Dear Valued Partner [or insert name of contact at partner firm]:

On September 20th, AllianceBernstein sends proxy ballots to all of its mutual
fund shareholders. Your firm's financial advisors may receive questions from
their clients about these ballots, so we've attached an FAQ document to help you
address inquiries.

Here are the key points:

o     If shareholders want AllianceBernstein to vote on their behalf, they
      should sign and return the proxy card.

o     Shareholders can vote online at www.proxyweb.com or by phone at
      1-888-221-0697, or they can attend the meeting to vote in person.

o     The proposals require approval from a certain percentage of all
      shareholders. If we don't receive a proxy card from a shareholder, we may
      call him/her to solicit his/her opinion.

o     Spending a minute to sign and date the proxy card will avoid the need for
      a phone call and help us keep fund expenses down.

Thank you for your continued partnership. Please contact me with any additional


Global Business Development Associate Name [here]