Commission File No. 0-29106

                            FORM 6-K

                     Washington, D. C. 20549

                Report of Foreign Private Issuer
              Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 of
               the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                   For the month of July, 1998

         (Translation of registrant's name into English)

                           Cedar House
                         41 Cedar Avenue
                         Hamilton HM 12
            (Address of principal executive offices)

    Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will
file annual reports under cover Form 20-F or Form 40-F.

           Form 20-F     X       Form 40-F           

    Indicate by check mark whether the registrant by furnishing
the information contained in this Form is also thereby furnishing
the information to the commission pursuant to Rule 12g3-2(b)
under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

                  Yes             No     X     


         Attached hereto is a copy of the quarterly report of
Knightsbridge Tankers Limited (the "Company") for the period
ended June 30, 1998.


         Royal Dutch Petroleum Company and The Shell Transport
and Trading Company, Public Limited Company file annual reports
on Form 20-F (File Nos. 1-3788 and 1-4039) and periodic reports
on Form 6-K with the Securities and Exchange Commission pursuant
to the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.  Such annual
reports contain the financial statements of the Royal Dutch/Shell
Group of Companies.


                                  Stockholm, July 24, 1998 

To the Shareholders of Knightsbridge Tankers Limited:

Enclosed is our report for the first half of 1998. The report
contains selected unaudited financial information accompanied by
a Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
Results of Operations for the period ended June 30, 1998.

On February 27, 1997, the Company's ship owning subsidiaries
purchased five very large crude carriers ("VLCC's") from their
previous owners and delivered them to Shell International
Petroleum Company Limited ("Shell International"), as charterer,
under separate "hell and high water" bareboat charters. Under
those charters, the Company's ship owning subsidiaries receive
the greater of a Base Rate of hire in the amount of $ 22,069 per
day per VLCC or a spot market related rate. After inclusion of a
component for operating expenses of $ 10,500 per day, the spot
market related rate must exceed $ 32,569 per day for the
Company's subsidiaries to receive any additional charter hire
over the Base Rate.

Based upon the determination by the London Tanker Brokers Panel
the spot market related rate, after inclusion of the component
for operating expenses, totaled $ 39,989 per day for the period
April 1 through June 30, 1998. (The corresponding spot market
related rate for the period April 1 through June 30, 1997, was
determined to be $27,972). 

Accordingly, on July 15, 1998, Shell International paid to the
Companys vessel owning subsidiaries charter hire at the base rate
in the aggregate amount of $ 10,041,395 and additional hire in
the aggregate amount of $ 3,376,100 for the period April 1
through June 30, 1998.  

On July 15, 1998, the Board of Directors of the Company declared
a distribution to share-holders of record as of July 27, 1998,
payable on or about August 11, 1998, in the amount of 
$ 0.63 per share for the period April 1 through June 30, 1998.
(For the period April 1 through June 30, 1997, the distribution
was $ 0.45 per share.) 

The Company has agreed to provide information to shareholders
that are United States income tax payers by February 15, 1999, so
that they may make the appropriate tax reporting and elections
with the United States tax authorities with respect to the
Company's status as a "Passive Foreign Investment Company". Under
present United States tax rules, the amount of income reported by
a shareholder is based on the Company's income on an annual
basis. Therefore, the Company will provide information enabling


shareholders to determine the tax consequences of their
investment in the Company, including the treatment of
distributions received from the Company, for the entire year
ending December 31, 1998. 

We are pleased to answer any inquiries that shareholders may
have. Our investor relations contact is: Karl Molander, the
Company's Chief Financial Officer, Tel: Int + 46-8-613 30 30,
fax: Int + 46-8-613 99 09. The Nasdaq National Market symbol for
the Company's Common Shares is "VLCCF".

Very truly yours,

Ola Lorentzon
Vice Chairman and
Chief Executive Officer


             Management's Discussion and Analysis of

Knightsbridge Tankers Limited (the "Company") was incorporated in
Bermuda on September 18, 1996. In February, 1997, the Company
offered and sold to the public 16,100,000 common shares at an
initial offering price of $ 20 per share. Simultaneously, the
Company sold 1,000,000 common shares at a price of $ 20 per share
to ICB International Limited, an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary
of ICB Shipping Aktiebolag (publ) ("ICB"), a Swedish publicly
traded ship owning and operating company. The Company used the
proceeds of these offerings, together with advances under a $
145.6 million credit facility from an international syndicate of
lenders, primarily to fund the purchase by the Company's
subsidiaries of five recently constructed very large crude
carrier oil tankers ("VLCC's"). Upon their purchase from their
previous owners, the VLCC's were delivered on February 27, 1997,
to Shell International Petroleum Company Limited ("Shell
International"), a company of the Royal Dutch/Shell Group of
Companies, under separate "Hell and high water" bareboat
charters. The term of these charters is a minimum of seven years,
with an option for Shell International to extend the period for
each VLCC for an additional seven-year term, to a maximum of 14
years per VLCC. Under the charters, Shell pays the greater of a
Base Rate of hire of $ 22,069 per day or a spot market related
rate, determined quarterly by the London Tankers Brokers Panel.
After taking into account a component for operating costs of $
10,500 per day, Shell International pays the higher rate if the
award exceeds $ 32,569 per day. In addition, for the first three
years of the charters, Shell International pays "Supplemental
Hire" as described below. 

Results of Operations - First Half 1998

The Company's revenues consist of charter hire of $ 23.3 million
for the period commencing January 1, 1998 and ending June 30,
1998. The charter hire revenue for the period commencing February
27, 1997, when the vessels were delivered, and ending June 30,
1997, amounted to 
$ 13.6 million.

Operating Expenses
The Company's operating expenses consist of (i) fees due to the
Company's manager, ICB Shipping (Bermuda) Ltd, an indirect
wholly-owned subsidiary of  ICB (the "Manager"), (ii)
depreciation of the vessels and (iii) administration expenses
consisting of payments of insurance premiums for directors and
officers liability insurance. There can be no assurance, however,
that the Company will not have other expenses or contingent
liabilities for which reserves will be required.


Interest income and expense
Interest income of $ 79,940 was earned during the period. In
addition the Company received interest income of $ 415,733 on the
principal balance of the receivable note from Shell

The Company's borrowings under its credit facility have been
effectively converted to a fixed rate pursuant to a swap
arrangement to which the Company is a party. Interest on the
credit facility has effectively been fixed at 7.05 %, which
resulted in interest expenses of $ 4,881,972 for the period.

Liquidity and Capital Resources
Total shareholders equity of the Company at June 30, 1998, was
$304.2 million compared to $315.2 million at December 31, 1997.
The decrease was due to net income for the period January 1
through June 30, 1998, in the amount of $ 9,559,495 less
distributions to shareholders for the fourth quarter of 1997 and
for the first quarter 1998 in the aggregate amount of
$20,520,000. On March 27, 1998, the Company's shareholders voted
to reallocate from share premium to contributed capital surplus
account the amount of $315.0 million. This reallocation according
to which additional paid in capital has been reduced to zero and
contributed capital surplus increased to $ 305.2 million has been
reflected in the Company's balance sheet since March 31, 1998.
The reallocation has no effect on the Company's liquidity. The
Company believes that its present liquidity is adequate to its

The Company's long-term debt as of June 30, 1998, consists of the
principal amounts borrowed under its credit facility in the
aggregate amount of $137.2 million. Of this amount, $11.8 million
represents the "Amortizing Loan" which is payable in eight equal
quarterly installments ending on January 15, 2000. Supplemental
Hire payable by Shell International is equal to amounts payable
by the Company on account of the Amortizing Loan. The balance of
the credit facility matures seven years and six months from
February 27, 1997. Interest on this balance is payable quarterly
in arrears.

Currency Exchange Rates
The international shipping industry's functional currency is the
United States Dollar and virtually all of the Company's operating
revenues and expenses are expected to be denominated in United
States Dollar. Accordingly, the company's operating results,
following expiration or termination of the charters with Shell
International, are not expected to be significantly affected by
movements in currency exchange rates.


                        (in U.S. Dollars)


Current assets                 June 30, 1998        Dec 31, 1997

Cash                                     521             217,374
Current instalments of
  note receivable                  6,726,152           6,726,151
Charter hire receivable         13,579,285            15,449,599
Prepaid expenses                      84,000              14,000
                                ____________          __________

TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS              20,389,958          22,407,124

Notes receivable                   5,044,614           8,407,690
Vessels under capital lease      416,168,922         424,965,352
Capitalized financing fees
  and expenses                     2,101,284           2,287,056
                                 ___________         ___________

TOTAL ASSETS                     443,704,778         458,067,222
                                 ===========         ===========


Current liabilities

Accrued expenses and other
  current liabilities              2,338,873           2,313,618
Current instalments of
  credit facility                  6,726,152           6,726,151
                                  __________          __________
TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES          9,065,025           9,103,887

Credit facility                  130,442,012         133,805,088


Shareholders equity

Common shares, par value
  $0.01 per share:
Authorized and outstanding
  17,100,000                         171,000             171,000
Additional paid-in capital                 -         314,987,247
Contributed capital surplus
  account                        304,026,741                   -
                                 ___________         ___________

Total shareholders equity        304,197,741         315,158,247
                                 ___________         ___________

SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY             443,704,778         458,067,222
                                 ===========         ===========


                        (in U.S. Dollars)

                                 Jan 1, 1998       Sept 18, 1996
                              -June 30, 1998      -June 30, 1997

CHARTER HIRE REVENUE              23,348,545          13,617,260
  UNDER CAPITAL LEASES            -8,796,430          -6,097,428
Management fee                      -375,000            -255,308
Administration expenses              -45,549             -32,192
                                  __________          __________

Operating income                  14,131,566           7,232,332

INTEREST INCOME                      495,673           1,122,449
Interest expense and other
  financial costs                 -5,067,744          -3,596,243
                                  __________          __________

Net income                         9,559,495           4,758,538
                                   =========           =========


                        (in U.S. Dollars)

                                 Jan 1, 1998       Sept 18, 1996
Operating activities          -June 30, 1998      -June 30, 1997
___________________           ______________      ______________

Net income                         9,559,495           4,758,538
Depreciation                       8,796,430           6,097,428
Amortization of
capitalized fees and expenses        185,771             127,981

Changes in operating
assets and liabilities:

Receivables                        5,163,389         -17,080,790
Accrued expenses and other
current liabilities                  -38,862         9,199,261  
                                   _________         ___________

Net cash provided by operating
  activities                      23,666,223           3,102,418

Investing activities

Notes receivable from Shell
  International                            -         -18,496,916
Purchase of vessels under
  capital lease                            -        -439,821,548
                                        ____        ____________

Net cash used in investing
  activities                               -        -458,318,464

Financing activities

Loan proceeds                              -         142,975,049
Repayments of loan                -3,363,076          -1,681,538
Net proceeds from share
  offerings                                -         317,224,950
Redemption of original
  share capital                            -             -12,000
Distribution to shareholders     -20,520,000          -2,907,000
                                 ___________          __________

Net cash provided by financing
  activities                     -23,883,076         455,599,461


Net increase/decrease in
  cash and cash equivalents         -216,853             383,415

Cash and cash equivalents
  at beginning of period             217,374              12,000
                                 ___________           _________

Cash and cash equivalents
  at end of period                       521             395,415
                                 ===========           =========


                        (in U.S. Dollars)

                  CAPITAL  CAPITAL     ACCOUNT          EARNINGS      TOTAL

Original issue
Sept 18, 1996      12,000            -             -           -       12,000

Net proceeds from
share issuance    171,000  317,053,950             -           -  317,224,950

Original share 
redemption        -12,000            -             -           -      -12,000

Net income              -            -             -  19,479,297   19,479,297

Distribution to 
the shareholders        -   -2,066,703             - -19,479,297  -21,546,000

Balance at  
Dec 31, 1997      171,000  314,987,247             -           -  315,158,247

Share Premium           - -314,987,247   314,987,247           -            -

Net income              -            -             -   9,559,495    9,559,495

Distribution to                     
the shareholders        -            -   -10,960,505  -9,559,495  -20,520,000

Balance at
June 30, 1998     171,000            -   304,026,741           -  304,197,741

Contributed capital surplus account

At the General Meeting March 27, 1998, a resolution was taken to reallocate
Share Premium Additional paid-in capital to Contributed capital surplus



         Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be
signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly

                             KNIGHTSBRIDGE TANKERS LIMITED

Dated: July 24, 1998         By:  /s/ Ola Lorentzon
                                  Ola Lorentzon
                                  Director, Deputy Chairman
                                  and Treasurer
