  obtained  significantly
improved margins.  Other financial items increased to $12.4 million for the year
ended  December 31, 2001 from $2.4 million in the year ended  December 31, 2000,
primarily  due to a mark to  market  charge  of  $8.2  million  relating  to the
application of a new accounting  pronouncement  for derivative  instruments.  In
addition,  during the first half of 2001,  we wrote off $2.3 million of deferred
finance fees as a result of refinancing a loan facility.

     Minority Interest and Income Taxes. Minority interest, consisting of the 40
per cent interest in the Golar Mazo, decreased from $3.4 million in 2000 to $1.6
million in 2001,  principally due to the impact of the mark to market charge for
derivative  instruments  of $6.3  million.  Income  taxes,  which  relate to the
taxation of the United  Kingdom  branch  operations of a subsidiary  and certain
interest income, were insignificant in both periods.

     Net Income (Loss).  As a result of the  foregoing,  we earned net income of
$4.4 million in 2001, increased from a net loss of $0.5 million in 2000.

B. Liquidity and Capital Resources

     We operate in a capital intensive industry and our predecessor business has
historically   financed  its   purchase  of  LNG  carriers  and  other   capital
expenditures  through a combination of borrowings  from commercial  banks,  cash
generated from operations and equity capital. Our liquidity  requirements relate
to  servicing  our debt,  funding our  newbuilding  program,  funding the equity
portion of investments in vessels,  funding working capital and maintaining cash
reserves against fluctuations in operating cash flows.

     Revenues from our time charters and our  management  contracts are received
monthly  in  advance.  Inventory  requirements,  consisting  primarily  of fuel,
lubricating  oil and spare  parts,  are low due to the  majority  of these items
being paid for by the  charterer  under time  charters.  We believe  our current
resources are sufficient to meet our working capital requirements;  however, our
newbuilding  program,  currently  consisting of four committed  contracts,  will
result in  increased  financing  and  working  capital  requirements,  which are
described further below.  Payments for our newbuildings are made as construction
progresses in accordance with our contracts with shipyards.

     We have sufficient  facilities to meet our anticipated  funding needs until
December 30, 2003. As of June 2003,  additional  facilities of $278 million will
be needed to meet  commitments  under the  newbuilding  construction  program on
December 31, 2003 and  thereafter.  It is standard in the  shipping  industry to
finance  between  50 and 80 per  cent  of the  purchase  price  of  vessels,  or
construction  cost  in  the  case  of  newbuildings,  through  traditional  bank
financing.  In the case of vessels  that have term  charter  coverage,  the debt
finance percentage may increase significantly.  One of our newbuildings has been
employed on a long-term  charter with BG and we have obtained  financing for 100
per cent of the  cost of the  vessel.  If we were to  obtain  50 per  cent  debt
financing  to cover  the  installments  due on our  three  remaining  unfinanced
newbuildings,  this would result in additional  financing of approximately  $231
million of the $278 million required.

     It is intended that the funding for our  commitments  under the newbuilding
construction  program  will  come  from a  combination  of debt  finance,  lease
arrangements for existing vessels and cash flow from operations.  Alternatively,
if market and economic conditions favor equity financing, we may raise equity to
fund a portion of the construction costs. We are in discussions with a number of
financial institutions and others to provide sufficient facilities to meet these
construction  commitments  in full as they  fall  due.  Details  of  newbuilding
commitments and proposed funding arrangements are detailed below.

     Our funding and treasury activities are conducted within corporate policies
to maximize investment returns while maintaining  appropriate  liquidity for our
requirements.  Cash and cash equivalents are held primarily in U.S. dollars.  We
have not made use of  derivative  instruments  other than for interest rate risk
management purposes.

     The following table summarizes our cash flows from operating, investing and
financing activities:

                                                        Year Ended December 31,
                                                       2002      2001      2000
                                                       ----      ----      ----
(in millions of $)

Net cash provided by operating activities              71.2      42.0      29.5

Net cash used in investing activities                (163.3)   (657.9)   (122.8)

Net cash provided by financing activities              87.3     667.7      96.5

Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents   (4.8)     51.8       3.1

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year         57.5       5.7       2.6

Cash and cash equivalents at end of year               52.7      57.5       5.7

     With our  incorporation  and  recapitalization  in May 2001, our short-term
liquid resources increased modestly.  As of December 31, 2002, 2001 and 2000 the
Company had  unrestricted  cash and cash  equivalents  of $52.7  million,  $57.5
million and $5.7 million,  respectively. In addition, at December 31, 2002, 2001
and 2000 we had  restricted  cash of $12.8  million,  $14.2  million  and  $13.1
million,   respectively  that  represents   balances  retained  on  accounts  in
accordance with certain of our loan covenants.

     We generated cash from  operations of $71.2 million in 2002,  compared with
$42.0 million in 2001 and $29.5 million in 2000.

     Net cash used in investing  activities in 2002 was $163.3 million, of which
$158.8 million related to newbuilding purchase installments and $5.9 million was
additions to vessels and equipment. Net cash used in investing activities in the
year ended December 31, 2001 totaled $657.9 million, of which $530.9 million was
used in the acquisition of the LNG interests of Osprey and Seatankers and $140.0
million towards ship construction and  refurbishment.  This compares with $122.8
million used in investing  activities  in the year ended  December 31, 2000 that
consisted  primarily  of a  payment  of $94.0  million  for the  final  purchase
installment  for  the  LNG  newbuilding,  the  Golar  Mazo,  as  well  as a cash
investment of $14.2 million in short term interest bearing deposits.

     Net cash  provided  by  financing  activities  was  $87.3  million  in 2002
compared  with $667.7  million in the year ended  December 31, 2001. In 2002, we
drew down a total of $210.6  million in debt,  of which $16.3 million was from a
related party. Repayments of debt totaled $109.9 million in 2002, of which $68.8
million was to a related party.  Financing in 2001 came  principally  from a new
$325 million floating rate loan facility  undertaken to refinance  floating rate
facilities, and from net proceeds of $275.8 million from our equity placement in
Norway, both of which occurred in May 2001. In addition,  we received $85.3 from
a related party,  Greenwich,  as discussed below.  Repayments of loan facilities
totaled $15.2 million in 2001.  Net cash  provided by financing  activities  was
$96.5 million in 2000 and related principally to the draw down of long-term debt
of $88.2  million for  financing the final  delivery  installment  for the Golar

     In May 2001, following the formation of Golar in its current legal form, in
connection  with the  acquisition of the LNG interests of Osprey and Seatankers,
we refinanced our five  wholly-owned  LNG carriers and  recapitalized  Golar LNG
Limited.  We acquired these interests for $530.9 million (net of cash acquired).
In May 2001, we entered into a secured loan  facility with a banking  consortium
for an amount of $325.0  million,  which we refer to the Golar LNG facility.  As
discussed  below,  the Golar LNG  facility  was  refinanced  in April 2003.  The
previous six year  facility  attracted  floating rate interest of LIBOR plus 1.5
per cent and was  repayable in 22  quarterly  installments  and a final  balloon
payment of $147.5  million.  The long-term debt was secured by a mortgage on our
five vessels,  Golar Spirit,  Khannur, Gimi, Hilli and Golar Freeze. The balance
of the acquisition price was financed from the net proceeds of $275.8 million we
raised through the equity  placement in Norway.  In June 2001,  $32.5 million of
the  proceeds  of the  share  issue  was  used to  finance  the  first  delivery
installment due on one of the newbuilding contracts.

     On November 26, 1997 Osprey  entered into a loan facility of $214.5 million
secured by a mortgage on the vessel  Golar  Mazo,  which we refer to as the Mazo
facility.  This  facility,  which we assumed from Osprey,  bears  floating  rate
interest  of LIBOR  plus  0.865 per cent.  The loan is  repayable  in  bi-annual
installments that commenced on June 28, 2001. The balance of the facility,  on a
100 per cent basis, at December 31, 2002 totaled $193.3  million.  In connection
with the Mazo  facility,  Osprey  entered into a collateral  agreement  with the
banking  consortium  and a bank Trust  Company.  This  agreement  requires  that
certain cash balances,  representing interest and principal payments for defined
future periods, be held by the Trust Company during the period of the loan.

     In connection  with the Mazo  facility,  Osprey  entered into interest rate
swaps to reduce the impact of changes in interest rates.  Following the adoption
of FAS 133 on January 1, 2001,  the interest  rate swaps are marked to market at
the end of each period and the resulting  gain or loss is recorded in the income
statement.  The mark to market  charge in the years ended  December 31, 2002 and
2001 were $16,458,000 and $6,342,000 respectively.

     During 2001 and 2002, we undertook  borrowing  arrangements  with Greenwich
Holdings Limited, a company indirectly controlled by Mr. Fredriksen,  to provide
initial  funding under three of our newbuilding  contracts  discussed in further
detail below.

     In August 2001, we obtained a loan of $32.6 million from Greenwich in order
to finance the first  installment due on newbuilding  hull number 2215. The loan
was for a period of one year and bore  floating  rate interest of LIBOR plus 2.5
per cent.  Related to this,  a  subsidiary  of Golar  guaranteed a loan of $32.6
million made to Greenwich by Nordea and Den norske Bank ASA,  both  Scandinavian
banks, and entered into an assignment and security agreement, in respect of its'
shipbuilding  contract,  with Den norske Bank as security  agent.  In  September
2001,  we obtained an additional  $20 million in loan finance from  Greenwich by
way of an  addendum to the loan of $32.6  million in  relation to hull 2215,  in
order to  finance  the second  installment  on this  vessel.  The loan was for a
period of six months and bore floating rate interest of LIBOR plus 2.5 per cent.
These loans totaling $52.6 million were repaid in March 2002 out of the new bank
facility from Lloyds TSB Bank Plc discussed below.

     In August 2001, we obtained a loan of $32.7 million from Greenwich in order
to finance the first installments due on newbuilding hull numbers 1460 and 2220.
The loan was initially for a period of one year and initially bore floating rate
interest of LIBOR plus 2.5 per cent. In connection  with this, two  subsidiaries
of Golar have guaranteed a loan of $32.7 million made to Greenwich by Nordea and
Den norske Bank ASA and they have both entered into an  assignment  and security
agreement  in respect of their  shipbuilding  contracts  with Den norske Bank as
security agent.

     On December 31, 2001, we signed a loan  agreement  with Lloyds TSB Bank Plc
to  finance  100 per cent of the cost of one of our  newbuildings,  hull  number
2215,  after we secured a 20 year charter for this vessel.  The agreement allows
us to draw down a maximum of $180 million to cover the contract price,  costs of
supervising the building process and interest costs of the draw down part of the
loan up to delivery.  In 2002 we drew down $134.4 million on this loan facility,
$52.6  million  of which was used to repay  loans from  Greenwich  in respect of
newbuilding  number 2215 as noted above,  and the  remainder was used to finance
installment  payments,  associated  interest and commitment  costs in respect of
newbuilding number 2215.

     In June 2002, we obtained  $16.3 million in loan finance from  Greenwich by
way of an addendum to an existing loan agreement in respect of newbuilding  hull
numbers  1460 and  2220 in  order  to  finance  the  second  installment  due on
newbuilding hull number 1444. In connection with this, a subsidiary of Golar has
guaranteed  a loan of $16.3  million  made to Greenwich by Nordea and Den norske
Bank ASA and has entered into an assignment and security agreement in respect of
its shipbuilding  contract with Den norske Bank as security agent. This addendum
also extended the  repayment  date of the original  loan,  $32.7  million,  from
August 2002 until August 2003. The $16.3 million loan was initially for a period
of four  months and bore  floating  rate  interest of LIBOR plus 2.625 per cent.
This rate also applies to the original  $32.7 million loan from June 2002.  This
rate  increases to LIBOR plus 3 per cent on any amounts still  outstanding as at
February 20, 2003.  The loan of $16.3 million was repaid in November 2002 out of
the new bank facility from certain of the Golar LNG facility  Lenders  discussed

     In October 2002, Golar entered into a secured  subordinated  loan facility,
to which we refer to as the  Golar  LNG  subordinated  facility,  with a banking
consortium for an amount of $60.0 million. As discussed below, this facility was
refinanced  in April 2003.  The  facility was  subordinated  to the $325 million
Golar LNG facility and has the same maturity date as the Golar LNG facility. The
loan bore floating rate interest of LIBOR plus 2.0 per cent, and was to increase
by 0.25 per cent from 30 November  2004 and 2005.  The facility was repayable in
quarterly  installments with first installment  payable on 30 November 2003. The
debt is secured by a second  priority  mortgage  on the  vessels  Golar  Spirit,
Khannur,  Gimi,  Hilli and Golar Freeze.  Of the $60.0 million drawn down during
2002,  $16.3  million was used to repay a Greenwich  loan as noted above and the
remainder was used to finance installment payments in respect of Hull 1444, Hull
2220 and Hull 1460.

     After these transactions, at December 31, 2002, we had total long-term debt
outstanding of $710.3  million,  compared with $609.6 million and $513.9 million
at December 31, 2001 and 2000, respectively.

The outstanding  debt of $710.3 million as of December 31, 2002 was repayable as

     Year ending December 31,
     (in millions of $)
     2003                                                              81.1
     2004                                                              62.5
     2005                                                              66.1
     2006                                                              75.5
     2007                                                             186.7
     2008 and later                                                   238.4

     In addition to mortgage security,  some of our debt is also  collateralized
through  pledges of shares by  guarantor  subsidiaries  of Golar.  Our  existing
financing agreements impose operation and financing restrictions on us which may
significantly  limit or  prohibit,  among  other  things,  our  ability to incur
additional indebtedness, create liens, sell capital shares of subsidiaries, make
certain  investments,  engage in mergers  and  acquisitions,  purchase  and sell
vessels, enter into time or consecutive voyage charters or pay dividends without
the consent of our lenders. In addition, our lenders may accelerate the maturity
of indebtedness under our financing agreements and foreclose upon the collateral
securing the  indebtedness  upon the  occurrence  of certain  events of default,
including  our  failure to comply  with any of the  covenants  contained  in our
financing  agreements.  Various debt agreements of the Company contain covenants
that require  compliance  with certain  financial  ratios.  Such ratios  include
equity  ratio   covenants,   minimum  value  clauses,   and  minimum  free  cash
restrictions.  As of December  31,  2002,  2001 and 2000,  we complied  with all
covenants of our various debt agreements.

     In April 2003 we entered  into a lease  finance  arrangement  in respect of
five of our currently trading vessels (Golar Spirit,  Golar Freeze,  Hilli, Gimi
and Khannur),  with a subsidiary of a major UK bank, to which we refer to as the
UK Lessor.  We sold five of our subsidiary  companies,  which owned the relevant
vessels,  to the UK Lessor  and  received a cash sum of $452.6  million  through
refinancing,  by the UK Lessor, of debt owed by the five subsidiary companies to
us. Each of the five companies now owned by the UK Lessor  subsequently  entered
into 20 year leases with a subsidiary of ours,  Golar Gas Holding  Company Inc.,
or GGHC,  who in turn  sub-leased  the vessels to five UK  subsidiary  companies
newly  incorporated  by us for the  purpose  of  taking  over  the  business  of
operating one each of the above named vessels.

     We used $325  million  of the  proceeds  we  received  together  with $17.5
million of our cash reserves to repay two existing loans, the Golar LNG facility
and the Golar LNG subordinated  facility. The outstanding amounts of these loans
upon repayment were $282.5  million and $60 million  respectively.  We then drew
down on two new facilities;  $265 million secured by a mortgage  executed by the
UK  Lessor  in  favor  of our  subsidiary  GGHC as  security  for  the  Lessor's
obligations  to pay  certain  sums to GGHC under the lease  agreements  and by a
mortgage  transfer  executed  by GGHC in favor  of the  lending  banks;  and $60
million  secured by a similar but second priority  mortgage.  The total proceeds
from the new loans of $325 million  together  with $89.5 million of the proceeds
from the lease  finance  arrangement  were used to make  deposits with two banks
amounting to $414.5  million who then issued letters of credit  securing  GGHC's
obligations under the leases amounting to the present value of rentals due under
the leases. Lease rentals are payable quarterly.  At the end of each quarter the
required  deposit to secure the  present  value of rentals  due under the leases
will be  recalculated  taking into account the rental  payment due at the end of
the  quarter.  The surplus  funds  released as a result of the  reduction in the
required  deposit are  available to pay the lease  rentals due at the end of the
same  quarter.  After  making this deposit and  settling  all  outstanding  fees
relating  to the  transaction  the  cash in flow  will  be  approximately  $32.5
million.  We are currently  evaluating the impact of these  transactions  on our
financial statements.

     As noted above in April 2003, we entered into a  refinancing  in respect of
the Golar LNG Facility and the Golar LNG  subordinated  facility.  The new first
priority loan ("New Golar LNG facility") is for an amount of $265 million and is
with the same  syndicate  of banks as the Golar LNG  facility.  The loan accrues
floating  interest at a rate per annum equal to the  aggregate of LIBOR plus 1.5
per cent per  annum.  The loan has a term of four  years and two  months  and is
repayable in 16 quarterly  installments  and a final  balloon  payment of $138.8
million  payable on May 31, 2007.  The new second  priority loan ("New Golar LNG
subordinated  facility") is for an amount of $60 million with the same syndicate
of  banks.  It  accrues  floating  interest  at a rate  per  annum  equal to the
aggregate of LIBOR, plus 2.0 per cent per annum, increasing by 0.25 per cent per
annum on 30  November  2004 and 30  November  2005.  The loan has a term of four
years and two months and is repayable in 15 quarterly installments of $4 million
commencing  in  November  2003.  Both  loans may be  prepaid in whole or in part
without  premium or penalty,  except for losses and other  reasonable  costs and
expenses  incurred  as a result of our  prepayment.  Both  loans are  secured by
mortgages on the vessels Golar Spirit,  Khannur,  Gimi,  Hilli and Golar Freeze,
executed by the UK Lessor of the vessels in favor of our  subsidiary,  GGHC, and
by a mortgage  transfer executed by GGHC in favour of the lending banks. The New
Golar LNG  subordinated  facility's  security  is second in  priority to the New
Golar LNG facility. The new loans contain similar provisions to the old loans in
respect of restrictions and financial covenants.

     In June 2003,  we repaid $16.0 million to Greenwich in respect of the $32.7
million loan secured on hulls 1460 and 2220.

     In June 2003 Greenwich  reconfirmed  the  availability of an additional $15
million  facility  for the  payment  of  newbuilding  installments  should it be
required, this facility having originally been made available in September 2002.
Furthermore,  Greenwich  also  confirmed  the  availability  of  $32.3  million,
representing  the  amounts  repaid  by us in  respect  of  previous  loans  from
Greenwich in November 2002 and June 2003, should it be required.  In addition an
extension to the remaining  outstanding loan of $16.7 million until July 2004 is
available if required.

Newbuilding Contracts and Capital Commitments

     As of December 31, 2002,  we had  contracts to build four new LNG carriers.
Amounts payable under these contracts,  totaling  approximately  $658.9 million,
excluding  financing costs, are due in installments  over the period to December
2004. We also have budgeted  capital  expenditure of  approximately  $17 million
over the next two years in connection with our vessels refurbishment program.

     As of June 2003 we had total loan  facilities of $304  million,  to finance
our newbuilding  program.  These consist of a $180 million  facility from Lloyds
TSB Bank Plc ($162  million is in respect of the  contract  cost of  newbuilding
hull 2215 and the  balance  is for  associated  finance  costs and other  sundry
items) of which  $136.6  million  has been  drawn  down to  finance  newbuilding
installments;  $64  million  from a related  party,  Greenwich,  of which  $16.7
million has been drawn down and a $60 million facility from certain of the Golar
LNG facility  Lenders of which the full amount has been drawn down. In addition,
we raised approximately $32.5 million being the cash inflow resulting from lease
financing  concluded  in April 2003.  We will  require  additional  financing of
approximately  $278  million  to  fund  all  of  our  newbuilding   construction

     The  commitments  up to  December  30,  2003 will be funded  from  existing
facilities  and  cash  generated  from  operations.  Additional  facilities  are
required to meet  progress  payments on December  31, 2003 and further  progress
payments  arising  periodically  thereafter  until  completion of the program in

     As at December  31,  2002,  approximately  $276.5  million has been paid as
installments under the newbuilding contracts. The following table sets out as at
December 31, 2002 the estimated  timing of the remaining  commitments  under our
present newbuilding contracts.  Actual dates for the payment of installments may
vary due to progress of the construction.

Year ended December 31,
(in millions of $)
2003                                                                       157.4
2004                                                                       225.0
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total                                                                      382.4

     Our senior  management  evaluates  funding  alternatives  depending  on the
prevailing  market  conditions.  We  anticipate  that the  additional  financing
required to fund the completion of the remaining newbuilding  construction costs
will come from a  combination  of additional  debt and lease  financing and cash
from operations, supplemented by equity proceeds as circumstances may warrant or
permit. It is standard in the shipping industry to finance between 50 and 80 per
cent of the construction cost of newbuildings through traditional bank financing
and in the  case  of  vessels  that  have  charter  coverage  the  debt  finance
percentage  may  increase  significantly.  We may  finance up to 100 per cent of
these newbuilding costs through additional  tranches of bank debt secured by the
respective  newbuildings.   We  would  make  such  borrowings  as  needed  while
construction  proceeds.  Alternatively,  if market and economic conditions favor
equity  financing at any such time,  we may use  somewhat  less debt and instead
raise  equity to fund a larger  portion  of these  costs.  Currently,  we have a
charter  contract  for one of our  newbuildings  and we are seeking a mixture of
long-term,   medium-term  and  short-term   charters  for  our  three  remaining
newbuildings.  The charter  coverage of a newbuilding  may affect our ability to
finance its completion.

Contractual Obligations

The  following  table sets forth our  contractual  obligations  for the  periods
indicated as at December 31, 2002:

(in millions of $)       2003    2004     2005   2006   2007    2008 &   Total

Long-term debt            81.1    62.5    66.1   75.5   186.7   238.4      710.3

Operating leases (1)       0.9     0.7      --     --      --      --        1.6

Newbuildings             157.4   225.0      --     --      --      --      382.4
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total                    239.4   288.2    66.1   72.5   186.7   238.4    1,094.3

(1)  Total minimum lease payments have been reduced by minimum  sublease rentals
     under  non-cancelable  leases of $1,550,000 for the year ended December 31,
     2003, and $1,421,000 for the year ended December 31, 2004

In April 2003 we entered into 20 year leases in respect of five of our vessels
as discussed above.

Contingent Commitments

     As at December 31, 2002 certain of our subsidiary  companies had guaranteed
loans made to Greenwich  Holdings Limited, a related party, which Greenwich then
loaned to us in order to finance installments due on our newbuildings. The value
of  guaranteed  debt as at  December  31, 2002 and as at June 30, 2003 was $32.7
million and $16.7 million respectively.

     On May 24, 2002 we signed a joint development  agreement with Marathon Baja
Limited,  a subsidiary of Marathon Oil and GGS Holdings Limited,  to participate
in a project,  led by Marathon Oil, to build a major Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)
import and regasification  facility and power generation complex near Tijuana in
the Mexican State of Baja California. Under the agreement with Marathon and GGS,
costs incurred in relation to the development of the project are to be shared as
follows:  Marathon 80 per cent,  GGS 10 per cent,  Golar LNG Limited 10 per cent
prior  to the  establishment  of a  lead  project  company  and  execution  of a
shareholders' agreement. The size of our ultimate investment in this project has
not yet been  determined.  If the Baja  project is  instigated  and the required
financing is obtained,  under the May 24, 2002  agreement,  Marathon Oil will be
entitled to recover  pre-January 1, 2002  development  costs incurred by them in
connection  with the  project  plus  interest  thereon.  Our  liability  for the
pre-January 1, 2002 costs would be $0.2 million.

C. Research and Development, Patents and Licenses

     Not applicable

D. Trend Information

     See our discussion above under `overview and background'.

Recently  Issued  Accounting  Standards and Securities  and Exchange  Commission

     In July 2002,  the Financial  Accounting  Standards  Board issued SFAS 146,
"Accounting for Costs Associated with Exit or Disposal Activities" ("SFAS 146").
The Statement  requires  companies to recognize  costs  associated  with exit or
disposal  activities  when  they  are  incurred  rather  than  at the  date of a
commitment to an exit or disposal plan.  SFAS 146 will be applied by the Company
prospectively to exit or disposal activities initiated after December 31, 2002.

     In  November  2002,  the  FASB  issued   Interpretation  45,   "Guarantor's
Accounting  and  Disclosure  Requirements  for  Guarantees,  Including  Indirect
Guarantees of  Indebtedness  of Others".  The  Interpretation  elaborates on the
existing disclosure requirements for most guarantees,  including loan guarantees
such as standby letters of credit.  It also clarifies that at the time a company
issues a guarantee, the company must recognize an initial liability for the fair
value,  or market value,  of the  obligations it assumes under the guarantee and
must disclose that information in its interim and annual  financial  statements.
The provisions  related to recognizing a liability at inception of the guarantee
for the fair  value of the  guarantor's  obligations  does not apply to  product
warranties  or  to  guarantees   accounted  for  as  derivatives.   The  initial
recognition and initial  measurement  provisions apply on a prospective basis to
guarantees  issued or modified  after  December  31,  2002.  Our  disclosure  of
guarantees is included in Note 26 of the Notes to Financial  Statements.  We are
currently  evaluating  the  impact  of  Interpretation  45  on  our  results  of
operations and financial position.

     In January  2003,  the FASB  issued  Interpretation  46,  Consolidation  of
Variable  Interest  Entities.  In  general,  a  variable  interest  entity  is a
corporation,  partnership, trust, or any other legal structure used for business
purposes  that either (a) does not have equity  investors  with voting rights or
(b) has equity investors that do not provide sufficient  financial resources for
the entity to support  its  activities.  Interpretation  46  requires a variable
interest  entity to be consolidated by a company if that company is subject to a
majority of the risk of loss from the variable interest  entity's  activities or
entitled to receive a majority of the  entity's  residual  returns or both.  The
consolidation  requirements of  Interpretation  46 apply immediately to variable
interest entities created after January 31, 2003. The consolidation requirements
apply to older  entities in the first  fiscal year or interim  period  beginning
after  June  15,  2003.  Certain  of the  disclosure  requirements  apply in all
financial  statements  issued  after  January 31, 2003,  regardless  of when the
variable  interest entity was established.  The Company is currently  evaluating
the impact of  Interpretation  46 on the  Company's  results of  operations  and
financial position.

See Item 11 for a discussion of quantitative and qualitative  disclosures  about
market risks.


A. Directors and Senior Management

     Information  concerning each director and executive  officer of the Company
as at June 1, 2003 is set forth below.

Name                       Age   Position
- ----                       ---   --------

John Fredriksen             59   Chairman of the Board, President and Director
Tor Olav Tr0im              40   Deputy Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive
                                 Officer, Vice President and Director
A. Shaun Morris             43   Director
Timothy Counsell            44   Director
Graeme McDonald             46   Group Technical Director
Graham Griffiths            59   General Manager of the Fleet
Graham Robjohns             38   Chief Accounting Officer and Group Financial
Kate Blankenship            38   Company Secretary

Biographical  information  with respect to each of our  directors  and executive
officers is set forth below.

John  Fredriksen  has  served as the  chairman  of our board of  directors,  our
president and a director  since our inception in May 2001. He has been the chief
executive officer,  chairman of the board, president and a director of Frontline
Ltd.  since 1997.  Frontline  Ltd. is a Bermuda  based tanker owner and operator
listed  on the  New  York  Stock  Exchange  and the  Oslo  Stock  Exchange.  Mr.
Fredriksen has served for over eight years as a director of  Seatankers,  a ship
operating company.

Tor Olav Tr0im has served as our chief executive officer, our vice-president and
a director since our inception in May 2001. He has been the vice president and a
director of  Frontline  Ltd.  since 1996.  He also served as deputy  chairman of
Frontline  Ltd. in 1997.  Until April 2000,  Mr.  Tr0im was the chief  executive
officer of Frontline  Management,  a management  company that is a subsidiary of
Frontline Ltd. Mr. Tr0im also serves as a consultant to Seatankers and since May
2000, has been a director and vice-chairman of Knightsbridge  Tankers Limited, a
Bermuda based,  Nasdaq  National Market listed tanker owner. He is a director of
Aktiv Inkasso ASA,  Northern Oil ASA, both Norwegian Oslo Stock Exchange  listed
companies,  and Northern  Offshore  Ltd., a Bermuda  company  listed on the Oslo
Stock  Exchange.  Prior to his service with  Frontline,  from January 1992,  Mr.
Tr0im served as managing  director and a member of the board of directors of DNO
AS, a Norwegian oil company.

A. Shaun Morris has served as a  non-executive  director  since our inception in
May 2001.  He has also been a  non-executive  director of Frontline  Ltd.  since
November  1997.  He is currently a Partner at Appleby,  Spurling & Kempe and has
been with that firm since 1988.

Timothy  Counsell has served as a non-executive  director since our inception in
May 2001.  He is a partner  in the law firm of  Appleby  Spurling  & Kempe,  and
joined  the  firm  in  1990.  He is  currently  an  alternate  director  of Bona
Shipholding Ltd.

Graeme  McDonald is our group  technical  director.  He was  previously  general
manager of the fleet, a position he held with Osprey,  since 1998. He has worked
in the shipping  industry since 1973 and held various positions with Royal Dutch
Shell  companies,   including   manager  of  LNG  shipping   services  at  Shell
International  Trading  and  Shipping  Company  Ltd.  and  manager of LNG marine
operations at Shell Japan Ltd.

Graham J.  Griffiths  joined us in October  2001 and is  general  manager of the
fleet. He has over 30 years  experience in the shipping  industry,  including 20
years sea-going experience. Prior to joining us he was a technical manager for V
Ships  Singapore  and has held various  positions in V Ships since 1986.  He has
extensive  experience in  newbuilding  projects and day to day management of oil
tankers, chemical/product tankers, gas carriers and dry bulk vessels.

Kate  Blankenship  has served as our secretary  since our inception in May 2001.
Mrs.  Blankenship served as our chief accounting officer from May 2001 until May
31, 2003. She has been the chief  accounting  officer and secretary of Frontline
Ltd since 1994 and of Knightsbridge Tankers since 2000. Prior to 1994, she was a
manager with KPMG Peat Marwick in Bermuda.  She is a member of the  Institute of
Chartered Accountants in England and Wales.

Graham Robjohns has served as our group financial controller since May, 2001 and
as our chief accounting officer since June 1, 2003. He was financial  controller
of Osprey Maritime  (Europe) Ltd from March 2000 to May 2001. From 1992 to March
2000 he worked for  Associated  British Foods Plc. and then Case  Technology Ltd
(Case), both manufacturing businesses, in various financial management positions
and as a director of Case.  Prior to 1992, he worked for  PricewaterhouseCoopers
in  their  corporation  tax  department.  He is a  member  of the  Institute  of
Chartered Accountants in England and Wales.

Sveinung Stohle served as our executive vice president with  responsibility  for
strategy and  commercial  activities  since August 2001.  He formerly  served as
general manager for Nigeria LNG's marketing and shipping division since 1997. He
has  extensive  LNG  experience  and had held  various  management  positions in
upstream and  downstream  affiliates  of the  TotalFinaElf  Group since 1984. He
resigned as executive vice president on March 21, 2003.

B. Compensation

     During the year ended  December 31, 2002,  the we paid to our directors and
executive officers (nine persons) aggregate cash compensation of $877,192 and an
aggregate amount of $78,541 for pension and retirement benefits.

C. Board Practices

     Our  directors  do not  receive  any  benefits  upon  termination  of their
directorships. The Board does not have any committees.

D. Employees

     We hire all of our officers and crew through our manning offices in Bilbao,
in Spain and Manila,  in the Philippines and through crewing agents with whom we
have crewing agreements in Croatia,  the Philippines and Indonesia.  Each of our
crew members  undergoes a structured  training process that we have developed to
ensure that our crew and officers will have the required  specialized  knowledge
and experience to operate our vessels. In addition to the specialized  knowledge
required to handle LNG  cargoes,  LNG carrier  officers  and crew must also have
knowledge and experience in operating vessels with steam turbine engines.  As of
December  31,  2002,  we  employed  approximately  600 people  consisting  of 50
shore-based  personnel and 550 seagoing employees.  Our masters and officers are
mostly Spanish, Croatian and Scandinavian, and our crews are mostly Filipino and
Indonesian.  Our  shore-based  personnel  currently  include 32 employees in our
office in London  and 5 people in our  manning  office  in  Bilbao.  Our  Manila
manning office  operations have been transferred to a crewing agent in Manila as
of May 2003. Our office in Manila had employed 11 people,  as from May 2003 only
a skeleton  staff have been  retained to manage the final  closure of the office
expected in August  2003.  Our  Filipino  employees  are  subject to  collective
bargaining  agreements,  which are  requirements  of the Philippine  government.
These agreements set industry-wide minimum standards,  terms and conditions.  We
have  not had any  labor  disputes  with  our  employees  under  the  collective
bargaining agreements and consider our workplace relations to be good.

E. Share ownership

     The following  table sets forth  information as of May 31, 2003,  regarding
the total amount of common  shares owned by all of our officers and directors on
an individual  basis: The beneficial  interests of our Directors and officers in
the common shares of the Company as of May 31, 2003, were as follows:

                                                                   Percentage of
                                    Common Shares of               Common Shares
Director or Officer                       $1.00 each                 Outstanding
- -------------------                    -------------               -------------
John Fredriksen*                          28,012,000                      50.01%
Tor Olav Troim                                    --                          --
A. Shaun Morris                                   --                          --
Timothy Counsell                                  --                          --
Graeme McDonald                                   --                          --
Graham Griffiths                                  --                          --
Graham Robjohns                                   --                          --
Kate Blankenship                               5,000                          **

*    Mr.  Fredriksen does not own any of our shares  directly.  The shares shown
     next to Mr.  Fredriksen's  name are  held by  Osprey.  See  Item 7,  "Major
     Shareholders and Related Party  Transactions."  Mr.  Fredriksen  indirectly
     controls  Osprey.  World  Shipholding  Ltd.  holds  over 99 per cent of the
     outstanding  stock of Osprey.  World  Shipholding  Ltd. is  wholly-owned by
     Greenwich, which is, in turn, indirectly controlled by Mr. Fredriksen.

**   Less than one per cent

     In addition to the above shareholdings, Mr. Troim has a forward contract to
buy 60,000 of our shares.  The contract becomes  effective on December 18, 2003.

Option Plan

     Our board of directors  adopted the Golar LNG Limited Employee Share Option
Plan  in  February  2002.  The  plan  authorizes  our  board  to  award,  at its
discretion,  options to purchase  our common  shares to  employees  of Golar LNG
Limited,  and any of its  subsidiaries,  who are contracted to work more than 20
hours per week and to any director of Golar LNG Limited or its subsidiaries.

     Under the terms of the plan,  our board may determine the exercise price of
the options,  provided  that the exercise  price per share is not lower than the
then  current  market  value.  No  option  may be  exercised  prior to the first
anniversary  of the grant of the  option  except  that the  option  will  become
immediately  exercisable if the option holder's  employment is terminated (other
than for cause) or in the event of the option holder's  death.  All options will
expire on the tenth anniversary of the option's grant or at such earlier date as
the board may from time to time  prescribe.  The Plan will  expire 10 years from
its date of adoption.

     As of May 31,  2003,  two million of the  authorized  and  unissued  common
shares were reserved for issue pursuant to  subscription  under options  granted
under the Company's share option plan.

     Details of share  options held by the  Company's  Directors and officers at
May 31, 2003 are set out in the following table:

                              Number of
                          Common Shares   Exercise Price per
Director or Officer   Subject to Option       Ordinary Share    Expiration Date
- -------------------   -----------------   ------------------    ---------------
John Fredriksen                 200,000                $5.75           July 2011
Tor Olav Troim                  100,000                $5.75           July 2011


A. Major shareholders

     The Company is indirectly  controlled by another  corporation  (see below).
The following table presents certain information regarding the current ownership
of the common shares with respect to (i) each person who is known by the Company
to own more than 5 per cent of the Company's outstanding common shares; and (ii)
all directors and officers as a group as of June 5, 2003.

                                                              Common Shares
Owner                                                       Amount    Per cent
- -----                                                       ------    --------

Osprey Maritime Limited (1)                             28,012,000      50.01%
All Directors and Officers as a group (eight persons)   28,017,000      50.02%

(1)  Our Common Shares held by Osprey Maritime Limited are indirectly controlled
     by our Chairman, John Fredriksen, who indirectly controls Osprey.

     Our major  shareholders have the same voting rights as all other holders of
our Common Shares.

     The Company is not aware of any arrangements, the operation of which may at
a subsequent date result in a change in control of the Company.

     As at June 5, 2003,  4,015,479 of the  Company's  common shares are held by
nine holders of record in the United States.

B. Related party transactions

     There are no  provisions  in our  Memorandum  of  Association  or  Bye-Laws
regarding related party  transactions.  However,  our management's  policy is to
enter  into  related  party  transactions  solely  on  terms  that  are at least
equivalent to terms we would be able to obtain from unrelated third parties. The
Bermuda  Companies  Act  of  1981  provides  that  a  company,  or  one  of  its
subsidiaries,  may enter into a contract  with an officer of the company,  or an
entity in which an officer has a material interest,  if the officer notifies the
Directors  of its  interest in the  contract or proposed  contract.  The related
party transactions that we have entered into are discussed below.

     Osprey Maritime Limited.  Osprey is our largest  shareholder with 50.01 per
cent of our  outstanding  common  shares.  On May 21,  2001,  we entered  into a
purchase  agreement with Osprey in which we agreed to purchase five LNG carriers
and a 60 per cent interest in a sixth LNG carrier,  one newbuilding contract and
an option for an additional newbuilding contract.

     The purchase price paid for the LNG operations of Osprey was $525.9 million
based on an agreed gross value of the LNG carriers of $635.0  million,  plus the
amount of net book  value of all  other  non-shipping  assets  of the  companies
acquired.  The purchase price paid was net of an amount of $128.7 million, being
60 per cent of the loan assumed  relating to the financing of the Golar Mazo and
cash of $27.2  million.  Additionally,  we paid $2.5  million  to Osprey for the
assignment of the  newbuilding  contract and options.  Furthermore,  immediately
prior to the sale, certain  inter-company  balances due to the companies forming
the LNG operations of Osprey from other Osprey companies totaling $450.3 million
were forgiven.

     We agreed  to  provide  services  to Osprey  for the  management  of two of
Osprey's  VLCCs until  November  2001. In the seven months ended  December 2001,
management  fees of $106,667 were charged to Osprey in relation to such services
of which  there was no  outstanding  balance at December  31, 2002 and 2001.  In
addition,  at  December  31,  2002 and  2001  amounts  of  $9,610  and  $261,000
respectively  were due from Osprey in respect of costs  recharged in  connection
with the above services.

     We  believe  that the price we paid to Osprey  for its  interests,  and our
service  agreement  with the  company  was not more than the price we would have
paid to a third party in an arm's-length transaction and are under terms similar
to those that would be arranged with other parties.

     Historically  we were an integrated part of Osprey  Maritime.  As such, the
Singapore  and London  office  locations  of Osprey  have  provided  general and
corporate  management  services  both for us and for other  Osprey  entities and
operations.  Management has allocated costs related to these operations based on
the number of vessels  managed.  Amounts  allocated  to us and  included  within
vessel operating expenses, administrative expenses and depreciation expense were
$nil,  $3,227,000 and $9,662,000 for the years ended December 31, 2002, 2001 and
2000, respectively.

     Seatankers  Management Company.  Seatankers is indirectly controlled by our
chairman, John Fredriksen. On May 28, 2001, we entered into a purchase agreement
with Seatankers to purchase its one  newbuilding  contract for a LNG carrier and
options to build three new LNG carriers.  We paid $2.5 million to Seatankers for
the  assignment  of the  newbuilding  contract and options.  We believe that the
price we paid to Seatankers  for the  assignment  was not more than the price we
would have paid to a third party in an arm's-length transaction.

     In the years ended  December 31, 2002 and 2001,  Seatankers has provided us
with insurance administration services. In the years ended December 31, 2002 and
2001, management fees to Seatankers of $24,556 and $10,000,  respectively,  have
been  incurred by Golar.  As at December  31, 2002 and 2001 an amount of $14,556
and  $10,000,  respectively  was due to  Seatankers  in  respect  of these  fees

     Frontline  Management  (Bermuda).  Frontline  Management is a subsidiary of
Frontline Ltd., a publicly listed company,  and is indirectly  controlled by our
chairman,  John  Fredriksen.  With effect from June 1, 2001,  we entered into an
agreement with Frontline  Management  (Bermuda) Ltd. pursuant to which Frontline
Management  provides  budgetary and accounting  support services,  maintains our
corporate records, technical vessel supervision services, ensures our compliance
with  applicable  laws and  requirements  and assists us with corporate  finance

     In the years ended December 31, 2002 and 2001, we have incurred  management
fees to  Frontline of $379,550 and  $258,962,  respectively.  As at December 31,
2002 and 2001,  an amount of  $102,550  and  $547,966  was due to  Frontline  in
respect of these management fees and costs incurred.

     We believe that the  compensation  we pay to Frontline  Management  for its
administrative and management  services is not more than the price we would have
paid to third parties in an arm's-length transaction and are under terms similar
to those that would be arranged with other parties.

Greenwich  Holdings  Limited  ("Greenwich")  -  Newbuilding  credit  facilities.
Greenwich is indirectly controlled by our chairman,  John Fredriksen.  Greenwich
has entered into loan  agreements with Nordea Bank Norge ASA and Den norske Bank
ASA, as lenders and Nordea,  as facility agent and security  agent.  Pursuant to
separate  promissory  notes,  Greenwich has on-loaned the proceeds of its credit
facilities with Nordea and Den norske Bank ASA to us.

     Hull No. 2215

     Pursuant to a loan  agreement  dated August 2, 2001 between  Greenwich,  as
borrower,  Nordea and Den norske Bank ASA,  as lenders and Nordea as agent,  the
lenders  agreed to lend to Greenwich up to $32.6  million.  The loan was for the
purpose of  assisting  Greenwich  in  financing  the  payment by us of the first
installment  of $32.6  million (20 per cent of the  contract  price) due under a
shipbuilding  contract,  dated May 2, 2001, between Osprey, as buyer, and Daewoo
Shipbuilding  & Marine  Engineering  Co.,  Ltd.,  as builder,  providing for the
construction of one 138,000 cmb LNG carrier,  hull number 2215.  Osprey assigned
its interest in that shipbuilding contract to us. The loan accrued interest at a
rate equal to the sum of LIBOR plus 1.5 per cent per annum and was to mature 364
days after the  drawdown  date of the loan,  which was  August 6, 2001.  We paid
directly to the lenders a non-refundable  arrangement fee of $169,000 in respect
of this loan.

     Pursuant to a promissory note dated August 7, 2001, Greenwich on-loaned the
proceeds of the loan to us at an interest rate equal to LIBOR plus 2.5 per cent.
This loan was to mature 360 days after the date of the  promissory  note.  Under
the loan  agreement  and the  guarantee  to the  lenders,  we  subordinated  our
obligation  to repay the loan made by  Greenwich  to us to our  obligations  and
those of Greenwich to the lenders.  A subsidiary of Golar guaranteed the loan of
$32.7 million and secured it with an assignment  of the  shipbuilding  contract,
the related refund  guarantee  issued by the Korea Export and Import Bank, and a
pledge of our shipowning  subsidiaries' bank accounts. No consideration was paid
by Greenwich for the provision of the guarantee.

     On September 24, 2001,  Greenwich  borrowed an additional  $20 million from
Nordea and Den norske Bank ASA  pursuant to an  amendment  to the August 2, 2001
loan. This loan was under the same terms but for a period of six months. We paid
directly to the lenders a  non-refundable  arrangement fee of $78,000 in respect
of this loan.

     Pursuant  to an  addendum  to the  promissory  note  dated  August 7, 2001,
Greenwich  on-loaned the proceeds of the loan to us at an interest rate equal to
LIBOR plus 2.5 per cent.  This loan was to mature 182 days after the date of the
promissory  note.  The proceeds of this loan from Greenwich were used to pay the
second  installment  due under the  newbuilding  contract  for hull number 2215.
Under the loan  agreement  and the  guarantee  we have as for the  initial  loan
subordinated  our  obligation  to repay the loan made by  Greenwich to us to our
obligations and those of Greenwich to the lenders.  No consideration was paid by
Greenwich for the provision of the guarantee.

     In December  2001 we signed a loan  agreement  with Lloyds TSB Bank Plc for
the purpose of financing  newbuilding  hull number 2215 for an amount up to $180
million  to  include  ship  yard  costs,   capitalized   interest  and  building
supervision  charges.  In March  2002 we drew down  $66.8  million  on this loan
facility and $52.6 million was used to repay the two loans from Greenwich.

     Hulls No. 1460, 2220 and 1444

     Pursuant to a loan agreement dated August 20, 2001, between  Greenwich,  as
borrower, Nordea and Den norske Bank ASA, as lenders and Den norske Bank ASA, as
facility agent and security agent,  the lenders have agreed to lend to Greenwich
up to $32.7  million.  This loan was for the purpose of  assisting  Greenwich in
financing the payment by us of the first  installment of each of two newbuilding
contracts,  representing 10 per cent of the total contract price of each vessel.
The initial  installment under the first contract,  dated July 31, 2001, between
our wholly owned subsidiary Golar LNG 2220 Corporation and Daewoo Shipbuilding &
Marine Engineering Co., Ltd., as builder,  providing for the construction of one
138,000 cmb LNG carrier  hull number 2220,  was in the amount of $16.2  million.
The initial  installment under the second contract dated July 24, 2001,  between
our  wholly  owned  subsidiary  Golar LNG 1460  Corporation  and  Hyundai  Heavy
Industries Co. Ltd., as builder,  providing for the  construction of one 140,000
cmb LNG carrier hull number 1460, was in the amount of $16.5  million.  The loan
initially accrued interest at a rate equal to the sum of LIBOR plus 1.5 per cent
per annum and was to mature 364 days after the drawdown dates of the loan, which
were September 25, 2001 and August 21, 2001,  respectively.  We paid directly to
the  lenders a  non-refundable  arrangement  fee of  $169,000 in respect of this

     Pursuant to a promissory note dated August 21, 2001 in respect of Golar LNG
1460  Corporation  Greenwich  on-loaned  the  proceeds of the loan in the amount
$16.5  million to finance  the  initial  installment  due under our  newbuilding
contract.  The loan initially accrued interest at a rate equal to LIBOR plus 2.5
per cent and matures 360 days after the date of the promissory note. Pursuant to
a  promissory  note  dated  September  25,  2001 in  respect  of Golar  LNG 2220
Corporation Greenwich has on-loaned the proceeds of the loan in the amount $16.2
million to finance the initial  installment due under our newbuilding  contract.
The loan accrues interest at a rate equal to LIBOR plus 2.5 per cent and matures
360 days after the date of the  promissory  note. In connection  with this,  two
subsidiaries  of ours have guaranteed the loan and have secured the loan with an
assignment of the shipbuilding contracts and the related refund guarantee issued
by the Korea Export and Import Bank. No consideration  was paid by Greenwich for
the provision of the  guarantee.  Under the loan  agreement and the guarantee to
the  lenders,  we have  subordinated  our  obligation  to repay the loan made by
Greenwich to us to our obligations and those of Greenwich to the lenders.

     On June 11,  2002,  Greenwich  borrowed an  additional  $16.3  million from
Nordea and Den norske Bank ASA  pursuant to an  amendment to the August 20, 2001
loan.  This loan was for the purpose of assisting  Greenwich  in  financing  the
payment by us of the second  installment  under a contract  dated May 10,  2001,
between our wholly owned subsidiary Golar LNG 1444 Corporation and Hyundai Heavy
Industries Co. Ltd., as builder,  providing for the  construction of one 137,000
cmb LNG carrier hull number 1444. Under this amendment to the loan agreement the
total  outstanding  loan accrues interest at a rate of equal to LIBOR plus 1.625
per cent and from  February 20, 2003 at a rate equal to LIBOR plus 2.0 per cent.
The amendment provides for the repayment date on the original $32.7 million loan
to be  extended to August 19, 2003 and for the  additional  $16.3  million to be
repayable  four months after draw down on June 11, 2002. We paid directly to the
lenders a  non-refundable  arrangement  fee of  $323,000 in respect of this loan

     Pursuant to an  addendum  to the  promissory  note dated  August 21,  2001,
Greenwich  on-loaned  the proceeds of the $16.3 million loan it borrowed on June
11,  2002 to us at an  interest  rate  equal to LIBOR  plus 2.625 per cent until
February  20,  2003 and  thereafter  at a rate equal to LIBOR plus 3.0 per cent.
This loan was to mature four months after the date of the  promissory  note.  In
connection  with this, two  subsidiaries of ours guaranteed the loan and secured
the loan with an assignment of the shipbuilding contracts and the related refund
guarantee  issued by the Korea Export and Import Bank. The proceeds of this loan
from were used to pay the second installment due under the newbuilding  contract
for hull number 1444.  Under the loan agreement and the guarantee we had, as for
the  initial  loan,  subordinated  our  obligation  to repay  the  loan  made by
Greenwich to us to our  obligations  and those of  Greenwich to the lenders.  No
consideration was paid by Greenwich for the provision of the guarantee.

     In November  2002, we repaid the $16.3  million loan from  Greenwich and in
June 2003 we repaid $16.0  million to Greenwich in respect of the $32.7  million
loan secured on hulls 1460 and 2220.

     In the  years  ended  December  31,  2002 and  2001,  we paid  interest  of
$2,275,000  and  $1,576,000,  respectively  to Greenwich in respect of the above
loan  facilities.  At December  31, 2002 and 2001,  $169,612 and $291,000 of the
interest due to Greenwich was outstanding.

     In June 2003 Greenwich  reconfirmed  the  availability of an additional $15
million  facility  for the  payment  of  newbuilding  installments  should it be
required, this facility having originally been made available in September 2002.
Furthermore,  Greenwich  also  confirmed  the  availability  of  $32.3  million,
representing  the  amounts  repaid  by us in  respect  of  previous  loans  from
Greenwich in November 2002 and June 2003, should it be required.  In addition an
extension to the remaining  outstanding loan of $16.7 million until July 2004 is
available if required.

     Faraway Maritime Limited

     During the year ended December 31, 2002,  Faraway  Maritime  Shipping Inc.,
which is 60 per  cent  owned  by us and 40 per  cent  owned  by China  Petroleum
Corporation  ("CPC"),  paid dividends  totalling $25.0 million (2001: $nil, 2000
$nil), of which $15.0 million was paid to us and $10.0 million was paid to CPC.

     Graeme McDonald

     Golar Management holds a promissory note executed by Mr. McDonald, Chairman
of Golar Management and Technical  Director,  on April 21, 1998, under which Mr.
McDonald  promises to pay to Golar Management the principal sum of (pound)20,900
in monthly  installments  of  (pound)318.  The note carries an interest  rate of
three per cent and an acceleration clause in the event Mr. McDonald's employment
with us is terminated  for any reason or in the event of a default on payment by
Mr.  McDonald.  Payments  under the note commenced in May 1998 and the principal
balance as of December 31, 2002 and 2001 was  (pound)4,974  and  (pound)8,577 or
approximately $8,000 and $12,400, respectively.

C. Interests of Experts and Counsel

     Not Applicable


A. Consolidated Statements and Other Financial Information

See Item 18.

Legal Proceedings

     There are not any legal  proceedings  or claims that we believe  will have,
individually or in the aggregate,  a material adverse effect on our company, our
financial condition, profitability, liquidity or our results of operations. From
time to time in the  future we or our  subsidiaries  may be  subject  to various
legal proceedings and claims in the ordinary course of business.

Dividend Distribution Policy

     Any future  dividends  declared  will be at the  discretion of the board of
directors  and will  depend upon our  financial  condition,  earnings  and other
factors.  Our ability to declare  dividends  is also  regulated  by Bermuda law,
which  prohibits us from paying  dividends if, at the time of  distribution,  we
will not be able to pay our  liabilities  as they  fall due or the  value of our
assets is less than the sum of our  liabilities,  issued share capital and share

     In addition,  since we are a holding  company with no material assets other
than the shares of our subsidiaries through which we conduct our operations, our
ability to pay dividends  will depend on our  subsidiaries'  distributing  to us
their earnings and cash flow. Some of our loan agreements  limit or prohibit our
and our subsidiaries' ability to make distributions to us without the consent of
our lenders.

B. Significant Changes



A. Listing Details and Markets

     Not applicable except for Item 9.A. 4. and Item 9. C.

     Our common shares have traded on the Oslo Stock  Exchange  (OSE) since July
12, 2001 under the symbol "GOL" and on the Nasdaq National Market since December
12, 2002 under the symbol "GLNG".

     The following  table sets forth,  for the two most recent fiscal years from
July 12, 2001 and for the first quarter of 2003, the high and low prices for the
common shares on the Oslo Stock Exchange and the Nasdaq National Market.

                                         OSE                    NASDAQ
                                   High         Low        High         Low

First Quarter 2003             NOK45.00    NOK35.00       $6.75       $5.50

Fiscal year ended
December 31
2002                           NOK62.00    NOK35.00       $7.75       $6.00
2001                           NOK70.00    NOK35.00         n/a         n/a

      The following table sets forth, for each full financial quarter for the
two most recent fiscal years from July 12, 2001, the high and low prices of the
common shares on the Oslo Stock Exchange and the Nasdaq National Market.

                                         OSE                   NASDAQ
                                   High         Low        High         Low
Fiscal year ended
December 31, 2002

First quarter                  NOK62.00    NOK43.00         n/a         n/a
Second quarter                 NOK58.50    NOK41.00         n/a         n/a
Third quarter                  NOK48.00    NOK35.50         n/a         n/a
Fourth quarter                 NOK46.00    NOK35.00       $7.75       $6.00

Fiscal year ended
December 31, 2001

First quarter                       n/a         n/a         n/a         n/a
Second quarter                      n/a         n/a         n/a         n/a
Third quarter                  NOK70.00    NOK40.00         n/a         n/a
Fourth quarter                 NOK50.00    NOK35.00         n/a         n/a

     The following  table sets forth,  for the most recent six months,  the high
and low prices for our common shares on the OSE and the Nasdaq National Market.

                                         OSE                   NASDAQ
                                   High         Low        High         Low
May 2003                       NOK52.00    NOK41.00       $8.40       $5.51
April 2003                     NOK45.00    NOK36.50       $6.25       $5.00
March 2003                     NOK43.00    NOK39.00       $6.15       $6.00
February 2003                  NOK45.00    NOK35.00       $6.75       $5.50
January 2003                   NOK43.50    NOK39.00       $6.00       $5.75
December 2002                  NOK45.00    NOK35.00       $7.75       $6.00

*    On May 31, 2003,  the exchange  rate between the  Norwegian  Kroner and the
     U.S. dollar was NOK6.6917 to one U.S. Dollar.


     This section  summarizes  our share capital and the material  provisions of
our Memorandum of Association and Bye-Laws,  including  rights of holders of our
shares. The description is only a summary and does not describe  everything that
our Articles of Association and Bye-Laws contain.  The Memorandum of Association
and the Bye Laws of the Company has  previously  been filed as Exhibits  1.1 and
1.2,  respectively to the Company's  Registration  Statement on Form 20-F, (File
No. 000-50113) filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on November 27,
2002, and are hereby incorporated by reference into this Annual Report.

A. Share capital

     Not Applicable

B. Memorandum of Association and Bye-Laws

     Our Memorandum of Association and Bye-laws.  The object of our business, as
stated in Section  six of our  Memorandum  of  Association,  is to engage in any
lawful act or activity for which  companies may be organized under The Companies
Act, 1981 of Bermuda,  or the Companies  Act,  other than to issue  insurance or
re-insurance,  to act as a technical advisor to any other enterprise or business
or to carry on the business of a mutual fund. Our Memorandum of Association  and
Bye-laws  do  not  impose  any  limitations  on  the  ownership  rights  of  our

     Under our Bye-laws,  annual shareholder meetings will be held in accordance
with the Companies  Act at a time and place  selected by our board of directors.
The  quorum  at  any  annual  or  general  meeting  is  equal  to  one  or  more
shareholders,  either present in person or represented by proxy,  holding in the
aggregate shares carrying 33 1/3 per cent of the exercisable  voting rights. The
meetings  may be held at any  place,  in or outside  of  Bermuda,  that is not a
jurisdiction  which  applies a controlled  foreign  company tax  legislation  or
similar regime. Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the board of
directors and at the request of  shareholders  holding at least one-tenth of all
outstanding shares entitled to vote at a meeting.  Annual  shareholder  meetings
and special  meetings  must be called by not less than seven days' prior written
notice specifying the place, day and time of the meeting. The board of directors
may fix any date as the record date for determining those shareholders  eligible
to receive notice of and to vote at the meeting.

     Directors. Our directors are elected by a majority of the votes cast by the
shareholders in general meeting. The quorum necessary for the transaction of the
business  of the board of  directors  may be fixed by the  board  but  unless so
fixed,  equals  those  individuals  constituting  a  majority  of the  board  of
directors who are present in person or by proxy.  Executive  directors  serve at
the discretion of the board of directors.

     The minimum  number of directors  comprising  the Board of Directors at any
time shall be two. The Board currently comprises four directors. The minimum and
maximum  number of  directors  comprising  the Board  from time to time shall be
determined by way of an ordinary  resolution of the shareholders of the Company.
The shareholders may, at general meeting by ordinary resolution,  determine that
one or more vacancies in the board of directors be deemed casual vacancies.  The
board of directors,  so long as a quorum remains in office, shall have the power
to fill such casual  vacancies.  Each  director  will hold office until the next
annual  general  meeting or until his  successor is  appointed  or elected.  The
shareholders  may call a Special  General  Meeting for the purpose of removing a
director, provided notice is served upon the concerned director 14 days prior to
the  meeting  and he is  entitled  to be heard.  Any  vacancy  created by such a
removal  may be filled at the meeting by the  election of another  person by the
shareholders or in the absence of such election, by the board.

     Subject to the  provisions  of the  Companies  Act, a director of a company
may, notwithstanding his office, be a party to or be otherwise interested in any
transaction or arrangement with that company, and may act as director,  officer,
or employee of any party to a  transaction  in which the company is  interested.
Under our Bye-laws,  provided an interested  director declares the nature of his
or her interest  immediately  thereafter at a meeting of the board of directors,
or by writing to the  directors  as  required by the  Companies  Act, a director
shall not by reason of his office be held  accountable  for any benefit  derived
from any  outside  office or  employment.  The vote of an  interested  director,
provided he or she has complied with the provisions of the Companies Act and our
Bye-laws with regard to disclosure of his or her interest,  shall be counted for
purposes of determining the existence of a quorum.

     Dividends.  Holders of common  shares are entitled to receive  dividend and
distribution payments, pro rata based on the number of common shares held, when,
as and if declared by the board of directors, in its sole discretion. Any future
dividends  declared will be at the discretion of the board of directors and will
depend upon our financial condition, earnings and other factors.

     As a Bermuda  exempted  company,  we are subject to Bermuda law relating to
the payment of dividends. We have been advised by our Bermuda counsel,  Appleby,
Spurling & Kempe, that we may not pay any dividends if, at the time the dividend
is declared or at the time the dividend is paid,  there are  reasonable  grounds
for believing that, after giving effect to that payment;

     o    we will not be able to pay our liabilities as they fall due; or

     o    the  realizable  value of our  assets,  is less than an amount that is
          equal to the sum of our

          (a)  liabilities,

          (b)  issued share  capital,  which equals the product of the par value
               of each  common  share  and the  number  of  common  shares  then
               outstanding, and

          (c)  share premium, which equals the aggregate amount of consideration
               paid to us for such common shares in excess of their par value.

     In addition,  since we are a holding company with no material  assets,  and
conduct our operations through subsidiaries, our ability to pay any dividends to
shareholders will depend on our subsidiaries'  distributing to us their earnings
and cash flow.  Some of our loan  agreements  currently  limit or  prohibit  our
subsidiaries'  ability  to  make  distributions  to us and our  ability  to make
distributions to our shareholders.

C. Material contracts

     Golar LNG Facility for LNG Asset Acquisitions

     On May 31, 2001, our  wholly-owned  subsidiary,  Golar Gas Holding Company,
entered into a loan agreement for $325 million with Nordea, Den norske Bank ASA,
Citibank,  N.A. and Fortis Bank  (Nederland)  N.V., under which Nordea serves as
administrative  agent and security agent. The loan was  subsequently  syndicated
which made total number of syndicate banks number fourteen. The proceeds of this
loan were used to  finance  part of our  acquisition  of the LNG  operations  of
Osprey and Seatankers.

     The  loan  accrued  floating  interest  at a rate  per  annum  equal to the
aggregate of LIBOR,  which is the London Inter Bank Offered  Rate,  plus 1.5 per
cent per  annum.  The  loan  had a term of six  years  and was  repayable  in 22
quarterly  installments and a final balloon payment of $147.5 million.  The loan
was repayable in whole or in part without premium or penalty,  except for losses
and other reasonable costs and expenses incurred as a result of our prepayment.

     In  addition to a first  preferred  ship  mortgage on each of our  vessels,
except the Golar Mazo,  to the lenders,  the loan was secured by a pledge of the
capital stock of our shipowning subsidiaries,  and an assignment of our vessels'
earnings,  insurance,  and  the  vessels'  charters  to the  lenders.  The  loan
agreement and related documents also contained a number of restrictive covenants
that,  subject to specified  exceptions,  limit the ability of Golar Gas Holding
Company and our shipowning subsidiaries' to among other things:

          o    merge  into  or  consolidate  with  another  entity  or  sell  or
               otherwise dispose of all or substantially all of their assets;

          o    make or pay equity distributions;

          o    incur additional indebtedness;

          o    incur  or  make  any  capital  expenditure,  other  than  capital
               expenditures for vessel upgrades required by our charterers;

          o    materially  amend,  or  terminate,  any  of our  current  charter
               contracts or management agreements; and

          o    enter  into  any  business   other  than  owning  the  shipowning
               companies,  in the case of Golar Gas Holding Company,  and owning
               and  operating  the  ships,   in  the  case  of  the   shipowning

     The  agreement  also  contained an event of default if, among other things,
John Fredriksen and his affiliated  entities cease to be the beneficial or legal
owner of at least 25 per cent of our common shares.

     As discussed below the Golar LNG facility was refinanced in April 2003.

Hull No. 2215 Loan

     On  December  31,  2001,  our  wholly  owned  subsidiary,  Golar  LNG  2215
Corporation  entered into a loan agreement for $180 million with Lloyds TSB Bank
Plc.  The  proceeds  of this loan are to be used to finance  100 per cent of the
cost of one of our newbuilding, hull number 2215. In March of 2002, we drew down
$99.2 million on the facility for the purpose of financing the third installment
on our new building contract and to repay amounts borrowed from Greenwich to pay
for the first two  installments  on this  newbuild.  In June 2002 we drew down a
further $32.7 million for the purpose of financing  the fourth  installment  and
associated interest and commitment costs. The loan currently accrues interest at
the rate of LIBOR  plus  1.45 per cent  until  delivery  and 1.15 per cent  from
delivery.  The  loan is  repayable  in  144-monthly  installments,  with a final
balloon  payment of  approximately  $118  million.  The loan is secured by first
preferred  ship  mortgage on hull number 2215,  as well as an  assignment of the
vessel's earnings, insurance and charter rights.

Golar LNG Subordinated Facility

     On  October  11,  2002,  our wholly  owned  subsidiary,  Golar Gas  Holding
Company, Inc. entered into a loan agreement for an amount up to $60 million with
certain of the lenders  under the Golar LNG  Facility,  being  Nordea Bank Norge
ASA, Den norske Bank ASA and Fortis Bank  (Nederland)  N.V. The proceeds of this
loan were used to assist in the financing of our newbuilding installments.

     The  loan  accrued  floating  interest  at a rate  per  annum  equal to the
aggregate of LIBOR,  which is the London Inter Bank Offered  Rate,  plus 2.0 per
cent per annum, increasing by 0.25 per cent per annum on 30 November 2004 and 30
November  2005.  The loan had a term of four  years  and  eight  months  and was
repayable  in 15 quarterly  installments  of $4 million  commencing  in November
2003. The was repayable in whole or in part without  premium or penalty,  except
for losses and other reasonable  costs and expenses  incurred as a result of our

     In addition to a second  preferred  ship  mortgage on each of our  vessels,
except the Golar Mazo, to the lenders, the loan was secured by a second priority
pledge  of the  capital  stock  of our  shipowning  subsidiaries,  and a  second
priority  assignment  of our  vessels'  earnings,  insurance,  and the  vessels'
charters to the lenders. The loan agreement and related documents also contained
a number of restrictive  covenants that were consistent with those in the Golar
LNG Facility and additionally limited our ability to make distributions  without
our Lenders consent.

     As discussed below,  the Golar LNG Subordinated  facility was refinanced in
April 2003.


     In April 2003 we entered  into a lease  finance  arrangement  in respect to
five of the LNG carriers that we currently  operate with a subsidiary of a major
UK bank,  to which we refer as the UK  Lessor.  The five  vessels  are the Golar
Spirit,  Golar Freeze,  Hilli, Gimi and Khannur.  As part of the UK vessel lease
arrangement,  we sold five of our subsidiary companies, which owned the relevant
vessels,  to the UK Lessor  and  received a cash sum of $452.6  million  through
refinancing,  by the UK Lessor, of debt owed by the five subsidiary companies to
us. Each of the five companies, now owned by the UK Lessor, subsequently entered
into 20 year leases with a subsidiary of ours,  Golar Gas Holding  Company Inc.,
or GGHC, which, in turn,  subleased the vessels to five UK subsidiary  companies
newly  incorporated  by us for the purpose of assuming the business of operating
each of the these  vessels.  While the UK Lessor has legal title to the vessels,
the  lease  and  subleases  are all  bareboat  charters  that  give us  complete
operational control over, and responsibility  for, the vessels. In addition,  on
expiration  of the  leases,  we act as  exclusive  sales agent for the UK vessel
lessor and receive  99.9 per cent of the net proceeds in the form of a rebate to
us of lease rentals. However, we may not time charter the vessels to charterers,
other than BG and Pertamina that have credit ratings below BBB+,  without the UK
Lessor's consent.

     We used $325  million  of the  proceeds  we  received  together  with $17.5
million of our cash reserves to repay two existing loans, the Golar LNG facility
and the Golar LNG subordinated  facility. The outstanding amounts of these loans
upon repayment were $282.5  million and $60 million  respectively.  We then drew
down on two new facilities;  $265 million secured by a mortgage  executed by the
UK  Lessor  in  favor  of our  subsidiary  GGHC as  security  for  the  lessor's
obligations to pay certain sums to GGHC under the vessel lease agreements and by
a mortgage  transfer  executed  by GGHC in favor of the lending  banks;  and $60
million  secured by a similar but second priority  mortgage.  The total proceeds
from the new loans of $325 million  together  with $89.5 million of the proceeds
from the vessel lease  finance  arrangement  were used to make deposits with two
banks  amounting to $414.5  million.  These banks then issued  letters of credit
securing our obligations  under the vessel leases amounting to the present value
of rentals due under the leases. Lease rentals are payable quarterly. At the end
of each quarter the required  deposit to secure the present value of rentals due
under the UK vessel leases will be  recalculated  taking into account the rental
payment due at the end of the quarter. The surplus funds released as a result of
the  reduction in the required  deposit are available to pay the UK vessel lease
rentals  due at the end of the same  quarter.  After  making  this  deposit  and
settling all outstanding fees relating to the transaction,  our approximate cash
inflow will be approximately $32.5 million.

     Each of the five UK vessel  leases is for a period of 20 years  that may be
extended by us annually thereafter as long as the vessels remain seaworthy,  and
we are not  otherwise  in default  of the  leases.  The  principal  security  is
comprised of two cash deposits with two different banks that have issued letters
of credit securing our obligations under the UK vessel leases.  The deposits are
equal to the net present value of the minimum lease payments. In addition to the
letters of credit.  the UK  Lessor's  security  includes  a  guarantee  from the
Company  and a third  priority;  pledge of the capital  stock of our  shipowning
subsidiaries  that have  subleased  the vessels from GGHC,  and an assignment of
those vessels' earnings,  insurance, and charters to the UK Lessor. We have also
indemnified the UK Lessor against,  among other things,  increases in tax costs.
We may  terminate  the UK vessel  leases by paying  the UK Lessor a  termination
rental in such an amount as will reduce the Lessor's investment  balance,  after
taking into account all tax effects,  to zero. The UK vessel leases provide that
we will  receive  99.9% of the net proceeds of any sale of the vessels by the UK
Lessor  in the form of a rebate  of lease  rentals,  subject  to claims by third
parties,  our lenders,  and the UK Lessor itself.  If we terminate the UK vessel
leases within the first five years we would be liable to a termination fee which
would also be charged against the net proceeds.  In addition,  we have agreed to
indemnify the UK Lessor for any adverse tax consequences or rulings, which could
result  in our  returning  all or a  portion  of the  cash  inflow  that we have
received,  posting  additional  security,  or making  other  payments  to the UK

     The UK vessel lease agreements and related  documents also contain a number
of restrictive covenants that are similar to those of our New Golar LNG Facility
and the New Golar LNG  Subordinated  Facility.  Violation of those covenants and
termination  of the UK vessel  leases could result in the sale of the vessels at
that time. As the leases  contain a right of quiet  enjoyment in favor of BG and
Pertamina, if there were a default and UK lease termination,  the price realized
on sale of the vessels could depend in part on whether potential buyers deem the
assumption of the BG and Pertamina charters advantageous at the time.

     New Golar LNG Facility and New Golar LNG Subordinated Facility

     As noted above in April 2003, we entered into a  refinancing  in respect of
the Golar LNG Facility and the Golar LNG  subordinated  facility.  The new first
priority  loan, or New Golar LNG facility,  is for an amount of $265 million and
is with the same syndicate of banks as the Golar LNG facility.  The loan accrues
floating  interest at a rate per annum equal to the  aggregate of LIBOR plus 1.5
per cent per  annum.  The loan has a term of four  years and two  months  and is
repayable in 16 quarterly  installments  and a final  balloon  payment of $138.8
million  payable on May 31, 2007.  The new second  priority loan ("New Golar LNG
subordinated  facility") is for an amount of $60 million with the same syndicate
of  banks.  It  accrues  floating  interest  at a rate  per  annum  equal to the
aggregate of LIBOR, plus 2.0 per cent per annum, increasing by 0.25 per cent per
annum on 30  November  2004 and 30  November  2005.  The loan has a term of four
years and two months and is repayable in 15 quarterly installments of $4 million
commencing  in  November  2003.  Both  loans may be  prepaid in whole or in part
without  premium or penalty,  except for losses and other  reasonable  costs and
expenses incurred as a result of our prepayment.

     The New Golar LNG  Facility  is secured by a  mortgage  executed  by the UK
Lessor in favor of our subsidiary GGHC as security for the Lessor's  obligations
to pay  certain  sums to GGHC  under  the  lease  agreements  and by a  mortgage
transfer  executed  by GGHC in favor of the  lending  banks.  The New  Golar LNG
subordinated  Facility is secured by a similar but second priority mortgage.  In
addition  to the  mortgages  the New  Golar LNG  Facility  and the New Golar LNG
subordinated  Facility  are  secured,  on a  first  and  second  priority  basis
respectively,  by a  guarantee  from us, a pledge  of the  capital  stock of our
shipowning subsidiaries,  and an assignment of our vessels' earnings, insurance,
and the  vessels'  charters  to the  lenders.  The loan  agreements  and related
documents  also  contain a number of  restrictive  covenants  that,  subject  to
specified  exceptions,  limit our  ability  and the ability of Golar Gas Holding
Company and our shipowning subsidiaries' to among other things:

          o    merge  into  or  consolidate  with  another  entity  or  sell  or
               otherwise dispose of all or substantially all of our assets;

          o    make or pay equity distributions;

          o    incur additional indebtedness;

          o    incur  or  make  any  capital  expenditure,  other  than  capital
               expenditures for vessel upgrades required by our charterers;

          o    materially  amend,  or  terminate,  any  of our  current  charter
               contracts or management agreements; and

          o    enter  into  any  business   other  than  owning  the  shipowning
               companies,  in the case of Golar Gas Holding Company,  and owning
               and  operating  the  ships,   in  the  case  of  the   shipowning

     The  agreement  also  contains an event of default if, among other  things,
John Fredriksen and his affiliated  entities cease to be the beneficial or legal
owner of at least 25 per cent of our common shares.

D. Exchange Controls


E. Taxation

     The following  discussion  is a summary of the material tax  considerations
relevant  to us and an  investment  decision  by a U.S.  holder  and a  non-U.S.
holder,  as defined below,  with respect to our common shares.  This  discussion
does not purport to deal with the tax  consequences  of owning  common shares to
all categories of investors, some of which, such as dealers in securities,  U.S.
holders  who own 10 per cent or more of our voting  shares and  investors  whose
functional  currency is not the U.S.  dollar,  may be subject to special  rules.
U.S.  holders  and  non-U.S.  holders  should  consult  their  own tax  advisors
concerning  the  overall  tax  consequences  arising  in  their  own  particular
situation under U.S.  federal,  state,  local or foreign law of the ownership of
common shares.

Bermuda Tax Considerations

     The following are the material  Bermuda tax  consequences of our activities
to us and to shareholders  owning common shares. We are incorporated in Bermuda.
Under current Bermuda law, we are not subject to tax on income or capital gains,
and no Bermuda  withholding tax will be imposed upon payments of dividends by us
to our  shareholders.  No Bermuda tax is imposed on shareholders with respect to
the sale or exchange of common  shares.  Furthermore,  we have received from the
Minister of Finance of Bermuda under the Exempted Undertaking Tax Protection Act
of 1966, as amended,  an  undertaking  that, if Bermuda  enacts any  legislation
imposing any tax computed on profits or income or computed on any capital asset,
gain or appreciation, or any tax in the nature of an estate, duty or inheritance
tax,  the  imposition  of such tax will  not be  applicable  to us or any of our
operations or to our common shares  obligations until March 2016. As an exempted
company,  we are liable to pay to the Bermuda government an annual  registration
fee calculated on a sliding-scale  basis by reference to our assessable capital,
that is, our authorized capital plus any share premium.

U.S. Federal Income Tax Considerations

     The following are the material U.S.  federal income tax  consequences to us
and to U.S. holders and non-U.S.  holders,  as defined below,  regarding (1) our
operations  and the operations of our vessel  holding  subsidiaries  and (2) the
acquisition,  ownership  and  disposition  of our common  shares.  The following
discussion of U.S.  federal income tax matters is based on the Internal  Revenue
Code of 1986,  as amended,  or the "Code",  judicial  decisions,  administrative
pronouncements,  and  existing  and  proposed  regulations  issued  by the  U.S.
Department  of the Treasury,  all of which are subject to change,  possibly with
retroactive  effect.  In addition,  the  discussion  is based,  in part,  on the
description  of our business as described  above and assumes that we conduct our
business as so described.

United States Taxation of Our Company

     Taxation of Operating Income: In General

     We anticipate  that  substantially  all of our gross income will be derived
from the use and  operation of vessels in  international  commerce and that this
income will principally  consist of freights from the transportation of cargoes,
hire or lease  income  from  time or  voyage  charters  and the  performance  of
services  directly  related  thereto,  which we refer to as  "shipping  income".
Unless  exempt from U.S.  taxation  under  Section  883 of the Code,  we will be
subject to U.S. federal income  taxation,  in the manner discussed below, to the
extent our shipping income is derived from sources within the United States.

     Shipping income that is attributable to transportation that begins or ends,
but that does not both begin and end, in the United States will be considered to
be 50 per cent derived from sources  within the United States.  Shipping  income
attributable  to  transportation  that both begins and ends in the United States
will be  considered  to be 100 per cent derived  from sources  within the United
States. We do not engage in transportation  that gives rise to 100 per cent U.S.
source income.

     Shipping income attributable to transportation exclusively between non-U.S.
ports will be  considered  to be 100 per cent derived  from sources  outside the
United States.  Shipping  income derived from sources  outside the United States
will not be subject to U.S. federal income tax.

     Based  upon  our  anticipated  shipping  operations,  our  vessels  will be
operated in various parts of the world, including to or from U.S. ports. For the
three calendar years 2000,  2001 and 2002 the U.S. source income that we derived
from our vessels trading to U.S. ports was $736,470,  $12,200,000 and $8,435,000
respectively, and the potential U.S. federal income tax liability resulting from
this income,  in the absence of our  qualification  for exemption  from taxation
under Section 883, as described  below,  would have been  $29,458,  $488,000 and
$337,400 respectively.

Application of Code Section 883

     Under Section 883 of the Code,  we, and each of our  subsidiaries,  will be
exempt from U.S. taxation on our respective U.S. source shipping income, if both
of the following conditions are met:

     o    we, and each  subsidiary are organized in a qualified  foreign country
          which  is  one  that  grants  an  equivalent  exemption  from  tax  to
          corporations organized in the United States in respect of the shipping
          income for which  exemption is being claimed under Section 883,  which
          we refer to as "the country of organization requirement"; and

     o    more than 50 per cent of the value of our stock is  treated  as owned,
          directly  or  indirectly,   by  individuals  who  are  "residents"  of
          qualified  foreign  countries,  which we  refer  to as the  "ownership

     The U.S.  Treasury  Department has  recognized (i) Bermuda,  our country of
incorporation,   and  (ii)  the  country  of   incorporation   of  each  of  our
subsidiaries,  as  a  qualified  foreign  country.  Accordingly,  we,  and  each
subsidiary satisfy the country of organization requirement.

     In respect of the  ownership  requirement,  Section 883  provides a special
publicly-traded  rule which  exempts us from  having to  satisfy  the  ownership
requirement if our shares are  considered to be "primarily and regularly  traded
on an established  securities  market"  located in our country of  organization,
Bermuda, in another qualified foreign country or in the United States,  which we
refer  to  as  the  "publicly-traded  test".  Furthermore,  if  we  satisfy  the
publicly-traded  test, the stock of our subsidiaries  will be deemed to be owned
by individual residents of Bermuda and each of our subsidiaries will satisfy the
ownership requirement.

     Proposed regulations  interpreting Section 883 were promulgated by the U.S.
Treasury  Department  in  August  2002,  which  we  refer  to as  the  "proposed
regulations."  These  regulations  superseded and replaced in their entirety the
regulations interpreting Section 883 as initially proposed that were promulgated
by the U.S Treasury Department in February of 2000.

     The proposed  regulations will apply to taxable years ending thirty days or
more after the date the  regulations  are published as final  regulations in the
Federal  Register.  As a result,  such  regulations  will not be  effective  for
calendar  year  taxpayers  like  ourselves  until the calendar  year 2004 at the
earliest.  At this time,  it is unclear  when the proposed  regulations  will be
finalized and whether they will be finalized in their present form.

     The  proposed  regulations  provide,  in  pertinent  part,  that stock of a
foreign   corporation  will  be  considered  to  be  "primarily  traded"  on  an
established securities market if the number of shares that are traded during any
taxable year on that market exceeds the number of shares traded during that year
on any other established securities market.

     At present,  the sole class of shares that is issued and outstanding is our
common shares. Our common shares are listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange, which is
an established securities market in Norway and Norway has been recognized by the
U.S. Treasury  Department as a qualified foreign country.  Our common shares are
also listed on the Nasdaq National  Market,  which is an established  securities
market in the United States.  For the taxable year ending December 31, 2002, the
aggregate  number of common  shares  that was traded on the Oslo Stock  Exchange
exceeded  the  aggregate  number  of  shares  traded  on any  other  established
securities market.

     The  proposed  regulations  further  provide  that stock will  generally be
considered to be "regularly traded" on a securities market if:

     o    stock  representing more than 50 per cent of the issuer's  outstanding
          shares, by voting power and value, is listed on such market,  which we
          refer to as the "50 per cent listing threshold";

     o    with  respect to the class of stock  relied upon to satisfy the 50 per
          cent listing threshold:

          o    stock  is  traded  on  such  market,  other  than  in de  minimis
               quantities,  on at least 60 days during the taxable  year, or 1/6
               of the  days in a short  taxable  year,  which we refer to as the
               "trading frequency threshold"; and

          o    the aggregate  number of shares of stock traded on such market is
               at least ten percent of the average number of shares  outstanding
               during such year, or as  appropriately  adjusted in the case of a
               short  taxable  year,  which we refer to as the  "trading  volume

     We  currently  satisfy the 50 percent  listing  threshold in respect of our
common  shares  listed on both the Oslo Stock  Exchange and the Nasdaq  National

     Our  shares are  currently  traded on the Oslo  Stock  Exchange  on a level
sufficient to satisfy the trading frequency and trading volume  thresholds.  The
proposed  regulations  provide  that the  trading  frequency  threshold  and the
trading  volume  threshold  will be  deemed  satisfied  if stock is traded on an
established  securities  market in the United  States and the stock is regularly
quoted by dealers  making a market in the stock,  which we refer to as the "U.S.
securities market exception". We expect that our common shares will be regularly
quoted on the Nasdaq  National  Market by one or more dealers that make a market
in our common  shares and  therefore our common shares will also qualify for the
U.S. securities market exception.

     Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,   the  proposed  regulations  provide,  in
pertinent part,  that stock will not be considered to be regularly  traded on an
established  securities market for any taxable year in which 50 per cent or more
of the outstanding  shares of that stock, by vote and value,  are owned,  within
the meaning of the  regulations,  at any time during the taxable year by persons
who each own five per cent or more of the  value of the  outstanding  shares  of
that  stock,  known as the  "five  per cent  override  rule".  The five per cent
override  rule will not apply,  however,  if we can  establish  that  individual
residents  of  qualified  foreign  countries,  which we  refer to as  "qualified
shareholders",  own  sufficient  shares of our stock to  preclude  non-qualified
shareholders from owning 50 per cent or more of the total value of our stock for
more than half the number of days during the  taxable  year which we refer to as
the "five per cent override exception".

     Based on our existing  shareholdings,  we would presently be subject to the
five per cent  override rule and in the absence of our being able to qualify for
the five per cent  override  exception,  we would not  qualify  for the  special
publicly-traded   rule  exempting  us  from  having  to  satisfy  the  ownership
requirement.  We believe  that our  ability to satisfy  either the five per cent
override exception or the ownership  requirement in accordance with the proposed
regulations as currently drafted,  in particular those provisions  applicable to
determining  an individual  taxpayer's  residence or tax home,  could be open to

     Until the proposed  regulations are promulgated in final form and come into
force,  however,  we intend to take the position on our U.S. tax return  filings
that we satisfy the publicly  traded  requirements of the statute as well as the
ownership  requirement  and,  therefore,  we are entitled to exemption from U.S.
federal  income tax under  Section  883 in respect of our  U.S.-source  shipping

Taxation in Absence of Internal Revenue Code Section 883 Exemption

     Four per cent Gross Basis Tax Regime

     To the extent the benefits of Section 883 are  unavailable  with respect to
any item of U.S. source income,  our U.S.-source  shipping income, to the extent
not considered to be "effectively connected" with the conduct of a U.S. trade or
business as discussed below,  would be subject to a four per cent tax imposed by
Code Section 887 on a gross basis,  without  benefit of deductions.  Since under
the sourcing  rules  described  above,  no more than 50 per cent of our shipping
income would be derived from U.S.  sources,  the maximum  effective rate of U.S.
federal income tax on our shipping income would never exceed two percent.

     Net Basis and Branch Tax Regime

     To the extent the benefits of the Section 883 exemption are unavailable and
our U.S. source shipping income is considered to be "effectively connected" with
the  conduct  of a  U.S.  trade  or  business,  as  described  below,  any  such
"effectively   connected"  U.S.  source  shipping  income,   net  of  applicable
deductions,  would be subject to the U.S. federal corporate income tax currently
imposed at rates of up to 35 per cent. In addition,  we may be subject to the 30
per cent  "branch-level"  taxes (or such lesser tax as provided by an applicable
income tax treaty) on earnings  effectively  connected  with the conduct of such
trade or business, as determined after allowance for certain adjustments, and on
certain  interest paid or deemed paid  attributable to the conduct of their U.S.
trade or business.

     Our U.S. source shipping income will be considered  "effectively connected"
with the conduct of a U.S. trade or business only if:

     o    we have,  or are  considered to have, a fixed place of business in the
          United States involved in the earning of shipping income; and

     o    substantially  all of our U.S.  source shipping income is attributable
          to  regularly  scheduled  transportation,  such as the  operation of a
          vessel that follows a published  schedule  with  repeated  sailings at
          regular  intervals  between the same points for voyages  that begin or
          end in the United States.

     We do not intend to have,  or permit  circumstances  that  would  result in
having,  any of our  vessels  operating  to the  United  States  on a  regularly
scheduled  basis or in having an office or other  fixed place of business in the
United States involved in the earning of shipping income. Based on the foregoing
and on the expected mode of our shipping operations, we believe that none of our
U.S. source shipping income will be "effectively  connected" with the conduct of
a U.S. trade or business.

     Gain on Sale of Vessels

     To the extent any of our vessels  makes more than an  occasional  voyage to
U.S. ports, we may be considered to be engaged in the conduct of a U.S. trade or
business.  As a result, except to the extent the gain on the sale of a vessel is
incidental to our shipping income,  any U.S. source gain on the sale of a vessel
may be partly or wholly  subject  to U.S.  federal  income  tax as  "effectively
connected" income  (determined under rules different from those discussed above)
under the net basis and branch tax regime described above. However, we intend to
structure  sales of our vessels in such a manner,  including  effecting the sale
and  delivery of vessels  outside of the United  States,  as to not give rise to
U.S. source gain.

     U.S. Taxation of U.S. Holders

     The term U.S. holder means a beneficial  owner of our common shares that is
a U.S. citizen or resident,  U.S.  corporation or other U.S. entity taxable as a
corporation,  an estate,  the income of which is subject to U.S.  federal income
taxation regardless of its source, or a trust if a court within the U.S. is able
to exercise primary jurisdiction over the administration of the trust and one or
more U.S. persons have the authority to control all substantial decisions of the
trust and owns our common shares as a capital asset,  generally,  for investment

     If a partnership  holds our common  shares,  the tax treatment of a partner
will generally  depend upon the status of the partner and upon the activities of
the  partnership.  If you are a partner  in a  partnership  holding  our  common
shares, you should consult your tax advisor.


     Any  distributions  made by us with respect to our common  shares to a U.S.
holder  will  generally  constitute  dividends,  to the extent of our current or
accumulated  earnings and profits,  as determined  under U.S. federal income tax
principles.  Dividends paid by us to a non-corporate U.S. holder may be eligible
for  preferential  tax rates (through 2008) under recently  enacted  legislation
provided  that (1) our stock is readily  tradable on an  established  securities
market  in the  United  States;  (2) we are  not a  passive  foreign  investment
company,  a foreign personal holding company or a foreign investment company for
the taxable year during which the dividend is paid or the immediately  preceding
taxable year;  and (3) the U.S.  individual  holder has owned our stock for more
than 60 days in the 120-day  period  beginning  60 days before the date on which
our stock  becomes  ex-dividend.  No guidance  has been  issued by the  Internal
Revenue Service defining when the stock of a foreign corporation will be treated
as readily tradable on an established securities market in the United States for
this purpose. In addition, as discussed below in "Anti-Deferral  Regimes", there
is no assurance that we will not become a passive foreign  investment company or
a foreign  personal  holding company in any year.  Certain  limitations may also
apply  to any  "extraordinary  dividends"  paid by us.  Therefore,  there  is no
assurance that any dividends paid by us will be eligible for these  preferential
rates in the hands of a U.S.  individual  holder. Any dividends paid by us which
are not eligible for these  preferential  rates will be taxed as ordinary income
to a U.S. holder.

     Distributions  in excess of our earnings and profits will be treated  first
as a non-taxable  return of capital to the extent of the U.S. holder's tax basis
in his  common  shares on a dollar for dollar  basis and  thereafter  as capital
gain. Because we are not a U.S. corporation, a U.S. holder that is a corporation
will not be entitled to claim a dividends received deduction with respect to any
distributions  it receives  from us.  Dividends  paid with respect to our common
shares will generally be treated as "passive  income" or, in the case of certain
types of U.S. holders,  "financial  services income",  for purposes of computing
allowable foreign tax credits for U.S. foreign tax credit purposes.

     Sale, Exchange or other Disposition of Our Common Shares

     Subject to the discussion below under "Passive Foreign Investment Company,"
a U.S.  holder  generally  will  recognize  taxable  gain or  loss  upon a sale,
exchange or other  disposition  of our common  shares in an amount  equal to the
difference  between  the  amount  realized  by the U.S.  holder  from such sale,
exchange  or other  disposition  and the U.S.  holder's  tax basis in the common
shares.  Such gain or loss will be treated as long-term  capital gain or loss if
the U.S.  holder's  holding  period in our stock is greater than one year at the
time of the sale, exchange or other disposition.  Such capital gain or loss will
generally be treated as  U.S.-source  income or loss,  as  applicable,  for U.S.
foreign tax credit purposes. A U.S. holder's ability to deduct capital losses is
subject to certain limitations.

Anti-Deferral Regimes

     Notwithstanding  the above rules regarding  distributions and dispositions,
special  rules may  apply to some U.S.  holders  (or to the  direct or  indirect
beneficial owners of some non-U.S. holders) if one or more anti-deferral regimes
discussed  below are  applicable.  The rules regarding each of these regimes are
complex,  and U.S. holders should consult their tax advisers with respect to the
applicability and impact of these regimes to their ownership of our shares.

     Passive Foreign Investment Company

     We will be a "passive foreign investment company" if either:

     o    75 per cent or more of our gross income (including the gross income of
          any subsidiary of which we own, directly or indirectly, 25 per cent or
          more of the value of its stock) in a taxable  year is passive  income;

     o    at  least 50 per  cent of our  assets  (including  the  assets  of any
          subsidiary)  in a taxable year  (averaged  over the year and generally
          determined  based  upon  value)  are held for the  production  of,  or
          produce, passive income.

     To date, our  subsidiaries and we have derived most of our income from time
and voyage  charters,  and we expect to continue to do so. This income should be
treated as  services  income,  which is not passive  income for passive  foreign
investment  company  purposes.  However,  passive  income would include  amounts
derived by reason of the temporary investment of funds raised in an offering and
amounts derived through spot trading of LNG for our own account.

     On the basis of the above,  we believe that we are not  currently a passive
foreign  investment company and do not expect to be a passive foreign investment
company in the foreseeable future.  However,  because there are uncertainties in
the  application  of the passive  foreign  investment  company rules  (including
whether the Internal Revenue Service disagrees with the conclusion that time and
voyage  charters do not give rise to passive  income for purposes of the passive
foreign investment company income test), and because it is an annual test, there
can be no assurance that we will not become a passive foreign investment company
in any year.

     If we  become a passive  foreign  investment  company  (and  regardless  of
whether we remain a passive foreign investment company), each U.S. holder who is
treated as owning our  shares  during any period in which we are so  classified,
for purposes of the passive foreign  investment company rules would be liable to
pay tax, at the then  highest  prevailing  income tax rates on ordinary  income,
plus interest,  upon certain excess  distributions  and upon  disposition of our
shares  including,  under certain  circumstances,  a disposition  pursuant to an
otherwise  tax  free  reorganization,  as if the  distribution  or gain had been
recognized  ratably over the U.S.  holder's entire holding period of our shares.
An excess  distribution  generally  includes  dividends  or other  distributions
received from a passive foreign investment company in any taxable year of a U.S.
holder to the extent that the amount of those distributions exceeds 125 per cent
of the average  distributions  made by the passive  foreign  investment  company
during a specified base period. The tax at ordinary rates and interest would not
be imposed if the U.S.  holder  makes a  mark-to-market  election,  as discussed
below.  Further,  a U.S.  holder that acquires our shares from a decedent (other
than certain  non-resident  aliens) whose holding period for the shares includes
time when we were a  passive  foreign  investment  company  would be denied  the
normally  available  step-up of income  tax basis for the shares to fair  market
value at the date of death and  instead  would  have a tax basis  limited to the
lower of fair market value of the shares or decedent's tax basis.

     In some circumstances, a U.S. holder may avoid the unfavorable consequences
of the passive foreign  investment  company rules by making a qualified electing
fund election with respect to us. A qualified electing fund election effectively
would require an electing U.S. holder to include in income its pro rata share of
our ordinary earnings and net capital gain. However, a U.S. holder cannot make a
qualified  electing  fund  election  with  respect  to us unless we comply  with
certain  reporting  requirements  and we do not intend to provide  the  required
information. If we become a passive foreign investment company and, provided our
shares are regularly traded on a "qualified exchange",  a U.S. holder may make a
mark-to-market election. A "qualified exchange" includes a foreign exchange that
is  regulated by a  governmental  authority in which the exchange is located and
with respect to which certain other  requirements  are met. The Internal Revenue
Service has not yet identified  specific foreign  exchanges that are "qualified"
for this purpose.  The Nasdaq  National  Market,  on which our common shares are
traded, is a qualified exchange for U.S. federal income tax purposes.  Under the
election,  any excess of the fair market value of the shares at the close of any
tax year over the U.S.  holder's adjusted basis in the shares is included in the
U.S. holder's income as ordinary income. In addition, the excess, if any, of the
U.S.  holder's  adjusted basis at the close of any taxable year over fair market
value is deductible in an amount equal to the lesser of the amount of the excess
or the net  mark-to-market  gains on the shares that the U.S. holder included in
income in previous years. If a U.S. holder makes a mark-to-market election after
the beginning of its holding period, the U.S. holder does not avoid the interest
charge rule  discussed  above with respect to the  inclusion of ordinary  income
attributable to periods before the election.

     Foreign Personal Holding Company

     We will be a foreign personal  holding  company,  for United States federal
income tax purposes, if both:

     o    five or fewer  individuals who are United States citizens or residents
          own or are deemed to own (under  applicable  attribution  rules)  more
          than 50 per cent of all classes of our stock  measured by voting power
          or value; and

     o    we receive  at least 60 per cent (50 per cent in years  other than our
          first taxable year as a foreign personal holding company) of our gross
          income (regardless of source), as specifically adjusted,  from certain
          passive sources.

     If we are classified as a foreign personal  holding  company,  a portion of
our  "undistributed  foreign person holding company income" (as defined for U.S.
federal income tax purposes) would be imputed to all of our U.S. holders who are
shareholders  on the last taxable day of our taxable year,  or, if earlier,  the
last day on which we are  classifiable as a foreign  personal  holding  company.
That  portion of our income  would be  taxable  as a  dividend,  even if no cash
dividend is actually paid. U.S. holders who dispose of their shares prior to the
date set  forth  above  would not be  subject  to a tax under  these  rules.  In
addition,  an  individual  U.S.  holder who  acquires  our common  shares from a
decedent  would be denied the step-up of tax basis of such shares to fair market
value on the  decedent's  date of death which would  otherwise be available  and
instead  would have a tax basis equal to the lower of fair  market  value or the
decedent's basis. We believe that we are not a foreign personal holding company.
However,  no  assurance  can be given  that we will  not  qualify  as a  foreign
personal holding company in the future.

     U.S. Taxation of "Non-U.S. Holders"

     A  beneficial  owner of our  common  shares  that is not a U.S.  holder  is
referred in this offering as a "non-U.S. holder."

     Dividends on Our Common Shares

     Non-U.S.  holders  generally will not be subject to U.S. federal income tax
or  withholding  tax on dividends  made by us with respect to our common shares,
unless the  dividends  are  effectively  connected  with the  non-U.S.  holder's
conduct  of a trade or  business  in the U.S.  or,  if the  non-U.S.  holder  is
entitled  to the  benefits  of an  income  tax  treaty  with  respect  to  those
dividends,   the  dividends  are  attributable  to  a  permanent   establishment
maintained by the non-U.S. holder in the U.S.

     Sale, Exchange or Other Disposition of Our Common Shares

     Non-U.S.  holders  generally will not be subject to U.S. federal income tax
or  withholding  tax on any gain  realized  upon  the  sale,  exchange  or other
disposition of our common shares,  unless: (i) the gain is effectively connected
with the non-U.S. holder's conduct of a trade or business in the U.S., or if the
non-U.S. holder is entitled to the benefits of an income tax treaty with respect
to that gain, that gain is attributable to a permanent establishment  maintained
by the non-U.S. holder in the U.S.; or (ii) the non-U.S. holder is an individual
who is  present in the U.S.  for 183 days or more  during  the  taxable  year of
disposition and other conditions are met.

     If the  non-U.S.  holder is engaged in a U.S.  trade or  business  for U.S.
federal  income tax  purposes,  the income  from our  common  shares,  including
dividends  on the common  shares and the gain from the sale,  exchange  or other
disposition of the shares that is effectively connected with the conduct of that
trade or business,  will generally be subject to regular U.S. federal income tax
in the same manner as discussed in the previous section relating to the taxation
of U.S.  holders.  In addition,  if you are a corporate  non-U.S.  holder,  your
earnings and profits that are attributable to the effectively  connected income,
which are subject to certain adjustments, may be subject to an additional branch
profits  tax at a rate  of 30 per  cent,  or at a  lower  rate  specified  by an
applicable income tax treaty.

     Backup Withholding and Information Reporting

     In general, dividend payments, or other taxable distributions,  made within
the U.S.  to you will be  subject  to  information  reporting  requirements  and
"backup withholding" if you are a non-corporate U.S. holder and you:

     o    fail to provide an accurate taxpayer identification number;

     o    are notified by the Internal  Revenue  Service that you have failed to
          report all interest or dividends  required to be shown on your federal
          income tax returns; or

     o    in certain circumstances, fail to comply with applicable certification

     Non-U.S.  holders  may  be  required  to  establish  their  exemption  from
information  reporting  and backup  withholding  by  certifying  their status on
Internal Revenue Service Form W-8BEN.

     If you sell your common shares to or through a U.S.  office or broker,  the
payment  of the  proceeds  is  subject  to  both  U.S.  backup  withholding  and
information  reporting unless you certify that you are a non-U.S.  person, under
penalties of perjury, or you otherwise establish an exemption.  If you sell your
common  shares  through a  non-U.S.  office of a  non-U.S.  broker and the sales
proceeds are paid to you outside the U.S., then information reporting and backup
withholding generally will not apply to that payment.  However, U.S. information
reporting requirements,  but not backup withholding,  will apply to a payment of
sales  proceeds,  including a payment made to you outside the U.S.,  if you sell
your common shares through a non-U.S.  office of a broker that is a U.S.  person
or has some other contacts with the U.S.

     Backup  withholding  is not an  additional  tax.  Rather you  generally may
obtain a refund of any amounts  withheld  under  backup  withholding  rules that
exceed your income tax liability by filing a refund claim with the U.S. Internal
Revenue  Service,  provided  that the required  information  is furnished to the
Internal Revenue Service.

F. Dividends and Paying Agents

     Not Applicable

G. Statements by Experts

     Not applicable

H. Documents on display

     Our Registration  Statement effective became effective on November 29, 2002
and we are now  subject  to the  informational  requirements  of the  Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.  In accordance with these requirements we will
file reports and other information with the SEC. These materials, including this
document  and the  accompanying  exhibits,  may be  inspected  and copied at the
public  reference  facilities  maintained by the Commission at 450 Fifth Street,
N.W.,  Room 1024,  Washington,  D.C.  20549.  You may obtain  information on the
operation of the public reference room by calling 1 (800) SEC-0330,  and you may
obtain  copies at  prescribed  rates  from the Public  Reference  Section of the
Commission at its principal office in Washington,  D.C. 20549. The SEC maintains
a website  (http://www.sec.gov)  that contains  reports,  proxy and  information
statements and other information  regarding registrants that file electronically
with the SEC.


     We are exposed to various market risks,  including  primarily interest rate
and foreign currency exchange risk. We do not enter into derivative  instruments
for speculative or trading purposes.  In certain  situations,  we may enter into
derivative  instruments to achieve an economic hedge of the risk exposure.  With
the adoption of FAS 133,  certain  economic  hedge  relationships  may no longer
qualify  for hedge  accounting  due to the  extensive  documentation  and strict
criteria of the new standard.

     Interest rate risk. A significant  portion of our long-term debt is subject
to adverse movements in interest rates. Our interest rate risk management policy
permits economic hedge relationships in order to reduce the risk associated with
adverse  fluctuations  in interest  rates.  We use interest rate swaps and fixed
rate debt to manage  the  exposure  to  adverse  movements  in  interest  rates.
Interest  rate swaps are used to convert  floating  rate debt  obligations  to a
fixed rate in order to achieve an overall desired position of fixed and floating
rate debt. Credit exposures are monitored on a counterparty  basis, with all new
transactions subject to senior management approval.

     As of December 31, 2002 and 2001, the notional  amount of the interest rate
swaps  outstanding was $183.8 million and $194.8 million,  respectively  and the
amount  of debt  with a fixed  rate  of  interest  was  $55  million  and  $zero
respectively. The principal of the loans outstanding as of December 31, 2002 and
2001 was,  $710.3 million and $609.6 million,  respectively.  For disclosures of
the  fair  value  of the  derivatives  and debt  obligations  outstanding  as of
December 31, 2002 and 2001, see Note 21 to the Financial Statements.

     Foreign currency risk. Periodically,  the Company may be exposed to foreign
currency  exchange  fluctuations  as  a  result  of  expenses  paid  by  certain
subsidiaries in currencies other than U.S. dollars (primarily Sterling, Filipino
Pesos and  Pesetas).  There is a risk  that  currency  fluctuations  will have a
negative  effect on the value of the  Company's  cash flows.  As of December 31,
2002, 2001 and 2000, there was no significant exposure to a foreign currency. We
have not entered into derivative contracts to minimize this transaction risk.


     Not Applicable






     Evaluation of disclosure controls and procedures.

     Within the 90 days prior to the date of this  report,  the Company  carried
out an  evaluation  of the  effectiveness  of the  design and  operation  of the
Company's  disclosure  controls  and  procedures  pursuant to Exchange  Act Rule
13a-14.  Based  upon that  evaluation,  the  principal  executive  officers  and
principal  financial officers concluded that the Company's  disclosure  controls
and  procedures  are effective in alerting  them timely to material  information
relating to the Company  required to be included in the  Company's  periodic SEC

     Changes in internal controls

     There have been no significant changes in our internal controls or in other
factors that could have significantly  affected those controls subsequent to the
date  of  our  most  recent  evaluation  of  internal  controls,  including  any
corrective  actions  with  regard  to  significant   deficiencies  and  material



     Not Applicable


     We  specifically  incorporate  by  reference  in  response to this item the
report of the independent  auditors,  the consolidated  financial statements and
the  notes to the  consolidated  financial  statements  appearing  on pages  F-1
through F-34.

                                Golar LNG Limited

             Index to CONSOLIDATED AND COMBINED Financial Statements


Report of Independent AccountantsF-2

Audited Consolidated and Combined Statements of Operations for
the years ended December 31, 2002, 2001 and 2000 ............................F-3

Audited Consolidated and Combined Statements of Comprehensive
Income for the years ended December 31, 2002, 2001 and 2000 .................F-4

Audited Consolidated Balance Sheets as of December 31, 2002 and 2001 ........F-5

Audited Consolidated and Combined Statements of Cash Flows for the
years ended December 31, 2002, 2001 and 2000 ................................F-6

Audited Consolidated and Combined Statements of Changes in
Stockholders' Equity for the years ended December 31, 2002 and 2001 .........F-7

Notes to Consolidated and Combined Financial Statements .....................F-8

Report of Independent Accountants

To the Board of Directors and Stockholders of Golar LNG Limited

In our opinion,  the  accompanying  consolidated  balance sheets and the related
consolidated  and  combined  statements  of  operations,  comprehensive  income,
stockholders'  equity and cash flows present fairly,  in all material  respects,
the financial position of Golar LNG Limited and its subsidiaries (the "Company")
at December  31, 2002 and 2001,  and the results of their  operations  and their
cash flows for the years ended  December 31, 2002,  2001 and 2000 in  conformity
with accounting  principles  generally accepted in the United States of America.
These financial  statements are the responsibility of the Company's  management;
our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial  statements based
on our audits.  We conducted our audits of these  statements in accordance  with
auditing  standards  generally  accepted in the United States of America,  which
require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable  assurance about
whether the financial  statements  are free of material  misstatement.  An audit
includes  examining,  on a test  basis,  evidence  supporting  the  amounts  and
disclosures in the financial  statements,  assessing the  accounting  principles
used and  significant  estimates made by management,  and evaluating the overall
financial  statement  presentation.   We  believe  that  our  audits  provide  a
reasonable basis for our opinion.

As discussed in Note 1, the Company is considering  various  funding  strategies
for its capital commitments under long-term  shipbuilding contracts for which it
has not yet  obtained  full  financing,  including a payment due on December 31,

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
London, United Kingdom
June 30, 2003

Golar LNG Limited
Consolidated and Combined Statements of Operations for the years ended December
31, 2002, 2001 and 2000
(in thousands of $, except per share data)

                                     Note          2002        2001        2000

Operating revenues
Time charter revenues                           129,076     112,324     110,705
Vessel management fees                            1,535       1,899       2,304
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total operating revenues                        130,611     114,223     113,009
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating expenses
Vessel operating expenses                        28,061      24,537      20,973
Administrative expenses                           6,127       8,232       7,715
Restructuring expenses                  6            --       1,894          --
Depreciation and amortization                    31,300      31,614      36,488
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total operating expenses                         65,488      66,277      65,176
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating income                                 65,123      47,946      47,833
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Financial income (expenses)
Interest income                                   1,073       3,254       2,124
Interest expense                                (23,553)    (32,508)    (44,539)
Other financial items                   7       (17,887)    (12,363)     (2,405)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net financial expenses                          (40,367)    (41,617)    (44,820)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income before income taxes and
minority interest                                24,756       6,329       3,013
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Minority interest in net income
of subsidiaries                                  (2,469)      1,607       3,439
Income taxes                            8            88         356          78
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net income (loss)                                27,137       4,366        (504)

Earnings (loss) per share
Basic and diluted                       9      $   0.48    $   0.08    $  (0.01)

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

Golar LNG Limited
Consolidated and Combined Statements of Comprehensive Income for the years ended
December 31, 2002, 2001 and 2000
(in thousands of $)

                                                           2002       2001       2000
Net income (loss)                                        27,137      4,366       (504)

Other Comprehensive income (loss), net of tax:
   Recognition of minimum pension liability              (5,398)    (1,472)    (3,598)
   Recognition of transition obligation under FAS 133        --     (2,850)        --
   Reversal of transition obligation under FAS 133           --         64         --
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Other comprehensive income (loss)                        (5,398)    (4,258)    (3,598)

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Comprehensive income (loss)                              21,739        108     (4,102)

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

Golar LNG Limited
Consolidated Balance Sheets as of December 31, 2002 and 2001
(in thousands of $)

                                              Note              2002        2001
Current Assets
Cash and cash equivalents                                     52,741      57,569
Restricted cash and short-term investments                    12,760      14,163
Trade accounts receivable                       11                --         188
Other receivables, prepaid expenses and
accrued income                                  12             2,758       2,602
Amounts due from related parties                13               281         261
Inventories                                                    2,482       2,650
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total current assets                                          71,022      77,433

Newbuildings                                    14           291,671     132,856
Vessels and equipment, net                      15           617,583     641,371
Deferred charges                                16             7,163       4,177
Other long term assets                          17               496         154
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total assets                                                 987,935     855,991

Current liabilities
Current portion of long-term debt               21            48,437      41,053
Current indebtedness due to related parties     21            32,703      85,278
Trade accounts payable                                         3,001       1,995
Accrued expenses                                18            10,286       7,684
Amounts due to related parties                                   642       1,049
Other current liabilities                       19            31,477      18,887
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total current liabilities                                    126,546     155,946
Long-term liabilities
Long-term debt                                  21           629,173     483,276
Other long-term liabilities                     22            22,731      16,552
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total liabilities                                            778,450     655,774
Commitments and contingencies (See Note 27)
Minority interest                                             13,349      25,820
Stockholders' equity                                         196,136     174,397
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total liabilities and stockholders' equity                   987,935     855,991

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

Golar LNG Limited
Consolidated and Combined Statements of Cash Flows for the years ended December
31, 2002, 2001 and 2000
(in thousands of $)

                                                 Note       2002        2001        2000
Operating activities
Net income (loss)                                         27,137       4,366        (504)
Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss)
to net cash provided by operating activities:
   Depreciation and amortization                          31,300      31,680      36,488
   Amortization of deferred charges                          972       2,097       1,359
   (Loss) income attributable to minority
   interests                                              (2,469)      1,607       3,439
   Drydocking expenditure                                 (1,600)    (10,222)     (6,694)
   Trade accounts receivable                                 188         (77)         (4)
   Inventories                                               168        (591)        257
   Prepaid expenses and accrued income                      (156)        725         188
   Amount due from/to related companies                     (427)       (238)     (5,217)
   Trade accounts payable                                  1,006         196         274
   Accrued expenses                                        3,518         267      (1,116)
   Other current liabilities                              11,579      12,233       1,039
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Net cash provided by operating activities              71,216      42,043      29,509
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Investing activities
   Cash paid for Osprey's LNG interests,
   net of cash acquired                                       --    (530,945)         --
   Additions to newbuildings                       14   (158,815)   (132,856)    (93,960)
   Additions to vessels and equipment                     (5,912)     (7,258)     (2,900)
   Purchase of short term investments                         --          --     (14,231)
   Restricted cash and short-term investments              1,403      (1,072)    (13,091)
   Proceeds from maturity of short term
   investments                                                --      14,231          --
   Proceeds from sales of other assets                        --          --       1,334
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Net cash used in investing activities                (163,324)   (657,900)   (122,848)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Financing activities
   Proceeds from long-term debt                    21    194,335     325,000      88,191
   Proceeds from short term debt due to
   related parties                                 21     16,259      85,278          --
   Repayments of long-term debt                          (41,054)    (15,170)         --
   Repayment of short term debt due to
   related parties                                       (68,834)         --          --
   Financing costs paid                                   (3,424)     (3,231)         --
   (Distribution to) contribution from
   minority shareholders                           26    (10,002)         --       8,322
   Proceeds from issuance of equity                           --     275,808          --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Net cash provided by financing activities              87,280     667,685      96,513
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net (decrease) increase in cash and cash
   equivalents                                            (4,828)     51,828       3,174
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of
   period                                                 57,569       5,741       2,567
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                52,741      57,569       5,741
Supplemental disclosure of cash flow
Cash paid during the year for:
   Interest paid, net of capitalized interest             25,603      37,811      42,662
   Income taxes paid                                         321         411         268
Non-cash investing and financing activities:
   Forgiveness of intercompany payables,
   dividend out and return of capital                         --     455,890          --

   Liabilities assumed in business combination                --     214,500          --

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

Golar LNG Limited
Consolidated and Combined Statements of Changes in Stockholders' Equity for the
years ended December 31, 2002, 2001 and 2000
(in thousands of $, except number of shares)

                                    Note    Invested     Amounts    Share     Additional   Accumulated     Retained      Total
                                             Equity      due from   Capital   Paid in         Other        Earnings  Stockholders'
                                                         Related              Capital     Comprehensive                 Equity
                                                         Parties                              Income
Combined balance at December 31,                                                                                           225,056
1999                                         1,016,792   (791,736)        --          --              --         --
Net income (loss)                                (504)          --        --          --              --         --          (504)
Change in amounts due from
parent and affiliates                               --      36,080        --          --              --         --         36,080
Other comprehensive loss                            --          --        --          --         (3,598)         --        (3,598)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Combined balance at December 31,
2000                                         1,016,288   (755,656)        --          --         (3,598)         --        257,034

Push down of World Shipholding
Ltd. basis                             23    (133,758)          --        --          --           6,384         --      (127,374)
Net loss                                       (3,210)          --        --          --              --         --        (3,210)
Change in amounts due from
parent and affiliates                               --     299,766        --          --              --         --        299,766
Other comprehensive loss                            --          --        --          --         (2,786)         --        (2,786)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Combined balance at May 31, 2001               879,320   (455,890)        --          --              --         --        423,430

Issue of ordinary shares, net of       24           --          --    56,012     219,796              --         --        275,808
issuance costs
Forgiveness of  inter-company
balances, dividend out and
return of capital                            (455,890)     455,890        --          --              --         --             --
Purchase of the Golar LNG
businesses from Osprey Maritime
and Seatankers, Ltd, entities
under common control                         (423,430)          --        --   (107,515)              --         --      (530,945)
Net income                                          --          --        --          --              --      7,576          7,576
Other comprehensive loss                            --          --        --          --         (1,472)         --        (1,472)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Consolidated balance at December
31, 2001                                            --          --    56,012     112,281         (1,472)      7,576        174,397

Net income                                          --          --        --          --              --     27,137         27,137
Other comprehensive loss                            --          --        --          --         (5,398)         --        (5,398)

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Consolidated balance at December
31, 2002                                            --          --    56,012     112,281         (6,870)     34,713        196,136

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

Golar LNG Limited
Notes to Consolidated and Combined Financial Statements


Golar LNG Limited  (the  "Company"  or "Golar")  was  incorporated  in Hamilton,
Bermuda on May 10, 2001 for the purpose of acquiring the  liquefied  natural gas
("LNG")  shipping  interests  of  Osprey  Maritime  Limited  ("Osprey")  and  of
Seatankers Management Co. Ltd. ("Seatankers").  Osprey, through its parent World
Shipholding  Ltd.  ("World  Shipholding"),  and Seatankers,  are both indirectly
controlled by Mr. John Fredriksen.  Mr.  Fredriksen is a Director,  the Chairman
and  President of Golar.  Osprey  acquired its LNG interests in 1997 through the
acquisition of Gotaas Larsen Shipping Corporation ("Gotaas Larsen").

The  Company  owns and  operates a fleet of six  liquefied  natural  gas ("LNG")
carriers,  all of which are  currently  under long term charter  contracts.  The
Company owns five of its vessels through wholly owned  subsidiaries and has a 60
per cent  interest in the sixth  vessel.  Additionally,  the Company is building
four new LNG carriers at a cost of $658.9  million  excluding  financing  costs.
These newbuildings are for delivery between August 2003 and October 2004.

The Company has obtained  financing for one of its  newbuildings and believes it
has sufficient  facilities to meet its anticipated  funding needs until December
30, 2003. However, the Company currently does not have sufficient  facilities to
meet payments in respect of the further three newbuildings,  due on December 31,
2003 and thereafter.  As at June 30, 2003 additional  facilities of $278 million
will be needed to meet commitments  under the newbuilding  construction  program
for the further three newbuildings  payable on December 31, 2003 and thereafter,
including  $100.5  million  payable on  December  31,  2003 on  delivery  of the
Company's second newbuilding. The construction contracts include penalty clauses
for  non-payment of  installments  which could result in the yards retaining the
vessels with no compensation to Golar for advance  payments made.  These penalty
clauses  would not be  enforceable  prior to  January  2004 in  relation  to the
installment  due on December  31,  2003.  The Company  expects  that  facilities
required to meet the commitments as at December 31, 2003 and during 2004 will be
provided from a combination  of debt finance,  lease  arrangements  for existing
vessels  and  newbuildings  and cash flow from  operations.  The  Company  is in
discussions  with a number of  financial  institutions  and  others  to  provide
financing for the remaining installments due on delivery of its three unfinanced
vessels.  The  Company  believes  that  upon  conclusion  of these  discussions,
sufficient  facilities  will be obtained to meet these  commitments as they fall
due. Accordingly, the financial statements have been prepared on a going concern
basis of accounting.

Acquisition of Osprey by World Shipholding

In August  2000,  World  Shipholding  commenced  the  acquisition  of Osprey,  a
publicly  listed  Singapore  company with LNG  tankers,  oil tankers and product
tankers.  World  Shipholding  gained a controlling  interest of more than 50 per
cent of Osprey in November 2000. In January 2001, World  Shipholding's  interest
increased to over 90 per cent and the acquisition was completed in May 2001. The
acquisition  of Osprey by World  Shipholding  was  accounted  for as a  purchase
transaction  and the purchase  price was  therefore  allocated to the assets and
liabilities  acquired based on their fair value as of each acquisition date with
vessels being valued on the basis of independent  appraisals.  The fair value of
the net assets  acquired  exceeded the  purchase  price.  As such,  the negative
goodwill associated with the acquisition has been allocated to reduce the values
of the vessels and the new basis reflected in Golar LNG's  financial  statements
through  push down  accounting  (as  indicated  in Note 23),  which  occurred on
January 31, 2001.

Notes to Consolidated and Combined Financial Statements (continued)

Acquisition of LNG interests by Golar LNG Limited

On May 21, 2001, the Company  entered into purchase  agreements  with Osprey and
Seatankers to purchase its LNG shipping interests.  These LNG shipping interests
comprised  the  ownership of LNG  carriers,  a contract and options to build LNG
vessels and a management  organization that provides management services for LNG
carriers owned by the Company and third parties.  To finance the purchase of the
LNG operations,  the Company raised $280 million through the placement in Norway
of 56 million  shares at a price of $5.00 per share.  Osprey  subscribed  for 28
million shares with the remaining 28 million shares being  subscribed by private
investors.  In addition,  a  wholly-owned  subsidiary of the Company raised $325
million  through  a credit  facility  secured  by the  underlying  vessels.  The
purchase price for the LNG operations was $530.9 million as indicated below:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(in millions  of $)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Proceeds from share issuance                                              280.0
Credit facility                                                           325.0
Less: transaction fees and expenses                                        (4.2)
Less: surplus cash available                                              (69.9)
Purchase price                                                            530.9
Less: net assets acquired                                                (423.4)
Excess of purchase price over net assets acquired                         107.5

The purchase price included amounts paid to Osprey and Seatankers  totaling $5.0
million for the  assignment of newbuilding  contracts and options.  The purchase
price paid was net of an amount of $128.7 million, being 60 per cent of the loan
assumed  relating to the  financing  of the Golar Mazo as  described in Note 21.
Additionally,  the Company forgave  certain  intercompany  receivables  totaling
$455.9 million.

Mr. John  Fredriksen  indirectly  controls 50.01 per cent of the Company through
the initial  12,000 shares issued at the Company's  formation and the 28 million
shares  purchased by Osprey.  As required under  generally  accepted  accounting
principles in the United  States,  the purchase of the LNG  operations  has been
treated by the Company as a transaction  between  entities under common control.
The  Company  recorded  the LNG  assets  and  liabilities  acquired  from  World
Shipholding and Seatankers at the amounts  previously  reflected in the books of
World Shipholding and Seatankers on what is known as a "predecessor  basis". The
difference  between the  purchase  price as  described  above and the net assets
recorded in the Company's books using the  predecessor  basis was reflected as a
reduction in equity in the amount of $107.5 million.


Basis of accounting

The financial  statements are prepared in accordance with accounting  principles
generally  accepted in the United States.  Investments in companies in which the
Company directly or indirectly holds more than 50 per cent of the voting control
are consolidated in the financial  statements.  All  inter-company  balances and
transactions have been eliminated. Investments in companies in which the Company
holds  between 20 per cent and 50 per cent of an  ownership  interest,  and over
which the Company exercises significant  influence,  are accounted for using the
equity method.

For the year ended  December  31, 2002 the  financial  statements  of Golar as a
separate  entity  are  presented  on a  consolidated  basis.  For the year ended
December 31, 2001, the five months to May 31, 2001,  have been carved out of the
financial  statements of Osprey and are presented on a combined  basis.  For the
seven months from June 1, 2001 to December 31, 2001, the financial statements of
Golar as a separate entity are presented on a consolidated  basis.  For the year
ended December 31, 2000 the combined financial  statements presented herein have
been carved out of the financial  statements of Osprey. With effect from May 31,
2001 the predecessor  basis of accounting has been applied to the acquisition of
the LNG  interests of Osprey and  Seatankers as discussed  above.  The financial
statements for the years ended December 31, 2002 and 2001, therefore reflect the

o    the pushdown of purchase  accounting  adjustments  with effect from January
     31, 2001 (resulting from the acquisition of Osprey by World Shipholding);

o    the application of the predecessor basis of accounting with effect from May
     31, 2001  resulting  from the Company's  acquisition of the LNG interest of
     Osprey and Seatankers; and

o    the  establishment  of a new equity and debt structure with effect from May
     31, 2001 in connection with the common control  acquisition by Golar of the
     LNG business of Osprey and the carry over of the  historic  basis from this

The accompanying  financial  statements include the financial  statements of the
corporations listed in Note 3.

Osprey was a shipping  company  with  activities  that  included oil tankers and
product carriers as well as LNG carriers.  Where Osprey's  assets,  liabilities,
revenues and expenses relate to the LNG business, these have been identified and
carved out for  inclusion  in these  financial  statements  for the years  ended
December 31, 2001 and 2000.  Where Osprey's  assets,  liabilities,  revenues and
expenses relate to one specific line of business but not the LNG business, these
have  been  identified  and not  included  in these  financial  statements.  The
preparation  of the carved  out  financial  statements  requires  allocation  of
certain  assets  and   liabilities  and  expenses  where  these  items  are  not
identifiable as related to one specific  activity.  Administrative  overheads of
Osprey that cannot be related to a specific  vessel type of operations have been
allocated  based on the number of vessels in Ospreys' fleet including its tanker
operations.  The Osprey group operated a centralized treasury system and did not
have  separate  banks  accounts  for  each  of its  subsidiaries.  For  the  LNG
operations  there  were  separate  bank  accounts  for  Golar  Mazo  and for the
remaining LNG  activities  interest  income has been allocated in the carved out
combined  financial  statements  based  on  operating  cash  flows,  net of debt
servicing.  Management  has deemed the related  allocations  are  reasonable  to
present the financial  position,  results of  operations,  and cash flows of the
Company.  Management believes the various allocated amounts would not materially
differ  from  those  that  would  have been  achieved  had Golar  operated  on a
stand-alone basis for all periods presented. The financial position,  results of
operations and cash flows of the Company are not necessarily indicative of those
that would have been  achieved  had the Company  operated  autonomously  for the
years ended  December  31, 2001 and 2000 as the Company may have made  different
operational and investment decisions as a Company independent of Osprey.

During the period of Osprey's  ownership  of the LNG  business,  overhead  costs
allocated,  as  described  above,  are derived  from costs  associated  with the
corporate headquarters in Singapore and from the London office which managed and
still does manage the operations of the business. The amount of costs, presented
as part of  administrative  expenses,  that was  allocated  from  the  Singapore
headquarters  was $743,000 and  $3,000,000 for the years ended December 31, 2001
and 2000 respectively.  In addition,  of the $1,894,000  restructuring  expenses
incurred during 2001, $1,598,000 was allocated from the Singapore headquarters.

The preparation of financial  statements in accordance  with generally  accepted
accounting  principles  requires that  management make estimates and assumptions
affecting  the reported  amounts of assets and  liabilities  and  disclosure  of
contingent  assets and  liabilities at the date of the financial  statements and
the  reported  amounts of revenues  and expenses  during the  reporting  period.
Actual results could differ from those  estimates.  The financial  statements do
not purport to be indicative of either our future financial  position or results
of operations had Golar been a stand-alone entity for the periods presented.

Revenue and expense recognition

Revenues and expenses are  recognized on the accrual basis.  Revenues  generated
from time charter  hire are recorded  over the term of the charter as service is
provided.  Reimbursement  for  drydocking  costs is  recognized  evenly over the
period to the next  drydocking,  which is  generally  between two to five years.
Revenues  generated from management fees are also recorded ratably over the term
of the contract as service is provided.  Revenues include minimum lease payments
under time charters as well as the reimbursement of certain vessel operating and
drydocking costs.

Vessel  operating costs include an allocation of  administrative  overheads that
relate to  vessel  operating  activity  which  includes  certain  technical  and
operational  support  staff  for the  vessels,  information  technology,  legal,
accounting,  and corporate  costs.  These costs are allocated  based on internal
cost studies, which management believes are reasonable estimates.  For the years
ended December 31, 2002,  2001 and 2000,  $2,250,000,  $2,033,000 and $1,909,000
have been allocated to vessel operating costs, respectively.

Cash and cash equivalents

The Company considers all demand and time deposits and highly liquid investments
with original maturities of three months or less to be equivalent to cash.

Short-term investments

The  Company  considers  all  short-term  investments  as  held to  maturity  in
accordance with Statement of Financial  Accounting Standards No. 115 "Accounting
for Certain  Investments in Debt and Equity  Securities".  These investments are
carried  at  amortized  cost.  The  Company  places its  short-term  investments
primarily  in  fixed  term   deposits   with  high  credit   quality   financial

Insurance claim receivables

Insurance  claim  receivables  are recognized  when the facts and  circumstances
support the legal recovery and management  believes it is virtually certain that
the claims will be recovered.


Inventories,  which  are  comprised  principally  of  lubricating  oils and ship
spares, are stated at the lower of cost or market value. Cost is determined on a
first-in, first-out basis.


The carrying  value of  newbuildings  represents  the  accumulated  costs to the
balance  sheet  date,  which  the  Company  has  had to  pay by way of  purchase
installments,  and other capital  expenditures  together with  capitalized  loan
interest. No charge for depreciation is made until the vessel is delivered.

Vessels and equipment

Vessels and equipment are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation. The cost
of vessels and equipment  less the estimated  residual value is depreciated on a
straight-line   basis  over  the  assets'   remaining   useful  economic  lives.
Refurbishment costs incurred during the period are capitalized as part of vessel
and equipment.

Included in vessels and equipment is drydocking expenditure which is capitalized
when  incurred  and  amortized  over  the  period  until  the  next  anticipated
drydocking,  which is generally between two and five years. For vessels that are
newly built or acquired  and for the amounts  reflected as part of the push down
of the World  Shipholding  basis, the  consideration  paid is allocated  between
drydocking and other vessels costs to reflect the different  useful lives of the
component assets.

Useful lives applied in depreciation are as follows:

Vessels                                     40 years
Deferred drydocking expenditure             two to five years
Office equipment and fittings               three to six years

Impairment of long-lived assets

Long-lived  assets  that  are  held and used by the  Company  are  reviewed  for
impairment  whenever  events  or  changes  in  circumstances  indicate  that the
carrying  amount of an asset may not be  recoverable.  In  addition,  long-lived
assets to be  disposed of are  reported at the lower of carrying  amount or fair
value less estimated costs to sell.

Deferred charges

Costs associated with long term financing,  including debt arrangement fees, are
deferred and  amortized  over the term of the  relevant  loan.  Amortization  of
deferred loan costs is included in Other Financial Items.


Goodwill  represents  the  excess of the  purchase  price over the fair value of
assets  acquired  in  business  acquisitions  accounted  for under the  purchase
method.  Goodwill is  presented  net of  accumulated  amortization  and is being
amortized on a straight-line basis over a period of approximately 20 years.


The Company  enters into  interest rate swap  transactions  from time to time to
hedge a portion of its exposure to floating interest rates.  These  transactions
involve the  conversion of floating  rates into fixed rates over the life of the
transactions  without an exchange of underlying  principal.  Hedge accounting is
used to account for these swaps provided certain hedging criteria are met. As of
January 1, 2001, the Company adopted Statement of Financial  Accounting Standard
("SFAS") No. 133,  "Accounting for Derivatives  and Hedging  Activities"  ("SFAS
133"). Certain hedge relationships met the hedge criteria prior to SFAS 133, but
do not meet the  criteria  for hedge  accounting  under SFAS 133.  Upon  initial
adoption,   the  company  recognized  the  fair  value  of  its  derivatives  as
liabilities  of $2.8  million  and a charge  of $2.8  million  was made to other
comprehensive income.

Pre-SFAS 133

Hedge  accounting  is  applied  where  the  derivative  reduces  the risk of the
underlying hedged item and is designated at inception as a hedge with respect to
the hedged item.  Additionally,  the derivative  must result in payoffs that are
expected to be inversely correlated to those of the hedged item. Derivatives are
measured for effectiveness both at inception and on an ongoing basis. When hedge
accounting  is  applied,   the  differential  between  the  derivative  and  the
underlying  hedged item is accrued as interest rates change and recognized as an
adjustment to interest expense. The related amount receivable from or payable to
counterparties is included in accrued interest income or expense,  respectively.
Prior to January 1, 2001,  the fair  values of the  interest  rate swaps are not
recognized in the financial statements.

If a derivative ceases to meet the criteria for hedge accounting, any subsequent
gains and losses are currently  recognized in income. If a hedging instrument is
sold or terminated  prior to maturity,  gains and losses continue to be deferred
until the hedged instrument is recognized in income. Accordingly,  should a swap
be terminated while the underlying debt remains outstanding, the gain or loss is
adjusted to the basis of the  underlying  debt and amortized  over its remaining
useful life.

Post-SFAS 133

SFAS 133, as amended by SFAS 137  "Accounting  for  Derivative  Instruments  and
Hedging  Activities-Deferral of the Effective Date of FASB Statement No.133" and
SFAS 138  "Accounting  for Certain  Derivative  Instruments  and Certain Hedging
Activities  an  amendment  of FASB  Statement  No.  133",  requires an entity to
recognize all  derivatives  as either assets or liabilities on the balance sheet
and  measure  these  instruments  at fair  value.  Changes  in the fair value of
derivatives are recorded each period in current earnings or other  comprehensive
income,  depending  on whether a  derivative  is  designated  as part of a hedge
transaction  and, if it is, the type of hedge  transaction.  In order to qualify
for hedge accounting under SFAS 133, certain criteria and detailed documentation
requirements must be met.

The Company does not enter into derivative  contracts for speculative or trading

Foreign currencies

The  Company's  functional  currency  is the U.S.  dollar  as all  revenues  are
received in U.S.  dollars and a majority of the Company's  expenditures are made
in U.S. dollars. The Company reports in U.S. dollars.

Transactions  in foreign  currencies  during the year are  translated  into U.S.
dollars  at the rates of  exchange  in  effect  at the date of the  transaction.
Foreign  currency  monetary assets and liabilities are translated using rates of
exchange at the balance sheet date.  Foreign  currency  non-monetary  assets and
liabilities are translated using historical rates of exchange.  Foreign currency
transaction  gains or losses are  included  in the  consolidated  statements  of

Stock-based compensation

Under  Statement  of  Financial  Accounting  Standards  No.  123  ("SFAS  123"),
"Accounting   for   Stock-Based   Compensation",   disclosures   of  stock-based
compensation   arrangements  with  employees  are  required  and  companies  are
encouraged,  but not required,  to record  compensation  costs  associated  with
employee stock option awards, based on estimated fair values at the grant dates.
The  Company  has  chosen to  account  for  stock-based  compensation  using the
intrinsic value method prescribed in Accounting  Principles Board Opinion No. 25
("APB 25")  "Accounting  for Stock Issued to  Employees"  and has  disclosed the
required  pro forma  effect on net income and  earning  per share as if the fair
value method of  accounting as prescribed in SFAS 123 had been applied (see Note

Earnings (loss) per share

Basic  earnings  per  share  ("EPS")  is  computed  based on the  income  (loss)
available  to common  stockholders  and the  weighted  average  number of shares
outstanding  for basic EPS.  Diluted  EPS  includes  the  effect of the  assumed
conversion of potentially dilutive instruments (see Note 9).


- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                         Principal          Percentage
Name                                  Country of         Activities           held as
                                      Incorporation         as of               of
                                                         December 31,      December 31,
                                                            2002               2002
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Golar Gas Holding Company Inc.        Liberia          Holding                 100
Golar Maritime (Asia) Inc.            Liberia          Holding                 100
Gotaas-Larsen Shipping  Corporation   Liberia          Holding                 100
Oxbow Holdings Inc.                   British Virgin   Holding                 100
Golar Gas Cryogenics Inc.             Liberia          Vessel ownership        100
Golar Spirit (Bermuda) Limited        Bermuda          Dormant                 100
Golar Gimi Inc.                       Liberia          Vessel ownership        100
Golar Gimi (Bermuda) Limited          Bermuda          Dormant                 100
Golar Hilli Inc.                      Liberia          Vessel ownership        100
Golar Hilli (Bermuda) Limited         Bermuda          Dormant                 100
Golar Khannur Inc.                    Liberia          Vessel ownership        100
Golar Khannur (Bermuda) Limited       Bermuda          Dormant                 100
Golar Freeze Inc.                     Liberia          Vessel ownership        100
Golar Freeze (Bermuda) Limited        Bermuda          Dormant                 100
Faraway Maritime Shipping Inc.        Liberia          Vessel ownership         60
Golar LNG 2215 Corporation            Liberia          Vessel ownership        100
Golar LNG 1444 Corporation            Liberia          Vessel ownership        100
Golar LNG 1460 Corporation            Liberia          Vessel ownership        100
Golar LNG 2220 Corporation            Liberia          Vessel ownership        100
Golar International Ltd.              Liberia          Vessel management       100
Golar Maritime Services Inc.          Philippines      Vessel management       100
Golar Maritime Services, S.A.         Spain            Vessel management       100
Gotaas-Larsen International Ltd.      Liberia          Vessel management       100
Golar Management Limited              Bermuda          Management              100
Golar Management (UK) Limited         United Kingdom   Dormant                 100
Golar Maritime Limited                Bermuda          Management              100
Aurora Management Inc.                Liberia          Management               90


In July  2002,  the  Financial  Accounting  Standards  Board  issued  SFAS  146,
"Accounting for Costs Associated with Exit or Disposal Activities" ("SFAS 146").
The Statement  requires  companies to recognize  costs  associated  with exit or
disposal  activities  when  they  are  incurred  rather  than  at the  date of a
commitment to an exit or disposal plan.  SFAS 146 will be applied by the Company
prospectively to exit or disposal activities initiated after December 31, 2002.

In November 2002, the FASB issued Interpretation 45, "Guarantor's Accounting and
Disclosure  Requirements  for  Guarantees,   Including  Indirect  Guarantees  of
Indebtedness  of  Others".   The  Interpretation   elaborates  on  the  existing
disclosure  requirements for most guarantees,  including loan guarantees such as
standby letters of credit. It also clarifies that at the time a company issues a
guarantee,  the company must recognize an initial  liability for the fair value,
or market  value,  of the  obligations  it assumes  under the guarantee and must
disclose that  information in its interim and annual financial  statements.  The
provisions  related to recognizing a liability at inception of the guarantee for
the fair  value  of the  guarantor's  obligations  does  not  apply  to  product
warranties  or  to  guarantees   accounted  for  as  derivatives.   The  initial
recognition and initial  measurement  provisions apply on a prospective basis to
guarantees issued or modified after December 31, 2002. The Company's  disclosure
of guarantees is included in Note 26 of the Notes to Financial  Statements.  The
Company is currently evaluating the impact of Interpretation 45 on the Company's
results of operations and financial position.

In January 2003, the FASB issued  Interpretation  46,  Consolidation of Variable
Interest  Entities.  In general,  a variable  interest  entity is a corporation,
partnership, trust, or any other legal structure used for business purposes that
either (a) does not have equity  investors  with voting rights or (b) has equity
investors that do not provide sufficient  financial  resources for the entity to
support its activities. Interpretation 46 requires a variable interest entity to
be  consolidated  by a company if that  company is subject to a majority  of the
risk of loss from the  variable  interest  entity's  activities  or  entitled to
receive a majority of the entity's  residual returns or both. The  consolidation
requirements  of  Interpretation  46  apply  immediately  to  variable  interest
entities created after January 31, 2003. The consolidation requirements apply to
older entities in the first fiscal year or interim period  beginning  after June
15,  2003.  Certain  of the  disclosure  requirements  apply  in  all  financial
statements  issued  after  January 31,  2003,  regardless  of when the  variable
interest entity was established.  The Company is currently evaluating the impact
of  Interpretation  46 on the  Company's  results of  operations  and  financial


The Company has not presented segmental  information as it considers it operates
in one reportable  segment,  the LNG carrier market.  The Company's fleet is all
operating  under  time  charters  and these  charters  are with two  charterers,
British Gas and  Pertamina.  In time charters,  the charterer,  not the Company,
controls  the choice of which  routes the  Company's  vessel will  serve.  These
routes can be worldwide.  Accordingly,  the Company's management,  including the
chief operating  decision  makers,  does not evaluate the Company's  performance
either according to customer or geographical region.


Restructuring  expenses  of $1.9  million in the year ended  December  31,  2001
consist  of  employment   severance  costs  for  management  and  administrative
employees in London and Singapore  incurred in connection with the restructuring
of Osprey's operations  following the acquisition by World Shipholding which was
completed prior to May 31, 2001.  These have been allocated to the Company based
on the number of vessels in Ospreys' fleet including its tanker operations.  The
total number of employees  terminated,  from which the cost has been  allocated,
was 17. The cost of $1.9 million represents the actual cost and employee numbers
are actual  numbers  terminated.  The cost of $1.9  million  was  charged to the
statement of operations  in 2001 with no remaining  provision as of December 31,


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(in thousands of $)                                     2002      2001      2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Amortization of deferred financing costs                 864     2,097     1,359
Financing arrangement fees and other costs               332     1,857       983
Market valuation adjustment for interest
rate derivatives                                      16,458     8,221        --
Foreign exchange loss                                    233       188        63
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                      17,887    12,363     2,405



Under  current  Bermuda law, the Company is not required to pay taxes in Bermuda
on either income or capital gains.  The Company has received  written  assurance
from the  Minister  of Finance in Bermuda  that,  in the event of any such taxes
being imposed, the Company will be exempted from taxation until the year 2016.

United States

Pursuant to the Internal  Revenue Code of the United States (the  "Code"),  U.S.
source income from the  international  operations  of ships is generally  exempt
from U.S. tax if the Company  operating  the ships meets  certain  requirements.
Among  other  things,  in  order to  qualify  for this  exemption,  the  company
operating the ships must be incorporated in a country which grants an equivalent
exemption from income taxes to U.S.  citizens and U.S.  corporations and must be
more than 50 per cent owned by  individuals  who are residents,  as defined,  in
such country or another foreign  country that grants an equivalent  exemption to
U.S. citizens and U.S. corporations. The management of the Company believes that
by virtue of the above provisions,  it was not subject to tax on its U.S. source

A reconciliation between the income tax expense resulting from applying the U.S.
Federal  statutory  income tax rate and the reported  income tax expense has not
been presented herein as it would not provide  additional useful  information to
users of the  financial  statements  as the  Company's  net income is subject to
neither Bermuda nor U.S. tax.

Other Jurisdictions

Current  taxation  relates  to the  taxation  of a United  Kingdom  branch  of a
subsidiary and tax on interest income received by certain other  subsidiaries of
the Company.  The Company  records  deferred income taxes to reflect the net tax
effects of  temporary  differences  between  the  carrying  amount of assets and
liabilities for financial reporting purposes and the amounts used for income tax
purposes.  The Company recorded  deferred tax assets of $211,000 and $154,000 at
December 31, 2002 and 2001, respectively. These assets relate to differences for
depreciation and pension liabilities.


Basic  earnings  per  share  for the  year  ended  December  31,  2002  has been
calculated  with  reference to the weighted  average  number of common shares in
issue during the year. The Company's  capital  structure was determined with the
capital reorganization that took place on May 31, 2001. For the periods prior to
May 31, 2001, the  preparation of the carved out combined  financial  statements
did not result in the  recording of any  specific  share  capital.  To provide a
measurement  of EPS  for the  years  ended  December  31,  2001  and  2000,  the
computation  of basic EPS is based on the shares issued in  connection  with the
formation of the Company and the  subsequent  placement of 56 million  shares as
described in Note 1. The computation of diluted EPS for the years ended December
31, 2002 and 2001,  assumes the  foregoing  and the  conversion  of  potentially
dilutive instruments.  There were no dilutive securities  outstanding during the
year ended December 31, 2000.

The components of the numerator for the calculation of basic and diluted EPS are
as follows:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(in thousands of $)                                      2002     2001     2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Net income (loss) available to stockholders            27,137    4,366     (504)

The components of the denominator for the calculation of basic EPS and diluted
EPS are as follows:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(in thousands )                                       2002       2001       2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Basic earnings per share:
Weighted average number of common shares
outstanding                                         56,012     56,012     56,012

Diluted earnings per share:
Weighted average number of common shares
outstanding                                         56,012     56,012     56,012
Dilutive share options                                   9          7         --
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                    56,021     56,019     56,012


Rental income

The minimum  future  revenues to be received on time charters as of December 31,
2002 were as follows:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Year ending December 31,                                                   Total
(in thousands of $)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2003                                                                     116,914
2004                                                                     140,396
2005                                                                     142,440
2006                                                                     139,499
2007                                                                     119,746
2008 and later                                                           842,650
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total                                                                  1,501,645

The minimum future revenues above include time charter  revenues for newbuilding
Hull 2215 from January 2004 (see Note 28).

The long-term  contracts for two of the Company's  vessels are time charters but
the economic terms are analogous to bareboat contracts,  under which the vessels
are paid a fixed  rate of hire and the vessel  operating  costs are borne by the
charterer on a costs pass through basis.  The pass through of operating costs is
not reflected in the minimum lease revenues set out above.

The cost and  accumulated  depreciation  of vessels  leased to third  parties at
December  31,  2002  were   approximately   $675.5  million  and  $58.7  million
respectively  and at December  31, 2001 were  approximately  $669.3  million and
$29.3 million respectively.

Rental expense

The Company is  committed to make rental  payments  under  operating  leases for
office  premises.  The  future  minimum  rental  payments  under  the  Company's
non-cancelable operating leases are as follows:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Year ending December 31,
(in thousands of $)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2003                                                                         878
2004                                                                         725
2005                                                                          --
2006                                                                          --
2007                                                                          --
2008 and later                                                                --
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total minimum lease payments                                               1,603

Total minimum lease payments have been reduced by minimum sublease rentals under
non-cancelable  leases of $1,550,000  for the year ended  December 31, 2003, and
$1,421,000 for the year ended  December 31, 2004.  This relates to former office
space that the Company no longer occupies.  At the time the Company entered into
this sublease arrangement, a provision was recognized for the difference between
the Company's  future  obligation  under the lease agreement and its anticipated
sublease  income  over  the  remaining  term of the  lease.  This  provision  is
recognized as a reduction to rental expense over the life of the lease agreement
and eliminates the Company's  ongoing rental expense for these  facilities.  The
provision  is  recorded  in  other  current   liabilities  and  other  long-term
liabilities.  The provision balance at December 31, 2002 and 2001 was $1,239,000
and $2,194,000,  respectively,  of which $656,000 and $885,000 is shown in other
current  liabilities at December 31, 2002 and 2001,  respectively.  Total rental
expense for operating  leases was $2,709,000,  $2,101,000 and $1,642,000 for the
years ended December 31, 2002,  2001 and 2000,  respectively  and total sublease
income was approximately $1,497,000, $1,158,000 and $839,000 for the years ended
December  31,  2002,  2001  and  2000,  respectively.  The  amortization  of the
provision  described  above was  $954,000,  $450,000  and $344,500 for the years
ended December 31, 2002, 2001 and 2000, respectively.


Trade accounts  receivable are presented net of allowances for doubtful accounts
amounting to $nil, as of December 31, 2002 and December 31, 2001.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(in thousands of $)                                         2002            2001
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Other receivables                                          2,135           2,023
Prepaid expenses                                             623             312
Accrued interest income                                       --             267
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                           2,758           2,602


Amounts due from related  companies as at December 31, 2002 and 2001 of $281,000
and $261,000, respectively, represent fees due from Osprey for management of two
VLCCs, seconded staff costs and recharge of sundry expenses.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(in thousands of $)                                              2002       2001
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Purchase price installments at end of period                  276,486    129,864
Interest and other costs capitalized at end of period          15,185      2,992
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                              291,671    132,856

The amount of interest  capitalized in relation to newbuildings  was $12,268,000
and $2,637,000 for the years ended December 31, 2002 and 2001, respectively.

The  Company  has  contracts  to build four new LNG  carriers at a total cost of
$658.9  million,  excluding  financing  costs.  As at  December  31,  2002,  the
installments for these vessels, were due to be paid as follows:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(in millions of $)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Paid in 12 months to 31 December 2001                                      129.9
Paid in 12 months to 31 December 2002                                      146.6
Payable in 12 months to 31 December 2003                                   157.4
Payable in 12 months to 31 December 2004                                   225.0
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

At December 31, 2002,  the Company did not have  facilities  in place to finance
its  entire  newbuilding  program.  As of June 2003 the  Company  had total loan
facilities of $304 million, to finance its newbuilding program. These consist of
a $180 million  facility from Lloyds TSB Bank Plc ($162 million is in respect of
the contract  cost of  newbuilding  hull 2215 and the balance is for  associated
finance  costs and other sundry  items) of which  $136.6  million has been drawn
down to finance  newbuilding  installments;  $64 million  from a related  party,
Greenwich, of which $16.7 million has been drawn down and a $60 million facility
from certain of the Golar LNG facility Lenders of which the full amount has been
drawn down. In addition,  the Company raised  approximately  $32.5 million being
the cash  inflow  resulting  from  lease  financing  concluded  in April 2003 as
discussed  in  Note  28.  The  Company  will  require  additional  financing  of
approximately  $278  million  to  fund  all  of  its  newbuilding   construction

The commitments up to December 30, 2003 will be funded from existing  facilities
and cash generated from operations.  Additional  facilities are required to meet
the final delivery installments for three of the Company's  newbuildings payable
on December 31, 2003 and during 2004


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(in thousands of $)                                      2002              2001
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Cost                                                  677,939           671,697
Accumulated depreciation                              (60,356)          (30,326)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net book value                                        617,583           641,371

Included in the above amounts as at December 31, 2002 and 2001 is equipment with
a net book value of $778,000 and $1,337,000, respectively.

Depreciation  expense for the years ended  December 31, 2002,  2001 and 2000 was
$31,300,000,  $31,614,000 and $35,991,000 respectively.  Depreciation expense is
shown net of amounts allocated to other Osprey entities totaling $nil,  $367,000
and $702,000 for the years ended December 31, 2002, 2001 and 2000, respectively.


Deferred  charges  represent  financing  costs,  principally  bank fees that are
capitalized  and  amortized to other  financial  items over the life of the debt
instrument.  Deferred charges also include costs of $918,000 (December 31, 2001:
$nil) incurred in connection with a lease finance arrangement that was concluded
in April 2003. The deferred charges are comprised of the following amounts:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(in thousands of $)                                          2002          2001
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Debt arrangement fees and other deferred
financing charges                                           8,232         4,647
Accumulated amortization                                   (1,069)         (470)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                            7,163         4,177


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(in thousands of $)                                          2002           2001
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Deferred tax assets                                           211            154
Deferred development costs                                    285             --
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                              496            154

In May 2002,  Golar signed a joint  development  agreement  with  Marathon  Baja
Limited,  a  subsidiary  of Marathon Oil and GGS Holdings  Limited  ("GGS"),  to
participate  in a  project,  led by  Marathon  Oil,  to build a major  Liquefied
Natural  Gas (LNG)  import and  re-gasification  facility  and power  generation
complex near Tijuana in the Mexican State of Baja California.  It is anticipated
that the project will commence operations during 2006.

Under the  agreement  with Marathon and GGS,  costs  incurred in relation to the
development  of the project are to be shared as follows:  Marathon 80%, GGS 10%,
Golar 10% prior to the  establishment of a lead project company and execution of
a  shareholders'  agreement.  The size of Golar's  ultimate  investment  in this
project has not yet been  determined.  In  addition  to becoming a  shareholder,
Golar will provide shipping capacity and shipping  services to the project.  The
project  partners  are working on  detailed  implementation  plans that  include
financing of the project.

Golar will  expense its  portion of the costs  incurred  during the  development
phase except where it relates to capital assets.  During the year ended December
31, 2002, Golar's 10 percent share of the total development costs of the project
was  $1,077,000  (see Note 19), of which  $792,000  was expensed and included in
administrative  expenses. The remaining $285,000,  which relates to the purchase
of land options has been capitalized as a long-term asset.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(in thousands of $)                                               2002      2001
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vessel operating and drydocking expenses                         4,213     3,160
Administrative expenses                                          1,733     2,787
Interest expense                                                 3,474     1,426
Provision for financing arrangement fees and other costs           842       115
Provision for tax                                                   24       196
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                10,286     7,684


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(in thousands of $)                                             2002        2001
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Deferred drydocking and operating cost revenue                 2,445       1,200
Revenue received in advance                                       --       5,964
Marked to market interest rate swaps valuation                27,296      10,838
Provision for Baja project costs                               1,077          --
Other provisions                                                 659         885
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                              31,477      18,887


The Company has two pension plans covering substantially all of the employees of
the Company and Osprey.  Benefits are based on the  employee's  years of service
and  compensation.  Net  periodic  pension plan costs are  determined  using the
Projected Unit Credit Cost method. The Company's plans are funded by the Company
in  conformity  with  the  funding  requirements  of the  applicable  government
regulations  and actuarial  recommendations.  Plan assets  consist of both fixed
income and equity funds managed by professional fund managers.

The components of net periodic benefit costs are as follows:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(in thousands of $)                              2002         2001         2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Service cost                                    1,325        1,407        1,161
Interest cost                                   3,519        3,346        3,066
Expected return on plan assets                 (2,250)      (2,620)      (3,021)
Amortization of prior service cost                 --           --           --
Recognized actuarial loss                         504          615          (18)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net periodic benefit cost                       3,099        2,748        1,188

For the years ended 31 December  2001 and 2000,  the net periodic  benefit costs
include amounts  relating to the employees of Osprey,  a related party. In 2001,
the Company  administered the plans on behalf of Osprey and charged a management
fee to Osprey that includes a proportionate  cost of plan  contributions as well
as certain  administration  costs.  As such,  in the  preparation  of historical
financial  statements,  the  Company  has  reduced  administration  expenses  by
$473,000  for the year ended  December  31, 2001 and $951,000 for the year ended
December  31, 2000,  to reflect  administration  expenses as if this  management
agreement had existed for those respective years.

The change in benefit  obligation and plan assets and  reconciliation  of funded
status as of December 31 are as follows:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(in thousands of $)                                           2002         2001
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reconciliation of benefit obligation:
Benefit obligation at January 1                             49,576       45,836
    Service cost                                             1,325        1,407
    Interest cost                                            3,519        3,346
    Participant contributions                                   --           --
    Actuarial (gain)/loss                                     (733)       1,514
    Foreign currency exchange rate changes                     660          (66)
    Benefit payments                                        (2,466)      (2,461)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Benefit obligation at December 31                           51,881       49,576

Reconciliation of fair value of plan assets:
Fair value of plan assets at January 1                      28,326       33,309
    Actual return on plan assets                            (2,462)      (3,903)
    Employer contributions                                   1,525        1,453
    Participant contributions                                   --           --
    Foreign currency exchange rate changes                     491          (72)
    Benefit payments                                        (2,466)      (2,461)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Fair value of plan assets at December 31                    25,414       28,326

Excess (deficit) of plan assets                            (26,467)     (21,250)
over projected benefit obligation (1)
    Unrecognized prior service cost                             --           --
    Unrecognized actuarial loss (gain)                      11,189        7,479
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net amount recognized                                      (15,278)     (13,771)

(1) The Company's  plans are composed of two plans that are both under funded at
December 31, 2002 and December 31, 2001.

The details of these plans are as follows:

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                      December 31, 2002              December 31, 2001
                                 UK Scheme     Marine scheme    UK scheme     Marine scheme
(in thousands of $)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Accumulated benefit obligation      (7,408)          (40,155)      (6,318)          (37,255)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Projected benefit obligation        (7,688)          (44,193)      (6,539)          (43,037)
Fair value of plan assets            5,015            20,399        5,569            22,757
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Funded status                       (2,673)          (23,794)        (970)          (20,280)

The amounts  recognized in the Company's balance sheet as of December 31 were as

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(in thousands of $)                                  2002                  2001
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Accrued benefit liability                         (22,148)              (15,243)
Minimum pension liability                           6,870                 1,472
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net amount recognized                             (15,278)              (13,771)

The weighted  average  assumptions used in accounting for the Company's plans at
December 31 are as follows:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                          2002              2001
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Discount rate                                             6.6%              7.1%
Expected return on plan assets                            8.0%              8.0%
Rate of compensation increase                             2.7%              4.0%

21.  DEBT

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(in thousands of $)                                       2002             2001
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Total long-term debt due to third parties              677,610          524,329
Total short-term debt due to related parties            32,703           85,278
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total debt                                             710,313          609,607
Less: current portion of long-term debt due
      to third parties                                 (48,437)         (41,053)

Less: current portion short-term debt due to
      related parties
                                                       (32,703)         (85,278)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                       629,173          483,276

The outstanding debt as of December 31, 2002 is repayable as follows:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Year ending December 31,
(in thousands of $)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2003                                                                      81,142
2004                                                                      62,532
2005                                                                      66,133
2006                                                                      75,494
2007                                                                     186,647
2008 and later                                                           238,365
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total                                                                    710,313

The weighted average interest rate for debt, which is denominated in US dollars,
as of  December  31,  2002  and  2001  was  5.03  per  cent  and 6.3  per  cent,
respectively.  During  2002,  US$55  million of debt in respect of the Hull 2215
facility was fixed for a period of twelve years at a rate of 6.19 per cent until
delivery and 5.9 per cent from delivery.  The remainder of the Company's debt is
US Dollar denominated floating rate debt

At December 31, 2002, the debt of the Company  comprised the following,  details
of which are set out below:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(in thousands of $)                                                Maturity date
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Greenwich loans                                            32,703           2003
Mazo facility                                             193,275           2013
Hull 2215 facility                                        134,335           2015
Golar LNG facility                                        290,000           2007
Golar LNG Subordinated facility                            60,000           2007
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Mazo facility

On November  26, 1997 Osprey  entered into a secured  loan  facility  (the "Mazo
facility") with a banking consortium for an amount of $214.5 million and secured
by a mortgage on the vessel  Golar Mazo.  The facility was assumed by Golar from
Osprey in May 2001.  The facility  bears  floating  interest  rate of LIBOR plus
0.865 per cent and the repayment terms are six monthly and commenced on June 28,
2001.  In  connection  with  the  Mazo  facility,  Osprey  also  entered  into a
collateral  agreement with the same banking consortium and a bank Trust Company.
This agreement  requires that certain cash balances,  representing  interest and
principal  repayments for defined future  periods,  be held by the Trust Company
during the period of the loan. These balances are referred to in these financial
statements as restricted cash.

Golar LNG facility

In May 2001 the Golar group entered into a secured loan facility (the "Golar LNG
facility") with a banking  consortium for an amount of $325.0 million.  This six
year facility  bears floating rate interest of LIBOR plus 1.5 per cent. The loan
is repayable in 22 quarterly  installments and a final balloon payment of $147.5
million.  The  long-term  debt is  secured by a mortgage  on the  vessels  Golar
Spirit,  Khannur,  Gimi,  Hilli and Golar  Freeze.  As discussed in Note 28, the
Golar LNG facility was refinanced in April 2003.

Greenwich loans

In August 2001 and September 2001, Golar obtained loans of $32.6 million and $20
million  respectively from Greenwich  Holdings Limited,  in order to finance the
first and second  installments due on newbuilding hull number 2215. The floating
interest rate payable on these loans was LIBOR plus 2.5 per cent. The loans were
repaid by Golar in March  2002 from  funds  arising  on drawn down from the Hull
2215  facility.  Until  the  repayment  of the loans a  subsidiary  of Golar had
guaranteed  loans  totalling  $52.6  million made to Greenwich by Nordea and Den
norske Bank and entered into an assignment and security  agreement in respect of
its' building  contract with Den norske Bank as security agent. No consideration
was paid by Greenwich for the provision of the  guarantee.  The rate of interest
that Greenwich paid to the banks was LIBOR plus 1.5 per cent.

In August 2001, Golar obtained a loan of $32.7 million from Greenwich,  in order
to finance the first installments due on newbuilding hull numbers 1460 and 2220.
The loan was initially  for a period of one year and the floating  interest rate
payable on this loan was LIBOR  plus 2.5%.  In  connection  with this loan,  two
subsidiaries  of Golar have guaranteed a loan of $32.7 million made to Greenwich
by Nordea and Den norske Bank and they have both entered into an assignment  and
security  agreement in respect of their  shipbuilding  contracts with Den norske
Bank as security  agent.  No  consideration  has been paid by Greenwich  for the
provision  of the  guarantee.  Until  June 11,  2002 the rate of  interest  that
Greenwich paid to the banks was LIBOR plus 1.5 per cent.

In June 2002,  Golar obtained $16.3 million in loan finance from  Greenwich,  by
way of an addendum to the existing loan agreement in respect of newbuilding hull
numbers  1460 and  2220 in  order  to  finance  the  second  installment  due on
newbuilding  hull number 1444. This addendum also extended the repayment date of
the original  loan,  $32.7  million,  from August 2002 until  August  2003.  The
floating interest rate payable on the loan of $16.3 million was LIBOR plus 2.625
per cent.  This rate also applies to the original  $32.7 million from June 2002.
The rate increases to LIBOR plus three per cent on any amounts still outstanding
as at February 20, 2003.  The rate of interest that  Greenwich pays to the banks
providing  the above  facilities is LIBOR plus 1.625 per cent from June 11, 2002
until February 20, 2003 and 2 per cent thereafter.  The additional loan of $16.3
million  was repaid in  November  2002 from funds  arising on draw down from the
$60.0 million Golar LNG subordinated  facility.  Until the repayment of the loan
of $16.3m a subsidiary  of Golar had  guaranteed a loan of $16.3 million made to
Greenwich  by Nordea and Den norske  Bank and  entered  into an  assignment  and
security  agreement in respect of its' building contract with Den norske Bank as
security agent. No consideration  was paid by Greenwich for the provision of the

In June 2003,  Golar repaid  $16.0  million to Greenwich in respect of the $32.7
million loan secured on hulls 1460 and 2220.

In June 2003 Greenwich reconfirmed the availability of an additional $15 million
facility  for the payment of  newbuilding  installments  should it be  required,
having confirmed the availability of this facility originally in September 2002.
Furthermore   Greenwich  also  confirmed  the  availability  of  $32.3  million,
representing  the amounts  repaid in November  2002 and June 2003,  should it be
required.  In addition an extension to the remaining  outstanding  loan of $16.7
million until July 2004 is available if required.

Hull 2215 facility

In December 2001 the Company  signed a loan  agreement  with Lloyds TSB bank Plc
for the  purpose  of  financing  newbuilding  hull  number  2215 (the "Hull 2215
facility")  for  an  amount  up to  $180  million  to  include  shipyard  costs,
capitalized  interest and building supervision charges. The loan is for a period
of 12 years from the date of delivery and bears floating  interest rate of LIBOR
plus 1.45 per cent up to date of delivery and  thereafter  at between LIBOR plus
1.125 per cent and LIBOR plus 1.5 per cent  determined  by reference to Standard
and Poors ("S&P") rating of the Charterer from time to time. The margin could be
higher than 1.5 per cent if the rating for the  Charterer at any time fell below
an S&P  rating of "B".  The  facility  is  payable  in 144  consecutive  monthly
installments and a final balloon payment of $118.0 million.  It is a requirement
of the facility  that Golar fix the rate of interest on the balloon  payment for
the term of the  loan.  As at  December  31,  2002  Golar  had fixed the rate of
interest on a principal  amount of $55.0 million at a rate  including  margin of
approximately  5.9 per cent  p.a.  for a period of 12 years.  During  2002,  the
Company  drew down $134.4  million of the  facility,  $52.6  million was used to
repay loans from Greenwich in respect of the same vessel, as noted above and the
remaining  amount was used to finance  the  installment  payments  and  interest
expense in respect of hull 2215.

Golar LNG Subordinated facility

In October 2002,  Golar entered into a secured  subordinated  loan facility (the
"Golar LNG  subordinated  facility") with a banking  consortium for an amount of
$60.0  million.  The  facility is  subordinated  to the $325  million  Golar LNG
facility  and has the same  maturity  date as the Golar LNG  facility.  The loan
bears floating rate interest of LIBOR plus 2.0 per cent,  increasing by 0.25 per
cent on 30  November  2004 and  2005.  The  facility  is  repayable  in 15 equal
quarterly  installments with first installment  payable on 30 November 2003. The
debt is secured by a second  priority  mortgage  on the  vessels  Golar  Spirit,
Khannur,  Gimi,  Hilli and Golar Freeze.  Of the $60.0 million drawn down, $16.3
million was used to repay a Greenwich  loan as noted above and the remainder was
used to finance installment payments in respect of Hull 1444, Hull 2220 and Hull
1460.  As discussed in Note 28, the Golar LNG facility was  refinanced  in April
2003.  Certain of the Company's debt is collateralized by ship mortgages and, in
the case of some  debt,  pledges  of shares by each  guarantor  subsidiary.  The
existing financing agreements impose operation and financing  restrictions which
may significantly  limit or prohibit,  among other things, the Company's ability
to  incur  additional  indebtedness,   create  liens,  sell  capital  shares  of
subsidiaries,  make  certain  investments,  engage in mergers and  acquisitions,
purchase and sell vessels, enter into time or consecutive voyage charters or pay
dividends  without  the  consent  of  the  Lenders.  In  addition,  Lenders  may
accelerate the maturity of indebtedness under financing agreements and foreclose
upon the  collateral  securing the  indebtedness  upon the occurrence of certain
events of  default,  including  a failure  to comply  with any of the  covenants
contained in the financing  agreements.  Various debt  agreements of the Company
contain  certain  covenants,  which require  compliance  with certain  financial
ratios.  Such ratios  include  equity  ratio  covenants  and  minimum  free cash
restrictions.  As of December  31, 2002 and 2001 the Company  complied  with the
debt covenants of its various debt agreements.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(in thousands of $)                                   2002                  2001
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Pension obligations                                 22,148                15,243
Other provisions                                       581                 1,309
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                    22,731                16,552
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


The effect of push down  accounting  in January  2001 was to reduce the value of
assets and liabilities recorded by Golar to reflect the change in basis realized
as a result of World Shipholding's acquisition of Osprey as follows:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(in thousands of $)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Vessels and equipment, net                                               109,832
Deferred charges                                                           1,702
Goodwill                                                                   9,439
Pension obligations                                                        9,999
FAS 133 transition obligation                                              2,786
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


The Company was  incorporated  on May 10, 2001 and 12,000 common shares of $1.00
par value each were issued to the initial shareholder.  In May 2001, the Company
issued  56,000,000 common shares at a price of $5.00 per share in a placement in
Norway subscribed to by approximately 130 financial investors. These shares were
issued to finance the  acquisition of the LNG interest of Osprey as described in
Note 1.

At December 31, 2002 and December 31, 2001,  authorized and issued share capital
is as follows:

Authorized share capital:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(in thousands of $, except share numbers)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
100,000,000 common shares of $1.00 each                                  100,000

Issued share capital:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(in thousands of $, except share numbers)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
56,012,000 common shares of $1.00 each                                    56,012

In July 2001, the Board of the Company approved the grant of options to eligible
employees  to  acquire  an  aggregate  amount of up to  2,000,000  shares in the
company.  In July  2001,  the Board of Golar  approved  the grant of  options to
certain  directors  and officers of the Company to acquire  400,000  shares at a
subscription  price  of  $5.75.  These  options  vest on July  18,  2002 and are
exercisable for a maximum period of nine years  following the first  anniversary
date of the grant.  There were no  additional  options  granted  during the year
ended 31 December 2002. The weighted  average fair value of the 400,000  options
in  the  year  ended   December  31,  2002  and  2001  was  $3.264  and  $1.785,
respectively.  The fair value of the option  grant is  estimated  on the date of
grant using the Black-Scholes  option-pricing  model with the following weighted
average assumptions:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                         2002               2001
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Risk free interest rate                                 2.78%              4.39%
Expected life                                         5 years            5 years
Expected volatility                                       60%                20%
Expected dividend yield                                    0%                 0%

Compensation  cost of $56,700 and $47,300 has been  recognized in the year ended
December 31, 2002 and 2001,  respectively,  in connection  with the grant of the
400,000 options.  This amount represents the difference between the subscription
price of $5.75 and the  market  price of $6.01 (the  equivalent  to NOK56 at the
exchange rate of NOK9.3153 to $1.00) on the date of grant,  recognized  over the
vesting period of the options.

Had the  compensation  costs for the plan been  calculated  and accounted for in
accordance with the fair value method recommended in SFAS 123, the Company's net
income and earnings per share would have been reduced to the following pro forma

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(in thousands of $, except per share data)                      2002       2001
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Net income
    As reported                                               27,137      4,366
    Add: Stock-based employee compensation expense
         in reported net income under APB 25, net of tax          57         47

    Less: Total stock-based compensation expense
          determined under SFAS 123 fair value
          method for all awards, net of tax                   (1,306)      (324)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Pro-forma                                                 25,888      4,089

Basic and diluted earnings per share
    As reported                                              $  0.48    $  0.08
    Pro-forma                                                $  0.46    $  0.07

In February  2002,  the Board of Golar approved an employee share option scheme.
Under the  terms of the  scheme,  options  may be  granted  to any  director  or
eligible  employee of the Company or its  subsidiaries.  Options are exercisable
for a maximum period of nine years following the first  anniversary  date of the
grant.  The  exercise  price for the options may not be less than the average of
the fair market value of the underlying shares for the three trading days before
the date of grant.

The  number of  shares  granted  under the plans may not in any ten year  period
exceed  seven  per  cent  of  the  issued  share  capital  of  the  Company.  No
consideration is payable for the grant of an option.


Interest rate risk management

In certain  situations,  the Company  may enter into  financial  instruments  to
reduce the risk associated with  fluctuations in interest rates. The Company has
a portfolio of swaps that convert  floating rate interest  obligations  to fixed
rates, which from an economic perspective hedge the interest rate exposure.  The
Company does not hold or issue  instruments for speculative or trading purposes.
The counterparties to such contracts are Credit Lyonnais, Bank of Taiwan, Credit
Agricole  Indosuez,  The Fuji Bank,  Limited,  and the Industrial Bank of Japan,
Limited.  Credit risk exists to the extent that the counterparties are unable to
perform under the contracts.

Prior to the adoption of SFAS 133, all interest rate derivatives were designated
and effective as hedges of the Company's exposure to interest rate fluctuations.
After the adoption of SFAS 133 on January 1, 2001, hedge accounting has not been
applied.  As a result  of the  adoption  of SFAS 133,  the  Company  recorded  a
transition adjustment of $2.8 million on January 1, 2001. For the purpose of the
carved-out  combined financial  statements for the year ended December 31, 2000,
the  portfolio of swaps has been  allocated  based on the  proportion  of hedged
loans that have been carved out and pushed down from Osprey.

The Company  manages its debt  portfolio  with interest rate swap  agreements in
U.S.  dollars  to  achieve an overall  desired  position  of fixed and  floating
interest  rates.  The Company has entered into the following  interest rate swap
transactions involving the payment of fixed rates in exchange for LIBOR:

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                        Notional Amount
Instrument                         December 31,   December 31,      Maturity   Fixed Interest
                                           2002           2001         Dates            Rates
(in thousands of $)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Interest rate swaps:
   Receiving floating, pay fixed        183,776        194,829   2001 - 2009   5.47% to 6.52%

At December 31,  2002,  the notional  principal  amount of the debt  outstanding
subject to such swap agreements was $183.8 million (2001 - $195.0 million).

Foreign currency risk

The majority of the vessels' gross earnings are receivable in U.S. dollars.  The
majority of the Company's  transactions,  assets and liabilities are denominated
in U.S. dollars,  the functional currency of the Company.  However,  the Company
incurs  expenditure  in  other  currencies.   There  is  a  risk  that  currency
fluctuations  will have a  negative  effect on the value of the  Company's  cash
flows.  The Company  has not entered  into  derivative  contracts  to reduce its
exposure to transaction risk. Accordingly,  such risk may have an adverse effect
on the Company's financial condition and results of operations.

Fair values

The  carrying  value  and  estimated  fair  value  of  the  Company's  financial
instruments at December 31, 2002 and 2001 are as follows:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                       2002       2002       2001       2001
(in thousands of $)                Carrying       Fair   Carrying       Fair
                                   Value         Value      Value      Value
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Cash and cash equivalents            52,741     52,741     57,569     57,569
Restricted cash and short-term
investments                          12,760     12,760     14,163     14,163

Long-term debt - fixed               55,000     56,379    524,329    524,329
Long term debt - floating           574,173    622,610
Short-term debt - floating           81,140     81,140     85,278     85,278

Interest rate swap

Liability                           (27,296)   (27,296)   (10,838)   (10,838)

The carrying value of cash and cash  equivalents,  which are highly liquid, is a
reasonable estimate of fair value.

The estimated  fair value for  restricted  cash and  short-term  investments  is
considered  to be equal to the carrying  value since they are placed for periods
of less than six months.

The estimated  fair value for floating  long-term debt is considered to be equal
to the carrying value since it bears variable interest rates, which are reset on
a quarterly or six monthly  basis.  The estimated  fair value for long-term debt
with fixed  rates of interest of more than one year is  estimated  by  obtaining
quotes for breaking the fixed rate from the related banking institution.

The fair value of interest rate swaps is estimated by obtaining  quotes from the
related banking institution.

As of December  31, 2002  long-term  assets  included  $285,000  relating to the
purchase of land options in respect of the Baja project as described in Note 17.
The fair value of these options approximates to carrying value.

Concentrations of risk

There  is a  concentration  of  credit  risk  with  respect  to  cash  and  cash
equivalents,  restricted  cash and  short-term  investments  to the extent  that
substantially  all of the amounts  are  carried  with the Nordea Bank of Finland
PLC, The Industrial Bank of Japan and The Bank of New York. However, the Company
believes  this risk is remote as these banks are high credit  quality  financial

During the year ended December 31, 2002, two customers accounted for substantial
amount  of the  total  revenues  of the  company.  The  Company's  revenues  and
associated  accounts  receivable  are derived from its four time  charters  with
British  Gas,  two time  charters  with  Pertamina  and, to a much more  limited
extent,  from its four management  contracts with National Gas Shipping  Company
Limited (Abu Dhabi)  ("NGSCO").  Pertamina is a state enterprise of the Republic
of Indonesia. Credit risk is mitigated by the long-term contracts with Pertamina
being on a ship-or-pay  basis.  Also, under the various  contracts the Company's
vessel hire charges are paid by the Trustee and Paying Agent from the  immediate
sale  proceeds of the delivered  gas. The Trustee must pay the shipowner  before
Pertamina and the gas sales contracts are with the Chinese Petroleum Corporation
and KOGAS. The Company  considers the credit risk of British Gas and NGSCO to be

During the years ended December 31, 2002, 2001 and 2000,  British Gas, Pertamina
and Ras Laffan Liquified Natural Gas Co Ltd, each accounted for more than 10% of
gross revenue in one or more years.

During 2000,  Pertamina  and Ras Laffan  accounted  for $59.5  million and $16.3
million respectively. During 2001, Pertamina and British Gas accounted for $62.8
million and $45.8 million  respectively.  During 2002, Pertamina and British Gas
accounted for $61.0 million and $68.1 million respectively.


Golar was  incorporated  in 2001 for the purpose of  acquiring  the LNG shipping
interests  of  Osprey  and   Seatankers.   Osprey,   through  its  parent  World
Shipholding,  and Seatankers are indirectly  controlled by Mr. John  Fredriksen.
The  purchase  price paid for the LNG  operations  of Osprey was $525.9  million
based on an agreed gross value of the LNG carriers of $635.0  million,  plus the
amount of net book  value of all  other  non-shipping  assets  of the  companies
acquired.  The purchase price paid was net of an amount of $128.7 million, being
60 per cent of the loan assumed  relating to the  financing of the Golar Mazo as
described in Note 21 and cash of $27.2  million.  Furthermore,  the Company paid
$2.5 million to Osprey for the assignment of a newbuilding contract and options.
Additionally,  immediately prior to the sale, certain inter-company balances due
to the companies forming the LNG shipping  interests of Osprey from other Osprey
Companies  totaling  $450.3 million were forgiven.  On May 28, 2001, the Company
entered  into  a  purchase   agreement  with  Seatankers  to  purchase  its  one
newbuilding  contract  for a LNG  carrier  and  options  to build  three new LNG
carriers.  The Company paid $2.5 million to Seatankers for the assignment of the
newbuilding contract and options.

In August 2001 and September 2001, Golar obtained loans of $32.6 million and $20
million  respectively from Greenwich  Holdings Limited,  in order to finance the
first and second  installments due on newbuilding hull number 2215. The floating
interest rate payable on these loans was LIBOR plus 2.5 per cent. The loans were
repaid by Golar in March  2002 from  funds  arising  on drawn down from the Hull
2215  facility.  Until  the  repayment  of the loans a  subsidiary  of Golar had
guaranteed  loans  totalling  $52.6  million made to Greenwich by Nordea and Den
norske Bank and entered into an assignment and security  agreement in respect of
its' building  contract with Den norske Bank as security agent. No consideration
was paid by Greenwich for the provision of the guarantee.

In August 2001, Golar obtained a loan of $32.7 million from Greenwich,  in order
to finance the first installments due on newbuilding hull numbers 1460 and 2220.
The loan was initially  for a period of one year and the floating  interest rate
payable on this loan was LIBOR  plus 2.5%.  In  connection  with this loan,  two
subsidiaries  of Golar have guaranteed a loan of $32.7 million made to Greenwich
by Nordea and Den norske Bank and they have both entered into an assignment  and
security  agreement in respect of their  shipbuilding  contracts with Den norske
Bank as security  agent.  No  consideration  has been paid by Greenwich  for the
provision of the guarantee.

In June 2002,  Golar obtained $16.3 million in loan finance from  Greenwich,  by
way of an addendum to the existing loan agreement in respect of newbuilding hull
numbers  1460 and  2220 in  order  to  finance  the  second  installment  due on
newbuilding  hull number 1444. This addendum also extended the repayment date of
the original  loan,  $32.7  million,  from August 2002 until  August  2003.  The
floating interest rate payable on the loan of $16.3 million was LIBOR plus 2.625
per cent.  This rate also applies to the original  $32.7 million from June 2002.
The rate increases to LIBOR plus twoper cent on any amounts still outstanding as
at  February  20,  2003.  The  additional  loan of $16.3  million  was repaid in
November  2002 from funds  arising on draw down from the $60.0 million Golar LNG
subordinated facility. Until the repayment of the loan of $16.3m a subsidiary of
Golar had guaranteed a loan of $16.3 million made to Greenwich by Nordea and Den
norske Bank and entered into an assignment and security  agreement in respect of
its' building  contract with Den norske bank as security agent. No consideration
was paid by Greenwich for the provision of the guarantee.

During the year ended December 31, 2002 the rate of interest that Greenwich paid
to the banks  providing the above  facilities  was LIBOR plus 1.5 per cent until
June 11, 2002,  thereafter the rate was 1.625 per cent. The rate during the year
ended December 31, 2002 was 1.5 per cent throughout. As at December 31, 2002 and
2001, $169,612 and $291,000  respectively,  of the interest due to Greenwich was

For each of the loans  from  Greenwich  noted  above the  Company  has paid loan
arrangement  fees  directly  to the lending  banks.  These fees during the years
ended December 31, 2002 and 2001 amounted to $323,250 and $415,700 respectively.

In June  2003,  Golar  repaid  $16.0  million to  Greenwich  in respect of $32.7
million secured on hulls 1460 and 2220.

In June 2003,  Greenwich  reconfirmed  the  availability  of an  additional  $15
million  facility  for the  payment  of  newbuilding  installments  should it be
required,  having  confirmed the  availability  of this  facility  originally in
September 2002.  Furthermore  Greenwich also confirmed the availability of $32.3
million,  representing the amounts repaid in November 2002 and June 2003, should
it be required.  In addition an extension to the remaining  outstanding  loan of
$16.7 million until July 2004 is available if required.

Historically  the Company has been an  integrated  part of Osprey  Maritime.  As
such, the Singapore and London office  locations of Osprey have provided general
and corporate  management  services for both the Company as well as other Osprey
entities and operations.  As described in Note 2, management has allocated costs
related to these  operations  based on the number of  vessels  managed.  Amounts
allocated  to  the  Company  and  included  within  vessel  operating  expenses,
administrative  expenses  and  depreciation  expense were $nil,  $3,227,000  and
$9,662,000 for the years ended December 31, 2002, 2001 and 2000, respectively.

In the years ended  December 31, 2002 and 2001  Frontline  Management  (Bermuda)
Limited  and  Frontline  Management  AS  both  subsidiaries  of  Frontline  Ltd.
("Frontline")  have provided  services to the company.  These  services  include
management support, corporate services and administrative services. In the years
ended December 31, 2002 and 2001,  management  fees to Frontline of $379,550 and
$258,962, respectively, have been incurred by Golar. As at December 31, 2002 and
2001 amounts of $102,550 and  $547,966,  respectively,  were due to Frontline in
respect  of these  fees and  costs  incurred.  Frontline  is a  publicly  listed
company.  Its  principal   shareholder  is  Hemen  Holding  Limited,  a  company
indirectly controlled by John Fredriksen.

The Company  agreed to provide  services to Osprey for the  management of two of
Osprey's  VLCC's until  November  2001. In the seven months ended December 2001,
management  fees of $106,667 were charged to Osprey in relation to such services
of which $nil was  outstanding  at December 31, 2001. In addition as at December
31, 2002 and 2001 amounts of $9,610 and  $261,000,  respectively,  were due from
Osprey in respect the above services net of certain expenses  recharged at cost.
In the year ended December 31, 2002 and 2001,  Seatankers has provided insurance
administration services to the Company. In the years ended December 31, 2002 and
2001, management fees to Seatankers of $24,556 and $10,000,  respectively,  have
been incurred by Golar. As at December 31, 2002 and 2001, amounts of $14,556 and
$10,000, respectively, were due to Seatankers in respect of these fees incurred.

During the year ended December 31, 2002, Faraway Maritime Shipping Inc. which is
60% owned by Golar and 40% owned by China Petroleum  Corporation  ("CPC"),  paid
dividends  totalling  $25.0  million  (2001:  $nil,  2000 $nil),  of which $15.0
million was paid to Golar and $10.0 million was paid to CPC.

Management believes transactions with related parties are under terms similar to
those that would be arranged with other parties.


Assets Pledged
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(in thousands of $)                                   December 31,  December 31,
                                                              2002          2001
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Long-term loans secured on vessels and newbuildings        710,313       609,607

Baja Project

On May 24, 2002 Golar signed a joint  development  agreement  with Marathon Baja
Limited,  a subsidiary of Marathon Oil and GGS Holdings Limited,  to participate
in a project,  led by Marathon Oil, to build a major Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)
import and regasification  facility and power generation complex near Tijuana in
the Mexican State of Baja  California.  It is anticipated  that the project will
commence  operations  during 2006.  Under the  agreement  with Marathon and GGS,
costs incurred in relation to the development of the project are to be shared as
follows:  Marathon 80%, GGS 10%, Golar 10% prior to the  establishment of a lead
project company and execution of a shareholders'  agreement. The size of Golar's
ultimate  investment  in this project has not yet been  determined.  If the Baja
project is instigated and the required financing is obtained,  under the May 24,
2002  agreement,  Marathon  Oil will be  entitled to recover pre January 1, 2002
development  costs incurred by them in connection with the project plus interest
thereon.  Golar's  liability  for the pre  January 1, 2002  costs  would be $0.2

Other Contractual Commitments and contingencies

The  Company  currently  insures  the legal  liability  risks  for its  shipping
activities  with the  United  Kingdom  Mutual  Steamship  Assurance  Association
(Bermuda), a mutual protection and indemnity association. Prior to February 2001
the  Company  insured  such  risks  with  The  Britannia  Steam  Ship  Insurance
Association Ltd. As a member of a mutual association,  the Company is subject to
calls  payable  to the  association  based on the  Company's  claims  record  in
addition  to the claims  records  of all other  members  of the  association.  A
contingent liability exists to the extent that the claims records of the members
of the  association  in the  aggregate  show  significant  deterioration,  which
results in additional calls on the members.


In January 2003,  newbuilding  hull 2215 suffered an accidental  fire in part of
one of its cargo tanks.  Due to the damage  caused by the fire,  the delivery of
Hull 2215,  which was planned to be by the end of March 2003, will be delayed by
approximately  five to six months.  Golar is entitled to  compensation  from the
ship yard for late  delivery  and as a result the delay will not have a material
adverse financial impact on the Company.

In April 2003 the Company  signed an  amendment to the 20-year Hull 2215 charter
with BG,  which  changes  the date of  delivery  from  March 31,  2003 to a date
between January 1, 2004 and March 31, 2004.

In February  2003,  an  installment  of $8.0 million in relation to  newbuilding
number 1460 was paid and was financed from cash reserves.

Since  January 1, 2003 the Company has  rescheduled  certain of its  installment
payments for its newbuildings. This rescheduling is in consideration of interest
payable to the relevant  shipyards on the  outstanding  amounts at rates between
zero and eight per cent per annum.

The following table summarizes  installment  payments made since January 1, 2003
and future rescheduled installments:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                             Hull No.   Hull No.   Hull No.   Hull No.
(in millions of $)               1444       2215       2220       1460
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Payments  from  January 1,
2003 to June 30, 2003              --         --         --        8.0       8.0

Future Payments
2003 (7 months)                 100.5       32.4         --       16.5     149.4
2004                               --         --      116.4      108.6     225.0
2005                               --         --         --         --        --
2006 and later                     --         --         --         --        --
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total                           100.5       32.4      116.4      125.1     374.4

In March 2003 Golar fixed the rate of interest on an additional principal amount
of  $30.0  million  of  the  Hull  2215  facility  at a  rate  including  margin
approximately  6.02 per cent per  annum for a period  of 11.5  years  commencing
September  2003.  This increased the total amount of the Hull 2215 facility that
has a fixed rate of interest to $85.0 million.

On March 31, 2003 the Golar  Freeze  commenced a new  five-year  charter with BG
Group plc ("BG").

In April 2003 the Company entered into a lease finance arrangement in respect of
five of its currently trading vessels with a subsidiary ("UK Lessor") of a major
UK bank.  The Company  sold five of its  subsidiary  companies,  which owned the
relevant  vessels,  to the UK lessor and  received a cash sum of $452.6  million
through  refinancing,  by the UK  lessor,  of debt  owed by the five  subsidiary
companies to the Golar group.  Each of the five  companies,  now owned by the UK
Lessor,  subsequently  entered  into 20 year  leases of the vessels to Golar Gas
Holdings Inc ("GGHC"), a subsidiary of the Company.

GGHC used $325 million of the  proceeds  received  together  with $17.5m of cash
reserves to repay two of its  existing  loans,  the Golar LNG  facility  and the
Golar LNG  subordinated  facility.  The outstanding  amounts of these loans upon
repayment were $282.5 million and $60 million respectively.  GGHC then drew down
on two new  facilities;  $265 million  secured by a mortgage  executed by the UK
Lessor in favour of GGHC as  security  for the UK  Lessor's  obligations  to pay
certain  sums to GGHC  under the lease  agreements  and by a  mortgage  transfer
executed by GGHC in favour of the lending  banks;  and $60 million  secured by a
similar but second priority  mortgage.  The total proceeds from the new loans of
$325 million  together with $89.5 million of the proceeds from the lease finance
arrangement  were  used to make  deposits  with two  banks  amounting  to $414.5
million who then issued letters of credit securing GGHC's  obligations to the UK
Lessor.  After making this deposit and settling all outstanding fees relating to
the transaction the cash inflow will be approximately $32.5 million. The Company
is  currently  evaluating  the  impact of these  transactions  on its  financial

As noted above in April 2003,  a  subsidiary,  Golar Gas Holding  Company,  Inc.
entered  into a  refinancing  in respect of the Golar LNG Facility and the Golar
LNG  subordinated  facility.  The  new  first  priority  loan  ("New  Golar  LNG
facility")  is for an amount of $265  million and is with the same  syndicate of
banks as the Golar LNG facility.  The loan accrues  floating  interest at a rate
per annum equal to the  aggregate of LIBOR plus 1.5 percent per annum.  The loan
has a term of four  years  and  two  months  and is  repayable  in 16  quarterly
installments  and a final balloon  payment of $138.8 million  payable on May 31,
2007. The new second  priority loan ("New Golar LNG  subordinated  facility") is
for an amount of $60  million  with the same  syndicate  of  banks.  It  accrues
floating  interest at a rate per annum equal to the aggregate of LIBOR, plus 2.0
percent per annum,  increasing by 0.25 percent per annum on 30 November 2004 and
30  November  2005.  The loan has a term of four  years  and two  months  and is
repayable  in 15 quarterly  installments  of $4 million  commencing  in November
2003.  Both loans may be prepaid in whole or in part without premium or penalty,
except for losses and other reasonable  costs and expenses  incurred as a result
of our prepayment.

In June 2003 Greenwich reconfirmed the availability of an additional $15 million
facility and also confirmed the availability of $32.3 million,  representing the
amounts  prepaid in  November  2002 and June  2003,  should it be  required.  In
addition an extension to the remaining  outstanding  loan of $16.7 million until
July 2004 is available if required.



Number         Description of Exhibit

1.1*           Memorandum of  Association of Golar LNG Limited as adopted on May
               9,  2001,  incorporated  by  reference  to  Exhibit  1.1  of  the
               Company's Registration Statement on Form 20-F, filed with the SEC
               on  November  27,  2002,   File  No.   000-50113  (the  "Original
               Registration Statement").

1.2*           Bye-Laws  of  Golar  LNG  Limited  as  adopted  on May 10,  2001,
               incorporated  by  reference  to  Exhibit  1.2  of  the  Company's
               Original Registration Statement.

1.3*           Certificate  of   Incorporation  as  adopted  on  May  11,  2001,
               incorporated  by  reference  to  Exhibit  1.3  of  the  Company's
               Original Registration Statement.

1.4*           Articles of Amendment of Memorandum of  Association  of Golar LNG
               Limited  as  adopted  by  our   shareholders   on  June  1,  2001
               (increasing the Company's  authorized  capital),  incorporated by
               reference to Exhibit 1.4 of the Company's  Original  Registration

4.1*           Loan Agreement, between Golar LNG 2215 Corporation and Lloyds TSB
               Bank, Plc, dated December 31, 2001,  incorporated by reference to
               Exhibit 4.1 of the Company's Original Registration Statement.

4.2*           Loan  Agreement,  between  Golar Gas Holding  Company,  Inc.  and
               Christiania  Bank og Kreditkasse,  Den norske Bank,  Citibank and
               Fortis  Bank,  dated May 31, 2001,  incorporated  by reference to
               Exhibit 4.2 of the Company's Original Registration Statement.

4.3*           Loan Agreement,  between Faraway  Maritime  Shipping  Company and
               Bank of Taiwan dated November 26, 1997, incorporated by reference
               to Exhibit 4.3 of the Company's Original Registration Statement.

4.4*           Purchase Agreement, between Golar LNG Limited and Osprey Maritime
               Limited, dated May 21, 2001, incorporated by reference to Exhibit
               4.4 of the Company's Original Registration Statement.

4.5*           Sale and  Purchase  Agreement,  between  Golar  LNG  Limited  and
               Seatankers Management Co. Ltd., dated May 21, 2001,  incorporated
               by   reference   to  Exhibit  4.5  of  the   Company's   Original
               Registration Statement.

4.6*           Golar LNG Limited Stock Option Plan, incorporated by reference to
               Exhibit 4.6 of the Company's Original Registration Statement.

4.7*           Service  Agreement between Golar LNG Limited and Graeme McDonald,
               incorporated  by  reference  to  Exhibit  4.7  of  the  Company's
               Original Registration Statement.

4.8*           Management  Agreement  between  Golar LNG Limited  and  Frontline
               Management   (Bermuda)   Limited,   dated   February   21,  2002,
               incorporated  by  reference  to  Exhibit  4.8  of  the  Company's
               Original Registration Statement.

4.9*           Loan  Agreement,  between  Golar Gas Holding  Company,  Inc.  and
               Nordea  Bank  Norge ASA as agent and Nordea  Bank Norge ASA,  Den
               norske Bank ASA and Fortis Bank  (Nederland)  N.V., dated October
               11,  2002,  incorporated  by  reference  to  Exhibit  4.9  of the
               Company's Original Registration Statement.

8.1            Golar LNG Limited subsidiaries

99.1           Certification  of the Principal  Executive  Officer under Section
               302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

99.2           Certification of the Principal  Accounting  Officer under Section
               302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

99.3           Certifications  under  Section 906 of the  Sarbanes-Oxley  act of

* Incorporated herein by reference.


Pursuant to the  requirements  of Section 12 of the  Securities  Exchange Act of
1934, the registrant  certifies that it meets all of the requirements for filing
on Form 20-F and has duly caused  this annual  report to be signed on its behalf
by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                             Golar LNG Limited

Date June 30, 2003                      By /s/ Graham Robjohns
                                               Graham Robjohns
                                           Principal Accounting Officer

03849.0004 #414014