Washington, D.C. 20549

                                  SCHEDULE 14A

                                 (RULE 14A-101)

                             SCHEDULE 14A STATEMENT

                  Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of
           the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No. ______)

Filed by the Registrant    /_/  Filed by a Party other than the Registrant  /X/

Check the appropriate box:

/X/  Preliminary Proxy Statement
/_/  Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by
       Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
/_/  Definitive Proxy Statement
/_/  Definitive Additional Materials
/_/  Soliciting Material Pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12

                              DEL WEBB CORPORATION
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

                              PACIFIC PARTNERS, LLC
     (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement if Other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

         /X/      No fee required.
         /_/      Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1)
                  and 0-11

(1)      Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
         Not applicable

(2)      Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
         Not applicable

(3)      Per unit  price  or other  underlying  value  of  transaction  computed
         pursuant to  Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the
         filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined)
         Not applicable

(4)      Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
         Not applicable

(5)      Total fee paid:
         Not applicable

/_/      Fee paid previously with preliminary materials
/_/      Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange  Act
         Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the  offsetting fee
         was paid  previously.  Identify  the  previous  filing by  registration
         statement number, or the form of schedule and the date of its filing.

(1)      Amount Previously Paid:
         Not applicable

(2)      Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
         Not applicable

(3)      Filing Party:
         Not applicable

(4)      Date Filed:
         Not applicable

                              PACIFIC PARTNERS, LLC
                            1702 East Highland Avenue
                                    Suite 310
                                Phoenix, AZ 85016
                                Fax: 602-248-0884

                                October __, 2000

Dear Fellow Stockholders:

     Pacific  Partners is proposing a solution to the problems we think exist at
Del Webb. I just wanted to take a brief moment to introduce Pacific Partners and
explain  the  accompanying  materials  and what we are trying to  accomplish  on
behalf of all stockholders.

     Pacific  Partners is owned by a small group of successful,  entrepreneurial
businessmen with extensive knowledge and experience in the real estate industry.
We  identified  Del Webb as an  investment  opportunity  with the  potential for
substantial appreciation but we believed that in order to achieve this objective
certain  fundamental  changes  had to  occur.  As  noted in the  attached  Proxy
Statement,  Del  Webb's  track  record in terms of  generating  returns  for its
stockholders  over the last  five  years has been,  in our  opinion,  absolutely

     We own in excess of 1.0 Million  shares of Del Webb Common  Stock (5.49% of
the  outstanding  stock)  and  believe  that  we  are  now  the  second  largest
stockholder in Del Webb. We think that Del Webb and its  stockholders  would all
benefit  from having  some new,  independent  Directors  - Directors  who have a
substantial  stake  in the  Company  and  who  are  committed  to  investigating
alternative  strategies  for maximizing  stockholder  value as opposed to simply
rejecting potential  opportunities out of hand. We have laid out our case in the
attached Proxy Statement. I would appreciate your taking a few moments to review
our Proxy  Statement.  Even more so, I would appreciate your support in electing
the two candidates being sponsored by us. While we would be a minority presence,
I can assure you that we would be an active presence  dedicated to investigating
all reasonable alternatives to maximize stockholder value.

         Thanks  for your  time and  consideration.  If you have any  questions,
please call.

                                                              Very truly yours,

                                                              William S. Levine

Your  vote is very  important.  Even if you do not  plan to  attend  the  Annual
Meeting,  please  sign  and  return  the  enclosed  BLUE  proxy  card as soon as
possible.  Time is short. A prepaid self addressed envelope is enclosed for your
convenience.  Please contact D.F. King & Co., Inc at (888) - for instructions on
how to vote by email, facsimile and by telephone or with any questions.

                              PACIFIC PARTNERS, LLC

                                 PROXY STATEMENT
                             OF DEL WEBB CORPORATION

                         Annual Meeting of Stockholders
                                November 2, 2000


         We believe something is seriously wrong at Del Webb.

o    Five-year cumulative total returns to stockholders - negative 32%

o    Management compensation - excessive particularly given stockholder returns

o    Stock ownership by Directors - less than 1% - pathetic given tenure

o    Debt to book capital - 67.6% - highest of comparable companies

         Pacific Partners believes that these statements  describe the situation
at Del Webb  Corporation  ("Del Webb" or the  "Company")  and represent both the
cause and effect of Del  Webb's  unsatisfactory  performance.  We think that the
Company has been unable to maximize  stockholder  value because of an inordinate
amount of debt for a public company of its size and  management's  unwillingness
to investigate  alternative business  strategies.  Del Webb's enormous debt load
(in excess of $1.0 Billion as of June 30,  2000),  in our opinion,  has and will
continue  to limit the  Company's  financial  flexibility  and will  impede  its
ability to take advantage of future opportunities.

     In our  meetings  with  Del Webb  management,  we have  suggested  that the
Company would benefit from a substantial  equity  investment to "right size" the
balance  sheet.   Management   disagrees.   We  have  also  suggested  that  the
stockholders of Del Webb would benefit from having new,  independent  directors
who are  committed  to seeking  out and  analyzing  alternative  strategies  for
increasing  stockholder value. Again,  management  disagrees.  We also know that
management  has  recently  rebuffed  at least  one  highly  publicized  offer to
purchase the Company at $30 per share -- a 48.7% premium over the 90-day average
trading price.

     In light of management's response to our suggestions, we have determined to
nominate two  candidates  for election to the Del Webb Board of  Directors.  Our
nominees  are  William S.  Levine and Brian J.  O'Connor.  Our  candidates  have
extensive  experience in financial and operational  matters and have outstanding
track  records in generating  value for  stockholders  in connection  with their
service as  directors of Outdoor  Systems,  Inc.  (now  Infinity  Outdoor,  Inc.
following  its sale in December  1999 to Infinity  Broadcasting Corporation,  an
affiliate of Viacom Inc., for more than $8.0 Billion).  While our nominees will
admittedly  be only a minority  presence  on the Del Webb  Board,  if elected by
stockholders,  they  will  represent  a mandate  for  change.  In their  role as
catalysts  for  change,  they will be an active  presence on the Del Webb Board,
committed to  encouraging  the Company's  Board to  investigate  thoroughly  all
viable alternatives to increasing stockholder value.


     We are also  soliciting  authority to vote for one of the nominees that has
been sponsored by Del Webb.  Since there are only three board seats to be filled
at the Annual  Meeting  (one-third  of Del Webb's  staggered  board),  and since
Pacific Partners is only soliciting proxies for the election of two nominees, if
our nominees are elected,  one of the nominees proposed by the Company will also
be elected.  Pacific  Partners intends to use the proxy solicited hereby to vote
for one nominee being  sponsored by the Company's  Board of Directors.  While we
are not  permitted  to name the Company  nominee for whom we will vote,  we can
tell you that we will not vote for Glenn W. Schaeffer or C. Anthony Wainwright.
If you want,  you can withhold  authority to vote with respect to the  Company's
remaining  nominee  by  writing  his name on the BLUE  proxy  card in the  space
provided.  For  information  regarding  the  Company's  nominees for election as
Directors,  please refer to the Company's  Proxy  Statement  dated September 22,
2000 (the "Del  Webb  Proxy  Statement").  There  can be no  assurance  that the
Company's nominee will serve if elected along with any of our nominees.

         Proxy statements can be difficult to read. We would like to highlight a
few of the interesting facts that can be gleaned from a close reading of the Del
Webb Proxy Statement.

Returns to Stockholders

         The chart below was  prepared by Del Webb  because it is required to be
disclosed  in the Del Webb Proxy  Statement.  It shows the value in June 2000 of
$100 invested in three different investments in June 1995. In one sense, this is
the Board's and  management's  report card for the last five years. A picture is
worth 1,000 words.



                     DEL WEBB                 Peer group              S & P 500
               -------------------         ----------------         ------------

 6/95                   $   100                 $    100                $    100
 6/96                     86.91                   107.84                     126
 6/97                     71.48                    132.5                  169.73
 6/98                    115.14                      221                  220.92
 6/99                    106.19                   186.67                  271.19
 6/00                     68.11                    147.9                  290.85

- ------------
o        $100 invested on 6/30/95 in stock or index -- including reinvestment of
         dividends.  Fiscal year ending June 30.

         The results are clear:

         o     Since  June  1995  the  cumulative  total  returns  to  Del  Webb
               stockholders have been negative 32%.

         o     By contrast,  the cumulative  return on an investment in the peer
               group that Del Webb choose to compare  itself  with was  positive

         o     The return from an investment in the S&P 500 over the same period
               was positive 190.0%.

     Pacific  Partners  owns over 1.0 million  shares of Del Webb  Common  Stock
representing  approximately  5.49% of the outstanding  Common Stock.  Today that
makes us the second largest Del Webb  stockholder.  We bought our shares because
we thought there was an  opportunity  for  substantial  appreciation  if certain
steps were taken and we thought we could be the  catalyst  for change.  However,
absent  dramatic  action,  we are concerned that future returns to  stockholders
could well mirror the dismal returns that have been generated over the last five

Management Compensation

     In the  face of this  record  of  generating  a  negative  32%  return  for
stockholders,   the  Company's  Board  of  Directors  has  continued  to  reward
management with substantial salaries, bonuses and grants of restricted stock and
stock options.  See Del Webb Proxy  Statement,  pages 7-9. When Philip Dion, the
Company's  Chief  Executive  Officer  who  oversaw  the  Company's   performance
reflected  in the chart  above,  retired  on  November  30,  2000,  the Board of
Directors  agreed to pay-out Mr.  Dion's  lifetime  benefit  under the Company's
Supplemental  Executive  Retirement  Plans in three  equal  annual  payments  of
$3,880,119 (plus interest);  i.e.,  approximately $12.0 Million (plus interest).
See Del Webb  Proxy  Statement,  page 13.  Mr.  Dion was also  given a  two-year
consulting agreement that pays him $250,000 a year. In other words, the Board of
Directors  rewarded  Mr.  Dion with more than $12 million of your money and then
hired him as a highly paid consultant. All in all, not too shabby - particularly
given his track record.


         In his first year as CEO,  LeRoy  Hanneman  took home in excess of $2.0
Million in cash compensation  along with $340,320 in restricted stock awards and
75,000 stock options. Not bad either.

New Del Webb Management Incentive Plans

     Now the  Company  is asking  stockholders  to approve  two more  management
incentive plans, the 2000 Executive Long-Term Incentive Plan (the "Equity Plan")
and the 2000 Executive  Management  Incentive Plan (the "Cash Pay Plan"). We are
opposed to the  Equity  Plan  because it does not  prohibit  the  re-pricing  of
options. We are opposed to the Cash Pay Plan because we believe that it does not
prohibit the Human Resources  Committee of the Board of Directors from resetting
the  Performance  Goals  for any  year if it  should  become  apparent  that the
original  Performance  Goals  for a year will not be met - in  essence  backdoor

     At Pacific Partners,  we believe that the interests of all management teams
should be aligned with those of  stockholders,  and that  reasonable cash and/or
stock  rewards  to  management  are  appropriate  only  when  stockholders  have
prospered. We do not believe,  however, that the past performance of the Company
(negative  32% five year  cumulative  total  returns)  justifies  the  salaries,
bonuses,  stock  grants  and  stock  option  awards  given to past  and  present
Directors  and executive  management.  We believe that the time has come for the
Company's   management  team  and  Board  to  be  held   accountable  for  their
performance,  and we do  not  believe  that  their  past  performance  has  been

Stock Ownership by Management and Directors

     Finally,  we took a close  look at the  number of  shares  of Common  Stock
really owned by our management  team and Board of Directors.  Under the rules of
the Securities and Exchange Commission  ("SEC"),  shares held under options that
have been given to officers and  Directors and that are presently or will become
exercisable  in the next 60 days are  considered  "beneficially  owned." This is
true even if the options are  underwater;  i.e.,  the exercise price exceeds the
market price for the Common Stock. The problem with this approach,  however,  is
that unlike  your  shares,  these  "option  shares" do not  represent a personal
investment  in the  Company;  i.e.,  they have not been bought and paid for yet.
These "option shares" cannot vote at the Annual Meeting. So, we asked ourselves,
what does the stock  ownership by our  management and Directors look like if you
eliminate all of the shares subject to unexercised  stock options (i.e.,  shares
that have not been paid for yet) from the shares  reported in the Del Webb Proxy
Statement as  "beneficially  owned" by our officers  and  Directors?  Here's the


                                             Shares or                  Years of
          Name                            Other Securities               Service
- ---------------------                     ----------------              --------
Outside Directors:
D. Kent Anderson                                  -0-*                        6
Michael O. Maffie                               1,000*                        3
J. Russell Nelson                                 100*                       17
Peter A. Nelson                                 7,000*                       16
Michael E. Rossi                                  -0-*                        6
Glenn W. Schaeffer                                -0-*                        3
C. Anthony Wainwright                             816*                       12
Sam Yellen                                      2,000*                        9
                                          ------------                  --------
                                                           Total Years
                                                           of Service        72

Total Ownership by
Outside Directors                              10,916*

Management Directors:
Philip J. Dion                                102,711*
LeRoy C. Hanneman, Jr.                         65,664*

Total Ownership by Management Directors       168,375*

Other Management:
John H. Gleason                                46,803*
Anne L. Mariucci                               40,016*
Frank D. Pankratz                              45,080*
John A. Spencer                                44,704*

Total Ownership by
Other Management                              176,603*

         *Less than 1%

     In case you're  interested,  our current  outside  Directors have 72 total
years of service with Del Webb and own less than 1% of the  outstanding  Common
Stock (calculated as described above).

     Not a pretty  picture.  Quite frankly,  we think the level of real personal
investment by our outside Directors is pathetic.

     In sharp contrast,  Pacific Partners  beneficially owns more than 1,000,000
shares  of  Del  Webb,   representing   approximately  5.49%  of  the  Company's
outstanding  Common Stock.  We own this stock - it is bought and paid for. There
are no presently  exercisable  but unexercised  options.  All of our shares will
vote at the Annual Meeting. Suffice it to say that we are extremely motivated to
maximize stockholder value.

Pacific Partners' Concerns and Conclusions

     In light of the foregoing,  we think it's time for a change - time for new,
independent  representatives  on the Del  Webb  Board  of  Directors  - time for
Directors  whose  interests  are truly  aligned with those of all other Del Webb
stockholders.  Management believes that the Company's future is bright; that the
demographics of the American  population are in the Company's  favor.  Maybe so,
but, absent the financial flexibility to capitalize on future opportunities,  we
still believe that future returns to stockholders  could well mirror our returns
over the last five years.


         Pacific Partners has carefully reviewed public  information  concerning
the Company and its businesses  contained in the Company's filings with the SEC,
in published  articles,  press  releases and in reports  prepared by  securities
analysts.  We are concerned that there may be storm clouds on the horizon.  Here
are some specifics:

o             LeRoy  Hanneman,  Del Webb CEO,  noted  that the  Company's  order
              backlog at the  beginning  of the 2001  fiscal year was materially
              lower than the order backlog at the beginning of the prior fiscal

              "This lower  backlog will  probably  translate  into a decline of
              about $150 -$200 million in revenues for the year."  Source:  Del
              Webb Press Release, July 25, 2000, 5:30 a.m. Eastern time.

o             Although the Company has  articulated  a goal of reducing its debt
              level,  and  publicly  emphasized  that its debt to total  capital
              ratio  had  declined  during  the 2000  fiscal  year,  in fact the
              Company's amount of indebtedness has remained fairly constant. The
              Company's  Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year-ended  June 30,
              2000 (the "2000 Form 10-K")  provides  the  following  information
              (dollars in thousands).

                                                   2000                1999

         Total notes payable, senior and      $1,005,424,000      $1,040,613,000
         subordinated debt ("Debt")

         Source:  2000 Form 10-K, "Selected Consolidated Financial Data."

o             In  press  releases  and  other  public  statements,   management
              dismissed our stated  concerns  that the Company's  high level of
              indebtedness  will  impede  financial  flexibility  and limit Del
              Webb's ability to capitalize on present and future opportunities.
              However, in the 2000 Form 10-K, the Company states:

              "The  Company's  degree of leverage  from time to time will affect
              its interest incurred and capital resources, which could limit its
              ability to  capitalize  on  business  opportunities  or  withstand
              adverse changes."

              Source:  2000 Form 10-K, "Certain Factors Affecting the Company's
              Operations - Financing and Leverage."

o             The  Company's level of total debt to book capitalization (the sum
              of book long-term debt plus shareholders equity) is the  highest
              of any comparable industry participant.


           Company                      Book Equity  1              Total Debt 1
                                        ($ in 000s)                  ($ in 000s)               Debt/Book Cap.
- ------------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ----------------------------
Centex Corp.                             1,465,226                    2,021,618                      58.0%
- ------------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ----------------------------
D. R. Horton, Inc.                         907,885                    1,389,026                      60.5%
- ------------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ----------------------------
Kaufman & Broad Home Corp.                 674,951                    1,356,939                      66.8%
- ------------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ----------------------------
Lennar Corp.                             1,054,027                    1,732,784                      62.2%
- ------------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ----------------------------
M.D.C. Holdings Inc.                       390,904                      269,962                      40.8%
- ------------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ----------------------------
Pulte Corp.                              1,107,264                      939,248                      45.9%
- ------------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ----------------------------
Ryland Group Inc.                          394,992                      740,194                      65.2%
- ------------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ----------------------------
Standard Pacific CP                        405,830                      376,801                      48.1%
- ------------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ----------------------------
Toll Brothers Inc.                         691,606                      818,101                      54.2%
- ------------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ----------------------------
Weighted Average                           788,076                    1,071,630                      55.7%
- ------------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ----------------------------
Del Webb                                   482,386                    1,005,424                      67.6%
- ------------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ----------------------------
1   Based on financial statements contained in most recent report filed by the
    indicated company pursuant to the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as

         Our nominees are committed to evaluating any and all  opportunities  to
address the  challenges  facing our Company.  We believe that "right sizing" the
balance  sheet  may be one  solution  to  provide  Del Webb  with the  necessary
financial flexibility to capitalize on present and future opportunities.

         We also believe that in light of the existing  challenges,  the Company
should explore a possible sale to permit stockholders to realize a premium today
over recent  historical  trading prices.  We remember what happened in 1998 when
the Company was approached by two suitors.  Following a series of press releases
stating the anticipated  value of the  consideration to be received in the deal,
the  stock  price  ran up to the  mid-30s.  Discussions  were  terminated.  What
happened to the stock price  thereafter  is a matter of public  record.  We hope
history will not repeat itself.

         Both of our  nominees  have  substantial  experience  in  business  and
finance.  We believe that our nominees  are well  qualified to take  appropriate
steps to maximize  value for all  stockholders  as promptly as  possible.  While
Pacific Partners' nominees,  if elected,  would not constitute a majority of the
Board of Directors  and thus could not ensure that the Board of Directors  would
explore strategic equity investments or acquisition  proposals,  we believe that
the election of our nominees  will serve as a mandate to the other  Directors to
join in the effort to  maximize  stockholder  values.  Our  nominees  will be an
active presence on the Board committed to pursuing avenues designed to deal with
current  challenges  that  we  believe  are  impeding  the  Company's  financial

         We  also  think  that  any  sale  transaction   should  be  decided  by
stockholders - the people who have the real stake in the Company. Management, in
our opinion, needs to actively investigate the alternatives.  Instead, they hide
behind a  mountain  of debt,  golden  parachutes,  a  staggered  Board and other
antitakeover  shields pointing to future  opportunities,  dismissing present day
critics and ignoring their historical record.


Pacific Partners' Voting Recommendations

         Please vote for a voice for change.  Please vote on the  enclosed  BLUE
proxy card:

o        FOR the nominees sponsored by Pacific Partners;

o        AGAINST the 2000 Executive Long-Term Incentive Plan;

o        AGAINST the 2000 Executive Management Incentive Plan;

o        FOR ratifying the appointment of KPMG LLP as the principal independent
         public  accounting  firm of the  Company  for the year ending June 30,
         2001; and

          Time is short. Your vote is very important. Please sign and
          return the enclosed BLUE proxy card  immediately.  Contact
          D. F. King & Co., Inc. for instructions on how to vote by email,
          facsimile  or  telephone.  Please vote today.

          D. F. King & Co., Inc. 1-800-207-2872


                         BACKGROUND TO THE SOLICITATION

         We  purchased  our shares of Del Webb stock  because we believed  there
were  significant  opportunities  for  realization  of value.  Pacific  Partners
determined to nominate  candidates to the Board who would be committed to fairly
exploring   opportunities  to  increase   stockholder   value  by  investigating
alternative business strategies including the possible sale of the Company.

         On August 17, 2000, we publicly disclosed our substantial investment in
the  Company and  requested a meeting  with  management  to obtain  management's
explanation  of the steps it intended to take to maximize  the value of Del Webb
Common  Stock.  We were told that Mr.  Hanneman was not  available to meet until
September 11th at the earliest.  Del Webb has certain restrictive  provisions in
its Bylaws establishing  detailed requirements to be met if a stockholder wishes
to suggest candidates for election as directors including a requirement for this
year's Annual Meeting that any  nominations  for the 2000 Annual Meeting must be
submitted to Del Webb during a 30-day  window period that closed on September 4,
2000 (which  happened to be Labor Day).  In light of Del Webb's  response to our
request for a meeting,  we had no choice  other than to proceed to nominate  our
candidates to preserve our options.

         On  September  25,  2000,  members of Pacific  Partners  met with LeRoy
Hanneman,  Anne Mariucci and John Spencer of Del Webb. The upshot of the meeting
was that  management told us they preferred the current  incumbent  Directors to
our nominees and did not believe that Del Webb's  current level of  indebtedness
was impeding the Company's  ability to execute its business plan.  Mr.  Hanneman
and Mr.  Levine  met again on  October 3, 2000 to  discuss  the  possibility  of
Pacific Partners having representation on the Del Webb Board of Directors. As a
result of the failure to reach a solution  with the  Company,  Pacific  Partners
decided to proceed to sponsor two nominees  for  election as Directors  who will
actively  seek to  maximize  value  for all  stockholders  by fully  and  fairly
considering various financial and strategic alternatives.

                                (Proposal No. 1)

         According to the Del Webb Proxy  Statement,  three  directors are to be
elected at the  Annual  Meeting.  The  Directors  so elected  will serve in such
capacity  for terms to expire at the 2003  Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders  and
until their  successors  are duly elected and  qualified.  In  opposition to the
incumbent  Board of  Directors,  Pacific  Partners  is  proposing a slate of two
nominees for election as Directors  of the Company.  Information  regarding  our
nominees is set forth below.

         We are also soliciting  authority to vote for one of the nominees being
sponsored  by the  Company.  Although we are not  permitted to state who we will
vote for, we can tell you that if  authority  is  granted,  we will not vote for
Glenn W. Schaeffer or C. Anthony  Wainwright.  See "Voting  Procedures and Other
Matters." Please refer to the Del Webb Proxy Statement for information regarding
the Company's nominees for election as Directors.


         There are no  arrangements  or  understandings  between  any nominee of
Pacific  Partners  and any other  person  pursuant to which he was selected as a
nominee.  Each nominee named below has consented to be nominated for election as
a Director  and to serve as a Director if  elected.  Pacific  Partners  does not
expect that any of the nominees will be unable to stand for election, but in the
event that a vacancy in the slate of nominees  should  occur  unexpectedly,  the
shares  represented  by the  enclosed  BLUE  Proxy  Card  will  be  voted  for a
substitute candidate selected by Pacific Partners.

         The following  information  concerning  age,  principal  occupation and
directorships has been furnished to Pacific Partners by the nominees. Additional
information  regarding  our  nominees  is set forth in Annex 1 to this proxy

     Name           Age    Principal Occupations and Directorships
     ----           ---    ---------------------------------------

William S. Levine   68     Mr. Levine is the manager of Pacific Partners, LLC, a
                           Delaware limited  liability company formed on June 9,
                           2000,  to invest in Del  Webb.  Mr.  Levine is also a
                           director   of   Infinity   Broadcasting   Corporation
                           (multimedia) and Chairman of Infinity  Outdoor,  Inc.
                           (outdoor  advertising)  and has held  such  positions
                           since  December  9, 1999,  and is also a director  of
                           International Leisure Hosts, Inc. Prior to becoming a
                           director of  Infinity  Broadcasting  Corporation  Mr.
                           Levine was  Chairman  of the Board and a director  of
                           Outdoor Systems,  Inc. (outdoor  advertising),  since
                           its  formation  in 1980.  Mr.  Levine is an owner and
                           officer of numerous privately-owned firms.

Brian J. O'Connor   44     Mr.   O'Connor  is  the  Senior  Vice   President  of
                           Hutchison,  Shokey,  Erley & Co. (financial services)
                           (August 1988 to present) and is a member of the Board
                           of  Directors  of  Outdoor  Systems,   Inc.  (outdoor
                           advertising) (September 1993 to December 1999).

         The  following  table  sets  forth the  aggregate  number of shares and
percentage of the Common  Stock,  and other  securities of the Company,  if any,
beneficially  owned by each of Pacific Partners' nominees as of the date of this
Proxy Statement.

                                      Shares of                  Percentage of
           Name                      Common Stock              Outstanding Stock
- -------------------                  ------------              -----------------
  William Levine(1)                    1,002,186                     5.49%
  Brian J. O'Connor                        2,000                        *

        (1)       Mr.  Levine may be deemed to  beneficially  own the  indicated
                  shares by reason of being a member and the  manager of Pacific

          * Less than 1%.


         In  considering  how to vote,  we ask you to think  about the  combined
stock ownership level of the incumbent members of the Board of Directors who are
standing for re-election. As noted above (see "Introduction - Stock Ownership by
Management  and  Directors"),   Messrs.   Hanneman,   Schaeffer  and  Wainwright
collectively own only 66,480 shares of Common Stock (excluding shares subject to
unexercised stock options).

         It is a commonly accepted principle that significant stock ownership by
a company's  management  more fully aligns their interests with the interests of
the company's other  stockholders.  We believe that the level of stock ownership
by these Del Webb  insiders  (particularly  Messrs.  Schaeffer  and  Wainwright)
contributes to a lack of commitment to the creation of value for the true owners
of the Company.  As a result,  we ask you to consider whether  management may be
more interested in retaining their positions and  compensation  packages than in
maximizing the value to them (AND YOU) as stockholders.



                                 OTHER PROPOSALS

The New Del Webb Incentive Plans
(Proposal Nos. 2 and 3)

         Del Webb maintains a variety of bonus, stock option and other incentive
plans.  Many Del Webb executives also participate in the Supplemental  Executive
Retirement  Plans and are  parties to  Employment  Agreements  that  provide for
certain  benefits  to be paid upon the  occurrence  of a change of  control  (as
defined in such agreements).  Descriptions of these various plans and agreements
are contained in the Del Webb Proxy Statement.

         Now the  Company  is  asking  stockholders  to  approve  the  Del  Webb
Corporation 2000 Executive  Long-Term Incentive Plan (the "Equity Plan") and the
Del Webb  Corporation  2000 Executive  Management  Incentive Plan (the "Cash-Pay
Plan" and together with the Equity Plan, the "Incentive Plans"). The text of the
Incentive  Plans is included as Appendix A and  Appendix B to the Del Webb Proxy

         Pacific  Partners has reviewed the  Incentive  Plans and believes  that
stockholders should vote AGAINST the approval of the Incentive Plans. The reason
for this  conclusion  is that Pacific  Partners does not believe that such Plans
prohibit  the  re-pricing  of awards made  thereunder.  What this means in plain
English is that if the Company were to grant stock options under the Equity Plan
and  subsequently  the  Company's  stock price  falls,  the Board can reduce the
option  exercise  price  so the  executive  will be able to buy the  stock  more
cheaply.  In other words,  the option  holder would be able to avoid the adverse
consequences of a stock market price decline. Unfortunately, stockholders cannot
get the  same  treatment.  We are  locked  in at our  original  purchase  price.
Furthermore,  re-pricing  could have  adverse  accounting  consequences  for the

         Specifically,  Article 3, Section 3.2 of the Equity Plan sets forth the
authority of the Human Resources  Committee in administering the Equity Plan and
the  awards  thereunder.  This  section  is  absolutely  silent  on the issue of
re-pricing options and other stock grants made under that plan.


         Interestingly,  by  comparison  Article 3,  Section 3.2 of the Cash-Pay
Plan sets forth the  authority of the  Committee in  administering  the Cash-Pay
Plan and provides  specifically that "the Committee shall not have the authority
to  re-price   previously  issued  and  currently   outstanding  Awards  without
stockholder approval." Obviously, Del Webb has clearly demonstrated that when it
wishes to prohibit  the  opportunity  to re-price  underwater  Awards,  they are
capable of drafting  language to accomplish their goal.  However,  the fact that
this language is contained in a plan which,  by its very terms (see Article 5 of
the Cash-Pay  Plan),  is strictly a cash-pay plan,  strikes us as unusual.  More
importantly,  however,  is the  complete  absence  of any  such  prohibition  on
re-pricing  in the Equity  Plan,  the only plan  pursuant  to which  stock-based
awards can be made.

         Furthermore,  while the  Cash-Pay  Plan does  explicitly  prohibit  the
re-pricing of any Awards,  the language in Section 3.2  conferring  authority on
the Human Resources  Committee to administer this Plan does not, in our opinion,
prohibit the Committee from adjusting the  Performance  Goals during any period.
Thus, if it were to become obvious that any year's Performance Goal would not be
attained,  we believe that the Committee could re-set the relevant goals without
altering the amount of the Award to be paid.  This,  in our  opinion,  is simply
re-pricing  through  the backdoor  and  renders  the  express  prohibition  on
re-pricing a nullity.

         Based on our  review  of the  Incentive  Plans and the fact that by Del
Webb's own  admission,  the  cumulative  total returns to Del Webb  stockholders
since June 1995 have been negative 30%, Pacific  Partners  believes that this is
not the time to approve new incentive plans.

         Pacific Partners recommends that stockholders vote:

         AGAINST the approval of the Del Webb 2000 Executive Long-Term Incentive
         Plan (Proposal No. 2); and

         AGAINST the Del Webb 2000 Executive Management Incentive Plan
         (Proposal No. 3).

Ratification of Appointment of Principal Independent Public Accounting Firm
(Proposal No. 4)

         The Company's  Board of Directors has appointed the firm of KPMG LLP as
Del Webb's principal  independent  public  accounting firm and seeks stockholder
ratification of this appointment.  Pacific Partners recommends that you vote FOR
the  ratification  of the  appointment  of KPMG LLP as the  Company's  principal
independent  public  accounting  firm for the year ending June 30, 2001.  Shares
represented  by a valid,  unrevoked  BLUE  proxy  card  will be  voted  FOR such
proposal unless otherwise specified.



         Three Directors are to be elected at the Annual Meeting.  Since Pacific
Partners is only  proposing two  nominees,  if both of our nominees are elected,
one of the  Company's  nominees  will also be  elected.  We are also  soliciting
authority to vote for one of the nominees being sponsored by Del Webb.  While we
are not  allowed to state  affirmatively  who we intend to vote for, we can tell
you that if you grant us authority to vote for one of the Company's nominees, we
will NOT vote for Glenn Schaeffer or Anthony Wainwright. If you vote on our BLUE
proxy  card,  you have the  opportunity  to withhold  authority  to vote for the
Company's  remaining  nominee by writing  his name on the BLUE proxy card in the
space provided. For information regarding the Company's nominees for election as
Directors,  please  refer  to the Del  Webb  Proxy  Statement.  There  can be no
assurance  that the  Company's  nominee  will serve if  elected  with any of our

         For the proxy  solicited  hereby to be voted,  the enclosed  BLUE proxy
card must be signed and returned in time to be voted at the 2000 Annual Meeting.
Shares  represented  by a valid,  unrevoked  BLUE  proxy  card  will be voted as
specified.  If no  specification  is made, such shares will be voted (1) FOR the
election of the Pacific Partners' nominees;  (2) AGAINST the approval of the Del
Webb  Corporation  2000  Executive  Long-Term  Incentive  Plan;  (3) AGAINST the
approval of the Del Webb Corporation 2000 Executive  Management  Incentive Plan;
and (4) FOR the  ratification  of the  appointment  of KPMG LLP as the principal
independent  public  accounting  firm of the Company for the year ended June 30,

         If you wish to vote FOR the election of the Pacific Partners' nominees,
your latest dated proxy must be a BLUE proxy card. If you have already  returned
the Company's white or anyone else's proxy card, you have the right to revoke it
as to all matters covered thereby and may do so by subsequently signing, dating,
and mailing the enclosed BLUE proxy card. ONLY YOUR LATEST DATED PROXY CARD WILL
COUNT AT THE 2000 ANNUAL MEETING. Execution of a BLUE proxy card will not affect
your right to attend the 2000 Annual  Meeting  and to vote in person.  Any proxy
may be revoked as to all matters covered thereby at any time prior to the time a
vote is taken by (i) filing  with the  Secretary  of the  Company a later  dated
written revocation or a duly executed proxy; (ii) submitting to Pacific Partners
a duly executed proxy bearing a later date; or (iii) attending and voting at the
2000 Annual  Meeting in person.  Attendance at the 2000 Annual  Meeting will not
itself constitute a revocation.

         Except as set forth in this Proxy  Statement,  Pacific  Partners is not
aware of any other matter to be  considered at the 2000 Annual  Meeting.  If any
other matter is presented at the 2000 Annual  Meeting,  the persons named on the
enclosed  BLUE proxy  card will vote in  accordance  with  their  best  judgment
concerning such matter.

         If any of your shares are held in the name of a brokerage  firm,  bank,
bank nominee or other  institution on the record date, only that institution can
vote  your  shares  and only upon its  receipt  of your  specific  instructions.
Accordingly,  please contact the person  responsible for your current account at
such  institution  and instruct that person to execute and return the BLUE proxy
card on your behalf.  You should also sign, date and mail the voting instruction
form (or BLUE proxy card) that your broker or banker  sends you.  Please do this
for each account you maintain to ensure that all of your shares are voted.


         Only the  holders of record as of the close of  business  on the record
date  will be  entitled  to vote  at the  2000  Annual  Meeting.  If you  were a
stockholder  on the record date, you will retain your voting rights for the 2000
Annual Meeting even if you sell such shares after the record date.  Accordingly,
it is  important  that you vote the shares you own on the record date or grant a
proxy to vote such shares, even if you sell your shares after the record date.

         The shares of Common Stock are the only shares of capital  stock of Del
Webb  entitled  to notice of, and to vote at, the 2000 Annual  Meeting.  The Del
Webb Proxy Statement for the 2000 Annual Meeting provides  information about the
number of shares of Common  Stock  outstanding  and  entitled  to vote as of the
record date, and reference is made thereto for such information. Every holder of
shares of Common  Stock is entitled  to one vote for each share of Common  Stock
held. In accordance  with Del Webb's By-laws,  at the 2000 Annual  Meeting,  the
holders of a majority of the shares of Common Stock issued and  outstanding  and
entitled to vote thereat,  present in person or represented  by proxy,  shall be
required for the purpose of  establishing  a quorum.  For election of directors,
those  nominees  receiving  a  plurality  of the votes  cast will be  elected as
directors. "Plurality" means that the nominees who receive the largest number of
votes cast will be elected as directors. Shares not voted will have no affect on
the election of directors.  In order for the 2000 Executive Long -Term Incentive
Plan and the 2000 Executive  Management Incentive Plan to be defeated (Proposals
2 and 3), if a quorum is present,  it will be necessary that more votes are cast
against the approval of these  proposals  than votes that are cast for approval.
For the ratification of the appointment of KPMG LLP as the principal independent
public  accounting  firm of the  Company for the year ending June 30, 2001 to be
approved,  if a quorum is present,  it will be necessary that more votes be cast
in favor of the  approval  of the  proposal  than  votes  that are cast  against
approval of the proposal.

         Abstentions  and broker  non-votes  are not votes cast and,  therefore,
will not be counted in determining  voting  results,  although  abstentions  and
broker non-votes will be treated as shares that are present and entitled to vote
for purposes of determining the presence of a quorum. For additional information
regarding the nature,  treatment and affect of abstentions and broker non-votes,
please refer to the Del Webb Proxy Statement.

         If you have any questions, or need further assistance, please call our
proxy solicitor, D.F. King at (800) 207-2872.


         The  members  of  Pacific  Partners  are  Levine  Investments   Limited
Partnership,  Arturo R. Moreno, GRW Holding, LLC and the Contadino Family Trust.
William S. Levine is the manager of Levine Investments  Limited  Partnership and
Pacific Partners.  Garth R. Wieger is the manager of GRW Holding, LLC and Joseph
F.  Contadino is the trustee of the Contadino  Family Trust.  Pacific  Partners,
William Levine, Arturo Moreno, Garth Wieger, Joseph Contadino and Brian O'Connor
may be deemed to be  "participants"  under the federal  securities laws in this

         Pacific Partners owns an aggregate of 1,002,186 shares of the Company's
Common Stock,  representing  approximately  5.49% of the  outstanding  shares of
Common Stock, with an aggregate cost,  including  commissions of $15,389,732 and
an  aggregate  market  value based on the closing  price of the stock on The New
York Stock Exchange on October __, 2000 of approximately $__________.

         Pacific Partners is a Delaware limited  liability company formed by its
members  for the  purpose  of  investing  in Del  Webb.  Additional  information
regarding   Pacific   Partners,   its  members  and  the  participants  in  this
solicitation,  including recent purchases of Common Stock, is set forth on Annex
1 hereto.

         Except as set forth in this Proxy Statement (or in Annex 1 hereto),  no
member of Pacific Partners nor, to the best knowledge of Pacific  Partners,  any
nominee of Pacific Partners or any other participant in this solicitation or any
of their respective associates: (i) directly or indirectly beneficially owns any
shares of Common Stock or any other securities of the Company;  (ii) has had any
relationship  with the Company in any capacity other than as a  stockholder,  or
has been a party to any transaction,  or series of similar  transactions,  since
the  beginning of the  Company's  last fiscal year with respect to any shares of
the Company's capital stock; (iii) knows of any transactions since the beginning
of the Company's last fiscal year, currently proposed transactions, or series of
similar transactions, to which the Company was or is to be a party, in which the
amount  involved  exceeds  $60,000  and  which  any of them or their  respective
affiliates had, or will have, a direct or indirect material  interest;  (iv) has
any  interest in the matters to be voted on at the 2000  Annual  Meeting,  other
than an interest, if any, as a stockholder of the Company; (v) has been indebted
to the Company; or (vi) has been convicted of a criminal  proceeding  (excluding
traffic violations or similar misdemeanors) during the past ten years.

         In  addition,  other than as set forth in this Proxy  Statement  (or in
Annex 1 hereto), there are no contracts,  arrangements or understandings entered
into by Pacific Partners or any other participant in this solicitation or any of
their respective associates within the past year with any person with respect to
any of the Company's securities,  including, but not limited to, joint ventures,
loan  or  option  arrangements,  puts  or  calls,  guarantees  against  loss  or
guarantees  of  profit,  division  of  losses  or  profits,  or  the  giving  or
withholding of proxies.  In addition,  except as otherwise  described  elsewhere
herein or in the Schedule 13D (defined below),  neither Pacific Partners nor any
other participant in this solicitation or any of their respective associates has
been  engaged  in  contacts,  negotiations  or  transactions  with  the  Company
concerning  a  merger,  consolidation,   acquisition,   tender  offer  or  other
acquisition of securities,  or a sale or other transfer of a material  amount of
assets;  or had any other  transaction  (other than this proxy  solicitation and
matters incidental thereto) with the Company or any of its executive officers or
directors that would require  disclosure  under the rules and regulations of the

         Except as set forth in this Proxy Statement (or in Annex 1 hereto),  no
member of Pacific  Partners or, to the best knowledge of Pacific  Partners,  any
nominee of Pacific Partners or any other participant in this solicitation or any
of their respective associates,  has entered into any agreement or understanding
with any person with respect to (i) any future employment by the Company or (ii)
any future transactions to which the Company will or may be a party.

         Pacific Partners filed a Schedule 13D with the SEC on August 17, 2000
and filed Amendment No. 1 to the Schedule 13D on August 31, 2000  (collectively,
the "Schedule  13D").  The Schedule 13D contains  additional  information  about
Pacific Partners,  the members of Pacific Partners,  Pacific Partners'  nominees
and their respective affiliates and associates.  See also "Nominees for Election
as Directors."


                             SOLICITATION; EXPENSES

         In  connection  with our  solicitation  of proxies  for use at the 2000
Annual  Meeting,  such  proxies  may be  solicited  by  mail,  courier  service,
advertisement,  telephone,  facsimile or other electronic  means, and in person.
Solicitations  may be  made by the  members  of  Pacific  Partners  and  Pacific
Partners'  nominees.  Proxies  may be  similarly  solicited  by  executives  and
administrative  employees of the members of Pacific  Partners and its  nominees,
for which no additional  compensation will be paid. Banks,  brokerage houses and
other  custodians,  nominees  and  fiduciaries  will be requested to forward the
solicitation  material  from Pacific  Partners to their  customers for whom they
hold  shares and  Pacific  Partners  will  reimburse  these  record  holders for
customary  clerical and mailing  expenses  incurred by them in forwarding  these
materials to their customers.

         Pacific  Partners  has  retained  D.F.  King & Co.,  Inc.  for advisory
services  and to assist in the  solicitation  of proxies.  Pacific  Partners has
agreed to pay D.F.  King & Co.,  Inc.  a fee of up to  $200,000,  has  agreed to
reimburse  it for  its  reasonable  out-of-pocket  expenses  and has  agreed  to
indemnify  D.F.  King  against  certain   liabilities  and  expenses   including
liabilities and expenses under the federal  securities  laws.  Approximately  25
persons will be used by D.F. King & Co., Inc. in its solicitation of proxies for
use at the 2000 Annual Meeting.

         The entire expense of preparing,  assembling, printing and mailing this
Proxy Statement and related materials and the cost of soliciting proxies for the
nominees  proposed by Pacific Partners for the 2000 Annual Meeting will be borne
by Pacific  Partners.  We do not intend to seek  reimbursement for such expenses
from Del Webb or any other party or parties. Pacific Partners estimates that its
total expenditures  relating to the solicitation  (other than any possible costs
that may be incurred if  litigation  is initiated)  will be  approximately  $1.0
Million.  Total expenditures to date have been approximately  $525,000.  Pacific
Partners will bear all expenses related to this solicitation.



         Del Webb is a Delaware  corporation with its principal executive office
located at 6001 North 24th Street,  Phoenix,  Arizona 85106. Del Webb is subject
to the  informational  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as
amended (the "Exchange  Act"),  and in accordance  therewith is required to file
reports,   proxy  statements  and  other  information  with  the  SEC.  Reports,
registration  statements,  proxy statements and other  information  filed by Del
Webb with the SEC can be inspected and copied at the public reference facilities
maintained by the SEC at Judiciary  Plaza,  450 Fifth  Street,  N. W. Room 1024,
Washington,  D.C. 20549, and at the SEC's Regional Offices, Judiciary Plaza, 500
West  Madison  Street,  Suite 1400,  Chicago,  Illinois  60661 and 7 World Trade
Center,  New York, New York 10048.  Copies of such material can be obtained from
the Public Reference  Section of the SEC, 450 Fifth Street,  N. W.,  Washington,
D.C. 20549, at prescribed rates.  Documents filed electronically by Del Webb are
also available at the SEC's Web site (

         Information  regarding  shares  outstanding  as of the record date, the
establishment of a quorum, vote required for approval,  treatment of abstentions
and "broker non-votes," admission requirements for the Annual Meeting, ownership
of shares of Common Stock by Directors and executive officers of Del Webb and by
other persons who own more than five percent of the outstanding shares of Common
Stock,  the  background of the  Company's  nominees for election to the Board of
Directors,  the  compensation  paid and payable to the  Company's  Directors and
executive  officers,  the  committees of Del Webb's Board of Directors and their
responsibilities  and the meetings of Del Webb's Board of Directors  and certain
committees  thereof and  requirements  regarding the  submission of  stockholder
proposals to be considered  for inclusion in Del Webb's proxy  statement for the
2001  Annual  Meeting  of  Stockholders  is  contained  in the  Del  Webb  Proxy
Statement.  Pacific  Partners  assumes no  responsibility  for the  accuracy  or
completeness of such information.

          The Annual Meeting of Stockholders is scheduled to be held on November
2, 2000 at 9:00 a.m. at the Renaissance  Esmeralda  Resort,  44-400 Indian Wells
Lane, Indian Wells,  California (together with any adjournments or postponements
thereof,  the  "Annual  Meeting").  The Company has set the close of business on
September  5, 2000 as the  record  date for the  determination  of  stockholders
entitled to notice of, and to vote at, the Annual Meeting.


                                  OTHER MATTERS

         Reference  is made to the Del  Webb  Proxy  Statement  for  information
concerning  Del Webb  stock,  beneficial  ownership  of the stock by,  and other
information  concerning,  the  Company's  Board and  management,  the  principal
holders of the stock and the procedure for submitting  stockholder proposals for
consideration at the November 2, 2000 Annual Meeting.

         Pacific Partners does not know of any matter other than those described
above that will be presented for action at the Annual Meeting.  If other matters
come  before  the  meeting,  the  persons  named as  proxies  intend  to vote in
accordance with their judgment.

        This  Proxy  Statement  and  BLUE  Proxy  Card  will  first  be sent to
stockholders on or about October __, 2000.

         Pacific Partners'  mailing address is 1702 East Highland Avenue,  Suite
310,  Phoenix,  Arizona  85016.  For  additional  information or if you have any
questions,  please contact our proxy  solicitor,  D.F. King & Co., Inc. at (800)


                                                       PACIFIC PARTNERS, LLC

October __, 2000.


                                   ANNEX 1

A.   Background

                              IN THE SOLICITATION

        Unless otherwise noted, all of the individuals listed in this Annex 1
are citizens of the United States.

1.       Pacific Partners, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company

a.       Address:          1702 East Highland Avenue
                           Suite 310
                           Phoenix, Arizona 85016

b.       Principal Business:  Investments

c.       Manager: William S. Levine

d.       Members: Levine Investments Limited Partnership
                  Arturo R. Moreno
                  GRW Holding, LLC
                  Contadino Family Trust

2.       William S. Levine (Manager of Pacific Partners, LLC, General Partner
         of Levine Investments Limited Partnership and Director Nominee)

a.       Address:          1702 East Highland Avenue
                           Suite 310
                           Phoenix, Arizona 85016

b.       Principal Occupation:  Chairman, Infinity Outdoor, Inc.

c.       Principal Business:    Outdoor advertising

d.       Business Address:      1702 East Highland Avenue
                                Suite 310
                                Phoenix, Arizona 85016

3.       Levine Investments Limited Partnership, an Arizona limited partnership

a.       Address: 1702 East Highland Avenue
                  Suite 310
                  Phoenix, Arizona 85016

b.       Principal Business:  Investments

c.       General Partner:  William S. Levine

4.       Arturo R. Moreno, a resident of Arizona

a.       Address: 2502 N. Black Canyon Highway
                  Phoenix, Arizona  85009

b.       Principal Occupation:   Chief Executive Officer, Infinity Outdoor, Inc.

c.       Principal Business:        Outdoor advertising

d.       Business Address:          2502 N. Black Canyon Highway
                                    Phoenix, Arizona  85009

5.       GRW Holding, LLC, an Arizona limited liability company

a.       Address: 6900 E. Second Street
                  Scottsdale, Arizona  85251

b.       Principal Business:  Investments

c.       Manager: Garth R. Wieger

d.       Members: Garth R. Wieger
                  ATG, LLC
                  Tom Blake
                  Debbie Eden

6.       Garth R. Wieger (Manager of GRW Holding, LLC)

a.       Address: 6900 E. Second Street
                  Scottsdale, Arizona  85251

b.       Principal Occupation:  Manager, Journey Homes, L.L.C.

c.        Principal Business:       Homebuilding

d.        Business Address: 6900 E. Second Street
                            Scottsdale, Arizona  85251

7.       Contadino Family Trust, a revocable trust, formed under the laws of

a.       Address: 9034 North 23rd Avenue
                  Suite 1
                  Phoenix, Arizona  85021

b.       Principal Business:  Investment trust

c.       Trustee: Joseph F. Contadino

8.       Joseph F. Contadino (Trustee for the Contadino Family Trust)

a.       Address: 9034 N. 23rd Avenue
                  Suite 1
                  Phoenix, Arizona  85021

b.       Principal Occupation:  Owner, Universal Homes, Inc.

c.       Principal Business:       Homebuilder

d.       Business Address: 9034 N. 23rd Avenue
                           Suite 1
                           Phoenix, Arizona  85021

9.       Brian J. O'Connor (Director Nominee)

a.       Address:  1702 East Highland Avenue, Suite 301
                   Phoenix, Arizona  85016

b.       Principal Occupation:   Senior Vice President - Hutchison, Shockey,
                                 Erley & Co.

c.       Principal Business:     Investment banking

d.       Business Address: 1702 East Highland Avenue, Suite 301
                           Phoenix, Arizona  85016

B.       Common Stock Purchases by Pacific Partners and other Participants
Date       Number of Shares Acquired             Price/Share    Total Cost

05/12/00            2,000                          14 13/16      29,650.00

05/15/00            2,000                          14 13/16      29,650.00

05/15/00            5,000                          15 1/8        75,650.00

05/16/00            2,000                          15 5/16       30,650.00

05/18/00            2,000                          15 7/16       30,910.00

05/18/00            1,200                          15 1/2        18,625.00

05/18/00            1,800                          15 9/16       28,037.50

05/19/00            3,000                          15 1/2        46,525.00

05/24/00            6,000                          15 1/2        93,085.00

05/24/00            5,000                          15 9/16       77,837.50

05/24/00            4,000                          15 5/8        62,525.00

05/25/00              100                          15 5/16        1,556.25

05/25/00            1,000                          15 3/8        15,400.00

05/25/00            5,000                          15 1/2        77,525.00

05/26/00            3,600                          15            54,055.00

05/26/00            2,000                          15 1/8        30,275.00

05/26/00            1,900                          15 7/16       29,356.25

05/30/00           17,000                          15 1/16      256,115.00

05/30/00            3,000                          15 3/16       45,587.50

05/30/00           31,000                          15 1/4       472,837.50

05/31/00           20,000                          15           300,260.00

05/31/00            5,000                          15 3/16       75,962.50

Date       Number of Shares Acquired              Price/Share   Total Cost

06/01/00           12,700                          15           190,668.75

06/02/00              400                          15 3/8         6,175.00

06/05/00           10,000                          15 5/16      153,160.00

06/05/00            5,000                          15 1/4        76,275.00

06/06/00           16,800                          15 1/4       256,252.00

06/07/00           10,000                          15 1/4       152,635.00

06/07/00            6,000                          15 3/8        92,275.00

06/14/00           75,000                          15         1,125,947.50

06/14/00           25,000                          15 1/8       378,197.50

06/15/00          152,500                          15         2,289,416.25

06/15/00           25,000                          15 1/16      376,635.00

06/16/00           50,000                          15           750,135.00

06/19/00           15,800                          14 7/8       235,232.50

06/19/00           50,000                          15           750,135.00

06/20/00            4,400                          14 7/8        65,515.00

06/20/00           80,000                          15         1,200,210.00

06/21/00           20,200                          14 7/8       300,535.50

06/23/00            7,900                          14 5/8       115,567.25

06/23/00           20,000                          14 3/4       295,260.00

06/26/00              500                          14 9/16        7,306.25

06/26/00           10,000                          14 5/8       146,285.00

06/27/00           20,600                          14 5/8       301,336.50

06/27/00           20,000                          14 3/4       295,260.00

06/27/00           50,000                          14 15/16     747,510.00

06/30/00              200                          14 3/4         2,975.00

Date       Number of Shares Acquired              Price/Share   Total Cost

07/03/00            6,000                          14 15/16      89,650.00

07/03/00           20,000                          15           300,060.00

07/13/00            9,500                          14 13/16     140,847.50

07/14/00            6,900                          14 3/4       101,871.25

07/14/00           15,500                          14 13/16     229,797.50

07/17/00           15,500                          14 3/4       228,828.75

07/18/00            1,600                          14 5/8        23,430.00

07/19/00            3,400                          14 5/8        49,777.50

07/26/00              700                          14 5/8        10,262.50

07/26/00              100                          14 3/4         1,500.00

08/01/00            8,000                          15 1/8       121,030.00

08/03/00              200                          15             3,025.00

08/04/00              700                          15            10,525.00

08/04/00            2,000                          15 1/8        30,275.00

08/07/00            5,000                          15 9/16       77,837.50

08/07/00            6,300                          17           107,125.75

08/08/00              200                          18 1/16        3,637.50

08/08/00           19,800                          18 1/8       358,934.50

08/08/00            2,900                          18 3/8        53,312.50

08/10/00              100                          18 9/16        1,881.25

08/10/00            1,900                          18 5/8        35,421.25

08/10/00            5,400                          18 3/4       101,327.50

08/10/00            1,000                          19            19,025.00

08/11/00            3,000                          19 1/16       57,212.50

08/15/00            3,000                          19 1/4        57,775.00

08/15/00            2,000                          19 7/16       38,900.00

08/15/00            7,000                          19 5/16      135,215.00

08/16/00              200                          19 3/16        3,862.50

Date       Number of Shares Acquired              Price/Share   Total Cost

08/16/00            1,486                          Capital contribution by
                                                   Contadino Family Trust

08/16/00            4,900                          19 1/4        94,350.00

08/16/00            3,000                          19 5/16       57,962.50

08/16/00            3,000                          19 3/8        58,172.50

08/16/00            4,000                          19 1/2        78,025.00

08/17/00              600                          19 5/16       11,612.50

08/17/00           13,200                          19 1/2       257,400.00

08/25/00            1,500                          19 11/16      29,531.25

08/25/00           11,000                          19 3/4       217,250.00
                  -------                                    -------------

TOTAL           1,002,186                                    15,389,732.00
                  -------                                    -------------

         The aggregate  amount of funds required by Pacific Partners to purchase
the 1,002,186 shares of Common Stock owned by it was $15,389,732,  including any
brokerage commissions and Common Stock contribution. Except for shares of Common
Stock purchased  pursuant to the margin account referenced below, all funds used
to purchase Common Stock were obtained from Pacific  Partners'  working capital.
Pacific Partners has borrowed a total of approximately $2,398,867.23 to purchase
Common  Stock  pursuant  to margin  arrangements  established  in  Stockholder's
Customer Agreement with Spear, Leeds & Kellogg (a copy which is filed as Exhibit
99.1 to Pacific Partners' Schedule 13D on file with the Securities and Exchange
Commission).  On July 10, 2000, Brian O'Connor acquired 2,000 shares of Del Webb
Common Stock.

                                   ANNEX 2

              Del Webb Corporation Annual Meeting November 2, 2000

         The  undersigned  stockholder of Del Webb  Corporation  (the "Company")
hereby (i)  acknowledges  receipt of the Proxy  Statement dated October __, 2000
from Pacific Partners, LLC; (ii) revokes any and all prior proxies in connection
with or related to the following  matters and (iii) appoints William B. Shearer,
Jr.  and  Richard  H.  Miller,  or  either  one of  them,  with  full  power  of
substitution,  to act as proxies for the undersigned,  and to vote all shares of
Common  Stock  which the  undersigned  is  entitled  to vote at the 2000  Annual
Meeting of  Stockholders  of Del Webb  Corporation  on November 2, 2000, and any
adjournment or postponement  thereof, as specified below and in their discretion
on all other matters coming before the meeting.
         This  proxy is  revocable  and will be  voted  as  directed,  but if no
instructions  are  specified,  this proxy will be voted (1) FOR the  election of
each of  Pacific  Partners'  Nominees  and one of the  Company's  nominees;  (2)
AGAINST  approval of the Del Webb 2000 Executive  Long-Term  Incentive Plan; (3)
AGAINST approval of the Del Webb 2000 Executive  Management  Incentive Plan; and
(4)  FOR the  ratification  of the  appointment  of  KPMG  LLP as the  Company's
independent  public  accounting  firm for the year ending June 30, 2001.  At the
present time Pacific  Partners knows of no other business to be presented at the
Annual Meeting.
         Pacific  Partners also intends to use this Proxy to vote for one person
nominated by the Company.  We will not vote for Glenn W. Schaeffer or C. Anthony
Wainwright.  To withhold authority to vote for the Company's  remaining nominee,
write his name in the space below.  Refer to the Proxy Statement dated September
22, 2000 distributed by Del Webb for the name and other  information  concerning
such  nominee.  There is no assurance  that the Company's nominee will serve as
a Director if the Pacific Partners nominees are elected to the Board.

                            Continued on reverse side

         Pacific Partners recommends a vote FOR proposals 1 and 4 and AGAINST
         proposals 2 and 3.
1.       Election of directors to serve for 3-year terms.
         William S. Levine and Brian J. O'Connor.
         _____ For all nominees listed above.
         _____ Withhold authority to vote for all nominees listed above.
         _____ For all nominees listed above except:
         Instruction:  To withhold authority to vote for any individual nominee
         including the Company's nominee, write the name(s) of such nominee(s)in
         the following space.


         Pacific Partners recommends a vote AGAINST proposal 2.
2.       Approval of the Del Webb 2000 Executive Long-Term Incentive Plan.
         _____    For               _____   Against           _____    Abstain

         Pacific Partners recommends a vote AGAINST proposal 3.
3.       Approval of the Del Webb 2000 Executive Management Incentive Plan.
         _____    For               _____   Against           _____    Abstain

         Pacific Partners recommends a vote FOR proposal 4.
4.       Ratification of appointment of KPMG LLP as the Company's independent
         public accounting firm for the year ending June 30, 2001.
         _____    For               _____   Against           _____    Abstain

                                  Dated __________________________, 2000


                                  Please sign name exactly as it appears hereon.
                                  When signing as attorney, executor, trustee or
                                  in other representative capacity, state full

                        (IMPORTANT - PLEASE FILL IN DATE)