Seward & Kissel LLP
                              1200 G Street, N.W.
                             Washington, D.C. 20005
                           Telephone: (202) 737-8833
                           Facsimile: (202) 737-5184

                                                          September 22, 2010


Ms. Linda Stirling
Division of Investment Management
Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F Street, N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20549

         Re:     The AllianceBernstein Pooling Portfolios (the "Fund")
                     (File No. 811-21673)
                     Preliminary Proxy Statement
                      -AllianceBernstein Bond Inflation Protection Portfolio
                      -AllianceBernstein Global Real Estate Investment Portfolio
                      -AllianceBernstein High-Yield Portfolio
                      -AllianceBernstein Intermediate Duration Bond Portfolio
                      -AllianceBernstein International Growth Portfolio
                      -AllianceBernstein International Value Portfolio
                      -AllianceBernstein Short Duration Bond Portfolio
                      -AllianceBernstein Small-Mid Cap Growth Portfolio
                      -AllianceBernstein Small-Mid Cap Value Portfolio
                      -AllianceBernstein U.S. Large Cap Growth Portfolio
                      -AllianceBernstein U.S. Value Portfolio
                      -AllianceBernstein Volatility Management Portfolio

Dear Ms. Stirling:

      This letter responds to comments of the staff (the "Staff") of the
Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") to the Preliminary Proxy
Statement of the portfolios listed above that are separate series of the Fund
(the "Portfolios" and each, a "Portfolio"), as provided orally to Erin Loomis of
this office on September 8, 2010. The Staff's comments and our responses are
discussed below.

Comment 1:  Proposal 1: Election of Trustees. Add disclosure regarding the
            number of times the Governance and Nominating Committee met (see
            Item 22(b)(14)(iii)).

Response:   We have revised the disclosure in response to this comment.

Comment 2:  Proposal 2: The Amendment to Investment Advisory Agreement to Permit
            Reimbursement to the Adviser of Certain Administrative Expenses. As
            noted in the second paragraph of this proposal, the trustees
            concurred with the Adviser that the same type of reimbursement
            arrangement for administrative services expenses should apply to the
            Portfolios as applies to other AllianceBernstein Funds. Include a
            discussion of why the trustees concurred with the Adviser and how
            this proposed change would be in the Portfolios' benefit.

Response:   We have revised the disclosure in response to this comment.

Comment 3:  Proposal 2: The Amendment to Investment Advisory Agreement to Permit
            Reimbursement to the Adviser of Certain Administrative Expenses. The
            Staff believes that the proxy should include a table showing the
            current and pro forma fees (see Item 22(a)(3)(iv)).

Response:   We have not revised the Proxy Statement in response to this comment.
            As we discussed with you, the proposal is to approve payments by the
            Portfolios of the Fund to the adviser for certain administrative
            services provided to the adviser at the request of a Portfolio. The
            proposal would result in only modest changes to the Portfolios'
            expense ratios. In some cases, these changes would not appear in a
            fee table because the change resulted in an increase at three
            decimal places, but not two decimal places as specified for fee
            table disclosure. We included a chart showing the effect of the
            proposed payments on the expense ratios for the Portfolios' shares
            to three decimal points. We believe that the chart and related
            disclosure fully informs shareholders of the effect of the proposal
            on the Portfolios' expense ratios. Under these circumstances, we do
            not believe it is necessary to add 11 fee tables to the Proxy
            Statement because they would not serve to provide any additional
            useful information to a shareholder and would increase the expense
            of the Proxy Statement.

Comment 4:  Proposal 2: The Amendment to Investment Advisory Agreement to Permit
            Reimbursement to the Adviser of Certain Administrative Expenses. In
            the second paragraph after the expense chart, it states that the
            trustees agreed with the Adviser's recommendation that it would be
            appropriate for the Advisory Agreement to be amended to include the
            same provisions relating to administrative services expenses as
            those in the advisory agreements for other AllianceBernstein Funds.
            Disclose why the trustees agreed with the Adviser to amend the
            Advisory Agreement.

Response:   We have revised the disclosure in response to this comment.

Comment 5:  Proposal 3.A.: Amendment of Declaration of Trust. In the last
            paragraph of Subsection A, in addition to disclosing when
            Massachusetts law does not require a stockholder vote, also disclose
            when the 1940 Act requires a stockholder vote.

Response:   We have revised the disclosure in response to this comment.

Comment 6:  Proposal 4: Amendment or Elimination of Fundamental Investment
            Policies. The first sentence of the third paragraph says that the
            trustees considered and approved the Adviser's recommendation that
            the Portfolios' Section 8(b) policies be replaced with standardized
            fundamental policies. Describe what exactly standardized means in
            this context (e.g., that policies are uniform across
            AllianceBernstein Funds).

Response:   We have revised the disclosure in response to this comment.

Comment 7:  Proposal 4: Amendment or Elimination of Fundamental Investment
            Policies. Consider reviewing the use of the term "Section 8(b)
            policies" as it is applied in this section. The use seems

Response:   We have revised the disclosure in response to this comment.

Comment 8:  Proposal 4: Amendment or Elimination of Fundamental Investment
            Policies. Describe the old policies that are proposed to be removed,
            and also describe any practical effect that the proposed change will
            have on the Portfolios' policies.

Response:   We have revised the disclosure in response to this comment.

Comment 9:  Proposal 4.H: Elimination of Fundamental Policy Prohibiting
            Pledging, Hypothecating, Mortgaging, or Otherwise Encumbering
            Assets. The Staff believes that it is not clear whether the
            fundamental policy is being removed entirely or whether the
            fundamental policy is being converted to a nonfundamental policy.

Response:   We have revised the disclosure in response to this comment.

Comment 10: Proposal 4.H.: Elimination of Fundamental Policy Prohibiting
            Pledging, Hypothecating, Mortgaging, or Otherwise Encumbering
            Assets. The last sentence of Proposal 4.H. states that the
            Portfolio's current borrowing limits would remain consistent with
            limits prescribed under the 1940 Act. The Staff believes that the
            discussion should include an explanation of the limits under the
            1940 Act.

Response:   We have revised the disclosure in response to this comment.

Comment 11: Last Page of Proxy: Reports to Stockholders. This section needs to
            be prominently displayed, as required by Item 22(a)(3)(iii).

Response:   We have revised the disclosure in response to this comment.

Comment 12: Appendix A: Outstanding Voting Shares. Note that shares need to be
            broken down by class. Also note either here or elsewhere in the
            proxy that each share is equal to one vote.

Response:   We have revised the disclosure in response to this comment.

Comment 13: Appendix B: Additional Information About Trustees. Item 22(b)(13)
            requires compensation disclosure for the three highest paid Fund
            officers. This information should be disclosed either in this
            Appendix or elsewhere in the proxy statement.

Response:   We have revised the disclosure in response to this comment.

                                                     * * *

      We hereby acknowledge that (i) the Fund is responsible for the adequacy
and accuracy of the disclosures in the filings; (ii) Staff comments or changes
to disclosure in response to Staff comments in the filings reviewed by the Staff
do not foreclose the SEC from taking any action with respect to the filing; and
(iii) the Fund may not assert Staff comments as a defense in any proceedings
initiated by the SEC or any person under the federal securities laws of the
United States.

      If you have any additional comments or questions, please contact Kathleen
Clarke or the undersigned at (202) 737-8833.


                                                    /s/ Erin Loomis
                                                    Erin Loomis

cc:   Nancy Hay, Esq.
      Kathleen K. Clarke, Esq.

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