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Important Information about AllianceBernstein Proxy Mailings
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AllianceBernstein will be distributing proxy ballots to all of its mutual fund
shareholders, beginning on September 20th. This material should help answer any
questions you receive. 9/14/2010



Posted 9/14/2010

Important Information About AllianceBernstein Proxy Mailings

AllianceBernstein will soon be mailing proxy statements to mutual fund
shareholders. More than 500,000 proxy statements will begin mailing on or around
September 20.

You may get questions from your clients so we've developed an FAQ document to
help you.

Here are the key points:

      o     If shareholders want AllianceBernstein to vote on their behalf, they
            should sign and return the proxy card.
      o     Shareholders can vote online at or by phone at
            1-888-221-0697, or they can attend the meeting to vote in person.
      o     The proposals require approval from a certain percentage of all
            shareholders. If we don't receive a proxy card from a shareholder,
            we may call him/her to solicit his/her opinion.
      o     Spending a minute to sign and date the proxy card will avoid the
            need for a phone call and help us keep fund expenses down.


Investment Products Offered:

Are Not FDIC Insured / May Lose Value / Are Not Bank Guaranteed

Investors should consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses
of the Fund/Portfolio carefully before investing. For copies of our prospectus
or summary prospectus, which contain this and other information, click here or
contact your AllianceBernstein Investments representative. Please read the
prospectus and/or summary prospectus carefully before investing.

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and is not authorized for use by the general public. The material contained
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AllianceBernstein mutual funds may be offered only to persons in the United
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solicitation or offering of any investment products or services to investors
residing outside of the United States.

AllianceBernstein Investments, Inc. is an affiliate of AllianceBernstein L.P.,
the manager of the funds, and is a member of FINRA.

(c) 2010 AllianceBernstein L.P.
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