FPB Bancorp, Inc. Bylaws

                                     BYLAWS                          Exhibit 3.2

                                FPB BANCORP, INC.

                                    ARTICLE I

     The home office of FPB Bancorp,  Inc.  ("Corporation")  shall be located at
1301  Southeast Port St. Lucie  Boulevard,  Port St. Lucie,  Florida 34952.  The
Corporation may establish other facilities, offices or branches at such place or
places as the Board of Directors  may  determine  from time to time.  ARTICLE II
STOCKHOLDERS  Section 1 - ANNUAL MEETING. The Annual Meeting of the shareholders
shall be held in the fourth month  following the end of each fiscal year on such
date as the Board of  Directors  shall  determine,  for the  purpose of electing
directors and for the  transaction  of such other  business as may lawfully come
before  the  meeting.  Section  2  -  SPECIAL  MEETINGS.   Special  Meetings  of
shareholders of the Corporation may be called by the Board of Directors pursuant
to a  resolution  adopted  by a  majority  of the  total  number  of  authorized
directors  (whether or not there exist any  vacancies in  previously  authorized
directorships  at the time any such  resolution  is  presented  to the Board for
adoption), the Chairman of the Board or the President of the Corporation,  or by
shareholders  holding at least 10% of the outstanding shares of the Corporation.
Business  transacted at any Special Meeting of shareholders  shall be limited to
the purposes stated in the notice thereof.

     Section 3 - PLACE OF MEETING.  All  meetings of the  shareholders  shall be
held at the home office of the  Corporation or such other place within the State
of Florida as shall be  designated  from time to time by the Board of  Directors
and stated in the notice of such meeting.

     Section 4 - NOTICE OF MEETING.  Written notice,  signed by the President or
Chairman of the Board, stating the place, day and hour of the meeting and in the
case of a Special  Meeting  the  purpose or  purposes  for which the  meeting is
called,  shall be mailed not less than 10 nor more than 60 days  before the date
of the meeting to each  shareholder of record  entitled to vote at such meeting.
Such notice shall be mailed to each  shareholder at his address as it appears on
the records of the  Corporation.  Any  shareholder may waive notice of a meeting
either before, at or after the meeting.

     Section 5 - VOTING  LISTS.  The officer or agent having charge of the stock
transfer books for shares of the  Corporation  shall,  at least five days before
each meeting of shareholders,  make a complete list of the shareholders entitled
to vote at such meeting or any adjournment  thereof.  The list shall be arranged
in  alphabetical  order,  with the address and the number of shares held by each
shareholder.  The list of  shareholders  shall be produced at any  shareholders'
meeting at the request of any shareholder.

     Section 6 - QUORUM.  Except as otherwise  provided in these Bylaws,  or the
Corporation's Articles of Incorporation, a majority of the outstanding shares of
the  Corporation  entitled  to vote  shall  constitute  a quorum at a meeting of
shareholders.  The shareholders  present at a duly convened meeting may continue
to transact business until adjournment  thereof,  notwithstanding the subsequent
withdrawal of shareholders sufficient to leave less than a quorum.

     Section 7 - VOTING OF SHARES.  Each  shareholder  entitled to vote shall be
entitled  to one vote in  person  or by proxy  for each  share of  voting  stock
recorded in his name on the books of the  Corporation.  Such right to vote shall


be subject to the right of the Board of Directors to close the transfer books or
to fix a record date for voting shareholders, as hereinafter provided.

     Section 8 - PROXIES.  At any meeting of shareholders,  a shareholder may be
represented  by a proxy  appointed by an  instrument  executed in writing by the
shareholder, or by his duly authorized  attorney-in-fact;  but no proxy shall be
valid after one year from its date,  unless the instrument  appointing the proxy
provides  for  a  longer  period.  Such  instrument  shall  be  filed  with  the
Corporation  before or at the time of the  meeting.  In the event  that any such
instrument shall designate two or more persons to act as proxies,  a majority of
such persons present at the meeting,  or if only one be present,  that one shall
have  all of the  powers  conferred  by  the  instrument  upon  all  persons  so
designated, unless the instrument shall otherwise provide.

     Section  9 - RECORD  DATE.  For the  purpose  of  determining  shareholders
entitled  to  notice  of or to  vote  at  any  meeting  of  shareholders  or any
adjournment,  or shareholders entitled to receive payment of any dividend, or in
order to make a determination of shareholders for any other proper purpose,  the
Board of  Directors  shall fix in advance a date as the record date for any such
determination of  shareholders.  Such date in any case shall be not more than 30
days and, in case of a meeting of shareholders,  not fewer than 10 days prior to
the date on  which  the  particular  action,  requiring  such  determination  of
shareholders,  is to be taken. When a determination of shareholders  entitled to
vote at any meeting of  shareholders  has been made as provided in this Section,
such determination shall apply equally to any adjournment.

     Section 10 - INSPECTOR OF ELECTION.  The Board of Directors may appoint any
person(s) other than nominees for office,  as inspector(s) of election to act at
a meeting of shareholders or any adjournment  thereof.  The number of inspectors
shall be either one or three. Any such  appointment  shall not be altered at the
meeting  except as  hereinafter provided.  If inspectors of election  are not so


appointed,  the Chairman of the Board or the President may, or at the request of
10% of the votes  represented at the meeting shall, make such appointment at the
meeting.  If appointed at the meeting,  the majority of the votes  present shall
determine  whether one or three  inspector(s)  are to be appointed.  In case any
person  appointed as  inspector  fails to appear or fails or refuses to act, the
vacancy may be filled by the Board of Directors in advance of the meeting, or at
the meeting by the Chairman of the Board or the President.

     Unless  otherwise  prescribed  by law or  regulation,  the  duties  of such
inspector(s)  shall include:  (i)  determining  the number of shares entitled to
vote,  the number of shares  represented  at the  meeting,  the  existence  of a
quorum,  and the  authenticity,  validity and effect of proxies;  (ii) receiving
votes,  ballots,  or consents;  (iii) hearing and determining all challenges and
questions  arising  in  connection  with the right to vote;  (iv)  counting  and
tabulating all votes,  ballots or consents;  (v)  determining and certifying the
results of balloting;  and (vi) such other acts as may be proper or necessary in
order to conduct the election or vote, with fairness to all shareholders.

     Section 11 - NOMINATING COMMITTEE. The Board of Directors will serve as the
nominating  committee for the selection of candidates to be Board  members.  The
nominating   committee  shall  deliver  written  nominations  to  the  Corporate
Secretary  at  least  30 days  prior  to the  date  of the  Annual  Meeting.  No
nominations for director,  except those made by the nominating committee,  shall
be voted  upon at the  Annual  Meeting,  unless  other  nominations  are made by
shareholders  in  writing  and  delivered  to  the  Corporate  Secretary  of the
Corporation  at least 30 days prior to the date of the Annual  Meeting.  Ballots
bearing the names of all  persons  nominated  shall be  provided  for use at the
Annual Meeting. If the nominating committee shall fail or refuse to act at least
30 days prior to the Annual  Meeting,  nominations  for directors may be made at
the Annual  Meeting by the Board of  Directors  or any  shareholder  entitled to


     Section 12 - NEW  BUSINESS.  Any new  business to be taken up at the Annual
Meeting  shall be stated in writing and filed with the  Corporation  at least 30
days  before  the  date of the  Annual  Meeting,  and all  business  so  stated,
proposed,  and filed shall be  considered  at the Annual  Meeting;  but no other
proposal shall be acted upon at the Annual Meeting. Any shareholder may make any
other  proposal  at the  Annual  Meeting  and  the  same  may be  discussed  and
considered, but unless stated in writing and filed with the Corporation at least
30  business  days before the  meeting,  such  proposal  shall not be acted upon
except at an adjourned,  special,  or future Annual Meeting of the shareholders,
taking place at least 30 days or more thereafter.

                                   ARTICLE III
                               BOARD OF DIRECTORS

     Section 1 - GENERAL  POWERS.  The business  and affairs of the  Corporation
shall be conducted  under the direction of its Board of Directors.  The Board of
Directors  shall elect  annually from among its members a Chairman of the Board.
The Chairman shall preside at meetings of the Board of Directors and meetings of

     Section 2 - NUMBER OF DIRECTORS.  The Board of Directors of the Corporation
shall be comprised of not less than five (5)  directors  and shall be fixed from
time to time  exclusively  by the Board of  Directors  pursuant to a  resolution
adopted  by a  majority  of the  full  Board as set  forth in the  Corporation's
Bylaws. The Board of Directors is authorized to increase the number of directors
by no more than two and to immediately  appoint persons to fill the new director
positions  until the next Annual Meeting of  Shareholders,  at which meeting the
new director positions shall be filled by persons elected by the shareholders of
the voting  power of all the  then-outstanding  shares of  capital  stock of the
Corporation  entitled to vote  generally  in the election of  directors,  voting
together as a single class.


     Commencing immediately,  the Board of Directors shall be divided into three
classes,  designated  Class I, Class II and Class III. Each Class shall consist,
as nearly  as may be  possible,  of  one-third  (33  1/3%) of the full  Board of
Directors. Should the number of directors not be equally divisible by three, the
excess  director or directors  shall be assigned to Classes I and II as follows:
(i) if there is an excess of one directorship over a number equally divisible by
three, such extra directorship shall be classified as Class I; and (ii) if there
is an excess of two directorships  over a number equally divisible by three, one
shall be  classified in Class I and the other in Class II. The term of the Class
I  directors  shall  terminate  on  the  date  of the  2003  Annual  Meeting  of
Shareholders,  the term of the Class II directors shall terminate on the date of
the 2004 Annual Meeting of Shareholders  and the term of the Class III directors
shall terminate on the date of the 2002 Annual Meeting of Shareholders.  At each
Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders  beginning in 2002,  successors to the class of
directors whose term expires at that Annual Meeting shall be elected for a three
(3) year term. If the number of directors has changed,  any increase or decrease
shall be apportioned among the Classes so as to maintain the number of directors
in each Class as nearly equal as possible,  and any additional  directors of any
Class elected to fill a vacancy  resulting  from an increase in such Class shall
hold  office  for a term that shall  coincide  with the  remaining  term of that
Class,  but in no case will a decrease  in the number of  directors  shorten the
term of any incumbent director.

     Section 3 - QUALIFICATIONS. Not less than a majority of the directors must,
during  their whole term of service,  be citizens of the United  States,  and at
least three-fifths of the directors must have resided in this state for at least
one year  preceding  their  election and must be residents  therein during their
continuance in office.  Unless otherwise  approved by the Board, no person shall
be  eligible  for  election  or shall  serve as a  director  or  officer  of the
Corporation  who has been  adjudicated  a bankrupt  or  convicted  of a criminal
offense   involving   dishonesty  or  a  breach  of  trust.   A  director  shall
automatically  cease to be a director  when he is  adjudicated  a bankrupt or is
convicted of a criminal offense  involving  dishonesty or a breach of trust, but


no  action  of the  Board of  Directors  shall  be  invalidated  because  of the
participation of any such director in such action.

     Section 4 - REMOVAL OF DIRECTORS.      Directors may be removed:

         (a)      for  any  reason  at a meeting  of  shareholders,  noticed and
called  expressly  for  that  purpose,  by a vote of the  holders  of at least a
majority of the shares then entitled to vote at an election of directors; or

         (b)      for  cause,  by  a  vote  of not  less than a  majority of the
disinterested  directors  entitled  to vote,  at a meeting  noticed  and  called
expressly for that purpose.  The term "cause" is defined to mean the  commission
of an act of willful misconduct,  self-dealing,  malfeasance,  gross negligence,
personal  dishonesty,  breach  of  fiduciary  duty  involving  personal  profit,
intentional  failure to perform stated duties,  or willful violation of any law,
rule or  regulation  (other than  traffic  violations  or similar  offenses)  or
conduct  which  negatively  reflects upon the  Corporation  as determined by the
Board of Directors in its sole discretion. A "disinterested director" is defined
to be a director who is not the subject of the removal action.

     Section 5 - DIRECTOR'S  OATH. Each director,  upon assuming  office,  shall
take an oath that he or she will diligently and honestly  administer the affairs
of the Corporation.

     Section 6 - ANNUAL  MEETING.  The Board of Directors  shall hold its Annual
Meeting  immediately  following  the  Annual  Meeting of  shareholders,  for the
purpose of the election of officers and the  transaction  of such other business
as may come before the meeting;  and, if a majority of the  directors be present
at such place and time,  no other notice of such meeting shall be required to be
given to the  directors.  The place and time of such meeting may also be changed
and fixed by written consent of all of the directors.


     Section 7 - REGULAR  MEETINGS.  Regular  Meetings of the Board of Directors
shall be held,  without  notice at the home  office of the  Corporation  or such
other  places  within  the  State of  Florida,  and at such  times,  as shall be
determined, from time to time, by the Board of Directors.

     Section 8 - SPECIAL  MEETINGS.  Special  Meetings of the Board of Directors
may be called by or at the request of the Chairman of the Board,  the President,
or any  three  directors.  The  person or  persons  authorized  to call  Special
Meetings of the Board of  Directors  may  reasonably  fix the time and place for
holding any Special Meetings of the Board of Directors called by them.

     Section 9 - NOTICE.  Notice of any Special  Meeting shall be given at least
three days prior thereto by telephone or by written notice delivered  personally
or by telefax,  telegram,  mailgram or confirmed  e-mail to each director at his
home or business address. If notice be given by telegram,  mailgram or confirmed
e-mail, such notice shall be deemed to be delivered when the telegram,  mailgram
or confirmed e-mail is delivered to the telegraph company or transmitted, as the
case may be. Any director may give a waiver of notice of any such  meeting.  The
attendance  of a director at a meeting  shall  constitute  a waiver of notice of
such meeting,  except where a director attends a meeting for the express purpose
of  objecting  to the  transaction  of any  business  because the meeting is not
lawfully called or convened.

     Section 10 - QUORUM. A majority of the number of directors fixed by Section
2 of this Article III shall  constitute a quorum for the transaction of business
of any  meeting of the Board of  Directors,  but a smaller  number may adjourn a
meeting, from time to time, without further notice until a quorum is secured.

     Section 11 - MANNER OF ACTING.  The act of the  majority  of the  directors
present at a meeting at which a quorum is present  shall be the act of the Board
of Directors, unless a greater number is required by law or these Bylaws.


     Section 12 - VACANCIES  ON BOARD.  In the event of any vacancy on the Board
of Directors,  including  any vacancy  created by a failure to qualify or by any
increase in the number of directors authorized,  the Board of Directors may, but
shall  not be  required  to,  fill such  vacancy  by the  affirmative  vote of a
majority of the remaining directors.

     Section 13 - PRESENCE AT  MEETINGS.  Members of the Board of  Directors  or
members of any committee  established in accordance with Article V herein, shall
be  deemed  present  in  person at a meeting  of such  Board or  committee  if a
conference  telephone  or  similar  communication  equipment  call in which  all
persons participating in the meeting can hear each other is used.

     Section 14 - ACTION WITHOUT A MEETING. Any action of the Board of Directors
or of any  committee  thereof,  which is required or  permitted to be taken at a
meeting, may be taken without a meeting if consent in writing, setting forth the
action to be taken,  and signed by all members of the Board of  Directors  or of
the committee, as the case may be, is filed in the minutes of the proceedings of
the Board of Directors or such committee.

     Section 15 - RESIGNATION. Any director may resign at any time by sending or
delivering a written notice of such resignation to the Corporation, addressed to
the Chairman of the Board or the President.  Unless  otherwise  specified,  such
resignation  shall take effect upon  receipt by the Chairman of the Board or the
President.  Three consecutive  absences,  or a total of four absences in any one
fiscal year, from Regular Meetings of the Board of Directors,  unless excused by
resolution of the Board,  shall  automatically  constitute a  resignation  to be
effective when such resignation is accepted by the Board of Directors.


                                   ARTICLE IV

     Section  1 -  POSITIONS.  The  officers  of  the  Corporation  shall  be  a
President,  one or more Vice Presidents,  and a Chief Financial Officer, each of
whom shall be elected by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors may also
elect or authorize the appointment of such other officers as the business of the
Corporation   may   require.   No  person   may  hold  more  than  two   offices

     Section 2 - ELECTION AND TERM OF OFFICE.  Except as  otherwise  provided in
any  written  employment  agreement  which  has been  approved  by the  Board of
Directors,  the  officers of the  Corporation  shall be elected  annually by the
Board of Directors at its Annual Meeting. Each officer shall hold office for the
term  set  forth in his  written  employment  agreement,  if any,  or until  his
successor  shall have been duly elected and shall have  qualified,  or until his
death,  or until he shall  resign  or shall  have  been  removed  in the  manner
hereinafter provided.  Election or appointment of an officer, employee, or agent
shall not of itself  create  contractual  rights.  The  Board of  Directors  may
authorize the Corporation to enter into an employment contract with any officer,
but no such contract  shall impair the right of the Board of Directors to remove
any officer at any time in accordance with Section 3 of this Article.

     Section 3 -  REMOVAL.  Any  officer  elected or  appointed  by the Board of
Directors  may be removed by the Board of Directors  whenever,  in its judgment,
the best interests of the Corporation will be served thereby,  but such removal,
other than for cause, shall be without prejudice to the contract rights, if any,
of the person so removed.

     Section  4  -  VACANCIES.  A  vacancy  in  any  office  because  of  death,
resignation,  removal, disqualification or otherwise, may be filled by the Board
of Directors for the unexpired portion of the term.


     Section 5 - DUTIES OF OFFICERS.  The President shall be the Chief Executive
Officer  of the  Corporation.  Subject to the  foregoing,  the  officers  of the
Corporation shall have such authority and perform such duties as usually pertain
to their respective  offices and such additional powers and duties  specifically
conferred by law, by the Articles of  Incorporation,  by these Bylaws, or as may
be assigned to them from time to time by the Board of Directors.

     Section 6 - DELEGATION  OF DUTIES.  In the absence of or the  disability of
any officer of the Corporation, or for any other reason deemed sufficient by the
Board of Directors, the Board may delegate the officer's powers or duties to any
other officer or to any other director.

     Section 7 - REMUNERATION.  The remuneration of the executive officers shall
be fixed from time to time by the Board of Directors.

     Section 8 - GENERAL  POWERS.  The officers are authorized to do and perform
such  acts  as  are  necessary  in  the  carrying  on of  the  business  of  the
Corporation,  subject  always  to  any  limitations  imposed  by  the  Board  of

                                    ARTICLE V

     Section  1 -  CREATION  OF  COMMITTEES.  The  Board  of  Directors  may  by
resolution  designate an Executive  Committee and one or more other  committees,
including,  but not limited to, an Audit Committee,  each to consist of three or
more of the directors of the Corporation. Members of such committees shall serve
until the next Annual  Meeting of the Board of Directors or until a successor is
appointed.  Members  may be  removed  from any such  committee  by the  Board of
Directors whenever, in its judgment,  the best interests of the Corporation will
be served thereby.

     Section  2 -  EXECUTIVE  COMMITTEE.  The  Executive  Committee,  if  such a
committee  shall be created,  shall  consult with and advise the officers of the
Corporation in the management of its business,  and shall  have and may exercise


to the extent provided in the resolution of the Board of Directors creating such
Executive  Committee  such powers of the Board of  Directors  as can be lawfully
delegated by the Board.

     Section 3 - OTHER  COMMITTEES.  Other  committees  created  by the Board of
Directors shall have such functions and may exercise such powers of the Board of
Directors  as can be  lawfully  delegated  and to  the  extent  provided  in the
resolution or resolutions creating such committee or committees.

     Section 4 - MEETINGS OF COMMITTEES.  Regular  Meetings of any committee may
be held without notice of such time and at such place as shall from time to time
be determined by the majority of the members of such committee. Special Meetings
of any such committee may be called by the Chairman of the Board, the President,
the Chairman of such  committee,  or a majority of the members of such committee
upon two days notice to each of the other members of such committee,  or on such
shorter  notice as may be agreed to in writing  by each of the other  members of
such  committee.  Such notice shall be given either  personally or in the manner
provided in Section 9 of Article III of these Bylaws.

     Section 5 - VACANCIES ON  COMMITTEES.  Vacancies on any committee  shall be
filled  by the Board of  Directors  then in office  at any  regular  or  special

     Section 6 - QUORUM OF COMMITTEES.  At all meetings of any such committee, a
majority of the committee's  members then serving shall  constitute a quorum for
the transaction of business.

     Section 7 - MANNER OF ACTING OF COMMITTEES.  The act of the majority of the
members of any committee, present at a meeting at which there is a quorum, shall
be the act of such committee.


     Section 8 - MINUTES  OF  COMMITTEES.  Each  committee  shall  keep  regular
minutes of its  proceedings and report the same to the Board of Directors at the
Board's next regularly scheduled meeting.

                                   ARTICLE VI
                               STOCK CERTIFICATES

     Section 1 - GENERAL. Every holder of capital stock in the Corporation shall
be entitled to have a  certificate,  signed by the  President or the Chairman of
the Board  and the  Corporate  Secretary.  Such  certificate  shall be dated and
sealed with the seal of the  Corporation,  exhibit the holder's name and certify
the number of shares owned by him in the Corporation.  The certificates shall be
consecutively  numbered and entered in the books of the  Corporation as they are

     Section 2 - TRANSFER OF SHARES.  Transfer of shares of the capital stock of
the Corporation shall be made upon its stock transfer books.  Authority for such
transfer  shall be given  only by the  holder of record of the  shares or by his
lawfully  constituted  representative.  Such  transfer  shall be made  only upon
surrender  of  the  certificate  for  shares.  The  person  in  whose  name  the
certificate  for shares of capital stock stands on the books of the  Corporation
shall be deemed by the  Corporation to be the owner thereof for all purposes and
the Corporation  shall not be bound to recognize any equitable or other claim to
or  interest in such  shares on the part of any other  person  whether or not it
shall have express or other notice  thereof,  save as expressly  provided by the
laws of the State of Florida.

     Section  3 -  STOLEN  OR LOST  CERTIFICATES.  The  Board of  Directors  may
authorize  a new  certificate  or  certificates  to be  issued  in  place of any
certificate or  certificates  issued by the Corporation and which are alleged to
have been  stolen,  lost or  destroyed,  only upon the making of an affidavit of
that fact by the person claiming the certificate of stock to be stolen,  lost or


     When  authorizing  the issuance of a new certificate or  certificates,  the
Board of Directors may, in its  discretion  and as a condition  precedent to the
issuance  thereof,   require  the  owner  of  such  stolen,  lost  or  destroyed
certificate or certificates, or his legal representative,  to advertise the same
in such manner as it shall require and/or to give the Corporation a bond in such
sum as it may direct as indemnity against any claim that may be made against the
Corporation with respect to the certificate  alleged to have been stolen,  lost,
or destroyed.

                                   ARTICLE VII
                                 CORPORATE SEAL

     The seal of the Corporation  shall be two concentric  circles between which
shall be the name of the Corporation.  The year of incorporation and the name of
this state shall, and an emblem may, appear in the center.

                                  ARTICLE VIII
                                   FISCAL YEAR

The Corporation's fiscal year end date shall be December 31.

                                   ARTICLE IX

     Section  1  -  GENERAL.  The  Corporation  shall  indemnify  its  officers,
directors, employees, but not its agents unless specifically approved in writing
by the Board of Directors to the fullest extent  authorized by Section  607.0850
of the Florida  Business  Bank Act as it now exists or may  hereafter be amended
(the "FBCA"),  but, in the case of any such  amendment,  only to the extent that
such amendment permits the Corporation to provide broader indemnification rights
than said law permitted the Corporation to provide prior to such amendment.


This  includes,  but is not limited to, any person who was or is made a party or
is  threatened  to be made a party to any action,  suit or  proceeding,  whether
civil, criminal,  administrative or investigative  ("Proceeding"),  by reason of
the  fact  that  he or  she,  or a  person  of  whom  he or  she  is  the  legal
representative,  is or was a director or officer of the Corporation or is or was
serving at the request of the  Corporation as a director,  officer,  employee or
agent of another Corporation or of a partnership,  joint venture, trust or other
enterprise,  including  service with respect to employee benefit plans,  whether
the basis of such  Proceeding  is alleged  action in an  official  capacity as a
director, officer, employee or agent or in any other capacity while serving as a
director,  officer,  employee or agent,  reasonably incurred or suffered by such
person in connection  therewith.  Such  indemnification  shall  continue as to a
person who has ceased to be a  director,  officer,  employee  or agent and shall
inure  to  the  benefit  of  his or her  heirs,  executors  and  administrators;
provided,  however, that the Corporation shall indemnify any such person seeking
indemnity in connection  with an action,  suit or  Proceeding  (or part thereof)
initiated  by such  person  only if such  action,  suit or  Proceeding  (or part
thereof) was authorized by the Board of Directors of the Corporation. Such right
shall  be a  contract  right  and  shall  include  the  right  to be paid by the
Corporation  for all  expenses  incurred in  defending  any such  proceeding  in
advance of its final disposition;  provided,  however, that, the payment of such
expenses  incurred by a director or officer in his or her capacity as a director
or officer (and not in any other capacity in which service was or is rendered by
such person while a director or officer, including, without limitation,  service
to an  employee  benefit  plan) in  advance  of the  final  disposition  of such
proceeding,  shall  be  made  only  upon  delivery  to  the  Corporation  of  an
undertaking,  by or on behalf of such director or officer,  to repay all amounts
so advanced if it should be determined  ultimately that such director or officer
is not entitled to be indemnified under this Article or otherwise.


     Section  2 -  FAILURE  TO PAY  CLAIM.  If a claim  under  Section 1 of this
Article  is not paid in full by the  Corporation  within 90 days after a written
claim  has  been  received  by the  Corporation,  the  claimant  may at any time
thereafter  bring suit against the  Corporation  to recover the unpaid amount of
the claim and, if successful in whole or in part, the claimant shall be entitled
to be paid also the expense of prosecuting  such claim. It shall be a defense to
any such action  (other than an action  brought to enforce a claim for  expenses
incurred in defending any proceeding in advance of its final  disposition  where
the required undertaking, if any, has been tendered to the Corporation) that the
claimant has not met the  standards of conduct which make it  permissible  under
the FBCA for the  Corporation to indemnify the claimant for the amount  claimed,
but the burden of proving such defense shall be on the Corporation.  Neither the
failure of the Corporation (including its Board of Directors,  independent legal
counsel,  or its  shareholders)  to  have  made  a  determination  prior  to the
commencement  of such action that  indemnification  of the claimant is proper in
the circumstances  because he or she has met the applicable  standard of conduct
set forth in the FBCA, nor an actual determination by the Corporation (including
its Board of Directors, independent legal counsel, or its shareholders) that the
claimant has not met such applicable standard of conduct,  shall be a defense to
the action or create a  presumption  that  claimant  has not met the  applicable
standard of conduct.

     Section  3 - OTHER  RIGHTS.  The  rights  conferred  on any  individual  by
Sections 1 and 2 of this Article shall not be exclusive of any other right which
such  individual may have or hereafter  acquire under any statute,  provision of
these  Bylaws  of  the   Corporation,   agreement,   vote  of   shareholders  or
disinterested directors or otherwise.

     Section 4 -  INSURANCE.  The  Corporation  may maintain  insurance,  at its
expense, to protect itself and any such director,  officer, employee or agent of
the Corporation or another  Corporation,  partnership,  joint venture,  trust or
other enterprise against any such expense, liability or loss, whether or not the


Corporation  would have the power to indemnify such person against such expense,
liability or loss under the FBCA.

     Section 5 - PERSONAL LIABILITY.  A director of the Corporation shall not be
personally  liable to the Corporation or its  shareholders  for monetary damages
for  any  statement,  vote,  decision  or  failure  to act  regarding  corporate
management or policy except as provided in the FBCA or other applicable state or
Federal law governing the Corporation.  If the FBCA is amended after adoption of
these  Bylaws and such  amendment  further  eliminates  or limits  the  personal
liability of  directors,  then the  liability  of a director of the  Corporation
shall be eliminated or limited to the fullest  extent  permitted by the FBCA, as
so amended.

     Any repeal or modification of the foregoing  paragraph by the  shareholders
of the  Corporation  shall not  adversely  affect any right or  protection  of a
director of the Corporation existing at the time of such repeal or modification.

                                    ARTICLE X

     These  Bylaws may be altered,  amended or  repealed in a manner  consistent
with the laws of the  State of  Florida  at any time by a  majority  of the full
Board of Directors.

                                   ARTICLE XI

     Each  provision of these  Bylaws shall be separable  from any and all other
provisions of these Bylaws,  and if any such  provision  shall be adjudged to be
invalid or unenforceable, such validity or unenforceability shall not affect any
other provision hereof or the powers granted by the Articles of Incorporation or


     These  Bylaws have been  adopted by the Board of Directors as the Bylaws of
the  Corporation  on this 31st day of August 2001,  and shall be effective as of
said date.

By: /s/ Gary A. Berger
- ----------------------
    Gary A. Berger
    Chairman of the Board of Directors

By: /s/ David W. Skiles
- -----------------------
   David W. Skiles
   President and Chief Executive Officer